Table of Content
1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................... 1
1.1. Background.................................................................................................................. 1
2. PROJECT DESCRIPTION................................................................. 2
2.1. Need and
Environmental Benefit of the Project.......................................................... 2
2.2. Site
Location, Construction Method & Works Sequence............................................ 4
2.3. Normal
Operation......................................................................................................... 5
2.4. Emergency
Plant Breakdown....................................................................................... 5
2.5. Concurrent
Projects...................................................................................................... 5
3. key findings from Environmental Impact
Assessment 6
3.1. Air Quality.................................................................................................................... 6
3.2. Noise............................................................................................................................. 6
3.3. Water
Quality............................................................................................................... 7
3.4. Terrestrial
Ecology........................................................................................................ 8
3.5. Marine
Ecology............................................................................................................ 9
3.6. Fisheries........................................................................................................................ 9
3.7. Waste
Management and Land
Contamination........................................................... 10
3.8. Landscape
and Visual................................................................................................ 11
3.9. Built
Heritage............................................................................................................. 11
4. environmental monitoring and audit....................... 12
5. Conclusion.................................................................................. 12
Figure 1 Layout
Plan of Proposed Sewerage Works in Po Toi O
(comprising 1A & 1B)
Figure 2 Locations of Sensitive Receivers
Table 2-1 Summary
of the Preferred Option
Environmental Enhancement Project in Nature
Po Toi O is located in the southern part
of Sai Kung District, next to Clear Water Bay. There is a small settlement
called Po Toi O village around the bay. The village is
currently not served by public
sewerage system. Sewage and wastewater generated by local residents and local
restaurants are treated by septic tanks/soakaway system (STS).
Provision of proper sewerage system to
unsewered villages is a general government policy. Without centralized public
sewage treatment facility, villagers have to regularly desludge the STS to
maintain the cleaning performance and to avoid overflow of sewage. However, the
desludging process may bring along potential hygiene and associated odour
issues. Under the Port Shelter
Sewerage Master Plan (SMP), Drainage Services Department (DSD) has
proposed sewerage works at Po Toi O. In addition to improving local hygiene
conditions and removing associated odour problem, the provision of sewerage is
a preventive measure to avoid potential environmental problems due to
insufficient desludging or structural defect of the STS. This can also relieve
villagers’ burden to maintain their STS (e.g. desludging).
proposed sewerage works at Po Toi O comprise sewage collection, treatment and
disposal facilities at Po Toi O under Port Shelter Sewerage, Stage 3 – Sewerage
Works at Po Toi O (hereinafter referred to as “the Project”). The location and
details of the facilities are illustrated in Figure 1
(comprising 1A and 1B).
The Project mainly comprises the following
Provision of village sewerage to Po Toi O.
The works involve construction of about 800m of gravity sewers and 400m of rising
Construction of a local sewage treatment
plant (STP) with average dry weather flow (ADWF) of about 139m3/day;
Construction of a submarine outfall of
about 385m in length.
Need for Environmental Impact Assessment
The Project consists of the following
designated projects under Part I, Schedule 2 of the Environmental Impact
Assessment Ordinance (EIAO):
Item Q.1 – A sewage treatment plant and portion of sewer alignments in a
conservation area;
Item C.12 (a), (v) and (vii) – A dredging operation which is less than 500m
from the nearest boundary of an existing fish culture zone and coastal
protection area; and
Item F.6 – A
submarine sewage outfall
A project profile (PP-483/2013) has been
submitted to Environmental Protection Department (EPD) in February 2013 and a study brief (ESB-
258/2013) has been issued to DSD in April 2013.
Consultants Limited (Cinotech)
has been commissioned by DSD in January 2014 to conduct an environmental impact
assessment (EIA) for the Project in order to investigate the environmental
acceptability during construction and operation of the proposed sewerage works.
Black & Veatch Hong Kong Limited
is the consulting engineer employed by DSD to design the proposed sewerage
facilities in this Project, among other tasks. Urbis Limited and LWK &
Partners (HK) Limited provided expert input in assessing landscape and
visual impacts and built heritage impact respectively.
Need of the Project
As mentioned in Section 1.1.2, the village is currently not served by public sewerage and the sewage in
the area is treated using septic tanks and/or soakaway system (STS). Desludging of the STS may bring along potential hygiene
and odour issues. Also, ineffective treatment or overflow of sewage from unmaintained STS may
result in leakage of raw or partially
treated sewage into
nearby water bodies (e.g. sea and streams). Water pollution may affect villagers and the fish culture zone in the bay. These potential hygiene
and environmental problems cannot be fully rectified without proper collection
and treatment of sewage.
Environmental Enhancement and Benefits
The proposed sewerage works
in Po Toi O is an environmental enhancement project by nature. Through replacement of STS by a public sewerage system, hygiene and
associated odour nuisance from routine desludging will be eliminated. In
addition, the provision of
sewerage is a preventive measure to avoid potential environmental problems due
to insufficient desludging or structural defect of the STS. This can also
relieve villagers’ burden to maintain their STS (e.g. desludging).
Sewage will be properly
collected and treated by membrane bioreactor process (MBR) up to the effluent
discharge standard of Port Shelter Water Control Zone. Treated effluent will be
discharged via a submarine outfall at a diffuser installed at seabed in outer
Po Toi O Bay, and will be at least 326m, 185m and 100m away, respectively, from
the nearest fish culture zone, a coral-lined rocky shore and an amphioxus
Various Green
Measures in the Project
(Mainly by Avoidance and Minimization of Potential Impacts)
Green Measures in Sewerage System Design
Minimization of loss of ecologically sensitive habitats by locating the STP on a cut slope (disturbed shrubland) and laying
gravity sewers and rising mains along existing footpaths as far as possible from
developed area;
· Avoidance of destruction of
coral-lined rocky shore and major amphioxus habitat by locating the treated effluent discharge
location over 100m away from the coral-lined shore and species of conservation
importance (amphioxus);
· Minimization of fisheries
impact by discharging the
treated effluent at about 326m away from the fish culture zone;
· Maximizing effluent
dispersion by placing the diffuser on seabed at >10m depth and at outer Po
Toi O bay where current flows are fast;
· Minimization of the footprint
of the STP by constructing most of
the STP structure underground and adopting a less land demanding sewage
treatment technology (MBR);
· Minimization of odour and
noise nuisance by keeping a sufficient buffer distance
between the STP and village houses;
· Minimization of visual impact
by embedding the STP into the existing cut slope;
· Maintenance of visual entity
with surrounding undisturbed landscape by
provision of appropriate façade treatment (e.g. adopting recessive colours on
STP wall that blend in with the natural tones of the landscape backdrop),
compensatory tree planting and vertical greening;
Avoidance of impact on built heritage resources (e.g. Grade 3 historic building Hung Sing Temple) by laying
gravity sewers and rising mains over 5m away from its footprint;
Green Measures in Construction Design
Avoidance of open dredging to minimize water quality,
marine ecological and fisheries impacts by adopting (1) horizontal directional
drilling for submarine outfall below seabed and (2) enclosed dredging within a cofferdam
for the diffuser;
Avoidance of concurrent construction activities by designing a separate works programme for noisy works (carrying out
rock breaking works for STP prior to laying of gravity sewer and rising mains
and drilling for submarine outfall). Also, adopting three workfronts during
pipe laying in village, each of short section and at least 100m away from each
Green Measures in Operation Design
Improvement of environmental hygiene and removal of associated
odour nuisance in the Po Toi O area by
eliminating the need of desludging STS;
Avoidance of emergency discharge of raw sewage into
waterbodies by a number of design
features or arrangements in case of emergency plant failure, such as
notification to the operator by a supervisory
control and data acquisition (SCADA) system,
provision of standby equipment in the STP, provision of sufficient capacity of
emergency storage of incoming sewage and provision of tankers for continuous
removal of sewage to other STP for treatment.
Minimization of odour nuisance from STP by provision of an odour removal system with 99.5%
efficiency in the STP;
Minimization of noise disturbance from STP by storing noisy plant equipment underground.
Site Location & Construction Method
Various site locations and construction
methods were considered in the Study. After evaluation, the preferred option (Table 2-1) was selected for maximum environmental benefits (see Section 2.1.4). The preferred
site location can be found in Figure 1.
Table 2-1: Summary of the Preferred Option
Component |
Location |
Existing Condition |
Construction Method |
Sewage Treatment Plant |
Cut slope next to Po Toi O Chuen Road |
Shrubland |
Excavation and Bored Piling |
Gravity Sewers/ Rising Mains |
Between STP and Po Toi O Village |
Cut slope / Paved road |
Trenchless/ |
Po Toi O Village |
Concrete paved footpath |
Open Trench Excavation |
Submarine Outfall |
Along Po Toi O Bay channel |
Below seabed |
Horizontal Directional Drill (HDD) |
Diffuser |
Outer PTO Bay |
Seabed with no record of corals/amphioxus |
Dredging in fully enclosed cofferdam |
Works Sequence
Construction works will be divided into
three major parts:
sewage treatment plant (STP),
gravity sewers and rising mains and
submarine outfall and diffuser
The construction works are expected to
commence in mid 2017 for completion in 2021 with one more year for defect
After site clearance, the construction
works for STP will commence. Pipe laying will be carried out after the
completion of major noisy works for STP (i.e. excavation of STP). The submarine
outfall will be constructed near the completion of civil works on the STP, and
will be followed by the diffuser installation.
Sewage from Po Toi O will be collected through the gravity sewer
in Po Toi O STP for MBR treatment. Treated effluent will be pumped through the submarine
outfall and discharged at the diffuser at the outer part of Po Toi O Bay. The average
dry weather flow (ADWF) of the STP is designed
at 139m3/day.
2.4.1. The
plant cannot operate in case of power or equipment failure. However, no emergency discharge of raw sewage
into Po Toi O bay is expected as further elaborated below.
Considering the project scale, risk of
emergency condition, construction difficulties and cost, the following
provisions are the most appropriate and practical mitigation measures:
Delivery of an emergency generator to PTO STP within
4 hours from plant failure;
Provision of dual power by CLP;
Provision of a SCADA,
which signals to the operation and maintenance personnel for emergency
attendance in case of plant failure;
Provision of a standby pump and
screen at the PTO STP;
Provision of
emergency storage of 4-hr ADWF sewage retention time;
Arrangement of
tankers for removing incoming sewage to other sewage treatment plants for
treatment continuously to ensure a sufficient buffer for emergency storage.
2.4.3. Based
on these provisions, emergency discharge is not anticipated, and thus no
adverse impact on water quality, marine ecology or fisheries due to emergency
discharge is anticipated.
There may be two potential concurrent
projects in the area:
roundabout near the minibus terminal; and
fish culture zone (FCZ) dredging and
During the course of the study, there was
no information on the works programme for the roundabout.
Besides, Civil Engineering and Development
Department (CEDD) has confirmed that there was no programme for the fish
culture zone dredging and relocation.
The overall air quality impact on air sensitive receivers in the vicinity of the
proposed sewerage works (e.g. houses in Po Toi O area as shown in
Figure 1) is
considered acceptable for the
reasons below:
In the
construction phase, dusty activities should be scheduled in different phases,
and good
site practices (e.g. regular watering,
minimize excavation area as far as possible, and proper handling and storing of
dusty materials) should be implemented
minimize dust emissions from excavation and site formation
works (i.e. the major source of air quality impact). Since the Project is small scale, construction
dust emissions impacts are anticipated to be acceptable.
In the operational phase, proposed mitigation
measures (e.g. installing and regularly maintaining odour removal system at 99.5% efficiency or
higher in the STP, and enclosing all odour sources shall be adopted to
minimize odour nuisance (i.e.
the major air quality issue). According to the
assessment result from the Gaussian model ISCST3 (a computational model for air quality
assessment), the predicted odour levels at air sensitive receivers are well
below the odour criterion (5-OU in 5-second averaging time) and thus odour impacts from operation of the sewage treatment plant are
anticipated to be acceptable.
With implementation of mitigation
measures, no residual impact is
anticipated in both construction and operational phases. Regular site
inspection and dust monitoring are required in the construction phase under the
Environmental Monitoring and Audit Programme. No monitoring in the operational
phase is proposed.
The overall noise impact on noise sensitive receivers in the vicinity of the
proposed sewerage works (e.g. houses in Po Toi O area as shown in
Figure 1) is
considered acceptable for the
reasons below:
During the construction, noisy activities should be
scheduled in different phases, and good site practices (e.g. using
silenced plants or quality powered mechanical equipment (QPME), using mobile
barriers, and regularly servicing and maintaining all plants) should be implemented to minimize noise emission/transmission from the operation
of powered mechanical equipment (PME) (i.e. the major source of noise impact). By anlayzing typical
construction method, sequence of works, plant inventory, effective sound power
level of PME, and distances between notional noise sources and noise sensitive
receivers, construction noise levels at all noise sensitive receivers are
expected to comply with the noise criterion (75 dB(A)) in non-restricted hours
and no residual impact is anticipated.
During the operation phase, mitigation measures
(e.g. storing noisy plant equipment underground or enclosed
by concrete structure) shall be adopted to minimize noise
disturbance. Since the proposed STP will have sufficient buffer distances of
at least 59m from village houses (i.e. noise
sensitive receivers), the operational noise impact is anticipated to be acceptable.
With implementation of mitigation
measures, no residual impact
is anticipated in both construction and operational phases. Regular site
inspection and noise monitoring are required in the construction phase under
the Environmental Monitoring and Audit Programme. No monitoring in the operational
phase is proposed.
The overall water quality impact on water sensitive receivers in the vicinity of the
proposed sewerage works of this
Project is considered acceptable
for the reasons below.
The major water sensitive receivers (WSRs) identified
near the proposed sewerage works include the Po Toi O Fish Culture Zone within the Po Toi O Bay, coral communities along the rocky shore in the Po
Toi O Bay and an amphioxus habitat at the outer Po Toi O Bay channel. Their locations can be found in Figure 2.
the construction, horizontal directional drilling for the submarine outfall alignment and confined dredging and filling within a fully
enclosed cofferdam for diffuser installation are proposed. Also, good
site practices such as
covering exposed soil and open stockpile by
impermeable sheeting, provision and regular maintenance of chemical toilet should
be adopted. These mitigation measures can
minimize water quality impacts (e.g. elevation in suspended solids) from
both land-based and marine-based works to acceptable levels.
Delft3D suite of computational
models predicted no substantial change in suspended
solids (SS), dissolved oxygen (DO), E.
coli, total inorganic nitrogen (TIN) and unionized ammonia (UIA) in the Po
Toi O Bay during the normal operation of the proposed STP. All water quality
parameters would comply with the water quality objectives (WQO) except TIN. As
the major source of TIN (fish rafts) remains as before, the TIN concentrations
would still exceed the WQO criteria under normal operation.
In case of power/equipment
failure in the operational phase, mitigation measures mentioned in Section 2.4 (e.g. provision of sufficient capacity of emergency storage
of incoming sewage, and provision of tankers for continuous removal of sewage
to other STP (e.g.
Tseung Kwan O Preliminary Treatment Works) for treatment) have been adopted to avoid emergency discharge of raw sewage into waterbodies. No emergency discharge of untreated sewage
to Po Toi O Bay is expected and thus no water quality impact is anticipated in
case of plant/equipment failure.
With implementation of mitigation
measures, residual impact is anticipated to be acceptable in both construction and operational phases.
Regular site inspection and water quality monitoring are required in the construction
phase under the Environmental Monitoring and Audit Programme. Regular effluent
monitoring and first-year operational water quality monitoring are proposed in
operational phase to ensure that effluent discharge will not cause
adverse impact on nearby WSRs.
The overall impact on the terrestrial ecology in the vicinity of the
proposed sewerage works is considered acceptable for the reasons below:
Mitigation measures (e.g. locating the STP, gravity sewers and rising mains on
disturbed habitats as much as possible, and minimizing the footprint of the
STP) were adopted in the design stage to minimize the loss of ecological
sensitive habitats. A small area of shrubland on cut slope (893 m2),
which is not of high ecological value, will be lost permanently at the proposed
STP location. The proposed sewage treatment plant will occupy about 2/3 of the affected
shrubland area while the remaining area is for associated road facilities,
which was designed to meet the minimum traffic requirements. One
individual of a plant species of conservation importance (Gnetum luofuense) growing on this shrubland will be directly
affected by the Project. Removal of this climbing plant cannot be avoided as
the possibility of successful transplanting is low.
However, the loss is considered insignificant due to its commonness in the Po
Toi O area and in Hong Kong.
To facilitate construction works, small areas of secondary
(350 m2) and rocky shore above high tide level (750 m2) will
be temporarily affected for horizontal direction drilling of submarine outfall.
Laying of gravity sewer and rising mains will also transiently occupy 2,100 m2
developed area. However, these habitats will be reinstated
afterwards. Also, no species of conservation importance is located in the above
Bright colour fencing shall be erected along
the boundary of the undisturbed region
the shrubland and woodland, and around Diospyros
vaccinioides (a plant species of conservation importance) near
the work boundary. This specific terrestrial ecological protection measure can remind workers not to trespass or occupy these
areas, and to be careful during operation of equipment. Also, by
adopting mitigation measures and good site practices mentioned in Sections 3.2 and 3.3, indirect noise
and water quality impacts on habitats and wildlife in the Po Toi O area would be acceptable in both
construction and operational phases.
With implementation of mitigation
measures, the residual impact is anticipated to be acceptable in both construction and operational phases.
Regular site inspection is required in the construction phase under the
Environmental Monitoring and Audit Programme. No specific terrestrial
ecological monitoring in both construction and operational
phases is proposed.
The overall impact on marine ecology in the vicinity of the proposed sewerage works is
considered acceptable for the
reasons below:
Mitigation measures (e.g. shifting the treated effluent discharge location away from shore to the outer Po Toi O Bay, as compared with the proposed
location in the Project Profile and EIA Study Brief) were adopted in the design stage to avoid destruction of the coral-lined
rocky shore and major amphioxus habitat, which are over 100m away from the proposed
diffuser location (see Figure 2). Only a small
area of muddy seabed where the diffuser will be located (5m2) will
be lost permanently.
In the
construction phase, mitigation measures proposed in Section 3.3 (e.g. horizontal directional drilling for submarine outfall alignment and confined dredging and
filling within a fully
enclosed cofferdam for diffuser installation) should be implemented to minimize water quality impact, hence impact on marine
ecology. Specific mitigation
measures proposed for marine ecological
impact include backfilling the dredged seabed, except where the diffuser
is located, to original seabed level. With the implementation of mitigation measures,
impact on marine ecology due
to dredging
and backfilling works is anticipated to be acceptable.
As sewage will be
collected and treated before discharge, modelling results predicted no substantial
change in water quality in the Po Toi O Bay during normal operation of the STP.
case of power/equipment
failure in the operational phase, mitigation measures mentioned in Section 2.4 (e.g. provision of sufficient capacity of emergency storage
of incoming sewage, and provision of tankers for continuous removal of sewage
to other STP (e.g.
Tseung Kwan O Preliminary Treatment Works) for treatment) have been adopted in the contingency
plan to avoid emergency discharge of raw sewage into
Thus no
water quality impact, hence impact on marine ecology, is anticipated in case of
plant/equipment failure.
With implementation of mitigation
measures, the residual impact is anticipated to be acceptable in both construction and operational phases. Besides,
regular site inspection in the construction phase and regular water quality
monitoring in both construction and operational phases are required under the
Environmental Monitoring and Audit Programme. No specific marine ecological
monitoring in both construction and operational phases is proposed.
The overall impact on fisheries resources in the vicinity of
the proposed sewerage works is considered acceptable for the reasons below:
Mitigation measures (e.g. discharging treated effluent complying with Water
Pollution Control Ordinance standard at about 326m away from the fish culture
zone via a submarine
outfall) were adopted in the design stage to minimize impact
on fisheries. Only
5m2 of benthic spawning ground will be lost permanently for the diffuser
installation. No direct impact on Po Toi O Fish Culture Zone is anticipated.
the construction, mitigation measures proposed
in Section 3.3 (e.g. horizontal directional drilling for the submarine outfall alignment and confined dredging and filling within a fully
enclosed cofferdam for the diffuser installation) should be implemented to minimize water quality impact, hence impact on fisheries. To
facilitate construction works, relatively small areas of fishing and
spawning ground in Po Toi O bay will be temporarily occupied by the fully
enclosed cofferdam for installation of the diffuser. However, they will be
released once the cofferdam is removed. With the implementation of mitigation measures,
the impact on fisheries due
to dredging
and backfilling works is anticipated to be acceptable.
As sewage will be
collected and treated before discharge, modelling results predicted no
substantial change in water quality in the Po Toi O Bay during normal operation
of the STP. In
case of power/equipment
failure in the operational phase, mitigation measures mentioned in Section 2.4 (e.g. provision of a sufficient capacity of emergency
storage of incoming sewage, and provision of tankers for continuous removal of
sewage to other STP (e.g. Tseung
Kwan O Preliminary Treatment Works) for
treatment) have been adopted in the contingency plan to avoid emergency discharge of raw sewage into
Thus no
water quality impact, hence no impact on fisheries, is anticipated
in case of plant/equipment failure.
With implementation of mitigation
measures, residual impact is acceptable
in both construction and operational phases. Besides, regular site inspection
in construction phase and regular water quality monitoring in both construction
and operational phases are required under the Environmental Monitoring and
Audit Programme. No specific fisheries monitoring in both construction and
operational phases is proposed.
The overall impact arising from waste management and land contamination due to this
Project is considered acceptable
for the reasons below:
the construction, good site practices (e.g. storage and handling of waste properly, provision of sufficient waste collection points, and removal of waste
regularly) shall be implemented to minimize environmental impacts
arising from generation of construction and
demolition (C&D) materials, chemical waste, bentonite slurry and general
refuse from workforce from land-based works; and dredged sediment (classified as Cat L) from marine-based works. In addition, all wastes shall be disposed of properly (e.g. sorted inert C&D materials to public fill, and
non-inert C&D materials and general refuse to landfill, dredged marine
sediment to designated dumping ground). With implementation of good
site practices, no residual impact in construction phase is
During the operation, all wastes shall be removed regularly and disposed of properly (e.g. sludge to a
nearby STP for dewatering, and debris from screening process and general refuse
to landfill). No residual impact in operational phase is anticipated.
By reviewing historical and current land
uses, site inspection and government records, it has been concluded that land
contamination in work boundary demarcated in Figure 1 are highly
With implementation of mitigation measures,
no residual impact is
anticipated in both construction and operational phases. Regular site
inspection, and preparation of site
specific Waste Management Plan with regular
revision by the future
contractor are
required in the construction phase under the Environmental Monitoring and Audit
Programme. No monitoring in the operational phase is proposed.
The overall landscape and visual impact within the study
boundary of this Project is considered acceptable for the reasons
Mitigation measures (e.g. embedding the STP into
existing cut slope, and provision of appropriate façade treatment,
compensatory tree planting and vertical greening) were adopted in the design stage to
maintain visual entity with surrounding undisturbed landscape, and to minimize
visual impact. Measures (e.g. reduction of construction period to minimum, and
minimization of unnecessary light spill and glare) shall also be implemented in
construction and operational phases to mitigate landscape and
visual impacts.
Due to the
relatively small scale of the proposed Project, none of the landscape and
visual sensitive receivers will experience substantial residual impacts. Operational
impact will become none to slight after 10 years following full establishment
of compensatory planting within the work boundary.
With implementation of the mitigation
measures, the overall residual landscape and visual impacts are acceptable
during the construction and operation phases. Regular site inspection for
ensuring the implementation of mitigation measures is required in the construction
phase under the Environmental Monitoring and Audit Programme. Checking on the implementation of mitigation
measures in the operational phase is also required during the landscape establishment period by the Contractor
during the first year after construction, and subsequently by the
future maintenance agent (building operator) to ensure that intended mitigation
effects are realized.
The overall impact on the built heritages in the vicinity of the
proposed sewerage works (Figure 2 shows one
Grade 3 historic building Hung Shing Temple near the coast in the Po Toi O
Village, and two built heritages and six cultural landscape features near
footpath in the village) is considered as acceptable
for the reasons below:
Mitigation measures (e.g. laying gravity
sewers and rising mains away from the built heritage resources’ footprint) were
adopted in the design stage to avoid impact on built heritage resources. During
the construction, mitigation measures (e.g. provision
of protective covering and buffer zone) shall be implemented to minimize mechanical vibration and prevent damages by construction
tools or waste (i.e. the major impact on built heritage
resources). With the implementation of mitigation measures, no residual impact
is anticipated.
No impact is anticipated during the operational
With implementation of mitigation
measures, no residual impact
is anticipated in both construction and operational phases. Regular site
inspection, and vibration and settlement monitoring
are required in the construction phase under the Environmental Monitoring and
Audit Programme. No monitoring in the operational phase is proposed.
In order to
alleviate environmental impacts, detailed EM&A requirements have been formulated.
Environmental Mitigation Implementation Schedule which lists out all mitigation
measures and the proposed parties responsible for the implementation of these
measures has been prepared. Regular site audit and/or monitoring on air
quality, noise, water quality, landscape and visual, and built heritage have
been proposed. In case of exceedance, further remedial measures should be
implemented in accordance with the event and action plan. Detailed monitoring
requirements and the event and action plan are provided in the Environmental
Monitoring and Audit Manual.
The proposed sewerage works in Po Toi O is an environmental enhancement project
by nature. In addition to the improvement of environmental hygiene in the Po
Toi O area, green measures in sewerage system, construction and operation designs
have been proposed to achieve other environmental benefits (e.g. minimization
of loss of ecologically sensitive habitats,
maintenance of visual entity of the STP with surrounding undisturbed landscape,
and minimization of odour and noise nuisance).
The EIA study
concludes that the Project will not cause any unacceptable impact (in terms of
air quality, noise, water quality, terrestrial and marine ecology, fisheries,
waste management, landscape and visual, and built heritage) during both the construction
and operational phases, if proposed measures are implemented properly.