Chapter Title Page
Figure 3.1 Preferred Alignment
and Assessment Area
Figure 3.2 The First Layer of
Affected Noise Sensitive Receivers (Sheet 1 of 9)
Figure 3.3 The First Layer of
Affected Noise Sensitive Receivers (Sheet 2 of 9)
Figure 3.4 The First Layer of
Affected Noise Sensitive Receivers (Sheet 3 of 9)
Figure 3.5 The First Layer of
Affected Noise Sensitive Receivers (Sheet 4 of 9)
Figure 3.6 The First Layer of
Affected Noise Sensitive Receivers (Sheet 5 of 9)
Figure 3.7 The First Layer of
Affected Noise Sensitive Receivers (Sheet 6 of 9)
Figure 3.8 The First Layer of
Affected Noise Sensitive Receivers (Sheet 7 of 9)
Figure 3.9 The First Layer of
Affected Noise Sensitive Receivers (Sheet 8 of 9)
Figure 3.10 The First Layer of
Affected Noise Sensitive Receivers (Sheet 9 of 9)
Figure 3.11 Representative Noise
Sensitive Receivers (Sheet 1 of 9)
Figure 3.12 Representative Noise
Sensitive Receivers (Sheet 2 of 9)
Figure 3.13 Representative Noise
Sensitive Receivers (Sheet 3 of 9)
Figure 3.14 Representative Noise
Sensitive Receivers (Sheet 4 of 9)
Figure 3.15 Representative Noise
Sensitive Receivers (Sheet 5 of 9)
Figure 3.16 Representative Noise
Sensitive Receivers (Sheet 6 of 9)
Figure 3.17 Representative Noise
Sensitive Receivers (Sheet 7 of 9)
Figure 3.18 Representative Noise
Sensitive Receivers (Sheet 8 of 9)
Figure 3.19 Representative Noise
Sensitive Receivers (Sheet 9 of 9)
Figure 3.20 Representative Noise
Sensitive Receivers near Telegraph Bay Barging Point
Figure 3.21 Representative Noise
Sensitive Receivers near Chung Hom Shan Magazine Site
Figure 3.22 Schematic Configuration
of Movable Noise Barrier
Figure 3.23 Schematic Configuration
of Full Noise Enclosure for PME
Figure 3.24 Typical Cross Section of
Viaduct Structure with Structural Frame
Figure 3.25 Extent of Noise Mitigation
Measures for Railway Noise (Scenario for Existing NSRs)
Figure 3.26 Extent of Noise
Mitigation Measures for Railway Noise (Scenario for Existing NSRs)
Figure 3.27 Extent of Noise
Mitigation Measures for Railway Noise (Scenario for Existing NSRs)
Figure 3.28 Extent of Noise
Mitigation Measures for Railway Noise (Scenario for Existing and Planned NSRs)
Figure 3.29 Extent of Noise
Mitigation Measures for Railway Noise (Scenario for Existing and Planned NSRs)
Figure 3.30 Extent of Noise
Mitigation Measures for Railway Noise (Scenario for Existing and Planned NSRs)
Figure 3.31 Schematic Cross Section
of Noise Barrier/ Semi-enclosures (Sheet 1 of 3)
Figure 3.32 Schematic Cross Section
of Noise Barrier/ Semi-enclosures (Sheet 2 of 3)
Figure 3.33 Schematic Cross Section
of Noise Barrier/ Semi-enclosures (Sheet 3 of 3)
Figure 3.34 Location of Fixed Plant
at Admiralty Station
Figure 3.35 Location of Fixed Plant
Figure 3.36 Location of Fixed Plant
Figure 3.37 Location of Fixed Plant
Figure 3.38 Location of Fixed Plant
at Wong Chuk Hang Station
Figure 3.39 Location of Fixed Plant
at Wong Chuk Hang Depot
Figure 3.40 Location of Fixed Plant
at Lei Tung Station and Entrance
Figure 3.41 Location of Fixed Plant
Figure 3.42 Location of Fixed Plant
at South Horizons and Entrance
Figure 3.43 Location of Fixed Plant
Figure 3.44 Noise
Mitigation Measures for Operation Ground-borne Noise near South Horizons
Appendix 3.1 Construction Plant Inventory (Unmitigated)
Appendix 3.2 Unmitigated
Construction Airborne Noise Impact
Appendix 3.3 Construction
Plant Inventory (Mitigated)
Appendix 3.4 Mitigated
Construction Airborne Noise Impact
Appendix 3.5 Unmitigated
Construction Ground-borne Noise Impact
Appendix 3.6 Target
Speed Profile and Vertical Profile of SIL(E)
Appendix 3.7 Sample
Calculation of Operation Airborne Noise Assessment (Unmitigated Scenario)
Appendix 3.8 Operation
Airborne Noise Assessment (Unmitigated Scenario)
Appendix 3.9a Sample
Calculation of Operation Airborne Noise Assessment (Scenario for Existing NSRs)
Appendix 3.9b Sample
Calculation of Operation Airborne Noise Assessment (Scenario for Existing and
Planned NSRs)
Appendix 3.10a Operation
Airborne Noise Assessment (Scenario for Existing NSRs)
Appendix 3.10b Operation
Airborne Noise Assessment (Scenario for Existing and Planned NSRs)
Appendix 3.11 Sample
Calculation of Fixed Plant Noise Assessment
Appendix 3.12 Force
Density Level for the M-Stock train measured in WIL EIA
Appendix 3.13 Adjustment
Factors for Operation Ground-borne Noise Assessment
Appendix 3.14a Sample
Calculation of Operation Ground-borne Noise Assessment (Unmitigated Scenario)
Appendix 3.14b Sample
Calculation of Operation Ground-borne Noise Assessment (Mitigated Scenario)
This section has evaluated and assessed the potential noise impact likely to arise from the proposed Project during both the construction and operation phases. The noise impact from the proposed Project can be divided into airborne and ground-borne during the construction and operation phases. The assessment has been based on the criteria and guidelines for evaluation and assessing noise impact as stated in Annexes 5 and 13 of the EIAO-TM and NCO and covered the scope outlined in Clause 3.4.1 of the EIA Study Brief.
3.2 Environmental Legislation, Standards and Guidelines General Construction Activities during Non-Restricted Hours
Noise impacts arising from general construction activities other than percussive piling during the daytime period (07:00-19:00 hours of any day not being a Sunday or general holiday) shall be assessed against the noise standards tabulated in Table 3.1 below.
Table 3.1: Noise Standards for Daytime Construction Activities
Noise Sensitive Uses |
0700 to 1900 hours on any day not being a Sunday or
general holiday, Leq (30 min), dB(A) |
domestic premises including temporary housing accommodation |
75 |
and hostel |
institutions including kindergarten, nurseries and all others where unaided
voice communication is required |
70 65 during examination |
Source: EIAO-TM, Annex 5, Table 1B - Noise Standards for Daytime construction Activities
Note: The
above noise standards apply to uses, which rely on opened windows for
The noise levels shall
be assessed at 1m from the external façade.
The above standards
are for assessment purposes only and shall be met as far as practicable. All practicable mitigation measures shall be
exhausted and the residual impacts are minimised. General Construction Activities during Restricted Hours
Noise impacts arising from general construction activities (excluding percussive piling) conducted during the restricted hours (19:00-07:00 hours on any day and anytime on Sunday or general holiday) and percussive piling during anytime are governed by the Noise Control Ordinance (NCO).
For carrying out of any general construction activities involving the use of any Powered Mechanical Equipment (PME) within restricted hours, a Construction Noise Permit (CNP) is required from the Authority under the NCO. The noise criteria and the assessment procedures for issuing a CNP are specified in Technical Memorandum on Noise from Construction Work Other Than Percussive Piling (GW-TM) under the NCO.
The use of Specified PME (SPME) and/or the carrying out of Prescribed Construction Work (PCW) within a Designated Area (DA) under the NCO during the restricted hours are also prohibited without a CNP. The relevant technical details in Technical Memorandum on Noise from Construction Work in Designated Areas (DA-TM) under NCO can be referred.
Designated areas, in which the control of SPME and PCW shall apply, are established through the Noise Control (Construction Work Designated Areas) Notice made under Section 8A(1) of the NCO. According to the Designated Area defined under the NCO (effective from 1 January 2009), all the works area of this project will fall within these areas. As such, the application for CNP for any general construction activities involving the use of any PME shall refer to the GW-TM only. However, the Contractor has the responsibility to check the latest status and coverage of the Designated Areas at time of construction of the project.
According to the construction programme, most of the proposed construction works will be carried out during non-restricted hours. It is also considered necessary to maintain twenty-four hour working inside the tunnel to achieve the required rate of progress due to uncertain geological conditions and fault zones and, the planned construction method necessitates twenty-four hour working to ensure an efficient work cycle. However, those works would be carried out only inside tunnels and at locations away from NSRs, especially at LET and SOH, thus, the potential noise impact to NSRs would be minimal.
In case the proponent needs to evaluate whether these construction works during restricted hours are feasible in the context of programming construction works, reference should be made to the relevant technical memoranda issued under the NCO. Regardless of the results of construction noise impact assessment for restricted hours, the Noise Control Authority will process Construction Noise Permit (CNP) application, if necessary, based on the NCO, the relevant technical memoranda issued under the NCO, and the contemporary condition/situations of adjoining land uses and any previous complaints against construction activities at the site before making his decision in granting a CNP. Ground-borne Noise
Noise arising from general construction works during normal working hours is governed by the EIAO-TM under the EIAO as shown in Table 3.1. The Technical Memorandum for the Assessment of Noise from Places other than Domestic Premises, Public Places or Construction Sites (IND-TM) under the NCO stipulates that noise transmitted primarily through the structural elements of building, or buildings, shall be 10 dB(A) less than the relevant Acceptable Noise Level (ANLs).
Based on the same principle for the ground-borne noise criteria (i.e. ANL-10 dB(A) under the IND-TM), the ground-borne construction noise levels inside domestic premises and schools shall be limited to 65 dB(A) and 60 dB(A) respectively when compared to the EIAO-TM.
For construction works conducted on general holidays, Sundays and weekdays during evening (1900-2300 hrs) and night time (2300-0700 hrs) the following day, the ground-borne construction noise level shall be limited to 10 dB(A) below the respective ANLs for the Area Sensitivity Rating appropriate to those NSRs affected by the Project. A summary of these criteria is given in Table 3.2 below:
Table 3.2: Ground-borne Noise Criteria (Leq 30min, dB(A))
NSR type |
Ground-borne Noise Criteria (1), dB(A) |
Daytime (0700-1900)(2) except general holidays and Sunday |
Daytime (0700-1900) during general holidays and Sundays and all days during Evening (1900-2300 hrs) |
Night-time (2300 – 0700 hrs) |
domestic premises including temporary housing accommodation |
65 |
50/55/60(3,4) |
35/40/45(3,4) |
and hostel |
institutions including kindergarten, nurseries and all others where unaided
voice communication is required |
60 55 (for
during examination) |
N/A(5) |
N/A(5) |
Notes: (1) Noise descriptor for daytime noise except general holidays and
Sunday and other periods are Leq (30min) and Leq (5min) respectively. Measurement shall be carried out at an
internal location representative of normal occupancy of the building. For
residential building, measurement shall be conducted in the bedroom of the
apartment. (2) The standards are for assessment purposes only and shall be
met as far as practicable. All
practicable mitigation measures shall be exhausted and the residual impacts
are minimised. (3) Based on the Basic Noise Level for NSRs with Area Sensitivity
Ratings of A, B, and C detailed in the Technical Memorandum on Noise From
Construction Work Other Than Percussive Piling. (4) Construction Noise Permit is required for works during this
period. (5) No sensitive use in Education institutions during evening and
night-time period is assumed except those specified. | Blasting
There are no statutory procedures and criteria under the NCO
and EIAO for assessing the airborne noise impacts of blasting, hence the airborne
noise impact generated by this activity is beyond the scope of the EIA. However, the administrative and procedural
control of all blasting operations in Area Sensitivity Rating (ASR)
For the operational railway noise (airborne, structure re-radiated, and ground-borne) and fixed plant noise assessments, the ANLs for the NSRs are determined based on the ASR.
Table 3.3: Area Sensitivity Rating
Type of Area Containing NSR |
Degree to which NSR is affected by IF |
Not Affected |
Indirectly Affected |
Directly Affected |
(i) Rural
area, including country parks or village type developments |
A |
B |
B |
Low density residential area consisting of low-rise or isolated high-rise
developments |
A |
B |
C |
Urban area |
B |
C |
C |
Area other than those above |
B |
B |
C | Airborne Railway Noise
In accordance with Annex 5 of the EIAO-TM, noise from rail operation shall be assessed in accordance with the requirements of stipulated in NCO.
The total airborne noise (direct radiated plus airborne structure re-radiated noise) from SIL(E) operation shall comply with the noise level criteria (i.e. the ANL) laid down in the IND-TM.
For a given
Table 3.4: Acceptable Noise Level for Operation Airborne Railway Noise
Time Period |
Area Sensitivity Rating |
Remark |
A |
B |
C |
Day and
Evening (0700- 2300) |
60 |
65 |
70 |
- |
(2300-0700) |
50 |
55 |
60 |
Lmax of
85dB(A) based on EIAO requirement |
Note : ANL is determined in terms of LA,eq (30min) assessed at 1m from the external facade
For completeness and as required in the Clause (vi) (c) of the EIA Study Brief, LA,eq (30 min), LA,eq (24 hr) and LA,max noise levels will be calculated and presented for the representative airborne NSRs. Ground-borne Railway Noise
The operation ground-borne noise criteria for the representative NSRs along SIL(E) alignment are tabulated in Table 3.5 below.
Table 3.5: Acceptable Noise Level for Operation Ground-borne Railway Noise
Time Period |
Area Sensitivity Rating |
A |
B |
C |
Day and Evening (0700- 2300) |
50 |
55 |
60 |
Night (2300-0700) |
40 |
45 |
50 | Fixed Plant Noise
Fixed plant noise is controlled under the NCO and shall
comply with the ANLs laid down in the Table 2 of the IND-TM. For a given
Table 3.6: Acceptable Noise Level for Fixed Plant Noise
Time Period |
Area Sensitivity Rating |
A |
B |
C |
(0700 to 1900 hours) |
60 |
65 |
70 |
(1900 to 2300 hours) |
(2300 to 0700 hours) |
50 |
55 |
60 |
3.3 Assessment Area, Noise Sensitive Receivers and Description of Existing Environment
The “base assessment area” is defined as 300m from the proposed railway alignment and the works areas in accordance with the requirement of the EIA Study Brief (ref. ESB-181/2008).
The proposed alignment and the respective assessment areas are presented in Figure 3.1.
3.3.2 Noise Sensitive Receivers (NSRs) Selection of Representative NSRs
Existing Receivers
Desktop reviews and confirmatory site surveys have been carried out to identify existing NSRs within the study areas in accordance with the EIAO-TM requirements.
Planned Receivers
Relevant Outline Zoning Plans, Outline Development Plans and Layout Plans have also been reviewed to identify any planned NSRs of development already approved by the Town Planning Board.
For the ex-Canadian Hospital site at Wong Chuk Hang, two assessment points have been selected within the site for the operational noise impact assessment. The allowed maximum height for development at the ex-Canadian Hospital site is +50 mPD as advised by Planning Department, the parameter has been adopted in the assessment.
The bus depot site adjacent to the OCP station which is currently zoned for G/IC use, two assessment points have been selected within the respective site for the operational noise impact assessment. According to the latest Draft OZP No.S/H15/25, the allowed maximum height for development at the G/IC site is 4-storey high. This parameter has been taken into in the assessment.
For the site adjacent to the WCH Depot which is zoned for residential use (R(A)), it is formerly the Wong Chuk Hang Estate where demolition has been completed. Three assessment points have been selected within the site for the operational noise impact assessment. As the planning parameter of the development details of the R(A) site are not available at the time of preparing this EIA, in order to ensure the height (or number of floors) above the site which would be worst affected by railway noise has been considered in the assessment and also the necessary mitigation measures, if required, noise level has been predicted at each floor until it has shown plateau off. This thus determines the number of storeys to be assessed for the future development above the WCH Depot. Hence the number of floors has been assessed for the site do not imply any building height for the future development.
The new campus of the
An approved hotel development (A/H 15/206) is located at South Horizons close to the SOH station.
NSRs nearest to the noise sources are selected as representative NSRs for the worst-case scenario assessments of construction, operational railway and fixed plant noise impacts.
A summary of all selected representative NSRs for the assessment study is tabulated in Table 3.7. Figures 3.2 to 3.10 show the locations of the first layer of NSRs within the assessment areas. Figures 3.11 to 3.21 show the locations of all representative NSRs selected for assessments.
Most of the NSRs listed in Table 3.7 are assessed for all time periods. However, some of the NSRs are not in use in certain time periods during the day and thus no assessment is carried out. The assessment periods for the representative NSRs are summarised in Table 3.8.
Table 3.8: Assessment Period for Representative NSRs
Assessment Period |
NSR Type/ID |
Remarks |
Period Only |
Schools, Kindergarten,
Nurseries and |
With no evening or night time activities |
Day and
Evening Periods Only |
Holy Spirit Seminary (HSS1, HSS2 and HSS4) |
Evening courses are offered |
CMA Lei Tung Child Care Centre (CMA) |
Open between 0745 and 2000 |
Periods |
Residential premises |
Nil |
Planned Hotel Developments along
Based on the latest approved Outline Zoning Plan (i.e.
Aberdeen & Ap Lei Chau Outline Zoning Plan No. S/H15/24 gazetted on January
2007), most areas along Other Special Consideration
Based on our site observations and information provided by MTRCL, the following NSRs do not rely on opened windows for ventilation. Therefore, the following NSRs would not be assessed for airborne noise impact assessment in accordance with guideline provided in the EIAO-TM:
Paul Co-educational Primary School at Nam Fung (noise sensitive façade with
line of sight to the works area is completely blocked by an assembly hall which
is noise insulated); and
Shangri-La Hotel (SLH) in Admiralty.
Based on latest information available, the planned new campus
of Singapore International School (SIS2) along
3.3.3 Description of Existing Environment
Site inspection along the proposed
Table 3.9: Key Noise Sources to the Existing NSRs
Location |
Key Noise Sources |
Admiralty (ADM) |
Road traffic noise
from |
Road traffic noise
from |
Wong Chuk Hang (WCH) |
Road traffic noise
from |
Lei Tung Estate (LET) |
Road traffic noise
from |
South Horizons (SOH) |
Road traffic noise
from |
As discussed in Section, the recommended EIAO-TM assessment criteria for
fixed noise sources is 5 dB(A) below the appropriate Identification of Noise Source
The construction of the proposed SIL(E) would be divided into sections; station by station and involve several construction activities which are detailed in Appendix 3.1. Figure 3.11 to Figure 3.21 show the locations of work sites/ work areas of the Project. The detailed construction programme is given in Appendix 2.3.
The potential source of noise impact during the construction phase of the proposed SIL(E) would mainly be the use of Powered Mechanical Equipment (PME) in various construction activities.
It should be noted that some works areas would mainly for
material storage and site facilities.
These works areas include the eastern part of
It is expected that most of the construction activities would
be conducted during daytime, i.e. 0700-1900 on any day not being Sundays or
general holidays. Tunnelling works are
expected to be extended to the restricted hours defined under the NCO. However, those works would be carried out
inside tunnels only. Thus the potential
noise impact to NSRs would be minimal.
Other than tunnelling works, works such as the erection of viaduct
segment which will require temporary closure of traffic lanes of
The major construction activities of different work areas are described in the following paragraphs.
Admiralty Station
There are two major
work sites, namely
Most of the area of
The other small site
The large
ex-Canadian Hospital site at
Due to the large
amount of rock generated from the tunnel, a rock crushing plant with noise
enclosure installed will be located on site next to the tunnel portal. The crushed rocks will be transferred out of
the site for disposal.
The proposed
development site will be a major work site for the construction of the OCP
station. Most of the site area will be
used for site office, plant and material storage, and the other areas will be
used for the construction of viaduct sections.
Wong Chuk Hang
Depot (WCD)
The majority of
ex-Wong Chuk Hang Estate site will be excavated for the construction of the
station and the depot.
At the beginning of
the site formation, works mainly involves utilities diversion, hoarding
erection and removal of trees and the top hard materials. After that, a large portion of works area at
the depot centre will be excavated to the formation level, rock crushing would
be carried out in the site. The rock
crushing plant will be enclosed. Pipe
pile walls will be installed along the site perimeter and bored piles will be
constructed in different zones. After
the site formation work, the construction will proceed at the central depot
area, where the pad footings and other structural works will be carried
out. A concrete batching plant would be
in operation on-site after the piling works and site formation. The noise from the concrete batching plant
operation is considered to be minimal as it is an enclosed structure. The PME involved in the use of the batching
plant have been considered in the assessment.
Wong Chuk Hang
Station (WCH)
Wong Chuk Hang
Station will be situated to the north of the Wong Chuk Hang Depot. The proposed construction work includes the
construction of the station and the approaching viaducts.
The construction of
the station will interface with the re-construction works of Staunton Creek
Nullah in Wong Chuk Hang, where the existing nullah will be decked for a length
of about 600m along
Lei Tung Station
Lei Tung will be a
deep underground station with entrances, ventilation shafts and fireman’s
access provided at ground level. After
passing through the Ap Lei Chau Bridge, the viaduct section will enter the
cut-and-cover tunnel at Ap Lei Chau Drive.
The construction of
the cut-and-cover tunnel and the portal will be carried out in two stages. The
first stage will be carried out in the work site of the existing
South Horizons
Station (SOH)
The SOH station
Part of the rock
slope at
Major mucking out
activities will be carried out via the construction adit at the Lee Wing Street
Plant Building site connecting the tunnel and the spoil will be further
transferred to the Lee Nam Barging Point by a fully-enclosed overhead conveyor
belt system although
conventional method by trucks is also a viable
alternative for spoil removal from the adit to the barging point.
Telegraph Bay
Barging Point is situated on the seafront, where barging activities will mainly
be carried out for the eastern portion of the site. The site will mainly take up spoil materials
transported from WCH Depot and Nam Fung Portal.
Lee Nam Road Barging
Point will mainly handle the spoil materials generated from works sites in
south of
Major construction
activities include temporary spoil disposal in the site area, dump truck
hauling within the site and unloading activities to the barges from trucks and
conveyor belts.
Chung Hom Shan
Magazine Site (CHK)
The area is located to the south of Chung Hom Shan, in a disused quarry located at the end of a road that passes a PCCW satellite receiving station. The paved access road with slight overgrowth is closed to the public from Chung Hom Kok. The site is situated at a disused platform at the end of the road.
Wah Kwai works area is situated on the
seafront, where it is an open field and wasteland as shown in Figure 2.6.10.
This work area is intended mainly for nursery use.
The tunnel section of the proposed alignment will mainly be constructed by drill and blast method. As mentioned in Section, blasting is under the control of the Dangerous Goods Ordinance. Therefore, the contractor shall obtain a blasting permit from the Mines Division of CEDD before carrying out the blasting. The Contractor shall enclose a method statement including manner of working and protective measures to protect adjacent land and property when blasting is carried out.
In accordance with EIAO-TM Annex 13, the assessment of
construction noise impact arising from works other than percussive piling has
been based on standard acoustic principles, and the guidelines given in GW-TM
issued under the NCO where appropriate.
Reference has also been made to the approach given in the Guidance Note
titled “Preparation of Construction Noise Impact Assessment under the
Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance” (GN 9/2004). Where the sound power
level (SWL) of any PME could not be found in the relevant TM, reference has
been made to BS 5228: Part I: 2009, previous similar studies or from
measurements taken at other sites in
The construction noise assessment has been carried out on a bi-weekly basis from the commencement of the Project. The construction tasks of the Project taking place concurrently within 300m of a given NSR are considered to contribute to the cumulative impact at that NSR. Noise sources from the areas greater than this distance have been excluded from the assessment.
A project-specific plant inventory for each construction task of each stage together with the number and type of PME that are considered practical and adequate for carrying out the works during the non-restricted hours has been derived and is presented in Appendix 3.1. The construction programme is presented in Appendix 2.3. The plant inventory has been provided as an option and the contractor may propose an alternative plant schedule should it be considered necessary and appropriate.
The assessment is based on the cumulative SWL of PME likely to be used for each location, taking into account the construction period in the vicinity of the receiver location. To predict the noise level, PME was divided into groups required for each discrete construction task. The objective was to identify the worst case scenario representing those items of PME that would be in use concurrently at any given time. The sound pressure level (SPL) at a NSR from each construction task was calculated, depending on the number of plant and distance from receiver. The overall noise level at the NSR was then predicted by adding up the SPLs at the NSRs of all concurrent construction tasks.
Some of the work tasks have to be carried out underground and in a completely enclosed environment. No noise contribution is assumed from these tasks. For other works to be carried out under deck, assuming a surface density of more than 10 kg/m2 for the deck cover, a noise reduction of 20 dB(A) has been applied for the activities carried out underground.
In considering the shielding effect from the existing topography features for the Chung Hom Shan Magazine site, a noise reduction of 10 dB(A) has been assumed.
A positive 3 dB(A) façade correction was added to the predicted noise levels in order to account for the facade effect at each NSR.
The Essential Public Infrastructure Works (EPIWs) and other reprovisioning works would be constructed concurrently with the Project. The cumulative impact from these construction projects has been assessed and presented in below sections.
and Evaluation of Environmental Impact
Due to the extensively developed and densely populated nature of Wong Chuk Hang and Ap Lei Chau, it is unavoidable that construction of such a large-scale railway network would cause noise impacts to the surrounding residences, especially during construction phase of the Project. To strike a balance between the need for providing a railway system to locals and the public concerns on the adverse impacts, the following have been considered during the design of the Project to alleviate the construction noise impacts as far as practicable:
the number of PME;
construction method such as (i) use of press-in piling method instead of
mini-bored pile for pipe pile walls and (ii) using road ripper instead of
excavator mounted breaker for road breaking;
would be implemented in phases, where possible, in order to reduce the number
of PME required to be on-site.
It is proposed to excavate an adit at the
Based on the construction programme in Appendix 2.3 and the proposed plant inventory in Appendix 3.1, the predicted construction noise impact for the unmitigated scenario has been summarised in Table 3.10 to Table 3.19 below with detailed calculations given in Appendix 3.2.
Table 3.10: Unmitigated Construction Airborne Noise Impact near Admiralty Station, Leq (30mins) dB(A)
Land Use |
Construction Noise Level, dB(A) |
Noise Criteria, dB(A) |
Exceedance of Noise Criteria? |
Residential |
63-82 |
75 |
Yes |
RP |
Residential |
63-85 |
75 |
Yes |
PH |
Residential |
70-81 |
75 |
Yes |
Note: Bold figures denote exceedance of relevant noise criteria.
Table 3.11: Unmitigated Construction Airborne Noise Impact near Nam Fung Portal, Leq (30mins) dB(A)
Land Use |
Construction Noise Level, dB(A) |
Noise Criteria, dB(A) |
Exceedance of Noise Criteria? |
GP |
Residential |
48-77 |
75 |
Yes |
SFE1 |
Residential |
51-79 |
75 |
Yes |
Educational |
49-77 |
70 |
Yes |
YSM1 |
Convalescent Home |
58-81 |
75 |
Yes |
Note: Bold figures denote exceedance of relevant noise criteria.
Table 3.12: Unmitigated Construction Airborne Noise Impact near Ocean Park Station, Leq (30mins) dB(A)
Land Use |
Construction Noise Level, dB(A) |
Noise Criteria, dB(A) |
Exceedance of Noise Criteria? |
Residential |
58-75 |
75 |
No |
SW2 |
Residential |
60-79 |
75 |
Yes |
SW4 |
Residential |
45-82 |
75 |
Yes |
PC4 |
Residential |
58-82 |
75 |
Yes |
Note: Bold figures denote exceedance of relevant noise criteria.
Table 3.13: Unmitigated Construction Airborne Noise Impact near Wong Chuk Hang Station and Depot, Leq (30mins) dB(A)
Land Use |
Construction Noise Level, dB(A) |
Noise Criteria, dB(A) |
Exceedance of Noise Criteria? |
PC1 |
Residential |
63-89 |
75 |
Yes |
PC2 |
Residential |
64-87 |
75 |
Yes |
SIS1 |
Educational |
60-87 |
70 |
Yes |
SIS2 |
Planned educational |
61-89 |
70 |
Yes |
Educational |
63-92 |
70 |
Yes |
GG |
Residential |
61-89 |
75 |
Yes |
SMH1 |
Home for the elderly |
65-86 |
75 |
Yes |
SMH2 |
Home for the elderly |
64-86 |
75 |
Yes |
Note: Bold figures denote exceedance of relevant noise criteria.
Table 3.14: Unmitigated Construction Airborne Noise Impact near Wong Chuk Hang Nullah and Aberdeen Channel, Leq (30mins) dB(A)
Land Use |
Construction Noise Level, dB(A) |
Noise Criteria, dB(A) |
Exceedance of Noise Criteria? |
Convalescent Home |
61-83 |
75 |
Yes |
Convalescent Home |
66-79 |
75 |
Yes |
HSS1 |
Educational |
59-87 |
70 |
Yes |
HSS2 |
Educational |
59-86 |
70 |
Yes |
HSS4 |
Educational |
58-81 |
70 |
Yes |
OC1 |
Residential |
60-76 |
75 |
Yes |
OC2 |
Residential |
60-76 |
75 |
No |
SWT1 |
Residential |
61-84 |
75 |
Yes |
SWT2 |
Residential |
58-86 |
75 |
Yes |
SWT3 |
Residential |
58-84 |
75 |
Yes |
TLC1 |
Educational |
56-81 |
70 |
Yes |
Educational |
55-83 |
70 |
Yes |
YOC4 |
Residential |
59-87 |
75 |
Yes |
Residential |
57-83 |
75 |
Yes |
Note: Bold figures denote exceedance of relevant noise criteria.
Table 3.15: Unmitigated Construction Airborne Noise Impact near Lei Tung Station and Entrances, Leq (30mins) dB(A)
Land Use |
Construction Noise Level, dB(A) |
Noise Criteria, dB(A) |
Exceedance of Noise Criteria? |
Educational |
64-71 |
70 |
Yes |
Nursery |
66-78 |
75 |
Yes |
LTE2 |
Residential |
60-78 |
75 |
Yes |
Nursery |
66-78 |
75 |
Yes |
LTE4 |
Residential |
60-78 |
75 |
Yes |
Home for the elderly |
67-79 |
75 |
Yes |
LTE5 |
Residential |
61-79 |
75 |
Yes |
Educational |
59-71 |
70 |
Yes |
Educational |
60-71 |
70 |
Yes |
Residential |
78-99 |
75 |
Yes |
Residential |
86-95 |
75 |
Yes |
Residential |
81-88 |
75 |
Yes |
Residential |
75-88 |
75 |
Yes |
Note: Bold figures denote exceedance of relevant noise criteria.
Table 3.16: Unmitigated Construction Airborne Noise Impact near South Horizons Station, Leq (30mins) dB(A)
Land Use |
Construction Noise Level, dB(A) |
Noise Criteria, dB(A) |
Exceedance of Noise Criteria? |
SOH5 |
Residential |
59-93 |
75 |
Yes |
SOH6 |
Residential |
59-92 |
75 |
Yes |
SOH7 |
Residential |
61-87 |
75 |
Yes |
SOH8 |
Residential |
60-89 |
75 |
Yes |
Educational |
67-88 |
70 |
Yes |
Residential |
68-71 |
75 |
No |
Educational |
72-73 |
70 |
Yes |
Note: Bold figures denote exceedance of relevant noise criteria.
Table 3.17: Unmitigated Construction Airborne Noise Impact near Telegraph Bay Barging Point, Leq (30mins) dB(A)
Land Use |
Construction Noise Level, dB(A) |
Noise Criteria, dB(A) |
Exceedance of Noise Criteria? |
AT1 |
Residential |
72-78 |
75 |
Yes |
Note: Bold figures denote exceedance of relevant noise criteria.
Table 3.18: Unmitigated Construction Airborne Noise Impact near Lee Nam Road Barging Point, Leq (30mins) dB(A)
Land Use |
Construction Noise Level, dB(A) |
Noise Criteria, dB(A) |
Exceedance of Noise Criteria? |
Educational |
64-71 |
70 |
Yes |
Note: Bold figures denote exceedance of relevant noise criteria. Cumulative impact from the construction of LET Station has been included.
Table 3.19: Unmitigated Construction Airborne Noise Impact near Chung Hom Shan Magazine Site, Leq (30mins) dB(A)
Land Use |
Construction Noise Level, dB(A) |
Noise Criteria, dB(A) |
Exceedance of Noise Criteria? |
Residential |
50-63 |
75 |
No |
Cumulative Impacts
The currently undergoing redevelopment at
Part of the currently undergoing project “Drainage
Improvement in
Another project, Shatin to Central Link (SCL), is also proposed by the Project Proponent. The enabling works of SCL at Admiralty will be carried out under SIL(E) at the time of the ADM construction. In the construction noise assessment of this Project, all plants to be involved in the ADM construction have been included. Hence it is considered that the cumulative impact from the SCL project had been taken into account in the assessment.
The cumulative construction impact from the modification of the Wong Chuk Hang Nullah has already been included in the construction noise assessment as the works is considered as part of the Project.
Essential Public
Infrastructure Works (EPIWs)
Apart from the construction of tunnelling works, station and the viaduct, there are Essential Public Infrastructure Works (EPIWs) to enhance the accessibility of the station for public uses. Cumulative impact due to EPIWs had been taken into account in the assessment to evaluate the worse scenario. These EPIWs include:
Widening of
Public Transport Interchange (PTI) underneath
Wong Chuk Hang (WCH) Station;
Footbridge connecting to
¡ Footbridge connecting to Ap Lei Chau Estate.
Construction Works
Re-provisioning of a temporary PTI next to
of Adverse Environmental Impact
In order to reduce the excessive noise impacts at the affected NSRs during normal daytime working hours, mitigation measures such as adopting quiet powered mechanical equipment, movable noise barriers and temporary noise barriers are recommended. It is practical to specify the total SWL of all plant to be used on site. The Contractors do not have to use specific items of quiet plant adopted in this assessment. They can choose to use other types of quiet plant which have the same total SWL or a lower SWL, to meet their needs. The mitigated plant inventories are shown in Appendix 3.3.
Adoption of Quieter PME
In order to reduce the excessive noise impacts at the
affected NSRs during normal daytime working hours, quieter
Table 3.20: Quieter PME Recommended for Adoption during Construction Phase
Power rating/size, weight |
Reference |
SWL, dB(A) |
Handheld breaker |
35kg |
BS D2-10 |
110 |
Hydraulic breaker, Excavator mounted |
52kW |
BS D8-12 |
106 |
Concrete lorry mixer |
5m3 |
BS D6-35 |
100 |
Concrete pump |
100kW |
BS D6-36 |
106 |
Mobile crane |
62kW |
BS D7-114 |
101 |
Vibratory Poker, handheld |
2kW each poker |
BS D6-20 |
102 |
Bulldozer |
218kW |
BS D3-72 |
111 |
Excavator |
45kW |
BS D3-35 |
106 |
Dump truck |
50t |
BS D9-39 |
103 |
Vibratory roller |
9kW |
BS D3-115 |
102 |
Asphalt paver |
- |
BS D8-24 |
101 |
Whilst quieter PME are listed, the Contractor may be able to obtain particular models of plant that are quieter than the PMEs given in GW-TM.
Use of Movable Noise Barrier
The use of movable barrier for certain PME can further alleviate the construction noise impacts. In general, a 5 dB(A) reduction for movable PME and 10 dB(A) for stationary PME can be achieved depending on the actual design of the movable noise barrier. The Contractor shall be responsible for design of the movable noise barrier with due consideration given to the size of the PME and the requirement for intercepting the line of sight between the NSRs and PME. Barrier material with surface mass in excess of 7 kg/m2 is recommended to achieve the predicted screening effect. A schematic configuration of movable noise barrier is shown in Figure 3.22a.
Use of Noise Enclosure/ Acoustic Shed
The use of noise enclosure or acoustic shed is to cover stationary PME such as air compressor and concrete pump. With the adoption of the noise enclosure, the PME could be completely screened, and noise reduction of 15 dB(A) can be achieved according to the GW-TM. A schematic configuration of full noise enclosure for PME is shown in Figure 3.23.
Use of Silencer
To reduce noise emission from the ventilation fans, silencers are also recommended to be used in fan ventilation system to attenuate noise generated during fan operation to achieve a noise reduction of 15dB(A). The Contractor shall be responsible for selection of appropriate silencers for the ventilation fans.
Use of Noise Insulating Fabric
Noise insulating fabric (the Fabric) can also be adopted for certain PME (e.g. drill rig, pilling auger etc). The Fabric should be lapped such that there are no openings or gaps on the joints. Technical data from manufacturers state that by using the Fabric, a noise reduction of over 10 dB(A) can be achieved on noise level (Reference has been made to Tsim Sha Tsui Station Northern Subway EIA Report, 2008). As a conservative approach, a noise reduction of 10 dB(A) for the PME lapped with the Fabric was assumed.
A summary of the assumed noise reduction effects achieved by
the movable noise barrier, noise enclosure, silencer and fabric for certain
items of
Table 3.21: Noise Mitigation Measures for Certain PME during Construction Phase
Mitigation Measures Proposed |
Noise Reduction, dB(A) |
Air compressor |
Noise enclosure |
15 |
Compactor, vibratory |
Movable noise barrier |
5 |
Concrete pump |
Noise enclosure |
15 |
Drill rig, rotary type (diesel) |
Noise insulating fabric |
10 |
Grout pump |
Movable noise barrier |
10 |
Handheld breaker |
Movable noise barrier |
10 |
Ventilation fan |
Silencer |
15 |
Water pump |
Movable noise barrier |
10 |
Welder/Generator, portable |
Movable noise barrier |
10 |
Mobile crane |
Movable noise barrier |
5 |
Excavator |
Movable noise barrier |
5 |
Lorry with crane/ grab |
Movable noise barrier |
5 |
Concrete lorry mixer |
Movable noise barrier |
5 |
Saw, circular, wood |
Movable noise barrier |
10 |
Prestress Jack |
Movable noise barrier |
5 |
Dump truck |
Movable noise barrier |
5 |
Bulldozer |
Movable noise barrier |
5 |
Burster |
Movable noise barrier |
5 |
Rock drill |
Noise insulating fabric |
10 |
Pile rig |
Noise insulating fabric |
10 |
Rock crusher |
Noise enclosure |
15 |
Note: No mitigation measures are applied for works below decking.
Good Site Practice
Although the noise mitigation effects are not easily quantifiable and the benefits may vary with site conditions and operating conditions, the good site practices listed below should be followed during each phase of construction:
¡ Only well-maintained plant should be operated on-site and plant should be serviced regularly during the construction programme
¡ Silencers or mufflers on construction equipment should be utilized and should be properly maintained during the construction programme
¡ Mobile plant, if any, should be sited as far from NSRs as possible
¡ Machines and plant (such as trucks) that may be in intermittent use should be shut down between work periods or should be throttled down to a minimum
¡ Plant known to emit noise strongly in one direction should, wherever possible, be orientated so that the noise is directed away from the nearby NSRs
¡ Material stockpiles and other structures should be effectively utilized, wherever practicable, in screening noise from on-site construction activities.
Construction Airborne Noise Impact
With the implementation of all the above-mentioned mitigation measures, the total SWLs of each activity were predicted, and are presented in Appendix 3.3. Table 3.22 to Table 3.30 present the mitigated noise levels during normal daytime working hours at NSRs.
Table 3.22: Mitigated Construction Airborne Noise Impact near Admiralty Station, Leq (30mins) dB(A)
Land Use |
Construction Noise Level, dB(A) |
Noise Criteria, dB(A) |
Exceedance of Noise Criteria? |
Residential |
60-73 |
75 |
No |
RP |
Residential |
60-75 |
75 |
No |
PH |
Residential |
67-75 |
75 |
No |
Table 3.23: Mitigated Construction Airborne Noise Impact
near Nam Fung Portal, Leq (30mins) dB(A)
Land Use |
Construction Noise Level, dB(A) |
Noise Criteria, dB(A) |
Exceedance of Noise Criteria? |
GP |
Residential |
48-67 |
75 |
No |
SFE1 |
Residential |
51-69 |
75 |
No |
Educational |
49-67 |
70 |
No |
YSM1 |
Convalescent Home |
56-71 |
75 |
No |
Table 3.24: Mitigated
Construction Airborne Noise Impact near Ocean Park Station, Leq (30mins)
Land Use |
Construction Noise Level, dB(A) |
Noise Criteria, dB(A) |
Exceedance of Noise Criteria? |
SW2 |
Residential |
58-69 |
75 |
No |
SW4 |
Residential |
45-72 |
75 |
No |
PC4 |
Residential |
55-71 |
75 |
No |
Table 3.25: Mitigated
Construction Airborne Noise Impact near Wong Chuk Hang Station and Depot, Leq
(30mins) dB(A)
Land Use |
Construction Noise Level, dB(A) |
Noise Criteria, dB(A) |
Exceedance of Noise Criteria? |
PC1 |
Residential |
60-73 |
75 |
No |
PC2 |
Residential |
61-72 |
75 |
No |
SIS1 |
Educational |
57-71 |
70 |
Yes |
SIS2 |
Planned educational |
58-74 |
70 |
Yes |
Educational |
60-76 |
70 |
Yes |
GG |
Residential |
58-73 |
75 |
No |
SMH1 |
Home for the elderly |
61-75 |
75 |
No |
SMH2 |
Home for the elderly |
61-72 |
75 |
No |
Note: Bold figures denote exceedance of relevant noise criteria.
Table 3.26: Mitigated
Construction Airborne Noise Impact near Wong Chuk Hang Nullah and Aberdeen
Channel, Leq (30mins) dB(A)
Land Use |
Construction Noise Level, dB(A) |
Noise Criteria, dB(A) |
Exceedance of Noise Criteria? |
Convalescent Home |
58-75 |
75 |
No |
Convalescent Home |
53-71 |
75 |
No |
HSS1 |
Educational |
45-77 |
70 |
Yes |
HSS2 |
Educational |
45-76 |
70 |
Yes |
HSS4 |
Educational |
52-71 |
70 |
Yes |
OC1 |
Residential |
48-66 |
75 |
No |
OC2 |
Residential |
48-66 |
75 |
No |
SWT1 |
Residential |
61-73 |
75 |
No |
SWT2 |
Residential |
46-75 |
75 |
No |
SWT3 |
Residential |
46-72 |
75 |
No |
TLC1 |
Educational |
45-65 |
70 |
No |
Educational |
45-67 |
70 |
No |
YOC4 |
Residential |
59-70 |
75 |
No |
Residential |
47-68 |
75 |
No |
Note: Bold figures denote exceedance of relevant noise criteria.
Table 3.27: Mitigated
Construction Airborne Noise Impact near Lei Tung Station and Entrances, Leq
(30mins) dB(A)
Land Use |
Construction Noise Level, dB(A) |
Noise Criteria, dB(A) |
Exceedance of Noise Criteria? |
Educational |
56-65 |
70 |
No |
Nursery |
66-67 |
75 |
No |
LTE2 |
Residential |
60-67 |
75 |
No |
Nursery |
66-67 |
75 |
No |
LTE4 |
Residential |
60-67 |
75 |
No |
Home for the elderly |
67-69 |
75 |
No |
LTE5 |
Residential |
61-69 |
75 |
No |
Educational |
59-60 |
70 |
No |
Educational |
60-61 |
70 |
No |
Residential |
64-79 |
75 |
Yes |
Residential |
72-75 |
75 |
No |
Residential |
66-69 |
75 |
No |
Residential |
61-68 |
75 |
No |
Note: Bold figures denote exceedance of relevant noise criteria.
Table 3.28: Mitigated
Construction Airborne Noise Impact near South Horizons Station, Leq
(30mins) dB(A)
Land Use |
Construction Noise Level, dB(A) |
Noise Criteria, dB(A) |
Exceedance of Noise Criteria? |
SOH5 |
Residential |
49-82 |
75 |
Yes |
SOH6 |
Residential |
50-81 |
75 |
Yes |
SOH7 |
Residential |
52-76 |
75 |
Yes |
SOH8 |
Residential |
50-78 |
75 |
Yes |
Educational |
57-74 |
70 |
Yes |
Educational |
60-61 |
70 |
No |
Note: Bold figures denote exceedance of relevant noise criteria.
Table 3.29: Mitigated
Construction Airborne Noise Impact near Telegraph Bay Barging Point, Leq
(30mins) dB(A)
Land Use |
Construction Noise Level, dB(A) |
Noise Criteria, dB(A) |
Exceedance of Noise Criteria? |
AT1 |
Residential |
67-72 |
75 |
No |
Table 3.30: Mitigated
Construction Airborne Noise Impact near Lee Nam Road Barging Point, Leq
(30mins) dB(A)
Land Use |
Construction Noise Level, dB(A) |
Noise Criteria, dB(A) |
Exceedance of Noise Criteria? |
Educational |
56-65 |
70 |
No |
With the implementation of the above-mentioned mitigation measures, the construction noise levels at most of the representative NSRs are predicted to comply with the noise standards stipulated in the EIAO-TM. Residual construction noise impacts are however predicted at various locations and will be discussed in Section
Cumulative Construction Airborne Noise Impact
As mentioned in Section, there are concurrent projects, Hong Kong West Drainage Tunnel (HKWDT) and HATS Stage 2A located within the assessment area of the proposed railway, cumulative assessment has been carried out and presented in the following tables. References have been made from the HKWDT EIA and HATS Stage 2A EIA.
According to the HKWDT EIA, there are three intake shafts located within the study area of the proposed SIL(E) namely, MA14, B2 and W3, in the vicinity of Admiralty. The maximum mitigated sound power level of the construction of the intake shafts was predicted as 105 dB(A) (ref: Table C1c of Appendix C of HKWDT EIA). The cumulative impact from this concurrent project is presented in Table 3.31.
Table 3.31 Cumulative Construction Airborne Noise Impact in the vicinity of Admiralty
Intake shaft |
SWL of Construction of Intake shaft,
dB(A) |
Slant Distance to Intake shaft, m |
Distance Correction, dB(A) |
*Overall SPL of Construction of Intake Shafts, dB(A) |
Max. SPL in this EIA, dB(A) |
Cumulative SPL, dB(A) |
Exceedance of Noise Criteria? |
MA14 |
105 |
475 |
-62 |
55 |
73 |
73 |
No |
B2 |
105 |
258 |
-56 |
W3 |
105 |
284 |
-57 |
RP |
MA14 |
105 |
478 |
-62 |
59 |
75 |
75 |
No |
B2 |
105 |
259 |
-56 |
W3 |
105 |
121 |
-50 |
PH |
MA14 |
105 |
836 |
-66 |
51 |
75 |
75 |
No |
B2 |
105 |
628 |
-64 |
W3 |
105 |
310 |
-58 |
Note(*): Facade correction of +3 dB(A) has been included
A footbridge across
Table 3.32: Cumulative
Construction Airborne Noise Impact near South Horizons Station, Leq
(30mins) dB(A)
Construction Noise Level without EPIW, dB(A) |
Construction Noise Level with EPIW, dB(A) |
Noise Criteria, dB(A) |
Exceedance of Noise Criteria? |
SOH5 |
49-82 |
49-82 |
75 |
Yes |
SOH6 |
50-81 |
50-81 |
75 |
Yes |
SOH7 |
52-76 |
52-76 |
75 |
Yes |
SOH8 |
50-78 |
50-78 |
75 |
Yes |
43-68 |
57-74 |
70 |
Yes |
Note: Bold figures denote exceedance of relevant noise criteria.
According to the HATS Stage 2A EIA, the identified NSR in the vicinity of Telegraph Bay Barging Point is same to this EIA i.e. NSR AT1. The maximum mitigated sound pressure level is 71 dB(A) (ref: Appendix 4.9 of HATS 2A EIA) which has already taken into account the cumulative impact from the HKWDT. The cumulative impact from this concurrent project is presented in Table 3.33.
Table 3.33 Cumulative Construction Airborne Noise Impact in the vicinity of Telegraph Bay Barging Point
Maximum SPL in this EIA, dB(A) |
Maximum SPL in HATS 2A EIA, dB(A) |
Overall SPL, dB(A) |
Exceedance of Noise Criteria? |
AT1 |
72 |
71 |
75 |
No |
Based on Table 3.31 to Table 3.33 above, cumulative impact from the concurrent projects have been assessed, exceedance of relevant noise criteria is predicted at NSR PBPS and further mitigation measures would be proposed subject to the liaison with the EPIW works contractor.
of Residual Construction Airborne Noise Impact
With the implementation of the above-mentioned mitigation measures, the construction noise levels at most of the representative NSRs are predicted to comply with the noise standards stipulated in the EIAO-TM. Residual construction noise impacts are predicted at NSRs near Wong Chuk Hang Depot, Wong Chuk Hang Nullah, Ap Lei Chau Main Street entrance i.e. Entrance A of LET Station and South Horizons. A summary table below (Table 3.34) shows the range of exceedance and the duration of residual impacts.
Table 3.34: Summary of Residual Impact
Land Use |
Duration of residual impact, weeks |
No. of floors exceeded noise criteria |
No. of dwellings/ classrooms per floor |
Assumed no. of residents per dwelling |
Population affected |
1 to 4 dB(A) |
≥ 5 dB(A) |
Wong Chuk Hang
Depot |
SIS1 |
Educational |
1 |
4 |
0 |
10 |
5 |
- |
- |
SIS2 |
Planned educational |
1-4 |
22 |
0 |
15 |
not available |
- |
- |
Educational |
1-6 |
26 |
4 |
5 |
10 (G/F – 2/F) 8 (3/F – 4/F) |
- |
- |
Wong Chuk Hang
Nullah |
HSS1 |
Educational |
2-7 |
4 |
34 |
4 |
1 |
- |
- |
HSS2 |
Educational |
2-6 |
4 |
34 |
4 |
4 |
- |
- |
HSS4 |
Educational |
1 |
4 |
0 |
4 |
4 |
- |
- |
Entrance A of
Lei Tung Station |
Residential |
2-4 |
46 |
0 |
4 |
1 |
3 |
12 |
South Horizons |
SOH5 |
Residential |
2-7 |
2 |
10 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
60 |
SOH6 |
Residential |
1-6 |
22 |
10 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
60 |
SOH7 |
Residential |
1 |
10 |
0 |
1 |
4 |
3 |
12 |
SOH8 |
Residential |
2-3 |
12 |
0 |
3 |
4 |
3 |
36 |
Total Affected Population |
180 |
Residual impacts predicted mainly due to the limited separation distance between the NSRs and the works area. The feasibility of providing further mitigation measures and site constraints are discussed below.
Wong Chuk Hang Depot
Due to massive construction works including drill and blast, excavation and piling activities along the perimeter of the Wong Chuk Hang depot and more stringent criterion for the educational use, residual impact is anticipated. Due to the truck movement logistics during the drill and blast and site formation activities, the location of the crusher, which is one of the dominant noise sources, will potentially be sited west of the depot area otherwise energy and time wastage in handling of spoil via long routing to the site exit would be anticipated. Moreover piling has to be carried out along the site boundary mitigation measures such as movable noise barrier would not be feasible due to limited space otherwise more area of the existing traffic lane has to be occupied. The noise mitigation measures have already been proposed include:
of quiet PME;
insulating fabric;
noise barriers; and
rock crusher will also be provided with noise enclosure subject to the design
of the Contractor, a typical layout of the rock crushing facility is
given in Figure
Having taken into account the above, it was considered that all direct mitigation measures have been exhausted and the construction noise impact at this works area has been minimized.
Wong Chuk Hang Nullah
A large number of piling construction works are involved along the Wong Chuk Hang Nullah where site space is limited and massive mitigation measures like large full enclosure is deemed not feasible. The noise mitigation measures have already been proposed include:
of quiet PME;
insulating fabric; and
noise barriers.
It was considered that all direct mitigation measures have been exhausted and the construction noise impact at this works area has been minimized.
Lei Tung Station Entrance A
Due to the noise sensitive receivers are in close proximity to the works area (~12m) and have a direct line of sight to the works area, residual impact is anticipated. The measures have already been proposed to minimize the noise impact include:
of quiet PME;
insulating fabric; and
noise barriers.
To further mitigate the residual noise impact from construction, the feasibility of installing additional mitigation measure in terms of a large full noise enclosure around the works area has also been considered. However, implementing a large noise enclosure would cause the following inconvenience and environmental concern:
large noise enclosure structure would in some case reduce the available space
for the pedestrian access.
erection and dismantling of the noise enclosure would result in longer
construction period and additional noise impact.
arrangement may lead to safety problem in case of emergency.
impact to the adjacent residential receivers at lower floors.
to the existing structure of the adjacent buildings.
South Horizons Station
Due to the noise sensitive receivers are in close proximity
to the works area (~11m) and have a direct line of sight to the works area,
residual impact is anticipated.
construction method: (i) press-in piling method for pipe pile walls and (ii)
using road ripper for road breaking;
of quiet PME;
insulating fabric;
noise barriers;
noise barriers have also been proposed for rock breaking on slope using
hand-held breakers. Subject to the design of the Contractor, the movable noise
barriers would be easy to assemble and disassemble and weight could be put at
the base of the noise barrier to prevent tip over (a schematic
drawing is shown in Figure 3.22b); and
Use of decking to mitigate the noise from
underground works at certain construction phase.
To further mitigate the residual noise impact from construction, the feasibility of installing additional mitigation measure in terms of a large full noise enclosure around the works areas has also been considered. However, implementing a large noise enclosure would cause the following inconvenience and environmental concern:
large noise enclosure structure would in some case reduce the available space
for the diverted vehicles and footpaths for pedestrians.
of the noise enclosure would be required according to the shift of the works
area. The erection and dismantling of the noise enclosure would result in
longer construction period and additional noise impact.
arrangement may lead to safety problem in case of emergency.
impact to both the pedestrians and the residential receivers at lower floors.
to the existing structure of South Horizons basement and encroachment onto the
private lot.
Having taken into account the above, it was considered that all direct mitigation measures have been exhausted and the construction noise impact at this works area has been minimized.
Technical Remedies
Residual noise impacts have been minimised through exhausting all practicable direct noise mitigation measures including the use of quieter plant, temporary / movable noise barriers, noise enclosure/acoustic shed, silencers, noise insulating fabric, noise insulating cover, acoustic enclosure, decking over the excavation area / shaft and re-scheduling the sequence of works as far as practicable. Having reviewed the site constraints and nature of works to be undertaken at various works areas, it is considered that all practicable mitigation measures have been exhausted and residual impacts have been minimised.
Because of the close proximity to the NSRs, further direct mitigation measures would not be practicable in eliminating all construction noise exceedance. Indirect Technical Remedies (ITR) is therefore considered for minimizing the construction noise impacts.
It should be noted that the use of ITR as a mitigation measure is neither a requirement stipulated under Annex 13 of the EIAO-TM nor the EIA Study Brief. The provision of ITR is the initiative of the Project Proponent in view of the noise disturbance associated with the construction of the SIL(E). ITR would generally require the consideration to upgrade the glazing if necessary for the noise sensitive facades exposed to excessive residual noise impact. The provision of air-conditioning would also be considered for those affected dwellings.
Consideration will be given to make reference to the previous approved EIA of WIL for the eligibility criteria proposed for qualifying NSRs for ITR which would be dependent on the severity of the residual noise impact and duration of exceedance after implementing all practical direct mitigation measures.
of Noise Source
Potential ground-borne noise impact during the construction phase could be caused by drill and blast and cut and cover activities for tunnelling works, and the use of PMEs such as the hydraulic breakers, hand-held breakers and rock drill for other construction activities.
The schematic for the ground-borne noise prediction model is discussed in the following paragraphs. This generalised prediction model will be adopted for used in both construction and operational ground-borne noise assessment. The prediction methodology for assessing the ground-borne noise impact from construction equipment is detailed as follows:
Approach for Construction Equipment
The method used to predict construction ground-borne noise from the use of PME construction equipment is shown below.
LA = Lv,rms + C dist + C damping +
LA |
A-weighted Ground-borne noise level at NSR, ref:
20 µ-Pascal |
C dist |
Distance attenuation |
C damping |
Soil damping loss across the geological
media |
Lv,rms |
Vibration velocity (in RMS) of a PME at a
reference distance |
Vibration coupling loss factor between the soil
and the foundation, relative level |
Building vibration reduction or
amplification within a structure from the foundation to the occupied areas,
relative level |
Conversion from floor and wall vibration to
noise, 10-8 m/s or 10-6 in/s to 20 µ-Pascal |
The vibratory velocities for typical construction equipment with reference to the approved Kowloon Southern Link EIA (Register No.: AEIAR-083/2005) and are listed in Table 3.35 to Table 3.36.
Table 3.35: Reference Vibration Level Based on
Construction Equipment |
Construction Site |
Vibration (RMS) at Reference Distance of 5.5m from source |
Drilling Rig |
0.536 mm/s |
Hydraulic Breaker |
TST site |
0.298 mm/s |
Handheld Breaker |
New World Centre site |
0.279 mm/s |
Source: Appendix 7-1 of |
Table 3.36: Source Vibration Velocity of Octave Band
Frequency for Hydraulic Breaker
Octave Band Frequency (Hz) |
16 |
31.5 |
63 |
125 |
250 |
500 |
Source Vibration Velocity, mm/s |
0.0589 |
0.0682 |
0.0620 |
0.0503 |
0.0623 |
0.1209 |
Source: Appendix
7-1 of |
Soil Damping Loss
Vibration wave propagation in ground will decay with distance due to damping loss within the soil. The reduction in vibration amplitude can be estimated based on the Transportation Noise Reference Book[1].
The rate of decay will depend on vibration frequency, the soil loss factor (η), the wave speed c of the soil and the distance R between sources to the NSR. The wave propagation properties of typical soil are shown in the Table 3.37.
Table 3.37: Wave Propagation Properties of Soil
Ground Type |
Longitudinal Wave Speed c, ms-1 |
Loss Factor, η |
Density, g/cm3 |
Soil |
1500 |
0.5 |
1.7 |
Rock |
3500 |
0.01 |
2.65 |
For this noise impact assessment, no damping attenuation (i.e. 0 dB(A)) will be applied to propagation in rock.
Interaction between the building foundation and the soil will cause some reduction in the vibration level. The correction factors shown in Table 3.38 which are based on the lower adjustment factor presented in Saurenman (1982)[2], for a more conservative assessment.
Table 3.38: Adjustment Factor for Building Coupling Loss
Building Type |
Limit |
Building Coupling Loss (dB) |
16 |
31.5 |
63 |
125 |
250 |
500 |
Large |
Lower |
-6 |
-7 |
-11 |
-13 |
-14 |
-12 |
Large |
Lower |
-12 |
-14 |
-14 |
-13 |
-11 |
-10 |
1 to 2
Storey Residential |
Lower |
-4 |
-5 |
-5 |
-4 |
-3 |
-1 |
Foundation on Rock Layer |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Building Vibration
Response (BVR)
Building Vibration Response (BVR) consists of two factors, namely Building Structure Attenuation (BSA) and Building Structure Resonance (BSR). Vibration generally reduces in level as it propagates through a building. On the other hand, amplification occurs due to building element resonance. Table 3.39 below shows the adjustment factors based on Saurenman (1982)[3].
Table 3.39: Adjustment Factor for Building Structure
Attenuation (BSA)
Floor level above grade |
Floor Attenuation Factor (dB) |
16 |
31.5 |
63 |
125 |
250 |
500 |
1 |
2 |
2 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
4 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
3 |
3 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
3 |
3 |
4 to 5 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
2 |
3 |
3 |
6 to 7 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
3 |
8 to 9 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
10 and
above |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Since ground-borne vibration level will be the highest on the
lower level of a building, a conservative building structure attenuation factor
of 2 dB per octave band (Table
3.40) is proposed for the
Table 3.40: Building Structure Attenuation (BSA) for
SIL(E) Study
Octave Band Centre Frequency (Hz) |
16 |
31.5 |
63 |
125 |
250 |
500 |
Floor Attenuation
Factor (dB) |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
Ground vibration level will increase within the building due
to building element resonance. The amount of amplification will depend on
building construction method. For typical
concrete based building construction, a 6 dB increase per octave band (Table 3.41) will be adopted for the
3.41: Building Structure Resonance (BSR) for
SIL(E) Study
Octave Band Centre Frequency (Hz) |
16 |
31.5 |
63 |
125 |
250 |
500 |
Floor and Wall
Resonance (dB) |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
6 |
Conversion from Vibration to Noise (CTN)
Based on the conservation of power principle, the reverberant sound field inside the room can be approximated by the following equation:
Reverberant Sound Pressure Level LA (dBA) = Lv (VdB ref 1 m in/s) + CTN Equation 3.4‑1 CTN = Krad + A-weighting Correction Equation 3.4‑2 where |
Krad |
Adjustment to account for
conversion from vibration to sound pressure level including accounting for
the amount of acoustical absorption inside the room |
For typical residential bedroom with nominal acoustical absorption treatment, the following factors (Table 3.42) are used for this study:
Table 3.42: Room Correction Factors
16 |
31.5 |
63 |
125 |
250 |
500 |
Krad (dB) |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
A weighting |
-56.7 |
-39.4 |
-26.2 |
-16.1 |
-8.6 |
-3.2 |
CTN(for vibration) |
-56.7 |
-39.4 |
-26.2 |
-16.1 |
-8.6 |
-3.2 |
For Lv vibration level
reference to 1 m
in/s |
Multiple Vibration Sources
The ground-borne noise levels from the construction plant will be summed logarithmically in accordance with standard acoustic principles to obtain the total ground-borne noise level.
Cumulative Ground-borne Noise Impact
As discussed in Section, there is a concurrent project in the vicinity of Admiralty, HKWDT, would be carried out during the tunnelling works of the Project. Potential cumulative ground-borne noise impacts due to concurrent project would be discussed in Section
and Evaluation of Environmental Impact
Detailed assessments have been conducted for three construction equipment (hydraulic breaker, hand-held breaker and rock drill), for tunnelling works including drill & blast along ADM and LET Stations and cut & cover works along ADM Station, Nam Fung Portal, Sham Wan Tower and SOH Station, the results are summarised in Table 3.43 to Table 3.47 below. The detailed assessment results were shown in Appendix 3.5.
Table 3.43: Unmitigated
Construction Ground-borne Noise Impact near Admiralty Station, Leq
(30mins) dB(A)
Usage |
Unmitigated Noise Level, dB(A) |
Noise Criteria, dB(A) |
Exceedance of Noise Criteria? |
Hotel |
61 |
65 |
No |
RP |
Residential |
46 |
65 |
No |
Hostel |
41 |
65 |
No |
Residential |
40 |
65 |
No |
Educational |
42 |
60 |
No |
Educational |
43 |
60 |
No |
Table 3.44 Unmitigated Construction Ground-borne Noise Impact near Nam Fung Portal, Leq (30mins) dB(A)
Usage |
Unmitigated Noise Level, dB(A) |
Noise Criteria, dB(A) |
Exceedance of Noise Criteria? |
Educational |
53 |
60 |
No |
Table 3.45 Unmitigated
Construction Ground-borne Noise Impact near
Usage |
Unmitigated Noise Level, dB(A) |
Noise Criteria, dB(A) |
Exceedance of Noise Criteria? |
SWT1 |
Residential |
50 |
65 |
No |
Table 3.46: Unmitigated Construction Ground-borne Noise
Impact near Lei Tung Station, Leq (30mins)
Usage |
Unmitigated Noise Level, dB(A) |
Noise Criteria, dB(A) |
Exceedance of Noise Criteria? |
YOC1 |
Residential |
64 |
65 |
No |
YOC2 |
Residential |
64 |
65 |
No |
YOC4 |
Residential |
73 |
65 |
Yes |
Nursery |
60 |
65 |
No |
Educational |
61 |
60 |
Yes |
Educational |
60 |
60 |
No |
Nursery |
62 |
65 |
No |
Educational |
60 |
60 |
No |
Note: Bold figures denote exceedance of relevant noise criteria.
Table 3.47 Unmitigated Construction Ground-borne Noise
Impact near South Horizons Station, Leq (30mins) dB(A)
Usage |
Unmitigated Noise Level, dB(A) |
Noise Criteria, dB(A) |
Exceedance of Noise Criteria? |
SOH5 |
Residential |
62 |
65 |
No |
SOH6 |
Residential |
62 |
65 |
No |
SOH7 |
Residential |
56 |
65 |
No |
SOH8 |
Residential |
65 |
65 |
No |
Educational |
49 |
65 |
No |
Construction Ground-borne Noise Impact
According to the HKWDT EIA, there is a main water tunnel
transverse from Eastern Portal (near
Based on the assessment result in the vicinity of Admiralty as shown in Table 3.43, the predicted ground-borne noise levels from the SIL(E) will not exceed the daytime ground-borne noise criteria with a margin of 4 dB(A) or more. Taking into account the assessment results of the HKWDT EIA, the cumulative noise impact level from both projects would still be 4 dB(A) or more below the criteria. Hence, it could be concluded that the cumulative ground-borne noise impact from HKWDT and SIL(E) to the noise sensitive receivers would not exceed the noise criteria and no mitigation measures are required.
of Adverse Environmental Impact
The predicted construction ground-borne noise levels will comply with the stipulated noise criteria at all NSRs, except NSRs (YOC4 and SPC) in proximity to the works area along LET Station due to the drill & blast tunnelling activity. As the quantity of PME related to ground-borne noise to be adopted for the drill & blast work activity is considered as minimal, good site practices are recommended so to minimise the adverse impact as far as possible. PME that in intermittent use should be shut down between work periods or should be throttled down to a minimum.
of Residual Construction Ground-borne Noise Impact
Based on the construction programme of the drill & blast along YOC4 and SPC, it is likely that the duration of the exceedance would last for about three weeks for YOC4 and 8 weeks for SPC. The exceedance predicted at SPC is only 1dB(A) which shall be considered as minor residual impact. Nevertheless, implementation of good site practice, careful scheduling of works and maintaining close liaison with affected parties are recommended to minimise the impact from the tunnelling works.
Identification of Noise Source
The proposed SIL(E) comprise of railway alignment from Nam Fung Portal via Ocean Park Station, Wong Chuk Hang Station, Ap Lei Chau Bridge to Ap Lei Chau as shown in Figure 3.6 to Figure 3.8.
Direct Airborne Railway Noise
Noise emissions levels are dependent on the type of rolling stock, trackform and structural design of viaduct, speed, frequency of service, etc.
The reference noise level of the revenue train to be adopted for the operational airborne noise assessment makes reference to the specification of the train. The same stock is currently operating on Kwun Tong Line. The reference noise level refers to trains running at grade on ballast track is shown in Table 3.48.
Table 3.48 : Reference Train Noise Level
Reference Train speed, kph |
Reference distance from track, m |
Maximum Noise Level Lmax, dB(A) |
80 |
25 |
78 |
Re-radiated Railway Noise
Structure re-radiated noise from the viaduct originates from vibration generated by the wheel and track interaction. In order to attenuate the vibration and so to reduce the airborne structure re-radiated noise, low vibration trackform, Type 1a or other similar resilient baseplate trackform would be adopted.
A correction factor of +4 dB(A)[4] is proposed to be adopted in this assessment to account for structure re-radiated noise from the viaduct structure and potential noise increase due to trains running on slab track instead of on ballast track.
Tunnel Portal Effect
Apart from the direct airborne railway noise, the
structure-borne noise re-radiated from the viaduct originates from vibration
generated by the wheel and track interaction, the sound generated inside the
tunnel will reverberate within the tunnel and exits at the portals of the
tunnel. This tunnel portal effect at Nam
Fung Tunnel Portal and Lei Tung Tunnel portal could potentially contribute to
the overall railway noise impact at the noise sensitive receivers with
line-of-sight and in proximity of the portals.
For the Lei Tung Tunnel portal, the closest NSR with
line-of-sight to it is Ocean Court (OC) which is located about 270m from the
portal. In view of the long separation,
the tunnel portal effect from this portal to the NSR is considered to be
For the Nam Fung Portal (at the ex-Canadian Hospital site near Nam Fung Path), the closest NSR with line-of-sight to it is TWGH Yeung Shing Memorial Long Stay Care Home (NSR YSM1) which is located at about 50m from the portal. Potential tunnel portal effect to this NSR may be anticipated.
Assessment Methodology
The airborne noise prediction methodology proposed for the SIL(E) noise impact assessment is generally based on the approved methodologies for the West Rail, East Rail Extensions and Sheung Shui to Lok Ma Chau Spur Line EIA studies.
Direct Airborne Railway Noise
Direct Airborne Railway Noise will be predicted using the equation below:
at NSR= LAX (V) +
Cspeed + Cdistance + Cangle - Cbarrier
+ Cstr + Cdet + Cpx + Cfacade |
where |
LAX direct at NSR |
predicted Sound Exposure Level at NSR |
LAX (V) |
Sound Exposure Level for the train at reference distance and speed |
C speed |
correction due to speed |
C distance |
correction due to distance |
C angle |
correction for angle of view of rail line as perceived from NSR |
C barrier |
correction due to barrier/ enclosure |
C str |
correction for structure re-radiated noise |
C det |
correction for deterioration in rail and rolling stock condition |
C px |
correction for points and crossings on track |
C facade |
correction for façade reflection at NSR |
For railway noise prediction, the railway alignment visible from the NSR will be divided into segments such that the variation of noise expected within each track segment will be less than 2 dB(A).
Sound exposure level - Lmax Relationship
The Sound Exposure Level (LAX (V)), for a given train speed V, is calculated by integrating the theoretical time history of train rolling noise with dipole directivity[5]. This procedure has taken into account the length of the train and the type of track and track support system for each track segment. The following equation will be used to convert the maximum A-weighted noise level (LA,max at NSR) of the passing train to the sound exposure level (LAX (V)) at the NSR location.
LAX (V) = LA,max
(V) + 10 log10(l/V) - 10 log10[4D/(4D2+1)+2tan-1(1/2D)]
+ 10.5 |
where |
LA,max (V) |
train noise level at speed V, dB(A) |
V |
speed of
train, kph |
D |
d/l |
d |
slant distance from the nearside
track of the segment to the NSR (measured perpendicularly), m |
l |
of train, m |
The prediction model assumes a continuous line source located at the rail alignment. The source will be positioned at an “effective source height” of 0.9m above the railhead level for Electric Multiple Unit (EMU) in this assessment study.
Speed Correction
Speed correction will be calculated using the equation below which makes reference to the West Rail EIA. The train speed profile along the proposed SIL(E) is shown in Appendix 3.6.
C speed
= K log10 (V / Vref) |
where |
V |
of train, kph |
Vref |
speed |
K |
for LAX, =30 for LAmax |
Distance Correction
For LAX prediction, the distance correction for a line source propagation is given by the equation below.
C distance
= -10 log10 (d / dref ) |
where |
d |
distance from track (measured perpendicularly), m |
dref |
distance |
For LAmax prediction, the distance correction for a line source propagation is given by the equation below.
C distance = -K log10 (d / dref ) |
where |
d |
distance from track, m |
dref |
distance |
K |
= 10 (d ≤
train length), =20 (d > train length) |
Angle of View Correction
The Sound Exposure Level for rail pass by will depend on the angle subtended by the rail alignment at the NSR. The angle of view effect will be corrected using the equation below.
C angle
= 10 log10 (q /180) |
where |
q |
Angle of
view |
Barrier Correction
Barrier correction will be calculated using the Kurze and
C barrier = min{ 21, (5 + 20 log10 [(2πN)1/2
/ tanh (2πN)1/2 ] – PL(N)) } + Creflect |
where |
N |
Fresnel Number = 2 δ / λ |
δ |
Path length difference between
direct and diffracted sound paths. |
λ |
Wavelength of sound in air. |
PL(N) |
Correction to account for the differences for
attenuation between line source and point source. PL(N) is a function of the Fresnel
Number N will be determined using the procedure developed by Beranek[6]. |
Creflect |
Correction for reflective barrier effect. = 0 for absorptive barrier = -4 for reflective barrier at least 1m above the
railhead.[7] |
Structure Re-radiated Correction (Cstr)
A structure re-radiated correction of +4 dB(A) will be adopted in noise prediction to account for structure re-radiated noise from the viaduct structure and potential noise increase due to trains running on slab track instead of on ballast track.
Correction for deterioration in rail and rolling stock condition (Cdet)
A correction for the deterioration in rail and rolling stock condition from brand new to an operating level of +3 dB(A) will be adopted in noise prediction.
Point and Crossing Correction (Cpx)
There will be an increase in noise level when wheels traverse a point or a crossing. A correction of +7 dB(A) is proposed for each point and crossing along the rail alignment. Location of the crossing along the viaduct section is shown in Figure 3.7 which is found east of the proposed Wong Chuk Hang Depot.
Façade Correction (C facade)
A façade correction of +2.5 dB(A) will be adopted for noise prediction. This correction is based on recommendation of Calculation of Railway Noise (UK Department of Transport, 1995).
Conversion to LAeq 30mins
The Sound Exposure Level (LAX) at a particular NSR will be converted into the continuous equivalent sound pressure level LAeq, total using the equations below for each train type.
LA eq, total = Leq,T + 10 log10N |
where |
LAX at
NSR (direct + re-radiated) |
T |
Assessment period,
T = 24 hours or 30 minutes expressed in seconds |
N |
number of
trains pass-by within the assessment period |
Summation of Contribution by all Segments
The total noise level at the NSR is the total contribution from all segments during the assessment period.
Prediction and Evaluation of Environmental Impact
In order to minimize the potential airborne railway noise impacts arises from the viaduct section of the Project, 2m high parapet with absorptive material along the viaduct at two sides are proposed as the base design scheme. A typical section diagram of the viaduct and the location of the 2m high parapet are shown in Figure 3.24.
The alignment will be in form of an enclosed concrete box structure through the ex-Canadian Hospital Site. The extent of the box structure is shown in Figure 2.1.3 and Appendix 3.2d.
For the purpose of
predicting the worst case scenario, the railway noise impact assessment has
based on the MTRCL service parameter for the ultimate weekday design
condition. The design parameters for the
ultimate condition are shown in Table 3.49. The
following design parameters are used in the operation airborne noise study:
Table 3.49: Revenue Train Service Operation Detail
(Ultimate Weekly)
Time Period |
Frequency /direction |
Peak Hour Headway |
Morning (0730 ~ 0930 hrs) |
2.1 mins |
Evening (1700 ~ 2000 hrs) |
2.3 mins |
Off-peak Hour Headway |
Early morning (0600 ~ 0730 hrs) |
4 to 8 mins |
Daytime (0930 ~ 1700 hrs) |
3 to 4 mins |
Late evening (2000 ~ 0130 hrs) |
5 to 10 mins |
Total Number of Train Trips |
Daytime and Evening Time (0700 to 2300 hrs) |
330 EMUs |
Night time (2300 to 0700 hrs) |
32 EMUs |
Train Type: MTRCL K-Stock
Train Configuration: 3 cars, total length of 68m
Train Frequency: Day and Evening Period - 15 trains per direction per 30 mins
Night Period - 8 trains per direction per 30 mins
Train Speed: Train Speed Profile
along the proposed SIL(E) (Refer to Appendix
Vertical Profile: Vertical Profile along the
proposed SIL(E) (Refer to Appendix
As information regarding the type and layout of developments at the two G/IC zoned sites i.e. ex-Canadian Hospital site and the bus depot adjacent to the OCP Station and the layout of the residential development at the R(A) site above WCH Depot is not available or confirmed during the time of preparation of this report, the noise assessment has been carried out in two scenarios. One Scenario, namely Scenario for Existing NSRs, aims to present the noise mitigation measures required for existing noise sensitive uses only assuming no development in the R(A) site and two G/IC sites yet. Another Scenario, namely Scenario for Existing and Planned NSRs, aims to present the required changes in noise mitigation measures, in comparing with the Scenario for Existing NSRs, where noise sensitive uses in the R(A) site and two G/IC sites have been taken into account.
Railway Noise Impact: Scenario for Existing NSRs
According to Section of the EIA Study
Brief, noise level in Leq (30mins), Leq (24 hr) and Lmax
during the day and at night at the selected NSRs shall be calculated and
presented. The potential noise impacts
on the NSRs due to operation of the viaduct section of
Table 3.50: Unmitigated
Railway Noise during Daytime and Evening Time (0700-2300)
Floor |
Predicted Noise Level |
Railway Noise Criteria, Leq (30mins), dB(A) |
Exceedance of Noise Criteria? |
Affected Floors |
Leq (30mins), dB(A) |
Lmax, dB(A) |
1/F-5/F |
C |
57-58 |
67-69 |
70 |
No |
- |
BC |
G/F-2/F |
C |
56 |
67-68 |
70 |
No |
- |
YSM1 |
1/F-6/F |
C |
60-66 |
77-83 |
70 |
No |
- |
SW4 |
G/F-1/F |
C |
59 |
76 |
70 |
No |
- |
PC3 |
1/F-4/F |
B |
55-58 |
72-74 |
65 |
No |
- |
PC4 |
1/F-4/F |
B |
56-58 |
73-75 |
65 |
No |
- |
G/F |
B |
60 |
77 |
65 |
No |
- |
SMH1 |
G/F-2/F |
B |
65-67 |
81-83 |
65 |
Yes |
1/F-2/F |
1/F-5/F |
B |
70-74 |
84-88 |
65 |
Yes |
1/F-5/F |
1/F-5/F |
B |
65-68 |
81-85 |
65 |
Yes |
3/F-5/F |
HSS1 |
G/F-3/F |
C |
74 |
88-89 |
70 |
Yes |
G/F-3/F |
HSS2 |
G/F-3/F |
B |
69-70 |
86-88 |
65 |
Yes |
G/F-3/F |
HSS3 |
G/F |
B |
67 |
83 |
65 |
Yes |
G/F |
HSS4 |
G/F-3/F |
C |
64-67 |
80-83 |
70 |
No |
- |
OC1 |
1/F-31/F |
C |
58-62 |
65-71 |
70 |
No |
- |
OC2 |
1/F-31/F |
C |
55-61 |
65-70 |
70 |
No |
- |
SWT2 |
1/F-44/F |
C |
61-65 |
73-79 |
70 |
No |
- |
SWT3 |
1/F-44/F |
C |
62-64 |
73-78 |
70 |
No |
- |
Total No.
of Affected Floors |
15 |
Notes: Bold figure denotes exceedance of relevant noise criteria
HSS1 and HSS2 represent two different facades of the same building
SWT2 and SWT3 represent two different facades of the same building
Table 3.51: Unmitigated
Railway Noise during Night Time (2300-0700)
Floor |
Predicted Noise Level |
Railway Noise Criteria |
Exceedance of Noise Criteria? |
Affected Floors |
Leq (30mins), dB(A) |
Lmax, dB(A) |
Leq(30mins), dB(A) |
Lmax, dB(A) |
1/F-5/F |
C |
54-55 |
67-69 |
60 |
85 |
No |
- |
BC |
G/F-2/F |
C |
53-54 |
67-68 |
60 |
85 |
No |
- |
YSM1 |
1/F-6/F |
C |
57-63 |
77-83 |
60 |
85 |
Yes |
4/F-6/F |
SW4 |
G/F-1/F |
C |
56 |
76 |
60 |
85 |
No |
- |
PC3 |
1/F-4/F |
B |
52-55 |
72-74 |
55 |
85 |
No |
- |
PC4 |
1/F-4/F |
B |
53-55 |
73-75 |
55 |
85 |
No |
- |
SMH1 |
G/F-2/F |
B |
62-64 |
81-83 |
55 |
85 |
Yes |
G/F-2/F |
1/F-5/F |
B |
68-71 |
84-88 |
55 |
85 |
Yes |
1/F-5/F |
1/F-5/F |
B |
62-65 |
81-85 |
55 |
85 |
Yes |
1/F-5/F |
OC1 |
1/F-31/F |
C |
55-60 |
65-71 |
60 |
85 |
No |
- |
OC2 |
1/F-31/F |
C |
53-58 |
65-70 |
60 |
85 |
No |
- |
SWT2 |
1/F-44/F |
C |
58-62 |
73-79 |
60 |
85 |
Yes |
1/F-13/F |
SWT3 |
1/F-44/F |
C |
59-62 |
73-78 |
60 |
85 |
Yes |
2/F-22/F |
Total No. of Affected Floors |
51 |
Notes: Bold figure denotes exceedance of relevant noise criteria
SWT2 and SWT3 represent two different facades of the same building
Table 3.52: Unmitigated
Railway Noise in Leq (24hrs)
Floor |
Predicted Noise Level, Leq (24hrs) dB(A) |
1/F-5/F |
C |
54-55 |
BC |
1/F-5/F |
C |
53 |
YSM1 |
1/F-5/F |
C |
57-63 |
SW4 |
G/F-1/F |
C |
56 |
PC3 |
1/F-4/F |
B |
52-55 |
PC4 |
1/F-4/F |
B |
53-55 |
G/F |
B |
57 |
SMH1 |
G/F-2/F |
B |
62-64 |
1/F-5/F |
B |
67-71 |
1/F-5/F |
B |
62-65 |
HSS1 |
G/F-3/F |
C |
71 |
HSS2 |
G/F-3/F |
B |
66-67 |
HSS3 |
G/F |
B |
64 |
HSS4 |
G/F-3/F |
C |
61-64 |
OC1 |
1/F-31/F |
C |
55-59 |
OC2 |
1/F-31/F |
C |
52-58 |
SWT2 |
1/F-44/F |
C |
58-62 |
SWT3 |
1/F-44/F |
C |
59-61 |
Mitigation of Adverse Environmental Impact
Table 3.50 and Table 3.51 have indicated that exceedance of relevant noise criteria are predicted at existing NSRs including YSM1, PC4, SMH1, TWGH1, TWGH2, HSS1, HSS2, HSS3, SWT2 and SWT3, hence direct mitigation measures should be proposed to minimise the noise impact. According to the Section 6.1, Annex 13 of EIAO-TM, direct mitigation measures as listed below should be considered:
a. alternative siting
b. screening by noise tolerant buildings
c. treatment of source
d. alternative alignment
e. noise barrier/enclosure
Noise mitigation measures starting from direct ones were evaluated. When all practicable at-source mitigation measures have been exhausted, at-receiver mitigation measures are considered in terms of modification of layout plan and setback requirements for the planned NSRs.
In view of practicability, the erection of noise barrier/ semi-enclosure along the viaduct sections are effective mitigation measures in tackling the railway noise impact to sensitive receivers. The selection of trackform with necessary vibration attenuation could also be a form of mitigation measures to reduce the airborne structure re-radiated noise. The basic type of vibration mitigation trackform to be adopted in the viaduct section of the alignment is a resilient baseplate trackform, namely Type 1a (Details of the trackform could be found in Appendix 3.13).
Viaduct sections from the Nam Fung Portal, along Wong Chuk Hang Nullah and Ap Lei Chau Bridge in Aberdeen Channel are recommended to erect noise barrier/ semi-enclosure, in addition to the 2m high absorptive parapet along the whole viaduct section, to alleviate the railway noise impact for existing sensitive uses. The locations of noise barriers/ semi-enclosure are tabulated in Table 3.53 below. Figure 3.25 to Figure 3.27 show the location of the proposed noise barriers/ semi-enclosure.
Table 3.53: Proposed Location of Noise Barriers/ Enclosure for Existing Uses
Track Direction |
Chain-age |
Location |
Type of Noise Mitigation Measures |
Height, m |
Length, m |
Figure |
Up Track (From South Horizons to Admiralty) |
13530 – 13620 |
Yeung Shing Memorial Long Stay Care Home |
covering nearest track |
6 |
90 |
– 15580 |
Wan Towers |
covering both tracks with opening along northern side |
6 |
50 |
Down Track (From Admiralty to South Horizons) |
– 15195 |
Chuk Hang Nullah |
covering the nearest track only |
6 |
535 |
– 15580 |
Wan Towers |
covering both tracks with opening along northern side |
6 |
50 |
As mentioned in Section, NSR YSM1 may be affected by the tunnel portal noise as it is located near the portal south of the ex-Canadian Hospital site at Nam Fung Path (about 50m). Taking into consideration of the proposed 90m long semi-enclosure at the portal, the line of sight to the portal from the NSR could be blocked and hence the potential tunnel portal effect is anticipated to be minimal. NSR Wong Chuk Hang San Wai (SW4) which is located below the viaduct connecting the portal. The potential tunnel portal effect to the NSR hence is also expected to be minimal. Another NSR Beaconsfield Court (BC) also has line-of-sight to this portal. As it is located more than 150m from the portal and tunnel portal effect would not be expected.
For the Lei Tung Tunnel portal, NSR Sham Wan Towers (SWT3) may be affected by the tunnel portal noise as it is located near the tunnel portal (about 60m) although it does not has direct line-of-sight to the tunnel portal. Taking into consideration of the proposed 50m long semi-enclosure at the portal, the potential tunnel portal effect could be screened off completely and hence tunnel portal effect would not be expected to this NSR. In view of long separation between NSR Ocean Court (OC) and the portal, which is about 270m, tunnel portal effect is considered to be insignificant to this NSR.
With the erection of noise barrier/ enclosure along the viaduct sections, the mitigated railway noise impact to the noise sensitive receivers is summarised in Table 3.54 below. A sample calculation of railway noise with mitigation measures implemented is shown in Appendix 3.9a and the detailed noise level of each floor is shown in Appendix 3.10a.
Table 3.54: Mitigated
Railway Noise during Daytime and Night Time
Relevant Railway Noise Criteria |
Mitigated Noise Level |
Exceedance of Noise Criteria? |
Daytime, Leq (30mins) dB(A) |
Night time, Leq (30mins) dB(A) |
Lmax, dB(A) |
Daytime, Leq (30mins) dB(A) |
Night time, Leq (30mins) dB(A) |
Lmax, dB(A) |
YSM1 |
70 |
60 |
85 |
55-63 |
52-60 |
69-77 |
No |
SMH1 |
65 |
55 |
85 |
54-56 |
51-53 |
68-70 |
No |
65 |
55 |
85 |
55-58 |
52-55 |
69-71 |
No |
65 |
55 |
85 |
50-51 |
48-49 |
67-68 |
No |
HSS1* |
70 |
- |
- |
68-69 |
- |
- |
No |
HSS2* |
70 |
- |
- |
53-54 |
- |
- |
No |
HSS3* |
70 |
- |
- |
50 |
- |
- |
No |
SWT2 |
70 |
60 |
85 |
57-62 |
55-59 |
72-76 |
No |
SWT3 |
70 |
60 |
85 |
59-62 |
56-59 |
72-75 |
No |
Notes: * denotes no sensitive uses at HSS1, HSS2 and HSS3 were assumed during night time
With the erection of noise barrier/ semi-enclosure proposed along the viaduct section as shown in Figure 3.25 to Figure 3.27, no further exceedances of railway noise criteria are found at the existing NSRs. Hence, the recommended mitigation measures are considered effective in alleviating the noise impact to existing receivers. A total of 56 floors of existing residential buildings (including 5 floors during daytime and 51 floors during night-time) will benefit from the noise mitigation measures.
Railway Noise Impact: Scenario for Existing and Planned NSRs
The noise impact assessment of this Scenario focuses on the noise sensitive uses in the R(A) site above WCH Depot and two G/IC sites i.e. ex-Canadian Hospital site and the bus depot adjacent to the OCP Station and the required changes in the noise mitigation measures proposed for Scenario for Existing NSRs such that the noise impact at these sensitive receivers could comply with the relevant noise criteria.
Assessment points for the planned sensitive uses in the R(A) and G/IC sites have been selected and the locations are shown in Figure 3.28 – Figure 3.29. It is assumed that these locations are representing the worst affected facades for the planned sensitive uses in terms of airborne railway noise impact.
As the planning parameter and development details of the R(A) site are not available at the time of preparing this EIA, an approach of showing the noise level plateau off has been adopted for determining the number storeys to be assessed for the future development above the WCH Depot. The purpose of this approach is to ensure the height (or number of floors) above the site which is worst affected by railway noise has been considered in the assessment and also the necessary mitigation measures, if required. Hence the number of floors has been assessed for the site do not imply any building height for the future development.
On the other hand, the allowed maximum height for development at the ex-Canadian Hospital site is +50 mPD and 4-storey high above the bus depot G/IC site as given by Planning Department, these parameters have been adopted in the assessment.
WCH station is designed with a podium cover and thus the planned NSRs above the WCH depot do not have direct line of sight to the tracks within the station. This assumption has been made in the assessment.
The potential noise impacts on these NSRs due to operation of
the viaduct section of
Table 3.55: Railway Noise during Daytime (0700-2300),
with Scenario for Existing NSRs mitigation measures
*Floor |
Predicted Noise Level |
Railway Noise Criteria, Leq (30mins) dB(A) |
Exceedance of Noise Criteria? |
Leq (30mins), dB(A) |
Lmax, dB(A) |
EX1 |
L1-L3 |
C |
69-71 |
86-87 |
70 |
Yes |
OCP2 |
1/F-4/F |
C |
56-61 |
71-76 |
70 |
No |
OCP3 |
1/F-4/F |
B |
58-62 |
71-75 |
65 |
Yes |
WCH1 |
1/F-30/F |
B |
62-66 |
80-83 |
65 |
Yes |
WCH2 |
1/F-30/F |
B |
56-60 |
73-83 |
65 |
No |
WCH3 |
1/F-30/F |
B |
62-65 |
73-83 |
65 |
No |
Notes: (*) Assumed floor levels for indicative purpose only. Actual number of floors subject to future approved design.
Bold figure denotes exceedance of relevant noise criteria
Table 3.56: Railway Noise during Night time (2300-0700),
with Scenario for Existing NSRs mitigation measures
*Floor |
Predicted Noise Level |
Railway Noise Criteria |
Exceedance of Noise Criteria? |
Leq (30mins) dB(A) |
Lmax, dB(A) |
Leq (30mins), dB(A) |
Lmax, dB(A) |
EX1 |
L1-L3 |
C |
67-68 |
86-87 |
60 |
85 |
Yes |
OCP2 |
1/F-4/F |
C |
53-58 |
71-76 |
60 |
85 |
Yes |
OCP3 |
1/F-4/F |
B |
55-59 |
71-75 |
55 |
85 |
Yes |
WCH1 |
1/F-30/F |
B |
59-64 |
80-83 |
55 |
85 |
Yes |
WCH2 |
1/F-30/F |
B |
53-57 |
73-83 |
55 |
85 |
Yes |
WCH3 |
1/F-30/F |
B |
59-62 |
73-83 |
55 |
85 |
Yes |
Notes: (*) Assumed floor levels for indicative
purpose only. Actual number of floors
subject to future approved design.
Bold figure denotes exceedance of relevant noise criteria
Table 3.57: Railway Noise in Leq (24hrs)
dB(A), with Scenario for Existing NSRs mitigation measures
*Floor |
Predicted Noise Level, Leq (24hrs) dB(A) |
EX1 |
L1-L3 |
C |
66-68 |
OCP2 |
1/F-4/F |
C |
53-58 |
OCP3 |
1/F-4/F |
B |
55-59 |
WCH1 |
1/F-30/F |
B |
59-63 |
WCH2 |
1/F-30/F |
B |
53-57 |
WCH3 |
1/F-30/F |
B |
59-62 |
Notes: (*) Assumed floor levels for indicative purpose only. Actual number of floors subject to future
approved design.
Further Mitigation Measures for Scenario for Existing and Planned NSRs
Table 3.55 and Table 3.56 have indicated that exceedance of relevant noise criteria are predicted at the planned NSRs including EX1, OCP1, OCP3, WCH1, WCH2 and WCH3, hence further direct mitigation measures should be proposed to minimise the noise impact for the Scenario for Existing and Planned NSRs.
Viaduct sections from Nam Fung Portal to OCP Station and from OCP Station to WCH Station are recommended to erect additional noise barrier/semi-enclosure to alleviate the railway noise impact for the planned sensitive uses. The locations of the additional noise barriers/semi-enclosure are tabulated in Table 3.58 below. Figure 3.28 to Figure 3.30 show the location of the proposed additional noise barriers/semi-enclosure. Schematic cross-sections of the proposed noise barrier/ semi-enclosures are shown in Figure 3.31 to Figure 3.33.
Table 3.58: Proposed Location of Additional Noise Barriers/ Enclosures for Planned Uses
Chain-age |
Location |
Type of Noise Mitigation Measures |
Height, m |
Length, m |
Figure |
Track (From South Horizons to Admiralty) |
13530 – 13620 |
TWGH Yeung Shing Memorial Long Stay
Care Home |
Semi-enclosure covering both tracks with
opening along southern side |
6 |
90 |
13930 – 14100 |
West of |
Semi-enclosure covering both tracks
with opening along southern side |
6 |
170 |
14210 – 14400 |
East of Wong Chuk Hang Residential
Zone |
Semi-enclosure covering all tracks of
the viaducts with opening along northern side |
6 |
190 |
14660 – 14720 |
West of Wong Chuk Hang Residential
Zone |
Semi-enclosure covering both tracks
with opening along northern side |
6 |
60 |
Track (From Admiralty to South Horizons) |
13530 – 13620 |
TWGH Yeung Shing Memorial Long Stay
Care Home |
Semi-enclosure covering both tracks
with opening along southern side |
6 |
90 |
13930 – 14100 |
West of |
Semi-enclosure covering both tracks
with opening along southern side |
6 |
170 |
14020 – 14100 |
Vertical Barrier |
2.2m above parapet |
80 |
14210 – 14400 |
East of Wong Chuk Hang Residential
Zone |
Semi-enclosure covering all tracks of
the viaducts with opening along northern side |
6 |
190 |
14660 – 14720 |
West of Wong Chuk Hang Residential
Zone |
Semi-enclosure covering both tracks
with opening along northern side |
6 |
60 |
14660 – 14720 |
West of Wong Chuk Hang Residential
Zone |
Vertical Barrier |
2.4 m above parapet |
60 |
Notes: OCP station will be upgraded to fully decking design to block
the direct line of sight to the tracks within the station from the planned NSRs
at the G/IC site next to the station should the development at the site is
noise sensitive use.
With erection of the additional noise barriers / semi-enclosures along the viaduct sections, the mitigated railway noise impact to the noise sensitive receivers is summarised in Table 3.59 below. A sample calculation of railway noise with mitigation measures implemented is shown in Appendix 3.9b and the detailed noise level of each floor is shown in Appendix 3.10b.
Table 3.59: Mitigated Railway Noise during Daytime and
Night Time
Relevant Railway Noise Criteria |
Mitigated Noise Level |
Exceedance of Noise Criteria? |
Daytime, Leq (30mins) dB(A) |
Night time, Leq (30mins) dB(A) |
Lmax, dB(A) |
Daytime, Leq (30mins) dB(A) |
Night time, Leq (30mins) dB(A) |
Lmax, dB(A) |
EX1 |
70 |
60 |
85 |
57-58 |
54-55 |
72-75 |
No |
OCP2 |
70 |
60 |
85 |
56-61 |
53-58 |
71-76 |
No |
OCP3 |
65 |
55 |
85 |
54-58 |
51-55 |
67-70 |
No |
WCH1 |
65 |
55 |
85 |
55-57 |
52-54 |
69-71 |
No |
WCH2 |
65 |
55 |
85 |
55-58 |
52-55 |
71-74 |
No |
WCH3 |
65 |
55 |
85 |
55-58 |
52-55 |
72-75 |
No |
With the erection of the additional noise barriers/semi-enclosures proposed along the viaduct section as shown in Figure 3.28 to Figure 3.30, no further exceedances of railway noise criteria are found at the planned NSRs. Hence, the recommended mitigation measures are considered effective in alleviating the noise impact to planned receivers.
Evaluation of Residual Impact
G/IC sites at ex-Canadian Hospital site and Citybus depot
As the assessment for those planned noise sensitive receivers are based on representative assessment points, further review of the proposed noise mitigation measures shall be carried out after the confirmation of the design layout of the developments in the two G/IC sites. In view of this, the viaduct structure would allow further installation of noise barrier or enclosure at the later commissioning stage, if required. In addition, further mitigation measures if necessary would also be allowed in the OCP station to block the direct line of sight from the planned NSRs within the G/IC site to the tracks with the station. Nevertheless, in case the future development in the G/IC site is not noise sensitive, no direct noise mitigation measures would be considered. The additional noise barriers/enclosures where required would be provided before the occupation of the planned NSRs.
WCH R(A) site
Similar to the two G/IC sites, the assessment for the planned noise sensitive receivers are based on representative assessment points and heights, further review of the proposed noise mitigation measures shall be carried out after the confirmation of the design layout of the residential development above the WCH Depot before population intake. In view of this, the viaduct structure would allow further installation of noise barrier or enclosure at the later commissioning stage, if required. Nevertheless, in case the future development in the R(A) site is not noise sensitive, no direct noise mitigation measures would be considered. The additional noise barriers/enclosures where required would be provided before the occupation of the planned NSRs.
In view of the above, no further exceedances of railway noise criteria are found at the representative NSRs. Hence, no residual impact is anticipated.
Plant Noise
Identification of Noise Source
Ventilation Systems
Noise from fixed plant for the proposed
¡ Ventilation systems and fixed plant at the five stations;
¡ Ventilation systems and fixed plant at Wong Chuk Hang Depot; and
¡ Ventilation systems and fixed plant at Hong Kong Park, Nam Fung Portal / Ventilation Building, Lee Wing Street Plant Building and Lee Nam Road Plant Building.
Table 3.60: Summary
of Fixed Plant Noise Sources
Location |
Fixed Noise Source |
Number of Fixed Plant |
Opening ID |
Direction of Facing* |
Figure |
ADM Station |
Block A (SIL) |
4 |
ADM-A1 to A4 |
All |
Block B (SIL) |
5 |
ADM-B1 to B5 |
All |
Block C (SIL) |
5 |
ADM-C1 to C5 |
All |
Block D (SIL) |
4 |
ADM-D1 to D4 |
All |
Block E (SIL) |
10 |
ADM-E1 to E10 |
All |
Block F (SIL) |
4 |
ADM-F1 to F4 |
All |
Block G (SIL) |
1 |
ADM-G1 |
All |
Block N (SIL) |
1 |
ADM-N1 |
upward |
Pressurization Air Duct |
1 |
HKP01 |
SE |
Exhaust From
Transformer Rooms |
1 |
HKP02 |
NE |
Fresh Air
Intake for Transformer Room |
1 |
HKP03 |
NE |
1 |
HKP04 |
NW |
Vent Shaft
(SIL) |
1 |
HKP05 |
NW |
Pressurization Fan Room |
1 |
NAM01 |
SE |
Relief Duct |
1 |
NAM02 |
SE |
Air Plenum
(V08) |
1 |
NAM03 |
SE |
Air Plenum
(V07) |
1 |
NAM04 |
SE |
Air Plenum
(V09) |
1 |
NAM05 |
SE |
BEVS (V01)
(Roof Level) |
1 |
NAM06 |
SE |
(Ground Floor) |
1 |
NAM07 |
SE |
BEVS (V01)
(Ground Level) |
1 |
NAM08 |
SE |
(Ground Floor) |
1 |
NAM09 |
NE |
(Ground Floor) |
2 |
NAM10, NAM11 |
NE |
SSVS (V02) |
1 |
NAM12 |
SW |
OCP Station |
Louver for
Smoke Extraction |
1 |
OCP1 |
S |
Louvers for
Fresh Air Intake/ Exhaust |
1 |
OCP2 |
S |
Exhaust Air
Louvre Opening at High Level |
3 |
OCP3 to OCP5 |
S |
Fresh Air
Louvre at High Level |
2 |
OCP6, OCP8 |
S |
Exhaust Air
Louvre Opening at Low Level |
1 |
OCP7 |
S |
Exhaust Air
Louvre |
2 |
OCP9, OCP10 |
S |
Fresh Air
Louvre at Low Level |
1 |
OCP11 |
S |
Discharge |
1 |
OCP12 |
W |
Fresh Air
Intake Louvre Opening at Full Height |
1 |
OCP13 |
W |
Louvre for
Fresh Air Intake & Exhaust |
1 |
OCP14 |
E |
WCH Station |
shaft for WCH Station |
7 |
WCH1 to WCH7 |
All |
2 |
WCH8, WCH9 |
E, W |
WCH Depot |
shaft for air intake |
1 |
WCD-FA01 |
All |
1 |
WCD-FA02 |
All |
1 |
WCD-FA03 |
All |
shaft for Smoke Extraction & Normal Exhaust |
1 |
WCD-SE01 |
All |
1 |
WCD-SE02 |
All |
1 |
WCD-SE03 |
All |
1 |
WCD-EA01 |
E |
Opening (depot façade) |
11 |
WCD1 to WCD11 |
E, SW |
LET Station (Entrance B) |
SPF Room (3rd
Floor) |
1 |
LET01, LET02 |
N, W |
BEVS (3rd
Floor) |
1 |
LET03 |
W |
TSVS (3rd
Floor) |
1 |
LET04 |
E |
FEVS (3rd
Floor) |
1 |
LET05 |
S |
Natural Air
Make-up (3rd Floor) |
1 |
LET06, LET07 |
E, S |
TEVS (2nd
Floor) |
1 |
LET08 |
W |
SSVS (2nd
Floor) |
1 |
LET09 |
E |
TEVS (1st
Floor) |
1 |
LET10 |
W |
SSVS (1st
Floor) |
1 |
LET11 |
E |
LET Station (Entrance A) |
VOID (Roof
Floor) |
1 |
LET12 |
NW |
Plant Room (1st
Floor) |
1 |
LET13 |
NW |
TVF near |
TVF (Ground
Level) |
2 |
LET14, LET15 |
NW |
SOH Station (Entrance A) |
Air Intake/
Exhaust ductings with louvre openings |
1 |
LNR01a-d |
All |
( |
Louvre at
Ground Level |
2 |
LNR02, LNR03 |
NW |
Louvre at
Ground Level |
2 |
LNR04, LNR05 |
NW |
Louvre at
Ground Level |
1 |
LNR06 |
NW |
Louvre at Roof
Level |
2 |
LNR07, LNR08 |
SE |
UPS (First Level) |
1 |
LNR09 |
SE |
Louvre at
First Level (Fireman Lift Shaft) |
2 |
LNR10, LNR11 |
SE |
BEVS (First Level) |
1 |
LNR12 |
SE |
Pressurization REF IEF Duct (First Level) |
1 |
LNR13 |
SE |
SSVS (First
Level) |
1 |
LNR14 |
SE |
Louvre at
First Level |
2 |
LNR15, LNR16 |
SW |
Louvre at
Ground Level |
1 |
LNR17 |
SW |
Louvre at
First Level |
1 |
LNR18 |
NE |
Louvre at
Ground Level |
1 |
LNR19 |
NE |
SOH Station (Entrance C) |
Louvre opening |
1 |
LNR20 |
SW |
6 |
LWB01 to LWB06 |
N, E, S |
Louvre (3rd
Floor) |
1 |
LWB07 |
S |
Louvre (2nd
Floor) |
1 |
LWB08 |
S |
Louvre (1st
Floor) |
1 |
LWB09 |
S |
Louvre (Ground
Floor) |
1 |
LWB10 |
S |
Chiller Plant
Room (3rd Floor) |
1 |
LWB11 |
S |
Tunnel ESC
Control Room (2nd Floor) |
1 |
LWB12 |
S |
TX) (1st Floor) |
1 |
LWB13 |
S |
(Ground Floor) |
1 |
LWB14 |
S |
HEC TX (Ground
Floor) |
3 |
LWB15 to LWB17 |
S |
Tunnel ESC
Control Room (2nd Floor) |
1 |
LWB18 |
E |
Tunnel Air
Compressor & Receiver Room (2nd Floor) |
1 |
LWB19 |
E |
TX) |
1 |
LWB20 |
E |
TVS (4th
Floor) |
1 |
LWB21 |
N |
TVS (4th
Floor) |
1 |
LWB22 |
N |
Notes (*): N – North,
NE – Northeast, E – East, SE – Southeast, S – South, SW – Southwest, W – West,
NW – Northwest, All – All direction
Depot Activities in Wong Chuk Hang Depot
Fixed plant noise would also associate with the depot activities. The noise generating activities in Wong Chuk Hang Depot include: -
¡ Wheel lathes works;
¡ Train washing; and
¡ Plants operation within workshops and plant rooms
According to the design information, the depot would be provided with a continuous concrete podium cover and concrete side walls, without openings other than depot entrances and ventilation outlets. Behind the concrete wall are mainly the offices, workshops, plant rooms and store rooms. This design serves double sealing of the noise of the depot activities from coming out the depot. Hence it is considered that the potential fixed plant noise impact from depot to the NSRs is minimal.
Assessment Methodology
Ventilation Systems
In the absence of any detailed information and noise specification for the proposed fixed plant, the maximum permissible noise emission levels at the shaft/ exhaust openings would be determined instead for future detailed design of the fixed plant.
For the assessment of noise from the fixed plant, the maximum permissible sound power levels (Max SWLs) of the identified fixed noise sources were determined by adopting standard acoustics principles. The following formula was used for calculating the Max SWLs of the fixed plant:
SPL = Max SWL – DC + FC
SPL: Sound Pressure Level in dB(A)
Max SWL: Maximum Permissible Sound Power Level in
DC: Distance Attenuation in dB(A) = 20 log D + 8 [where D
is the distance in m]
FC: Façade Correction in dB(A) = +3 dB(A)
It is assumed that all the fixed plant within the same location would be operated at the same time as worst case scenario. If the noise sources do not fall within the view angle of the representative NSR under assessment or are completely blocked by the residential blocks/ buildings, it is assumed that these noise sources are insignificant to that NSR and would be excluded from calculation. While the sources fall within the view angle of the NSR but with no direct line of sight to the opening, a 10 dB(A) attenuation would be applied.
For planned residential receivers at the Wong Chuk Hang Depot site and the potential sensitive uses at the two G/IC sites, the information of the development layout is not finalised or available at the time of preparation of this report. A design oriented approach has been adopted for the assessment.
No corrections have been applied for tonality, intermittency or impulsiveness. If the noise exhibits any of these characteristics during the operation of the plant, the noise limit should be reduced in accordance with the recommendation given in Section 3.3 of IND-TM.
A design target of “noise criteria – 6 dB(A)” i.e. ANL – 5 – 6 dB(A), are applied for NSRs near Admiralty Station due to the cumulative impact from the fixed plants of existing Admiralty Station and the planned Shatin to Central Link (SCL).
A design target of “noise criteria – 3 dB(A)” i.e. ANL – 5 – 3 dB(A), are applied for NSRs at the following locations to account for the cumulative impact from nearby planned fixed plants:
¡ Hong Kong Park Shaft due to the cumulative impact from the fixed plants of the planned SCL; and
¡ Wong Chuk Hang Station and Depot due to the cumulative impact from the fixed plants of the future development above the Depot.
Prediction and Evaluation of Environmental Impact
Ventilation Systems
Based on the methodology mentioned above, the maximum allowable SWLs of the ventilation shafts during daytime and night-time are predicted and as shown in Table 3.61 below. Sample calculation of fixed plant noise assessment is shown in Appendix 3.11.
Table 3.61: Maximum
SWLs of the Fixed Plant
Location |
Fixed Noise Source |
Opening ID |
Maximum SWL during daytime, dB(A) |
Maximum SWL during night time, dB(A) |
ADM Station |
Block A (SIL) |
ADM-A1 to A4 |
97 |
87 |
Block B (SIL) |
ADM-B1 to B5 |
96 |
86 |
Block C (SIL) |
ADM-C1 to C5 |
96 |
86 |
Block D (SIL) |
ADM-D1 to D4 |
96 |
86 |
Block E (SIL) |
ADM-E1 to E10 |
97 |
87 |
Block F (SIL) |
ADM-F1 to F4 |
97 |
87 |
Block G (SIL) |
ADM-G1 |
97 |
87 |
Block N (SIL) |
ADM-N1 |
97 |
87 |
Pressurization Air Duct |
HKP01 |
96 |
86 |
Exhaust From
Transformer Rooms |
HKP02 |
96 |
86 |
Fresh Air
Intake for Transformer Room |
HKP03 |
96 |
86 |
HKP04 |
96 |
86 |
Vent Shaft
(SIL) |
HKP05 |
96 |
86 |
Pressurization Fan Room |
NAM01 |
84 |
74 |
Relief Duct |
NAM02 |
84 |
74 |
Air Plenum
(V08) |
NAM03 |
93 |
83 |
Air Plenum
(V07) |
NAM04 |
93 |
83 |
Air Plenum
(V09) |
NAM05 |
93 |
83 |
BEVS (V01)
(Roof Level) |
NAM06 |
93 |
83 |
(Ground Floor) |
NAM07 |
93 |
83 |
BEVS (V01) (Ground
Level) |
NAM08 |
93 |
83 |
(Ground Floor) |
NAM09 |
84 |
74 |
(Ground Floor) |
NAM10, NAM11 |
84 |
74 |
SSVS (V02) |
NAM12 |
84 |
74 |
OCP Station |
Louver for
Smoke Extraction |
OCP1 |
103 |
93 |
Louvers for
Fresh Air Intake/ Exhaust |
OCP2 |
103 |
93 |
Exhaust Air
Louvre Opening at High Level |
OCP3 to OCP5 |
103 |
93 |
Fresh Air
Louvre at High Level |
OCP6, OCP8 |
100 |
90 |
Exhaust Air
Louvre Opening at Low Level |
OCP7 |
100 |
90 |
Exhaust Air
Louvre |
OCP9, OCP10 |
100 |
90 |
Fresh Air
Louvre at Low Level |
OCP11 |
100 |
90 |
Discharge |
OCP12 |
103 |
93 |
Fresh Air
Intake Louvre Opening at Full Height |
OCP13 |
103 |
93 |
Louvre for
Fresh Air Intake & Exhaust |
OCP14 |
103 |
93 |
WCH Station |
shaft for WCH Station |
WCH1 to WCH7 |
(*) |
(*) |
WCH8, WCH9 |
(*) |
(*) |
WCH Depot |
shaft for air intake |
WCD-FA01 to
FA-03 |
(*) |
(*) |
Ventilation shaft
for Smoke Extraction & Normal Exhaust |
WCD-SE01 to SE03, EA01 |
(*) |
(*) |
Opening (depot façade) |
WCD1 to WCD11 |
84-96 |
74-86 |
LET Station (Entrance B) |
SPF Room (3rd
Floor) |
LET01, LET02 |
94 |
84 |
BEVS (3rd
Floor) |
LET03 |
94 |
84 |
TSVS (3rd
Floor) |
LET04 |
94 |
84 |
FEVS (3rd
Floor) |
LET05 |
94 |
84 |
Natural Air
Make-up (3rd Floor) |
LET06, LET07 |
94 |
84 |
TEVS (2nd
Floor) |
LET08 |
93 |
83 |
SSVS (2nd
Floor) |
LET09 |
93 |
83 |
TEVS (1st
Floor) |
LET10 |
93 |
83 |
SSVS (1st
Floor) |
LET11 |
93 |
83 |
LET Station (Entrance A) |
VOID (Roof
Floor) |
LET12 |
84 |
74 |
Plant Room (1st
Floor) |
LET13 |
84 |
74 |
TVF near |
TVF (Ground
Level) |
LET14, LET15 |
103 |
93 |
SOH Station (Entrance A) |
Air Intake/
Exhaust ductings with louvre openings |
LNR01a-d |
86 |
75 |
( |
Louvre at Ground Level |
LNR02, LNR03 |
80 |
70 |
Louvre at
Ground Level |
LNR04, LNR05 |
80 |
70 |
Louvre at Ground
Level |
LNR06 |
80 |
70 |
Louvre at Roof
Level |
LNR07, LNR08 |
93 |
83 |
UPS (First
Level) |
LNR09 |
93 |
83 |
Louvre at
First Level (Fireman Lift Shaft) |
LNR10, LNR11 |
93 |
83 |
BEVS (First
Level) |
LNR12 |
93 |
83 |
Pressurization REF IEF Duct (First Level) |
LNR13 |
83 |
83 |
SSVS (First
Level) |
LNR14 |
93 |
83 |
Louvre at
First Level |
LNR15, LNR16 |
82 |
72 |
Louvre at
Ground Level |
LNR17 |
82 |
72 |
Louvre at
First Level |
LNR18 |
82 |
72 |
Louvre at
Ground Level |
LNR19 |
82 |
72 |
SOH Station (Entrance C) |
Louvre Opening |
LNR20 |
83 |
73 |
LWB01 to LWB06 |
104 |
94 |
Louvre (3rd
Floor) |
LWB07 |
108 |
98 |
Louvre (2nd
Floor) |
LWB08 |
108 |
98 |
Louvre (1st
Floor) |
LWB09 |
108 |
98 |
Louvre (Ground
Floor) |
LWB10 |
108 |
98 |
Chiller Plant
Room (3rd Floor) |
LWB11 |
108 |
98 |
Tunnel ESC
Control Room (2nd Floor) |
LWB12 |
108 |
98 |
TX) (1st Floor) |
LWB13 |
108 |
98 |
(Ground Floor) |
LWB14 |
108 |
98 |
HEC TX (Ground
Floor) |
LWB15 to LWB17 |
108 |
98 |
Tunnel ESC
Control Room (2nd Floor) |
LWB18 |
102 |
92 |
Tunnel Air
Compressor & Receiver Room (2nd Floor) |
LWB19 |
102 |
92 |
TX) |
LWB20 |
102 |
92 |
TVS (4th
Floor) |
LWB21 |
102 |
92 |
TVS (4th
Floor) |
LWB22 |
102 |
92 |
Notes (*): As layout
of planned noise sensitive receivers has not been finalised, the assessment
approach is presented in following paragraphs.
For planned residential receivers at the Wong Chuk Hang Depot site and the potential sensitive uses at the two G/IC sites, a design target approach has been derived according to the same acoustic principle. Assuming a NSR is affecting by one single opening of the ventilation system, the maximum permissible sound power levels for that opening such that the ANL – 5 dB(A) criteria could be met at the sensitive receiver at different distances are shown in Table 3.62 below.
Table 3.62: Correction Factor for Maximum SWL of the Fixed
Distance from Fixed Noise Source to NSR, m |
ASR of the NSR is B |
ASR of the NSR is C |
Maximum SWL during daytime, dB(A) |
Maximum SWL during night time, dB(A) |
Maximum SWL during daytime, dB(A) |
Maximum SWL during night time, dB(A) |
1 |
65 |
55 |
70 |
60 |
5 |
79 |
69 |
84 |
74 |
10 |
85 |
75 |
90 |
80 |
15 |
89 |
79 |
94 |
84 |
20 |
91 |
81 |
96 |
86 |
25 |
93 |
83 |
98 |
88 |
30 |
95 |
85 |
100 |
90 |
40 |
97 |
87 |
102 |
92 |
50 |
99 |
89 |
104 |
94 |
60 |
101 |
91 |
106 |
96 |
75 |
103 |
93 |
108 |
98 |
100 |
105 |
95 |
110 |
100 |
Notes : As design
target of ANL – 5 – 3 dB(A) is adopted for fixed plants of WCH Station and
Depot(above podium), -3 dB(A) shall be applied to the maximum SWL.
Should the NSR is affected by more than one opening of the ventilation system, the maximum permissible sound power level at each opening shall be applied a correction factor for the cumulative effect. The values of the correction factor related to the number of openings are shown in Table 3.63 below.
Table 3.63: Correction Factor for Maximum SWL of the
Fixed Plant
Number of source affecting the same NSR |
Correction to Maximum SWL, dB(A) |
1 |
0 |
2 |
-3 |
3 |
-5 |
4 |
-6 |
5 |
-7 |
6 |
-8 |
7 |
-8 |
8 |
-9 |
9 |
-10 |
10 |
-10 |
Fixed Plant in Wong Chuk Hang Depot
As mentioned in the above section, according to the design information, the depot would be provided with a continuous concrete podium cover and concrete side walls, without openings other than depot entrances and ventilation outlets. Behind the concrete wall are mainly the offices, workshops, plant rooms and store rooms. This design serves double sealing of the noise of the depot activities from coming out the depot. Hence it is considered that the potential fixed plant noise impact from depot to the NSRs is minimal.
Mitigation of Adverse Environmental Impact
With the fixed plant properly designed to meet the maximum SWL listed in Table 3.61, there would not be any residual impacts predicted. However, it is still recommended that the following noise reduction measures shall be considered as far as practicable during construction:
¡ Choose quieter plant such as those which have been effectively silenced.
¡ Include noise levels specification when ordering new plant (including chillier and E/M equipment).
¡ Locate fixed plant/louver away from any NSRs as far as practicable.
¡ Locate fixed plant in walled plant rooms or in specially designed enclosures.
¡ Locate noisy machines in a basement or a completely separate building.
¡ Install direct noise mitigation measures including silencers, acoustic louvers and acoustic enclosure where necessary.
¡ Develop and implement a regularly scheduled plant maintenance programme so that equipment is properly operated and serviced in order to maintain a controlled level of noise.
Evaluation of Residual Impact
With the appropriate design of fixed plant with mitigation measures to achieve the maximum SWL stated in Table 3.61, no residual impacts from the fixed plant noise is anticipated.
This design of the depot would seal the noise of the depot activities from coming out the depot and hence no residual fixed plant noise impact from depot is expected. Identification of Noise Source
The train for SIL(E) will be of the same type as those running on the existing Kwun Tong Line (K-Stock) , but will be in a 3-car configuration with a total length of 68m.
Configuration: 3 cars, total length of 68m
Train Frequency: Day and Evening Period - 15 trains per direction per 30 mins
Night Period - 8 trains per direction per 30 mins
Train Speed: Train Speed Profile along the proposed SIL(E) (Refer to Appendix 3.6)
Vertical Profile: Vertical Profile along the proposed SIL(E) (Refer to Appendix 3.6)
In general, the use of disk braking system will reduces the wheel-rail wear and roughness[8] and therefore results in lower source vibration level. Since the M-Stock train uses cast iron braking system, the source vibration level for the M-Stock train is expected to be on average higher than that for the K-Stock train.
The source vibration spectra (Force Density Level FDL) for the M-Stock train, previously measured[9] for the West Island Line EIA project, are used in this assessment study and are listed in Appendix 3.12. Since the M-Stock train has higher source vibration level than the K-Stock train, the use of M-Stock train source vibration levels represents a conservative approach to the ground-borne noise assessment.
It should also be noted that the FDL spectra for the M-Stock train represents the maximum vibration level envelop for the measured data plus 2 standard deviations[10]. Furthermore, the data was reported to have been measured with the wheels and rail in somewhat deteriorated condition. Hence the source vibration level for this assessment is relatively conservative. Assessment Methodology
The methodology used for this EIA study is based on the ground-borne noise and vibration assessment procedure detailed in the “Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment 2006” (FTA2006)[11]. The assessment procedure based on an earlier version of this manual[12] has been adopted by various EIA projects in HKSAR, including KCRC’s West Rail, Kowloon Southern Link and MTRCL’s West Island Line etc.
The prediction model is based on a combination of measurements and empirical formulae proposed in FTA2006 and in the Transportation Noise Reference Book (Nelson 1987)[13], and is represented by Equation 3.5‑1 and Equation 3.5‑2 below:
= LF + TM line + C building Equation 3.5‑1 LA,max = L v + CTN + Design Factor Equation 3.5‑2 |
Where |
Lv |
Ground-borne Vibration Level for
single train pass-by (dB ref 1 min/s) |
LA,max |
Maximum A-weighted Ground-borne Noise
Level for single train pass-by (dB(A)) |
L F |
Ground-borne Force Density Level = Force Density Level for the
vibration source (FDL (dB re 1
lb/in0.5) + Adjustment for Speed + Adjustment for wheel and track
condition + Track Form Attenuation (TIL)
+ Turnout and cross over correction factor (TOC) |
TM Line |
Line Source Transfer Mobility =
Track Structure Coupling Loss Factor (i.e. Tunnel Coupling Loss for
underground tunnel TCF) +
Spreading Loss + Soil Propagation Loss factor |
C Building |
Adjustment for Building Foundation
Coupling Loss (BCF) and Building
Structure Attenuation (BSA) and
Building Structure Resonance (BSR) |
Adjustment for converting the
ground-borne vibration level for building element to A-weighted noise level
inside the building |
Design Factor |
Correction to account for
uncertainty in the modelling parameters, including wheel/rail wear
condition. A +10 dB(A) design factor
is proposed due uncertainty in the inputs for the assessment. |
The adjustment factors selected for the ground-borne noise study are discussed in Appendix 3.13. The Corporation will further review the Line Source Response values during the construction stage after tunnel boring.
The LA,max
ground-borne noise level represents the maximum noise level for the train
pass-by event. The ground-borne noise
level is converted into LA,eq (30mins) noise level for comparison
with the ground-borne
LA,eq (30mins) noise
level = LA,max + 10 log
(pass by duration) + Tailing Effect Correction Equation 3.5‑3 |
The Tailing Effect Correction account for the noise/vibration level arrived at the NSR before and after the pass-by event and is dependent on the distance and the transfer mobility between the line source and the NSR.
The assessment was carried out for each of the 1/3-octave band frequency between 12.5Hz and 500Hz to address low to mid frequency noise caused by the train pass-by event. Prediction and Evaluation of Environmental Impact
Ground-borne noise predictions were carried out for representative NSRs located in Admiralty, Lei Tung and South Horizons. These NSRs represent the worst case scenario for the ground-borne noise assessment as these NSRs are closest to the tunnel alignment. Noise predictions were conducted for both day/evening and night periods using the target train speed profile provided by MTRCL.
The predicted ground-borne noise levels at the representative NSRs are summarised in Table 3.64 below.
Table 3.64: Operation
Ground-borne Noise Prediction Results
Floor Level |
Train Speed, |
Slant Distance 1, m |
Ground-borne ANL, dB(A) |
Predicted Ground-borne Noise Level 2, 3, dB(A) |
Remarks |
Day and Evening4 |
Night4 |
Lmax |
Day and Evening4 |
Night4 |
Admiralty |
Shangri-La Hotel (SLH) |
4/F |
55 |
23.6 |
55 |
45 |
29 |
19 |
16 |
Hotel tower locates above
retail podium. Also included a 10
dB(A) turnout and crossing correction |
on the Park (RP) |
1/F |
80 |
87.9 |
55 |
45 |
35 |
23 |
20 |
Club New Life Hostel (NLH) |
1/F |
80 |
156.6 |
55 |
45 |
14 |
5 |
2 |
G/F |
80 |
175.2 |
55 |
n.a. |
14 |
6 |
3 |
G/F |
80 |
162.3 |
55 |
n.a. |
15 |
7 |
4 |
Departmental Quarters (GOV) |
1/F |
80 |
175.7 |
55 |
45 |
12 |
4 |
1 |
Lei Tung |
Wan Towers - Tower 1 (SWT1) |
1/F |
70 |
37.5 |
55 |
45 |
22 |
10 |
7 |
Residential tower locates above
retail podium |
Wan Towers - Tower 3 (SWT2) |
1/F |
70 |
45.0 |
55 |
45 |
19 |
8 |
5 |
Residential tower locates above
retail podium |
Pik On
House (YOC1) |
1/F |
55 |
34.6 |
55 |
45 |
44 |
33 |
30 |
Tse On
House (YOC2) |
1/F |
55 |
35.8 |
55 |
45 |
43 |
32 |
30 |
Shan On
House (YOC4) |
1/F |
55 |
12.2 |
55 |
45 |
53 |
42 |
39 |
Yip House (LTE1) |
1/F |
70 |
61.6 |
55 |
45 |
46 |
34 |
31 |
Pon Hing Hostel for the Elderly (CPHH) |
G/F |
70 |
61.6 |
55 |
n.a. |
48 |
36 |
33 |
Hing House (LTE2) |
1/F |
70 |
65.4 |
55 |
45 |
45 |
33 |
30 |
Tung Child Care Centre (CMA) |
G/F |
70 |
66.8 |
55 |
n.a. |
46 |
34 |
31 |
Tung Community Hall (LTCH) |
G/F |
70 |
76.3 |
55 |
n.a. |
41 |
29 |
26 |
Mau House (LTE4) |
1/F |
35 |
56.3 |
55 |
45 |
43 |
33 |
31 |
Tung Lutheran Day Nursery (LDN) |
G/F |
35 |
56.3 |
55 |
n.a. |
45 |
35 |
33 |
1/F |
35 |
56. 0 |
55 |
n.a. |
43 |
34 |
31 |
Tung Neighbour Elderly Centre (NEC) |
G/F |
35 |
60.8 |
55 |
45 |
43 |
33 |
31 |
Peter’s Catholic Primary School (SPC) |
1/F |
35 |
47.9 |
55 |
n.a. |
47 |
38 |
35 |
Ap |
1/F |
70 |
54.3 |
55 |
n.a. |
50 |
37 |
35 |
South Horizons |
1/F |
35 |
32.0 |
55 |
45 |
12 |
3 |
<0 |
Residential tower above podium. |
1/F |
40 |
8.0 |
55 |
45 |
57 |
48 |
45 |
Residential tower above podium.
Included a 10 dB(A) cross over
correction. |
1/F |
35 |
36.5 |
55 |
45 |
6 |
<0 |
<0 |
Residential tower above podium. |
1/F |
35 |
4.5 |
55 |
45 |
72 |
62 |
60 |
Residential tower above podium.
Included a 10 dB(A) cross over
correction. |
1/F |
35 |
75.0 |
55 |
n.a. |
2 |
<0 |
<0 |
Future Hotel (HTL1) |
1/F |
35 |
91.5 |
55 |
45 |
<0 |
<0 |
<0 |
Note 1:
- Shortest distance between nearside
track and foundation/bottom of pile Note 2:
- Bold
figures denote exceedance of relevant noise criteria Note 3:
- Predicted noise level included a 10
dB(A) safety factor Note 4: - Noise level in LA
eq(30 min). |
It can be shown in Table
3.64 above that the predicted ground-borne noise
levels are less than the ground-borne ANL criteria for both day/evening and
night-time periods, except at first floor of
The ground-borne noise exceedance at
Using the proposed mitigation measure, the ground-borne noise levels for NSRs near SOH Station are summarised in Table 3.65 below. A sample calculation of operation ground-borne noise assessment is presented in Appendix 3.14.
Table 3.65 Operation
Ground-borne Noise Prediction Results (Mitigated)
Assessment Level |
Ground-borne Noise Level, dB(A) |
Lmax |
Day / Evening* |
Night* |
1/F |
42 |
32 |
30 |
1/F |
55 |
46 |
43 |
Notes (*): Noise level in LA eq(30 min)
While noise exceedance was not predicted at Lei Tung or Admiralty, as a contingency measure, the currently proposed trackform can be replaced by Type 1a resilient baseplate trackform without the requirement to increase the size of the tunnel structure. Depending on actual installation and the location of the NSR, a 7 to 12 dB(A) noise level reduction could be expected from the Type 1a trackform.
Should further noise reduction is found necessary during
detailed design or commissioning stage, the proposed trackform could be
replaced with Type 1b resilient baseplates trackform which could provide a
further 3 to 6 dB(A) noise reduction and changing of tunnel dimensions would
also not be required.
The Corporation will review the need of further noise mitigation measures, if necessary, after gathering the actual Line Source Response values during the construction stage.
G/IC at
Ground-borne noise impact was also considered for planned NSR at the ex-Canadian Hospital site.
In considering the proposed SIL(E) is a medium-capacity railway system with the box structure on soil at the concerned section and no details for the building(s) layout and the foundation design is available for this planned NSR at the time of the EIA study, detailed ground-borne noise prediction was not carried out at this location. Nevertheless, potential ground-borne noise impact was assessed using the general vibration assessment procedure[14] as detailed in FTA2006.
The predicted ground-borne noise level would only be of the order of Leq 38 dB(A) and Lmax 50 dB(A) on the ground level. The ground-borne noise impact would likely be less than the EIAO ground-borne ANL criteria for this location using conservative assumptions such as +10dBA adjustment for efficient vibration propagation.
The assessment was carried out by assuming the foundation of the nearest NSR will be located 3m from the railway structure. It is our understanding that part of this future development would likely to be constructed above the box structure extending from the Nam Fung Tunnel. However, there will be no direct structural connection between the foundation of this future development and the railway structure due to railway protection requirement. Hence, no direct structure-borne noise and vibration transmission into the building is expected.
In addition, geological surveys conducted at this site show the rock head location is of the order of 25m below surface. Hence the whole box structure would be supported on piles. This construction method is poor for vibration energy transmission when compare with rock based tunnel.
Although no noise exceedance is expected at this site, MTRCL will continue to liaise with the owner of this site to resolve any interface issues between the two developments when more information becomes available. Cumulative Impact at Admiralty
The existing Island Line run across the Admiralty area and the SCL under planning would also operate in the same area in addition to SIL(E). According to the results shown in Table 3.64, the predicted ground-borne noise levels at the NSRs in the area are at least 20 dB(A) below the ANL and hence no adverse cumulative impact to the existing ground-borne noise level is expected. Potential cumulative ground-borne noise impact for NSRs located in the vicinity of both SIL(E) and SCL would be addressed in the SCL EIA study. Evaluation of Residual Impact
3.6 Environmental Monitoring and Audit
Given residual airborne noise impact is predicted during the construction phase at Wong Chuk Hang Depot, Wong Chuk Hang Nullah, Entrance A of LET Station and SOH Station, to ensure that the nearby NSRs will not be subjected to unacceptable construction noise impact, an Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) programme is recommended. Details on the noise monitoring requirements, methodology and action plans would be described in the separated EM&A Manual.
Prior to the operation phase of the Project, commissioning tests should be conducted to ensure compliance of both the operational airborne and ground-borne noise levels with the relevant EIAO-TM noise criteria. Details of the test requirements are provided in a stand-alone EM&A Manual.
Assessments have been based on the latest information obtained, with the implementation of the mitigation measures in form of quiet plant, movable noise barrier/ enclosure and fabric, the construction noise levels at most of the representative NSRs are predicted to comply with the noise standards stipulated in the EIAO-TM. Residual construction noise impacts are predicted at NSRs near Wong Chuk Hang Depot, Wong Chuk Hang Nullah, Entrance A of LET Station and South Horizons. The last resort, ITR, would be considered at the discretion of the Project Proponent, if required.
Residual ground-borne construction noise impacts are predicted at NSRs near Lei Tung Station with a duration of about three weeks to eight weeks.
During the operation phase, the airborne and ground-borne noise impact due to the operation of proposed SIL(E) through the tunnel and viaduct section have been predicted. The results indicated that there are noise exceedances of relevant noise criteria at NSRs. With the implementation of noise mitigation measures recommended in the form of noise barrier/ semi-enclosure for railway noise, specification of maximum sound power level of the fixed plant at stations, depot and ventilation shafts and buildings and resilient trackform for South Horizons Station, full compliance of Noise Control Ordinance and EIAO-TM criteria could be meet.
[1] Nelson, P.M.,
Transportation Noise Reference Book. 1987.
[2] Saurenman, H.,
Nelson, J., Wilson, G. 1982, Handbook of urban Rail Noise and Vibration
Control, US Department of Transportation Urban Mass Transportation
Administration (Figure 8.12).
[3] Saurenman, H.,
Nelson, J., Wilson, G. 1982, Handbook of urban Rail Noise and Vibration
Control, US Department of Transportation Urban Mass Transportation
Administration (Table 8-7).
[4]Table 6.4 of Transit
Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment, US Federal Transit Administration, 2006
[5]Noise Advisory
Council, A Guide to the Measurement and Prediction of the Equivalent Noise
Level Leq, HMSO,
[6] Beranek, L., Noise
and Vibration Control, McGraw-Hill, 1971.
[7] This is based on a
noise barrier 1.5m from the train body. Reflective barrier correction for Calculation
of Railway Noise (CRN), UK Department of Transport, 1995, and FTA2006 are 4.6dB(A) and 3dB(A)
[8] Crocker, M.,
“Handbook of Noise and Vibration Control”,
Ch119, 2007
[9] By others.
[10] The 2 standard
deviation value was determined from the measurements and was of the order of 4 dB or more at each 1/3
octave band frequency. The use of
maximum plus 2 standard deviation as the source vibration level is, statistically,
very conservative. Normally, sample mean
plus or minus 2 standard deviation represent 95% of the possible value for the
sample population.
[11] FTA 2006, Transit
noise and vibration impact assessment, US Federal Transit Administration.
[12] FTA 1995, Transit
noise and vibration impact assessment, US Federal Transit Administration.
[13] Nelson, P. 1987, Transportation Noise
Reference Book, Butterworth
[14] The assumed path
for ground-borne noise transmission is as follow:
Ground-borne vibration source level : 76 dB
re 1x10-6 in/sec
Track to box structure : +0 dB
Efficient Propagation : +10 dB
Ground to foundation of future building
development : -10 dB assuming foundation on pile
Building Structure Resonance : +6 dB
Train pass-by on both tracks for worst case
scenario : +3 dB
Vibration to A-weighted Noise : -35 dB