3                      Air Quality


3.1               This Section presents an assessment of the potential air quality impacts associated with the demolition of the existing crematorium, construction and operation of the new crematorium.  The air quality impact assessment was conducted in accordance with the requirements of Annex 4 and Annex 12 of the Technical Memorandum on Environmental Impact Assessment Process (EIAO-TM) as well as the requirements set out under Clause 3.4.1 and Appendix B of the EIA Study Brief.

Description of the Project

Project Background


3.2               The existing Cape Collinson Crematorium has started operation since 1962. Cremator Nos. 1-10 were replaced in 1995 and Nos. 11-12 were commissioned in 2001.  In order to cope with an increasing demand for cremation service, Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) proposes to demolish the existing crematorium as well as to construct and operate a new crematorium in-situ as a replacement (hereinafter referred to as the Project).


3.3               The Project will be developed in two phases, namely Phases 1 and Phase 2.  The Project Site is the site of the existing Cape Collinson Crematorium which consists of four service halls with twelve cremators. Site formation work will be carried out at the beginning of Phase 1 which involves extension of the existing car park area for the construction of an access road. After the site formation has been completed, a new crematorium with 4 cremators will be constructed to the north of the existing crematorium. During this period, all the 12 cremators in the existing crematorium will remain in operation until the satisfactory commissioning of the new cremators under Phase 1 by 2012.


3.4               As advised by the Project Proponent, the existing crematorium will still be operating to serve the public during the testing and commissioning (T&C) of the four new cremators under Phase 1. However, special arrangement will be made to control that there will be no more than ten of both existing and new cremators in operation at any time (i.e. two new cremators and eight existing cremators) during T&C period to avoid additional loading of chimney emissions to the environment. In other words, eight out of 12 existing cremators will be operated concurrently with two new cremators during T&C period of Phase 1. Details of the operating conditions during T&C period of Phase 1 would be presented in Sections 3.42 to 3.44 below.


3.5               After the satisfactory commissioning of the new cremators under Phase 1, demolition of the existing crematorium, construction of another six cremators and one service hall will then be carried out in Phase 2.  No overlapping of construction/demolition works between Phase 1 and Phase 2 will occur.  Phase 2 works will be completed in 2014.


3.6               A total of ten cremators will be provided in the new crematorium. Nine cremators will be of 170 kg/cycle (equivalent to 145.7 kg/hr) capacity and the remaining one cremator will be of 250 kg/cycle (equivalent to 214.3 kg/hr) capacity. The total operating capacity of the cremators will be about 1.5 tonne/hour under full load conditions.  As the operating capacity of the new cremators would exceed the exempted capacity of Specified Process – Incinerators under the Air Pollution Control Ordinance, i.e.0.5 tonne/hour, FEHD is required to obtain a specified process licence from EPD for the operation of the new cremators.  The Specified Process Licence under APCO will provide overall control of the design, operation, emission limits, monitoring and maintenance of the New Crematorium.  It should be noted that the New Crematorium would be used for cremation of coffins and human bodies including amputated limbs and tissues, and would not process any pathological waste.


3.7               Apart from the new cremators, three units of joss paper burners will be installed.  Burning of the joss paper usually emits smoke which may affect the nearby environment.  Therefore, the potential air quality impact arising from operation of joss paper burner is also considered in the EIA Study.


Cremation Technology


3.8               Cremation is commonly adopted in Hong Kong as a means to dispose of the dead body. Cremation is a process of burning the dead body at high temperature to decompose organic matters. Incombustibles such as bone ash would remain after cremation. A complete cremation normally takes about 2 to 2.5 hours. During cremation, exhaust flue gas containing air pollutants is treated when passing through APC equipment before discharging into the surrounding air. In recent years, cremators have been designed with two combustion chambers, namely the primary combustion chamber and the secondary combustion chamber. The former for cremation of the coffin and its content, and the latter to burn the flue gas to attain the complete combustion so as to enhance the combustion efficiency and reduce air pollutant emissions.


3.9               Cremators of flat-bed type and free-falling type are most commonly used due to their high combustion efficiency. Higher combustion efficiency of new cremators helps decompose organic matters more completely and hence reduction in air pollutants emissions from the cremation process.


3.10            Flat-bed cremators consist of a furnace slide door, primary combustion chamber, secondary combustion chamber, a cease-burning chamber and an ash cooling zone. The combustion chambers are made of high quality fire-bricks and insulation materials. The primary and secondary chambers are located one on top of the other in a compact configuration, achieving optimum heat exchange between the two combustion chambers.


3.11            Free-falling cremators consist of a primary combustion chamber at high level and a mineralization chamber at a lower level. The “cremains” (a portmanteau of “cremated” and “remains”) will fall from the primary combustion chamber to the mineralization chamber (cremains collection chamber). When the cremains are transferred to the mineralization chamber, another coffin can be fed into the primary combustion chamber for cremation. The operations of the primary combustion and mineralization chambers are independent.


3.12            The newly built Diamond Hill Crematorium is equipped with 6 units of free-falling cremators provides an example of new cremation technology that could be adopted in the new Cape Collinson Crematorium.  Although the final selection of cremation technology would be subject to open tendering procedure, the performance and specifications of the new cremators shall fully comply with the BPM12/2(06).


Air Pollution Control Technology


3.13            The flue gas emissions from the New Crematorium would have the most significant environmental impact to the public.  The combustion process within the flue emissions from the new crematorium will generate air pollutants, such as particulate matter, heavy metals, organic gases, acidic gases, dioxins, etc.  Installation of an APC equipment is required to reduce the emissions of such air pollutants to acceptable levels. Applicable APC technologies are described below.


Wet Scrubbing


3.14            Wet scrubbing removes air pollutants in flue gas through dissolution and chemical absorption by scrubbing solution.  The solution may be water or other chemical solutions.  Common scrubbing solutions include sodium hydroxide, acidified potassium permanganate, hypochlorite and other acidic solutions.


Carbon Injection


3.15            Carbon injection removes organic air pollutants in flue gas.  Fine charcoal powder is injected into the flue gas ducting and organic air pollutants in flue gas are absorbed by the charcoal powder.  The fine charcoal powder is then collected with bag filter.  This technology is commonly adopted to control the emissions of dioxins and is a dry air pollution control process.


Neutralization with Chemical


3.16            Neutralization is adopted if the flue gas is highly acidic or alkaline.  For acidic gases, neutralization is accomplished by spraying of lime or soda lime solution to the flue gas.  Inorganic acids are usually used to neutralize highly alkaline flue gas.  Spray nozzle or jet nozzle is usually used to spray neutralizing solution to the flue gas system.  This is a dry air pollution control process. 


 Electrostatic Precipitation


3.17            Electrostatic precipitators are used to collect fine particulate matters in flue gas.  The electrostatic precipitator maintains an electric field of several kilowatts to charge up the fine particulates.  The charged particulates are collected with the oppositely charged collector plates.  Electrostatic precipitators are highly efficient in collecting fine particulates.  Collected dust is easily handled and disposed of.  This is a dry air pollution control process.


Bag Filters


3.18            Bag filters are commonly adopted to control particulate emissions.  Particulate matters are collected with the filter medium.  The filter bags may be made of cotton or fabric material.  Filter bags would be cleaned up regularly to avoid clogging.  This is a dry air pollution control process.




3.19            If flue gas is cooled down slowly to about 400°C to 600°C, atoms of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and chlorine would re-combine to form dioxins, as these are the most thermodynamically favourable chemical species – this is the dioxin “formation window”. Quenching cools down the flue gas suddenly, to shorten the time within the dioxin “formation window” and so avoids the formation of dioxins.  Quenching is usually achieved by drawing in a large amount of fresh air or spraying of water.


Flue Gas Cleaning System to be Adopted in the New Crematorium


3.20            After passing through the heat exchanger, the flue gas will enter the flue gas filtering plant, such that specific pollutants in the gas stream will be trapped.  The flue gas filtering plant comprises a cyclone (for separation of large particles and sparks in the flue gas downstream of heat exchanger), a chemical addition system (with calcium hydroxide and furnace coke for neutralizing acidic pollutants such as hydrogen chloride and removing dioxins radicals in flue gas stream), a conditioning rotor (for recycling unused additives) and a flat bag filter (for filtering out fine carbon particulates with compressed air jet).


Clean Fuel to be Adopted in the New Crematorium


3.21            In order to further reduce emissions of air pollutants from fuel combustion, thereby to be more environmentally-friendly, Towngas has been selected as burning fuel for the new cremators instead of ultra low sulphur diesel (ULSD) which has been using for existing cremators, despite the higher operation cost of using Towngas.


3.22            To further enhance the environmental performance of new cremators against emission of mercury and residual dioxins, chemo-absorption equipment using non-toxic additives is under design and will be added downstream of the flat bed filter, whenever practicable, to ensure compliance with emission limits as stipulated in BPM12/2(06).

Environmental Legislation, Policies, Plans, Standards and Criteria

3.23            The criteria for evaluating air quality impacts and the guidelines for air quality assessment are laid down in Annex 4 and Annex 12 of the Technical Memorandum on Environmental Impact Assessment Process (EIAO-TM), respectively.


3.24            The Air Pollution Control Ordinance (APCO) provides a statutory framework for establishing the Air Quality Objectives (AQOs) and stipulating the anti-pollution requirements for air pollution sources.  The AQOs, which must be satisfied, stipulate the maximum allowable concentrations over specific period for a number of criteria pollutants.  The relevant AQOs are listed in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1        Hong Kong Air Quality Objectives


Maximum Concentration (mg/m3)(1)

Averaging Time

1 hour(2)

8 hour(3)

24 hour(3)


Total Suspended Particulates (TSP)





Respirable Suspended Particulates (RSP) (5)





Sulphur Dioxide (SO2)





Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)





Carbon Monoxide (CO)





Photochemical Oxidants (as Ozone, O3) (6)






(1)              Measured at 298 K and 101.325 kPa.

(2)              Not to be exceeded more than three times per year.

(3)              Not to be exceeded more than once per year.

(4)              Arithmetic mean.

(5)              Suspended particulates in air with a nominal aerodynamic diameter of 10 mm or smaller.

(6)              Photochemical oxidants are determined by measurement of ozone only.


3.25            In the absence of statutory guidelines in HKSAR for non-AQO pollutants, chronic and acute criteria from international organization, including the World Health Organization (WHO), USEPA and California Air Resources Board (CARB), are employed for this Project.  The air quality criteria for non-AQO pollutants employed for this Project are shown in Table 3.2.

Table 3.2        Air Quality Criteria for non-AQO Pollutants







Hydrogen Chloride (HCl)




Mercury (Hg)





pg I-TEQ/m3




(1)              Expressed as chlorinated dioxins and dibenzofurans

(2)              Reference Exposure Limits, Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, California, USA.

(3)              Integrated Risk Information System, USEPA.

(4)              WHO Air Quality Guideline, World Health Organization.

(5)              Chronic reference exposure from California EPA recommended air quality standard (OEHHA)


3.26            The EIAO-TM stipulates that the hourly TSP level should not exceed 500 mgm-3 (measured at 25°C and one atmosphere) for construction dust impact assessment.  Mitigation measures from construction sites have been specified in the Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulation.


3.27            Notifiable and regulatory works are under the control of the Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulation.  Notifiable works are site formation, reclamation, demolition, foundation and superstructure construction for buildings and road construction.  Regulatory works are building renovation, road opening and resurfacing slope stabilisation, and other activities including stockpiling, dusty material handling, excavation, concrete production etc.  This Project is expected to include both notifiable and regulatory works.  Contractors and site agents are required to inform the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) on carrying out construction works and to adopt dust reduction measures to reduce dust emission to the acceptable level.


3.28            Any process which is designed as a Specified Process under the APCO, including the re-provisioned Cape Collinson Crematorium, should be conducted with a licence granted by the Direction of Environmental Protection.  The process should be carried out with the use of best practicable means to prevent the emissions of noxious and offensive pollutants into the atmosphere.


3.29            The Air Pollution Control Ordinance (APCO) provides a legislation control on the removal of asbestos-containing materials.  In accordance with the APCO, the owner of the premises which contain, or are reasonably suspected of containing, asbestos-containing materials should employ a registered asbestos consultant to conduct an asbestos investigation and prepare an Asbestos Investigation Report (AIR).  If suspected asbestos-containing material (ACM) is identified, an asbestos abatement plan providing details and specifications of the asbestos removal procedures to control and minimise the release of asbestos fibres from the identified ACM should submit to EPD at least 28 days before the commencement of the asbestos abatement work.  Under the APCO, registered asbestos professionals are required to supervise, audit and monitor the asbestos abatement work.


3.30            In the absence of statutory guidelines in HKSAR for cancer risk pollutants, international criteria from WHO, USEPA and CARB are employed for the health risk criteria for this Project.  The health risk criteria for cancer risk pollutants are shown in Table 3.3.

Table 3.3        Health Risk Guideline for Exposure to Cancer Risk Pollutants

Acceptability of Cancer Risk

Estimated Lifetime Individual Excess Cancer Risk Level(1)


> 10-4


Risk should be reduced to As Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP)

> 10-6 to 10-4



<= 10-6



(1)              The estimated lifetime individual excess cancer risk level is assumed as 70 years as recommended by WHO.

Description of the Environment



3.31            The proposed site is located at the existing Cape Collinson Crematorium at Cape Collinson Road, Eastern District.  It is surrounded by Tai Tam Country Park and Shek O Country Park, and located close to Cape Collinson Buddhist Cemetery, Cape Collinson Muslim Cemetery and Sai Wan War Cemetery.


3.32            The proposed site is in a predominantly rural area with a very low population density.  The nearest domestic premises are mainly located alongside Fung Ha Road, Fei Tsui Road, Wan Tsui Road and Lin Shing Road to the north of the proposed site.  The closest sensitive receiver, the staff quarters of Cape Collinson Crematorium, is located at about 95m south of the Crematorium.


Background Air Quality


3.33            There is no fixed air quality monitoring station near the proposed site.  The nearest EPD air monitoring station is Eastern Air Quality Monitoring Station.  In accordance with the EPD’s Guidelines in Assessing the ‘TOTAL’ Air Quality Impacts, the latest five years (Year 2003 – 2007) average monitoring data should be adopted as the background concentration.  The background air pollutant concentrations adopted in this study are presented in Table 3.4.

Table 3.4        Background Air Pollutant Concentrations adopted in this Study


Background Concentration (mg/m3)

Total Suspended Particulates (TSP)

78 (1)

Respirable Suspended Particulates (RSP)


Sulphur Dioxide (SO2)


Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)


Carbon Monoxide (CO)

799 (2)

Photochemical Oxidants (as Ozone, O3)

63 (3)

Mercury (Hg)

0.0002 (4)

Dioxins (pg I-TEQ/m3)

0.071 (5)


(1)              In absence of the TSP concentration recorded at EPD’s Eastern Air Quality Monitoring Station, the five years (Year 2003 – 2007) average monitoring data recorded at Central/Western Air Quality Monitoring Station is adopted.

(2)              There is no monitoring data of CO from Eastern Station, the average value from other non-roadside monitoring stations including Tsuen Wan, Tung Chung, Yuen Long and Tap Mun are adopted.

(3)              The O3 concentration is 5-year average of the annual average of daily hourly maximum concentration recorded at Eastern Air Quality Monitoring Station in Year 2003 - 2007.

(4)              Air quality monitoring data from Air Quality in Hong Kong 1996 - 2000 by EPD.

(5)              There are only two monitoring stations for toxic air pollutants monitoring, i.e. Central/Western station and Tsuen Wan station.  The 5-years (Year 2003 – 2007) average monitoring data recorded at the nearest Air Quality Monitoring Station, Central/Western is adopted.

Air Sensitive Receivers

3.34            In accordance with Annex 12 of the EIAO-TM, any domestic premises, hotel, hostel, hospital, clinic, nursery, temporary housing accommodation, school, educational institution, office, factory, shop, shopping centre, place of public worship, library, court of law, sports stadium or performing arts centre are considered as air sensitive receivers (ASRs).


3.35            As stated in the EIA study brief, the boundary of the assessment area for air quality assessment should be 500m from the boundary of the project site.  A total of 9 representative ASRs were identified for this assessment in accordance with the criteria set out in the EIAO-TM, relevant Outline Zoning Plans, Development Permission Area Plans, Outline Development Plans and Layout Plans.  The details of the representative ASRs are summarised in Table 3.5 and locations of the ASRs are shown in Figure 3.1.


3.36            The air quality impact at 1.5m above local ground level of representative ASRs, which was the average height of the human breathing zone, were assessed in the study.  Higher assessment levels were also selected for elevated ASRs to show the vertical variation of the pollutant concentrations.

Table 3.5          Identified Air Sensitive Receivers



Land Use

Horizontal Separation from the Chimney (m)

Assessment Height (metre above ground)

Assessment Height (mPD)


Staff Quarters of Cape Collinson Crematorium



1.5 & 4.5

158.2 & 161.2


Staff Quarters of Tai Tam Gap Correctional Institution



1.5, 4.5, 7.5 & 10.5

157.5, 160.5, 163.5 & 166.5


Staff Quarters of Hong Kong Buddhist Cemetery



1.5 & 4.5

140.1 & 143.1


Sai Wan War Cemetery Site Office






Cape Collinson Masjid






King Tsui Court



1.5, 5, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 85, 90, 95 & 98

65.9, 69.4, 74.4, 84.4, 104.4, 124.4, 144.4, 149.4, 154.4, 159.4 & 162.4


Staff Quarters of Water Supplies Department



1.5 & 4.5

108.9 & 111.9


Sau Fung House, Fung Wah Estate



1.5, 5, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 85, 90, 95 & 98

61.5, 65, 70, 80, 100, 120, 140, 145, 150, 155 & 158


Hiu Fung House, Fung Wah Estate



1.5, 5, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 85, 90, 95 & 98

63, 66.5, 71.5, 81.5, 101.5, 121.5, 141.5, 146.5, 151.5, 156.5 & 159.5


Identification of Environmental Impacts

Potential Air Quality Impact


3.37            Major potential air quality impacts arising from the Project would be:


­             Dust emission from demolition/construction of the Project;

­             Operation of the Project.


3.38            There is no major industrial emission and other construction activity within 500m of the Project.  No adverse cumulative air quality impact from industrial emissions and other construction activity is expected.  The only potential air quality impact would be expected due to the Project.


Construction Phase


3.39            The proposed construction and demolition period for the Project would be from July 2010 to December 2014. It will be implemented into two phase, namely Phases 1 and 2.  The construction/demolition works programme of the Project is summarized in the Table 3.6.

Table 3.6          Construction/Demolition Works Programme of the Project



Construction Activity

July 2010 – March 2012)

Phase 1

Provision of four new cremators and ancillary facilities

­              Site formation;

­              Building works;

­              Construction of four new cremators.


March 2012 – December 2014

Phase 2

Demolishing of the existing crematorium and construction of the remaining facilities for the new crematorium

­              Demolition of the existing crematorium;

­              Site formation;

­              Construction of the six new cremators;

­              Building works for the remaining facilities.


3.40            The proposed construction work for the Project was described in Section 2.  Potential air quality impacts arising from the construction of the Project would mainly be related to dust nuisance from site clearance, ground excavation, cut and fill operations and construction of the new cremator and other ancillary facilities. In view of the environmental impacts arsing from the pilling activities, non-percussive pilling method which generated lower dust emissions would be adopted. To minimize potential dust emission, construction method resulting in minimum exposed surface is preferable for excavation works.  In order to minimize potential dust emission, the demolition works will be carried out using traditional method without blasting.  Dust control measures are implemented to minimize the dust impact. The alternative demolition/construction methods has been discussed in Section 2 of this EIA report.


3.41            Concurrent construction activities in the immediate vicinity of the Project are not identified.  Cumulative construction dust impact is therefore not anticipated.


Operation Phase


Transitional Phase (T&C Period of Phase 1)


3.42            As advised by the Project Proponent, the existing crematorium would still be operating to serve the public during the T&C period of the new cremators under Phase 1.  However, special arrangement would be made to control that only 8 of 12 existing cremators and 2 of 4 new cremators would operate concurrently at any one time (i.e. less than the maximum number of twelve existing cremators allowable to be operated as stated in the current Specified Process License) during T&C period to avoid additional loading of chimney emissions to the environment.


3.43            While the installed capacity of each new cremator under Phase 1 is 145.7kg/hour based on 70 minutes average cycle time, the installed capacities of existing cremators (C1 to C12) based on 150 minutes average cycle time are as follows:


C1 to C10:                                 100 kg/hour each

C11 (extra large cremator)           132 kg/hour

C12 (Hindu type cremator)          67.2 kg/hour


3.44            The total capacity of the 8 existing cremators (any 7 of C1 to C10 cremators + C11 cremator, being a combination of the maximum installed capacity) and 2 new cremators during T&C period is 1,123 kg/hour which is lower than the total capacity of 1,199 kg/hour for 12 existing cremators under full operation.  Moreover, the T&C period of Phase 1 would not exceed 4 months and the actual testing of four new cremators would last for about 28 days within the T&C period.  Only two new cremators will be tested at any one time with 3 cremation cycles or the requisite number of complete cycles to cover a minimum period of six hours, whichever is the longer duration daily for each new cremator. In addition, in view of more stringent emission limits applied to the new cremators, the potential air quality impact during the T&C period is expected to be not worse than the prevailing impact arising from the operation of the existing cremators. Therefore, a detailed air quality impact assessment for the T&C period of Phase 1 is not considered necessary in the following sections. Comparision of the emission limits for the existing and new cremators are summarized in Table 3.7 below.  Details of the air pollution control technology and the environmental considerations for cremation system are described in Section 2 of this EIA Report. 

Table 3.7          Comparison of Emission Limits of Various Air Pollutants for Existing and New Cremators

Air Pollutant

Target Emission Limit for New Cremators (mg/m3) (1)(2)

Licensed Emission Limit for Existing Cremators (mg/m3) (1)(2)

Particulates (3)



Gaseous and vaporous organic substances, expressed as organic carbon (TOC)



Hydrogen chloride (HCl)



Carbon monoxide (CO)



Mercury and its compounds, expressed as mercury (Hg)




0.1 (4)

1 (4)

Nitrogen oxides (NOX as NO2)



Sulphur dioxide (SO2)




(1)              All air pollutant concentrations are expressed at reference conditions of temperature 273 K, pressure 101.3 kPa, 11% oxygen and dry gas.

(2)              The emission limits for all pollutants, except Mercury and Dioxins, are in hourly average.  Average time of mercury and dioxins emissions limit: a minimum of three complete cremation cycles or the requisite number of complete cremation cycles to cover a minimum period of six hours, whichever is the longer duration.

(3)              The particulate emission limit is assumed to be RSP.

(4)              The unit is ng I-TEQ/m3.

(5)              Reference to the Ministry of Public Safety & Solicitor General, British Columbia, Canada – Crematorium Operations and Emissions.


Operation of the Project (Phase 1 and Phase 2)


3.45            Aerial emissions from the new cremator would be controlled to within the concentration limits stipulated in ‘A Guidance Note on the Best Practicable Means for Incinerators (Crematoria), BPM 12/2(06), EPD, September 2008’.  Major criteria air pollutants of concern from the cremation process include respirable suspended particulate, total organic carbon, hydrogen chloride, carbon monoxide, mercury and dioxins.


3.46            The emission limits of the cremator to be employed in the study had been agreed with EPD (see Appendix 3.2) and are summarized in Table 3.8.  The emission limits for all pollutants, except Mercury and Dioxins, are in hourly average.  As the worst assumption, the hourly average emission limit was adopted in predicting the daily average RSP concentrations at the selected receptors.  It was assumed that the size of particulate matter emitted from the cremator is less than 10 mm (i.e. within the RSP category), and hourly emission limit of particulate matter, 40 mg/m3, was assumed for RSP.

Table 3.8          Emission Limits of Various Air Pollutants

Air Pollutant

Target Emission Limit (mg/m3) (1)

Emission Limits in Best Practicable Means (mg/m3) (1) (2)

Overseas Emission Standards (mg/m3) (2)

Australia (3)

UK (4)

Particulates (5)





Gaseous and vaporous organic substances, expressed as organic carbon (TOC)





Hydrogen chloride (HCl)





Carbon monoxide (CO)





Mercury and its compounds, expressed as mercury (Hg)






0.1 (6)

0.1 (6)


0.1 (6)

Nitrogen oxides (NOX as NO2) (7)





Sulphur dioxide (SO2) (7)






(1)              All air pollutant concentrations are expressed at reference conditions of temperature 273 K, pressure 101.3 kPa, 11% oxygen and dry gas.

(2)              The emission limits for all pollutants, except Mercury and Dioxins, are in hourly average.  Average time of mercury and dioxins emissions limit: a minimum of three complete cremation cycles or the requisite number of complete cremation cycles to cover a minimum period of six hours, whichever is the longer duration.

(3)              Reference to Crematorium Furnace, Environmental Guidelines for Crematoria and Cremators, April 2004, Australasian Cemeteries & Crematoria Association.

(4)              Reference to the Process Guidance Note 5/2(04) – Secretary of State’s Guidance for Crematoria 2004, Cremation Society of Great Britain.

(5)              The particulate emission limit is assumed to be RSP.

(6)              The unit is ng I-TEQ/m3.

(7)              Reference to the Ministry of Public Safety & Solicitor General, British Columbia, Canada – Crematorium Operations and Emissions.


3.47            Apart from the incineration emission, odour nuisance generated from the cremation process would not be expected during the operation of the Project. Dead bodies will be delivered to the crematorium and immediately stored in the refrigerated mortuary in order to control the odour. As such, odour nuisance generated from the dead bodies is not expected. Moreover, no odour complaint was received since the operation of the existing cremators. Odour nuisance from the operation of cremators would not be expected.


3.48            Tai Tam Road and Cape Collinson Road are the major access roads to the project site.  The number of vehicle accessing the area is limited during normal days.  The road traffic condition would be very much similar to the existing condition when the new crematorium comes into operation.  The number of vehicle accessing the road is limited during normal days.  Thus, impact from vehicular emission is expected to be insignificant.


3.49            Other emissions including smoke emission from joss paper burning activities may induce an impact to the nearby environment.


3.50            Within 500m from the Project site boundary, no noticeable chimneys were identified in accordance with the findings of the site survey conducted in October 2007 and February 2009.  Cumulative impact arising from industrial chimney is therefore not expected.


Assessment Methodology

Construction Phase


3.51            Dust emissions are estimated from a number of construction activities including site clearance, formation works, excavation works, demolition and handling of dusty materials. 


3.52            As mentioned in the above section, the proposed construction and demolition period for the Project would be implemented in Phases 1 and 2.  The potential dust impacts arising from these two phases construction works would be assessed.


3.53            In addition, if dioxin deposition is found at the interior surface of the chimney, flue gas piping and combustion chambers of cremators, special demolition method would be adopted to avoid fugitive emission of dioxins-contaminated materials in the environment during the decommissioning of the existing crematorium.  The management of special demolition waste were presented in Section 4.  In order to confirm whether the interior wall of the existing chimney and combustion chambers of cremators, confirmatory test would be carried out to collect deposition samples for analysis when the facility is shut down.


3.54            The impact of fugitive dust sources on air quality depends upon the quantity as well as the drift potential of the dust particles emitted into the atmosphere.  Large dust particles (i.e. over 100 mm in diameter) will settle out near the source and particles that are between 30 and 100 mm in diameter are likely to undergo impeded settling.  The main dust impacts are likely to arise from particles less than 30 mm in diameter, which have a greater potential to disperse over greater distances.


3.55            According to the USEPA AP-42, construction dust particles may be grouped into nine particle size classes.  Their size ranges are 0 – 1 mm, 1 – 2 mm, 2 – 2.5 mm, 2.5 – 3 mm, 3 – 4 mm, 4 – 5 mm, 5 – 6 mm, 6 – 10 mm and 10 – 30 mm, and the percentage of particles in each class was estimated to be 4%, 7%, 4%, 3%, 7%, 5%, 4%, 17% and 49%, respectively.


3.56            The prediction of dust emissions was based on typical values and emission factors from United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Compilation of Air Pollution Emission Factors (AP-42), 5th Edition.  As it is difficult to obtain the detailed information for estimation of emission rates of different dusty construction activities, emission factor for heavy construction as stated in the USEPA AP-42, which is higher emission rate, was therefore adopted for general construction activities in the assessment as the worst assumption. The predicted dust concentrations at the ASRs may be higher than the actual situation.


3.57            Table 3.9 gives the relevant clauses for emission factors used in this assessment in AP-42.  Detailed calculation of emission rate and the potential dust emission sources are presented in Appendix 3.1.

Table 3.9          Emission Factors for Construction Activities and Wind Erosion

Construction Activities

Emission Rate


Site clearance, formation works, excavation works, demolition and handling of dusty materials (as heavy construction)

E = 1.0378E-04 (g/m2/s)

­              50% reduction by water suppression (watering twice a day)

­              USEPA AP-42 5th ED., S.

Wind Erosion

E = 2.6953E-06 (g/m2/s)

­              For night time emission only

­              USEPA AP-42 5th ED., S.11.9 Table 11.9.4


3.58            The Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulation specifies that dust suppression measures such as watering should be applied for the construction site.  With reference to Section of AP-42 4th Edition, dust emissions from construction areas could be reduced by 50% by twice daily watering with complete coverage of active construction areas.


3.59            As confirmed with the Project Proponent, 12 working hours per day (07:00 – 19:00) was assumed for the dusty construction works in the assessment. 


3.60            Fugitive Dust Model (FDM) (1993 version) was adopted to assess potential dust impact from the construction works.  The worst case meteorological data was used to predict the 1-hour and 24-hour average TSP concentrations at representative discrete ASRs close to the construction works.  Since the construction activities would be undertaken at ground level and underground level, the worst dust impact on the ASRs would be at the ground floor of the ASRs.  The height of 1.5m above ground, which is the breathing level of human, was adopted for the construction dust impact assessment.  As there are some ASRs at higher level, the assessment height for elevated ASRs were up to 20m above ground, which is the maximum assessment height in FDM Model.  The meteorological data used in the model were:


­             Wind speed:                      1 m/s

­             Wind direction:                  360 wind direction

­             Stability class:                  D (daytime) & F (night time)

­             Surface roughness:            1 m

­             Mixing height:                    500 m


3.61            In accordance with the EPD’s Guideline on Assessing the “Total” Air Quality Impacts, the surrounding area of proposed project site was classified as ‘rural’ area and ‘rural’ mode was adopted in the dispersion model.  The surface roughness was taken as 100cm.


3.62            Daily TSP concentrations were calculated as follows:


Daily TSP concentration = (number of working hour)/24 ´ (1-hour average maximum TSP concentration during working hours) + (number of non-working hours)/24 ´ (1-hour average maximum TSP concentration during non-working hours) + Background


3.63            As mentioned in Section 3.33, the background TSP concentration of 78 mg/m3 was adopted as an indication of the future TSP background concentration.

Operation Phase


Chimney Emissions


3.64            The air pollutants from the new cremator chimney would not exceed the concentration limits stipulated in ‘A Guidance Note on the Best Practicable Means for Incinerators (Crematoria), BPM 12/2(06), EPD, September 2008’.  As the Project is under preliminary design stage, the emission limits for various air pollutants provided in BPM 12/2(06) were adopted in this assessment as a conservative approach.


3.65            As mentioned in Section 3.21, Towngas has been selected as burning fuel for the new cremators, nitrogen dioxide is therefore a concerned air pollutant.  Sulphur dioxide may be of concern due to emission from combustion of coffins and matter inside the coffins.


3.66            A total of ten cremators would be provided in the new crematorium. Nine cremators would be of 170 kg/cycle capacity and the remaining one cremator would be of 250 kg/cycle capacity.  The total operating capacity of the cremators would be about 1,780 kg/cycle (i.e. 1,526 kg/hour based on 70 minutes average cycle time) under full load conditions.  As confirmed by the Project Proponent (see Appendix 3.6), the design of the new cremators would refer to the cremators at the new Fu Shan Crematorium and Diamond Hill Crematorium.  The actual flue gas volumetric flow rates of the 170 kg and 250 kg cremators are 2,500m3/hour (at 6.3% oxygen, 15.5% moisture, 200°C) and 4,600m3/hour (at 11% oxygen, 12.7% moisture, 200°C), respectively.


3.67            The locations of the chimneys are shown in Figure 2.5 and the design of the chimneys is summarized in Table 3.10.

Table 3.10      Design of Chimneys


No. of chimney

Diameter of Chimney

Exit Velocity

Discharge Temperature of Flue Gas at Chimney Exit

 Chimney Height * 

Exhaust Direction

Chimneys for 170kg cremators


(S1–S7) (S9–S10)




in the range of ~ 24m to

~ 26m above ground


Chimneys for 250kg cremators






~ 24m above ground



                Note: *  See Figure 2.5 (Sheet 6 of 6) for the exact height of each chimney


3.68            The maximum air pollutant emission rates were calculated based on the target emission limits as tabulated in Table 3.8 and the flue gas emission rate.  Detailed calculations are presented in Appendix 3.2 and the maximum emission rates are summarized in Table 3.11.

Table 3.11       Maximum Emission Rates of Various Air Pollutants

Air Pollutant

Target Emission Limit (mg/m3) (1)

Maximum Emission Rates (g/s)

170 kg cremator

250 kg cremator

Particulates (2)




Gaseous and vaporous organic substances, expressed as organic carbon




Hydrogen chloride (HCl)




Carbon monoxide (CO)




Mercury and its compounds, expressed as mercury (Hg)





0.1 (3)



Nitrogen oxides (NOX as NO2)




Sulphur dioxide (SO2)





(1)         Emission limits are reference to 0°C, 101.325 kPa, 11% oxygen and dry gas.

(2)         The particulate emission limit is assumed to be RSP.

(3)         The unit is ng I-TEQ/m3.


3.69            After the completion of the Project, the new crematorium will be operated for a maximum of 17 hours starting at 0930 every day.


Air Dispersion Model


3.70            An air dispersion model, Industrial Source Complex Short Term (ISCST3) was used to simulate the respective dispersion for the potential air quality impacts.


3.71            Hourly meteorological data including wind speed, wind direction, air temperature, Pasquill stability class and mixing height from the nearest Hong Kong Observatory weather station, North Point Station, for the year 2007, was employed for the model run.


3.72            In accordance with the EPD’s Guideline on Assessing the “Total” Air Quality Impacts, the surrounding area of proposed project site was classified as ‘rural’ area and ‘rural’ mode was adopted in the dispersion model.


NO2/NOX Conversion


3.73            The NO2/NOX conversion for chimney emissions from the cremators for all averaging periods was estimated individually based on the Ozone Limiting Method.  The 5-year average of the annual average of the daily hourly maximum ozone concentrations recorded at EPD’s Eastern Air Quality Monitoring Station of 63 µg/m3 was adopted for the calculation.  The NO2/NOX conversion was calculated as follows:


[NO2]pred = 0.1 ´ [NOX]pred + MIN {0.9 ´ [NOX]pred, or (46/48) ´ [O3]bkgd}



[NO2]pred           is the predicted NO2 concentration

[NOX]pred          is the predicted NOX concentration

MIN                means the minimum of the two values within the brackets

[O3]bkgd             is the representative O3 background concentration

(46/48)            is the molecular weight of NO2 divided by the molecular weight of O3


Concentration Calculation


3.74            The air quality impact at various air pollutants was predicted at the identified receivers.  The background air quality level, as presented in Table 3.4, was added to predict the cumulative impact.


Joss Paper Burning


3.75            In accordance with the latest design of the Project, three units joss paper burning as shown in Figure 2.5 would be installed on Level 1 of the re-provisioned crematorium.  Assuming 6 cremation time slots are available a day, the duration of a typical joss burning memorial ceremony is 10 minutes and the burning material is assumed to be 0.5kg per ceremony.  The maximum operation time for each joss paper burner is therefore about 200 minutes a day and 10kg of burning material will be combusted for each of joss paper burner a day.


3.76            In view of the relatively low level emissions from joss paper burnings, the impacts was expected to be localized and would not be transported a long distance in its dispersion.  Therefore, the impact to the nearest ASR, which located about 130m away from the emission sources, would be expected to be insignificant.


3.77            In order to further reduce nuisance from joss paper burnings, joss paper burners will be incorporated with flue gas treatment system with principle similar to that which was already installed at Diamond Hill Crematorium. Hot dark smoke generated from the joss papers burning is firstly extracted through a U-shaped cooling duct and then a water spraying section for cooling of the smoke, removal of fume and large smoke particles. Fine smoke particles in the pre-treated air stream are then collected by passing through a specially-design electrostatic precipitator. Upon the multi-stage air treatment, the smokeless clean air is discharged via an extraction fan to the atmosphere. Besides, the following administrative mitigation measures would also be adopted:


­             FEHD will limit the use of joss paper burners which allows for memorial ceremonies upon request by the relatives.  Other usage of joss paper burners will not be allowed;

­             Guidance will be provided to the users to advise them to minimise the quantity of burning materials; and

­             FEHD staff will advise the users to ensure better combustion of the joss paper in order to reduce smoke emission.


3.78            With flue gas treatment system incorporated and the implementation of the above mitigation measures, nuisance arising from joss paper burning was anticipated to be negligible.


Health Risk Assessment


3.79            The potential health impact would be expected arising from the operation of the Project.  The major toxic air pollutants of concern included dioxins and mercury.  Inhalation pathway had been considered as the most significant exposure pathway.  The inhalation unit risk factor for dioxins of 38 (mg/m3)-1 recommended by CARB and the highest annual dioxins concentrations at ASRs due to aerial emissions from the new cremators had been adopted to assess the cancer risk of dioxins.  The cancer risk from the exposure of dioxins via inhalation was calculated by the following equations:


Cancer Risk = EC ´ URF



EC = Exposure dioxin concentration

URF = Unit Risk Factor


3.80            The exposure dioxins concentration would be calculated by the following equations:


EC = (Ca x EF ´ ED) / AT x 365 day/yr



EC = Exposure air concentration of dioxins (mg/m3)

Ca = air concentration (annual average) of dioxins (mg/m3)

EF = exposure frequency (days/yr)

ED = exposure duration (yr)

AT = averaging time (yr)


3.81            Table 3.12 lists the parameter values to be adopted for calculating the exposure dioxins concentration.

Table 3.12      Value Adopted for Exposure Frequency, Exposure Duration and Average Time


Adopted Value



Exposure Frequency

350 for residents


Adopted from USEPA, HHRAP, 2005

Exposure Duration



Design life of cremator

Average Time



Adopted from USEPA, HHRAP, 2005

Note: Exposure frequency for off site workers was determined based on number of working days.


3.82            The inventory for dioxins in g l-TEQ/yr and mercury in g/yr had been estimated based on the emission concentration and annual volumetric flow.

Prediction and Evaluation of Environmental Impacts

Construction Phase


Fugitive Dust Emissions from Phase 1 and Phase 2 Works


3.83            The potential dust impacts arising from demolition and construction of the Project were assessed and their maximum hourly and daily average TSP concentrations at representative ASRs during construction phase (Phase 1 and Phase 2) are summarized in Table 3.13.

Table 3.13      Predicted Hourly and Daily Average TSP Concentrations During Construction Phase


Assessment Height (metre above ground)

Predicted TSP Concentration in mg/m3

(Phase 1)

Predicted TSP Concentration in mg/m3

(Phase 2)

Hourly Average

Daily Average

Hourly Average

Daily Average

















































































































































Note: Background concentration of 78 mg/m3 is included.

3.84            The above results indicated that the predicted TSP concentrations at the identified representative ASRs during Phase 1 and Phase 2 construction would comply with and far below the respective criteria of 500 mg/m3.  The predicted highest hourly and daily TSP concentrations during Phase 2 construction are 207 mg/m3 and 146 mg/m3 at the nearest ASR A1 (1.5m above ground level). Contours of maximum 1-hour and 24-hour average TSP contours at 1.5m above ground for Phase 1 and Phase 2 construction are presented in Figures 3.2 to 3.5.  In accordance with the pollutant contours, all ASRs would comply with the respective criteria.


Fugitive Emissions of Dioxin Contaminated Dust from Demolition of Existing Crematorium


3.85            The existing crematorium has been operated for more than 40 years.  The interior surface of the chimney, flue gas ducting and combustion chambers may be contaminated with dioxins.  Demolition of the existing crematorium may generate fugitive emissions of toxic air pollutants to the atmosphere.  Since the existing crematorium is still in operation, it is not feasible to collect samples of surface deposition to verify whether the interior surface of the chimney is contaminated with toxic air pollutants.


3.86            A confirmatory test of dioxins in the depositions on chimney wall, flue gas ducting and combustion chambers will be carried out after decommissioning and prior to the demolition of the existing crematorium.  Classification of contamination levels of the contaminated materials inside chimney, flue gas ducting and combustion chambers and the proposed mitigation measures for handling, transportation, treatment and disposal are described in Section 4.  As the demolition waste will be properly handled to avoid potential fugitive emission of dioxins, according to the waste management practices as detailed in Section 4, no adverse air quality impact from the fugitive emission of contaminated dust during demolition of the existing crematorium would be expected.


Demolition and Removal of Asbestos Containing Material (ACM)


3.87            An asbestos investigation for the existing crematorium was conducted to identify the extent of the ACM existing in the building before any further demolition work to be commenced.  The Asbestos Investigation Report (AIR) for the existing crematorium is presented in Appendix 3.3. 


3.88            The investigation was carried out at the external structure of the crematorium main building and cremator at Hindu Service Hall.  All the consealed pipelines inside the wall, most of the flange connection covered by metal cover, interior lining of the chimney stack and cremators no. 1 – 11 were not inspected since the crematorium was still in operation. 


3.89            Refer to the findings of the AIR, it was indicated that no ACM was found in the six columbarium blocks and car park area.  Although ACM were detected in the insulation sheet outside the cremation room and flue gasket at roof of cremator no. 11, the ACM was identified as low friability nature and good condition. Health hazard was therefore expected to be relatively low, and would not impose health hazard to the occupier.  The Asbestos Abatement Plan (AAP) is also presented in Appendix 3.3.


3.90            As some areas were inaccessible for carrying out asbestos investigation at this stage, the project proponent shall hire a Registered Asbestos Consultant to investigate and submit to EPD a full AIR and AAP in accordance with the APCO requirements after decommissioning and prior to demolition of the existing crematorium. The report would address the work method of removing ACM contaminated with dioxin containing material (DCM) in the areas of cremators, exhaust ducts or chimney and flue lagging as well as the asbestos waste disposal contaminated with DCM.


3.91            In accordance with the APCO, the following precautionary and mitigation measures would be taken during removal of ACM:


­             enclosure of the work area;

­             containment and sealing for the asbestos containing waste;

­             provision of personal decontamination facilities;

­             use of personal decontamination facilities;

­             use of personal respiratory/protection equipment;

­             use of vacuum cleaner fitted with a high efficiency particulate air filter for cleaning up the works area; and

­             carrying out air quality monitoring during the asbestos abatement works.

3.92            In addition, APCO also requires the appointment of qualified personnel to carry out the asbestos abatement works:


­             a registered asbestos contractor shall be employed to carry out the removal and disposal works for the identified ACM;

­             a licensed asbestos waste collector shall be appointed to collect and dispose of the asbestos waste;

­             a registered asbestos laboratory shall be engaged to conduct air monitoring in the course of asbestos abatement work;

­             an on-site registered asbestos supervisor shall be present during the carrying out of the abatement work to supervise the abatement work;

­             a registered asbestos consultant shall be employed to supervise and certify the asbestos abatement work.

3.93            With the implementation of the above precaution and mitigation measures, the impact of asbestos exposure due to the decommissioning of the existing crematorium would be expected to be insignificant.


Site Management for Handling Asbestos Containing Materials


3.94            The asbestos materials in each building/premise must be abated before other contractors/trades are allowed to work in the building/premises.


3.95            Tight security measures should be taken at the asbestos abatement work site to prevent any disturbance to asbestos materials that may be resulted from the stealing of valuable items such as electrical cable and copper pipes.  Besides, it is recommended that priority shall be given for the abatement of all friable ACM.


3.96            As different contractors may be working on-site at the same time, the following measures shall be considered:


­             If there is a sensitive receptor around the area, conduct air monitoring at this off-site receptor; and

­             Submit to EPD a completion report including photos and air monitoring results, immediately after completion of asbestos work for every work zone.


Operation Phase


Chimney Emissions


3.97            The air quality impacts at the representative ASRs within study area of 500m from the project site boundary during operation of the Project were predicted.  The potential impacts of the concerned criteria pollutants including respirable suspended particulate, total organic carbon, hydrogen chloride, carbon monoxide, mercury, dioxins, nitrogen dioxide and sulphur dioxide arising from the operation of the Project were assessed. 


3.98            The air quality assessment results presented in Appendix 3.4 indicated that the predicted air pollutant concentrations at all representative ASRs would comply with the respective criteria.  The first and second highest pollutant concentrations would occur at A1 at 4.5m above ground (161.2 mPD) and at 1.5m above ground, respectively. The third highest pollutant concentrations would occur at A2 at 10.5m above ground (166.5 mPD). A1 is the nearest ASR to the emission source. The predicted highest pollutant concentrations are summarized in below Table 3.14.  1-hour maximum NO2 contour plots at 161.2 mPD (Appendix 3.5) and 166.5 mPD (Figure 3.17) were prepared to determine the worst hit level.  Results indicated that higher concentrations would occur at 166.5mPD in the study area. The pollution contours plots for various air pollutants at the worst hit levels (166.5 mPD) are shown in Figure 3.63.19.  In accordance with the pollutant contours, all ASRs would comply with the respective criteria.

Table 3.14      Predicted Highest Concentration of Various Air Pollutants at ASRs

Air Pollutant

Predicted Highest Concentration (mg/m3)

Hourly Average

8-Hour Average

Daily Average































0.0718 pg l-TEQ











Note: Background concentrations are included.


Health Risk Assessment


3.99            As shown in Table 3.14, the highest annual average dioxins concentration was 8.38 ´ 10-4 pg l-TEQ (without background dioxin concentration of 0.071 pg l-TEQ), the cancer risk was estimated to be 3.05 ´ 10-8, which is lower than the insignificant risk level of 1´10-6.  Therefore, the cancer risk due arising from the operation of the Project would be insignificant at all ASRs.


3.100        The inventory of dioxins and mercury were estimated based on the emission concentration and annual volumetric flow.


3.101        The annual volumetric flow rate of the Project was estimated to be 114.8Mm3 (i.e. 1,798m3/hr ´ 9 + 2,318 m3/hr) ´ 17hr/day ´ 365day/yr).  The emission limits of dioxins and mercury were 0.1ng I-TEQ/ m3 and 0.05mg/ m3, respectively.  Thus, the annual emissions of dioxins and mercury were estimated to be 0.0115g I-TEQ and 5,740g, respectively.


Mitigation of Adverse Environmental Impacts

Construction Phase


3.102        To ensure compliance with the relevant standards, dust mitigation measures stipulated in the Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulation and good site practices should be incorporated in the contract document to control potential dust emission from the site.  The major dust suppression measures include:


­             skip hoist for material transport should be totally enclosed by impervious sheeting;

­             every vehicle should be washed to remove any dusty materials from its body and wheels before leaving a construction site;

­             the area where vehicle washing takes place and the section of the road between the washing facilities and the exit point should be paved with concrete, bituminous materials or hardcores;

­             where a site boundary adjoins a road, streets or other accessible to the public, hoarding of not less than 2.4m high from ground level should be provided along the entire length except for a site entrance or exit;

­             every stack of more than 20 bags of cement should be covered entirely by impervious sheeting places in an area sheltered on the top and the 3 sides;

­             all dusty materials should be sprayed with water prior to any loading, unloading or transfer operation so as to maintain the dusty materials wet;

­             the excavation area should be limited to as small in size as possible and backfilled with clean and/or treated soil shortly after excavation work;

­             the height from which excavated materials are dropped should be controlled to a minimum practical height to limit fugitive dust generation from unloading;

­             the load of dusty materials carried by vehicle leaving a construction site should be covered entirely by clean impervious sheeting to ensure dust materials do not leak from the vehicle; and

­             instigation of an environmental monitoring and auditing program to monitor the construction process in order to enforce controls and modify method of works if dusty conditions arise.


Operation Phase


3.103        Air pollution control and stack monitoring system will be installed for the Cape Collinson Crematorium to ensure that the emissions from the cremator stacks will meet the target emission limits equivalent to those stipulated in Hong Kong for crematorium.  According to the assessment results, all representative ASRs would comply with the AQO limit and thus no further mitigation measures would be required.

Evaluation of Residual Impacts

Construction Phase


3.104        With the implementation of dust suppression measures stipulated in Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulation during construction, no adverse residual dust impact would be expected.


Operation Phase


3.105        The design and emission concentration limits of the new cremators would comply with the BPM 12/2(06) and target emission limit requirements.  The predicted air quality impacts on all the ASRs satisfy all the relevant limits and guidelines, and therefore no adverse residual impact from chimney emission and odour emission would be expected.

Environmental Monitoring and Audit

Construction Phase


3.106        With the implementation of the proposed dust suppression measures, good site practices and dust monitoring and audit programme, acceptable dust impact would be expected at the ASRs.  For regular impact monitoring, the sampling frequency of at least once in every six-days, shall be strictly observed at all the monitoring stations for 24-hour TSP monitoring.  For 1-hour TSP monitoring, the sampling frequency of a least three times in every six-days should be undertaken when the highest dust impact occurs.  Details of the monitoring requirements such as monitoring locations, frequency of baseline and impact monitoring are presented in the stand-alone EM&A Manual.


Operation Phase


3.107        During operation of the new crematorium, the air pollutants of concern include respirable suspended particulate, total organic carbon, hydrogen chloride, carbon monoxide, mercury, dioxins, sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide.  The predicted air quality at the nearby ASRs would comply with the AQOs and relevant air quality guidelines with the implementation of recommended mitigation measures.  No odour nuisance from the new crematorium is anticipated.  By incorporating flue gas treatment system in joss paper burners and limiting joss paper burning activities through administration procedures, nuisance arising from joss paper burning is anticipated to be negligible.


3.108        In order to ensure compliance with the legislation requirements, the conditions and the continuous monitoring stipulated in the BPM12/2(06) – A Guidance Note on the Best Practicable Means for Incinerators (Crematoria), published by EPD, shall be conducted.   The monitoring of the air pollutants shall comply with the requirements of BPM and future Specified Process License of new crematorium, to be issued by EPD under the APCO.  Necessary monitoring equipment and techniques should be provided and used to demonstrate that the process is properly operated and the emissions can be minimized to meet the air pollution control requirements. The scope, manner and frequency of the monitoring should be sufficient for this purpose and will be determined by EPD.


3.109        The potential dust impacts arising from the demolition and construction of the Project were assessed.  Results showed that the predicted air quality at the ASRs would comply with and far below the respective criteria with the implementation of dust suppression measures as stipulated in the Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulation.  Air monitoring and audit programme is proposed to ensure proper implementation of mitigation measures.


3.110        No adverse air quality impact would be expected during operation of the new cremators. Nevertheless, in order to ensure compliance with the legislation requirements, the conditions and the continuous monitoring stipulated in the BPM12/2(06) shall be conducted.