2                            CONSIDERATION OF ALTERNATIVES

2.1                       Introduction              Several options and alternatives have been considered in the development, refinement and selection of the scheme of the Trunk Road T2 to be taken forward for environmental assessment and detailed design.  This section of the report provides the details of the alignment options considered and the constraints and considerations assessed in adopting the recommended scheme.              In addition, as part of this process, the various construction methodology options available have been reviewed in order to determine the most effective means of building the Project.  The review has taken into account engineering feasibility, site conditions, programme constraints and environmental considerations.  Details of the construction method alternatives are, also, provided below.

2.2                       Alignment Option Review and Selection

2.2.1                   Background              As a part of the strategic road network within the South East Kowloon Development, Route 6 forms an east west express link between West Kowloon and Tseung Kwan O. Route 6 comprises the Central Kowloon Route (CKR), Trunk Road T2 and Tseung Kwan O – Lam Tin Tunnel (TKO-LTT).              Details of the development of the Trunk Road T2 alignment and the options considered are presented below.

2.2.2                   Development of Previous Alignment Options for Trunk Road T2              Under the previous study, the South East Kowloon Development Comprehensive Feasibility Study (SEKD CFS), commissioned in 1999, Trunk Road T2 was proposed to link up the Central Kowloon Route and Trunk Road T1 (no longer being considered) at the western end and the Western Coast Road (WCR), now renamed as the Tseung Kwan O - Lam Tin Tunnel (TKL-LTT)) at the eastern end.  The western portion of the Trunk Road T2 was proposed to be an at-grade road which descended with a gentle gradient into the tunnel section.  Elevated viaduct was proposed at the eastern part of Trunk Road T2 for the portion near the existing Kwun Tong Ferry Pier to allow the road to pass over other proposed roads.  The alignment then crossed over Tsui Ping Nullah and turned down to join with the proposed WCR (TKO-LTT).              The study proposed extensive reclamation in the Harbour resulting in strong criticism from the public and resulted in a re-study for the South East Kowloon Development.  This SEKD CFS alignment option was, therefore, not considered further as a result.              Following the SEKD CFS, the Kai Tak Planning Review (KTPR) was conducted in January 2004 with the objective of reviewing the planning basis of SEKD CFS and formulating a preliminary outline development plan (PODP), starting on the basis of no reclamation.  The PODP developed under KTPR proposed the Trunk Road T2 to be in form of tunnel that would be fully embedded into the seabed of Kwun Tong Typhoon Shelter (KTTS) and the Harbour in order to avoid reclamation.  This tunnel option of Trunk Road T2 and the PODP was generally accepted by the public during the public consultation undertaken at that time.              Subsequently, the Kai Tak Development Engineering Study (KTDES) was undertaken in 2007 and this study reviewed the PODP and undertook detailed engineering feasibility studies, including for the proposed Trunk Road T2 alignment. Based on the alignment constraints arising from the necessary connections with CKR and TKO-LTT, the layout of Trunk Road T2 was developed.              In the KTDES scheme, it was proposed that about 2.6 km of Trunk Road T2 would be in the form of tunnel and about 2.0 km of the tunnel was to be in the form of an immersed tube tunnel placed under the seabed.  After its connection with CKR, the Trunk Road T2 alignment would run mostly at-grade along the South Apron, starting from the mouth of the Kai Tak Nullah. After crossing the Jordan Valley Box Culvert (JVBC), Trunk Road T2 starts to depress and then descends into tunnel under the Road D4 towards the seabed in the Kai Tak Typhoon Shelter (KTTS).  Within the KTTS, the Trunk Road T2 scheme comprised a fully embedded tunnel in the seabed that passed through and under the KTTS, breakwaters and sewage subsea outfall of the Kwun Tong Preliminary Treatment Works (KTPTW) at a gentle gradient before making landfall at Cha Kwo Ling (CKL). At CKL the Trunk Road T2 comprised a depressed open section to allow connection with the TKO-LTT.              The alignment of Trunk Road T2 developed by the KTDES is shown in Figure 2.1 and this is the scheme which was included in the Study Brief for this Assignment.              Since the period from the development of the KTDES alignment in 2007, a number of key items have changed and these have influenced the potential Trunk Road T2 alignment options, specifically;

·             After consideration of different options and alignments, the alignment of CKR was updated to cope with the public concern and, therefore, the interface of the Trunk Road T2 has had to be fine tuned to accommodate;

·             After consideration of different horizontal and vertical alignments for Route 6 as it passed through Cha Kwo Ling Village, there were modifications made by the TKO-LTT project following the preliminary design and public consultation under the TKO-LTT assignment.  As a result, the alignment at the Cha Kwo Ling end of the Trunk Road T2 has been lowered from approximately -21.3mPD to -26.9mPD to properly interface with the TKO-LTT project, as a result;  

·             New techniques in tunnel construction have reduced the risks associated with TBM works within the soft and mixed ground conditions anticipated for the trunk Road T2 alignment;

·             Similar Hong Kong highway projects have now adopted TBM tunnelling for similar ground conditions to those encountered in the Trunk Road T2 alignment, significantly increasing the knowledge and experience in handling this form of construction; and

·             The timing of the construction of the Trunk Road T2 has been reprogrammed for commencement to end of 2015 (from 2012), resulting in a different set of project interfaces to those anticipated at the time of the KTDES.              The key constraints on defining the Trunk Road T2 alignment options are discussed in Section 2.2.3 below.

2.2.3                   Constraints on Trunk Road T2 Alignment              Environmental considerations are key to the development and assessment of the alignment options and all key environmental parameters during both the construction and operational phases of the project have been considered.  Thus, the guiding principle in establishing the final preferred alignment for the Trunk Road T2 has been to produce an effective highway alignment that would comply with the constraints identified in Section below, meet the statutory obligations under the Protection of the Harbour Ordinance (PHO), since the alignment is located within the boundary of Victoria Harbour (see Figure 2.1), minimise the impact on the KTTS and present the best environmental option.              In addition to the environmental issues, the key physical constraints that must be considered in developing the horizontal alignment and vertical profile of the Trunk Road T2 alignment are given in Table 2.1 below and discussed in the sections below.

Table 2.1   Summary of Physical Constraints on Alignment Development

Natural Constraints

Existing Man-Made Constraints

Future Man-Made


·            Sea Bed level (PHO)

·            Geological profile

·            Jordan Valley Drainage Culvert

·            Kerry Dangerous Goods Godown

·            Public Works Central Laboratory

·            Breakwater of KTTS

·            Kwun Tong Bypass

·            Sewage Subsea Outfall

·            Eastern Harbour Crossing (EHC)

·            Existing properties in Kwun Tong District

·            At-grade developments on South Apron for the Kai Tak Development (KTD)

·            Hospital developments on South Apron

·            Environmentally friendly linkage system for KTD (EFLS)

·            At-grade developments on the former Kai Tak Airport runway, part of the Development (KTD)

·            Cruise terminal on the former Kai Tak Airport runway, part of the Development (KTD)

·            Interface with Central Kowloon Route

·            Interface with Tseung Kwan O – Lam Tin Tunnel (TKO-LTT)

Seabed Level/PHO              In 1997, the PHO, Cap.531, was brought into law, preserving the Victoria Harbour as a “special public asset and a natural heritage” of all Hong Kong people.  In Section 3 of this Ordinance, it is stated clearly the presumption against reclamation that:

(1)        The harbour is to be protected and preserved as a special public asset and a natural heritage of Hong Kong people, and for that purpose there shall be a presumption against reclamation in the harbour.

(2)        All public officers and public bodies shall have regard to the principle stated in subsection (1) for guidance in the exercise of any powers vested in them.              In compliance with the statutory requirements of the PHO, any structure has to be designed and constructed without exploitation of the Harbour.

Geological Profile              The geological profile has been established through research on previous site investigations and through the project specific site investigation carried out under this Assignment.              Alignment options passing through the South Apron and former Kai Tak airport runway are anticipated to encounter fill materials from 11m to 20m thick underlain by thin layers of marine muds varying from 2m to 10m in thickness.  Under the muds, a layer of silty alluvium with thicknesses varying from 12m to 25m is present, followed by a layer of completely decomposed granite (CDG) that varies from 15m to 40m in thickness.  Rockhead in the form of grade III or better granite is encountered at between -45mPD to -70mPD. The geological long sections relevant to these alignment options are presented in Figures 2.2a, b, c and d.              Alignment options passing through the KTTS are anticipated to encounter thin layers of marine muds varying from 2m to 10m in thickness.  Under the muds, a layer of silty alluvium with thicknesses varying from 8m to 30m will be encountered, followed by a layer of completely decomposed granite (CDG) that varies from 5m to 30m in thickness.  Rockhead in the form of grade III or better granite is encountered at between -30mPD to -60mPD.              In respect of alignment options passing through the Kwun Tong area, parallel to the existing Kwun Tong Bypass, they would be expected to encounter fill materials up to 15m thick underlain by layers of marine muds varying from 5m to 15m in thickness.  Under the muds, a layer of silty alluvium with thicknesses varying from 5m to 20m is present, followed by a layer of completely decomposed granite (CDG) that varies from 10m to 50m in thickness.  Rockhead in the form of grade III or better granite is encountered at between -25mPD to -80mPD.

Jordan Valley Box Culvert              The existing Jordan Valley Box Culvert is located within the South Apron of the former Kai Tak Airport, as shown in Figure 2.3.  The culvert is a multi-cell drainage culvert which drains all of the hinterland behind the Kwun Tong district and is a critical element of the drainage for the area.          The culvert is located very close to the existing ground level in the South Apron.  Therefore, any Trunk Road T2 option which crosses the alignment of the culvert must pass over the culvert without imposing additional loading on the culvert or must pass under the culvert.  Any construction works and new infrastructure constructed on or below the culvert should seek to minimise the risk of imposing additional loading on the culvert and avoiding damage or settlement of the culvert.

Kerry Dangerous Goods Godown          The existing Kerry Dangerous Goods Godown (KDGG) is a 6 storey building of 71.2m by 41.2m and founded on bored piles toed into bed rock and is located at the southern edge of the South Apron landfall (Figure 2.4).          A planning application (Application No. A/K22/13 (Appendix 2A)) for residential development at the site was approved by the Town Planning Board in March 2012.   It has been advised that the residential development will be in place towards the end of 2016 (see Concurrent Project summary table in Appendix 3C).  Any encroachment of permanent and temporary works on this lot, therefore, needs to be avoided.

Public Works Central Laboratory (PWCL)          As there are some sensitive equipment in the existing PWCL building, the alignment of Trunk Road T2 needs to be designed to maximise the separation from the existing PWCL building, while still maintaining a minimum 2m clearance with the building area of the Commercial Site 3E-1 (C(2) shown on OZP) in Figure 9.5.5.  While impacts to the PWCL facility could be avoided by relocating it before construction, this might take about 6-8 years for site selection, construction of a new building and relocation of equipment (approximately 18 months) and, thus, could affect the implementation programme for the Trunk Road T2.  Thus, in order to meet the proposed construction programme, it has been recommended that the building be retained in-situ during the construction of the Trunk Road T2.          Further careful consideration has to be given to restrictions on construction vibration that may be imposed on the building’s sensitive test equipment.  As such, the selection of the alignment options needed to consider the potential impact on the operation of the PWCL building to within its acceptable operating levels.

Breakwaters of Kwun Tong Typhoon Shelter (KTTS)          There are two breakwaters located at the entrance of the Kwun Tong Typhoon Shelter. These breakwaters, depending on the alignment, may have to be partially demolished. The vertical alignment of the Trunk Road T2 tunnel would need to be at a level such that adequate foundations for the re-instated breakwaters, if so required, can be provided or not impacted at all.  The typhoon shelter should be maintained with uninterrupted operation during the construction stage of the Trunk Road T2 and, therefore, a temporary breakwater may need to be provided to provide wave protection for the typhoon shelter in the event that the existing breakwaters need to be removed to allow access for the construction of the Trunk Road T2, for example in the case of Immersed Tube (IMT) tunnel construction. The typical details for the existing breakwaters can be seen in Figure 2.5.

Kwun Tong Bypass (KTBP)          The KTBP is a precast segmental viaduct running along the promenade of Kwun Tong Area. Both the vertical and horizontal alignment of any inland Trunk Road T2 option would be constrained by the existing KTBP from a safety and traffic point of view.  A typical section for the viaduct is shown in Figure 2.6.

Sewage Subsea Outfall          The existing sewage subsea outfall consists of a pair of subsea precast concrete pipes of 2.1m diameter. These pipes function as an emergency sewage outfall from the Kwun Tong Sewage Treatment Works to the Harbour and the whole pipeline is fully embedded into the seabed.  The vertical alignment of the tunnel must allow for the future operation of the outfall for any proposed Trunk Road T2 alignment option that would cut across the subsea outfall. For instance, for IMT tunnel options, a temporary diversion would be required. The arrangement of the sewage subsea outfall can be seen in Figure 2.7.

Eastern Harbour Crossing          The existing Eastern Harbour Crossing (EHC) is located near the southern boundary of the Trunk Road T2 alignments options being considered, close to the interface with the Tseung Kwan O – Lam Tin Tunnel.  Running from Tai Koo Shing on Hong Kong Island to Kwun Tong opposite the former Cha Kwo Ling Quarry, the EHC tunnel is about 2.2km between portals, of which 1.86 km is in the form of immersed tube tunnel.  This crossing contains two 2-lane road ducts and two single track rail ducts for the MTRC.  If the Trunk Road T2 were to be located too close to the EHC, the tunnel may be adversely affected in terms of settlement and vibration. 

Existing Properties in Kwun Tong District          The Kwun Tong District is a densely developed area with medium to high-rise industrial, commercial, residential properties.  The industrial buildings, some constructed in the 1950s are mainly located within the Kowloon Bay, Kwun Tong (to the southwest of Kwun Tong Road), and Yau Tong areas with the main roads within the area under consideration, such as Wai Yip Street, constrained on both sides by industrial properties.

At-grade developments on South Apron for the Kai Tak Development          The infrastructure for the south apron is currently under construction and will continue to be developed over the duration of the Trunk Road T2 construction period.  The planning for the Kai Tak Development (KTD) has taken Trunk Road T2 into account and defined a corridor within which the alignment can pass and it is anticipated that this corridor could only be changed where there would be significant benefits to be gained by the change.  In developing the alignment options, the development areas have been considered in terms of what impact a change in the planned alignment may have but have not been taken as fixed constraints.  However, those alignment options that work within the space identified in the KTDES and/or have minimum interface with the planned developments would be preferable.

Hospital Developments on South Apron          The development plan for the South Apron identifies that a Centre of Excellence for Paediatrics (CEP) will be located on the Site C of Site 3C1 at the South Apron.          The planning for the South Apron, also, identifies that the Site A of Site 3C1, next to Site C will be allocated for a hospital development in the form of a Centre of Excellence for Neuroscience and New Acute Hospital.          As with the interfaces with the other developments in the KTD, alignment options that work within the space identified in the KTDES and/or have minimum interface with the planned hospital developments would score higher in the assessment.

Environmentally Friendly Linkage System for Kai Tak Development          An Environmentally Friendly Linkage System (EFLS) is planned in the Kai Tak Development as illustrated in Figure 2.8.  The elevated EFLS is proposed to comprise a 9-kilometre 12-station line linking the MTR Kowloon Bay Station, through Wang Kwong Road to the KTD Station Square, where it can interchange with the Kai Tak Station of the future Shatin to Central Link (SCL). The EFLS will then run all the way through the former runway before crossing the Kwun Tong Typhoon Shelter (KTTS) at the tip of the runway via the Kwun Tong Transportation Link (KTTL) and end at the MTR Kwun Tong Station.          The EFLS is envisaged as a primarily elevated transportation system which connects the Kai Tak development and the Kwun Tong hinterland.  The current planning for the EFTS may constrain the alignments of the Trunk Road T2 as follows:

·             Horizontal - along the main road link of the former Kai Tak Runway of KTD; and 

·             Vertical - at the KTTS the Kwun Tong transportation link.          Similar to the assessment for the developments on the South Apron, those alignments that work within space identified in the KTDES and/or have minimum interface with the planned EFLS would score higher in the assessment.

At-grade Developments on the Former Kai Tak Airport Runway          The planning for the development of the former runway includes for the EFLS and the new cruise terminal along with the infrastructure (utilities, roads etc) necessary to support the development, the most significant being Road D3 (Shing Fung Road) which is to be constructed along the length of and between the planned developments along the runway.          Trunk Road T2 alignments options that have minimum or no interface with the indicated developments on the former Kai Tak Airport runway would be preferred and would score higher in the assessment.

Cruise Terminal on the Former Kai Tak Airport Runway          Located to the south of the runway of the former Kai Tak airport, the new cruise terminal, which is due to open the first berth in 2013, will have two alongside berths of lengths of 450m and 400m for Berth I and Berth II, respectively, and disembark a total of 5,400 passengers and 1,200 crew, as well as anticipating the future demands of cruise liners.          The location of the terminal and its foundations, shown in Figure 2.9, will impose a constraint on the potential Trunk Road T2 alignments.  As with the other items on the runway, the alignment options that have minimum or no interface with the planned cruise terminal score higher in the assessment.

Interface with Central Kowloon Route          The Trunk Road T2 alignment is required to connect with the CKR mainline on the South Apron where the CKR has defined the interchange and slip roads for connection to the at-grade road networks and to serve the Kwun Tong area, including the Kai Tak development.  The proposed Kai Tak Interchange is an at-grade interchange and is located within the KTD area. The eastern side of the interchange is the depressed road emerging from or leading to the CKR tunnel portal while the western side of the interchange is the at grade road section of the Trunk Road T2, see Figure 2.10.          The Kai Tak Interchange has been optimised to suit alignment, statutory and operational constraints and thus, the Trunk Road T2 interface with the CKR is taken as fixed, for major issues, but minor adjustments may be made to facilitate highway design, interface details or minimise potential temporary reclamations.

Interface with Tseung Kwan O – Lam Tin Tunnel          The Trunk Road T2 alignment is required to connect with the Tseung Kwan O – Lam Tin Tunnel (TKO-LTT) at the Cha Kwo Ling area, where the TKO-LTT has already completed a detailed preliminary design and public consultation process to arrive at their current preferred alignment.          According to the TKO study, the Lam Tin Interchange (LTI) of the TKO – LTT is proposed to be located at the existing FEHD vehicular depot in Kwun Tong adjacent to the Eastern Harbour Crossing (EHC).  The LTI would be the major interchange of TKO-LT Tunnel and other adjoining roads in Kwun Tong, including the future proposed Trunk Road T2, EHC and local road network. Moreover, the proposed LTI will provide connections between Tseung Kwan O and Kwun Tong/ Yau Tong /Lei Yue Mun area on the Kowloon side which would increase the utilization of the TKO-LT Tunnel. The layout of the LTI is indicated in Figure 2.11.          The connection with the TKO-LTT has been taken as fixed, for major issues, but minor adjustments may be made to facilitate highway design, interface details or minimise potential temporary reclamations as required.

2.3                       Evaluation Methodology              In order to fully evaluate the potential alignments options for the Trunk Road T2 with a view to identifying the Recommended Scheme to be assessed in the EIA Report, a comprehensive assessment has been undertaken, taking into account the numerous design requirements, constraints and interface items identified in the Section 2.2, above along with the key project issues of environmental impact, cost and programme.              Initially, potential horizontal alignments have been identified and each horizontal alignment has then been reviewed against the following vertical alignment scenarios, which consider the feasible methods of construction predominating along the alignments:

·             High Level Scenario – adopting predominantly viaduct structures to support the alignment with at-grade or embankment works at the ends to tie-in with the adjacent CKR and TKO-LTT alignments;

·             Low Level Scenario – adopting combinations of at-grade, open trough, cut and cover or immersed tube tunnel forms of construction as suited to the site constraints; and

·             Deep Level Scenario – adopting soft ground or rock tunnelling methods such as drill and blast, drill and break or TBM depending on the particular ground conditions prevalent in the section of alignment.              Having identified the possible alignment arrangements available, the relative merits of each possible alignment has been assessed and alignment options that are considered not to be preferred due to readily identifiable project constraints or project key issues are then eliminated at this stage.              The assessment of the alignment options will adopt a qualitative assessment of the impact of each of the alignment options, as compared to the original KTDES alignment described in Section 2.2.2 above, by applying the grading in Table 2.2 below to each of the project specific constraints and key issues. 

Table 2.2   Summary of Option Grading for Comparison with KTDES Alignment




Significantly less impact than KTDES alignment


Moderately less impact than KTDES alignment


Mildly more less impact than KTDES alignment


Having no significant greater or lesser impact than KTDES alignment


Mildly more impact than KTDES alignment


Moderately more impact than KTDES alignment


Significantly more impact than KTDES alignment              Two categories of weighting have been applied to each of the project specific constraints and key issues that can influence the Trunk Road T2 alignment as described Section 2.2.3 above.  The weighting factors have been selected to place emphasis on the  key issues affecting the feasibility of the alignment options, as follows:

·             Weighting Value of 1 – For items that, although important for the project, do not have as high a priority as other items and, thus, are regarded as having normal priority on the Trunk Road T2 project; and

·             Weighting Value of 2 – For items regarded as having particularly high priority for the Trunk Road T2 project.              The weighting values assigned to each of the key constraints and issues are summarised in Table 2.3 below: 

Table 2.3   Weightings Assigned to Key Constraints and Issues


Key Constraints and Issues


Impact on Existing Constraints

Impact on Sea Bed i.e. PHO and Harbour users


Geological profile and related technical difficulty


Jordan Valley Box Culvert


Kerry Dangerous Goods Godown


Public Works Central Laboratory


Breakwater of KTTS


Kwun Tong Bypass


Sewage Subsea Outfall


Eastern Harbour Crossing (EHC)


Existing properties in Kwun Tong District


Impact on Interfaces

At-grade developments on South Apron for the Kai Tak Development (KTD)


Hospital developments on South Apron


Environmentally friendly linkage system for KTD (EFLS)


At-grade developments on the former Kai Tak Airport runway, part of the Development (KTD)


At-grade roads and public thoroughfares in Kwun Tong area


Cruise terminal on the former Kai Tak Airport runway, part of the Development (KTD)


Interface with Central Kowloon Route


Interface with Tseung Kwan O – Lam Tin Tunnel (TKO-LTT)


Highway Design

Highway Design


Impact on Environment

Air Quality Impact


Noise Impact


Water Quality Impact


Waste Management


Landscape and Visual Impact


Cultural impact


Marine Ecology Impact


Fisheries Impact

2              The weighted results for each of the categories are then summed to generate a sub-total for each of the alignment scenarios.  The sub-totals are taken forward to produce a total score. 

2.4                       Alignment Options and Scenarios

2.4.1                   Background              In developing the potential feasible alignment options for the Trunk Road T2, possible horizontal alignments have been first identified.              Based upon the constraints of the area, eight potential horizontal alignments have been identified and these are illustrated in Figure 2.12.  These eight alignments are described below with reference to the three potential vertical alignments for each. 

2.4.2                   Option 1 Alignment              Option 1 comprises the original KTDES horizontal alignment but incorporates developments in the alignment at Cha Kwo Ling defined under the TKO-LTT assignment.  The option ties in with CKR at the Kowloon Bay interchange, passing through the South Apron and KTTS to tie in with the TKO-LTT at Lam Tin Interchange.

High Level Scenario              This scenario would start at-grade at the interface with CKR rising on elevated structure towards the end of the South Apron.  In order to provide adequate vertical clearances to the ground level roads on the South Apron development, the alignment will be required to be between 10 to 12m above the ground level depending on the form of structure and support arrangements.              As the alignment would pass directly over the Road D4, the supports for the elevated structure would have to be either single piers running along a median strip introduced in the Road D4, which would widen the Road D4, or, alternatively the deck could be supported on portal frames with foundations located at either side of the Road D4.              The alignment would then continue at high level through the KTTS and towards the CKL interface with the TKO-LTT.  Typical pier spacing may range from 50 to 100m depending on the balance between economy/visual intrusion of large decks and the need to minimise the impact on the KTTS.  The alternative option of a single large span is considered not practical due to the length of structure involved, i.e. 2000m between South Apron and CKL seawalls.              In order to provide clearance similar to that proposed for the EFTS planned over the KTTS, a clearance to the structure from High Water level of at least 21m is required.  Typical structure depths of 4m for a 100m span would require a level at the top of the alignment of approximately +25mPD.  This level can of course reduce as the alignment approaches the CKL seawall.              The level of the alignment will reduce as it approaches the CKL down to the interface level of -26mPD.  However, based on the absolute maximum gradient of 8% and the fact that the space available within the former PCWA is only approximately 150m between the tie-in point and the edge of the harbour, the alignment would only be at -14m when it passed the existing seawall line.  This means that the alignment would have to be contained within a structure/embankment until it reached high water level and then transitioned onto viaduct.  This will require further permanent reclamation of the harbour to allow for the alignment.              The Option 1 High Level alignment would cross the alignment of the EFTS link bridge and either the link bridge or the High Level alignment would be required to adopt an alignment high enough to provide operational clearances to the other structure.

Low Level Scenario              This option is effectively the developed KTDES alignment, incorporating the developments in the alignment from TKO-LTT.  The alignment is at-grade from the interface with CKR until it passes over the Jordan Valley Box Culvert, and then descends down into cut and cover to pass under the South Apron seawall.  Immersed tube tunnel is envisaged for the section of alignment from the South Apron to the interface with the TKO-LTT at CKL.  Due to the changes at the TKO-LTT, the alignment will drop down more than previously anticipated at CKL to tie-in with the -26.9mPD level at the interface between the contracts.  This option will serve as a base option for comparison with other alignment passing through the assessment.              The TKO-LTT is anticipated to adopt a drill and break tunnelling approach in the section to the east of the CKL Road, which results in a wider spacing of the Eastbound and Westbound carriageways.  This will need to be accommodated within the cut and cover transition section between the end of the Option 1 Low Level IMT tunnel and the start of the TKO-LTT drill and break tunnel section.          The adoption of this alignment would result in the following major impacts:

·             Dredging works for the removal of the marine mud and alluvium;

·             Impact on the use of the KTTS;

·             Demolition and re-provision of the breakwaters for the KTTS;

·             Provision of temporary breakwater to allow the KTTS to continue operating;

·             Temporary diversion and reinstatement of the subsea outfall from the DSD Kwun Tong pumping station; and

·             Breaking down of the existing seawalls at the South Apron and CKL.          It should be noted that all alignment options that adopt IMT construction include the issues:

·             The need for a casting basin (currently planned for shared use of the Shek O casting Basin);

·             Need for a temporary mooring point at Junk bay to store units following casting; and

·             The need to dredge and access channel for delivery of the IMT units to the alignment.

Deep Level Scenario          This scenario would adopt the similar at-grade alignment developed in the KTDES from the interface with CKR until it passes over the Jordan Valley Box Culvert.  The alignment would then descend down at a gradient of up to 5% (a steeper gradient to that in the KTDES) into cut and cover to pass under the South Apron seawall.  With the increase in depth of tunnel as it passes under the seawall, the tunnel is planned to be constructed using the TBM method.          Implementation of this alignment requires the use of a climbing lane for the sections of alignment that have gradients >3% over a length to 500m.  Investigation of the space necessary for the additional lane has identified that this option is feasible within the space available for the Trunk Road T2 works, as illustrated in Figures 2.13 to 2.18.

2.4.3                   Option 2 Alignment              Option 2 ties in with the CKR in Kowloon Bay Interchange, turning south through the South Apron to reach the former runway, running along the runway to the end of the KTTS and then turns east to cross over from the end of the runway to Cha Kwo Ling to tie in with the TKO-LTT at Lam Tin Interchange.

High Level Scenario              A high level scenario would adopt a profile rising from the interface with CKR up to levels similar to the nearby Kwun Tong Bypass.  The alignment would continue at or close to ground level as it turns southward to cross the Kai Tak Approach Channel.  As the access to the Kai Tak Approach Channel is strictly limited by the existing old taxi-way bridge, the viaduct structure would adopt a similar minimum soffit level.  However, the alignment would rise up as it crosses the Channel to ensure that the viaduct could provide sufficient headroom clearance to the at-grade roads for the developments on the former runway.  This would place the alignment at approximately 10 to 12m above the ground level, depending on the form of structure and support arrangements.              As the alignment would pass directly over the Road D3, the supports for the elevated structure would have to be either single piers running along a median strip introduced to the Road D3, which would widen the Road D3 impacting on the development areas adjacent to the road.  Alternatively the deck could be supported on portal frames with foundations located on either side of the Road D3.              Upon reaching the end of the former runway the alignment would turn eastward and curve towards the interface with TKO-LTT at the Cha Kwo Ling road descending towards CKL to tie-in with TKO-LTT alignment at a level of -26.9mPD.  This will face similar issues to those described in paragraph 4.2.8 and therefore this option will not be developed further in view of the non-compliance with the PHO.

Low Level Scenario              This scenario would start at-grade at the tie-in with the CKR but then immediately start descending into, first, open trough and, then, cut-and cover tunnel in order to descend below the seabed level in the Kai Tak Approach Channel.  Use of an IMT for this section is considered not to be feasible due to the constraints imposed on access by the taxi-way bridge across the channel.              The alignment would then turn to run down the alignment of the Road D3 in cut and cover tunnel to the end of the former runway. From the end of the runway the alignment turns eastward to run to CKL to tie-in with the TKO-LTT.              The option of cut and cover for the construction of the tunnel from the end of the runway to the CKL will not be considered further since this would require significant amounts of temporary reclamation for the platforms necessary to construct the cut and cover tunnel.  As there are other feasible options for construction in line with the PHO, this option has not been developed further.              Even with the IMT construction, a minimal amount of reclamation is anticipated at the end of the former runway to match the proposed cut-and-cover tunnel section, which is a similar scenario to the Option 2 Low Level alignment option of which the reclaimed portion is near the end of South Apron.

Deep Level Scenario              This Option 2 Deep Level scenario would start at-grade at the tie-in with the CKR but then immediately start descending into, first, open trough and, then, cut-and cover tunnel in order to descend below the seabed level in the Kai Tak Approach Channel.          The potential for implementing a TBM from the South Apron has been considered.  However, based on a TBM of 14m diameter (D) and using a 1D cover to the tunnel, this would require a road level of approximately -27mPD.  The tie-in level with the CKR is approximately +6.5mPD.  As the distance from the interface with the CKR to the seawall at the south apron is approximately 350m, this would require a gradient for the trunk road of 9.4% which exceeds the stated absolute maximum for the vertical alignment and hence is considered not to be a feasible option.          Once the alignment passes into the former runway it is anticipated that a TBM would be used to construct the tunnel along the runway and then turn towards CKL and the interface with TKO-LTT.

2.4.4                   Option 3 Alignment              Option 3 is similar to Option 1, with the horizontal alignment tying in with CKR at the Kowloon Bay interchange, passing through the South Apron and KTTS to tie in with the TKO-LTT at Lam Tin Interchange.  An increased curvature of the alignment, however, is used as the alignment passes through the KTTS in order to change the portion of the KTTS breakwaters that may be affected during construction.

High Level Scenario              The issues associated with this option are the same as that described for Option 1 with only a minor variation in the horizontal alignment which only has a significant effects for the low level option, as described below.

Low Level Scenario              The engineering aspects associated with this option are the same as that described for Option 1 with only a minor variation in the horizontal alignment such as to reduce the extent of the breakwaters for the KTTS that would require demolition and reconstruction during construction of the Low Level (IMT option).

Deep Level Scenario              The issues associated with this option are the same as that described for the Option 1 with only a minor variation in the horizontal alignment which only has significant effects for the Low Level option, as described above.

2.4.5                   Option 4 Alignment              The horizontal alignment for Option 4 ties in with CKR at the Kowloon Bay interchange, then takes an inland route passing through the Kwun Tong district to tie-in with the TKO-LTT at Lam Tin Interchange.

High Level Scenario              This high level scenario would start at-grade at the interface with CKR rising on elevated structure towards Petrol station located at the edge of the South Apron.   In order for the alignment to pass over the Kwun Tong Bypass it would need to reach a level of approximately +23mPD.              Once over the Kwun Tong Bypass the alignment would continue on viaduct.  In order for the structure supporting the alignment to provide adequate vertical clearances to the ground level roads on the south apron development, the alignment will be required to be between 10 to 12m above the ground level depending on the form of structure and support arrangements.              As the alignment would pass directly over Wai Yip Street, the supports for the elevated structure would have to be a combination of single piers located within available median strips or traffic islands and portal frames located within the footpath or verges.  The alignment would then again pass over the Kwun Tong Bypass at Wai Fat Road and then continue along at high level along Wai Yip Road to Cha Kwo Ling, where it would descend to the interface with TKO-LTT.

Low Level Scenario              This Option 4 Low Level scenario would start at-grade at the interface with CKR and then descend in trough and cut and cover tunnel to pass under the Kai Fuk Road and Jordan Valley Culvert.  The alignment would continue in cut and cover tunnel along Shung Yee Road and then turn southeast to follow the alignment of Wai Yip Street.  Once the alignment had reached the end of Yai Yip Street in Cha Kwo Ling, it would pass into drill and break tunnel to tie-in with the TKO-LTT alignment and details.

Deep Level Scenario              This Option 4 Deep Level scenario would follow the same alignment as the Option 4 Low Level from Sheung Yee Road to Wai Yip Street.  In order to avoid conflict and to minimise the impacts on the foundations of the existing buildings, the alignment would have to be descended to a level of approximately -40mPD for TBM construction until it ties in with the TKO-LTT alignment and details at Lam Tin Interchange.

2.4.6                   Option 5 Alignment              Similar to Option 4, the horizontal alignment of Option 5, also, passes along an inland route which ties in with CKR at the Kowloon Bay interchange, but then follows a route alongside the existing Kwun Tong Bypass (KTB) to tie in with the TKO-LTT at Lam Tin Interchange.

High Level Scenario              This high level scenario would start at-grade at the interface with CKR and continue down the South Apron at grade until it reached the north end of the Road D4.  The alignment would turn eastward and rise on viaduct structure until it met the edge of the Kwun Tong bypass viaduct.  The alignment would then follow the alignment of the Kwun Tong bypass down the east side of the KTTS until it reached the Nullah next to King Yip Street.              The viaduct is anticipated to be a separate structure to the KTB with pier and foundation positions in harmony with the existing KTB.  Due to the anticipated size and positioning of the new viaduct the piers would be located within the KTTS (Figure 2.6).  From this location, this option would continue on viaduct across the Nullah and begins to turn inland and descend down to the interface with TKO-LTT.

Low Level Scenario              This Option 5 Low Level scenario would start at-grade at the interface with CKR and maintain at-grade level until it passed over the Jordan Valley Box Culvert.  It would then turn eastward towards the pacific trade centre and descend in trough and cut and cover tunnel to pass under cargo handling areas and sea wall of the KTTS.  Once the alignment had reached Cha Kwo Ling, it turns eastward in cut and cover section to tie-in with the TKO-LTT. 

Deep Level Scenario              This deep level scenario would start at-grade at the interface with CKR and maintain at-grade level until it passed over the Jordan Valley Box Culvert.  It would then turn eastward towards the pacific trade centre and descend in trough by cut and cover tunnel until it reached the launching shaft for TBM tunnelling at the Pacific Trade Centre. At this point, the tunnel would progress in TBM under cargo handling areas and sea wall of the KTTS.  Once the alignment had reached Cha Kwo Ling, it turns eastward in cut and cover section to tie-in with the TKO-LTT.

2.4.7                   Option 6 Alignment              Option 6 ties in with CKR at Kowloon Bay Typhoon Shelter and turns southeast to run along the previous Kai Tak airport runway to the end of the KTTS and then turns east to cross over from the end of the runway to Cha Kwo ling to tie in with the TKO-LTT at Lam Tin Interchange.

High Level Scenario              With the alignment for CKR fixed, this alignment option would commence with a section of cut and cover tunnel for the lanes merging with the CKR.   Merging lanes of the high level alignment would adopt a profile rising from the interface with CKR up to levels similar to the nearby Kwun Tong Bypass.  The alignment would continue on elevated structures over the south apron to the KTTS and then continue on viaduct through the KTTS and on until landing at the Cha Kwo Ling area to descend to meet the alignment from the TKO-LTT at a level of approximately -26.9mPD.  

Upon reaching the end of the former runway the alignment would turn eastward and curve towards the interface with TKO-LTT at the Cha Kwo Ling road descending towards CKL to tie-in with TKO-LTT alignment

Low Level Scenario              As noted above, the alignment for CKR fixed this Low Level alignment option would, also, commence with a section of cut and cover tunnel for the lanes merging with the CKR.  The Low Level alignment would then turn down and run along the old runway, continuing in a cut and cover tunnel section long the length of the old runway.  As previously described, use of the cut and cover method for the construction of the tunnel from the end of the old runway is considered not to be an option since this would significant amounts of temporary reclamation for the platforms necessary to construct the cut and cover tunnel. Thus, the low level tunnel section between the end of the runway and the CKL would consist of IMT.  Once at the CKL, the tunnel would continue at low level in cut and cover until the tie-in point with TKO-LTT.

Deep Level Scenario              The Deep Level scenario, also, commences with a section of cut and cover tunnel and then turns down and aligns to follow the line of the old runway.  At this point a launching shaft would be constructed and TBM operations would commence.  The TBM would follow the alignment of the runway to the end of the runway and then turn eastward and cross to CKL.  The alignment would then continue in cut and cover section to the tie-in point with the TKO-LTT. 

2.4.8                   Option 7 Alignment              The horizontal alignment of Option 7 ties in with the CKR at Kowloon Bay Interchange and then runs along to about the midway of South Apron, turning south at this point to run along the previous Kai Tak airport runway, then, similar to Option 2, tying in with the TKO-LTT at Lam Tin Interchange.

High Level Scenario              Similar to Option 2, this Option 7 High Level scenario would be at-grade at the interface with CKR, but would then run along the south apron until after the Kai Tak taxiway bridge where it turns to cross the Kai Tak Approach Channel.  In order for the structure supporting the alignment to provide adequate vertical clearances to the Road D4, which it crosses just before turning towards the old runway, the alignment will be required to be between 10 to 12m above the ground level.              As the alignment would pass through the South Apron Site C, which is designated for the development of the Centre of Excellence in Pediatrics (due for operation in 2018), this alignment would be in direct conflict with the development potential of the Kai Tak Site.              The alignment would then continue at high level across the Kai Tak Approach Channel on viaduct structure with typical pier spacing of 40 to 50m.  An alternative option would be to have a single large span, but this would require a span of around 250m making this a very visually intrusive structure.  The alignment would then turn down to follow the alignment of the old runway and continue along the same alignment as that for Option 6 as described above.  

Low Level Scenario              This Option 7 Low Level scenario would adopt the profile similar to the alignment developed in the KTDES being at-grade from the interface with CKR until it passes over the Jordan Valley culvert.  The alignment then descends down in cut and cover tunnel to pass under the south apron seawall. The alignment passes under the Kai Tak Approach Channel adopting an IMT construction approach for the tunnel.  The alignment then turns southeast to follow the alignment of the runway in cut and cover tunnel.  At the end of the runway, the alignment turns eastward and curves to CKL using Immersed Tube method for this tunnel section.              Use of a cut and cover for the construction of the tunnel from the South Apron to the KTTS is considered not to be an option since this would significant amount of temporary reclamation for the platforms necessary to construct the cut and cover tunnel.

Deep Level Scenario              As with the Low Level, this Option 7 Deep Level scenario would adopt the profile similar to the alignment developed in the KTDES being at-grade from the interface with CKR until it passes over the Jordan Valley culvert.  The alignment would then descend down at a gradient of up to 5% into cut and cover tunnel to pass under the south apron seawall.  With the increase in depth of tunnel, as it passes under the Seawall, the tunnel is planned to be constructed using TBM methods.              Implementation of this alignment requires confirmation that there is sufficient space for climbing lane required for alignments that have gradients >3% over a length to 500m.  Investigation of the space necessary for the additional lane has identified that the option is feasible within the space available for the Trunk Road T2 works.

2.4.9                   Option 8 Alignment              Similar to Option 2, this horizontal alignment ties in with the CKR at the Kowloon Bay Interchange, runs along the end of the south Apron before turning south to reach the near end of the former runway, and then crossing over the KTTS to tie in with the TKO-LTT at Lam Tin Interchange.

High Level Scenario              Similar to Option 2, this Option 8 High Level scenario would be at-grade from the section at the interface with CKR rising on elevated structure towards the end of the South Apron.  In order for the structure supporting the alignment to provide adequate vertical clearances to the ground level roads on the south apron development, the alignment will be required to be between 10 to 12m above the ground level              As the alignment would pass directly over the Road D4, the supports for the elevated structure would have to be either single piers running along a median strip introduced in to the Road D4 which would widen the Road D4.  Alternatively the deck could be supported on portal frames with foundations located either side of the Road D4.              The piers for the High Level scenario would adopt a profile rising from the interface with CKR up to levels similar to the nearby Kwun Tong Bypass.  The alignment would continue on elevated structures over the South Apron, across the north-west corner of the KTTS on viaduct structure with typical pier spacing of 40 to 50m.  On landing at the Cha Kwo Ling area to descend to meet the alignment from the TKO-LTT.

Low Level Scenario              This Low Level scenario would adopt a profile similar to the alignment developed in the KTDES, being at-grade from the interface with CKR until it passes over the Jordan Valley culvert.  The alignment then descends down in cut and cover tunnel to pass under the South Apron seawall.   The alignment would then turn south west in IMT to pass under the seawall of the former runway. The alignment would then follow the alignment of the runway using the cut and cover method for the tunnel until it reached the end of the runway. The alignment would then pass into IMT again, swinging eastward to the tie-in point at CKL.              Use of a cut and cover for the construction of the tunnel from the South Apron to the KTTS is not considered to be an option since this would significant amounts of temporary reclamation for the platforms necessary to construct the cut and cover tunnel.

Deep Level Scenario              Between the interface with CKR and the Jordan Valley culvert, this alignment would be at-grade, as with the KTDES option.  The Deep Level scenario would then descend down at a gradient of up to 5% into cut and cover to pass under the South Apron seawall.  With the increase in depth of tunnel as it passes under the seawall, the tunnel is planned to be constructed using TBM methods.              Implementation of this alignment requires confirmation that there is sufficient space for climbing lane required for alignments that have gradients >3% over a length to 500m.  Investigation of the space necessary for the additional lane has identified that the option is feasible within the space available for the Trunk Road T2 works.

2.5                       Option Assessment

2.5.1                   Background              Each of the alignment options described in Section 2.4 above would be technically feasible but would have their own advantages and disadvantages in terms of the constraints and key issues identified.  The detailed assessment scoring for each of the horizontal alignments and their three vertical scenarios are presented in Appendix 2B, and the advantages and disadvantages of each discussed in the sections below from an engineering constraints perspective and in terms of potential impacts to the environment. 

2.5.2                   Option 1 Alignment

Engineering Aspects

Project Constraints              Within the assessment in Appendix 2B, it can be seen that High Level scenario performs better in some key items than the Low Level or Deep Level scenarios by having a very small “footprint”, but overall the high level scenario performs less well than either of the other two scenarios.  The High Level scenario would have lower at-grade impacts on the South apron structures i.e. Kerry DG Godown and PWCL due to the viaduct for the High Level option using discrete foundations (approx 40 to 50 m spacing between foundations) and which will be located further away from these buildings, as compared with the approximately 25m wide cut and cover trench section necessary for the Low and Deep Level scenarios.  However, a critical point is that the High Level scenario would require piers located within the harbour area, resulting in a form of permanent reclamation which has PHO implications.              The Low Level scenario is the selected option under the KTDES and the effects on the impacts on the Kerry DG Godown, PWCL, breakwaters and subsea outfall are taken as the base case for this assessment.  Thus, the scenarios, such as the High and Deep Level scenarios and Inland options (Options 4 and 5), that avoid impacts on these are seen to score higher.  It is envisaged that the High Level scenario would span over the breakwater and outfall, with foundations set to avoid impact on these structures.  The Deep Level scenario would pass under the breakwater and outfall, avoiding any impact on these structures.              In the case of the Deep Level scenario, the eastbound and westbound tunnel sections are separated by approximately 14m resulting in an increase in tunnel section from approximately 27m to 42m and the edges of the tunnels moving closer to the KGDG and PWCL boundaries imposing greater constraints on the working methods for construction of the cut and cover tunnel sections next to these boundaries.              Although the TBM tunnelling (envisaged for the Deep Level scenario) is now a common construction method within Hong Kong, it does involve a higher degree of technical difficulty including issues for working under compressed air, which are to be addressed during the planning and construction of the tunnels.  This method is considered to be inherently more technically complex than the methods envisaged for the High and Low Level options and this is reflected through all of the alignment options.

Project Interfaces              Due to most of the interfaces being on land the Deep and Low Level scenarios for this alignment option are assessed as being the same since the construction method anticipated in these land sections would be a cut and cover tunnel method for both of these scenarios.  For the High Level scenario, the alignment would be carried on a viaduct structure that would pass close to the boundary of the adjacent Hospital site, resulting in air, visual and noise impacts on the lower floors of the Hospital development.  This is further reflected in the assessment of the potential environmental impact of this alignment scenario below.              A High Level scenario would, also, have an impact on the possible alignment for the future EFLS with the alignments crossing and certain locations on the South Apron, potentially requiring one of the alignments to be raised by up to 10m to ensure adequate clearances, resulting in a higher visual impact closer to the harbour front area.

Environmental Aspects

Air Quality and Noise              Based upon a construction commencement in 2015, some of the future sensitive receivers would also be under construction and occupied prior to the completion of the Trunk Road T2 in 2020.  Given the alignment passes would be mainly on viaduct directly adjacent to future sensitive developments, with a minimal separation distance of 10 to 15m, both construction noise and dust would be a key issue at the South Apron Area.              In terms of the Cha Kwo Ling end, the High Level scenario would mainly involve all above ground works until it reached the CKL and then descend to tie-in with the TKO-LTT tunnel, thus there would be the potential to affect the village residents, some 150m away from the elevated section in terms of dust and noise impact.              The Low Level scenario involving an IMT tunnel would involve a cut and cover section of tunnel in the PWCA which would involve more excavation than that for viaduct piers.  Thus, in terms of construction dust, the low level option may not be preferred in this location.          The Deep Level scenario would, however, includes a subsea tunnel constructed by TBM method and noise and dust from this operation would be contained underground from the point of the launching shaft, minimising construction phase impacts to the environment on the South Apron, particularly for exisiting sensitive receivers (SRs) at the southern end of the alignment in Cha Kwo Ling, such as the proposed Kerry Godown residential development.          Operationally, the High Level scenario has the potential for the highest air and noise impacts with the viaduct structure being elevated by 10 to 12m from the ground in this area (rising to about 21m in height in the marine section).  There will be no opportunities to control vehicle emissions which would affect the adjacent SRs on the South Apron predominately.  The elevated viaduct will also increase the noise impacts to the sensitive receivers and would likely need extensive mitigation in the form of a noise enclosure on the South Apron and a cantilevered or semi-enclosure at Cha Kwo Ling to screen the noise from the high rise developments on either side and the village houses, respectively.          The operational air emissions from the Low and Deep Level tunnel scenarios would be vented via a high level shaft from the ventilation buildings, enhancing dispersion and resulting in low level impacts at the SRs at both the South Apron and Cha Kwo Ling.

Water Quality          All scenarios have the potential for construction run-off from the land based works and while no streams are present in the area, such run-off could affect the marine waters. The High Level scenario would have the least excavation for the bridge piers limiting the potential for construction run-off. It is anticipated that the High Level scenario would affect only about 1400m2 of seabed for the 35 piers envisaged.          The IMT will require a large trench to be constructed of in the region of 100m wide and 16m deep. The dredging has the potential to cause increases in suspended solids and other contaminants (the sediment has been shown to have varying levels of chemical and biological contamination) in the marine waters which will affect water quality and could impact on marine life.  The Low Level IMT scenario may, also, require temporary reclamations at either end of the subsea tunnel which could affect the hydrology and flows in the Victoria Harbour.          In terms of the marine part of the alignment, the High Level scenario will require some dredging in the marine environment for the bridge piers but the disturbance to the seabed would not be as significant as the Low Level scenario which will required extensive dredging for the construction of the immersed tube tunnel.          The Deep Level scenario would involve a TBM constructed tunnel which would be deep enough to avoid the seabed and marine deposits, tunnelling through alluvium, CDG and Grade II/III rock material. The TBM would be deep enough to pass under the existing breakwaters to the KTTS and the existing twin subsea outfalls of the KTSTW and hence avoid the need to excavate and temporarily reprovide both of these features and thus reduce further disturbance to the seabed and marine sediment deposits.  The TBM would also be launched and received from shafts on land which would also avoid any disturbance to the seawalls and marine environment.

Waste Management          In terms of construction and demolition waste, the High Level scenario is likely to produce the least material as excavation for pier foundations only would be required and it is likely that 50% of this material could be reused on site.  However, this scenario would also result in some contaminated marine sediment needing to be dredged and removed from the construction works for the marine piers.   Site investigation works have shown the marine sediment in the KTTS and beyond contains Cat L, M and H sediment in accordance with ETWB TCW No.34/2002 and, therefore, this material would need to be handled in accordance with the Dumping at Sea Ordinance (DASO) and would require disposal at open sea or confined marine disposal pits, all of which are rapidly filling up.          As noted above, the Low Level scenario would require extensive dredging and would result in the removal of an estimated 310,000m3 of Class M, H and H+ contaminated marine sediment for treatment and proper disposal.  This scenario would also result in land based C&D material but it is unlikely all could be used on site and some surplus would have to be removed off-site to a fill bank.          While the Deep Level scenario will, also, generate notably more waste than the high level scenario, the bulk of the material (in the region of 630,000m3) will be alluvial material from the sub-sea tunnel construction by TBM, material which is not contaminated and can be reused in other projects once dewatered.

Marine Ecology and Fisheries          As the majority of alignment will be constrained within the seabed and the effect on the ecology and fisheries is considered to be minimal amongst the 3 scenarios. In terms of the terrestrial elements of the alignment, the project has avoided key habitats as far as possible.  The land based works for all three scenarios are to be undertaken in areas that have been previously developed and are of low ecology value.  The exception to this is a small area of plantation located where the eastern ventilation building will be constructed but the loss of this area would be small and common to all three scenarios.          In terms of marine ecology, as described in the water quality section above, the Low Level scenario would result in significant disturbance to the marine environment and has the greatest potential to affect marine ecology.  The latest Port Survey of 2006 did not record any fishing operations or fisheries production in the KTAC and inner KTTS, showing that this immediate area around the Trunk Road T2 project has no, or very limited, value in terms of capture fisheries.  However, sampans do fish in this area and the dredging could affect these activities, subject to the fisheries moratorium from December 2012, and fish resources in the area.

Landscape and Visual          As noted from for terrestrial ecology, little landscape will be affected by any of the three scenarios due to the already development nature of the site.  However, visually, during the operational phase, the high level scenario comprising a viaduct of up to 21m high, would be highly visible to the existing and future developments in the study area.  While the viaduct could be made more visually attractive through design and would blend into the surrounding development to some extent, this scenario would result in increased permanent impacts compared to the two low and deep level tunnel options, where only small sections of at–grade and depressed road would be visible.          During the construction stage, all scenarios would be effectively comparable given the extent of construction works being undertaken in the vicinity for the CKR, KTD and TKO-LTT, with the Deep Level scenario being preferred due to the extent of underground works. 

Cultural Heritage          Study of the marine and terrestrial archaeology did not reveal any areas of archaeological potential in the Trunk Road T2 area and as such no impacts are expected from either of the three scenarios. In terms of built heritage, the only resources are located in the Cha Kwo Ling Village. The high scenario could give rise to potential impacts during the construction phase associated with the pier construction. The High Level scenario may marginally require less excavation but given the distance of about 30m to the closest properties, this would require extensive mitigation to minimise impacts.  

Summary          With reference to the preceding paragraphs, the critical consideration to Low Level Option 1 scenario is that the construction of piers and permanent reclamation at the interface with TKO-LTT located within the harbour is not in compliance with the PHO and the potential dust and noise impact to the surrounding NSRs. As there are other feasible options, this alignment option can be seen to score very poorly in the assessment.     The Low Level scenario could, also, give rise to potential impacts during the construction phase associated with the cut and cover tunnel sections. Similar to the High Level option, given the distance of about 30m to the closest properties, this would, also, require extensive mitigation to minimise impacts.          However, it should also be noted that the use of a cut and cover for the construction of the tunnel from the South Apron to the KTTS is considered not to be practical since this would require significant amount of temporary reclamation for the platforms necessary to construct the cut and cover tunnel and since there are other feasible options, this would not comply with the PHO and unlikely to be the best environmental solution.          Apart from the similar cultural heritage impact to the Low Level option, the Deep Level TBM scenario alone has the potential for ground-borne noise impacts during construction but these are expected not to be significant given the over 100m separation distance from the closest property.  Notwithstanding the large amounts of waste material that would be generated but taking into account the fact that the majority of the material could be reused, the Deep Level scenario would result in the least environmental implications, as it avoids impacts on the marine environment during the construction phase, therefore, protecting the water quality, marine ecology and fisheries.  The TBM tunnel also minimises noise and air quality impacts during both the construction and operational phases.

2.5.3                   Option 2 Alignment

Engineering Aspects

Project Constraints              By adopting an alignment along the runway, all of the options avoid adverse impacts on the breakwaters, but the Low Level scenario would still impact on the subsea outfall and thus performs less well when compared with the High/Deep Level scenarios which can be designed to avoid impacting on the outfall.              As with all of the other alignment options in this section, the High Level scenario for Option 2 is rated poorly due to the need for the use of piers located within the harbour area and thus results in a form of permanent reclamation.  Low and Deep Level scenarios avoid this issue by ensuring no permanent change in the seabed level.              However, as Option 1 Low Level scenario would require the temporary demolition of the existing KTTS breakwaters it would be necessary to provide a temporary breakwater to maintain the operation of the KTTS.  This would be classified as a form of temporary reclamation, and thus to be avoided if possible. By taking an alignment that passes along the runway the Low Level scenario passes outside of the breakwaters and so is regarded as performing the same as the Deep Level scenario.

The Deep Level scenario can be seen to perform better than the High and Low scenarios in regard to the reduced disturbance of the seabed and impact on the constraints on the South Apron.  However, due to vertical gradient limitations this is balanced by the need to adopt a cut and cover tunnel section across the Kai Tak Approach Channel (KTAC) with resulting temporary reclamation needed for the construction for this section. 

Project Interfaces              With the alignment passing across the area of potential Kai Tak development and then along the runway the alignment scenarios have significantly more potential for adverse impacts than that of the Option 1 alignment, which passes down the planned corridor for the Trunk Road T2 project.  This is identified by the low scores for the interface with the cruise terminal, EFLS and at-grade developments on the former runway.  Further, by cutting across the KTAC, the alignment passes under potential development areas on the South Apron.

Environmental Aspects

Air Quality and Noise              The former runway of the Kai Tak airport has been designated for development including commercial, government, institutional and community and residential.   Given that the cruise terminal stages 1 and 2, including hotels and commercial properties, would be constructed between 2010 to 2015, for occupation between 2014 and 2016, this development would be sensitive to air quality and noise impacts during both the construction and operational phases, given the construction period for Trunk Road T2 of 2015 to 2020.  The residential and community developments, however, are not proposed to be completed before 2021, the same time as Trunk Road T2 is implemented, and as such will be sensitive to only operational noise and air quality.              Given that the majority of the development on the runway would be constructed in parallel to the Trunk Road T2, this alignment option would, also, be comparable in construction noise and dust terms to their equivalents for Option 1, which is only requiring 1700m of land based viaduct for the high level scenario.              As with Option 1 High Level scenario, this option will have the potential for the highest air and noise impacts on the adjacent runway developments based upon an elevated viaduct structure of 10 to 12m in height running along the length of the runway. Extensive mitigation measure would be required.              The Low Level scenario has the potential to create the worst air and noise impacts during the construction stage as this will comprise a long section of cut and cover tunnel in the vicinity of the cruise terminal for a length of 800m and the major excavation involved would potentially cause more impacts than the works for the viaduct piers for the High Level scenario over the same length.              The Low Level IMT tunnel scenario would avoid noise impacts for the length of the tunnel, and operational air emissions can be better dispersed through discharge via the ventilation buildings.          The Deep Level scenario would enter a tunnel constructed by TBM just after the alignment crosses the KTAC, 800m north of the major cruise terminal development.  As such, the construction works directly adjacent to the cruise terminal will be underground which would limit the dust and air-borne noise impacts during construction at these SRs to a minimum.  The ground-borne noise implications of the TBM would need to be considered but can be controlled readily though management of the advancing and cutterhead speed.  The lack of residential development and the advanced point of launching the TBM as a compared to the SRs would make this Option 2 Deep Level scenario marginally better than Option 1, where above ground works have more potential to affect the adjacent SRs.          The Deep Level TBM tunnel scenario would avoid noise impacts for the length of the tunnel, and operational air emissions can be better dispersed through discharge via the ventilation buildings.

Water Quality          The overall design of Option 2 is similar to Option 1 in that they both comprise a land based section, followed by a marine section.  The main difference is that the marine section of Option 1 is longer, being 2100m in length, compared to 1450m in length for Option 2.  As such, as would be the case for Option 1, the potential for water quality impacts are largely associated with the High and Low Level scenarios, which require dredging for the marine piers and the IMT tunnel. However, the shorter marine alignment would make this Option 2 slightly preferable, when compared with Option 1, in water quality terms, with less dredging required.          The Deep Level scenarios of both Options 1 and 2 would be comparable and not cause any disturbance to the marine environment including no reclamation or dredging of contaminated marine mud.

Waste Management          The High Level scenario, however, would generate, not only C&D material from the pier construction and extensive cut and cover section, but, also, contaminated marine dredged sediment. However, less marine mud will be generated from the marine section as compared with Option 1 Low Level scenario.          Similar to the High Level scenario, the Low Level scenario would generate, not only C&D material from the pier construction and extensive cut and cover section, but, also, contaminated marine dredged sediment, with the Low Level scenario generating more waste to be handled than the High level scenario. However, this option would produce about 50% less marine mud than the equivalent Option 1 alignment with its longer marine section.          The Deep Level scenario would produce both C&D and alluvium materials which can be reused on site or transported to the fill bank.  However, as this scenario requires a cut and cover section through the KTAC, some marine sediment will, also, be generated.

Marine Ecology and Fisheries          As with Option 1, with the exception of a small area of planation located where the eastern ventilation building will be constructed, which is common to all three scenarios, all land based works for all three Option 2 vertical scenarios are to be largely undertaken in areas that have been previously developed and are of low ecology value.  However, there are small areas of plantation/grassland mosaic and grassland on the runway that would be affected by the Trunk Road T2, but these habitats are not of high ecological value.          For marine environment, the Low Level scenario would result in significant disturbance to the marine environment from the IMT tunnel construction and has the greatest potential to affect marine ecology and any fish resources in the KTTS, although not as much as the Option 1 Low Level scenario.          This Deep Level scenario is considered to have the least impact on the ecology as compared with the High and Low Level scenarios for the same option.

Landscape and Visual          Minimal vegetation will be affected by any of the three vertical scenarios due to the already development nature of the site.  However, visually, during the operational phase, the high level scenario comprising a viaduct of up to 12m high, would be highly visible to the future developments along the runway, passing through the middle of the development sites.  Given the height of the viaduct, this will be a particular issue for the low floors of the properties which will have views either under or directly onto the viaduct or onto a noise barrier structure.  The viaduct along the former runway will be screened from wider views by the properties but the marine viaduct, while shorter than the Option 1 High Level scenario, will, also, be visible to the surrounding Kwun Tong and Kowloon Bay area.          Minimal vegetation will be affected by any of the three vertical scenarios due to the already development nature of the site.  During the construction stage, all options would be effectively comparable, with the Deep Level scenario being preferred due to the extent of underground works.

Cultural Heritage          The impact is comparable with Option 1 for all vertical scenarios.

Summary          Option 2 has a shorter marine section that Option 1 with reduced construction in the harbour waters and avoidance of the KTTS breakwaters reducing the possible impacts on the PHO.  However, due to the alignment constraints in the South Apron the section of alignment crossing the KTAC would have to be in cut and cover tunnel resulting in temporary reclamation which has to be tested against other options under the PHO.  The alignment would present some marginal benefits to potential water quality, marine ecology and fisheries implications over the Option 1 alignment with respect to the High and Low Level scenarios, but would be comparable in terms of air quality and noise implications.  As with Option 1, the Option 2 Deep Level scenario presents the preferred vertical alignment environmentally, avoiding impacts to water quality, marine ecology, fisheries and minimising noise and air quality impacts during both the construction and operational phases. 

2.5.4                   Option 3 Alignment

Engineering Aspects

Project Constraints and Interfaces              The aspects associated with this option are the same as that described for the Option 1, with only a minor variation in the engineering aspects in relation to simpler construction works at the KTTS breakwaters.  The interfacing aspects for this option are identical to those for the alignment Option 1 horizontal alignment.

Environmental Aspects

Air Quality, Noise, Landscape and Visual and Cultural Heritage              As stated above, Option 3 is very similar to the Option 1.  The environmental implications of the three vertical Option 2 scenarios for air quality, noise, landscape and visual and cultural heritage would be considered comparable to Option 1, as described above. Other environmental parameters are discussed below but on balance, environmentally, Option 3 would be equivalent to Option 1.

Water Quality              The potential for run-off from land based works would be the same as Option 1. In terms of marine impacts, the slightly increased length of the marine alignment (2150m), compared to Option 1 (2100m), would marginally increase the amount of marine dredging required for the Low Level IMT scenario, with a slight potential increase in the potential for water quality impacts.  In terms of the high level marine viaduct scenario, only 1 more pier would be needed and additional impacts would be limited.  Notwithstanding, the environmental implications would be expected to be similar to Option 1, with the Deep Level scenario having the least potential for water quality impacts, followed by the High Level scenario and then the low level scenario as a result of the extensive dredging for the IMT.

Waste Management              The slightly longer marine section of Option 3 compared to Option 1, as noted above, would result in an increase in the amount of marine sediment to be removed, increasing to approximately 0.006Mm3 for the High Level scenario (or by 3%) and 1.4Mm3 for the Low Level scenario.  However, this is not expected to generate significantly higher water quality impacts with the implementation of mitigation measures. While the Deep Level scenario will, also, generate some more waste than the equivalent Option1 scenario and more waste than the High Level scenarios of both Option 1 and Option 3, as the material will be alluvial material it can be reused in other projects once dewatered.

Marine Ecology and Fisheries              While a marginal increase in dredging and marine sediment removal is expected for Option 3 compared to Option 1, as the ecological and fishery resources in the area of the KTTS and KTAC are not of high value, further potential for impacts are not predicted.

Summary              In summary, Option 3 would be comparable to Option 1, with only a slightly longer marine section having the potential for marginally more environmental impacts to waste and the marine environment. 

2.5.5                   Option 4 Alignment

Engineering Aspects

Project Constraints              With the use of an inland alignment, all three of the alignment scenarios have no impact on the seabed and, thus, be seen as advantageous over any Low and High Level alignment scenarios that pass through the harbour.  Further, by adopting an inland alignment, all of the alignments avoid the constraints imposed by the KTTS, breakwaters and subsea outfall.   However, the inland alignment results in the Trunk Road T2 alignment crossing the alignment of the Kwun Tong Bypass.  In the case of High Level scenario, it is necessary to adopt a high, very visually obtrusive, (up to +23m PD) alignment.  In the case of a Low Level alignment, it is anticipated that alteration to the foundations for the Kwun Tong Bypass would be necessary to allow a section of cut and cover tunnel to be constructed under the Bypass.              The use of the inland alignment also avoids the small amount of temporary reclamation needed for the temporary breakwater foreseen under the Option 1 Low Level scenario, as is the case for all of the alignment scenarios that do not require demolition of the KTTS breakwaters.              This inland alignment scenario brings the alignment in conflict with the constraints for the existing buildings and infrastructure of the Kwun Tong district infrastructure.  The High Level scenario would pass very close to the facades of the existing buildings and virtually enclose the street level roads and pavements.  The Low Level scenarios would require extensive cut and cover operations along the roads of the Kwun Tong District causing major disruption to the users of the area.              Although for the Deep Level scenario the tunnel would pass under the foundations of the existing structures, ensuring no adverse impact on the existing structures which would add significantly to the inherent technical difficulties of TBM works.

Project Interfaces              With all of the scenarios the change in the alignment would require re-design of the CKR interchange and its connections to the local road network at the Kai Tak Interchange, which is understood to be highly constrained.  With the re-alignment of the Option 4 it is understood that there would be associated issues of the connection of the Trunk Road T2 with the  at-grade road network for the Kai Tak area and, thus, not achieving one of the key objectives for the Route 6.              With the Option 4 alignment following the alignment of the existing at-grade roads for the Kwun Tong district the disruption to traffic during construction can be anticipated to be very significant for the High and Low Level scenarios.  For the majority of the Deep Level scenario there would be no effect on the at-grade roads, but as the alignment approaches the Kai Tak Interchange the tunnel would rise up to allow for the at-grade connections in cut and cover section with resulting disruption of the ground level roads.

Environmental Aspects

Air Quality and Noise              The Option 4 alignment takes an inland route through Kwun Tong, passing for much of its alignment along Wai Yip Street which is bordered on both sides by dense development comprising industrial, commercial and residential.   The High Level scenario would comprise a viaduct of up to 12m in height, running above the existing road.   During both the construction and operational phases, this is expected to cause significant air quality and noise impacts to locals SRs.   In terms of noise, given the relatively narrow nature of the Wai Yip Street, and the need to maintain access, it will be difficult to implement sufficient mitigation during the construction of the viaduct.  Operationally, the viaduct would likely have to be fully enclosed to reduce noise impact.   For air quality, the viaduct running above the existing roads, would mean that the operational traffic emissions from the existing roads below would be largely trapped, with limited ability for dispersing, significantly effecting the road side air quality.   The dispersion of the emissions from the viaduct may also be restricted by the middle and high rise building on either side.              Construction of the Low Level scenario will potentially cause dust and noise impacts than the High Level scenario based on the need for a cut and cover tunnel for much of its length, along Sheung Yee Street and Wai Yip Street.  Impacts are expected to be significant and difficult to mitigate.              Operationally, the Low Level scenario would be largely in tunnel and potential air quality impacts would be restricted to the ventilation buildings at either end with high level air dispersion from the stacks.  Notwithstanding, given that the air quality in this area is already poor, the additional emissions could result in a deterioration of air quality for the surrounding area.          The Deep Level scenario will present the best scenario overall for Option 4 in the construction stage, with works being underground for 3400m of the 3550m alignment, therefore, containing any dust and noise.   The ground-borne noise implications of the TBM would need to be considered but can be controlled readily though management of the advancing and cutterhead speed. This option would have a similar impact with the low level option during operation. The Deep Level tunnel scenario would likely to have the additional potential issue of tunnel dewatering.

Water Quality          As Option 4 will not interface with the marine environment, no marine water quality impacts would be predicted for all three of the vertical alignment scenarios.   As the works will be land based in all three cases, water quality implications would be restricted to construction phase run-off which could be controlled through the proper implementation of mitigation measures.          The Low Level scenario is likely to have the highest potential for run-off from land based works as it involves the largest extent of land base excavation for the cut and cover tunnel as compared with the high and deep level scenarios.          The implications for land based run-off of particularly the low level scenarios for Option 4 would be potentially worse than Option 3 given the longer length of alignment being constructed on land.   However, this can be balanced against the alignment avoiding water quality impacts on the marine environment.

Waste Management          It is not anticipated that contaminated marine sediment would be generated from the Option 4 scenarios.          Other waste streams would be C&D material and rock from the TBM deep level scenario.  The high level scenario would produce the lowest quantity of waste material to be handled and disposed of.   While the amount of C&D waste would be more than the equivalent High Level scenarios for Options 1-3, the waste would not include marine dredged sediment which would be preferred.  The Deep Level scenario for Option 4 would generate mostly rock from the TBM tunnel which can be reused making it comparable in terms of waste to the equivalent scenario under Options 1-3. 

Marine Ecology and Fisheries          None of the three vertical scenarios for Option 4 will have any effect on fisheries or marine ecology due to their purely land based alignments. In terms of terrestrial ecology, the horizontal alignment passes through developed areas currently subject to high levels of disturbance and with no vegetated areas and would be considered to be of very low ecological value.

Landscape and Visual          This option does not pass through any vegetated areas and therefore no significant landscape impacts would be predicted.   Visually, all the vertical alignment scenarios will be contained along a confined transport corridor in a built up area, and therefore would be not visible to any SRs other than those in close proximity to the alignment itself.          During the construction stage, the High Level scenarios would be highly visible to the local residents and occupants. Operationally, the residual impacts of the 12m high viaduct high level scenario would be significant, particularly for the lower level properties which will have all views blocked by the deck or will look directly onto the traffic corridor/noise barrier.          During the construction stage, the Low Level scenario would also be highly visible to the local residents and occupants. Operationally, the IMT tunnel scenarios would cause limited visual impacts.  The Deep Level scenario would have the least potential for impacts, affecting only SRs close to the launching and receiving shafts and the small sections of at-grade road and with limited visual impact for the TBM tunnel scenarios during operation.

Cultural Heritage          There are no built heritage resources or areas of archaeological potential along the Option 4 alignment. Impacts to the built heritage resources in Cha Kwo Ling would similar to Options 1-3.

Summary          Moving the Trunk Road T2 alignment inland does remove the issue related to the works within the Harbour but to the disadvantage of the Kwun Tong district, with the Option 4 scenarios generating permanent and temporary impacts on the existing and future developments in the area.  The Option 4 does have benefits associated with water quality, marine ecology, fisheries and the lack of generation of marine sediment waste, the potential for air, noise and visual impacts during both the construction and operational phases, specifically for the high and low levels scenarios, would be expected to be significant, difficult to fully mitigate and not preferred compared to Option 1 Deep Level scenario. The Deep Level scenario presents the least potential environmental implications of the three vertical scenarios and would be graded higher overall.

2.5.6                   Option 5 Alignment

Engineering Aspects

Project Constraints              The impacts on project constraints are similar to that for the Option 4 alignment scenarios, with the exception of the impact on the seabed and harbour users which would be more adversely affected when compared with the full inland alignment due to the need for the High and Low Level scenarios requiring demolition and excavation of the existing seawall to allow for construction of foundations or cut and cover tunnel sections.

Project Interfaces              The impacts on project interfaces are similar to that for the Option 4 alignment options with the exception of the impact on the at-grade roads and public thoroughfares in the Kwun Tong area which would benefit from the alignment being shifted to the edge of the KTTS and away from the main Kwun Tong roads.  However, this is at the expense of having an adverse impact on the seabed and harbour users, as described above.

Environmental Aspects

Air Quality and Noise              The alignment passes industrial buildings on the Kwun Tong water front and these, together with the Kwun Tong bypass would largely shield the SRs within Kwun Tong from both construction and operational noise impacts from Option 5 and would be preferable to Option 4 in this respect.  However, the construction and operation of the High Level viaduct scenario have the potential to affect residential and other developments on the South Apron, and also at Cha Kwo Ling.              The High Level scenario, however, while not passing through Kwun Tong would pass close to the areas of high development and the open roads will allow vehicle emissions to pollute the surrounding area.  No mitigation would be possible.              In terms of construction air quality, the low level scenario would involve the largest extent of excavation for the cut and cover tunnel. However, as the majority of the alignment would be constructed along the edge of the KTTS, partly in the water, significant dust would not be expected.              As with Option 4, the Deep Level scenario will present the best scenario overall for this alignment option in the construction stage, with works being underground for 3400m of the 3550m alignment, therefore, containing any dust and noise.  The ground-borne noise implications of the TBM would need to be considered but can be controlled readily though management of the advancing and cutterhead speed and significant impacts would not be expected.

Water Quality              The viaduct piers of the High Level scenario would be constructed within the KTTS and would involve dredging of contaminated marine mud on a similar scale to Option 1 and, therefore, would have the potential to cause suspended solids and other contaminants contained within the sediment to be released into the water column.              For the Low Level scenario, the water quality implications would be expected to be potentially worse, based upon the construction of a long cut and cover tunnel along the length of the KTTS seawall (1400m).              The TBM Deep Level tunnel scenario would avoid any contact with the seabed and marine environment and would be preferred from a water quality perspective, being similar to the equivalent scenario for alignment Option 4. 

Waste Management          For C&D waste, the high level scenario is likely to produce the least material as excavation for pier foundations only would be required but as the piers long the KTTS will be constructed in the water, this scenario would also result in contaminated marine sediment being dredged which will require treatment and disposal.          The Low Level scenario would also require extensive excavation for the cut and cover tunnel along the seawall and would result in the removal of an estimated amount of 21,000m3 of contaminated marine sediment.  This scenario would also result in large amounts of land based C&D material but it is unlikely all could be used on site and some surplus would have to be removed off-site to a fill bank.          While the Deep Level scenario will, also, generate notably more waste, the bulk of the material (in the region of 931,000m3) will be rock and alluvial material from the tunnel construction by TBM, material which is not contaminated and can be reused in other projects.  

Marine Ecology and Fisheries          As with the equivalent option of Option 1, Option 3 and Option 4, the land based works will be undertaken in areas that have been previously developed and are of low ecology value.  The exception to this is a small area of plantation located where the eastern ventilation building will be constructed but the loss of this area would be common to all alignment options. 

Landscape and Visual          During the construction stage, works, the High Level options will be visually intrusive to SRs looking from the South Apron, runway (Cruise Terminal) and with distant views from across Kowloon Bay, although the viaduct piers could be constructed to coincide with those of the elevated Kwun Tong by-pass, providing a more streamlined view of the two roads in parallel.          As with alignment Option 4, the Low Level tunnel scenario will not result in any significant visual impacts, with above ground structures being limited to the ventilation buildings and some at grade road sections.  The Deep Level scenario, comprises predominately underground works from the TBM, will cause less landscape and visual impact.

Cultural Heritage          While the High and Low level scenarios will affect the marine waters of KTTS, no areas of marine archaeological potential have been found in this area and as such, no marine archaeological impacts would be expected.          The Deep Level TBM scenario alone has the potential for ground-borne noise impacts during construction but these are not expected to be significant given the over 100m separation distance from the closest property.

Summary          By moving the alignment to the edge of the KTTS some of the issues related to the works within the Harbour are reduced but not sufficiently to overcome issues associated with constructing the alignment next to the existing Kwun Tong Bypass and though the existing seawall KTTS.  The High and Low level scenarios of Option 5 have some noise benefits over Option 4 due to the increased separation distance to the developments in Kwun Tong.  However, the high level scenario does pass close to many air SRs, including all the industrial buildings along the KTTS coastline, and would be similar to Option 4 in terms of operational air quality.  From a marine perspective, concerning water quality, waste, ecology and fisheries, the potential for impacts would be expected to be comparable to Option 1 and Option 3 based upon a similar level of construction works in the KTTS. The deep level scenario presents the least potential environmental implications of the three vertical scenarios and would be graded higher overall.

2.5.7                   Option 6 Alignment

Engineering Aspects              In many respects the Option 6 is similar to the inland alignments Options 4 and 5 with the change in the interface alignment with CKR considered to be a significant disadvantage to this option.  In particular, for this Option 6, the connection between Trunk Road T2 and CKR would occur underground with road connections to the Kai Tak Interchange splitting from the main Route 6 alignment underground, which is not a preferred arrangement.  Connectivity of the Trunk Road T2 with the Kwun Tong area would also be affected as the connection via the Kai Tak Interchange would not be possible for west bound traffic, again not a preferred arrangement.

Environmental Aspects              Environmentally, Option 6 is very similar to Option 2, except that the alignment connects with CKR earlier, removing the need to pass over the KTAC as with Option 2. All three vertical alignment scenarios for Option 6 would commence with a short section of cut and cover tunnel at the interface with CKR which will affect the corner of the Kowloon Bay Typhoon shelter (KBTS).  After that the alignment would run along the middle of the former Kai Tak airport runway before meeting the Option 2 alignment, some 600m down.  Given the similarity of the alignments, all vertical scenarios for Option 6 would be comparable to the equivalent Option 2 scenarios in terms of environmental implications, with any benefits from not affecting the KTAC associated with Option 6, being balanced by the cut and cover tunnel impacts in the KBTS.

2.5.8                   Option 7 Alignment

Engineering Aspects

Project Constraints              In terms of the Low Level scenario, the Option 7 alignment is the same as Option 2 and Option 6 alignments, in that it avoids any constraints imposed by the existing KDGG and PWCL buildings and avoids the need for any temporary reclamation by passing outside of the KTTS breakwaters.              The High Level alignment is similar to that for Option 2 with the need for piers located within the harbour waters and, thus, is seen as not preferred.              The Deep Level scenario is similar to Option 6 in having increased difficulty for construction to deal with the foundations for the buildings on the former runway.  However, the Deep Level scenario avoids impact on the harbour with no requirement for temporary reclamation, seabed excavation or alteration of the subsea outfall.  In order to achieve this, the alignment would use a gradient of up to 5% which is more than the desirable 3%, but still less than the permissible maximum of 8%.

Project Interfaces              All of the Option 7 vertical scenarios would conflict with the future at-grade and hospital developments on the South Apron as the alignment turns towards the runway, some 500m before the end of the South Apron.  Similarly, all of the scenarios would have an impact on the future developments.              All of the scenarios would have an interface with the EFLS which is understood to follow the similar alignment along the runway but with the Deep Level scenario having the least impact, assuming the foundations for the EFLS can be located to miss the Trunk Road T2 tunnel.  Similarly, the future developments for the High Level and Low level scenarios would impact on the other developments along the runway with the Deep Level being constrained to avoid the foundations for the developments as much as possible, but would pass directly under the viaduct.

Environmental Aspects              Option 7 is, also, similar to Option 2 with the majority of the alignment running down the former runway and at the end of the runway, forming a marine section to Cha Kwo Ling and connection with the TKO-LTT.  The main difference between these two options is the location where the alignment crosses the KTAC from the South Apron, with Option 2 designed to undertake this north-west of the KTAC taxiway bridge and Option 7, some 700m further down the South Apron, south-east of the KTAC taxiway bridge but the change in location means that different construction methods can be applied.  The environmental implications of the three vertical Option 7 scenarios for landscape and visual and cultural heritage would be considered comparable to Option 2 as described above.  The environmental implications of the other environmental parameters are discussed below.

Air Quality and Noise              In terms of the construction phase and potential impacts to the cruise terminal, the only SR that would be present during the construction phase, the High and Low Level scenarios for Option 7 would be similar to Option 2, with the above ground viaduct pier cut and cover tunnel construction works, respectively.              In respect of the Deep Level scenario, the TBM launching shaft for Option 2 would be further up the runway, some 1100m from the cruise terminal, while it will be on the South Apron for Option 7.  In both cases, works near the cruise terminal would be underground and this would minimise dust and noise during the construction phase. 

Water Quality              The mode of crossing the KTAC on viaduct would be the same for the High Level scenario for both Option 2 and Option 7 and, as such, water quality implications would be expected to be similar to the Option 2 equivalent, with some potential for the release of suspended solids during the dredging for the marine piers, as is the case for the marine section from the end of the runway to Cha Kwo Ling.          For the Low Level option, while cut and cover is used for this scenario along the South Apron, the IMT tunnelling method will be used to pass under the KTAC and then down the runway and to Cha Kwo Ling.  As the seabed would have to be excavated in both cases, the implications to water quality would be similar.          In respect of the Deep Level scenario, the TBM launching shaft for Option 2 would be further up the runway, some 1100m from the cruise terminal, while it will be on the South Apron for Option 7.  In both cases, works near the cruise terminal would be underground and this would minimise dust and noise during the construction phase. 

Waste Management          The High Level scenario would generate C&D material from the pier construction but, also, contaminated marine dredged sediment, from the runway to Cha Kwo Ling section and the sections of alignment crossing the KTAC. As with Option 2, this scenario would produce less marine mud than the equivalent Option 1 alignment with its longer marine section.          The Low Level scenarios would generate C&D material from the extensive IMT section on land but, also, contaminated marine dredged sediment, from the runway to Cha Kwo Ling section and the sections of alignment crossing the KTAC. For the low level scenario, the amount of marine mud to be generated will be increased due to the use of IMT in the KTAC section, increasing from 90,000m3 for the Option 2 cut and cover to 150,000m3 due to the access channel necessary for delivery of the IMT units up the KTAC.  The Low Level scenario will generate more waste to be handled than the High Level scenario.          The Deep Level scenario for Option 2 would produce both C&D and alluvium materials which can be reused on site or transported to the fill bank.  The use of TBM for the KTAC crossing section will avoid the generation of marine mud for disposal and, in this respect, will be similar to Option 1.  However, as the overall alignment is longer than Option 1, the amount of alluvium waste to be generated would increase leading to more surplus. 

Marine Ecology and Fisheries          The ecology and fisheries implications associated with the High and Low Level scenarios would be expected to the comparable to Option 2.          The Deep Level scenario will avoid all disturbance to the seabed by adopting the TBM tunnelling method throughout, avoiding water quality impacts and, therefore, effects on marine ecology and fisheries.

Summary          Although very similar to the Option 2 alignment, the added length of alignment on the South Apron allows the tunnel sufficient length to reach a low enough level to pass under the KTAC using TBM and, hence, avoid the issues related to the cut and cover section in Option 2.  The environmental implications for Option 7 would be expected to be similar to Option 2.  However, the deep level scenario for Option 2 would have some benefits to water quality, waste ecology and fisheries, associated with the use of the TBM under the KTAC, avoiding the need for a cut and cover tunnel which will disturb the seabed and generate marine sediment waste.

2.5.9                   Option 8 Alignment

Engineering Aspects

Project Constraints              Both the Options 8 and 7 alignments are very similar to the Option 2 alignment, with the advantages associated with avoiding constraints from the buildings on the South Apron.  The significant differences being that the Option 8 alignment continues along the South Apron to such a point where the Deep Level scenario can adopt a TBM method of construction under the KTTS, the former runway and the Harbour from the South Apron to CKL, thus avoiding impacts on the seabed.  However, similar to Options 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7, this alignment the Deep Level scenario would have impacts on the foundations of existing or planned buildings.

Project Interfaces              By following the KTDES corridor for the Trunk Road T2 alignment, this option avoids conflicts with the South Apron infrastructure and developments.  However, as the alignment curves to join with the former runway it potentially constrains the developments on the runway, constrains the foundation locations for the future EFLS and would interface with the new cruise terminal.  In particular the High and Low Level scenarios for this alignment would pass very close to the new cruise terminal with likely interface items between the construction works for the Trunk Road T2 tunnels and the operation of the new cruise terminal.

Environmental Aspects

Air Quality and Dust              As with Option 1, all three vertical scenarios for Option 8 have the potential to cause noise and dust impacts during the construction stage to the SRs on the South Apron which will be in place prior to the end of the Trunk Road T2 construction period in 2020.              In respect of the High Level scenario, the construction of the viaduct alignment would also affect the cruise terminal development on the former runway in terms of dust and noise, as for Options 2 and 7.  Operationally however, as the viaduct only crosses the southern edge of the runway, it will be further way from the future commercial and residential development further north-east up the runway, having a separation distance of 250m.  As such, potential direct operational noise and air quality impacts would be reduced for the high level Option 8 scenario compared to Options 2 and 7.  The low level scenario would be similar to Option 7, with construction phase impacts affecting both the SRs on the South Apron and runway as a result of the IMT excavation works.              The Deep Level scenario would be similar to Options 1, 3 and 7, comprising some at-grade and cut and cover sections on the South Apron but with the majority of the alignment in deep tunnel, avoiding dust and construction noise.  In terms of the Cha Kwo Ling end, all scenario and options would involve excavation works that may disturb the village and mitigation would be required for all.              Operationally, the two tunnel scenarios would likely be similar to Option 1, both avoiding noise impacts for the length of tunnel which forms the majority of the alignment, and with the operational air emissions from the tunnel being vented via a high level shaft of the ventilation buildings, enhancing dispersion and minimising low level impacts at the SRs at both the South Apron and Cha Kwo Ling. 

Water Quality              The length of crossing from the South Apron to the runway is slightly longer by 300m (from 300m), as compared to Option 2 or 7.   As such, the High Level scenario would require approximately 5 additional viaduct piers in the marine environment, resulting in more dredging and disturbance to the seedbed that would result in water quality issues.  However, as the alignment passes over the former runway, the overall amount of marine works would be less than Options 1, 3 and 5.              For the Low Level option, the water quality implications would be similar to Option 7, comprising IMT excavation from the point of leaving the South Apron seawall.  For the deep level scenario, as for Option 1, 3, and 7, TBM is proposed to be used from the South Apron and beyond, avoiding impacts to the marine environment.

Waste Management              For the High and Low Level scenarios, waste implications would be expected to be similar to Option 7 and involving the removal of marine sediment.  The waste generated for the Deep Level scenario from the TBM tunnel will be about 10% more than Options 1 and 3 due to the increased curvature passing via the former runway.   Notwithstanding, as with Options 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, no marine mud will be generated from this scenario and the majority of the material produced can be reused, making this scenario preferred from a waste perspective. 

Marine Ecology and Fisheries          As noted above, the Deep Level scenario will avoid all disturbance to the seabed by adopting the TBM tunnelling method throughout, avoiding water quality impacts and, therefore, effects on marine ecology and fisheries.  The marine ecology and fisheries implications associated with the Low Level scenario would be expected to be comparable to Option 1.  The High Level viaduct will pass through an area of plantation/grassland mosaic on the southern end of the runway, but this habitat is not considered to be of high ecological value.

Landscape and Visual          There is little landscape resource in the area that will be affected by any of the three scenarios due to the already development nature of the site, with the exception of a small piece of plantation/grassland mosaic on the runway.  However, the loss of this area would not be considered significant. However, visually, during the operational phase, the High Level scenario comprising a viaduct of up to 12m high, would be highly visible to the existing and future developments in the study area, both on the South Apron, runway and beyond.   The tunnel scenarios would, therefore, be preferred.

Cultural Heritage          There are no built heritage resources or areas of archaeological potential along this alignment and potential impacts to the heritage resources in the Cha Kwo Ling village are expected to be controlled with mitigation measures, as for the other options.

Summary          Again this alignment is very similar to the Option 2 alignment and the added length of alignment on the South Apron allows the tunnel sufficient length to reach a Level Low enough to pass under the KTAC using TBM and hence avoid the issues related to the cut and cover section in Option 2.  The Option 8 High Level scenario has some benefits over Options 2 and 7 in terms of operational noise and air and the distance from the runway future residential development but otherwise would be expected to be similar.  The tunnel scenarios are generally preferred over the High Level scenario for their operational phase benefits but with the Deep Level scenario having the least potential for impacts overall.

2.5.10               Summary of Option Assessment          The weighted scores for each horizontal alignment option and vertical scenario are provided in Appendix 2B.  A summary of the total results for all criteria including both engineering and environmental is summarised in Table 2.4 below:

Table 2.4   Summary of Total Weighted Scores for Each Alignment

Alignment Options

Vertical Scenario

Total Assessment Score

Option 1

High Level


Low Level


Deep Level


Option 2

High Level


Low Level


Deep Level


Option 3

High Level


Low Level


Deep Level


Option 4

High Level


Low Level


Deep Level


Option 5

High Level


Low Level


Deep Level


Option 6

High Level


Low Level


Deep Level


Option 7

High Level


Low Level


Deep Level


Option 8

High Level


Low Level


Deep Level

12          From the total weighted scores allocated to each of the alignment options against the constraints, interfaces design criteria and environmental impacts, it can be seen that the Deep Level scenarios generally perform the best, the Low Level scenarios show highly variable scores and the High Level scenarios scoring the lowest for the particular set of conditions applicable to the Trunk Road T2.          The High Level scenarios can be seen to perform poorly in the assessment.  This is in part due the fact that those alignments that install foundations in the marine environment would result in both a direct conflict with the PHO and a major disruption to the potential uses of the KTTS.  Alignments that follow an inland route, or follow the line of the former runway would have significant ground level impacts on the current and future developments, along with generating a very significant visual impact again generating lower assessment scores.          The High Level inland scenarios (Options 4 and 5), also, perform poorly due to the structures impacting directly on the existing densely developed Kwun Tong Area, whether via a physical conflict requiring permanent easement, or environmentally in terms of air, noise and visually intrusive structures conflicting with the wishes of the local Kwun Tong users.          The Low Level scenarios demonstrate a wide range of scores, reflecting the sensitivity of the performance of these alignment options against the constraints and impacts on the features close to ground/sea level along with more significant perceived environmental impacts.  The Low Level options may be able to avoid some of these issues by adopting construction methods such as cut and cover or immersed tube tunnel methods.  However, these Low Level options still generate some degree of temporary reclamation, large quantities of excavated material, and disruption to the use of the KTTS, breakwaters and subsea outfall, which makes them not preferred.          The “deep” alignment scenarios consistently score highly in the assessment due to the very much reduced impact on the existing constraints, the avoidance of any impact in regard to the PHO and the very much reduced environmental impacts during both the construction and operational phases as a result of TBM underground works.  In particular the deep alignments reduce the quantity of dredged material (in some cases contaminated) that would need to be disposed of at sea if a low level option such as cut and cover and IMT were to be adopted.          All of the deep alignment scenarios avoid major conflict with the constraints, meet the design criteria, cater for the future interfaces and reduce environmental impact to surrounding sensitive receivers.  This can be seen in the high scores obtained from the Option 1 and Option 8 alignments.          Table 2.5 below provides a summary of the optional assessment scoring from a purely environmental perspective.  It can be seen that the scoring largely reflects the overall total scores of all criteria, which would be expected given that the environmental parameters have been given the highest weighting factors and will notably influence the overall scoring, therefore.          The conclusion of the environmental assessment, matches that of the overall option assessment, with Deep Level scenarios for Options 1 and 3 scoring highest environmentally and overall, including the engineering criteria.

Table 2.5   Summary of Total Environmental Weighted Scores for Each Alignment

Environmental Parameters


Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

Option 4

Option 5

Option 6

Option 7

Option 8

























Air Quality Impact


























Noise Impact


























Water Quality Impact


























Waste Management


























Landscape and Visual Impact


























Cultural impact


























Marine Ecology impact


























Fisheries Impact


























Total Weighted Scores


































2.5.11               Alignment Selection          The results above show the Deep Level scenarios for Options 1 and 3 scoring highest environmentally and overall when including the engineering criteria.   Although Option 3 Deep Level has scored highly in the assessment, it has not been assessed in detail as it is considered to be identical in all real terms to Option 1 Deep Level alignment, albeit having a slightly longer marine alignment which could cause marginally more environmental impacts on the marine environment.          Following the assessment described in this section, it has been concluded that the Option 1 alignment is the preferred alignment for the Trunk Road T2 as it is seen to provide:

·             A technically feasible alignment;

·             The best environmental option resulting in significantly less environmental impacts, including reduced quantities of excavated material, no dredging of potentially contaminated of marine deposits, reduced impacts on fisheries, water quality and marine ecology and operational noise and air quality benefits;

·             Significantly less impact on the users of the KTTS;

·             Minimised impacts to KTD developments;

·             Avoidance of impacts on the existing subsea outfall, breakwater and seawalls; and

·             Avoidance of temporary reclamation in the Victoria Harbour.

2.5.12               Ventilation Buildings          Having established the preferred alignment, the preferred arrangements for the ventilation buildings have been considered.  As the locations of the ventilation buildings are driven by functional requirements, and it is essential that a tunnel such as that for the Trunk Road T2 has a ventilation system, then the items that have been considered in defining the preferred arrangement have been the location and number of the ventilation buildings.          The potential location for a western ventilation building on the South Apron is highly constrained.  Planning for the development KTD already reserved land for the ventilation building at a position adjacent to the Kwun Tong Bypass (KTBP) and the proposed desilting works for the JVBC, locating it as far as practical from the future developments in the Kai Tak development.  In order to accommodate the location of this ventilation building, an adit would need to be constructed form the Trunk Road T2 tunnels to connect to the ventilation building.  Other locations for the ventilation building have been reviewed, including placing the building at the end of the Trunk Road T2 tunnel to avoid the need for the additional adit, but this would place it significantly closer (approximately 80m) to air and noise sensitive receivers on the South Apron.  The proposed location for a western ventilation building is, also, on developed land and would not affect any natural resources.          The potential location for the eastern ventilation building has, also, been reviewed as a result of the land constraints at the CKL end of the Trunk Road T2 tunnel and the alignment changes described in Section above.  With the continuation of the Trunk Road T2 tunnel under the CKL Road to the portal at the TKO-LTT interchange, two main options existed for the location of the eastern ventilation building, namely to locate it at the CKL seafront as envisaged by the KTD studies or to locate the building at the end of the tunnel section and within the Lam Tine Interchange.  The latter option has been adopted as the preferred arrangement as it is more efficient for the ventilation operation, reduces visual impact on the CKL seafront and frees up development space at the former PWCA.   The proposed location is, also, further away from the CKL village by about 200m.  The preferred location is, also, on land that is already developed or will be disturbed for the TKO-LTT project and as such, would not affect any natural resources.          In terms of the number of ventilation buildings, the practical options were 1, 2 or 3 buildings.  The logical arrangements being: 

·             A single ventilation building located at one end of the tunnel.  This could be either at South Apron or at the Lam Tin Interchange; 

·             Two ventilation buildings, one at South Apron and one at the Lam Tin Interchange; and

·             Three ventilation buildings, one at South Apron, one at the Lam Tin Interchange and one at approximately half-way along the tunnel, but located on the Kwun Tong shoreline, within the future promenade and connected to the tunnel via a ventilation adit.  The ventilation adit is necessary as the third ventilation building cannot be located over the top of the tunnel under the KTTS as this would constitute a permanent reclamation and, thus, not permissible under the PHO since there are other feasible options.          The key aspect in terms of the number of ventilation buildings relates to operational phase air and fixed noise impacts to surrounding sensitive receivers, although construction phase impacts need to also be considered.  A preliminary appraisal of these options is shown in Table 2.6. 

Table 2.6   Potential Environmental Benefits and Dis-benefits of Different Numbers of Ventilation Buildings

Environmental Issues

No. of Ventilation Buildings





Noise and Vibration




A single building would generate higher noise and vibration impacts during the operational phase due to more dispersion equipment being located in one place.   Potentially less construction phase impacts would occur with one building but, as the one building scenario would require a larger structure, any impacts would be temporary, the environmental benefits would be considered to be minimal.

Air Quality




A single vent building would release more emissions in one location.  Dispersion from 2 or 3 ventilation shafts would be preferred.  Potentially less construction phase impacts would occur with one building but, as the one building scenario would require a larger structure, any impacts would be temporary, the environmental benefits would be considered to be minimal.

Water Quality




All options would have no water quality impacts,

Marine Ecology and Fisheries




All options would have no marine ecology and fisheries impacts as would be land based.





As a single ventilation building would be much larger, the construction waste would be equivalent overall to the construction of two building Construction of a third building, however, would generate additional construction from the building works themselves and, also, the third ventilation building excavation  on the CKL sea front would require the additional construction of a connecting adit to the remote Trunk Road tunnel generating about 7000m3 of material and for this reason the 3 building option is not preferred.

Landscape and Visual




A single building would have to be a larger structure to process with all the tunnel emission and as such would be more visually intrusive and more difficult to screen.  The possible location for 3rd ventilation would be on Kwun Tong shoreline which would be highly visible to the new development on the Kai Tak runway.          It can be seen from Table 2.6 above, that the option of two ventilation buildings is overall preferred on environmental grounds and as such, two ventilation buildings are proposed at the South Apron and the TKO-LTT interchange.

2.5.13               Options for the Portal Structure          It is fundamental that tunnel portals are required for the Trunk Road T2 project, but the locations and details have been reviewed with a view to minimizing their environmental impact and the satisfy engineering requirements.  Having identified the deep level tunnel for alignment Option 1 as the option with the best environmental performance overall, the potential locations for the portals are limited by the site constraints on the South Apron and at Cha Kwo Ling.          The portals have been located along the alignment in positions that minimise the environmental impacts from the tunnel emissions on the surrounding areas.  In respect of the western portal at the South Apron, the engineering requirements fix the position of the portal and are determined by the Trunk Road T2 vertical profile. The Trunk Road T2 vertical profile should provide minimum soil/rock cover of the subsea tunnel with one tunnel diameter to meet the technical requirement of the TBM construction method, as well as tie in to the road level of at-grade section of CKR above the existing Jordon Valley Box Culvert.  However, the portal is located as far away from the sensitive receivers, such as the CEP hospital, while providing the minimum traffic opening to the tunnel.  The location and road level of the western portal are restrained by a minimum portal opening height of 7.65m which must accommodate 5.1m traffic headroom, 0.8m tunnel electrical and mechanical facilities plus traffic signs, 1.25m thick tunnel roof slab and 0.5m soil cover over the portal.          The eastern portal has followed a similar development process as the eastern ventilation building with the location being moved away from the seafront and into the Lam Tin interchange in order to reduce the visual impact of the portal and move the structure away for noise and air sensitive receivers. 

2.6                       Construction Alternatives

2.6.1                   Subsea Tunnel Construction

Background              The previous the KTDES developed an immersed tube (IMT) tunnel solution for the stretch of subsea tunnel but given the large extent of marine disturbance this would cause, it was necessary to consider the possibility of other forms of tunnel.  However, other possible means of tunnel construction include Drill and Blast / Drill and Break, Cut and Cover and the use of tunnel boring machine (TBM).

Drill and Break              The option for using drill and blast or drill and break has been considered for the subsea tunnel.  In order to adopt this form of construction, the tunnel would need to pass through Grade III rock or better to achieve an adequate depth of rock above the roof of the tunnel.  However, this would require the vertical alignment of the Trunk Road T2 subsea tunnel section to adopt a gradient exceeding the absolute maximum value of 8%. It is noted that this level of gradient would, also, result in higher vehicle emissions from the vehicles climbing the steeper slope.  Therefore, based on the inability to comply with the minimum highway standard, this Drill and Blast / Drill and Break option is not preferred.  

Tunnel Boring Machine              Based on the internal traffic envelope and ventilation requirements, the twin bored Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) tunnels are envisaged to have an external diameter of approximately 13.2m.  The tunnels will be constructed in a parallel configuration with a typical separation of about one times the diameter of the tunnel or 13.2m.              The twin bored tunnel constructed by TBM launched from the South Apron and retrieved from a shaft located on the previous Public Cargo Works Area (PCWA) at Cha Kwo Ling.  Cross passages connecting the twin tunnels will be provided at regular intervals and generally ground freezing method will be employed for the cross passage construction.              The TBM moves forward as it excavates the tunnel by extending the pushing jacks at the back.  When the advancement of the machine reaches distance of the length of a ring, the excavation stops and the pushing jacks are retrieved, a concrete circular ring in the form of a numbers of segments are then put together at the tail of the shield.  The pushing arms are once again extended in full contact with the concrete ring just erected and the excavation is resumed. The cycle of excavation and ring erection is repeated as the TBM is advanced to form the lining of the tunnel.              The TBM tunnelling can be executed from the existing land, behind the seawalls at either end and would, therefore, not require any reclamation, disturbance to the seawalls themselves or the marine environment.              A tunnel constructed by use of a Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) has been considered as an alternative for four reasons:

·             to minimise the disturbance to and disposal of contaminated seabed sediments that would arise from the dredged trench required for an IMT or cut and cover option;

·             to minimise the re-provisioning/relocation of existing facilities within the typhoon shelter and at the CKL PCWA;

·             to remove the need for temporary reclamation; and

·             to tie-in with the lower vertical profile now proposed at  CKL village under the TKO-LTT contract, where an IMT would require a much deeper dredged trench (causing greater disturbance and a much increased excavated volume of sediment), but has the benefit of making a TBM option more feasible.              The use of TBM for the construction of the subsea tunnel has many environmental and engineering advantages, as summarised below:

·             involves no dredging operations;

·             no impacts to marine ecology and fisheries resources;

·             due to the deeper depth of boring, the excavated material will be uncontaminated alluvial or rock suitable for recycle/ re-use (on site or offsite) as public fill;

·             there would be no disturbance to the marine operations in the Kwun Tong Typhoon Shelter;

·             construction of TBM tunnel does not depend on the weather and can be operated with day and night shifts; and

·             able to avoid all disturbance to the harbour area.              The major concern of TBM is the risk of human health and safety of exposure to hyperbaric environment on rare occasions.  Maintenance of the TBM cutterhead is required from time to time, particularly for changing worn or damaged cutter discs.  Cutterhead tools can be changed within the spokes of the cutterhead under atmospheric conditions.  Notwithstanding, the possibility exists during emergency situation for entering the excavation chamber under hyperbaric condition if such operations cannot be carried out within the cutterhead spokes.

Immersed Tube          The IMT tunnel method of construction involves the tunnel elements being sunk into a trench dredged into the seabed and supported on a sand bed foundation. By virtue of their buoyancy the tunnel elements exert less foundation pressure on the sand bed than the material removed from the trench.  In the case of Trunk Road T2, the elements would generally be founded on alluvium. It is necessary for the marine mud overlying the alluvium to be removed as part of the dredging operation.          Construction of an IMT tunnel for Trunk Road T2 would, therefore, require a dredged trench in the bed of the typhoon shelter.  Typically the trench would represent the structural depth of the tunnel element, plus the sand foundation, plus the rock armour on the top to allow the rock armour to be flush with the existing seabed and minimise the risk of collision with marine traffic, falling anchors etc.          In order to create access for this trench, existing installations would require to be removed, either permanently with re-provisioning elsewhere or temporarily. These include:

·             breakwater at the entry/exit of the KTTS;

·             sewerage subsea outfall; and

·             typhoon moorings.          As the immersed tube tunnel itself consists of numbers of prefabricated tunnel elements, these first need to be fabricated in a casting basin.  The proposed immersed tube tunnel (IMT) would take the form of reinforced concrete rectangular box structures of dimensions 9.6m high x 33.2m wide, designed to accommodate 2 x 2 lanes of traffic and in total, 18 units would be required.  The use of an off-shore casting basin, potentially at Shek O, has the potential for additional environmental impacts at the casting site.          In additional, after the tunnel elements are constructed, if they cannot be floated to the site and installed straight away, a temporary mooring would, also, be required which would be anchored to the seabed and have the potential to disturb the marine environmental in its location.  The preferred choice for a mooring area would be Junk Bay but this is close to corals communities in the area.          The major advantages of employing the IMT tube for the construction of the subsea tunnel are summarised as follows:

·             the IMT works would be principally focused on the marine areas and would have no additional impact on the shore users over that for the construction of the approach works;

·             there is less risk of settlement impacts on adjacent structures;

·             cross passages can be more easily provided within the internal tunnel structure;

·             a shallow tunnel can achieve flatter gradients with less impact on vehicle emissions; and

·             reduced construction risk as main elements are prefabricated.          However, the major disadvantage to the technique is its increased potential for environmental impacts associated with seabed disturbance and dredging and the associated impacts on water quality, marine ecology and fisheries.  Dredging works for the tunnel trench (and associated temporary reclamations) will disturb the settled sediments leading to both sediment plumes and release of sediment bound contaminants. As the sediment in KTTS is known to be highly contaminated with heavy metals and trace organic pollutants, potential impacts on general water quality will be a particular concern for this construction method.  Subsequent backfilling works will, also, lead to further sediment plumes, although as the backfill material is generally non-contaminated and coarser, the plumes would be more limited and secondary impacts like contaminant release is usually not a concern.

Cut and Cover          In order to construct the subsea tunnel using cut and cover tunnel methods, it would be necessary to construct a temporary reclamation.  Although this could be constructed in a single large length to include the whole length of the subsea tunnel, it is envisaged that it would actually be carried out in sections of 100m to 200m lengths in order to avoid completely disrupting the operation of the KTTS and to reduce PHO implications.  The envisaged method for construction of the temporary reclamations is by constructing temporary embankments within the KTTS waters up to a level of approximately +4mPD.  Diaphragm walls will then be sunk down through the temporary full to create working cofferdam.  The fill material within the cofferdam would then be excavated to allow the tunnel section to be constructed.  Following completion of the tunnel box backfilling would take place up to finished seabed level and the cofferdam demolished down to seabed level.  This process would be repeated in 100m to 200m long sections until the full tunnel is constructed.  Although this method does have the advantage of allowing the use of simpler construction techniques and potential multiple faces for working it can be seen to have much more impact on the marine environment and the operation of the KTTS.  Further, the filled material necessary for constructing the temporary reclamations will need to be imported to the site and exported inducing the secondary environmental impacts associated with handling and transportation.          As with the IMT option, the cut and cover options has key environmental disadvantages associated with the extensive temporary reclamation for the working platform required for such works and the resulting adverse water quality, marine ecology, fisheries, waste and PHO implications.          The temporary reclamations for this cut and cover option will require extensive dredging and disturbance to the seabed and the release of contaminated sediment plumes that will affect water quality and potentially marine ecology and fisheries.  The large temporary reclamations will, also, require import and removal of temporary fill the handling and transportation of which can cause secondary noise, air and visual impacts.

Comparative Assessment          Drill and Blast / Drill and Break option has the major disadvantage of being unable to comply with the minimum highway standard.  The TBM tunnel will have significant environmental advantages over the IMT and cut and cover tunnel schemes.  For the IMT tunnel construction, dredging for the tunnel trench would be required, which would be about 140-210m wide and about 17-30m deep (from seabed) and this would be required for the full sub-sea tunnel alignment of approximately 3.8km.  The total amount of marine sediment to be dredged for the IMT tunnel construction is approximately 11.5Mm3 bulk volume (with 30% bulk factor).  In respect of the cut and cover tunnel, it would be about the same.. During the construction phase, the need for dredging would disturb the seabed resulting in temporary losses of marine habitat and would, also, release sediment into the water column increasing the risk of impacts to water quality and marine life.  As the alignment for the tunnel passes though fisheries, Chinese White Dolphins, coral and other marine life habitats, avoiding such impacts through the use of TBM is a notable environmental advantage.          Given the pros and cons of each tunnelling method, a comparative assessment has been undertaken.  Table 2.7 evaluates the two options based upon different engineering and environmental criteria.  High values indicate the higher potential for beneficial outcomes.  In order to clearly separate the options, the following evaluation has been adopted:

a)      Weighting: the relative importance weighting assigned to each category, as follows:

3 : item of Higher Significance to the assignment;

2 : item of Medium Significance to the assignment; and

1 : item of Lower Significance to the assignment.

b)      Assessed Value: relative performance of each method under each category, and taken to be:

-3 : Significantly more adverse.

-2 : Moderately more adverse.

-1 : Slightly more adverse.

0 : no significant relative difference  (i.e. options are relatively equal).

1 : Slightly more beneficial.

2 : Moderately more beneficial.

3 : Significantly more beneficial.          The details in Table 2.7 below show that, the TBM method has very significant advantages in the reduction of disturbance to the marine operations in the KTTS.  Similarly, the TBM may be able to avoid disturbance to the harbour bed.  Although the disturbance resulting from the IMT and cut and cover works is temporary in nature and will be re-instated as part of the construction programme, the construction phase impacts would be significant.  Following developments in the design and implementation of TBM projects for similar ground conditions, these two TBM advantages have been balanced against the risks of working with a very large TBM with potential mixed and difficult ground conditions.

Table 2.7   Comparative Assessment of IMT, Cut and Cover, Drill and Break and TBM Tunnelling Methods



Cut and Cover

Drill and Break



Assessed Value


Weighted Result

Assessed Value


Weighted Result

Assessed Value


Weighted Result

Assessed Value


Weighted Result

Construction Risk













The use of the TBM will require workers working at pressure.  For the drill and break section the tunnel will be deeper and thus working pressure will be higher.

Construction Cost













Within the level of accuracy for this study there is no significant difference between IMT and TBM construction costs however the potential for repeated interventions associated with low cover and poor/unknown geological conditions under the TBM option favours construction by IMT methods.   For the cut and cover and drill and break methods these are generally considered to be cheaper construction methods.














There is no significant difference between construction programmes except for the cut and cover, where multiple working fronts can be set up.  However, this would increase environmental impacts and PHO issues.

Environmental Impacts













Dredging and handling potential contaminated fill is a significant relative disadvantage to the IMT and cut and cover options, although some mitigation measures can be put in place.

Impact on Marine Operations













The IMT would disrupt usage during towing and sinking operations.  Dredgers and barges would increase the marine traffic.   However, the cut and cover option would generate significant temporary working platforms that would make sections of the KTTS unavailable.

Reclamation -Temporary













Current IMT proposals require temporary reclamation at the temporary breakwater for the continued operation of the KTTS.  The cut and cover method would, also, require temporary working platforms.

Reclamation -Permanent













No permanent reclamation for alignments.

Operational costs













There is no significant difference between operation costs.

Maintenance items













There is no significant difference between maintenance costs.

Impact on the Public













Construction provisions for removal of spoil will need to include barging of spoil removed from TBM launching shaft, in a similar manner to barging away of dredged materials.

Satisfy design requirements













Construction of cross-passages by manual excavation cannot be entirely catered for by the designer.  Detailed geotechnical information will assist thorough planning and help strengthen design proposals however the ability of the contractor to carry out the works (including pre-grouting and ground freezing) will play a major role in determining the outcome of the works.   For the drill and break section, the tunnel would need to go deeper to reach the Grade III rock prior to passing under the south apron.  This will generate a steep vertical alignment.

Total Weighted Score







Selected Method          Considering the notable environmental and PHO benefits of the TBM method, along with the very significant reduction of impacts on the KTTS users when compared with IMT, Cut and Cover and Drill and Break construction, the TBM method is preferred and has been selected. 

2.6.2                 Number of Tunnel Boring Machines              Based upon the information available on the ground conditions along the tunnel alignment, engineering requirements have dictated the use of closed shield slurry TBMs.  The proposed design is for a twin tunnel of 13.2m diameter constructed using two TBMs, one for each bore.              The use of a single TBM for the construction of both bores of the subsea tunnel has been considered, but this was not preferred on environmental, technical and programme grounds. In one scenario, the single TBM would be required to progress to Cha Kwo Ling and then turn around and then progress back to bore the second tunnel.  This would require ancillary equipment for the tunnel to either be set up at Cha Kwo Ling or be placed on a floating platform that could be initially moored to the South Apron and then towed and moored at the Cha Kwo Ling area. This would have an increased risk to the marine environment through spillage of tunnel slurry into the KTTS, as piping would need to span from the tunnel access point to the support facilities.  The TBM support facilities would, also, be located at Cha Kwo Ling and closer to the Cha Kwo Ling village.    The alternative scenario would be that the TBM would be dismantled at Cha Kwo Ling after the first tunnel construction and transported back to the South Apron to repeat the process for the second tunnel.  This would result in a longer construction period for the tunnelling with the potential for extended noise and air impacts.              A further option for the use of the single TBM was the use of a single 17m diameter TBM that would construct a single bore that would have sufficient space for both carriageways.  This single “over under” tunnel is not preferred due to the need for the larger tunnel to be located deeper below the seabed.  The increase in depth would lead to higher vehicle emissions in the tunnel due to the need to climb a steeper gradient (over 6%) and, also, results in increased risks associated with working on the tunnel at pressures greater than atmospheric.  In addition, the use of such a large diameter tunnel would be at the limit of current TBM technology and is considered to pose safety, programme and commercial risks with no clear environmental benefits. 

2.6.3                 Depressed Road/Cut and Cover Tunnel

Background              Along the land portion of the Trunk Road T2 alignment, the road includes at-grade road, depressed road and cut and cover tunnel at the South Apron and cut and cover tunnel at the Cha Kwo Ling Public Cargo Working Area at the connection to the proposed TKO-LTT.  An extensive deep excavation and lateral support (ELS) system would be required for both a depressed road and cut and cover tunnel construction. Ground settlement would be induced due to the deflection of the temporary ELS system, as well as to carry out dewatering during the ELS construction.              The key options considered for constructing the ELS system are sheet-piled wall, soldier pile wall, pipe pile wall, diaphragm wall and bored pile wall, as discussed below.

Sheet-piled Wall              Sheet-piled wall is a temporary displacement wall but with a relatively small wall stiffness.  It is installed by hammering or vibration into the ground and drivability of the pile is a main concern.  The ability to overcome underground obstructions such as boulders, old foundations and seawalls in fill, colluvium and weathered rocks is low and a more powerful pile hammer, heavier steel sheet pile or pre-boring may be required in order to pass through any underground obstructions.  Due to its low stiffness, sheet-piling in loose sandy soils can induce settlement in adjacent ground and, therefore, it is usually applied to applications needing a lesser excavation depth.  Seepage may, also, occur through the interlocking sheet-piles under difference hydraulic heads, which may induce consolidation in compressible soils.  Settlement of adjacent ground may, also, occur during the extraction of sheet pile from cohesive soils.              Sheet-piling equipment is simple, usually comprising of attachment mounted onto standard excavators or vibration hammer.  However, noise and vibration will be induced.

Soldier Pile Wall              A soldier pile wall serves as a temporary/permanent replacement wall.  It has two components, the soldier piles (vertical component) and lagging (horizontal component). Compared to sheet-pile wall, the solider pile wall has greater stiffness.  The piles provide the primary support to the retained soil by arching effect and the spacing of piles depends on the arching ability of the soil and the distance of structures sensitive to settlement.  In order to have full contact with the soil, piles are either driven or placed in pre-drilled holes which are backfilled to the ground surface with concrete.  The lagging provides the secondary support to the soil face and prevents progressive deterioration of the soil arching between piles.              Overcoming underground obstruction is conventional by pre-drilling holes.  However this method is unsuitable for granular material excavation below the groundwater level because soldier pile wall is pervious such that water leakage would occur during excavation.

Pipe Pile Wall              A pipe pile wall is a replacement wall, similar to the soldier pile wall.  It is comprised of the steel pipe pile and the lagging.  The construction equipment used and the effects due to the construction is similar to the soldier pipe wall but the advantages of the pipe pile wall over the soldier pipe wall is that the pipe pile wall usually has greater wall stiffness, as well as better performance in groundwater with soil retaining during excavation.

Diaphragm Wall              The diaphragm wall comprises a type of cast-in-situ replacement concrete pile wall. It is constructed by excavating a slurry trench with a guide wall to maintain the stability of the trench and then reinforcement cage fixing and concreting is carried out.  For wall stiffness, diaphragm wall has a number of times compared to sheetpile and pipe pile wall. For the diaphragm wall construction, the temporary trench excavation would be supported by bentonite slurry.  The temporary stability of the slurry filled trench would be the main concern with this technique, although trench stability in soft clay can be improved by reducing the panel length or increasing the slurry pressure (either increasing the density of the slurry or raising the slurry level above ground level).  Horizontal movement of the diaphragm wall due to the swelling of weathered granite layer can be controlled by increasing the net slurry pressure. Therefore, it is a beneficial technique for excavation near to sensitive structures.

Bored Pile Wall              The bored pile wall is another type of cast-in-situ replacement concrete pile wall.  It is a non-percussive piling method at which the circular casing is installed to the design depth.  Soil and rock will be excavated out, with subsequent installation of steel reinforcement cage.  Concreting will be carried out with tremie method and the casing will be extracted during the course of concreting.          Wall deflection and settlement can properly be controlled and minimized due to the improved wall stiffness, again, making this technique beneficial for excavation near to sensitive structures. It also has greater ability to overcome underground obstruction when compared with other types of pile wall.  However, this requires workmanship and comprehensive detailing to control water leakage during excavation.  The construction cost will, also, be relatively higher.

Selected Method          Selection of the ELS system for the cut and cover tunnel needs to be based upon the depth and extent for depressed road / cut and cover tunnel construction, site-specific geology, groundwater conditions, adjacent existing and proposed structures which are sensitive to settlement, the available working area, environmental impact to the surroundings, cost and time.          From an environmental perspective, compared with the diaphragm and bored pile wall method, sheet, pipe and soldier piling would reduce the amount of excavated material generated since these are typically driven solutions.  However, driving piles into position can result in higher noise impacts when compared with diaphragm or bored pile solutions.  Quiet driving techniques can be implemented to reduce the noise impacts and vibration associated with driven pile installation, but where the works are adjacent to vibration sensitive structures or facilities then other forms of temporary wall must be adopted.          The diaphragm and bored pile methods adopt a drilling fluid to stabilise the pile shaft which will generate waste to be disposed of and site management measures will be needed to be in place to control the water in site around all the piling works.  The diaphragm and bored piling will use water mixed with the bentonite solution to progress the works and, thus, will have a higher water demand.          Visually all of the methods of construction require similar forms of equipment for installation.          In terms of air quality, the sheet pipe and soldier piling may be up to 2 to 3 times faster for installation than the diaphragm and bored pile walls and, thus, the duration of air impacts would be reduced.  However, all options would be part of excavation works which can create dust and would need to be controlled.          A preliminary appraisal of the available construction methodology options is shown in Table 2.8. 

Table 2.8   Potential Environmental Benefits and Dis-benefits of ELS Construction Methodology Options

Environmental Issues

Sheet Pile Wall

Soldier Pile Wall

Pipe Pile Wall

Diaphragm Wall

Bored Piled Wall

Noise and Vibration






Air Quality






Water Quality












Landscape and Visual






Note: ü” = Potential reduced environmental impacts; “X” = Potentially higher environmental impacts; “-” = No significant environmental difference          The benefits and dis-benefits concerning dust and landscape and visual are not significantly different between the techniques and can be adequately controlled in both cases.  The driven piling techniques, sheet, soldier and pipe piling, are less preferable from a noise perspective but do have some dust and water quality advantages over the diaphragm and bored piling techniques.  However, overall, there is only a marginal difference between all the techniques environmentally and, therefore, the best engineering methods for the site situation have been selected, as discussed below.          The maximum excavation depth will be approximately 30m.  For excavations up to 10m, and where settlement is not a concern, it is recommended to adopt sheet-pile wall as the ELS system because it is conventional and faster to install.  The works will be undertaken in an open space area such that settlement is not the main concern.  However, as the excavation depth increases, pipe pile wall or diaphragm walls are recommended for forming the cofferdam for the construction of the tunnel.          For the area where a greater depth of excavation is needed and the alignment is adjacent to the existing PWCL building with its sensitive equipment, diaphragm wall or bored pile wall would need to be adopted to minimize the lateral wall movement and building settlement. Ground treatment to strengthen the ground may, also, be needed to further minimise the construction adverse impact to the surroundings if found necessary.          As such the type of ELS system for the depressed and cut and cover sections of the alignment will vary depending upon the location.  A schematic ELS design along the land portion of Trunk Road T2 alignment is summarised as follows.

·             CH5850 – 6050 (including depressed road portion) (up to 8m excavation): Open cut and sheet-pile wall with 3 layers of struts;

·             CH6050 – 6230 (up to 15m excavation): Pipe pile wall with  4 layers of struts;

·             CH6230 – 6475 (up to 23m excavation): Diaphragm wall with 6 layers of struts;

·             CH6475 – 6544 (influence zone to existing PWCL building) (max 30m excavation): Bored pile wall / T-shaped diaphragm wall with maximum 9 layers of preloading struts;

·             CH6544 – 6630 (seabed chainage) (up to 35m excavation): Diaphragm wall with 10 layers of struts; and

·             Cha Kwo Ling Portion (up to 35m excavation): Diaphragm wall with 6 layers of struts.

2.6.4                   Others              Based on the selection of the TBM tunnelling methods, no reclamations or dredging works are required and as such no comparison of alternative construction techniques has been undertaken.

2.6.5                   Sequencing of Construction Works              The sequencing of the construction works has been investigated with a view to achieving a minimum export of materials from site, in particular the marine deposits and alluvium.  The phasing has been planned to allow for stockpiling of the marine deposits for treatment on site and re-use in the backfilling over the cut and cover tunnels.  Similarly, the phasing has been designed to allow for use of the alluvium materials after all of the marine deposits have been used.  The proposed phasing, also, avoids the importation of materials to the site and uses only materials generated from the Trunk Road T2 contract for the backfilling of excavations.  This is considered a notable environmental benefit of the proposed construction programme.              Programmes with shorter overall durations for the construction works have been considered but these resulted in the generation of larger quantities of excavation in the early phases of the Trunk Road T2 project, far exceeding the capacity of the stockpile area and requiring more export of all the types of excavated materials.  The option of increased early excavation, also, increased the amount of road and marine transport movements needed to and from the site for removal of the spoil materials and, also, resulted in the need for the import of fill materials to the site to complete the backfilling operations. On this basis, the shorter durations were not preferred.  Notwithstanding the proposed construction sequence is longer and would not be expected to result in notably more environmental nuisance.

2.6.6                   Works Areas              The Works Areas have been selected with a view to reduce the impact of transporting materials to and from the site and reducing the impacts on the natural environment.  Based upon this, the current locations are all located on already disturbed or developed land and are not vegetated.  Notwithstanding that available sites on the South Apron are limited by the planned developments in this area, the selection of suitable Works Areas have been located as close to the construction works as possible to reduce transportation and its associated visual, air and noise impacts.  The potential volume of materials to be transported to and from the working fronts are such that there would be a very high transport demand resulting in increased air and noise impacts if the Works Areas where located further away and closer to sensitive receivers.

2.6.7                   Barging Point Selection              According to preliminary estimates, the volume of material to be extracted from the works is estimated to be in the order of approximately 1,070 construction vehicles per day.              With an assumption of 8 working hours a day, this works out to be 134 construction vehicles per hour.  Each delivery is assumed to have an inbound movement for empty construction trucks, and an outbound movement for filled construction trucks to go to the designated fill deposit point, understood to be in Tseung Kwan O Area 137 at the moment.  That means there are 134 veh/hr of inbound movements, and 134 veh/hr of outbound movements.  In pcu/hr terms, this is equivalent to roughly 335 pcu/hr per direction (based on pcu factor of 2.5 for construction vehicles), i.e. 335-in and 335-out.              Given the muck-out point’s location at Kai Tak South Apron near Cheung Yip Street (Refer to Figure 3.8), and the fill materials deposit point at TKO Area 137, the most logical haul route would be as follows:

·             Outbound: Cheung Yip Street -> Sheung Yee Road -> Wang Chiu Road slip road to Kwun Tong Bypass -> Kwun Tong Bypass -> Tseung Kwan O Tunnel -> Wan Po Road -> TKO Area 137; and

·             Inbound, assuming return of construction trucks from TKO Area 137 back to muck-out point:

-          Route 1 - TKO Area 137 -> Wan Po Road -> Tseung Kwan O Tunnel -> Kwun Tong Bypass -> Slip road to Wai Fat Road -> Wai Yip Street -> How Ming Street -> Hoi Bun Road -> Cheung Yip Street; or

-          Route 2 - TKO Area 137 -> Wan Po Road -> Tseung Kwan O Tunnel -> Kwun Tong Bypass -> Slip road to Wang Chiu Road -> Lam Fung Street -> Sheung Yee Road -> Cheung Yip Street.              Minor variation of the haul routes may be possible, but travelling along the close block of Cheung Yip Street/Sheung Yee Road/Wang Chiu Road, Kwun Tong Bypass, Tseung Kwan O Tunnel and Wan Po Road would be inevitable              Should the material be removed by road, the following traffic constraints would be expected to limit the viability of allowing any sizeable volumes of land-based deliveries of spoil materials along the haul route:

Concurrent Traffic Generation from Cruise Terminal and Hospital Sites              The Kai Tak Cruise Terminal and the two hospitals at Site A (New Acute Hospital (NAH), Centre of Excellence in Neuroscience (CEN)) and the hospital at Site C (Centre of Excellence in Paediatrics (CEP)) are envisaged to be operational in 2017 and 2018 respectively.  The estimated traffic volumes from these three major developments as documented in the “Traffic and Transport Impact Assessment for Establishment of Centre of Excellence in Paediatrics and Neuroscience and a New Acute Hospital in Kai Tak Development” commissioned by Architectural Services Department (ArchSD), are detailed in Table 2.9 below.

Table 2.9   Traffic and Transport Impact Assessment for Establishment of Centre of Excellence in Paediatrics and Neuroscience and a New Acute Hospital in Kai Tak Development.


AM Generation (pcu/hr)

AM Attraction (pcu/hr)

PM Generation (pcu/hr)

PM Attraction (pcu/hr)

Cruise Terminal





NAH + CEN + CEP combined




235              Prior to the completion of CKR and the associated slip roads S5 and S6 scheduled for the first year of operation in 2021, the only external road connection for the Kai Tak South Apron and Cruise Terminal would be via Road D3 (to/from Kai Tak North and Kowloon Central), Road D4 and Cheung Yip Street (to/from Kowloon East and Tseung Kwan O) which forms part of the Advance Works 2 (AW2) that is scheduled for commissioning in 2018.  Before 2018, Roads D3 and D4 would comprise single-2 carriageways and the road capacity would be even more constrained.              Based on the construction programme for T2 of 2017-2021, the worst case would be 2018 when the cruise terminal and hospital developments are completed but AW2 is not commissioned yet, and thus traffic is handled by the single carriageways of Roads TD3 and TD4. As demonstrated by the aformentioned study, the road and junction capacities along Road D4 and Cheung Yip Street have limited spare capacity, not adequate to handle additional construction trucks for the delivery of spoil materials.  Based on 8-hour working day, it is very likely that the 335 pcu/hr traffic volumes would appear in either the AM or PM peak hour, or both.

Constraints in Surrounding Junctions              The traffic handling capacity in the Trunk Road T2 area, also, hinges upon the junction capacities of Cheung Yip Street/Hoi Bun Road, with all inbound/outbound traffic for the hospital sites and Cruise Terminal having to go through this, prior to commissioning of the CKR and its slip roads.  Any construction traffic for spoil removal to Tseung Kwan O would, also, have to pass through this junction and other critical junctions, namely Wang Chiu Road/ Sheung Yee Road and Wan Po Road/ Shek Kok Road.  The junction capacity assessment results from the aforementioned ArchSD study indicated that the junction of Cheung Yip Street/Hoi Bun Road would need an improvement scheme to sustain the reserve capacity at around +5%, taking into account the traffic generation from the cruise terminal and the hospital sites. The resulting capacity assessments for other critical junctions along the haul route with and without any Trunk Road T2 construction vehicles in 2018 are summarised in the Table 2.10 below.

Table 2.10                    Junction Capacity at Critical Junctions


R.C. of

J/O Wang Chiu Rd/

Sheung Yee Rd

R.C. of

J/O Wan Po Rd/ Shek Kok Rd





Without Construction Vehicle





With Construction Vehicle (335pcu-in and 335pcu-out)





Note: Reserve Capacity (R.C.) indicated in %, provides an indication of signal junction performance. Positive RC indicates the junction is operating satisfactorily, negative RC indicates the junction is overloaded.          As shown in Table 2.10, the results indicated that the affected junction of Wang Chiu Road/ Sheung Yee Road along the haul route would be seriously overloaded with the construction traffic during construction while the junction of Wan Po Road/ Shek Kok Road would be worsened significantly to a marginal condition. Based on the above comparison results, the junction of Cheung Yip Street/Hoi Bun Road with only +5% of R.C. without any construction vehicles access would be even worse during construction.

Traffic conditions at strategic links of Kwun Tong Bypass, Tseung Kwan O Tunnel and Wan Po Road          The traffic capacities on the strategic links of Kwun Tong Bypass, Tseung Kwan O Tunnel and Wan Po Road are also constraints on the feasibility of using land-based delivery of spoil materials. The resulting capacity assessments for strategic road links with and without construction vehicle at 2018 are summarized in Table 2.11 below.

Table 2.11                    Link Capacity at Strategic Road Links


V/C ratio of

Kwun Tong Bypass

V/C ratio of

Tseung Kwan O Tunnel

V/C ratio of

Wan Po Road Flyover near Chiu Shun Road



















Without Construction Vehicle













With Construction Vehicle

(335pcu-in and 335pcu-out)












0.7          As shown in Table 2.11, the results indicated that the affected road links along the haul route would be worsened with the construction traffic during construction.          Summarising from the capacity assessment results, it can be seen that the identified road network constraint points would be seriously overloaded based on the full extent of spoil delivery by land-based transport (i.e. 335 pcu/hr) and only if the construction traffic was reduced to about 5% of the original volume assumed in Table 2.10 and 2.11 above, would the affected road sections operate without any significant worsening in traffic conditions. In a test scenario in which the land-based delivery could be scaled back by delivering some spoil materials by other means (e.g. barging), and the construction truck volume is reduced to about 5% of the original volume to 7 veh/hr (7-in and 7-out), or equivalent to 18 pcu/hr (18-in and 18-out), the resulting capacity assessment results are shown in Tables 2.12 and 2.13.

Table 2.12                             Junction Capacity at Critical Junctions


R.C. of

Junction of Wang Chiu Rd/

Sheung Yee Rd

R.C. of

Junction of Wan Po Rd/

Shek Kok Rd





Without Construction Vehicle





With Construction Vehicle

(18pcu-in and 18pcu-out)





Note: Reserve Capacity (R.C.) indicated in %, provides an indication of signal junction performance. Positive RC indicates the junction is operating satisfactorily, negative RC indicates the junction is overloaded.

Table 2.13                    Link Capacity at Strategic Road Links


V/C ratio of

Kwun Tong Bypass

V/C ratio of

Tseung Kwan O Tunnel

V/C ratio of

Wan Po Road Flyover near Chiu Shun Road



















Without Construction Vehicle













With Construction Vehicle

(18pcu-in and 18pcu-out)












0.5          It can be seen that only in such arrangement, that the affected road section would operate without any significant worsening in traffic conditions.          From the above findings, it can be seen that the junctions and road links along the likely delivery routes for spoil materials between Kai Tak and Tseung Kwan O Area 137 are already or would likely be operating at above capacity even without any addition of the T2 construction traffic.  Any significant amount of additional traffic generation from the construction of T2 would bring about additional adverse impacts onto these roads and junctions. Therefore, from a traffic perspective, means of marine transport (e.g. by barges) has been explored for delivering most, if not all, of the spoil materials generated.          The Barging Point location has been selected to minimise environmental impacts, minimise disruption to current projects on the KTD and minmise impacts on the Kwun Tong area, in particular the local road network.  The  Barging Point is planned to be located close to the TBM launching shaft (which will, also, serve as the subsea tunnel mucking out shaft) to minimise the distance for the transport of spoil from the subsea tunnel working area to its export point from the site.  The option of locating the Barging Point closer to the stockpile area at WA4 was considered, but rejected as this would bring the barging point closer to the CEP hospital (within 25m rather than the planned 225m), with resulting noise and air impacts on this sensitive receiver.  Also, the placing of the Barging Point close to WA4 would have required a 500m longer conveyor belt system for the TBM spoil to be delivered to the barging point, resulting in a potential increase in noise impacts.  It was, also, noted that in order for barges to access closer to the works area WA4, there may have been a requirement for limited dredging to provide sufficient navigable water depth for the assumed 500m3 barges, resulting in water and marine ecology impacts.  The planned Barging Point location, however, has recently been used as a cargo handling point with hard standing and, thus, would have no impact on existing vegetated areas.  There would, also, be no marine impacts as works below the waterline to prepare the Barging Point for use would not be required.          Brief consideration was, also, given to using a barging point at the Cha Kwo Ling end of the tunnel, but this would have meant starting the TBM works from the CKL end of the subsea tunnel and having the TBM ancillary equipment located close to the Cha Kwo Ling village with potential for increased noise and air impacts.  It would, also, have meant that any spoil generated from the cut and cover tunnel sections that could not be used on site would have to be exported via the local road network to the barging point or to the fill banks resulting in secondary noise and air impacts from the increased construction traffic.