5                                  WATER QUALITY

5.1                            Introduction

No adverse water quality impact is anticipated during the construction phase with the implementation of good site practices and appropriate mitigation measures in accordance with the Practice Note for Professional Persons on Construction Site Drainage (ProPECC PN 1/94) and other relevant guidelines.   The recommended mitigation measures include the provision of dedicated propriety treatment system and associated site runoff collection system.

5.2                            Audit Requirements

In order to ensure no adverse water quality impact will arise from the construction of the Project, it is necessary to undertake regular environmental audits and site inspections to ensure those recommended mitigation measures were properly implemented.  The requirements of the environmental audit programme were set out in Section 8 of the Manual.

The audit programme will verify the implementation status and evaluate the effectiveness and stability of the mitigation measures.

5.3                            Mitigation Measures

The mitigation measures recommended in the EIA Study are outlined in the Environmental Mitigation Implementation Schedule (EMIS) (Annex B).

In the event of complaints, or non-compliance / area of improvement is observed, the ET and the Contractor should be responsible for reviewing the effectiveness of these mitigation measures and for proposing to ER for approval, designing and implementing alternative or additional mitigation measures as appropriate.