Contents: Water Quality Impact Assessment
4.3 Legislation, Standards and Guidelines
4.7 Construction Phase Impact Assessment
4.8 Operational Phase Impact Assessment
4.10 Residual Impact Assessment
4.11 Environmental Monitoring & Audit Requirements
4.12 Conclusions & Recommendations This section presents the Water Quality Impact Assessment (WQIA) for the construction and operational phases of the Project. The aim of the WQIA is to assess and evaluate impacts of the proposed Project upon water sensitive receivers within the Study Area and to identify measures to avoid or otherwise reduce predicted impacts to within acceptable levels. This section has been compiled in accordance with the evaluation criteria and assessment guidelines as presented in Annexes 6 and 14 respectively of the EIA-TM, and with reference to the requirements of Clause 3.4.1 of the EIA Study Brief. Key objectives of the water quality impact assessment include the following:
· To collect
and review background information on the existing and planned water system(s)
and their respective sensitive receivers
· To characterise water and sediment quality and water sensitive receivers
based on existing information or appropriate site survey and tests
· To identify and analyse physical, chemical and biological disruptions of
marine water system(s) arising from the project construction and operation
· To predict, quantify and assess any water quality impacts arising from
the Project on the water system(s) and the sensitive receivers by appropriate
mathematical modelling techniques
· To identify and evaluate the best practicable dredging methods to
minimize dredging and dumping requirements
· To evaluate the potential of and associated water quality impacts
arising from accidental vessel collisions within the Project area during
construction and maintenance of the wind farm
· To identify and quantify all dredging, fill extraction, filling,
mud/sediment transportation and disposal activities and requirements
· To devise
mitigation measures to avoid or minimize potential impacts, in particular
suitable dredging and disposal methods to mitigate any adverse impacts.
Legislation, Standards and
has been made to the following local legislation governing water quality:
Water Pollution Control Ordinance (WPCO) (Cap. 358)
Defines the boundaries of the ten local Water
Control Zones (WCZs) and specifies the requirements Water Quality Objectives
(WQOs). The WQOs set limits for
different parameters to be achieved for maintaining the water quality within the
WCZs. In accordance with the Study
Brief, the Study Area of the project should cover the
Table 4.1 Summary
of WQOs for
Parameter |
WQOs |
WCZ / Part (s) of zone /Subzone to which the WQO applies |
Dissolved Oxygen (DO) |
Not less than 2 mg/L for 90% samples |
Marine waters of |
DO |
Not less than 4 mg/L for 90% samples |
Marine waters of |
Not less than 5 mg/L |
Fish Culture Subzones |
Nutrients |
Annual mean depth-aver aged inorganic nitrogen not to exceed 0.1 mg/L |
Port Shelter WCZ |
Annual mean depth-aver aged inorganic nitrogen not to exceed 0.3 mg/L |
Marine waters of |
Annual mean depth-aver aged inorganic nitrogen not to exceed 0.4 mg/L |
Marine waters of Eastern Buffer WCZ |
Unionised ammonia |
Annual mean not to exceed 0.021 mg/L |
Marine waters (all zones) of |
E. coli |
Annual geometric mean not to exceed 610cfu/100mL |
Secondary contact recreation subzones Port Shelter and Mirs Bay WCZs |
Annual geometric mean not to exceed 610cfu/100mL |
Fish culture subzones in Port Shelter,
pH |
To be in the range 6.5 - 8.5, change due to waste discharge not to exceed 0.2 |
Marine waters of |
Change due to waste discharge not to exceed 10% of natural ambient level |
Whole Zone of |
Temperature |
Change due to waste discharge not to exceed 2°C |
Whole Zone of |
Suspended Solids (SS) |
Waste discharge not to raise the natural ambient level by 30% nor cause the accumulation of SS which may adversely affect aquatic communities |
Marine waters of |
Toxicants |
Not to be present at levels producing significant toxic effect |
Whole Zone of |
Source: EPD: the Marine Water Quality in Hong Kong 2006
Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (Cap. 499. S.16)
Technical Memorandum on Environmental Impact
Assessment Process (EIAO-TM), Annexes 6 and 14 specifies
the assessment method and criteria for water quality impact assessment. This section follows the details of the
assessment criteria and guidelines for evaluating water pollution.
Water Supplies Department Water Quality Objectives Stipulate a set of water quality objectives for water quality at seawater intakes. Table 4.2 presents the relevant criteria. The suspended solids and dissolved oxygen requirements are most relevant to this EIA study.
Table 4.2 Water Supplies Department standards at Seawater Intakes
Parameter |
WSD Target Limit |
Colour |
< 20 HU |
Turbidity |
< 10 NTU |
Threshold Odour Number |
< 100 Odour Unit |
Ammoniacal Nitrogen |
< 1 mg/L |
Suspended Solids |
< 10 mg/L |
Dissolved Oxygen |
> 2 mg/L |
Biochemical Oxygen Demand |
< 10 mg/L |
Synthetic Detergents |
< 5 mg/L |
E. coli |
< 20,000 no./100mL |
Technical Memorandum on Standards
for Effluents Discharged into Drainage and Sewerage Systems Inland and Coastal
Provides guidance on the permissible effluent discharges
for foul sewers, storm water drains, inland and coastal waters. Should any effluent be generated from
this Project, the effluent quality should comply with the standards for
effluents discharged into the inshore waters or marine waters of Junk Bay WCZ,
Eastern Buffer WCZ and Mirs Bay WCZ.
Environment, Transport and Works
Bureau Technical Circular (Works) no. 34/2002 Management of Dredged/Excavated
out the procedure for seeking approval to dredge/ excavate sediment and the
management framework for marine disposal of dredged/ excavated sediment. The
Technical Circular also specifies the requirements for determination of
sediment quality, classification of sediment and disposal arrangement for the
foundation options and construction methods have been evaluated in order to
minimize the potential environmental impacts of the proposed Project. Details of alternative site and
construction options are presented in Section 2 of this EIA Report. Table 4.3
summarizes the preferred foundation and substructure options for Project
Table 4.3 Summary of Preferred Foundation and Substructure Options
Item |
Preferred Type |
Foundation |
Suction Caisson Foundations |
Substructure |
3 or 4 legged jacket substructure |
installation requires the removal of water from inside of the suction caissons
to the ambient water through pumping.
The pumped out water may contain a certain amount of sediment. Transmission power cables and collection
power cables will be installed by jetting, with the exception of the section
located within A fine grid model has been developed using the Delft3D suite of models for prediction of the impacts due to sediment dispersion in the construction phase and the changes in hydrodynamic regime within the Study Area after the completion the Project. Details of the model setup and calibration are presented in the Report on Wind Farm Model Calibration (Appendix 4A refers). The Delft3D-PART module using a particle tracking method has also been used to simulate the concentration distribution of suspended solids (SS). Depletion of dissolved oxygen (DO) is calculated based on the modelled SS concentrations at WSRs. The concentrations of the other pollutants at the WSRs are estimated based on the results predicted by the model. The proposed works will lead to the release of sediment and contaminants into the ambient water, resulting in potential water quality impacts. Tidal currents are the controlling factor for the dispersion of sediment disturbed by foundation installation and cabling works. Sediment release rates for different activities are estimated below based on the characteristics of the preferred construction methods and equipment:
Rock amour protection involving the dredging of
a trapezoidal trench is proposed for the cable in
A portion of dredging work in
Grab size = 11 m3
Working hours = 12 hr/day
No. of dredgers = 2 dredgers
Daily dredging rate by two dredgers = 6,300m3
Sediment loss rate (S-factor) = 25 kg/m3
Sediment release rate = = The sediment release due to grab dredging is assumed to be continuous and the sediment load is allocated in the whole water column to represent the sediment loss during the lift motion of the grab. The maximum depth of cable embedment by the jetting machine is 5 m and the width of the trench is approximately 0.4 m. The maximum jetting speed of the jetting machine is 150 m/hour or 0.0417 m/s. Therefore, the jetting rate (rate of disturbance) is 0.0417 m/s ´ 0.4 m wide ´ 5 m deep trench = 0.0834 m3/s. The calculation of sediment release rate for jetting is based on the following relationship:
Sediment release rate (kg/s) = jetting rate (m3/s) ´ dry density of the sediment (kg/m3) ´ percentage of loss rate (%) It is assumed that the percentage of loss rate (% of the disturbed sediment becomes suspension) is 20%[1]. Based on the sediment analysis for this Project, the dry density of the sediment is about 1,105 kg/m3. The sediment release rate for jetting is therefore:
Sediment release rate (kg/s) = = Release of sediment is concentrated at the bottom layer of the water column for jetting and is assumed as a continuous moving source at a speed of 150 m/hr along the offshore transmission power cable sections and at the foundation site. A 16 working hours per day with 6 working days per week is assumed for the jetting operation in this area.
Water Pumping Out from Suction Caissons During the suction caisson installation, water inside the suction caisson would be pumped out and discharged into the surrounding water. The total amount of water to be pumped out of each foundation is not expected to exceed 8,500 m3. The pumping rate would not exceed 300 m3 / hour per pump, or 1,200 m3 / hour per foundation. It is assumed that at the beginning of the operation the water pumped from the suction caissons would be free of suspended solids as the upper water layer within the foundation would be extracted. As the pumping progresses it may be expected that the lowest water layer within the foundation would contain a certain amount of suspended solids from the seawater / sediment interface. To verify these assumptions a field trial was conducted in May 2008 to measure turbidity and / or SS concentrations at the discharge location and a various points downstream from the discharge location. Field measurements revealed that the increase in SS above ambient levels was negligible throughout the trial installation, with no sediment plume was observed using underwater video or visible at the water surface. To take a conservative approach for estimating the sediment release rate used in this water quality impact assessment, it is assumed that the water pumped out from the suction caissons contains an average of 15% sediment, which has been verified to be much higher than the result of the field water quality monitoring of a field trial presented in Section 4.7.2. The dry density of the sediment, as determined through fieldwork, is 1,105 kg/m3. The sediment concentration in the water pumped out from the suction caissons is thus 165.8 kg/m3. With reference to the Liquefied Natural Gas Receiving Terminal and Associated Facilities EIA, 80% of the sediment would fall from the water column to the seabed within a 70 m radius. The percentage of the disturbed sediment in suspension is assumed to be 20%. The sediment release rate for each foundation site has therefore been calculated as:
= The suction pumps are installed at the top of the suction caissons. Discharge of the water would be conservatively assumed to be highest at 10 m above the seabed as the whole suction caisson will penetrate into the seabed in time. It is also conservatively assumed that the duration of the discharge is 8 hours for each foundation.
As shown in Figure 4.1, the proposed
cable route has been divided into three sections in order to derive the
worst-case scenarios. Section 1
represents the transmission cable section in No more than two grab dredgers would be deployed and operate at the same time with a minimum separation of 100 m at each proposed sediment release point. Sediment release point P1 is located near the Seawater Intakes for WSD Pumping Station at Tseung Kwan O and the coral communities at Chiu Keng Wan. Sediment release point P2 is selected, so that it is located near the Coral Communities at Fat Tong Chau West. Sections 2 and 3 represent the remaining offshore transmission power cable sections. Installation of the cables will be by jetting only. Sediment release points P3 and P4 are the sources representing the movement of the jetting machine within Section 2 and Section 3 respectively. Only one jetting machine would be deployed for cable laying. Therefore, jetting can only take place at one location in the entire Project area at any one time. The jetting operation for this Project takes only one pass per cable installation to fluidize the sediment and lay the cable. The distance of each of the two sections is approximately 11 km. Considering the maximum jetting speed of the jetting machine of 150 m/hr, the jetting operation can be expected to take 6 - 9 days depending on the actual length of the working day. As the period required to complete a single pass is less than the model simulation period of 15 days, it is conservatively assumed that the jetting machine continuously moves along the section throughout the entire simulation period. This conservative approach covers different tidal stages during the release of sediment from the jetting machine. At the wind farm foundation site, there would be a maximum of three foundations installed concurrently. Three sediment release points (P5, P6 and P7) which are the closest to the dredging site in Junk Bay and jetting operation of the transmission power cable sections are allocated on the south-eastern boundary of the foundation site to take into account the worst situation of cumulative impact from the construction activities of the Project at the western side of the Study Area. These sediment release point locations are also near the coral communities at Tuen Chau Tsai East and at One Foot Rock to represent the worst situation. In the case where foundation installations are carried out near the Victor Rock, which is one of the identified WSRs, three sediment release points (P8, P9 and P10) allocated at the north-eastern boundary of the foundation site in the closest proximity to this WSR are selected. Jetting for the array cable laying is also considered to be conducted adjacent to these points to represent the worst situation that may adversely affect the coral communities at Victor Rock. A moving source at sediment release point (P11) is used to represent the operation of the jetting machine. There are in total five worst-case scenarios for water quality impact assessment developed from a combination of different sediment release points that represent different construction activities for the entire project area. Table 4.4 presents all the worst-case scenarios.
Table 4.4 Worst-case
Scenario |
Sediment Release Activities from the Wind Farm Project |
Concurrent Project |
1 |
Section 1 - Dredging in Section 2 - Jetting at P3 Foundation Site - Water pumping at P5-P7 |
East Tung Lung Chau mud disposal area §
Tseung Kwan O Development |
2 |
Section 1 - Dredging in Section 3 - Jetting at P4 Foundation Site - Water pumping at P5-P7 |
East Ninepins mud disposal area §
Tseung Kwan O Development |
3 |
Section 1 - Dredging in Section 2 - Jetting at P3 Foundation Site - Water pumping at P5-P7 |
East Tung Lung Chau mud disposal area §
Tseung Kwan O Development |
4 |
Section 1 - Dredging in Section 3 - Jetting at P4 Foundation Site - Water pumping at P5-P7 |
East Ninepins mud disposal area §
Tseung Kwan O Development |
5 |
Section 1 - Dredging in Foundation Site - Water pumping at P8-P10
& Jetting at P11 |
East Ninepins mud disposal area §
Tseung Kwan O Development |
Scenario 1 is to simulate the impacts due to dredging
at the nearest point to the seawater intakes for the WSD pumping station at
Tseung Kwan O and coral communities at Chiu Keng Wan in Scenario 2 is similar to Scenario 1 but jetting takes place in Section 3 of the transmission power cable section as represented by a moving source P4 for. Dredging also occurs at P1 in Section 1 of the transmission power cable section and water pumping operation takes place at P5 to P7 at the foundation site.
Scenario 3 is to simulate the situation where
dredging takes place nearest to the coral communities at Fat Tong Chau West in Scenario 4 is similar to Scenario 3 but jetting takes place in Section 3 of the transmission power cable section as represented by a moving source P4. Dredging is also assumed to carry out at P2 in Section 1, which is located nearest to the coral communities at Fat Tong Chau West. Water pumping operation takes place at P5 to P7 within the foundation site. Scenario 5 is to simulate the situation where jetting and water pumping operation for installation of three foundations are located nearest to Victor Rock. The jetting operation is represented by a moving source P11 for release of sediment and water pumping operation is represented by sediment release points P8, P9 and P10 at the north-eastern boundary of the foundation site. Dredging is assumed to carry out at sediment release point P2 in section 1 of the transmission power cable section.
The projects or activities that would be carried
out concurrently with this Project and are located near the Works include
Tseung Kwan O Development and East Tung Lung Chau and East Ninepins mud
disposal area. The assessment of
cumulative impacts takes into account the sediment release from these projects
in the five worst-case scenarios. EIA’s for the Cruise Terminal at Kai Tak
project and the Wan Chai Development Phase II project have suggested that coral
colonies be translocated from their current locations to small sites in
The reclamation activity of Tsueng Kwan O
Development together with the dredging operation of this Project may further increase
the SS elevation in The approach of this study is to first examine the worst-case scenarios without any mitigation measures for reducing sediment release from jetting, dredging and water pumping operations. Mitigated scenarios are, however, also included in the assessment to achieve compliance with the WQOs. Therefore, the water quality impacts during the construction stage of the Project examine both the unmitigated and mitigated scenarios. During the operational stage, the model runs also include drogue tracking for oil spill to assess the areas that are potentially affected by any potential oil spill events.
Frictional Effects due to Wind Turbine Sub-structures The sub-structures of the wind turbines that are submerged in the sea cause friction on tidal flow. The following method is used to account for the hydrodynamic impact due to the submerged sub-structures. As the hydrodynamic model grid size is larger than the wind turbine (~30m diameter[2]), it is not practicable to correspondingly refine the model grid size as the computational time would be significantly increased. The frictional effects due to submerged bridge piers or vertical structures were modelled and assessed in other EIA studies[3]. A similar approach is therefore adopted in this study to model and assess frictional effects caused by the sub-structures of the wind turbines. With this approach, additional quadratic friction terms are added to the momentum equations to represent the frictional effects of wind turbine columns on the hydrodynamics. The mathematical expressions for calculating the loss coefficients for accounting the frictional effects are given as follows:
is the density of
are sizes of the grid
cell in x, y and z directions
is the velocity,
is the magnitude
of the velocity, U and V are velocity components in x and y directions
are the loss coefficients
in x and y directions
Fx and Fy are drag
forces induced by the sub-structure of the wind turbine in a grid cell, which
are calculated as:
n is the number of the turbine columns in the
grid cell
is the drag
D is the diameter of the turbine column
is the effective
approach velocity
is the magnitude
of the effective velocity,
are the effective
velocity components in x and y directions
is the total
cross-section area
is the effective
cross-section area which is the difference between the total cross-section area
and the area blocked by the turbine columns
is the ratio of
the total cross-section area to the effective cross-section area.
Combining Equations (4-1) and
(4-2), the loss coefficient used in the hydrodynamic model is expressed as:
(4-3) It is conservatively assumed that the diameter of the sub-structure is the same as that of the base footprint width of the foundation, i.e. 30 m. The estimated loss coefficient for the sub-structure in the wind farm location is about 0.2.
Description of the Environment
To assess the existing water quality conditions
in the study area covering the
The selected EPD marine water monitoring
stations include MM8, MM9 and MM14 in the Mirs Bay WCZ
Table 4.5 Summary Statistics of Marine Water Quality in Junk Bay WCZ
between 2002 and 2006
Parameter |
EPD Monitoring Station |
JM3 |
JM4 |
Temperature (ºC) |
23.3 |
23.1 |
(15.9 - 29) |
(15.8 - 28.7) |
Salinity (ppt) |
32.5 |
32.7 |
(20.9 - 34.9) |
(22.2 - 35) |
Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) |
6.2 |
6.1 |
(3.2 - 9.8) |
(3.2 - 9.9) |
Bottom |
6.2 |
6.1 |
(3.2 - 9.8) |
(3.2 - 9.9) |
Dissolved Oxygen (DO) (% saturation) |
87.0 |
85.9 |
(45 - 145) |
(46 - 146) |
Bottom |
87.0 |
85.9 |
(45 - 145) |
(46 - 146) |
pH value |
8.1 |
8.1 |
(7.7 - 8.7) |
(7.7 - 8.6) |
Secchi Disc Depth (m) |
2.5 |
2.5 |
(1 - 4.1) |
(0.5 - 4.5) |
Turbidity (NTU) |
9.1 |
9.8 |
(1.7 - 17.9) |
(2.6 - 37.4) |
Suspended Solids (SS) (mg/L) |
3.3 |
4.9 |
(0.6 - 10) |
(0.5 - 110) |
5-day Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5) (mg/L) |
0.9 |
0.8 |
(0.2 - 5.9) |
(0.1 - 5.8) |
Ammonia Nitrogen (NH3-N) (mg/l) |
0.1 |
0.1 |
(0.007 - 0.25) |
(0.009 - 0.24) |
Unionised Ammonia (mg/L) |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
(0 - 0.014) |
(0 - 0.022) |
Nitrite Nitrogen (mg/L) |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
(0.002 - 0.1) |
(0.002 - 0.1) |
Nitrate Nitrogen (mg/L) |
0.1 |
0.1 |
(0.003 - 0.38) |
(0.008 - 0.36) |
Total Inorganic Nitrogen (TIN) (mg/L) |
0.2 |
0.1 |
(0.02 - 0.59) |
(0.03 - 0.63) |
Kjeldahl Nitrogen (mg/L) |
0.2 |
0.2 |
(0.05 - 0.49) |
(0.05 - 0.46) |
Total Nitrogen (mg/L) |
0.3 |
0.3 |
(0.1 - 0.81) |
(0.08 - 0.8) |
Orthophosphate Phosphorus (mg/L) |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
(0.002 - 0.038) |
(0.002 - 0.054) |
Total Phosphorus (mg/L) |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
(0.02 - 0.07) |
(0.02 - 0.07) |
(as SiO2) (mg/L) |
0.6 |
0.6 |
(0.08 - 1.9) |
(0.05 - 2) |
Chlorophyll-a |
3.4 |
2.8 |
(μg/L) |
(0.4 - 30) |
(0.4 - 33) |
E. coli |
277.2 |
225.8 |
(count/100 mL) |
(1 - 7300) |
(1 - 3400) |
Faecal |
511.5 |
541.4 |
Coliforms |
(2 - 11000) |
(2 - 8400) |
(count/100 mL) |
Table 4.6 Summary Statistics of Marine Water Quality in Mirs Bay WCZ between 2002 and 2006
Parameter |
EPD Monitoring Station |
MM8 |
MM13 |
MM14 |
Temperature (ºC) |
22.9 |
23.1 |
22.9 |
(15.4 - 29.7) |
(15.1 - 30.1) |
(15 - 29.8) |
Salinity (ppt) |
33.1 |
33.2 |
33.2 |
(21.2 - 35.1) |
(22.1 - 35.2) |
(23.1 - 35.2) |
Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) |
6.5 |
6.6 |
6.6 |
(2.5 - 9.2) |
(2.4 - 9.9) |
(2.8 - 9.1) |
Bottom |
6.5 |
6.6 |
6.6 |
(2.5 - 9.2) |
(2.4 - 9.9) |
(2.8 - 9.1) |
Dissolved Oxygen (DO) (% saturation) |
91.5 |
92.7 |
92.4 |
(35 - 134) |
(34 - 149) |
(40 - 134) |
Bottom |
91.4 |
92.7 |
92.5 |
(35 - 134) |
(34 - 149) |
(40 - 134) |
pH value |
8.2 |
8.2 |
8.2 |
(7.9 - 8.7) |
(7.9 - 8.6) |
(7.8 - 8.7) |
Secchi Disc Depth (m) |
3.8 |
4.6 |
4.1 |
(1 - 10) |
(1.3 - 13) |
(1.5 - 10) |
Turbidity (NTU) |
10.9 |
12.2 |
9.7 |
(0.8 - 98.7) |
(0.7 - 149.6) |
(0.9 - 23.3) |
Suspended Solids (SS) (mg/L) |
4.2 |
5.6 |
4.0 |
(0.5 - 26) |
(0.5 - 210) |
(0.5 - 24) |
5-day Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5) (mg/L) |
0.6 |
0.5 |
0.6 |
(0.1 - 3.2) |
(0.1 - 3.5) |
(0.1 - 3.6) |
Ammonia Nitrogen (NH3-N) (mg/l) |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
(0.005 - 0.067) |
(0.005 - 0.051) |
(0.005 - 0.06) |
Unionised Ammonia (mg/L) |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
(0 - 0.006) |
(0 - 0.005) |
(0 - 0.006) |
Nitrite Nitrogen (mg/L) |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
(0.002 - 0.053) |
(0.002 - 0.045) |
(0.002 - 0.045) |
Nitrate Nitrogen (mg/L) |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
(0.002 - 0.35) |
(0.002 - 0.57) |
(0.002 - 0.25) |
Total Inorganic Nitrogen (TIN) (mg/L) |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
(0.01 - 0.4) |
(0.01 - 0.62) |
(0.01 - 0.29) |
Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (mg/L) |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
(0.05 - 0.26) |
(0.05 - 0.38) |
(0.05 - 0.28) |
Total Nitrogen (mg/L) |
0.2 |
0.1 |
0.1 |
(0.05 - 0.63) |
(0.05 - 0.8) |
(0.05 - 0.48) |
Orthophosphate Phosphorus (mg/L) |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
(0.002 - 0.019) |
(0.002 - 0.018) |
(0.003 - 0.019) |
Total Phosphorus (mg/L) |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
(0.02 - 0.24) |
(0.02 - 0.13) |
(0.02 - 0.04) |
Silica (as SiO2) (mg/L) |
0.5 |
0.5 |
0.5 |
(0.06 - 1.5) |
(0.06 - 3.2) |
(0.06 - 1.7) |
Chlorophyll-a |
2.0 |
1.8 |
1.8 |
(μg/L) |
(0.3 - 19) |
(0.4 - 20) |
(0.2 - 19) |
E. coli |
5 |
2 |
3 |
(count/100 mL) |
(1 - 25) |
(1 - 4) |
(1 - 13) |
Faecal |
2 |
2 |
2 |
Coliforms |
(1 - 8) |
(1 - 6) |
(1 - 9) |
(count/100 mL) |
1. Date presented are depth-averaged, expect as specified.
2. Data presented are arithmetic means of the depth-averaged results except for E. coli and faecal coliforms, which are annual geometric means.
3. Data in brackets indicate the ranges.
Table 4.7 Summary Statistics of Marine Water
Quality in Port Shelter WCZ between 2002 and 2006
Parameter |
EPD Monitoring Station |
PM1 |
PM4 |
PM6 |
PM7 |
PM8 |
PM9 |
PM11 |
Temperature (ºC) |
23.88 |
23.77 |
23.59 |
23.29 |
23.07 |
23.15 |
23.01 |
(15.1 - 31.8) |
(14.8 - 32) |
(15.2 - 30.9) |
(15.3 - 31.1) |
(15.1 - 30.9) |
(14.9 - 31.1) |
(15 - 31.3) |
Salinity (ppt) |
32.48 |
32.55 |
32.62 |
32.97 |
33.09 |
33.01 |
33.13 |
(25.6 - 35.2) |
(27 - 36.4) |
(26.3 - 35.3) |
(25.1 - 35.5) |
(21.9 - 35.9) |
(23.6 - 35.2) |
(21.9 - 35.5) |
Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) |
6.61 |
6.44 |
6.42 |
6.58 |
6.56 |
6.54 |
6.52 |
(3.3 - 9.2) |
(3.4 - 9.2) |
(3.1 - 9.2) |
(2.6 - 10.7) |
(3.2 - 9.2) |
(3.3 - 9.5) |
(2.9 - 10.5) |
Bottom |
6.61 |
6.44 |
6.41 |
6.56 |
6.54 |
6.53 |
6.51 |
(3.3 - 9.2) |
(3.4 - 10.5) |
(3.1 - 9.2) |
(2.6 - 10.7) |
(3.2 - 9.2) |
(3.3 - 9.5) |
(2.9 - 10.5) |
Dissolved Oxygen (DO) (% saturation) |
94.20 |
91.64 |
91.02 |
92.88 |
92.27 |
92.18 |
91.67 |
(47 - 135) |
(51 - 141) |
(44 - 137) |
(36 - 165) |
(44 - 141) |
(46 - 146) |
(41 - 162) |
Bottom |
94.20 |
91.34 |
91.02 |
92.80 |
92.19 |
92.15 |
91.63 |
(47 - 135) |
(41 - 141) |
(44 - 137) |
(36 - 165) |
(44 - 141) |
(46 - 146) |
(7.6 - 8.5) |
pH value |
8.18 |
8.15 |
8.11 |
8.14 |
8.15 |
8.16 |
8.15 |
(7.8 - 8.6) |
(7.7 - 8.6) |
(7.3 - 8.6) |
(7.4 - 8.6) |
(7.5 - 8.6) |
(7.7 - 8.5) |
(7.6 - 8.5) |
Secchi Disc Depth (m) |
2.95 |
2.96 |
3.30 |
4.44 |
4.99 |
4.01 |
4.63 |
(1.5 - 5.3) |
(1.5 - 6) |
(1.5 - 7) |
(1.5 - 9) |
(1.5 - 11) |
(1.4 - 10) |
(1 - 11) |
Turbidity (NTU) |
7.49 |
7.77 |
7.58 |
7.68 |
7.99 |
7.65 |
7.93 |
(1.5 - 18.8) |
(1 - 24.2) |
(1.3 - 26.9) |
(1.5 - 25.9) |
(1.2 - 24.4) |
(1.6 - 19.4) |
(1 - 21.6) |
Suspended Solids (SS) (mg/L) |
2.18 |
3.10 |
2.28 |
2.52 |
2.54 |
2.98 |
2.35 |
(0.6 - 22) |
(0.7 - 60) |
(0.5 - 15) |
(0.5 - 41) |
(0.5 - 15) |
(0.5 - 130) |
(0.5 - 12) |
5-day Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5) (mg/L) |
0.85 |
0.80 |
0.78 |
0.71 |
0.62 |
0.66 |
0.66 |
(0.1 - 5.4) |
(0.2 - 2.6) |
(0.1 - 2) |
(0.2 - 2.7) |
(0.1 - 2.2) |
(0.1 - 1.9) |
(0.1 - 4.1) |
Ammonia Nitrogen (NH3-N) (mg/l) |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
(0.005 - 0.094) |
(0.006 - 0.098) |
(0.005 - 0.1) |
(0.005 - 0.066) |
(0.005 - 0.072) |
(0.005 - 0.063) |
(0.005 - 0.046) |
Unionised Ammonia (mg/L) |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
(0 - 0.007) |
(0 - 0.009) |
(0 - 0.009) |
(0 - 0.008) |
(0 - 0.006) |
(0 - 0.007) |
(0 - 0.005) |
Nitrite Nitrogen (mg/L) |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
(0.002 - 0.047) |
(0.002 - 0.048) |
(0.002 - 0.068) |
(0.002 - 0.068) |
(0.002 - 0.082) |
(0.002 - 0.06) |
(0.002 - 0.058) |
Nitrate Nitrogen (mg/L) |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
(0.002 - 0.11) |
(0.002 - 0.088) |
(0.002 - 0.13) |
(0.002 - 0.15) |
(0.002 - 0.25) |
(0.002 - 0.22) |
(0.002 - 0.25) |
Total Inorganic Nitrogen (TIN) (mg/L) |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
(0.01 - 0.17) |
(0.01 - 0.14) |
(0.01 - 0.18) |
(0.01 - 0.18) |
(0.01 - 0.28) |
(0.01 - 0.25) |
(0.01 - 0.28) |
Kjeldahl Nitrogen (mg/L) |
0.13 |
0.13 |
0.13 |
0.12 |
0.11 |
0.12 |
0.11 |
(0.06 - 0.35) |
(0.07 - 0.37) |
(0.05 - 0.32) |
(0.06 - 0.25) |
(0.06 - 0.23) |
(0.05 - 0.45) |
(0.05 - 0.31) |
Total Nitrogen (mg/L) |
0.14 |
0.14 |
0.15 |
0.14 |
0.13 |
0.14 |
0.14 |
(0.05 - 0.36) |
(0.06 - 0.37) |
(0.05 - 0.34) |
(0.05 - 0.35) |
(0.05 - 0.46) |
(0.05 - 0.48) |
(0.05 - 0.47) |
Orthophosphate Phosphorus (mg/L) |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
(0.002 - 0.033) |
(0.002 - 0.02) |
(0.002 - 0.028) |
(0.002 - 0.029) |
(0.002 - 0.021) |
(0.002 - 0.022) |
(0.002 - 0.019) |
Total Phosphorus (mg/L) |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
(0.02 - 0.06) |
(0.02 - 0.06) |
(0.02 - 0.04) |
(0.02 - 0.05) |
(0.02 - 0.04) |
(0.02 - 0.13) |
(0.02 - 0.04) |
(as SiO2) (mg/L) |
0.53 |
0.57 |
0.59 |
0.57 |
0.57 |
0.55 |
0.56 |
(0.06 - 1.2) |
(0.08 - 1.5) |
(0.09 - 2) |
(0.06 - 2.5) |
(0.07 - 2.1) |
(0.07 - 2.1) |
(0.08 - 1.9) |
Chlorophyll-a |
2.43 |
2.37 |
2.47 |
1.77 |
1.63 |
1.82 |
1.76 |
(μg/L) |
(0.7 - 31) |
(0.4 - 39) |
(0.2 - 15) |
(0.3 - 25) |
(0.3 - 18) |
(0.3 - 10) |
(0.4 - 19) |
E. coli |
6 |
3 |
5 |
7 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
(count/100 mL) |
(1 - 39) |
(1 - 23) |
(1 - 90) |
(1 - 50) |
(1 - 37) |
(1 - 9) |
(1 - 3) |
Faecal |
14 |
9 |
20 |
7 |
9 |
6 |
30 |
Coliforms |
(1 - 250) |
(1 - 130) |
(1 - 450) |
(1 - 160) |
(1 - 280) |
(1 - 78) |
(1 - 690) |
(count/100 mL) |
1. Date presented are depth-averaged, expect as specified.
2. Data presented are arithmetic means of the depth-averaged results except for E. coli and faecal coliforms, which are annual geometric means.
3. Data in brackets indicate the ranges.
Table 4.8 Summary Statistics of Marine Water Quality in Eastern Buffer WCZ between 2002 and
Parameter |
EPD Monitoring Station |
EM1 |
EM2 |
EM3 |
Temperature (ºC) |
23.1 |
23.1 |
23.0 |
(15.8 - 28.4) |
(15.7 - 28.5) |
(15.5 - 29.6) |
Salinity (ppt) |
32.7 |
32.7 |
33.0 |
(23.6 - 35) |
(22.9 - 35.1) |
(22.6 - 35.1) |
Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) |
6.0 |
6.2 |
6.3 |
(3.2 - 10.5) |
(3 - 8.6) |
(2.7 - 9.7) |
Bottom |
5.9 |
6.1 |
6.1 |
(3.2 - 10.5) |
(3 - 8.6) |
(2.7 - 9.7) |
Dissolved Oxygen (DO) (% saturation) |
83.8 |
86.9 |
88.6 |
(45 - 154) |
(43 - 117) |
(39 - 133) |
Bottom |
82 |
84.5 |
84.8 |
(45 - 154) |
(43 - 117) |
(39 - 133) |
pH value |
8.1 |
8.1 |
8.1 |
(7.8 - 8.4) |
(7.8 - 8.5) |
(7.7 - 8.6) |
Secchi Disc Depth (m) |
2.4 |
2.5 |
2.9 |
(1.3 - 4.5) |
(1.3 - 5.3) |
(1.2 - 5.8) |
Turbidity (NTU) |
9.9 |
9.5 |
10.7 |
(3 - 43.6) |
(2.6 - 26.6) |
(2.4 - 96.1) |
Suspended Solids (SS) (mg/L) |
4.0 |
4.1 |
4.0 |
(0.8 - 20) |
(0.6 - 64) |
(0.6 - 52) |
5-day Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5) (mg/L) |
0.7 |
0.7 |
0.6 |
(0.1 - 3.3) |
(0.1 - 5.3) |
(0.1 - 3.7) |
Ammonia Nitrogen (NH3-N) (mg/l) |
0.1 |
0.1 |
<0.1 |
(0.006 - 0.23) |
(0.007 - 0.2) |
(0.006 - 0.2) |
Unionised Ammonia (mg/L) |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
(0 - 0.015) |
(0 - 0.018) |
(0 - 0.012) |
Nitrite Nitrogen (mg/L) |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
(0.002 - 0.3) |
(0.002 - 0.12) |
(0.002 - 0.1) |
Nitrate Nitrogen (mg/L) |
0.1 |
0.1 |
<0.1 |
(0.005 - 0.56) |
(0.003 - 0.55) |
(0.002 - 0.4) |
Total Inorganic Nitrogen (TIN) (mg/L) |
0.2 |
0.1 |
0.1 |
(0.01 - 0.71) |
(0.02 - 0.75) |
(0.01 - 0.7) |
Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (mg/L) |
0.2 |
0.2 |
0.1 |
(0.05 - 0.42) |
(0.06 - 0.52) |
(0.05 - 0.41) |
Total Nitrogen (mg/L) |
0.3 |
0.2 |
0.2 |
(0.07 - 0.94) |
(0.06 - 0.93) |
(0.05 - 0.91) |
Orthophosphate Phosphorus (mg/L) |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
(0.002 - 0.039) |
(0.002 - 0.036) |
(0.002 - 0.03) |
Total Phosphorus (mg/L) |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
<0.1 |
(0.02 - 0.06) |
(0.02 - 0.13) |
(0.02 - 0.06) |
Silica (as SiO2) (mg/L) |
0.6 |
0.6 |
0.6 |
(0.05 - 1.9) |
(0.09 - 2.4) |
(0.05 - 2.2) |
Chlorophyll-a |
2.5 |
2.4 |
2.3 |
(μg/L) |
(0.2 - 23) |
(0.3 - 31) |
(0.3 - 27) |
E. coli |
441 |
279 |
61 |
(count/100 mL) |
(1 - 7500) |
(1 - 5900) |
(1 - 2000) |
Faecal |
998 |
642 |
137 |
Coliforms |
(1 - 12000) |
(1 - 14000) |
(1 - 4100) |
(count/100 mL) |
1. Date presented are depth-averaged, expect as specified.
2. Data presented are arithmetic means of the depth-averaged results except for E. coli and faecal coliforms, which are annual geometric means.
3. Data in brackets indicate the ranges.
Between 2002 and 2006, the water quality
conditions in the As shown in Table 4.5 and Table 4.8, the water quality conditions of Junk Bay WCZ at Stations JM3 and JM4, and Eastern Buffer WCZ at Stations EM1, EM2 and EM3 fully complied with the key WQOs including DO, SS and E. coli.
According to EPD data from 1986 to 2001, the
After implementation of the Tolo Harbour Action
Plan, the water quality in
Identification of Water Sensitive Receivers Water sensitive receivers (WSRs) located within the WCZs that could potentially be affected by this Project are listed below and their locations are shown in Figure 4.3, Figure 4.3a and Figure 4.3b.
Intakes at Chai Wan, Shau Kei Wan and Yau Tong
Culture Zones at Port Shelters and mariculture farm at North Tung Lung Chau
/ Non-gazetted Beaches at
Protection Areas
Reef Areas
Mammals, in particular finless porpoises (Neophocaena
benthic communities, in particular amphioxus In order to systematically present the findings of the water quality impact assessment, every key WSR is assigned with a reference identifier. A list of all the WSRs that have been agreed with EPD and AFCD is presented in Appendix 4B. The shortest distances of the marine works to the identified WSRs are also shown in this Appendix. Table 4.9 presents the proposed assessment criteria for SS and DO at the WSRs. The WQO for SS specifies that human activity or waste discharges shall not raise the ambient SS level by 30% and shall not affect aquatic communities. Appendix 4C summarises the allowable SS elevations for different categories of WSRs. The ambient SS level at each of the WSRs was calculated based on the field data from 2002-2006 collected at the EPD’s marine water monitoring stations that are the nearest to the WSRs.
There is no existing legislative standard or
guideline in
Table 4.9 Proposed Water Quality Assessment Criteria
WSRs |
Proposed Water Quality Criteria |
Reference |
WQO for SS TIN Unionised Ammonia |
Seawater Intakes for WSD Pumping Stations |
WQO for SS |
SS < 10 mg/L DO > 2 mg/L |
WSD Water Quality Standards at Sea Water Intakes |
Other Seawater Intakes |
WQO for SS |
Fish Culture Zones |
WQO for SS |
SS < 50 mg/L |
CityU (2001) |
WQO for SS |
Gazetted / Non-gazetted Beaches |
WQO for SS |
Coral Communities |
WQO for SS |
SS deposition rate < 100 g/m2/day |
CAPCO Ltd. (2006) |
SS < 10 mg/L above ambient level |
Pastorok & Bilyard (1985) |
Fish Protection Areas |
WQO for SS |
Artificial Reef Area |
WQO for SS |
Marine Mammals |
WQO for SS |
Note 1: WQO for SS refer to the Water Quality Objective
for suspended solids for various WCZs stipulated under WPCO. The WQO specifies that human activity
or waste discharges shall not raise the ambient SS level by 30% and shall not
affect aquatic communities. Details of the allowable SS elevations for WSRs
are summarised in Appenxdix 4C. |
Table 4.10 Proposed Assessment Criteria for Heavy Metals/Trace Organics
Metal / Contaminant |
Proposed Criteria (μg/L) |
Remarks |
Arsenic |
10 |
Note (1) |
Cadmium |
2.5* |
Note (2) |
Chromium |
15* |
Note (2) |
Copper |
5* |
Note (2) |
Lead |
8.1* |
Note (3) |
Mercury |
0.16 |
Note (5) |
Nickel |
8.2* |
Note (3) |
Silver |
1.9* |
Note (4) |
Zinc |
40 |
Note (2) |
Total PAHs |
3.0 |
Note (6) |
PCBs |
0.03 |
Note (3) |
0.01 |
Note (3) |
Notes: *
Figures expressed in dissolved fraction (1) Environment
Agency, Government of (2) EC
Dangerous Substances Directive (76/464/EEC), Environmental Quality Standards
for List 1 and List 2 dangerous substances (3) USEPA
National Recommended Water Quality Criteria, Criterion Continuous
Concentration (4) USEPA
National Recommended Water Quality Criteria, Criterion Maximum Concentration (5) United
Nations Economic and Social Commission for (6) Australian Water Quality Guidelines for Fresh and
Marine Waters |
Construction Phase Impact Assessment
Identification of Impacts Land based construction activities are not included in this Study. The construction principle activities that may cause water quality impact during the construction stages of the Project will be carried out in the sea and are listed below:
and anchor protection for the installation of transmission power cable in
Jetting for
the installation of transmission power cable connecting to the section in
Jetting for
the installation of collection power cable within the foundation site
of foundation involving pumping out seawater from inside of the suction
caissons to the surrounding ambient water
generation due to workforce
spillage of chemicals.
Project development requires marine works to
install turbine foundations and cables.
To prevent damage from anchors and other potential objects, the
transmission cable within
There are two transmission power cables for
power transmission from the offshore transformer station to a substation
facility on land. The location of the transformer station is illustrated in Figure 4.1. These two
transmission cables will be buried approximately
Two closed grab dredgers will be deployed for
removing marine sediment along the transmission power cable section in The major concern is sediment release from dredging activity that may cause elevated SS levels in ambient waters leading to reduced sunlight penetration, mobilization of contaminants, and possible direct or induced effects on water sensitive receivers. The remaining transmission power cable and the collection power cables within the wind farm site will be installed by jetting which uses a strong water jet to fluidise the seabed generating a mixture of water and sediment close to the seabed. Dispersion of the sediment plumes may affect water sensitive receivers located on or near the seabed such as coral communities. Since the sediment plumes are generated at the bottom layer of the water column where the flow velocity is low due to the bottom friction from the seabed, the SS would normally settle back onto the seabed quickly. Installation of wind turbine foundation initially makes use of gravity where the suction caissons are driven down into the seabed by the weight of the foundation structure and suction. When gravity is balanced out by the frictional force, seawater inside the suction caissons will be mechanically pumped out to reduce the water pressure inside the suction caissons, thereby generating a net downward pressure to ease the foundation further into the seabed with minimal disturbance. The seawater pumped from the suction caisson foundation may contain a small amount of sediment. It is anticipated that at the beginning of the pumping process, the SS content in the pumped out water should be very low and would gradually increase when the suction caissons are almost completely penetrated into the seabed. Similar to the dredging and jetting activities, dispersion of the SS may impact nearby water sensitive receivers. Sediment dispersion modelling has been conducted to predict and assess the potential impact due to the dredging and jetting for cable installation and pumping of seawater from the suction caisson foundations. The proposed wind farm also comprises of a transformer station. Its foundation will also be installed using the same type of suction caisson foundation technique. Thus, the potential water quality impacts as a result from the foundation installation works will be the same as those predicted for wind turbine foundation.
The construction activities may involve the use
of chemicals such as paint, chemical solvents, mineral oils and fuel oil. Accidental spillage of these chemicals
into the seawater could be harmful to the aquatic life. The risk of accidental spillage of
chemicals can be reduced by implementation of good management practice.
Practicable and effective
EM&A requirements are presented in the EM&A Manual of this Study. Considering that the amount of
chemicals to be used in the construction activities would be small, the
potential impact of water pollution due to accidental spillage of chemicals is
Field Measurement & Sampling for Water Quality Impact of Suction
Caisson Foundation Installation The proposed foundation works represent a new construction technique in the marine environment of the HKSAR. Accordingly, turbidity and suspended solids data were obtained from the field measurements and sampling conducted in May 2008 during the site trial for suction caisson installation to verify that installation would not result in adverse water quality impacts and that the assumptions used in the impact assessment were suitably conservative, or at least would not lead to an under-representation of impacts upon the water sensitive receivers. The physical parameters adopted for the site trial were as follows:
dimension = 3.5 m (diameter) x 12 m (height)
rate ≤ 200 m3
/ hour
duration = 75 minutes (between 15:45 and 17:00). Three sampling distances were selected to provide water quality data:
– the immediate vicinity of the source
– 70m downstream from the source where 80% reduction in the suspended sediment
level was assumed
– 120m downstream from the source or 50m from S2. Figure 4.4 illustrates the schematic arrangement of these sampling stations. Additionally, two sampling depths, 10m and 5m above seabed were adopted for Stations S2 and S3 to represent the upper boundary and the centre of the trajectory of sediment discharge from the foundation as predicted by the mathematical model. Grab samples and in-situ measurements were taken sequentially from the locations every 15 minutes. Turbidity and suspended solid baselines were established through reference sample collection conducted prior to the installation works. Figure 4.5 presents the results of in-situ turbidity data measured at S1, S2 and S3 during and after installation. The result indicates that the overall turbidity at all stations was low and mostly below baseline level. Although a short-lasting spike in turbidity was recorded at S1 at the beginning of the installation, such increase decayed rapidly and was returned back to below the baseline level within 10 minutes as the installation progressed. The turbidity levels recorded at S1 during the remaining course of installation was steadily low, which reflects no apparent increase in suspended solids in ambient water resulting from discharge of water pumped out from the suction can contained very low level of suspended solids.
Moreover, it is noted that this sudden increase
in turbidity at S1 was not detected at either of the downstream stations S2 or
S3. The turbidity data recorded at
these two stations during and after the installation was consistently steady
and below the baseline levels. Likewise, the suspended solid levels recorded at S2 and S3 were steadily low at both of the sampling depths of these stations, as illustrated in Figure 4.6, which are consistent with the turbidity results. The measured results are either at or below baseline levels indicate no significant increase in suspended solid levels resulting from the installation. The field monitoring demonstrates that the results predicted by water quality modeling is significantly more conservative than the actual field installation, thus no or insignificant water quality impact arising from the installation of caisson foundation is anticipated.
Scenario Impact Assessment
Dispersion of Sediment The potential water quality impacts in the construction stage of the Project are mainly due to the sediment dispersion and release of pollutants, which are originally adhered on the sediment, from the foundation installation and cabling works. Disturbance to the marine sediment in the seabed causes suspension of the sediment in the water column. The foundation installation and cabling works, however, would not introduce additional sources of pollutant into the water column. Suspended solids (SS) and dissolved oxygen (DO) are the key water quality parameters that need to be assessed and compared against relevant criteria. The Delft3D fine grid model was used to model the proposed worst-case scenarios and to simulate the sediment dispersion in the water environment. The following presents the predicted results of SS and DO without implementation of any mitigation measures:
Scenario 1 Appendix 4D includes the predicted increases in SS at all the WSRs for Scenario 1. The majority of the WSRs did not show detectable increases in SS, i.e. increase in SS is zero. In order to show clearly which WSRs would be affected by the construction activities of the Project, the WSRs with detectable increases in SS, i.e. > 0.01 mg/L, in either the dry season or the wet season are presented in Table 4.11. The other WSRs with no detectable increases in SS are not presented in the table but can still be found in Appendix 4D.
The coral communities at Junk Bay (CC26), Junk
Island (CC27), Fat Tong Chau West (CC11) and seawater intake at Tseung Kwan O
(SW13) in The increases in mean SS during the dry season (0.00 – 0.03 mg/L) and the wet season (0.00 – 0.36) at these WSRs were below the allowable limits. The average mean values of the increases in SS were also well below the allowable limits.
It is likely that both the jetting operation
(represented by sediment release point P3) and the dredging operation in There would be slight increases in SS levels at the site with amphioxus occurrence (AO8), which is located to the southeast of Tung Lung Chau. The increases were small, i.e. increases in mean SS were 0.03 mg/L in the dry season and 0.02 in the wet season. The increases in maximum SS in the dry season (2.18 mg/L) and in the wet season (1.25 mg/L) were below the allowable limits.
Table 4.11 Predicted Increases in SS (in mg/L) – Scenario 1 (Unmitigated Scenario)
Name |
Allowable SS Elevation |
Predicted SS Elevation |
Dry |
Wet |
Average of Dry and Wet |
Dry |
Wet |
Average of Dry and Wet (Mean) |
Max |
Mean |
Max |
Mean |
CC26 |
Coral Communities at |
2.24 |
2.03 |
2.14 |
0.50 |
0.02 |
3.03 |
0.36 |
0.19 |
CC11 |
Coral Communities at Fat Tong Chau West |
2.24 |
2.03 |
2.14 |
0.50 |
0.00 |
2.97 |
0.02 |
0.01 |
AO8 |
Amphioxus Occurrence (Yr 2006 record of summer survey) |
2.24 |
1.87 |
2.06 |
2.18 |
0.03 |
1.25 |
0.02 |
0.03 |
CC27 |
Coral Communities at |
2.24 |
2.03 |
2.14 |
0.23 |
0.00 |
4.79 |
0.20 |
0.10 |
SW13 |
Seawater Intakes for WSD Pumping Station at Tseung Kwan O |
1.83 |
1.38 |
1.61 |
0.14 |
0.00 |
0.13 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Remarks: 1. Values
of the increases in SS are depth-averaged SS concentrations. 2.The figure in bold represents that the
predicted SS concentration is higher than the allowable SS elevation.
Scenario 2
The predicted SS elevations at all the WSRs are
included in Appendix
4D. There were no SS
elevations at most of the WSRs. Table 4.12 shows the predicted SS elevations at the
WSRs with detectable increases in SS for Scenario 2. The WSRs with detectable increases in SS
were the coral communities at Junk Bay (CC26), the site with amphioxus
occurrence (AO9) and sighting points of marine mammal (MM8 and MM11). The maximum increase in SS (3.03 mg/L)
at coral communities at Junk Bay (CC26) in the wet season was higher than the
allowable limit (2.03 mg/L). Figure 4.8
shows the All the seasonal and average mean SS increases were however below the allowable limits. The transient high peaks of SS at CC26 would be mainly due to dredging.
Table 4.12 Predicted Increases in SS (mg/L) – Scenario 2 (Unmitigated Scenario)
Name |
Allowable SS Elevation |
Predicted SS Elevation |
Dry |
Wet |
Average of Dry and Wet |
Dry |
Wet |
Average of Dry and Wet (Mean) |
Max |
Mean |
Max |
Mean |
CC26 |
Coral Communities at |
2.24 |
2.03 |
2.14 |
0.50 |
0.02 |
3.03 |
0.36 |
0.19 |
AO9 |
Amphioxus Occurrence (Yr 2006 record of summer survey) |
2.24 |
1.87 |
2.06 |
0.46 |
0.01 |
0.36 |
0.00 |
0.005 |
MM11 |
Sighting Point of Marine Mammal |
2.24 |
1.87 |
2.06 |
0.09 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
MM8 |
Sighting Point of Marine Mammal |
2.24 |
1.87 |
2.06 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.32 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Remarks: 1
Values of the increases in SS are depth-averaged SS concentrations. 2.The figure in bold represents that the
predicted SS concentration is higher than the allowable SS elevation.
Scenario 3 The predicted SS elevations at all the WSRs are included in Appendix 4D. There were no SS elevations at most of the WSRs. The predicted SS elevations at the WSRs with detectable increases in SS for Scenario 3 are presented in Table 4.13. Increases in SS were only detected at coral communities at Fat Tong Chau West (CC11) and at the site with amphioxus occurrence (AO8).
There was no exceedance of the increases in
seasonal and average mean SS of the dry and wet seasons. However, the increases in maximum SS in
the dry season (5.44 mg/L) and in the wet season (10.26 mg/L) at CC11 exceeded
the corresponding allowable limits (2.24 mg/L for the dry season and 2.03 mg/L
for the wet season). The
Table 4.13 Predicted Increases in SS (mg/L) – Scenario 3 (Unmitigated Scenario)
Name |
Allowable SS Elevation |
Predicted SS Elevation |
Dry |
Wet |
Average of Dry and Wet |
Dry |
Wet |
Average of Dry and Wet (Mean) |
Max |
Mean |
Max |
Mean |
CC11 |
Coral Communities at Fat Tong Chau West |
2.24 |
2.03 |
2.14 |
5.44 |
1.22 |
10.26 |
1.18 |
1.20 |
AO8 |
Amphioxus Occurrence (Yr 2006 record of summer survey) |
2.24 |
1.87 |
2.06 |
2.18 |
0.03 |
1.25 |
0.02 |
0.03 |
Remarks: 1. Values of the increases in SS are
depth-averaged SS concentrations. 2. The figure in bold represents that the predicted SS concentration is
higher than the allowable SS elevation.
Scenario 4 The predicted SS elevations with detectable increases in SS for Scenario 4 are presented in Table 4.14. A complete list of the predicted SS elevations at all the WSRs are included in Appendix 4D. Increases in SS were recorded at coral communities at Fat Tong Chau West (CC11), the site with amphioxus occurrence (AO9), and sighting points of marine mammal (MM8 and MM11). Based on the model predictions for this unmitigated scenario, there was no exceedance of the increases in seasonal mean and average mean SS of the dry and wet seasons at these WSRs. However, the increases in maximum SS at CC11 in the dry season (4.93 mg/L) and in the wet season (7.29 mg/L) exceeded the corresponding allowable limits.
Table 4.14 Predicted Increases in SS (in mg/L) – Scenario 4 (Unmitigated Scenario)
Name |
Allowable SS Elevation |
Predicted SS Elevation |
Dry |
Wet |
Average of Dry and Wet |
Dry |
Wet |
Average of Dry and Wet (Mean) |
Max |
Mean |
Max |
Mean |
CC11 |
Coral Communities at Fat Tong Chau West |
2.24 |
2.03 |
2.14 |
4.93 |
1.22 |
7.29 |
1.16 |
1.19 |
AO9 |
Amphioxus Occurrence (Yr 2006 record of summer survey) |
2.24 |
1.87 |
2.06 |
0.46 |
0.01 |
0.36 |
0.00 |
0.005 |
MM8 |
Sighting Point of Marine Mammal |
2.24 |
1.87 |
2.06 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.32 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
MM11 |
Sighting Point of Marine Mammal |
2.24 |
1.87 |
2.06 |
0.09 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Remarks: 1.
Values of the increases in SS are depth-averaged SS concentrations. 2. The figure in bold
represents that the predicted SS concentration is higher than the
allowable SS elevation.
Scenario 5
The predicted SS elevations at all the WSRs are
included in Appendix
4D. Except at CC11,
there were no SS elevations at the other WSRs. Table 4.15
presents the increases in SS at CC11 for Scenario 5. The jetting operation was allocated at the wind farm. The only detectable increases in SS were
at coral communities at Fat Tong Chau West (CC11). The increases in maximum SS in the dry
season (4.93 mg/L) and in the wet season (7.29 mg/L) were higher than the
corresponding allowable limits (2.24 mg/L in the dry season and 2.03 in
the wet season). The
Table 4.15 Predicted Increases in SS (in mg/L) – Scenario 5 (Unmitigated Scenario)
Name |
Allowable SS Elevation |
Predicted SS Elevation |
Dry |
Wet |
Average of Dry and Wet |
Dry |
Wet |
Average of Dry and Wet (Mean) |
Max |
Mean |
Max |
Mean |
CC11 |
Coral Communities at Fat Tong Chau West |
2.24 |
2.03 |
2.14 |
4.93 |
1.22 |
7.29 |
1.16 |
1.19 |
Remarks: 1. Values of the increases in SS are depth-averaged SS concentrations. 2. The figure in bold represents that the predicted SS concentration is higher than the allowable SS elevation.
Overall, for the five assessment scenarios, the
maximum predicted concentrations of suspended solids at representative
sensitive receivers occurred under Scenario 3, with dry and wet season
concentrations of 5.44 mg/L and 10.26 mg/L predicted, respectively. Elevations
above the criteria were also predicted for other assessment scenarios, and
appropriate mitigation measures have been devised accordingly as referred in
sub-section 4.9.1.
Release of Heavy Metals, Nutrients, Trace Organics and Other Pollutants from Sediment Polluted discharges from point sources and non-point sources cause contamination to the marine sediment on the seabed. The potential pollutants may include heavy metals, nutrients and trace organics. Marine sediment sampling at selected locations and laboratory analysis have been conducted for this Study. Testing results on sediment quality are presented in the Section 3 Waste Management of this EIA Report. The key concern on marine sediment related to water quality impact assessment is the potential release of pollutants from the disturbed sediment during the carrying out of marine works. At the point where the sediment is rigorously disturbed, the concentrations of pollutants released from the sediment are expected to be highest. Tidal currents carry the pollutants downstream diluting the pollutant concentrations through mixing with the ambient water. The mixing zone as defined in the EIAO-TM is a region of a water body where initial dilution of a pollution input takes place and where water quality criteria can be exceeded. The size of mixing zone is determined by checking the SS concentration of sediment plume at its outer edge where SS concentration is 30% of the increase in the ambient level. Mixing zone sizes were obtained through a review of test model runs. The radii of the mixing zone where initial dilution of SS takes place for the jetting operation were predicted less than 130 m during the dry season and less than 120 m during the wet season. The thickness of mixing layer was less than about 1.5 to 3 m from the seabed. The dredging operation would generate a mixing zone of less than 180 m, which is a distance between the dredging point and the location where SS concentration is 30% of the increase in the ambient level, during both the dry and wet seasons, extending throughout the whole water column at the dredging points. The mixing zone generated by water pumping operation during installation of suction caissons in both the dry and wet seasons would be less than 190 m. The thickness of mixing layer would be less than 10 m from the seabed. The model predicted that areas influenced by the jetting, dredging and water pumping operations were within a short distance from the sediment release points of these activities. Elutriate and pore water tests were conducted for sediment samples collected at seven locations (S1 – S7) along the proposed cable route. Figure 4.11 shows the locations of the sediment sampling locations. The tested parameters include cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), mercury (Hg), nickel (Ni), lead (Pb), silver (Ag), zinc (Zn), arsenic (As), PAHs, PCBs, ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N, NH4-N), nitrite (NO2-N), nitrate (NO3-N), total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), total inorganic nitrogen (TIN), 5-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), organo-chlorine pesticides and tributyltin (TBT). Appendix 4E summarises the elutriate test results. Comparisons of the elutriate test results of the heavy metals with the proposed assessment criteria in Table 4.10 show that the concentrations of the heavy metals including silver, cadmium, chromium, copper, nickel, lead and mercury at all the sampling locations were below the corresponding assessment criteria. However, the concentrations of arsenic at most of the sediment sampling locations S1-S4 and S6-S7 at various depths exceeded the proposed criterion of 10 µg/L. The arsenic concentrations at various depths were different. The detected highest concentrations are given in Table 4.16. It is assumed that the arsenic levels in the ambient water are insignificantly low. The required dilution rates to lower the arsenic concentrations from the sources to the water sensitive receivers are estimated and included in the table. The range of the required dilution is between 4.0 and 10.2. Dilution was estimated using the model by introducing an inactive tracer with a constant loading at a grid cell, which represents the discharge point. Discharge of the inactive tracers was assumed at the fixed dredging points (P1 and P2) and at different grid cells along the jetting route in Section 2 and Section 3. The jetting speed was used to estimate the approximate locations of the jetting machine, hence to determine the grid cells for release of sediment due to jetting. Different tracers were used to represent the sediment releases at different dredging points and locations of the jetting machine. The tracer concentrations at the discharge point and at the WSRs were monitored throughout the simulation period. The tracer concentrations at the potentially affected WSRs for Scenarios 1 to 5 as shown in Table 4.11 to Table 4.15 were obtained from the model to estimate the dilution rates. It is worth noting that these WSRs are located nearest to the dredging and jetting locations. Should the dilution rates be achieved to reduce the arsenic concentrations to a level lower than the assessment criterion at these WSRs, there should be no adverse impacts to the other WSRs located farther away from the source.
Sediment Sampling Location |
Highest Concentration (Depth of Sampling) |
Required Dilution |
S1 |
72.7 µg/L |
7.3 |
S2 |
102 µg/L |
10.2 |
S3 |
98.9 µg/L |
9.9 |
S4 |
32.7 µg/L |
3.3 |
S5 |
8.6 µg/L |
The highest arsenic concentration (8.6 µg/L) is below the assessment criterion of 10 µg/L |
S6 |
55.6 µg/L |
5.6 |
S7 |
39.7 µg/L |
4.0 | Table 4.17 summarises the predicted dilution rates for the dry and wet seasons that can be achieved at these WSRs. The predicted results ranged between 11.1 and 117.6. The sediment sampling points nearest to the WSRs and the required dilution rates to lower the arsenic to acceptable levels are also included in the table for comparison. At the WSRs, the predicted dilution rates were all higher than the corresponding required dilution rates. Table 4.18 presents the calculated maximum arsenic concentrations at selected WSRs. All the arsenic concentrations are below the assessment criterion of 10 mg/L. It is expected that the potential release of arsenic would be diluted rapidly by the ambient water and would not pose any risk to the nearby WSRs. At sediment sampling location S5, zinc concentrations (41 – 42 µg/L) collected at depth from 1.0 m to 2.9 m were marginally higher than the assessment criterion of 40 µg/L. The predicted dilution rates at AO9, MM8 and MM11 in the dry and wet seasons for different scenarios ranged between 33.3 and 76.9, which should be able to lower zinc concentrations rapidly to ambient levels within a short distance from the source.
Table 4.17 Predicted Dilution Rates at Selected WSRs
Nearest Sediment Sampling Point (Required Dilution) |
Scenario |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Dry Season |
CC11 |
S2, S3 |
27.8 |
- |
12.3 |
22.2 |
22.2 |
CC26 |
S1, S2 |
21.3 |
21.3 |
- |
- |
- |
CC27 |
S1 |
12.5 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
AO8 |
S4 |
58.8 |
- |
58.8 |
- |
- |
AO9 |
S4, S5A |
- |
- |
- |
76.9 |
- |
SW13 |
S2 |
117.6 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
MM11 |
S4, S5A |
- |
62.5 |
- |
62.5 |
- |
MM8 |
S5A |
- |
71.4 |
- |
71.4 |
- |
Wet Season |
CC11 |
S2, S3 |
27.8 |
- |
14.3 |
29.4 |
29.4 |
CC26 |
S1, S2 |
14.9 |
14.9 |
- |
- |
- |
CC27 |
S1 |
11.1 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
AO8 |
S4 |
50.0 |
- |
50.0 |
- |
- |
AO9 |
S4, S5A |
- |
- |
- |
71.4 |
- |
SW13 |
S2 |
43.5 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
MM11 |
S4, S5A |
- |
45.5 |
- |
45.5 |
- |
MM8 |
S5A |
- |
33.3 |
- |
33.3 |
- |
Remark: A. The highest arsenic concentration (8.6 µg/L) is below the assessment criterion of 10 µg/L.
Table 4.18 Calculated Maximum Arsenic Concentrations (mg/L) at Selected WSRs
Nearest Sediment Sampling Point (Assessment Criterion) |
Scenario |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Season |
CC11 |
S2, S3 |
3.53 – 3.67 |
- |
7.97 – 8.29 |
4.41 –
4.59 |
4.41 – 4.59 |
CC26 |
S1, S2 |
3.43 – 4.79 |
3.43 – 4.79 |
- |
- |
- |
CC27 |
S1 |
5.84 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
AO8 |
S4 |
0.56 |
- |
0.56 |
- |
- |
AO9 |
S4, S5A |
- |
- |
- |
0.43 |
- |
SW13 |
S2 |
0.87 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
MM11 |
S4, S5A |
- |
0.53 |
- |
0.53 |
- |
MM8 |
S5A (10 µg/L) |
- |
1.20 |
- |
1.20 |
- |
Season |
CC11 |
S2, S3 |
3.53 – 3.67 |
- |
6.85 – 7.13 |
3.33 – 3.47 |
3.33 – 3.47 |
CC26 |
S1, S2 |
4.90 – 6.85 |
4.90 – 6.85 |
- |
- |
- |
CC27 |
S1 |
6.58 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
AO8 |
S4 |
0.66 |
- |
0.66 |
- |
- |
AO9 |
S4, S5A |
- |
- |
- |
0.46 |
- |
SW13 |
S2 |
2.34 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
MM11 |
S4, S5A |
- |
0.73 |
- |
0.73 |
- |
MM8 |
(10 µg/L) |
- |
2.58 |
- |
2.58 |
- |
Remark: A. The highest arsenic
concentration (8.6 µg/L) is below the assessment criterion of 10 µg/L. A summary of the Sediment Quality Report including elutriate testing is included in Section 3 Waste Management. The elutriate test results of trace organics (PAHs, PCBs and TBT) and organochlorine pesticides were all below detecting limits. The potential water quality impacts due to releases of these contaminants from the marine sediment during dredging, jetting and water pumping operations are not expected. The EPD marine water quality monitoring stations at different WCZs including JS2, ES1, ES4, MS8, MS13, MS14, PS3, PS5 and PS6 are located nearest to transmission power cable route and the foundation site. The most recently published water quality data at these stations were collated and used to represent the background water quality conditions. The concentrations of ammonia, organic nitrogen, total Kjeldahl nitrogen, total inorganic nitrogen and biochemical oxygen demand obtained from the elutriate tests were generally higher than the background levels of these contaminants in the ambient water. However, the laboratory results did not show any abnormally high concentrations of these contaminants. Although the seabed will be disturbed by dredging, jetting and water pumping operations, the nutrients and organic materials attached to the marine sediment may not be completely released into the ambient water and part of the contaminants may still remain in the sediment. The actual concentrations of these contaminants in the ambient water should be lower than the elutriate test results. Based on the model predictions and the contour plots for increases in SS, the mixing zone remains in the close vicinity of the sediment release point. Releases of these contaminants from the SS would be rapidly mixed and diluted by the ambient water within the mixing zone. The impacts on the nearby WSRs would be limited and transient. Both the jetting and water pumping operations release sediment near the sea bottom, most of the suspended solids would quickly deposit back on the seabed within a short distance from the release points reducing the potential impacts due to release of these contaminants. As presented in Appendix E, the elutriate test results of the heavy metals are below the proposed assessment criteria except arsenic and zinc with concentrations higher than the corresponding assessment criteria at certain sampling locations. After dilution by the ambient water, the arsenic concentrations would be lower to acceptable levels (Tables $.17 and 4.18). The tested parameters including organochlorine pesticides, TBT, total PAHs and PCBs are all below detection limits. The potential water quality impacts due to release of these contaminants should be insignificant.
background levels of ammonia (0.05 – 0.06 mg/L), organic nitrogen (0.1 – 0.11
mg/L), total Kjeldahl nitrogen (0.15 – 0.17 mg/L) and total inorganic nitrogen
(0.12 – 0.16 mg/L) measured at the EPD Marine Water Sampling Stations nearest
to the sediment sampling locations were comparatively lower than the elutriate
test results of these parameters, i.e. ammonia: 0.72 – 3.84 mg/L
The estimated dilution rates as presented in Table
4.17 should be able to rapidly dilute the BOD concentrations to close to
background levels. Adverse effects on the identified WSRs due to the high BOD
concentrations reported from laboratory testing appear not be a major
concern. The effects on the DO
levels in the ambient water are expected to be confined mainly within the
dredging zone. An assessment of
dissolved oxygen depletion at WSRS due to the increases in SS is given later in
this section. Mitigation measures such as deployment of silt curtains to surround the dredging site and use of closed grab dredgers would be recommended to minimise the release of the contaminants into ambient waters. It is anticipated that release of heavy metals, nutrients, trace organics and other pollutants from sediment would be confined within the dredging zone. Impacts to the nearby WSRs are minimal.
Sediment Deposition The assessment criterion for coral communities is based on the sediment deposition rate of 100 g/m2/day. The fine grid model was used to simulate the sediment deposition rates. The predicted maximum sediment deposition rates during the dry season at coral communities for Scenarios 1 to 5 are included in Appendix 4D. Table 4.19 presents the WSRs (CC11 and CC26) with detectable increases in sediment deposition rates. The predicted sediment deposition rates at the coral communities at Junk Bay (CC26) in the dry season for Scenarios 1 and 2 were 35.8 g/m2/day, which is below the assessment criterion. There were no changes in sediment deposition rates at CC26 for Scenarios 3 to 5. The model predicted that the sediment deposition rates at the coral communities at Fat Tong Chau West (CC11) for Scenarios 3, 4 and 5 ranging between 212.9 g/m2/day and 248.4 g/m2/day exceeded the assessment criterion of 100 g/m2/day but no exceedance for Scenarios 1 and 2. More exceedances were found at these two WSRs in the wet seasons, as displayed by Table 4.20. Except Scenario 2, the predicted sediment deposition rates at CC11 for other scenarios exceeded the criterion. The ranges were between 128.3 g/m2/day and 443.2 g/m2/day. At the coral communities at Junk Bay (CC26), both the predicted sediment deposition rates for Scenarios 1 and 2 (130.9 g/m2/day) exceeded the criterion but there were no changes in sediment deposition rate at this WSR for Scenarios 3 to 5.
Implementation of mitigation measures are
required to avoid exceedance and potential impact upon the coral communities at
Fat Tong Chau West and
ID. |
Name |
Criterion |
Scenario |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
CC11 |
Coral Communities at Fat Tong Chau West |
<100 |
34.5 |
0 |
248.4 |
212.9 |
212.9 |
CC26 |
Coral Communities at |
<100 |
35.8 |
35.8 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
CC27 |
<100 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Remarks: 1. The sediment deposition rates displayed above are maximum
values calculated by the model. 2. The figure in bold represents that the
predicted sediment deposition rate is higher than the assessment criterion.
Name |
Assessment Criteria (g/m2/day) |
Scenario |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
CC11 |
Coral Communities at Fat Tong Chau West |
<100 |
128.3 |
0 |
443.2 |
314.9 |
314.9 |
CC26 |
Coral Communities at |
<100 |
130.9 |
130.9 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
CC27 |
<100 |
206.9 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Remarks: The sediment deposition rates presented above are maximum
values calculated by the model. 2. The figure in bold represents that the
predicted sediment deposition rate is higher than the assessment criterion. Dissolved oxygen depletion is estimated based on the suspended solids concentration predicted by the model. The oxygen depletion at the WSRs for each scenario is calculated using the following equation:
Where DOdep =
Dissolved oxygen depletion (mg/L)
C =
Suspended solids concentration (mg/L) obtained from
the model
Sediment Oxygen Demand (=16,000 mg/kg based on sediment analysis for this
K =
Daily oxygen uptake factor (=1.0[5]) Re-aeration at the water surface to increase the dissolved oxygen content in the water column is not included in the above equation. Appendix 4D includes the predicted DO depletion at all the WSRs due to increases in maximum SS concentrations for Scenarios 1 to 5 during the dry and wet seasons. Only the WSRs with detectable DO depletion are included in Table 4.21 (dry season) and Table 4.22 (wet season). The background DO and resulting DO of these WSRs are given in Table 4.23.
Name |
Assessment Criteria |
Scenario |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
CC26 |
Coral Communities at |
> 4 |
0.008 |
0.008 |
- |
- |
- |
CC11 |
Coral Communities at Fat Tong Chau West |
> 4 |
0.008 |
- |
0.087 |
0.079 |
0.079 |
AO8 |
Amphioxus Occurrence (Yr 2006 record of summer survey) |
> 4 |
0.035 |
- |
0.035 |
- |
- |
AO9 |
Amphioxus Occurrence (Yr 2006 record of summer survey) |
> 4 |
- |
0.007 |
- |
0.007 |
- |
MM11 |
Sighting Point of Marine Mammal |
> 4 |
- |
0.001 |
- |
0.001 |
- |
Name |
Assessment Criteria |
Scenario |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
CC26 |
Coral Communities at |
> 4 |
0.048 |
0.048 |
- |
- |
- |
CC11 |
Coral Communities at Fat Tong Chau West |
> 4 |
0.048 |
- |
0.164 |
0.117 |
0.117 |
AO8 |
Amphioxus Occurrence (Yr 2006 record of summer survey) |
> 4 |
0.02 |
- |
0.02 |
- |
- |
AO9 |
Amphioxus Occurrence (Yr 2006 record of summer survey) |
> 4 |
- |
0.006 |
- |
0.006 |
- |
MM8 |
Sighting Point of Marine Mammal |
> 4 |
- |
0.005 |
- |
0.005 |
- |
CC27 |
Coral Communities at |
> 4 |
0.077 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
SW13 |
Seawater Intakes for WSD Pumping Station at Tseung Kwan O |
> 4 |
0.002 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Table 4.23 Resulting DO due to Maximum Increase in SS Concentrations (in mg/L) – Dry and Wet Season (Unmitigated Scenarios)
Scenario |
Criteria |
Dry Season |
Wet Season |
Depth Averaged |
Depth Averaged |
Background DO |
DO Depletion |
Resulting DO |
Background DO |
DO Depletion |
Resulting DO |
CC26 |
1 |
4 |
6.255 |
0.008 |
6.247 |
6.043 |
0.048 |
5.995 |
2 |
4 |
6.255 |
0.008 |
6.247 |
6.043 |
0.048 |
5.995 |
CC11 |
1 |
4 |
6.255 |
0.008 |
6.247 |
6.043 |
0.048 |
5.995 |
3 |
4 |
6.255 |
0.087 |
6.168 |
6.043 |
0.164 |
5.879 |
4 |
4 |
6.255 |
0.079 |
6.176 |
6.043 |
0.117 |
5.926 |
5 |
4 |
6.255 |
0.079 |
6.176 |
6.043 |
0.117 |
5.926 |
AO8 |
1 |
4 |
6.996 |
0.035 |
6.961 |
6.148 |
0.02 |
6.128 |
3 |
4 |
6.996 |
0.035 |
6.961 |
6.148 |
0.02 |
6.128 |
AO9 |
2 |
4 |
6.996 |
0.007 |
6.989 |
6.148 |
0.006 |
6.142 |
4 |
4 |
6.996 |
0.007 |
6.989 |
6.148 |
0.006 |
6.142 |
MM11 |
2 |
4 |
6.996 |
0.001 |
6.995 |
- |
- |
- |
4 |
4 |
6.996 |
0.001 |
6.995 |
- |
- |
- |
MM8 |
2 |
4 |
- |
- |
- |
6.148 |
0.05 |
6.143 |
4 |
4 |
- |
- |
- |
6.148 |
0.05 |
6.143 |
CC27 |
1 |
4 |
- |
- |
- |
6.043 |
0.077 |
5.966 |
SW13 |
1 |
4 |
- |
- |
- |
6.213 |
0.002 |
6.211 |
The DO depletion at the WSRs located nearest to
the sediment release points was insignificantly low ranging from 0.001 to 0.087
mg/L in the dry season, and from 0.002 to 0.164 mg/L in the wet season. For dry
season, the lowest resulting DO was recorded at CC11 for scenario 4 and 5
(6.176 mg/L), whereas the lowest resulting DO was recorded at CC11 for scenario
3 (5.879 mg/L) for wet season. The
WSRs located farther away from the sediment release points did not have
noticeable changes in dissolved oxygen levels. Overall, the modeling results showed full compliance with the WQO for depth-averaged DO
of 4mg/L in the
Cumulative Impacts due to Concurrent Projects
The Further Development of Tseung Kwan O project
may be carried out concurrently with the proposed wind farm project. A strip of land would be reclaimed to
provide additional land for the Based on the Further Development of Tseung Kwan O Feasibility Study, the sediment release rates for dredging and filling activities for construction of seawall were 1.75 kg/s and 0.58 kg/s respectively (Maunsell, 2005). These release rates were used in the present study for cumulative impact assessment. Sediment dumping at mud disposal areas at East of Ninepins and East of Tung Lung Chau may also contribute to the cumulative water quality impacts when jetting operation and foundation installation are carried out near the dumping sites. The population of WSRs near Ninepins is high. These WSRs are located near the dumping sites and the transmission power cable route. It is expected that these WSRs are most likely to be affected by the sediment dumping at the dumping sites and the jetting operation for the wind farm project. The East Ninepins mud disposal area operates from mid-March to end of September every year. Water quality monitoring reports were available in a semi-annually interval. Monitoring of SS and DO were carried out in monthly basis. The monitoring stations located in the perimeter of disposal area and 300m away the disposal area. The latest available data were from August to September 2005 and March to July 2006. According to the monitoring information[6], the elevated SS level were not related to disposal activity. The monitoring results showed that there had not been any adverse impact on water quality at the disposal area, therefore cumulative water quality impact from East Ninepins mud disposal area is not expected except within the disposal area. The East Tung Lung Chau mud disposal area operates from October to mid March in the next year and would not overlap with the disposal activity at East Ninepins mud disposal area. According to CEDD's record, no water quality monitoring was carried out. The EIA report[7] stated that the maximum disposal rate is 100,000 m3/day. The sediment release rate for each dump is 8.04 kg/s (period of 7.68 hour) and 19.19 kg/s (period of 23 min) for TSHD and barge respectively. The worst-case scenarios for cumulative water quality impact assessment included the concurrent project in Tseung Kwan O and sediment dumping activities at the dumping sites. The predicted results for cumulative impacts are included in Appendix 4F. Based on the model predictions, only the predicted results for SS, DO depletion and sediment deposition rate at the sighting point of marine mammal (MM11) during the dry season for Scenario 2 increased slightly.
Table 4.24
summarizes the results at MM11.
With the wind farm project alone, the model predicted increase in SS at
MM11 was not noticeable. The
increase in SS would be mainly contributed by the dumping activity at East Tung
Lung Chau mud disposal area. No
noticeable increases in SS due to the concurrent project in Tseung Kwan O and
dumping activities were detected at the other WSRs.
Table 4.24 Predicted Cumulative Impact Results (Unmitigated Scenario)
Scenario |
Season |
Maximum Increase in SS (mg/L) |
DO Depletion (mg/L) |
Sediment Deposition Rate (kg/m2/day) |
Criteria |
3.08 |
> 4 |
100 |
2 |
MM11 |
Dry |
0.26 |
0.005 |
11.2 |
Operational Phase Impact Assessment
Identification of Impacts The operation of wind turbines would not generate any forms of discharge into the surrounding water. The potential water quality impacts arising from the operational phase of the project include:
Changes to
the hydrodynamic regime in the regions near the wind farm site and in the water
control zones within the Study Area
from the wind farm
from marine vessels deployed for routine maintenance
Oil spills
due to accidental events. The physical presence of wind turbine towers in the water causes friction to the tidal flows. This in turns reduces the flow speeds mainly within the wind farm site. The flow speeds and flushing capacities of the major channels or semi-enclosed water bodies near the wind farm site need to be assessed to ensure that there is no dramatic change in hydrodynamic regime that may cause a deterioration in water quality. The superstructure and wind turbine components, which are erected above the sea surface, are mainly made in steel and would not generate any wastewater or waste. There will be no discharge from the wind farm during the operational stage. Even when a rainstorm occurs, stormwater generated from the wind farm would be minimal and is not likely to be polluted. Regular maintenance of the wind turbines is required during the operational stage of the project. Sewage generated from the workers would be collected in the vessels and disposed of by licensed waste collectors. Illegal discharge from the vessels is strictly prohibited. Potential water pollution in relation to the routine maintenance works is unlikely. There is risk of accidental collision of vessels to the wind turbines during the operational stage of the project. The proposed site is not located at a major navigation channel and lighting signals would be provided to alert the vessels from getting too close to the wind farm. The potential risk of vessel collision would be low. A summary of the marine vessel collision risk is presented in Section 2 Project Description, drawing on the detailed Marine Navigation Safety Risk Assessment conducted for the proposed Project. The Marine Department of the HKSAR Government has a Maritime Oil Spill Response Plan (MOSRP) to deal with accidental oil spill events. The plan is in compliance with the standards applicable to the international ports in the world. The Pollution Control Unit team of the Marine Department is committed to reach the scene of oil spill incident inside harbour limits within two hours of notification. An emergency plan would be developed to deal with accidental events. In case of an incident, the spills should be properly dealt with through the activation of the emergency plan and the clean-up action by the Marine Department. Section 2 Project Description provides details of the key roles and responsibilities of various parties in dealing with the oil spill events. The presence of substructure elements in the water column after the completion of the wind farm causes disturbance to the tidal currents, hence affects the hydrodynamic regime in the regions near the wind farm site. The submerged structures dissipate flow energy and generate drag force to slow down the flow motion. Therefore, the key concerns in relation to the presence of an array of substructure elements in the wind farm are the changes in flushing capacity and current speed in the sensitive areas such as the semi-enclosed water bodies and major channels. In order to determine the changes in flushing capacity and current speeds, the semi-enclosed water bodies and major channels nearest to the project site are selected. Cross-sections and observation points are defined at the entrances/exits of the semi-enclosed water bodies and across the major channels to determine the flushing capacity. Observation points are also defined at locations within the semi-enclosed water bodies and at the wind farm site to determine the changes in current speeds. Monitoring points (H1 – H7) and cross-sections (S1 – S4) were included in the model to predict the differences in flushing capacity and current speed between the baseline and operational scenarios.
Figure 4.13
shows the locations of these monitoring points and sections. H1 is located within
Current speeds Table 4.25 and Table 4.26 summarise the predicted current speeds at the monitoring points (H1 – H7) in the dry season and wet season respectively. At H6 and H7, located within the wind farm footprint, current speeds decreased due to the presence of turbine sub-structures. The percentage reductions were between 42.87% and 50.68% in the dry season and between 8.26% and 21.97% in the wet season. Due to the background current speeds at H6 and H7 being low, a small change in current speed can generate a large percentage change. However, the absolute values of the reductions in current speed were only 0.061 to 0.069 m/s in the dry season and 0.010 to 0.029 m/s in the wet season. The presented results show the effects on flow conditions inside and outside the wind farm. The small deviations in current speeds inside the wind farm are localised, which would not cause abrupt changes to the flushing capacities in major channels and semi-enclosed areas. In addition, water quality is not likely to be changed due to the small variations in velocities at the wind farm site. Due to the sizes of the grid cells at the wind farm site being much larger than the size of the wind turbine sub-structure, the predicted reductions in current speed at the grid cells inside the wind farm site would likely be higher than the actual effects. There were tiny changes in current speeds at the monitoring points outside the wind farm site (H1, H2, H3, H4, and H5 ) in both the dry season and wet season. At a distance of about 3 km near Ninepins, the differences in velocity before and after the Project were also found negligible.
Table 4.25 Predicted Velocities at Monitoring Points (H1 to H7) in the Dry Season
Location |
Depth-averaged Velocity (m/s) |
Difference (m/s) |
Baseline |
Operation (with Wind Farm Turbines) |
H1 |
0.031 |
0.032 |
0.001 (3.23%) |
H2 |
0.132 |
0.133 |
0.001 (0.76%) |
H3 |
0.051 |
0.053 |
0.002 (3.92%) |
H4 |
0.027 |
0.027 |
0.000 (-1.28%) |
H5 |
0.057 |
0.063 |
0.006 (11.22%) |
H6 |
0.142 |
0.081 |
-0.061 (--42.87%) |
H7 |
0.137 |
0.067 |
-0.069 (-50.68%) |
Table 4.26 Predicted Velocities at Monitoring Points (H1 to H7) in the Wet Season
Location |
Depth-averaged Velocity (m/s) |
Difference (m/s) |
Baseline |
Operation (with Wind Farm Turbines) |
H1 |
0.069 |
0.072 |
0.003 (4.53%) |
H2 |
0.191 |
0.192 |
0.001 (0.52%) |
H3 |
0.039 |
0.037 |
-0.002 (-4.90%) |
H4 |
0.028 |
0.028 |
0.000 (-1.42%) |
H5 |
0.050 |
0.051 |
0.001 (2.00%) |
H6 |
0.132 |
0.103 |
-0.029 (-21.97%) |
H7 |
0.121 |
0.111 |
-0.010 (-8.26%) |
Accumulated flows
4.14 a, b, c,-d, e and Figures 4.15 a, b, c,-d, e present the accumulated
flows through the cross-sections for the dry and west seasons,
respectively. Negative accumulated
flow represents the flow leaving the
Hydrodynamic Conditions The location of the wind farm is in open waters and the spacing between the substructure elements is large (approximately 450 m – 600 m). Water still flows freely across the entire site even the current speeds within the wind farm would be slightly affected due to friction loss. Influence to the tidal flows is extremely small and localized around individual turbine foundations. The hydrodynamic impacts to the adjacent channel and semi-enclosed water bodies in terms of reduction in current speed and flushing capacity are minimal to unmeasurable. In view of the insignificant changes in hydrodynamic conditions, adverse effects on the water quality and significant changes to the sediment deposition and re-suspension rates as a result of the presence of the wind farm are not anticipated.
Locally to the turbine structures the presence
of the tubular legs may increase flow fields at the seabed. Data from ESDU suggests that the impact
on the flow field is entirely dissipated at widths more that 2.5 times the
diameter away from the centre of a cylinder. As leg diameters are not anticipated to
exceed The operation of the wind farm would not involve polluted activities. The exposed surface of the wind turbine components contains no contaminants. No adverse impact is expected due to generation of stormwater from the wind farm during the operational phase of the Project. Marine vessels will be deployed for routine maintenance of the wind farm. Detailed information on maintenance frequency and activities is presented in Section 2 Project Description. Wastewater generated from machinery spaces of the vessels contains mainly hydrocarbons and would be contained within the vessels. Sewage generated from workforce is characterized by biochemical oxygen demand, suspended solids and microbiological constituents, and would be collected and disposed of by licensed waste collectors. It is an offence to discharge wastewater and sewage from vessels into the sea. Illegal discharges from the marine vessels are not expected. There would be no water quality impact arising from the routine maintenance.
The location of the proposed wind farm is not in
a major navigation channel and the potential risk of vessel collision is
expected to be very low. Maintenance vessels will require access to the site For the worst situation where vessel collision with the wind turbines occurs and fuel oil releases from the vessel, tidal currents and winds will spread the spill away from the incident site. The fuel oil is less dense than the seawater and will float on the water surface. Any mixing or interaction of oil with seawater will be minimal in the short amount of time between the spill event and its containment by Marine Department oil spill control vessels The coral communities (set away from the site) and amphioxus living at the sea bottom would not be directly affected by the floating fuel oil on the water surface. To examine the areas that are potentially affected by any oil spill events, drogue-tracking was included in the hydrodynamic simulations of flow pattern in the study area. It is assumed that oil spill occurs at the wind farm site and the duration of oil spill lasts for 4 hours. Figure 4.16 and Figure 4.17 present the possible paths of the oil spill over a 4-hour period for the dry season and wet season respectively. The spill trajectories were predicted to drift mainly towards the northeast and southwest. Within the 4-hour period, the spill still stayed in the open waters and did not approach or strand on any coastlines.
An emergency plan would be developed for the
wind farm to deal with all eventualities at the wind farm, including
construction and operational related oil releases. Plans would be activated
once an oil spill event due to vessel collision occurs at the wind farm
was identified. An
Emergency Response Team would be convened to address the incident and call upon
all appropriate and available resources.
These would include (1) the operator’s multi-role wind farm operational
support vessel, that would double as an Emergency Response & Rescue Vessel
(ERRV) The HKSAR Marine Department would be informed of any oil spill event and take immediate action to deploy maritime oil spill control vessels to reach the scene of the incident. Depending on the sea conditions, the travel time from the Marine Department base to the Ninepins is conservatively estimated to take about 4 hours. It is expected that control and containment of oil spill from reaching Ninepins would be undertaken before the oil spill moves further towards the islands. Methods to control and contain the spill may include the use of spill containment booms, absorbents, etc. Depending on the situation, oil transfer operations may be carried out to remove the floating fuel oil from the sea surface.
The Oil Spill Management Plan outlining the key
contingency actions and response to oil spill events can be found in Appendix 4H. Given the development of an extensive
operational and emergency plan for the wind farm and
support from the Marine Department to deal with accidents, any oil spill events
during Project operation are not anticipated to cause adverse impacts upon
nearby water sensitive receivers or the Hong Kong Geopark.
Construction Phase Impact Mitigation The key concern on water quality impacts during the construction phase of the project is sediment dispersion from dredging, jetting and water pumping operations. Sediment release rates for sediment dispersion modeling were estimated based on the selected working rate for dredging, jetting speed of the jetting machine, and pumping rate for seawater removal from suction caissons. The predicted results showed no adverse water quality impacts for most locations. However, exceedances were found at a few sites. Hence, mitigation measures to minimise water quality impacts arising from the operations with potential sediment release are recommended as follows:
Working rate for dredging in
Jetting speed should not exceed 75 m/hr in the
section, which starts at the dredging end point on the seaward side of the
transmission power cable in
· Jetting speed should not exceed 150 m/hr for jetting operation carried out in the remaining sections of the transmission power cable and the array cable at the wind farm.
· Pumping rate for seawater removal from suction caissons during foundation installation should not exceed 1,200 m3/hr per foundation or 300 m3/hr per pump.
Closed grab dredgers should be used for sediment
dredging in
· Silt curtains should be provided surrounding the dredging point to minimise dispersion of sediment plumes. Arrangement of silt curtain is presented in Figure 4.12. Tide and current conditions along the length of the works route allow silt curtains to be deployed parallel to flow direction. This ensures that they are viable, both for installation and effectiveness.
· Barges for disposal of dredged marine sediment:
· Bottom of the barges should be fitted with tight seals to prevent leakage of sediment during transport.
· Filling of dredged marine sediment should only be up to a level that sediment would not spill over during transport to the disposal site.
· Adequate freeboard should be provided to avoid washing the sediment overboard by wave action.
· Dredging operation should be carefully controlled to avoid splashing sediment into the sea when transferring the dredged sediment to the barge.
· Excess material from decks and exposed fitting of barge should be cleaned before the barge is towed to the disposal site.
· The decks of the barges and other marine vessels should be kept clean and tidy, and are free pollutants, i.e. oil and grease.
· Good site management practices should be implemented to avoid water pollution at all times during the construction phase. The marine vessels deployed for construction activities shall provide appropriate toilet facilities. Sewage generated from the workforce should be collected from the toilets and contained on the vessels for subsequent disposal by licensed waste collectors. Notices should be posted at conspicuous locations on the vessels to remind the workers not to discharge any wastewater, sewage and unused materials into the sea. Immediate actions should be undertaken to deal with accidental spillage of chemicals. The released chemicals should be controlled and contained to reduce the area of influence. The contractors of the Project should develop an emergency plan to deal with accidental spillage of chemicals. Good site practices should be implemented by the site management to avoid the occurrence of spillage of chemicals. If chemical wastes are to be generated during the construction phase, the contractors should register with EPD as a chemical waste producer and observe the code of practice on the packaging, labelling and storage of chemical wastes published under the Waste Disposal Ordinance. Disposal of chemical wastes should be conducted in compliance with the Waste Disposal Ordinance.
Operational Phase Impact Mitigation The model predictions have shown that the presence of 67 nos. of wind turbines and the associated facilities at the wind farm would only cause minimal effects on hydrodynamic regimes. No mitigation measure would be required. During the routine maintenance of the wind turbines, no pollutants such as lubricants, oils and chemicals should be left on the exposed surface of the wind turbines to avoid water pollution when a rainstorm occurs. The marine vessels deployed for routine maintenance should provide with toilets for collection of sewage generated from the workforce. Sewage disposal should be carried out by licensed waste collectors. Notices should be posted at conspicuous locations on the vessels to remind the workers not to discharge any wastewater, sewage and unused materials into the sea.
Residual Impact Assessment
Suspended Solids The unmitigated scenarios have shown to have exceedances in WQO for SS. Mitigation measures are recommended to reduce the impacts in order to achieve compliance with the WQO for SS.
Scenario 1 (Mitigated Scenario)
It has been shown that there would be WQO
exceedances for SS at the coral communities at Junk Bay (CC26), Junk Island
(CC27) and Fat Tong Chau West (CC11) during the wet season for the unmitigated
scenario. Use of silt curtain to
reduce sediment release from dredging operation in
It is also proposed to reduce the jetting rate
(represented by P3 sediment release point) from The proposed mitigation measures were incorporated into the model for simulation of this mitigated scenario. No change was made to the jetting rate at the other locations along the remaining transmission power cable sections.
Appendix As displayed in Table 4.29 the predicted increases in maximum and mean SS at the potentially affected WSRs including the coral communities at Junk Bay (CC26), Junk Island (CC27), Fat Tong Chau West (CC11) and seawater intake at Tseung Kwan O (SW13) in Junk Bay for this mitigated scenario are all below the allowable limits. There are no exceedances in SS at any of the WSRs. Adoption of mitigation measures to reduce the jetting speed within a section of 300 m and deployment of silt curtains at dredging site avoids the exceedance of the maximum SS elevation, hence minimises the impacts to the nearby WSRs.
Table 4.29 Predicted Increases in SS (in mg/L) – Scenario 1 (Mitigated Scenario)
Name |
Allowable SS Elevation |
Predicted SS Elevation (mg/L) |
Dry |
Wet |
Average of Dry and Wet |
Dry |
Wet |
Average of Dry and Wet (Mean) |
Max |
Mean |
Max |
Mean |
CC26 |
Coral Communities at |
2.24 |
2.03 |
2.14 |
0.18 |
0.01 |
0.91 |
0.16 |
0.09 |
CC11 |
Coral Communities at Fat Tong Chau West |
2.24 |
2.03 |
2.14 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.02 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
AO8 |
Amphioxus Occurrence (Yr 2006 record of summer survey) |
2.24 |
1.87 |
2.06 |
2.18 |
0.03 |
1.25 |
0.02 |
0.03 |
CC27 |
Coral Communities at |
2.24 |
2.03 |
2.14 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.94 |
0.09 |
0.05 |
SW13 |
Seawater Intakes for WSD Pumping Station at Tseung Kwan O |
1.83 |
1.38 |
1.61 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.13 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Remark: 1. Values of the increases in SS are depth-averaged SS concentrations. Figure 4.6 presents graphically the time series plots for increases in SS at CC11, CC26 and CC27. The predicted SS levels were comparatively lower than the unmitigated scenario and did not have any exceedance.
4.19 shows the contour plots for increases in SS in the dry and wet seasons
for this mitigated scenario. The
figure shows the
Scenario 2 (Mitigated Scenario)
The mitigated scenario for this case adopted the
deployment of silt curtains to reduce sediment release from dredging. No reduction in jetting speed was
applied for the jetting machine operating in Section 3 (moving source of
sediment release point P4) because the jetting operation for this case is far
away from
Table 4.30 Predicted Increases in SS (mg/L) – Scenario 2 (Mitigated Scenario)
Name |
Allowable SS Elevation |
Predicted SS Elevation (mg/L) |
Dry |
Wet |
Average of Dry and Wet |
Dry |
Wet |
Average of Dry and Wet (Mean) |
Max |
Mean |
Max |
Mean |
CC26 |
Coral Communities at |
2.24 |
2.03 |
2.14 |
0.18 |
0.01 |
0.91 |
0.16 |
0.09 |
AO9 |
Amphioxus Occurrence (Yr 2006 record of summer survey) |
2.24 |
1.87 |
2.06 |
0.46 |
0.01 |
0.36 |
0.00 |
0.005 |
MM11 |
Sighting Point of Marine Mammal |
2.24 |
1.87 |
2.06 |
0.09 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
MM8 |
Sighting Point of Marine Mammal |
2.24 |
1.87 |
2.06 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.32 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Remark: 1. Values of the increases in SS are
depth-averaged SS concentrations. Figure 4.21 shows the contour plots for increases in SS in the dry and wet seasons. The sediment plumes were near the sediment release points with no wide spread dispersion.
Scenario 3 (Mitigated Scenario) Since the jetting operation for this case would be carried out near Junk Bay (at Section 2), the mitigated scenario adopted the reduction in jetting speed to 75 m/hr for a short distance of 300 m similar to that of Scenario 1 and deployment of silt curtains to surround the dredging site.
The predicted SS elevations at all the WSRs are
included in Appendix
Table 4.31 Predicted Increases in SS (mg/L) – Scenario 3 (Mitigated Scenario)
Name |
Allowable SS Elevation |
Predicted SS Elevation (mg/L) |
Dry |
Wet |
Average of Dry and Wet |
Dry |
Wet |
Average of Dry and Wet (Mean) |
Max |
Mean |
Max |
Mean |
CC11 |
Coral Communities at Fat Tong Chau West |
2.24 |
2.03 |
2.14 |
0.60 |
0.09 |
0.80 |
0.09 |
0.09 |
AO8 |
Amphioxus Occurrence (Yr 2006 record of summer
survey) |
2.24 |
1.87 |
2.06 |
2.62 |
0.03 |
1.25 |
0.02 |
0.03 |
Remark: 1. Values of the increases in SS are depth-averaged SS concentrations.
Scenario 4 (Mitigated Scenario)
For this mitigated scenario, it was assumed that
silt curtains would be deployed surrounding the dredging site. No change was made to the jetting speed
of the jetting operation. The
predicted SS elevations at all the WSRs are included in Appendix
Table 4.32 Predicted Increases in SS (in mg/L) – Scenario 4
Name |
Allowable SS Elevation |
Predicted SS Elevation (mg/L) |
Dry |
Wet |
Average of Dry and Wet |
Dry |
Wet |
Average of Dry and Wet (Mean) |
Max |
Mean |
Max |
Mean |
CC11 |
Coral Communities at Fat Tong Chau West |
2.24 |
2.03 |
2.14 |
0.60 |
0.09 |
0.77 |
0.09 |
0.09 |
AO9 |
Amphioxus Occurrence (Yr 2006 record of summer survey) |
2.24 |
1.87 |
2.06 |
0.46 |
0.01 |
0.36 |
0.00 |
0.005 |
MM8 |
Sighting Point of Marine Mammal |
2.24 |
1.87 |
2.06 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.32 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
MM11 |
Sighting Point of Marine Mammal |
2.24 |
1.87 |
2.06 |
0.09 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Remark: 1. Values of the increases in SS are depth-averaged SS concentrations.
The predicted increase in maximum SS at coral
communities at Fat Tong Chau West (CC11) in the wet season reduced to 0.77 mg/L,
which is below the allowable limit (2.14 mg/L). The With the provision of silt curtains, the combined effects of dredging, jetting and water pumping operations for Scenario 4 did not cause any adverse impacts to the WSRs in terms of the increases in SS.
Scenario 5 (Mitigated Scenario)
Deployment of silt curtains surrounding the
dredging site was assumed for this mitigated scenario. No change was made to the jetting speed
of the jetting operation. The
predicted SS elevations at all the WSRs are included in Appendix
With the deployment of silt curtains to reduce
sediment release at the dredging site in
Table 4.33 Predicted Increases in SS (in mg/L) – Scenario 5
Name |
Allowable SS Elevation |
Predicted SS Elevation (mg/L) |
Dry |
Wet |
Average of Dry and Wet |
Dry |
Wet |
Average of Dry and Wet (Mean) |
Max |
Mean |
Max |
Mean |
CC11 |
Coral Communities at Fat Tong Chau West |
2.24 |
2.03 |
2.14 |
0.6 |
0.09 |
0.77 |
0.09 |
0.09 |
Remark: 1. Values of the increases in
SS are depth-averaged SS concentrations.
4.25 shows the contour
plots for the increases in SS in both the dry and wet seasons. The water sensitive receivers near the
dredging location would be slightly affected by the dredging operation in A summary of the mitigation measures for Scenarios 1 to 5 are given in Table 4.34.
Table 4.34 Summary of Mitigation Measures for Scenarios 1 to 5
Scenario |
Mitigation Measures |
Location where the Mitigation Measures are to be applied |
Scenario 1 |
Use of silt curtains |
Dredging in |
Limiting jetting speed to a maximum of 75 m/hr |
A section of
300 m that starts at the dredging end point on the seaward side of the
transmission power cable section in |
Scenario 2 |
Use of silt curtains |
Dredging in |
Scenario 3 |
Use of silt curtains |
Dredging in |
Limiting jetting speed to a maximum of 75 m/hr |
A section of 300
m that starts at the dredging end point on the seaward side of the
transmission power cable section in |
Scenario 4 |
Use of silt curtains |
Dredging in |
Scenario 5 |
Use of silt curtains |
Dredging in |
Based on the proposed mitigation measures for
Scenarios 1 to 5, the model simulated the sediment deposition rates at all the
WSRs. The predicted results are
included in Appendix
Table 4.35 Predicted Sediment Deposition Rates (in g/m2/day) at Coral Communities in Dry Season – Scenarios 1 to 5 (Mitigated Scenario)
Name |
Assessment Criterion |
Scenario |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
CC11 |
Coral Communities at Fat Tong Chau West |
<100 |
0 |
0 |
25.9 |
25.9 |
25.9 |
CC26 |
Coral Communities at |
<100 |
7.76 |
7.76 |
0 |
0 |
0 | The sediment deposition rates at the coral communities at Junk Bay (CC26) were small (7.76 g/m2/day) for Scenarios 1 and 2 and were far below the assessment criterion. There were no changes in sediment deposition rate at CC26 for Scenarios 3 to 5. The sediment deposition rates at coral communities at Fat Tong Chau West for Scenarios 3 to 5 were 25.9 g/m2/day, which is well below 100 g/m2/day. There were no changes in sediment deposition rate for Scenarios 1 and 2.
Table 4.36
presents the predicted sediment deposition rates at coral communities during
the wet season for Scenarios 1 to 5.
Only the coral communities at Junk Bay (CC26), Junk island (CC27) and
Fat Tong Chau West (CC11) have predicted increases in sediment deposition
rates. The sediment deposition
rates at CC26 for Scenarios 1 and 2 was 39.3 g/m2/day, which is well
below 100 g/m2/day.
There were no changes in sediment deposition rate at CC26 for Scenarios
3 to 5. The sediment deposition rate at CC27 for Scenario 1 was The predicted low sediment deposition rates support that there would be no adverse impacts arising from dredging, jetting and water pumping operations on the coral communities should mitigation measures be implemented.
Table 4.36 Predicted Sediment Deposition Rates (in g/m2/day) at Coral Communities in Wet Season – Scenarios 1 to 5 (Mitigated Scenario)
Name |
Assessment Criteria (g/m2/day) |
Scenario |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
CC11 |
Coral Communities at Fat Tong Chau West |
<100 |
0.86 |
0 |
34.6 |
33.3 |
33.3 |
CC26 |
Coral Communities at |
<100 |
39.3 |
39.3 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
CC27 |
Coral Communities at |
<100 |
40.6 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Jetting Option in
The assessment has been conservatively conducted
on the basis of dredging of a trench at TKO (Figure 2.38). An option of jetting and concrete slab
placement may also be available (Figure 2.39) – a common approach with many
local power cables in near-shore areas. Given the closest sensitive
receivers within
Dissolved Oxygen Depletion Table 4.37 and Table 4.38 present the predicted DO depletion due to increased SS concentrations for mitigated scenarios during the dry season and wet season respectively. The DO depletions at WSRs nearest to the sediment release points were further reduced and were insignificantly low, ranging from 0.001 to 0.042 mg/L in the dry season and 0.002 to 0.02 mg/L in the wet season. There were no effects on DO levels at more distant WSRs. The background DO levels at the selected WSRs were estimated based on the measured DO levels at the nearest EPD’s marine water monitoring stations for the years between 2002 and 2006. With the DO depletion due to the increase in SS concentrations, the resulting DO levels at the selected WSRs are also presented in Table 4.34 and Table 4.35. All the resulting DO levels are higher than the assessment criterion of > 4 mg/L.
Table 4.37 Predicted Depletion in DO due to Maximum Increase in SS Concentrations (in mg/L) – Dry Season (Mitigated Scenarios)
Name |
Nearest EPD Monitoring
Station |
Assessment Criterion |
Scenario |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
CC26 |
Coral Communities at |
JM4 |
> 4 |
0.0031 (6.247)2 |
0.003 (6.247) |
- |
- |
- |
CC11 |
Coral Communities at Fat Tong Chau West |
JM4 |
> 4 |
- |
- |
0.010 (6.24) |
0.010 (6.24) |
0.010 (6.24) |
AO8 |
Amphioxus Occurrence (Yr 2006 record of summer survey) |
MM8 |
> 4 |
0.042 (6.958) |
- |
0.042 (6.958) |
- |
- |
AO9 |
Amphioxus Occurrence (Yr 2006 record of summer survey) |
MM8 |
> 4 |
- |
0.007 (6.993) |
- |
0.007 (6.993) |
- |
MM11 |
Sighting Point of Marine Mammal |
MM8 |
> 4 |
- |
0.001 (6.999 ) |
- |
0.001 (6.999) |
- |
Remarks: 1. Depletion in dissolved oxygen. 2. Background dissolved oxygen
level minus the depletion in dissolved oxygen.
Table 4.38 Predicted Depletion in DO due to Maximum Increase in SS Concentrations (in mg/L) – Wet Season (Mitigated Scenarios)
Name |
Nearest EPD
Monitoring Station |
Assessment Criterion |
Scenario |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
CC26 |
Coral Communities at |
JM4 |
> 4 |
0.0151 (6.025)2 |
0.015 (6.025) |
- |
- |
- |
CC11 |
Coral Communities at Fat Tong Chau West |
JM4 |
> 4 |
- |
- |
0.013 (6.027) |
0.012 (6.028) |
0.012 (6.028) |
AO8 |
Amphioxus Occurrence (Yr 2006 wet season) |
MM8 |
> 4 |
0.020 (6.13) |
- |
0.020 (6.13) |
- |
- |
AO9 |
Amphioxus Occurrence (Yr 2006 wet season) |
MM8 |
> 4 |
- |
0.006 (6.144) |
- |
0.006 (6.144) |
- |
MM8 |
Sighting Point of Marine Mammal |
MM8 |
> 4 |
- |
0.005 (6.145) |
- |
0.005 (6.145) |
- |
CC27 |
Coral Communities at |
JM4 |
> 4 |
0.015 (6.025) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
SW13 |
Seawater Intakes at WSD Pumping Station at Tseung Kwan O |
JM3 |
> 4 |
0.002 (6.208) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Remarks: 1. Depletion in dissolved
oxygen. 2. Background dissolved oxygen level minus the depletion in dissolved
oxygen. The impacts associated with the dredging, jetting and water pumping operations that may cause elevation in SS in the ambient water are temporary and localised at the sediment release locations. There would be no adverse impacts to the identified water sensitive receives. With the implementation of the recommended mitigation measures, it is anticipated that residual water quality impacts are minimal. Based on the model predictions, the effects on hydrodynamic regimes after the completion of the wind farm would be minimal. No residual water quality impacts are expected during the operational phase.
The Proposed Hong Kong Geopark
The cable route, including the approximately Changes in current speed, accumulated flows and hydrodynamics due to the operation of the wind farm are localized and of a negligible level. No water quality impacts are anticipated due to storm water or routine maintenance operations. Vessel collision risk is very low at the wind farm site. Hydrodynamic flow modeling of the study area for oil spills showed that all spills at the project site remained in open waters and did not approach or strand on any coastlines before Marine Department oil control vessels are conservatively expected to arrive.
No adverse direct or
indirect impacts are anticipated at any of the Geopark sites during either the
construction of operational phases of the wind farm.
Environmental Monitoring & Audit Requirements In view of the potential sediment plume dispersion arising from dredging, jetting and water pumping operations, water quality monitoring and audit is recommended for the construction phase. Details of the monitoring and audit requirements are specified in the Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Manual. There would be no unacceptable hydrodynamic and water quality impacts during the operational phase. Water quality monitoring and audit is considered not necessary.
Conclusions & Recommendations This section has identified the key water quality issues and assessed the potential impacts during the construction and operational phases of the proposed wind farm project. Mitigation measures have been recommended to minimise the water quality impacts to acceptable levels. The residual water quality impacts are minimal. It is not anticipated that there will be any direct or indirect impacts to Geopark sites. There are no insurmountable water quality impacts that limit the implementation of the Project.
CAPCO (2006). Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Receiving Terminal and Associated Facilities EIA. Castle Peak Power Company Limited.
Maunsell (2005). Further Development of Tseung Kwan O Feasibility Study – EIA,
Mott MacDonald (1991). Contaminated Spoil Management Study, Final Report, Vol. 1, EPD.
Pastorok R.A. and Bilyard G.R. (1985). Effects of sewage pollution on coral-reef communities. Marine Ecology Progress Series 21: 175-189.
[1]Castle Peak Power Company
Limited, (2006). Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Receiving Terminal and Associated
Facilities EIA.
[2] It is conservatively
assumed that the diameter of the sub-structure is the same as that of the base
footprint width, i.e.
[3] Further Development of
Tseung Kwan O Feasibility Study (EIA-111/2005)
[4] Wanchai Development Phase II Comprehensive Feasibility Study EIA
[5] Castle Peak Power Company Limited (2006). Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Receiving Terminal and Associated Facilities EIA.
[6] Water Quality Monitoring
for South Cheung Chau and East Nine Pin Disposal Area, NRR 3/2006, Geotechnical
Engineering Office, CEDD.
[7] Environmental Impact Assessment of Backfilling Marine Borrow Areas at East Tung Lung Chau, EIA-138/BC.