10b.1.1.1 This section presents the assessment of the landscape and visual impacts due to the construction and operation of the IWMF at an artificial island near Shek Kwu Chau (SKC).
10b.1.1.2 The photomontages and layouts provided in this report are based on a reference design prepared for this EIA study purpose. The actual design of the IWMF proposal will be subject to further refinement by the DBO contractor during the design stage.
10b.2 Description of Proposed Works
10b.2.1.1 The proposed works in the artificial island near SKC involve reclamation, construction and operation of the IWMF, which includes a thermal incineration plant, a sorting and recycling plant, and ancillary and supporting facilities.
10b.2.1.2 The key activities and issues of the proposed works related to the impacts on the landscape and visual aspects include:-
Construction Phase:
· Loss of sea due to reclamation to form an artificial island near SKC;
· Formation of an artificial island; and
· Presence of construction machinery and construction of facilities.
Operation Phase
· Presence of the built structures; and
· Presence of the waste transportation traffic to and from the IWMF.
10b.3 Environmental Legislation and Standards
10b.3.1.1 The following environmental legislation and standards have been considered:
· Country Parks Ordinance (Cap. 208);
· EIAO Guidance Note No. 8/2010 – sets up guidelines for preparation of Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment under EIAO;
· Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO) (Cap. 499), Annexes 10 and 18 of Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO) Technical Memorandum and;
· ETWB TCW No. 2/2004 Maintenance of Vegetation and Hard Landscape Features – sets out the government departmental responsibilities for maintenance of vegetation and hard landscape features;
· ETWB TCW No. 29/2004 Registration of Old and Valuable Trees and Guidelines for their Preservation – provides priority protection to the trees in the Register. Furthermore, the Government has already put in place a comprehensive range of administrative and legislative measures to preserve trees on Government land;
· ETWB TCW No. 3/2006 Tree Preservation – defines and covers the reporting of unauthorized tree removal (i.e. felling or transplanting), on both private and unleased Government land;
· GEO Publication No. 1/2000 – “Technical Guidelines on Landscape Treatment and Bio-Engineering for Man-made Slope and Retaining Walls”;
Government General Regulation
740 – sets out restrictions on the preservation and felling of trees in
· Protection of Endangered Species of Animals and Plants Ordinance (Cap 586);
· The Forests and Countryside Ordinance (Cap. 96) – prohibits felling, cutting, burning or destroying of trees and growing plants in forests and plantations on government land. Its subsidiary regulations prohibit the picking, felling or possession of listed rare and protected plant species;
· The Forestry Regulations – makes under Section 3 of the Forests and Countryside Ordinance (Cap. 96) defining the list of protected species in Hong Kong;
Technical Report of Landscape
Value Mapping in
· Town Planning Ordinance and Town Planning (Amendment) Ordinance (Cap. 131); and
· WBTC No. 7/2002 Tree Planting in Public Works – affirms the advocated policy on tree planting which adopts a flexible and balanced approach in the planning and design of public works.
10b.4 Review of Planning and Development Control Framework
A review of the existing and
planned development framework for the proposed works and their surroundings has
been conducted. It aims to:
· Identify issues for the neighbouring planned land uses;
· Identify the potential resources and sensitive receivers; and
· Ensure a high compatibility between the proposed works and the surroundings.
10b.4.2 Existence of Statutory Plans
10b.4.2.1 The approved South Lantau Coast OZP No.: S/SLC/16 (Approved – 2.11.2010) and Cheung Chau OZP No. S/I-CC/5 (Approved – 5.10.2010) have been examined. According to the OZPs, there is no specific zoning and land use for the proposed site.
10b.5 Baseline Study Methodology
The landscape and visual
impacts are assessed separately for the construction phase and the operation
phase. The methodologies to assess landscape and visual impacts are described
10b.5.2 Landscape Baseline Study Methodology
10b.5.2.1 In accordance with the EIA Study Brief, a baseline survey of the existing landscape character areas (LCAs) and landscape resources (LRs) within 500m from the proposed works is undertaken by a combination of site inspections and desktop surveys. The proposed works within and adjacent to the study area are considered.
The baseline survey forms the
basis of the landscape context by describing broadly homogenous units of
similar character. Environmental capital approach is adopted to classify the
landscape into distinct LCAs based on distinct patterns or combinations of
landscape resources / elements that occur consistently in a particular
landscape. “Study of Landscape Value Mapping of Hong Kong” and “Map of Land
Utilization in
· Local topography;
· Built form, land use and patterns of settlement;
· Scenic spots;
· Details of local materials;
· Natural and artificial coastlines;
· Prominent watercourses and water bodies;
· Cultural and religious identity, and
· Geological features.
Sensitivity of LCAs and LRs
10b.5.2.3 The individual landscape character areas (LCAs) / landscape resources (LRs) are described qualitatively and quantitatively. Their sensitivities are then evaluated and rated as low, medium or high based on the following factors:
· Quality, condition and value of landscape character / resources;
· Importance and rarity of special landscape resources;
· Ability of the landscape to accommodate change without compromising its essential nature;
· Significance of the change in local and regional context; and
· Maturity of the landscape.
10b.5.2.4 The rating of the sensitivity of the LCAs / LRs is assessed as follows:
High |
components of a landscape of particularly distinctive character susceptible
to relatively small changes. |
Medium |
landscape of moderately valued characteristics reasonable tolerant to change. |
Low |
unimportant landscape, able to absorb significant change. |
Magnitude of Change of LCAs and LRs
10b.5.2.5 Some common factors that are considered in deriving the magnitude of change in assessing landscape impacts are as follows:
· Compatibility of the Project with the landscape resource;
· Duration of impacts under the construction and operation phases;
· Scale of the development; and
· Reversibility of change.
10b.5.2.6 The rating of the magnitude of change of the LCAs / LRs is assessed based on the above criterion as follows:
Large |
LCA or
LR will suffer a large change due to the proposed works. |
Intermediate |
LCA or
LR will suffer a moderate change due to the proposed works. |
Small |
LCA or
LR will suffer a perceptible change due to the proposed works. |
Negligible |
LCA or
LR will suffer no discernible change due to the proposed works. |
Visual Baseline Study
10b.5.3.1 The baseline survey of views towards the proposed development is carried out within the zone of visual influence.
10b.5.3.2 The visual envelope (zone of visual influence), according to EIAO GN No. 8/2010, is generally the view shed formed by natural/man-made features, such as ridgeline, building blocks. The visual envelope may contain areas that are fully visible, partly visible and non-visible from the proposed works. The visual sensitive receivers (VSRs) are those within the visual envelope whose views will be affected by the proposed works.
Sensitivity of VSRs
10b.5.3.3 The baseline survey describes and records the typical views from the VSRs and their characters and values within the visual envelope at low-level viewpoints (street level) and high-level viewpoints (hillside vantage points). Both present and future VSRs are considered.
10b.5.3.4 In the assessment of the sensitivity of the VSRs, the type of VSR is the key factor to be considered. Those VSRs who view the proposed works from their homes are considered to be highly sensitive as the attractiveness, or otherwise, of the view from their homes would have a substantial effect on their perception of the quality and acceptability of their home environment and their general quality of life. Those VSRs who view the proposed works from their workplaces / schools are considered to be less sensitive in general as the attractiveness or otherwise of the view from their workplaces / schools would have a less important role in their perception of the quality of the working environment. The sensitivity also depends on whether the workplace is industrial, retail or commercial. For those VSRs who view the proposed works while engaging in outdoor leisure activities, their sensitivity depends on the type of leisure activity. For those VSRs who view the proposed works from public thoroughfares, their sensitivity depends on the speed of travel.
10b.5.3.5 The criteria for ranking the sensitivity of a VSR are:
· Type of representative receiver population;
· Value and quality of the existing view;
· Estimated number of representative receiver population;
· Availability and amenity of alternative views;
· Duration or frequency of views; and
· Degree of visibility.
10b.5.3.6 The rating of the sensitivity of the VSRs is assessed as follows:
High |
Highly sensitive to any change in their viewing
experience. |
Medium |
Moderately sensitivity to any change in their
viewing experience. |
Low |
Only slightly sensitive to any change in their
viewing experience. |
Magnitude of Change to VSRs
10b.5.3.7 The common factors considered in deriving the magnitude of change in assessing the visual impacts are as follows:
· Compatibility of the Project with the surrounding landscape;
· Duration of impacts under the construction and operation phases;
· Scale of the development;
· Reversibility of change;
· Viewing distance; and
· Potential blockage of view.
10b.5.3.8 The rating of the magnitude of change to the VSRs is based on the above criterion assessed as follows:
Large |
will suffer a large change due to the proposed works. |
Intermediate |
will suffer a moderate change due to the proposed works. |
Small |
will suffer a perceptible change due to the proposed works. |
Negligible |
will suffer no discernible change due to the proposed works. |
10b.5.4 Impact Significance Threshold Assessment Methodology
Impact Significance Threshold before Mitigation
10b.5.4.1 The assessment of the potential landscape / visual impacts during the construction and operation phases with or without the proposed works is created by synthesizing the “Sensitivity” and “Magnitude of Change” for the LCAs/LRs/VSRs according to the Matrix of Impact Significance Threshold before Mitigation in Table 10b.1.
Table 10b.1 Matrix for Impact Significance Threshold – Combination and Relationship between Sensitivity and Magnitude of Change
Magnitude of
Change due to the
Proposed Works |
Low |
Medium |
High |
Large |
Moderate |
Moderate /
Substantial |
Substantial |
Intermediate |
Slight /
Moderate |
Moderate |
Moderate /
Substantial |
Small |
Slight |
Slight /
Moderate |
Moderate |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Degree of Impact Significance Threshold before Mitigation
10b.5.4.2 The degree of significance is categorized into four thresholds depending on the combination below:
Substantial |
Adverse / beneficial impact where the proposed
works would cause significant deterioration / improvement in the existing
landscape / visual quality. |
Moderate |
Adverse / beneficial impact where the proposed
works would cause noticeable deterioration / improvement in the existing
landscape / visual quality. |
Slight |
Adverse / beneficial impact where the proposed
works would cause barely perceptible deterioration / improvement in the
existing landscape / visual quality. |
Insubstantial |
No discernible change in the existing
landscape / visual quality. |
10b.5.5 Residual Impacts Assessment Methodology
Residual impacts are those
impacts remaining after the proposed mitigation measures have been implemented.
The planting mitigation measures are deemed to have reached a level of maturity
to perform their original design objectives 10 to 15 years after the
implementation of the mitigation measures.
The level of residual impact is
derived from the magnitude of change which the proposed works will cause to the
existing view or landscape character and the ability of the LRs/LCAs/VSRs to
tolerate change, i.e. the quality and sensitivity of the view or landscape
character, taking into account the beneficial effects of the proposed
mitigation measures. The significance threshold is derived from the matrix
shown in Table 10b.1.
Impacts ranged from
“Substantial” to “Moderate” are considered as non-ideal situations, and
mitigation measures are recommended. Measures are also considered for the
purpose of potential visual enhancement.
10b.5.6 Photomontage Illustration for Selected Views
Representative views from the VSRs
are selected to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed mitigation
measures and the residual impacts of the proposed works in both short and long
term. For each selected VSR, photomontages are prepared for:
· Existing baseline condition (Day 1 of Construction Phase)
· Development without mitigation
· Development with mitigation (Day 1 of Operation Phase)
· Development with mitigation (10 years of Operation Phase)
10b.5.7 Overall Result of Assessment
In accordance with Annex 10 of
the EIAO TM, an overall assessment is made for the proposed works based on the
residual landscape and visual impacts as follows:
The proposed works will complement the landscape and visual character of its setting, follow the relevant planning objectives, and improve overall and visual quality. |
Acceptable |
There will be no significant effects on the landscape, no significant visual effects, and no interference with the key views due to the proposed works. |
Acceptable with Mitigation Measures |
There will be some adverse effects due to the proposed works, but the adverse effects can be eliminated, reduced or offset to a large extent by the proposed mitigation measures. |
Unacceptable |
There will be the adverse effects that are considered too excessive and are unable to mitigate practically. |
Undetermined |
Significant adverse effects are likely, but the extent to which they may occur or may be mitigated cannot be determined from the study. Further detailed study will be required for the specific effects in question. |
10b.6.1 Identification of Landscape Resources (LRs)
The details and locations of
LRs are shown in Table 10b.2 and Figure 10b.1 respectively.
The photos showing the LRs are presented in Figure 10b.2.
Table 10b.2 Landscape Resources within Study Area
I.D. no. |
Resources (LRs) |
Quantity (ha) (Within
Project Site / Within Study Area) |
Description |
LR1 |
41.1 |
· This LR refers to the natural slopes and shrubland with vegetation of Shek Kwu Chau (SKC). There are some natural sea cliffs around the island. · The hillside slopes are dominated by mature woodland and shrubland. Some of the commonly recorded species include tree species Bridelia tomentosa, Celtis sinensis, and Macaranga tanarius; shrub species Ilex asprella, Psychotria asiatica and Litsea glutinosa; herb species Bidens alba, and Dicranopteris pedata; and climber species Bauhinia championii. No rare plant species nor registered Old and Valuable Trees are recorded in this LR. · Exposed natural rocks are found to be scattered within this LR. ·
LR2 |
Shoreline |
2.1 |
This LR is characterized by the natural rocky
shore. The shore is composed of
large boulders in various forms with wave erosion features. The shore is similar to other typical exposed
rocky shores in ·
With reference to Geological
Map of Hong Kong (CEDD), it is noted that the area of the existing shoreline
is classified as Chi Ma Wan Granite which is the same as those in |
LR3 |
Seawater |
137.0 |
· This LR refers to the sea area adjacent to SKC. · The proposed reclamation area is about 10 – 40 m away from the coastline. · The seabed is habitats for coral communities. |
LR4 |
Developed Area |
2.1 |
· This LR refers to a few 1 or 2-storey buildings, footpaths and some concrete platforms served as a treatment and rehabilitation centre, currently managed by the Society for the Aid and Rehabilitation of Drug Abusers (SARDA). ·
The buildings include the · The Courtyard Complex is situated in the area of the administrative building cluster at the southwest part of SKC. This Grade 3 historic building was built in a Roman Architectural Style with a fountain, a recreation pool with the presence of statues like a Roman Bath and a garden surrounded by colonnade. Concrete and stone are the major construction materials. ·
Gardens with vegetation and
outdoor seatings are present around the buildings for the enjoyment of rehabilitators
and staff. There is also a pond, which is used as a reservoir by the residence of the
island, located to the
northeast of the · Some of the commonly recorded species found in this LR include shrub species Duranta erecta and Hibiscus rosa-sinensis; and herb species Wedelia trilobata and Oxalis corniculata. Other recorded tree species include Sapindus saponaria and Ficus elastica. No rare plant species nor registered Old and Valuable Trees are recorded in this LR. |
10b.6.2 Identification of Landscape Character Areas (LCAs)
The details and locations of
LCAs are shown Table 10b.3 and Figure 10b.3 respectively.
The photos showing the LCAs are presented in Figure 10b.4.
Table 10b.3 Landscape Character Areas within Study Area
I.D. no. |
Character Areas (LCAs) |
Quantity (ha) (Within
Project Site / Within Study Area) |
Description |
LCA1 |
Island Landscape |
45.3 |
· This LCA is characterized by its natural slopes, shrubland with vegetation, and occasional natural sea cliffs around the island. There are some developed areas with facilities such as footpath, low-rise buildings, gardens, etc. that support the operation of the rehabilitation and treatment centre by SARDA. The developments are in a rural setting. · The hillside slopes are dominated by mature woodland and shrubland. · Exposed natural rocks are found to be scattered within this LR. ·
· Rocky shores with large boulders are found at all sides of the island surrounded by seawater. · SKC is classified as High Terrestrial LCA Value according to the Landscape Value Map of Hong Kong. |
LCA2 |
Sea |
137.0 |
· This LCA refers to the sea area adjacent to SKC. · Sea is classified as high landscape value in Marine LCA value according to Landscape Value Map of Hong Kong. · The seabed is habitats for coral communities. |
10b.6.3 Identification of Visual Sensitive Receivers
10b.6.3.1 The details and locations of VSRs are shown in Table 10b.4 and Figures 10b.5 and 10b.6 respectively. The photos showing the VSRs are presented in Figures 10b.7 to 10b.9.
Table 10b.4 Visual Sensitive Receivers within Visual Envelope
I.D. no. |
Sensitive Receivers (VSRs) |
Type of VSRs |
Number of VSRs |
Description |
VSR1 |
Footpath along
the Hill |
Residential /
Occupational |
Few |
· The VSR refers to the staff and rehabilitators of the SARDA Shek
Kwu Chau Rehabilitation Centre. · This footpath is the main circulation linking up different facilities in SKC. SKC is a restricted area and permission is required to visit the island. Therefore, this footpath is not accessible to the general public. · The full view of the project site can be seen by this VSR. |
VSR2 |
Shun House |
Residential /
Occupational |
Few |
· This VSR refers to the residents of Shun House, which is located at the southern part of SKC. · This building is a temporary accommodation of some rehabilitators, who stay in SARDA for treatment programme. The population of this building is low. · While some of the proposed works will be screened off by the existing vegetation, a large portion of the buildings as well as the 150m tall chimney in the project site will be visible to this VSR. |
VSR3 |
and Residential Building Cluster |
Residential /
Occupational |
Few |
· The VSR refers to the staff and rehabilitators of SARDA in the administration block cluster area. · The administration block cluster area comprises the Administration Building, Assembly Hall, Recovery House, Office Block, Mei House, Ming House and Courtyard Complex. The Courtyard Complex, which was built in a Roman Architectural Style, is a Grade 3 historic building. · While the VSR’s view of the proposed work at the ground level would be screened off by the existing trees, the full view of the proposed work will be seen by the VSR at the second floor of some buildings (e.g. Recovery House). |
VSR4 |
Sea |
Sea Traveller |
Few |
· This VSR refers to the sea travellers travelling to the south of the project site. · Most of the sea travellers travel to the South Lantau from the South Sea, while some sea travellers travel to the Siu A Chau and Tai A Chau, which are located to the west of SKC. The views from this VSR are of a transient nature. In normal situations, ships do not sail close to the project site. · Owing to the large extent and exposed nature of the proposed site, the full view of proposed works will be visible by the VSR in a significant way, especially the presence of the high-rise stack. |
VSR5 |
Cheung Sha,
Lantau Island |
Visitors /
Residential |
Medium |
· This VSR refers to the people who visit or reside in Cheung Sha. · The project site is located about 6km southeast to this VSR. · A portion of the buildings in the project site will be screened off by SKC. Therefore, the proposed works will be partially visible to the VSR. |
VSR6 |
Cheung Po Tsai
Cave, Cheung Chau |
Visitors |
Medium |
· This VSR refers to the people who visit the Cheung Po Tsai Cave, Cheung Chau. · The project site is located about 3.5km southwest to this VSR. · While the buildings in the project site will be screened off by SKC, the top part of the chimney can be seen from the VSR. |
VSR7 |
Cheung Chau
Ferry Pier |
Visitors /
Residential |
Many |
· This VSR refers to the people in Cheung Chau Ferry Pier. They are mainly visitors or residents of Cheung Chau. · The project site is located about 4km southwest to this VSR. · While the buildings in the project site will be screened off by SKC, the top part of the chimney can be seen from the VSR. |
VSR8 |
Pui O Beach |
Engager / Visitors |
Medium |
· This VSR refers to the people who visit or enjoy recreational activities in the Pui O Beach. · The project site is located about 6km south to this VSR. · For the VSR at the eastern part of the beach, the buildings in the project site will be screened off by SKC. As the VSR moves towards the western part of the beach, a portion of the proposed works will be visible. |
VSR9 |
Lantau Trail
Stage 2 |
Hiker |
Few |
· This VSR refers to the hikers walking along the Lantau Trail Stage 2 between Nam Shan and Pak Kung Au. · Lantau Trail Stage 2 is about 6.5 km long. The project site is located about 8km to the south or southeast of this VSR. · While the buildings in the project site will be screened off by SKC, the top part of the chimney can be seen at certain sections of Lantau Trail Stage 2. |
VSR10 |
Lantau Trail
Stage 3 |
Hiker |
Few |
· This VSR refers to the hikers walking along the Lantau Trail Stage 3 between Ngong Ping and Pak Kung Au. · Lantau Trail Stage 3 is about 4.5 km long. Lantau Peak is located at this section of Lantau Trail. The project site is located about 8km to the southeast of this VSR. · At certain sections of Lantau Trail Stage 3, part of the project site can be seen. |
VSR11 |
Tong Fuk Beach |
Engager / Visitors |
Medium |
· This VSR refers to the people who visit or enjoy recreational activities in the Tong Fuk Beach. · The project site is located about 7km southeast to this VSR. · Almost the full view of proposed works will be visible by the VSR. |
VSR12 |
Sea Course
between Hong Kong and Macau/ Zhongshan |
Travellers |
Medium |
· This VSR refers to the sea travellers travelling to the northwest of the project site. They mainly travel to/from Macau/Zhongshan, which are located to the west of SKC. · The views from this VSR are of a transient nature. · The distance from the VSR to the project site varies, with a minimum distance of approximately 2.5km. · The full view of proposed works will be visible by the VSR. |
VSR13 |
Chi Ma Wan
Trail - Yi Long Wan |
Hiker |
Few |
· This VSR refers to the hikers at the section of Chi Ma Wan Trail near Sea Ranch and Yi Long Wan. · The project site is located about 3.5km south to this VSR. · The buildings in the project site will be screened off by SKC. Only the tip of the chimney can be barely seen at certain spots of the trail. |
VSR14 |
Tai Long Wan,
Chi Ma Wan Peninsula |
Visitors /
Residential |
Few |
· This VSR refers to the people who visit Tai Long Wan in Chi Ma Wan Peninsula, and the few residents in the nearby village, Tai Long. · The project site is located about 3.5km south to this VSR. · While the buildings in the project site will be screened off by SKC, the top part of the chimney will be visible to this VSR. |
10b.7 Sources of Landscape and Visual Impact
Sources of Landscape Impact
10b.7.1.1 The sources of landscape impact during the construction phase are shown in Table 10b.5.
Table 10b.5 Sources of Landscape Impact during Construction Phase
Code |
Sources of Landscape Impact during Construction Phase |
LC-01 |
of Cellular Cofferdam for Reclamation · Cellular cofferdam will be constructed to confine the reclamation area. Cellular cofferdam is a self-supporting gravity structures consisted of circular cells constructed using straight web sheet piles. The piles are interlocked and driven below the seabed level to form closed cells (or circular cells) which are then filled with filling materials. · The cellular cofferdam surrounding the reclamation area would be about +5mPD high to avoid flooding of the site. |
LC-02 |
Reclamation · Site filling for reclamation to form about 11.8 hectares of land will be carried out. The reclamation will be formed with filling materials supported on the in-situ marine deposits with suitable geotechnical ground treatment (such as surcharge loading, installation of vertical band drains, etc.). |
LC-03 |
of Breakwater · Breakwaters will be provided to protect the water basin. To
minimize dredging and filling activities and the associated environmental
impacts, circular cell breakwater at a height of about +9mPD is proposed. |
LC-04 |
of Berth · The berth area extended from the seawall at the northwest side of
the reclaimed area will be formed by a piled deck structure with precast
slab. Tubular piles would be employed to form the foundation of the berth.
Non-percussive bore piling method would be adopted for the installation of
tubular piles. |
LC-05 |
Works on Reclaimed Land ·
Foundation works (spread
footing as recommended) would be employed on the reclaimed land for the project
site. |
LC-06 |
· Construction of incinerators, boilers and 150m high chimney. |
LC-07 |
· Construction of ancillary facilities such as administration building & Environmental Education Centre, steam turbine, refuse bunker, wastewater treatment plant, fly ash silos and treatment facilities, air compressor station, air cooled condenser, oil pump room, etc. |
LC-08 |
· Underground excavation and connection for installation of utilities, including waterpipes, plumbing, drains, cables, etc. (submarine cables laid across the Adamasta Channel from the artificial island near SKC to Cheung Sha, South Lantau) for the IWMF operation. |
LC-09 |
· Temporary site access, site cabins and heavy machinery on the reclamation area. |
10b.7.1.2 The sources of landscape impact during the operation phase are shown in Table 10b.6.
Table 10b.6 Sources of Landscape Impact during Operation Phase
Code |
Sources of
Landscape Impact during Operation Phase |
LO-01 |
· Completed incineration plant & chimney. |
LO-02 |
· Completed breakwater, ancillary buildings such as new administration building & Environmental Education Centre and elevated bridge for visitors. |
LO-03 |
· Completed chemical storage building and chemical dosing area. |
LO-04 |
· Completed wastewater treatment plant and desalination plant. |
10b.7.2 Sources of Visual Impacts
10b.7.2.1 The sources of visual impact during the construction phase are shown in Table 10b.7.
Table 10b.7 Sources of Visual Impact during Construction Phase
Code |
Sources of
Visual Impact during Construction Phase |
VC-01 |
· Visual obstruction by temporary and permanent construction plants and structures. · Visual obstruction by construction activities and traffic within the project site. · Visual obstruction by loss of open sea view. |
VC-02 |
· Visual quality affected due to site formation and bare soil surface. |
VC-03 |
· Visual quality affected due to glare generated by after-dark lighting and welding. |
VC-04 |
· Visual quality affected by dust generated by construction activities and traffic. |
10b.7.2.2 The sources of visual impact during the operation phase are shown in Table 10b.8.
Table 10b.8 Sources of Visual Impact during Operation Phase
Code |
Sources of
Visual Impact during Operation Phase |
VO-01 |
· Visual quality affected by the completed 150m high chimney, incinerators and boilers. |
VO-02 |
· Visual quality affected by the completed ancillary buildings such as administration building & Environmental Education Centre, steam turbine, refuse bunker, wastewater treatment plant, fly ash silos and treatment facilities, air compressor station, air cooled condenser, oil pump room, etc. |
VO-03 |
· 2 layers of waste containers (about 350 nos.) occupying about 0.25 ha space on the berth at north-western side of project site, and one shore-based crane for transportation of containers located at the south of the berth area. |
VO-04 |
· Visual quality affected by lighting provision of the development during operation at night. |
VO-05 |
· Visual obstruction of sea view. |
VO-06 |
· Waste transportation vessel to/from the project site. |
Landscape Impact Assessment
(Before Mitigation)
10b.8.1 Sensitivity of Landscape Resources and Landscape Character Areas
10b.8.1.1 Based on the findings of the baseline study, the “Sensitivity” of the LRs and LCAs is assessed and listed in Table 10b.9.
Table 10b.9 Sensitivity of Identified Landscape Resources and Landscape Character Areas
Landscape Resources/ Landscape Character Areas |
Ability to Accommodate Change (Low, Medium,
High) |
Importance (local, regional,
national, global) |
Rarity (Low, Medium,
High) |
Quality of Resource (Low, Medium,
High) |
Maturity of Resource (Mature,
Pre-mature) |
Sensitivity (Low, Medium,
High) |
Landscape Resources |
LR1 Hillside & Vegetated Slope |
· High naturalness of mature woodland and shrubland and trees dominated by the native / exotic species. The landscape quality is high. · High floral diversity (114 species). · Some of the commonly recorded species include tree species Bridelia tomentosa, Celtis sinensis, and Macaranga tanarius; shrub species Ilex asprella, Psychotria asiatica and Litsea glutinosa; herb species Bidens alba, and Dicranopteris pedata; and climber species Bauhinia championii. No rare plant species nor registered Old and Valuable Trees are recorded in this LR. |
High |
Medium |
Local |
Medium |
High |
Mature |
LR2 Shoreline |
· Natural rocky shoreline consists of boulders featured by wave erosion. · The shore is similar to other typical exposed rocky shores in Hong Kong without special geological value. However, the quality of resource is considered high in view of its naturalness and its relationship with the seawater. |
High |
Low |
Local |
Low |
High |
Mature |
LR3 Seawater |
· Due to large quantity of
seawater resource in local area, this LR accounts for an insignificant
portion of the nearby resource and is not considered rare. · The relatively small scale of
this LR, in comparison to the large sea area, makes it capable to accommodate
change without compromising its essential nature. · Landscape quality and value is considered high. |
High |
Medium |
Local |
Low |
High |
N/A |
LR4 Developed Area |
· Low-rise structures made of concrete and stone are scattered in this rural setting. · The structures are subject to modification to suit the future operation of the rehabilitation and treatment centre. The landscape value is considered medium. · An exception would be the Courtyard Complex which is a Grade 3 historic building. It possesses a pond and fountain surrounded by colonnade which is considered high in rarity. · Low floral diversity (14 species) and no rare plant species are recorded. |
High |
Medium |
Local |
High |
Medium |
Mature |
Landscape Character Areas |
LCA1 Island Landscape |
· Majority of this LCA is characterized by its natural slopes of mature woodland and shrubland with vegetation. Natural sea cliffs exist occasionally around the island. Rocky shores with large boulders are found at all sides of the island surrounded by seawater. · There are some developed areas including low-rise buildings, footpaths, etc. scattered on the island that support the operation of the rehabilitation and treatment centre by the Society for the Aid and Rehabilitation of Drug Abusers (SARDA). · High Floral diversity (114 species). · No rare plant species is recorded. · SKC is classified as High Terrestrial LCA Value according to the Landscape Value Map of Hong Kong. · Given the high naturalness of island landscape, the landscape quality is high. |
High |
Medium |
Local |
Medium |
High |
Mature |
LCA2 Sea |
· Due to large quantity of
seawater resource in local area, this LCA accounts for an insignificant
portion of the nearby resource and is not considered rare. · The relatively small scale of
this LCA, in comparison to the large sea area, makes it capable to
accommodate change without compromising its essential nature. · Sea is classified as high landscape value in Marine LCA value according to Landscape Value Map of Hong Kong. · Landscape quality and value is considered high. |
High |
Medium |
Local |
Low |
High |
Mature |
10b.8.2 Magnitude of Change of Landscape Resources and Landscape Character Areas
10b.8.2.1 The “Magnitude of Change” of the LRs and LCAs is assessed and listed in Table 10b.10.
Table 10b.10 Magnitude of Change of Identified Landscape Resources and Landscape Character Areas
Landscape Resources/ Landscape Character Areas |
Physical Extent & Landscape |
Magnitude of Change (Negligible,
Small, Intermediate, Large) |
Construction |
Operation |
Landscape Resources |
LR1 |
& Vegetated Slope |
Source of Impact ·
Located outside works area; no direct/physical impact. Physical Extent ·
0 ha (0% out of 41.1 ha) Compatibility with Landscape Resource ·
The IWMF includes primarily man-made
structures which would be incompatible with this LR in nature. Duration of Impact ·
N/A Reversibility of Change ·
N/A · As this LR is located outside the project site, the magnitude of change is considered negligible even though the IWMF is incompatible with this LR. |
Negligible |
Negligible |
LR2 |
Shoreline |
Source of Impact · To avoid direct impact to the natural shoreline, the existing
coral at the coast and the terrestrial ecology of SKC, the reclamation
area will not be connected to SKC. The coast of SKC and the
reclamation area will be separated by a water channel (about 10 – 40 m in
width and 350 m in length). The deeper side of the channel would be about 9m
deep. Therefore, direct impact to the shoreline is not anticipated. · While the current speed at the
coast may increase after the formation of the water channel, the risk of erosion in the channel is unlikely as the seabed near the
southwestern shore of SKC consists mainly of hard material, which is not prone to erosion. Indirect impact to the shoreline
is not anticipated. Physical Extent · 0 ha (0% out of 2.1 ha) Compatibility with Landscape Resource · The IWMF includes primarily man-made structures which would be incompatible with this LR in nature. Duration of Impact · N/A Reversibility of Change · N/A · As this LR is located outside the project site, the magnitude of change is considered negligible even though the IWMF is incompatible with this LR. |
Negligible |
Negligible |
LR3 |
Seawater |
Source of Impact (Construction Phase) · LC-01, LC-02, LC-03, LC-04,
LC-05, LC-06, LC-07, LC-08, LC-09 Source of Impact (Operation Phase) · LO-01, LO-02, LO-03, LO-04 Physical Extent · 15.9 ha (11.6% out of 137 ha) · Comparing with the overall size of the LR (137 ha), the portion of the LR occupied for reclamation and breakwater construction is relatively small. Compatibility with Landscape Resource · The IWMF includes primarily man-made structures which would be incompatible with this LR in nature. Duration of Impact · The duration of impact imposed
during reclamation, construction of cofferdam and breakwater, construction
of buildings and roads, and equipment installation will be approximately 5.5
years, while the duration
of impact during the operation phase will be long. Reversibility of Change · The impact is considered permanent and irreversible. |
Large |
Large |
LR4 |
Developed Area |
Source of Impact · Located outside works area; no direct/physical impact. Physical Extent · 0 ha (0% out of 2.1 ha) Compatibility with Landscape Resource ·
The IWMF includes primarily industrial facilities which would be
incompatible with this LR in nature. · Duration of Impact · N/A Reversibility of Change · N/A · As this LR is located outside the project site, the magnitude of
change is considered negligible even though the IWMF is incompatible with
this LR. |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Landscape Character Areas |
LCA1 |
Island Landscape |
Source of Impact · Located outside works area; no direct/physical impact. Physical Extent · 0 ha (0% out of 45.3 ha) Compatibility with Landscape Resource · The IWMF includes primarily man-made structures which would be incompatible with this LCA in nature. · While the current speed at the coast may increase after the formation of the water channel, the risk of erosion in the channel is unlikely as the seabed near the southwestern shore of SKC consists mainly of hard material, which is not prone to erosion. Indirect impact to the shoreline is not anticipated. Duration of Impact · N/A Reversibility of Change · N/A · Although no direct/physical impact to the LCA1 will be caused by the proposed works, the incompatibility of the proposed works with LCA1 would cause some indirect impact to LCA1. Therefore, small change to LCA1 would be anticipated. |
Small |
Small |
LCA2 |
Sea |
Source of Impact (Construction Phase) · LC-01, LC-02, LC-03, LC-04,
LC-05, LC-06, LC-07, LC-08, LC-09 Source of Impact (Operation Phase) · LO-01, LO-02, LO-03, LO-04 Physical Extent · 15.9 ha (11.6% out of 137 ha) · Comparing with the overall size of the LCA (137 ha), the portion of the LR occupied for reclamation and breakwater construction is relatively small. Compatibility with Landscape Resource · The IWMF includes primarily man-made structures which would be incompatible with this LR in nature. Duration of Impact · The duration of impact imposed
during reclamation, construction of cofferdam and breakwater, construction of
buildings and roads, and equipment installation will be approximately 5.5
years, while the duration of impact during the operation phase will be long. Reversibility of Change · The impact is considered
permanent and irreversible. |
Large |
Large |
Significance Threshold of Landscape Resources and Landscape Character
10b.8.3.1 Based on the “Sensitivity” as listed in Table 10b.9 and “Magnitude of Change” as listed in Table 10b.10, the degree of significance for LRs and LCAs is identified according to the matrix Table 10b.1. The Significance Threshold of identified LRs and LCAs before mitigation is assessed and listed in Table 10b.11.
Table 10b.11 Significance Threshold of Identified Landscape Resources and Landscape Character Areas before Mitigation
Landscape Resources/ Landscape Character Areas |
Sensitivity |
Source of Impact |
Magnitude of Change Before Mitigation |
Impact Significance Threshold Before Mitigation |
Construction |
Operation |
Construction |
Operation |
Construction |
Operation |
Landscape Resources |
LR1 |
Hillside & Vegetated Slope |
High |
Nil |
Nil |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
LR2 |
Shoreline |
High |
Nil |
Nil |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
LR3 |
Seawater |
High |
LC-01, LC-02, LC-03, LC-04, LC-05, LC-06, LC-07, LC-08, LC-09 |
LO-01, LO-02, LO-03, LO-04 |
Large |
Large |
Substantial |
Substantial |
LR4 |
Developed Area |
High |
Nil |
Nil |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Landscape Character Area |
LCA1 |
Island Landscape |
High |
LC-01, LC-02, LC-03, LC-04, LC-05, LC-06, LC-07, LC-08, LC-09 |
LO-01, LO-02, LO-03, LO-04 |
Small |
Small |
Moderate |
Moderate |
LCA2 |
Sea |
High |
LC-01, LC-02, LC-03, LC-04, LC-05, LC-06, LC-07, LC-08, LC-09 |
LO-01, LO-02, LO-03, LO-04 |
Large |
Large |
Substantial |
Substantial |
10b.9 Visual Impact Assessment
10b.9.1 Sensitivity of Visual Sensitive Receivers
Based on the findings of the
baseline study, the characteristics and “Sensitivity” of the VSRs are
summarized in Table 10b.12.
Table 10b.12 Sensitivity of Identified Visual Sensitive Receivers
I.D. no. |
VSRs |
Type of VSRs |
No. of Individuals (Many, Medium,
Few, Very Few) |
Quality of Existing View (Good, Fair, Poor) |
Availability of Alternative Views (Yes/No) |
Degree of Visibility (Full,
Partial, Glimpse) |
Frequency of View (Very Frequent,
Frequent, Occasional, Rare) |
Sensitivity (Low, Medium,
High) |
VSR1 |
· The VSR consists of mainly the staff and rehabilitators of the
SARDA Shek Kwu Chau Rehabilitation Centre. This footpath is the main circulation linking
up different facilities in SKC. · SKC is a restricted area and permission is required to visit the island. Therefore, this footpath is not accessible to the general public. · The full view of the project site can be seen by this VSR. · Most of the proposed works would be seen from this VSR especially the high-rise stack. · There are alternative views with high amenity value to this VSR. |
Medium |
Footpath along the Hill |
Residential / Occupational |
Few |
Good |
Yes |
Full |
Occasional |
VSR2 |
· This VSR refers to the residents of Shun House, which is located at the southern part of SKC. · This building is a temporary accommodation of some rehabilitators, who stay in SARDA for treatment programme. The population of this building is low. · While some of the proposed works will be screened off by the existing vegetation, a large portion of the buildings as well as the 150m tall chimney in the project site will be visible to this VSR. · There are alternative views with high amenity value to this VSR. |
Medium |
Shun House |
Residential / Occupational |
Few |
Good |
Yes |
Partial |
Occasional |
VSR3 |
· The VSR refers to mainly the staff and rehabilitators of SARDA in the administration block cluster area, which comprises the Administration Building, Assembly Hall, Recovery House, Office Block, Mei House, Ming House and Courtyard Complex. The Courtyard Complex, which was built in a Roman Architectural Style, is a Grade 3 historic building. · While the VSR’s view of the proposed works at the ground level would be screened off by the existing trees, the full view of the proposed works will be seen by the VSR at the second floor of some buildings (e.g. Recovery House). · The administration and residential building cluster is located on elevated terrain while the proposed project site is situated by the southern coast of the island close to sea level. Direct impact on the administration and residential building cluster is therefore not anticipated due to their elevation difference. · For the Courtyard Complex (a Grade 3 historic building), due to the elevation difference and the presence of Recovery House to the south, the Courtyard Complex will not be in direct line of sight of the proposed work, which is located to the south of the Courtyard Complex. Visual impact to the Courtyard Complex is not anticipated. |
Medium |
Administration and Residential Building Cluster |
Residential / Occupational |
Few |
Good |
Yes |
Full |
Occasional |
VSR4 |
· This VSR includes mainly the sea travellers travelling to the South Lantau from the South Sea, and the occasional sea travellers travelling to the Siu A Chau and Tai A Chau, which are located to the west of SKC. The views from this VSR are of a transient nature. · Owing to the large extent and exposed nature of the proposed site, the full view of the proposed works will be visible by the VSR in a significant way, especially the presence of the high-rise stack. · In normal situations, ships do not sail close to the site. · There are alternative views with high amenity value to this VSR. |
High |
Sea |
Sea traveller |
Few |
Good |
Yes |
Full |
Occasional |
VSR5 |
· The project site is located about 6km southeast to this VSR. · A portion of the buildings in the project site will be screened off by SKC. Therefore, the proposed works will be partially visible to the VSR. · There are alternative views with high amenity value to this VSR. |
High |
Cheung Sha, South Lantau Island |
Visitors / Residential |
Medium |
Good |
Yes |
Partial |
Frequent |
VSR6 |
· The project site is located about 3.5km southwest to this VSR. · While the buildings in the project site will be screened off by SKC, the top part of the chimney can be seen from the VSR. · There are alternative views with high amenity value to this VSR. |
Medium |
Cheung Po Tsai Cave, Cheung Chau |
Visitors |
Medium |
Good |
Yes |
Glimpse |
Occasional |
VSR7 |
· The project site is located about 4km southwest to this VSR. · While the buildings in the project site will be screened off by SKC, the top part of the chimney can be seen from the VSR. · There are alternative views with high amenity value to this VSR. |
Medium |
Cheung Chau
Ferry Pier |
Visitors / Residential |
Many |
Good |
Yes |
Glimpse |
Occasional |
VSR8 |
· The project site is located about 6km south to this VSR. · For the VSR at the eastern part of the beach, the buildings in the project site will be screened off by SKC. As the VSR moves towards the western part of the beach, a portion of the proposed works will be visible. · There are alternative views with high amenity value to this VSR. |
High |
Pui O Beach |
Recreational Engager / Visitors |
Medium |
Good |
Yes |
Partial |
Frequent |
VSR9 |
· The project site is located about 8km southeast to this VSR. · While the buildings in the project site will be screened off by SKC, the top part of the chimney can be seen at certain sections of Lantau Trail Stage 2. · There are alternative views with high amenity value to this VSR. |
High |
Lantau Trail
Stage 2 |
Hiker |
Few |
Good |
Yes |
Glimpse |
Occasional |
VSR10 |
· The project site is located about 8km southeast to this VSR. · At certain sections of Lantau Trail Stage 3, part of the project site can be seen. · There are alternative views with high amenity value to this VSR. |
High |
Lantau Trail
Stage 3 |
Hiker |
Few |
Good |
Yes |
Partial |
Occasional |
VSR11 |
· The project site is located about 7km southeast to this VSR. · Almost the full view of proposed works will be visible by the VSR. · There are alternative views with high amenity value to this VSR. |
High |
Tong Fuk Beach |
Recreational Engager / Visitors |
Medium |
Good |
Yes |
Full |
Frequent |
VSR12 |
· This VSR includes mainly the sea travellers travelling to Macau and Zhongshan, which are located to the west of SKC. · The views from this VSR are of a transient nature. · The distance from the VSR to the project site varies, with a minimum distance of approximately 2.5km. · The full view of proposed works will be visible by the VSR. · There are alternative views with high amenity value to this VSR. |
High |
Sea Course
between Hong Kong and Macau/ Zhongshan |
Travellers |
Medium |
Good |
Yes |
Full |
Occasional |
VSR13 |
· The project site is located about 3.5km south to this VSR. · The buildings in the project site will be screened off by SKC. Only the tip of the chimney can be barely seen at certain spots of the trail. · There are alternative views with high amenity value to this VSR. |
Medium |
Chi Ma Wan
Trail - Yi Long Wan |
Hiker |
Few |
Good |
Yes |
Partial |
Occasional |
VSR14 |
· The project site is located about 3.5km south to this VSR. · While the buildings in the project site will be screened off by SKC, the top part of the chimney will be visible to this VSR. · There are alternative views with high amenity value to this VSR. |
Medium |
Tai Long Wan |
Visitors /
Residential |
Few |
Good |
Yes |
Partial |
Occasional |
10b.9.2 Magnitude of Change of Visual Sensitive Receivers
The “Magnitude of Change” of
the VSRs is assessed and listed in Table 10b.13.
Table 10b.13 Magnitude of Change of Identified Visual Sensitive Receivers
I.D. no. |
VSRs |
Source of Impact |
Compatibility (Good, Fair, Poor) |
Duration of Impacts (Very
Frequent, Frequent, Occasional, Rare) |
Reversibility of Change (Yes, No) |
Scale of Impact (Large, Medium, Small) |
Viewing Distance (m) |
Potential Blockage
of View (Full, Partial, Glimpse) |
Magnitude of Change (Large,
Intermediate, Small, Negligible) |
Construction |
Operation |
Construction |
Operation |
VSR1 |
Footpath along the Hill |
VC-01, VC-02, VC-03, VC-04 |
VO-01, VO-02, VO-03, VO-04, VO-05, VO-06 |
Fair |
Occasional |
No |
Large |
150 |
Full |
Large |
Large |
VSR2 |
Shun House |
VC-01, VC-02, VC-03, VC-04 |
VO-01, VO-02, VO-03, VO-04, VO-05, VO-06 |
Fair |
Occasional |
No |
Large |
200 |
Partial |
Large |
Large |
VSR3 |
Administration and Residential Building Cluster |
VC-01, VC-02, VC-03, VC-04 |
VO-01,VO-02, VO-03,VO-04, VO-05,VO-06 |
Fair |
Occasional |
No |
Large |
400 |
Full |
Large |
Large |
VSR4 |
Sea |
VC-01, VC-03, VC-04 |
VO-01, VO-02, VO-03, VO-04, VO-05, VO-06 |
Fair |
Occasional |
No |
Large |
200 |
Full |
Large |
Large |
VSR5 |
Cheung Sha, South Lantau Island |
VC-01, VC-03, VC-04 |
VO-01, VO-02, VO-03, VO-04, VO-05, VO-06 |
Fair |
Frequent |
No |
Large |
6000 |
Partial |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
VSR6 |
Cheung Po Tsai Cave, Cheung Chau |
VC-01, VC-03, VC-04 |
VO-01 |
Fair |
Occasional |
No |
Medium |
3500 |
Glimpse |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
VSR7 |
Cheung Chau
Ferry Pier |
VC-01, VC-03, VC-04 |
VO-01 |
Fair |
Occasional |
No |
Small |
4000 |
Glimpse |
Small |
Small |
VSR8 |
Pui O Beach |
VC-01,VC-03, VC-04 |
VO-01, VO-02, VO-03,VO-04, VO-05,VO-06 |
Fair |
Frequent |
No |
Medium |
6000 |
Partial |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
VSR9 |
Lantau Trail
Stage 2 |
VC-01,VC-02, VC-03,VC-04 |
VO-01,VO-02, VO-03,VO-04, VO-05,VO-06 |
Fair |
Occasional |
No |
Medium |
8000 |
Glimpse |
Small |
Small |
VSR10 |
Lantau Trail
Stage 3 |
VC-01,VC-02, VC-03,VC-04 |
VO-01,VO-02, VO-03,VO-04, VO-05,VO-06 |
Fair |
Occasional |
No |
Medium |
8000 |
Partial |
Small |
Small |
VSR11 |
Tong Fuk Beach |
VC-01,VC-03, VC-04 |
VO-01,VO-02, VO-03,VO-04, VO-05,VO-06 |
Fair |
Frequent |
No |
Medium |
7000 |
Full |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
VSR12 |
Sea Course
between Hong Kong and Macau/ Zhongshan |
VC-01,VC-03, VC-04 |
VO-01,VO-02, VO-03,VO-04, VO-05,VO-06 |
Fair |
Occasional |
No |
Large |
2500 |
Full |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
VSR13 |
Chi Ma Wan
Trail - Yi Long Wan |
VC-01,VC-03, VC-04 |
VO-01, VO-02, VO-03, VO-04, VO-06 |
Fair |
Occasional |
No |
Medium |
3500 |
Partial |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
VSR14 |
Tai Long Wan |
VC-01,VC-03, VC-04 |
VO-01, VO-02, VO-03, VO-04, VO-06 |
Fair |
Frequent |
No |
Medium |
3500 |
Partial |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
10b.9.3 Significance Threshold of Visual Sensitive Receivers
10b.9.3.1 Based on the “Sensitivity” as listed in Table 10b.12 and “Magnitude of Change” as listed in Table 10b.13, the degree of significance for VSRs is identified according to the matrix shown in Table 10b.1. Significance Threshold of identified VSRs before mitigation is assessed and listed in Table 10b.14.
Table 10b.14 Significance Threshold of Identified Visual Sensitive Receivers before Mitigation
I.D. no. |
VSRs |
Source of Impact |
Sensitivity |
Magnitude of Change Before Mitigation |
Impact Significance Threshold Before Mitigation |
Construction |
Operation |
Construction |
Operation |
Construction |
Operation |
VSR1 |
Footpath along the Hill |
VC-01, VC-02, VC-03, VC-04 |
VO-01, VO-02, VO-03, VO-04, VO-05, VO-06 |
Medium |
Large |
Large |
Moderate / Substantial |
Moderate / Substantial |
VSR2 |
Shun House |
VC-01, VC-02, VC-03, VC-04 |
VO-01, VO-02, VO-03, VO-04, VO-05, VO-06 |
Medium |
Large |
Large |
Moderate / Substantial |
Moderate / Substantial |
VSR3 |
Administration and
Residential Building Cluster |
VC-01, VC-02, VC-03, VC-04 |
VO-01, VO-02, VO-03, VO-04, VO-05, VO-06 |
Medium |
Large |
Large |
Moderate / Substantial |
Moderate / Substantial |
VSR4 |
Sea |
VC-01, VC-03, VC-04 |
VO-01, VO-02, VO-03, VO-04, VO-05, VO-06 |
High |
Large |
Large |
Substantial |
Substantial |
VSR5 |
Cheung Sha, South Lantau Island |
VC-01, VC-03, VC-04 |
VO-01, VO-02, VO-03, VO-04, VO-05, VO-06 |
High |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
Moderate /
Substantial |
Moderate /
Substantial |
VSR6 |
Cheung Po Tsai Cave, Cheung Chau |
VC-01, VC-03, VC-04 |
VO-01 |
Medium |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
VSR7 |
Cheung Chau
Ferry Pier |
VC-01, VC-03, VC-04 |
VO-01 |
Medium |
Small |
Small |
Slight / Moderate |
Slight / Moderate |
VSR8 |
Pui O Beach |
VC-01, VC-03, VC-04 |
VO-01, VO-02, VO-03, VO-04, VO-05, VO-06 |
High |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
Moderate /
Substantial |
Moderate /
Substantial |
VSR9 |
Lantau Trail
Stage 2 |
VC-01,VC-02, VC-03, VC-04 |
VO-01, VO-02, VO-03, VO-04, VO-05,VO-06 |
High |
Small |
Small |
Moderate |
Moderate |
VSR10 |
Lantau Trail
Stage 3 |
VC-01,VC-02, VC-03, VC-04 |
VO-01, VO-02, VO-03, VO-04, VO-05,VO-06 |
High |
Small |
Small |
Moderate |
Moderate |
VSR11 |
Tong Fuk Beach |
VC-01, VC-03, VC-04 |
VO-01, VO-02, VO-03, VO-04, VO-05,VO-06 |
High |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
Moderate /
Substantial |
Moderate /
Substantial |
VSR12 |
Sea Course between
Hong Kong and Macau/ Zhongshan |
VC-01, VC-03, VC-04 |
VO-01, VO-02, VO-03, VO-04, VO-05, VO-06 |
High |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
Moderate /
Substantial |
Moderate /
Substantial |
VSR13 |
Chi Ma Wan
Trail - Yi Long Wan |
VC-01, VC-03, VC-04 |
VO-01, VO-02, VO-03, VO-04, VO-06 |
Medium |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
VSR14 |
Tai Long Wan |
VC-01, VC-03, VC-04 |
VO-01, VO-02, VO-03, VO-04, VO-06 |
Medium |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
10b.10.1 Mitigation Measures Approaches
The identification of the
landscape and visual impacts highlights the potential primary sources of
impacts and their magnitude of change caused to LRs/LCAs/VSRs. Corresponding
mitigation measures are proposed to avoid and reduce the identified sources of
impacts, and to remedy and compensate unavoidable impact. The potential
landscape and visual enhancement is also considered in the proposed measures.
10b.10.2 General Mitigation Measures / Strategies
To avoid direct impact to the
valuable landscape resources of SKC, such as the natural shoreline (LR2), the
reclamation area is designed not be connected to SKC. The coast of SKC and the
reclamation area will be separated by a water channel (about 10 – 40 m in width
and 350 m in length). The deeper side of the channel would be about 9m deep.
10b.10.2.2 Minimization of the structure size and footprint is also an important strategy to minimize the landscape and visual impact. Since the seawater (LR3) will be permanently replaced by the reclamation area, this portion of landscape resource is lost and cannot be recovered or mitigated. It is important to minimize the area occupied by the proposed works to practical minimum so that the impact to the seawater (LR3) would be as small as possible. In the design of the site layout and selection of the construction method, minimization of the footprint shall be one of the key design considerations. An efficient site layout and use of cellular cofferdam for the construction of breakwater and the artificial island would be able to reduce the extent of the reclamation, and therefore the impact to the seawater. In the design of the building heights and dimensions, the potential visual impact should be taken into consideration in addition to the engineering and other environmental factors. A balance should be struck between a smooth operation of the facilities and minimization of various environmental impacts. In determination of the height of the stack, it is important to alleviate the potential air quality impacts at critical ASRs, while not to result in significant visual intrusion. To determine the optimal height of the stack, wind tunnel tests that consisted of plume visualization were conducted for the stacks in various heights. The stack height of 150m was a balanced solution considering the air quality impacts at critical ASRs and the potential visual impact. For the other structures of the IWMF, their heights and dimensions should be designed with due consideration of requirements to accommodate the necessary equipments and the effective use of land in order to minimize their size. In this reference design, instead of providing one bulky building at the same height to house all the equipment, structures with different building heights are designed to suit the specific needs of the equipment. The tallest part of the incineration plant is where the incinerators (about 50m) are accommodated, while the other part of the incineration plant and other structures are designed to be at lower heights.
10b.10.2.3 Screening off the structures using landscaped bunds could be an effective mitigation measure for some projects. However, its application for the IWMF at the artificial island near SKC is considered not desirable as the reclamation area would need to substantially increase in order to accommodate landscaped bunds that are large enough to provide efficient screening effect. The potential impacts on other environmental aspects, in particular ecology and water quality, would be more severe. Further extension of the reclamation area towards the south direction may also threaten the safety of the marine traffic travelling in the navigation channel which is about 100m to the south of the reclamation area. As requested by the Marine Department, a minimum 100m clearance between the site and the navigation channel shall be maintained to ensure the safety of the marine traffic travelling in the navigation channel. Although the use of landscape bunds may not be applicable to this project site, planting strip along the periphery of the project site could provide some screening off effect to some low-rise facilities/structures, such as waste containers at the berth area, to block the view corridors from the VSRs at the same elevation (e.g. sea travellers). The planting will also create a green appearance as viewed from surrounding viewpoints. Restricting the containers to be stacked in maximum 2 layers will be another measure to control the potential visual impact.
10b.10.2.4 The IWMF site is adjacent to SKC with natural geographies of the natural boulders with various sizes surrounding the coastline. On the top of the rocky shores, the hillside of SKC is naturally vegetated with various species of shrubs and trees. Although the reclamation area will be isolated from SKC and no direct impact to the landscape resources and landscape character areas in SKC is anticipated, mitigation measures are proposed to improve to compatibility of the proposed works which are of industrial nature with the Island Landscape (LCA1). Introduction of architectural and landscaping design emphasizing nature as design concept to the IWMF site would partially mitigate the potential landscape and visual impacts. Boulders with the similar textures of the existing rocky shores would be employed for the construction of breakwater and the shoreline of the reclaimed land to blend in with the existing natural shoreline of SKC. Rooftop and vertical greening along the periphery of each building would be implemented to blend the IWMF into the surrounding green island landscape. Landscape measures would also be introduced at the chimney stack to further enhance the overall natural and green concept. The provision of new landscape elements will also transform the existing landscape character (seawater).
10b.10.2.5 The recommended mitigation measures, which are applicable to the
individual LR, LCA and VSR, are tabulated in Table
10b.15. The locations where the recommended mitigation
measures to be implemented are shown in the Landscape & Visual Mitigation
Measures Plan (Figure 10b.10) for reference.
10b.10.2.6 The mitigation measures during construction will be implemented from
the commencement of the works and shall be applied for the whole duration of
the construction period. The
mitigation measures during operation will be included in the detailed design
and shall be constructed or built up during the construction. Management and maintenance for all
mitigation measures will follow ETWB TCW No. 2/2004 Maintenance of Vegetation
and Hard Landscape Features.
In terms of the funding,
implementation, management and maintenance of the recommended mitigation
measures, the Environmental Protection Department will be the responsible
agent. The mitigation measures are considered practical and feasible.
Table 10b.15 Recommended Landscape and Visual Mitigation Measures
ID. No. |
Landscape and
Visual Mitigation Measure |
During Construction Phase |
Mitigation for both Landscape & Visual Impacts |
MLVC-01 |
Grass-hydroseeded bare soil surface and stock
pile area |
MLVC-02 |
Landscape Design 1)
Early planting using fast grow trees and tall shrubs at
strategic locations within site as buffer to block view corridors to the site
from the VSRs, and to locally screen haul roads, excavation works and site
preparation works. 2)
Use of tree species of dense tree crown to serve as visual
barrier. 3)
Hard and soft landscape treatment (e.g. trees and shrubs)
of open areas within development to provide a background for the outdoor
containers from open view, shade and shelter, and a green appearance from
surrounding viewpoints. 4)
Planting strip along the
periphery of the project site. 5)
Selected tree species suitable for the coastal condition. |
MLVC-03 |
Adoption of Natural Features of the
Existing Shoreline 1)
Use of boulders in
different sizes and with the similar textures of the existing rocky shores
for the construction of breakwater and artificial shoreline in order to blend
into the existing natural shoreline. 2)
Use of cellular cofferdam together with the natural boulders to form a
curvature shoreline for the reclamation area to echo with the natural
shoreline of SKC. |
MLVC-04 |
Greening Design (Rooftop & Vertical
Greening) 1)
Implementation of
rooftop and vertical greening (vertical building envelope) along the
periphery of each building block to increase the amenity value of the work,
moderate temperature extremes and enhance building energy performance. The
greening appearance of the building shall enhance its visual harmony with the
natural surroundings as well as reduce the apparent visual mass of the
structure. 2)
Sufficient space
between concrete enclosure and stack to minimize heat transfer. 3)
Introduction of landscape
decks at the stack to further enhance the overall natural and green concept
unique for this site. |
Mitigation for
Visual Impacts |
MVC-01 |
Visual Mitigation and Aesthetic Design 1)
Use of natural materials
with recessive color to minimize the bulkiness of the building. 2)
of innovative aesthetic design to the chimney to minimize or visually
mitigate the massing of the chimney so as to reduce its visual impact to the
surroundings. 3)
Color of the chimney in a gradual
changing manner
to match with the color of the sky. 4)
Provision of observation
deck for public enjoyment at the top of the chimney to diminish the feeling
of chimney. 5)
Provision of sky gardens between
the two stacks to allow additional greening for enhancing the aesthetic
quality. Maintenance access (elevator and staircase) from the ground floor to
the sky gardens will be provided to allow maintenance of the sky gardens. 6)
Integration of the visitor’s
walkway with different material façade design of incinerator plant to enhance
the aesthetic quality. |
MVC-02 |
Control of the security floodlight for
construction areas at night to avoid excessive glare to the surrounding
receiver. |
MVC-03 |
Optimization of the construction sequence
and construction programme to minimize the duration of impact. |
MVC-04 |
Storage of the backfilling materials for
site formation & construction materials / wastes on site at a maximum
height of 2m, covered with an impermeable material of visually un-obtrusive
material (in earth tone). |
MVC-05 |
Reduction of the
number of construction traffic at the site to practical minimum. |
During Operation Phase |
Mitigation for both Landscape & Visual Impacts |
MLVO-01 |
Planting Maintenance Provision of proper planting maintenance and
replacement of defective plant species on the new planting areas to enhance
aesthetic and landscape quality. |
Mitigation for Visual Impacts |
MVO-01 |
Environmental Education Centre Development of an Environmental Education Center, in which regular
exhibitions and lectures to promote environmental awareness and waste
reduction concept would be provided, as a part of the IWMF for the general
public to alleviate negative public perceptions of the development. |
MVO-02 |
Control of Light Control the numbers of
lights and their intensity to a level that is good enough to meet the safety
requirements at night but not excessive. |
MVO-03 |
Control of
Operation Time Minimization of
the frequency of waste transportation to practical minimum (e.g. limit the
reception of MSW from 8 am to 8 pm) |
10b.10.3 Residual Impact of Landscape Resources and Landscape Character Areas
10b.10.3.1 The residual impact of each LCA and LR after mitigation is shown in Table 10b.16.
Table 10b.16 Residual Impact of Identified Landscape Resources and Landscape Character Areas after Mitigation
I.D. no. |
LRs / LCAs |
Recommended Mitigation
Measures |
Residual Impact Significance Threshold after Mitigation |
Construction |
Operation |
Construction |
Operation |
Day 1 |
Year 10 |
Landscape Resource |
LR1 |
Hillside & Vegetated Slope |
Nil |
Nil |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
LR2 |
Shoreline |
Nil |
Nil |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
LR3 |
Seawater |
Nil |
Nil |
Substantial |
Substantial |
LR4 |
Developed Area |
Nil |
Nil |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Landscape Character Area |
LCA1 |
Island Landscape |
MLVC-02, MLVC-03,
MLVC-04 |
MLVO-01 |
Slight |
Slight |
Slight |
LCA2 |
Sea |
MLVC-02 |
MLVO-01 |
Substantial |
Substantial |
10b.10.4 Residual Impact of Visual Sensitive Receivers
10b.10.4.1 The residual impact of each VSR after mitigation is shown in Table 10b.17.
Table 10b.17 Residual Impact of Identified Visual Sensitive Receivers after Mitigation
I.D. no. |
VSRs |
Recommended Mitigation
Measures |
Residual Impact Significance Threshold after Mitigation |
Construction |
Operation |
Construction |
Operation |
Day 1 |
Year 10 |
VSR1 |
Footpath along the Hill |
MLVC-01 MLVC-02 MLVC-03 MLVC-04 MVC-01 MVC-02 MVC-03 MVC-04 MVC-05 |
MLVO-01 MVO-01 MVO-02 MVO-03 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Slight/ Moderate |
VSR2 |
Shun House |
MLVC-01 MLVC-02 MLVC-03 MLVC-04 MVC-01 MVC-02 MVC-03 MVC-04 MVC-05 |
MLVO-01 MVO-01 MVO-02 MVO-03 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Slight/ Moderate |
VSR3 |
Administration and Residential Building Cluster |
MLVC-01 MLVC-02 MLVC-03 MLVC-04 MVC-01 MVC-02 MVC-03 MVC-04 MVC-05 |
MLVO-01 MVO-01 MVO-02 MVO-03 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Slight/ Moderate |
VSR4 |
Sea |
MLVC-02 MLVC-03 MLVC-04 MVC-01 MVC-02 MVC-03 MVC-04 MVC-05 |
MLVO-01 MVO-01 MVO-02 MVO-03 |
Moderate/ Substantial |
Moderate/ Substantial |
Moderate |
VSR5 |
Cheung Sha, South Lantau Island |
MLVC-02 MLVC-03 MLVC-04 MVC-01 MVC-02 MVC-03 MVC-04 MVC-05 |
MLVO-01 MVO-01 MVO-02 MVO-03 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
VSR6 |
Cheung Po Tsai Cave, Cheung Chau |
MVC-01 MVC-02 |
MVO-01 MVO-02 MVO-03 |
Slight/ Moderate |
Slight/ Moderate |
Slight/ Moderate |
VSR7 |
Cheung Chau
Ferry Pier |
MVC-01 MVC-02 |
MVO-01 MVO-02 MVO-03 |
Slight |
Slight |
Slight |
VSR8 |
Pui O Beach |
MLVC-02 MLVC-03 MLVC-04 MVC-01 MVC-02 MVC-03 MVC-04 MVC-05 |
MLVO-01 MVO-01 MVO-02 MVO-03 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
VSR9 |
Lantau Trail
Stage 2 |
MLVC-01 MLVC-02 MLVC-03 MLVC-04 MVC-01 MVC-02 MVC-03 MVC-04 MVC-05 |
MLVO-01 MVO-01 MVO-02 MVO-03 |
Slight/ Moderate |
Slight/ Moderate |
Slight/ Moderate |
VSR10 |
Lantau Trail
Stage 3 |
MLVC-01 MLVC-02 MLVC-03 MLVC-04 MVC-01 MVC-02 MVC-03 MVC-04 MVC-05 |
MLVO-01 MVO-01 MVO-02 MVO-03 |
Slight/ Moderate |
Slight/ Moderate |
Slight/ Moderate |
VSR11 |
Tong Fuk Beach |
MLVC-02 MLVC-03 MLVC-04 MVC-01 MVC-02 MVC-03 MVC-04 MVC-05 |
MLVO-01 MVO-01 MVO-02 MVO-03 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
VSR12 |
Sea Course
between Hong Kong and Macau/ Zhongshan |
MLVC-02 MLVC-03 MLVC-04 MVC-01 MVC-02 MVC-03 MVC-04 MVC-05 |
MLVO-01 MVO-01 MVO-02 MVO-03 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Slight/ Moderate |
VSR13 |
Chi Ma Wan
Trail - Yi Long Wan |
MVC-01 MVC-02 |
MVO-01 MVO-02 MVO-03 |
Slight/ Moderate |
Slight/ Moderate |
Slight/ Moderate |
VSR14 |
Tai Long Wan |
MVC-01 MVC-02 |
MVO-01 MVO-02 MVO-03 |
Slight/ Moderate |
Slight/ Moderate |
Slight/ Moderate |
10b.10.5 Photomontages of Residual Impact of Visual Sensitive Receivers
10b.10.5.1 Table 10b.18 shows the visibility of the VSRs to the proposed works. Photomontages for illustration are provided accordingly.
Table 10b.18 Visibility of Visual Sensitive Receivers to Proposed Works
I.D. no. |
VSRs |
Figure of Photomontage |
Visibility of
VSR to Proposed Works |
VSR1 |
Footpath along the Hill |
· VSR1 has a full view of the proposed works without blockage. |
VSR2 |
Shun House |
· VSR2 has a partial view of the proposed works. |
VSR3 |
Administration and Residential Building Cluster |
· VSR3 has a full view of the proposed works without blockage. |
VSR4 |
Sea |
· VSR4 has a full view of the proposed works without blockage. |
VSR5 |
Cheung Sha, South Lantau Island |
· VSR5 has a partial view of the proposed works. |
VSR6 |
Cheung Po Tsai Cave, Cheung Chau |
· VSR6 has a view of the top part of the chimney while the buildings in the project site are blocked by SKC. |
VSR7 |
Cheung Chau
Ferry Pier |
· VSR7 has a view of the top part of the chimney while the buildings in the project site are blocked by of SKC. |
VSR8 |
Pui O Beach |
· VSR8 has a partial view of the proposed works when viewing from the western part of the beach. |
VSR9 |
Lantau Trail
Stage 2 |
· VSR9 has a view of the top part of the chimney while the buildings in the project site are blocked by of SKC. |
VSR10 |
Lantau Trail
Stage 3 |
· VSR10 has a partial view of the proposed works. |
VSR11 |
Tong Fuk Beach |
· VSR11 has almost a full view of the proposed works. |
VSR12 |
Sea Course
between Hong Kong and Macau/ Zhongshan |
· VSR12 has a full view of the proposed works without blockage. |
VSR13 |
Chi Ma Wan
Trail - Yi Long Wan |
· VSR13 has a view of the tip of the chimney while the buildings in the project site are blocked by of SKC. |
VSR14 |
Tai Long Wan |
· VSR14 has a view of the top part of the chimney while the buildings in the project site are blocked by of SKC. |
10b.10.5.2 In addition to the photomontages viewed from the VSRs, photomontages from a bird’s eye view are also prepared to provide an overview to the proposed works as well as the recommended mitigation measures (see Figures 10b.67 to 10b.70.)
10b.11.1.1 The two proposed projects in the vicinity of the artificial island near SKC, including the sewerage works in South Lantau and the replacement of the existing submarine water main between Northern Channel of Cheung Chau and Chi Man Wan Peninsula, are distant from the artificial island near SKC. Cumulative visual and landscape impact of the IWMF and these projects is not anticipated.
10b.12.1.1 During both the construction and operation phases, the impact to the landscape resources and landscape character areas would be “insubstantial”, except the Island Landscape (LCA1) which is rated as “moderate” and Seawater (LR3 & LCA2) which are rated as “substantial”.
10b.12.1.2 To avoid direct impact to the valuable landscape resources of SKC,
such as the natural shoreline (LR2), the reclamation area is designed not be
connected to SKC. The coast of SKC and the reclamation area will be separated
by a water channel (about 10 – 40 m in width and 350 m in length). The deeper
side of the channel would be about 9m deep. Although the reclamation area will
be isolated from SKC and no direct impact to the landscape resources and
landscape character areas in SKC is anticipated, mitigation measures are
proposed to improve to compatibility of the proposed works which are of industrial
nature with the landscape resources and landscape character areas in SKC. The
measures include introduction
of architectural and landscaping design emphasizing nature as the design
concept. Boulders with the similar textures of the existing rocky shores would
be employed for the construction of breakwater and the shoreline of the reclamation
area to echo the existing natural shoreline of SKC. Rooftop and vertical
greening along the periphery of each building would be implemented to increase
the amenity value of the IWMF, and more importantly to blend into the
surrounding green environment. Landscape would also be introduced at the stack
to further enhance the overall natural and green concept.
10b.12.1.3 For LR3, since the seawater will be permanently replaced by the reclamation area, this portion of landscape resource is lost and cannot be recovered or mitigated. However, the quantity of loss of the seawater as landscape resource is relatively small in comparison to the large extent of the adjacent seawater landscape within and outside the study area. Together with other measures such as efficient site layout and use of cellular cofferdam for the construction of breakwater and the artificial island, the area occupied by the proposed works is reduced to practical minimum so that the impact to LR3 would be as small as possible.
10b.12.1.4 For LCA2, apart from minimizing the landscape impact as mentioned above, extensive landscape areas and greening will be provided as a mitigation measure to improve the naturalness of the project site. The provision of new landscape elements will transform the existing landscape character.
10b.12.1.5 Currently, the proposed projects in the vicinity of the artificial island near SKC include the sewerage works in South Lantau and the replacement of the existing submarine water main between Northern Channel of Cheung Chau and Chi Man Wan Peninsula. As the sites of the two projects are distant from the artificial island near SKC, cumulative landscape impact of the IWMF and these projects is not anticipated.
10b.12.2.1 During the construction phase, the visual impact to most of the visual sensitive receivers would be “moderate / substantial”, and the visual impact to the sea travellers (VSR4) would be “substantial”. After the implementation of mitigation measures, the residual impact to the VSR4 would become “moderate / substantial” during construction while most of the other VSRs become “slight / moderate” or “moderate”.
10b.12.2.2 During the operation phase, the visual impact to most of the visual sensitive receivers would be “moderate / substantial” or “moderate”, and the visual impact to the sea travellers (VSR4 & VSR12) would be “substantial” and “moderate / substantial” respectively. As these VSRs are transient in nature, the proposed works would unlikely create a prolonged visual impact to these VSRs.
10b.12.2.3 Regarding the visual impacts induced by the reclamation and construction of facilities, mitigation measures are proposed including aesthetic design with a view to enhance the aesthetic quality and to blend in the proposed works into the natural surrounding, at the same time reducing the visual mass of the structure. This is achieved by rooftop and vertical greening along the building façade, use of natural materials with recessive colour, provision of sky gardens between the stacks, provision of observation deck to diminish the feeling of chimney, etc.
10b.12.2.4 To maximize visual compatibility between the existing natural shoreline of SKC and the IWMF, mitigation measure to adopt natural rocks with similar colour as rocky shore of SKC for the construction of breakwater and artificial shoreline will improve the visual quality.
10b.12.2.5 After the implementation of the proposed mitigation measures, the residual impact to some of the visual sensitive receivers would be reduced to “slight / moderate”, and the residual impact to the sea travellers (VSR4 & VSR12) would become “moderate / substantial” and “moderate” in day 1 of operation and “moderate” and “slight / moderate” respectively in year 10 of operation. The residual impact to some middle / long distance VSRs such as Cheung Sha (VSR5), Pui O Beach (VSR8) and Tong Fuk Beach (VSR11) would remain “moderate” in year 10 of operation due to the fact that some of the mitigation measures such as rooftop and vertical greening would not easily be appreciated from a distance.
10b.12.2.6 The two proposed projects in the vicinity of the artificial island near SKC, including the sewerage works in South Lantau and the replacement of the existing submarine water main between Northern Channel of Cheung Chau and Chi Man Wan Peninsula, are distant from the artificial island near SKC. Cumulative visual impact of the IWMF and these projects is not anticipated.
10b.12.3 Overall Residual Impact
10b.12.3.1 In conclusion, the potential landscape and visual impacts can be reduced by implementing the proposed mitigation measures during construction and operation phases. With reference to criteria defined in Annex 10 of the EIAO TM, the overall residual impacts are considered as “marginally acceptable with mitigation measures” after implementing the mitigation measures, that is to say “there would be some adverse effects, but these can be eliminated, reduced or offset by specific measures”.