chapter presents the potential landscape and visual impacts due to the construction and
operation of Trunk Road T2 (hereinafter referred to as “the Project”) in accordance
with the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO). The focus of the
Landscape Impact Assessment (LIA) as stated within the April 2009 EIA Study
Brief ESB-203/2009 shall include areas within 100 metres from the boundary of
the project and proposed off-site work sites. The focus of the Visual Impact
Assessment (VIA) is defined by the three visual envelopes of the project.
the 31 July 2009 date for commencement, the original proposals and locations
for the project, and the location of the Trunk Road T2 Eastern Ventilation
Building have been
relocated to the Lam Tin Interchange. The Trunk Road T2 Eastern Ventilation Building is outside the scope of
this study and has been
addressed by a separate consultancy. For
information regarding the Trunk Road T2 Eastern Ventilation Building within Lam
Tin Interchange, please refer to Section 9 Appendix A for the
relevant extracted text and supporting figures from AECOM’s October 2012,
Agreement No. CE 42/2008 Tseung Kwan O - Lam Tin
Tunnel and Associated Works – Investigation Report (TKO-LTT), which includes an
in-depth section within their LVIA and supporting photomontages for the Trunk
Road T2 Eastern Ventilation Building, located within the Lam Tin
Interchange. Please note the TKO-LTT EIA is awaiting
Road T2 and associated buildings will be commissioned by the end of 2020 in
coordination with both the CKR and TKO-LTT Route 6 projects. According to the
approved March 2009 KTD EIA Report and the KTD Recommended Outline Development
Plan, the Kai Tak development is proposed to be
commissioned by the end of 2020.
This LVIA will focus on both the Cha Kwo Ling Eastern
Works Area and the KTD South Apron Western Works Area in the construction phase
and the Trunk Road T2 Western Ventilation and Tunnel Portal Buildings in the
operation phase. All future developments planned within the Kai Tak Development (or any planned developments as
appropriate) do not form part of the Project and are not intended for approval
under this EIA Submission but are discussed in the section on Cumulative
Landscape & Visual Impacts.
scale of the Project will inevitably cause landscape and visual impacts, on
both existing and future landscape resources and characteristics as well as visually sensitive
receivers (VSRs). Key issues on landscape and visual impacts during construction and operation stages are identified and assessed. The scale and extent of the Project site is
likely to alter the visual context of some VSRs in Kowloon Bay, Kowloon City
and Kwun Tong.
that all underground activities and facilities will unlikely cause landscape
and visual impacts, this report assesses potential landscape and visual impacts associated with surface
construction activities, excavation, storage and above-ground structures
(Tunnel Portal Building & Ventilation Building). The LVIA follows the criteria and guidelines in Annexes 10 and 18 of the EIAO TM. Photographs showing baseline conditions, and photomontages and illustrative materials supporting conclusions are provided and the locations of key viewpoints are mapped. Photomontages provide comparisons between existing views, proposals on day 1 after completion without mitigation measures, on day 1 after completion with mitigation measures, and in year 10 after completion with mitigation measures in accordance with EIAO Guidance Note No. 8/2010.
9.2 Environmental Legislation, Standards and Guidelines The following legislation, standards and guidelines are applicable to landscape and visual impact assessment associated with the construction and operation of the Project:
· EIAO (Cap.499.S.16) and the TM on EIA Process, particularly Annexes 10 and 18;
EIAO Guidance Note 8/2010;
Protection of Endangered Species of Animals And Plants Ordinance (Cap
Town Planning Ordinance (Cap 131);
Protection of the Harbour Ordinance (Cap 531);
Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines (HKPSG);
Study on Landscape Value Mapping of Hong Kong;
Land Administration Office Instruction (LAOI) Section D-12 - Tree
WBTC No. 25/92 - Allocation of Space for Urban Street Trees;
WBTC No. 7/2002 - Tree Planting in Public Works;
ETWB TC(W) No. 13/2003 - Guidelines and Procedures for Environmental Impact
Assessment of Government Projects and Proposals;
ETWB TC(W) No. 13/2003A - Guidelines and Procedures for Environmental
Impact Assessment of Government Projects and Proposals; Planning for Provision of Noise Barriers;
ETWB TCW No. 2/2004 - Maintenance of Vegetation and Hard Landscape
ETWB TCW No. 29/2004 - Registration of Old and Valuable Trees (OVTs),
and Guidelines for their Preservation;
ETWB TCW No. 8/2005 - Aesthetics Design of Ancillary Buildings in
Engineering Projects;
ETWB No. 36/2004 - Advisory Committee on the Appearance of Bridges and
Associated Structures (ACABAS);
ETWB TCW No. 3/2006 - Tree Preservation;
DEVB TCW No. 2/2012 - Allocation of Space for Quality Greening on Roads;
DEVB TCW No. 2/2013 - Greening on Footbridges And Flyovers;
DEVB TCW No. 3/2012- Site Coverage of Greenery for Government Building
· Highways Department - Structures Design Guidelines for Highways & Railways, Third Edition. Section 17. As requested in the EIA Study Brief, relevant Outline Development Plans, Outline Zoning Plans, Layout Plans, Recommended Outline Development Plan for the Kai Tak Development, other planning briefs and studies, guidelines and reports on landscape strategies and landscape/urban frameworks will be reviewed to understand the future outlook of the area affected and to assess whether the project is compatible with its surroundings. The following Statutory and Administrative Plans are relevant to this Study:
Draft Ngau Tau Kok
and Kowloon Bay Outline Zoning Plan No. S/K13/27 gazetted on 14/10/2011;
Approved Kwun Tong (South) Outline Zoning Plan
No. S/K14S/18 gazetted on 14/6/2013;
Approved Cha Kwo Ling, Yau
Tong, Lei Yue Mun Outline
Zoning Plan No. S/K15/19 gazetted on 17/06/2011;
· Approved Kai Tak Outline Zoning Plan No. S/K22/4 gazetted on 14/09/2012; and
· Recommended Outline Development Plan (RODP) for Kai Tak Development. The following approved EIA Reports are referred to in this Study:
· Kai Tak Airport North Apron Decommissioning EIA Report (EIAO Register No. AEIAR- 002/1998);
· Comprehensive Feasibility Study for the Refined Scheme of South East Kowloon Development (EIAO Register No. AEIAR-044/2001);
· Further Development of Tseung Kwun O Feasibility Study (EIAO Register No. AEIAR-092/2005);
· Dredging Works for Proposed Cruise Terminal at Kai Tak (EIAO Register No. AEIAR-115/2007);
· Decommissioning of the Former Kai Tak Airport Other than the North Apron (EIAO Register No. AEIAR-114/2007);
· Kai Tak Development EIA (EIAO Register No. AEIAR-130/2009); and
· Installation of Submarine Gas Pipelines and Associated Facilities from To Kwa Wan to North Point for Former Kai Tak Airport Development (EIAO Register No. AEIAR-153/2010). The following previous Kai Tak Development studies and con-current works reports are considered for this LVIA:
· CE 35/2006 (CE) – Kai Tak Development Engineering Study cum Design and Construction of Advance Works – Preliminary Design Report and Design Memorandum of Trunk Road T2 (Final);
· CE 35/2006 (CE) – Final Report on Planning, Landscape and Urban Design Study;
· CE 35/2006 (CE) – Final Preliminary Design Report for Advance Works;
· CE 35/2006 (CE) – Review Report;
· CE 35/2006 (CE) – Kai Tak Development Environmental Impact Assessment Report;
· CE 35/2006 (CE) – ACABAS Submission for Preliminary Design of Highway Structures in KTD; (Revision A)(6-7-09);
· CE 58/2006 (HY) – Central Kowloon Route and Gascoigne Road Flyover Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment Report;
· CE 42/2008 (CE) Tseung Kwan O - Lam Tin Tunnel and Associated Works – Investigation Report;
· CE 43/2010 (HY) Central Kowloon Route - Design & Construction: Draft Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment – Baseline Study;
· SCL-NEX/2206 EIA Study for Tai Wai to Hung Hom Station (MTR Corporation LTD);
· CV/2009/06 - Greening Master Plan (GMP) for Kwun Tong District by CEDD; and
· Recommended Outline Development Plan (RODP) for Kai Tak Development.
Methodology Landscape and visual impacts have been assessed separately for the construction and operation phases. The methodology will comply with the requirements of Annexes 10 and 18 of the EIAO TM, the EIA Study Brief ESB-203/2009 (issued in April 2009) and the EIAO Guidance Note No. 8/2010. The methodology consists of the following procedures:
· Review of the planning and development control framework;
· Landscape impact assessment;
· Visual impact assessment;
· Recommendation on landscape and visual mitigation measures;
· Identification of residual impacts; and
· Predication of acceptability of impacts.
of the Planning and Development Control Framework A review of the existing planning studies and documents for the Project is carried out to understand the planned role of the site and help determine if the Project fits into the wider landscape context. The review will consider all areas zoned on the Outline Development Plans, Outline Zoning Plans, Layout Plans, and Recommended Outline Development Plan for Kai Tak Development which are physically affected by the Project including the area within the project boundary and temporary construction or works areas. The review considers the following aspects of planning designations:
· Loss of zoning areas due to the implementation of the Project;
· Degradation zoning areas which might affect the viability of its landscape planning designation;
· The visual amenity enjoyed by future residents or users; and
· The compatibility of the Project with this future landscape.
Impact Assessment The assessment of landscape impacts involves:
· Baseline landscape review;
· Assessment of the degree of sensitivity of the landscape resources and landscape character areas;
· Identification of potential sources of landscape impacts;
· Assessment of the magnitude of landscape impacts before and after mitigation measures: and
· Prediction of significance of landscape impacts.
Landscape Review A baseline landscape review is achieved by site visits and desktop study of topographical maps, information databases and photographs to identify the baseline landscape resources (LRs) and landscape character areas (LCAs) within the study area. Landscape resources include vegetation, patterns of settlement, land use and water bodies.
of the Degree of Sensitivity of the Landscape Resources and Landscape Character
area Sensitivity of LCAs and LRs identified in the baseline landscape review is assessed by the following factors:
· Quality and maturity;
· Importance or rarity;
· Ability to accommodate change;
· Significance of the change in local and regional context;
· Overall size within the study area; and
· Whether there are any statutory or regulatory limitations / requirements relating to the LCAs and LRs. Sensitivity of each LCA and LR is classified as follows:
High: Important landscape resources or
landscape with particularly distinctive character or
high importance, sensitive to small changes.
Medium: Moderately
important landscape
resources or landscape with moderately valued landscape
characteristics reasonably tolerant to changes.
Low: Landscape resources of low value or relatively
unimportant landscape characteristics highly tolerant to changes.
of Potential Sources of Landscape Impacts These are various elements of construction and operational works which generate landscape impacts. Such impacts are described, measured and illustrated in this report.
of the Magnitude of Landscape Impacts The magnitude of the impact or magnitude of change depends on a number of factors including:
· Scale of Project;
· Location of Project;
· Compatibility of Project with the surrounding landscape;
· Duration of impacts under construction and operation phases;
· The relative size of the change in comparison to the size of the LCAs and LRs; and
· Reversibility of change (changes are residual or not residual after mitigation). The magnitude of landscape impacts is classified as follows:
Large: The LCA or LR would
experience major change.
Intermediate: The LCA or LR
would experience moderate change.
Small: The LCA or LR would experience slight or barely perceptible changes.
Negligible: The LCA or LR
would experience no discernible change.
of Significance of Landscape Impacts The degree of significance of landscape impact is derived from the magnitude of change which the Project will cause to the existing LRs & LCAs and ability to tolerate the change, i.e. their sensitivity. The landscape impacts during construction and operation are assessed by combining the sensitivity and the magnitude of change for LRs and LCAs according to Table 9.1. Any such impacts are further defined as beneficial or adverse.
Table 9.1 Matrix
for Impact Significance Threshold
of Change caused by the Project |
Large |
Moderate |
/ Substantial |
Substantial |
Intermediate |
/ Moderate |
Moderate |
/ Substantial |
Small |
Slight |
/ Moderate |
Moderate |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Low |
Medium |
High |
Sensitivity (LCAs, LRs or VSRs) | The Degree of Impact Significance Threshold is divided into four thresholds:
Substantial: Adverse / beneficial impact where the
proposal would cause significant deterioration or improvement in existing
Moderate: Adverse / beneficial impact where the
proposal would cause noticeable deterioration or improvement in existing
Slight: Adverse / beneficial impact
where the proposal would cause slight or barely perceptible deterioration or
improvement in existing landscape.
Insubstantial: No discernible change in the existing
Impact Assessment The assessment of visual impacts has
involved the followings procedures:
· Identification of Zone of Visual Influence (ZVIs);
· Identification of Visually Sensitive Receivers (VSRs) within the ZVIs;
· Identification of relative numbers of VSRs;
· Assessments of the degree of sensitivity of the VSRs;
· Identification of potential sources of visual impacts;
· Assessment of the magnitude of visual impacts; and
· Predication of significance of visual impacts.
of Zone of Visual Influence (ZVI)
This is achieved by site visits and
desktop study of topographic maps and photographs, and preparation of
cross-section to determine visibility of the Project from various locations.
The ZVI for both construction and operational phases of the Project are
of Visually Sensitive Receivers (VSRs) within the ZVI
These are the people who would reside
within, work within, play within, or travel through, the ZVI.
Identification of relative
numbers of VSRs
The relative number of VSRs is expressed
in terms of whether there are few, medium or many.
Assessments of the Degree
of Sensitivity of the VSRs
The individual VSRs identified are
assessed by the following factors that influence sensitivity:
· The type of VSRs, which is classified as Residential User, Occupational User, Recreational User or Travelling User according to whether the person is at home, at work, at school, at play, or travelling;
· Estimated number of receiver population;
· Value and quality of existing views;
· Availability and amenity of alternative views;
· Duration or frequency of view; and
· Degree of visibility.
The ratings for sensitivity of the VSRs
are classified below:
High: The VSR is
highly sensitive to any change in their viewing experience.
Medium: The VSR is moderately sensitive to
any change in their viewing experience.
Low: The VSR is slightly
sensitive to any change in their viewing experience.
of Potential Sources of Visual Impacts These are the various elements of the construction works and physical aboveground structures of the Project that would generate visual impacts.
of Magnitude of Visual Impacts Factors for considering the Potential Magnitude of Visual Impacts include:
· Compatibility with the landscape and character of the surroundings;
· Duration of impacts;
· Scale of the project;
· Reversibility of the change (changes are residual or not residual after mitigation);
· Viewing distance; and
· Potential blockage of views. The rating for Magnitude of Change of the view of VSRs is classified as below:
Large: The VSR would suffer major change
in their viewing experience.
Intermediate: The VSR would suffer moderate
change in their viewing experience.
Small: The VSR would suffer slight or
barely perceptible changes.
Negligible: The VSR would suffer no discernible
of Significance of Visual Impacts The significance threshold for visual impacts is rated in a similar fashion to the landscape impact, i.e. significant, moderate, slight and negligible. The visual impact during construction and operation is assessed by combining the sensitivity of change and the magnitude of change of various VSRs according to Table 9.1. The impacts may be beneficial or adverse. The Degree of the Impact Significance is divided into four thresholds:
Substantial: Adverse / beneficial impact where the
proposal would cause significant deterioration or improvement in existing
visual quality.
Moderate: Adverse /
beneficial impact where the proposal would cause noticeable deterioration or
improvement in existing visual quality.
Slight: Adverse / beneficial impact where
the proposal would cause slight or barely perceptible deterioration or
improvement in existing visual quality.
Insubstantial: No discernible change in the
existing visual quality.
on Landscape and Visual Mitigation Measures The identification of the landscape and visual impacts will highlight those sources of conflict requiring design solutions or modifications to reduce the impacts, and, if possible, blend the development and associated activities with the surrounding landscape. Mitigation measures have considered factors including:
· Adopting alternative design or revisions to the basic engineering or architectural design to prevent and / or minimize adverse impacts;
· Mitigation measures such as colour, architectural and landscape treatment of physical, engineering and building features;
· Compensatory measures such as the implementation of landscape design measures such as creation of new amenity area to compensate for unavoidable adverse impacts and to attempt to generate potentially beneficial long-term impacts;
· Compensatory tree planting to compensate for felled trees; and
· Additional tree planting to screen the Trunk Road T2 and associated structures. The mitigation measures will be included in the detail design, construction and operation phases of the Project and associated works to reduce impacts to acceptable levels. Responsible parties will be identified for the on-going management and maintenance of the proposed mitigation measures to ensure their effectiveness throughout the operation phase of the Project and associated works. The Funding Agency and Implementation Agency for the implementation of the recommended mitigation measures are presented in Tables 9.20 and 9.21. This will follow ETWB TCW No.2/2004 Maintenance of Vegetation and Hard Landscape Features, and ETWB TCW No.3/2006 - Tree Preservation.
of Residual Impacts Residual impacts are those which remain after the proposed mitigation measures have been implemented. These are assessed both during the construction and operation periods, which are taken to be day 1 and 10 years after the Project has been operational. During the operational period the soft landscape mitigation measures will reach a level of maturity that allows them to perform their original design objectives. The residual impacts in this instance will reduce over time as the vegetation becomes established and mature. The significance threshold of residual impacts is derived from the matrices described separately above for the landscape and visual impacts. Both landscape and visual residual impacts are products of magnitude of change and sensitivity of the receiver.
of Acceptability of Impacts The acceptability of the Project is dependent upon the significance of the residual impacts in accordance with the five criteria set out in Annex 10 of the Technical Memorandum of the Environmental Impact Assessment Process (EIAO-TM). The criteria are summarized below:
· Beneficial. The project will complement the landscape and visual character of its setting, will follow the relevant planning objectives and will improve the landscape and visual quality of the study area;
· Acceptable. The assessment indicates that there will be no significant effects on the landscape, no significant visual effects caused by the appearance of the project, or no interference with key views;
· Acceptable With Mitigation Measures. There will be some adverse effects; these can be eliminated, reduced or offset to a large extent by specific measures;
· Unacceptable. The adverse effects are considered too excessive and are unable to be mitigated practically; and
· Undetermined. Significant adverse effects are likely, but the extent to which they may occur or may be mitigated cannot be determined from the study. Further detailed study will be required for the specific effects in question.
9.4 Scope and Content of the Study
Description of the Project The nature, scope and implementation programme of the Project is described in Section 2 & 3 of this Report. In accordance with the Study Brief, this study will assess the landscape and visual impacts during the construction and operation phases of the Project. Background: The Kai Tak (North) Outline Zoning Plan (OZP) and Kai Tak (South) OZP were gazetted in 1998 providing the statutory planning framework for the area. Following subsequent reviews and consultation processes, the OZP for the entire Kai Tak area was gazetted and subsequently amended under the Town Planning Ordinance between 2006 and 2012. It is noted that the land use proposals for Kai Tak would be refined in later stages. This report also reflects the best available information from the latest Kai Tak OZP and CEDD’s draft Recommended Outline Development Plan (RODP) for Kai Tak Development at the time of preparing the report. As a part of the strategic road network within the South East Kowloon Development, Route 6 forms an east west express link between West Kowloon and Tseung Kwan O. Route 6 comprises the Central Kowloon Route (CKR), Trunk Road T2 and Tseung Kwan O – Lam Tin Tunnel (TKO-LTT).
Consideration of Alternatives and Development of a
Preferred Option Details of the comparison of various development options and how the preferred option is formulated and translated are summarized in Section 2 of this report.
Scope and Content of the Study The Project boundary covers the Kowloon Bay, Former Kai Tak South Apron, Kwun Tong and Cha Kwo Ling as shown in Figures 9.1 and 9.2. According to EIA Study Brief No. ESB-203/2009, the study area for the landscape impact assessment shall include all areas within 100m extended from the Project boundary and the proposed off-site work sites. The assessment area for the visual impact assessment shall be defined by the visual envelope of the Project (ZVI). The study area for the landscape impact assessment and ZVI are indicated in Figures 9.1 and 9.2.
9.5 Review of Planning and Development Control Framework
Review of Outline Development Plan and Outline Zoning Plans The proposed Trunk Road T2 has been planned within limited land take and where possible is in tunnel. A review of the existing and planned development framework for the proposed works and for the surroundings is undertaken. It identifies issues for neighbouring planned land uses, identifying potential resources and sensitive receivers, and ensuring a high compatibility between the Project and the surroundings. The study area is covered by:
· Draft Ngau Tau Kok and Kowloon Bay Outline Zoning Plan No. S/K13/27 gazetted on 14/10/2011;
· Approved Kwun Tong (South) Outline Zoning Plan No. S/K14S/18 gazetted on 14/6/2013;
· Approved Cha Kwo Ling, Yau Tong, Lei Yue Mun Outline Zoning Plan No. S/K15/19 gazetted on 17/06/2011;
· Approved Kai Tak Outline Zoning Plan No. S/K22/4 gazetted on 14/09/2012; and
· Recommended Outline Development Plan (RODP) for Kai Tak Development (KTD). The review of ODPs and OZPs has not only included a review of the plans, but also the “Notes” and “Explanatory Statements” which accompany, and form part of these plans. The proposed alignment of the at-grade section of Trunk Road T2 at the south apron is located within the planned road corridor of the approved Kai Tak OZP as shown in Figures 9.5 and 9.5.1 to 9.5.8. However, some of the proposed works will cause a minor change of current land use in the area. The change comprises: The proposed Ventilation Building at Kai Fuk Road located within areas zoned “Other Specific Uses (Tunnel Ventilation Shaft)” (“OU”) as shown in Figure 9.1. Since this zone is already reserved for tunnel ventilation shaft use, it is not considered to have potential conflicts with the planning intention of this OZP. On completion of the approved design of the Trunk Road T2 and associated buildings, it is recommended that the OZP shall be amended to incorporate the changes arising from the Project. Apart from the change in land use mentioned above, there will not be any impacts on guidelines on landscape strategies, landscape frameworks, urban design concept, building height profiles, special design areas, landmarks, designated view corridors, open space networks and landscape links of the area except for the RODP for KTD. Ongoing liaison between the proponent of this Project and KTD regarding the proposed zoning and road alignment will be carried out throughout the design development process to ensure the Project is compatible with the future context of the area. As a whole, it is considered that the Project would be in accordance with the planning intentions for the study areas, as set out in the OZPs and other planned development framework.
Baseline Study
The study areas cover the South
Apron of the former Kai Tak Airport, Kwun Tong, Cha Kwo Ling, and
adjacent water bodies. The extent of works are
illustrated in Figures 9.1 and 9.2. The landscape baseline review comprises the identification of all existing Landscape Resources (LRs) and Landscape Character Areas (LCAs) within 100m from the works limit of the Project. The visual baseline review comprises the identification of all Visually Sensitive Receivers (VSRs) within the Zones of Visual Influence (ZVIs) of the Project. For ease of reference each LR, LCA and VSR is given an identity number, which is used in all relevant tables and figures in this report.
The baseline landscape
resources that will be affected during the Construction and Operation Phases,
together with their sensitivity, are described in Table 9.2. The locations of LRs are mapped in Figures
9.6.1 and 9.6.2. Photo views illustrating the
LRs within the study area are illustrated in Figures 9.7.1 to 9.7.4. In surveying and reviewing the Trunk Road T2 Works Area, no Old and Valuable Trees, important trees or wall trees are found within the site boundary or within the proximity of the works area. For all tree locations, refer to Figures 9.10.1 and 9.10.2.
9.2 List of Landscape Resources and their
No. |
Resources |
Sensitivity (Low,
Medium, High) |
LR1 |
Planting (Kai Fuk Road) There are approximately 40 trees of semi-mature
size planted along the roadside. The area is approximately 6,430 square
metres. No area
will be required by the Project for either Construction or Operation phases. Trees in this area are 5-12
meters in height with low to medium amenity value. The species mainly include
Acacia confusa,
Albizia lebbeck, Aleurites moluccana, Caryota mitis and Melaleuca cajuputi subsp.
cumingiana. Some tall shrubs such as Schefflera arboricola
and Schefflera actinophylla
are planted underneath. The sensitivity of this landscape resource is
considered medium. |
Medium |
LR2 |
/ Disturbed Land Proposed as Open Space (Kai Fuk
Road) There are approximately 78 trees of young to mature
size planted along the road side and periphery of the amenity area. The size
of the area is approximately 3,120 square metres. This
area is currently used for storage of construction materials. No area will be required by the Project for
either Construction or Operation phases. Trees in this area are 3-9 meters in height with
low to medium amenity value. The species mainly include Macaranga tanarius var. tomentosa, Leucaena leucocephala,
Morus alba, Thevetia
peruviana and Aleurites moluccana. The
sensitivity of this landscape resource is considered medium. |
Medium |
LR3 |
Roadside Planting (Sheung Yee Road) Small shrubs in columnar form
such as Garcinia subelliptica
and Podocarpus macrophyllus
are planted along Sheung Tee Road. Some colourful and
flowering shrubs such as Cordyline fruticosa, Duranta erecta, Osmanthus fragrans, Loropetalum chinensis f. rubrum and Ixora chinensis are planted underneath. The size of the area is approximately 2,560 square metres. No area will be required by the Project for
either Construction or Operation phases.The sensitivity of this
landscape resource is considered medium.
Medium |
LR4 |
Car Park (GW Parking Lot at
Sheung Yee Road) There are approximately 28 trees
of young to semi-mature size planted within Sheung
Yee Road Parking Lot. The size
of the area is approximately 4,710 square metres. Trees in this area are 3-8 metres in height
with low to medium amenity value. The dominant species include Albizia lebbeck, Aleurites moluccana,
and Macaranga tanarius
var. tomentosa. No area will be required by the Project for
either Construction or Operation phases. The sensitivity of this landscape
resource is considered low. |
Low |
LR5 |
Occupational Land (Kai Fuk Road Shell
Garage) There are
approximate 11 trees of young to semi-mature size planted within amenity
planters at Kai Fuk Road Shell Garage. The size of the area is approximately 1,590
square metres. Trees in this area are 5-8 metres
in height with medium amenity value. The dominant species include Aleurites moluccana, Bombax ceiba and Delonix regia. No area will be required by the Project for
either Construction or Operation phases. The sensitivity of this landscape
resource is considered medium. |
Medium |
LR6 |
Amenity Area (Kai Fuk Road / Kwun Tong By-pass) This amenity area
comprises a series of small sitting out areas and a footpath, in addition to
planting under and next to the elevated Kuwn Tong
Bypass. The size of the area is approximately 11,010 square metres. Within
the site there are approximately 81 trees of young to semi-mature size
planted along the amenity area next to Kwun Tong
By-pass in the T2 area. Trees in this area are 5-12 mxeters
in height with low to medium amenity value. The dominant species include Albizia lebbeck, Aleurites moluccana, Bauhinia variegata
and Spathodea campanulata.
The overall form and health of trees surveyed are fair to poor. A majority of
them have broken and/or dead branches and are damaged. Some colourful and
flowering shrubs such as Cordyline fruticosa, Duranta erecta, Excoecaria cochinchinensis and Ixora chinensis are planted underneath. The
sensitivity of this landscape resource is considered medium. |
Medium |
LR7 |
Amenity Area (under Kwun Tong By-pass) This is a small amenity area connecting the Kowloon Bay
Industrial Area and the former Kai Tak South Apron.
Parts of the area are under the Kai Fuk Road
Flyover and Kwun Tong By-pass. The size of the area is Approximately 19,720
square metres. There are approximately 100
semi-mature trees of 6 - 10 metres height with low to medium amenity value.
Dominant species include Acacia confusa, Lagerstroemia
speciosa, Caryota mitis, Schima superba and Delonix regia. Some shrubs such as Cordyline fruticosa, Duranta erecta, Allamanda schottii and Spathiphyllum floribundum are
planted around the planting area. No area
will be required by the Project for either Construction or Operation phases.
Given the
relative small size of this open area and less prominent location, the
sensitivity of this landscape resource is considered medium. |
Medium |
LR8 |
/ Disturbed Land (KTD South Apron) There are 46 trees
recorded within the Project. The dominant species include Melia azedarach and Archontophoenix alexandrae. An
exotic species of invasive weed tree is also abundant in the area near Cheung
Yip Street, namely Leucaena leucocephala.
There are two planters which combine to measure 159 square metres. The size of the area
is approximately 208,440 square metres. The temporary Western Works
construction area will require approximately 75,300 square metres of LR8.
The sensitivity of this landscape resource is considered low. |
Low |
LR9 |
Water Body (Kai Tak Approach Channel) It is an artificial water body connecting the Kai
Tak Nullah and Kwun Tong Typhoon Shelter. The size of the area is
approximately 32,910 square metres. Both sides of the channel are linear
man-made intertidal hard shore with some weeds scattered along it. It serves
as a transition between a nullah and open water
which is sensitive to reclamation. The sensitivity of this landscape resource
is considered medium. |
Medium |
LR10 |
Shoreline (KTD South Apron) The straight artificial shoreline along former
Kai Tak South Apron comprises armour stone and
concrete pavement. The size of the area is approximately 1,100 square metres.
Some self-seeded trees, including the invasive weed tree Leucaena leucocephala, grow between the gaps
along the artificial shoreline which are of low amenity value. It is
currently bounded by the construction site which is not accessible to the
public. The sensitivity of this landscape resource is considered low. |
Low |
LR11 |
Area (Public Works Central Laboratory) There are approximately 25 trees of young to
semi-mature size planted within the amenity areas in Public Works Central
Laboratory. The size of the area is approximately 870 square metres. Trees in
this area are 4-15 meters in height with low to medium amenity value. The
dominant species include Aleurites moluccana, Bombax ceiba, Callistemon
viminalis, Chrysalidocarpus
lutescens and Spathodea campanulata. Some colourful and
flowering shrubs such as Duranta erecta and Ixora chinensis are planted underneath. No area will be required by the Project for
either Construction or Operation phases. The sensitivity of this landscape resource is
considered medium. |
Medium |
LR12 |
Body (Kwun Tong Typhoon Shelter) It is a semi-enclosed water body bounded by the
runway of former Kai Tak Airport, the man-made hard
shore of Kwun Tong Public Cargo Working Area and
the breakwater at southern end. The size of the area is approximately 315,320
square metres. The
sensitivity of this landscape resource is considered medium. |
Medium |
LR13 |
Body (Victoria Harbour) It
is a recognised and distinctive feature of Hong Kong worldwide, both as a
tourist attraction and working port. The size of the area is approximately 206,790
square metres. The area will be used for barging construction and demolition
waste from the Western Works Area. No area will be required by the Project
throughout the Operation phase. The Harbour forms an iconic centrepiece
for Hong Kong, with the airport runway forming a unique coastline edge. The sensitivity of this landscape resource is
considered high. |
High |
LR14 |
Planting (Cha Kwo Ling Road) There are approximately 43 trees of young to semi-mature
size planted along the Cha Kwo Ling Road. The size
of the area is approximately 1,570 square metres. No area
will be required by the Project for either Construction or Operation phases. Trees in this area are 5-12 meter in height with
low to medium amenity value. The dominant species include Bischofia javanica, Melaleuca cajuputi subsp. cumingiana and Spathodea campanulata.
The sensitivity of this landscape resource is considered medium. |
Medium |
LR15 |
Landscape (Cha Kwo Ling Residential Area) There are approximately 80 trees within the low
rise area of Cha Kwo Ling Village. The size of the
area is approximately 21,660 square metres. No area will be required by the Project for
either Construction or Operation phases. Trees in this area are 5-14 meter in height with
low to medium amenity value. The dominant species include Acacia spp.,
Eucalyptus spp., Ficus spp., Litsea glutinosa, Mallotus paniculatus, Sterculia lanceolata.
The existing trees and shrubs occupy an area of 1ha. The sensitivity of this landscape resource
is considered medium. |
Medium |
LR16 |
/ Disturbed Land Proposed as Cha Kwo Ling Promenade
Park by Others (Cha Kwo Ling Former Public Cargo
Working Area) It is currently a
fenced-off area inaccessible to the public of approximately 27,020 square
metres. Some self-seeded weeds and one tree, Macaranga tanarius var. tomentosa, with low amenity value grow
between the gaps in the concrete pavement. The sensitivity of this landscape
resource is considered low. |
Low |
LR17 |
Derelict / Disturbed Land (Wai Lok Street
Reclaimed Industrial Area) The size of the area is approximately 7,370
square metres. No area will be required by the Project for either
Construction or Operation phases. The area has some self-seeded weeds with
low amenity value. There are no trees within the promenade area. It is currently fenced-off and inaccessible
to the public. A temporary holding nursery is beside Wai Lok
Street Reclaimed Industrial Area. There are approximately 15 trees of young
to semi-mature size within the area. Trees are 3-7 meters in height with low
to medium amenity value. The dominant species include Delonix regia, Hibiscus tiliaceus and Senna siamea. The
sensitivity of this landscape resource is considered low. |
Low |
LR18 |
Occupational Land (Wai Lok Street Garage) There
are approximately 30 trees of young to semi-mature size planted within Wai Lok Street Garage area. The size of the area is approximately 7,040
square metres. No area will be required by the Project for
either Construction or Operation phases. The trees in this area are 4-11 metres in height with low to medium amenity value. The
dominant species include Ficus elastica, Callistemon viminalis,
Hibiscus tiliaceus and Macaranga tanarius var. tomentosa. An exotic species of
invasive weed tree is abundant within the area, namely Leucaena leucocephala. The sensitivity of this
landscape resource is considered low. |
Low |
LR19 |
Amenity Area and Access Road (Adjacent to Wai Lok
Street Temporary Soccer Pitch) There are approximately 18 trees
of young to semi-mature size along the southern boundary of the area adjacent
to the soccer pitch. The size of
the area is approximately 900 square metres. No area will be required by the Project for
either Construction or Operation phases. The trees in this area are 3-6 metres in height with medium amenity value.
The dominant species includes Delonix regia. Some colourful and flowering shrubs such as Duranta erecta ‘Variegata’, Allamanda cathartica and Wedelia trilobata
are planted around the study area. A grass soccer pitch is adjacent to the
southern boundary of the area. The sensitivity of this landscape resource is
considered medium. |
Medium |
LR20 |
Derelict / Disturbed Land Proposed as Cha Kwo Ling Promenade Park by
Others (Wai Yip Street / Cha Kwo Ling Road
Reclaimed Industrial Area) This derelict/disturbed land is approximately
11,240 square metres. No area will be required by the Project
for either Construction or Operation phases. There are approximately 5 trees
of young to semi-mature size within the area. Trees in this area are 5-11
metres in height with low to medium amenity value. The dominant species
includes Casuarina equisetifolia and Ficus microcarpa.
The sensitivity of this landscape resource is considered low. |
Low |
LR21 |
Occupational Land (Wai Yip Street Car Park) This is a hard standing area with
approximately 4 trees of young to semi-mature size. The size of the area is approximately 1,840
square metres. No area will be required by the Project for
either Construction or Operation phases. Trees in this area are 3-5
metres in height with low amenity value. The dominant species include Macaranga tanarius
var. tomentosa
and the invasive exotic weed tree Leucaena leucocephala. The sensitivity of this landscape
resource is considered low. |
Low |
Landscape Character Areas Landscape Character Areas have been identified within the Study Area in accordance with the Study on Landscape Value Mapping of Hong Kong. These are described in Table 9.3 and mapped in Figures 9.8.1 to 9.8.2. Photo views illustrating the LCAs within the study area are illustrated in Figures 9.9.1 and 9.9.2.
9.3 List of Landscape Character Areas and
their Sensitivity
No. |
Character Area |
Sensitivity (Low,
Medium, High) |
LCA1 |
On-Going Development Landscape This area comprises the former Kai Tak Airport which can be further sub-divided to the North
Apron area, the South Apron corner and the Runway Precinct. The area is
generally flat, open, primarily hard standing. Currently the area is undergoing various demolition/site
clearance, infrastructure and construction projects within both the South
Apron and Runway Precinct areas. The area is comprised of the following
Landscape Resources: LR8, LR10 & LR11. In total the landscape resources
is approximately 210,410 square metres.
As previously discussed,
in the landscape resources section the temporary Western Works construction
area is approximately 75,300 square
metres. Given the area is
already disturbed by ongoing construction work but
includes 159 square metres of planting and 71 trees, the sensitivity of this
area is considered low. |
Low |
LCA2 |
Bay Industrial Urban Landscape This is an area of industrial and commercial
use. This comprises medium to high -rise industrial buildings.
The streetscape is a mix of utilitarian with very little soft
landscape treatment within the older Kowloon Bay industrial areas and
upgraded streetscape of a mix of trees and planter beds around the new
developments. The area is comprised of the following Landscape Resources:
LR2, LR3 & LR4. In total the landscape resources is approximately 10,390
square metres which includes 106 trees.
Given the urbanized nature of the area the sensitivity of this area is
considered medium. |
Medium |
LCA3 |
Transport Corridor This area are comprises the Kwun Tong Bypass (elevated bypass expressway), Kai Fuk Road, Wai Yip Street and Cha Kwo
Ling Road. The area is comprised of
the following Landscape Resources: LR1, LR5, LR6, LR7
& LR14. In total the landscape resources is approximately 40,320 square
metres. Within the area a few amenity
plantings of low to medium amenity value are found in the central medians on
both sides of the corridors which include 275 trees. It is slightly sensitive
to highway development. Given the urbanized nature of the area and the few
amenity plantings, the sensitivity of this area is considered medium. |
Medium |
LCA4 |
Kwun Tong Typhoon Shelter Landscape This is an area for typhoon
shelter use in Kwun Tong. It is substantially enclosed by coast and offshore
breakwater. Though they consist primarily of water, other features in these
landscapes include jetties, pontoons and navigational features resulting in a
landscape that is a transitional one between land and sea. The area is
comprised of the following Landscape Resources: LR12. In total the landscape
resources is approximately 315,320 square metres. Given this area is
comprised by mainly water body, the sensitivity of this area is considered medium. |
Medium |
LCA5 |
Kai Tak Typhoon Shelter Landscape This is an area for typhoon shelter use in Kai Tak and Kowloon bay.
It is enclosed by an artificial coastline and offshore breakwater. The
area is an unused large standing body of water. It is comprised of the following Landscape Resource: LR9 and LR10. In
total the landscape resources is approximately 34,010 square metres. Given this area is comprised by mainly man made
artificial features the sensitivity of this area is considered medium. |
Medium |
LCA6 |
Cha Kwo Ling Miscellaneous Urban Fringe Landscape This area is dominated by low rise residential
development scattered along the hillside. There are patches of roadside tree
planting of low to medium amenity value along the Cha Kwo
Ling Road. Fruit trees have been planted by the villagers, in front of their
homes. The area is sensitive to tunnel and highway development. The area is comprised of the
following Landscape Resources: part of LR15. In total the landscape resources
is approximately 21,660 square metres with approximately 80 trees. Given the urbanized nature of the area and the
low to medium amenity value of tree planting, the sensitivity of this area is
considered medium. |
Medium |
LCA7 |
Cha Kwo Ling Reclaimed Industrial Urban
Landscape This is a fenced-off area of mixed of reclaimed industrial
sewage treatment works, reclaimed open storage, cargo and dock. The study
area is utilitarian and lack of amenity plantings. Most of the study
area is hard standing or vacant with self-seeded weeds that are with
low amenity value. The area is slightly sensitive to the highway development.
The area is comprised of the following Landscape Resources: LR14, LR16 and
LR17. In total the landscape resources is approximately 34,390 square metres
with approximately 16 trees. Though LR14 is within the boundary of LCA7, the
area coverage is included in LCA3. Given the urbanized nature of the area and lack of amenity plantings,
the sensitivity of this area is considered low. |
Low |
LCA8 |
Wai Yip Street/Cha Kwo Miscellaneous Urban
Fringe Landscape This is an area of
mixed of a
petrol station, car park, temporary soccer pitch and temporary tree nursery. Some
amenity plantings with trees and shrubs of low to medium amenity value are
found within the petrol station and temporary soccer pitch. The area is comprised of the
following Landscape Resources: LR18, LR19, LR20, LR21 and a small portion of
LR17. In total the landscape resources
is approximately 21,020 square metres which include 57 trees. Given the urbanized nature of
the area and the low to medium amenity value of the planting, the sensitivity
of this area is considered medium. |
Medium |
LCA9 |
Harbour Inshore Water Landscape This area refers to costal water off Kowloon Bay and
Kwun Tong. The extent of seascape is part of the
open seascape locally. The area is comprised of the following Landscape Resources: LR13. In
total the landscape resources is approximately 206,790 square metres. As the area is very sensitive to reclamation, the
sensitivity of this area is considered high. |
High |
Zones of Visual Influence
The Zones of Visual Influence
for the Project vary between the Construction and Operation Phases. Both ZVIs
for Construction and Operation Phases are mapped in Figures 9.14 to 9.14.7 and 9.15 to 9.15.6 respectively. VSRs within
the study area are illustrated in Figures 9.16.1 to 9.16.13. For the Construction Phase the ZVI has been divided into Western and Eastern Works Areas. The Western Works Area ZVI is quite extensive through the Construction Phase as there are potentially clear views on to the works area whilst the Kai Tak Development Runway Precinct and South Apron are under construction. The Eastern Works Area ZVI is not as extensive, though there are still open views onto the works area from the surrounding developments and across Kowloon Bay from Hung Hom. In the Operation Phase only the Western Works Area ZVI is affected. The ZVI will be limited to the above-ground permanent structures including the road corridor, tunnel portal and ventilation buildings. Due to proposed developments, as per the Recommended Outline Development Plan (RODP) for Kai Tak, these buildings will be potentially screened by the adjacent buildings and elevated Kwun Tong By Pass.
Visually Sensitive Receivers Key VSRs found within the ZVI are described in Table 9.4. The assessments of the degree of sensitivity are listed in Tables 9.5, 9.6 and 9.7. VSRs are divided into Residential, Occupational, Recreational and Travelling.
Table 9.4 List of the Visually
Sensitive Receivers – Construction Phase
No. |
Sensitive Receivers |
of VSRs |
Status |
O1 General
Description |
Centre The building is low rise, with eastern views across
Kowloon Bay and KTD: The Runway Precinct on to the Western Works Area.
Currently the site is undergoing various clearance, and infrastructure
construction work with no major aesthetic appeal for the area. The building
is planned for redevelopment. The value and quality of the existing view is
fair. |
Occupational |
Existing |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: VSRs in this location have
open eastern views of approximately 1150m min, onto the Western Works Area. Depending
on the detailed design and construction of RE5, there could be glimpsed views
of the site. The sensitivity of this VSR is considered low. |
Phase |
Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: Refer to R1 For description. |
O2 General
Description |
Kai Tak 1M:
Comprehensive Development Area A planned high rise building, on a reclaimed site
within the KTD: North Apron Area. The Area is currently undergoing various
regeneration and construction projects. |
Occupational |
Planned (2016) |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: Development is planned to be
operational by 2016. VSRs in this location will have a glimpse south eastern view
of approximately 1350m min towards the Western Works Area. The sensitivity of
this VSR is considered low. |
O2 Operational
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Occupational |
Planned (2016) |
Western Works Area: Depending on the detail design
of GIC6, GIC7, GIC9 & GIC10, future VSRs in this location will have a
glimpse southern view of approximately 1450m min towards the Trunk Road T2
Western Tunnel Portal & Ventilation Building. The sensitivity of this VSR
is considered low. |
O3 General
Description |
Tower, Kowloon Bay This VSR is one of the tallest commercial
buildings in Kowloon Industrial Area. Viewers at medium to high levels in
these buildings have open and panoramic south eastern views over the area and
onto Victoria Harbour. |
Occupational |
Existing |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: VSRs in this location will
have a partial south eastern view of approximately 700m min towards the Trunk Road T2 Works Area. The
sensitivity of this VSR is considered low. |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: Due to South Apron
Development being completed by 2021, the view will be screened by GIC9 and
GIC10 depending on the detailed design and construction of the above
buildings. VSRs in this location will have a partial southern view of approximately 650m min onto the Western Tunnel Portal &
Ventilation Building. The
sensitivity of this VSR is considered low. |
O4 General
Description |
Kong International Trade and Exhibition Centre Existing medium rise building. VSRs in this
location will have partial views to the project area. Views are blocked by
the elevated Kwun Tong By-pass, roadside trees and
the Jordan Valley Box Culvert; desilting &
pumping station house buildings, which are currently under construction.
South eastern facing users will be affected. |
Occupational |
Existing |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: VSRs in this location will
have a partial south eastern view of approximately 400m min towards the Western Works Area. As the
VSR is currently looking onto the derelict South Apron site, the sensitivity
of this VSR is considered medium. |
O4 Operational
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Occupational |
Existing |
Western Works Area: Due to South Apron
Development being completed by 2021, the view will be screened by GIC6, GIC9
& GIC10, depending on the detailed design and construction of the
buildings. VSRs will have a partial southern view of approximately 500m min onto the Western Tunnel Portal &
Ventilation Building. The sensitivity of this VSR is considered low. |
O5 General
Description |
Enterprise Square & Enterprise Square II,
Industrial/Office development Kowloon Bay Existing medium to high rise buildings with
partial south and south-eastern views from the upper building levels onto the
Trunk Road T2, area. The view to the project site is partially blocked by
elevated Kwun Tong By-pass, roadside trees and the
Jordan Valley Box Culvert; desilting & pumping
station house buildings. South eastern facing users will be affected. |
Occupational |
Existing |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: VSRs in this location will
have a partial south eastern view of approximately 200m min towards the Western Works Area. As the VSR
is currently looking onto the derelict South Apron site, the sensitivity of
this VSR is considered medium. |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: Due to South Apron Development
being completed by 2021, the view will be screened by GIC9 & GIC10,
depending on the detailed design and construction of the buildings. VSRs will
have a partial southern view of approximately 250m min towards upon the Western Tunnel Portal
& Ventilation Building. The sensitivity of this VSR is considered low. |
O6 General
Description |
Kai Fuk Industrial Center, Hong
Leong Industrial Complex & Billion Centre Existing medium to high rise buildings. The view to
the project site is partially blocked by elevated Kwun
Tong By-pass, roadside trees and the Jordan Valley Box Culvert; desilting & pumping station house buildings. |
Occupational |
Existing |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: VSRs will have a full south
eastern view of approximately 120m min towards the Western Works Area. As the
VSR is currently looking onto the derelict South Apron site, the sensitivity
of this VSR is considered medium. |
Operational Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: Due to South Apron
Development being completed by 2021, the area will be screened by the
proposed buildings. VSRs will have a partial southern view of approximately 140m min towards upon the
Western Tunnel Portal & Ventilation Building. The sensitivity of this VSR
is considered medium. |
O7 General
Description |
Box/Enterprise Square V, Enterprise Square III, Exchange Tower, Manhattan
Place & One Kowloon VSRs in these locations are some of Kowloon’s
industrial and commercial areas tallest buildings. The users in mid to upper
levels will have panoramic views of the Victoria Harbour area, depending on
the detail design of the completed Runway Precinct and South Apron Area. |
Occupational |
Existing |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: VSRs in this location will
have a full south eastern to south western view of approximately 70m min towards the Western
Works Area. As the VSR is currently looking onto the derelict South Apron
site, the sensitivity of this VSR is considered medium. |
O7 Operational
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Occupational |
Existing |
Western Works Area: Due to South Apron
Development being completed by 2021, VSRs will have a partial western to
southern view of approximately 70m min towards upon the Western Tunnel Portal
& Ventilation Building. The sensitivity of this VSR is considered medium. |
O8 General
Description |
Petrol Stations along Kai Fuk
Road VSRs in these locations are on separate sides of
the Kai Fuk Road. The existing view is a typical
road corridor comprised by elevated Kwun Tong
By-pass, Kai Fuk Road and roadside amenity
planting. |
Occupational |
Existing |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: VSRs in this location will
have a southern view of approximately 80m min to the Western Works Area has a glimpse view due to
screening of the roadside amenity planting, the road corridor and the Jordan
Valley Box Culvert; desilting & pumping station
house buildings. The sensitivity of this VSR is considered low. |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: VSRs in this location will
have a southern view of approximately 80m min to the Western Tunnel Portal &
Ventilation Buildings are glimpsed due to the screening of roadside amenity planting,
the road corridor, GIC9 & GIC10. The sensitivity of this VSR is
considered low. |
O9 General
Description |
Kai Tak Runway Precinct Hotel Belt A row of medium-rise buildings are planned on the
southern fringe for hotel development.
Occupational/Recreational |
Planned (2021) |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: N/A |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: VSRs in this location will
have glimpse of approximately 500m min north and north-western views onto
the project site. Though buildings close to the D4 road bridge will have
direct northern views onto the Western Tunnel Portal Building, depending on
the detail design and construction of GIC11A which is planned to be completed
by 2016, and R5, RE8 & GIC11C, which are planned for completion in 2021.
The sensitivity of this VSR is considered low. |
O10 General
Description |
Kai Tak Cruise Terminal & Tourism Related Commercial
Development A mixed use commercial development of low to high
rise buildings is currently under construction and is planned for completion
by 2014 and 2015. |
Occupational/Recreational |
Planned (2014- 2015) |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: VSR’s
in this location will have a
partial south eastern view of approximately 1100m min
onto the Eastern Works Area. Additional marine traffic for moving construction and demolition
material between the Eastern and Western Works Areas will have an indirect
impact onto this VSR. As the view onto the eastern site waterfront area is in context with adjacent redevelopment, the
sensitivity of this VSR is considered low. |
Western Works Area: VSRs in this location will
have a partial north western view of approximately 500m min towards the Western Works Area. However
this will be viewed within the context of adjacent major KTD redevelopment.
The sensitivity of this VSR is considered medium. |
O10 Operational Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Occupational/Recreational |
Planned (2014- 2015) |
Western Works Area: Due to South Apron
Development being completed by 2021, the area will be screened by O12 and
GIC11A, which are planned to be completed by 2016, and R5, RE9 which are planned
for completion in 2021. Depending on the detail design and construction of
these developments, the future users within the upper floors will have
glimpse north and north-western views of approximately 1200m min onto the project site onto the Western
Tunnel Portal Building. The sensitivity of this VSR is considered medium. |
O11 General Description |
Vacant Lot at southern end of former Kai Tak
South Apron/3E1 Commercial Development The Site is currently a bus
parking area. Within the construction phase the site is planned to be used as
a site works area. As per the RODP,
the Site is designated as a medium to high rise commercial development. At
present, there is no re-development schedule available for review. (Exact
details for demolition or redevelopment are not currently known). |
Occupational |
Existing/Planned (2021) |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: As this area is designated as
a site works area within the Construction phase, it is not designated as a
VSR. |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: VSRs in this location will
have a partial north western to northern view of approximately 320m min to the Western Tunnel
Portal & Ventilation Buildings. As the completion of the buildings is
proposed for completion in 2021, the sensitivity of this VSR is considered medium. |
O12 General
Description |
Kai Tak South Apron: Gas Pigging Station Within Appendix
A – Development Schedule for Draft RODP [Ref: WP019-02] (August 2012) A
Gas Pigging Station is proposed for a 2012 completion. There is a caveat,
that the area could be rezoned for residential development. |
Occupational |
Planned (2012-2015) |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: VSRs in this location will
have a view of approximately 5m min onto the Western Works Area. The
sensitivity of this VSR is considered low. |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: On completion of the 2021,
South Apron Development the future users will have partial north-western
views of approximately 350m min onto the project site onto the Western Tunnel
Portal Building. The sensitivity of this VSR is considered low. |
O13 General
Description |
Pacific Trade Centre/ Proposed 3D2 Commercial Development The site is currently the
Pacific Trade Centre. As per the RODP the site is planned to be redeveloped
into a medium to high rise commercial development. At present, there is no
re-development schedule available for review (exact details for demolition or
redevelopment are not currently known).
Occupational |
Existing/Planned (2021) |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: VSRs in this
location will have south eastern partial views, obstructed by 014, R3 and R4,
of approx 200m min onto the project area. The
sensitivity of this VSR is
considered low. |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: Future viewers in this VSR
will have a partial north western to northern view of approximately
380m min to the Western Tunnel Portal &
Ventilation Buildings. As the completion of the buildings is proposed for
completion in 2021, the sensitivity of this VSR is considered medium. |
O14 General
Description |
Octa Tower Existing high-rise office development with 360
degree views on the Kowloon Bay/Kwun Tong
Commercial Areas and of Victoria Harbour. |
Occupational |
Existing |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: VSRs in this location will
have glimpse south eastern views of approximately 1800m min onto the Eastern Works
Area. As the view is onto the waterfront area and Victoria Harbour, the
sensitivity of this VSR is considered low. |
Western Works Area: VSRs in this location will
have full south western to north western views onto the Western Works Area of
approximately 20m. The sensitivity of this VSR is considered medium. |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: VSRs in this location will
have a partial north western to northern view of approximately 320m min to the Western Tunnel
Portal & Ventilation Buildings. As the buildings are proposed to be
operational in 2021, the sensitivity of this VSR is considered medium. |
O15 General
Description |
Not Used |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: Not Used. |
Western Works Area: Not Used. |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: Not Used. |
Western Works Area: Not Used. |
O16 General
Description |
Proposed Industrial/Office development at Kwun Tong Commercial Area Planned high rise building. The view to the
project site is partially blocked by elevated Kwun
Tong By-pass. |
Occupational\ |
Planned (2015 |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: There are glimpse views onto the
Eastern Works Area, though additional marine traffic between the eastern and
Western sites will have an indirect impact onto this VSR. As the view onto
the waterfront area is dominated by additional marine traffic for
construction and demolition material, the sensitivity of this VSR is
considered low. |
O16 Construction
Phase |
Western Works Area: South west and north west
facing VSRs are affected whilst the Trunk Road T2 Western Works Area is under
construction. VSRs in this location will have a partial south western to
north western view of approximately 300m min to the Western Works Area. The
sensitivity of this VSR is considered medium.
Occupational\ |
Planned (2015 |
Operational |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Phase |
Western Works Area: VSRs in this location will
have a glimpse western view of approximately 650m min to the Western Tunnel Portal &
Ventilation Buildings, depending on the detailed design and construction of R3,
R4, O11, O13 and GIC11B. The sensitivity of these VSRs is considered low. |
O17 General
Description |
Industrial/Office development at Kwun Tong
Western commercial area The existing view is of Kwun
Tong Typhoon Shelter to the south west and a typical industrial area with
medium to high-rise buildings within Kwun Tong’s
commercial district. |
Occupational |
Existing |
Construction Phase |
Eastern Works Area: At the north western end, there
are no direct views onto the Eastern Works Area, though views of
approximately 200m min to additional marine traffic for construction and
demolition material between the eastern and western sites will have a partial
indirect impact onto this VSR. The sensitivity of this VSR is considered low. |
Western Works Area: The view to the project site
is partially blocked by elevated Kwun Tong By-pass
and cargo working areas. Only south west facing users are affected whilst the
Western Works Area is under construction. Viewers in these VSR’s will have a
partial south western – north western view of approximately 320m min to the Trunk Road T2 Western Works
Area. The sensitivity of this VSR is considered low. |
O17 Operational Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Occupational |
Existing |
Western Works Area: Viewers in these VSR’s will
have a glimpse western view of approximately 650m min to the Western Tunnel Portal & Ventilation
Buildings, depending on the detailed design and construction of R3, R4, O11
and O13 the completion of the buildings
which are proposed for completion in 2021, the sensitivity of this VSR
is considered low. |
O18 General Description |
Industrial/Office development at Kwun Tong
Eastern commercial area The existing view is of Kwun Tong Typhoon Shelter & Kai Tak
Cruise terminal to the south west. The area is a mix of medium-to- high-rise,
new commercial and industrial buildings within Kwun
Tong’s commercial district. |
Occupational |
Existing |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: At the south eastern end, the
VSRs have glimpse south eastern views of approximately 360m min onto the project site. As the site is currently
a decommissioned cargo works area the sensitivity of this VSR is considered low. |
Western Works Area: The view to the project site
is partially blocked by elevated Kwun Tong By-pass and
a decommissioned cargo Works Area. Only south west facing users are affected
whilst the Western Works Area is under construction. VSRs in this location
will have a partial south western – north western view of approximately 750m min to the Trunk Road T2 Western Works
Area. The sensitivity of this VSR is considered low. |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: Not Used. |
Western Works Area: Not Used. |
O19 General
Description |
Kwun Tong Sewage Treatment Works/Kwun Tong Pumping
Station /Planned Landscape Decked: Enclosed Sewage Works The development is divided into
two sites, separated by the Kwun Tong By-pass and Kwun Tong Nullah. The existing
view is an open view of Victoria Harbour to the south west, typical
industrial area with medium rise industrial buildings to the north and
partially blocked views of Laguna City by elevated Kwun
Tong By-pass to the north east. The area is proposed to be redeveloped and
enclosed with landscaped deck. |
Occupational |
Existing/Planned (2021) |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area. Additional marine traffic
between the eastern and western sites will have an indirect impact onto this
VSR. VSRs in this location will have partial south western views of approximately 160m min to the Eastern Works Area The
sensitivity of this VSR is considered
low. |
Western Works Area: VSRs in this location will
glimpse western views of approximately 1400m min to the Western Works Area. The views are
blocked by the existing ferry piers and Kwun Tong
Typhoon Shelter. Additional marine
traffic between the eastern and western sites will have an indirect impact
onto this VSR. As the views onto the waterfront area will be dominated by
additional marine traffic for construction and demolition material, the
sensitivity of this VSR is considered low. |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: N/A |
O20 General
Description |
Soccer Pitch, Car Park, Petrol Filling Station & Vacant Sites
(Proposed Cha Kwo Ling Promenade Park) This area comprises a soccer
pitch, car park, petrol filling station & vacant sites. The area is
planned to be redeveloped as part of the proposed Cha Kwo
Ling Promenade Park. |
Occupational/Recreational |
Existing/ Planned (2021) |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: The VSR will
have full south eastern views of approximately 5m min to the Eastern Works
Area whilst the project is under construction. The sensitivity of this VSR is
considered medium. |
Western Works Area: N/A |
O20 Operational Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Occupational/Recreational |
Existing/ Planned (2021) |
Western Works Area: Refer to
RE17: Cha Kwo Ling Park, N/A |
O21 General Description |
Proposed Cha Kwo Ling Promenade The site is a decommissioned
commercial cargo working area. The area is planned to be redeveloped as part
of the proposed Cha Kwo Ling Promenade/Park. |
Occupational/Recreational |
Existing/ Planned (2021) |
Construction Phase |
Eastern Works Area: As this area
is designated as a site works area within the construction phase, it is not
designated as a VSR. |
Western Works Area: N/A |
Operational Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: N/A |
O22 General
Description |
Tin Hau Temple This is a Tin Hau
Temple with a vegetated hillside backdrop to the north. |
Occupational |
Existing |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: The view to the project site is
partially screened by the roadside planting along the Cha Kwo
Ling Road. The VSR will have partial south western views of approximately 900m min to the Eastern Works Area. The
sensitivity of this VSR is considered
low. |
Western Works Area: N/A |
Operational |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Phase |
Western Works Area: N/A |
GIC1 General
Description |
Workshops, Sewage Pumping Station & Electricity Substation. Existing government workshops are proposed to be redeveloped
into a sewage pumping station and electricity substation by 2016. The
buildings are low rise, with eastern views across Kowloon Bay and KTD: The
Runway Precinct on to the Western Works Area. Currently the KTD site is
undergoing various clearance, and infrastructure construction work with no
major aesthetic appeal for the area. |
Government /Institutional/ Community |
Existing/Proposed |
GIC1 Construction
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Government /Institutional/ Community |
Existing/Proposed |
Western Works Area: Buildings are planned to be
redeveloped by 2016. Depending on detail design of RE4 & RE5. VSRs in
this location will have partial eastern views of approximately 1000m min, onto the Western Works Area. The value
and quality of the existing view is fair and the sensitivity of this VSR is
considered low. |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: Depending on detail design of
RE8, GIC7, GIC8 & GIC11C, VSRs in this location will glimpse eastern
views of approximately 1200m min onto the Western Works Area The
sensitivity of this VSR is considered
low. |
GIC2 General
Description |
Substation Planned low rise building on open land adjacent
to Kai Tak Tunnel and Kai Tak
Nullah. Views into the site are screened due to
existing and proposed CKR elevated roads, and proposed South Apron pedestrian
bridge extensions. |
Government /Institutional/ Community |
Planned (2021) |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: N/A |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: Depending on detail design of
GIC6, GIC7 & GIC11C. VSRs in this location will glimpse south eastern
views of approximately 900m min, onto the Western Works Area. The
sensitivity of this VSR is considered low. |
GIC3 General
Description |
Ventilation Shaft & Administration Building Planned low rise to medium rise building, on open
land adjacent to Kai Tak Tunnel and Kai Tak Nullah. |
Government /Institutional/ Community |
Planned (2016) |
Construction |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Phase |
Western Works Area: VSRs in this location will
glimpse south eastern views of approximately 600m min, onto the Western Works Area. The
sensitivity of this VSR is considered
low. |
GIC3 Operational
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Government /Institutional/ Community |
Planned (2016) |
Western Works Area: Depending on detail design of
GIC6, GIC7 & GIC11C, VSRs in this location will glimpse south eastern
views of approximately 640m min, onto the onto the Western Tunnel Portal
Building. The sensitivity of this VSR is considered low. |
GIC4 General
Description |
Ventilation Shaft & Administration Building (Kai Tak
Tunnel Entrance) Existing low rise to medium rise buildings
adjacent to the Kai Tak Nullah.
Views into the site are screened by existing and proposed CKR elevated road,
and proposed South Apron pedestrian bridge extensions. |
Government /Institutional/ Community |
Existing |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: VSRs in this location will
glimpse south eastern views of approximately 690m min, onto the Western Works Area. The
sensitivity of this VSR is considered
low. |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: Depending on detail design of
GIC6, GIC7 & GIC11C, VSRs in this location will glimpse south eastern
views of approximately 800m min, onto the onto the Western Tunnel
Portal Building. The sensitivity of this VSR is considered low. |
GIC5 General
Description |
DSD Desilting Compound Planned low rise to medium rise building, on open
land adjacent to Kai Tak Tunnel and Kai Tak Nullah. Views into the site
are screened due to existing and proposed CKR elevated roads, and proposed
South Apron pedestrian bridge extensions. |
Government /Institutional/ Community |
Planned (2016) |
GIC5 Construction
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Government /Institutional/ Community |
Planned (2016) |
Western Works Area: VSRs in this location will glimpse
south eastern views of approximately 760m min, onto the Western Works Area. The
sensitivity of this VSR is considered
low. |
GIC5 Operational
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Government /Institutional/ Community |
Planned (2016) |
Western Works Area: Depending on detail design of
GIC6, GIC7 & GIC11C, viewers within this VSR will have glimpse south
eastern views of approximately 760m min, onto the onto the Western Tunnel
Portal Building. The sensitivity of this VSR is considered low. |
GIC6 General
Description |
Undesignated Government Site at former Kai Tak
South Apron Planned low rise to medium rise building.
Depending on detail design of buildings. |
Government /Institutional/ Community |
Planned (2021) |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: N/A |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: Viewers within this VSR will
have partial south eastern views of approximately 400m min, onto the Western Tunnel Portal Building. The sensitivity
of this VSR is considered medium. |
GIC7 General
Description |
Southern Undesignated Government Site at former Kai Tak South Apron Planned low rise to medium rise building. Depending
on detail design of buildings. |
Government /Institutional/ Community |
Planned (2021) |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: N/A |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: VSRs in this location will
have partial south eastern to eastern views of approximately 150m min, onto the Western Tunnel Portal &
Ventilation Buildings. The sensitivity of this VSR is considered medium. |
GIC8 General
Description |
Welfare Facilities Planned low rise to medium rise building.
Depending on detail design of building. |
Government /Institutional/ Community |
Planned (2021) |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: N/A |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: VSRs in this location will
have full south eastern to eastern views of approximately 140m min, onto the Western Tunnel Portal &
Ventilation Buildings. The sensitivity of this VSR is considered medium. |
GIC9 General
Description |
Management Centre Planned low rise building. Depending on detail
design of buildings. |
Government /Institutional/ Community |
Planned (2021) |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: N/A |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: VSRs in this location will
have partial south eastern views of approximately 130m min, onto the Western Tunnel Portal Building.
The sensitivity of this VSR is considered
low. |
GIC10 General
Description |
Valley Box Culvert: DSD Desilting Building &
Pumping Station Existing low rise to medium rise building.
Depending on detail design of building. |
Government /Institutional/ Community |
Existing |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: VSRs in this location will
have full south eastern – eastern views of approximately 5m min onto the Western Tunnel Portal & Ventilation
Buildings The sensitivity of this VSR is considered medium. |
Phase |
As defined for the Construction Phase Eastern Works Area: N/A Western Works Area: medium |
GIC11A General Description |
Hospital at Former Kai Tak South Apron This planned VSR is proposed as
one of three planned medium-rise hospital buildings. |
Government /Institutional/ Community |
Planned (2018) |
Construction Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The future users
have an open view at varying levels of approximately 10m min. The Trunk Road T2 and
associated work areas are located to the northwest and south east of the
hospital site, with full views directly upon the construction of the T2
Ventilation, Tunnel Portal Building. As no existing buildings were previously
within this part of the South Apron area, the sensitivity of this VSR is considered medium. |
Operational Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The future users
have a full northern view onto the project site at varying levels of approximately 10m min, but only those
directly facing the project will be affected. However, they will have an
alternative high amenity view to south of the future metro park. The sensitivity
of this VSR is considered medium. |
GIC11B General Description |
Electrical & Mechanical Services Department,
Kowloon Bay Vehicle Servicing Station/ Proposed Hospital at former Kai Tak South Apron At present the site is an
Electrical & Mechanical Services Department, Kowloon Bay Vehicle
Servicing Station. The current building is planned for demolition, as the
future area is planned to house a medium-rise hospital building. |
Government /Institutional/ Community |
Planned (2021) |
Construction Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: Building is planned for
demolition. Date of Demolition unknown. VSRs in this location will have full
southern – north western views of 10m min from the Project in the construction
phase. The sensitivity of this VSR is considered medium. |
GIC11B Operational Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Government /Institutional/ Community |
Planned (2021) |
Western Works Area: The future users
have a full view at varying levels of approximately 10m min onto the onto the Western Tunnel Portal & Ventilation
Buildings, which are located to the northwest of the Hospital site, with full views
directly upon the Ventilation, Tunnel Portal Buildings but only those
directly facing the project will be affected. The sensitivity of this VSR is considered medium. |
GIC11C General Description |
Derelict land and Proposed Hospital at former Kai Tak
South Apron Currently the site is being used
as a waste holding area. The area has been designated as a T2 works area
until 2019 as per the submitted CE38/2008 (HY) Land Requirement Plan. On
release of the land, this visually sensitive receiver is proposed as one of
three planned medium-rise hospital buildings, with direct northern and
north-eastern views onto the project site. |
Government /Institutional/ Community |
Planned (2021) |
Construction Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: As this area
is designated as a site works area within the Construction phase, it is not
designated as a VSR. |
Operational Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The future
users have a full view at varying levels of approximately 10m min onto the Western Tunnel Portal & Ventilation
Buildings. Which are located to the northwest of the Hospital site, with full views
directly upon the T2 Ventilation & Tunnel Portal Buildings but only those
directly facing the project will be affected. However, they will have an
alternative high amenity view to south of the future metro park. The
sensitivity of this VSR is considered medium. |
GIC12 General Description |
Kwun Tong Public Transport Interchange and Kwun
Tong Ferry Pier The area is an existing transportation
hub for buses, taxis and public ferries. The main transportation hub is set
back from the water’s edge, and is partially blocked by existing mature trees
and the elevated Kwun Tong By-pass. The ferry pier
has open views onto Victoria Harbour and the surrounding area. |
Government /Institutional/ Community |
Existing |
Construction Phase |
Eastern Works Area: There are full views of approximately 450m min
from the ferry pier onto the Eastern Works Area. The sensitivity of this VSR is
considered low. |
Western Works Area: Viewers
within the Ferry Pier will glimpse views of approximately 1250m min to the
Western Works Area due to obstruction by the existing breakwaters. The VRS’s
will have full southern views views of approximately
80m min onto additional marine traffic for construction and demolition
material within Victoria Harbour. The sensitivity of this VSR is considered low. |
Operational Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: N/A |
R1 General
Description |
Development Area, Ma Tau Kok. A planned medium to high rise building with
eastern views across Kowloon Bay and KTD: The Runway Precinct on to the
Western Works Area. The value and quality of the existing view is good. |
Residential |
Planned (2021) |
Construction |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Phase |
Western Works Area: Refer to O1 for description. |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: After the completion of Kai Tak Development, the view will be screened by the South
Apron Development Government. The VSR would glimpse eastern views of approximately 1350m min, onto the Trunk Road T2 Western
Ventilation Building, depending of detailed design and construction of RE5,
RE8, GIC7, GIC8, & GIC11C. The sensitivity of this VSR is considered low. |
R2 General
Description |
Kai Tak 2B: Comprehensive Development Area A planned medium to high rise building, on a
reclaimed site within the KTD: North Apron Area. The Area is currently
undergoing various regeneration and construction projects. On completion
South eastern facing users will be affected. |
Residential |
Planned (2021) |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: N/A |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: Depending on the detail
design of GIC6, GIC7, GIC9 & GIC10, VSRs in this location will have a
glimpse southern view of approximately 1600m min towards the Trunk Road T2 Western
Tunnel Portal & Ventilation Building. The sensitivity of this VSR is
considered low. |
R3 General Description |
S/K22/13 Commercial Development Planned VSR on the western edge of the South Apron. |
Residential |
Planned (2016) |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: The users within the upper floors will have
partial south eastern views of approximately
1740m min onto the Eastern Works Area. The sensitivity of these VSR’s is considered medium. |
Western Works Area: VSRs in this location will have partial north
western – south eastern view of approximately 10m
min to the Western Works Area. The sensitivity of this VSR is considered high. |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: Depending on the detail design of O11 &
GIC11B, VSRs in this location
will have a partial north western - northern view of approximately 500m min to the Western Tunnel Portal & Ventilation Buildings. As
the completion of the buildings is proposed for completion in 2021. The
sensitivity of this VSR is considered medium. |
R4 General Description |
S/K22/11 Comprehensive Development Area Planned VSR on the western edge of the South Apron. |
Residential |
Planned (2016) |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: The users within the upper floors will have
partial south eastern views of approximately
1740m min onto the Eastern Works Area. The sensitivity of these VSR’s is considered medium. |
Western Works Area: Future viewers in this VSR will have full western
– eastern view of approximately 10m
min to the Western Works Area. The sensitivity of this VSR is considered high. |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: Future viewers in this VSR will have a partial
north western - northern view of approximately
500m min to the Western Tunnel Portal & Ventilation Buildings, depending
on the detail design and construction of O11 & GIC11B. As the completion
of the buildings is proposed for 2021, the sensitivity of this VSR is considered medium. |
R5 General Description |
Kai Tak Runway Precinct
Housing Development A row of medium rise residential developments are planned on the northern
fringe of the KTD Runway Precinct. |
Residential |
Planned (2021) |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: N/A |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: depending on the detail design and construction
of GIC11A which is planned to be completed by 2016, and R5, RE8, GIC11C and the D4 Road Bridge, which are planned for completion in 2021, the future VSRs will glimpse
north and north-western views of approximately 400m min onto the Western
Tunnel Portal Building. The sensitivity of this VSR is considered medium. |
R6 General Description |
Laguna City The existing view is an open
view of Victoria Harbour to the south west, typical industrial area with medium
rise industrial buildings to the north west and typical urban residential
area to the north east. Only south and south west facing users are affected. |
Residential |
Existing |
Construction Phase |
Eastern Works Area: The residents
at mid to upper level of this visual sensitive receiver have a full south
eastern sea view to the Eastern Works Area of approximately 160m min. The
sensitivity of this VSR is considered high. |
Western Works Area: The residents
at mid to upper levels of this residential development have an glimpse western to north western s sea view to the Western Works Area of approximately 1600m min. The sensitivity of this VSR is considered low. |
Operational Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: N/A |
R7 General Description |
Residential development at Cha Kwo Ling Road The existing view is of the
decommissioned open storage and cargo working area with a backdrop of Victoria
Harbour to the west and vegetated hillsides to the east. Only west facing
users are affected. |
Residential |
Existing |
Construction Phase |
Eastern Works Area: VSR’s will have a full view to
the Eastern Works Area of approximately 50m min. Only east facing users are
affected within the construction stage of the project. The sensitivity of
this VSR is considered high. |
Western Works Area: N/A |
Operational Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: N/A |
R8 General Description |
Cha Kwo Ling Tsuen This visual sensitive receiver shares similar
existing views with R3 but Victoria Harbour is highly blocked by the decommissioned
cargo working area and roadside planting in front as the residential complex
is close to the ground level. |
Residential |
Existing |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: The VSRs have a full view of
approximately 20m min to the Eastern Works Area The sensitivity of this VSR
is considered high. |
Western Works Area: N/A |
Operational |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Phase |
Western Works Area: N/A |
R9 General
Description |
Waterfront, To Kwa Wan Existing high rise building. The existing view is
a panorama view across Kowloon Bay and over the Kai Tak
development, which is currently undergoing various demolition/site clearance,
infrastructure and construction projects throughout the KTD. The residents of
this visual sensitive receiver have a full view to the Western Works area,
but only those facing east to north east are affected. However, they have
views south to south east of Victoria Harbour and the planned Metro Park. |
Residential |
Existing |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: VSRs will have a glimpse view
of approximately 1150m min to the Western Works Area, depending
on the detailed design of RE4 & RE5. The sensitivity of this VSR is
considered low. |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: Depending on the detail
design of RE4, RE5, RE8, GIC7, GIC8 & GIC11C, the VSRs would have a
glimpse eastern view of approximately 1400m min, onto the Trunk Road T2 Western Ventilation
Building. The sensitivity of this VSR is considered low. |
R10 General
Description |
Gardens, To Kwa Wan Existing medium to high rise building. The
existing view is a panorama view across Kowloon Bay and over the Kai Tak development, which is currently undergoing various
demolition/site clearance, infrastructure and construction projects
throughout the KTD. |
Residential |
Existing |
Construction |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Phase |
Western Works Area: VSRs in this location will
have a glimpse view of approximately 1250m min to the Western Works Area, depending
on detailed design of RE4 & RE5. The sensitivity of this VSR is
considered low. |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: Depending on the detail
design of RE4, RE5, RE8, GIC7, GIC8 & GIC11, the VSRs would glimpse
eastern views of approximately 1500m min, onto the Trunk Road T2 Western Ventilation
Building. The sensitivity of this VSR is considered low. |
R11 General
Description |
Tower, Kowloon City This is one of the tallest residential building
blocks in Ma Tau Kok and residents in mid and upper
levels currently enjoy a high quality panoramic view of the surroundings. The
existing view is a panorama view across To Kwa Wan,
Kowloon Bay and over the Kai Tak development, which
is currently undergoing various demolition/site clearance, infrastructure and
construction projects throughout the KTD. These VSRs are medium to high rise buildings and
residents in the mid to upper levels will have a direct view to the Project
Site. |
Residential |
Existing |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: VSRs in this location have a
glimpse eastern to south eastern view of approximately 1550m min to the Western Works Area, depending
of detailed design of RE4 & RE5. The sensitivity of this VSR is
considered low. |
R11 Operational
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Residential |
Existing |
Western Works Area: Depending on the detail
design of RE4, RE5, RE8, GIC7 & GIC11C, the VSR would glimpse eastern to
south eastern views of approximately 1900m min, onto the Trunk Road T2 Western
Ventilation Building. The sensitivity of this VSR is considered low. |
R12 General
Description |
Villas, To Kwa Wan Existing medium to high rise building. The
existing view is a panorama view across Kowloon Bay and over the Kai Tak development, which is currently undergoing various
demolition/site clearance, infrastructure and construction projects
throughout the KTD. These VSRs are medium to high rise buildings and residents
in the mid to upper levels will have a direct view to the Project Site. |
Residential |
Existing |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: VSRs in this location have an
eastern glimpse view of approximately 1600m min to the Western Works Area, depending on detailed design
of RE4 & RE5. The sensitivity of this VSR is considered low. |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: Depending on the detail
design of RE5, RE8, GIC7, GIC8 & GIC11C VSRs would glimpse eastern views
of approximately 2000m min onto the Trunk Road T2 Western
Ventilation Building. The sensitivity of this VSR is considered low. |
R13 General
Description |
Verde Complex, Hung Hom Existing medium to high rise building. The
existing view is a panorama view across Kowloon Bay and over the Kai Tak development, which is currently undergoing various
demolition/site clearance, infrastructure and construction projects
throughout the KTD. |
Residential |
Existing |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: There
are glimpse views of approximately 3800m min onto the Eastern Works Area, though these views will be
obstructed by operation of the Kai Tak Cruise Terminal.
Although additional marine traffic between the Eastern and Western sites will
have an indirect impact onto this VSR. As the view onto the waterfront is
currently dominated by the cruise terminal and associated marine traffic, the
sensitivity of this VSR is considered low. |
Western Works Area: VSRs in this location have
glimpse eastern views of approximately 1620m min to the Western Works Area, depending
on the detail design and construction of RE5 and GIC11A. The sensitivity of this
VSR is considered low. |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: depending on the detail
design and construction of O9, R5, RE6, RE8 & GIC11C, which are planned for completion in 2021, this VSR,
would have a glimpse eastern view of approximately 1840m min, onto the Trunk Road T2 Western
Ventilation Building. The sensitivity of this VSR is considered low. |
R14 General
Description |
Landmark & Harbour Grand, Kowloon,
Hung Hom These buildings are the furthest away from the
Project. The developments house a high number of residents. This existing
VSR’s view is a panorama across Victoria Harbour, Kowloon Bay and over the
Kai Tak development and a direct view of the Kai Tak Cruise Terminal. |
Residential |
Existing |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: The VSR’s will have a glimpse
eastern view of approximately 3200m min
view via the Kai Tak Cruise Terminal onto the Eastern
Works Area. Though additional marine traffic between the Eastern and Western
sites will have an indirect impact onto this VSR. As the view is currently
dominated by the cruise terminal and associated marine traffic, the
sensitivity of this VSR is considered low. |
Western Works Area: Depending on the detail design of RE5,
& GIC11A the VSR would glimpse a north eastern view of approximately 2110m min, onto the Trunk Road T2 Western
Ventilation Building. The sensitivity of this VSR is considered low. |
Operational |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Phase |
Western Works Area: Depending on the detail
design of O9, R5, RE6, RE8, GIC7 & GIC11C the VSR would glimpse north
eastern views of approximately 2000m min onto the Trunk Road T2 Western Ventilation
Building. The sensitivity of this VSR is considered low. |
R15 General
Description |
Kai Tak 2B Housing Development A planned medium to high rise building, on a reclaimed site within the KTD: North Apron Area.
The Area is currently undergoing various regeneration and construction
projects. On completion South eastern facing users will be affected. |
Residential |
Planned (2021) |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: N/A |
R15 Operational
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Residential |
Planned (2021) |
Western Works Area: Depending on the detail
design of GIC6, GIC7, GIC9 & GIC10, future viewers in this VSR will have a
glimpse southern view of approximately 1550mm min towards the Trunk Road T2 Western
Tunnel Portal & Ventilation Building. The sensitivity of this VSR is
considered low. |
R16 General
Description |
Kai Tak 1L & 1K Housing Development Planned medium to high rise building. South
eastern facing users will be affected. |
Residential |
Planned (2021) |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: N/A |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: Depending on the detail
design of GIC6, GIC9 & GIC10, VSRs in this location will have a partial
southern view of approximately 1060m min towards the Trunk Road T2 Western
Tunnel Portal & Ventilation Building. The sensitivity of this VSR is
considered low. |
R17 General
Description |
Kai Tak 1H & 1I Housing Development Planned medium to high rise building. South
eastern facing users will be affected. Views of Western Works Area are
obscured by the Kowloon Bay commercial area. |
Residential |
Planned (2016) |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The Development is planned to
be operational by 2016. VSRs in this location will have a partial south
eastern view of approximately 1050m min towards the Western Works Area. The sensitivity of this
VSR is considered low. |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: Depending on the detail
design of GIC6, GIC9 & GIC10, VSRs in this location will glimpse south
eastern views of approximately 1100m min towards the Trunk Road T2 Western
Tunnel Portal & Ventilation Building. The sensitivity of this VSR is
considered low. |
R18 General Description |
Hing Yan Street Residential Block Existing medium rise building.
South eastern facing VSRs will be affected. Views of the Western Works Area
are obscured by the Kowloon Bay commercial area. |
Residential |
Existing |
Construction |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Phase |
Western Works Area: VSRs in this
location will have an east to
north east glimpse view of approximately 1200m min to the Western Works
Area, depending of detailed design of RE5. The sensitivity of this VSR is considered low. |
Operational Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: Refer to R1 For details |
R19 General Description |
Yau Tong Bay Development Planned medium to high rise
building mixed use waterfront development. |
Residential/ Occupational |
Planned (2018) |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: VSRs in this
location will have a partial view of approximately 300m min to the Eastern Works
area The sensitivity of this VSR is considered high. |
Western Works Area: N/A |
Operational |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Phase |
Western Works Area: N/A |
E1 General
Description |
Tau Kok: Regional Open Space At present, proposed development is being used as
a Wilson Car park. The existing view is a panorama at pedestrian
level across Kowloon Bay and over the Kai Tak
development, which is currently undergoing various demolition/site clearance,
infrastructure and construction projects throughout the KTD. |
Recreational |
Planned (2014) |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: Depending on the detail
design of RE4 & RE5, Pedestrians at ground level within this VSR will
glimpse eastern to north eastern views of approximately 1800m min, onto the Western Works Area The sensitivity
of this VSR is considered low. |
E1 Operational
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Recreational |
Planned (2014) |
Western Works Area: Depending on the detail
design of RE8, & GIC11C, pedestrians at ground level within this VSR will
glimpse eastern to north eastern views of approximately 1650m min onto the Western Works Area. The
sensitivity of this VSR is considered
low. |
RE2 General
Description |
Sham Park, Ma Tau Kok Existing public waterfront park. At pedestrian level there are good panoramic
views across Kowloon Bay and over the Kai Tak
development, which is currently undergoing various demolition/site clearance,
infrastructure and construction projects throughout the KTD. |
Recreational |
Existing |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: Depending on the detail
design of RE4 & RE5, pedestrians at ground level within this VSR will
glimpse eastern to north eastern views of approximately 1500m min, onto the Western Works Area The sensitivity
of this VSR is considered low. |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: Depending on the detail
design of RE8 & GIC11C Pedestrians at ground level within this VSR will have
a glimpse eastern to north eastern view of approximately 1600m min, onto the Trunk Road T2 Western Ventilation
Building. The sensitivity of this VSR is considered low. |
RE3 General
Description |
& Future Waterfront Promenade, Ma Tau Kok Existing waterfront park with good open south
eastern to north western views onto Victoria Harbour and KTD. Promenade will
later be extended and connected to the Kia Tak
Development. |
Recreational |
Existing/ Planned (2021) |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: Depending on the detail
design of RE4 & RE5, Pedestrians at ground level within this VSR will
glimpse south eastern to north western views of approximately 1200m min onto the
Western Works Area. The sensitivity of this VSR is considered low. |
RE3 Operational
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Recreational |
Existing/ Planned (2021) |
Western Works Area: Depending on the detail
design of RE8, GIC7, GIC8 & GIC11C Pedestrians at ground level within
this VSR will glimpse south eastern to north western views of approximately
1300m min, onto the Trunk Road T2 Western Ventilation Building. The
sensitivity of this VSR is considered low. |
RE4 General
Description |
Multi-Purpose Stadium Complex – Park Viewers in this future VSRs will mainly be
focused inside the stadium complex and their views to the proposed Trunk Road
T2 Site could be potentially screened by landscaping or other structures. |
Recreational |
Planned (2016-2020) |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: Pedestrians at ground level
within this VSR will have partial south eastern views of approximately 1000m min onto the Western Works Area. The sensitivity
of this VSR is considered low. |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: Depending on the detail
design of RE8, GIC7, GIC8 & GIC11C. Pedestrian VSRs will glimpse eastern
to south eastern views of approximately 1000m min onto the Trunk Road T2 Western Ventilation Building. The
sensitivity of this VSR is considered low. |
RE5 General
Description |
Kai Tak Runway Precinct: Metro Park Proposed waterfront public park. This visual
sensitive receiver has north eastern and eastern views into the site via the
L18 Road. As per the RODP the date of
completion is under review. |
Recreational |
Planned (2017) |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: Pedestrians at ground level within
this VSR will have partial eastern to south eastern views of approximately 300m min to the Western Works Area. The
sensitivity of this VSR is considered
medium. |
RE5 Operational
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Recreational |
Planned (2017) |
Western Works Area: Depending on the detail
design of RE8, GIC7, GIC8 & GIC11C Pedestrians at ground level within
this VSR will have a glimpse of eastern to south eastern views of approximately 400m min, onto the Trunk Road T2 Western Ventilation
Building. The sensitivity of this VSR is considered medium. |
RE6 General
Description |
Kai Tak Runway Precinct Northern Promenade Proposed waterfront public promenade. |
Recreational |
Planned (2021) |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: N/A |
Operational Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: Depending on the detail
design of RE8, GIC7, GIC8 & GIC11C and the D4 road bridge, pedestrian VSRs at ground level will have partial south eastern, north and north-western
views of approximately 330m min onto the Western Tunnel Portal
Building. The sensitivity of this VSR is considered medium. |
RE7 General
Description |
Kai Tak Runway Park Proposed waterfront public park. The
park is built in 2 phases: 1st phase, planned 2013 2nd phase is under review. Details unknown. |
Recreational |
Planned (2013) |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: Pedestrians VSRs at ground
level will have full south eastern views of approximately 700m min. Additional
marine traffic for construction and demolition material will have an indirect impact onto this VSR. The sensitivity of this VSR is considered medium. |
Western Works Area: Pedestrian VSRs will have a full
northern view of approximately 350m min to the Trunk Road T2 Works Area. The
sensitivity of this VSR is considered
medium. |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: N/A |
RE8 General
Description |
Kai Tak South Apron: Southern Promenade Proposed waterfront public promenade. |
Recreational |
Planned (2021) |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: N/A |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: Depending on the detail
design of RE8, GIC7, GIC11A & GIC11C and the D4 road bridge, pedestrian VSRs will have partial
north and north eastern views of approximately 100m min onto the Western Ventilation Building
and the Tunnel Portal Building. The sensitivity of this VSR is considered medium. |
RE9 General
Description |
Kai Tak South Apron: Kowloon Bay Square Planned Public Waterfront Park with proposed
MTR/Light Rail Station (station details to be finalised). As per the RODP of KTD, the planned park is
currently under review, details unknown. |
Recreational |
Planned (2021) |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: N/A |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: Depending on the detail
design of O11, O12, GIC11A & GIC11C, future VSRs will have partial
northern and north western of approximately 450m min to the Western Tunnel Portal &
Ventilation Buildings. The sensitivity of this VSR is considered medium. |
RE10 General
Description |
Kai Tak South Apron: Amenity Area Undesignated Amenity Area, adjacent to the
Western Tunnel Portal & Ventilation Buildings. |
Recreational |
Planned (2021) |
Construction |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Phase |
Western Works Area: Area is designated to be
within site boundary area - N/A. |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: Pedestrian VSRs would have
full north western views of approximately 5m min, onto the Trunk Road T2 Western Tunnel Portal &
Ventilation Buildings. The sensitivity of this VSR is considered medium. |
RE11 General
Description |
Square: CIC Zero Carbon Building Existing Public Park. This VSR has slight south
western views towards the project site. Views are screened mostly by the
elevated Kwun Tong By-pass, Kai Fuk
Road and roadside amenity planting. |
Recreational |
Existing |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: Depending on the detail
design of GIC10, pedestrian VSRs would glimpse southern views of approximately 150m min onto the Trunk Road T2 Western Tunnel
Portal & Ventilation Buildings. The sensitivity of this VSR is considered low. |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: Depending on the detail
design of GIC10, pedestrian VSRs would glimpse southern views of approximately 150m min onto the Trunk Road T2 Western Tunnel
Portal & Ventilation Buildings. The sensitivity of this VSR is considered low. |
RE12 General
Description |
Bun Road Park Existing Public Park. Views of the Project to
this VSR will be partially blocked by the elevated Kwun
Tong By-pass and existing trees inside the park. |
Recreational |
Existing |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: There are no views onto the
Eastern Works Area, though VSRs may glimpse views of approximately 300m min
to additional marine traffic for construction and demolition material between
the eastern and western sites. This may have an indirect impact. The
sensitivity of this VSR is considered low. |
Western Works Area: The view to the Project is
partially blocked by the elevated Kwun Tong
By-pass. Only south west facing VSRs are affected. VSRs will glimpse south
western to north western views of approximately 350m min to the Western Works Area. The
sensitivity of this VSR is considered
low. |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: N/A |
RE13 General
Description |
Kwun Tong Promenade (Existing ) Existing Public Waterfront Promenade Park with
north western views onto the project site. |
Recreational |
Existing |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: There are no views onto the
Eastern Works Area, though VSRs will have full views of approximately 200m to
additional marine traffic for construction and demolition material between
the eastern and western sites. This will have an indirect impact. The
sensitivity of this VSR is considered
low. |
Western Works Area: Pedestrian VSRs would have
full north western to western views of approximately 750m min onto the Western Works Area. VSRs will have
full views of approximately 200m to additional marine traffic for
construction and demolition material between the eastern and western sites.
This will have an indirect impact. The sensitivity of this VSR is considered medium. |
Operational |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Phase |
Western Works Area: N/A |
RE14 General
Description |
Kwun Tong Promenade (Planned) This is a linear strip of decommissioned land on
the Kwun Tong Waterfront awaiting redevelopment. This
area will shortly become a construction site for the new promenade, hence
VSRs are considered to be occupational but will become recreational in 2021. |
Occupational/Recreational |
Planned (2021) |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: There are no views onto the
Eastern Works Area, VSRs will have full views of approximately 200m min to
additional marine traffic for construction and demolition material between
the eastern and western site. This is considered an indirect impact. The
sensitivity of this VSR is considered low. |
Western Works Area: Viewers within this VSR will
have full south western to north western views of approximately 200m min to the Western Works Area. The
sensitivity of this VSR is considered low. |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: N/A. |
Description |
Park Existing Public Park. Views of the Project in
this location are partially blocked by the elevated Kwun
Tong By-pass, Kwun Tong Nullah
and existing trees inside the park. |
Recreational |
Existing |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: Pedestrian VSRs would glimpse
south eastern views of approximately 300m min onto the Eastern Works Area. The sensitivity
of this VSR is considered low. |
Western Works Area: N/A |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: N/A. |
T1 General
Description |
Kwun Tong By-pass and Kai Fuk
Road These are elevated and at-grade roads. The
existing views are of the former Kai Tak South
Apron, Kwun Tong Typhoon Shelter, Victoria Harbour
to the west and typical industrial area to the east. VSRs travelling on these
roads will have direct sea views to the Project which in part are blocked by
roadside trees, shrub planting and noise barriers. |
Travelling |
Existing |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: VSRs travelling on these roads
will have a glimpse south eastern and eastern view of the Eastern Works Area.
The sensitivity of this VSR is considered
medium. |
Western Works Area: VSRs travelling on these roads
will have a full open view of approximately 5m min to the Western Works Area.
The sensitivity of this VSR is considered
medium. |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The travellers of this visual
sensitive receiver have a full view of approximately 5m onto the Trunk Road
T2 Western Tunnel Portal & Ventilation Buildings. The sensitivity of this
VSR is considered medium. |
T2 General
Description |
Cha Kwo Ling Road This is a road with existing views of the former open
storage and cargo working area to the west and low rise residential buildings
with a vegetated hillside backdrop to the east. |
Travelling |
Existing |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: VSRs on this road will have full
views of the Project which in parts will be blocked by roadside planting,
fences, walls, and the former cargo working area. The sensitivity of this VSR
is considered medium. |
Western Works Area: N/A |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: N/A |
T3 General
Description |
Traffic at Victoria Harbour VSRs in harbour traffic include cruise liners,
ferries and commercial boats, and will have open sea views of the Project. The existing
view is of a water body with development as a back drop. |
Travelling |
Existing |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: VSRs will have full open
views to the Eastern Works Area. The sensitivity of this VSR is considered medium. |
Western Works Area: VSRs will have full open
views of
approximately 5m min to the Western Works Area. The sensitivity of this VSR
is considered medium. |
Operational |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Phase |
Western Works Area: VSRs will have glimpse views
of approximately 100m onto the Project due to the proposed O11, O12, GIC11A
GIC11C, R3, R4, RE8 & RE9 developments. The sensitivity of this VSR is
considered medium. |
9.5 Assessments of the Degree of Sensitivity:
Construction Phase (Eastern Works Area)
No. |
of VSRs (Many/ Medium/ Few) |
of Existing View (Good/ Fair/
Poor) |
and Amenity Value of Alternative View (High/ Medium/ Low) |
Distance between VSRs and Impact Sources (m) |
or Frequency of View (Long/ Medium/ Short) |
of Visibility (Full/ Partial/ Glimpse/(M))* |
(Low, Medium, High) |
O10 |
Many |
Fair |
Medium |
1100 |
Medium |
Partial |
Low |
O14 |
Medium |
Fair |
Medium |
1800 |
Medium |
Glimpse |
Low |
O16 |
Medium |
Fair |
Medium |
1800 |
Medium |
Glimpse |
Low |
O17 |
Medium |
Fair |
Medium |
200 |
Medium |
Partial (M) |
Low |
O18 |
Many |
Fair |
Medium |
360 |
Medium |
Glimpse |
Low |
O19 |
Few |
Fair |
Medium |
160 |
Medium |
Partial |
Low |
O20 |
Medium |
Fair |
Medium |
5 |
Medium |
Full |
Medium |
O22 |
Few |
Fair |
Low |
900 |
Medium |
Partial |
Low |
GIC12 |
Medium |
Fair |
Medium |
450 |
Medium |
Full (M) |
Low |
R3 |
Many |
Fair |
Medium |
1740 |
Long |
Partial |
Medium |
R4 |
Many |
Fair |
Medium |
1740 |
Long |
Partial |
Medium |
R6 |
Many |
Fair |
Medium |
160 |
Long |
Full |
High |
R7 |
Many |
Fair |
Medium |
50 |
Long |
Full |
High |
R8 |
Many |
Fair |
Medium |
20 |
Long |
Full |
High |
R13 |
Many |
Fair |
High |
3800 |
Long |
Glimpse |
Low |
R14 |
Many |
Fair |
High |
3200 |
Long |
Glimpse |
Low |
R19 |
Many |
Fair |
Medium |
300 |
Long |
Partial |
High |
RE7 |
Medium |
Fair |
High |
700 |
Medium |
Full |
Medium |
RE12 |
Medium |
Poor |
Medium |
300 |
Medium |
Glimpse (M) |
Low |
RE13 |
Medium |
Poor |
High |
200 |
Medium |
Full (M) |
Low |
RE14 |
Medium |
Poor |
High |
200 |
Medium |
Full (M) |
Low |
RE15 |
Medium |
Fair |
Medium |
300 |
Medium |
Glimpse |
Low |
T1 |
Many |
Fair |
Medium |
5 |
Short |
Glimpse |
Medium |
T2 |
Many |
Fair |
Medium |
5 |
Short |
Full |
Medium |
T3 |
Many |
Fair |
Medium |
5 |
Short |
Full |
Medium |
*Degree of Visibility (M) denotes:- No direct
views onto Works Area; views are onto additional marine traffic for
construction and demolition materials
9.6 Assessments of the Degree of Sensitivity: Construction Phase
(Western Works Area)
No. |
of VSRs (Many/ Medium/ Few) |
of Existing View (Good/ Fair/
Poor) |
and Amenity Value of Alternative View (High/ Medium/ Low) |
Distance between VSRs and Impact Sources (m) |
or Frequency of View (Long/ Medium/ Short) |
of Visibility (Full/ Partial/ Glimpse/(M))* |
(Low, Medium, High) |
O1 |
Medium |
Fair |
High |
1150 |
Medium |
Glimpse |
Low |
O2 |
Medium |
Fair |
High |
1350 |
Medium |
Glimpse |
Low |
O3 |
Medium |
Fair |
Medium |
700 |
Medium |
Partial |
Low |
O4 |
Medium |
Fair |
Medium |
400 |
Medium |
Partial |
Medium |
O5 |
Many |
Fair |
Medium |
200 |
Medium |
Partial |
Medium |
O6 |
Medium |
Fair |
Medium |
120 |
Medium |
Full |
Medium |
O7 |
Many |
Fair |
Medium |
70 |
Medium |
Full |
Medium |
O8 |
Few |
Fair |
Low |
80 |
Medium |
Glimpse |
Low |
O10 |
Many |
Fair |
High |
500 |
Medium |
Partial |
Medium |
O12 |
Few |
Fair |
Low |
5 |
Medium |
Full |
Low |
O13 |
Medium |
Fair |
Medium |
200 |
Medium |
Partial |
Low |
O14 |
Medium |
Fair |
Medium |
20 |
Medium |
Full |
Medium |
O16 |
Medium |
Fair |
Medium |
300 |
Medium |
Partial |
Medium |
O17 |
Many |
Fair |
Medium |
320 |
Medium |
Partial |
Low |
O18 |
Many |
Fair |
Medium |
750 |
Medium |
Partial |
Low |
O19 |
Few |
Fair |
Medium |
1400 |
Medium |
Glimpse |
Low |
GIC1 |
Few |
Fair |
High |
1000 |
Medium |
Partial |
Low |
GIC3 |
Few |
Poor |
Medium |
600 |
Medium |
Glimpse |
Low |
GIC4 |
Few |
Poor |
Medium |
690 |
Medium |
Glimpse |
Low |
GIC5 |
Few |
Poor |
Medium |
760 |
Medium |
Glimpse |
Low |
GIC10 |
Few |
Fair |
Low |
5 |
Medium |
Full |
Medium |
GIC11A |
Medium |
Fair |
Low |
10 |
Medium |
Full |
Medium |
GIC11B |
Few |
Fair |
Low |
10 |
Medium |
Full |
Medium |
GIC12 |
Medium |
Fair |
Medium |
1250 |
Medium |
Glimpse |
Low |
R3 |
Medium |
Fair |
Medium |
10 |
Long |
Partial |
High |
R4 |
Medium |
Fair |
Medium |
10 |
Long |
Full |
High |
R6 |
Medium |
Fair |
Medium |
1600 |
Long |
Glimpse |
Low |
R9 |
Medium |
Fair |
High |
1150 |
Long |
Glimpse |
Low |
R10 |
Medium |
Fair |
High |
1250 |
Long |
Glimpse |
Low |
R11 |
Medium |
Fair |
Medium |
1550 |
Long |
Glimpse |
Low |
R12 |
Medium |
Fair |
High |
1600 |
Long |
Glimpse |
Low |
R13 |
Many |
Fair |
High |
1620 |
Long |
Glimpse |
Low |
R14 |
Many |
Fair |
High |
2110 |
Long |
Glimpse |
Low |
R17 |
Many |
Fair |
Medium |
1050 |
Long |
Partial |
Low |
R18 |
Medium |
Fair |
Medium |
1200 |
Long |
Glimpse |
Low |
RE1 |
Medium |
Fair |
High |
1800 |
Medium |
Glimpse |
Low |
RE2 |
Medium |
Fair |
High |
1500 |
Medium |
Glimpse |
Low |
RE3 |
Medium |
Fair |
High |
1200 |
Medium |
Glimpse |
Low |
RE4 |
Medium |
Fair |
High |
1000 |
Medium |
Partial |
Low |
RE5 |
Medium |
Fair |
High |
300 |
Medium |
Partial |
Medium |
RE7 |
Medium |
Fair |
High |
350 |
Medium |
Full |
Medium |
RE11 |
Medium |
Fair |
Low |
150 |
Medium |
Glimpse |
Low |
RE12 |
Medium |
Fair |
Medium |
350 |
Medium |
Glimpse (M) |
Low |
RE13 |
Medium |
Fair |
High |
750 |
Medium |
Full |
Medium |
RE14 |
Medium |
Fair |
Medium |
200 |
Medium |
Full |
Low |
T1 |
Many |
Fair |
Medium |
5 |
Short |
Full |
Medium |
T3 |
Many |
Fair |
Medium |
5 |
Short |
Full |
Medium |
Table 9.7 Assessments of the Degree of Sensitivity:
Operation Phase (Western Works Area)
VSR ID. No. |
Number of VSRs (Many/ Medium/ Few) |
Quality of Existing View (Good/ Fair/ Poor) |
Availability and Amenity Value
of Alternative View (High/ Medium/ Low) |
Minimum Distance between VSRs
and Impact Sources (m) |
Duration or Frequency of View (Long/ Medium/ Short) |
Degree of Visibility (Full/ Partial/ Glimpse/M=V) |
Sensitivity(Low, Medium, High) |
O2 |
Many |
Fair |
Medium |
1450 |
Medium |
Glimpse |
Low |
O3 |
Medium |
Fair |
Medium |
650 |
Medium |
Partial |
Low |
O4 |
Medium |
Fair |
High |
500 |
Medium |
Partial |
Low |
O5 |
Medium |
Fair |
High |
250 |
Medium |
Partial |
Low |
O6 |
Medium |
Fair |
High |
140 |
Medium |
Partial |
Medium |
O7 |
Many |
Fair |
High |
70 |
Medium |
Partial |
Medium |
O8 |
Few |
Fair |
Low |
80 |
Medium |
Glimpse |
Low |
O9 |
Medium |
Fair |
High |
500 |
Medium |
Glimpse |
Low |
O10 |
Many |
Fair |
High |
1200 |
Medium |
Glimpse |
Medium |
O11 |
Medium |
Fair |
Medium |
320 |
Medium |
Partial |
Medium |
O12 |
Few |
Fair |
Medium |
350 |
Medium |
Partial |
Low |
O13 |
Medium |
Fair |
High |
380 |
Medium |
Partial |
Medium |
O14 |
Medium |
Fair |
High |
320 |
Medium |
Partial |
Medium |
O16 |
Medium |
Fair |
Medium |
650 |
Medium |
Glimpse |
Low |
O17 |
Medium |
Fair |
Medium |
650 |
Medium |
Glimpse |
Low |
GIC1 |
Few |
Fair |
Medium |
1200 |
Medium |
Glimpse |
Low |
GIC2 |
Few |
Fair |
Medium |
900 |
Medium |
Glimpse |
Low |
GIC3 |
Few |
Fair |
Medium |
640 |
Medium |
Glimpse |
Low |
GIC4 |
Few |
Fair |
Medium |
800 |
Medium |
Glimpse |
Low |
GIC5 |
Few |
Fair |
Medium |
760 |
Medium |
Glimpse |
Low |
GIC6 |
Medium |
Fair |
Medium |
400 |
Medium |
Partial |
Medium |
GIC7 |
Medium |
Fair |
Medium |
150 |
Medium |
Partial |
Medium |
GIC8 |
Medium |
Fair |
Medium |
140 |
Medium |
Full |
Medium |
GIC9 |
Few |
Fair |
Medium |
130 |
Medium |
Partial |
Low |
GIC10 |
Few |
Good |
Medium |
5 |
Medium |
Full |
Medium |
GIC11A |
Medium |
Good |
Medium |
10 |
Medium |
Full |
Medium |
GIC11B |
Medium |
Good |
Medium |
10 |
Medium |
Full |
Medium |
GIC11C |
Medium |
Good |
Medium |
10 |
Medium |
Full |
Medium |
R1 |
Medium |
Good |
High |
1350 |
Long |
Glimpse |
Low |
R2 |
Medium |
Fair |
Medium |
1600 |
Long |
Glimpse |
Low |
R3 |
Medium |
Fair |
High |
500 |
Long |
Partial |
Medium |
R4 |
Medium |
Fair |
High |
500 |
Long |
Partial |
Medium |
R5 |
Many |
Fair |
Medium |
400 |
Long |
Glimpse |
Medium |
R9 |
Medium |
Fair |
High |
1400 |
Long |
Glimpse |
Low |
R10 |
Medium |
Fair |
High |
1500 |
Long |
Glimpse |
Low |
R11 |
Medium |
Fair |
Medium |
1900 |
Long |
Glimpse |
Low |
R12 |
Medium |
Fair |
Medium |
2000 |
Long |
Glimpse |
Low |
R13 |
Many |
Fair |
High |
1840 |
Long |
Glimpse |
Low |
R14 |
Many |
Fair |
High |
2000 |
Long |
Glimpse |
Low |
R15 |
Many |
Fair |
Medium |
1550 |
Long |
Glimpse |
Low |
R16 |
Many |
Fair |
Medium |
1060 |
Long |
Partial |
Low |
R17 |
Many |
Fair |
Medium |
1100 |
Long |
Low |
RE1 |
Medium |
Fair |
High |
1650 |
Medium |
Glimpse |
Low |
RE2 |
Medium |
Fair |
High |
1600 |
Medium |
Glimpse |
Low |
RE3 |
Medium |
Fair |
High |
1300 |
Medium |
Glimpse |
Low |
RE4 |
Medium |
Fair |
High |
1000 |
Medium |
Glimpse |
Low |
RE5 |
Medium |
Fair |
High |
400 |
Medium |
Glimpse |
Medium |
RE6 |
Medium |
Fair |
High |
330 |
Medium |
Partial |
Medium |
RE8 |
Medium |
Fair |
High |
100 |
Medium |
Partial |
Medium |
RE9 |
Medium |
Fair |
High |
450 |
Medium |
Partial |
Medium |
RE10 |
Medium |
Fair |
Medium |
5 |
Medium |
Full |
Medium |
RE11 |
Medium |
Fair |
Low |
150 |
Medium |
Glimpse |
Low |
T1 |
Many |
Fair |
Medium |
5 |
Short |
Full |
Medium |
T3 |
Many |
Fair |
Medium |
100 |
Short |
Glimpse |
Medium |
9.7 Landscape Impact Assessment
Potential Sources of Impacts The nature and scope of works are described in detail in Section 3. Sources of impacts of Trunk Road T2 during the construction phase would include:
Construction Works (Direct Impacts)
· Construction of a dual two-lane trunk road approximately 0.3km long at grade section and about 2.7 km in the form of a tunnel and Tunnel Portal building;
· Construction of Ventilation building, administration buildings and a traffic control and surveillance system; and
· Construction of associated civil, electrical, mechanical, landscape and environmental protection and mitigation works.
Construction Site Operation (Indirect Impacts)
· Stockpiling of excavated and building materials and storage of construction equipment;
· Minor demolition of existing facilities;
· Temporary noise mitigation measures (e.g. barriers and enclosures);
· Contractor’s temporary works areas, including site offices temporary barging point, haulage between T2 sites, and parking areas.
Sources of Impacts in the Operation Phase
· Dual two-lane trunk road of approximately 0.3km long at grade and 2.7km in the form of a tunnel;
· The completed ventilation and administration buildings; and
· The completed associated civil, electrical, mechanical, landscape and environmental protection and mitigation works.
Impact on Existing Trees Within the 100m works boundary area, there are an approximately 605 trees. 128 trees are recorded within Trunk Road T2 area and 10m offset buffer zone from the works limit. No registered Old and Valuable Tree, protected or endangered species are recorded. 30 trees will be protected from the impact of the proposed T2 development, 31 trees are recommended for transplantation, and 67 trees unsuitable for transplanting are recommended for felling. In total 152 new trees of minimum 75mm DBH are proposed to compensate the loss of trees in T2 area. Refer to Figures 9.10.1 and 9.10.2. Compensatory tree planting will be incorporated along all roadside amenity areas affected by the construction works. The required numbers and locations of compensatory trees shall be determined and agreed with the Government during the Tree Removal Application under ETWB TCW No. 3/2006.
9.8 Summary of Proposed Treatment of Trees
(Trunk Road T2 Works Area)
Proposed Treatment |
Quantity |
tree quantity |
128 |
Retain |
30 |
Transplant |
31 |
Fell |
67 |
loss of DBH (m) |
114.00 | Table 9.8 summarise the number of trees affected by the whole Trunk road T2 works and Table 9.9 summaries the affected trees with respect to the Western and Eastern Works Areas.
9.9 Summary of Proposed Treatment of Trees (Individual Works
Treatment |
Works Area |
Works Area |
Total |
tree quantity |
127 |
1 |
128 |
Retain |
30 |
0 |
30 |
Transplant |
31 |
0 |
31 |
Fell |
66 |
1 |
67 |
loss of DBH(m) |
113.865 |
0.135 |
114 |
Impact on Existing Passive Amenity Areas
only area
affected by construction of the Trunk Road T2 and associated buildings is the
amenity area next to Kwun Tong By-pass.
Degree of Compatibility of the Project and Associated Works
The Trunk Road T2, ventilation
and tunnel portal buildings are scheduled to be commissioned in 2020 and
operational by 2021 within the Kai Tak South Apron
Development. Currently the land is mainly derelict with areas allocated for
temporary storage and on-going infrastructure projects. The proposed
construction within the Kai Tak Development covers 3
main areas: The North Apron, South Apron and Runway Precinct. As per the KTD
RODP, Trunk Road T2 will be operational at approximately the same time as the
surrounding South Apron. The KTD agency has provided a landscape masterplan document for future Kai Tak
Development to adhere to. As the area is intended to have a cohesive design approach, Trunk Road T2 and
associated works will be designed in harmony with the surrounding context. With the completion of Trunk Road T2 and associated works, the area of T2 will be reinstated into a Kai Tak South: Amenity Area, with provision of street trees, shrubs and ground cover planting. A green design approach is provided for the ventilation building, tunnel portal and refuge collection buildings, including green walls and stepped planted berms, which will minimise the visual impact and blend the development into the design of the proposed surrounding landscape. Tables 9.10 and 9.11 present the impacts on landscape resources and character areas respectively. Magnitude of change is considered to be small to negligible at the operation phase.
Nature and Magnitude of Unmitigated Landscape Impacts in
Construction and Operation Phases The magnitude of impacts, before mitigation measures, on LRs and LCA’s in the construction and operation phases are described below and tabulated in Tables 9.10 to 9.11.
Table 9.10 Impacts on
Landscape Resources of the Proposed Works and their Magnitude of Change
LR ID No. |
Landscape Resources |
Size of LR (m2) |
Description of Impacts |
Sources of impact |
Reversibility |
Scale of Development |
Compatibility with Surrounding
Landscape |
Duration of impact (Low,
Medium, High) |
Magnitude of Change
(Negligible, Small, Intermediate, Large) |
Construction |
Operation |
Construction |
Operation |
LR6 |
Area (Kai Fuk Road / Kwun
Tong By-pass) |
11,010 |
Within the portion of LR6 where
impact is expected, of the 81 nos. trees, 18 trees will be retained and
protected, 21 trees will be transplanted and 42 trees will be felled. Approximately 3,620 square metres of planting
area would be lost by construction of building and temporary works and
associated impacts. Approximately
1,250 square metres of planting area will be permanently lost by the
construction of the Ventilation Building. |
Construction of ventilation building, Temporary
storage and stockpiling area. |
No |
Large |
Low |
Medium |
High |
Large |
Large |
LR8 |
Derelict / Disturbed Land (KTD South
Apron) |
208,440 |
T2 Western Works Area is currently an area of approximately 75,300 square metres
of hard standing which will be temporarily lost in the construction phase. 8,500
square metres of hard standing will be lost by the construction of the Tunnel
Portal & Ventilation Buildings. Approximately
46 nos. trees are recorded. 10 nos. of trees will be transplanted and 24 nos.
trees unsuitable for transplanting are recommended to be felled. The
remaining 12 nos. trees will be protected on site. In addition, two planting
areas containing 159 square meters will be lost. Impacts
due to the construction of cut and
cover tunnel, underwater tunnel, minor demolition works of existing
facilities, temporary traffic arrangement, temporary Storage and stock
piling, temporary barging point and associated impacts. |
Storage area and site office, work site for proposed temporary traffic
arrangement, temporary storage and stock piling area, temporary barging
point. Construction
of Ventilation Building, Tunnel Portal Buildings, construction of depressed
road, construction of cut and cover tunnel, construction of underwater
tunnel, minor demolition works of existing facilities. |
No |
Large |
Medium |
Medium |
High |
Large |
Large |
LR12 |
Body (Kwun Tong Typhoon Shelter) |
315,320 |
Barges operating between 07.00 and
19.00. |
Impacts due to the construction of
underwater tunnel and, temporary barging point. The temporary barging point has a vertical seawall face and no
temporary facilities would be needed to be
constructed above the sea. It will be
consist of a one vehicle unloading ramp and a fully enclosed conveyor belt
unloading chute from LR8 |
Yes |
Large |
Low |
Medium |
N/A |
Small |
Negligible |
LR16 |
/ Disturbed Land Proposed as Cha Kwo Ling Promenade
Park by Others (Cha Kwo Ling Former Public Cargo Working
Area) |
27,020 |
tree to be felled. Impacts due to the additional
construction works traffic in area and views onto Trunk Road T2 Western Works
Area. An approximate area of 21,500 square metres
of hard standing will be temporary lost for the Eastern Works Area site
offices. |
Temporary Storage area and site
office, Temporary vehicular haulage from Trunk Road T2 Eastern Works Area to
T2 Western Works Area. |
Yes |
Large |
High |
Medium |
N/A |
Negligible |
The duration of impacts will be from
2016 to 2020 for both Construction Stages of the Eastern and Western
Only Landscape Resources that
are impacted are discussed.
9.11 Impacts on Landscape Character Areas of
the Proposed Works and their Magnitude of Change
No. |
Resources within the LCA |
of LR (m2) |
of Impacts |
of Impact |
Reversibility |
of development |
with Surrounding Landscape |
of impact |
of Change (Negligible, Small, Intermediate, Large) |
Construction |
Operation |
Construction |
Operation |
LCA1 |
LR10 & LR11 |
210,410 |
Western Works Area site boundary is approximately 75,300 square metres of
hard standing. This area will be temporarily lost throughout the construction
phase. 8,500
square metres of hard will be lost by the construction of the Tunnel Portal
& Ventilation Buildings. Within
LR8 and LR11, approximately
71 nos. trees are recorded. Within the portion of LR8 where
impact is expected, approximately 46
nos. trees are recorded. 10 nos. of trees will be transplanted and 24 nos.
trees unsuitable for transplanting are recommended to be felled. The
remaining 12 nos. trees will be protected on site. In addition, two planting
areas containing 159 square meters will be lost. Impacts
due to the construction of cut and
cover tunnel, underwater tunnel, minor demolition works of existing
facilities, temporary traffic arrangement, temporary Storage and stock
piling, temporary barging point and
associated impacts. |
storage area and site office, work site for proposed temporary traffic arrangement,
temporary storage and stock piling area, temporary barging point. Construction of Ventilation and Tunnel
Portal Buildings, construction of depressed road, construction of cut and
cover tunnel, construction of underwater tunnel, minor demolition works of
existing facilities. |
No |
Large |
Medium |
Medium |
High |
Large |
Large |
LCA3 |
LR5, LR6, LR7 & LR14 |
40,320 |
LR1, LR5, LR6, LR7 & LR14, approximately 275
nos. trees are recorded. Within the portion of LR6 where impact
is expected, 18 trees will be retained and protected, 21 trees will be
transplanted and 42 trees will be felled.
3,620 square metres of planting area would be lost by construction of
building and temporary works and associated impacts. Approximately
1,250 square metres of planting area will be permanently lost by the
construction of Ventilation Building. |
Construction of ventilation building,
temporary storage and stockpiling area. Temporary vehicular haulage from Trunk
Road T2 Eastern Works Area to Western Works Area. |
No |
Large |
Low |
Medium |
High |
Large |
Large |
ID No. |
Landscape Resources |
Size of LR (m2) |
Description of Impacts |
Sources of Impact |
Reversibility |
Scale of Development |
Compatibility with Surrounding
Landscape |
Duration of impact |
Magnitude of Change
(Negligible, Small, Intermediate, Large) |
Construction |
Operation |
Construction |
Operation |
LCA4 |
LR12 |
315,320 |
due to the construction of underwater tunnel and temporary barging point. |
Impacts due to the construction of
underwater tunnel and, temporary barging point. The temporary barging point has
a vertical seawall face and no temporary facilities would be needed to be
constructed above the sea. It will be
consist of a one vehicle unloading ramp and a fully enclosed conveyor belt
unloading chute from LCA1 (LR8). |
Yes |
Large |
Low |
Medium |
N/A |
Small |
Negligible |
LCA7 |
LR16 |
34,390 |
due to the additional construction works traffic in the area, temporary
excavation works, site offices, structures and heavy machinery and 1 tree to
be felled. An
approximate area of 21,500 square metres of hard standing will be temporary lost
for the Eastern Works Area site offices. |
Temporary storage area and site
office, temporary vehicular haulage from Trunk Road T2 Eastern Works Area to
Trunk Road T2 Western Works Area. Temporary vehicular haulage from Trunk
Road T2 Eastern Works Area to Trunk Road T2 Western Works Area. 1 tree to be felled. |
Yes |
Large |
High |
Medium |
N/A |
Negligible |
The duration of impacts will be from
2016 to 2020 for both Construction Stages of the Eastern and Western
Only Landscape Resources that
are impacted are discussed.
Assessment of Significance of Landscape Impacts The significance threshold of landscape impacts are tabulated in Tables 9.12 and 9.13. All impacts are adverse unless otherwise stated.
9.12 Significance Threshold of Landscape
Resources before Mitigation
No. |
(Low, Medium, High) |
of Change (Negligible,
Small, Intermediate, Large) |
Threshold Before Mitigation (Insubstantial, Slight, Moderate, Substantial) |
Construction |
Operation |
Construction |
Operation |
LR6 |
Medium |
Large |
Large |
Moderate |
Moderate |
LR8 |
Low |
Large |
Large |
Moderate |
Moderate |
LR12 |
Medium |
Small |
Negligible |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
LR16 |
Low |
Intermediate |
Negligible |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
Note: Only Landscape Resources that are
impacted are discussed.
9.13 Significance Threshold of Landscape
Character Areas before Mitigation
No. |
(Low, Medium, High) |
of Change (Negligible,
Small, Intermediate, Large) |
Threshold Before Mitigation (Insubstantial, Slight, Moderate, Substantial) |
Construction |
Operation |
Construction |
Operation |
LCA1 |
Low |
Large |
Large |
Moderate |
Moderate |
LCA3 |
Medium |
Large |
Large |
Moderate |
Moderate |
LCA4 |
Medium |
Small |
Negligible |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
LCA7 |
Low |
Intermediate |
Negligible |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
Note: Only Landscape Resources that are
impacted are discussed.
LR6 – Amenity Area (Kai Fuk
Road / Kwun Tong By-pass) The significance threshold before mitigation for LR6 within the construction phase of the Ventilation Building and Western Works Area is considered as moderate, due to the loss of an amenity area, which includes sitting out areas, a footpath and a planting area of 3,620 square metres. 18 of the trees at this location will be retained and protected, 21 trees will be transplanted and 42 trees unsuitable for transplanting will be felled. The significance threshold before mitigation for LR6 within the operation phase is considered as moderate as, on completion of the Project a planting area of 1,250 square metres will be lost due to Trunk Road T2 and Ventilation Building.
LR8 - Derelict / Disturbed Land (KTD South Apron) Since this is an area of derelict / disturbed land measuring 75,300 square metres and a planting area of 159 square metres, where 12 trees will be protected, 10 trees are recommended for transplanting, and 24 trees which are not suitable for transplanting will be felled. The significance threshold before mitigation for LR8 within the construction phase of the Ventilation and Tunnel Portal Buildings and Western Works Area is considered as moderate. On completion of the Project, an area of 8,500 square meters will be permanently lost to the Trunk Road T2, Ventilation and Tunnel Portal Buildings.
LCA1 – Major On-Going Development Landscape Since this is an area of derelict / disturbed land measuring 75,300 square metres and a planting area of 159 square metres, where 12 trees will be protected, 10 trees are recommended for transplanting, and 24 trees which are not suitable for transplanting will be felled. The significance threshold before mitigation for LCA1 within the construction phase of the Ventilation and Tunnel Portal Buildings and Western Works Area is considered as moderate. On completion of the Project, an area of 8,500 square meters will be permanently lost to the Trunk Road T2, Ventilation and Tunnel Portal Buildings.
LCA3 – Transport Corridor The significance threshold before mitigation for LCA3 within the construction phase of the Ventilation Building and Western Works Area is considered as moderate, due to the loss of an amenity area, which includes sitting out areas, a footpath and a planting area of 3,620 square metres. 18 of the trees at this location will be retained and protected, 21 trees will be transplanted and 42 trees unsuitable for transplanting will be felled. The significance threshold before mitigation for LCA3 within the operation phase is considered as moderate as, on completion of the Project a planting area of 1,250 square metres will be lost due to Trunk Road T2 and Ventilation Building.
Potential Sources of Visual Impacts The sources of impacts due to the Project would create varying levels of visual impact during the construction and operation phases. Potential visual impacts would result from the elements stated in Sections 9.7.1 to 9.7.4. Compatibility of the Project within its visual context is described in Section 9.7.7.
Assessment of Magnitude to Change and Significance of
Visual Impacts before Mitigation
sensitivity and magnitude of change to VSRs is presented in Table 9.14 and the
magnitude of change to VSRs before mitigation in the
construction and operation phases is then summarised in Tables 9.15 to 9.17 below. The significance of visual impacts before
mitigation is presented in Tables 9.18 and 9.19.
9.14 Sensitivity and Magnitude of Change for
Visual Sensitive Receivers
No. |
and Magnitude of Change for VSRs |
of VSRs |
Status |
O1 General
Description |
Centre This low rise commercial building is planned for
redevelopment. Please refer to R1 for description. The description and evaluation of impacts on the
workers are discussed below: |
Occupational |
Existing |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be glimpse, and the distance of the view is
approximately 1150 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium.
Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered negligible during
the construction phase. |
Phase |
Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: Refer to R1 For description. |
O2 General
Description |
Kai Tak 1M: Comprehensive Development Area The description and evaluation of impacts on the
both the residents and workers are discussed below: |
Occupational |
Planned (2016) |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be glimpse, and the distance of the view is
approximately 1350 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium.
Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered negligible during
the construction phase. |
O2 Operational
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Occupational |
Planned (2016) |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be glimpse, and the distance of the view is
approximately 1450 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium. Due to obstruction by GIC6, GIC7, GIC9 & GIC10
within the operation phase, the magnitude of impact for this VSR is
considered negligible. |
O3 General
Description |
Tower, Kowloon Bay The description and evaluation of impacts on the
workers are discussed below: |
Occupational |
Existing |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be partial, and the distance of the view is
approximately 700 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium.
Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered small during the
construction phase. |
O3 Operational
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be partial, and the distance of the view is
approximately 650 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium. Due to obstruction by GIC9 & GIC10 within the
operation phase, the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered small. |
O4 General
Description |
Kong International Trade and Exhibition Centre The description and evaluation of impacts on the
both the visitors and workers are
discussed below: |
Occupational |
Existing |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered medium. The
degree of visibility to the Project will be partial, and the distance of the
view is approximately 400 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium.
Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered small during the
construction phase. |
O4 Operational
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Occupational |
Existing |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be partial, and the distance of the view is
approximately 500 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium. Due to obstruction by GIC6, GIC9 & GIC10
within the operation phase, the magnitude of impact for this VSR is
considered small. |
O5 General
Description |
Square & Enterprise Square II, Industrial/Office development Kowloon Bay The description and evaluation of impacts on the
workers are discussed below: |
Occupational |
Existing |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered medium. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be partial, and the distance of the view is
approximately 200 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium.
Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered intermediate
during the construction phase. |
O5 Operational
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Occupational |
Existing |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be partial, and the distance of the view is
approximately 250 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium. Due to obstruction by GIC9 & GIC10 within the
operation phase, the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered small. |
O6 General
Description |
Kai Fuk Industrial Center, Hong Leong
Industrial Complex & Billion Centre The description and evaluation of impacts on the
workers are discussed below: |
Occupational |
Existing |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered medium. The
degree of visibility to the Project will be full, and the distance of the
view is approximately 120 meters min. The scale of the development is considered large.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium.
Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered intermediate
during the construction phase. |
Operational Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered medium. The
degree of visibility to the Project will be partial, and the distance of the
view is approximately 140 meters min. The scale of the development is considered
medium. Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered
medium. Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered small
during the operation phase. |
O7 General
Description |
Box/Enterprise Square V, Enterprise Square III, Exchange Tower, Manhattan
Place & One Kowloon The description and evaluation of impacts on both
the visitors and workers are discussed below. |
Occupational |
Existing |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered medium. The
degree of visibility to the Project will be full, and the distance of the
view is approximately 70 meters min. The scale of the development is considered large.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium.
Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered intermediate
during the construction phase. |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A. |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered medium. The
degree of visibility to the Project will be partial, and the distance of the view
is approximately 70 meters min. The scale of the development is considered
medium. Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered
medium. Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered small
during the operation phase. |
O8 General
Description |
Stations along Kai Fuk Road The description and evaluation of impacts on the
both the visitors and workers are
discussed below: |
Occupational |
Existing |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be glimpse, and the distance of the view is
approximately 80 meters min. The scale of the development is considered large.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium.
Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered small during the
construction phase. |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be glimpse, and the distance of the view is
approximately 80 meters min. The scale of the development is considered
medium. Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered
medium. Due to obstruction by GIC9 & GIC10 within the
operation phase, the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered small. |
O9 General
Description |
Kai Tak Runway Precinct Hotel Belt The description and evaluation of impacts on both
the visitors and workers are discussed below: |
Occupational/Recreational |
Planned (2021) |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: N/A |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be glimpse, and the distance of the view is
approximately 500 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium. Due to obstruction by R5, RE8, GIC11A &
GIC11C within the operation phase, the magnitude of impact for this VSR is
considered negligible. |
O10 General
Description |
Kai Tak Cruise Terminal & Tourism Related Commercial
Development The description and evaluation of impacts on both
the visitors and workers are discussed below: |
Occupational/Recreational |
Planned (2014- 2015) |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be partial and the distance of the view is
approximately 1100 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium.
Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered small during the
construction phase. |
O10 Construciton
Phase |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered medium. The
degree of visibility to the Project will be partial, and the distance of the
view is approximately 500 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered low.
Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered intermediate
during the construction phase. |
Occupational/Recreational |
Planned (2014- 2015) |
Operational Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered medium. The
degree of visibility to the Project will be glimpse, and the distance of the view
is approximately 1200 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium. Due to obstruction by O12, GIC11A, R5 & RE9
GIC6 within the operation phase, the magnitude of impact for this VSR is
considered negligible. |
O11 General Description |
Vacant Lot at southern end of former Kai Tak
South Apron/3E1 Commercial Development The description and evaluation of impacts on
workers are discussed below: |
Occupational |
Existing/Planned (2021) |
Construction Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The site is designated as a
construction works area. |
O11 Operational
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Occupational |
Existing/Planned (2021) |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered medium. The
degree of visibility to the Project will be partial, and the distance of the
view is approximately 320 meters min. The scale of the development is considered
medium. Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered
medium. Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered small
during the operation phase. |
O12 General
Description |
Kai Tak South Apron: Gas Pigging Station The description and evaluation of impacts on the
visitors and workers are discussed
below: |
Occupational |
Planned (2012-2015) |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be full, and the distance of the view is
approximately 5 meters min. The scale of the development is considered large.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium.
Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered intermediate
during the construction phase. |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be partial, and the distance of the view is
approximately 350 meters min. The scale of the development is considered
medium. Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered
medium. Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered small
during the operation phase. |
O13 General
Description |
Pacific Trade Centre/ Proposed 3D2 Commercial Development The description and evaluation of impacts on the
workers are discussed below: |
Occupational |
Existing/Planned (2021) |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be partial, and the distance of the view is
approximately 200 meters min. The scale of the development is considered
medium. Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered
medium. Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered small
during the construction phase. |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered medium. The
degree of visibility to the Project will be partial, and the distance of the
view is approximately 380 meters min. The scale of the development is considered
medium. Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered
medium. Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered small
during the operation phase. |
O14 General
Description |
Octa Tower The description and evaluation of impacts on the
workers are discussed below: |
Occupational |
Existing |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be a glimpse, and the distance of the view
is approximately 1800 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium.
Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered small during the
construction phase. |
O14 Construction
Phase |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered medium. The
degree of visibility to the Project will be full, and the distance of the
view is approximately 20 meters min. The scale of the development is considered large.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium.
Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered large during the
construction phase. |
Occupational |
Existing |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered medium. The
degree of visibility to the Project will be partial, and the distance of the
view is approximately 320 meters min. The scale of the development is considered
medium. Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered
medium. Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered small
during the operation phase. |
O15 General
Description |
Not Used |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: Not Used. |
Western Works Area: Not Used. |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: Not Used. |
Western Works Area: Not Used. |
O16 General
Description |
Proposed Industrial/Office development at Kwun Tong Commercial Area The description and evaluation of impacts on the
workers are discussed below: |
Occupational |
Planned (2015) |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be a glimpse, and the distance of the view
is approximately 1800 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium.
Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered negligible during
the construction phase. |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered medium. The
degree of visibility to the Project will be partial, and the distance of the
view is approximately 300 meters min. The scale of the development is considered
medium. Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered
medium. Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered small
during the construction phase. |
Operational |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Phase |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be glimpse, and the distance of the view is
approximately 650 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium. Due to obstruction by R3, R4, O11, O13 and GIC11B
within the operation phase, the magnitude of impact for this VSR is
considered negligible. |
O17 General
Description |
Industrial/Office development at Kwun Tong
Western commercial area The description and evaluation of impacts on the
workers are discussed below: |
Occupational |
Existing |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be partial, and the distance of the view is
approximately 200 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium.
Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered small during the
construction phase. |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be partial and the distance of the view is
approximately 320 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium.
Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered small during the
construction phase. |
Operational |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Phase |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be glimpse, and the distance of the view is
approximately 650 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium. Due to obstruction by R3, R4, O11 and O13 within
the operation phase, the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered
negligible. |
O18 General Description |
Industrial/Office development at Kwun Tong
Eastern commercial area The description and evaluation of impacts on the
workers are discussed below |
Occupational |
Existing |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be a glimpse, and the distance of the view
is approximately 360 meters min. The scale of the development is considered
medium. Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered
medium. Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered small
during the construction phase. |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be partial, and the distance of the view is
approximately 750 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium.
Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered intermediate
during the construction phase. |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: Not Used. |
Western Works Area: Not Used. |
O19 General
Description |
Kwun Tong Sewage Treatment Works/Kwun Tong
Pumping Station /Planned Landscape Decked: Enclosed Sewage Works The description and evaluation of impacts on the workers
are discussed below |
Occupational |
Existing/Planned (2021) |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be partial, and the distance of the view is
approximately 160 meters min. The scale of the development is considered large.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium.
Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered intermediate
during the construction phase. |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be glimpse, and the distance of the view is
approximately 1400 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium.
Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered negligible during
the construction phase. |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: N/A |
O20 General
Description |
Soccer Pitch, Car Park, Petrol Filling Station & Vacant Sites (Proposed
Cha Kwo Ling Promenade Park) The description and evaluation of impacts on the
users and workers are discussed below. |
Occupational/Recreational |
Existing/ Planned (2021) |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: The frequency and duration of views would be
medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered medium. The degree of
visibility to the Project will be full, and the distance of the view is
approximately 5 meters min. The scale of the development is considered large.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium.
Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered large during the
construction phase. |
Western Works Area: N/A |
Operational Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: Refer to
RE17: Cha Kwo Ling Park, N/A |
O21 General Description |
Proposed Cha Kwo Ling Promenade The description and evaluation of impacts on the
workers are discussed below |
Occupational/Recreational |
Existing/ Planned (2021) |
Construction Phase |
Eastern Works Area: The site is
designated as a construction works area.
Western Works Area: N/A |
Operational Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: N/A |
O22 General
Description |
Tin Hau Temple The description and evaluation of impacts on the
users are discussed below |
Occupational |
Existing |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR
is considered low. The degree of visibility to the Project will be partial,
and the distance of the view is approximately 900 meters min. The scale of the development is considered
medium. Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered
medium. Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered small
during the construction phase. |
Western Works Area: N/A |
O22 Operational Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Occupational |
Existing |
Western Works Area: N/A |
GIC1 General
Description |
Workshops, Sewage Pumping Station & Electricity Substation. The description and evaluation of impacts on the
workers are discussed below |
Government /Institutional/ Community |
Existing/Proposed |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be partial, and the distance of the view is
approximately 1000 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium. Due to obstruction by RE4 & RE5 within the construction
phase, the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered small. |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be glimpse, and the distance of the view is
approximately 1200 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium. Due to obstruction by RE8, GIC7, GIC8 &
GIC11C, within the operation phase, the magnitude of impact for this VSR is
considered negligible. |
GIC2 General
Description |
Substation The description and evaluation of impacts on the
workers are discussed below |
Government /Institutional/ Community |
Planned (2021) |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: N/A |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be glimpse, and the distance of the view is
approximately 900 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium. Due to obstruction by GIC6, GIC7 & GIC11C. within the operation phase, the magnitude of impact for this
VSR is considered negligible. |
GIC3 General
Description |
Ventilation Shaft & Administration Building The description and evaluation of impacts on the
workers are discussed below |
Government /Institutional/ Community |
Planned (2016) |
Construction |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Phase |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be glimpse, and the distance of the view is
approximately 600 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium.
Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered small during the
construction phase. |
GIC3 Operational
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Government /Institutional/ Community |
Planned (2016) |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be glimpse, and the distance of the view is
approximately 640 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium. Due to obstruction by GIC6, GIC7, & GIC10
within the operation phase, the magnitude of impact for this VSR is
considered small. |
GIC4 General
Description |
Ventilation Shaft & Administration Building (Kia Tak
Tunnel Entrance) The description and evaluation of impacts on the
workers are discussed below |
Government /Institutional/ Community |
Existing |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be glimpse, and the distance of the view is
approximately 690 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium.
Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered small during the
construction phase. |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be glimpse, and the distance of the view is
approximately 800 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium. Due to obstruction by GIC6, GIC7 & GIC11C,
within the operation phase, the magnitude of impact for this VSR is
considered small. |
GIC5 General
Description |
DSD Desilting Compound The description and evaluation of impacts on the
workers are discussed below |
Government /Institutional/ Community |
Planned (2016) |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be glimpse, and the distance of the view is
approximately 760 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium.
Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered small during the
construction phase. |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be glimpse, and the distance of the view is
approximately 760 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium. Due to obstruction by GIC6, GIC7 & GIC11C,
within the operation phase, the magnitude of impact for this VSR is
considered small. |
GIC6 General
Description |
Undesignated Government Site at former Kai Tak
South Apron The description and evaluation of impacts on the
workers are discussed below |
Government /Institutional/ Community |
Planned (2021) |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: N/A |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered medium. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be partial, and the distance of the view is
approximately 400 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium.
Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered small during the
operation phase. |
GIC7 General
Description |
Southern Undesignated Government Site at former Kai Tak South Apron The description and evaluation of impacts on the
workers are discussed below |
Government /Institutional/ Community |
Planned (2021) |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: N/A |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered medium. The
degree of visibility to the Project will be partial, and the distance of the
view is approximately 150 meters min. The scale of the development is considered large.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium.
Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered intermediate
during the operation phase. |
GIC8 General
Description |
Welfare Facilities The description and evaluation of impacts on the
workers are discussed below. |
Government /Institutional/ Community |
Planned (2021) |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: N/A |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered medium. The
degree of visibility to the Project will be full, and the distance of the view
is approximately 140 meters min. The scale of the development is considered large.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium.
Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered intermediate
during the operation phase. |
GIC9 General
Description |
Management Centre The description and evaluation of impacts on the
workers are discussed below |
Government /Institutional/ Community |
Planned (2021) |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: N/A |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be partial, and the distance of the view is
approximately 130 meters min. The scale of the development is considered large.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium.
Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered intermediate
during the operation phase. |
GIC10 General
Description |
Valley Box Culvert: DSD Desilting Building &
Pumping Station The description and evaluation of impacts on the
workers are discussed below. |
Government /Institutional/ Community |
Existing |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered medium. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be full, and the distance of the view is
approximately 5 meters min. The scale of the development is considered large.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium.
Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered large during the
construction phase. |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: Same as Construction Phase |
GIC11A General Description |
Hospital at Former Kai Tak South Apron The description and evaluation of impacts on the
visitors and workers are discussed below |
Government /Institutional/ Community |
Planned (2018) |
Construction Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of views would be
medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered medium. The degree of
visibility to the Project will be full, and the distance of the view is
approximately 10 meters min. The scale of the development is considered large.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium.
Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered large during the
construction phase. |
GIC11A Operational Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Government /Institutional/ Community |
Planned (2018) |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of views would be
medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered medium. The degree of
visibility to the Project will be full, and the distance of the view is approximately
10 meters min. The scale of the development is considered large.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium.
Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered large during the
operation phase. |
GIC11B General Description |
Electrical & Mechanical Services Department,
Kowloon Bay Vehicle Servicing Station/ Proposed Hospital at former Kai Tak South Apron The description and evaluation of impacts on the
visitors and workers are discussed below |
Government /Institutional/ Community |
Planned (2021) |
Construction Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered medium. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be full, and the distance of the view is
approximately 10 meters min. The scale of the development is considered large.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium.
Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered large during the
construction phase. |
Operational Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered medium. The
degree of visibility to the Project will be full, and the distance of the
view is approximately 10 meters min. The scale of the development is considered large.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium. Overall
the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered large during the operation
phase. |
GIC11C General Description |
land and Proposed Hospital at former Kai Tak South
Apron The description and evaluation of impacts on the
visitors and workers are discussed below |
Government /Institutional/ Community |
Planned (2021) |
Construction Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The site is designated as a
construction works area. |
Operational Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered medium. The
degree of visibility to the Project will be full, and the distance of the view
is approximately 10 meters min. The scale of the development is considered large.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium.
Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered large during the
operation phase. |
GIC12 General Description |
Kwun Tong Public Transport Interchange and Kwun
Tong Ferry Pier The description and evaluation of impacts on the
users and workers are discussed below |
Government /Institutional/ Community |
Existing |
Construction Phase |
Eastern Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be full, and the distance of the view is
approximately 450 meters min. The scale of the development is considered
medium. Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered
medium. Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered negligible
during the construction phase. |
GIC12 Construction Phase |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be glimpse, and the distance of the view is
approximately 1250 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium.
Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered negligible during
the construction phase. |
Government /Institutional/ Community |
Existing |
Operational Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: N/A |
R1 General
Description |
Development Area, Ma Tau Kok. The description and evaluation of impacts on the
residents are discussed below |
Residential |
Planned (2021) |
Construction |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Phase |
Western Works Area: Refer to O1 for description. |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be long. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be glimpse, and the distance of the view is
approximately 1350 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium. Due to obstruction by RE5, RE8, GIC7, GIC8, &
GIC11C within the operation phase, the magnitude of impact for this VSR is
considered negligible. |
R2 General
Description |
Kai Tak 2B: Comprehensive Development Area The description and evaluation of impacts on the
residents and workers are discussed below |
Residential |
Planned (2021) |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: N/A |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be long. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be glimpse, and the distance of the view is
approximately 1600 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium. Due to obstruction by GIC6, GIC7, GIC9 & GIC10 within the operation phase, the magnitude
of impact for this VSR is considered negligible. |
R3 General Description |
S/K22/13 Commercial Development The description and evaluation of impacts on the
residents and workers are discussed below |
Residential |
Planned (2016) |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be long. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered medium. The
degree of visibility to the Project will be partial, and the distance of the
view is approximately 1740 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium.
Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered small during the
construction phase. |
R3 Construction
Phase |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be long. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered high. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be partial, and the distance of the view is
approximately 10 meters min. The scale of the development is considered large.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered low.
Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered large during the
construction phase. |
Residential |
Planned (2016) |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be long. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered medium. The
degree of visibility to the Project will be partial, and the distance of the
view is approximately 500 meters min. The scale of the development is considered
medium. Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered
medium. Due to obstruction by O11 & GIC11B within the
operation phase, the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered small. |
R4 General Description |
Comprehensive Development Area The description and evaluation of impacts on the
residents and workers are discussed below |
Residential |
Planned (2016) |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be long. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered medium. The
degree of visibility to the Project will be partial, and the distance of the
view is approximately 1740 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium.
Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered small during the
construction phase. |
R4 Construction
Phase |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be long. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered high. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be full, and the distance of the view is
approximately 10 meters min. The scale of the development is considered large.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered low.
Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered large during the
construction phase. |
Residential |
Planned (2016) |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be long. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered medium. The
degree of visibility to the Project will be partial, and the distance of the
view is approximately 500 meters min. The scale of the development is considered
medium. Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered
medium. Due to obstruction by O11 & GIC11B. within the operation phase, the magnitude of impact for
this VSR is considered small. |
R5 General Description |
Kai Tak Runway Precinct
Housing Development The description and evaluation of impacts on the
residents are discussed below |
Residential |
Planned (2021) |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: N/A |
R5 Operational
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Residential |
Planned (2021) |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be long. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered medium. The
degree of visibility to the Project will be glimpse, and the distance of the
view is approximately 400 meters min. The scale of the development is considered
medium. Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered
medium. Due to obstruction by RE8, GIC11A, GIC 11C within
the operation phase, the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered
negligible. |
R6 General Description |
Laguna City The description and evaluation of impacts on the
residents are discussed below |
Residential |
Existing |
Construction Phase |
Eastern Works Area: The frequency and duration of views would be
long. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered high. The degree of visibility
to the Project will be full, and the distance of the view is approximately
160 meters min. The scale of the development is considered large.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered low. Overall
the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered large during the
construction phase. Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be long. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be glimpse, and the distance of the view is
approximately 1600 meters min. |
The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium.
Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered small during the
construction phase. |
Operational Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: N/A |
R7 General Description |
Residential development at Cha Kwo Ling Road The description and evaluation of impacts on the residents
are discussed below |
Residential |
Existing |
Construction Phase |
Eastern Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be long. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered high. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be full, and the distance of the view is
approximately 50 meters min. The scale of the development is considered large.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered low.
Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered large during the construction
phase. |
Western Works Area: N/A |
Operational Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: N/A |
R8 General Description |
Cha Kwo Ling Tsuen The description and evaluation of impacts on the residents
are discussed below |
Residential |
Existing |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be long. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered high. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be full, and the distance of the view is
approximately 20 meters min. The scale of the development is considered large.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered low.
Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered large during the construction
phase. |
Western Works Area: N/A |
Operational |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Phase |
Western Works Area: N/A |
R9 General
Description |
Grand Waterfront, To Kwa
Wan The description and evaluation of impacts on the residents
are discussed below |
Residential |
Existing |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be long. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree of
visibility to the Project will be glimpse, and the distance of the view is
approximately 1150 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium.
Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered small during the
construction phase. |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be long. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be glimpse, and the distance of the view is
approximately 1400 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium. Due to obstruction by RE4, RE5, RE8, GIC7, GIC8 & GIC11C within the operation phase, the
magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered negligible. |
R10 General
Description |
Gardens, To Kwa Wan The description and evaluation of impacts on the residents
are discussed below |
Residential |
Existing |
Construction |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Phase |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be long. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree of
visibility to the Project will be glimpse, and the distance of the view is
approximately 1250 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium. Due to obstruction by RE4 & RE5 within the
construction phase, the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered small.
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be long. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be glimpse, and the distance of the view is
approximately 1500 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium. Due to obstruction by RE4, RE5, RE8, GIC7, GIC8 & GIC11 within the operation phase, the magnitude
of impact for this VSR is considered negligible. |
R11 General
Description |
Sky Tower,
Kowloon City The description and evaluation of impacts on the
residents are discussed below |
Residential |
Existing |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be long. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be glimpse, and the distance of the view is
approximately 1550 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium. Due to obstruction by RE4 & RE5, within the
construction phase, the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered small. |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be long. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be glimpse, and the distance of the view is
approximately 1900 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium. Due to obstruction by RE4, RE5, RE8, GIC7, &
GIC11 within the operation phase, the magnitude of impact for this VSR is
considered negligible. |
R12 General
Description |
Villas, To Kwa Wan The description and evaluation of impacts on the
residents are discussed below |
Residential |
Existing |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be long. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be glimpse, and the distance of the view is
approximately 1600 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium. Due to obstruction by RE4 and, RE5, within the
construction phase, the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered small.
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be long. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be glimpse, and the distance of the view is
approximately 2000 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium. Due to obstruction by RE5, RE8, GIC7, GIC8 & GIC11C within the operation phase, the magnitude
of impact for this VSR is considered negligible. |
R13 General
Description |
Verde Complex, Hung Hom The description and evaluation of impacts on the
residents are discussed below |
Residential |
Existing |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be long. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be a glimpse, and the distance of the view
is approximately 3800 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium. Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is
considered negligible during the construction phase. |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be long. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be glimpse, and the distance of the view is
approximately 1620 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium. Due to obstruction by RE5, & GIC11A within
the construction phase, the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered
small. |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be long. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be glimpse, and the distance of the view is
approximately 1840 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium. Due to obstruction by O9, R5, RE6, RE8 & GIC11C within the operation phase, the magnitude
of impact for this VSR is considered negligible. |
R14 General
Description |
Landmark & Harbour Grand,
Kowloon, Hung Hom The description and evaluation of impacts on the
residents are discussed below |
Residential |
Existing |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: The frequency and duration of views would be
long. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree of visibility to
the Project will be a glimpse, and the distance of the view is approximately
3200 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium.
Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered negligible during
the construction phase. |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be long. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be glimpse, and the distance of the view is
approximately 2110 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium. Due to obstruction by RE5, & GIC11A within
the operation phase, the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered
small. |
Operational |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Phase |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be long. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be glimpse, and the distance of the view is
approximately 2000 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium. Due to obstruction by O9, R5, RE6, RE8, GIC7 & GIC11C within the operation phase, the
magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered negligible. |
R15 General
Description |
Kai Tak 2B Housing Development The description and evaluation of impacts on the
residents are discussed below |
Residential |
Planned (2021) |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: N/A |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be long. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree of
visibility to the Project will be glimpse, and the distance of the view is
approximately 1550 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium. Due to obstruction by GIC6, GIC7, GIC9 & GIC10 within the operation phase, the magnitude
of impact for this VSR is considered negligible. |
R16 General
Description |
Kai Tak 1L & 1K Housing Development The description and evaluation of impacts on the residents
are discussed below |
Residential |
Planned (2021) |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: N/A |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be long. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be partial, and the distance of the view is
approximately 1060 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium. Due to obstruction by GIC6, GIC9 & GIC10,
within the operation phase, the magnitude of impact for this VSR is
considered small. |
R17 General
Description |
Kai Tak 1H & 1I Housing Development The description and evaluation of impacts on the
residents are discussed below |
Residential |
Planned (2016) |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be long. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be partial, and the distance of the view is
approximately 1050 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium.
Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered small during the
construction phase. |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be long. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be glimpse, and the distance of the view is
approximately 1100 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium. Due to obstruction by GIC6, GIC9 & GIC10
within the operation phase, the magnitude of impact for this VSR is
considered negligible. |
R18 General Description |
Hing Yan Street Residential Block The description and evaluation of impacts on the
residents are discussed below |
Residential |
Existing |
Construction |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Phase |
Western Works Area: The frequency
and duration of views would be long. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered
low. The degree of visibility to the Project will be glimpse, and the
distance of the view is approximately 1200 meters min. The scale of the development is
considered small. Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is
considered medium. Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered
small during the construction phase. |
Operational Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: Refer to R1
for details |
R19 General Description |
Yau Tong Bay Development The description and evaluation of impacts on the
residents are discussed below |
Residential/ Occupational |
Planned (2018) |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: The
frequency and duration of views would be long. Sensitivity for this VSR is
considered high. The degree of visibility to the Project will be partial, and
the distance of the view is approximately 300 meters min. The scale of the development is
considered small. Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is
considered low. Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered
intermediate during the construction phase. |
Western Works Area: N/A |
Operational |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Phase |
Western Works Area: N/A |
RE1 General
Description |
Ma Tau Kok: Regional Open Space The description and evaluation
of impacts on the recreational users are discussed below: |
Recreational |
Planned (2014) |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The
frequency and duration of views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is
considered low. The degree of visibility to the Project will be glimpse, and the
distance of the view is approximately 1800 meters min. The scale of the development is
considered small. Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is
considered medium. Due to obstruction of RE4 &
RE5 within the operation phase, the magnitude of impact for this VSR is
considered small |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The
frequency and duration of views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered
low. The degree of visibility to the Project will be glimpse, and the
distance of the view is approximately 1650 meters min. The scale of the development is
considered small. Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is
considered medium. Due to obstruction by RE8, &
GIC11C within the operation phase, the magnitude of impact for this VSR is
considered negligible. |
RE2 General
Description |
Sham Park, Ma Tau Kok Existing public waterfront park. At pedestrian level there are
good panoramic views across Kowloon Bay and over the
Kai Tak development, which is currently undergoing
various demolition/site clearance, infrastructure and construction projects
throughout the KTD. |
Recreational |
Existing |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The
frequency and duration of views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is
considered low. The degree of visibility to the Project will be glimpse, and
the distance of the view is approximately 1500 meters min. The scale of the development is
considered small. Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is
considered medium. Due to obstruction of RE4 &
RE5 within the operation phase, the magnitude of impact for this VSR is
considered small |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The
frequency and duration of views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is
considered low. The degree of visibility to the Project will be glimpse, and the
distance of the view is approximately 1600 meters min. The scale of the development is
considered small. Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is
considered medium. Due to obstruction by RE8 & GIC11C
within the operation phase, the magnitude of impact for this VSR is
considered negligible. |
RE3 General
Description |
Current & Future Waterfront Promenade, Ma Tau Kok
The description and evaluation
of impacts on the recreational users are discussed below: |
Recreational |
Existing/ Planned (2021) |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The
frequency and duration of views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered
low. The degree of visibility to the Project will be glimpse, and the
distance of the view is approximately 1200 meters min. The scale of the development is
considered small. Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is
considered medium. Due to obstruction by RE4 &
RE5 within the construction phase, the magnitude of impact for this VSR is
considered small during the phase. |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The frequency
and duration of views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered
low. The degree of visibility to the Project will be glimpse, and the
distance of the view is approximately 1300 meters min. The scale of the development is
considered small. Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is
considered medium. Due to obstruction by RE8, GIC7,
GIC8 & GIC11C within the operation phase, the
magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered negligible. |
RE4 General
Description |
Multi-Purpose Stadium Complex – Park The description and
evaluation of impacts on the recreational users are discussed below: |
Recreational |
Planned (2016-2020) |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be partial, and the distance of the view is
approximately 1000 meters min. The scale of the development is considered
medium. Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered
medium. Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered small
during the construction phase. |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be glimpse, and the distance of the view is
approximately 1000 meters min. The scale of the development is considered
medium. Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered
medium. Due to obstruction by RE8, GIC7, GIC8 &
GIC11C, within the operation phase, the magnitude of impact for this VSR is
considered negligible. |
RE5 General
Description |
Kai Tak Runway Precinct: Metro Park The description and evaluation of impacts on the
recreational users are discussed below: |
Recreational |
Planned (2017) |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered medium. The
degree of visibility to the Project will be partial, and the distance of the
view is approximately 300 meters min. The scale of the development is considered
medium. Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered
medium. Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered small
during the construction phase. |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered medium. The
degree of visibility to the Project will be glimpse, and the distance of the
view is approximately 400 meters min. The scale of the development is considered
medium. Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered
high. Due to obstruction by RE8, GIC7, GIC8 & GIC11C within the operation phase, the
magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered negligible. |
RE6 General
Description |
Kai Tak Runway Precinct Northern Promenade The description and evaluation of impacts on the
recreational users are discussed below: |
Recreational |
Planned (2021) |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: N/A |
Operational Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered medium. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be partial, and the distance of the view is
approximately 330 meters min. The scale of the development is considered
medium. Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered
medium. Due to obstruction by RE8, GIC7, GIC8 &
GIC11C, within the operation phase, the magnitude of impact for this VSR is
considered intermediate. |
RE7 General
Description |
Kai Tak Runway Park The description and evaluation of impacts on the
recreational users are discussed below:. |
Recreational |
Planned (2013) |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered medium. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be full, and the distance of the view is
approximately 700 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered low.
Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered intermediate
during the construction phase. |
RE7 Construction
Phase |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered medium. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be full, and the distance of the view is
approximately 350 meters min. The scale of the development is considered
medium. Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered
medium. Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered
intermediate during the construction phase. |
Recreational |
Planned (2013) |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: N/A |
RE8 General
Description |
Kai Tak South Apron: Southern Promenade The description and evaluation of impacts on the
recreational users are discussed below: |
Recreational |
Planned (2021) |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: N/A |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered medium. The
degree of visibility to the Project will be partial, and the distance of the view
is approximately 100 meters min. The scale of the development is considered
medium. Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered
medium. Due to obstruction by RE8, GIC7, GIC11A & GIC11C within the operation phase, the
magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered intermediate. |
RE9 General
Description |
Kai Tak South Apron: Kowloon Bay Square The description and evaluation of impacts on the
recreational users are discussed below: |
Recreational |
Planned (2021) |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: N/A |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered medium. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be partial, and the distance of the view is
approximately 450 meters min. The scale of the development is considered
medium. Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered
medium. Due to obstruction by O11, O12, GIC11A &
GIC11C, within the operation phase, the magnitude of impact for this VSR is
considered intermediate. |
RE10 General
Description |
Kai Tak South Apron: Amenity Area The description and evaluation of impacts on the recreational
users are discussed below:. |
Recreational |
Planned (2021) |
Construction |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Phase |
Western Works Area: Area is designated to be
within site boundary area - N/A. |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered medium. The
degree of visibility to the Project will be full, and the distance of the view
is approximately 5 meters min. The scale of the development is considered large.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium.
Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered large during the
operation phase. |
RE11 General
Description |
Square: CIC Zero Carbon Building The description and evaluation of impacts on the
recreational users are discussed below: |
Recreational |
Existing |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be glimpse, and the distance of the view is
approximately 150 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium.
Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered small during the
construction phase. |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be glimpse, and the distance of the view is
approximately 150 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium. Due to obstruction by GIC10, within the operation
phase, the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered negligible. |
RE12 General
Description |
Bun Road Park The description and evaluation of impacts on the
recreational users are discussed below: |
Recreational |
Existing |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be a glimpse, and the distance of the view
is approximately 300 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium.
Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered negligible during
the construction phase. Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be glimpse (M), and the distance of the
view is approximately 350 meters min. The scale of the development is considered
medium. Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered
medium. Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered small
during the operation phase. |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: N/A |
RE13 General
Description |
Kwun Tong Promenade (Existing ) The description and evaluation of impacts on the
recreational users are discussed below:. |
Recreational |
Existing |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be full, and the distance of the view is
approximately 200 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium.
Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered small during the
construction phase. |
R13 Construction
Phase |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered medium. The
degree of visibility to the Project will be full, and the distance of the
view is approximately 750 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium.
Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered intermediate
during the construction phase. |
Recreational |
Existing |
Operational |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Phase |
Western Works Area: N/A |
RE14 General
Description |
Kwun Tong Promenade (Planned) The description and evaluation of impacts on the
recreational users are discussed below: |
Occupational/Recreational |
Planned (2021) |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be full, and the distance of the view is
approximately 200 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered high.
Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered negligible during
the construction phase. |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be full, and the distance of the view is
approximately 200 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium.
Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered small during the
construction phase. |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: N/A. |
Description |
Laguna Park The description and evaluation of impacts on the
recreational users are discussed below: |
Recreational |
Existing |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be medium. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered low. The degree
of visibility to the Project will be a glimpse, and the distance of the view
is approximately 300 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered low.
Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered negligible during
the construction phase. |
Western Works Area: N/A |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: N/A. |
T1 General
Description |
Kwun Tong By-pass and Kai Fuk
Road The description and evaluation of impacts on the
travellers are discussed below: |
Travelling |
Existing |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be short. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered medium. The
degree of visibility to the Project will be a glimpse, and the distance of
the view is approximately 5 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium.
Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered small during the
construction phase. |
T1 Construction
Phase |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be short. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered medium. The
degree of visibility to the Project will be full, and the distance of the
view is approximately 5 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium.
Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered intermediate
during the construction phase. |
Travelling |
Existing |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be short. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered medium. The
degree of visibility to the Project will be full, and the distance of the view
is approximately 5 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium.
Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered intermediate
during the operation phase. |
T2 General
Description |
Cha Kwo Ling Road The description and evaluation of impacts on the
travellers are discussed below: |
Travelling |
Existing |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be short. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered medium. The
degree of visibility to the Project will be full, and the distance of the
view is approximately 5 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium.
Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered intermediate
during the construction phase. |
Western Works Area: N/A |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Western Works Area: N/A |
T3 General
Description |
Harbour Traffic at Victoria Harbour The description and evaluation of impacts on the
travellers are discussed below: |
Travelling |
Existing |
Phase |
Eastern Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be short. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered medium. The
degree of visibility to the Project will be full, and the distance of the
view is approximately 5 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium.
Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered intermediate
during the construction phase. Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be short. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered medium. The
degree of visibility to the Project will be full, and the distance of the
view is approximately 5 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium.
Overall the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered intermediate
during the construction phase. |
Operational |
Eastern Works Area: N/A |
Phase |
Western Works Area: The frequency and duration of
views would be short. Sensitivity for this VSR is considered medium. The
degree of visibility to the Project will be glimpse, and the distance of the
view is approximately 100 meters min. The scale of the development is considered small.
Compatibility within the surrounding visual context is considered medium. Due to obstruction by O11, O12, GIC11A GIC11C,
R3, R4, RE8 & RE9 within the operation phase,
the magnitude of impact for this VSR is considered negligible. |
Note:- “N/A” denotes – No views of Project or construction
Table 9.15 Magnitude of
Change to Visually Sensitive Receivers:
Eastern Works Area - Construction Phase
No. |
with surrounding (High/
Medium/ Low) |
of Impacts under Construction Phase (Long/
Medium/ Short) |
of the Construction Project (Large/
Medium/ Small) |
Reversibility (Yes/No) |
of Visibility under Construction (Full/Partial/ Glimpse/None) (M)* |
of Change under Construction (Negligible,
Small, Intermediate, Large) |
O10 |
Medium |
Medium |
Small |
No |
Partial |
Small |
O14 |
Medium |
Medium |
Small |
No |
Glimpse |
Small |
O16 |
Medium |
Medium |
Small |
No |
Glimpse |
Negligible |
O17 |
Medium |
Medium |
Small |
No |
Partial (M) |
Small |
O18 |
Medium |
Medium |
Medium |
No |
Glimpse |
Small |
O19 |
Medium |
Medium |
Large |
No |
Partial |
Intermediate |
O20 |
Medium |
Medium |
Large |
No |
Full |
Large |
O22 |
Medium |
Medium |
Medium |
No |
Partial |
Small |
GIC12 |
Medium |
Medium |
Medium |
No |
Full (M) |
Negligible |
R3 |
Medium |
Medium |
Small |
No |
Partial |
Small |
R4 |
Medium |
Medium |
Small |
No |
Partial |
Small |
R6 |
Low |
Medium |
Large |
No |
Full |
Large |
R7 |
Low |
Medium |
Large |
No |
Full |
Large |
R8 |
Low |
Medium |
Large |
No |
Full |
Large |
R13 |
Medium |
Medium |
Small |
No |
Glimpse |
Negligible |
R14 |
Medium |
Medium |
Small |
No |
Glimpse |
Negligible |
R19 |
Low |
Medium |
Small |
No |
Partial |
Intermediate |
RE7 |
Low |
Medium |
Small |
No |
Full |
Intermediate |
RE12 |
Medium |
Medium |
Small |
No |
Glimpse (M) |
Negligible |
RE13 |
Medium |
Medium |
Small |
No |
Full (M) |
Small |
RE14 |
High |
Medium |
Small |
No |
Full (M) |
Negligible |
RE15 |
Low |
Medium |
Small |
No |
Glimpse |
Negligible |
T1 |
Medium |
Short |
Small |
No |
Glimpse |
Small |
T2 |
Medium |
Short |
Small |
No |
Full |
Intermediate |
T3 |
Medium |
Short |
Small |
No |
Full |
Intermediate |
Compatibility: The visual context
within which the Project is located.
Scale of Construction: Based
on distance from Project and compatibility with surrounding redevelopment
Degree of Visibility (M): No direct views onto Works Area; views are onto
additional marine traffic for construction and demolition materials
Table 9.16 Magnitude
of Change to Visually Sensitive Receivers:
Western Works Area - Construction Phase
No. |
with surrounding (High/
Medium/ Low) |
of Impacts under Construction Phase (Long/
Medium/ Short) |
of the Construction Project (Large/
Medium/ Small) |
Reversibility (Yes/No) |
of Visibility under Construction (Full/Partial/ Glimpse/None)
(M)* |
of Change under Construction (Negligible,
Small, Intermediate, Large) |
O1 |
Medium |
Medium |
Small |
No |
Glimpse |
Negligible |
O2 |
Medium |
Medium |
Small |
No |
Glimpse |
Negligible |
O3 |
Medium |
Medium |
Small |
No |
Partial |
Small |
O4 |
Medium |
Medium |
Small |
No |
Partial |
Small |
O5 |
Medium |
Medium |
Small |
No |
Partial |
Intermediate |
O6 |
Medium |
Medium |
Large |
No |
Full |
Intermediate |
O7 |
Medium |
Medium |
Large |
No |
Full |
Intermediate |
O8 |
Medium |
Medium |
Large |
No |
Glimpse |
Small |
O10 |
Low |
Medium |
Small |
No |
Partial |
Intermediate |
O12 |
Medium |
Medium |
Large |
No |
Full |
Intermediate |
O13 |
Medium |
Medium |
Medium |
No |
Partial |
Small |
O14 |
Medium |
Medium |
Large |
No |
Full |
Large |
O16 |
Medium |
Medium |
Medium |
No |
Partial |
Small |
O17 |
Medium |
Medium |
Small |
No |
Partial |
Small |
O18 |
Medium |
Medium |
Small |
No |
Partial |
Intermediate |
O19 |
Medium |
Medium |
Small |
No |
Glimpse |
Negligible |
GIC1 |
Medium |
Medium |
Small |
No |
Partial |
Small |
GIC3 |
Medium |
Medium |
Small |
No |
Glimpse |
Small |
GIC4 |
Medium |
Medium |
Small |
No |
Glimpse |
Small |
GIC5 |
Medium |
Medium |
Small |
No |
Glimpse |
Small |
GIC10 |
Medium |
Medium |
Large |
No |
Full |
Large |
GIC11A |
Medium |
Medium |
Large |
No |
Full |
Large |
GIC11B |
Medium |
Medium |
Large |
No |
Full |
Large |
GIC12 |
Medium |
Medium |
Small |
No |
Glimpse |
Negligible |
R3 |
Low |
Long |
Large |
No |
Partial |
Large |
R4 |
Low |
Long |
Large |
No |
Full |
Large |
R6 |
Medium |
Long |
Small |
No |
Glimpse |
Small |
R9 |
Medium |
Long |
Small |
No |
Glimpse |
Small |
R10 |
Medium |
Long |
Small |
No |
Glimpse |
Small |
R11 |
Medium |
Long |
Small |
No |
Glimpse |
Small |
R12 |
Medium |
Long |
Small |
No |
Glimpse |
Small |
R13 |
Medium |
Long |
Small |
No |
Glimpse |
Small |
R14 |
Medium |
Long |
Small |
No |
Glimpse |
Small |
R17 |
Medium |
Long |
Small |
No |
Partial |
Small |
R18 |
Medium |
Long |
Small |
No |
Glimpse |
Small |
RE1 |
Medium |
Medium |
Small |
No |
Glimpse |
Small |
RE2 |
Medium |
Medium |
Small |
No |
Glimpse |
Small |
RE3 |
Medium |
Medium |
Small |
No |
Glimpse |
Small |
RE4 |
Medium |
Medium |
Medium |
No |
Partial |
Small |
RE5 |
Medium |
Medium |
Medium |
No |
Partial |
Small |
RE7 |
Medium |
Medium |
Medium |
No |
Full |
Intermediate |
RE11 |
Medium |
Medium |
Small |
No |
Glimpse |
Small |
RE12 |
Medium |
Medium |
Medium |
No |
Glimpse (M) |
Small |
RE13 |
Medium |
Medium |
Small |
No |
Full |
Intermediate |
RE14 |
Medium |
Medium |
Small |
No |
Full |
Small |
T1 |
Medium |
Short |
Small |
No |
Full |
Intermediate |
T3 |
Medium |
Short |
Small |
No |
Full |
Intermediate |
Compatibility: The visual context
within which the Project is located.
Scale of Construction: Based
on distance from Project and compatibility with surrounding redevelopment
Degree of Visibility (M): No direct views onto Works Area; views are onto
additional marine traffic for construction and demolition materials
9.17 Magnitude of Change to Visually Sensitive
Receivers: Western Works Area -
Operation Phase
No. |
with surrounding (High/
Medium/ Low) |
of Impacts Operation Phase (Long/
Medium/ Short) |
of the Operation Project (Large/
Medium/ Small) |
Reversibility (Yes/No) |
of Visibility in Operation Phase (Full/Partial/ Glimpse/None) (M)* |
of Change Operation Phase (Negligible,
Small, Intermediate, Large) |
O2 |
Medium |
Medium |
Small |
No |
Glimpse |
Negligible |
O3 |
Medium |
Medium |
Small |
No |
Partial |
Small |
O4 |
Medium |
Medium |
Small |
No |
Partial |
Small |
O5 |
Medium |
Medium |
Small |
No |
Partial |
Small |
O6 |
Medium |
Medium |
Medium |
No |
Partial |
Small |
O7 |
Medium |
Medium |
Medium |
No |
Partial |
Small |
O8 |
Medium |
Medium |
Medium |
No |
Glimpse |
Small |
O9 |
Medium |
Medium |
Small |
No |
Glimpse |
Negligible |
O10 |
Medium |
Medium |
Small |
No |
Glimpse |
Negligible |
O11 |
Medium |
Medium |
Medium |
No |
Partial |
Small |
O12 |
Medium |
Medium |
Medium |
No |
Partial |
Small |
O13 |
Medium |
Medium |
Medium |
No |
Partial |
Small |
O14 |
Medium |
Medium |
Medium |
No |
Partial |
Small |
O16 |
Medium |
Medium |
Small |
No |
Glimpse |
Negligible |
O17 |
Medium |
Medium |
Small |
No |
Glimpse |
Negligible |
GIC1 |
Medium |
Medium |
Small |
No |
Glimpse |
Negligible |
GIC2 |
Medium |
Medium |
Small |
No |
Glimpse |
Negligible |
GIC3 |
Medium |
Medium |
Small |
No |
Glimpse |
Small |
GIC4 |
Medium |
Medium |
Small |
No |
Glimpse |
Small |
GIC5 |
Medium |
Medium |
Small |
No |
Glimpse |
Small |
GIC6 |
Medium |
Medium |
Small |
No |
Partial |
Small |
GIC7 |
Medium |
Medium |
Large |
No |
Partial |
Intermediate |
GIC8 |
Medium |
Medium |
Large |
No |
Full |
Intermediate |
GIC9 |
Medium |
Medium |
Large |
No |
Partial |
Intermediate |
GIC10 |
Medium |
Medium |
Large |
No |
Full |
Large |
GIC11A |
Medium |
Medium |
Large |
No |
Full |
Large |
GIC11B |
Medium |
Medium |
Large |
No |
Full |
Large |
GIC11C |
Medium |
Medium |
Large |
No |
Full |
Large |
R1 |
Medium |
Long |
Small |
No |
Glimpse |
Negligible |
R2 |
Medium |
Long |
Small |
No |
Glimpse |
Negligible |
R3 |
Medium |
Long |
Medium |
No |
Partial |
Small |
R4 |
Medium |
Long |
Medium |
No |
Partial |
Small |
R5 |
Medium |
Long |
Medium |
No |
Glimpse |
Negligible |
R9 |
Medium |
Long |
Small |
No |
Glimpse |
Negligible |
R10 |
Medium |
Long |
Small |
No |
Glimpse |
Negligible |
R11 |
Medium |
Long |
Small |
No |
Glimpse |
Negligible |
R12 |
Medium |
Long |
Small |
No |
Glimpse |
Negligible |
R13 |
Medium |
Long |
Small |
No |
Glimpse |
Negligible |
R14 |
Medium |
Long |
Small |
No |
Glimpse |
Negligible |
R15 |
Medium |
Long |
Small |
No |
Glimpse |
Negligible |
R16 |
Medium |
Long |
Small |
No |
Partial |
Small |
R17 |
Medium |
Long |
Small |
No |
Glimpse |
Negligible |
RE1 |
Medium |
Medium |
Small |
No |
Glimpse |
Negligible |
RE2 |
Medium |
Medium |
Small |
No |
Glimpse |
Negligible |
RE3 |
Medium |
Medium |
Small |
No |
Glimpse |
Negligible |
RE4 |
Medium |
Medium |
Medium |
No |
Glimpse |
Negligible |
RE5 |
High |
Medium |
Medium |
No |
Glimpse |
Negligible |
RE6 |
Medium |
Medium |
Medium |
No |
Partial |
Intermediate |
RE8 |
Medium |
Medium |
Medium |
No |
Partial |
Intermediate |
RE9 |
Medium |
Medium |
Medium |
No |
Partial |
Intermediate |
RE10 |
Medium |
Medium |
Large |
No |
Full |
Large |
RE11 |
Medium |
Medium |
Small |
No |
Glimpse |
Negligible |
T1 |
Medium |
Short |
Small |
No |
Full |
Intermediate |
T3 |
Medium |
Short |
Small |
No |
Glimpse |
Negligible |
Compatibility: The visual context
within which the Project is located.
Scale of Construction: Based
on distance from Project and compatibility with surrounding redevelopment
Degree of Visibility (M): No direct views onto Works Area; views are onto additional
marine traffic for construction and demolition materials
9.18 Significance of Visual Impacts before
Mitigation (Eastern Works Area)
No. |
Sensitivity (Low,
Medium, High) |
of Change (Negligible,
Small, Intermediate,
Large) |
Threshold Before
Mitigation (Insubstantial, Slight, Moderate, Substantial) |
Construction |
Operation |
Construction |
Operation |
Construction |
Operation |
O10 |
Low |
N/A |
Small |
N/A |
Slight |
N/A |
O14 |
Low |
N/A |
Small |
N/A |
Slight |
N/A |
O16 |
Low |
N/A |
Negligible |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
O17 |
Low |
N/A |
Small |
N/A |
Slight |
N/A |
O18 |
Low |
N/A |
Small |
N/A |
Slight |
N/A |
O19 |
Low |
N/A |
Intermediate |
N/A |
Slight/Moderate |
N/A |
O20 |
Medium |
N/A |
Large |
N/A |
Moderate/Substantial |
N/A |
O22 |
Low |
N/A |
Small |
N/A |
Slight |
N/A |
GIC12 |
Low |
N/A |
Negligible |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
R3 |
Medium |
N/A |
Small |
N/A |
Slight/Moderate |
N/A |
R4 |
Medium |
N/A |
Small |
N/A |
Slight/Moderate |
N/A |
R6 |
High |
N/A |
Large |
N/A |
Substantial |
N/A |
R7 |
High |
N/A |
Large |
N/A |
Substantial |
N/A |
R8 |
High |
N/A |
Large |
N/A |
Substantial |
N/A |
R13 |
Low |
N/A |
Negligible |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
R14 |
Low |
N/A |
Negligible |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
R19 |
High |
N/A |
Intermediate |
N/A |
Moderate/Substantial |
N/A |
RE7 |
Medium |
N/A |
Intermediate |
N/A |
Moderate |
N/A |
RE12 |
Low |
N/A |
Negligible |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
RE13 |
Low |
N/A |
Small |
N/A |
Slight |
N/A |
RE14 |
Low |
N/A |
Small |
N/A |
Slight |
N/A |
RE15 |
Low |
N/A |
Negligible |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
T1 |
Medium |
N/A |
Small |
N/A |
Slight/Moderate |
N/A |
T2 |
Medium |
N/A |
Intermediate |
N/A |
Moderate |
N/A |
T3 |
Medium |
N/A |
Intermediate |
N/A |
Moderate |
N/A |
9.19 Significance of Visual Impacts before
Mitigation (Western Works Area)
No. |
Sensitivity (Low,
Medium, High) |
of Change (Negligible,
Small, Intermediate,
Large) |
Threshold Before
Mitigation (Insubstantial, Slight, Moderate, Substantial) |
Construction |
Operation |
Construction |
Operation |
Construction |
Operation |
O1 |
Low |
N/A |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
O2 |
Low |
Low |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
O3 |
Low |
Low |
Small |
Small |
Slight |
Slight |
O4 |
Medium |
Low |
Small |
Small |
Slight/Moderate |
Slight |
O5 |
Medium |
Low |
Intermediate |
Small |
Moderate |
Slight |
O6 |
Medium |
Medium |
Intermediate |
Small |
Moderate |
Slight/Moderate |
O7 |
Medium |
Medium |
Intermediate |
Small |
Moderate |
Slight/Moderate |
O8 |
Low |
Low |
Small |
Small |
Slight |
Slight |
O9 |
N/A |
Low |
N/A |
Negligible |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
O10 |
Medium |
Medium |
Intermediate |
Negligible |
Moderate |
Insubstantial |
O11 |
N/A |
Medium |
N/A |
Small |
N/A |
Slight/Moderate |
O12 |
Low |
Low |
Intermediate |
Small |
Slight/Moderate |
Slight |
O13 |
Low |
Medium |
Small |
Small |
Slight |
Slight/Moderate |
O14 |
Medium |
Medium |
Large |
Small |
Moderate/Substantial |
Slight/Moderate |
O16 |
Medium |
Low |
Small |
Negligible |
Slight/Moderate |
Insubstantial |
O17 |
Low |
Low |
Small |
Negligible |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
O18 |
Low |
N/A |
Intermediate |
N/A |
Slight/Moderate |
N/A |
O19 |
Low |
N/A |
Negligible |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
GIC1 |
Low |
Low |
Small |
Negligible |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
GIC2 |
N/A |
Low |
N/A |
Negligible |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
GIC3 |
Low |
Low |
Small |
Small |
Slight |
Slight |
GIC4 |
Low |
Low |
Small |
Small |
Slight |
Slight |
GIC5 |
Low |
Low |
Small |
Small |
Slight |
Slight |
GIC6 |
N/A |
Medium |
N/A |
Small |
N/A |
Slight/Moderate |
GIC7 |
N/A |
Medium |
N/A |
Intermediate |
N/A |
Moderate |
GIC8 |
N/A |
Medium |
N/A |
Intermediate |
N/A |
Moderate |
GIC9 |
N/A |
Low |
N/A |
Intermediate |
N/A |
Slight/ Moderate |
GIC10 |
Medium |
Medium |
Large |
Large |
Moderate/Substantial |
Moderate/Substantial |
GIC11A |
Medium |
Medium |
Large |
Large |
Moderate/Substantial |
Moderate/Substantial |
GIC11B |
Medium |
Medium |
Large |
Large |
Moderate/Substantial |
Moderate/Substantial |
GIC11C |
N/A |
Medium |
N/A |
Large |
N/A |
Moderate/Substantial |
GIC12 |
Low |
N/A |
Negligible |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
R1 |
N/A |
Low |
N/A |
Negligible |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
R2 |
N/A |
Low |
N/A |
Negligible |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
R3 |
High |
Medium |
Large |
Small |
Substantial |
Slight/ Moderate |
R4 |
High |
Medium |
Large |
Small |
Substantial |
Slight/ Moderate |
R5 |
N/A |
Medium |
N/A |
Negligible |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
R6 |
Low |
N/A |
Small |
N/A |
Slight |
N/A |
R9 |
Low |
Low |
Small |
Negligible |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
R10 |
Low |
Low |
Small |
Negligible |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
R11 |
Low |
Low |
Small |
Negligible |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
R12 |
Low |
Low |
Small |
Negligible |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
R13 |
Low |
Low |
Small |
Negligible |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
R14 |
Low |
Low |
Small |
Negligible |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
R15 |
N/A |
Low |
N/A |
Negligible |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
R16 |
N/A |
Low |
N/A |
Small |
N/A |
Slight |
R17 |
Low |
Low |
Small |
Negligible |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
R18 |
Low |
N/A |
Small |
N/A |
Slight |
N/A |
RE1 |
Low |
Low |
Small |
Negligible |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
RE2 |
Low |
Low |
Small |
Negligible |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
RE3 |
Low |
Low |
Small |
Negligible |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
RE4 |
Low |
Low |
Small |
Negligible |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
RE5 |
Medium |
Medium |
Small |
Negligible |
Slight/Moderate |
Insubstantial |
RE6 |
N/A |
Medium |
N/A |
Intermediate |
N/A |
Moderate |
RE7 |
Medium |
N/A |
Intermediate |
N/A |
Moderate |
N/A |
RE8 |
N/A |
Medium |
N/A |
Intermediate |
N/A |
Moderate |
RE9 |
N/A |
Medium |
N/A |
Intermediate |
N/A |
Moderate |
RE10 |
N/A |
Medium |
N/A |
Large |
N/A |
Moderate/Substantial |
RE11 |
Low |
Low |
Small |
Negligible |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
RE12 |
Low |
N/A |
Small |
N/A |
Slight |
N/A |
RE13 |
Medium |
N/A |
Intermediate |
N/A |
Moderate |
N/A |
RE14 |
Low |
N/A |
Small |
N/A |
Slight |
N/A |
T1 |
Medium |
Medium |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
T3 |
Medium |
Medium |
Intermediate |
Negligible |
Moderate |
Insubstantial |
Tables 9.20 and 9.21 describe a series of mitigation
measures to be used within the construction and operational phases to potentially
reduce any landscape or visual impacts that have previously been identified
within other sections of this report. The landscape and visual mitigation
measures are illustrated in Figure
Table 9.20 Construction Phase Mitigation
No. |
and Visual Mitigation Measure |
Agency |
Agency |
CM1 |
All works shall be carefully designed to minimize
impacts on existing landscape resources and visually sensitive receivers.
Existing trees within works area shall be retained and protected. |
CEDD’s Contractor |
CM2 |
Existing trees of good quality and condition that are
unavoidably affected by the works should be transplanted. |
CEDD’s Contractor |
CM3 |
Not used |
Not used |
Not used |
CM4 |
Not used. |
Not used. |
Not used. |
CM5 |
Large temporary stockpiles of excavated material
shall be covered with unobtrusive sheeting to prevent dust and dirt spreading
to adjacent landscape areas and vegetation, and to create a neat and tidy
visual appearance. |
CEDD’s Contractor |
CM6 |
Construction plant and building material shall be
orderly and carefully stored in order to create a neat and tidy visual
appearance. |
CEDD’s Contractor |
CM7 |
Erection of decorative screen hoarding should be
designed to be compatible with the existing urban context. |
CEDD’s Contractor |
CM8 |
All lighting in construction site shall be carefully
controlled to minimize light pollution and night-time glare to nearby
residences and GIC user. The contractor shall consider other security
measures, which shall minimize the visual impacts. |
CEDD’s Contractor |
Table 9.21 Operation
Phase Mitigation Measures
No. |
and Visual Mitigation Measure |
Agency |
Agency |
Agency |
OM1 |
Compensatory tree planting shall be incorporated
along roadside amenity areas affected by the construction works. The required
numbers of compensatory trees shall follow the requirements of ETWB TCW No.
3/2006. |
CEDD’s Contractor |
OM2 |
Compensatory tree planting shall be incorporated by
the Project. The required numbers of compensatory trees shall follow the
requirements of ETWB TCW No. 3/2006. Loss of amenity area adjacent to the Kwun Tong By-pass and planting areas in KTD South Apron
will be mitigated by the creation of the Kai Tak
South Apron: Amenity Area, which will be equal to or larger than the current
provision. |
CEDD’s Contractor |
OM3 |
Trees, shrubs and climbers shall be planted to soften
and screen proposed roads, central medians and associated structures, and to
enhance streetscape greening. |
CEDD’s Contractor |
OM4 |
All works areas, excavated areas and disturbed areas
for tunnel construction and temporary road diversion or any other proposed
works shall be reinstated to former conditions or better, with landscape
treatment and to the satisfaction of the relevant Government departments. |
CEDD’s Contractor |
Relevant Government Departments |
OM5 |
Tunnel portals and all above ground structures shall be sensitively
designed to ensure the element with colour, texture and tonal quality being
compatible to the existing urban context. Trees and shrub planting to
minimize the potential adverse landscape and visual impacts shall be included
where space permits. Roof top greening and vertical greening shall also be provided. |
CEDD’s Contractor |
Environmental Monitoring &
Audit Requirement
Construction Phase
It is recommended that professionally qualified (i.e. LARB) Resident Site
Landscape Staff (SRLA/RLA) supervise and monitor the construction phase
landscape and visual mitigation measures.
This is necessary, to ensure that topsoil is saved, to ensure that
existing trees earmarked for retention on site or transplanting are protected
and to monitor advance screen planting works, including procurement of plants,
and the effectiveness of temporary screen hoardings. Regular site inspections should be undertaken
to closely monitor all these aspects of the work.
Operation Phase
During the operation phase, landscape and visual mitigation
measures should be monitored by the Environmental Team and Independent
Environmental Checker – during the first 10 years to check that the intended
mitigation effects are realised. Regular
monitoring should be undertaken to ensure that the landscape and visual
mitigation measures have been implemented, are effective and are being managed
and maintained. The compensatory tree planting required to offset the loss of existing trees should be
checked, and the additional planting works for screening and amenity
purposes. Planting must be established
and sustainable and provide long term landscape and visual mitigation. Hardworks elements
that have been provided as part of the new works or as the reinstatement of
impacted works should also be monitored and checked that they are being
maintained and are achieving their mitigation function.
9.11 Residual Impacts
Illustrations of Residual Impacts
9.17.1 to 9.17.4 provide photomontages of Trunk Road T2 and associated buildings and
adjacent developments, showing the outline massing of the proposed developments, as per the
KTD Recommended Outline Development Plan.
Landscape and visual impacts, at both construction and operation phases,
which remain after all mitigation measures have been assessed, are provided in Tables
9.22 to 9.25.
Illustrations of Residual Visual Impacts (Refer to Figures 9.17
and 9.17.1 to
In reviewing the location and context of the T2 Project in both the
construction and operation phases, it is considered that on completion the only
above ground structures that may impact the immediate and surrounding areas are
within the Western Works Area. The views from Hung Hum, To Kwa
Wan, Kwun Tong and Cha Kwo
Ling would be significantly screened by the proposed KTD Runway Precinct and
South Apron Development. As the maximum proposed height of the Ventilation and
Tunnel Portal building is +17m PD, the following views were proposed to show
context and detail of the T2 Works Area and associated buildings:
Figure 9.17.1:
Viewpoint No 1. - 16th Floor of Mega Box. Mega Box is part of the Enterprise
Square V complex. Upper floors of these buildings have a direct view onto the
site from the Kowloon Bay Commercial Area. The views looking onto the Western
Works Area and the proposed T2 Buildings are partially screened by Kowloon Bay/Kwun Tong By-Pass on lower floors of the buildings. The
photomontages show the existing and proposed operational phase in scale and
context, both with and without mitigation measures as per the latest
Recommended Outline Development Plan (RODP) for Kai Tak
Development. With the proposed mitigation measures and greening initiatives,
the T2 Ventilation and Tunnel Portal Buildings complement the proposed KTD
considering the current existing conditions.
Figure 9.17.2:
Viewpoint No 2. – Trunk Road T2 & Road 18. The photomontages are based upon
a pedestrian view at ground level and show the Tunnel Portal and the descending
T2 Road. On Day 1, the view shows the
Tunnel Portal and Ventilation Buildings with vertical greening and planting.
The trees are planted at semi mature size to help screen the buildings on Day
1. Within 10 years, the trees will soften and mask the top and sides of the
tunnel portal from views at both pedestrian level and from the surrounding
Figure 9.17.3:
Viewpoint No 3. – Trunk Road T2, refuse collection building & Road D4. The
photomontages are based on a pedestrian view at ground level to provide a scale
perspective of the Refuse Collection & Ventilation Building, both in size
and context with the existing Kwun Tong By-pass,
Kowloon Bay Commercial Area and the proposed KTD: South Apron Developments. It
is anticipated that the refuse collection building will have vertical greening
and planting. The greening measures will soften the hard concrete structure,
and blend into the context of the regenerated surrounding area. Trees are
planted on either side of the building so that their canopies, within 10 years,
will help to screen the structures from surrounding roads and buildings.
Figure 9.17.4:
Viewpoint No 4. – Top Floor Proposed Residential Block at R3 Runway Precinct
Housing Development. The photomontages are based on a resident’s view within
the Runway Precinct Housing Development. The photomontages illustrate the size
and scale of the Tunnel Portal and refuse collection buildings against the back
drop of the Kwun Tong By-pass with proposed
mitigation measures. The refuse collection building on Day 1 fits in with the
proposed soft landscape. In 10 years the building is screened by trees along
the D6 bridge, and merges into the back drop of the
trees along the edge of the Kwun Tong By-pass.
Trunk Road T2 is to be constructed in conjunction with two other Route 6
Projects; the CKR in the western South
Apron area and the Tseung Kwan O - Lam Tin Tunnel
Interchange at the eastern end, forming a major transportation route within the
Kowloon Peninsula. The Kai Tak South Apron Development has a series of residential,
commercial and government buildings proposed adjacent to the Trunk Road T2,
Ventilation & Tunnel Portal Buildings. The various developments are
scheduled to be completed and operational by 2021.
As per the KTD Recommended Outline Development Plan the North Apron and
Runway precinct areas will also be constructed and operational by 2021.
of the Significance of Residual Landscape Impacts
On completion of the Project, at the eastern end of
Trunk Road T2 and associated works, within Cha Kwo Ling Road area, the residual landscape impacts are
considered to be insubstantial.
On Day 1 of
completion of the Project, at the western end of Trunk Road T2 and associated
buildings, the residual landscape impacts are considered slight to
insubstantial as the project will adhere to the mitigation measures shown in Tables 9.22 and 9.23, and illustrated in Figure 9.11.2
and Figures 9.12.1 to 9.12.4. At Year 10 the
impacts are slight to insubstantial, though are considered beneficial to the
Residual landscape
impacts on Landscape Resources & Landscape Character Areas at Day 1 and
Year10 are summarised in Tables 9.22 and 9.23 respectively. Impacts on
Landscape Resources by the Project are described as follows:
· LR6 – Amenity Area (Kai Fuk Road / Kwun Tong By-pass): An amenity area including sitting out areas along a footpath and a planting area of 3,620 square metres will be lost by the construction of the Ventilation Building and Western Works Area. On completion of the Project a planting area of 1,250 square metres will be lost due to Trunk Road T2 and Ventilation Building. This will be compensated by a planting area to the immediate east of approximately 4,900 square metres (refer to Figure 9.11.2). Within the Western Works Area, 18 trees will be retained and protected, 21 trees will be transplanted and 42 trees unsuitable for transplanting will be felled. 63 trees will be provided as compensation in accordance with ETWB TCW No. 3/2006 (refer to Figure 9.11.2).
· LR8 – Derelict / Disturbed Land (KTD South Apron): An area of derelict / disturbed land measuring 75,300 square metres and a planting area of 159 square metres will be lost due to the Western Works Area. On completion of the Project, an area of 8,500 square meters will be permanently lost to the Trunk Road T2, Ventilation and Tunnel Portal Buildings. This will be compensated by a planting area of approximately 15,740 square metres. 12 trees will be protected from impact by the Project, 10 trees are recommended for transplanting, and 24 trees which are not suitable for transplanting will be felled. 89 trees will be provided as compensation in accordance with ETWB TCW No. 3/2006 (refer to Figure 9.11.2).
· LR12 – Water Body (Kwun Tong Typhoon Shelter): A temporary barging point will be located at the south eastern corner of the South Apron LR8 during the construction phase only. The barging point will not damage any parts of the seabed and is situated on the existing seawall. Residual impacts will be the operation of barges between 07.00 & 19.00 in the construction phase only. The sea wall will be reinstated following completion of the Project.
· LR16 – Derelict / Disturbed Land Proposed as Cha Kwo Ling Promenade Park by Others (Cha Kwo Ling Former Public Cargo Working Area): An approximate area of 21,500 square metres of hard standing will be lost for the Eastern Works Area site offices. One tree, Macaranga tanarius, which is not considered suitable for transplanting is recommended to be felled. Mitigation for the felled tree has been included within the compensatory trees for the Western Works Area in accordance with ETWB TCW No. 3/2006 (refer to Figure 9.11.2). The site will be reinstated and handed over for future development of Cha Kwo Ling Promenade Park under a separate project.
Impacts on Landscape
Character Areas affected by the Project are described as follows:
· LCA1 – Major On-Going Development Landscape: An area of derelict / disturbed land measuring an area of 75,300 square metres and a planting area of 159 square metres will be lost to the Western Works Area. On completion of the Project an area of 8,500 square meters will be lost to the Trunk Road T2, Ventilation and Tunnel Portal Buildings. A planting area of 15,740 square metres will be provided to compensate the loss of this area. 12 trees will be protected from the impact of the proposed T2 development, 10 trees are recommended for transplanting, and 24 trees which are not suitable for transplanting will be felled. 89 trees will be provided as compensation in accordance with ETWB TCW No. 3/2006 (refer to Figure 9.11.2).
· LCA3 – Transport Corridor: An approximate planting area of 3,620 square metres will be lost as a result of the Western Works Area. On completion of the Project a planting area of 1,250 square metres will be lost by the Western Ventilation Building. This will be compensated by approximately 4,900 square metres of amenity area as referred to in the report as RE10 Kai Tak South Apron: Amenity Area. Within the works area, 18 trees will be retained and protected, 21 trees are recommended for transplanting and 42 trees which are not suitable for transplanting will be felled. 63 trees will be provided as compensation in accordance with ETWB TCW No. 3/2006 (refer to Figure 9.11.2).
· LCA4 – Kwun Tong Typhoon Shelter Landscape: A temporary barging will be located at the south eastern corner of the South Apron (LCA1) within the construction phase. For mitigation measures please refer to LR12 above.
· LCA7 – Cha Kwo Ling Reclaimed Industrial Urban Landscape: Within the Eastern Works Area, no planting areas will be lost as the site is currently hard standing. An approximate area of 21,500 square metres of hard standing will be lost for the Eastern Works Area site offices. One tree, a Macaranga tanarius which is not considered suitable for transplanting is recommended to be felled. Mitigation for the felled tree has been included within the compensatory trees for the Western Works Area in accordance with ETWB TCW No. 3/2006 (refer to Figure 9.11.2). The site will be reinstated and handed over for future development of Cha Kwo Ling Promenade Park under a separate project.
The following Table 9.22
refers to the Landscape Resources impacted by the Project and Table 9.23
refers to the Landscape Character Areas impacted by the Project.
Table 9.22 Residual Impacts on Landscape Resources
after Mitigation
ID. No. |
Landscape resources |
Significance Threshold Before Mitigation (Insubstantial, Slight, Moderate, Substantial) |
Recommended Mitigation Measures |
Residual Impact After Mitigation (Insubstantial, Slight, Moderate, Substantial) Adverse or Beneficial |
Construction |
Operation |
Construction |
Operation |
Construction |
Operation Day1 |
Operation Year 10 |
LR6 |
Area (Kai Fuk Road / Kwun
Tong By-pass) |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1 to CM2 |
OM1 to OM5 |
Moderate Adverse |
Slight Beneficial |
Slight Beneficial |
LR8 |
Derelict /
Disturbed Land (KTD South Apron) |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1 to CM2 |
OM1 to OM5 |
Moderate Adverse |
Slight Beneficial |
Slight Beneficial |
LR12 |
Water Body (Kwun Tong Typhoon Shelter) |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
CM1 |
OM4 |
Slight Adverse |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
LR16 |
Derelict / Disturbed Land Proposed as Cha Kwo
Ling Promenade Park by Others (Cha Kwo Ling Former
Public Cargo Working Area) |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
CM1 to CM2 |
OM4 |
Slight Adverse |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Table 9.23 Residual Impacts on Landscape Character
Areas after Mitigation
ID. No. |
Landscape Character Areas |
Significance Threshold Before Mitigation (Insubstantial, Slight, Moderate, Substantial) |
Recommended Mitigation Measures |
Residual Impact After Mitigation (Insubstantial, Slight, Moderate, Substantial) Adverse
or Beneficial |
Construction |
Operation |
Construction |
Operation |
Construction |
Operation Day 1 |
Operation Year 10 |
LCA1 |
LR8, LR10
and LR11 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1 to CM2 |
OM1 to OM5 |
Moderate Adverse |
Slight Beneficial |
Slight Beneficial |
LCA3 |
LR1, LR6
and LR14 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1 to CM2 |
OM1 to OM5 |
Moderate Adverse |
Slight Beneficial |
Slight Beneficial |
LCA4 |
LR12 |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
CM1 |
OM4 |
Slight Adverse |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
LCA7 |
LR14 and
LR16 |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
CM1 to CM2 |
OM4 |
Slight Adverse |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Note: The impacts
on Landscape Resources and Landscape Character Areas are considered to reduce
after 10 years of operation due to the maturity of tree and plant growth.
The impacts are
considered beneficial.
Assessment of the Significance of Residual Impacts on
Visually Sensitive Receivers
Residual landscape impacts on Visually Sensitive Receivers are summarised in Tables 9.24 and 9.25 respectively. Impacts
on Visually Sensitive Receivers by the Project are described as follows:
Table 9.24 Residual Impacts on Visually Sensitive
Receivers after Mitigation (Eastern Works Area)
VSR ID. No. |
Significance Threshold Before Mitigation (Insubstantial, Slight, Moderate, Substantial) |
Recommended Mitigation Measures |
Residual Impact After Mitigation (Insubstantial, Slight, Moderate, Substantial) |
Construction |
Operation |
Construction |
Operation |
Construction |
Operation Day 1 |
Operation Year 10 |
O10 |
Slight |
N/A |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
NA |
O14 |
Slight |
N/A |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
NA |
O16 |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
NA |
O17 |
Slight |
N/A |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
NA |
O18 |
Slight |
N/A |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
NA |
O19 |
Moderate |
N/A |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
N/A |
Slight Adverse |
N/A |
NA |
O20 |
Moderate/ Substantial |
N/A |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
N/A |
Moderate Adverse |
N/A |
NA |
O22 |
Slight |
N/A |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
NA |
GIC12 |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
NA |
R3 |
Moderate |
N/A |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
N/A |
Slight Adverse |
N/A |
NA |
R4 |
Moderate |
N/A |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
N/A |
Slight Adverse |
N/A |
NA |
R6 |
Substantial |
N/A |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
N/A |
Substantial Adverse |
N/A |
NA |
R7 |
Substantial |
N/A |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
N/A |
Substantial Adverse |
N/A |
NA |
R8 |
N/A |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
N/A |
Substantial Adverse |
N/A |
NA |
R13 |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
NA |
R14 |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
NA |
R19 |
Moderate/ Substantial |
N/A |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
N/A |
Moderate Adverse |
N/A |
NA |
RE7 |
Moderate |
N/A |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
N/A |
Moderate Adverse |
N/A |
NA |
RE12 |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
NA |
RE13 |
Slight |
N/A |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
NA |
RE14 |
Slight |
N/A |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
NA |
RE15 |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
NA |
T1 |
Slight/ Moderate |
N/A |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
N/A |
Slight Adverse |
N/A |
NA |
T2 |
Moderate |
N/A |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
N/A |
Slight/ Moderate Adverse |
N/A |
NA |
T3 |
Moderate |
N/A |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
N/A |
Slight/ Moderate |
N/A |
NA |
Table 9.25 Residual Impacts on Visually Sensitive
Receivers after Mitigation:(Western Works Area)
VSR ID. No. |
Significance Threshold Before Mitigation (Insubstantial, Slight, Moderate, Substantial) |
Recommended Mitigation Measures |
Residual Impact After Mitigation (Insubstantial, Slight, Moderate, Substantial) |
Construction |
Operation |
Construction |
Operation |
Construction |
Operation Day 1 |
Operation Year 10 |
O1 |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
OM1 to OM5 |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
N/A |
O2 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
OM1 to OM5 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
O3 |
Slight |
Slight |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
OM1 to OM5 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
O4 |
Slight/ Moderate |
Slight |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
OM1 to OM5 |
Slight Adverse |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
O5 |
Moderate |
Slight |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
OM1 to OM5 |
Slight/ Moderate Adverse |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
O6 |
Moderate |
Slight/ Moderate |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
OM1 to OM5 |
Slight/ Moderate Adverse |
Slight Beneficial |
Insubstantial |
O7 |
Moderate |
Slight/ Moderate |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
OM1 to OM5 |
Slight/ Moderate Adverse |
Slight Beneficial |
Insubstantial |
O8 |
Slight |
Slight |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
OM1 to OM5 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
O9 |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
OM1 to OM5 |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
O10 |
Moderate |
Insubstantial |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
OM1 to OM5 |
Slight/ Moderate Adverse |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
O11 |
N/A |
Slight/ Moderate |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
OM1 to OM5 |
N/A |
Slight Beneficial |
Insubstantial |
O12 |
Slight/ Moderate |
Slight |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
OM1 to OM5 |
Slight Adverse |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
O13 |
Slight |
Slight/ Moderate |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
OM1 to OM5 |
Insubstantial |
Slight Beneficial |
Insubstantial |
O14 |
Moderate/ Substantial |
Moderate |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
OM1 to OM5 |
Moderate Adverse |
Slight Beneficial |
Insubstantial |
O16 |
Slight/ Moderate |
Insubstantial |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
OM1 to OM5 |
Slight Adverse |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
O17 |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
OM1 to OM5 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
O18 |
Slight/ Moderate |
N/A |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
N/A |
Slight Adverse |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
O19 |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
GIC1 |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
OM1 to OM5 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
GIC2 |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
OM1 to OM5 |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
GIC3 |
Slight |
Slight |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
OM1 to OM5 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
GIC4 |
Slight |
Slight |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
OM1 to OM5 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
GIC5 |
Slight |
Slight |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
OM1 to OM5 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
GIC6 |
N/A |
Slight/ Moderate |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
OM1 to OM5 |
N/A |
Slight Beneficial |
Insubstantial |
GIC7 |
N/A |
Moderate |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
OM1 to OM5 |
N/A |
Slight/ Moderate Beneficial |
Slight Beneficial |
GIC8 |
N/A |
Moderate |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
OM1 to OM5 |
N/A |
Slight/ Moderate Beneficial |
Slight Beneficial |
GIC9 |
N/A |
Slight/ Moderate |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
OM1 to OM5 |
N/A |
Slight Beneficial |
Insubstantial |
GIC10 |
Moderate/ Substantial |
Moderate/ Substantial |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
OM1 to OM5 |
Moderate Adverse |
Moderate Beneficial |
Slight/Moderate Beneficial |
GIC11A |
Moderate/ Substantial |
Moderate/ Substantial |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
OM1 to OM5 |
Moderate Adverse |
Moderate Beneficial |
Slight/Moderate Beneficial |
GIC11B |
Moderate/ Substantial |
Moderate/ Substantial |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
OM1 to OM5 |
Moderate Adverse |
Moderate Beneficial |
Slight/Moderate Beneficial |
GIC11C |
N/A |
Moderate/ Substantial |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
OM1 to OM5 |
N/A |
Moderate Beneficial |
Slight/Moderate Beneficial |
GIC12 |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
OM1 to OM5 |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
N/A |
R1 |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
OM1 to OM5 |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
R2 |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
OM1 to OM5 |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
R3 |
Substantial |
Slight/ Moderate |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
OM1 to OM5 |
Moderate/ Substantial Adverse |
Slight Beneficial |
Insubstantial |
R4 |
Substantial |
Slight/ Moderate |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
OM1 to OM5 |
Moderate/ Substantial Adverse |
Slight Beneficial |
Insubstantial |
R5 |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
OM1 to OM5 |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
R6 |
Slight |
N/A |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
OM1 to OM5 |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
N/A |
R9 |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
OM1 to OM5 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
R10 |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
OM1 to OM5 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
R11 |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
OM1 to OM5 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
R12 |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
OM1 to OM5 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
R13 |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
OM1 to OM5 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
R14 |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
OM1 to OM5 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
R15 |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
OM1 to OM5 |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
R16 |
N/A |
Slight |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
OM1 to OM5 |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
R17 |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
OM1 to OM5 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
R18 |
Slight |
N/A |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
OM1 to OM5 |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
N/A |
RE1 |
Slight |
Slight |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
OM1 to OM5 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
RE2 |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
OM1 to OM5 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
RE3 |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
OM1 to OM5 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
RE4 |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
OM1 to OM5 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
RE5 |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
OM1 to OM5 |
Slight Adverse |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
RE6 |
N/A |
Moderate |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
OM1 to OM5 |
N/A |
Slight/ Moderate Beneficial |
Slight Beneficial |
RE7 |
Moderate |
N/A |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
OM1 to OM5 |
Slight/ Moderate Adverse |
N/A |
N/A |
RE8 |
N/A |
Moderate |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
OM1 to OM5 |
N/A |
Slight/ Moderate Beneficial |
Slight Beneficial |
RE9 |
N/A |
Moderate |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
OM1 to OM5 |
N/A |
Slight/ Moderate Beneficial |
Slight Beneficial |
RE10 |
N/A |
Moderate/ Substantial |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
OM1 to OM5 |
N/A |
Moderate Beneficial |
Slight/Moderate Beneficial |
RE11 |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
OM1 to OM5 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
RE12 |
Slight |
N/A |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
N/A |
RE13 |
Moderate |
N/A |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
N/A |
Slight/ Moderate Adverse |
N/A |
N/A |
RE14 |
Slight |
N/A |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
N/A |
T1 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
OM1 to OM5 |
Slight/ Moderate Adverse |
Slight/ Moderate Beneficial |
Slight Beneficial |
T3 |
Moderate |
Insubstantial |
CM1, CM5 to
CM8 |
OM1 to OM5 |
Slight/ Moderate Adverse |
Insubstantial |
Summary of Residual Impacts on Landscape Resources and
Landscape Character Areas Residual Impacts on Landscape Resources and Landscape Character
Areas are described in Tables 9.22 and 9.23 respectively. LR6, amenity
area, will experience moderate adverse residual impacts during the construction
phase, due to the felling of trees and loss of amenity area to accommodate the
Western Works Area and Ventilation Building. Within the operation phase,
impacts are slight and are considered beneficial, due to compensatory roadside
tree and shrub planting and construction of approximately 4,900 square metres
of amenity area as referred to in the report as RE10 Kai Tak
South Apron: Amenity Area (refer to Figure
9.11.2). In addition, there
will be comprehensive greening to roofs and associated structures of the Tunnel
Portal and Ventilation Buildings which help blend the Project into the
surrounding landscape (refer to Figures
9.12.1 to 9.12.4). By Year 10 of
operation, residual landscape impacts are considered slight and beneficial in
nature. LR8, derelict / disturbed land, will experience moderate
adverse residual impacts during the construction phase, due to the loss of hard
standing to accommodate the Western Works Area.
Within the operation phase, impacts are slight and are considered
beneficial, due to compensation by approximately 4,900 square metres of amenity
area as referred to in the report as RE10 Kai Tak
South Apron: Amenity Area (refer to Figure
9.11.2). By
Year 10 of operation, residual landscape impacts are considered slight and
beneficial in nature. LR12,
water body, will experience slight
adverse residual
impacts during the construction phase, due to the barges carrying materials to
and from a temporary barging point located on the sea wall. Within the operation phase the barging point
will be removed and impacts on Day 1 and Year 10 are considered insubstantial. LR16,
derelict / disturbed land in the Eastern Works Area, will experience slight adverse residual impacts during the construction phase, due
to loss of one tree, a Macaranga tanarius,
and hard standing to accommodate the Eastern Works Area. The tree will be
mitigated by trees, shrubs and amenity space created
in the Western Works Area by the Project (refer to Figure 9.11.2).
Within the operation phase the impacts on Day 1 and Year 10 are considered
insubstantial. The site will be reinstated and handed over for future
development of Cha Kwo Ling Promenade Park under a
separate project.
Impacts on Landscape Character Areas LCA1, derelict /
disturbed land, will experience moderate adverse residual impacts during the
construction phase, due to the loss of hard standing to accommodate the Western
Works Area. Within the operation phase,
impacts are slight and are considered beneficial, due to compensatory roadside
tree and shrub planting and compensation by approximately 4,900 square metres
of amenity area as referred to in the report as RE10 Kai Tak
South Apron: Amenity Area (refer to Figure
9.11.2). By Year 10 of operation, residual landscape impacts are considered
slight and beneficial in nature.
amenity area, will experience moderate
adverse residual
impacts during the construction phase, due to the felling of trees and loss of
amenity area to accommodate the Western Works Area and Ventilation
Building. Within the operation phase,
impacts are slight and
are considered beneficial, due to compensatory roadside tree and shrub planting
and construction of approximately 4,900 square metres of amenity area as
referred to in the report as RE10 Kai Tak South Apron:
Amenity Area (refer to Figure
9.11.2). In addition, there will be
comprehensive greening to roofs and associated structures of the Tunnel Portal
and Ventilation Building which help blend the Project into the surrounding
landscape (refer to Figures 9.12.1 to 9.12.4).
By Year 10 of operation, residual landscape impacts are considered slight and beneficial in nature. LCA4, water body, will experience slight
adverse residual impacts during the construction phase, due to the barges
carrying materials to and from a temporary barging point located on the sea
wall. Within the operation phase the
barging point will be removed and impacts on Day 1 and Year 10 are considered
insubstantial. LCA7, derelict / disturbed land in the
Eastern Works Area, will experience slight adverse residual impacts during the construction
phase, due to loss of one tree, a Macaranga tanarius, and hard standing to accommodate the Eastern
Works Area. The tree will be mitigated by trees,
shrubs and amenity space created in the Western Works Area by the Project
(refer to Figure
9.11.2). Within the operation phase the impacts on Day 1 and Year 10 are
considered insubstantial. The site will be reinstated and handed over for
future development of Cha Kwo Ling Promenade Park
under a separate project.
Impacts on Visually Sensitive Receivers At the Eastern Works Area, upon
implementation of mitigation measures, VSRs with moderate to substantial
residual impacts in the construction phase are R6, R7, R8, R19, and O20. They
have close and direct views onto the construction site and are also impacted by
additional barges within Victoria Harbour.
There will be no impacts onto the Eastern Works Area after completion of
the construction phase, as after the operational stage the site will be handed
back to CEDD, where the site is planned to be developed into the Cha Kwo Ling Promenade and Park. VSRs with slight to moderate
residual impacts in the construction phase are O19, R3, R4, RE7, T1, T2 and T3
and the remaining VSRs will experience visual impacts of insubstantial
significance. Upon implementation of mitigation
measures, within the Western Works Area in the construction phase, VSRs O14,
GIC10, GIC11A, GIC11B, R3 & R4 will experience moderate to substantial
residual impacts. This is due to the T2 works area being adjacent to the VSRs
in the construction phase. VSRs with slight to moderate
residual impacts in the construction phase is O4. O5, O6, O7, O10, O12,
O16, O18, RE5, RE7, RE13, T1 and T3 and the remaining VSRs will experience
visual impacts of insubstantial significance. As a large area of the KTD Runway
Precinct and South Apron will also be under construction at the same time, the
residual impacts within the western area are not viewed as adverse and
cumulative impacts are not considered to be unacceptable within such a context. Residual visual impacts to a majority of
VSRs in the Western Works Area in the operation phase will be of slight to
insubstantial significance, except for the VSRs GIC10, GIC11A, GIC11B, GIC11C,
and RE10 which will experience moderate visual impacts and VSRs O6, O7, O11,
O13, O14, GIC6, GIC7, GIC8, GIC9, R3, R4, RE6, RE8, RE9, and T1 that will
experience visual impacts of slight to moderate significance. Despite the
presence of physical above ground structures the residual visual impacts could
be considered to be positive, since the structures are sensitively designed and
extensive greening and tree planting will be in place to improve the overall
visual experience of the structures and the surrounding area.
9.12 Cumulative Landscape & Visual Impacts
Concurrent Projects The landscape and visual impacts
generated by the Project are assessed in the context of associated impacts of
concurrent projects.
Previously the Kai Tak Development (KTD) was a
disused airport runway. On regenerating the area into a high-end mixed use
development, the KTD will create a multifunctional mixed use area, providing
various government, occupational, residential and
recreational facilities for the Kowloon Bay and Hong Kong areas as a whole.
Trunk Road T2 is to be constructed in conjunction with two other Route 6
Projects; the CKR Route (Western Kowloon
– Kai Tak) in the western South Apron area and the Tseung Kwan O - Lam Tin Tunnel Interchange at the eastern
end, forming a major transportation route within the Kowloon Peninsula. For the
CKR & TKO-LTT Route 6 projects that interface with the Project, separate
EIAs have been carried out. The CKR and the Trunk Road T2 connect at the South
Apron area running north west to south east directly
through the site, while the Trunk Road T2 & TKO LTT will join at the Lam
Tin Interchange.
The Project and associated buildings will be viewed from the north by the
Kowloon Bay commercial area, comprised of newly built high rise commercial
developments. From the south and south eastern areas, a cruise terminal,
hotels, residential developments, a government hospital, and other related
medical centers would be either in construction or
are planned. Due to the increase in developments within the area, the Trunk
Road T2 will play a vital role in providing public access for the growing urban
population and linking the Kai Tak Development to
both the immediate local areas and Hong Kong as a whole.
The Trunk Road T2 and associated buildings have insubstantial impacts to
the area and are in keeping with the contemporary character of the proposed
KTD. Trunk Road T2 and associated buildings will be commissioned by the end of
2020, in coordination with both the CKR and TKO-LTT Route 6 projects.
Impacts on Landscape Resources and Character Areas
Impacts on existing Landscape Resources and Character Areas will be
mitigated in the construction and operation phases.
The cumulative impacts of the Project on Landscape Resources and
Character Areas in the Western and Eastern Works Areas are listed below:
Western Works Area, temporary loss of
75,300 square metres and a permanent loss of 8500 square meters of hard
standing, 5029 square meters of planting areas and loss of 66 trees. This will
be mitigated by 15,740 square meters of planting areas and 4,900 square meters
of Amenity Area as referred to in the report as RE10 Kai Tak
South Apron: Amenity Area. Extensive compensatory planting will include 152
trees in accordance with ETWB TCW No. 3/2006 (refer to Figure 9.11.2).
Within the operation phase, impacts are slight and are considered beneficial.
Eastern Works Area: no planting areas
will be lost as the site is currently hard standing. An approximate area of 21,500
square metres of hard standing will be lost for the Eastern Works Area site
offices. One tree, a Macaranga tanarius which
is not considered suitable for transplanting is recommended to be felled.
Mitigation for the felled tree has been included within the compensatory trees
for the Western Works Area in accordance with ETWB TCW No. 3/2006 (refer to Figure 9.11.2).
The site will be reinstated and handed over for future development of Cha Kwo Ling Promenade Park under a separate project.
If the Trunk Road T2 and associated buildings were the only developments
in the area, the discussed landscape and visual impacts would appear more
significant. As the Project is scheduled to be constructed at the same time as
many KTD proposed developments, it would appear to blend into the South Apron
Development with landscape mitigation measures. As a large area of the KTD
Runway Precinct and South Apron will also be under construction at the same
time, the residual impacts within the western area are not viewed as adverse
and cumulative impacts are not considered to be unacceptable within such a
On assessing the Project within the context of the CKR & TKO LTT
Route 6 Projects and the KTD RODP plan for other proposed developments, and
reviewing the cumulative impacts generated by the Trunk Road T2 and associated
buildings, it is considered compatible with the surrounding proposed landscape.
Mitigation measures will include extensive compensatory tree and shrub
planting, sensitive design and architectural detailing, and finishing of built
structures and provision of new public amenity area.
9.13.1 For the construction phase of the Trunk Road T2 within the Eastern Works Area, there are anticipated to be only very limited impacts, due to the relatively small amount of construction works to be carried out in the Eastern Works Area. Upon implementation of mitigation measures, VSRs R6, R7, R8 and R19 will be affected due to their being adjacent to the works area throughout the construction phase. However, they will only be affected by excavation of the receiving shaft early in the Project, and later the extraction and removal off-site of the tunnel boring machine. There will be no visual impacts by the Project in the Operation Phase.
9.13.2 For the construction phase of Trunk road T2 within the Western Works Area, upon implementation of mitigation measures, VSRs O14, GIC10, GIC11A, GIC11B, R3 & R4 will experience moderate to substantial residual impacts. This is due to the T2 works area being adjacent to the VSR’s in the developments through the construction phase. VSR’s with slight to moderate residual impacts in the construction phase are O4. O5, O6, O7, O10, O12, O16, O18, RE5, RE7, RE13, T1 and T3 and the remaining VSR’s experience visual impacts of insubstantial significance. As a large area of the KTD Runway Precinct and South Apron will also be under construction at the same time, the residual impacts within the western area are not viewed as adverse and cumulative impacts are not considered to be unacceptable within such a context.
9.13.3 On completion of
the Project, the majority of Trunk Road T2 is underground, except for the low
rise (+17mPD) Ventilation Building, Tunnel Portal Building and refuse
collection building. In the Western Works Area, there will be a temporary loss
of 75,300 square metres and a permanent loss of
8500 square meters of hard standing and, 5029 square
meters of planting areas will be
permanently lost. This will be mitigated by 15,740 square meters of planting
areas and 4,900 square meters of Amenity Area as referred to in the report as
RE10 Kai Tak South Apron: Amenity Area. 98 trees will be impacted upon. 67 trees are
recommended to be felled and 31 are proposed to be transplanted to a location
that will be identified at a later stage of the project. Extensive compensatory
planting will include 152 trees in accordance with ETWB TCW No. 3/2006 (refer
to Figure
9.11.2). In the Eastern Works Area one tree and an
approximate area of 21,500 square metres of hard standing will be lost.
Mitigation for the felled tree has been included within the compensatory trees
for the Western Works Area. The site will be reinstated and handed over for
future development of Cha Kwo Ling Promenade Park
under a separate project. Details of the landscape proposals for the Western
Works Area will be reviewed within the detail design stage. It is considered
there will be no substantial adverse landscape and visual impacts by the
Project during the operation phase.
9.13.4 For VSRs in the Kowloon Bay area having southern views towards the development, Trunk Road T2 and associated buildings are considered to be in context with the future developments in the South Apron and KTD.
9.13.5 The tunnel portal and refuse collection building would be sensitively designed and proposed to be no higher than 17mPD (Figures 9.12.1 – 9.12.4). Mitigation measures including vertical greening and tree planting are proposed to be provided. The overall visual impacts on the surrounding VSRs would not be significant and could be considered positive to a certain extent.
9.13.6 Due to the intended 2021 completion dates of the Kai Tak Development including the Metro Park, Runway Residential and Hotel Precinct, the Cruise Terminal and Tourism and Leisure Hub, three hospital sites and other government buildings, views from the Victoria Harbour and Southern Kowloon areas will be screened and covered. Substantial adverse visual impacts are not expected.
9.13.7 Overall, it is considered that the residual landscape and visual impacts of the Project are acceptable with mitigation measures during construction and operation phases.