Groundborne Noise Impact Assessment
This section presents findings of the assessment of groundborne noise
for both construction and operational groundborne noise. For construction phase, the dominant
noise impacts from Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) has
been assessed. For operational
phase, the noise impacts caused by train movement has
been taken into account. It is
concluded that the noise impact generated would not cause adverse impact and
hence mitigation measures would not be required.
Groundborne Noise
Control over construction
groundborne noise is governed by the Noise Control Ordinance (NCO), the EIAO,
and their subsidiary requirements.
Noise arising from general construction works during normal working
hours is governed by the TM-EIAO under the EIAO as shown in Table 9.1 below. TM for the Assessment of Noise from
Places other than Domestic Premises, Public Places or Construction Sites
(TM-Places) under the NCO stipulates that noise transmitted primarily through
the structural elements of building, or buildings, shall be 10 dB(A) less than the relevant ANLs. This approach to derive
groundborne noise limit is pragmatic given the temporary nature of the
construction works and the practical difficulty to abate the inherently noise
construction activities (e.g. rock drilling / breaking).
The TMs applicable to the
control of groundborne noise from construction activities in the current proposed
SCL (TAW-HUH) works are:
Technical Memorandum for the Assessment of
Noise from Places Other Than Domestic Premises, Public Places or Construction
Sites (TM-Places) under the Noise Control Ordinance (NCO);
TM on Noise from
Construction Work other than Percussive Piling (TM-GW); and
TM on
Environmental Impact Assessment Process (TM-EIAO).
For schools where a
completely immersed attention is often needed, daytime groundborne construction
noise criterion of 60dB(A) applies with reference to TM-EIAO 70dB(A) criterion
and taking account of the minus 10dB(A) requirement under the NCO
TM-Places. Following the same
principle for groundborne noise criteria, groundborne construction noise levels
inside hotel and domestic premises relying on open window for ventilation will
be limited to 65dB(A), with reference to the daytime airborne noise criterion
of 75dB(A) in accordance with TM-EIAO.
In the evening (1900 –
2300hrs) and during nighttime (2300 – 0700hrs), the
TM on Noise from Construction Work other than Percussive Piling (TM-GW)
applies. Again, following the
principle of deriving groundborne noise criteria, groundborne noise level will
be limited to 10dB(A) below the respective ANLs for
the Area Sensitivity Rating. A
summary of these criteria is given in Table 9.1
Table 9.1: Construction groundborne noise criteria
for schools and
domestic premises
NSR Description |
Groundborne Noise Criteria, dB(A) [1] |
Daytime |
Daytime during
general holidays and Sundays and all days during Evening |
Night-time |
School – Classrooms |
60/55[3] |
55 |
[2] |
Domestic Premises |
65 |
55 |
45 |
Notes: [1] Parameter used
is Leq, 30mins
[2] No sensitive
uses during these periods
[3] A 5dB(A)
reduction to the groundborne noise criterion is recommended for school during
examination period.
It is
envisaged that TBM would be used for tunnel boring works during restricted
hours (if allowed by Construction Noise Permit (CNP)). For these works during restricted hours,
the Contractor is required to apply for a CNP under NCO. For the purpose this EIA study, the present
assessment would therefore cover the groundbornre
noise impact during non-restricted hours only.
Groundborne Noise
The operational groundborne noise criteria for the
representative NSRs along SCL (TAW-HUH) alignment are tabulated in Table 9.2
Table 9.2: Operational groundborne noise criteria
NSR Description |
ASR Rating |
Groundborne Noise Criteria, LAeq
30mins |
Day & Evening |
Night |
Criteria Employed |
Ko Shan Theatre |
B |
55 |
45 |
55[1] |
Institutes |
A |
50 |
40 |
50[1] |
B |
55 |
45 |
55[1] |
C |
60 |
50 |
60[1] |
guestrooms near Hung Hom |
A |
50 |
40 |
40 |
B |
55 |
45 |
45 |
C |
60 |
50 |
50 |
premises along alignment |
A |
50 |
40 |
40 |
B |
55 |
45 |
45 |
C |
60 |
50 |
50 |
Notes: [1] These NSRs are considered to be
noise sensitive during daytime and evening time only.
Noise Sensitive Receivers
NSRs that would be potentially affected by construction groundborne noise
include schools and residential units along the alignment. Appendix 8.2 and Appendix 8.2A show
all existing and planned NSRs identified and the locations of these NSRs are
illustrated in Figures 9.1.1 to 9.1.8.
School classrooms are also noise sensitive during daytime period, and
evening period if there are any evening classes. However, it is unlikely that there will
be any class during the night-time period from 2300 to 0700 hours.
Groundborne Noise Sources from
Construction Activities
Details of the construction methodologies are given in Section 3 of this EIA report. Potential groundborne noise impacts on
NSRs during the construction phase will arise mainly from the operation of
TBM. Drill-and-blast activities
would only cause short term noise impact and would not have significant
contribution on the averaged noise level Leq
30min. Other construction
activities such as lorry movement, concreting, road paving etc are unlikely to
generate significant groundborne noise. Airborne construction noise of these
activities is addressed in Section 8
of this EIA Report.
Groundborne Noise Prediction
The method used to predict construction groundborne noise is based on
the U.S. Department of Transportation “High-Speed Ground Transportation Noise
and Vibration Impact Assessment”, 1998 [9-1]. The vibration level Lv,rms at a distance R from the source is related to
the vibration source level at a reference distance Ro. The conversion from vibration levels to
groundborne noise levels is determined by the following factors:
Cdist: Distance
Cdamping: Soil
damping loss across the geological media
Cbuilding: Coupling
loss into building foundation
Cfloor: Coupling
loss per floor
Cnoise: Conversion
factor from floor vibration levels to noise levels
Cmulti: Noise
level increase due to multiple sources
Ccum: Cumulative
effect due to neighbouring sites
The predicted groundborne
noise level Lp
inside the noise sensitive rooms is given by the following equation.
Lp = Lv,rms
+ Cdist + C damping +
Cbuilding + Cfloor
+ Cnoise + Cmulti
+ Ccum
Vibration Sources
The vibration measurements
for the TBM were extracted from the in-situ measurements during the bored
tunnelling of Kwai Tsing
Tunnel of the West Rail project. These
measurements were adopted in previous approved EIA study[9-3]. The geology consists of mainly granite,
which is considered similar to the geology along the alignment. The measurements records are considered
the most appropriate available information for the purpose of assessing TBM
groundborne noise.
Damping Loss
Internal losses of soil
would cause the vibration amplitude to decay against the propagation distance
and the decay relationship is based on the equation set out in the
Transportation Noise Reference Book[6-3]:
The velocity amplitude V is
dependent on the frequency f in Hz, the soil or rock loss factor
the wave speed c in m/s, the distance R from the source to the NSR. The properties of soil materials are
based on Ungar and Bender[9-2] and
reproduced in Table 9.3. The geological profiles along the
alignment are shown in Appendix 2.1. No soil damping loss is applied for
Table 9.3: Wave propagation properties of soils
Soil Type |
Longitudinal Wave Speed c, m/s |
Loss Factor, h |
Density, g/cm3 |
Rock |
3500 |
0.01 |
2.65 |
Clay, clayey soil |
1500 |
0.5 |
1.7 |
Loss into Building Structures
This represents the change in
the incident ground-surface vibration due to the presence of the piled building
foundation. The empirical values
based on the guidance set out in the Transportation Noise Reference Book[9-2] are given in Table 9.4. In addition, a coupling loss correction
of -18 dB from bedrock to pile should be adopted. However, the correction from
bedrock to pile depends on actual site condition and correction of zero is
assumed for conservative approach.
Table 9.4 : Loss factor for coupling into building
Frequency |
Octave Band Frequencies, Hz |
16 |
31.5 |
63 |
125 |
250 |
500 |
Loss factor for coupling into building foundation, dB |
-7 |
-7 |
-10 |
-13 |
-14 |
-14 |
Loss Per Floor
This represents the floor-to-floor
vibration transmission attenuation.
In multi-storey buildings, a common value for the attenuation of
vibration from floor-to-floor is approximately 1dB attenuation in the upper
floor regions at low frequencies and greater than 3dB attenuation at lower
floors at high frequencies.
Coupling loss of –1 dB reduction per floor is assumed for conservative
from Floor Vibration to Noise Levels
Conversion from floor
vibration levels to indoor reverberant noise levels is based on standard
acoustic principles. The conversion
factor is dependent on the surface area S of the room in m2, the
radiation efficiency η, the volume of the room V in m3 and
the room reverberation time RT in seconds.
Analyses had been carried out for concert hall, theatres, lecture hall
and recording studios for the KTE EIA report[9-16],
these values are summarised in Table 9.5
and adopted for the present study.
Table 9.5: Conversion factors from floor vibration
levels to indoor reverberant noise levels
NSR Description |
Conversion Cnoise |
Hotel guestrooms and residential units |
-27 |
School classrooms |
-27 |
Sensitive Receivers
Noise sensitive receivers
along the SCL (TAW-HUH) alignment include schools, hotel guestrooms and
domestic premises. Hotels and
domestic premises are taken into account during both the daytime and night-time
periods. Educational institutes are
considered to be noise sensitive during daytime and evening only. Appendix 8.2 and Figures 9.1.1 to 9.1.8
show the details of these NSRs.
Noise Sources from Operation
When trains operate in
tunnels that are located in close proximity to occupied structures, vibrations
associated with train passbys will be transmitted
through the ground and structure, and radiated as noise in the spaces occupied
within the structure. Depending on the source strength and receiver
sensitivity, noise and vibration levels may be high enough to cause annoyance
to the NSRs.
Noise Prediction Methodology
The current prediction
methodology recommended by the FTA Manual [9-1] is used in this EIA
study. The manual is issued by the
US Department of Transportation in 1995 and is intended to provide guidance in
preparing and reviewing the noise and vibrations sections of environmental submittals
to the US Government. The
methodology has been applied to a number of transit systems in Hong Kong over
the years, including West Rail, East Rail Tsim Sha Tsui Extension, MTR Tseung
Kwan O Line and Kowloon Southern Link.
The basic equation
describing the model, in decibels, is
L = FDL + LSR + TIL + TCF +
Where the prediction
components are:
L : Ground borne vibration or
noise level within the structure, re: 1 m-in/sec or 20 m-Pascal
FDL : Force density level for the
KCR SP1900 EMU, re: 1 lb/in0.5
LSR : Unit force incoherent line
source response for the ground, re: 1 m-in/sec
TIL : Trackform attenuation or
insertion loss, relative level
TCF : Vibration coupling between
the tunnel and the ground for soil based tunnels, relative level
BCF : Vibration coupling loss
factor between the soil and the foundation, relative level
BVR : Building vibration reduction
or amplification within a structure from the foundation to the occupied areas,
relative level
CTN : Conversion from floor and
wall vibration to noise, 1 m-in/sec
to 20 m-Pascal
TOC : Turnout and Crossover Factor
SAF : Safety margin to account for
wheel/rail condition and projection uncertainties
Predictions are in most
cases based on assuming the closest distance from the track centreline to the
building foundation of the receiver; however, if a particular facility within a
structure is the sensitive receiver, the setback distance is assumed to be from
the track centreline to the closest part of the affected receivers. Where curved track occurs the track is
considered to be straight and perpendicular to the closest setback point of the
venue or receiver.
Predicted groundborne noise
levels are compared to relevant noise criteria for different trackform
options. Using these comparisons,
trackform requirements is assessed and design recommendations made, as
necessary, so that there will be no adverse impact caused by groundborne
Density Level (FDL)
The vibration source
strength level (Force Density Level) for train operations on the SCL (TAW-HUH)
will be derived from wayside vibration measurements taken in March 2003 during
SP1900 seven car EMU passbys on ballast and sleeper
track at Pat Heung Depot for the approved KSL EIA Report [9-3]. The FDL spectrum was measured at a
reference train speed of 60kph. FDL
spectrum for other speeds are obtained with a correction of 20log(V/Vref), in-line with FTA manual[9-1]. The duration of one passby
is the period between the passage of the front and rear ends of the train pasts
the closest point on the alignment to the building foundation. Measurement results have been given in
the KSL EIA Report and presented in Appendix 9.4.
Source Response (LSR)
The basic quantity required for the determination
of LSR is the vibration response caused by a unit point source impact, which is
defined as the Point Source Response (PSR). Given the PSR is along the alignment
over the length of the train, the LSR follows directly by incoherent
integration of the PSR over the length of the train. However, the determination of the PSR
for force point impacts along the alignment over the length of the alignment is
not practical. LSR has already been measured in Hong Kong at a number of
locations, and the most relevant of these measured results taking into account
the ground type have been used for calculation. The appropriate vibration
propagation characteristic, in terms of LSR & PSR, will be established from
the approved XRL EIA Report [9-4] and WIL EIA Report [9-5]
respectively. While reference LSR
data adopted are presented in Appendix 9.5, typical PSRs are presented in Table 9.6 below:
Table 9.6:
Typical PSR values to be adopted
NSR Description |
Reference Borehole |
HUH-1-2 |
Lok Ka House |
D012 D=18m R=55m |
HUH-1-3 |
Fung Building |
D012 D=18m R=25m |
HOM-2-1 |
Court |
D012 D=18m R=20m |
LSR values depend on the
depth of the tunnel and the depth of the rock head, and to a lesser extent on the
ground material types. It varies along the length of any project. It is
generally possible to measure LSR values at some sites along the alignment, it is not possible to measure at all NSRs.
Further, it is uncommon to be able to measure at particular NSRs because of
site constraints and difficulty of gaining testing and drill rig access. For
this reason, site measurements are mostly used to obtain generalized
information pertinent to particular ground conditions so that the results can
be used to establish the LSR values to apply to NSRs with the same or similar
ground conditions.
When LSR testing was
carried out for the WIL project, a number of tests were carried out to provide
information for future MTR Corporation’s projects. Sixteen boreholes were tested
in a range of ground conditions over the full length of WIL project. At each
borehole, two depths were tested and for each depth, seven measurement
distances were used. The extensive amount of information derived was more than
the information required for WIL analysis. The obtained LSR values form a
database of LSR information. This database is a better source of LSR
information for present assessment.
Nonetheless, MTR
Corporation will further review the LSR values and mitigation during the
construction stage after the tunnel boring.
Insertion Loss (TIL)
The TIL for various trackform types of existing MTR alignments had been
presented in previous EIA reports.
Wherever appropriate, these TIL maybe adopted in the present study. Specifically, four types of trackforms
have been considered for the design of SCL (TAW-HUH):
Type 0: Direct
1: Alternative 1 baseplate
Type 2: Egg type
baseplate trackform.
3: Floating Slab Trackform
with resonant frequency of 12.5Hz.
The prediction is based on a conservative approach. Despite the slim chance of mitigation
measure being required, contingency mitigation measures could be adopted within
the current tunnel diameter if necessary. These contingency measures could be
as follows:
• Alt
1 resilient baseplates (Type 1) – additional
attenuation of 5 to 10(A) or
• Isolated
Slab Track (Type 4) – additional attenuation of 15 to 20 dB(A).
Changing of the tunnel dimensions would not be required in cases where
contingency measures are required.
Further measurements would be conducted to check the accuracy of the
noise prediction after the tunnel construction where necessary.
Coupling Factor (TCF)
With reference to the FTA Manual[9-1], a 3dB and 5dB reduction in ground-borne noise level with reference to bored tunnel in soil would be assumed for cut-and-cover tunnels and station structures
Coupling Factor (BCF)
This factor is recommended by the US DOT Report [9-1]. This factor applies to large heavy
structures identified along the SCL (TAW-HUH) alignment where vibration
intrusions into the structure occur primarily over foundation surfaces that are
adjacent to soil. No BCF should be
applied to structures over foundations that are adjacent to rock. The following
5 types of buildings would be considered:
Type 1: Large
masonry building on piles
Type 2: Large
masonry building on spread footings
Type 3: Single
family residential
Type 4: 1 to 2
Storey residential
Type 5: 2 to 4 Storey
masonry building on spread
The typical setting
along the SCL (TAW-HUH) alignment is that the piles of a building penetrates
the soil layer and (for some taller buildings) touches the rock below. As a conservative approach, no BCF is
applied to the NSRs assessed.
Vibration Response (BVR)
The BVR is introduced to account for the floor-to-floor vibration
attenuation. The corrections for resonance amplification due to floor, wall and
ceiling spans for all buildings are presented in Table 9.6a. The correction adopted was the case for
WIL EIA Report [9-5]. A -2dB attenuation per floor is adopted for
the first 5 floors. This is in line
with the FTA Manual [9-1].
Table 9.6a: Building amplification values to be adopted
1/3 Octave Band
Frequency (Hz) |
Corrections |
20 |
25 |
32 |
40 |
50 |
63 |
80 |
100 |
6.0 |
6.0 |
6.0 |
6.0 |
5.8 |
5.4 |
5.2 |
5.0 |
Corrections |
125 |
160 |
200 |
250 |
315 |
400 |
500 |
4.8 |
4.0 |
3.0 |
2.0 |
1.0 |
0.7 |
0.7 |
9.4.10 Conversion To Noise (CTN)
A +2dB correction
is assumed for conversion of vibration (re.: 10-6in/sec)
to noise (re.: 20 mPa). This is in line with previously approved
EIA report.
9.4.11 Ground Vibration
In most groundborne noise assessments, and usually
on account of a lack of measurement data, only the most rudimentary aspects of
the propagation of vibration through the ground from the tunnel to the
structure are taken into account.
In this study, considerable care was taken in quantifying the six
possible paths through the soil, the rock and along the rock interface that
vibration can take from the tunnel to the structure. It is then assumed that vibration propagates
to the structure along all relevant paths and the vibration impact on the
structure is determined as the energetic sum of vibration following all
relevant paths, thus necessarily resulting in predictions that are conservative
in nature.
9.4.12 Turnout and Crossover
Factor (TOC)
The increase in vibration level at turnouts and crossings is not easily
characterized. For standard level turnouts and crossings receiving average
maintenance, the USFTA handbook recommends a correction of 10dB. For modern
inclined turnouts in good condition, where impact loads are lessened, it was
found through measurement that a correction of 5dB is often more appropriate.
9.4.13 Safety Factor
Groundborne Train Noise Impacts
There would be cumulative
groundborne train noise impacts at the following locations.
Location |
Cumulative Train Noise Sources |
Diamond Hill |
Existing Kwun Tong Line (KTL) |
Proposed KTE |
The planned receivers
DIH-P2-3 is located about 50m horizontally from the existing Kwun Tong Line
(KTL) near Diamond Hill. Hence, it is not envisaged that the operation of KTL
would result in adverse cumulative effects at a separation distance more than 50m. Cumulative
ground-borne noise impacts due to other railway projects (i.e. SCL (MKK-HUH),
SCL (HUH-ADM) & KTE) in the vicinity has been assessed, and the
results can be found in Table 9.8. With the combined effect of distance
receivers and significant margin to the noise criteria, adverse cumulative
noise impact is not anticipated.
Results & Residual Impacts
Exceeding the Construction Groundborne Noise Criterion
Details of the construction
methodologies, plant inventory and construction programme are given in Section 3 of this EIA report. Bored tunnelling would be conducted for
the following area:
Wong Tai Sin –
from MCV to DIH
Diamond Hill –
between DIH and launching shaft at north of Kai Tak
Ma Tau Wai – Between TKW and MTW
Ho Man Tin –
Between MTW and retrieval shaft at Shansi Street
Wai to Ma Chai Hang
According to the design
information, there will be no bored tunnelling for this section and TBM will not
be used. Groundborne noise impact
due to bored tunnelling in this section of the alignment is not anticipated.
Tai Sin
This section runs from MCV
to DIH. The area is mainly
residential with a few educational institutes. The NSRs are at least 30m away from the
tunnel boring machine. The
predicted groundborne noise levels are less than 43dB(A)
and are well below the adopted groundborne noise criteria. Adverse groundborne noise impact due to
bored tunnelling on the NSRs in this section of the alignment is not
The extent of this section
runs from DIH and retrieval shafts north of Kai Tak
area. The area mainly consists of
residential and schools. The NSRs
are at least 34m away from the tunnel boring machine. The predicted maximum groundborne noise
levels among the identified NSRs is 43dB(A) and is
well below the adopted groundborne noise criteria. Adverse groundborne noise impact due to
bored tunnelling on the NSRs in this section of the alignment is not
Tau Wai
The extent of this section
runs between MTW and TKW. The area
mainly consists of residential and schools. The NSRs are at least 18m away from the
tunnel boring machine. The
predicted maximum groundborne noise levels among the identified NSRs is 49dB(A). Adverse groundborne noise impact due to bored
tunnelling on the NSRs in this section of the alignment is not
Tau Wai to Retrieval shaft near Ko
Shan Theatre
The extent of this section
runs between MTW to retrieval shaft near Ko Shan
Theatre. The area mainly consists of residential premises. The NSRs are at
least 19m away from the tunnel boring machine. The predicted maximum
groundborne noise levels among the identified NSRs is 49dB(A).
Adverse groundborne noise impact due to bored tunnelling on the NSRs in this
section of the alignment is not anticipated. Based on the current design, the section
between the retrieval shaft and HOM would be constructed by drill-and-blast
method. The separation distance
from the nearest NSR HOM-2-3 (Wing Lam Mansion) and NSR HOM-1-1 (Ko Shan Theatre) to this section is approximately 20m and
50m respectively. Hence, even if
TBM method is considered to be adopted, it is likely that the predicted
groundborne noise levels at this NSR would comply with the legislative
Detailed analyses of
construction groundborne noise are given in Appendix 9.1.
Noise Impacts
Given the construction
groundborne noise is much lower than the stipulated criteria,
cumulative noise impacts from concurrent projects are not anticipated.
Prediction of construction groundborne
noise indicates the criteria will be achieved and mitigation measures are not
Assessment Results – Operational Groundborne Noise
Noise Impact from SCL
With the methodology and
corrections presented in the above sections, groundborne noise levels for the
identified NSRs are tabulated in Table 9.7
below. No NSRs are identified
from Tai Wai to Ma Chai
Hang. Detailed calculations are given in Appendices 9.2 and 9.3. Speed
profile of the SCL (TAW-HUH) is given in Appendix 9.7.
Table 9.7: Summary
of predicted groundborne noise level
NSR Description |
Sensitive Floor |
Train Averg. Speed[1] (kph) |
Predicted Maximum Noise Level |
Nighttime Scenario |
Daytime Scenario |
Predicted Leq,30min |
Criterion |
Predicted Leq,30min |
Criterion |
DIH-1-1 |
Tsui Chuk Garden Block
5 |
1 |
95 |
53 |
40 |
45 |
43 |
55 |
DIH 2-1 |
Pak Yuen House |
1 |
90 |
52 |
39 |
45 |
42 |
55 |
DIH-3-1 |
Wah Yuen House |
1 |
90 |
52 |
39 |
45 |
42 |
55 |
DIH-3-2 |
Nga Yuen House |
1 |
80 |
51 |
39 |
45 |
42 |
55 |
DIH-3-3 |
Kwai Yuen House |
1 |
90 |
55 |
42 |
45 |
45 |
55 |
DIH-3-4 |
Chui Yuen House |
1 |
80 |
51 |
39 |
45 |
42 |
55 |
DIH-4-1 |
Pang Ching Court |
1 |
90 |
52 |
39 |
45 |
42 |
55 |
DIH-4-2 |
Carbo Anglo-Chinese Kindergarten[2] |
0 |
90 |
54 |
-- |
-- |
44 |
55 |
DIH-5-1 |
Rainbow Home |
0 |
80 |
46 |
34 |
45 |
37 |
55 |
DIH-5-2 |
Residential premises |
1 |
80 |
48 |
35 |
45 |
38 |
55 |
DIH-5-5 |
Our Lady’s Kindergarten[2] |
0 |
80 |
43 |
-- |
-- |
34 |
55 |
DIH 6-1 |
WTS Fire Station and Quarters Block A |
1 |
85 |
51 |
39 |
45 |
42 |
55 |
DIH-7-1 |
Tropicana Gardens Block 2 |
4 |
85 |
47 |
35 |
45 |
38 |
55 |
DIH-7-2 |
Tropicana Gardens Block 3 |
4 |
85 |
49 |
37 |
45 |
40 |
55 |
DIH-8-1 |
Redemption Lutheran Church |
0 |
85 |
37 |
25 |
45 |
28 |
55 |
DIH-9-1 |
Shek On Building[2] |
0 |
80 |
37 |
-- |
-- |
27 |
55 |
DIH-10-1 |
Hong Kong Sheung Keung Hui Nursing Home |
1 |
80 |
35 |
22 |
45 |
25 |
55 |
DIH-11-1 |
Lung Wan House |
1 |
35 |
27 |
<20 |
45 |
<20 |
55 |
DIH-12-1 |
Galaxia Tower B |
5 |
55 |
22 |
<20 |
45 |
<20 |
55 |
DIH-12-2 |
Galaxia Tower E |
5 |
45 |
20 |
<20 |
45 |
<20 |
55 |
DIH-13-1 |
0 |
85 |
37 |
-- |
-- |
28 |
55 |
DIH-14-1 |
Rhythm Garden Block 2 |
1 |
60 |
39 |
28 |
45 |
31 |
55 |
DIH-14-2 |
Rhythm Garden Block 5 |
1 |
60 |
41 |
30 |
45 |
33 |
55 |
DIH-14-3 |
Rhythm Garden Block 8 |
1 |
60 |
35 |
24 |
45 |
27 |
55 |
DIH-14-4 |
1 |
60 |
30 |
-- |
-- |
<20 |
55 |
DIH-14-5 |
Rhythm Garden Block 1 |
1 |
55 |
39 |
29 |
45 |
32 |
55 |
DIH-14-6 |
Rhythm Garden Block 3 |
1 |
60 |
39 |
28 |
45 |
31 |
55 |
DIH-15-1 |
Kam Wan House |
0 |
60 |
37 |
26 |
45 |
29 |
55 |
DIH-15-2 |
Kam Pik House |
0 |
55 |
37 |
26 |
45 |
29 |
55 |
DIH-16-1 |
Wong Tai Sin Temple |
0 |
85 |
49 |
36 |
45 |
39 |
55 |
DIH-17-1 |
Chuk Yuen United Village |
0 |
85 |
49 |
36 |
45 |
39 |
55 |
DIH-18-1 |
Upper Wong Tai Sin Estate Po Sin House |
1 |
85 |
50 |
38 |
45 |
41 |
55 |
DIH-18-2 |
Upper Wong Tai Sin Estate Tat Sin House |
1 |
90 |
54 |
41 |
45 |
44 |
55 |
DIH-19-1 |
0 |
90 |
55 |
-- |
-- |
45 |
55 |
DIH-20-1 |
0 |
90 |
54 |
-- |
-- |
44 |
55 |
DIH-21-1 |
Tin Wang Court Wang King House |
1 |
90 |
46 |
33 |
45 |
36 |
55 |
DIH-22-1 |
0 |
90 |
44 |
-- |
-- |
34 |
55 |
DIH-23-1 |
Tin Ma Court Chun On House |
1 |
90 |
42 |
29 |
45 |
32 |
55 |
DIH-24-1 |
Shing Wong Temple |
1 |
90 |
57 |
44 |
45 |
47 |
55 |
DIH-P1-1 |
Upper Wong Tai Sin Estate Phase 3 |
2 |
90 |
45 |
32 |
45 |
35 |
55 |
DIH-P2-1 |
2 |
70 |
30 |
<20 |
45 |
<20 |
55 |
DIH-P2-2 |
2 |
45 |
53 |
43 |
45 |
46 |
55 |
DIH-P2-3 |
2 |
60 |
56 |
45 |
45 |
48 |
55 |
DIH-P2-4 |
2 |
60 |
36 |
25 |
45 |
28 |
55 |
KAT-P1-1 |
Residential premises near Kai Tak
Station |
2 |
35 |
32 |
23 |
45 |
26 |
55 |
KAT-P1-2 |
Residential premises near Kai Tak
Station |
2 |
50 |
35 |
25 |
45 |
28 |
55 |
KAT-P1-3 |
Residential premises near Kai Tak
Station |
2 |
70 |
43 |
31 |
45 |
34 |
55 |
KAT-P1-4 |
Residential premises near Kai Tak
Station |
2 |
65 |
30 |
<20 |
45 |
<20 |
55 |
KAT-P1-5 |
Residential premises near Kai Tak
Station Site 1A |
2 |
60 |
51 |
40 |
45 |
43 |
55 |
KAT-P1-6 |
Residential premises near Kai Tak
Station Site 1B |
2 |
55 |
36 |
25 |
45 |
28 |
55 |
KAT-P1-7 |
Residential premises near Kai Tak
Station |
2 |
75 |
57 |
45 |
45 |
48 |
55 |
TKW-1-1 |
Parc 22 |
1 |
70 |
37 |
25 |
45 |
28 |
55 |
TKW-1-2 |
Sanford Mansion |
1 |
70 |
37 |
25 |
45 |
28 |
55 |
TKW-2-1 |
Skytower Tower 1 |
5 |
70 |
29 |
<20 |
45 |
<20 |
55 |
TKW-2-2 |
Skytower Tower 2 |
5 |
70 |
29 |
<20 |
45 |
<20 |
55 |
TKW-2-3 |
Skytower Tower 7 |
5 |
70 |
24 |
<20 |
45 |
<20 |
55 |
TKW-3-1 |
Prince Ritz |
5 |
20 |
13 |
<20 |
45 |
<20 |
55 |
TKW-3-2 |
Prosperity House |
2 |
45 |
26 |
<20 |
45 |
<20 |
55 |
TKW-P1-1 |
Residential premises near To Kwa
Wan Station |
1 |
45 |
40 |
30 |
45 |
33 |
55 |
MTW-6-1 |
Fok On Building |
2 |
65 |
48 |
37 |
45 |
40 |
55 |
MTW-6-2 |
HK Society for the Protection of Children[2] |
0 |
65 |
59 |
-- |
-- |
50 |
55 |
MTW-6-3 |
Chung Nam Mansion |
2 |
65 |
47 |
35 |
45 |
38 |
55 |
MTW-6-4 |
Pok Oi Lau |
0 |
65 |
57 |
45 |
45 |
48 |
55 |
MTW-7-1 |
Geranium House |
1 |
65 |
52 |
40 |
45 |
43 |
55 |
MTW-8-1 |
Horae Palace |
3 |
65 |
46 |
35 |
45 |
38 |
55 |
MTW-9-1 |
Majestic Park |
3 |
65 |
39 |
28 |
45 |
31 |
55 |
MTW-10-1 |
18 Farm Road |
3 |
65 |
46 |
35 |
45 |
38 |
55 |
MTW-11-1 |
0 |
65 |
40 |
-- |
-- |
32 |
55 |
MTW-12-1 |
Yuet Fai Mansion |
1 |
65 |
50 |
38 |
45 |
41 |
55 |
MTW-12-2 |
Delight Court |
3 |
65 |
45 |
33 |
45 |
36 |
55 |
MTW-12-3 |
Lucky Mansion |
3 |
55 |
40 |
29 |
45 |
32 |
55 |
MTW-12-4 |
352-354 Ma Tau Wai Rd |
2 |
40 |
39 |
29 |
45 |
32 |
55 |
MTW-12-5 |
Seng Cheong Building |
1 |
50 |
42 |
32 |
45 |
35 |
55 |
MTW-12-6 |
Great Wall Building |
3 |
65 |
42 |
30 |
45 |
33 |
55 |
MTW-12-7 |
197-199 Ma Tau Wai Rd |
2 |
65 |
48 |
37 |
45 |
40 |
55 |
MTW-12-8 |
Pak Tai Mansion |
1 |
65 |
51 |
40 |
45 |
43 |
55 |
MTW-12-9 |
Residential premises along Hung Kwong Street |
2 |
65 |
49 |
38 |
45 |
41 |
55 |
MTW-12-10 |
Lucky Building |
2 |
55 |
42 |
31 |
45 |
34 |
55 |
MTW-12-11 |
Jing Ming Building |
2 |
50 |
39 |
29 |
45 |
32 |
55 |
MTW-12-12 |
One Elegance |
3 |
65 |
47 |
36 |
45 |
39 |
55 |
MTW-13-1 |
0 |
65 |
52 |
-- |
-- |
44 |
55 |
MTW-14-1 |
1 |
55 |
36 |
-- |
-- |
29 |
55 |
MTW-15-1 |
0 |
50 |
50 |
-- |
-- |
43 |
55 |
MTW-16-1 |
0 |
45 |
49 |
-- |
-- |
42 |
55 |
MTW-17-1 |
Loyal Mansion |
3 |
55 |
43 |
32 |
45 |
35 |
55 |
MTW-18-1 |
Residential premises along Chi Kiang St |
2 |
50 |
31 |
21 |
45 |
24 |
55 |
MTW-18-2 |
No. 2 Kowloon City Road |
2 |
50 |
35 |
24 |
45 |
27 |
55 |
MTW-19-1 |
Holy Trinity Church |
0 |
55 |
40 |
29 |
45 |
32 |
55 |
HOM-1-1 |
Ko Shan Theatre[2] |
0 |
55 |
40 |
30 |
45 |
33 |
55 |
HOM-2-1 |
Faerie Court |
2 |
55 |
45 |
35 |
45 |
38 |
55 |
HOM-2-2 |
Lee Wing Bldg |
2 |
55 |
52 |
41 |
45 |
44 |
55 |
HOM-2-3 |
Wing Lam Mansion |
2 |
55 |
47 |
36 |
45 |
39 |
55 |
HOM-2-4 |
Tak Lee Court |
1 |
60 |
46 |
35 |
45 |
38 |
55 |
HOM-2-5 |
Chat Ma Mansion |
1 |
55 |
39 |
28 |
45 |
31 |
55 |
HOM-2-6 |
Chatham Mansion |
1 |
55 |
54 |
43 |
45 |
46 |
55 |
HOM-3-1 |
Fook Sing Mansion |
1 |
55 |
36 |
25 |
45 |
28 |
55 |
HOM-3-2 |
Marigold Mansion, Blk A
1 |
55 |
48 |
37 |
45 |
40 |
55 |
HOM-4-1 |
Yee Fu Building |
1 |
55 |
44 |
33 |
45 |
36 |
55 |
HOM-5-1 |
271 Chatham Road North |
2 |
35 |
37 |
28 |
45 |
31 |
55 |
HOM-P2 |
HKPU Phase 3[2] |
1 |
50 |
43 |
-- |
-- |
36 |
55 |
HOM-P3-1 |
Residential Building, HOM Development |
1 |
50 |
51 |
41 |
45 |
44 |
55 |
HUH-1-1 |
0 |
45 |
30 |
-- |
-- |
<20 |
55 |
HUH-1-2 |
Lok Ka House |
1 |
50 |
34 |
24 |
45 |
27 |
55 |
HUH-1-3 |
Wing Fung Bldg |
1 |
60 |
49 |
38 |
45 |
41 |
55 |
Notes: [1] Individual
speed is estimated from tentative speed profiles.
[2] Daytime noise criteria and operation
conditions are used for the assessment of school.
Results in Table 9.7 shown that predicted groundborne
noise levels for NSRs along the alignment are below the most stringent nighttime noise criteria. Hence, mitigation measures are not
As the nighttime
noise criteria is 10dB(A) more stringent than the
daytime, compliance with the nighttime criteria would
typically mean compliance with the daytime criteria at the NSRs. During the daytime period, 24 trains/direction/hour is assumed for the noise
assessment. In addition, a
sensitivity test has been conducted to examine the noise effect if the train
frequency is increased in the future operation. As compared with the daytime noise
levels predicted based on the assumption of 24 trains/direction/hour, an
increase of 0.3dB(A) and 0.7dB(A) would be predicted
respectively for 26 and 28 trains/direction/hour. The upward adjustment would
still result in compliance of the daytime noise criteria at all NSRs.
Cumulative Noise Impact from
Concurrent Projects
As discussed in Section 9.4.14, some of the NSRs would
be subject to the cumulative impacts from KTE and SCL (MKK-HUH). The following
table summarises the predicted cumulative impact.
Table 9.8: Cumulative Noise Impact at Noise
Sensitive Receivers
NSR Description |
Contribution, Leq 30mins
dB(A) |
Total Leq
30mins dB(A) |
Compliance |
[2] |
[3] |
HOM-4-1 |
Yee Fu Building |
33 |
20[1] |
<20 |
33 |
Yes |
HOM-5-1 |
271 Chatham Road North |
28 |
20[1] |
23 |
30 |
Yes |
HOM-P2 |
HKPU Phase 3 |
36 |
<20 |
<20 |
36 |
Yes |
HOM-P3-1 |
Residential Building, HOM Development |
41 |
20[1] |
36 |
41 |
Yes |
HUH-1-1 |
Cartas Branchi College of Careers |
<20 |
20[1] |
26 |
<28 |
Yes |
HUH-1-2 |
Lok Ka House |
24 |
20[1] |
<20 |
<27 |
Yes |
HUH-1-3 |
Wing Fung Bldg |
38 |
20 |
<20 |
38 |
Yes |
Note: [1] Estimated from predicted noise level of adjacent
Prediction of operational
groundborne noise indicates the criteria will be achieved and mitigation
measures are not required. MTR
Corporation will further review the LSR values and mitigation during the
construction stage after the tunnel boring. A noise commissioning test is
recommended to be conducted prior to operation of the Project for verification
of EIA predictions and checking of the compliance of the operational
ground-borne noise levels with the NCO noise criteria.
As discussed
in Section 1.2, the EIA Study Brief
has included HOM and HUH. However, during the design development, it is considered
that HOM be better implemented by the KTE and HUH by the SCL (MKK-HUH) &
SCL (HUH-ADM). It should be noted that the assessment results in Section 9.5.6 and Table 9.8 have incorporated
the cumulative groundborne noise impacts from KTE and SCL (MKK-HUH) & SCL
(HUH-ADM). Hence, the cumulative groundborne noise impacts due to HOM and HUH
have been assessed.
groundborne noise sources during the construction phase have been
identified. The noise impacts on
neighbouring sensitive receivers have been quantified. Results indicate that the predicted
impacts are within the statutory requirements and hence mitigation measures are
not required.
Projections of
ground borne noise at identified representative sensitive receivers have been
performed, based on a methodology recommended by the US Department of
Transportation and assuming an additional 10 dB safety factor. Results suggest that the predicted
impacts are within the statutory requirements and hence mitigation measures are
not required. MTR Corporation will
further review the LSR values and mitigation during the construction stage
after the tunnel boring. A noise commissioning test is recommended to be
conducted prior to operation of the Project for verification of EIA predictions
and checking of the compliance of the operational ground-borne noise levels
with the NCO noise criteria.
[9-1] U.S.
Department of Transportation “High-Speed Ground Transportation Noise and
Vibration Impact Assessment”, 1998
[9-2] “Transportation Noise Reference
Book” by P.M. Nelson, published by Butterworth & Co. (Publishers) Ltd,
[9-3] Kowloon
Southern Link: Environmental Impact Assessment, Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation,
January 2005.
[9-4] Hong
Kong Section of Guangzhou - Shenzhen - Hong Kong Express Rail Link:
Environmental Impact Assessment, Mass Transit Railway Corporation, May 2009.
[9-5] West
Island Line: Environmental Impact Assessment, Mass Transit Railway Corporation,
October 2008.
[9-6] Noise
Control Ordinance (Cap 400), HKSAR dated June 1997
[9-7] Technical
Memorandum on Noise from Construction Work other than Percussive Piling, EPD
dated March 1996
[9-8] Technical
Memorandum on Noise from Construction Work in Designated Areas, EPD dated June
[9-9] Technical
Memorandum on Environmental Impact Assessment Process (EIA Ordinance), EPD
dated September 1997
[9-10] Technical
Memorandum on Noise from Percussive Piling, EPD dated June 1999
[9-11] Technical Memorandum
For the Assessment of Noise From Places Other Than
Domestic Premises, Public Places or Construction Sites
[9-12] Calculation
of Railway Noise 1995, The Department of Transport, UK
[9-13] Wayside
Noise Levels for the SP1900 EMU Operating on West Rail Ballast and Sleeper
Track, Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation
[9-14] US
Department of Transportation, “Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment”,
[9-15] Tai Wai to Ma On Shan Extension:
Environmental Impact Assessment, Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation, October
[9-16] Kwun Tong Line
Extension: Environmental Impact Assessment, Mass Transit Railway Corporation,
June 2010.