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11                      Environmental Mitigation Implementation Schedule

11.1                             Waste Management

Table 11.1     Implementation Schedule for Waste Management

EIA Ref.

Recommended Environmental Protection Measures / Mitigation Measures

Timing of implementation?

Who will implement?


What requirements or standards for the measures to achieve?

l       The Waste Management Plan (WMP) shall prepared by the Contractor to describe arrangements for waste avoidance, re-use and recycling, including all handling, storage and transfer requirements.

l       The WMP should be refined and updated as more detailed information is generated on the volume of dredged marine mud.  Similarly, it should be regularly reviewed and updated at least monthly throughout construction.

1.            Before and during construction

2.            Contractor

3.            At all work sites

4.            Waste Disposal Ordinance (Cap 354)

5.            ETWB 34/2002


7.              Dumping at Sea Ordinance (Cap 466)

l       A marine disposal license shall be obtained from EPD.

Prior to marine dredging


Junk Bay dredge sites

ETWB 34/2002

Dumping at Sea Ordinance (Cap 466)

l       Bottom opening of barges shall be fitted with tight fitting seals to prevent leakage of material.  Excess material shall be cleaned from the decks and exposed fittings of barges and dredgers before the vessel is moved.

l       Monitoring of the barge loading shall be conducted to ensure that loss of material does not take place during transportation.  Transport barges or vessels shall be equipped with automatic self-monitoring devices as specified by the EPD.

l       Barges or hopper barges shall not be filled to a level that would cause the overflow of materials or sediment-laden water during loading or transportation.

During transportation and disposal of the dredged sediment


At all construction work sites

Waste Disposal Ordinance (Cap 354)

ETWB 34/2002

Dumping at Sea Ordinance (Cap 466)


l       The Contractor shall be required to register with the EPD as a chemical waste producer.

l       The contractor shall follow the guidelines stated in the relevant CoP.

During Construction and Operation

Contractor / Operator

At all work sites

Waste Disposal (Chemical Waste) (General) Regulation

Code of Practice on the Packaging, Labelling and Storage of Chemical Wastes


l       General refuse shall be stored in fully contained units separate from chemical wastes.  The general refuse storage area shall be regularly maintained by a reputable waste collector, with waste to be disposed at a designated refuse transfer station.

l       The Contractor shall be responsible for identifying which materials can be recycled / reused, whether on site or off site. In the event of the latter, the Contractor shall make arrangements for the collection of the recyclable materials.  Separate labelled bins for their deposit shall be provided if feasible.

l       The Contractor is required to maintain a clean and hygienic site throughout the Project.

During Construction and Operation

Contractors / Operator

At all work sites

ETWBTC (Works) No. 6/2002A, Enhanced Specification for Site Cleanliness and Tidiness


11.2                             Water Quality, Marine Ecology & Fisheries

Table 11.2     Implementation Schedule for Water Quality, Marine Ecology & Fisheries Protection

EIA Ref.

Recommended Environmental Protection Measures / Mitigation Measures

Timing of implementation?

Who will implement?


What requirements or standards for the measures to achieve?

l       An adequate number of portable toilets, if necessary, should be provided for the construction and maintenance workforce if sufficient facilities are not provided at any onshore assembly area.

l       Portable toilets shall be maintained in a state that will not deter the workers from using them.  Night soil shall be regularly collected by a licensed collector for disposal at a Sewage Treatment Works.

During Construction and Operation

Contractors / Operator

At all work sites

Water Pollution Control Ordinance (Cap. 358)



l       Working rate for dredging should not exceed 6,300 m3 / day for two dredgers.

l       Closed grab dredgers should be used for dredging.

l       The mechanical grabs should be properly maintained to minimise spillage of sediment.

l       Silt curtains should be provided closely surrounding the dredging point to minimise dispersion of sediment plumes.

During marine dredging


Junk Bay

Water Pollution Control Ordinance (Cap. 358)



l       Jetting speed should not exceed 75 m/hr in the section between Junk Bay and south of Tung Lung Chau.

l       Jetting speed should not exceed 150 m/hr for jetting operation carried out in the remaining sections of the transmission power cable and the array cable at the wind farm.

During cable jetting


At all cable locations

Water Pollution Control Ordinance (Cap. 358)


l       Pumping rate for seawater removal from suction caissons during foundation installation should not exceed 1,200 m3 / hr per foundation or 300 m3 / hr per pump.

During foundation installation


At all turbine foundation

Water Pollution Control Ordinance (Cap. 358)


l       Water Quality monitoring

Before construction and during Jetting operations.

8.            One week after completion of works

9.             Contractor

10.         Nine sites shown in Figure 4.2 of EM&A Manual

Water Pollution Control Ordinance (Cap. 358)

11.         WQOs


l     Coral monitoring

2.        Before construction, during Jetting operations and until 2 weeks after completion of Jetting at impact sites

3.        Contractor

4.        Tung Lung Chau South, South Ninepins and Victor Rock

5.        Additional precaution agreed to by project proponent.


l     Marine Mammal Exclusion zone

7.        During installation of foundations and turbine sub-structures

8.        Contractor

9.        250m around works barge

10.     Additional precaution agreed to by project proponent.


l     Marine Mammal Acoustic Monitoring

12.     During operation

13.     Contractor

14.     Wind farm footprint

15.     Additional measure agreed to by project proponent.

l     Avifauna Field Monitoring

·                 Second year of construction, during 1 year of operation

·                 Contractor

·                 Transect route shown in Figure 7.11 of EIA

·                 Additional measure agreed to by project proponent.


11.3                             Cultural Heritage

Table 11.3     Implementation Schedule for Cultural Heritage Protection

EIA Ref.

Recommended Environmental Protection Measures / Mitigation Measures

Timing of implementation?

Who will implement?


What requirements or standards for the measures to achieve?


l       Align the array cable to avoid potential impacts upon Target A1.

During Construction


Near Target A1 within wind farm footprint

Antiquities and Monuments Ordinance (Cap. 53)


l       Implement a 150m-diameter buffer zone around each identified target to ensure potential impacts can be avoided.  Within these buffer zones there shall be no permanent works or temporary anchoring of construction or maintenance vessels.  The buffer separation shall be implemented with the use of on-board GIS systems for marine vessel manoeuvring.

During Construction


At all Targets

Antiquities and Monuments Ordinance (Cap. 53)

l       To ensure the Project development does not result in any unforeseen impacts on objects of marine archaeological potential, further marine geophysical comprising seismic and magnetic surveys shall be conducted across the Study Area as the detailed engineering design advances, and before any marine construction works commence.

Before Construction

Contractors / Operator

Across Study Area

Antiquities and Monuments Ordinance (Cap. 53)


11.4                             Landscape & Visual

Table 11.4     Implementation Schedule for Landscape & Visual Aspects

EIA Ref.

Recommended Environmental Protection Measures / Mitigation Measures

Timing of implementation?

Who will implement?


What requirements or standards for the measures to achieve?

l       Management of construction duration to the practical minimum.

l       Management of the number of pre-construction and construction vessels and vessel movements at the practical minimum.

l       Adopt a regular pattern of turbines to create a balanced, controlled appearance, as opposed to random or clustered groups.

l       The design of turbine tower, above the platform, should be slender and elegant

Design and Construction


At wind farm footprint

EIAO (Cap 499)

l       Painting offshore in visually neutral / recessive colours where consistent with safety requirements.

l       Control night-time lighting and glare by hooding all lights, including safety lights where consistent with meeting safety requirements.

l       Ensure non-reflective materials used in construction of offshore structures.

During Construction and Operation


At wind farm footprint

EIAO (Cap 499)