6                     CuLTURAL HERITAGE




6.1                  Desktop review and field investigation were conducted to identify the areas with archaeological potential, and the findings indicated that the works areas in Tai Kong Po, Shek Kong and Tse Uk Tsuen would have archaeological potential.  Mitigation measures are recommended to avoid the impact on archaeological remains within works areas.


6.2                  Potential impacts on cultural heritage resources have been carefully considered during the development of the Project design to avoid and minimize impacts.  According to the EIA study, the Project would not result in any adverse direct impact to historical buildings with mitigation measure implemented except earth shrines at Nam Hing Lei, Leung Uk Tsuen and Tai Kong Po.  Consultation with the local villagers has been made and it was agreed that the earth shrines will be relocated by themselves.    A monitoring and audit programme for vibration impacts would be in place to monitor the vibration levels during the construction phase.


6.3                  Findings of marine archaeological investigation confirmed that there would be no archaeological remains in the proposed dredging area, and therefore mitigation measures are not required.  


Mitigation Measures


Construction Phase




6.4                  Terrestrial archaeological investigation results indicated that there would be archaeological remain area at the southern portion of SSS, and therefore rescue excavation is recommended to be conducted prior to the commencement of construction works at this area to preserve archaeological remains by detailed records.


6.5                  There are inaccessible areas with surface disturbed by different land uses, such as pig and chicken farms, open storage, garages, etc, within the study areas.  To investigate and confirm any archaeological potential/remains in these inaccessible areas, a further archaeological investigation is recommended to be conducted upon the completion of land resumption and prior to the commencement of construction works at these areas.  The further investigation includes a minimum of 18 test pits (each size 1m x 1.5m) to confirm whether any archaeological remains exist in the inaccessible areas.  If archaeological data collected from these 18 test pits is insufficient to ascertain the archaeological potential of the inaccessible areas, additional test pits should be conducted.


6.6                  An Archaeological Action Plan (AAP) following the Guideline for Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment should be submitted to Antiquities and Monuments Office (AMO). The project proponent should appoint qualified and experienced archaeologist(s) with sufficient funding, time and personnel arrangements to implement the AAP. Details of the proposal plan with specification for further archaeological investigation, rescue excavation and watching brief should be agreed with AMO.  The AAP should include the following information:


l             a detailed plan for further archaeological investigation at inaccessible areas in TPP and SSS;

l             a detailed plan for rescue excavation at the southern SSS;

l             a contingency plan to address possible arrangement if significant archaeological findings are unearthed during the further archaeological investigation and rescue excavation; and.

l             a detailed plan for archaeological watching brief during the construction works at TUW.

6.7                  Regular site audit should be conducted to confirm that no excavation at the archaeological deposit area in Lung Kwu Sheung Tan (LKST) is carried out during the construction of LKST barging point.  The audit findings should be presented in the monthly EM&A report, which would also be submitted to AMO upon completion of construction of this barging point.


6.8                  To avoid any potential impact to relic discovered area in Tai Kong Po, works boundary of TPP should not be extended to relics discovered area outside TPP.


Built Heritage


6.9                  Visual aesthetic measures as recommended for visual impact would mitigate the potential visual impact to acceptable levels, by adoption of sensibly designed decorative screen hoardings. 


6.10              Indirect vibration impact associated with the use of drill and blast construction method is anticipated but no adverse impact on all the identified heritage resources would arise with appropriate control of vibration levels.


6.11              For Ex-Lai Chi Kok Hospital (LCKH), a further condition survey and appropriate consolidation works (e.g. installation of temporary propping or reinforced timber beam to maintain the stability of structure) are recommended to be carried out at Blocks P, Q, W and inaccessible area prior to the commencement of construction works.  


6.12              The location and installation of the monitoring stations should be discussed and agreed in advance with AMO and relevant parties before installation.  Vibration induced by blasting should be monitored and it should not exceed the vibration limit of 25mm/s. Remedial measures in case of exceeding the vibration limit should also be planned and agreed with AMO, Hong Kong Institution for Promotion of Chine Culture (the “NPO”, selected organization for the Revitalisation Scheme), the Commissioner for Heritage’s Office and relevant parties.  Vibration monitoring stations at LCKH should be set up before commencement of blasting activities, and monitoring results should be documented in regular EM&A reports.  It is proposed to install deformation monitoring/ground settlement markers at Blocks P and Q; and telltales monitoring provided for Blocks L, P and W.  All the works (i.e. condition survey, consolidation works, location and installation of monitoring station) which will be conducted at LCKH should be discussed and agreed with AMO, NPO, the Commissioner for Heritage’s Office and relevant parties.  


6.13              If consent is given by the property owner of Cheung Yuen (LET-06), a condition survey and vibration monitoring should be conducted at Cheung Yuen prior to the commencement of works in SSS and during excavation works being conducted within 50m radius from the house, respectively.  The survey and monitoring should be discussed and agreed in advance with AMO and property owner.  Vibration level at Cheung Yuen should be controlled to an acceptable level of 25mm/s during the vibration monitoring.


Operation Phase


6.14              No specific mitigation measures was proposed as no adverse impacts on archaeological remains and built heritage are expected.  The mitigation measures in relation to visual impacts would generally ameliorate potential impacts to the surrounding environment including historic buildings, as such the EM&A requirements recommended in Section 5 would as well be applicable in controlling the potential operational visual impact on heritage sites.


Audit Requirements


6.15              Site audit should be undertaken during the construction phase of the Project to check that the proposed mitigation measures as detailed in Appendix A are properly implemented and maintained.  The extent of the agreed works areas should be regularly checked during the construction phase.  Section 12 of the Manual sets out inspection requirements and the programme for verifying the implementation and evaluating the effectiveness of the mitigation measures.