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2                         Project Description

2.1                    Background        Ngong Ping is located on a plateau area to the west of Fung Wong Shan (Lantau Peak) and Nei Lak Shan and with the Shek Pik Reservoir to the north. The area accommodates a population of about 1,600 and is a famous tourist sightseeing point in Hong Kong, attracting more than 10,000 visitors per day during the peak season.        At present, there is no comprehensive drainage planning for the area. A heavy rainstorm on 7 June 2008 caused severe flooding at the Po Lin Monastery and adjacent areas and further storms pose a serious flood risk to the local communities including the Po Lin Monastery and nearby villagers.  The livelihood of about 1600 local residents and the normal operation of Po Lin Monastery were affected, in addition to the Po Lin Monastery being closed to the public for about a week after the incident. As a result, the Ngong Ping tourism activities were seriously impeded. In late 2008, Drainage Service Department (DSD) commissioned the “Drainage Study for Ngong Ping” (“the 2008 Drainage Study”) to identify and quantify the flood hazard and formulate cost effective drainage improvement plans.  The 2008 Drainage Study has set out a comprehensive strategy and programme to safeguard the concerned area from flood risk.        The 2008 Drainage Study identified that the flood protection level of the existing watercourse to the north of the Po Lin Monastery and Ngong Ping 360 Terminal represents a less than 1 in 10 year design return period and needed to be improved to a flood protection level of 1 in 50 year design return period. The 2008 Drainage Study, also, recommended a series of first aid and short-term flood improvement measures to alleviate flood risks in the local areas.  These measures have been implemented starting from 2009 and have subsequently been completed.  The long-term measures recommended to improve the overall drainage capacity of the area form the basis of this Project.  The existing drainage system and the long term measures to provide the necessary improvements are discussed below.

2.2                    Existing Drainage System

2.2.1              Existing Design        The catchment of Ngong Ping area covers part of Nei Lak Shan, Lantau Peak, Po Lin Monastery, Ngong Ping Terminal and local village area, etc with total area of about 1.4km2 (Appendix A1).        The existing stormwater drainage system comprises seven portions, (see Figure 2.1). Brief descriptions of these seven portions are given below:

·               Portion A - Watercourse near water storage tank at the North of Po Lin Monastery;

·               Portion B - Box culvert underneath Po Lin Monastery;

·               Portion C - The 2.85m (W) x 1.65m (H) box culvert located at the south of Po Lin Monastery;

·               Portion D - The 1650mm diameter twin-pipe;

·               Portion E - The Ngong Ping Stream between the 1650mm diameter twin-pipe and the gabion channel next to Ngong Ping 360 Terminal;

·               Portion F - Gabion channel near Ngong Ping 360 Terminal; and

·               Portion G - The natural stream of Ngong Ping Stream at the downstream of Portion F gabion channel.        The runoff from the sub-catchment of Nei Lak Shan is collected by the box culvert  underneath the Po Lin Monastery (Portion B) and the runoff from the sub-catchment of the Lantau Peak is  collected by the 2850mm (W) x 1650mm (H) box culvert located to the south of the Po Lin Monastery (Portion C).  These collected runoffs are discharged into the 1650mm diameter twin-pipe (Portion D). The runoff is then conveyed westward, through the existing watercourse near the local village area (Portion E) and passing through the embanked gabion channel (Portion F) and natural stream (Portion G) near Ngong Ping 360 Terminal before being discharged downhill along the downstream section of Ngong Ping Stream.

2.2.2              Flooding Incidents and Flooding Risk Analysis        Flooding incidents have been previously recorded in a few locations within the Study Area (see Figure 2.2). The 2008 Drainage Study concluded that flooding in the area was mainly caused by:

(i)           the backwater effect of the bottleneck section of the existing drainage system (Portion E);

(ii)         the blockage of entrance of the box culvert underneath Po Lin Monastery (Portion B); and

(iii)       the blockage of flow path for the 1650mm diameter twin pipe (Portion D);        The 2008 Drainage Study included a detailed hydraulic modelling assessment of the existing drainage system and the findings are summarised in Table 2.1 and described below.

Table 2.1      Predicted Maximum Flood Depth of Existing Drainage System


Max. flood depth (m) for Design Return Period (Yr)


Portion A - Watercourse near Water Storage Tank to the North of the Po Lin Monastery


Portion B - Box Culvert underneath Po Lin Monastery


Portion C - Box Culvert Located to the South of the Po Lin Monastery


Portion D - The 1650mm Diameter Twin-pipe


Portion E- The Stream between the 1650mm Diameter Twin-pipe and the Gabion Channel next to the Ngong Ping 360 Terminal


Portion F - Gabion Channel near Ngong Ping 360 Terminal


Portion G- The Natural Stream downstream of the Gabion Channel

0.22        From the hydraulic results of the 50 years return period, the following areas were identified to have high flood risk:

·               Due to the marginal flow capacity of upland u-channel of water storage tank, floodwater will overflow from upland u-channel through the overland flow path (existing footway) and then downward to the northern inlet of existing box culvert of Po Lin Monastery;

·               The box culverts underneath Po Lin Monastery generally have a flood protection level of 50 years, the flooding is mainly due to the lack of desilting, maintenance and blockage at inlets by utilities intrusion; and

·               Local flooding will occur at three locations including the bottleneck of stream near Lin Ping Drive, Y-junction near Ngong Ping 360 and Columbarium area.

2.2.3              Interim Measures to Improve the Flood Protection Standard        In order to provide immediate relief to the flooding problem in some local areas, a series of interim (first aid and short-term) drainage improvement measures were identified in the 2008 Drainage Study and these are shown in Appendices A2 and A3.        These first aid and interim measures were implemented starting from 2009 and have subsequently been completed.  These measures do not form part of the current Project.

2.3                    Need for the Project        The flood protection standards in Hong Kong are expressed in term of flood level return periods as detailed in the Stormwater Drainage Manual (DSD, 2000). In accordance with the Stormwater Drainage Manual, for main rural catchment drainage channels and for urban drainage branch systems, the recommended flood protection standard should be based upon a 50 years design return period. While there are no major urban developments in the Ngong Ping area, Ngong Ping is an important tourist region in Hong Kong and the 2008 Drainage Study recommended the flood protection level of 50 years should be adopted. In addition, a minimum of 300 mm freeboard (i.e., the vertical distance between the crest of a river embankment, or manhole cover level, and the design flood level) has been recommended to allow for any inaccuracies in flood level calculations.        As indicated in Table 2.1, based on the 50 years design return period, flooding between 0.15 to 0.81m was predicted at several locations including the northern side of the Po Lin Monastery (Portion A), stream near Lin Ping Drive (Portion E), and the Y-junction near Ngong Ping 360 and Columbarium area (Portion G). While the interim mitigation measures described above provided some immediate relief to certain flooding hotspots, long terms measures are required to bring the total drainage system of Ngong Ping up to standard so as to relieve the flood risk and hazards imposed to the local community and general public.        Hence, the Project needs to be implemented to protect the Po Lin Monastery, the Ngong Ping 360 Terminal, the local villagers and the local habitats.

2.4                    “Without Project” Alternative        A fundamental project alternative is the option not to implement the recommended long terms drainage improvement measures in the study area, which in environmental terms is referred to as the “Do-nothing” option.        If the proposed Project is not implemented, the potential for serious flooding of the Study Area will continue.  Flooding not only affects the social, tourist and business activities of the area, but, also, deteriorates the visual appeal of the area and prolonged flooding can damage historical buildings. Post-flooding clean up / restoration, also, translates into additional waste generation and off-site disposal issues.  Therefore, flooding can, also, lead to re-current undesirable environmental outcomes (see Table 2.3).        Based upon the above, the “Do-nothing” option is not preferred and not considered to be the environmentally preferred solution to the flooding issue and is not further discussed in this report.

2.5                    Consideration of Alternative Alignment Design Options / Drainage Improvement Schemes

2.5.1              Background        The primary purpose of the proposed drainage improvement works is to reduce the flooding risk of the area and bring the local flood protection to the current standard of 50 years, specifically at Portions A, E and G, which are particularly prone to high flooding risk (see Table 2.1).  Therefore, a viable scheme must be able to meet this design drainage hydraulic performance requirement.        Two main drainage improvement alternatives (Options A and B) have been considered for the Project.  These two alternative schemes are indicated in Figure 2.3 and key features summarised in Table 2.2 below.

Table 2.2      Key Features of the Alignment Design Options

Water Course

Option A

(Figure 2.3)

Option B

(Figure 2.3)

Upstream Section

An underground DN1500 drain pipe (interception drain) connecting Portions A and E. About 500m long.

An underground DN1500 drain pipe (interception drain) connecting Portions A and E. About 440m long.

Midstream Section

Widening and realignment of stream section in Portion E. The length of the alignment is about 140m and the top width of the channel would be about 8.65m to align with the existing gabion channel.

A loop system in the form of underground box culvert. About 223m long.

Downstream Section

Widening of natural stream section at Portion G. The length of the alignment is about 240m and the top width of the channel would be at least 8.65m to align with the existing gabion channel.

An underground DN1800 drain pipe (flood relief drain) connecting Portion F and bypass Portion G. About 198m long.        As indicated in Table 2.2 and Figure 2.3, the upstream sections of both schemes have the same alignment and pipeline dimensions.  The main differences between the two options are in the middle and downstream sections. Option A directly tackles the identified bottlenecks by widening and realigning the existing stream courses, while Option B address the same issue by provision of an alternate floodway by-passing the bottlenecks.  A preliminary appraisal of the potential environmental benefits and dis-benefits are outlined in the sections below and summarised in Table 2.3.

2.5.2              Option A        Based on the hydraulic performance of the existing drainage system as described in Section 2.2 above, the existing natural stream between the 1,650mm diameter twin-pipe (Portion D) and the gabion channel (Portion F) was found to be a key bottleneck of the existing drainage system.  In order to mitigate the flood risk, long-term drainage improvements could be achieved by widening and realignment of the section of natural stream.        In addition, there is a need to address the flooding risk at Portion A.  However, an alternative floodway, provided as an upgrade (widening) of the existing box culvert (Portion B) underneath the Po Lin Monastery has been dismissed as it would require works entirely within private land lots which could significantly affect the normal operation of Po Lin Monastery. In addition, such widening of the existing box culvert would be expected to result in significant noise, dust and visual impacts to the Po Lin Monastery for the duration of the construction works and would not be recommended.   Therefore, a long underground interception drain commencing at a location near the water storage tank located to the northeast of the Po Lin Monastery and passing underneath the existing footpath/access to connect Portion A with Portion E, was proposed.  Similarly, to eliminate the bottleneck downstream of the gabion channel (Portion G) and, hence, reduce flooding risk at Portion F, the natural stream in Portion G would be proposed to be widened.  The Option A scheme provides traditional engineering migration measures to address the existing drainage bottlenecks.        However, further study indicated that this option would not be feasible due to the following constraints:

·               The proposed river widening works at Portion E would fall within a number of private lots and land resumption would be required.  Any land resumption could significantly delay the project implementation;  

·               The existing stream section at Portion E is constrained by adjacent structures and clearance of the site would have been required and the provision of an alternative crossing would be required, increasing the complexity of the project; and

·               The natural stream section at Portion G is partly within the Lantau North Country Park and was purposely preserved under the Tung Chung Cable Car Project although stream bed rock has been trimmed to improve its hydraulic performance.        Replacement of streams in Portions E and G by engineered drainage channels is, also, not ecological favourable and could result in impacts on the ecology of the existing water course, including:

·               Permanent loss of natural streams/rivers habitats, and also natural sediments and other substrates important for maintaining species biodiversity;

·               Loss of aquatic species biodiversity, including a decline in macro-invertebrate, fish and other aquatic species; and

·               Loss of bank-side terrestrial and aquatic vegetation, which provide shelter, shade and a food source for aquatic species.        In terms of water quality, during the construction stage, significant water quality impacts would be anticipated as the existing stream course will be affected if Option A is implemented. In addition, as the existing steam course is the only drainage path, a temporary alternative drain would have to be provided, thus, leading to additional off-site impacts. Alternatively, while it may be possible to just work on one half cross section of the stream while leaving another half as the drainage path, controlling the site runoff from the working half would be difficult and the sediment laden water from the working half section could easily affect the downstream section. Since about half of the drainage capacity would be temporary unavailable, the area would be more prone to flooding during the construction and this is not acceptable. This arrangement would, also, prolong the construction period as only half of the site would be available at any one time, leading to a longer potential construction phase environmental impacts to the sensitive receivers.        In respect of landscape and visual impacts, Option A would represent a permanent change of the natural stream landscape to an artificial watercourse. While the use of gabion linings and, also, some landscaping works could reduce magnitude of any landscape and visual impacts, this is, also, not preferable as avoidance of impacts is the first priority. In addition, given that the recent objectives in the designs of drainage works has been to restore lined channels to their natural state as far as possible (for example, the recent revitalisation of Kai Tai Nullah to Kai Tak River), Option A would not be favourable from the landscape and visual perspective. While without the implementation of the Project, a flooding incidence could temporary deteriorate the visual appeal of the Study Area, the conversion of a natural stream landscape to a constructed water course would represent a permanent deterioration of the landscape quality which is, also, not favourable.

2.5.3              Option B        In order to alleviate the flood risk arising from the bottleneck of drainage system (i.e. the stream in Portion E) and to provide relief from flood risks from the existing drainage system but without widening of the stream in Portion E, the alternative proposal was to provide a loop system in the form of a combined box culvert of approximately 174 m long (size 3m(W) x 2.5m(H)) and a box culvert of approximately 49 m long (size 2.5m(W) x 2.5m(H)) is proposed. In order to minimise impacts to the terrestrial ecology, the alignment would mostly follow the existing road as far as possible. Similarly, to protect the natural stream section at Portion G, in the Option B scheme, an underground flood relief drain is proposed. As Portion G comprises mostly vegetated habitats, a trenchless construction method will be used to construct this section of the drainage system to minimise surface works and impacts and only a small bank-side area would be disturbed for construction of Outfall B.        While the Option B overall alignment scheme is slightly longer than Option A due the loop at Portion E, it offers several environmental advantages over Option A during both the construction and operation phases.  Both the loop system and flood relief drain would avoid directly affecting the existing stream ecology in Portion E and minimises the works in the natural stream section at Portion G to only a small bank-side area for construction of an outfall (Outfall B). Therefore, direct ecological impacts to the natural stream and associated riparian ecology would be almost completely eliminated during the construction stage.        In respect of water quality, as the existing watercourse would remain untouched overall, with the exception of only five small areas for the inlets and outfalls, the potential construction phase water quality impacts would be minimised while still achieving the overall design objectives.  Nonetheless, good site management would still be required to ensure the potential water quality impacts would be further minimised.        In terms of construction phase air quality and noise impacts, while the slightly longer alignment under Option B may mean there could be more sensitive receivers (mainly residential) along the alignment and exposed to construction disturbances at Portion E, the minimum separation between the alignment and sensitive receivers increases under this scheme.  Under Option A, the few rural houses to the west of the Monkey’s Tale Theatre will be immediately adjacent to the alignment and there would be no space for the implementation of any necessary mitigation measures.  However, under Option B, there is sufficient space between the alignment and the sensitive receivers to allow mitigation and noise attenuation measures to be applied during the works.        Since Option B avoids the natural stream and associated riparian habitats, the operational phase ecological impact (permanent loss of aquatic habitat) is, also, substantially reduced. While this is at the expense of more terrestrial habitats being directly affected (mostly temporary only), the adoption of an underground drainage design would reduce the permanent impact (habitat loss) to a few manholes only and these manholes are mostly in developed areas rather than natural habitats.  Given that streams in the area are hydro-dynamically linked to the Ngong Ping Stream in the Ngong Ping SSSI which is an important habitat for the endemic Romer’s Tree Frog as well as other fauna and the extent of terrestrial habitat to be lost compared to the overall habitat available in the Study Area is very low, preserving the aquatic habitats is considered more essential than the terrestrial habitats, if none can be avoided.  Similarly, with Option B, the natural stream landscape will be preserved during the operation phase and, hence, would, also more preferable from the landscape and visual point of view.

2.5.4              Environmental Option Comparison        As described above, the Option B drainage scheme is considered to have less environmental dis-benefits compared to Option A during both the construction and operation phases and, as such, would be the preferred and recommended option for the Project. A summary comparison of the two options is presented in Table 2.3 below.


Table 2.3     Potential Environmental Benefits and Dis-benefits of Alternative Drainage Design Options

Environmental Issues

Design Options

Construction Phase

Operation Phase

Option A

Option B

Option A

Option B






Air Quality





Water Quality















Landscape and Visual





Cultural Heritage





Note:  ü = Environmentally preferred option; “X” = Environmentally not preferred option; “-” = No environmental preference


2.5.5              Selected Drainage Improvement Scheme Design        The whole proposed drainage improvement scheme under Option B, including the interception drain, loop system and flood relief drain, provides a flood protection of 50 years or above and, therefore, meets the required design objectives and is, also, considered to present the best environmental option overall and is the selected drainage improvement scheme design.        The scope of the selected drainage improvement works under the Project is summarised in Table 2.4 below and the overall layout illustrated in Figure 1.1. A schematic general layout of the works, including the works boundary, alignment chainage and locations of works areas is illustrated in Figures 2.9a-2.9g.

Table 2.4     Key Components of the Proposed Works



Approx. Length


Proposed  Construction Method

Northern side of the Po Lin Monastery

(Upstream Section)

New underground drainage pipe (Interception Drain)


DN1500 drain pipe

Cut-&-Cover excavation  250m) and trenchless method (190m)

Northwest of the Po Lin Monastery near Lin Ping Drive

(Midstream Section)

New underground box culvert (Loop System)


49m 2.5m x 2.5m box culvert


174m 3mx2.5m box culvert


Cut-&-Cover excavation

Northern side of the Ngong Ping 360 Terminal and Columbarium

(Downstream Section

New underground box drainage pipe (Flood Relief Drain)


DN1800 drain pipe

Trenchless method


2.5.6              Design Evolution        Since the selection of the preferred Alignment (Option B), the alignment and design has continued to be modified in order to reduce potential environmental impacts and to improve the scheme where possible.  The modifications have concerned the pipeline alignment between the Ngong Ping 360 Terminal and the Columbarium area (Works Section 6, see Figures 2.9a-2.9g).        Under the preferred selected alignment (Option B), the pipeline would start near the Ngong Ping 360 Terminal and the alignment was proposed to run north-west west, across the existing road in order to avoid the burial ground and graves (including a historical grave NP27, see Section 8) in the burial ground. The pipeline alignment would then proceed to north-west toward the outfall at the steep cliff area near the Columbarium. Under this option, the outfall would be constructed at the cliff area and would require some rock cutting/drilling.  The location of the outfall close to the steep cliff area would, also, increase the difficulties of the construction works as well as future maintenance.  A certain degree of landscape impacts could be expected.  The location of this scheme, developed under the “2008 Drainage Study” during the planning stage, is shown in Figure 2.4 and denoted Sub-option B1.        However, Sub-option B2 was developed during the detailed design stage to avoid and minimise some environmental impacts.  As shown in Figure 2.4, Sub-option B2 only slightly varies from that of Sub-option B1, with both alignments avoiding the burial ground and the historical grave. However, the Sub-option B2 pipeline alignment would run parallel to the existing road, instead of crossing under the road as with Sub-option B1, to link to an outfall located at the existing shallow pool area near the Columbarium. Under Sub-option B2, the outfall is shifted southward by about 13m such that it would not be located at the cliff and, therefore, would be less visually prominent and, hence, more desirable.  In addition, the shift in the alignment allows a patch of protected orchids species in the cliff area (see Section 6) to be avoided and retained.        Subsequently, Sub-option B3 was developed.  This option retained the location of the outfall at the existing shallow pool area near the Columbarium.  However, the location of a proposed manhole between the Ngong Ping Cable Car Aerial Ropeway and the Columbarium has been relocated to north of the road.  The relocation means that the jacking pit during construction and associated working area, would avoid an area rich in flora species of conservation interest located in the original location of the manhole and jacking pit for Sub-Options B1 and B2.   As such, Sub-option B3 combines the benefits of Sub-option B2 but presents an improvement avoiding key species of conservation interest which would otherwise have been affected during both the construction and operational phase.        Overall, Sub-option B3 is preferred as it avoids affecting protected species and has reduced landscape and visual impacts. It, also, represents a better balance of various construction and operational aspects, including environmental performance, site condition, engineering and technical requirements, as well as cost-effectiveness.


2.6                    Consideration of Alternative Construction Methods and Sequences of Works 

2.6.1              Construction Methodology Options        In general, open trapezoidal channels provide the most economical cross-section for the  conveyance  of  stormwater,  both  in  terms  of  construction  and  maintenance  costs .  However, to suit the site conditions and to minimise the associated environmental impacts, underground box culvert and pipelines have been adopted for construction instead. It is, also, by the use of underground facilities that the Option B scheme design offers environmental advantages over Option A, as discussed above.        Since the geometry and size of the drainage system is determined by the hydraulic performance required for the Project, the choice of construction methods must be able to meet the design requirements. Rectangular box culvert is commonly constructed by cut-and-cover method. On the other hand, the commonly available construction techniques for the circular pipe include traditional cut-and-cover (C&C) method and trenchless techniques such as pipe jacking method.        The proposed construction methodologies of C&C and trench-less method and their suitability to this project are discussed below.

Cut and Cover Method        The cut-and-cover (C&C) method of construction involves excavating a trench, erection of lateral support, then constructing a structure (or placing a pre-formed structure) within the trench and then backfilling the structure with soil. Underground drainage box culverts and pipelines are usually constructed using this open cut-and-cover methods which is generally suitable to relatively softer ground.  It is a proven and commonly used method of excavation and construction in Hong Kong and the cost of construction is the lowest compared to other construction methods. Apart from its high cost-effectiveness, a significant engineering advantage of the C&C method over other methods is that it can accommodate variations in ground conditions, the alignment (i.e. allow a non-straight alignment), and sizes of drain and other non-uniform structures.        However, in terms of environmental impacts, this construction method induces a higher level of potential impacts as any natural habitats along the alignment will be directly impacted. The near-by human sensitive receivers would, also, be affected by the construction noise, as well as potential dust nuisance. The temporary exposed open trench would, also, be visually intrusive during the construction phase.  For alignment sections that are to be constructed underneath an existing access (path or road), temporary traffic (vehicular and/or pedestrian) diversion would typically be required.        For this Project, the C&C method is a suitable method for constructing the 2.5m x 2.5m box culvert at Works Section 4 (see Figures 2.9a-2.9e for location of the Works Sections), the 3.0m x 2.5m box culvert at Works Section 5 and, also, the connecting junction between the box culverts and the upstream interception drains (at Chainage B4+49). Due to land availability issues, the interception drain at Works Section 1 is planned to be located along the existing access road and, therefore, a straight alignment is not possible but instead it has to keep turning every 20-30m along the access road alignment. For the same reason, a straight alignment for the interception drain at Works Section 3 is, also, not possible although the alignment variations are less often in this portion. Because of need for frequent changes in the alignment direction, the C&C method is preferred construction method meeting the design requirement.

Trenchless Method        A trenchless method installs a pipe underground without the need of open trench excavation from the surface, although entry and exit pits would be required.  One such trenchless technique is pipe-jacking where jacking pits of typically 4m (W) x 8m (L) x 5-10m (D) and receiving pits of 4m (W) x 5m (L) x 2-8m (D) are constructed.        Pipe jack tunnelling uses a specialist jacking system, which consists of a tunnelling shield in front (i.e., the jacking head / cutting shoe), a string of drain pipe segments and a hydraulic drive.  This system is placed inside jacking pit, except for a control room and sedimentation tank which are placed at the ground level. In short, the shield is jacked forward incrementally by the hydraulic jack at the jacking pit. As the shield advances, jacking pipes are inserted behind the shield one by one and the whole string is jacked forward. Once a pipe segment is completely driven into the soil, the hydraulic drive is with-drawn, a new pipe segment added and the jacking process repeats until the pipeline reach the receiving pit where the tunnelling shield can be retrieved. The excavated materials are then transported to the surface through a slurry discharging pipe (for slurry shield), or a screw conveyor to the jacking pit by a trolley system, and then lifted up to the ground surface. In order to reduce the friction during the jacking process, often a small amount of the lubricant, typically bentonite slurry, is required.        In terms of environmental performances, the trenchless method offers several advantages over the traditional C&C method. With the trenchless method, construction of an open trench along the alignment is not necessary and the directly affected areas are limited to the construction pits only. Thus, direct impacts associated with natural ecological habitats, dust, air quality, water quality, landscape and visual and cultural heritage are limited to the development and operation of the pits during the construction stage. In addition, the amount of powered mechanical equipment required is, also, reduced in the trenchless technique as excavation and backfilling works are substantially reduced.  Also, the jacking system would be located at the bottom of the pit, about 6m below ground level in the present case, and, thus, the noise of the operation would be effectively shielded from the sensitive receivers.    The trenchless method, however, is not without environmental disadvantages. Firstly, the pit area will be occupied throughout the construction period and the duration of the occupancy of the excavated area will be longer than the C&C method as a C&C trench segment can be backfilled once the segment of works have been completed.  This means that any sensitive receivers nearby the construction pits would be subject to a longer period of potential disturbance/impacts.  Secondly, unlike the C&C method where a trench can be temporary covered, the construction pits cannot be covered during the process as it is the point of entry for all the pipe segments and point of exit for all excavated material, with the erection of a lifting gantry. Therefore, if the technique is chosen, the construction pits should be located to avoid any existing access roads or paths and be placed as far away as possible from any sensitive receivers.  Finally, the bentonite slurry lubricant can be polluting to the water environment if it is released but can be controlled with good site management.    As discussed above, and detailed in Table 2.6 below, the trenchless pipe jacking method, overall, has some environmentally benefits over the C&C method.  However, with due consideration to the site constraints including land use status, engineering requirements of the construction method and the drainage alignment, the pipe jacking method is only feasible for Works Sections 2 and 6 (see Figures 2.9a-2.9g).   The selection rationale of construction method for each Works Section is detailed in Table 2.5 below.

Table 2.5      Preferred Construction Methods

Drainage Requirement

Works Section (1)

Construction Method


Circular DN1500 drain pipe (interception drain)




Engineering constraints associated with catering for alignment changes.

Circular DN1500 drain pipe (interception drain)



Pipe jacking

Environmental preference associated with minimising the directly affected area and associated environmental impacts e.g. air, noise and visual.

Circular DN1500 drain pipe (interception drain)




Engineering constraints associated with catering for alignment changes.

Square 2.5m x 2.5m box culvert (loop system)




Engineering constraints associated with catering for alignment changes and also the traditional method for construction of box culvert.

Rectangular 3.0m x 2.5m box culvert (loop system)




Engineering constraints associated with catering for alignment changes and also traditional method for construction of box culvert.

Circular DN1800 drain pipe (flood relief drain)



Pipe jacking

Environmental preference associated with minimising the directly affected area and associated environmental impacts e.g. air, noise and visual.


1.       Please refer to Figures 2.9a- 2.9g for the location of Works Section.


2.6.2              Environmental Comparison of Construction Methodology Options        A comparison of the environmental benefits and dis-benefits of the C&C method and trenchless pipe jacking construction methods is summarised in Table 2.6 below.   

Table 2.6      Environmental Benefits and Dis-benefits of Drain Pipe Construction Methods

Construction Method



Cut-and-cover Method

Relatively quicker technique for short sections of trench.


Possibility of re-using excavated material or surpluses fill from other projects.


Catering for alignment changes.

Works directly affect habitats along the complete length of the alignment.


All sensitive receivers along the alignment have the potential to be affected.


More construction plant will be involved and this would generate relatively more noise and dust impacts.


Larger amount of material handing due to excavation and backfilling.


More potential for construction run off due to open excavation.

Trenchless Method

Surface works limited to the construction pits. Hence, reduced direct impacts on habitats and vegetation.


All works underground so minimising the disturbance to sensitive receivers along the alignment.


Less use of PMEs and also less spoil to be disposed of compared with C&C method.


The underground works will not be visible to the public and hence reduced visual impacts. 

Sensitive receivers near by the construction pits will be subject to a longer period of environmental disturbance.


A wider pit is required compared to C&C method and sufficient area may not be available at congested site.


Requires treatment of surplus bentonite before disposal.        Based upon the environmental preference of the trenchless method, as detailed in Table 2.6, it has been proposed for areas where engineering constraints do not restrict its use.  It is noted that the pipe-jacking method would be expected to involve the maximum size required for any construction pits for a trenchless construction method and as such, pipe-jacking and its associated pits have been used as the basis for the environmental assessment as a worst case.

2.6.3              Construction Programme        The original construction programme anticipated during the early stage of the Project by the Engineer is shown in Figure 2.8a.  Based on the programme, essentially two concurrent work fronts were proposed, one for the cut and cover (C&C) works of the drain and box culvert and another one for the trenchless drain construction.  After the establishment of a site office at Works Section 2, the C&C pipe laying for the interception drain would begin from Works Section 1 and trenchless works at Works Section 2 for the interception drain will commence at the same time by constructing the jacking pit JP1 at the site office (SO) area.  The C&C works and pipe jacking works for the interception drain were proposed to be completed in about 15 months. Afterward, the pipe jacking system will be transferred to Works Section 6 for the pipe jacking works of the flood relief drain while the C&C works would begin the box culvert construction works at Works Sections 4 and 5 for the Loop System. The whole construction works was proposed to be completed in 30 months.        However, after review of the original construction programme and the nature of drainage system, it has been recommended that an alternative construction programme be adopted as indicated in Figure 2.8b.  The main difference between the two programmes is that the trenchless works at Works Section 6 for flood relief drain will be constructed first instead of the interception drain at Works Section 2 (see the dash line box in Figure 2.8a).  The advantages of the recommended construction programme are outlined below:

·               There is no change to the overall completion timeframe;

·               The flood relief drain at the downstream can be completed and be in operation within 18 months and provide advanced flood protection to the downstream area about 12 months earlier than the original programme where necessary.  It is noted that the early completion of the interception drain at the upstream will not provide any similar advantages as the interception drain cannot operate until the loop system is completed; and

·               The works in Works Sections 1 and 2, which are located in close proximity, will not be carried out concurrently and, hence, there would be a general reduction in the associated disturbance to the sensitive receivers (see Sections 3 and 4 of the report) to the north of Po Lin Monastery for 13 months (see Figure 2.8a). While the use of the trenchless method in Works Section 2 reduces any environmental disturbance, the avoidance of simultaneous works in this area can further help to minimise any environmental disturbance.        Given the above discussed operational and environmental advantages, the alternative construction programme, as indicated in Figure 2.8b, is, therefore, the preferred construction programme and forms the basis of the detailed impact assessment in the subsequent chapters of the EIA Report.        In order to further limit the extent and duration of the localised impacts, the cut and cover construction works will proceed section by section.  Each active constructing cut and cover section will be about 40m long which should only take 2 months to complete subject to the site condition.

2.7                    Description of the Preferred Option

2.7.1              Drainage Alignment        As described in Section 2.5.4, Option B is the preferred drainage scheme which can provide adequate flood protection to the Study Area.  The scheme design and construction method has been refined where possible to minimise water quality, ecology, cultural heritage and landscape and visual impacts, especially for the natural stream and riparian habitats.  The general layout of the preferred alignment is shown in Figure 2.5. The preferred alignment consists of three main systems:

·               An upstream Interception Drain - an approximately 450m long underground drain pipe (size 1500mm diameter) and associated inlets.  The interception drain starts at a location near the water storage tank located at northeast of Po Lin Monastery and is aligned underneath the existing footpath/access/adjacent vegetation land.  The drain ends at the north of Lin Ping Drive;

·               A Loop System - an approximately 179m long (size 3m(W) x 2.5m(H)) box culvert, an approximate 45 m long (size 2.5m(W) x 2.5m(H) box culvert and associated inlet and outfall. The loop system starts at the bridge of Lin Ping Drive and is aligned underneath the existing sub-standard road and the adjacent vacant land.  It ends at the north-east of “Walking with Buddha”.  The loop system provides a bypass connecting the 1650mm diameter twin-pipe to the north of the Tian Tan Buddha Statue and the gabion channel next to Ngong Ping 360 Terminal; and

·               A downstream Flood Relief Drain - an approximately 198m long underground drain pipe (size 1800mm diameter) and associated inlet and outfall.  The flood relief drain starts at the exiting gabion channel to the north of Ngong Ping Village and ends at the existing stream adjacent to the Columbarium. The flood relief drain provides a bypass to the existing natural stream section between the Ngong Ping 360 Terminal and the Columbarium.        The full alignment is shown in Figures 2.6a-2.6d while the general arrangement of the intakes and outfalls are shown in Figures 2.7a-2.7e.  A geological map of the site, longitudinal profile and typical cross sections of the proposed drainage system are shown in Appendix A4.

2.7.2              Work Sections        Based on the linear nature of the drainage alignment and, also, the type of construction works involved, the construction works has been divided into six main Works Sections as summarised in Table 2.7 and shown in Figures 2.9a-2.9g.

Table 2.7     Works Sections and Construction Works

Drainage System

Works Section (Chainage)


Works Description



(A1+60 – A2+10)

Northwest of PLM, around between 法嚴精舍 and 覺淨

·      Site clearance and construction of site office (SO).

·      The area will also be used for stocking of materials.

·      The size of the SO is about 1350 m2.

·      Site hoarding/chain fence will be established around the perimeter.

Interception Drain


(A0+00 – A1+20)

Northeast of PLM, around between the water storage tank  and 慧海淨舍

·      C&C construction of DN 1500mm drain pipe (120m long), manholes and Intake A.

·      About 120m excavation: 2.5m wide, depth range between 4-6m.

·      A temporary stockpiling area (SA1) of about 110 m2 at the eastern side of the PLM water storage tank.

Interception Drain


(A1+20 –A3+00)

Northwest of PLM, around between 法嚴精舍 and 常樂林

·      Construction of DN 1500mm drain pipe (180m long) by trenchless method, associated pits and manholes.

·      Jacking pit (JP1) at A1+70, about 10m deep.

·      Receiving pit (RP1) at A1+20, about 8m deep.

·      Receiving pit (RP2) at A3+00, about 8m deep.

·      Temporary works areas (WA1 of about 130m2, and WA2 of about 110 m2) will be established around the two receiving pits.

Interception Drain


(A3+00 – A4+40)

Northwest of PLM,  about between常樂林and

north end of

Lin Ping Drive

·      C&C construction of DN 1500mm drain pipe (150m long) and manholes.

·      About 150m excavation: 2.5m wide, depth range between 4-6m.

Loop System


(B0+00 – B0+45)

North end of Lin Ping Drive

·      C&C construction of 2.5m (W) x 2.5m (H) box culvert (45m long) and Intake B.

·      About 45m excavation: 5.5m wide, depth range between 4-6m.

·      A temporary stockpiling area (SA2) of about 880 m2 along the alignment.

·      Intake B at existing open channel.

Loop System


(B0+45 –B2+22)

West of PLM, around between north end of Lin Ping Drive and north-east of Walking with Buddha (與佛同行)

·      C&C construction of 3.0m (W) x 2.5m (H) box culvert (182m long) and Outfall A.

·      About 182m excavation: 6.0m wide, depth range between 4-7m.

·      A temporary stockpiling area (SA3) of about 2440m2 along the western half of the alignment.

·      Outfall A at existing gabion channel.

·      A temporary haul road may be required to allow crossing of the existing open channel.

Flood Relief Drain


(C0+00 – C1+96)

North of the Ngong Ping 360 Terminal, around between north of Ngong Ping Village and north of PLM Columbarium.  Partly within the Lantau North Country Park.

·      Construction of DN 1800mm drain pipe (198m) by trenchless method, associated pits, manholes, Intake C and Outfall B.

·      Jacking pit JP2 at C1+10, about 5m deep.

·      Receiving pit (RP3) at C0+00, about 5m deep.

·      Receiving pit (RP4) at C1+96, about 2m deep.

·      Temporary works areas (WA3 of about 180m2, and WA4 of about 100 m2) will be established around the two receiving pits.

·      A temporary stockpiling area (SA4) of about 300m2 at JP2.

·      Intake C at existing gabion channel.

·      Outfall B at existing natural stream.


1.   JP: Jacking Pit; PLM: Po Lin Monastery; RP: Receiving Pit; SA: Stockpile Area; SO: Site Office; WA: Works Area; WS: Works Section.

2.   Please refer to Figures 2.9a-2.9g for the location of Works Sections and working areas.



2.7.3              Construction Programme and Sequence        The recommended construction programme is shown in Figure 2.8b.  It is anticipated that the construction works will begin in the second quarter of 2014 and last for about 30 months. The major anticipated works activities are summarised in Table 2.8 below.

Table 2.8      Summarised Construction Programme (Tentative)

Main ID

Major Task (1) (2)



Site preparation and site office (SO) establishment

Month: 1 - 2.


Interception Drain (C&C at Works Sections 1 and 3)

Month: 3 - 15.


Loop System (C&C at Works Sections 4 and 5)

Month: 16 - 30.


Flood Relief Drain (Pipe jack at Works Section 6)

Month: 3 – 16.


Interception Drain (Pipe jack at Works Section 2)

Month: 16 - 28.


Demolition of site office, site reinstatement and landscaping work

Month: 29 - 30.


1. Please see Figure 2.8b for the detailed tentative construction programme.

2. Please refer to Figures 2.9a-2.9g for the location of Works Section.        The indicative construction sequence is illustrated in Appendix A5.  During the first stage of the construction, the site will be cleared and the site office (SO) established.  There will be two concurrent work fronts for the main works, one for the cut and cover (C&C) works of the drain and box culvert and another one for the trenchless drain constructions.        The first work front commences with the C&C pipe laying in Works Section 1 at the Po Lin Monastery water storage site and will proceed westwards. Once the C&C pipe laying at Works Section 1 is completed, Intake A will be constructed and C&C pipe laying at Works Section 3 will commence from the north of Lin Ping Drive and work to the north towards the pipe jacking section at Works Section 2.  The C&C box culvert construction in Works Section 4 will follow these works, which will initially work north towards Works Section 5 and then turn north-west along the alignment in Works Section 5. Construction of Intake B and Outfall A will take place once the relevant sections of box culvert are completed.        At the same time as the commencement of C&C pipe laying in Works Section 1, trenchless works in Works Section 6 will, also, begin.  The jacking pit JP2 and the receiving pit RP3 will be constructed first and the pipe jacking of DN1800mm pipe will proceed initially eastwards to RP3.  When the eastward jacking works reach Chainage C0+00, the jacking head will be taken out from RP3 and jacking works at JP2 will commence again and work westward to the receiving pit RP4.  The RP4 will be constructed when the jacking works approach Chainage C1+96.  The soil from the jacking works will be removed at JP2 and also new concrete pipe sections will be inserted at JP2.  When the pipe jacking works are completed, a manhole will be constructed at JP2. Intake C will be constructed at RP3 while RP4 will be for Outfall B.        The jacking system will then be transferred to Works Section 2 for trenchless works at the site office (SO) area and modified for the DN1500mm pipe. The working cycle will be similar to Works Section 6, but from jacking pit JP1 towards receiving pit RP1 and then RP2. The soil from the jacking works will be removed at JP1 and also new concrete pipe sections will be inserted at JP1. When the pipe jacking works is completed, manholes will be constructed at JP1, RP1 and RP2.

2.7.4              Construction Plant Inventory        During the first stage of the construction, the site will be cleared and the site office (SO) established. Minimum amount of construction plant will be used and the powered mechanical equipment to be deployed and their numbers are summarised in Table 2.9

Table 2.9      Tentative Construction Plant Inventory for Site Clearance and Construction of Site Office


Powered Mechanical Equipment (PME)

No. of PME (1)

Activity 1 - Site Clearance

Excavator, wheeled


Saw, chain, hand-held


Dump truck


Activity 2 – Construction of Site Office

Concrete lorry mixer


Excavator, wheeled


Generator (silenced)


Lorry, with crane, <38tonne



1.     Only one number of each listed equipment will be available for any works during Activities 1 and 2.        During the C&C process for pipe laying, a 2.5m wide trench will first be excavated, typically with an excavator and breaker.  The trench will then have to be stabilised with a lateral support system (e.g., sheet-pile wall) to prevent it from collapse. Pre-cast reinforced concrete pipe is then laid with the aid of crane and winch.  After the pipe laying, the trench is backfilled to the original level and the pavement reinstated. If a box culvert is to be constructed, a larger trench of 5.5m (for 2.5m x 2.5m box culvert) to 6.0m (for 3.0m x 2.5m box culvert) wide will be excavated.  Instead of the laying of the pre-cast concrete pipe, formwork and steel fixings will be erected for in-situ casting of concrete to form the box-culvert. The trench will then be backfilled and the works area similarly reinstated. The powered mechanical equipment to be deployed during these activities and the numbers required are summarised in Table 2.10.

Table 2.10    Tentative Construction Plant Inventory for Cut-and-cover Construction Works



Activity 3 – C&C: Drain pipe (1)

Activity 4 – C&C:  Box-culvert (1)

Excavation and earth lateral support system

Piling, vibrating hammer



Dump truck






Generator (silenced)



Lorry, with crane, <38tonne



Water pump (electric)



Laying of pipe

Crane, mobile (diesel)



Generator (silenced)



Lorry, with crane, <38tonne



Water pump (electric)



Winch (electric)



In-situ casting of Box-culvert (erection of formwork, steel fixing and concreting)

Bar bender and cutter (electric)



Concrete lorry mixer



Crane, mobile (diesel)



Saw, circular, wood



Poker, vibratory, hand-held (electric)



Water pump (electric)



Backfilling the trench

Compactor, vibratory



Dump truck



Excavator, wheeled



Reinstatement of original pavement (concrete or bitumen)

Concrete lorry mixer



Generator (silenced)



Poker, vibratory, hand-held (electric)




1.     Only one number of each listed equipment will be available for any works during Activities 3 and 4.        For the trenchless construction of drain pipes, for example using the pipe jacking method, a specialist jacking system will be applied. The jacking system will consist of a tunnel shield in front (i.e., the jacking head / cutting shoe), the concrete / steel pipe segments and a hydraulic drive. The general sequence of works normally consists of the following steps:

(a)          Precondition Survey: A full scale precondition survey is conducted to record the existing condition of the adjacent structures and to assess the feasibility of the proposed pit location, temporary traffic arrangement (if need) and pipe jacking operation including reconfirmation of the alignment and levels of pipe jacking and the propositions of pits.

(b)         Construct Jacking Pit / Receiving Pit: A shaft or pit is constructed as the jacking pit. For this project, the jacking and receiving pits would have dimensions of about 4m (W) x 5-8m (L) x 2-10m (D) and range in size of between 18m2 to 32m2.

(c)          Ground Treatment: In case of serious ground water or unstable soil is encountered, grouting will applied to improve the ground condition. This will also reduce the possibility of accidental release of bentonite slurry through fractures (see Section 5 for further details).

(d)         Pipe Jacking by Tunnel Boring Machine:

·         The jacking shield is placed on pipe jacking track adjusted to achieve the desired line and grade.

·         The shield is jacked until there is sufficient space for the first jacking pipe to be installed. The jacking machine is stopped and retracted for insertion of the jacking pipe. After insertion of a pipe segment, the jacking process is repeated until it reaches the receiving pit.

·         Small amounts of lubricant, typically bentonite slurry, are added from the cutting face as required to reduce friction during the jacking.

·         As the shield advances, excavated spoil is removed from the cutting face using mucking skips which are typically rail-mounted and winched to and from the face by a continuous rope system. Alternatively, there may be a conveyor-belt which loads into a hoisting system at the shaft bottom or by using slurry discharge system.        The receiving pit is constructed at the location where the drain pipe ends. For this project, to allow for alignment turning, two receiving pits are required for each pipe jacking section.        The jacking system and concrete / steel pipe segments are lowered into the jacking pit with a crane and winch while the excavated soil is removed from the pit using a hoisting winch. The powered mechanical equipment to be deployed for the pipe jacking works is summarised in Table 2.11.

Table 2.11    Tentative Construction Plant Inventory for Pipe Jacking Construction Works

Activity / Works

Powered Mechanical Equipment (PME)

No. of PME ( 1)

Activity 5 – Laying of Pipe by Pipe-jacking Method (2)

Construction of jacking pits


Breaker, excavator mounted (hydraulic)




Water pump (electric)


Generator (silenced)


Air blower (electric)


Lorry, with crane, <38tonne


Pipe jacking

Crane, mobile (diesel)


Winch (electric)


Grout Pump


Grout mixer


Lorry, <38tonne


Pipe jacking machine


Tunnel boring machine3


Construction of receiving pits

Breaker, excavator mounted (hydraulic)




Water pump (electric)


Generator (silenced)


Air blower (electric)


Lorry, <38tonne


Backfilling the pits

Compactor, vibratory


Dump truck


Excavator, wheeled



1.     Only one number of each listed equipment will be available for any works during Activity 5.


2.     For the construction of RP4 and Outfall B at WA4 (task ID 5), a mini excavator (CNP 082) with SWL in 94 dB(A) will be used instead of the normal excavator (CNP 081) due to lack of space near the works area and access constraints.

3.       Pipe jacking system, grout pump and tunnel boring machine would be located at the bottom of the pit which is about 6m below ground level.  The noise of the machines would be effectively shielded from the sensitive receivers and thus would not be considered as a potential noise source in the construction noise assessment.        The last process of the drainage works comprises the construction of the associated inlets, manholes and outlets. The C&C construction of drain pipes and box-culvert includes the intermediate manholes construction as necessary. There will be no manholes for the jacked pipe section except at the jacking and receiving pits. When all works are completed and operative, the site office will be demolished and the area reinstated with associated landscaping works.  The powered mechanical equipment to be deployed for construction of manholes, inlets and outfalls structures and also demolition of the site office are summarised in Table 2.12.

Table 2.12    Tentative Construction Plant Inventory for Manholes, Inlets and Outfalls Construction Works and Site Office Demolition

Construction Activity

Powered Mechanical Equipment (PME)

No. of PME ( 1)

Activity 6 – Construction of Manholes (2), Inlet and Outfall Structures (3)


Breaker, excavator mounted (hydraulic)


Dump truck




Water pump (electric)


Generator (silenced)


Lorry, <38tonne


Erection of formwork, steel fixing and concreting



Bar bender and cutter (electric)


Concrete lorry mixer


Crane, mobile (diesel)


Saw, circular, wood


Poker, vibratory, hand-held (electric)


Water pump (electric)




Compactor, vibratory


Dump truck


Excavator, wheeled


Activity 7 – Demolition of Site Office

Demolition of Site Office, Reinstatement (including landscaping works)

Breaker, excavator mounted (hydraulic)


Dump truck


Lorry, with crane, <38tonne



1.     Only one number of each listed equipment will be available for any works of Activity 6 and 7.

2.     For manholes at the jacking pits only.

3.     For the construction of RP4 and Outfall B at WA4 (task ID 6), a mini excavator (CNP 082) with SWL in 94 dB(A) will be used instead of the normal excavator (CNP 081) due to lack of space near the works area and access constraints.


2.7.5              Works Areas        The tentative works boundary indicated in Figures 2.9a-2.9g and it covers the entire alignment as well as the working space for the project.  Nine major working areas can be identified for use during the construction period of the Project and these will be used for locating site office (SO), stockpiling (SA) of excavation material and storage of materials and for working space (WA), etc.  These works areas are adjacent the drainage alignment and their locations are shown in Figures 2.9a-2.9g and described in Table 2.13 below.  It should be noted that for C&C construction method, the works will be spread along the alignment within the works boundary. For the pipe jacking method, the works will be limited to those identified works areas and the larger works boundary as indicated in Figures 2.9a-2.9g is defined for the purpose of site management with engineering constraints associated with catering alignment changes due to unforeseeable underground pipe-jacking process and conditions; or any emergency situation resulting from the breakdown of pipe jacking machine.

Table 2.13    Details of Proposed Works Areas

Works Area ID



Current Status

Proposed Use


East of the PLM water storage tank


Vegetated developed area

Works area for Intake A and also for temporary storage of construction material for Works Section 1.


Northwest of PLM,  near 慧海淨舍


Open developed area

Working space for receiving pit RP1.


Northwest of PLM, around between 法嚴精舍 and 覺淨

(A1+50– A2+00)

Open ground fringed with vegetation

Site office and for storage of construction material. The jacking pit JP1 is located in this area.


Northwest of PLM, near 常樂林


Vegetated developed area

Working space for receiving pit RP2.


North end of Lin Ping Drive

(B0+00 – A4+25)

Vegetated developed area and disturbed plantation woodland

Works area for box culvert at Works Section 4. Also for temporary storage of construction materials.


West of PLM, around between 眾善蓮苑 and Walking with Buddha (與佛同行)

(B1+20 – B2+22)

Vegetated developed area and secondary woodland

Works area for box culvert and for storage of materials.


North of the Ngong Ping Village and within the Lantau North Country Park


Gabion channel

Working space for receiving pit RP3 and Intake C.


North of the Ngong Ping 360 Terminal and within the Lantau North Country Park

(C0+35 – C0+75)

Shrubland and plantation

For storage of construction materials and also for jacking pit JP2.


North of the PLM Columbarium



Working space for receiving pit RP4 and Outfall B.


1.   JP: Jacking Pit; PLM: Po Lin Monastery; RP: Receiving Pit; SA: Stockpile Area; SO: Site Office; WA: Works Area; WS: Works Section.

2.   Please refer to Figures 2.9a-2.9g for the location of Works Sections and Works Areas.


2.7.6              Operation of Drainage System        The proposed drainage system (Interception Drain, Loop System and Flood Relief Drain) will be operated by gravity and no pumping stations or similar active systems are required. There will be a weir wall of 500mm high at each intake and outfall, and the stream water will not enter the proposed drainage system under the regular flow regime. Hence, the normal flow of the existing stream will not be affected and the proposed drainage system will serve as a by-pass system during period of heavy rain to prevent flooding.        The proposed drainage system is essentially a flood way by-pass system and, as such, significant sedimentation is not expected and there shall be no flow inside the drain under typical flow regimes. Hence, maintenance desilting works are not anticipated.  As also indicated in Appendix A4, there will be a sand trap at each intake and any maintenance desilting shall take place at the intakes. Should desilting be found necessary, it will be carried out by mechanical means and hydraulic jets will not be used to avoid the sediment laden waste water from being discharged into the downstream water course.

2.7.7              Interface with Other Projects        There are no known proposed or planned development projects in the Ngong Ping area during the construction stage of the proposed drainage works. Hence, consideration of cumulative impacts from concurrent projects is not necessary.        The gabion channel at Portion F was constructed under the Tung Chung Cable Car Project - Diversion of the Ngong Ping Stream as detailed in the Project Profile (Register No. PP-193/2003) and under the Environmental Permit No. EP-192/2004. The extent of the diverted water course under the EP 192/2004 is shown in Figure 2.10a.  The specific conditions governing the operation of the gabion channel are:

·               Clause 2.1: To avoid any adverse environmental impacts to the adjacent environmentally sensitive areas, no desilting or maintenance works shall be carried out any time between April and September inclusive, unless otherwise approved by the Director in writing.

·               Clause 2.2: No temporary access or haul road shall be formed for carrying out desilting or any other maintenance works.

·               Clause 2.3: No material of any kind shall be dumped in any environmentally sensitive areas including the Lantau North Country Park, the Lantau South Country Park, the Ngong Ping Site of Special Scientific Interest, the Lantau Peak Special Area and Site of Special Scientific Interest and the Conservation Area. Silt or materials arising from desilting or any other maintenance works shall only be disposed of at locations specifically approved by the Director. Records of handling and disposal arrangements for silt or materials arising from the desilting or maintenance works shall be maintained and made readily available at all times for inspection by the Director or his authorized officers.        Outfall A and Intake C of the proposed Project are located at the gabion channel. Outfall A is at about chainage 50 of the gabion channel while Intake C is at about chainage 180 (Figure 2.10a).  These portions of the diverted stream are completely gabion lined (both the bottom and bank). The design width of the channel is 8.65m with a bottom width of 3.65m. The central section of the gabion channel is lined with rip rap or has a natural rock bottom (between chainage 80 and 165) (Figure 2.10b) and will not be affected by the proposed Project even though part of it is marked as being within the works boundary of the proposed Project (Figure 2.10a).        Since Outfall A and Intake C are within the gabion channel, the construction and operation (maintenance desilting works, if any) of both will need to comply with the Specific Conditions EP-192/2004 unless otherwise approved by the DEP in writing. Based on the tentative construction programme (Figure 2.8b), specific exemption is, also, not anticipated.