This report takes into account the particular It is not intended for and should
not be relied Job number 227724 |
Ove Arup & Partners
Hong Kong Ltd 80 Tat Chee Avenue Kowloon Tong Kowloon Hong Kong |
Legislation and Standards
10.1.1 The relevant legislation and associated guidelines to the present study
for the assessment of ecological impact include:
(1) Forests and Countryside Ordinance (Cap. 96) and its subsidiary legislation, the Forestry Regulations;
(2) Wild Animals Protection Ordinance (Cap. 170)
(3) Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (Cap. 499) and relevant Annexes 8, 11, 16, 20 and 21 of the associated Technical Memorandum;
(4) EIA Study Brief No. ESB-247/2012;
(5) Protection of Endangered Species of Animals and Plants Ordinance (Cap. 586) and its subsidiary legislation;
(6) Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines (HKPSG) Chapter 10, “Conversation”;
(7) Planning, Environment and Lands Bureau Technical Circular 1/97/ works Branch Technical Circular 4/97, “Guidelines for Implementing the Policy on Off-site Ecological Mitigation Measures”;
(8) EIAO Guidance Note No. 6/2002 – Some Observations on Ecological Assessment from the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance Perspective;
(9) EIAO Guidance Note No. 7/2002 – Ecological Baseline Survey for Ecological Assessment;
(10) EIAO Guidance Note No. 10/2004 – Methodologies for Terrestrial and Freshwater Ecological Baseline Survey
(11) Revised versions of EIAO Guidance Notes 6/2010, 7/2010 and 10/2010 (issued December 2010).
10.1.2 International conventions and guidelines potentially relevant include:
(1) Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (“CITES”). This Convention regulates international trade in certain animal and plant species. Their trade is subject to permits or certificates of origin. Hong Kong’s obligations under this Convention are enforced via the Protection of Endangered Species of Animals and Plants Ordinance (Cap. 586).
(2) IUCN – The World Conservation Union maintains, through its Species Survival Commission, a “Red List” of globally threatened species of wild plants and animals (see http://www.iucnredlist.org).
(3) United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity. This convention requires parties to regulate or manage biological resources important for the conservation of biological diversity whether within or outside protected areas, with a view to ensuring their conservation and sustainable use. It also requires parties to promote the protection of ecosystems, natural habitats and the maintenance of viable populations of species in natural surroundings. The People’s Republic of China (PRC) ratified the Convention on Biological Diversity on 5th January 1993. The HKSAR Government has stated that it is “committed to meeting the environmental objectives” of the Convention.
Description of Existing Environment
10.2.1 Baseline ecological conditions presented in this report are derived from the results of ecological field surveys conducted within the Study Area and Assessment Area of the proposed development. Surveys were conducted between April and July 2013.
Study Area and Assessment Area
10.2.2 In accordance with Section of the Study Brief No. ESB-247/2012, the Assessment Area for the purpose of the terrestrial ecological impact assessment includes all areas within 500m of the boundary of the Study Area (Figure 227724/E/6101) and the areas likely to be impacted by the Project. In this context, “Study Area” in this section refers to the areas within the boundary of the proposed developmental design, whereas “Assessment Area” refers to the whole area within the 500 m radius from the boundary of the “Study Area”.
10.2.3 The Study Area involves an existing quarry site at Anderson Road. It is located on the southwestern slope of Tai Sheung Tok Hill at the far northeastern edge of urban East Kowloon, overlooking the densely populated areas of Sau Mau Ping, Lam Tin and Tsui Lam. The existing quarry site is excavated into the southwest facing slope of Tai Sheung Tok Hill, and forms a series of rock faces, slopes and benches of approximately 60 degrees. With a total area of approximately 86 ha, the quarry operation will not cease until 2015, and the associated rehabilitation works will be completed by mid-2016. According to the approved Kwun Tong (North) Outline Zoning Plan No. S/K14N/13, the Study Area falls within Other Specified Uses (Mining and Quarrying), in which the planning intention is primarily for the implementation of quarry operations and rehabilitation works.
10.2.4 The Assessment Area comprises a mix of urbanised habitats such as public housing estates (Shun Lee Estate, Shun On Estate, Shun Tin Estate, Sau Mau Ping Estate and Po Tat Estate), the existing construction site for the development at Anderson Road (i.e. the ex-quarry site to the southwest of Anderson Road), associated infrastructure and villages, as well as secondary woodland, shrubby grassland and natural watercourses (including Tseng Lan Shue Stream) mainly situated to the northeast, east and south of the Assessment Area.
10.2.5 According to the latest RODP (details refer to Chapter 3) for the Project, the proposed development in the Study Area will include residential development (including public housing) and other associated commercial and recreational uses to meet territory, district and local needs. A population of approximately 25,000 is targeted for the residential development, with plot ratios for subsidised housing and private housing at 6.3 and 4.2 respectively. In identifying ecological resources and habitats/areas of ecological significance, the ecological impact assessment will examine the flora, fauna and other components of the Study Area and Assessment Area, identify the potential ecological impacts associated with the Project and recommend any mitigation measures for the identified ecological impacts predicted from the Project.
Recognized Sites of Conservation Importance
10.2.6 There are a number of recognized sites of conservation importance surrounding the Study Area. Any development within the Study Area should define and address potential impacts to these sites. Locations of these recognized sites of conservation importance are shown in Figure 227724/E/6106.
Conservation Area
10.2.7 A Conservation Area covering an area of about 33 ha is located to the northeast and east of the Study Area. The planning intention of this area is to protect and retain the existing natural landscape, ecological or topographical features of the area for conservation, educational and research purposes, and to separate sensitive natural environment such as Country Park (i.e. Ma On Sha Country Park in this Project) from the adverse effects of development. This Conservation Area is a natural hill slope vegetated with a mosaic of mature secondary woodland and shrubby grassland. Foraging and roosting habitats for wildlife within this Conservation Area are present, but the existing knowledge is limited. The Conservation Area does not fall within any part of the Study Area, though almost all lies within the Assessment Area.
Tseng Lan Shue Stream
10.2.8 Tseng Lan Shue Stream is a 3km long stream flowing through Tseng Lan Shue Tsuen and Pak Shek Wo Tsuen and finally entering the inner part of Junk Bay. Tributaries of this stream pass through various natural vegetated hillside areas as well as modified, disturbed areas until they reach the concrete channels in urbanised areas. Ecological information on Tseng Lan Shue Stream is limited. CED (1998) reveals that the tributaries are either quite polluted with a heavy load of fine suspended sediment, or possess little water flow. No aquatic fauna were recorded in CED (1998). However, the recent Water Quality Index measured at the upstream monitoring station near Tseng Lan Shue Tsuen has improved from “Very Bad” (in 1991) to “Fair” (in 2011) (EPD 2011). Improvement in water quality and implementation of Sewerage Master Plans may benefit fauna recolonization in the stream.
Ma On Shan Country Park
10.2.9 Ma On Shan Country Park is located in the eastern New Territories and covers inland upland areas between Sai Sha Road and Hebe Haven, which lies between Pak Sha Wan and Port Shelter. The area was first designated as Country Park in 1979, with subsequent revision made in 1998, and covers an area of approximately 2,880 ha. Ecologically, the less disturbed ravines and valleys of the eastern slopes support rare flora, and, to preserve the natural resources in these lowland areas (55ha), the eastern lowlands were designed as a Special Area in 1980. Rare and protected plants such as shrubs Rhododendron spp., ferns (Hymenophyllum austrosinicum) and orchids are found in hilly areas, while the relatively undisturbed Country Park is also inhabited by common mammal species. The proposed development of Anderson Road Quarry is highly unlikely to impose significant impacts on species or habitats in Ma On Shan Country Park, as the nearest points of the Country Park and the Study Area are separated by urbanized habitats (i.e. roads, villages and public housing) and the Country Park lies at least 0.75km from the Study Area. It is also located outside the Assessment Area.
Ho Chung Valley SSSI
10.2.10 Ho Chung Valley SSSI is a valley area located above Ho Chung Village. This area includes vegetated ravines and hillsides running west and northwest from Ho Chung Village into the mountain mass of Fei Ngo Shan and Buffalo Hill. This SSSI covers approximately 395 ha and was designated in 1979 for the presence of rich floristic resources, including rare orchids, ferns and herbs. Due to its location, this SSSI is protected within Ma On Shan Country Park and situated approximately 1 km from the Study Area. It is also located outside the Assessment Area.
Literature Review
10.2.11 Existing knowledge regarding the ecology of the Assessment Area, especially for the natural terrestrial habitats at the north and northeast of the Area, is very limited. The Final Ecological Impact Assessment Report on Planning and Engineering Feasibility Study for Development at Anderson Road (CED 1998) and Final Environmental Review Report on Agreement No. CE 55/2005 (CE) Development at Anderson Road – Design and Construction (Arup 2009), in which the ecological review was mostly based on CED (1998), are the major relevant studies to the Study Area.
10.2.12 CED (1998) identified the terrestrial habitats, flora and fauna (including avifauna, breeding birds, mammals and aquatic fauna) in the development site of Anderson Road, and determined that woodlands at the northern and southern ends of the site supported higher floral and faunal diversity and were of higher ecological value than other natural and human-disturbed habitats. However, as the site was studied in 1997-1998 and habitat changes have arisen from concurrent site formation and associated infrastructural works in recent years, data collected in this earlier study is considered out of date.
10.2.13 In the feasibility study on future land use at Anderson Road Quarry, Arup (2012) identified woodland/shrubland and developed area as the two major habitat types within the current 500m Assessment Area, with natural streams scattered among the hillside habitats. In particular, Tseng Lan Shue Stream was identified as of potential ecological significance, a few tributaries of which lie within the Assessment Area. A Conservation Area located to the north and northeast of the Study Area comprises hill slope naturally vegetated with mature woodland, and it was also identified as of significant landscape value. Ma On Shan Country Park is located in the northwestern side and separated from the Study Area by Clear Water Bay Road. The Country Park lies at least 0.75km from the Study Area as well as outside the Assessment Area.
10.2.14 Botanically, the Master Landscape Plan Report, and its associated Milestone Reports for rehabilitation of Anderson Road Quarry provide the planting schemes and landscape plan implemented on the slopes and benches along the northeastern and eastern sides of the quarry. These reports provides the general species composition of plantation mix, tall shrub mix, climbers and ground cover planted on the slopes and benches throughout the period from 1999 to 2013.
10.2.15 A review of Arup (2001) and CEDD (2008) on the feasibility study for South East Kowloon Development and Kai Tak Development respectively did not provide any data related to habitats, vegetation or wildlife relevant to the current Study. Ecological impact assessment areas and scope of works studied by these two approved EIAs were located some way to the south of the current Study Area, and hence are considered to be irrelevant.
10.3.1 In view of the lack of updated ecological data from the Project Area and
its vicinity, ecological surveys of all flora and fauna were conducted within
the Study Area and its 500m Assessment Area. Surveys were conducted from April
to July 2013. Table 10.1 outlines
the survey schedule of all flora and fauna groups during the four-month survey
period. All methodologies followed the ecological survey methodologies
recommended in EIAO Guidance Notes No. 7/2010 and 10/2010. Methodologies for
each group are detailed below. Transects of fauna surveys are shown in Figures 227724/E/6201.
Table 10.1:
Ecological survey programme during the four-month survey period (April to July
Surveys |
April 2013 |
May 2013 |
June 2013 |
July 2013 |
and Vegetation[1] |
√ |
√ |
Mammal |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
(night-time)[2] |
√ |
√ |
Avifauna |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
(night-time) |
√ |
√ |
(day-time) |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
(night-time) |
√ |
√ |
and Butterfly |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
Fauna |
√ |
√ |
[1] Surveys on habitats and vegetation were conducted on two survey days in June and July 2013 so as to cover the entire Study Area and Assessment Area.
[2] Night-time surveys on mammal were adjusted from the tentative survey programme in May and June 2013 to June and July 2013 due to the rainy weather in May 2013.
Habitat/ Vegetation Survey
10.3.2 Habitat mapping of the Assessment Area was initially conducted by
reference to the latest available aerial photographs and verified through
ground-truthing of the area, in order to confirm habitat types and condition.
Vegetation survey was conducted in accessible areas and along paths on 19 June
and 9 July 2013 to characterise vegetation in the Assessment Area. All plant
species observed were recorded and their relative abundance in each habitat was
noted. General characteristics of the flora community present in each habitat
type were noted for use in habitat description and evaluation. All recognized
sites of conservation importance, locations of habitats and species of conservation
importance recorded within the Assessment Area were mapped. Representative
colour photographic records of each habitat type and identified ecological
features were taken and presented in Appendix
and Bat Roost Survey
10.3.3 Daytime mammal surveys were undertaken on a monthly basis during the
survey period from April to July 2013. Signs of mammals, such as droppings,
diggings, burrows, scats, paw prints and tracks were photographed and
identified as far as possible if found. Special attention was paid to
identifying the potential presence of bat roosts and specific surveys for bats
using detectors were conducted in suitable habitats within the Assessment Area
in June and July 2013. During all other diurnal and nocturnal surveys, any
direct observations of mammals were recorded. Nomenclature follows Shek (2006).
10.3.4 Monthly bird surveys were undertaken from April to July 2013. Survey
effort was greatest in habitats that offer most opportunities for birds, e.g.
patches of woodland and streams. During the bird survey, all birds seen or
heard were identified and recorded according to the habitat in which they were
observed. All bird species of conservation importance were enumerated. Special
attention was paid to areas which may provide suitable habitats for raptors and
woodland-dependent migratory bird species. Observations of any nocturnal bird
species were conducted on two occasions in May and June 2013. Nomenclature
follows the latest official Hong Kong Bird List available, whereas conservation
status follows Carey et al. (2001)
and Fellowes et al. (2002).
10.3.5 Monthly daytime herpetofauna surveys were carried out from April to July
2013 within the Assessment Area. Given the lack of wetland habitats suitable
for breeding amphibians, two nocturnal surveys were conducted in May and June
2013. Stream habitats, along with other potential microhabitats and refuge
areas for reptiles were also searched (e.g. leaf letter, inside holes, under
stones and logs). All reptiles seen and all vocalizing amphibians were
identified, enumerated and recorded according to the habitat in which there
were observed. Nomenclature and status for reptiles follows Karsen et al. (1998), while that of amphibians
follows Chan et al. (2005).
Butterfly Survey
10.3.6 Monthly dragonfly/ butterfly surveys were undertaken from April to July
2013. All dragonflies and butterflies observed were identified and enumerated.
Attention was paid to those habitats which provide suitable habitat for these
species groups. Nomenclatures for butterflies and dragonflies follow Lo and Hui
(2010) and Tam et al. (2011) respectively.
10.3.7 Stream fauna survey was conducted twice along the accessible, natural
and unpolluted watercourses, and the surveyed streams are shown in Figure 227724/E/6201. The streams were surveyed primarily by
direct observation, active searching, sweep sampling and kick sampling
Ecological Baseline Conditions
10.4.1 The Study Area is an existing quarry site located to the northeast of
Anderson Road. Situated at the far northeastern edge of East Kowloon areas, the
majority of the Assessment Area comprises densely populated urban areas from
northwest to south. These urban areas include various public housing estates
and road infrastructure in Sau Mau Ping, as well as Tseung Kwan O Tunnel and
approach roads, and an adjacent public housing development site
immediately to the southwest of the Study Area. Low-rise residential buildings
and village houses in Ma Yau Tong, Au Tau and Sam Long are also located to the
southeast and northeast of the Assessment Area. Continuous vegetated hill slopes
with secondary woodland, shrubby grassland and seasonal hillside streams on Tai
Sheung Tok Hill are located from the northeastern to eastern parts of the
Assessment Area. Remnant patches of secondary woodland and hillside plantation
with native secondary growth are also found to the north and south, but are
fragmented from the main part of the Assessment Area by Clear Water Bay Road
and Po Lam Road respectively.
10.4.2 From an ecological perspective, the active quarry site largely occupies
most of the Study Area, while the Assessment Area largely comprises of human-dominated
developed areas in the western and southern sides. Both the quarry site and
human-dominated developed area are of very low ecological value. Limited
wildlife usage of the Study Area is anticipated in this active quarry site.
However, the vegetated hillside environs in the vicinity are of higher
ecological value, as they could provide suitable foraging and roosting habitats
for wildlife.
and Flora
10.4.3 The areas of habitats present within the Study Area and the Assessment
Area are listed in Table 10.2, while
a habitat map is provided in Figures 227724/E/6101 –227724/E/6105. A full list of flora species recorded and the relative abundance
within each habitat is provided
in Appendix 10.2. The identified floral species
of conservation importance are summarised in Table 10.3 and their locations are shown in Figures 227724/E/6301 – 227724/E/6303.
10.4.4 Two watercourses are located in the secondary woodland in the southeast
part of the Study Area. The uppermost sections of these watercourses within the
Study Area were difficult to access due to the steep topography of Tai Sheung
Tok Hill. Their lower sections run underneath the southeastern part of Anderson
Road and Po Lam Road within the Assessment Area and finally merge in Ma Yau
Tong area. Of these two watercourses, one is a permanent stream with natural
bottom and riparian vegetation along the banks; it is believed its upper
section within the Study Area is natural, though access to this section was not
10.4.5 Access to the watercourse to the west was not possible between the
survey period (i.e. April to July 2013) due to the lack of access path within
the dense woodland in the southeast. Access to this watercourse was available
in August 2013 with the provision of temporary access path by the ground
investigation works of the current Study. The watercourse to the west is a steep
seasonal stream only fully in water after periods of heavy rain, though three
semi-permanent pools exist at the base of short waterfalls towards Anderson
Road. Below Anderson Road, but above Po Lam Road, this stream has been
disturbed by on-going construction works and site clearance. It is piped
underneath Po Lam Road into a semi-natural stream. Its upper section within the Study Area is
natural and passes through closed canopy hillside secondary woodland.
10.4.6 Several watercourses within the Assessment Area are located in the northeast
and east, and are either tributaries of Tseng Lan Shue Stream or dry/ seasonal
watercourses flowing from ravines. These tributaries of Tseng Lan Shue Stream
are largely semi-natural, permanent watercourses, and some sections have partly
concrete banks. These streams are generally clean, but localized domestic
discharge from village houses was still observed during surveys. The
watercourses running from the ravines are mostly narrow, with dry or seasonal
water flow providing opportunistic foraging grounds for herpetofauna and
dragonflies. Common herbaceous vegetation were recorded along the banks of the
watercourses in the Assessment Area, including the grasses Brachiaria mutica and Microstegium
ciliatum, other herbs such as Alocasia
macrorrhizos, Commelina diffusa and Alternanthera philoxeroides, and woody
shrubs and trees. One seedling of the protected tree species Aquilaria sinensis was recorded in
woodland close to a dry watercourse near Wilson Trail Stage 3 in the east side of
the Assessment Area (Figure 227724/E/6302).
10.4.7 Channelized watercourses to the north and south of the Assessment Area
are highly modified, with concrete sides and bottom. It is connected with the
channelized drainage system in the urban area, and is of very low ecological significance.
Agricultural Land
10.4.8 Two very small pieces of dry agricultural land are located to the west
of Ma Yau Tong and in the southeast of the Assessment Area. These are small and
isolated, and lie under a dense canopy of secondary woodland in the area of Ma
Yau Tong village. This habitat is subject to high levels of disturbance (such
as weeding practice and farming activity) and supports simple floristic
diversity and structure. Common crops are present in this farmland; however,
access was not possible.
10.4.9 Four pieces of grassland are located in the northeast (i.e. in Sam Long
area), east (i.e. to the west of Au Tau) and southwest (i.e. along Wilson Trail
Stage 3) of the Assessment Area. These grassland patches are either evolved
from abandoned farmland in village environs or constitute hillside grassland
along the hiking trail. Grassland developed from abandoned farmland was
extensively covered by grasses (such as native Neyraudia reynaudiana and
Microstegium ciliatum and the exotic Pennisetum
purpureum and Paspalum conjugatum)
and other herbs (such as the exotic Bidens
alba and Praxelis clematidea, and
the exotic climbers Ipomoea cairica and
Mikania micrantha). A few self-sown
shrubs and trees were also recorded. The hillside grassland was mainly covered
by native grass species such as Neyraudia
reynaudiana, Miscanthus floridulus
and Microstegium ciliatum. With
regard to the landform of the lowland grassland in the village environs, these
grassland patches appear to be seasonally flooded after heavy rain and may
provide temporary habitat for amphibian and dragonfly in wet season. However,
recent human disturbance (such as dumping of domestic waste and construction
materials) was noted on these patches in the surveys.
Grassland/ Shrubland
10.4.10 A small piece of shrubby grassland was identified in the east of the
Study Area. It covers the peak of Tai Sheung Tok Hill and distributes further
east towards the Wilson Trail Stage 3 within the Assessment Area. This hillside
habitat is located between two continuous patches of secondary woodland to the
north and south, and graves are present in this shrubby grassland, indicating
this habitat may have been subject to infrequent hill fire in the last decade.
Two relatively small patches of shrubby grassland were found in the hillside
between Sam Long and Au Tau, and are located in the northeast of the Assessment
10.4.11 At least 10 individuals of the protected herb Chinese Lily Lilium brownii were identified in the shrubby grassland
within the Study Area (Table 10.3
and Figure 227724/E/6303). Chinese Lily can be found in restricted localities only and is distributed in
hillside areas among grasses (AFCD 2011). It is protected under the Forestry
and Countryside Ordinance (Cap. 96).
10.4.12 Apart from Chinese Lily, this habitat in the rest of the Study Area and
Assessment Area supports moderate floristic diversity and typical plant
species, such as the grass Miscanthus
floridulus, the fern Dicranopteris
pedata, the herb Aster baccharoides and the
shrubs Clerodendrum fortunatum, Melastoma malabathricum, Rhaphiolepis indica and Rhodomyrtus tomentosa, were recorded.
Secondary Woodland
10.4.13 Secondary Woodland is located at the edges of the Study Area, from
northeast to east and in the southeast of the Study Area. Woodland at the
northern and eastern edges is continuous with the mature woodland of Tan Shan
and Tai Sheung Tok Hill. These woodlands support higher structural complexity,
with more continuous canopy than the woodland in the southeast. The woodland
edge facing the plantations on quarry benches was planted with some plantation
species (such as exotic Acacia confusa and
native Castanopsis fissa), but the
major woodland canopy is dominated by mature native trees (such as Celtis sinensis, Machilus chekiangensis and Schefflera
heptaphylla). Common woodland plants, including shrubs Eurya nitida, Litsea
rotundifolia var. oblongifolia and
Psychotria asiatica, and trees Diospyros morrisiana and Litsea glutinosa, were also recorded.
The southeastern woodland supports similar floristic diversity, but with
simpler structural complexity and dominated by younger canopy tree species.
Thirteen seedlings/saplings of the shrub Diospyros
vaccinioides were identified at the edges of secondary woodlands within the
Study Area. About 30 seedlings, two young saplings and one young tree of Ormosia pachycarpa, as well as a woody
climber Gnetum
luofuense were recorded in the young woodland patch
located in the southeast part of the Study Area (Figure 227724/E/6303 and summarized in Table 10.3).
10.4.14 Secondary woodlands in the Assessment Area include relatively natural
and complex woodland to the north, northeast and southeast, as well as younger
woodland with native self-sown growth on man-made slopes in the northwest and
south. Woodland in the north and northeast supports higher floristic diversity and
structural complexity than other woodland within the Assessment Area. The
former woodland is characterised by a closed canopy dominated by common
overstorey trees such as Cinnamomum
camphora, Machilus chekiangensis,
Microcos nervosa, Schima superba and Syzygium hancei. The understorey is dominated by woody climbers,
shrubs and small trees, including Desmos
chinensis, Elaeocarpus chinensis,
Litsea cubeba and Sarcandra glabra. In addition, as shown
in Figures 227724/E/6301 –
and summarized in Table 10.3, five
floral species of conservation importance, namely the woody climber Gnetum luofuense, the shrubs Diospyros vaccinioides and Rhododendron spp., and the trees Aquilaria sinensis and Artocarpus hypargyreus were recorded.
These woodland patches are of higher ecological significance due to greater
maturity and structural complexity; they also provide higher habitat diversity
to wildlife.
10.4.15 The woodland in the southeast is continuous with patches in the Study
Area. It supports lower floristic diversity than the mature woodland in the
north and northeast, and is characterised by younger floristic structure of
more open canopy. Ecological value of this woodland in the southeast is relatively low. The remaining woodland within
the Assessment Area derives from native spontaneous growth on man-made slopes
in the northwest and south. This woodland is formed either with the retention
of the original native composition or with natural establishment in exotic
plantation stands (such as stands of Acacia
confusa and Lophostemon confertus).
Their understoreys support lower plant diversity and some are colonized by more
weedy species such as the herbs Bidens
alba, the climber Mikania micrantha and
the shrub Lantana camara. Ecological
value of this woodland type is lower than the mature woodland in the north and
northeast, and younger woodland in the southeast.
10.4.16 Plantations within the Study Area occupy much of the north and east
outside the quarry itself, and comprise primarily exotic species on the vertical
benches. They have been established for rehabilitation under the operation of
the Anderson Road Quarry and are relatively young, possibly less than a decade
old. Plantations of this type are generally low in ecological value due to the
predominance of exotic species such as Acacia
spp., Eucalyptus spp. and Casuarina equisetifolia. The exotic climber Parthenocissus dalzielii was planted for vertical greening on the
benches. Limited natural colonization by herbs (such as Bidens alba, Commelina
diffusa, Mimosa pudica and Praxelis clematidea), shrubs (such as Lantana camara, Melastoma spp. Ligustrum
sinense) and trees (such as Celtis
sinensis, Leucaena leucocephala
and Mallotus paniculatus) was also
10.4.17 Small areas of plantation are located within the Assessment Area in the
southwest, west and southwest. They are established on man-made slopes, along
roads or on hill slopes above infrastructure. These plantations were established for screening and aesthetic reasons, or sometimes for soil erosion
control if on a hill slope. They support low floristic diversity and structure,
with an overstorey dominated by exotic plantation species including Acacia confusa, Casuarina equisetifolia and
Melaleuca cajuputi subsp. cumingiana. Limited natural
colonization by plants was recorded in their understorey.
Developed Area
10.4.18 The only Developed Areas within the Study Area comprise the existing
construction site to the west of Anderson Road, Anderson Road and southern
section of Po Lam Road. These are either construction site or paved areas
heavily used for traffic and quarry works.
10.4.19 Developed Area within the Assessment Area is composed of low-rise
residential buildings and village houses in the northeast and southeast, public
housing estates and infrastructure from north to south, as well as an extensive
site formation area for a public housing development project under construction
and located immediately to the southwest of the Study Area. This habitat is
heavily modified and suffers from high levels of disturbance by anthropogenic
factors. It often supports low faunal and floral diversity, in which the
dominant plant species are heavily-managed species, such as ornamental shrubs
and trees in landscaped areas or urban parks.
10.4.20 The quarry site within the Study Area refers has been operating since
1956 and is excavated into the southwest facing slope of Tai Sheung Tok Hill.
The vertical face is over 200m high, with a length of more than 1.5km from
north to south. This active quarry site comprises plantation for
rehabilitation, a quarry pond and an excavated platform with access roads and
built offices. The quarry pond exists as a service reservoir and is of various
sizes over time. The water quality of this pond is poor in ecological
perspective. This habitat has been heavily modified and suffers from a high
level of human disturbance. This quarry site is largely covered in bare ground,
with scattered colonization primarily by grasses (such as Neyraudia reynaudiana and Melinis
repens) and a few self-sown trees (such as Leucaena leucocephala, Macaranga
tanarius var. tomentosa and Ficus hispida).
Table 10.2: Habitats present within the Study Area and Assessment Area
Habitat |
Study Area |
Assessment area (500m from the boundary of Study Area) |
Total Area under the Study |
ha |
% |
ha |
% |
ha |
% |
Watercourses[1] |
/ (1.48km) |
/ |
0.3 (4.31km) |
0.1 |
0.3 (5.79km) |
0.1 |
Agricultural Land |
/ |
/ |
0.2 |
0.1 |
0.2 |
0.1 |
Grassland |
/ |
/ |
2.1 |
0.7 |
2.1 |
0.5 |
Grassland/ Shrubland |
3.6 |
3.7 |
11.7 |
4.0 |
15.3 |
3.9 |
Secondary Woodland |
15.4 |
15.6 |
113.0 |
38.5 |
128.4 |
32.8 |
Plantation |
21.8 |
22.1 |
13.0 |
4.4 |
34.8 |
8.9 |
Developed Area |
11.2 |
11.4 |
152.9 |
52.1 |
164.0 |
41.9 |
Quarry |
46.5 |
47.2 |
/ |
/ |
46.5 |
11.9 |
Total [2] |
98.5 |
100 |
293.2 |
100 |
391.6 |
100 |
[1] Habitat area includes channelized watercourses only; narrow natural watercourses are presented in length (approximate length measured in km shown in brackets) in Table 10.2 and in evaluations in the report.
[2] Figures above are rounded to the nearest decimal place. Hence, figures may not add to the total value.
Table 10.3: Floral species of conservation
importance recorded in the Study Area and Assessment Area.
Species |
Conservation/ Protection Status |
Distribution in Hong Kong[1]-[5] |
Habitat Recorded |
Recorded abundance in the Survey |
Small Persimmon Diospyros vaccinioides |
Endangered[6] |
Very common in shrubland, thin forest and
thickets in ravines or hillslope habitats |
Woodland |
- 13
seedlings (Study Area) -
>50 seedlings and larger individuals (Assessment Area) |
Chinese Lily Lilium brownii |
96A |
to grassy hillside habitat at restricted locations |
Shrubland |
>10 individuals (Study Area) |
Incense Tree Aquilaria sinensis |
586; State
Protection (Category II)[7]; Near Threatened[7]* ; Vulnerable[6] |
found in lowland forest and fung shui wood |
Woodland |
- 13
seedlings and two trees (Assessment Area) |
Watercourse (Dry watercourse) |
- One
seedling (Assessment Area) |
Rhododendron spp. (Wild population) |
96 |
in shrubland and forest |
Woodland |
- Two
individuals (Assessment Area) |
Joint-fir Gnetum luofuense |
Threatened[6] |
found in forest and shrubland |
Woodland |
- At
least one individual (Study Area) -
Approx. 0.15 ha (Assessment Area) |
Silver-back Artocarpus Artocarpus hypargyreus |
Vulnerable[6] ; Near
Threatened[7]* |
found in lowland forest |
Woodland |
Three trees (Assessment Area) |
Hairy-fruited Ormosia Ormosia
pachycarpa |
Endangered[7] |
found in several localities |
Woodland |
About 30 seedlings, two saplings and one young tree (Study Area) |
[1] Xing et
al. (2000) [2] AFCD
(2007) [3] AFCD (2008)
[4] AFCD (2009) [5] AFCD (2011) [6] IUCN (2013)
[7] AFCD (2003)
* Conservation/
Protection Status is stated in China
Plant Red Data Book and Illustration
of Rare & Endangered Plant in Guangdong Province as stipulated in AFCD
Mammals (Bats)
Literature review
10.4.21 The only mammal previously reported in the Assessment Area was Eurasian
Wild Pig Sus scrofa in the woodland/shrubland
in the north during Planning and Engineering Feasibility Study for Development
at Anderson Road (CED 1998). This is a widely-distributed species in Hong Kong.
10.4.22 Chan and Shek (2006) and Shek (2006) reported that small colonies (1-10
individuals) of Short-nosed Fruit Bat Cynopterus
sphinx were found roosting in Chinese Fan-palm in the urban areas of Kwun
Tong District. This fruit bat species is widely distributed in various
habitats from woodlands, lowlands to urban areas (such as landscaped area and
urban parks with suitable roosting palms) at lower elevations. The identified
roosts in these two studies were located outside the 500m Assessment Area.
Field surveys
10.4.23 No suitable sites for
roosting bats were recorded from the Study Area. A single Japanese Pipistrelle Pipistrellus abramus, was recorded
foraging in several locations in the secondary woodland and developed areas to
the north, northeast and southeast of the Assessment Area in low densities
during surveys, with no more than two individuals observed at a single time.
Japanese Pipistrelle is protected under Cap. 170. However, it is widespread and frequently
recorded in urbanised areas in Hong Kong (Chan & Shek 2006, Shek 2006).
Literature review
10.4.24 Twenty-seven bird species were recorded in the EIA study for the
Development at Anderson Road (AEIAR-005/1999) (CED 1998), but none are of
conservation interest. Of these 27, 16 were recorded as possible, probable or
confirmed breeding species in the survey site (CED 1998). All these 16 species
are common and widespread in Hong Kong, and of no conservation significance.
Field surveys
10.4.25 Forty bird species were recorded in the surveys, 28 of which were
recorded in the Study Area (see Appendix
10.3). Of the 40 species recorded, three are of conservation concern,
(Black Kite, Crested Serpent Eagle and Grey-chinned Minivet), but only the
first was recorded within the Study Area. A maximum of two Black Kites were
observed flying overhead near the secondary woodland within the Study Area,
while one Crested Serpent Eagle was seen over secondary woodland in the
Assessment Area (Figure 227724/E/6304). These two species are listed as of
conservation concern by Fellowes et al.
(2002) based on the restrictedness in breeding and/or roosting sites rather
than in general occurrence. Hence, these observations in this area are of no
conservation significance. Grey-chinned Minivet is a species common in mature
secondary woodlands in Hong Kong and a maximum count of one Grey-chinned
Minivet was recorded in the secondary woodland in the northeast of the
Assessment Area.
Details of the bird species of conservation importance are shown in Table 10.4. A full list of species
recorded, including scientific names, is shown in Appendix 10.3.
Table 10.4: Bird species of conservation
importance recorded in the Study Area and Assessment Area.
Species |
Conservation Status (Fellowes et al. 2002)[1] |
Max. count |
Area/ Habitats Recorded |
Kite Milvus migrans |
(Regional Concern) |
2 |
Study Area (Secondary Woodland) |
Crested Serpent Eagle Spilornis
cheela |
(Local Concern) |
1 |
Assessment Area (Secondary Woodland) |
Grey-chinned Minivet Pericrocotus
solaris |
Local Concern |
1 |
Assessment Area (Secondary Woodland) |
[1] Conservation status in parentheses indicates that the assessment is on the basis of restrictedness in breeding and/or roosting sites rather than in general occurrence.
Literature review
10.4.27 Eleven amphibian species are likely to occur in the Assessment Area
according to the habitat types and the distribution in Hong Kong (scientific
names are provided in Appendix 10.4).
They are Asian Common Toad, Asiatic Painted Frog, Butler’s Pigmy Frog, Ornate Pigmy Frog, Paddy Frog,
Gunther's Frog, Green Cascade Frog, and Brown Tree Frog, which are all common
in Hong Kong and of no conservation concern (Karsen et al. 1998, Chan et al. 2005). Amphibian species of conservation concern that may
occur in the Assessment Area include Hong Kong Newt Paramesotriton hongkongensis, Lesser Spiny Frog Quasipaa exilispinosa, and Short-legged
Toad Xenophrys brachykolos (Fellowes et al. 2002, Chan et al. 2005). However, no herpetofauna data relevant to the
Assessment Area have been presented in the relevant literature (e.g. CED
Field surveys
10.4.28 A total of 12 amphibian species and four reptile species were recorded
in the whole study, of which eight amphibians and three reptile species were
recorded in the Study Area (see Appendix
10.4). Three of the amphibian species and one of the reptile species
recorded are of conservation concern (see Table
10.5) and locations are shown in
Figure 227724/E/6305.
10.4.29 Hong Kong Newts were recorded in both the Study Area and Assessment Area.
The species was found in the concrete U-channel in the Plantation in the Study
Area in the May and June surveys; such channel habitat is not typical for this
species, and these individuals were probably washed off nearby terrestrial
habitat during their seasonal migration in their non-breeding period (Apr-Aug)
(Chan et al.2005, Fu 2010). In addition, up to nine Hong Kong Newts were
recorded in the natural watercourse (watercourse no. 1) at Tan Shan village. This species is of Potential
Global Concern (Fellowes et al. 2002)
and listed as Near Threatened in the IUCN Red List (IUCN 2013), despite it being
common and widespread in unpolluted mountain streams in Hong Kong (Chan et al. 2005).
10.4.30 Short-legged Toads were heard calling in three streams (watercourse no. 3,
5 and 6) in the Assessment
Area in June and July. This species, which occurs in hill streams with wooded
banks (Chan et al. 2005), is common
and widespread on Hong Kong Island but restricted to a few localities in the
New Territories and Lantau Island (Chan et
al. 2005). Short-legged Toad is possibly endemic to Hong Kong (Chan et al. 2005), and is of Potential Global
Concern (Fellowes et al. 2002) and listed
as ‘Endangered’ in the IUCN Red List (IUCN 2013).
10.4.31 Two Lesser Spiny Frogs were heard in the natural watercourse (watercourse no. 2) in the Assessment Area in the
night-time survey conducted in May. Tadpoles of this species were recorded in
significant numbers from both streams (watercourse section no. 8a and 8c) in the southeast of the Study
Area. This species can be found within
or near streams at different altitudes throughout Hong Kong (Chan et al. 2005). It is listed as ‘Potential Global Concern’ in Fellowes et al. (2002) and ‘Vulnerable’ in the IUCN Red List (2013).
10.4.32 All three amphibian species of conservation concern recorded inhabit
streams with good riparian vegetative cover; streams in the wider Assessment Area
are good quality habitat for amphibians.
10.4.33 The only reptile species of conservation importance recorded was a
Common Rat Snake Ptyas mucosus found in the plantation in the Study Area in the April survey. This
species can be found in a range of habitats such as shrubland and grassland,
but is much less common in wooded areas (Karsen et al. 1998). It is a ‘Potential Regional Concern’ species in Fellowes et al. (2002)
and ‘Endangered’ in the China Red Data Book (Zhao 1998)
although it is common in open habitats around Hong Kong (Karsen et al. 1998).
Table 10.5: Herpetofauna species of
conservation importance recorded in the Assessment Area
Species |
Conservation Status (Fellowes et al 2002) |
IUCN Red List Status |
Max. count |
Area/ Habitats |
Hong Kong Newt Paramesotriton hongkongensis |
Global Concern |
Threatened |
10 (1 at Study Area and 9 at Assessment Area) |
Study Area (Concrete U-Channel in Plantation) |
Short-legged Toad Xenophrys brachykolos |
Global Concern |
Endangered |
5 |
Assessment Area (Watercourse no. 3, 5 and 6) |
Lesser Spiny Frog Quasipaa exilispinosa |
Global Concern |
Vulnerable |
2 |
Study Area (Watercourse section no. 8a and 8c) Assessment Area (Watercourse no. 2) |
Rat Snake Ptyas mucosus |
Potential Regional Concern |
- |
1 |
Study Area (Plantation) |
Literature review
10.4.34 No data directly relevant to the Assessment Area could be found
in the literature.
Field surveys
10.4.35 A total of 18 dragonfly species were recorded in the whole study, of
which seven were recorded in the Study Area (see Appendix 10.5). Five dragonfly species recorded in the study are of
conservation concern and two of these were found within the Study Area. Details
of their conservation status are shown in Table
10.6 and locations shown in Figure 227724/E/6306.
10.4.36 A single Chinese Yellowface was recorded in the streams (watercourse no. 1
and 3) in or close to secondary woodlands in the April and June survey
respectively. Habitats of this species are forest seepages and small streams in
woodland (Tam et al. 2011). Although this species is of ‘Local Concern’ (Fellowes et al. 2002), it is abundant around Hong Kong (Tam et al. 2011).
10.4.37 A Blue-tailed Shadowdamsel was recorded in
the stream (watercourse no. 3) in secondary
woodland in the Assessment Area in the survey conducted in June. This species
can be found in small streams in mature forest (Tam et al. 2011). Blue-tailed Shadowdamsel is listed as ‘Global
Concern’ in Fellowes et al. (2002); despite it being common and widespread in well
forested areas around Hong Kong (Tam et
al. 2011).
10.4.38 A Hong Kong Clubtail was seen perching
in plantation in the Study Area during the survey conducted in June. This is a
species that lives in woodlands near streams (Tam et al. 2011); it is of Local Concern in Fellowes et al. (2002) and endemic to Hong Kong
(Tam et al. 2011), although it is
common and widespread here (Tam et al. 2011).
10.4.39 A Ruby Darter was recorded in the
grassland next to village environs in the Assessment Area in the May survey.
This species can be found in marshes and densely vegetated ponds (Tam et al. 2011). It is of ‘Local Concern’ (Fellowes et al. 2002) but
this species is common and widespread in Hong Kong (Tam et al. 2011).
10.4.40 Emerald Cascader was recorded in the
Study Area in June and July. Emerald Cascaders were found soaring over the
plantation, secondary woodland and grassland/ shrubland in the Study Area. This
species can be found in fast-flowing section of streams and young adults of
this species often soar over woodlands (Tam et
al. 2011). Emerald Cascader is a species of Potential Global
Concern in Fellowes et al. (2002) but
it is abundant and widespread in woodland streams all over Hong Kong (Tam et al. 2011).
10.4.41 All except one dragonfly species of
conservation importance recorded in the surveys lives in streams in woodlands (Tam
et al. 2011); this shows that streams
in the Assessment Area are of some ecological importance to dragonflies,
despite the fact that all species are either abundant or common
throughout Hong Kong (Tam et al. 2011).
Table 10.6: Dragonfly species of conservation importance recorded in the
Assessment Area
Species |
Conservation Status (Fellowes et al. 2002) |
Status in
Hong Kong (Tam et al. 2011) |
Max. count |
Area/ Habitats |
Chinese Yellowface Agriomorpha
fusca |
Local Concern |
Abundant |
1 |
Assessment Area (Watercourse no. 1 and 3) |
Blue-tailed Shadowdamsel Drepanosticta
hongkongensis |
Concern |
Common |
1 |
Assessment Area (Watercourse no. 3) |
Hong Kong Clubtail Leptogomphus
hongkongensis |
Local Concern |
Common |
1 |
Study Area (Plantation) |
Ruby Darter Rhodothemis
rufa |
Local Concern |
Common |
1 |
Assessment Area (Grassland) |
Emerald Cascader Zygonyx
iris |
Potential Global Concern |
Abundant |
14 |
Study Area (Plantation, Secondary Woodland &
Grassland/Shrubland) |
Literature review
10.4.42 No data directly relevant to the Assessment Area could be
found in the literature.
Field surveys
10.4.43 A total of 63 butterfly species were recorded in the surveys, of which 54
were recorded in the Study Area (see Appendix
10.6). A total of 16 butterfly species of conservation importance were
recorded in the surveys, of which four are of ‘Local Concern’ (Fellowes et al. 2002), three are ‘Very Rare’; four are ‘Rare’ and seven are ‘Uncommon’ (Chan et
al. 2011). Among these 16 species of conservation importance, 11 and three butterflies were
recorded in the plantation and secondary woodland respectively within the Study
Area. These 16 species, including their scientific names, are listed in Table 10.7 and their locations are
shown in Figure 227724/E/6307.
10.4.44 Orange Awlet and Bamboo Tree Brown are the only two butterfly species of
conservation concern not recorded in the Study Area. A caterpillar of Orange
Awlet was recorded in the secondary woodland in the Assessment Area in July. This
species occurs in woodland and has been recorded in a few localities in Hong
Kong (including Sai Kung West) only (Lo and Hui 2010). This is a ‘Very Rare’ species in Hong Kong (Chan et al.
10.4.45 Except Orange Awlet, the other two ‘Very Rare’ species are Indian Awl King and
Hainan Palm Dart. Only a single individual of each species was recorded in plantation in
the Study Area (Chan et al. 2011).
Both species are listed as ‘Local Concern’ in Fellowes et al. (2002). They have different habitat preferences, with Indian
Awl King preferring shaded woodland while Hainan Palm Dart preferring abandoned
exposed grasslands and shrublands (Lo and Hui 2010). The larval food plant of
the former are native tree species found in mature secondary woodland (Meliosma fordii and M. rigida), while the food plant for the latter is a common
perennial herb species (Miscanthus
sinensis). Both species are found in most country parks in Hong Kong (Lo
and Hui 2010).
10.4.46 Four ‘Rare’ butterfly species were recorded in the study; they are Banded Awl,
Common Dart, White-banded Flat and Constable (Chan et al. 2011); Of these, Common Dart and Constable are also listed
as species of ‘Local Concern’ in Fellowes et al. (2002). Apart from Constable, which was recorded once in the
survey period with a count of two individuals, only a single individual of the
other species were recorded once in the survey period.
10.4.47 Both Common Dart and Constable are listed as a species of ‘Local Concern’ in Fellowes et al. (2002) and
regarded as a ‘Rare’ species in Chan et al.
(2011). Lo & Hui (2010) noted that the former species is the rarest of the
four Potanthus species in Hong Kong
and is found in Sai Kung West. However, the larval food plant is a common
perennial herb in Hong Kong (Micanthus
floridulus) and is common in abandoned fields and grasslands. Constable can
be found in most country parks in Hong Kong and has a habitat preference for
well vegetated uplands (Lo & Hui 2010). Its larval food plant is M. fordii and M. rigida (HKLS 2010) which are found in mature secondary
10.4.48 The caterpillar of Banded Awl feeds on a common native coastal tree
species Pongamia pinnata and is found
mainly in woodlands near the coast, including Sai Kung (Lo & Hui 2010).White-banded Flat is known to
occur in well-vegetated areas in most country parks (Lo & Hui 2010). Seven ‘Uncommon’
butterfly species were recorded in the study; they are Restricted Demon, Indian
Palm Bob, Plains Cupid, Striped Blue Crow, Bamboo Tree Brown, Dark Evening
Brown and Yellow Orange Tip. Of these, Bamboo Tree Brown was only recorded in
the Assessment Area (single observation of one individual), and Restricted
Demon and Dark Evening Brown were observed in both the Study Area and the
Assessment Area. All other ‘Uncommon’ species were recorded only in the Study
Area, and, with the exception of Indian Palm Bob, all records involved single
observations of one individual. Two individuals of Indian Palm Bob were
recorded once in the plantation area within the Study Area.
10.4.49 Though considered ‘Uncommon’, Restricted Demon, Indian Palm Bob, Dark
Evening Brown and Yellow Orange Tips are known to occur in most country parks
and all, except Indian Palm Bob, prefer well wooded area such as forest,
woodlands and shaded woodlands (Lo & Hui 2010), while Indian Palm Bob is
noted to prefer urban areas (Lo & Hui 2010). The larval food plant for
Plains Cupid is Cycas revoluta (HKLS 2010) which is commonly
planted as an ornamental species in Hong Kong. Striped Blue Crow and Bamboo
Tree Brown prefer forest areas (and bamboo groves for the latter) and are known
to occur in several locations with mature secondary woodlands in Hong Kong.
Table 10.7: Butterfly species of
conservation importance recorded in the Assessment Area
Species |
Conservation Status (Fellowes et al. 2002) |
Status in
Hong Kong (Chan et al. 2011) |
Max. count |
Area/ Habitats Recorded |
Orange Awlet Bibasis oedipodea |
- |
Very Rare |
1 (Caterpillar) |
Assessment Area (Secondary Woodland) |
Indian Awl King Choaspes benjaminii |
Local Concern |
Very Rare |
1 |
Study Area (Plantation) |
Banded Awl Hasora chromus |
- |
Rare |
1 |
Study Area (Plantation) |
Swift sp. - |
[1] |
[1] |
1 |
Study Area (Plantation & Secondary Woodland) |
Restricted Demon Notocrypta
curvifascia |
- |
Uncommon |
1 (Study Area) and 1 (Assessment Area) |
Study Area (Secondary Woodland) & Assessment Area (Secondary Woodland) |
Common Dart Potanthus
pseudomaesa |
Local Concern |
Rare |
1 |
Study Area (Plantation) |
Indian Palm Bob Suastus gremius |
- |
Uncommon |
2 |
Study Area (Plantation) |
sp. - |
[2] |
[2] |
1 |
Study Area (Plantation) |
Hainan Palm Dart Telicota besta |
Concern |
Very Rare |
1 |
Study Area (Plantation) |
White-banded Flat Gerosis
phisara |
- |
Rare |
1 |
Study Area (Grassland/ Shrubland) |
Plains Cupid Chilades pandava |
- |
Uncommon |
1 |
Study Area (Plantation) |
Striped Blue Crow Euploea mulciber |
- |
Uncommon |
1 |
Study Area (Plantation) |
Constable Dichorragia
nesimachus |
Local Concern |
Rare |
2 |
Study Area (Secondary Woodland) |
Bamboo Tree Brown Lethe
europa |
- |
Uncommon |
1 |
Assessment Area (Secondary Woodland) |
Dark Evening Brown Melanitis
phedima |
- |
Uncommon |
3 (Study Area) and 1 (Assessment Area) |
Study Area (Plantation) & Assessment Area (Secondary Woodland) |
Yellow Orange Tip Ixias
pyrene |
- |
Uncommon |
1 |
Study Area (Plantation) |
[1] Paintbrush Swift (Baoris farri), Colon Swift (Caltoris bromus) and Dark Swift (Caltoris cohira) are indistinguishable in field. Paintbrush Swift and Dark Swift are 'Rare' species and Colon Swift is 'Very Rare in Hong Kong (Chan et al. 2011).
[2] There are four species of Dart in the Genus Telicota in Hong Kong. Of which T. besta and T.colon are species of Local Concern (Fellowes et al. 2002). In Chan et al. (2011), T. ancilla is listed as 'Uncommon', T.colon and T. ohara are listed as 'Rare' and T. besta is listed as 'Very Rare'.
Stream fauna
Literature review
10.4.50 No data directly relevant to the Assessment Area could be
found in the literature.
Field surveys
10.4.51 Surveys of aquatic invertebrates recorded nine taxa in the Study Area (see
Appendix 10.7), including two crab
species of conservation concern (see Table
10.8 and Figure 227724/E/6308).
10.4.52 The freshwater crab Cryptopotamon anacoluthon was
recorded in the streams (watercourse section no.
8a) found within the young woodland to the north of
Anderson Road and that to the south
(watercourse section no. 8c) of Anderson Road in the
Study Area. It is endemic to Hong Kong, of ‘Potential Global Concern’ (Fellowes et al. 2002) and
listed as ‘Vulnerable’ in the IUCN Red List (IUCN 2013). C.
anacoluthon occurs in unpolluted, shaded and fast-flowing streams (IUCN
2013) and is fairly common and widespread in local unpolluted
10.4.53 Another Freshwater Crab species Nanhaipotamon hongkongense was found in the stream (watercourse
no. 3) in the Secondary Woodland in the northeast of the
Assessment Area. This species is also endemic to Hong Kong (IUCN 2013) and of
Potential Global Concern (Fellowes et al.
2002). It is usually found in Secondary Woodland and is a terrestrial crab
species that lives in dry areas of the banks of the streams and is rarely found
in water body (IUCN 2013).
Table 10.8: Stream fauna of conservation
importance recorded in the Assessment Area.
Scientific Name |
Conservation Status (Fellowes et al. 2002) |
IUCN Red list
Status (IUCN 2013) |
Max. count |
Area/ Habitats |
anacoluthon |
Potential Global Concern |
Vulnerable |
1 |
Study Area (Watercourse section no. 8a and 8c) |
Nanhaipotamon hongkongense |
Potential Global Concern |
- |
1 |
Assessment Area (Watercourse no. 3) |
of Ecological Importance of Habitats and Species
10.5.1 Based on the above observations and the criteria set in Annex 8 of
TM-EIAO, ecological values of the habitats recorded within the Study Area and
Assessment Area are assessed below.
10.5.2 Natural watercourses within the Study Area are located in secondary
woodland in the southeast (i.e watercourse section no. 8a – 8f in Figure 227724/E/6201). Access to the upper sections
of these watercourses (watercourse section no. 8b) were limited due to the steep topography and dense vegetation present.
The lower sections of these streams (section no. 8c and 8e) run beneath Anderson Road and Po Lam Road to
enter the southeast of the Assessment Area. Within the Assessment Area, the
easternmost of the two watercourses (section no. 8c and 8d) is largely natural, with riparian vegetation
and generally good water quality. One Lesser Spiny Frog and a freshwater crab Crytopotamon anacoluthon was recorded in
each of
the watercourse section no. 8a and 8c. However, the lower section of the stream to the west (section no. 8e) has been lost to an adjacent
development. The upper section (above Anderson Road, section no. 8a) is highly seasonal, with flow
only present after periods of heavy rain. Three semi-permanent pools are
located at the base of three waterfalls in this steep watercourse (section no. 8a); high numbers of Lesser Spiny
Frog tadpoles and a freshwater crab Crytopotamon
anacoluthon were
recorded from these pools. Watercourses present in the northeast and east of
the Assessment Area are semi-natural to natural, usually with a retained
natural bottom and sometimes partly concrete-lined (watercourse no. 1 – 7 in Figure 227724/E/6201). Several narrow hillside
streams are dry or seasonally wet and could have water flow after heavy
rainfall. One seedling of the protected tree species Aquilaria sinensis was
recorded near a dry watercourse close to Wilson Trail Stage 3
in the east of the Assessment Area (watercourse no. 5) (Figure 227724/E/6302). Single individual of Lesser Spiny Frog was recorded in a dry stream (watercourse no. 2)
(Figure 227724/E/6305), while low
number of Short-legged Toad were recorded in other streams (watercourse no. 5
and 6) (Figure 227724/E/6305). Both amphibian species are
regarded as of Potential Global Concern by Fellowes et al. (2002) but are widely distributed locally (Chan et al. 2005). A maximum of nine individuals
(recorded in a single survey) of the locally-protected Hong Kong Newt, and a dragonfly Chinese
Yellowface were recorded in a tributary (watercourse no. 1) (Figure 227724/E/6306) of Tseng Shue
Stream in the Sam Long area. In addition, one Short-legged Toad, two dragonflies
Chinese Yellowface and Blue-tailed Shadowdamsel, and a freshwater crab Nanhaipotamon hongkongense were recorded in the semi-natural
stream (watercourse no. 3) (Figure 227724/E/6306
and 6308) connected with Tseng Lan Shue Stream.
Given that these semi-natural streams are partly aligned with riparian
vegetation and have reasonable water quality, streams connected with Tseng Lan
Shue Stream are considered to provide potential breeding/ nursery ground for
amphibians and Hong Kong Newt, and hence they are of higher ecological
significance than other hillside dry/seasonal streams in the terrestrial
10.5.3 The channelised watercourses located to the northeast of Shun Chi Court
and south of Po Tat Estate are highly modified and connected with the drainage
system in the urban area. They are of very limited value to flora or fauna, and
of very low ecological significance. The ecological evaluation of these
watercourses within the Study Area and Assessment Area is summarised in Tables 10.9 and 10.10 respectively.
Table 10.9: Ecological evaluation of watercourses within the Study Area
Criteria |
within Study Area |
Naturalness |
sections of the watercourses (watercourse section no. 8a and 8b) are
semi-natural to natural, but the lower section of the watercourse to the west
(section no. 8e) is a channelised one, while that of the easternmost
watercourse within the Study Area (section no. 8c) is semi-natural to natural. |
Size |
in length (Length: approx. 1.5km) within the Study Area. |
Diversity |
fauna and floral diversity. |
Rarity |
common habitat in Hong Kong. Tadpoles
of Lesser Spiny Frog and a freshwater crab Crytopotamon anacoluthon recorded in watercourse section no. 8a; these
two species were also recorded from watercourse located in the southeast of
the Study Area (section no. 8c). |
Re-creatability |
be re-created in current form |
Fragmentation |
watercourses within the Study Area are not fragmented. |
Ecological Linkage |
ecological linkage with other adjacent hillside secondary woodland and
grassland/ shrubland. |
Potential Value |
could be increased if protected and managed for wildlife. |
Nursery/ Breeding Ground |
numbers of Lesser Spiny Frog tadpoles recorded from seasonal stream in the
west (above Anderson Road) (section no. 8a) |
Age |
Unknown. |
Abundance/ Richness of Wildlife |
Low |
Ecological Value |
Moderate |
Table 10.10: Ecological evaluation of
watercourses within the
Assessment Area
Criteria |
Watercourses (watercourse section no. 8d and 8f) connected with
streams in the Study Area |
Watercourses (watercourse no. 1-7) to the northeast and east of
Assessment Area |
Channelized watercourse to the northeast of Shun Chi Court and south
Po Tat Estate |
Naturalness |
Lower section of the watercourse on the west is
partly channelised, semi-natural to natural lower reaches and that in the
east is semi-natural to natural |
Semi-natural to natural, some stream sections in
developed area are partly concrete lined but with natural bottom |
Highly modified with concrete lined and bottom. |
Size |
Small in length (Length: Approx. 0.8km). |
Moderate in length (Length: Approx. 4.7km) |
Small in length (Length: Approx. 0.5km) |
Diversity |
Low fauna and
flora diversity. |
Rarity |
A common habitat type in Hong Kong. Fauna common and widespread. |
Dry/ seasonal hillside streams are common in Hong
Kong, while lowland tributaries such as Tseng Lan Shue Stream in Sam Long
area are not common. A seedling of Aquilaria sinensis
was recorded in watercourse
no. 5; Fauna of conservation concern are Hong Kong Newt,
Lesser Spiny Frog, Short-legged Toad, dragonflies Chinese Yellowface
and Blue-tailed Shadowdamsel, and the freshwater crab Nanhaipotamon hongkongense. |
Channelized watercourse in developed areas is
common habitat in Hong Kong. Fauna common and widespread. |
Re-creatability |
Could be
re-created in current form |
Fragmentation |
Somewhat fragmented by roads. |
Individual watercourses not fragmented. |
Somewhat fragmented by developed areas and roads. |
Ecological Linkage |
Ecologically linked with other adjacent hillside
secondary woodland, grassland/ shrubland and streams |
None of significance. |
Potential Value |
The watercourse to the east could increase value
if protected and managed for wildlife, while scope of enhancement for the
watercourse to the west is limited without re-engineering |
Value would be increased if pollution source
removed, and protected and managed for wildlife. |
Very limited scope for enhancement. |
Breeding Ground |
Not known to support any significant nursery/
breeding ground for fauna. |
Tributaries of Tseng Lan Shue Stream in Sam Long
area could be potential nursery/ breeding ground of Hong Kong Newt and
amphibians. |
Not known to support any significant nursery/
breeding ground for fauna. |
Age |
Unknown. |
Unknown, but was built fairly recently. |
Abundance/ Richness of Wildlife |
Low abundance/ richness of wildlife |
Low to Moderate abundance/ richness of wildlife |
Low abundance/ richness of wildlife |
Ecological Value |
Low to
Moderate due to the connection with the upper
watercourses in which fauna of conservation importance were found, and potential
value for stream enhancement |
to High for lowland tributaries connected with Tseng Lan Shue Stream in Sam
Long area due to the record of Hong Kong Newt, two dragonflies, two amphibians
and one freshwater crab of conservation concern. These streams are a
potential nursery/ breeding ground for Hong Kong Newt and amphibians. Low to Moderate for other dry/ seasonal hillside
streams to the northeast and east due to the record of two amphibian species
of conversation concern. |
Low due to
its highly modified habitat unsuitable for floral and faunal colonization. |
Agricultural Land
10.5.4 Two very small pieces of dry agricultural land are located in Ma Yau
Tong in the southeast of the Assessment Area. These are isolated
areas of farmland, and do not support significant floristic or faunal diversity
due to the high levels of human disturbance. The ecological evaluation of this
habitat type within the Assessment Area is summarized in Table 10.11.
Table 10.11: Ecological evaluation of
agricultural land
Criteria |
Land within Assessment Area |
Naturalness |
Man-made habitat and heavily managed. |
Size |
Very small (0.2 ha) within the Assessment Area. |
Diversity |
Low faunal and floristic diversity. |
Rarity |
Common habitat type in village environs away from
the main urban area in Hong Kong. |
Re-creatability |
Readily re-created. |
Fragmentation |
Fragmented by other abandoned farmland that have
gradually developed into habitats with less disturbance and relatively higher
ecological value. |
Ecological Linkage |
Some ecological linkage with the surrounding
secondary woodland. |
Potential Value |
Limited scope under current intensive management
regime and its small size. |
Nursery/ Breeding Ground |
Not known for any significant nursery/ breeding
ground. |
Age |
Unknown. |
Abundance/ Richness of Wildlife |
Low abundance/ richness of wildlife. |
Value |
Low due to small size and current intensive management regime. |
10.5.5 Grassland habitats within the Assessment Area are located in the
northeast (Sam Long area), east (west of Au Tau) and southwest (along Wilson
Trail Stage 3). These habitats are generally young in age. Three patches
identified in the village environs are developed from abandoned farmland, while
another patch comprises hillside grassland. These habitats support very low
floristic diversity (mainly grass species). Fauna species, such as amphibians,
may occur in these habitats as some lowland grassland in village areas could be
flooded after heavy rain. However, ecological importance of these habitats to
fauna is less significant and the recorded fauna are common to very common
species. Its ecological significance is further reduced due to human
disturbance. The ecological evaluation of grassland within the Assessment Area
is summarized in Table 10.12.
Table 10.12: Ecological evaluation of
Criteria |
Grassland to the northeast and east in
village environs within Assessment Area |
Hillside Grassland within Assessment Area |
Naturalness |
gradually evolved from abandoned farmland in the village environs. |
maintained by periodic hill fire. |
Size |
Small size (2.0
ha) in the Assessment Area. |
Very small size
(0.1 ha) in the Assessment Area. |
Diversity |
Very low floristic
and low fauna diversity |
Very low floristic
and low fauna diversity |
Rarity |
Lowland grassland
of this type is common in village environs in Hong Kong. |
Hillside grassland
is a common habitat type in Hong Kong. |
Re-creatability |
re-created. |
re-created. |
Fragmentation |
Fragmented by
village houses. |
Not fragmented. |
Ecological Linkage |
Some linkage to
hillside secondary woodland in Tai Sheung Tok Hill. |
linked to hillside secondary woodland and some linkage to shrubby grassland
in Tai Sheung Tok Hill. |
Potential Value |
Limited scope due
to potential human disturbance in village environs. |
Succession to
shrubby grassland and woodland in the absence of disturbance. |
Nursery/ Breeding
Ground |
Not known for
significant nursery/ breeding ground |
Not known for
significant nursery/ breeding ground |
Age |
Uncertain, but
approximately 10 years. |
Uncertain, but
approximately 10 years. |
Abundance/ Richness of
Wildlife |
Low abundance/
richness of wildlife. |
Low abundance/
richness of wildlife. |
Ecological Value |
Low |
Low |
Grassland /
10.5.6 A small piece of shrubby grassland is located in the east of the Study
Area. This habitat is a typical hillside habitat dominated by common shrub and
small tree species. It supports a moderate floristic diversity but simpler
floristic structure; however, at least 10 individuals of the protected Chinese
Lily Lilium brownii were recorded on
the hillside among grasses. A rare butterfly White-banded Flat was
also recorded in this grassland/shrubland during the survey.
10.5.7 The small shrubby grassland within the Study Area extends and connects
with the larger patch on Tai Sheung Tok Hill, as well as two relatively small patches of shrubby grassland found between the secondary
woodlands in Sam Long and Au Tau areas. These habitats in the Assessment Area
support floristic diversity and structure similar to those in the Study Area. A
maximum of three individuals of the dragonfly species Emerald Cascader were recorded in the shrubby grassland
to the east of Assessment Area. This species is considered to be of Potential
Global Concern by Fellowes et al. (2002),
but is regarded as abundant throughout the territory by Tam et al. (2011). The ecological evaluation
of grassland/shrubland within the Study Area and Assessment Area is summarized
in Tables 10.13 and 10.14 respectively.
Table 10.13: Ecological evaluation of
grassland/ shrubland within the Study Area
Criteria |
Grassland/ Shrubland within Study Area |
Naturalness |
Semi-natural to natural through natural succession |
Size |
Small size (3.6 ha) in the Study Area. |
Diversity |
Moderate floristic diversity but simpler floristic
structure. |
Rarity |
Hillside Grassland/ Shrubland habitat is common in
Hong Kong. At least 10 individuals of the protected Chinese Lily Lilium brownie, one rare butterfly
species (White-banded Flat) was recorded within the Study Area. |
Re-creatability |
Readily re-created. |
Fragmentation |
Not fragmented. |
Ecological Linkage |
Ecologically linked to the nearby hillside
woodland. |
Potential Value |
Succession to shrubland and woodland in the absence
of disturbance. |
Nursery/ Breeding Ground |
None of significant nursery/ breeding ground known. |
Age |
Uncertain, but approximately formed in 20 years. |
Abundance/ Richness of
Wildlife |
Low. |
Ecological Value |
Low to Moderate due
to the presence of at least 10 individuals of the protected herb Chinese Lily
and a rare butterfly White-banded Flat. |
Table 10.14: Ecological evaluation of grassland/shrubland
within the Assessment Area
Criteria |
Grassland/ Shrubland within Assessment Area |
Naturalness |
Semi-natural to natural through natural succession,
with sign of human disturbance (e.g. presence of graves). |
Size |
Small size (11.7 ha) in the Assessment Area. |
Diversity |
Moderate floristic diversity but simpler
structure. |
Rarity |
Hillside Grassland/ Shrubland is a common habitat
type in Hong Kong. Three individuals of Emerald
cascader (Potential Global Concern) were recorded in the shrubby
grassland to the east of the Assessment Area. |
Re-creatability |
Readily re-created. |
Fragmentation |
No fragmentation for the hillside patch continues
with the shrubby grassland within the Study Area. The two smaller patches to
the northeast of the Assessment Area are fragmented by secondary woodland and
villages. |
Ecological Linkage |
Ecologically linked to the nearby hillside
woodland. |
Potential Value |
Succession to shrubland and woodland in the
absence of disturbance. |
Nursery/ Breeding Ground |
None of significant nursery/ breeding ground
known. |
Age |
Uncertain, but approximately formed in 20 years. |
Richness of Wildlife |
Low |
Ecological Value |
Low |
Secondary Woodland
10.5.8 Two small patches of secondary woodland were identified in the north and
northeast, and southeast of the Study Area. Woodlands in the north and
northeast sides are connected with the mature woodland outside the Assessment
Area, while the woodlands in the southeast are younger and with simpler
floristic structure. Within the Study Area, a Black Kite was observed flying
overhead the secondary woodland, while sightings of dragonfly Emerald Cascader
and three butterfly species of conservation importance (Swift sp., Constable
and Restricted Demon) were made during the survey period. A maximum of one
individual was recorded for Swift sp. and Restricted Demon, while two
individuals of Constable were recorded in this habitat type within the Study
Area. For dragonfly, a maximum of four individuals of Emerald Cascader were
recorded in June survey. Botanically, a total of 13 seedlings of shrub Diospyros vaccinioides were recorded in
these secondary woodlands. This shrub species is regarded as “Critically Endangered” by IUCN Red List due to its heavy
exploitation for ornamental use in Taiwan. However, it is common and widespread
in local territory. About 30 seedlings, two young saplings and one tree of Ormosia pachycarpa, and a woody climber Gnetum luofuense were recorded in this
young woodland patch in the southeast of the Study Area. Ormosia pachycarpa is an evergreen tree regarded as “Endangered” in China (AFCD 2003) due to over-exploitation outside Hong Kong.
However, this species can be found in several localities in Hong Kong and
Guangdong province, and this species is not locally protected. The woody
climber Gnetum luofuense is regarded
as “Near Threatened” by IUCN Red List due to the loss or
fragmentation of its forest habitat in its biogeographical region. However, it
is commonly found in forest and shrubland in Hong Kong, and is not locally
protected by law.
10.5.9 Due to its ecological linkage with the nearby mature secondary woodland
in Tai Sheung Tok hill, the secondary woodland to the north and northeast
within the Study Area supports higher ecological significance than the one at
the southeast due to its higher structural diversity and faunal diversity. The
ecological evaluation of this habitat type within the Study Area is summarised
in Table 10.15.
10.5.10 Secondary woodlands in the Assessment Area comprise the more mature
woodland patches in the north and northeast, the younger patches in the
southeast, and the younger and simpler woodland patches developed on man-made
slopes in the northwest and south of Assessment Area. A single sighting of two
bird terrestrial bird species, namely Grey-chinned Minivet and Crested Serpent
Eagle, were sighted and heard in the secondary woodland in the northeast side.
Both birds are regarded as “Local Concern” by Fellowes et al. (2002). Four butterfly species of conservation importance,
namely Orange Awlet, Restricted Demon, Bamboo Tree Brown and Dark Evening
Brown, were also recorded in the northern and northeast woodland patches.
Except the very rare Orange Awlet was recorded in the form of caterpillar, the
remaining three uncommon butterfly species were recorded in adult form. The
remaining woodland patches generally support common to very common fauna
species, with faunal diversity lower than the mature woodland patches in the
north and northeast side. Due to its higher structural complexity and less
disturbed character, the patches in the north and northeast side support higher
ecological significance than the rest. The ecological evaluation of this
habitat type within the Assessment Area is summarised in Table 10.16.
Table 10.15: Ecological evaluation of
secondary woodland within the Study Area
Criteria |
Secondary Woodland to the north and
northeast within Study Area |
Secondary Woodland to the southeast
within Study Area |
Naturalness |
Semi-nature to natural through natural succession. |
Size |
Small size (6.9
ha) in the Study Area. |
Small size (8.5
ha) in the Study Area. |
Diversity |
Moderate floristic
diversity and higher structural complexity. |
Moderate floristic
diversity, with comparatively simpler floristic structure. |
Rarity |
Common habitat type in
Hong Kong, two seedlings of Diospyros
vaccinioides, regarded as “Critically Endangered” by IUCN Red List were
recorded. A Black Kite was observed flying overhead the woodland patches,
while sightings of other fauna of conservation importance, including a
dragonfly Emerald Cascader and three butterfly species (Swift sp., Constable
and Restricted Demon) were also made. |
Common habitat type in
Hong Kong, 11 seedlings of Diospyros
vaccinioides, a woody climber Gnetum
luofuense, about 30 seedlings, two young saplings and one tree of Ormosia pachycarpa were recorded.
Lesser Spiny Frogs have been recorded from streams in this habitat, along
with dragonfly Emerald Cascader found in this secondary woodland. |
Re-creatability |
Readily re-created
but trees and habitat structure need time to mature. |
Fragmentation |
Not fragmented |
Ecological Linkage |
linked to secondary woodland to the northeast and north of the Assessment
Area. |
linked to secondary woodland to the southeast of the Assessment Area. |
Potential Value |
Limited scope as
near climax stage. |
Succession to more
mature woodland in the absence of disturbance. |
Nursery/ Breeding Ground |
No significant nursery/ breeding ground known. |
Lesser Spiny Frog
tadpoles recorded from stream in this habitat. |
Age |
Unknown |
Abundance/ Richness of
Wildlife |
Low to Moderate |
Low |
Ecological Value |
Moderate due to its continuity with the more mature secondary
woodland to the north and northeast of the Assessment Area and the presence
of floral and faunal species of conservation importance. |
Moderate due to its size, potential value in developing into more
mature woodlands and presence of floral and faunal species of conservation
importance in association with the watercourse within this habitat. |
Table 10.16: Ecological evaluation of secondary woodland
within the Assessment Area
Criteria |
Secondary Woodland to the north and
northeast of Assessment Area |
Remaining hillside Secondary Woodland to
the southeast of Assessment Area |
Secondary Woodland on man-made slopes at
the northwest and south of Assessment Area |
Naturalness |
Semi-natural to natural
through natural succession |
Largely semi-natural,
with development of self-sown native species and limited human disturbance. |
Size |
Large size (64.0 ha)
within Assessment Area |
Moderate size (26.6 ha)
within Assessment Area |
Relatively small size
(22.4 ha) |
Diversity |
Moderate to high
floristic diversity and higher structural complexity than other woodlands
within the Assessment Area. |
Moderate floristic
diversity, with comparatively simpler floristic structure than the woodland
to the north and northeast of Assessment Area. |
Rarity |
Common habitat in Hong
Kong. More than 50 seedlings and
larger saplings of Diospyros
vaccinioides, 13 young seedlings and two tree forms of protected Aquilaria
sinensis, two individuals of protected Rhododendron spp., as well
as woody climber Gnetum luofuense and three trees of Artocarpus
hypargyreus of conservation importance recorded in these woodlands. Six faunal species of
conservation importance, including two birds (Grey-chinned Minivet and
Crested Serpent Eagle), and four butterflies (Restricted Demon, Bamboo Tree
Brown, Dark Evening Brown and caterpillar of Orange Awlet) were recorded. |
Common habitat in Hong
Kong. |
Common habitat in Hong
Kong. |
Re-creatability |
Readily re-created but
trees and habitat structure need time to mature. |
Fragmentation |
Some fragmentation by
buildings in village and urban area. |
Some fragmentation by
buildings in village and roads. |
Highly fragmented by
developed area and roads. |
Ecological Linkage |
Ecologically linked
with hillside shrubby grassland. |
Limited linkage with
other habitats of ecological significance due to fragmentation. |
Potential Value |
Limited scope as near
climax stage. |
Succession to more
mature woodland in the absence of disturbance. |
Some scope of
enhancement in floristic structure and diversity in the absence of
disturbance. |
Nursery/ Breeding
Ground |
No significant nursery/
breeding ground known. |
Age |
Unknown |
Unknown, but certainly
younger than other woodlands within the Assessment Area. |
Abundance/ Richness of
Wildlife |
Moderate |
Low |
Low |
Ecological Value |
Moderate to High in regard to its mature, continuous canopy structure, as
well as the record of five floral and six faunal species of conservation
importance. |
Low to Moderate due to its size and potential value in developing into
more mature woodlands in time. |
Low due to its isolation, higher exotic species domination
and human disturbance. |
10.5.11 Plantations within the Study Area are established for rehabilitation of
natural vegetated area under the operation of the Anderson Road Quarry.
These stands are young in age and largely comprise exotic plantation species
(such as Acacia spp., Eucalyptus spp. and Casuarina equisetifolia). Natural colonization by native and exotic
plant species in the understorey was noted, but the floristic diversity is
quite low. However, due to its proximity to the natural secondary woodland and
shrubby grassland to the east, these stands support moderate diversity of
fauna, especially for butterfly (48 spp. recorded). Several fauna species of
conservation importance were recorded in low number in these stands or in
concreted U-channel associated with these stands. Two sightings of Hong Kong
Newt were recorded in the concrete U-channel in the plantation in the northeast
of the Study Area. Plantation is not a typical habitat for Hong Kong Newt and
it is believed that the Newt was washed off from the nearby habitats (e.g. secondary
woodland and hillside stream) during their seasonal migration in their
non-breeding period. Other species of conservation recorded comprised Common
Rat Snake and two dragonfly species, namely Hong Kong Clubtail and Emerald
Cascader, and 11 butterfly species. Of the latter, two are considered to be
very rare (Indian Awl King and Hainan Palm Dart), two are rare (Common Dart and
Banded Awl) and five are uncommon (Indian Palm Bob, Plains Cupid,
Dark Evening Brown, Striped Blue Crow and Yellow Orange Tip). The recorded
Swift sp. and Telicota sp. are of
conservation importance. Due to its ecological linkage with the nearby
terrestrial habitats, these plantations are of low to moderate ecological
significance regarding to the faunal diversity. The ecological evaluation of
this habitat type within the Study Area is summarised in Table 10.17.
10.5.12 Plantations within the Assessment Area are composed of stands
established on man-made slopes, along roads or on the hill slope surrounding
infrastructure. These are primarily monocultural stands, with limited natural
colonization by plants in their understorey. These provide limited scope for
fauna utilization due to the close proximity with developed areas. The
ecological evaluation of these plantations within the Assessment Area is
summarised in Table 10.18.
Table 10.17:
Ecological evaluation of plantation within the Study Area
Criteria |
Plantation within Study Area |
Naturalness |
Primarily man-made, with limited natural
colonization of native and exotic plant species in time. |
Size |
Moderate size (21.8 ha) in the Study Area. |
Diversity |
Low floristic diversity and structure, but moderate
diversity of butterfly diversity (48 spp.) |
Rarity |
A very common habitat type in Hong Kong. Faunal
species of conservation importance include tailed amphibian Hong Kong Newt
(found in concrete U-channel in plantation), reptile Common Rat Snake, two
dragonflies (Emerald Cascader and Hong Kong Clubtail) and 11 butterflies (Indian
Awl King, Hainan Palm Dart, Common Dart, Banded Awl, Indian Palm Bob, Plains
Cupid, Dark Evening Brown, Striped Blue Crow, Yellow Orange Tip, Swift sp.
and Telicota sp.) |
Re-creatability |
Readily re-created. |
Fragmentation |
Not fragmented. |
Ecological Linkage |
Ecologically linked with secondary woodland from
the north to southeast of the Study Area. |
Potential Value |
Limited scope of enhancement on the quarry slopes
and benches with thin soil. |
Nursery/ Breeding
Ground |
None of significance known. |
Age |
Established approximately for at least 10 years. |
Abundance/ Richness of
Wildlife |
Low as the abundance of each faunal species
recorded is in low number. |
Ecological Value |
Low to Moderate due
to the presence of floral and faunal species of conservation importance. |
Table 10.18: Ecological evaluation of plantation within the Assessment Area
Criteria |
Plantation within Assessment Area |
Naturalness |
Primarily man-made, with natural colonization of
native and exotic plant species in time. |
Size |
Small size (13.0 ha) in the Assessment Area. |
Diversity |
Low floral and faunal diversity. |
Rarity |
A very common habitat type in Hong Kong. |
Re-creatability |
Readily re-created. |
Fragmentation |
Highly fragmented by developed area and roads. |
Ecological Linkage |
Plantation to the southeast of the Assessment Area
shows some ecological linkage with the surrounding secondary woodlands; other
plantations show no ecological linkage with other habitats of ecological
significance. |
Potential Value |
Limited potential due to disturbance and plantation
stands dominated by exotic species. |
Nursery/ Breeding
Ground |
None of significance known. |
Age |
Unknown. |
Abundance/ Richness of
Wildlife |
Low |
Ecological Value |
Low |
Developed Area
10.5.13 The only developed areas within the Study Area comprise the existing
construction site to the west of Anderson Road, Anderson Road and southern
section of Po Lam Road. These are either construction site or paved areas
heavily used for traffic and are of low ecological significance to wildlife.
The ecological evaluation of the developed area within the Study Area is
summarised in Table 10.19.
10.5.14 Developed area within the Assessment Area includes the ongoing site
formation area to the southwest of the Study Area, public housing estates,
infrastructures and roads from north to south, and low-rise residential
components and village houses in the northeast and southeast.
These habitats, especially the site formation area, are highly modified and
constantly receive significant human intervention. It supports very simple
floristic structure and the vegetation is often cultivated and heavily managed.
Some diversity of fauna, including amphibians, dragonflies and butterflies,
were recorded in these developed areas (especially in village environs
associated with terrestrial habitats). A dragonfly Ruby Darter was recorded at
the fringe of the developed area in Tan Shan. This species is considered to be
of “Local Concern” by Fellowes et al. (2002), but is common throughout Hong Kong. Any fauna
identified in this habitat type are rather common and occur opportunistically
due to the connection with the nearby natural terrestrial habitat. The
ecological evaluation of the developed area within the Assessment Area is
summarised in Table 10.20.
Table 10.19: Ecological evaluation of
developed area within the Study Area
Criteria |
Developed Area within Study Area |
Naturalness |
Entirely man-made. |
Size |
Small size (11.2 ha) in Study Area. |
Diversity |
Construction site or paved area support very low
diversity floral and faunal diversity. |
Rarity |
A very common habitat type in Hong Kong. |
Re-creatability |
Readily re-created. |
Fragmentation |
Not fragmented. |
Ecological Linkage |
Somewhat ecologically linked with the secondary
woodlands. |
Potential Value |
Limited scope for enhancement due to high level of
disturbance. |
Nursery/ Breeding
Ground |
No significant nursery/ breeding ground known. |
Age |
Unknown. |
Abundance/ Richness of
Wildlife |
Very low abundance/ richness of wildlife. |
Ecological Value |
Very Low |
Table 10.20: Ecological evaluation of developed area within
the Assessment Area
Criteria |
Developed Area (concurrent site formation
area) southwest of Study Area |
Developed Area in the remaining
Assessment Area |
Naturalness |
Entirely man-made. |
Size |
Moderate size (Approx.
36.6 ha) in Assessment Area. |
Large size (116.3 ha)
in Assessment Area. |
Diversity |
Very low floristic
diversity and structure. |
Low floristic diversity
and structure, most vegetation are planted. |
Rarity |
A common habitat type
exists before a fully established urban area. |
A very common habitat
type in Hong Kong. A dragonfly Ruby Darter was recorded at the fringe of the
developed area in Tan Shan. |
Re-creatability |
Readily re-created. |
Fragmentation |
Not fragmented. |
Most are not
fragmented, except areas of localized village houses and low-rise buildings. |
Ecological Linkage |
No significant linkage
with habitats of ecological importance. |
Developed areas with
village houses show some linkage with surrounding habitats. |
Potential Value |
Limited scope for enhancement due to high level of
disturbance. |
Nursery/ Breeding
Ground |
No significant nursery/ breeding ground known. |
Age |
Unknown. |
Abundance/ Richness of
Wildlife |
Low |
Ecological Value |
Very Low |
Very Low to Low as the ecological value is slightly higher in village
environs associated with terrestrial habitats |
10.5.15 The Study Area is mainly composed of a quarry site which includes a
service reservoir (i.e. provision of water for dust suppression) and heavily
modified ground with active human intervention over the past 50
years. The quarry site is largely covered in bare ground and supports very low
floristic diversity. Fauna may occur opportunistically via the plantation along
the north and northeast side, but generally the quarry site does not provide
suitable habitats for wildlife due to high levels of human management. The
ecological evaluation of quarry is summarized in Table 10.21.
Table 10.21: Ecological evaluation of
Criteria |
Quarry within Study Area |
Naturalness |
Entirely man-made and highly modified. |
Size |
Large within Study Area (46.5 ha). |
Diversity |
Very low in faunal and floral diversity. |
Rarity |
One of the four quarry sites in Hong Kong, but the
highly modified habitat nature is common in Hong Kong. |
Re-creatability |
Readily re-created, but it takes time to undertake
excavation works over extensive area. |
Fragmentation |
Not fragmented. |
Ecological Linkage |
Somewhat linked ecologically with benches of
plantation and secondary woodland within the Study Area. |
Potential Value |
Limited potential for direct increase in habitat
value unless the current mining and quarrying activities cease. |
Nursery/ Breeding Ground |
Not known for significant nursery/ breeding ground. |
Age |
Almost 50 years. |
Abundance/ Richness of Wildlife |
Low abundance and diversity of wildlife. |
Ecological Value |
Very Low |
10.5.16 A total of seven plants, one mammal, three birds, three amphibians, one
reptile, five dragonflies, 16 butterflies and two freshwater crabs of conservation
importance were identified within the Assessment Area. Locations of these
floral and faunal species of conservation importance identified within the
Study Area and Assessment Area are shown in Figures 227724/E/6301 – 227724/E/6308. Assessment of the ecological
significance of these species is summarized in Tables 10.22 – 10.28.
Table 10.22: Ecological evaluation of
flora of conservation significance recorded in the Study Area and the Assessment
Species |
Protection Status |
Conservation Status |
Distribution in Hong Kong[1-5] |
Ecological Value |
Small Persimmon Diospyros
vaccinioides |
Nil |
Critically Endangered[6] |
Very common in
shrubland, thin forest and thickets in ravines or hillslope habitats |
Low |
Chinese Lily Lilium brownii |
Cap. 96A |
Nil |
Restricted to grassy hillside habitat at
restricted locations |
Medium |
Incense Tree Aquilaria sinensis |
Cap. 586, State Protection (Category II) [7] |
Vulnerable[6]; “Near Threatened” [7]* |
Commonly found in lowland forest and fung shui wood |
Medium |
Rhododendron spp. (Wild population) |
Cap. 96A |
Nil |
Found in shrubland and forest |
Medium |
Luofushan Joint-fir Gnetum luofuense |
Nil |
Near Threatened[6] |
Commonly found in forest and shrubland |
Low |
Silver-back Artocarpus Artocarpus
hypargyreus |
Nil |
Vulnerable[6]; “Near Threatened” [7]* |
Commonly found in lowland forest |
Medium |
Ormosia Ormosia pachycarpa |
Nil |
Endangered[7] |
Restricted, found in several localities |
Medium |
[1] Xing et al. (2000)
[2] AFCD (2007)
[3] AFCD (2008)
[4] AFCD (2009)
[5] AFCD (2011)
[6] IUCN (2013)
[7] AFCD (2003)
* Conservation/ Protection Status is stated in China Plant Red Data Book and Illustration
of Rare & Endangered Plant in Guangdong Province as stipulated in AFCD
Table 10.23. Ecological evaluation of
mammal of conservation significance recorded in the Study Area and the
Assessment Area
Species |
Protection Status |
Conservation Status |
Distribution in Hong Kong |
Ecological Value |
Japanese Pipistrelle |
Cap. 170 |
- |
Widely distributed in HK [2] |
Low |
[1] Fellowes et al. (2002)
[2] Shek (2006)
Table 10.24: Ecological evaluation of birds of conservation significance recorded in the Study Area and the Assessment Area
Species |
Protection Status |
Conservation Status |
Distribution in Hong Kong |
Ecological Value |
Black Kite |
Cap. 170, Cap. 586 |
(Regional Concern)[1] |
Common resident and winter visitor, widely
distributed in HK |
Low (as no roost or breeding site recorded) |
Grey-chinned Minivet |
Cap. 170 |
Local Concern[1] |
Common in winter, scarce in summer |
Low |
Crested Serpent Eagle |
Cap. 170, Cap. 586 |
(Local Concern)[1] |
Uncommon resident, widely distributed in HK |
Low (as no breeding site recorded) |
[1] Fellowes et al. (2002)
Table 10.25: Ecological evaluation of
herpetofauna of conservation significance recorded in the Study Area and the
Assessment Area
Species |
Protection Status |
Conservation Status |
Distribution in Hong
Kong |
Ecological Value |
Hong Kong Newt |
Cap. 170 |
Potential Global Concern[1] Near Threatened[2] |
Common and widespread |
Medium to High |
Lesser Spiny Frog |
Nil |
Potential Global Concern[1] Vulnerable[2] |
Widely distributed in HK |
Medium |
Short-legged Toad |
Nil |
Potential Global Concern[1] Vulnerable[2] |
Widely distributed in HK |
Medium |
Common Rat Snake |
Cap, 568, Appendix II CITES |
Potential Regional Concern[1] |
Common |
Medium |
[1] Fellowes et al. (2002)
[2] IUCN (2013)
Table 10.26: Ecological evaluation of
dragonfly of conservation significance recorded in the Study Area and the
Assessment Area
Species |
Protection Status |
Conservation Status |
Distribution in Hong Kong |
Ecological Value |
Chinese Yellowface |
Nil |
Local Concern[1] |
Abundant[2] |
Low |
Blue-tailed Shadowdamsel |
Nil |
Global Concern[1] |
Common[2] |
Low to Medium |
Hong Kong Clubtail |
Nil |
Local Concern[1] |
Common[2] |
Low to Medium |
Ruby Darter |
Nil |
Local Concern[1] |
Common[2] |
Low to Medium |
Emerald Cascader |
Nil |
Potential Global Concern[1] |
Abundant[2] |
Low |
[1] Fellowes et al. (2002)
[2] Tam et al. (2011)
Table 10.27: Ecological evaluation of
butterfly species of conservation significance recorded in the Study Area and
the Assessment Area
Species |
Conservation Status |
Distribution in Hong Kong |
Ecological Value |
Orange Awlet |
Nil |
Very Rare[1] |
Medium |
Indian Awl King |
Local Concern[2] |
Very Rare[1] |
Medium |
Banded Awl |
Nil |
Rare[1] |
Medium |
Swift sp.[3] |
[3] |
[3] |
Medium |
Restricted Demon |
Nil |
Uncommon[1] |
Low to Medium |
Common Dart |
Local Concern[2] |
Rare[1] |
Medium |
Indian Palm Bob |
Nil |
Uncommon[1] |
Low to Medium |
Hainan Palm Dart |
Local Concern[2] |
Very Rare[1] |
Medium |
White-banded Flat |
Nil |
Rare[1] |
Medium |
Plains Cupid |
Nil |
Uncommon[1] |
Low to Medium |
Striped Blue Crow |
Nil |
Uncommon[1] |
Low to Medium |
Constable |
Local Concern[2] |
Rare[1] |
Medium |
Bamboo Tree Brown |
Nil |
Uncommon[1] |
Low to Medium |
Dark Evening Brown |
Nil |
Uncommon[1] |
Low to Medium |
Yellow Orange Tip |
Nil |
Uncommon[1] |
Low to Medium |
Telicota sp. [4] |
[4] |
[4] |
Medium |
[1] Chan et al. (2011)
[2] Fellowes et al. (2002)
[3] Paintbrush Swift (Baoris farri), Colon Swift (Caltoris bromus) and Dark Swift (Caltoris cohira) are in distinguishable in field. Paintbrush Swift and Dark Swift are 'Rare' species and Colon Swift is 'Very Rare in Hong Kong (Chan et al. 2011).
There are four species of Dart in the Genus Telicota in Hong
Kong. Of which T. besta and T.colon
are species of Local Concern (Fellowes et al. 2002). In Chan et al.
(2011), T. ancilla is listed as 'Uncommon', T.colon and T. ohara are
listed as 'Rare' and T. besta is listed as 'Very Rare'.
Table 10.28: Ecological evaluation of
stream fauna of conservation significance recorded in the Study Area and the
Assessment Area
Species |
Protection Status |
Conservation Status |
Distribution in Hong
Kong |
Ecological Value |
Crytopotamon anacoluthon |
Nil |
Potential Global Concern[1] Vulnerable[2] |
Common and widespread in unpolluted streams;
Endemic to Hong Kong |
Low to Medium |
Nanhaipotamon hongkongense |
Nil |
Potential Global Concern[1] |
Endemic to Hong Kong |
Low to Medium |
[1] Fellowes et al. (2002)
[2] IUCN (2013)
Potential Ecological Impacts of the Proposed Development
Assessment Methodology
10.6.1 The potential direct and indirect terrestrial and aquatic ecological impacts arising from the construction and operation of the latest Recommended Outline Development Plan (RODP) are assessed below in accordance with Annexes 8 and 16 of the EIAO-Technical Memorandum. A series of infrastructure options for the Study Area were prepared and reviewed relative to the ecological survey findings (see details in Chapter 3). Estimates of habitat lost and identification of areas to be affected by development have been calculated as accurately as possible.
Identification of Impacts
10.6.2 The potential ecological impacts considered are listed
in the Study Brief:
· Direct loss of habitats of ecological importance, either permanent or temporary, which may occur on-site and/or off-site, due to various elements such as excavation works and other associated works of the Project.
· Direct loss of flora and fauna species of conservation importance arising from the Project.
· Indirect impacts on the natural environment and the associated wildlife groups, habitat and/or vegetation as a result of changes of water quality, hydrodynamic properties, hydrology and accidental discharge of untreated sewage arising from the construction works and operation activities of the Project.
· Potential indirect impact on species abundance or diversity and ecological carrying capacity due to habitat fragmentation and isolation arising from the Project.
Potential indirect impacts on habitats and
wildlife groups due to increased human activities and disturbance (such as
increase in light intensity) during the construction and operation phases of
the Project.
· Cumulative impacts due to other planned and committed concurrent development projects at or near the Project area.
of Impacts in the Absence of Mitigation Measures
10.6.3 Following the criteria in Annex 8 in the EIAO-TM, habitats under the
present study directly impacted by residential development in the Study Area
are evaluated and presented in the following tables. Habitat loss as a result
of direct impact from the Study Area is assessed in tables whatever the
significance of the loss. Evaluations of indirect impacts are assessed in
tables only where impacts above the level of insignificance or zero are
Impacts on Habitats
10.6.4 The proposed development in the Study Area will include residential
development (including public housing) and other associated commercial and
recreational uses to meet district and local needs. The development also
includes constructing a road and a underpass to connect Po Lam Road in the
southern part, and a Quarry Park in the proposed ‘Regional Open Space’ on the north side of the Study Area. The existing rehabilitation plantations,
as well as two to three benches of plantations to be built upon completion of
the quarry activity located from north to southeast of the Study Area will be proposed
as ‘Green Belt’ area, where minor civil works for public or
commercial platforms and shops will be built (refer to Chapter 3 and Figure
227724/E/0003 detailing the RODP for the proposed zone planning and the
associated road connection).
10.6.5 Four habitats, namely quarry, developed area, plantation and secondary
woodland, within the Study Area will be directly impacted due to the proposed
residential development. No other habitats within the Study Area and no habitats within the Assessment
Area will be directly impacted by the proposed development. Potential indirect
impacts on these habitats and their associated species are evaluated in the “Indirect Impact” section.
10.6.6 Quarry is the major habitat type in the Study Area and includes a
service reservoir (i.e. provision of water for dust suppression) and heavily
modified ground with active human intervention in the past 50 years. This
habitat supports low floristic diversity and no fauna were recorded
during the survey period. The Quarry in the Study Area is of very low
ecological value and loss of this habitat type is of very low ecological
10.6.7 Residential development and its associated road infrastructure will be
proposed on the existing quarry site. Two to three benches of plantations (~7.7ha)
will be rehabilitated from north to southeast of the Study Area upon completion
of quarry activity; hence, except for minor civil works for small-scale
commercial use as well as building a pedestrian trail on these benches, these
rehabilitated plantations with a matrix of native and exotic plants will
provide some ecological value for fauna colonization in the long term.
Evaluation of direct ecological impacts to quarry in the absence of mitigation
measures is shown in Table 10.29.
10.29: Direct ecological impacts to Quarry
in the absence of mitigation measures
Criteria |
Assessment |
Quality |
Low |
Species |
low in floral and faunal diversity. No species of conservation importance was
found in this habitat. |
Abundance |
in size (about 38.7ha will become urbanised area, while about 7.7ha will
become rehabilitation plantation and zoned as green belt) will be directly
impacted, but faunal abundance is very low. |
Duration |
loss would be permanent. |
Reversibility |
loss would be irreversible. |
Magnitude |
habitat would be completely lost. |
Overall Impact
Severity |
Negligible due to its existing highly modified and disturbed
habitat which is of very low ecological value |
Developed Area
10.6.8 The developed areas within the Study Area comprise the existing
construction site to the west of Anderson Road, as well as the entire Anderson
Road and its immediate sloping area with on-going civil works running north to
south and Po Lam Road to the south. These areas, either paved road or bare
ground under construction works for a public housing development, are heavily disturbed
and of very low ecological value, and the loss of this habitat is of negligible
significance. Evaluation of direct ecological impacts to developed area in the
absence of mitigation measures is shown in Table
10.30: Direct ecological impacts to Developed Area
in the absence of mitigation measures
Criteria |
Assessment |
Quality |
Low. |
Species |
diversity is very low, and only supports low abundance of common fauna
species. No species of conversation importance was found in this habitat. |
Abundance |
in size (about 1.4ha) will be directly impacted, with very low faunal
abundance. |
Duration |
loss would be permanent. |
Reversibility |
loss would be irreversible. |
Magnitude |
habitat would be completely lost. |
Overall Impact
Severity |
Negligible |
10.6.9 Plantations within the Study Area are established for rehabilitation of
natural vegetated area under the operation of the Anderson Road Quarry. They
are formed by planting native and exotic plant species on benches. Majority of
these plantations from north to southeast will be preserved under
the proposed land use zonings as ‘Regional Open Space’ and ‘Green Belt’, and civil works for future Quarry Park and small-scale public
(including a pedestrian trail) and commercial use will be carried out in the
north, northeast and east parts. These plantations within the Study Area
support low faunal abundance, including Hong Kong Newt, which was only found in
a concrete U-channel, probably washed down from nearby terrestrial habitat, and
other faunal species of conservation importance (including Common Rat Snake,
two dragonflies and 11 butterflies). Nevertheless, the proposed development in
the plantation area is away from the locations where these fauna were recorded,
and as highly mobile species they are considered able to colonize other nearby
unaffected terrestrial habitats. Given these are exotic plantations in which only
small areas will be permanently lost, the loss of this habitat is of low
significance. Evaluation of direct ecological impacts to plantation in the
absence of mitigation measures is shown in Table
10.31: Direct ecological impacts to Plantation
in the absence of mitigation measures
Criteria |
Assessment |
Quality |
due to dominance of exotic plant species and simpler structural complexity. |
Species |
floristic diversity and dominated by exotic plant species. A total of 15
faunal species of conservation importance (including herpetofauna Hong Kong
Newt (found in a u-channel in a plantation) and Common Rat Snake, dragonflies
Hong Kong Clubtail and Emerald Cascader, and butterflies Indian Awl King,
Banded Awl, Swift sp., Common Dart, Indian Palm Bob, Telicota sp., Hainan Palm Dart, Plains Cupid, Striped Blue Crow,
Dark Evening Brown and Yellow Orange Tip) were recorded in very low numbers. |
Abundance |
in size (about 2.0ha) will be directly impacted, and supports low faunal abundance. |
Duration |
loss would be permanent. |
Reversibility |
loss would be irreversible. |
Magnitude |
as only a small proportion of the existing habitat will be impacted by civil
works for future Quarry Park and small-scale public and commercial use in the
north, northeast and east parts. |
Overall Impact
Severity |
Low |
Secondary Woodland
10.6.10 Two small secondary woodlands were found within the Study Area,
comprising a more mature patch in the north and northeast, and a younger patch
with simpler structure in the southeast. Similar to the plantations, the majority
of these woodlands will be preserved under the proposed land use zonings as ‘Regional Open Space’ and ‘Green Belt’ (locations of these proposed planning zones
are shown in Figure 227724/E/0003), except for three small
woodland patches in the south and southeast that will be lost due to the
construction of an access road and a underpass connecting to Po Lam Road. Locations of these
three small secondary woodland patches to be impacted are shown in Figure 227724/E/6401). The secondary woodlands in the
Study Area generally support moderate floral diversity, and low faunal
diversity. Eleven seedlings of the shrub Diospyros
vaccinioides, a woody climber Gnetum luofuense, and about 30 seedlings, two young saplings and one tree of Ormosia pachycarpa were recorded within
these woodland patches, as well as faunal species of conservation importance,
including the dragonfly Emerald Cascader and three butterfly species (Swift
sp., Constable and Restricted Demon). However, no faunal or floral species of
conservation importance identified within the secondary woodlands (including
one isolated woodland patch and two other very small woodland patches at the
fringe of the young secondary woodland) will be directly impacted by the
proposed construction works at the south and southeast parts (1.13 ha) of the
Study Area. Nevertheless, this habitat in the Study Area is considered to be of
low to moderate ecological value, and the loss of this habitat of low to moderate
significance due to its continuity with the adjacent young woodland patch and
provision of suitable habitats for local fauna. Evaluation of direct ecological
impacts to secondary woodland in the absence of mitigation measures is shown in
Table 10.32.
10.32: Direct ecological impacts to
Secondary Woodland in the absence of mitigation measures
Criteria |
Assessment |
Quality |
semi-natural to natural habitat of low to moderate ecological value. |
Species |
floral and faunal species of conservation importance were recorded |
Abundance |
in size (1.13ha) and the impacted habitat supports low faunal abundance. |
Duration |
loss would be permanent. |
Reversibility |
loss is reversible, if planting is allowed on the proposed slope works. |
Magnitude |
a very small proportion of the existing habitat would be completely lost. |
Overall Impact
Severity |
Low to Moderate |
Direct Loss
to Flora and Fauna Species of Conservation Importance
10.6.11 Seven floral species of conservation importance were found within the
Study Area and Assessment Area. These are largely common and
widespread, and they were recorded in the secondary woodland and
grassland/shrubland in the present study. Three of these floral species,
including shrub Diospyros vaccinioides,
a woody climber Gnetum luofuense and
tree Ormosia pachycarpa, are located
in a young secondary woodland to the north and northeast parts of the proposed
access road and underpass. However, such young secondary woodland will not be
directly impacted by the proposed development. Other floral species of conservation
importance will not be directly impacted by the proposed development. Therefore,
the potential direct ecological impact to any of
these floral species of conservation importance is of negligible significance.
10.6.12 A total of 40 bird species were recorded in the present study. Of these,
Black Kite was recorded flying above the secondary woodland in the Study Area,
while two birds, Crested Serpent Eagle and Grey-chinned Minivet, were heard
and/or sighted within the secondary woodlands in the Assessment Area. None of these bird species
will be directly impacted by the proposed development since the majority of the
secondary woodland within the Study Area will be preserved. Further, the Black
Kite was just recorded flying above the Study Area, with no roost or breeding
site found on site. Therefore, the potential direct ecological impact to Black
Kite is of negligible significance.
10.6.13 A total of 12 amphibian and three reptile species were recorded in the
present study. All the recorded herpetofauna species are common and widely
distributed in Hong Kong. Of these, three amphibians (including Hong Kong Newt,
Lesser Spiny Frog and Short-legged Toad) and one reptile (Common Rat Snake) are
considered of conservation importance due to their being assessed as of
Potential Global or Regional concern by Fellowes et al. (2002). These amphibians of conservation importance were
mainly recorded in the watercourses within the Assessment Area, except for two
sightings of Hong Kong Newt made in the concrete U-channel in the
plantation in the northeast of the Study Area.
10.6.14 Plantation is not a typical habitat for Hong Kong Newt and it is
believed that these individuals had been washed off from nearby terrestrial
habitats (e.g. secondary woodland and hillside stream) during their seasonal
migration in the non-breeding period.
10.6.15 An individual of Common Rat Snake was observed in the plantation in the
northeast of the Study Area. Given that existing benches of plantations within
the Study Area will be preserved, with only small-scale civil works to be
conducted on selected sections of benches for public and commercial uses, these
highly mobile amphibian and reptile species are not predicted to be directly
impacted by the proposed development (see Table
10.33: Potential direct ecological impacts
to Hong Kong Newt and Common Rat Snake in the absence of mitigation
Criteria |
Hong Kong Newt |
Common Rat
Snake |
Conservation/ Protection Status |
Regarded as ‘Potential Global Concern’ by Fellowes et al. (2002) and ‘Near Threatened’ by
IUCN (2013); locally protected under Cap. 170. |
Regarded as ‘Potential Regional Concern’ by
Fellowes et al. (2002); locally
protected under Cap. 568, and Appendix II CITES |
Distribution |
Widespread in Hong Kong. |
Widespread in Hong Kong. |
Rarity |
Common in Hong Kong. |
Common in Hong Kong. |
Abundance |
Only one individual was recorded in a concrete
U-channel in the Plantation within the Study Area; a maximum of nine
individuals were recorded in a natural watercourse at Tan Shan Village. |
An individual was recorded in Plantation habitat
within the Study Area. |
Magnitude |
Low due to the very low number of individuals
observed and the recorded habitat (concrete U-channel) is not its usual
breeding and activity habitat. |
Low due to the very low number of individuals
observed and the fact it is a highly mobile species. |
Overall Impact Severity |
Low |
Low |
10.6.16 A total of 63 species of butterflies was recorded in the present study,
the majority of which are common to very common in Hong Kong. Of these 63
species, a total of 13 butterfly species of conservation importance were recorded in the plantation or secondary woodland within the Study
Area. These comprise two very rare species (Indian Awl King and Hainan Palm
Dart), three rare (Constable, Common Dart and Banded Awl), six uncommon (Indian
Palm Bob, Plains Cupid, Dark Evening Brown, Striped Blue Crow, Yellow Orange
Tip and Restricted Demon), and another two species of conservation concern
(Swift sp., and Telicota sp.)
(assessments based on Chan et al.
10.6.17 Very low numbers of these butterfly species were recorded, usually a
single sighting or a maximum of one individual recorded. In addition, no plants
suitable as larval food plants could be provided by majority of the quarry or
developed areas (see Table 10.34)
impacted by the proposed development. Even the low number of herb species
suitable as larval food plants found in the plantation and hillside terrestrial
habitats at the fringe of the Study Area are common and widespread species that
are available in the nearby hillside habitats. Hence, the habitats in the Study
Area are not considered to be of significance to local populations of these
butterfly species of conservation significance. Given the majority of the
plantation and secondary woodland habitats within the Study Area will be
preserved and any proposed civil works will be small-scale and temporary only,
impacts arising from the proposed development to these habitats and their
butterfly community are anticipated to be low (see Table 10.35).
10.34: Known larval food plants for the
butterfly species of conservation importance found within the
Study Area and the Assessment Area
Butterfly species |
Status in Hong Kong (Chan et
al. 2011) |
Larval food plants |
Habitat(s) recorded in Study Area |
Habitat(s) recorded in Assessment Area |
Indian Awl King |
Very Rare |
limoniacea |
/ |
/ |
Banded Awl |
Rare |
pinnata, Derris trifoliata |
/ |
/ |
Swift sp. |
[1] |
kawakamii, Microstegium ciliatum |
ciliatum in secondary woodland
and plantation |
/ |
Restricted Demon |
Uncommon |
coronarium, Alpinia japonica, Zingiber officinale, Z. zerumbet, Alpinia
zerumbet, Musa x paradisiaca, Curcuma sp, Alpinia hainanensis |
hainanensis in secondary woodland |
x paradisiaca in watercourses,
grassland and secondary woodland in the Assessment Area |
Common Dart |
Rare |
tortilis, Miscanthus floridulus |
tortilis in grassland/shrubland; Miscanthus
floridulus in grassland/ shrubland
and plantation |
/ |
Indian Palm Bob |
Uncommon |
hanceana, P. roebelinii, P. canariensis, P. dactylifene, Rhapis excelsa,
Caryota mitis, Arenga engleri, Livistona chinensis, Washingtonia sp. |
/ |
mitis, Livistona chinensis,
Phoenix roebelinii and Rhapis
excelsa in developed area |
sp. |
[2] |
No relevant information available |
Hainan Palm Dart |
Very Rare |
sinensis |
/ |
sinensis in secondary woodland |
Plains Cupid |
Uncommon |
taiwaniana, C. revolute |
/ |
/ |
Striped Blue Crow |
Uncommon |
oleander, Toxocarpus wightianus, Ficus nervosa, Ficus formosana, Ichnocarpus
frutescens, Aristolochia spp., Ficus benjamina, F. microcarpa, F. sarmentosa,
Urceola rosea, Gymnema sylvestre, Cryptolepis sinensis, Ficus fistulosa |
microcarpa in plantation and
developed area |
benjamina in developed area; Ficus
microcarpa in developed area; Ficus
fistulosa in watercourses,
secondary woodland and plantation |
Constable |
Rare |
rigida, M. fordii |
/ |
/ |
Dark Evening Brown |
Uncommon |
ciliatum, Setaria palmifolia, Arundo donax, Isachne globosa, Miscanthus
sinensis, Pennisetum purpureum, Oryza sativa |
ciliatum in secondary woodland
and plantation |
sinensis in secondary woodland; Pennisetum
purpureum in grassland |
Yellow Orange Tip |
Uncommon |
cantoniensis, C. acutifolia, Crateva
unilocularis |
/ |
/ |
[1] Paintbrush Swift (Baoris farri), Colon Swift (Caltoris bromus) and Dark Swift (Caltoris cohira) are indistinguishable in field. Paintbrush Swift and Dark Swift are 'Rare' species and Colon Swift is 'Very Rare in Hong Kong (Chan et al. 2011).
[2] There are four species of Dart Telicota in Hong Kong, of which
T. besta and T. colon are species
of Local Concern (Fellowes et al. 2002). In Chan et al. (2011), T. ancilla is listed
as 'Uncommon', T. colon and T. ohara are listed as 'Rare' and T.
besta is listed as 'Very Rare'.
Table 10.35: Potential direct ecological impacts to butterflies of conservation
importance in the absence of mitigation
Criteria |
Assessment |
Conservation/ Protection Status |
of these species are protected by laws; Indian Awl King, Common Dart, Hainan
Palm Dart and Constable are considered to be of ‘Local Concern’ by Fellowes et al. (2002). |
Distribution |
very rare (Indian Awl King and Hainan Palm Dart), three rare (Constable,
Common Dart and Banded Awl), six uncommon (Indian Palm Bob, Plains Cupid,
Dark Evening Brown, Striped Blue Crow, Yellow Orange Tip and Restricted
Demon), and another two species of conservation concern (Swift sp., and Telicota sp.). |
Rarity |
account as shown in ‘Distribution’ in Hong Kong. |
Abundance |
low numbers of these butterfly species were recorded. |
Magnitude |
impacts are of low value for butterflies, so magnitude of impacts fairly low. |
Overall Impact Severity |
Low |
Indirect Impacts
Indirect impacts on the natural
environment and associated wildlife groups and habitat and/or vegetation as a
result of changes of water quality, hydrodynamic properties or hydrology, or
accidental discharge of untreated sewage arising from construction works or
operation activities of the Project
10.6.18 Except a few channelized drains or partly
channelized sections along watercourses, the watercourses present in the Study
Area and Assessment Area are largely semi-natural to natural, usually with a
retained natural bottom and sometimes partly concrete-lined. One young seedling
of Aquilaria sinensis and a number of faunal species of
conservation importance (including Hong Kong Newt, Lesser Spiny Frog and
Short-legged Toad, and two freshwater crabs Crytopotamon
anacoluthon and
Nanhaipotamon hongkongense)
were recorded in these surveyed watercourses, though all were in low numbers.
10.6.19 Potential indirect impact during the
construction phase may include construction run-off or accidental spillage of chemicals, lubricants or
pollutants entering these seasonal or permanent wet watercourses identified in
the northeast, east and southeast of the Assessment Area. However, given the
separation of these hillside watercourses by the Tai Sheung Tok Hill and given
the major construction works will concentrate in the existing quarry site and
developed area, potential indirect impacts on these watercourses behind Tai
Sheung Tok Hill, where most of these floral and faunal species of concern were
recorded, potential indirect impacts on these water body resulting from the
proposed development are considered negligible.
10.6.20 Watercourses located to the southeast of the Study Area could
potentially be disturbed by the proposed road and underpass if there would be
accidental run-off during the construction phase. The upper and lower natural
and partly channelized sections of this watercourse, as well as another
watercourse located to the east, will potentially be disturbed by construction
run-off in the absence of mitigation. Such construction run-off is potentially
destructive to water quality and the aquatic environment, which will in turn
impact the aquatic fauna community. Without proper site practices to avoid construction run-off during the construction phase, sediment from the run-off,
particularly during periods of heavy rain, will raise the turbidity level in
the watercourse, which would lead to direct mortality of aquatic fauna such as
fish, as their gills could be covered, hence adversely affecting respiration.
Increased sediment load in the watercourses can also lead to eutrophication as
a result of nutrient enrichment. Aquatic macrophytes may be reduced as a result
of reduced light penetration or increased free-floating algae populations
following eutrophication. Severe eutrophication can lead to oxygen depletion
and the impoverishment of aquatic communities, as well as animals that prey on
them (e.g. herpetofauna). Chemicals from construction run-off may have acute
toxic effects on aquatic fauna. Nevertheless, the indirect impacts arising from
construction run-off during the construction phase are usually greater than
that in the operation phase, in which the run-off would be substantially lower
in magnitude.
10.6.21 Impacts from run-off during the operation
phase are generally much lower, as, integral to the design, all domestic
effluent and wastewater will be connected to the main sewer to ensure that
there is no pollution into surrounding watercourses or other wooded habitats.
Surface water run-off will be collected internally by a surface water drainage
system, and will pass through a series of silt and oil interceptors within the
road gullies as well as a main silt and oil trap before discharge into local
watercourses. All such interceptors will be properly maintained on a regular
basis to ensure continued function. Evaluation of potential indirect
hydrological and water quality impacts on natural environments and associated
wildlife is shown in Table 10.36.
Table 10.36: Potential indirect hydrological and water quality impacts on natural environments and associated wildlife in the absence of mitigation
Criteria |
Assessment |
Habitat Quality |
Majority of the watercourses within the Study Area and Assessment Area are
semi-natural to natural and range from permanently wet to dry in nature. Seasonal or permanently wet and
semi-natural/natural watercourses are of higher quality due to their
naturalness and their provision of suitable habitats for aquatic fauna, amphibians
and dragonflies. Channelized
or partly channelized sections of the watercourses are highly modified with
concrete lining and bottom. The quality is generally lower. |
Species |
floral diversity; faunal diversity varies according to quality of the watercourses.
Low numbers of flora (one young seedling of Aquilaria sinensis) and faunal species of conservation importance
(including herpetofauna Hong
Kong Newt, Lesser Spiny Frog and Short-legged Toad, and two freshwater crabs Crytopotamon anacoluthon and Nanhaipotamon hongkongense) were recorded in watercourses that are not
anticipated to be impacted by the construction works. |
Size/ Abundance |
to the natural barrier of Tai Sheung Tok Hill and concentration of
construction works at the quarry site, potential indirectly impacted
watercourses will be small in length, with low number of faunal species. |
Duration |
for construction phase impact |
Reversibility |
some extent reversible via implementation of mitigation. |
Magnitude |
phase impacts are Low to Moderate in magnitude; operation phase impacts are
Low given that proper sewer treatment will be provided for the proposed
development. |
Overall Impact Severity |
phase: Low to Moderate. Operation
phase: Low. |
indirect impacts on habitats and wildlife groups due to increased human
activities and disturbance (such as increase in light intensity) during the
construction and operation phases of the Project
10.6.22 Potential indirect disturbance to the
surrounding habitats and their associated wildlife groups during the
construction phase includes construction noise. The existing quarry site has
been actively operated for at least 50 years, and noisy machinery and
activities such as drilling, excavation and controlled explosion works have
disturbed adjacent habitats and their associated wildlife groups for a
prolonged period. Given the construction noise level would be comparable to the
existing level, marginal disturbance impacts from construction works resulting
from the proposed development are predicted to be of low significance. However,
greater impacts would be anticipated if such construction works are not
programmed appropriately to reduce the noise level.
10.6.23 Species inhabiting adjacent terrestrial
habitats, especially birds, herpetofauna and butterflies using the secondary
woodlands and shrubby grassland, could be affected by these disturbance
impacts. However, such habitats are closed, in the sense that fauna within them
cannot easily see human or machine activity in adjacent
areas. Fauna can, generally speaking, habituate to auditory disturbance fairly
readily in the absence of corresponding visual disturbance, or other activity
that is a threat to the species concerned. For this reason, closed habitats are
significantly more disturbance insensitive than open habitats. Furthermore,
these species are rather mobile and similar habitats suitable for foraging and
roosting are abundant in areas adjacent to the Study Area. In addition,
disturbance from construction will be short-term. Hence, overall, indirect
impacts to wildlife using the surrounding habitats are considered to be
temporary and of negligible significance.
10.6.24 Potential indirect disturbance during the
operation phase includes the increased level of human disturbance and artificial
light from the proposed residential and commercial development in the Study
Area. The Project will involve residential development (including public
housing) and other associated commercial and recreational uses concentrated in
the existing quarry site and developed area in the west and southwest of the
Study Area. Most plantations on the benches from north to southeast parts will
be preserved, with minor civil works conducted for public use (such as pumping
stations, service reservoirs, lookout points and pedestrian trails) and
commercial uses (such as small shops inside the cavern).
10.6.25 As noted previously, the existing quarry
and developed areas are not of significance to wildlife groups; however,
increased levels of human disturbance to plantation and secondary woodlands
could potentially disturb these terrestrial habitats and fauna communities. However,
most of these terrestrial habitats (including secondary woodlands, shrubby
grassland and watercourses) adjacent to the Study Area are located on steep
topography of Tai Sheung Tok Hill, and any visits by human are considered to be
of occasional use only (such as hiking). In addition, these faunal groups (such
as butterflies, birds and herpetofauna) are usually highly mobile, they could
inhabit other terrestrial habitats continuous with those in the Study Area if
in case their habitats are disturbed. Given the limited magnitude of increase
in the level of human activity, and given the lack of disturbance-sensitive
species of conservation significance, disturbance impacts to the habitats and
wildlife groups during operation phase are predicted to be negligible.
10.6.26 Potential indirect impacts on habitats and
wildlife groups due to increased light intensity during the construction phase
are of low magnitude, since major construction works will be programmed during
daytime and the works are temporary only. However, artificial light from the
future residential, commercial and/or recreational buildings during operation
phase will increase the light disturbance effect on the surroundings habitats
and wildlife groups. Given the densely populated areas of Sau Mau Ping, Lam Tin
and Tsui Lam lie close to the western and southwestern boundaries of the
proposed development, it is, however, considered that the marginal impact of
this light disturbance will be insignificant.
10.6.27 There is the potential for impacts on
surrounding habitats if lights are directed to terrestrial habitats, which in
turn could affect nocturnal mammals using the habitats. However, based on
literature review and survey data, mammal use of this area appears to be very
limited, and confined to Eurasian Wild Pig, Short-nosed
Fruit Bat and Japanese Pipistrelle. Since only small number of faunal species and
individuals (which are common and widespread) and limited area will be impacted
from the increased light intensity on the nearby terrestrial habitats, the significance of this
potential impact is predicted to be negligible.
indirect impact on species abundance or diversity and ecological carrying
capacity due to habitat fragmentation and isolation arising from the Project
10.6.28 The proposed development will be
concentrated at the existing quarry site and developed areas of low ecological
value for faunal colonization and utilization. From the north to southeast
boundaries of the Study Area, the majority of plantation and secondary woodland
habitats will be preserved and remain contiguous with the terrestrial hillside
habitats at Tai Sheung Tok Hill. Hence, the continuity and connectivity of the
terrestrial habitats within and adjacent to the Study Area will be kept, with
no significant fragmentation.
10.6.29 The proposed road and underpass at the
southeast part of the Study Area will cause the loss of small-sized
young secondary woodlands. These affected areas of woodland are either isolated
patches or at the woodland fringe, and the proposed underpass will go underneath the woodland and emerge at Po Lam Road. However, in view of the location of these small-sized areas to be lost
(on the fringe of the main wooded area) and small numbers of species and
individuals are likely to be affected in these small areas, there will be no fragmentation
on the overall integrity of the major woodland patch
at the southeast.
Cumulative Impacts
Cumulative impacts due to other planned
and committed concurrent development projects at or near the Project area
10.6.30 According to CED (1998)
and (Arup 2009), an existing construction site located southwest of Anderson
Road and the Study Area will be developed for housing, educational and open
space (EIA-005/1998 and known as “Development at Anderson Road”). According to the latest Final Environmental Review Report (Arup
2009), this public housing development scheme covers an area of about 20ha, and
will provide 37 residential blocks of 27 to 40 storeys high, providing more
than 17,000 residential units. Five schools will also be built under this
development scheme. The construction works of this housing scheme will involve
site formation works, access road and infrastructure works, as well as building
sewerage treatment and water supply facilities, and building construction
works. The site formation works has been in progress under Contract No.
CV/2007/03 “Development
at Anderson Road – Site
Formation and Associated Infrastructure Works”, and will last about 3.5 years. The whole development scheme is
scheduled to be completed in 2016. Major habitat loss due to this project
includes the permanent loss of woodland (15ha), grassland (14ha), agricultural
land (1 ha) and 300m streams of polluted run-off from the quarry operation. As
such, mitigation via reprovision of an area of 13.4ha of woodland utilising
native trees and shrubs on soft cut slopes was proposed. Other potential
impacts or disturbances during the construction and operation phases of this
project were considered to be of low significance due to the limited signs of
fauna utilization and urbanised nature of the surrounding habitats.
10.6.31 Impacts from this project will be mitigated and reduced to low levels.
Given the construction phase of the current project will be largely carried
out after the completion of the construction works of development at Anderson
Road, and the latter project is separated from the terrestrial habitats in Tai
Sheung Tok Hill, potential cumulative impacts arising from the development at
Anderson Road during construction and operation phases are considered to be of
low significance.
10.6.32 Other potential concurrent projects include the proposed road
improvement works and rock cavern development located to the northwest and south
of the Assessment Area, and in the north of the Study Area (refer Chapter 3). As mentioned in Section 1.5, further EIA study for
these road improvement works and rock cavern developments will be carried out
by the Project Proponent. The proposed works include road improvement works at
the junction of Lin Tak Road and Sau Mau Ping Road, the junction of Near Clear
Water Bay Road, as well as at the merging lane at Clear Water Bay Road near
Shun Lee Tsuen Road. These works largely cover the existing roads, nearby
vegetated man-made slopes and other developed areas. The rock cavern
development is proposed on the benches of the plantation located in the north
of the Study Area, however proposal of the design and usage within the rock
cavern is still under investigation. Given the proposed road improvement works
are either located outside or close to the fringe of the Assessment Area, as
well as the major civil works will be concentrated on the existing road, no
cumulative impact is predicted and any direct habitat loss may be restricted to
developed areas only. The proposed rock cavern development in the north of the
Study Area may involve direct loss of rehabilitation plantation. However, as
this young plantation patch is established by planting mainly exotic plantation
species which are of lower ecological significance, and majority of the civil
works will be taken within the rock cavern, insignificant cumulative impact is
predicted in respect of direct habitat loss due to such development.
of Potential Ecological Impacts
Table 10.37 summarises potential ecological
impacts arising from construction and operation phases of the proposed
development, and whether mitigation is required. Impacts assessed as either low
or negligible are not considered to require mitigation, and are not taken
further in this report.
Table 10.37: Summary of potential ecological impacts
Potential Impacts |
Impact Severity |
Mitigation required |
Permanent Direct Loss of Habitats |
Quarry |
Negligible |
No |
Area |
Negligible |
No |
Plantation |
Low |
No |
Woodland (~1.13 ha) |
Low to Moderate |
Yes |
Permanent Direct Loss to Flora and Fauna
Species of Conservation Importance due to Project |
Flora |
Negligible; but Low to Moderate as may have
potential presence of any floral of conservation importance in the
inaccessible secondary woodland at the SE part of the Study Area |
Yes |
Birds |
Negligible |
No |
Hong Kong Newt and Common Rat Snake |
Low |
No. Precautionary measures/good site
practices proposed. |
butterfly species of conservation importance |
Low |
No |
Indirect Impacts on Habitats |
phase hydrological and water quality impacts |
Low to Moderate |
Yes |
phase hydrological and water quality impacts |
Low |
No |
phase disturbance impact on habitats due to increased human activities and
disturbance |
Low |
No |
phase disturbance impact on habitats due to increased human activities and
disturbance |
Low |
No |
Indirect Impacts on
Species |
phase disturbance impact on wildlife groups due to increased human activities
and disturbance |
Low |
No |
phase disturbance impact on wildlife groups due to increased light
disturbance |
Low to Moderate |
Yes |
impact on species abundance/ diversity and ecological carrying capacity due
to habitat fragmentation |
Negligible for habitats and species |
No |
impacts due to other concurrent development projects |
and operation phase impacts in respect of habitats and species |
Low |
No |
Measures Adopted to Avoid, Minimise and Compensate for Ecological Impacts
10.7.1 Throughout the assessment
period, different infrastructure options involving the design of road
connection and construction methodology of access road were generated. In
particular, an alternative construction method of an access road leading to Po
Lam Road is proposed to reduce excavated soil volume and woodland habitat area
to be lost, as well as preserving a natural watercourse within a young
secondary woodland. Evaluation of
the alternative infrastructure options and construction methods were detailed
in Section 3.4 of Chapter 3. Mitigation
measures adopted to avoid, minimize and compensation for the ecological impacts
discussed above are presented in the following sections.
Mitigation of impacts of secondary woodland loss at the southeast of the
Study Area
10.7.2 Three small young secondary woodland patches (a total of
approximately 1.13 ha) will be directly impacted by the proposed road and underpass at the
southeast of the Study Area. Loss of this secondary woodland is compensated by planting of
native tree and shrub species and to be re-provided at the proposed Quarry Park in the “Regional Open Space” Zone at the
northeast part of the Project Area. To create an ecological linkage with the existing rehabilitation
plantations and their subsequent mature woodlands at the northern part of the
Study Area, the Wooded Area will be mainly re-provided at the northern side of
the Quarry Park. An approximately 1.2 ha of the
future Quarry Park is proposed for compensatory
planting for the loss of secondary woodlands, so as to achieve the ecological
function and value of the area to be lost (location refer to Figure 227724/E/6501). Though the proposed Wooded Area will be
on the existing quarry site sitting on a gentle flat land, the proposed Wooded Area will be restored and connect
with the adjacent plantation to the north. To provide a better growth environment for
the compensatory planting of the tree and shrub species, ground preparation and
modification of planting medium (including subsoil, topsoil and addition of
compost) may be required to improve the soil condition for vegetation growth.
Routine monitoring on the survival and growth of the compensatory planting is
required to monitor the seedling performance throughout the monitoring period. Moreover,
it is agreed that LCSD will be responsible for the long-term maintenance and
management of this Wooded Area and Quarry Park throughout the operation phase.
10.7.3 According to the latest RODP, a pedestrian trail will be proposed along
the lowest bench of plantation from southeast to north, and finally connect
with the northern wooded area in the Study Area. There may be some
insignificant fragmentation between the fringe of the future Wooded Area with the existing
plantations, and this fragmentation can be minimized by planting trees of wider
and larger canopies along the woodland and plantation fringes, so as to form
some kind of overstorey connection between the habitats.
10.7.4 A list of native tree and shrub species is proposed in Table 10.38. The proposed tree species
are common in natural woodlands and form key canopy cover,
while those of shrub species are common in shrubland and forest edges, as well
as providing fleshy fruits for native fauna such as birds. Low density of
common exotic plantation species (such as Acacia
spp. and Lophostemon confertus)
may be proposed if the establishment of the woodland coverage needs to be
Table 10.38: A list of native tree and shrub
species proposed for Wooded Area
Species |
Planting form |
Trees |
Aporusa dioica |
Whip |
Castanopsis fissa |
Whip |
Cinnamomum camphora |
Whip |
Cyclobalanopsis championii |
Whip |
Ilex rotunda |
Whip |
Machilus breviflora |
Whip |
Mallotus paniculatus |
Whip |
Microcos paniculata |
Whip |
Schefflera heptaphylla |
Whip |
Shrubs/ Small Trees |
Gardenia jasminoides |
Shrub |
Ilex asprella |
Shrub |
Litsea rotundifolia var. oblongifolia |
Shrub |
Melastoma malabathricum |
Shrub |
Melastoma sanguineum |
Shrub |
Polyspora axillaris |
Shrub |
Rhaphiolepis indica |
Shrub |
Rhodomyrtus tomentosa |
Shrub |
[1] The above proposed list is not exhaustive or exclusive, and a qualified plant ecologist/ botanist of the Environmental Team shall be permitted to proposed suitable alternative species that meet the functional requirements of the ecological planting or if in case the proposed tree or shrub species are not available in the nurseries by the time of compensatory planting.
10.7.5 Compensatory planting of native tree and shrub species will be
supervised by a qualified botanist/ horticulturist/ Certified Arborist with
relevant experience in reforestation. A detailed Wooded Area Proposal will be
prepared by a qualified ecologist/ botanist specifying the planting location,
planting period (early wet season), planting methodology, post-transplantation
monitoring and maintenance programme. The proposal should be agreed by EPD/LCSD/AFCD. A monitoring and
maintenance period of 5 years
is proposed to ensure the establishment of the planted trees and shrubs within
the Wooded Area. For the long-term
management of the compensatory planting, it is agreed that LCSD will be
responsible for the maintenance and management of the Wooded Area and Quarry
Park during the operation phase. Monitoring methodology will be detailed in the Wooded Area Proposal but
the monitoring will be formulated on the basis of having quantitative survey
(involving survey quadrats) and walk-through surveys covering all
representative areas with ecological compensatory planting. The monitoring
shall include measuring parameters (such as growth, health condition, seedlings’ survival rate), record any natural
recruitments and condition of the site environments (such as any site factors
that may be influencing the establishment or human interference of the area).
10.7.6 Given the survival rates of the planted tree whips and shrubs could be
higher if the compensatory planting is to be conducted in early wet season
(February/March) of Year 1, a baseline quantitative monitoring and a
walk-through survey should be carried out after the completion of the planting.
The baseline monitoring can also allow remedial measures to be undertaken
during the first half of the ensuring wet season (April to June), and
quantitative monitoring again in September of the first year to allow
measurement of the annual growth/ establishment increment during the wet season.
Bi-annual quantitative monitoring will be carried out in the followed Years 2 to 5. In addition, walk-through
survey will be conducted on a bi-monthly basis in Year 1, while reduced to
quarterly from Years 2 to 5. The walk-through survey should
be undertaken in order to inform any adaptive or proactive management
measurement, such as the need to clear invasive vegetation.
Mitigation of impacts to floral species of
conservation importance
10.7.7 No floral species of conservation importance was located in the accessible
secondary woodlands and other habitats to be directly impacted by the proposed
road work in the southeast part of the Study Area. However, given part of these
impacted woodlands were inaccessible during the ecological survey and the
inaccessible part share floristic composition and structure similar to that of
the adjacent hillside young secondary woodland with records of floral species
of conservation importance, a vegetation survey is proposed to ascertain the
presence of any floral species of conservation importance in the impacted
secondary woodlands or other habitats once would be accessed in the future
detailed design stage. This is to further minimize the potential impact on any
floral species of conservation importance resulting from the proposed
10.7.8 Prior to the commencement of the construction works, an updated vegetation survey will be
conducted in the habitats which are to be affected by the proposed construction
works. The survey will ascertain the presence, as well as update the
conditions, number, locations and habitat types of these species and other
rare/protected plant species (if any) identified within
construction works areas. The survey will determine the number and locations of
the affected individuals of floral species of concern and evaluate the
suitability and/or practicality of the transplantation. The survey will be
conducted by a qualified ecologist/ botanist and any
necessary mitigation works will be discussed and agreed with AFCD.
10.7.9 A Transplantation Proposal will be prepared by a qualified ecologist/
botanist with full details of the findings of the comprehensive survey
(including number and locations of the affected individuals, and assessment of
suitability and/or practicality of the transplantation), locations of the
receptor site(s), transplantation methodology, implementation programme of transplantation, post-transplantation monitoring and maintenance programme. The
proposal should be submitted to and approved by AFCD prior to construction. The
approved transplantation works will be supervised by a qualified
botanist/horticulturist/Certified Arborist with relevant experience in
transplanting floral species of conservation importance.
Mitigation for construction phase hydrological and
water quality impacts
10.7.10 Sources of pollution during the construction phase
include sedimentation from soil excavation, release of contaminants during excavation, chemical waste from equipment, surface run-off from roads and
hard-standing and domestic waste water. The following mitigation measures will
be adopted during the construction phase to mitigate these impacts.
(1) Temporary sewerage and drainage will be designed and installed to collect wastewater and prevent it from entering nearby watercourses;
locations well away from nearby watercourses will be used for temporary storage
of materials (i.e. equipment, fill materials, chemicals and fuel) and temporary
stockpile of construction debris and spoil, and these will be identified before
commencement of works;
To prevent
muddy water entering nearby watercourses, work sites close to nearby
watercourses will be isolated, using such items as sandbags or silt curtains
with lead edge at bottom and properly supported props. Other protective
measures will also be taken to ensure that no pollution or siltation occurs to
the water gathering grounds of the works site;
of construction materials, if necessary, will b properly covered and located
away from nearby watercourses;
of temporary geotextile silt fences will be carried out around earth-moving
works to trap any sediments and prevent them from entering watercourses;
debris and spoil will be covered and/or properly disposed as soon as possible
to avoid being washed into nearby watercourses;
soil will be covered as quickly as possible following formation works,
followed, where appropriate, by covering with biodegradable geotextile blanket
for erosion control purposes;
appropriate, earth-bunding will be carried out of areas where soils have been
disturbed or where vegetation has been cleared, to ensure that surface runoff
will not move soils off-site;
effluent, site run-off and sewage will be probably collected and/or treated.
Wastewater from any construction site will be minimised via the following in
descending order: reuse, recycling and treatment;
(10) Proper locations for discharge outlets of
wastewater treatment facilities well away from sensitive receivers will be
identified and used;
(11) Site traps will be installed at points where
drainage from the site enters local watercourses;
(12) Appropriate sanitary facilities for on-site
workers will be provided;
(13) The site boundary will be clearly marked and
any works beyond the boundary strictly prohibited, and
(14) Regular water monitoring and site audit will be
carried out at suitable points. If the monitoring and audit results show that
pollution occurs, adequate measures including temporary cessation of works will
be considered.
10.7.11 Accidental spillage events could potentially have a
large impact on nearby habitats in view of their susceptibility to such pollution.
Therefore, an emergency contingency plan should be established and implemented
by the Project Proponent or its delegate prior to construction, and will be in
place at times during the construction phase. The plan will include, but not be
limited to, the following:
emergency situations;
or hazardous materials used on-site (and their location);
response team;
response procedures;
List of
emergency telephone hotlines;
and types of emergency response equipment, and
plan and testing for effectiveness.
Mitigation for operation
phase disturbance
impact on wildlife groups due to increased light disturbance
10.7.12 It is assessed that increased light disturbance
resulting from artificial lights of commercial and/or recreational buildings,
as well as landscaping areas may have adverse impact on the surrounding
habitats and their associated wildlife groups during the operation phase. The
assessment of light impacts is considered to be of Low to Moderate in the
absence of mitigation measures.
10.7.13 In order to reduce the light pollution on the
nearby habitats and their associated wildlife groups, particularly nocturnal
mammals and amphibians, installation of environmentally-friendly lighting
system is recommended in open space areas, landscaping areas, and commercial
and recreational buildings in the proposed development. The most straightforward approach in reducing light pollution is to avoid
pointing light sources directly toward terrestrial habitats (i.e. plantations,
secondary woodlands, shrubby grassland and watercourses) within and adjacent to
the Study Area. The engineering design of the artificially lit areas and
lighting system should also consider options to reduce light pollution on the
ecosystems, such as a limit the duration of lighting at night (high levels of
lighting may not be necessary in the middle of the night), change the intensity
of lighting, avoid sky glow and limit the number of intensively lit buildings
by green building design, change the spectral composition of lighting, and
reduce lights infringing into areas that are not intended to be lit. Since
higher diversity of fauna was recorded in the plantations and secondary
woodlands within and adjacent to the Study Area, any lighting systems proposed
for public and commercial purposes on or nearby these two terrestrial habitats
should be carefully designed. Protocols and design guidelines should be
established at the early engineering design stage for summarising the concept
of these suggested lighting design criteria and the implementation of the
appropriate lighting system. The engineers, architects, landscape architects
and other relevant professionals involved in the future development design of
the project, as well as the future operators of the building and utility
facilities are advised to follow these protocols, design guidelines and
implementation manual on lighting system.
Precautionary Measures for Herpetofauna
10.8.1 Given the presence of a single of Hong Kong Newt in a concrete u-channel in the Study Area, it is recommended that prior to site clearance works, any water channels or streams that may been within the developable area of the site are searched by an appropriately qualified ecologist. Any individual newts (or other species of conservation significance) found should be caught and relocated to a suitable nearby location outside of the development area, such as an adjacent stream in the Assessment Area where this species is known to be present.
10.8.2 More mobile species, such as Common Rat Snake, are predicted to avoid construction works of their own accord. However, should these be found within the works area, they will also be relocated to suitable habitats in adjacent areas.
10.8.3 The relocation exercise is a precautionary measure to move any individuals that may have accidently strayed into the development area to an area where they will not be impacted. As such, no formal monitoring requirements are proposed.
10.9.1 Table 10.39 summarises the ecological
impacts that require mitigation, the mitigation to be carried out and the
presence or otherwise of residual impacts. It can be anticipated that with the
implementation of the proposed mitigation measures described in Section 10.7, residual impacts can be
reduced to Low significance.
Table 10.39: Summary of potential residual impacts
Impacts |
Severity in absence of mitigation |
Mitigation proposed |
Significance of Residual Impacts |
Direct Loss of Habitats |
Loss of 1.13 ha of secondary woodland |
Low to Moderate |
planting in the future Quarry Park to achieve ecological value of the area to
be lost |
Low and Positive enhancement of existing habitat |
Direct Loss on Species |
Loss of
flora of conservation importance |
Negligible; but
Low to Moderate as may have potential presence of any floral of conservation
importance in the inaccessible secondary woodland at the SE part of the Study
Area |
Transplantation of
identified individuals to receptor site prior to the commencement of
construction works |
No |
Impacts on Habitats |
phase hydrological and water quality impacts |
Low to Moderate |
Implementation of
good site practices described in Section
10.7 |
Low |
Indirect Impacts on Species |
phase disturbance impact on wildlife groups due to increased light
disturbance |
Low to Moderate |
Implementation of
appropriate light design as described in Section
10.7 |
Low |
Environmental Acceptability of Schedule 2
Designated Projects
10.10.1 The engineering feasibility study of the proposed ARQ development is a Schedule 3 Designated Project
(DP) under the EIAO, whilst there will be two Schedule 2 DPs; i.e. road improvement
works and rock cavern developments under the ARQ project. Details of these two
Schedule 2 DPs are provided in Section
1.4 and shown in Figure 227724/E/0002.
Improvement Works
10.10.2 Three road
improvement works were proposed at junction of (J/O) Lin Tak Road and Sau Mau Ping Road, at J/O Clear Water Bay Road
and Road L1 of the Development at Anderson Road (DAR), as well as at the new merging lane at New Clear Water Bay Road near Shun Lee Tsuen
Road. In view of the road project nature, the civil works of these three road improvement works and their associated
slope upgrading works will be principally concentrated on the existing roads,
urban structures, rock slopes and exotic plantations on man-made slopes, with
some natural habitats (such as fringe of secondary woodlands on natural slopes
and man-made slopes, and small section of watercourses) that may be affected. Impact
to the natural watercourses and water quality is not anticipated and such
impact will be avoided as far as practical by good site practices.
10.10.3 There
would be potential habitat loss or disturbance to the secondary woodland and
the associated flora and fauna arising from the road improvement and the
associated slope upgrading works at J/O Clear Water Bay Road and Road L1 of
DAR. The secondary woodlands to be affected are located at the fringe of the
mature hillside secondary woodland to the northwest of Tai Shung Tok Hill, and
the plant species identified in this woodland are similar in composition (i.e.
share similar floristic characteristic) in compare with the mature woodland
nearby. However, since it is located at the fringe of the mature secondary
woodland only and receives higher human disturbance (i.e. traffic, pedestrian,
creation of man-made slope), it has simpler floristic structure than the nearby
mature secondary woodland. Besides, the size of this affected secondary
woodland is small (approximately 0.65ha). Significant ecological impact is
therefore not anticipated with regard to its small size and location at the
woodland fringe. Nevertheless, the detailed
ecological impact of this
Schedule 2 DP will be further investigated in a separate EIA under the EIAO.
Rock Cavern
10.10.4 The proposed cavern development is located on the existing cut slopes (currently as bare rock slope surface) on the hillside
of the proposed ARQ Development. According to the best available information at
this stage, the caverns are proposed for commercial use (e.g. food and
beverage) as well as museum, and ecological impacts
arise due to these cavern developments are considered unlikely. Nevertheless, the detailed ecological impact of this Schedule 2 DP will be
further investigated in a
separate EIA under the EIAO.
10.11.1 No major ecological impacts are expected of the current project.
Habitats (mainly including the existing quarry site and developed area, and
small areas of plantation and secondary woodland) would be directly affected by
habitat loss, while disturbance impacts are restricted in scope due to the
nature of adjacent habitats and their isolation of nearby terrestrial habitats
from the proposed development site.
10.11.2 A Wooded Area of about 1.2 ha will be provided to compensate the loss of
small and young secondary woodlands due to the proposed road and underpass. An
updated vegetation survey identifying any potential presence of floral of
conservation importance within the inaccessible secondary woodland and habitats
to be directly impacted by the proposed development, as well as transplantation
of the affected individuals will be conducted prior to the construction phase. Relocation of Hong Kong Newts
(or other species of conservation significance) found in the
water channels or streams within the proposed development area will also be
carried out as a precautionary measure. Overall,
with mitigation measures all ecological impacts of
the implementation of the Project will be fully mitigated. Low or insignificant residual impacts are predicted
after the implementation of the mitigation measures. In particular, there will be a positive enhancement on the existing
habitat with the compensatory planting in the future Quarry Park.
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