6.1 Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment in the EIA Report has identified the key issues and the possible impacts due to the Project. It has also recommended mitigation measures for minimizing the impacts and for improving overall landscape and visual quality. The Contractor to be employed by the Project Proponent will be responsible for the implementation of mitigation measures. The Contractor should employ his own qualified landscape consultant (LC) for the construction and maintenance periods.
6.2 The ET should be responsible for conducting regular review on the implementation of landscape and visual mitigation measures during the construction phase in accordance with the recommendations of the EIA Report.
Construction Phase
6.3 The design, implementation and maintenance of landscape and visual mitigation measures should be checked bi-weekly by the ET to confirm that they are fully realised. Any potential conflicts between the proposed landscape measures, the Project works, and operational requirements should also be identified and resolved as early as possible. Any changes to the mitigation measures should be incorporated in the detailed design
Operational Phase
6.4 The ET should conduct site inspection to confirm that all operation phase mitigation measures are implemented in accordance with the Project design and the EIA recommendations.
6.5 The landscape and visual mitigation measures should be incorporated in the detailed design. The construction phase and operational phase mitigation measures proposed in the EIA are presented in Appendix A. The construction phase mitigation measures should be adopted from the commencement of construction and should be in place throughout the entire construction period while the mitigation measures for the operation phase should be adopted during the detailed design and be built as part of the construction works so that they are in place on the date of commissioning of the Project.