16.6 Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment
16.14 Environmental Monitoring and Auditing
An EIA Report has been prepared for Shatin to Central Link - Tai Wai to Hung
Hom Section SCL (TAW-HUH) to satisfy the requirements given in the EIA Study
Brief ESB-191/2008 and the Technical Memorandum on Environmental Impact
Assessment Process. All the latest design information has been incorporated
into the EIA process. Aspects that have been considered in this EIA Report
Consideration of alternative alignment options
Description of construction methodology
Cultural heritage
Ecological impacts
Landscape and visual impacts
Construction dust
Airborne noise
Groundborne noise
Water quality
Waste management
Land contamination
Hazard to life
Environmental monitoring and auditing
All the existing and planned environmental sensitive receivers in the
vicinity of the alignment have been identified by conducting site surveys and
reviewing relevant planning information. The receivers identified include
residential blocks, schools, quarters, performance venues, and heritage
buildings. These receivers have all been considered in this EIA study.
Two alignment options have been
considered. The main difference is the
portion from KAT to MTW. The original alignment runs along
To Kwa Wan Road after KAT before joining HOM. In
order to serve the population better, the alternative alignment scheme has been
designed to run along
Both the original and alternative alignments are similar in total
length, construction methods, amount of spoil generated. Also, the number of
stations and ventilation buildings will be identical in the two schemes. The
number of environmental sensitive receivers from noise, air quality, visual,
ecology etc would be similar. The alternative alignment, however, will
experience higher impacts on built heritage, which could be readily mitigated
by proper engineering solutions. However, the alternative alignment would
totally avoid the PHI consultation zone of the gas depot of China Gas Co at the
junction of
Various construction methodologies have been considered during the
design process. Bored tunnelling has
been adopted for the sections from Ma Chai Hang to
KAT, and TKW to MTW. This will minimise the construction noise and dust impacts
on the sensitive receivers in the vicinity.
Most of the construction activities will be conducted underground except
at the stations and EA/EEA/EEPs where lorries and
cranes may be required. The disruption to the business activities along the
alignment will also be minimised by using bored tunnelling.
Drill-&-blast tunnel will be constructed for the long tunnels within
Other tunnel sections and adits will be
constructed by cut-&-cover technique. Road decks will be installed whenever
necessary to facilitate traffic management during the construction period. These road decks will also help reducing
construction noise and dust impacts on the neighbouring sensitive receivers.
Built heritage survey and
archaeological survey have been conducted within the study area of the Project.
Some archaeological sites, 16 graded historical buildings, 1 proposed graded
historical buildings and a number of other buildings with historical merit but
without grading are identified within the Study Area. However, there are no Sites of Cultural Heritage (namely Declared Monuments) in
the Project Study Area.
Though the archaeological
survey at
cultural heritage impacts associated with the construction and operation of SCL
(TAW-HUH) on
The cultural significance and all possible
options of the preservation of the 3 historical
buildings within
Overall, it is considered that the cultural heritage impacts in the
construction and operation phases are acceptable with mitigation measures.
Ecological considerations
have been integrated into development of the Project. The Project has avoided impacts
on recognized sites of conservation and other ecological sensitive areas (e.g.
Terrestrial habitats within the Study Areas are
largely urban/ residential areas with high disturbance and low ecological
value. Habitats affected will include 4.59ha grassland, 7.7ha plantation,
56.22ha urban/residential area, 0.21ha of channelized water course, 0.96 ha of wasteground,
and 4.65ha benthic habitat (during dredging).
Loss of secondary woodland has been avoided by adopting alternative
engineering methodology.
At Hin Keng Portal,
a permanent cut slope north of the natural stream will be formed on top which
also serves as the new access road to the Towngas gas
offtake station. Felling and transplanting of
low value, plantation trees will be required. At the portal, mined
tunnelling will be used to construct the tunnel towards Lion Rock Hill. The tunnel, to be constructed in
the form of mined tunnelling, would only pass underneath the streams with
adequate vertical separation of about 6m. Canopy tubes will be installed from the shaft
structure and extend the full width of the stream. These canopy tubes with
sieves along its length will be grouted and form a stable and low permeable
‘umbrella’ for further mining works to be carried out in stages. The canopy
tubes beneath the stream area are within Completely Decomposed Granite (CDG)
stratum, which is effective in terms of minimizing the draw down of water
table. No realignment or diversion
of the Tei Lung Hau Stream
will be required.
Marine habitats within the Study Area (Kai Tak
Runway Barging Facility and Freight Pier Barging Facility) are generally of low
of ecological value due to their highly artificial and disturbed nature.
Species diversity and abundance in these habitats were low and no rare or
restricted species was recorded. The species of conservation interest recorded
within the assessment area only include a single species of common hard coral (Oulastrea crispata)
which is common and widespread in other
Direct and indirect ecological impacts arising from
the Project during the construction phase have been identified and evaluated.
Most impacts are considered to be of low significance. Other indirect impacts arising from the
Project would be temporary and considered as negligible in nature. Overall, no
significant and unacceptable ecological impacts to terrestrial, freshwater or
marine resources were anticipated in this assessment.
All the landscape resources and landscape character areas in the
vicinity of the Project and all the visually sensitive receivers within the
visual envelopes during the construction and operational phases have been
Landscape and visual mitigation measures have been identified for both
the construction and operational phases.
Vertical greening and green roof have been recommended at HIK, Hin Keng viaduct and tunnel box,
MCV to minimize the visual impact and enhance the visual quality to the VSRs.
About 2,626 trees will be affected by the Project, of which about 885 trees are
located on slopes and 386 trees will require transplantation.
During the construction phase, after implementation of mitigation
measures, there would still be some adverse landscape impacts, mainly due to
the impacts on existing trees along the Project alignment and impacts on public
open space for the construction of SCL (TAW – HUH) stations and ventilation
building. Some VSRs are subject to
short-term substantial residual impacts, which is unavoidable due to their
close proximity and direct views to the work sites. They are Hin Keng Estate (South) (HIK/VSR 1.10), Lung Poon Court
(DIH&KAT/VSR 1.1), Galaxia (DIH&KAT /VSR
1.3), Rhythm Garden-North (DIH&KAT/VSR 1.2), Future residential development
along Prince Edward Road East (DIH&KAT/VSR 1.7), Residential development at
Housing Site 1A&1B (DIH&KAT/VSR 1.16), Rhythm Garden-South
(DIH&KAT/VSR 1.17), Tsui Chuk Garden (MCH/VSR 1.2), Wang King House/ Wang
Yuen House (MCH/VSR 1.3), Fu Yuen House/ Kwai Yuen House/ Wing Yuen House
(MCH/VSR 1.4) and Chung Hong House/ Chung On House (MCH/VSR 1.5).
During the operational phase, after the mitigation measures (e.g. tree
transplanting, compensatory tree planting, aesthetic landscape and
architectural treatment, vertical greening and roof greening) have been
implemented and tree planting has matured over 10 years, the residual landscape
impacts would be slight to insubstantial, with the exception of impacts on Hin
Tin Playground, Ma Chai Hang Playground and Diamond
Hill CDA Site.
Hin Tin Playground and Ma Chai Hang Playground which are considered to be of moderate
adverse impact significance due to the permanent loss of about 3,100m2
and 2,065m2 of public open space of landscape amenity area for the
construction of HIK and MCV respectively.
The loss of open space at Hin Tin Playground would fully be compensated
by the provision of the open space at Shek Mun (approx 3,100m2),
whereas the loss of about 2,065m2 in Ma Chai
Hang Playground will remain as re-provisioning of the same within the nearby
vicinity is not feasible. However, having considered the requirements of the
Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines in the context of the overall
planning of open space provision in the area, the loss of 2065m2 of
open space within Ma Chai Hang will have negligible
The Diamond Hill CDA Site will be subject to adverse impact of moderate
significance with the permanent loss of about half of the vegetated area within
this landscape resource (LR) and disturbance of a large number of trees. For
the railway facilities within the Diamond Hill CDA Site, the open areas around
the above ground structures of the railway associated facilities will be
planted with amenity planting and approximately 90 trees to mitigate the loss
of landscape resources. In addition, green roofs are proposed on the DIH entrance/
plant structures near
Except for the area that would be allocated to railway associated
facilities, the remaining part of the CDA site is being actively planned for future
usage. The
land use of the whole CDA site is being reviewed by the Planning
Department. Upon completion of the
review, the public will be consulted on the findings. The Diamond Hill CDA site development is
anticipated to be implemented following the commissioning of the railway. It is
therefore anticipated that the site above the DHS would have been handed over
to the future allocatee(s) once the railway
facilities are commissioned. It is anticipated that the future developer would
implement typical landscaping measures including tree planting to beautify the
deck in an appropriate manner to alleviate the potential adverse landscape and
visual impacts. The future owners/ allocatees would
maintain the green open areas, although the landscape plan could be further
refined during the planning of the future development. It is considered that
the impact during the operational phase in the long term after land allocation
to be moderate and acceptable with mitigation.
In the unlikely
event the CDA site is not allocated within 12 months following the
commissioning of the railway facilities, it is proposed that interim greening
measures, such as hydroseeding or planting over a
thin soil base or importation of temporary pots or planters are implemented on
the roof of DHS as landscape and visual mitigation measures. The
maintenance of the interim greening measures will be undertaken by MTR
Corporation for the first 12-month establishment period. In the case that
the site is still not allocated after the establishment period, MTR would liaise with relevant
government departments to agree on the subsequent maintenance agent of the
interim greening measures. MTR Corporation would be responsible
for the maintenance of the interim greening measures before any agreement
is made. It is considered that the impact during the transition period, after
completion of DHS and before land allocation, to be moderate and acceptable
with such mitigation measures.
In terms of visual impacts and in consideration of duration of impacts
which is considered to be temporary in nature during construction phase, and
mitigation measures will be implemented to protect the VSRs, the overall visual
impacts are acceptable, with moderate and insubstantial visual impacts.
However, some VSRs are subject to short-term substantial residual impacts,
which is unavoidable due to their close proximity where there are direct views
to the work sites. They are Hin Keng
Estate (South) (HIK/VSR 1.10), Lung Poon Court (DIH&KAT/VSR 1.1), Galaxia (DIH&KAT /VSR 1.3), Rhythm Garden-North
(DIH&KAT/VSR 1.2), Future residential development along Prince Edward Road
East (DIH&KAT/VSR 1.7), Residential development at Housing Site 1A&1B
(DIH&KAT/VSR 1.16), Rhythm Garden-South (DIH&KAT/VSR 1.17), Tsui Chuk
Garden (MCH/VSR 1.2), Wang King House/ Wang Yuen House (MCH/VSR 1.3), Fu Yuen
House/ Kwai Yuen House/ Wing Yuen House (MCH/VSR 1.4) and Chung Hong House/
Chung On House (MCH/VSR 1.5), and they will be affected by the site formation
works and removal of trees along the Project alignment. In the operational
phase, after the mitigation measures have been implemented and effect of tree
planting has been fully realized over 10 years, it is considered that the
residual visual impacts would be slight to insubstantial with the exception for
some VSRs at close proximity and/or have view from higher height level on the
site. They are Hin Keng
Estate (South) (HIK/VSR 1.10), Lung Poon Court (DIH&KAT/VSR 1.1), Rhythm
Garden-North (DIH&KAT/VSR 1.2), Galaxia
(DIH&KAT/VSR 1.3) and workers at Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Nursing Home
(DIH&KAT/VSR 2.3).
As discussed above, the Diamond Hill CDA site is planned for
development, which is anticipated to be allocated after railway commissioning.
It is anticipated that the future developer would implement typical landscaping
measures including tree planting to beautify the deck in an appropriate manner
when the land is allocated. Although the
land allocation process is still yet to be completed, planting will be provided
within some of the areas around the railway facilities as interim mitigation
measures. The planting area will be
maintained by the Project Proponent prior to handing over to the relevant
government departments. The future
owners/ allocatees would also maintain the greenery
in these areas, although the landscape plan could be further refined subject to
future development. It is considered
that the impact during the operational phase in the long term after land
allocation to be moderate and acceptable with mitigation. In the unlikely event the site is not
allocated within 1 year of the railway facilities are commissioned, the Project
Proponent will implement interim visual mitigation measure such as hydroseeding or planting over a thin soil base or
importation of temporary pots and removable planters, which is same as that for
mitigating the landscape impact, to cover the concrete top-side of the DHS. The
proposed greenery will provide visual relief to the surrounding VSRs at high
level, and will improve views on the otherwise unmitigated bare concrete finish
topside of the DHS. With the implementation of the above mitigation measure and
upon the completion of the landscaping measures implemented by the future
developer, the level of visual impacts to the above VSRs is considered to be moderate
in Day 1 to Year 10.
Overall, it is considered that the landscape and visual impacts in the construction and operation
phases are acceptable with mitigation measures.
Potential dust impact may be
generated from the soil excavation activities, backfilling, site erosion,
storage of spoil on site, transportation of soil, as well as blasting
activities during the construction phase. Quantitative fugitive dust
assessments have been conducted, taking into account the cumulative impact
caused by nearby concurrent projects.
Assessment results suggested that all the predicted TSP concentrations at identified ASRs would comply with the respective criteria. Adverse residual air quality impacts are not expected.
Effective dust control can also
be achieved by implementing the procedures and requirements given in the Air
Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulation and in accordance with the
EM&A programme during construction.
With the implementation of dust suppression control and good site
practice, adverse fugitive dust impact is not anticipated.
16.8 Airborne Noise Impact
Potential construction noise
impacts would be caused by the various construction activities including
excavation, backfilling and construction of superstructure etc. The use of
bored tunnelling at Wong Tai Sin, Diamond Hill and Ma Tau Wai has minimised the
potential construction noise impacts on the receivers along the bored tunnel
areas to the maximum practicable extent.
Construction noise assessment has
concluded that the unmitigated construction noise impacts would be high at the
neighbouring NSRs. Suitable noise
mitigation measures have been identified which could reduce the noise impacts
at most of the NSRs. Careful selection of construction equipment and working
methods including the use of smaller, electrically driven and quiet plant are
adopted, where practicable. Other measures including good site practice, the
use of site hoarding, installation of movable barriers
and sequential operation of construction plant have been recommended. With the incorporation of the recommended
mitigation measures, the predicted construction noise levels could be reduced
by about 10dB(A). However, the construction noise
levels at some NSRs will still exceed the daytime noise criteria.
Specific noise measures including
temporary noise barriers for particular equipment, large full enclosure,
sequencing of construction activities, have been further considered for those
affected receivers. The use of temporary noise barriers and sequencing of
construction activities have been adopted to further reduce the noise
impacts. Large full enclosures will
create secondary adverse environmental impacts (e.g. visual) and have been
concluded to be not practicable and hence are not recommended. The predicted
noise levels at most of the NSRs would comply with the corresponding noise
criteria, except for a few NSRs near the works areas including HIK, DIH, TKW,
MTW and
Operational noise impacts associated with railways and fixed noise
sources have also been investigated. The
SCL (TAW – HUH) would be underground except for the section at Hin Keng and Hung Hom. Airborne noise associated with the operation of
railway would be minimized by the underground design. Noise barrier and retaining wall have been
proposed for the at-grade track between Tai Wai Depot and HIK to mitigate airborne railway noise.
Fixed noise sources during the
operational phase include ventilation/ plant buildings, and ventilation shafts
in the station. Operational noise impacts can be effectively mitigated by
implementing noise control treatment (e.g. acoustic silencers and louvers) at source
during the design stage and hence adverse residual operational airborne noise
impacts are not anticipated.
A groundborne noise assessment
has been conducted for the development along the bored tunnel areas in Wong Tai
Sin, Diamond Hill and Ma Tau Wai. Construction groundborne noise will satisfy
the criteria and mitigation measures are not required.
Potential groundborne noise will
be caused by the trains running along the alignment. Operational ground
borne noise impacts are within the statutory requirements and further
mitigation measures are not required.
16.10.1 Construction Phase
Potential water pollution sources
have been identified as construction runoff, sewage from site workforce,
drainage diversion and groundwater contamination. Mitigation measures including
covering excavated materials and providing sedimentation tanks on-site etc are
recommended to mitigate any adverse water quality impacts. To minimise the
potential impact due to SS during sediment dredging, deployment of silt
curtains around the closed grab dredgers is recommended for the dredging works
at Kai Tak Runway Barging Facility to minimize any significant water quality
impact in the
The operational water quality
impact for track run-off and tunnel seepage will have no adverse water quality
impact with the incorporation of mitigation measures in the design.
16.11.1 Construction Phase
The quantity and timing for the
generation of waste during the construction phase have been estimated. Measures, including the opportunity for
on-site sorting, reusing excavated fill materials (stored in stockpiles) etc,
have been maximised in the construction methodology to minimise the surplus
materials to be disposed off-site via the designated barging facilities. The annual disposal quantities for C&D
materials and their disposal methods have also been assessed. Surplus of rock and
spoils materials would be accepted by other projects, such as Hong Kong
Boundary Crossing Facilities, Hong Kong Link Road and Tuen
Mun Chek Lap Kok Link.
A Sediment Sampling and Testing
Plan and (SSTP) has been submitted and approved by EPD. Recommendations have been made for the Contractor to implement during the
construction period to minimise the waste generation and those for off-site
The types and quantities of waste
that would be generated during the operational phase are assessed. Recommendations have been made to ensure
proper treatment and disposal of these wastes.
Historical information on site
geological information, ground condition, and aerial photos has been reviewed
to set out the requirements for a contamination evaluation of the SCL (TAW-HUH)
alignment and works areas. A total of 5 trial
trenches and 24 drillholes were excavated and drilled
for soil and groundwater sampling at 10 identified potentially contaminated sites in accordance with the
endorsed Contamination Assessment Plan (CAP) and the Supplementary CAP.
A total of 201 soil samples and 22 groundwater samples were collected. Testing results were reported in the endorsed Contamination Assessment
Report (CAR) and Supplementary CAR. Laboratory results indicate that one soil
sample at former
Re-sampling and analysis of cyanide(free) at Site L1 (
A QRA has been carried out
to assess the hazard to life issues arising from the storage, transport and use
of explosives during construction of the SCL (TAW-HUH) Project.
The assessment results
show that the societal risk for the storage and use of explosives lies within
the acceptable region, and the transport of explosives lies within the ALARP
region when compared to the criteria stipulated in Annex 4 of the EIAO-TM. The
criterion of the EIAO-TM for Individual Risk is met. An ALARP assessment has
been carried out by identifying all practicable mitigation measures and
assessing the cost effectiveness of each measure in terms of the risk reduction
achieved and the cost of implementing the measures.
The location of all
relevant Potentially Hazardous Installations (PHIs) have been reviewed with
regards to the SCL (TAW-HUH) alignment, explosives magazines and other works
areas for both the construction phase and the operation phase of the project.
The only PHI that requires assessment under the conditions of the EIA Brief is
the Shatin Water Treatment Works (STWTW), since the Hin
Keng Station will be located on the verge of its 1000
m Consultation Zone (CZ).
A Hazard Assessment has therefore
been conducted to assess the increased societal risk arising from the incremental
population during construction and operational phases of SCL railway including Hin Keng Station.
It is recommended to implement an
EM&A programme throughout the entire construction period to regularly
monitor the environmental impacts on the neighbouring sensitive receivers. All the requirements (including cultural
heritage, ecology, landscape & visual, dust, airborne and groundborne
noise, water quality, waste, land contamination and hazard) in the EM&A
Manual shall be complied with.
An Environmental Mitigation
Implementation Schedule has also be included in the EM&A Manual to
summarise all the measures, the implementation location, time frame, agency