14              Landfill Gas Hazard  14-1

14.1            Overview   14-1

14.2            Environmental Legislation, Standards and Guidelines  14-1

14.3            The Need for LFG Hazard Assessment 14-1

14.4            Impact on the Restored Ma Tso Lung Landfill 14-1

14.5            Conclusions  14-1


14                          Landfill Gas Hazard

14.1                   Overview

This section gives a brief description of relevant legislation and guidelines for Landfill Gas (LFG) hazard assessment. It is concluded that LFG hazard assessment is not required for this EIA Study, and the restoration and aftercare facilities of Ma Tso Lung Landfill would not be affected by the Project.

14.2                   Environmental Legislation, Standards and Guidelines

The relevant legislations, standards and guidelines applicable to the present study for the assessment of LFG hazards include:

·         Landfill Gas Hazard Assessment Guidance Note (1997) (EPD/TR8/97); and

·         Landfill Gas Hazard Assessment for Development Adjacent to Landfills (ProPECC PN 3/96).

These legislation and guidelines recommend that in general, a qualitative assessment of the risk posed by LFG will be required for a development within the 250m Consultation Zone of a landfill site, to ensure appropriate precautionary measures would be designed and implemented to safeguard the development.

14.3                   The Need for LFG Hazard Assessment

The general site layout plan of Ma Tso Lung Landfill (MTLL) is given in Figure 14.1. There are no closed or operating landfills within the Revised Overall Study Area of the Project but the restored MTLL is located to the south-east of the site. The Revised Overall Study Area is close to the boundary of MTLL 250m Consultation Zone, but not encroaching into it. As the development is outside the 250m consultation zone, there is no constraint of the MTLL on the Project and landfill gas hazard assessment is not required.

14.4                   Impact on the Restored Ma Tso Lung Landfill

The Project will not encroach into the site boundary of the MTLL.  Hence, the restoration and aftercare facilities of MTLL would not be affected by the Project.

14.5                   Conclusions

LFG hazard assessment is not required as the development is outside the 250m Consultation Zone of MTLL and there is no impact on the restoration and aftercare facilities of MTLL.