9                                            Environmental Monitoring and Audit Requirements


9.1                                      Introduction

The assessments presented in the preceding sections have predicted that the implementation of the Project is not expected to give rise to adverse environmental impacts with the implementation of good construction site practices and mitigation measures.  A focused EM&A programme is considered appropriate, however, to ensure that the proposed mitigation measures are effectively implemented and the quality of the surrounding environment is not prejudiced.  This Section presents the scope of the EM&A requirements.

A summary of the requirements for each of the environmental parameters is detailed in Table 9.1.

Table 9.1        Summary of EM&A Requirements


Construction Phase (a)

Operation Phase (a)

Cultural Heritage

M + SA


Landscape and Visual

M + SA


Air Quality




M + SA


Water Quality







(a)                 M = monitoring, SA = site audit

(b)                 Monitoring will be required for outdoor events only and will be implemented through contract requirement for the event organisers.

9.2                                      EM&A Manual

A detailed EM&A Manual has been prepared for this Project as part of the EIA study.  The following sections provide a summary of the need for monitoring and auditing of the individual environmental aspects.  In accordance with the requirements of the EIA Study Brief, an Implementation Schedule of the environmental mitigation measures recommended in the EIA study has been prepared in the form of a checklist.  The Implementation Schedule is presented Annex E.

9.3                                      Cultural Heritage

9.3.1                                Detailed Design Stage

Prior to construction commencement, the following works will be conducted:

·            Comprehensive survey, impact assessment and protection schedule of historic features of monuments;

·            Archival recording;

·            Addition and alteration (A&A) works proposal submissions;

·            Restoration proposal of historic building and structures;

·            Detailed structural assessment; 

·            Archaeological investigation (No EM&A is required at the archaeological potential area of the Garage and the Married Inspectors’ Quarters and Deputy Superintendent’s House); and

·            Detailed Heritage Operation Strategies and Manuals. 

Details of the above works are presented in Section 3.9 and Section 3 of the EM&A Manual.

9.3.2                                Construction

Prior to commencement of the construction works, a baseline condition survey and baseline vibration impact has been recommended to be conducted by a specialist covering the existing historic buildings and structures in the CPS Site, the granite walls at Old Bailey Street and the Proposed Grade 3 Historic building (No. 20 Hollywood Road) outside CPS to define the vibration control limits and recommend a vibration monitoring proposal for the concerned historic buildings and structures in and outside the CPS Site for AMO’s prior approval.

If the evaluated and/or measured vibrations have been found to exceed the allowable values or if damage to either structural or non-structural elements of the historic buildings has been identified, the construction work should be stopped and the construction method and appropriate mitigation measures should be the reviewed and submitted to the AMO for approval.

For the built heritage, the following works will be conducted prior to the commencement of site works:

·            A detailed proposal of the regular audit for cultural heritage such as methodology (e.g. performance and monitoring indicators, control tools, frequency of the audit, etc) and the conservation professionals to be engaged; and

·            Staff training for the on-site staffs, contractors, subcontractors and workers of the project to ensure their full understanding of the approved protection schedule of historical features and the work methodologies for repair and restoration works to the historical features, character defining elements, historical buildings and structures in the Site, and their respective responsibilities in the implementation of the environmental protection measures.

During the course of works, the following works will be carried out to the satisfaction of the AMO:

·            Regular site audit for cultural heritage to investigate the site practice of the work contractors and the compliance and effectiveness of the approved mitigation measures and work methodologies, and to report the findings to the authorities;

·            Archival recording during the course of works and submission of the archival records to AMO after the completion of the works.

9.3.3                                Operation

Regular audit is recommended for checking the compliance and effectiveness of the strategies and mitigation measures mentioned in Sections 3.7.4 and 3.7.5 of the EIA report.  The detailed proposal of the regular audit such as methodology (e.g. performance and monitoring indicators, control tools, frequency of the audit, etc) and the conservation professionals to be engaged should be agreed with AMO prior to operation commencement. 

The management team of the CPS Ltd. shall ensure the audit to be carried out by an experience building conservation expert to investigate the site practice and work methodologies of the work contractors, the tenants and any other stakeholders with respect of conservation works, mitigations for cultural heritage, and any related works.

At present no operational phase EM&A for archaeological resources and built heritage outside the CPS Site is considered necessary. 

9.4                                      Landscape and Visual

9.4.1                                Construction

Monthly inspections of affected trees by an experienced and appropriately trained arborist or horticulturist using Form 1 – Tree Group Inspection Form and Form 2 – Tree Risk Assessment Form developed by Development Bureau (http://www.trees.gov.hk/en/doc/TRAGuideline_July2010version_combine.pdf) or a form designed by a tree expert and approved by Tree Management Office.  All irregularities that deviate from the recommended tree protection measures, or could impose deleterious impacts on the protected trees, must be reported to the authorised person or the tree expert within two days.

Implementation of the mitigation measures for landscape and visual resources recommended in the EIA  Report will be monitored through the site inspection and audit programme. 

9.4.2                                Operation

A detailed specifications and methods statement could be drafted and included in the soft landscape maintenance contract to circumscribe the scope and to ascertain the quality of the work.  Following this, quarterly inspections of affected and newly planted trees should be undertaken by an experienced and appropriately trained arborist or horticulturist for a period of 12 months.  Hard landscape maintenance will be covered by the Conservation Management Plan and Operational Phase Manual, as detailed in Sections 3.7.1 and 3.7.4 of the EIA Report.

9.5                                      Air Quality

Adverse fugitive dust impact is not anticipated during the construction period, dust monitoring is considered not necessary.  However, monthly site audits are recommended to ensure that appropriate dust control measures are properly implemented and good construction site practices are adopted throughout the construction period.

9.6                                      Noise

Noise monitoring is recommended during the construction phase to ensure compliance with the noise criterion at the NSRs.  Weekly noise monitoring will be undertaken at the representative NSRs N2 Ho Fook Building and N5 Chancery House.  Considering the nature of the Project, real-time reporting monitoring data was not proposed.  However, the monitoring data shall be uploaded to the dedicated internet website as soon as they are ready.  Monthly site audits will be conducted to ensure that the recommended mitigation measures are properly implemented during the construction stage.

Monitoring will be required for outdoor events only and will be specified in the contract document for the event organisers for implementation.

9.7                                      Water Quality

Monthly site audits will be carried out during the construction phase to monitor the environmental performance of the Project and to enable prompt actions to rectify any malpractice which may give rise to water pollution problem.  The site audit will also ensure that the recommended mitigation measures are properly implemented during the construction stage.

9.8                                      Waste Management

It is recommended that monthly site audits of the waste management practices be carried out during the construction phases to determine if wastes are being managed in accordance with the recommended good construction site practices.  The audits will examine all aspects of waste management including waste generation, storage, recycling, transport and disposal.