The EIA has recommended landscape and visual mitigation
measures for the construction and operation phases of the Project. This section
defines the audit requirements to confirm the recommended landscape and visual
impact mitigation measures are effectively implemented.
Site audit on landscape and visual aspects of the Project should
be carried out during the construction phase. Specific audting during the operation
phase of the Project is not required, with the mitigation measures recommended in
the EIA implemented.
Potential landscape and visual impacts have been carefully
considered during the development of the Project design to (1) avoid impacts on
important landscape resources as the first priority; and (2) locate, design and
reduce physical extent of the works as far as possible, as well as identify
mitigation measures, so as to minimize impacts on existing trees and open
spaces, and to minimize the degree of visual impact.
The landscape and visual mitigation measures should be
incorporated in the detailed design. The construction phase and operational
phase mitigation measures proposed in the EIA are presented in Appendix A. The construction phase
mitigation measures should be adopted from the commencement of construction and
should be in place throughout the entire construction period while the
mitigation measures for the operation phase should be adopted during the
detailed design and be built as part of the construction works so that they are
in place on the date of commissioning of the Project.
Any potential conflicts among the proposed mitigation
measures, the Project works, and operational requirements should also be
identified and resolved early. Any changes to the mitigation
measures should be incorporated in the detailed design.
Site audit should be undertaken during the construction
phase of the Project to check that the proposed landscape and visual mitigation
measures are properly implemented and maintained as per their intended
objectives. Site inspections should
be undertaken by the ET at least once every two weeks during the construction
The extent of the agreed works areas should be regularly
checked during the construction phase.
Any trespass by the Contractor outside the limit of the works leading to
any damages to existing trees should be reported to the IEC, ET and ER.
The progress of the engineering works should be regularly
reviewed on site to identify the earliest practical opportunities for the soft
landscape works to be undertaken.
The ET should also audit the operation phase mitigation
measures proposed in the EIA Report to ensure that they are fully implemented
by the Contractor in accordance with the Project design during the construction