2.......... Project Description. 2-3
2.1....... Introduction. 2-3
2.2....... Project
Objectives. 2-3
2.3....... The Need
for the Project 2-3
2.4....... Project
Location and Site History. 2-4
2.5....... Scope of
the Project 2-4
2.6....... Continuous
Public Involvement 2-6
2.7....... Consideration
of Alternative Options. 2-7
2.8....... Construction
Methodologies. 2-17
2.9....... Construction Programme. 2-22
2.10..... Concurrent
Projects. 2-22
2.11..... Summary. 2-25
Table 2.1 Design Treatment Capacity and
Effluent Standards. 2-3
Table 2.2a Summary of Public
Consultation/Engagement Activities. 2-5
Table 2.3 Evaluation Criteria and
Associated Key Issues and Constraints. 2-7
Table 2.4 Comparison on the Five Alternative
Sites. 2-8
Table 2.5 Overall Comparison between Compact-type
Technologies and CAS. 2-15
Diagram 2.01 Trenchless pipe-laying method. 2-12
Diagram 2.02 Sewage Treatment Process Schematic
Flow Diagram.. 2-14
60334056/EIA/2.01 Project
Layout Plan
60334056/EIA/2.02 Proposed
Works Within Project Boundary (Sheet 1 of 2)
60334056/EIA/2.03 Proposed
Works Within Project Boundary (Sheet 2 of 2)
60334056/EIA/2.04 3-D
View and Typical Sections of CSTW
60334056/EIA/2.05 Layout
Plan of the Proposed Sewage Treatment Works in Caverns
60334056/EIA/2.06 Layout
Plan of the Proposed Ancillary Facilities
60334056/EIA/2.07 Overview
of Alternative Sites Locations
60334056/EIA/2.08 Alternative
Location for Supporting Facilities
60334056/EIA/2.09 Alternative
Locations for Ventilation Shaft
60334056/EIA/2.10 Alternative
Options for Emergency Outfall
60334056/EIA/2.11 Layout
of Existing STSTW
60334056/EIA/2.12 Layout
of Tolo Harbour Effluent Export Scheme (THEES) System
2.01 Summary of Key Public
Views or Concerns on the Project
2.02 Preliminary Programme for
Switching and Commissioning Arrangements
2.03 Tentative Construction
Project Objectives
The proposed Project is for the
development of a new sewage treatment works (STW) in caverns to be constructed
at Nui Po Shan, A Kung Kok, Sha Tin, to replace the existing STSTW.
There is a need to optimise the
supply of land by sustainable and innovative approaches to support the social
and economic development of Hong Kong.
Relocating STSTW to caverns can release its present site for other
beneficial uses.
The ¡§without the project¡¨
scenario considers the implications of not having the STSTW to be relocated to
STSTW was first commissioned in
1982, it has been in operation for over 30 years and many facilities
(especially Electrical and Mechanical (E&M) plant) will be approaching
their normal design life in the next one to two decades. The sewage treatment facilities would
continue to age and this is likely to result in increased maintenance needs,
necessitating in the longer term substantial rehabilitation / modernisation of
the existing STSTW. Otherwise the frequency of plant failure would increase and
the efficiency and capacity of the plant will be affected, which may in turn
cause environmental impact such as increased probability of discharging
inadequately treated sewage, release of odour and increase in volume of sludge
to be disposed.
Besides, if the Project were not to proceed, the
opportunity to release the existing STSTW site for further and community
development would be lost.
Upon relocation of the STSTW to
caverns, 28 ha of land in Sha Tin with sea frontage can be released for
re-development to meet the needs of the society.
The living environment of the
surrounding area would be improved. The common potential impacts of a STW,
particularly odour and visual impacts, can be very effectively controlled and
minimised. Odour management of the
STSTW would be greatly enhanced since the caverns would serve as very effective
natural barriers.
Advanced technologies can be
adopted for the new sewage treatment facilities to enhance operation process
performance, resilience and reliability, as well as operation efficiency.
Subject to subsequent planning,
the released STSTW site will provide opportunities for developing a green and
vibrant waterfront living environment with ample open space, a continuous
promenade and recreational facilities such as amenity areas, cycle tracks and
other leisure purposes could be created.
The development opportunities
of the surrounding area adjacent to the existing STSTW site would be enhanced
after completion of the Project and the accessibility of the area would be
improved by improving transport infrastructure at the area.
The project location is rich in
granite. Excavation of caverns will
produce a large amount of hard granitic rocks, which are valuable natural
resources for construction use.
Rocks produced under this Project would become a local source to support
the construction industry.
The existing STSTW is located
at the estuary of Shing Mun River, and provides secondary treatment with
disinfection to sewage collected from the Sha Tin and Ma On Shan areas. It has a design treatment capacity and
effluent standards as follows:
Table 2.1 Design
Treatment Capacity and Effluent Standards
Treatment Capacity
340,000m3/day (ADWF)
Percentile Standard
Upper Limit
Solids (mg/L)
Oxygen Demand
days, 20oC) (mg/L)
Nitrogen (mg/L)
Nitrogen (mg/L)
E. coli (count/100 mL)
at 95-percentile
annual average
monthly geometric mean
Following detailed population
projection and flow assessment of the broad Sha Tin area, the design treatment
capacity and effluent standards of the relocated STSTW would be the same as
those of the existing STSTW.
The proposed STSTW relocation
site is at Nui Po Shan of A Kung Kok on the southern side of Shing Mun River. The present zoning of the site is Green
Belt. There is no major previous
development. Minor tracks exist on
the hillside and are used by nearby villagers and hikers which would not be
affected by the Project.
For housing the sewage
treatment facilities of the relocated STSTW, a series of caverns connected by
cross adits will be constructed, complete with ventilation shafts and access
tunnels. The outlet of ventilation shafts will be situated at a remote location
on the hill away from the local community.
Some ancillary facilities such as administration buildings, ventilation
buildings, an information centre, transformer houses and the like would be
located outside the caverns near the portals of access tunnels.
The Project comprises the
following components:
Construction of caverns at Nui
Po Shan for housing the CSTW;
Construction of a secondary STW
including sludge treatment facilities inside the caverns, with a design
capacity of 340,000 m3/day at average dry weather flow (ADWF);
(iii) Construction of the main and secondary access tunnels and portals
for access to the CSTW;
(iv) Construction of ancillary facilities to the caverns, including
ventilation system, fire services, safety measures, communication systems,
utilities, etc;
Site formation and construction
of ancillary facilities including a multi-storey administration building with
laboratories, workshops, staff office, visitor facilities, etc, ventilation
building, electrical substation, and other minor buildings and internal access
road at the main portal located on A Kung Kok Street;
(vi) Site formation and construction of ancillary facilities including a
ventilation building, secondary electrical substation and internal access road
at the secondary portal located on Mui Tsz Lam Road;
(vii) Construction of pipelines from the CSTW for connection to the
existing emergency submarine outfall of the existing STSTW;
(viii) Construction of new effluent tunnels and pipelines for the discharge
of treated effluent from the relocated STSTW to the existing Tolo Harbour
Effluent Export Scheme (THEES) tunnel;
(ix) Associated slope stabilisation and natural terrain hazard mitigation
and geotechnical works;
Landscaping and architectural
(xi) Construction of a ventilation adit connecting the CSTW to a
ventilation shaft located in Nui Po Shan, together with a surface access of
around 500m length leading from the end of A Kung Kok Shan Road;
(xii) Construction of a temporary project specific magazine at Nui Po
Shan next to the location for the Ventilation Shaft, with access from A
Kung Kok Shan Road, for storage of explosives for up to a few days¡¦ use for
construction of CSTW, and decommissioning of it after
the completion of blasting works;
(xiii) Operation and maintenance of the new STW in caverns; and
(xiv) Decommissioning and demolition of the existing STSTW.
A small portion of treated
effluent, not
exceeding 1,500
m3/day (0.4%
of the design capacity of the CSTW), would be reused for non-potable
uses including use in the laboratory, polymer solution preparation, irrigation and toilet flushing inside the CSTW, the
potable water consumption of which
will thereby be reduced. A water reclamation facility including membrane filtration and/or reverse osmosis would be
provided in the cavern to polish
the treated effluent to meet the following design standard for reuse:
6.2 - 8.0
Suspended Solids (mg/L)
< 2
Dissolved Solids (mg/L)
<450 for Polymer Preparation, Irrigation & Cooling and Not
Specified for toilet flushing, ground and facility washing & make-up
Turbidity (NTU)
<= 2
E. coli (CFU/100 mL)
Note: CFU = Colony-Forming Unit; NTU = Nephelometric Turbidity Unit
A temporary project specific explosive
magazine, which consist of above ground single-storey structures, is proposed
to be built on Nui Po Shan next to the
location of the Ventilation Shaft.
The magazine will be accessed from A Kung Kok
Shan Road and used for short-term
¡V in the order of a few days ¡V storage of explosives
that will be used for construction of the CSTW. The
explosive magazine will be decommissioned after the completion of construction
of caverns for the Project.
The current arrangement of
conveying sludge from STWTW and Sai Kung Sewage Treatment Works (SKSTW) to the
existing STSTW for co-dewatering and disposal will terminated when STSTW is
relocated to caverns.
Under the context of EIA Study
Brief No. ESB-273/2014, the ¡§Project¡¨, as described above,
is referring to the ¡§Sha Tin Cavern Sewage Treatment Works¡¨ (CSTW). Any
environmental impacts that may arise from the upstream sewerage modification
works in relation to the STSTW relocation, or from future developments on the
site of the existing STSTW after its decommissioning are outside and independent from the present EIA.
Figures Nos. 60334056/EIA/2.01,
2.02 and 2.03 show the location,
boundary and general layout of the Project. A schematic isometric view to
better illustrate the CSTW with typical cross sections is shown on Figure No. 60334056/EIA/2.04. A preliminary layout plan of the
proposed STW in caverns and a preliminary layout of ancillary facilities to be
located at the Main and the
Secondary Portals are presented on Figure Nos. 60334056/EIA/2.05
and 2.06
respectively. The layout of the
existing STSTW is shown in Figure No. 60334056/EIA/2.11.
Throughout the formulation of
the preferred option, a series of public consultation/engagement activities
have been held to gather comments and views from the public on the
Project. The activities include a
public forum, focus group meetings, community group meetings, roving
exhibitions and site visits with key stakeholders such as local residents and
representatives, members of district council, professionals, environmental
groups, and relevant government departments/ statutory bodies etc.. Table 2.2a summarises the activities carried out during
the Stages 1 and 2 public engagement processes.
Table 2.2a Summary
of Public Consultation/Engagement Activities
Consultation/Public Engagement Activity
Stage 1 Public Engagement
8 November 2012
Media Briefing
November 2012 to March 2013
Roving Exhibitions
1 Mar 2013
Focus Group Meeting (Environmental
groups & Professional Organizations)
7 March 2013
Briefing to Health and Environmental
Committee (HEC) of Sha Tin District Council (STDC)
16, 17 & 23 March 2013
Community Group Meetings
18 June 2013
Technical Seminar ¡V ¡§The Future of
Sha Tin Sewage Treatment Works ¡V A Reflection of Nordic Countries¡¦ Experience¡¨
Stage 2 Public Engagement
July to October 2013
Roving Exhibitions
20 August 2013
Media Interview
2 & 3 September 2013
Focus Group Meeting (Environmental
groups & Professional Organizations)
14 & 21 September 2013 and 12
October 2013
Visits to Stanley Cavern Sewage
Treatment Works
28 September 2013
Public Forum
7 November 2013
Briefing to HEC of the STDC
The Project Proponent consulted
the Health and Environment Committee (HEC) of the STDC on the findings and recommendations of the Feasibility Study. The Committee supported the Government
to proceed with the investigation and design of the Project on 7 November 2013.
During the public engagement
activities, demonstration of mini-deodourizers have been arranged to allow the
participants to better understand the effectiveness of the mitigation measures
to be adopted to minimise odour impact. Demonstration by vibrograph have
also been arranged to demonstrate the mitigation of vibration impact during construction.
Appendix 2.01 provides a summary of the key public views or
concerns on the Project.
The views collected during
the public engagement activities have
been taken into
in the
feasibility study and investigate phase of the Project.
The Project Proponent conducted the Third Stage Public Engagement between December 2015 and early
March 2016 to present the latest schematic
layout including the locations of portals, supporting facilities,
ventilation shaft, etc; and to disseminate the outcome of impact assessments, the temporary
explosive magazine arrangement, and an
in-depth introduction of the Drill-and-Blast operation including the sequence of works and safety
precautionary and control measures.
Views collected are being consolidated and
would be considered in the detailed design where appropriate. Activities
conducted during Stage 3 Public Engagement are listed in Table
2.2b below:
Table 2.2b Summary of Public Consultation/Engagement
Consultation/Public Engagement Activity
Stage 3 Public Engagement
December 2015 to February 2016
Roving Exhibitions
30 January 2016
Community Group Meeting
2 February 2016
Focus Group Meeting (Professional
4 February 2016
Consultation Meeting with On Tai
5 February 2016
Focus Group Meeting (Environmental
20 & 27 February 2016
Visits to Stanley Cavern Sewage Treatment Works
10 March 2016
Briefing to Health and Environmental
Committee (HEC) of Sha Tin District Council (STDC)
6 March 2016
Project Briefing Session to Residents
in Chevalier Garden
6 May 2016
Project Briefing Session to Residents
in the Castello
The Project Proponent would
continue to engage the
stakeholders and the public to enhance mutual
understanding and thereby the efficaciousness of the Project.
The design of the Project has
undergone a detailed evaluation of different arrangements to arrive at the optimum planning, engineering and environmental
solutions which fit together in a coherent manner. The following sections
summarize the evaluation criteria and the consideration of various alternative
To assess the suitability of
the alternative options for the relocated STSTW, a range of environmental,
engineering, planning and general community disruption considerations were
developed for the decision making process. Table 2.3
presents the evaluation criteria and associated key issues and constraints for
the options selection process.
Table 2.3 Evaluation
Criteria and Associated Key Issues and Constraints
Associated Key Issues and Constraints
CSTW and Ancillary Facilities
following are considered more desirable:
Portals ¡V options with less
amount of earth works, slope cutting and natural terrain hazard to the ancillary
Access tunnels ¡V options with
less extent of soft ground tunneling while meeting the requirements for
pipes, ventilation, fire engineering and traffic, etc.
CSTW layout ¡V options with
optimized layout of sewage and sludge treatment processes and for hydraulic
performance, with less volume of construction and compact footprint while
facilitating plant operation and maintenance.
Engineering Issues
Utilities ¡V options that
require diversion of major utilities will be considered less desirable.
Traffic impact ¡V options that
may lead to significant increases in traffic volume in the construction and
operation stages will be considered less desirable.
Geotechnical and geological
conditions ¡Voptions less likely to encounter adverse conditions will be
considered more desirable.
Natural terrain hazards ¡V
options with less landslide, debris flow and boulder/rockfall hazards will be
more desirable.
Land Issues
Land resumption ¡V options
with less or no resumption of private land will be considered more desirable.
Environmental Impacts
Ecology ¡V options causing the
least effects on species of conservation interest, such as the egretry, coral
communities and their habitats and less potential ecological impact will be
more desirable.
Fisheries ¡V options with the
least marine works and potential fishing ground loss and disturbance will be
more desirable.
Water quality ¡V options with
less potential impact on water quality will be more desirable.
Air and noise ¡V options with
less potential noise and air quality impacts will be more desirable.
Waste management ¡V options
which generate less amount of disposal materials will be more desirable.
Landscape and visual ¡V
options which result in less potential landscape and visual impacts will be more
Cultural heritage ¡V options
which result in less potential impact to cultural heritage will be more
Health ¡V options with less
potential effect on public health will be more desirable.
Options that leads to higher
energy efficiency during operation will be preferred.
Options that meet
sustainability considerations to a greater extent will be more desirable.
Public Views
Options that allow closer alignment
with the outcome of public engagement conducted on the Project will be
considered more desirable.
Costs and Implementation Programme
Capital and recurrent costs ¡V
options that are more cost-effective in terms of both capital and recurrent costs
are more desirable.
Implementation programme ¡V
options that allow a shorter implementation programme of the Project is
considered more desirable.
A review of the alternative
options considered for the Project is presented
in the following sections.
When conducting the review of
the proposed relocation site, five areas adjacent to the existing STSTW were
identified and compared. These five
areas are: Nui Po Shan at A Kung Kok, Shek Mun, Ma On Shan, Kau To Shan South
and Kau To Shan North. The
locations are illustrated in Figure
No. 60334056/EIA/2.07.
The relative merits and
drawbacks (in terms of geological conditions, land use, environmental and
sewerage arrangement) for each alternative site have been reviewed and
summarized in Table 2.4 below. Nui Po Shan site is
deemed the most favourable site among all alternatives.
Table 2.4 Comparison
on the Five Alternative Sites
of Land
on Existing Sewerage System
Kau To Shan (North)
New STW in cavern will be in close proximity to various private
lots/allocated land, which is not favourable.
A number of faults crossing or in close proximity to this area, more
initial and final cavern supports required.
Long upstream and downstream pumping distance as well as long
distance to seafront for submarine outfall. High energy consumption expected.
Close to low density, low-rise residential buildings at Kau To Shan
as well as the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) only.
Some traffic impacts on traffic to/from CUHK. Limited contingency
access available.
Kau To Shan (South)
Access tunnel/adit for Site 1b will be in close proximity to and have
direct impact on private lots/allocated land, which is not favourable.
Poor to fair
A number of faults are mapped in this area. The number of faults,
textural variability in the granite, the number of intrusions and the variety
of rock types in this area will make cavern construction more complex and
Short upstream pumping distance but long downstream pumping distance
and long distance to seafront for submarine outfall. Moderate energy
consumption expected.
Close to low density, low-rise residential buildings at Kau To Shan
Ma On Shan
Minimal and issue expected.
This site will be highly constrained in between the two NW-trending
faults and the rock mass is likely to be more tectonically disturbed,
mineralized and more deeply weathered than other sites. It is considered to
be the least suitable among the 5 shortlisted sites.
Long upstream pumping distance, moderate downstream pumping distance
and short distance to seafront for submarine outfall. Moderate energy
consumption expected.
Close to high density, high-rise buildings including at Hang On
Estate, Yan On Estate and Yiu On Estate.
Very Good
Some impacts on the public transportation serving residential areas,
the construction vehicles can be discharged to the highway system (Ma On Shan
Road) directly which can avoid using local roads.
Nui Po Shan
Very good
Absence of any identifiable faults, generally consistent geological
conditions across the site and only minor mapped intrusions makes this site,
based on the currently available information, a very good site geologically
for cavern construction.
Very good
Short upstream and downstream pumping distance as well as short
distance to seafront for submarine outfall. Low energy consumption expected.
Less close to high density residential buildings including Chevalier Garden,
Mui Tsz Lam Village, Tai Shui Hang Village, A Kung Kok Fisherman¡¦s New
Some traffic impacts on traffic to/from Sha Tin Hospital. Alternative
routes are available.
Shek Mun
The known fault, the photolineaments,
the known monzonite intrusion and the textural variability of the granite at
this location suggest it is slightly less suitable for cavern construction
compared to Site 3.
Long upstream and
downstream pumping distance as well as long distance to seafront for
submarine outfall. High energy consumption expected.
Less close to high
residential buildings including Shek Mun Estate, The Castello, Kwong Yuen
Estate, Siu Lek Yuen Tsuen.
No significant impacts on
public transportation. Alternative routes are available.
The review confirmed that Nui
Po Shan is the best site for the relocation of the STSTW. To sum up, Nui Po Shan site has the
following merits and is more favourable than the others:
The geology of this area,
belonging to hard granite with no obvious weak zones and faults, is most
suitable for construction of large caverns;
This area is located in the
proximity of the existing STSTW and THEES effluent expert tunnel which conveys
the treated effluent from the STSTW to Kai Tak Nullah (KTN) in Wong Tai Sin for
discharge (as shown on Figure No. 60334056/EIA/2.12). As such, relocating the STSTW to this
area will minimise the disturbance to the whole Sha Tin District, reducing the
extent of construction works due to modification of upstream sewerage and
shortening the construction period;
No private land resumption is
needed; and
This area is close to Ma On
Shan Highway. With appropriate measures, the traffic impact due to the
relocation of the STSTW is the minimum.
Although the direct
environmental impacts related to Kau To Shan (North), Kau To Shan (South), Nui
Po Shan and Shek Mun site are similar, suitable geology and close to existing
highway in Nui Po Shan Sites will shorten the construction period and haul
route that will also have less indirect environmental impacts than other
Furthermore, the position and
orientation of the CSTW will avoid encroaching into the boundaries of Ma On
Shan Country Park and Mui Tsz Lam and Mau Ping Priority Sites for Enhanced
Different options have been
considered in determining the layout of facilities to be provided outside the
Option 1 ¡V Location of Facilities
at Both Main Portal and Area 73
Option 1 aimed at providing
facilities at both Main Portal and Area 73. This was the original arrangement
proposed in the Feasibility Study Stage to limit the extent of site formation
works at the portal area. However, this option will take up a considerable area
of Area 73 reducing the versatility of the site. Furthermore, the connectivity
with the CSTW is poor, particularly since there are the Ma On Shan Highway and
the Ma On Shan Rail in between, and operation effectiveness is affected. The general layout proposed in Area 73
is indicated in Figure No.
60334056/EIA /2.08.
Option 2 ¡V Location of
Facilities at the Portals only
Considering the demerits of
Option 1, Option 2 was developed and aimed to provide all facilities and
buildings at the Main Portal. The
extent of site formation works there will increase. In return, connectivity
among the facilities, buildings and the STW is much improved. Area 73 will not need to be
reserved for any
permanent facility of the CSTW. The portal area can be
flexibly utilized such as integration of the sewage treatment works facilities with the THEES Tunnel Portal. A layout showing the location of the
facilities outside caverns is given in Figure
No. 60334056/EIA/2.08.
Different options have been
considered in determining the location of the Ventilation
Shaft. Two locations as shown on Figure No. 60334056/EIA/2.09
are considered:
Option A ¡V The Location
Proposed in Feasibility Study Stage
The ventilation shaft is located at the south-west corner of the
CSTW. The outlet of the
ventilation shaft will be at an uphill area at approximately 240mPD. It is located far from all major residential
developments and villages, the closest one being more than 700m away
on plan. An odour impact assessment
indicates that with this air vent location any residual
odour impact will be minimal and in compliance
with the requirements
stipulated in the EIAO-TM. On the other hand, to allow construction of
the air vent, an access road approximately
1,200m in length leading
from the upper end of A Kung Kok Shan Road will need to be laid.
Option B ¡V Revised Location in Subsequent Design Development
This location lies approximately 500m to the
south-west of the Option
A location. It is also very remote
from all major residential developments and villages, the closest one being more than 1,000m away. The outlet
of the ventilation shaft will also be in an uphill
area at approximately 180mPD. At this location, the access road
leading from the top end of A Kung Kok Shan Road can be much shortened to about 500m in length, with correspondingly much less soft spoil generation and tree felling works. Design of the
access road alignment can follow the
topography of the existing natural terrain, with much reduced the slope
cutting and removal of vegetation than
Option A. Odour impact assessment, as will
be described in a subsequent section, indicates that residual odour impact is
minimal and in full compliance with the
EIAO-TM requirements. Apart
from the much shortened access road, another major
advantage of this option is a much reduced length of ventilation shaft, and consequently less volume
of construction works for the shaft. This revised
location is therefore considered as more preferable.
Under normal operation, treated effluent from the relocated STSTW will
be conveyed by the THEES effluent tunnel for ultimate discharge into Victoria
Harbour. In other or emergency situations,
same as for the existing STSTW, an emergency outfall is needed for bypass of treated or partially treated effluent to Tolo Harbour.
Three options of an emergency
outfall for the relocated STSTW have been considered which are shown on Figure No. 60334056/EIA/2.10 and discussed below:
Option 1 ¡V Continued Utilization of the Existing Emergency
The existing twin
2500mm diameter emergency outfall pipelines of STSTW will continue to be utilized after STSTW is relocated into caverns. An underwater Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV)
survey conducted in September 2015 confirmed that existing outfall was in satisfactory and
serviceable conditions. A new twin pipeline will have to be laid across Shing Mun River for conveying the flow from the relocated STSTW to the existing outfall.
Two alignments of the proposed
new twin pipeline are identified in Option 1 (i.e. Option 1A and Option 1B). Option 1A makes use of the existing pipe
bridge for cross Shing Mun River, but will necessitate a much longer alignment,
a large section of which is along the heavily trafficked A Kung Kok
Street. Under Option 1B, a segment
of the pipeline will be laid by trenchless method across Shing Mun River. The
benefits of adopting trenchless method is that no dredging of the river bed
will be involved. The pipeline will
be installed deep below the river bed and will not affect it. The diagram below schematically
illustrates the mechanism of trenchless pipe-laying method. Among Options 1A and 1B, Option 1B is
the preferred scheme in terms of both the scale of works and potential
environmental impacts.
Diagram 2.01 Trenchless
pipe-laying method

sequence of works is given as follows:
1. Excavation and set up of launching and receiving pits;
2. Assembly of Micro-Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM);
3. Tunnel boring and mucking out;
4. Installation of pipe segments
5. Repeat Step (3) and Step (4) upon completion of pipe installation;
6. Dismantlement of TBM, and
7. Dismantlement and reinstatement of launching and receiving pits
after completion of works.
Option 2 ¡V Construction of a New Emergency Outfall
This option excludes the need to lay new pipelines across Shing Mun
River, but would require the construction of new
outfall pipelines. The new pipeline will have to extend into Sha Tin Hoi, owing to the presence of the protection zone of
the Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited (HKCG) submarine gas main.
Similar to Option 1, two
alignments of the land-based section of the outfall are identified in Option 2
(i.e. Option 2A and Option
2B). Among these, Option 2A is the
preferred scheme as it has significantly less interface with the existing high
pressure submarine gas pipes in Sha Tin Hoi and Shing Mun River Channel.
Option 3 ¡V Seawall Emergency Outfall
The use of a seawall outfall at the
south bank of Shing Mun River, close to the outlet of Tai Shui Hang Channel has also been considered. Nevertheless, as the location is within the
tidal section of Shing Mun River channel and the discharge
will be much more
concentrated than the case of a submarine outfall, the resulting water quality, in case
of an emergency bypass, in Shing Mun River and the part of Tolo Harbour close
to the River estuary will be inferior to the existing situation with the
submarine outfall. Hence this option is not considered
Overall, owing to the presence of the existing
submarine high-pressure gas mains, the outfall pipeline and
diffusers of Options 2A have to be located much closer
to the shoreline where both current velocity and water depth are much lower, and hence would
be less favourable in terms of plume dilution and dispersion. In fact,
the existing outfall diffusers in Option 1B are situated in a region with locally the
largest lower depth and distance from the shore. Moreover, dredging works in Sha Tin Hoi would be required for
the new outfall diffusers in Option 2A is required and will adversely
affect water quality during construction. Apart from better performance in respect of
water quality, Option 1B also makes the most use
of the existing facilities and hence will involve the least amount of works and their related environmental impact. Option 1B is hence the preferred option.
The treatment level of an STW
is dependent on its environmental settings and the mode of discharge. The aim is to achieve satisfactory water
quality meeting relevant stipulations.
The level of treatment of an STW will determine the effluent quality,
and the mode of discharge will affect the subsequent processes including
dilution, dispersion and diminution of any residual pollutants. Hence for a given environmental setting,
the treatment level and the mode of discharge are closely related ¡V a lower
treatment level will require a better mode of discharge, e.g. a longer
submarine outfall, and vice versa.
The existing STSTW is the
largest secondary STW in Hong Kong with a treatment capacity of 340,000 m3/day
(ADWF). Treated sewage effluent is
discharged via the THEES tunnel and KTN to Victoria Harbour ultimately.
The present Project comprises
the relocation of the STSTW at same design capacity as the existing plant. As will be described in the subsequent
sections, the treated effluent will be discharged via the existing THEES
tunnel, and any emergency discharge from the CSTW will be via the existing submarine
outfall in Tolo
Harbour, same as for the existing STSTW. Hence the environmental setting and the
mode of discharge of effluent are generally the same as that of the existing
The treatment level of the
existing STSTW is secondary plus disinfection, and is able to fulfil the relevant
water quality requirements. The
quality of discharge to Victoria Harbour is governed by Water Pollution Control
Ordinance Cap 358 (WPCO).
Following the above discussion,
for the relocated
STSTW, maintaining the treatment level the same as that of the existing
STSTW will result in a water quality at least not
inferior to the present situation. On the other hand, a lower
treatment level, such as Chemically Enhanced Primary
Treatment (CEPT), is likely
to result in a lower water quality in the receiving waters.
In contrast to the existing
ones, the treatment processes in the relocated STSTW will be newly installed
and of advanced technologies. Even
if the same treatment level is maintained, treatment performance and
reliability will be enhanced, thereby benefiting the water environment.
Raising the treatment level to
tertiary treatment will give higher quality effluent. However this will incur significantly
higher construction cost as additional cavern space will be required, substantially
increase the operation power consumption due to the
additional treatment and added ventilation requirements to cope with the
additional cavern space, increase sludge quantities, etc.
In respect of the issue of
treated effluent reuse, it should be noted that Sha Tin has adopted seawater
flushing. Switching the use of
seawater to treated effluent will require a higher level of treatment than
secondary to meet flushing water standard, with much higher construction and operation
costs, as well as operation power consumption owing to the additional
treatment processess. The benefits,
nonetheless, are not apparent as such a switching will not give rise to
conservation of freshwater resources.
In light of the adequacy of the
current treatment level in meeting water quality requirements, it is both
environmentally and economically unjustifiable to adopt a higher level of
secondary treatment plus disinfection for the CSTW.
In order to meet the required
discharge quality standard, biological treatment will have to be provided. The sewage treatment
process to be adopted for STSTW will generally comprise the following components, but the detailed
sequencing and configuration may vary from process to process (e.g. batch
reactor processes may combine several functions in a single tank): (1) preliminary treatment including fine screening and
grit removal; (2) primary treatment; (3) biological treatment; (4) solid/liquid
separation; and (5) Ultraviolet (UV) disinfection.
Diagram 2.02 below presents a schematic flow diagram of the treatment process:
Diagram 2.02 Sewage
Treatment Process Schematic Flow Diagram
Sewage arriving at the inlet of
the STW will enter the preliminary treatment process, including mechanical bar
screens and grit removal system to remove large solid debris, sand and grit
materials. Preliminarily treatment
effluent may then be directed to the primary treatment process where the
suspended solids are settled out and removed as primary sludge. The primary effluent will then be conveyed
to the biological treatment where micro-organisms will be used to assimilate
and remove pollutants in the sewage.
Finally the secondary effluent will be disinfected by UV before
discharge to the THEES tunnel.
The sewage treatment process employed in the existing STSTW is the
Modified Ludzack-Ettinger (MLE) process, a relatively conventional activated
sludge technology based solely on suspended growth. It is proven with a lot of operation
experience locally. For present-day
adoption of this technology, some enhancement measures can be incorporated to
render the process more compact than that in the existing STSTW, for instance,
increasing the depth of aeration tanks.
This conventional activated sludge (CAS) is one of the options for the
sewage treatment process for the CSTW.
There are other technologies available that, by making use of attached
growth or granular forms of activated sludge, will reduce the required
hydraulic retention time and thus give an overall more compact process than
CAS. For the purpose of discussion
here these will be called compact-type technologies. They include the Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR);
Integrated Fixed Film Activated Sludge System (IFAS); the Aerobic Granular Sludge (AGS), etc.
An outline comparison is made
between the compact-type technologies and CAS in terms of excavation volume and cavern overall footprint.
Traditional CAS has the longest track record and has plenty number of treatment
plants with scale comparable to the relocated STSTW, Compact Technology are
generally newer technology but is more compact than traditional CAS process.
Traditional CAS requires larger footprint due to relatively large bioreactors
and clarifiers. The table below shows a comparison of the excavation volume and
size of overall footprint for the Compact-type Technologies and traditional CAS
2.5 Overall
Comparison between Compact-type Technologies and CAS
Compact-type Technologies
Retention Time
Overall Tankage
Approximate Cavern
Excavation Volume (Mm3)
Construction Period
excavation volume in the table is the bulk volume with an assumed
bulk factor 1.25 for rock. It includes only the volumes to house the sewage
treatment process units without any of the functional and auxiliary facilities: such as solid-liquid separation, sludge treatment,
access tunnels, other associated facilities etc.
2. The figure
stated for compact-type technologies corresponds to the IFAS, MBBR and the
AGS technologies.
Both CAS and the Compact-type technologies will provide secondary biological
treatment capable of achieving the effluent standards
presented in Table 2.1 when coupled with UV disinfection. In terms of environmental impact
assessment, there is no significant difference in the nature of impacts between
the two options. On the other hand,
owing to higher tankage volume, CAS will involve a considerably larger volume
of excavation works and higher construction period during which environmental
impacts will be generated. Hence
compact-type technologies are the preferred option.
A preliminary schematic of the
sewage treatment works is shown in Figure
Sludge from the future CSTW will be conveyed to the Sludge Treatment
Facility (STF) in Tuen Mun for incineration, similar to the arrangement in the
existing STSTW. Prior to conveyance to the Sludge Handling Facility, a number of alternative handling options are considered:
Dewatering with prior anaerobic digestion, with digesters located inside the
with prior anaerobic digestion, with digesters located outside the caverns
Dewatering without digestion
Anaerobic digestion would reduce the volume of
the sludge to be disposed of to the Sludge Incineration Facility, and allow
the recovery of heat and energy from the biogas generated for utilization in the STW. Yet as biogas is inflammable, its
generation inside caverns is as a matter of principle not acceptable under the prevailing fire safety policy.
Overseas there are anaerobic sludge digesters located inside caverns but
these are of an open-top design whereby the top of the digester protrudes above
the hill surface. This design is
not viable for the Project owing to the CSTW being located deep under the steep
topography of Nui Po Shan.
The available space at the
cavern portal area is very limited and is not sufficient to accommodate any
sludge digestion facilities in addition to the other necessary supporting facilities
of the CSTW. Based on a preliminary
estimate, an area of around 1.8ha would be required to accommodate the sludge
digestion as well as
biogas storage facilities. Extensive site
formation including substantial setting back of the existing green belt area would be
required if space sufficient for the sludge digestion facilities is to be made
available. Given the topography of Nui Po Shan, letting
alone the technical requirements, the site formation works would cause significant adverse environmental impact in
terms of tree felling, more geotechnical and slope stabilisation works needed, additional excavated materials to be disposed of,
as well as noise and air emissions due to the additional excavation works.
In view of the issues arising
from the inclusion of anaerobic digestion at the relocated STSTW, either inside
or outside the caverns, the direct dewatering option is the most feasible
option for this Project. The sludge
will be dewatered to a dry solids content of 30% minimum.
Consideration for Alternative / Phased Installation in relation to Flow Projections
The relocated STSTW is to be
constructed inside caverns by drill & blast method as described in Section 2.8.2 below.
expanding an open-plan sewage treatment works, it will be subject to many more
constraints to excavate part of the caverns only at the
initial stage and return to excavate the remaining portion at later stage when
the flow builds up, because the vibration to be caused by the blasting works may affect
the integrity of the structural elements and the E&M equipment which already installed within the same cavern network.
Based on the current programme,
the relocated STSTW is expected to be commissioned by 2027. According to the recent flow projection
based on the latest population data available from the Planning Department,
i.e. Territorial Population and Employment Data Matrices (TPEDM) -2011 enhanced
version, the projected flow in 2027 would be around 290,000 m3/day
and the projected flow at the ultimate scenario would be around 340,000 m3/day
Since the difference in
projected flows between the time when the relocated STSTW is commissioned and the
ultimate design scenario is about 15% only, it is
considered appropriate to construct all the caverns and civil works in one
go. Installation of the
E&M equipment can
phase with the flow build-up. The detailed phasing can be determined
at a later stage with consideration of population
growth at the time when
the sewage treatment installations are procured.
The following measures will be
adopted to ensure the reliability and to minimise the risk of emergency
discharge of the relocated STSTW:
of sufficient standby units for all major treatment units E&M equipment to
cater for equipment breakdown and maintenance needs, which in turn will
minimize the risk of inadequately treated effluent or emergency discharge;
of dual power supply from two separate electrical sub-station to the sewage
treatment works. Normally power
supply to sewage treatment works will be from a single 132kV source and fed
into two 11kV systems. For the CSTW, dual 132kV supply will be provided by two
separate electrical sub-stations which individually is sufficient for full
power supply of the plant. This
greatly lowers the probability of power outage. Hence, the reliability of power supply
will be much more secured than the case of most other sewage treatment works;
commissioning of the relocated STSTW is planned to be carried out in
stages. A portion of the total flow
will first diverted to the relocated plant to enable the treatment process to
be tested, refined and adjusted to the required performance before the remaining
sewage is diverted to the relocated STSTW.
Construction Methodologies
This section describes the
planning of the construction of the Project, covering the key aspects including
the envisaged construction methods of tunnels, caverns and other ancillary structures, decommissioning and demolition of existing STSTW and the
sequence of works.
Based on the available
geological profile, it is envisaged that the tunnels and caverns excavation
will be mostly carried out in good quality granitic rock mass. They are typically excavated by either
Drill-and-Blast or by TBM. Other
forms of excavation such as mechanical and chemical splitting are not cost
effective except for either small volume of excavation or at locations where
blasting would pose too great nuisance or be hazardous.
Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM)
TBMs are normally
adopted for construction of small to medium size tunnel. The largest TBM machine currently
available in the world is the one being used for the construction of the
sub-sea tunnel of Tuen Mun ¡V Chek Lap Kok Link with a diameter of about
17m. The size of the caverns
required for the sewage treatment works is 24m and above in general which is much beyond
the maximum size of TBM available in the market. Adoption of a smaller
cavern span will result in more number of process trains and flow control would
be more complicated. Furthermore, the cavern formed by TBM will be generally
circular in shape, which is not an effective shape for the sewage processing
units. This in turn may require more cavern area and hence a larger overall
footprint. The CSTW site is bounded
by the existing effluent tunnel of the THEES on the western side and the Ma On
Shan Country Park on the east. Increasing its footprint will likely encroach
into these sensitive features which is highly undesirable.
Besides, the levels and heights
of individual process caverns along the process train will vary in order to
suit the plant hydraulics. Thus it
is technically complicated to have a single TBM drilling through the entire
process train. Other
considerations such as the need for a considerable open space for TBM launching
and the need for retrieval of the TBM cutterhead make the TBM option less
effective. Hence, adoption of TBM
for constructing the caverns is not considered a practical solution for this
Drill-and-Blast Method
Drill and blast method is a cyclic operation comprising: drilling of charge holes for the
explosives, blasting of the rock face and removal of the
spoil either concurrent with, or prior to,
the installation of temporary support. In addition
to the
components of the
drill and blast cycle,
ground treatment such as pre-excavation grouting is required if the alignment passes
poor ground. Drill and blast excavation has been proven to be very efficient for excavation of tunnels and
caverns where
multiple faces can be excavated simultaneously.
The overall duration of the cycle
will be
largely dependent on the time taken to drill the face, and the time taken to muck out the blasted rock.
It is therefore possible to adjust the advance per blast in order to achieve an optimum production rate. Drill and
blast method is hence a very flexible solution conducive to completing the
cavern construction within the allowable working period.
Typically the excavation phase is completed before the permanent lining is constructed. Prior to the provision of the permanent lining,
support is required
where necessary to secure the opening. The temporary
support comprises various elements
including: rock bolts/dowels, shotcrete, and steel arches used either singly
or in combination depending on
nature of the rock mass.
The permanent lining normally comprises cast-in-situ concrete but could
also comprise high quality shotcrete in combination of rock dowels.
When excavating through water
bearing ground, control
of water inflow only
be done by methodical injection excavation. Continuous probing as the face advances will ensure that any water bearing zones or discrete
features are located and pre-treated.
The environmental impacts due to
these two construction methods are similar as the construction of caverns is
basically carried out in underground.
However, TBM has a number of limitations related to the available TBM
size, varying cavern sizes and geometry along process trains, to suit the
treatment process, the need of a sizeable launching space, etc., so it is not
the most effective solution in this Project.
For the
construction of access tunnels and caverns, the Drill-and-blast
method would suit the nature and scale of the works Project better that
TBM. On the other hand, for the
laying of pipelines below Shing Mun River or in hard rock, smaller-size TBM is
considered an appropriate method.
Consideration of Alternative Temporary Explosive Magazine
The scenario of not having an on-site temporary magazine has
been considered.
Under such a
situation, explosives availability at the works fronts will be dependent
totally upon explosives delivery by the Mines Division of CEDD, which normally
is limited to once per day and in any case would be subjected to resources
limitations of the Mines Division.
For a project with multiple large-scale caverns like the STSTW Project,
this will pose a serious constraint on the construction
programme and unnecessarily prolong the construction period, with a significant
delay in realizing the environmental benefits of the relocation Project. A broad-brush
assessment indicates
that without an on-site explosive magazine, the pace of construction
of the caverns will be
limited by the inevitably small number of concurrent blasting workfronts and as
a result the overall construction time of the Project will be prolonged by at least 10 years. This will in turn imply a much lengthened
construction phase during which the environment may be subject to potential
environmental impacts, and a significant delay in realizing the environmental
benefits of the relocation Project.
This scenario is therefore undesirable in environmental aspects.
The option of shared use of
other existing magazine sites with other contracts have also been
considered. There are three
magazines recently in operation namely the magazine sites at Tseung Kwan O Area
137, Ta Shui Ha and Chung Hom Shan.
The delivery of explosive from Chung Hom Shan to Sha Tin across
Victoria Harbour is only allowed in restricted hours and weather conditions
which will pose a big constraint on the construction programme. For the other two
magazines, their
continued availability after completion of the projects they are serving, which
time would precede works commencement of the STSTW project, is highly
In addition, Mines Division of CEDD has confirmed that Kowloon Explosive
Depot (KED) does not have sufficient capacity to support the operation of the STSTW
construction works. Therefore, shared use of
existing magazines is not a
feasible alternative.
A much more environmentally sound and technically viable alternative is
the provision of a temporary on-site explosives magazine.
The future CSTW will comprise a vertical ventilation shaft opening to a
remote uphill area on Nui Po Shan.
Construction of the shaft will necessitate the
installation of an access road from the upper end of A Kung Kok
Shan Road. Adjacent to the location
of the ventilation shaft opening is a small flat
area. This is considered a very suitable site
for the temporary explosives magazine, as it is remote
from population and
the community ¡V the nearest residential premises, the Neighbourhood
Advice-Action Council Harmony Manor, is approximately 200m away.
To ensure the security of explosives, security fences complete with
overhang covered in barbed wire will be installed around the store.
Security guards will be on duty 24 hours, with a guard hut located at the
entrance. The guard hut will be provided with a register of authorised persons
who are permitted to enter the compound. CCTV system will also be installed to
provide 24 hours surveillance and video recording.
The current arrangement of discharging STSTW treated effluent to KTN through the THEES tunnel
would be maintained after relocation.
To convey the treated effluent of the future CSTW
to the THEES tunnel, two options have been
In Option 1, the
connection point will be outside the THEES tunnel at its Sha Tin portal. A short section
of tunnel will be constructed between the
CSTW, and the THEES tunnel inlet chamber.
In Option 2, the connection
point will be at a point along the THEES tunnel several hundred metres
downstream of its Sha Tin portal.
Both Options will inevitably
require transient suspension of the THEES tunnel at certain times for
constructing the connection, during which treated effluent in the THEES will be
temporarily bypassed into Tolo Harbour.
For Option 1, the connection works involve modifications to the existing
inlet facilities to the THEES tunnel; while for Option 2, the connection will
involve breaking into the existing THEES tunnel for a T-junction and making
good the tunnel lining afterwards. Both the number of times and duration of
temporary suspension will be less for Option 1 than Option 2. Option 1 is therefore the preferred
alternative. The arrangement of the
preferred Option 1 is show on Figure
No. 60334056/EIA/2.01.
It is assessed that the
connection works of Option 1 can be split into a number of steps for
synchronized implementation with THEES maintenance, thereby avoiding the need
for additional temporary suspension of the THEES. The short-term environmental impacts of
THEES maintenance, which is required in any case under the present practice
irrespective of this Project, has been considered in the approved EIA Report
for ¡§Tai Po Sewage Treatment Works Stage V¡¨ (AEIAR ¡V 081/2004).
Construction of Administration, Ventilation and Ancillary
Ancillary facilities including a multi-storey
administration building with laboratories, workshops, staff office, visitor
facilities, etc., Ventilation Building No. 1, Electrical Substation No. 1, and
other smaller buildings will be located in the main portal located on A Kung Kok
Ventilation Building No. 2 and
Electrical Substation No. 2 will be located in the secondary portal located on
Mui Tsz Lam Road.
These building structures will
be of typical reinforced concrete construction
with architectural
features, and construction works generally include: i) formwork and falsework erection,
ii) rebar
fixing, iii) concrete pouring and curing, iv) formwork striking and back propping, v) installation
of building services and vi) installation of large E&M equipment.
Superstructures will adopt bottom-up
construction by constructing the ground floor slabs, beams, columns
and walls from
the low level and
progressing upwards to roof level.
Construction of the slopes (including natural terrain mitigation measures) and retaining walls for the Project is to
a large
extent governed by the following constraints/uncertainties:
constraint due to sloping ground conditions of the sites;
obstructions to the construction; and
uncertainties which include ground and groundwater conditions.
Where possible, construction programme should be arranged so that the slopes and retaining
walls are constructed under favourable weather condition, preferably in dry season.
Temporary drainage system shall be constructed
prior to construction.
Obstructions to construction shall be
verified and determined on
Utilities and trees shall be properly
treated at the onset of the construction. Natural terrain mitigation measures are normally
located at areas with dense vegetation. Minimal disturbance
to the
shall be maintained during the
Where existing structures and sensitive receivers are located in the vicinity of the construction area,
safety precaution measures
shall be implemented to avoid possible damage. Instrumentation and monitoring
works shall be implemented throughout the construction period to monitor the effect of the works. Groundwater monitoring
shall be collected to
review the design groundwater level and hence reduce the
geotechnical uncertainties where
Cut slopes and temporary cutting for retaining walls shall be formed by bulk excavation and
installed with necessary slope stabilization works including
soil nailing. Slope stabilization
works shall be installed and stability of the excavation shall be maintained at all stages.
Earth filling including construction of fill slopes
and backfilling behind retaining walls shall,
general, be compacted to at least 95% of the maximum dry density. Surface upon which fill
to be placed should be stripped of all trees, loose filling, top soil,
boulders, debris of any nature
and the like.
L-shaped retaining wall shall not be backfilled until sufficient strength of concrete has been
achieved after concreting. Construction of cantilever retaining walls shall be completed
prior to
Throughout the construction period, all temporary works should be subjected to regular inspections. Signs of distress in any structure or
should be recorded
steps taken
to alleviate the distress.
The staff quarters in the
existing STSTW will have to be demolished in an early stage in order to form the site
for construction of
the Intermediate Sewage and Effluent Pumping Station
(ISEPS) under a separate project for conveying treated effluent from Tai Po
Sewage Treatment Works to THEES Tunnel.
The design treatment
capacity of the existing STSTW is 340,000 m3/day (ADWF). As it is normally the case for such
infrastructural facilities, this capacity corresponds to a long-term
situation. The latest flow
projection is that the inflow to the STSTW will not be approaching the design
capacity around the time of commissioning the CSTW. For interim construction needs of the
Project, some of the existing treatment
processing units could be decommissioned and demolished in advance of CSTW completion
while still meeting effluent standards of the plant.
Details of demolition phasing is a matter of construction
planning and actual flow increase which are not precisely available at this stage. As a
conservative approach
for assessment purposes, air impact assessment would be
carried out based on the programme as presented in Appendix 2.02,
which assumes the demolition works to be carried out over a short time span which
would give a more conservative assessment result.
Options for Demolition
The Code of Practice for
Demolition of Buildings (CDB, Buildings Department 2004) identifies several
main methods of techniques for demolition including:
Top down methods by jack hammer, percussive or hydraulic breakers;
Wrecking Ball;
Cutting and Drilling;
Non explosive demolition agents (NEDA);
Thermal lance; and
Methods (blasting)
Implosion does not offer any
potential reduction in polluting impacts in the form of noise, vibration and
dust (ref. CDB) and is not efficient for slabs and walls that will require
demolition. Therefore the preferred
method of demolition should adopt a non-blasting approach and implosive
demolition using a blasting approach has been ruled out as an option for
Top-down methods are applicable
and efficient for all types of structure.
Typical jack-hammers can reduce vibration and hydraulic breakers can
reduce noise (ref. CDB). However,
machine mounted percussive breakers and toppling or breaking away structures by
large machinery do not offer any potential reduction in dust, noise or
vibration emissions (ref. CDB). As
these methods may not be used exclusively, in order to assume a worst case
scenario, a variety of these typical methods can be assumed to be used.
This method is generally
suitable for dilapidated buildings but would not be applicable in this case
where the clear space to the edge of the Site is limited in places and
structures have substantial steel reinforcement. This application also demands
high level skill operators and well-maintained equipment.
Potential polluting impacts in the
form of noise, vibration and dust can be reduced by using methods such as
circular saw cutting, wire saw cutting, and stitch drilling which are effective
for all structures and can reduce vibration, noise and dust. NEDA can also reduce vibration, noise
and dust but is not applicable to slabs and walls. The use of thermal lance and or
high-pressure water jets would not generally be recommended unless there are no
other viable alternatives. A
selection of the above processes may be used by the demolition contractor for
specific locations. These methods
would generally result in lesser impacts (ref. CDB) and their use should not be
precluded by limiting the plant to be used on Site to that used in the assessments. However for the purpose of the environmental
assessment, these techniques are not assumed to be adopted in order that a
worst possible case scenario is assessed.
A variety of top-down methods
are assumed to be used and various element from a suite of powered mechanical equipment
have been assumed to be in use at various locations across the Site throughout
the demolition. The use of
jack-hammers and hydraulic breakers is efficient and noise and dust impacts can
potentially be controlled by a range of practical mitigation measures (e.g.
noise barriers, dust control) familiar to the construction industry in Hong
Kong. In addition, the statutory
provisions under the Noise Control Ordinance (NCO) and Air
Pollution Control Ordinance (APCO) control noise and dust from such operations. Where Asbestos Containing Materials
(ACM) may be present in the building, the method of demolition must adopt
non-explosive approach. The
handling of asbestos shall follow The APCO and The Waste
Disposal (Chemical Waste) (General) Regulation.
The Project construction works are
anticipated to commence in 2018 with completion of the Project by 2028. A tentative construction programme for
the Project is provided in Appendix
2.03. This programme
provides the basis for the assessments presented in the EIA Report.
Concurrent Projects
Concurrent projects in the
vicinity of the Project site are identified at the following paragraphs. The status of these concurrent projects
is based on the available information at the time of submission of this
Report. It should be noted that the
implementation of individual projects would be subject to further development and
subsequent actions of the respective project
Proposed works for Upstream
Sewerage Facilities for the Relocation of Sha Tin Sewage Treatment Works:-
This is a DSD project which include construction of a
new pumping station and modification of existing pumping stations as well as
sewerage works in order to convey sewage to the CSTW for treatment. All works are expected to start at 2021
for completion in 2026.
Widening of Tai Po Road (Sha
Tin Section):-
conducting an investigation study on the widening of Tai Po Road (Sha Tin
Section) between Sha Tin Rural Committee Road and Fo Tan Road. Construction
works are tentatively scheduled to commence in end 2017 for completion by 2021.
Tolo Harbour Sewerage of
Unsewered Areas, Stage II :-
This project
covers the provision of sewerage to a number of unsewered areas in Sha
Tin. Works are on-going and
expected to be completed by 2020.
Tolo Harbour Effluent Export
Scheme (THEES) Upgrading :-
EPD is carrying out a study ¡§Investigation of Tolo Harbour Effluent Export Scheme
(THEES) Upgrading Options and Impacts to Tolo Harbour Water Quality¡¨. Projects may arise accordingly for
upgrading of the THEES.
Public Rental Housing
Development at Yan On Estate Phase 2, Ma On Shan Area 86B:-
Department (HD) is conducting a feasibility study on the Public Rental Housing
Development at Yan On Estate Phase 2, Ma On Shan Area 86B. Construction works
are tentatively scheduled to commence in the 3rd Quarter of 2019 for
completion by 2023.
Home Ownership Scheme
Development at Ma On Shan Road:-
HD is conducting
a feasibility study on the Home Ownership Scheme Development at Ma On Shan
Road. Construction works are
tentatively scheduled to commence in the 2nd Quarter of 2017 for
completion by mid 2021.
Road Improvement Works at Ma On
Shan, Sha Tin:-
HD is conducting
preliminary design on the Road Improvement Works at Ma On Shan, Sha Tin. Construction works are tentatively
scheduled to commence in the 3rd Quarter of 2017 for completion by
Shek Mun Estate Phase 2:-
It is a HD project
which is currently under construction and expected to be completed by
Potential Reclamation Site at
Ma Liu Shiu :-
conducting a study on technical issues related to potential reclamation at Ma
Liu Shui. Projects may arise subject
to the outcome of the study.
Table 2.6 summarises the potential concurrent projects that would
contribute to the cumulative environmental impacts during construction and/or
operational phase.
Table 2.6 Existing
and Planned Concurrent Projects
Construction Programme
Possible Cumulative
Considered in the EIA
Construction Phase
Operational Phase
Construction Phase
Operational Phase
Proposed Works for Upstream Sewerage Facilities for the
Relocation of Sha Tin Sewage Treatment Works
Commence in 2021 for completion in 2026
Air Quality,
(The overlapping period is for construction of CSTW only. Since the work site of ISEPS is
located more than 300m from the study area of CSTW work site, no cumulative
noise impact is expected.)
Widening of Tai Po Road (Sha Tin Section)
Commence in end 2017 for completion by 2021
Tolo Harbour Sewerage of Unsewered Areas, Stage II
On-going and complete by 2020
Quality (This is a water quality improvement project with no adverse
cumulative impact expected.)
Quality (This is a water quality improvement project with no adverse
cumulative impact expected.)
Tolo Harbour Effluent Export Scheme (THEES) Upgrading
Programme not available
Public Rental
Housing Development at Yan On Estate Phase 2, MOS Area 86B
Commence in 2019
for completion in 2023
Home Ownership Scheme Development at Ma On Shan Road
Commence in 2017 for
completion in 2021
Road Improvement Works at Ma On Shan, Sha Tin (PWP
Project No.: B868TH)
Commence in 2017 for completion in 2020
Shek Mun Estate Phase 2
On-going and complete by 2018
Potential Reclamation at Ma Liu Shui
Programme not available
The potential alternatives in
implementing the Project have been evaluated above. The potential environmental
performance of would be assessed in further details in the following sections
of this report. Appropriate design
features and mitigation measures would be recommended to minimize the potential
impacts to the environment due to the construction and operation of the
<End of Section 2>