8                                            WASTE MANAGEMENT IMPLICATIONS


8.1                                      Introduction

This section identifies the potential wastes arising from the construction and operation of the Project and potential environmental impacts associated with the handling and disposal of waste.  The assessment was undertaken in accordance with the criteria presented in Annexes 7 and 15 of the EIAO-TM.

As mentioned in the Project Profile submitted for this Project (ref: ESB 205/2009), a review of available information regarding site history including historical aerial photographs, historical maps as well as visual site inspection did not identify potential sources of soil and groundwater contamination at the Site.  In particular, by examining the existing facilities in the Garage, there is no provision of underground fuel tank / oil sump pit identified as well as no permanent repairing / maintenance / refuelling tools and equipment being installed.  In fact, the Site was concrete paved.  It is therefore not anticipated that there will be contaminated soil or groundwater at the Site which will require treatment or disposal during the construction phase of the Project.

8.2                                      Legislation Requirements and Evaluation Criteria

The following legislation covers, or has some bearing upon, the handling, treatment and disposal of wastes in Hong Kong, and has been considered in the assessment.

·           Waste Disposal Ordinance (WDO) (Cap 354);

·           Waste Disposal (Chemical Waste) (General) Regulation (Cap 354C);

·           Land (Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance (Cap 28); and

·           Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (Cap 132) - Public Cleansing and Prevention of Nuisances Regulation.

8.2.1                                Waste Disposal Ordinance (Cap 354)

The WDO prohibits the unauthorised disposal of wastes, with waste defined as any substance or article, which is abandoned.  Under the WDO, wastes can only be disposed of at a licensed site.  A breach of these regulations can lead to the imposition of a fine and/or a prison sentence.  The WDO also provides for the issuing of licences for the collection and transport of wastes.  Licences are not, however, currently issued for the collection and transport of construction waste or trade waste.

The Waste Disposal (Charges for Disposal of Construction Waste) Regulation defined construction waste as any substance, matters or things that is generated from construction work and abandoned, whether or not it has been processed or stockpiled before being abandoned, but does not include any sludge, screening or matter removed in or generated from any desludging, desilting or dredging works. 

The Construction Waste Disposal Charging Scheme came into operation on 1 December 2005.  Processing of account applications by the EPD started on the same day.  A contractor who undertakes construction work with value of HK$1 million or above is required to open a billing account solely for the contract.  Charging for the disposal of construction waste started on 20 January 2006.

Depending on the percentage of inert materials in the material, construction waste can be disposed of at public fill reception facilities, landfills and outlying islands transfer facilities, where differing disposal costs would be applied.  The scheme encourages waste reduction so that the contractor or Project Proponent can minimise their costs.  Table 8.1 summarises the Government’s construction waste disposal facilities, the types of waste accepted and the associated disposal costs. 

Table 8.1       Government Waste Disposal Facilities for Construction Waste

Government Waste Disposal Facilities

Type of Construction Waste Accepted

Charge Per Tonne

Public fill reception facilities

Consisting entirely of inert construction waste


Sorting facilities

Containing more than 50% by weight of inert construction waste



Containing not more than 50% by weight of inert construction waste


Outlying Islands Transfer Facilities

Containing any percentage of inert construction waste


8.2.2                                Waste Disposal (Chemical Waste) (General) Regulation

Chemical waste as defined under the Waste Disposal (Chemical Waste) (General) Regulation includes any substance being scrap material, or unwanted substances specified under Schedule 1 of the Regulation, if such a substance or chemical occurs in such a form, quantity or concentration so as to cause pollution or constitute a danger to health or risk of pollution to the environment.

Chemical waste producers shall register with the EPD.  Any person who contravenes this requirement commits an offence and is liable to a fine and imprisonment.  Producers of chemical wastes must treat their wastes, utilising on-site plant licensed by the EPD or have a licensed collector take the wastes to a licensed facility.  For each consignment of wastes, the waste producer, collector and disposer of the wastes must sign all relevant parts of a computerised trip ticket.  The system is designed to allow the transfer of wastes to be traced from cradle-to-grave.

The Regulation prescribes the storage facilities to be provided on site including labelling and warning signs.  To minimise the risks of pollution and danger to human health or life, the waste producer is required to prepare and make available written procedures to be observed in the case of emergencies due to spillage, leakage or accidents arising from the storage of chemical wastes.  He/she must also provide employees with training in such procedures.

8.2.3                                Land (Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance (Cap 28)

The inert portion of construction waste ([1]) (also called public fill) may be taken to public fill reception facilities.  Public fill reception facilities are operated by the Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD).  The Land (Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance requires that individuals or companies who deliver public fill to the public fill reception facilities obtain Dumping Licences.  The licences are issued by the CEDD under delegated authority from the Director of Lands.

Individual licences and windscreen stickers are issued for each vehicle involved.  Under the licence conditions, public fill reception facilities will only accept inert earth, soil, sand, rock, boulder, rubble, brick, tile, concrete, asphalt, masonry or used bentonite.  In addition, in accordance with paragraph 11 of Environment, Transport and Works Bureau (ETWB) Technical Circular (Works) (ETWB-TC(W))) No. 31/2004, Public Fill Committee will advise on the acceptance criteria (eg no mixing of construction waste, norminal size of the materials less than 250mm, etc.  The material should, however, be free from marine mud, household refuse, plastic, metal, industrial and chemical wastes, animal and vegetable matter and any other materials considered unsuitable by the public fill reception facility.

8.2.4                                Public Cleansing and Prevention of Nuisances Regulation

This Regulation provides further control on the illegal dumping of wastes on unauthorised (unlicensed) sites.  The illegal dumping of wastes can lead to a fine and/or imprisonment.

8.2.5                                Other Relevant Guidelines

Other 'guideline' documents, which detail how the project proponent or contractor should comply with the local regulations, are as follows:

·           Waste Disposal Plan for Hong Kong (December 1989), Planning, Environment and Lands Branch Government Secretariat, Hong Kong Government;

·           Environmental Guidelines for Planning In Hong Kong (1990), Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines, Hong Kong Government;

·           New Disposal Arrangements for Construction Waste (1992), EPD & CED, Hong Kong Government;

·           Code of Practice on the Packaging, Labelling and Storage of Chemical Wastes (1992), EPD, Hong Kong Government;

·           Works Branch Technical Circular (WBTC) No. 32/92, The Use of Tropical Hard Wood on Construction Site; Works Branch, Hong Kong Government;

·           WBTC No. 2/93, Public Dumps. Works Branch, Hong Kong Government;

·           WBTC No. 2/93B, Public Filling Facilities, Works Branch, Hong Kong Government;

·           Waste Reduction Framework Plan, 1998 to 2007, Planning, Environment and Lands Bureau, Government Secretariat, 5 November 1998;

·           WBTC Nos. 25/99, 25/99A and 25/99C, Incorporation of Information on Construction and Demolition Material Management in Public Works Sub-committee Papers; Works Bureau, Hong Kong SAR Government;

·           WBTC No. 12/2000, Fill Management; Works Bureau, Hong Kong SAR Government;

·           WBTC No. 12/2002, Specification Facilitating the Use of Recycled Aggregates. Works Bureau, Hong Kong SAR Government;

·           ETWB-TC(W) No. 33/2002, Management of Construction and Demolition Material Including Rock; Environment, Transport and Works Bureau, Hong Kong SAR Government;

·           DevB TC(W) No. 6/2010, Trip Ticket System for Disposal of Construction & Demolition Materials, Development Bureau, Hong Kong SAR Government; and

·           ETWB-TC(W) No. 19/2005, Environmental Management on Construction Sites, Hong Kong SAR Government.

8.3                                      Expected Waste Arisings During the Construction Phase

During the construction phase, the main activities, which will potentially result in the generation of waste, include site formation, demolition of infrastructure and construction of new buildings.  The typical waste types associated with these activities include:

·           excavated material from foundation works;

·           construction waste from construction of new buildings;

·           waste from renovation /modification works;

·           chemical waste; and

·           general refuse.

8.3.1                                Excavated Material

The quantity of excavated material to be generated during the construction period is around 12,900 m3 mainly from the construction of basement in Lower Courtyard, the tunnel underneath A Hall and B Hall, and the new buildings (the Old Bailey Wing and Arbuthnot Wing).  Table 8.2 summarised the quantities of excavated materials arising from the construction works.

Table 8.2       Excavated Materials Generation during Construction

Building / Structure

Excavated Materials ( m3)

Lower Courtyard Basement for Plant Rooms


Tunnel Passageway


New Building at Old Bailey Wing – Basement


New Building at Arbuthnot Wing – Foundation and Plant Rooms


Loading / Unloading Bay


M&E Trenches




Due to limited site area, it is not practical to stockpile the excavated material on-site and reuse for subsequent backfilling works.  The excavated material will be delivered to the government public filling reception facilities (ie Public Filling Barging points on Hong Kong Island or Fill Banks in Tuen Mun or Tseung Kwan O).  In view of the relatively small quantity of excavated material to be disposed off-site, it is not expected that the disposal of the anticipated amount of excavated materials to the public filling facilities will cause adverse impact to the operation of these facilities.  It is estimated that about 6 truck trips per day ([2]) will be required to dispose the materials during construction phase.  In view of the small quantity of excavated materials generated and with proper implementation of good site practices and mitigation measures recommended in Sections 8.5, potential environmental impacts (including potential hazard, dust emissions, noise and wastewater discharge) associated with the on-site handling and off-site disposal of the excavated material are not expected.  The off-site disposal of the small quantity of excavated materials will only generate a few trucks per day.  Hence, there will be no adverse impact on the local traffic and public transport.

8.3.2                                Construction and Demolition Materials 

Construction of New Buildings and Structures

Construction and Demolition (C&D) material (consisting of concrete, brick, wood, packing materials, plastics, metal, steel and general refuse) will be generated from the construction of new buildings and structures.  The inert portion of the C&D material is referred to public fill and the non-inert portion is referred to construction waste.  Public fill will be disposed of at the Government Public Filling Facilities and the construction waste will be disposal of at landfill.  The main building and structures and the assoicated gross floor area (GFA) to be constructed are summarised in Table 8.3.

Table 8.3       GFA of Major Buildings and Structures to be Constructed

Buildings and Structures to be constructed

GFA (m2)

F&B and Ancillary Support


Public Circulation




Multipurpose and Ancillary Support


Art Gallery and Ancillary Support




Based on the generation rate of 0.1 m3 per m2 of GFA constructed ([3]), it is estimated that a total of about 430 m3 of C&D material will be generated from the construction of new buildings and structures at the Project.  The C&D material will be sorted on-site into public fill (about 340 m3) and construction waste (about 90 m3) ([4]) in order to reduce the amount of construction waste to be disposed of at landfill.  

With the proper implementation of good construction site practice, the on-site handling, transportation and disposal of small quantities of public fill and construction waste to public filling facilities and landfill, respectively will not cause adverse environmental impacts (including potential hazard, dust emissions, noise and wastewater discharge).

Renovation / Modification Works

Most of the existing buildings in the CPS will need to be fitted with some modern services and with improved fire compartmentation and fire escape provisions.  Many will need floors strengthening to accommodate greater floor loads than they were designed for.  Based on the latest engineering design, it is estimated that about 4,000 m3 of C&D material will be generated from the renovation and modification works.  The C&D material will be sorted on-site into public fill (about 3,200 m3) and construction waste (about 800 m3) ([5]) in order to reduce the amount of construction waste to be disposed of at landfill. 

It is estimated that a total of 28 truck trips per months (about 22 truck trips per months for public fill and 6 truck trips per months for construction waste) will be required to dispose the materials/waste off-site respectively ([6]) during construction / modification works of the Project.  In view of the small quantity of C&D material generated and with proper implementation of good site practices and mitigation measures recommended in Sections 8.5, potential water quality, dust and noise impacts associated with on-site handling and transportation of the public fill and construction waste to disposal sites are not expected.

The off-site disposal of the small quantity of C&D material will only generate a maximum of a few trucks per day.  Hence, there will be no adverse impact on the local traffic and public transport.

8.3.3                                Chemical Wastes

Chemical waste, as defined under the Waste Disposal (Chemical Waste) (General) Regulation, includes any unwanted substances specified under Schedule 1 of the Regulation.  Substances likely to be generated from the construction and modification works of the Project will include:

·           Used paint, engine oils, hydraulic fluids and waste fuel;

·           Spent mineral oils/cleaning fluids from mechanical machinery; and

·           Spent solvents/solutions from equipment cleaning activities.

Chemical wastes will pose environmental, health and safety hazards if not stored and disposed of in an appropriate manner as outlined in the Waste Disposal (Chemical Waste) (General) Regulation and the Code of Practice on the Packaging, Labelling and Storage of Chemical Wastes.  These hazards may include:

·            Toxic effects to workers;

·            Adverse effects on air, water and land from spills; and

·            Fire hazards.

The amount of chemical waste that will arise from the construction activities will be highly dependent on the Contractor’s on-site maintenance activities and the quantity of plant and equipment utilised.  With respect to the scale of the construction activities, it is anticipated that the quantity of chemical waste to be generated will be small (less than a hundred litres per month during the construction phase). 

With the incorporation of suitable arrangements for the storage, handling, transportation and disposal of chemical wastes under the requirements stated in the Waste Disposal (Chemical Waste) (General) Regulation and the Code of Practice on the Packaging, Labelling and Storage of Chemical Wastes, no adverse environmental (including air and odour emissions, noise and wastewater discharge) and health impacts, and hazards will result from the handling, transportation and disposal of chemical waste arising from the Project.

8.3.4                                General Refuse

The presence of a construction site with workers and associate site office will result in the generation of general refuse (mainly consists of food waste, aluminium cans and waste paper) which requires off-site disposal.  The storage of general refuse has the potential to give rise to adverse environmental impacts.  These include odour if the waste is not collected frequently, windblown litter and visual impact.

Assuming up to 200 construction workers will be working on site at any one time, with a general refuse generation rate of 0.65 kg per worker per day, the maximum amount of general refuse to be generated will be about 130 kg per day.

Recyclable materials (ie paper, plastic bottles and aluminium cans) will be separated for recycling, in order to reduce the amount of general refuse to be disposed of at landfill.  Adequate number of enclosed waste containers will be provided to avoid over-spillage of waste. 

The non-recyclable refuse will be placed in bags and stored in enclosed containers, and disposed of on a daily basis to the landfills.  Given that the quantity of general refuse to be disposed of at landfill is small, no adverse impact on the operation of the landfill is anticipated.

With the implementation of the mitigation measures recommended in Section 8.5, no adverse environmental impacts (including potential hazard, dust emissions, noise and wastewater discharge) caused by the storage, handling, transport and disposal of general refuse are expected.  The off-site disposal of the refuse will only generate a maximum of a few trucks per day.  Hence, there will be no adverse impact on the local traffic and public transport.

8.4                                      Expected Waste Arisings During Operation Phase

The CPS will become a centre for cultural and leisure activities in Hong Kong after the revitalisation works.  Waste generated during the operation phases is mainly confined to:

·            General refuses from staff and visitors;

·            Food and beverage waste from café and restaurant; and

·            Chemical waste.

8.4.1                                General Refuse

General refuse will arise from the CPS operation staff and visitors.  General refuse may consist of plastic, aluminium can and waste paper.  It is estimated up to about 24,200 of staff and the visitor will be working or visiting the site daily.  With a general refuse generation rate of 0.382 kg per guest per day ([7]), the amount of general refuse to be generated will be about 9,250 kg per day.

Recyclable materials (ie paper, plastic bottles and aluminium cans) will be separated for recycling, in order to reduce the amount of general refuse to be disposed of at the landfill.  Adequate number of enclosed waste containers will be provided to avoid over-spillage of waste.  The non-recyclable refuse will be placed in bags and disposed of at the transfer station on Hong Kong Island (ie Island East and Island West Transfer Stations) on a daily basis.  With respect to the small quantity of general refuse to be disposed of at the transfer station, no adverse impact on the operation of the transfer station is anticipated.  With the implementation of the mitigation measures recommended in Section 8.5, no adverse environmental impacts (including potential hazard, air and odour emissions, noise and wastewater discharge) caused by the storage, handling, transport and disposal of general refuse are expected.  The off-site disposal of the refuse will only generate a maximum of a few trucks per day.  Hence, there will be no adverse impact on the local traffic and public transport.

8.4.2                                Food and Beverage Waste

Food and beverage waste will be generated from the café and restaurants.  Based on the estimated maximum number of guests using the café and restaurants (9,800 per day) and a generation rate of 0.047 kg per guest per day ([8]), the estimated maximum quantity of food and beverage waste would be 460 kg per day.  With the implementation of the mitigation measures recommended in Section 8.5, no adverse environmental impacts (including potential hazard, air and odour emissions, noise and wastewater discharge) caused by the storage, handling, transport and disposal of food and beverage waste are expected.  The off-site disposal of the food and beverage waste will only generate a maximum of a few trucks per day.  Hence, there will be no adverse impact on the local traffic and public transport.

8.4.3                                Chemical Waste

Limited chemical waste (mainly waste lube oil and spent solvents from maintenance of mechanical and electrical equipments and audio/visual system) will arise from the operation activities at the CPS.  With reference to the existing similar local cultural and recreational facilities, it is anticipated that the quantity of chemical waste to be generated during the operation phase will be small (on average about a few litres per month depending on the maintenance schedule). 

With the incorporation of suitable arrangements for the storage, handling, transportation and disposal of chemical wastes in accordance with the requirements stated in the Waste Disposal (Chemical Waste) (General) Regulation and the Code of Practice on the Packaging, Labelling and Storage of Chemical Wastes, no adverse environmental (including air and odour emissions, noise and wastewater discharge) and health impacts, and hazards will result from the handling, transportation and disposal of chemical waste arising from the operation of the CPS.

8.5                                      Mitigation Measures

8.5.1                                Construction Phase

The assessment indicates that with the implementation of the proposed waste management practices at the work site, no adverse environmental impacts are envisaged for the handling, collection and disposal of waste arising during the construction phase of the Project. 

This section further describes the good construction site practices to avoid or further reduce the potential environmental impacts associated with the handling, collection and disposal of construction and chemical wastes arising from the construction.  

The Contractor must ensure that all the necessary waste disposal permits or licences are obtained prior to the commencement of the construction works.

Management of Waste Disposal

The construction contractor will open a billing account with the EPD in accordance with the Waste Disposal (Charges for Disposal of Construction Waste) Regulation.  Every construction waste or public fill load to be transferred to the Government waste disposal facilities such as public fill reception facilities, sorting facilities, landfills will require a valid “chit” which contains the information of the account holder to facilitate waste transaction recording and billing to the waste producer.  A trip-ticket system will also be established in accordance with ETWB-TC(W) No.31/2004 to monitor the disposal of construction waste at landfill and to control fly-tipping.  The trip-ticket system will be included as one of the contractual requirements and implemented by the contractor.

A recording system (similar to summary table as shown in Annex 5 and Annex 6 of Appendix G of ETWB-TC(W) No. 19/2005) for the amount of waste generated, recycled and disposed of (including the disposal sites) will be established during the construction phase.

Measures for the Reduction of Construction Waste Generation

C&D material will be segregated on-site into public fill and construction waste and stored in different containers or skips to facilitate reuse of the public fill and proper disposal of the construction waste.  Specific areas of the work site will be designated for such segregation and storage if immediate use is not practicable.

Chemical Waste

The contractor will register as a chemical waste producer with the EPD.  Chemical waste will be handled in accordance with the Code of Practice on the Packaging, Handling and Storage of Chemical Wastes as follows.

Containers used for storage of chemical wastes will:

·            Be suitable for the substance they are holding, resistant to corrosion, maintained in a good condition, and securely closed;

·            Have a capacity of less than 450 L unless the specifications have been approved by the EPD; and

·            Display a label in English and Chinese in accordance with instructions prescribed in Schedule 2 of the Regulations.

The storage area for chemical wastes will:

·            Be clearly labelled and used solely for the storage of chemical waste;

·            Be enclosed on at least 3 sides;

·            Have an impermeable floor and bunding, of capacity to accommodate 110% of the volume of the largest container or 20% by volume of the chemical waste stored in that area, whichever is the greatest;

·            Have adequate ventilation;

·            Be covered to prevent rainfall entering (water collected within the bund must be tested and disposed of as chemical waste, if necessary); and

·            Be arranged so that incompatible materials are appropriately separated.

Chemical waste will be disposed of:

·            Via a licensed waste collector; and

·            To a facility licensed to receive chemical waste, such as the Chemical Waste Treatment Facility which also offers a chemical waste collection service and can supply the necessary storage containers.

General Refuse

General refuse will be stored in enclosed bins separately from construction and chemical wastes.  The general refuse will be delivered to the transfer station, separately from construction and chemical wastes, on a daily basis to reduce odour, pest and litter impacts.

Recycling bins will be provided at strategic locations to facilitate recovery of aluminium can and waste paper from the Site.  Materials recovered will be sold for recycling.

Staff Training

At the commencement of the construction works, training will be provided to workers on the concepts of site cleanliness and on appropriate waste management procedures, including waste reduction, reuse and recycling.

8.5.2                                Operation Phase

Chemical Waste

Measures are similar to those outlined in Section 8.5.1.

General Refuse and Food and Beverage Waste

General refuse and food and beverage waste will be stored in enclosed bins and disposed of at the tipping area on a daily basis to reduce odour, pest and litter impacts.  Once the proposed Organic Waste Treatment Facility (OWTF) at Siu Ho Wan is available, the management office of the CPS should consider segregate the food waste from the café and restaurants and delivered to the OWTF for treatment.

Recycling bins will be provided at strategic locations to facilitate recovery of aluminium can and waste paper from the Site.  Materials recovered will be sold for recycling.

8.6                                      Residual Environmental Impacts

No residual waste management impact is envisaged during the construction and operation of the Project. 

8.7                                      Environmental Monitoring and Audit

8.7.1                                Construction Phase

It is recommended that monthly audits of the waste management practices be carried out during the construction phases to determine if wastes are being managed in accordance with the recommended good site practices.  The audits will examine all aspects of waste management including waste generation, storage, recycling, transport and disposal. 

8.7.2                                Operation Phase

No environmental and monitoring programme is required for the operation of the CPS.

8.8                                      Conclusions

Table 8.4 summarises the waste arisings and disposal location during the construction and operation of the Project.

Table 8.4      Summary of Waste Arisings and Disposal Location



Disposal Location

Construction Phase



Excavated material

12,900 m3

Public Fill

C&D Material – inert

3,540 m3

Public Fill

C&D Material – construction waste

890 m3


Chemical waste

Less than 100 L per month

Chemical Waste Treatment Facility

General refuse

130 kg per day

Transfer Station / landfill


Operation Phase



General refuse

9,250 kg per day

Transfer Station / landfill

Food waste

460 kg per day

Transfer Station / landfill (a)

Chemical waste

Few litres per month

Chemical Waste Treatment Facility


(a) Once the Organic Waste Treatment Facility (OWTF) at Siu Ho Wan is available, the management office of the CPS could consider segregating the food waste and delivered to the OWTF for treatment.


8.8.1                                Construction Phase

It is estimated that a total of 16,440 m3 of public fills (consisting of 12,900 m3 of excavated materials, 3,540 m3 of public fill from new building construction and modification/ renovation works) and 890 m3 of construction waste will be generated during the construction phase.  The public fill will be sent to public filling facilities for beneficial reuse while the construction waste will be disposed of at landfills. 

With respect to the scale of the construction activities, it is anticipated that the quantity of chemical waste to be generated will be small (less than a hundred litres per month during the construction phase).  It is also estimated that about 130 kg of general refuse will be generated per day by the construction workers.  With the implementation of general good construction site practices, the construction of the Project will not cause adverse waste management, traffic or environmental impacts (including potential hazard, air and odour emissions, noise and wastewater discharge).

8.8.2                                Operation Phase

It is estimated that general refuse (9,250 kg per day) and food waste (460 kg per day) will be generated during the operation phase.  With good site practices, the potential environmental impacts (including potential hazard, air and odour emissions, noise and wastewater discharge) associated with the storage, handling, collection, transport and disposal of waste arising from the operation of the Project will meet the criteria specified in the EIAO-TM and no adverse waste management impacts are anticipated.


([1])    “Construction waste” refers to materials arising from any land excavation or formation, civil/building construction, road works, building renovation or demolition activities.  It includes various types of reusable materials, building debris, rubble, earth, concrete, timber and mixed site clearance materials. When sorted properly, materials suitable for land reclamation and site formation (known as public fill) should be reused at public fill reception facilities.  The rock and concrete can be crushed and processed to produce aggregates for various civil and building engineering applications.  The remaining construction waste (comprising timber, paper, plastics, and general refuse) are to be disposed of at landfills.

([2])     Assuming a capacity of 7.5 m3 per truck, bulk factor of 1.4 and 26 working days per month.  The duration of foundation, excavation and basement construction works is 17 months.

([3])     Hong Kong Polytechnics (March 1993) Reduction of Construction Waste Final Report.

([4])     Approximate ratio for (inert waste): (non-inert waste) is 8:2 (Source: Monitoring of Solid Waste in Hong Kong 1997).

([5])     Approximate ratio for (inert waste): (non-inert waste) is 8:2 (Source: Monitoring of Solid Waste in Hong Kong 1997).

([6])     Assuming a capacity of 7.5 m3 per truck and bulk factor of 1.4.  The duration of construction / modification work is 30 months.

([7])   Repositioning and Long Term Operation Plan of Ocean Park – Environmental Impact Assessment, 2006. EIA Register No.: AEIAR-101/2006. 

([8])   Repositioning and Long Term Operation Plan of Ocean Park – Environmental Impact Assessment, 2006. EIA Register No.: AEIAR-101/2006.