13.                          ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND AUDIT

13.1                      Introduction          This section further elaborates the requirements of environmental monitoring and audit (EM&A) for the construction and operation of the KTE project, based on the assessment results of various issues.  Details of the EM&A programme are presented as part of this EIA Report in a separate stand-alone EM&A Manual.  The Environmental Mitigation Implementation Schedule (EMIS) for the recommended mitigation measures is included in Section 16 of this EIA report.  All EM&A data, assessment and recommendations will be reported in a series of regular EM&A reports.  In addition, a dedicated internet web-site will be set up for reporting the EM&A data for public inspection in real-time.  Real-time reporting in this context refers to the posting of monitoring data after it has been through the appropriate processing, QA/QC checking by the ET and validation by the IEC.  

13.2                      Cultural Heritage          There are no Declared Monuments within the project area and there would be no requirements for EM&A under the EIAO.

13.3                      Landscape and Visual

13.3.1                Construction Phase          The landscape and visual mitigation measures should be incorporated in the detailed design, so as to ensure the effectiveness of the mitigation measures.  Any changes to the mitigation measures that may be recommended to match the baseline review result or to match the ongoing EM&A should also be incorporated in the detailed design.          The design, implementation and maintenance of mitigation measures should be checked regularly to ensure that they are fully realised and are in compliance with the intended aims of the measures.  Any potential conflicts among the proposed mitigation measures, the project works, and operational requirements should also be identified and resolved at an early stage.          Landscape proposals and details of architectural design, chromatic treatment and visual and landscape mitigation measures for all above ground structures, including station entrances and ventilation buildings, to demonstrate that they would be sensibly designed in a manner that responds to the existing urban context.          The extent of the agreed works areas should be regularly checked during the construction phase.  Any trespass by the Contractor outside the limit of the works leading to any damages to existing trees should be reported to the Independent Environmental Checker, Environmental Team and Engineer’s Representative.          The project construction team and Environmental Team should also audit the operational measures recommended in the EIA Study to ensure that they are fully implemented by the Contractor in accordance with the Project design during the construction phase.

13.3.2                Operational Phase          No specific EM&A requirement would be required during the operational phase.

13.4                      Air Quality          With the implementation of the dust suppression measures stipulated in the Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulation, good site practices and proposed mitigation measures, no adverse dust impact would be expected at the ASRs in the vicinity of the construction sites.  However, dust monitoring requirements are recommended in the EM&A Manual to ensure the efficiency of the control measures.  Details of the EM&A programme are provided in a stand-alone EM&A Manual.

13.5                      Air-borne Noise

13.5.1                Construction Phase          Construction air-borne noise impacts from the KTE project would be expected at the NSRs identified in this EIA Study.  Appropriate mitigation measures would be required in order to alleviate the impacts to meet the EIAO-TM criteria.  Noise monitoring during construction phase needs to be carried out to ensure that such mitigation measures would be implemented properly.  Noise monitoring should be carried out at the designated monitoring stations, and measurement should be undertaken at a minimum logging interval of 30 minutes.  Prior to the commencement of the construction works of the KTE project, baseline monitoring should be measured for a continuous period of at least 14 consecutive days at a minimum logging interval of 30 minutes for daytime.  During the impact monitoring, noise measurement should be conducted at the designated monitoring locations once a week.  Ad hoc noise monitoring should also be carried out if necessary.  Details of the EM&A programme are provided in a stand-alone EM&A Manual.  

13.5.2                Operational Phase          Prior to the operation of the KTE project, a noise commissioning test should be conducted by the Contractor to check for the compliance of the noise levels from the operation of the fixed plant with the stipulated noise criteria.  The testing results should be checked and signed by the Contractor, the Engineer’s Representative and the Environmental Team and verified by Independent Environmental Checker respectively.

13.6                      Ground-borne Noise

13.6.1                Construction Phase          The predicted ground-borne noise levels would comply with the stipulated daytime noise criteria and monitoring is, therefore, not required. 

13.6.2                Operational Phase          Prior to the operational phase of the KTE project, a noise commissioning test should be conducted to check for the compliance of the operational ground-borne noise levels with the EIAO-TM noise criteria.  Details of the test requirements, including the selection equipment, commissioning time and NSRs are provided in a stand-alone EM&A Manual.

13.7                      Water Quality

13.7.1                Construction Phase          The key water quality issues relate to the potential for the release of the silt-laden water from surface works sites, open cut excavation and tunnelling works.  The water quality assessment concluded that minimisation of water quality deterioration from land-based construction activities could be achieved through implementing adequate mitigation measures.  It is recommended that regular site inspections should be undertaken by the Contractor and audited by the Engineer’s Representative and the environmental team on the construction activities and works areas in order to ensure the recommended mitigation measures are properly implemented.

13.7.2                Operational Phase          With the proper implementation of the recommended mitigation measures, no adverse water quality impact would be anticipated during the operational phase of the KTE project.  Operational water quality monitoring is, therefore, not required.

13.8                      Waste Management          Waste management will be the Contractor’s responsibility to ensure that all wastes produced during the construction of the KTE project are handled, stored and disposed of in accordance with the recommended good waste management practices and EPD’s regulations and requirements.  The mitigation measures recommended should form the basis of the site Waste Management Plan to be developed by the Contractor at the construction stage.          It is recommended that the waste arisings, handling and disposal during construction should be audited regularly by the Engineer’s Representative Environmental Team to determine if the wastes are being managed in accordance with approved procedures and the site Waste Management Plan.  The audit should look at all aspects of on-site waste management practices including waste generation, storage, recycling, transport and disposal.  Apart from the site inspection, documents including licences, permits, disposal and recycling records should be reviewed and audited for compliance with the legislation and contract requirements.  In addition, routine site inspections should check the implementation of the recommended good site practices and waste management mitigation measures.

13.9                      Land Contamination          According to the findings of the site investigation undertaken for this EIA Study, there would be no land contamination issues in the investigated sites.  As such, no remediation works and specific EM&A requirements for these investigated sites would be required.  However, according to the endorsed CAP, there is still an area at the existing kerosene store located at Chung Hau Street which was not accessible during the site investigation.  It is recommended that when the permission for access is granted when the land is resumed, a reconnaissance site visit should be carried out to review whether contamination hotspots could be identified in the premises and hence whether further SI would be required.

13.10                  Hazard to Life      Blasting activities regarding storage and transport of explosives should be supervised and audited by competent site staff to ensure strict compliance with the blasting permit conditions.