11........ Landscape and
visual Impacts
11.3 Environmental
Legislation, Policies, Plans, Standards and Criteria
11.4 Designated Projects
under Schedule 2 within Project
11.5 Review of Proposed
Planning and Urban Design for the Project
11.7 Landscape and
Visual Impact Assessment Approach and Methodology
11.8 Baseline Landscape
11.9 Landscape Impact
11.10 Landscape and
Visual Mitigation Measures in Construction and Operation Phases
11.11 Prediction of
Significance of Landscape Impacts
11.12 Visual Impact
11.13 Cumulative Impacts
from Concurrent Projects
Figure 11.0 Existing Outline Zoning Plans
Figure 11.1 Landscape Resources (LRs)
Figure 11.1a-p Landscape
Resource Enlargement Plans
Figure 11.2 Landscape Resources Photos
Figure 11.3 Landscape Character Areas
Figure 11.4 Landscape Character Areas Photos
Figure 11.5a-p Landscape
Resource Impacts Enlargement Plans
Figure 11.6 Mitigation Measures
Figure 11.6a-o Mitigation
Measure Enlargement Plans
Figure 11.7 Zone of Visual Influence ¡V Locations of
Figure 11.7a Locations of Viewpoints Enlargement Plan ¡V
Operation Phase
Figure 11.8 Visual Influence ¡V Residential VSRs
Figure 11.9 Visual Influence ¡V Recreational VSRs
Figure 11.10 Visual Influence ¡V Occupational VSRs
Figure 11.11 Visual Influence ¡V Travelling VSRs
Figure 11.12a-b Photomontage 01 ¡V View from Tin Shui Wai
Estate Rooftop
Figure 11.13a-b Photomontage
02 ¡V View from Tin Shui Wai MTR Station, Exit B
Figure 11.14a-b Photomontage 03 ¡V View from Tai Lam Country
Figure 11.15a-b Photomontage 04 ¡V View from Kong Sham
Western Highway
Figure 11.16a-b Photomontage 05 ¡V View from Yuen Tau Shan
Figure 11.17a-b Photomontage 06 ¡V View from Ngau Hom Shek
Hiking Trail
Figure 11.18 Broad
Brush Tree Survey Plan
Figure 11.19 Tree
Impact and Mitigation Plan
Figure 11.64 Noise
Barrier Construction Phases
¡P Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (Cap.499) and the Technical Memorandum on EIA Process (EIAO-TM), particularly Annexes 3, 10, 11, 18, 20 and 21;
¡P Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines;
¡P Town Planning Ordinance (Cap 131);
¡P Approved Ha Tsuen Outline Zoning Plan No. S/YL-HT/10;
¡P Approved Tin Shui Wai Outline Zoning Plan No. S/TSW/12;
¡P Approved Ping Shan Outline Zoning Plan No. S/YL-PS/16;
¡P Approved Lam Tei and Yick Yuen Outline Zoning Plan No. S/TM-LTYY/8;
¡P Approved Tong Yan San Tsuen Outline Zoning Plan No. S/YL-TYST/10;
¡P Approved Lau Fau Shan & Tsim Bei Tsui Outline Zoning Plan No. S/YL-LFS/7;
¡P Forests and Countryside Ordinance (Cap. 96) and its subsidiary legislation the Forestry Regulations;
¡P Country Parks Ordinance (Cap 208);
¡P Marine Parks Ordinance (Cap 476) and associated subsidiary legislation;
¡P Animals And Plants (Protection of Endangered Species) Ordinance (Cap 187);
¡P SILTech Publication (1991) ¡V Tree Planting and Maintenance in Hong Kong (Standing Interdepartmental Landscape Technical Group) [11-23];
¡P GEO 1/2011 ¡V Technical Guidelines on Landscape Treatment for Slopes;
¡P Land Administration Office Instruction (LAOI) Section D-12 ¡V Tree Preservation;
¡P EIAO Guidance Note No. 8/2010;
¡P DEVB TCW No. 6/2015 ¡V Maintenance of Vegetation and Hard Landscape Features;
¡P DEVB TCW No. 2/2012 on Allocation of Space for Quality Greening on Roads;
¡P DEVB TCW No. 2/2013 on Greening on Footbridges and Flyovers;
¡P DEVB TCW No. 2/2012 on Allocation of Space for Quality Greening on Roads;
¡P DEVB Publication 2012 ¡V Guidelines on Greening of Noise Barriers;
¡P ETWB TCW No.11/2004 Cyber Manual for Greening;
¡P ETWB TCW No. 24/2004 ¡V Specification Facilitating the Use of Concrete Paving Units Made of Recycled Aggregates;
¡P ETWB TCW No. 29/2004 ¡V Registration of Old and Valuable Trees, and Guidelines for their Preservation;
¡P ETWB TCW No. 36/2004 ¡V The Advisory Committee on the Appearance of Bridges and Associated Structures (ACABAS);
¡P ETWB TCW No. 5/2005 ¡V Protection of Natural Streams/Rivers from Adverse Impacts Arising from Construction Works;
¡P DEVB TCW No. 7/2015 ¡V Tree Preservation;
¡P HyDTC No. 2/2010 ¡V Control in the Use of Shotcrete (Sprayed Concrete) in Slope Works;
¡P HyDTC No. 3/2008 ¡V Independent Vetting of Tree Works under the Maintenance of Highways Department;
¡P WBTC No. 25/93 ¡V Control of Visual Impact of Slopes;
¡P WBTC No. 17/2000 ¡V Improvement to the Appearance of slopes in connection with WBTC 25/93;
¡P Hong Kong 2030 Planning Vision and Strategy Final Report;
¡P Landscape Value Mapping of Hong Kong;
¡P LAO PN no. 7/2007 on Tree Preservation and Tree Removal application for Building Development in Private Projects; and
Committee Paper NCSC 9/06 ¡§Advisory Council on
the Environment Nature Conservation Subcommittee ¡V Fung Shui Woods in Hong
¡P DP1 ¡V Construction of new primary distributor road (Road P1)
¡P DP2 ¡V Construction of eight new distributor roads (Roads D1 to D8)
¡P DP3 ¡V Construction of new West Rail HSK Station (Site 4-34)
¡P DP4 ¡V Construction of EFTS - subject to further review
¡P DP5 ¡V Construction of slip roads between: Road D8 Junction and existing Castle Peak Road; Junction of D8/P1 and Junction of D7/P1; and KSWH connection to Road D3
¡P DP6 ¡V Construction of partly depressed and partly decked-over roads located at Road D2, Road D4, and Road D6
¡P DP7 ¡V Construction of a new container back-up and storage area (Sites 3-1, 3-4, 3-5, 3-13 and 3-14) - subject to further review
¡P DP8 ¡V Construction of new HSK STW (Site 3-26 and part of existing SW STW)
¡P DP9 ¡V Construction of four new SPSs (Sites 2-34, 3-41, 3-48 and 4-35)
¡P DP10 ¡V Construction of Flushing Water Service Reservoirs for reuse of reclaimed water at Tan Kwai Tsuen and Fung Kong Tsuen (Site 3-3 and Site 5-40)
¡P DP11 ¡V Construction of one RTS (Site 3-12)
¡P DP12 ¡V Construction of Road P1 and a slip-road from KSWH to Road D3 partly located within the ¡§CA¡¨ of Yuen Tau Shan
View Corridors
Open Space/ Recreation Framework
Blue-Green Infrastructure
Tree Nursery and Native Vegetation
General Approach
Assessment Methodology
Landscape Impact Assessment
¡P Identification of the baseline Landscape Resources (LRs) and Landscape Character Areas (LCAs) found within the assessment area. The assessment area includes all areas within 500 m of the Project area. This has been achieved by site visit and desktop study of topographical maps, information databases and photographs. In this report, buildings, roads and pavement are not considered landscape resources and have therefore not been included in the mapping of resources. However, it is inevitable that during the process of identification for broad areas of landscape resources, some buildings, roads, hard paving, or other features may be included ¡V or conversely some trees or other resource may be left out. This report attempts to formalise boundaries between distinct areas of landscape resources for the purpose of impact assessment and should not be construed as reflecting every single variable on the ground. The identification of landscape resources has been carried out at a 1:5000 scale.
- Quality and maturity, condition and value of landscape resources / character areas, taking into account information from the Broad Brush Tree Survey and general quality, maturity and condition of other types of vegetation. (Ranked as High, Medium or Low)
- Importance/rarity of landscape resources/character areas. (Ranked as High, Medium or Low)
- Whether a landscape resource/character area is considered to be of local, regional, national or global importance. (Taken into account and included in the descriptive text where relevant)
- Whether there are any statutory or regulatory limitations/requirements relating to the landscape resources / character areas. (Taken into account and included in the descriptive text where relevant)
- Ability of the landscape resources/character areas to accommodate change without compromising their essential nature. (Ranked High, Medium or Low)
The sensitivity of each landscape feature and character area is classified as follows:
High: |
Important landscape or landscape
resource of particularly distinctive character or high importance, sensitive
to relatively small changes. |
Medium: |
or landscape resource of moderately valued landscape characteristics
reasonably tolerant to change. |
Low: |
Landscape or landscape resource, the nature of
which is largely tolerant to change. |
¡P Identification of potential sources of landscape impacts. These are the various elements of the construction works and operation procedures that would generate landscape impacts.
¡P Identification of the magnitude of landscape change. The magnitude of change depends on a number of factors including the physical extent of the impact, the landscape and visual context of the impact, the compatibility of the Project with the surrounding landscape; and the time-scale of the impact - i.e. whether it is temporary (short, medium or long-term) and therefore reversible, permanent but potentially reversible, or permanent and irreversible. Landscape impacts have been quantified wherever possible. The magnitude of landscape impacts is classified as follows:
Large: |
landscape or landscape resource would suffer a major change. |
Intermediate: |
landscape or landscape resource would suffer a moderate change. |
Small: |
The landscape or landscape resource would
suffer slight or barely perceptible changes. |
Negligible: |
landscape or landscape resource would suffer no discernible change. |
None: |
landscape or landscape resource would suffer no change |
of potential landscape impacts. The duration of the potential impacts
during construction and operation is determined based on the following ratings:
Temporary: |
Elements of the Project that will
have an impact for a period of time (short, medium, long-term) but will
disappear with minimal intervention or mitigation. Short-term impacts would
disappear at an early stage in the construction or operational phase, medium
term impacts would disappear part way through the construction or operational
phase, and long-term impacts would disappear at a late stage through the
construction or operational phase. |
Permanent: |
Elements of the Project that will
have permanent impacts during the construction and/or operation phases. These
permanent impacts may be determined potentially reversible, or irreversible. |
of potential landscape mitigation measures. These may take the form
of adopting alternative designs or revisions to the basic engineering and
architectural design to prevent and/or minimise adverse impacts; remedial
measures such as colour and textural treatment of building features; and
compensatory measures such as the implementation of landscape design elements
(e.g. tree planting, creation of new open space, etc.) to compensate for
unavoidable adverse impacts and to attempt to generate potentially beneficial
long-term impacts. A programme for the mitigation measures is
provided. The agencies responsible for the funding, implementation,
management and maintenance of the mitigation measures are identified.
¡P Prediction of the significance of landscape impacts before and after the implementation of the mitigation measures. By synthesising the magnitude of the various impacts and the sensitivity of the various landscape resources, it is possible to categorise impacts in a logical, well-reasoned and consistent fashion. The table below shows the rationale for dividing the degree of significance, namely insubstantial, slight, moderate, and substantial, depending on the combination of a negligible-small-intermediate-large magnitude of change and a low-medium-high degree of sensitivity of landscape resource/character. The significances are defined as follows:
Substantial: |
Adverse / beneficial impact where
the proposal would cause significant deterioration or improvement in existing
landscape quality |
Moderate: |
Adverse / beneficial impact where
the proposal would cause a noticeable deterioration or improvement in
existing landscape quality |
Slight: |
Adverse / beneficial impact where
the proposal would cause a barely perceptible deterioration or improvement in
existing landscape quality |
Insubstantial: |
No discernible change in the
existing landscape quality |
None: |
No change in the existing
landscape quality |
¡P Prediction of Acceptability of Impacts. An overall assessment of the acceptability, or otherwise, of the impacts according to the five criteria set out in Annex 10 of the EIAO-TM.
Table 11.2 Relationship between Receptor Sensitivity
and Impact Magnitude
in Defining Impact Significance
Large |
Slight or Moderate |
Moderate or Substantial |
Substantial |
Intermediate |
Slight or Moderate |
Moderate |
Moderate or Substantial |
Small |
Insubstantial or Slight |
Slight or Moderate |
Slight or Moderate |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Low |
Medium |
High |
from an analysis of the significance thresholds derived for landscape (and
visual) impacts, an overall conclusion in terms of impact significance for the Project
is determined in accordance with the five evaluation criteria set out in Annex
10 of the EIAO-TM:
Beneficial |
The project impact is
beneficial if it will complement the landscape and visual character of its setting,
will follow the relevant planning objectives and will improve overall visual amenity. |
Acceptable |
The project impact is
acceptable if the assessment indicates that there will be no significant effects
on the landscape, no significant visual effects caused by the appearance of
the Project, or no interference with key views. |
Acceptable with Mitigation Measures |
The project impact is
acceptable with mitigation measures if there will be some adverse effects,
but these can be eliminated, reduced or offset to a large extent by specific
measures. |
Unacceptable |
The project impact is
unacceptable if the adverse effects are considered too excessive and are
unable to be practically mitigated. |
Undetermined |
The project impact is
undetermined if significant adverse effects are likely, but the extent to
which they may occur or may be mitigated cannot be determined from the study.
Further detailed study will be required of the specific effects in question. |
Tree Survey Methodology
¡P Where practical, trees in close proximity are grouped together in the same tree groups. The locations of these tree groups are drawn on the tree survey plan with the boundaries corresponding to the collective crown spread of the included trees.
¡P Where trees are scattered and/or access to them are limited, trees are conveniently grouped together in the same tree groups by visible physical boundaries on site, such as hoarding, fences, paths and roads etc. The locations of these tree groups are drawn on the tree survey plan with the boundaries corresponding to the physical boundaries to define these zones.
Where practical, all trees in the tree groups are
surveyed at certain reasonable distances where tree species are identifiable.
The amount of each tree species in the same tree groups are counted as far as
possible, or estimated for inaccessible trees. The following information is
recorded and provided in ranges for each tree
species in the tree groups:
crown spread;
diameter (measured 1.3 m from the ground);
of tree form (good / fair / poor);
of tree health (good / fair / poor);
of tree amenity value (high / medium / low); and
of tree survival rate after transplanting (high / medium / low).
Where applicable, the following information is
provided as remarks for each tree groups, if:
is tree included in the Register of Old and Valuable Trees promulgated under
ETWB TC(W) 29/2004;
is tree potentially registrable in accordance
with the criteria as set out in ETWB TC(W) No. 29/2004;
is tree belonging to species which is protected
under local legislations, including the Forests and Countryside Ordinance (Cap.
96) and the Protection of Endangered Species of Animals and Plants Ordinance
(Cap. 586);
is tree belonging to species which is included
in the latest edition of the publication ¡¥Rare and Precious Plants of Hong
Kong¡¦ issued by AFCD; and
there is tree which has special importance due to special
attributes such as protected status; rarity; age over 100 years, outstanding
size or form; and cultural or historical significance etc.
Photographic records are taken on site to show
the general overall view of the tree groups.
Visual Impact Assessment
¡P Identification of the Zones of Visual Influence (ZVI) during the construction and operation phases of the Project. This is achieved by site visit and desktop study of topographic maps and photographs, and preparation of cross-sections to determine visibility of the Project from various locations.
¡P Identification of the Visually Sensitive Receivers (VSRs) within the ZVIs at construction and operation phases. These are the people who would reside within, work within, play within, or travel through, the ZVI.
¡P Assessment of the degree of sensitivity to change of the VSRs. Factors considered include: the type of VSR, which is classified according to whether the person is at home, at work, at play, or travelling. Those who view the impact from their homes are considered to be highly sensitive as the attractiveness or otherwise of the outlook from their home will have a substantial effect on their perception of the quality and acceptability of their home environment and their general quality of life. Those who view the impact from their workplace are considered to be only moderately sensitive as the attractiveness or otherwise of the outlook will have a less important, although still material, effect on their perception of their quality of life. The degree to which this applies depends on whether the workplace is industrial, retail or commercial. Those who view the impact whilst taking part in an outdoor leisure activity may display varying sensitivity depending on the type of leisure activity. Those who view the impact whilst travelling on a public thoroughfare will also display varying sensitivity depending on the speed of travel. For example, cyclists have a higher sensitivity due to a slower travel speed and heightened awareness of their surroundings resulting in pronounced and prolonged exposure to the visual impact.
¡P Other factors which are considered (as required by EIAO GN 8/2010) include the value and quality of existing views, the availability and amenity of alternative views, the duration or frequency of view, and the degree of visibility. The sensitivity of VSRs is classified as follows:
High: |
The VSR is highly sensitive to any change
in their viewing experience |
Medium: |
The VSR is moderately sensitive to any
change in their viewing experience |
Low: |
The VSR is only slightly sensitive to any
change in their viewing experience |
¡P Identification of the relative numbers of VSRs. This is expressed in terms of whether there are very few, few, many or very many VSRs in any one category of VSR.
¡P Identification of potential sources of visual impacts. These are the various elements of the construction works and operational procedures that would generate visual impacts. For assessing the visual impacts of the Project under Schedule 3, the sources of visual impact broadly involve the Project development as a whole.
¡P Duration of the impact;
¡P Reversibility of the Impact;
¡P Scale of development;
¡P Compatibility of the Project with the visual backdrop;
¡P Changes in the character of existing views;
¡P Distance of the source of impact from the viewer; and
¡P Degree of visibility of the impact (partial, full, glimpse).
The magnitude of visual impacts is classified as follows:
Large: |
The VSRs would suffer a major change in their viewing experience |
Intermediate: |
The VSRs would suffer a moderate change in their viewing experience |
Small: |
The VSRs would suffer a small change in their viewing experience |
Negligible: |
The VSRs would suffer no discernible change in their viewing experience |
None |
The VSRs would suffer no change in their viewing |
¡P Identification of potential visual mitigation measures. These may take the form of adopting alternative designs or revisions to the basic engineering and architectural design to prevent and/or minimise adverse impacts; remedial measures such as colour and textural treatment of building features; and compensatory measures such as the implementation of landscape design measures (e.g. tree planting, creation of new open space, etc.) to compensate for unavoidable adverse impacts and to attempt to generate potentially beneficial long-term impacts. A programme for the mitigation measures is provided. The agencies responsible for the funding, implementation, management and maintenance of the mitigation measures are identified and their approval-in-principle has been sought.
¡P Prediction of the significance of visual impacts before and after the implementation of the mitigation measures. By synthesising the magnitude of the visual change and the sensitivity of the VSRs, and the numbers of VSRs that are affected, it is possible to categorise the degree of significance of the impacts in a logical, well-reasoned and consistent fashion. Table 11.2 shows the rationale for dividing the degree of significance into namely, insubstantial, slight, moderate and substantial, depending on the combination of a negligible-small-intermediate-large magnitude of change and a low-medium-high degree of sensitivity of VSRs. Consideration is also given to the relative numbers of affected VSRs in predicting the final impact significance ¡V exceptionally low or high numbers of VSRs may change the result that might otherwise be concluded from Table 11.2. The significance of the visual impacts is categorised as follows:
Substantial: |
Adverse / beneficial impact where the proposal would cause significant deterioration or improvement in existing visual quality perceived by the general population; |
Moderate: |
Adverse / beneficial impact where the proposal would cause a noticeable deterioration or improvement in existing visual quality perceived by the general population; |
Slight: |
Adverse / beneficial impact where the proposal would cause a barely perceptible deterioration or improvement in existing visual quality perceived by the general population; |
Insubstantial: |
No discernible change in the existing visual quality perceived by the general population; |
None: |
No change in the existing visual quality perceived by the general population |
¡P Prediction of Acceptability of Impacts. An overall assessment of the acceptability, or otherwise, of the impacts according to the five criteria set out in Annex 10 of the EIAO-TM.
Outline Zoning Plans (OZPs)
Landscape Features
Landscape Resources
Table 11.3 Landscape Resources Baseline Area |
Landscape Resource |
Description |
Baseline Area (ha) |
Overall Percentage (approx.) |
LR1 |
Coastal Waters & Mudflats |
62.6 ha |
6.5% |
LR2 |
Hillside Woodland |
272.5 ha |
28.1% |
LR3 |
Hillside Shrub & Grassland |
131.9 ha |
13.6% |
LR4 |
Low-lying Woodland/ Plantation |
35.9 ha |
3.7% |
LR5 |
Low-lying Grassland |
40.6 ha |
4.2% |
LR6 |
Vegetation on Agricultural Land |
52.9 ha |
5.5% |
LR7 |
Vegetation within Residential Developments |
19.4 ha |
2.0% |
LR8 |
Vegetation within Rural Villages |
110.2 ha |
11.4% |
LR9 |
Vegetation within Industrial Land / Open Storage |
106.4 ha |
11.0% |
LR10 |
Watercourse |
28.5 ha |
2.8% |
LR11 |
Vegetation within Urban Parks |
11.8 ha |
1.2% |
LR12 |
Vegetation on Modified Slopes |
28.6 ha |
2.9% |
LR13 |
Vegetation along TSW Promenade |
4.4 ha |
0.5% |
LR14 |
Roadside Vegetation |
45.0 ha |
4.6% |
LR15 |
Waterbodies |
6.9 ha |
0.7% |
LR16 |
Mangroves |
11.1 ha |
1.1% |
LR17 |
Marsh |
1.5 ha |
0.2% |
LR18 |
Important Tree |
91 nos. |
n/a |
¡P trees of 100 years old or above;
¡P trees of cultural, historical or memorable significance e.g. Fung Shui tree, tree as landmark of monastery or heritage monument, and trees in memory of an important person or event;
¡P trees of precious or rare species;
¡P trees of outstanding form (taking account of overall tree size, shape and any special features) e.g. trees with curtain like aerial roots, trees growing in unusual habitat; or
¡P trees with trunk diameter equal or exceeding 1.0 m (measured at 1.3 m above ground level), or with height/canopy spread equal or exceeding 25 m.
Broad Brush Tree Survey
11.4 Important Trees |
Tree no. |
Species |
Chinese Name |
Est. Tree Size (m) |
Form |
Health |
Amenity Value |
Survival Rate after Transplanting |
Remarks |
Overall Height |
Trunk Diameter |
Crown Spread |
155E-T1 |
Artocarpus nitidus
subsp. lingnanensis |
®Û¤ì |
7 |
0.30 |
8 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Low |
Potentially registrable as OVT: tree of precious
or rare species. |
155E-T2 |
Artocarpus nitidus
subsp. lingnanensis |
®Û¤ì |
6 |
0.15 |
5 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Low |
Potentially registrable as OVT: tree of precious
or rare species. |
278-T1 |
Bombax ceiba |
¤ì´Ö |
35 |
1.50 |
20 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Low |
Potentially registrable as OVT: tree of large
size, this particular tree has very good form and size among its own tree
species. |
278-T2 |
Bombax ceiba |
¤ì´Ö |
20 |
1.00 |
20 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Low |
Potentially registrable as OVT: tree of large
size, this particular tree has very good form and size among its own tree
species. |
278D-T1 |
Ficus microcarpa |
²Ó¸º_ |
16 |
1.00 |
20 |
Good |
Fair |
High |
Low |
Potentially registrable as OVT: tree of large
size, this particular tree has very good form and size among its own tree
species. |
403-T1 |
Ficus microcarpa |
²Ó¸º_ |
12 |
1.00 |
12 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Med |
Potentially registrable as OVT: tree of large
size, this particular tree has very good form and size among its own tree
species. |
407B-T1 |
Ficus microcarpa |
²Ó¸º_ |
12 |
1.00 |
12 |
Fair |
Good |
High |
Low |
Potentially registrable as OVT: tree of large
size |
407B-T2 |
Ficus elastica |
¦L«×¾ó¾ð |
12 |
1.00 |
12 |
Fair |
Good |
High |
Low |
Potentially registrable as OVT: tree of large
size |
457-T1 |
Ficus microcarpa |
²Ó¸º_ |
13 |
1.70 |
16 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Low |
Potentially registrable as OVT: tree of large
size, this particular tree has very good form and size among its own tree
species. |
534A-T1 |
Ficus microcarpa |
²Ó¸º_ |
12 |
2.20 |
18 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Low |
Potentially registrable as OVT: tree of large
size, this particular tree has very good form and size among its own tree
species. |
547-T1 |
Ficus elastica |
¦L«×¾ó¾ð |
13 |
1.50 |
18 |
Fair |
Good |
High |
Low |
Potentially registrable as OVT: tree of large
size |
559-T1 |
Ficus elastica |
¦L«×¾ó¾ð |
12 |
1.70 |
18 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Med |
Potentially registrable as OVT: tree of large
size, this particular tree has very good form and size among its own tree
species. |
559A-T1 |
Ficus elastica |
¦L«×¾ó¾ð |
12 |
1.50 |
15 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Med |
Potentially registrable as OVT: tree of large
size, this particular tree has very good form and size among its own tree
species. |
706-T1 |
Ficus elastica |
¦L«×¾ó¾ð |
12 |
1.50 |
17 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Low |
Potentially registrable as OVT: tree of large
size, this particular tree has very good form and size among its own tree
species. |
714-T1 |
Ficus elastica |
¦L«×¾ó¾ð |
14 |
2.00 |
18 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Low |
Potentially registrable as OVT: tree of large
size, this particular tree has very good form and size among its own tree
species. |
716-T1 |
Ficus virens |
¶À¸¯¾ð |
15 |
2.00 |
20 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Low |
Potentially registrable as OVT: tree of large
size, this particular tree has very good form and size among its own tree
species. |
743-T1 |
Bombax ceiba |
¤ì´Ö |
16 |
1.10 |
14 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Low |
Potentially registrable as OVT: tree of large
size, this particular tree has very good form and size among its own tree
species. |
785A-T1 |
Eucalyptus citriodora |
ÂfÂcÑÛ |
18 |
0.90 |
12 |
Fair |
Good |
High |
Low |
Potentially registrable as OVT: tree of large
size. |
785A-T2 |
Eucalyptus citriodora |
ÂfÂcÑÛ |
18 |
0.80 |
12 |
Fair |
Fair |
High |
Low |
Potentially registrable as OVT: tree of large
size. |
785A-T3 |
Eucalyptus citriodora |
ÂfÂcÑÛ |
25 |
1.00 |
15 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Low |
Potentially registrable as OVT: tree of large
size. |
785A-T4 |
Eucalyptus citriodora |
ÂfÂcÑÛ |
18 |
1.00 |
15 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Low |
Potentially registrable as OVT: tree of large
size. |
785A-T5 |
Eucalyptus citriodora |
ÂfÂcÑÛ |
22 |
0.80 |
12 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Low |
Potentially registrable as OVT: tree of large
size. |
787A-T1 |
Ficus microcarpa |
²Ó¸º_ |
8 |
1.56 |
12 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Low |
Potentially registrable as OVT: tree of large
size, this particular tree has very good form and size among its own tree
species. |
921-T1 |
Ficus virens |
¶À¸¯¾ð |
10 |
1.50 |
18 |
Fair |
Good |
High |
Low |
Potentially registrable as OVT: tree of large
size. |
922A-T1 |
Ficus variegata |
«CªGº_ |
8 |
1.00 |
8 |
Good |
Fair |
High |
Low |
Potentially registrable as OVT: tree of large
size, this particular tree has very good form and size among its own tree
species. |
949-T1 |
Ficus elastica |
¦L«×¾ó¾ð |
11 |
1.50 |
12 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Low |
Potentially registrable as OVT: tree of large
size, this particular tree has very good form and size among its own tree
species. |
978-T1 |
Ficus elastica |
¦L«×¾ó¾ð |
20 |
3.00 |
20 |
Fair |
Good |
High |
Low |
Potentially registrable as OVT: tree of large
size. |
995-T1 |
Ficus elastica |
¦L«×¾ó¾ð |
13 |
1.50 |
15 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Low |
Potentially registrable as OVT: tree of large
size, this particular tree has very good form and size among its own tree
species. |
1036-T1 |
Ficus benjamina |
««¸º_ |
12 |
1.50 |
10 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Low |
Potentially registrable as OVT: tree of large
size, this particular tree has very good form and size among its own tree
species. |
1064-T2 |
Ficus virens |
¶À¸¯¾ð |
13 |
1.00 |
12 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Low |
Potentially registrable as OVT: tree of large size,
this particular tree has very good form and size among its own tree species. |
1071A-T1 |
Melaleuca cajuputi
subsp. Cumingiana |
¥Õ¤d¼h |
12 |
1.00 |
7 |
Fair |
Good |
High |
Low |
Potentially registrable as OVT: tree of large
size. |
1077-T1 |
Ficus microcarpa |
²Ó¸º_ |
12 |
1.00 |
18 |
Fair |
Good |
High |
Low |
Potentially registrable as OVT: tree of large
size. |
1213A-T1 |
Ficus elastica |
¦L«×¾ó¾ð |
15 |
1.50 |
20 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Low |
Potentially registrable as OVT: tree of large
size, this particular tree has very good form and size among its own tree species. |
A0017-T1 |
Ficus microcarpa |
²Ó¸º_ |
12 |
1.50 |
12 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Low |
Potentially registrable as OVT: tree of large
size, this particular tree has very good form and size among its own tree
species. |
102-T1 |
Ficus microcarpa |
²Ó¸º_ |
10 |
1.00 |
12 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Low |
Potentially registrable as OVT: tree of large
size, this particular tree has very good form and size among its own tree
species. |
1202-T1 |
Ficus elastica |
¦L«×¾ó¾ð |
12 |
1.00 |
12 |
Fair |
Good |
High |
Low |
Potentially registrable as OVT: tree of large
size |
1202-T2 |
Ficus elastica |
¦L«×¾ó¾ð |
12 |
1.00 |
12 |
Fair |
Good |
High |
Low |
Potentially registrable as OVT: tree of large
size |
1203-T1 |
Ficus microcarpa |
²Ó¸º_ |
14 |
1.00 |
15 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Low |
Potentially registrable as OVT: tree of large size,
this particular tree has very good form and size among its own tree species. |
1213-T1 |
Ficus elastica |
¦L«×¾ó¾ð |
15 |
1.50 |
17 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Low |
Potentially registrable as OVT: tree of large
size, this particular tree has very good form and size among its own tree
species. |
1213-T2 |
Ficus elastica |
¦L«×¾ó¾ð |
16 |
3.00 |
25 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Low |
Potentially registrable as OVT: tree of large
size, this particular tree has very good form and size among its own tree
species. |
18-T1 |
Ficus elastica |
¦L«×¾ó¾ð |
15 |
2.00 |
20 |
Fair |
Good |
High |
Low |
Potentially registrable as OVT: tree of large
size |
201-T1 |
Ficus microcarpa |
²Ó¸º_ |
13 |
2.00 |
20 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Low |
Potentially registrable as OVT: tree of large
size, this particular tree has very good form and size among its own tree
species. |
202-T1 |
Ficus microcarpa |
²Ó¸º_ |
14 |
1.20 |
20 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Low |
Potentially registrable as OVT: tree of large
size, this particular tree has very good form and size among its own tree
species. |
203-T1 |
Ficus microcarpa |
²Ó¸º_ |
13 |
1.20 |
16 |
Fair |
Good |
High |
Low |
Potentially registrable as OVT: tree of large
size |
203-T2 |
Ficus microcarpa |
²Ó¸º_ |
15 |
1.50 |
16 |
Fair |
Good |
High |
Low |
Potentially registrable as OVT: tree of large
size |
203-T3 |
Ficus microcarpa |
²Ó¸º_ |
15 |
1.50 |
16 |
Fair |
Good |
High |
Low |
Potentially registrable as OVT: tree of large
size |
203-T4 |
Ficus microcarpa |
²Ó¸º_ |
18 |
1.00 |
12 |
Fair |
Good |
High |
Low |
Potentially registrable as OVT: tree of large
size |
207-T1 |
Ficus microcarpa |
²Ó¸º_ |
15 |
1.50 |
20 |
Fair |
Good |
High |
Low |
Potentially registrable as OVT: tree of large
size |
207-T2 |
Ficus microcarpa |
²Ó¸º_ |
15 |
1.50 |
20 |
Fair |
Good |
High |
Low |
Potentially registrable as OVT: tree of large
size |
207-T3 |
Ficus microcarpa |
²Ó¸º_ |
12 |
1.20 |
15 |
Fair |
Good |
High |
Low |
Potentially registrable as OVT: tree of large
size |
34-T1 |
Ficus microcarpa |
²Ó¸º_ |
14 |
1.50 |
20 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Low |
Potentially registrable as OVT: tree of large
size, this particular tree has very good form and size among its own tree
species. |
458-T1 |
Ficus microcarpa |
²Ó¸º_ |
16 |
1.50 |
18 |
Fair |
Good |
High |
Low |
Potentially registrable as OVT: tree of large
size |
458-T2 |
Ficus microcarpa |
²Ó¸º_ |
12 |
1.50 |
15 |
Fair |
Good |
High |
Low |
Potentially registrable as OVT: tree of large
size |
531-T1 |
Ficus microcarpa |
²Ó¸º_ |
15 |
1.50 |
20 |
Fair |
Good |
High |
Low |
Potentially registrable as OVT: tree of large
size |
532-T1 |
Ficus microcarpa |
²Ó¸º_ |
14 |
1.50 |
20 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Low |
Potentially registrable as OVT: tree of large
size, this particular tree has very good form and size among its own tree
species. |
575-T1 |
Ficus microcarpa |
²Ó¸º_ |
15 |
1.00 |
15 |
Fair |
Good |
High |
Low |
Potentially registrable as OVT: tree of large
size |
576-T1 |
Ficus microcarpa |
²Ó¸º_ |
13 |
1.20 |
16 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Low |
Potentially registrable as OVT: tree of large size,
this particular tree has very good form and size among its own tree species. |
633-T1 |
Bombax ceiba |
¤ì´Ö |
20 |
1.00 |
14 |
Fair |
Good |
High |
Low |
Potentially registrable as OVT: tree of large
size |
633-T2 |
Ficus microcarpa |
²Ó¸º_ |
12 |
1.20 |
16 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Low |
Potentially registrable as OVT: tree of large
size, this particular tree has very good form and size among its own tree
species. |
658-T1 |
Ficus elastica |
¦L«×¾ó¾ð |
20 |
2.00 |
24 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Low |
Potentially registrable as OVT: tree of large
size, this particular tree has very good form and size among its own tree
species. |
756-T1 |
Ficus benjamina |
««¸º_ |
16 |
1.00 |
18 |
Fair |
Good |
High |
Low |
Potentially registrable as OVT: tree of large
size |
962-T1 |
Ficus elastica |
¦L«×¾ó¾ð |
13 |
1.50 |
16 |
Fair |
Good |
High |
Low |
Potentially registrable as OVT: tree of large
size |
1327-T1 |
microcarpa |
²Ó¸º_ |
14 |
2.00 |
20 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Low |
registrable as OVT: tree of large size |
11.4 (cont.)
Tree no. |
Species |
Chinese Name |
Est. Tree Size (m) |
Form |
Health |
Amenity Value |
Survival Rate after Transplanting |
Remarks |
Overall Height |
Trunk Diameter |
Crown Spread |
59D-T2 |
Aquilaria sinensis |
¤g¨I» |
10 |
0.22 |
7 |
Fair |
Good |
High |
Low |
The tree species is protected under local legislation,
the Protection of Endangered Species of Animals and Plants Ordinance (Cap.
586). |
155E-T4 |
Aquilaria sinensis |
¤g¨I» |
5 |
0.15 |
3 |
Fair |
Good |
High |
Low |
The tree species is protected under local legislation,
the Protection of Endangered Species of Animals and Plants Ordinance (Cap.
586). |
237A-T1 |
Aquilaria sinensis |
¤g¨I» |
5 |
0.15 |
3 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Low |
The tree species is protected under local
legislation, the Protection of Endangered Species of Animals and Plants
Ordinance (Cap. 586). |
237A-T2 |
Aquilaria sinensis |
¤g¨I» |
3 |
0.10 |
2 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Low |
The tree species is protected under local
legislation, the Protection of Endangered Species of Animals and Plants
Ordinance (Cap. 586). |
456-T1 |
Aquilaria sinensis |
¤g¨I» |
8 |
0.15 |
5 |
Fair |
Good |
Med |
Low |
The tree species is protected under local
legislation, the Protection of Endangered Species of Animals and Plants
Ordinance (Cap. 586). |
456-T2 |
Aquilaria sinensis |
¤g¨I» |
10 |
0.20 |
6 |
Fair |
Good |
Med |
Low |
The tree species is protected under local
legislation, the Protection of Endangered Species of Animals and Plants
Ordinance (Cap. 586). |
456-T3 |
Aquilaria sinensis |
¤g¨I» |
10 |
0.20 |
6 |
Fair |
Good |
Med |
Low |
The tree species is protected under local
legislation, the Protection of Endangered Species of Animals and Plants
Ordinance (Cap. 586). |
1212-T1 |
Aquilaria sinensis |
¤g¨I» |
8 |
0.25 |
3 |
Fair |
Good |
High |
Low |
tree species is protected under local legislation, the Protection of Endangered
Species of Animals and Plants Ordinance (Cap. 586). |
1213-T3 |
Ailanthus fordii |
±`ºñ¯äÝÏ |
10 |
0.16 |
3 |
Fair |
Good |
High |
Low |
tree species is scheduled under the Forests And Countryside Ordinance (Cap.
96). |
1213-T4 |
Ailanthus fordii |
±`ºñ¯äÝÏ |
10 |
0.22 |
3 |
Fair |
Good |
High |
Low |
tree species is scheduled under the Forests And Countryside Ordinance (Cap.
96). |
34A-T1 |
Aquilaria sinensis |
¤g¨I» |
8 |
0.25 |
3 |
Fair |
Fair |
High |
Low |
tree species is protected under local legislation, the Protection of
Endangered Species of Animals and Plants Ordinance (Cap. 586). |
34A-T2 |
Aquilaria sinensis |
¤g¨I» |
10 |
0.25 |
3 |
Fair |
Fair |
High |
Low |
tree species is protected under local legislation, the Protection of
Endangered Species of Animals and Plants Ordinance (Cap. 586). |
34A-T3 |
Aquilaria sinensis |
¤g¨I» |
10 |
0.25 |
3 |
Fair |
Poor |
Med |
Low |
tree species is protected under local legislation, the Protection of
Endangered Species of Animals and Plants Ordinance (Cap. 586). |
34A-T4 |
Aquilaria sinensis |
¤g¨I» |
8 |
0.25 |
4 |
Fair |
Good |
High |
Low |
tree species is protected under local legislation, the Protection of
Endangered Species of Animals and Plants Ordinance (Cap. 586). |
11.4 (cont.)
Tree no. |
Species |
Chinese Name |
Est. Tree Size (m) |
Form |
Health |
Amenity Value |
Survival Rate after Transplanting |
Remarks |
Overall Height |
Trunk Diameter |
Crown Spread |
181-T1 |
Celtis sinensis |
¦µ¾ð |
12 |
0.70 |
10 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Low |
This particular tree has very good form and size among its own tree
species. |
224-T1 |
Bombax ceiba |
¤ì´Ö |
15 |
0.65 |
10 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Low |
This particular tree has very good form and size among its own tree
species. |
237C-T1 |
Cinnamomum camphora |
¼Ì |
7 |
0.50 |
8 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Low |
This particular tree has very good form. |
278D-T2 |
Bombax ceiba |
¤ì´Ö |
20 |
0.60 |
12 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Low |
This particular tree has very good form and size among its own tree
species. |
640A-T1 |
Bombax ceiba |
¤ì´Ö |
13 |
0.50 |
10 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Low |
This particular tree has very good form and size among its own tree
species. |
640A-T2 |
Bombax ceiba |
¤ì´Ö |
15 |
0.60 |
12 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Low |
This particular tree has very good form and size among its own tree
species. |
666-T1 |
Ficus religiosa |
µÐ´£¾ð |
11 |
0.80 |
13 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Low |
This particular tree has very good form and size among its own tree
species. |
688D-T1 |
Michelia x alba |
¥ÕÄõ |
20 |
0.55 |
10 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Low |
This particular tree has very good form and size among its own tree
species. |
688D-T2 |
Michelia x alba |
¥ÕÄõ |
20 |
0.30 |
7 |
Fair |
Good |
High |
Low |
This particular tree has very large size among its own tree species. |
688G-T1 |
Ficus religiosa |
µÐ´£¾ð |
12 |
0.80 |
10 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Low |
This particular tree has very good form and size among its own tree
species. |
914-T1 |
Homalium hainanensis |
¬õªá¤Ñ®Æ¤ì |
13 |
0.45 |
8 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Low |
This particular tree has very good form and size among its own tree
species. |
914-T2 |
Homalium hainanensis |
¬õªá¤Ñ®Æ¤ì |
12 |
0.35 |
6 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Low |
This particular tree has very good form and size among its own tree
species. |
1064-T1 |
Michelia x alba |
¥ÕÄõ |
13 |
0.60 |
8 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Low |
This particular tree has very good form and size among its own tree
species. |
11.4 (cont.)
Tree no. |
Species |
Chinese Name |
Est. Tree Size (m) |
Form |
Health |
Amenity value |
Survival Rate after Transplanting |
Remarks |
Overall Height |
Trunk Diameter |
Crown Spread |
698A-T1 |
microcarpa |
²Ó¸º_ |
14 |
2.30 |
22 |
Good |
Good |
High |
Low |
as OVT. Registration no.: LCSD YL/1. |
Sensitivity of LRs and LCAs
¡P Quality of the landscape resources;
¡P Maturity of the landscape resources;
¡P Rarity of special landscape elements;
¡P Importance of the Landscape Resource in local and regional context; and
¡P Ability of the landscape to accommodate change
Table 11.5 Baseline Landscape Resources
ID. No. |
Resource (LR) |
Baseline Area |
Description |
Quality &
Maturity (High, Medium, Low) |
Rarity (High, Medium, Low) |
Importance (Local, Regional, National, Global) |
Ability to Accommodate Change (Low, Medium, High) |
Sensitivity (Low, Medium, High) |
LR1 ¡V Coastal Waters & Mudflats |
62.6 ha |
1.0 |
Coastal Waters & Mudflats |
62.6 ha |
High |
High |
Regional |
Low |
High |
This LR consists of the waters of Deep Bay off the northwest
coast of Lau Fau Shan. It is surrounded to the north by Shenzhen proper and
west by the peninsula of Nanshan, China. The coastline along Lau Fau Shan is
framed by a large sheer with a shallow shore of wetlands. The margin of fresh
water and salt water forms a valuable habitat for a wide variety of life. The
water quality and ecological value is relatively high, as they provide a
habitat for various marine life and cannot be replaced. |
Zoning: The LR does not fall within any OZP |
¡V Hillside Woodland |
272.5 ha |
2.1 |
Lau Fau Shan |
7.2 ha |
High |
Medium |
Local |
Low |
High |
This LR comprises two separated hillside areas
to the north of the Lau Fau Shan area nestled between the coastline of Deep
Bay and Deep Bay Road. The hills
rise to heights of 42.5 m and 33.8 m with the latter also home to the Lau Fau
Shan Police Station resting atop the hillside. Vegetation is comprised of mature and
semi-mature tree canopies of various species forming an interconnected tree
canopy. Due to the CPA zoning
designation, the planning intention of these areas is primarily to protect
and retain the existing natural landscape, ecology or topographical features
of the area for conservation, educational and research purposes. A total of
approx.919 nos. of trees have been identified within this LR; the dominant
species includes Macaranga tanarius var. tomentosa, Bauhinia sp.,
Litsea glutinosa, Celtis sinensis, Cratoxylum cochinchinense. |
Zoning: The extent of the LR lies within area zoned as ¡§Coastal Protection Area¡¨ (CPA) under the Lau Fau Shan & Tsim Bei Tsui OZP S/YL-LFS/7 |
2.2 |
Ngau Hom |
6.3 ha |
High |
Medium |
Regional |
Low |
High |
This LR comprises a large wooded hillside rising to 46.9 m
located to the north of Ngau Hom and Sha Kong Wai villages and to the east of
San Hing Tsuen village. Numerous
graves are found scattered about the hillside. Vegetation is comprised of
mature and semi-mature tree canopies of various species forming a mostly
interconnected tree canopy. Two Important Trees, 34A-T3 and 34A-T4, are
located in this LR. Identified as Aquilaria
sinensis, the tree species is protected under local legislation, the
Protection of Endangered Species of Animals and Plants Ordinance (Cap. 586). A total of approx. 293 nos. of trees have been identified within
this LR; the dominant species includes Celtis
sinensis, Macaranga tanarius var.
tomentosa, Dimocarpus longan. |
Zoning: The extent of the LR lies within areas zoned as ¡§Green Belt¡¨
(GB) and ¡§Village Type Development¡¨ (V) under the Lau Fau Shan & Tsim Bei
Tsui OZP S/YL-LFS/7 |
2.3 |
Hang Hau Tsuen |
7.4 ha |
High |
Medium |
Regional |
Low |
High |
This LR comprises two contiguous wooded hillsides rising to 38.6
m and 36.5 m located to the south of Hang Hau Tsuen with a section of Deep Bay Road cutting
across the northern extents.
Numerous graves are found scattered about the hillsides. Vegetation is comprised of
mature and semi-mature tree canopies of various species forming an
interconnected tree canopy. One
Important Tree, 59D-T2, is located on the edge of the LR. Identified as Aquilaria sinensis, the tree species is protected under local legislation,
the Protection of Endangered Species of Animals and Plants Ordinance (Cap.
586). A
total of approx. 286 nos. of trees
have been identified within this LR; the dominant species includes Macaranga tanarius var. tomentosa, Celtis sinensis. |
Zoning: The majority of the LR lies within area zoned as ¡§Residential
(Group D)¡¨ (R(D)) under the Ha Tsuen OZP S/YL-HT/10. The area of this LR located to the
north of Deep Bay Road is zoned CPA under the same OZP. |
2.4 |
Hom Shek |
42.6 ha |
High |
Medium |
Regional |
Low |
High |
This LR comprises the contiguous wooded hillsides located to the
east of the Shenzhen Bay Bridge and KSWH that effectively form the northern
green backdrop of the Project.
Numerous graves are found scattered about the hillsides. Vegetation is
comprised of mature and semi-mature tree canopies of various species forming
an interconnected tree canopy.
Three Important Trees, 181-T1, 237A-T1, and 237A-T2, are located in
this LR. The identified tree
species include Celtis sinensis and
Aquilaria sinensis and have very
good form and size or are protected
under local legislation, the Protection of Endangered Species of Animals and
Plants Ordinance (Cap. 586). A total of approx. 2378
nos. of trees have been identified within this LR; the dominant species
includes Macaranga tanarius var. tomentosa, Lophostemon confertus, Celtis
sinensis. |
Zoning: The majority of the LR lies within area zoned GB under the Ha
Tsuen OZP S/YL-HT/10, with smaller patches located at the base of the
northerly and westerly slopes zoned ¡§Agriculture¡¨ (AGR). |
2.5 |
Ping Shan |
6.9 ha |
High |
Medium |
Regional |
Low |
High |
This LR comprises three discontinuous hillside areas to the
north and east of Hang Tau Tsuen and east of Tong Fong Tsuen to the
south. The hills rise to heights
of 28.3 m, 30.6 m, and 42.6 m.
The Ping Shan Tang Clan Gallery rests atop the hillside located east
of Hang Tau Tsuen, which is also home to the Tong Ancestral Hall, a major
cultural attraction and historical artefact. Vegetation is comprised of mature and
semi-mature tree canopies of various species forming an interconnected tree
canopy. Due to the CPA zoning
designation, the planning intention of these areas is primarily to protect
and retain the existing natural landscape, ecology or topographical features
of the area for conservation, educational and research purposes. A total of approx. 778 nos. of trees have been identified within
this LR; the dominant species includes Macaranga
tanarius var. tomentosa, Ficus
hispida, Dimocarpus longan, Artocarpus heterophyllus, Clausena lansium,
Litchi chinensis, Acacia confuse. |
Zoning: The hillside located east of Tong Fong Tsuen lies within area
zoned ¡§Village Type Development¡¨ (V) and the other two hillsides lay within
areas zoned GB or ¡§Government, Institution or Community¡§ (G/IC). All three are under the Ping Shan OZP
S/YL-PS/16. |
2.6 |
Tung Tau Tsuen |
5.0 ha |
High |
Medium |
Regional |
Low |
High |
This LR comprises two contiguous wooded hillsides rising to 28.3
m and 24.2 m located north of Hong Mei Tsuen and Tung Tau Tsuen. The hillsides lie immediately adjacent
to Yeung Hau Temple, a Declared Monument. Numerous graves are found scattered
about the hillsides.
Vegetation is comprised of mature and semi-mature tree canopies of
various species forming an interconnected tree canopy. Six Important Trees, 155E-T1,
155E-T2,155E-T4, 203-T1, 203-T2 and 203-T3, are located within this LR. The identified tree species include Artocarpus nitidus subsp. Lingnanensis and Ficus macrocarpa and are potentially registrable as OVT due to
large size and good form and size among its own tree species. A total of approx. 507 nos. of trees have been identified within
this LR; the dominant species includes Macaranga
tanarius var. tomentosa, Dimocarpus
longan, Clausena lansium, Litchi chinensis, Artocarpus heterophyllus. |
Zoning: The north facing slopes of the hillsides are zoned
¡§Comprehensive Development Area¡¨ (CDA) and the south-facing hillsides are
zoned V, both under the Ha Tsuen OZP S/YL-HT/10. |
2.7 |
Ha Tsuen Road |
0.6 ha |
High |
Medium |
Local |
Medium |
High |
This LR comprises a lone, isolated wooded hillside rising to
13.2 m located north of Ha Tsuen Road and surrounded by open storage
land-uses on all sides.
Vegetation is comprised of mature and semi-mature tree canopies of
various species forming an interconnected tree canopy. A total of approx. 85
nos. of trees have been identified within this LR; the dominant species
includes Litchi chinensis. |
Zoning: The hillside is zoned GB under the Ha Tsuen OZP S/YL-HT/10. |
2.8 |
Ha Tsuen |
1.3 ha |
Medium |
Medium |
Local |
Low |
Medium |
This LR comprises a lone, isolated wooded hillside rising to
35.9 m located north of the Sewage Treatment Plant and disconnected from the
northern wooded hillside ridgeline of Ngau Hom Shek by open storage land-uses
on all sides. The top of
the hillside has been de-vegetated and levelled to make room for industrial
land uses. Vegetation is
comprised of mature and semi-mature tree canopies of various species forming
an interconnected tree canopy. A total of approx. 108 nos. of trees have been identified within
this LR; the dominant species includes Macaranga
tanarius var. tomentosa. |
Zoning: The hillside is zoned GB under the Ha Tsuen OZP S/YL-HT/10. |
2.9 |
Yuen Tau Shan |
144.5 ha |
High |
Medium |
Local |
Low |
High |
This LR comprises the contiguous wooded hillsides located to the
west of the Shenzhen Bay Bridge and KSWH that effectively form the western
ridgeline of the Project.
Numerous graves are found scattered about the hillsides. Vegetation is comprised of mature
and semi-mature tree canopies of various species forming an interconnected
tree canopy. A total of approx. 6826 nos. of trees have been identified
within this LR; the dominant species includes Macaranga tanarius var.
tomentosa, Eucalyptus sp., Acacia confusa,
Leucaena leucocephala, Dimocarpus longan. |
Zoning: The majority of the LR lies within area zoned ¡§CA¡¨ under the Ha
Tsuen OZP S/YL-HT/10, Ping
Shan OZP S/YL-PS/16, & Lam Tei & Yick Yuen OZP S/TM-LTYY/8. Additional areas lie within areas zoned
GB under the aforementioned OZPs, and a small patch located at the foothills
facing Deep Bay is zoned AGR under the Ha Tsuen OZP S/YL-HT/10. |
2.10 |
Hung Uk Tsuen |
7.4 ha |
High |
Medium |
Local |
Low |
High |
This LR comprises three discontinuous hillside areas located to
the west and southwest of Kiu Tau Wai and Hung Uk Tsuen, rising to elevations
of 20.0 m, 21.1 m, 42.4 m. The
southernmost Wooded Hillside is comprised of three individual hills that form
one continuous unit, bisected only by a small local road. Numerous graves are found
scattered about the hillsides. Vegetation is comprised of mature and
semi-mature tree canopies of various species forming an interconnected tree
canopy. A
total of approx. 944 nos. of trees
have been identified within this LR; the dominant species includes Eucalyptus tereticornis, Macaranga
tanarius var. tomentosa, Celtis
sinensis, Lophostemon confertus, Litsea glutinosa. |
Zoning-: |
The hillsides lie within areas zoned GB under the Ping Shan OZP
S/YL-PS/16. |
2.11 |
Kau Lee Uk Tsuen |
5.5 ha |
High |
Medium |
Local |
Low |
High |
This LR comprises of a hillside area located to the west Kau Lee
Uk Tsuen and rises 38.1 m in elevation.
Numerous graves are found scattered about the hillsides. Vegetation is comprised of mature
and semi-mature tree canopies of various species forming an interconnected
tree canopy. Three Important Trees, 456-T1, 456-T2, and 456-T3 are located
within this LR. The identified
tree species are Aquilaria sinensis
and are protected under local legislation,
the Protection of Endangered Species of Animals and Plants Ordinance (Cap.
586). A
total of approx. 264 nos. of trees
have been identified within this LR; the dominant species includes Litchi chinensis, Macaranga tanarius var. tomentosa, Clausena lansium, Dimocarpus
longan, Celtis sinensis. |
Zoning: |
The hillside lie within areas zoned GB under the Ha Tsuen OZP
S/YL-HT/10. |
2.12 |
San Sang Tsuen |
2.9 ha |
High |
Medium |
Local |
Low |
High |
This LR comprises three discontinuous hillside areas located to
the west and northwest San Sang Tsuen, rising to elevations of 18 m, 24.5 m,
and 28.3 m. Numerous graves
are found scattered about the hillsides. Vegetation is comprised of
mature and semi-mature tree canopies of various species forming an
interconnected tree canopy. One Important Tree, 633-T2, is located within the
LR. The identified tree species is Ficus
macrocarpa and is potentially registrable as OVT due to large size and
good form and size among its own tree species. A total of approx. 156 nos. of trees have been identified within
this LR; the dominant species includes Macaranga
tanarius var. tomentosa, Aleurites
moluccana. |
Zoning: |
The easternmost hillsides lies within area zoned G/IC, and the
two westerly hillsides lie within areas zoned R(D) under the Ha Tsuen OZP
S/YL-HT/10. |
2.13 |
Ma Shan |
35.0 ha |
High |
Medium |
Local |
Low |
High |
This LR comprises of a hillside area located in the vicinity of
the Tan Kwai Tsuen Freshwater Reservoirs in the southern area of the
Project. Numerous graves are
found scattered about the hillsides. One Important Tree, 1327-T1, is located
within the LR; it is identified as Ficus
macrocarpa. The identified tree species is Ficus macrocarpa and is potentially registrable as OVT due to
large size among its own tree species. Vegetation is comprised of mature and
semi-mature tree canopies of various species. |
Zoning: |
The southern hillsides lies within area zoned GB and CA under
the Tong Yan San Tsuen OZP S/YL-TYST/10. |
¡V Hillside Shrub & Grassland |
131.9 ha |
3.1 |
Ngau Hom |
3.0 ha |
Medium |
Medium |
Local |
Low |
High |
This LR comprises a large open hillside conjoined to LR2.2 ¡V
Ngau Hom Woodland. Here, nearly
all trees have been removed resulting in succession of herbaceous species and
grassland. Numerous graves are
found scattered about the area. A total of approx. 45 nos. of trees have been identified within
this LR; the dominant species includes Celtis
sinensis, Macaranga tanarius var.
tomentosa, Dimocarpus longan. |
Zoning: |
The extent of the LR lies within areas zoned GB under the Lau
Fau Shan & Tsim Bei Tsui OZP S/YL-LFS/7. |
3.2 |
Hang Hau Tsuen |
1.4 ha |
Medium |
Medium |
Local |
Low |
High |
This LR comprises a hillside meadow located within the extents
of LR2.3 ¡V Hang Hau Tsuen Woodland.
Here, there are few trees and the dominant vegetation consists of
successional herbaceous plants and grassland species. Numerous graves are found scattered
about the area. A total of approx. 21 nos. of trees have been identified within
this LR; the dominant species includes Macaranga
tanarius var. tomentosa, Celtis
sinensis. |
Zoning: |
The LR lies within area zoned R(D) under the Ha Tsuen OZP
S/YL-HT/10. |
3.3 |
Ngau Hom Shek |
22.0 ha |
High |
Medium |
Local |
Low |
High |
This LR comprises various hillside meadows located within the
extents of LR2.3 ¡V Ngau Hom Shek Woodland. Here, there are few trees and the
dominant vegetation consists of successional herbaceous plants and grassland
species. Numerous graves are
found scattered about the areas. One Important Tree, 237C-T1, is located
within this LR. The tree species
is Cinnamomum camphora and is
identified as having very good form for trees of this species. A total of approx. 512 nos. of trees have been identified within
this LR; the dominant species includes Lophostemon
confertus, Acacia auriculiformis, Tetradium glabrifolium. |
Zoning: |
The LR lies within area zoned GB under the Ha Tsuen OZP
S/YL-HT/10. |
3.4 |
Yuen Tau Shan |
60.8 ha |
High |
Medium |
Local |
Low |
High |
This LR comprises various hillsides located scattered amongst
the extents of LR2.9 ¡V Yuen Tau Shan Woodland. These hillsides comprise part of the
western ridgeline of the Project, and comprise grasslands and open, hillside
shrub land. In this LR, there are
few trees and the dominant vegetation consists of successional herbaceous
plants and grassland. Numerous
graves are found scattered about the various hillsides. A total of approx. 396
nos. of trees have been identified within this LR: the dominant species
includes Leucaena leucocephala,
Macaranga tanarius var. tomentosa. |
Zoning : |
The majority of the LR lies within area zoned CA under the Ha
Tsuen OZP S/YL-HT/10, Ping
Shan OZP S/YL-PS/16, & Lam Tei & Yick Yuen OZP S/TM-LTYY/8. Additional areas lie within areas
zoned GB under the aforementioned OZPs, and a small patch located at the
foothills facing Deep Bay is zoned AGR under the Ha Tsuen OZP S/YL-HT/10. |
3.5 |
Kau Lee Uk Tsuen |
1.1 ha |
Medium |
Medium |
Local |
Low |
High |
This LR comprises hillside meadows located within the extents of
LR2.10 ¡V Hung Uk Tsuen Woodland.
Here, there are few trees and the dominant vegetation consists of
successional herbaceous plants and grassland species. Numerous graves are found scattered about
the area. A total of approx. 24 nos. of trees have been identified within
this LR; the dominant species includes Macaranga
tanarius var. tomentosa, Celtis
sinensis. |
Zoning: |
The hillsides lie within areas zoned GB under the Ping Shan OZP
S/YL-PS/16. |
3.6 |
Hung Uk Tsuen |
0.7 ha |
Medium |
Medium |
Local |
Low |
High |
This LR comprises two hillside meadows located within the
extents of LR2.11 - Kau Lee
Uk Tsuen Woodland. Here, there
are few trees and the dominant vegetation consists of successional herbaceous
plants and grassland species.
Numerous graves are found scattered about the area. A total of approx. 154
nos. of trees have been identified within this LR; the dominant species
includes Eucalyptus tereticornis,
Macaranga tanarius var. tomentosa,
Lophostemon confertus, Celtis sinensis. |
Zoning: |
The hillside lie within areas zoned GB under the Ha Tsuen OZP
S/YL-HT/10. |
3.7 |
Ma Shan |
42.9 ha |
High |
Medium |
Local |
Low |
High |
This LR comprises a large contiguous hillside and several
smaller patches of vegetation located to the south of the Project near the
Kwai Tsuen Freshwater Reservoirs.
These hillsides comprise part of the southern ridgeline of the Project,
and comprise dense grasslands and open, hillside shrub land. In this LR, there are few trees and
the dominant vegetation consists of successional herbaceous plants and
grassland. Numerous graves are
found scattered about the various hillsides. |
Zoning: |
The southern hillsides lies within area zoned GB and CA under
the Tong Yan San Tsuen OZP S/YL-TYST/10. |
¡V Low-lying Woodland/ Plantation |
35.9 ha |
4.1 |
Tin Ying Road & Tin Wah Road |
3.8 ha |
High |
Medium |
Local |
Low |
High |
This LR primarily consists of second-growth woodland with mature
and semi-mature trees forming an interlocking tree canopy. It presently serves as a green buffer
between TSW Promenade and the industrial storage land uses west of the
river. It is located west of Tin
Ying Road and south of Tin Wah Road. A total of approx. 845
nos. of trees have been identified within this LR; the dominant species
includes Acacia auriculiformis, Melia
azedarach, Leucaena leucocephala, Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Hibiscus tiliaceus,
Ficus benjamina. |
Zoning: |
This LR resides within area zoned CDA under the Ha Tsuen OZP
S/YL-HT/10. |
4.2 |
Hang Hau Tsuen |
4.8 ha |
Medium |
Medium |
Local |
Medium |
Medium |
This LR primarily consists of scrubland as well as a more-established
mature woodland stand adjacent to existing rural residential developments of
Deep Bay Grove. The easterly area
consists of various scrubland vegetation adjacent to an existing drainage
channel and open-air storage areas.
Collectively, this LR forms a green backdrop to those existing rural
residential developments and also provides a green buffer along the nullah. A total of approx. 110 nos. of trees have been identified within
this LR; the dominant species includes Leucaena
leucocephala, Macaranga tanarius var.
tomentosa, Celtis sinensis, Melia azedarach. |
Zoning: |
This LR resides within three different zoning designations: the western LR area falls within land
zoned R£á and R(D) under the Lau
Fau Shan & Tsim Bei Tsui OZP S/YL-LFS/7, and the eastern LR area falls
within land zoned CDA under the Ha Tsuen OZP S/YL-HT/10. |
4.3 |
Tin Ying Road & Ping Ha Road |
1.6 ha |
Medium |
Medium |
Local |
Medium |
Medium |
This LR consists of tree and scrubland vegetation adjacent to an
existing nullah, and serves as a green buffer between the nullah and open-air
storage areas to the north and south.
The LR is bound to east and west by Ping Ha Road and Tin Ying Road,
respectively. A
total of approx. 358 nos. of trees
have been identified within this LR; the dominant species include Acacia confusa, Eucalyptus sp., Acacia auriculiformis, Hibiscus
tiliaceus. |
Zoning: |
This LR falls on areas that are zoned Open Space (O) on the
north side of the nullah and Undetermined (U) on the south side of the
nullah. Both fall under the Ha
Tsuen OZP S/YL-HT/10. |
4.4 |
Tong Fong Tsuen |
1.5 ha |
Medium |
Medium |
Local |
Medium |
Medium |
This LR primarily consists of several scattered woodland and
scrubland areas interspersed between rural residential development and open
waste storage. The character of
vegetation is generally of good quality in that the trees are mature and
semi-mature and form interlocking tree canopies. However, the overall character of this
LR is one heavily influenced by human interaction. As continual expansion of village
housing occurs, it is likely that this area will be subsumed by development. A total of approx. 191 nos. of trees have been identified within
this LR; the dominant species includes Melaleuca
cajuputi subsp. cumingiana, Ficus
microcarpa, Leucaena leucocephala. |
Zoning: |
This LR resides within areas zoned V and G/IC under the Ping Shan
OZP S/YL-PS/16. |
4.5 |
Ping Pak Lane & Ping Kwai Road |
0.5 ha |
High |
Medium |
Local |
Medium |
Medium |
This LR consists of a small woodland stand located on the south
side of Ping Kwai Road and west of Ping Pak Lane. The vegetation is generally of high
quality consisting of mature and semi-mature trees forming an interlocking
tree canopy with dense understory. A total of approx. 46
nos. of trees have been identified within this LR; the dominant species
includes Ficus microcarpa, Leucaena
leucocephala, Macaranga tanarius var.
tomentosa. |
Zoning: |
This LR resides within areas zoned V and G/IC under the Ping
Shan OZP S/YL-PS/16. |
4.6 |
Hung Uk Tsuen |
0.6 ha |
High |
Medium |
Local |
Low |
High |
This LR consists of a medium-sized woodland stand located to the
west of Hung Uk Tsuen village. The vegetation is
generally of high quality consisting of mature and semi-mature trees forming
an interlocking tree canopy with dense understory. It presently serves as a green buffer
between residents in Hung Uk Tsuen and the various open-air storage and
industrial land uses in the surrounding context. One Important Tree, 457-T1, is located
within this LR. Identified as Ficus macrocarpa, the tree species is
potentially registrable as OVT due to its large size and that this particular
tree has very good form and size among its own tree species. A total of approx. 48 nos. of trees have been identified within
this LR; the dominant species includes Leucaena
leucocephala, Macaranga tanarius var.
tomentosa, Eucalyptus torelliana, Melia azedarach. |
Zoning: |
This LR resides within areas zoned V and O under the Ping Shan
OZP S/YL-PS/16. |
4.7 |
Fui Sha Wai |
0.2 ha |
Low |
Low |
Local |
High |
Low |
This LR consists of low-quality scrubland and woodland
interspersed between rural residential developments and industrial
storage. This LR is located south
of Castle Peak Road and just east of Hung Tin Road. As continual expansion of village
housing occurs, it is likely that this area will be subsumed by development
in short time. A
total of approx. 14 nos. of trees have
been identified within this LR; the dominant species includes Roystonea regia. |
Zoning: |
This LR resides within areas zoned V under the Tong Yan San
Tsuen OZP S/YL-TYST/10. |
4.8 |
San Sang San Tsuen |
15.8 ha |
High |
Medium |
Regional |
Low |
High |
This LR consists of two extremely large, woodland and scrubland areas
located adjacent to a similar sized area of land used for agriculture. This LR is located between the Kong
Sam Western Highway and the West Rail Line (WRL) alignment, and south of San
Sang San Tsuen and San Sang Tsuen villages. It primarily consists of two
continuous, large areas. The
northern area is immediately south of the aforementioned village areas, and
consists of stands of mature and semi-mature trees and open scrubland and
grassland areas. All the
vegetation is of relatively high quality. The southern area is located south of
the large agricultural zone LR 6.9 and is bisected by a small drainage
channel. Vegetation here is
similar to the above. These two
areas are generally continuous, open, unspoiled, and generally of high
quality. Five Important Trees,
688D-T1, 688D-T2, and 688G-T1, 914-T1 and 914-T2 are located within this
LR. Identified as Michelia x alba, Ficus religiosa, and Homalium
hainanensis, the tree species are recognised for their very good form and
large size among their own tree species. A total of approx. 626
nos. of trees have been identified within this LR; the dominant species
includes Dimocarpus longan, Clausena
lansium, Leucaena leucocephala, Macaranga tanarius var. tomentosa. |
Zoning: |
The northern area of this LR largely resides within areas zoned
R(D), with a very small area residing within area zoned V, both under the
under the Ha Tsuen OZP S/YL-HT/10.
The majority of the LR, both north and south areas, reside within
areas zoned GB under the Ping Shan OZP S/YL-PS/16. A small portion of the southern LR
area falls within land zoned U under the Ping Shan OZP S/YL-PS/16. |
4.9 |
Tai Tao Tsuen |
3.0 ha |
High |
Medium |
Local |
Low |
High |
This LR primarily consists of second-growth woodland with mature
and semi-mature trees forming an interlocking tree canopy. It presently serves as a green buffer
between Yuen Long Highway and residents in Tai To Tsuen. It is located just north of the Yuen
Long Highway and immediately west of the interchange with Hung Tin Road. A total of approx. 190 nos. of trees have been identified within
this LR; the dominant species includes Dimocarpus
longan, Macaranga tanarius var.
tomentosa, Leucaena leucocephala. |
Zoning: |
This LR resides largely within area zoned GB, and a smaller
extent zoned R(B), under the Tong Yan San Tsuen OZP S/YL-TYST/10. |
4.10 |
HSK Tin Sam Road & Hung Yuen Road |
0.8 ha |
Medium |
Medium |
Local |
Medium |
Medium |
This LR primarily consists of scrubland as well as a mature
woodland stand adjacent to existing agricultural plots and residential
developments of Aster Court and Park Nar. This LR is located south of Hung Shui
Kiu Tin Sam Road and west of Hung Yuen Road. The vegetation is generally of
good quality consisting of mature and semi-mature trees forming an
interlocking tree canopy with dense understory, and open area of scrubland
with herbaceous and grassland species. A total of approx. 34
nos. of trees have been identified within this LR; the dominant species
includes Caryota mitis. |
Zoning: |
This LR resides within areas zoned R(A) under the Ping Shan OZP
S/YL-PS/16. |
4.11 |
Tin Sam |
0.6 ha |
Medium |
Medium |
Local |
Medium |
Medium |
This LR primarily consists of scrubland as well as a woodland
stand adjacent to existing residential developments in Tin Sam. This LR is located to the west of the
intersection of Tin Ha Road and Hung Leong Road. The vegetation is generally of good
quality consisting of mature and semi-mature trees forming an interlocking
tree canopy and open area of scrubland with herbaceous and grassland species.
A total
of approx. 34 nos. of trees have
been identified within this LR; the dominant species includes Dimocarpus longan. |
Zoning: |
This LR resides within three zoning designations under two
OZPs. The northern area falls
under land zoned V and the middle area under£á(C) under the Ping Shan OZP S/YL-PS/16,
and the southern area under land zoned R(B) under the Lam Tei & Yick Yuen
4.12 |
Powerline Pylon |
0.3 ha |
Low |
Low |
Local |
High |
Low |
This LR consists of the area surrounding an electrical
transmission wire pylon. Vegetation
has grown to include scrubland and herbaceous species around the base of the
pylon supports. It is located
south of Yick Yuen Tsuen and lies adjacent to a drainage nullah. A total of approx. 22 nos. of trees have been identified within
this LR; the dominant species includes Bauhinia
purpurea, Leucaena leucocephala. |
Zoning: |
This LR resides within areas R(C) under the Lam Tei & Yick Yuen
4.13 |
Shan Ha
Tsuen |
2.7 ha |
Medium |
Medium |
Local |
Medium |
Medium |
This LR primarily consists of a woodland stand adjacent to
existing agricultural plots and residential developments near Shan Ha
Tsuen. This LR is located south
and east of the ridgeline of Ma Shan. The vegetation is generally of
good quality consisting of mature and semi-mature trees forming an
interlocking tree canopy with dense understory. |
Zoning: |
This LR resides within areas zoned GB and R(D) under the
Tong Yan San Tsuen OZP
S/YL-TYST/10. |
¡V Low-lying Shrub & Grassland |
40.6 ha |
5.1 |
Hang Hau Tsuen |
0.8 ha |
Medium |
Medium |
Local |
Medium |
Medium |
This LR consists of a coastal grassland located adjacent to
existing rural residential developments of Deep Bay Grove and Hang Hau Tsuen as
well as a small coastal marshland, LR18.1. The area forms a continuous green
backdrop to residential developments and also adjoin¡V LR 4.2 - Hang Hau Tsuen
Low-lying Scrub and Woodland, which consists of stands of mature trees and
shrub areas. A
total of approx. 7 nos. of trees have
been identified within this LR; the dominant species includes Melia azedarach, Dimocarpus longan, Celtis
sinensis, Aleurites moluccana. |
Zoning: |
This LR resides within two different zoning designations; lampooned
R(C) and R(D) under the Lau Fau
Shan & Tsim Bei Tsui OZP S/YL-LFS/7. |
5.2 |
Sha Kong Wai Tsai |
8.3 ha |
Low |
Low |
Local |
Medium |
Low |
This LR primarily consists of scrubland with scattered carparks
and open-air storage buildings throughout. It is located west of Tin Ying Road
and north of Tin Wah Road, and forms a vegetative buffer between the roadways
and the rural housing found in Sha Kong Wai Tsai to the west. A total of approx. 364 nos. of trees have been identified within
this LR; the dominant species includes Leucaena
leucocephala, Eucalyptus sp., Ficus
microcarpa, Ficus virens, Hibiscus tiliaceus, Ficus benjamina. |
Zoning: |
The majority of this LR resides within either GB or Residential (Group
C) (R(C)) zoning designation under the Lau Fau Shan & Tsim Bei Tsui OZP
S/YL-LFS/7. The southeastern
corner of this LR falls within G/IC zoning under the TSW OZP S/TSW/12. |
5.3 |
Fung Kong Tsuen |
9.5 ha |
Medium |
Medium |
Local |
Medium |
Medium |
This LR primarily consists of scattered scrubland areas with
open grassland or bare patches of dirt interspersed between. It presently serves as a transition
¡Vbetween LR 2.4 - Ngau Hom Shek Woodland to the west and large, contiguous
industrial and open-air storage areas serviced by Ping Ha Road to the east.
Vegetation is generally of good quality and the grassland forms the base of
the hillside in this area. A total of approx. 197
nos. of trees have been identified within this LR; the dominant species includes
Leucaena leucocephala, Macaranga
tanarius var. tomentosa. |
Zoning: |
This LR resides primarily within areas zoned GB, but also within
CDA, V, and Recreation (REC) under the Ha Tsuen OZP S/YL-HT/10. |
5.4 |
Ping Shan |
1.5 ha |
Low |
Low |
Local |
High |
Low |
This LR primarily consists of shrub/grassland and bare patches
of dirt interspersed between rural residential developments in Ping
Shan. As continual expansion of village
housing occurs, it is likely that this area will be subsumed by development
in short time. A
total of approx. 109 nos. of trees
have been identified within this LR; the dominant species includes Roystonea regia, Dimocarpus longan. |
Zoning: |
This LR resides primarily within areas zoned V under the Ping
Shan OZP S/YL-PS/16. |
5.5 |
San Wai |
1.6 ha |
High |
Medium |
Local |
Medium |
High |
This LR consists of four grassland patches located within the vicinity
of San Wai, Sik Kong Tsuen, and Tseung Kong Wai villages. Vegetation is generally of good
quality and the grassland forms green backdrops set against rural village
housing. Three Important Trees,
278-T1, 278-T2 and 278D-T1 are located in this LR. The identified tree species include Bombax ceiba and Ficus microcarpa and are potentially registrable as OVTs due to
large tree size and very good form among trees of these species. A total of approx. 68 nos. of trees have been identified within
this LR; the dominant species includes Dimocarpus
longan, Macaranga tanarius var.
tomentosa, Clausena lansium. |
Zoning: |
This LR resides within areas zoned V under the Ha Tsuen OZP
S/YL-HT/10. |
5.6 |
San Lee Uk Tsuen |
2.6 ha |
High |
Medium |
Local |
Low |
High |
This LR consists of a large woodland stand and scrubland located
south of Sha Chau Lei Road and the nullah, and north of the WRL
alignment. The vegetation
consists of mature and semi-mature trees forming an interlocking tree canopy
with dense understory, or more open areas of scrubland with herbaceous and
grassland species. This LR is
continuous, open, unspoiled, and generally of high quality. A total of approx. 91 nos. of trees have been identified within
this LR; the dominant species includes Leucaena
leucocephala, Dimocarpus longan, Ficus microcarpa, and Celtis sinensis. |
Zoning: |
This LR resides within areas zoned R(D) under the Ha Tsuen OZP
S/YL-HT/10. |
5.7 |
San Sang Tsuen |
0.5 ha |
Low |
Low |
Local |
High |
Low |
This LR consists of a small grassland interspersed between rural
residential developments in San Sang Tsuen. As continual expansion of village
housing occurs, it is likely that this area will be subsumed by development
in short time. |
Zoning: |
This LR resides within areas zoned V and R(D) under the Ha Tsuen
OZP S/YL-HT/10. |
5.8 |
Chung Uk Tsuen |
1.6 ha |
Medium |
Medium |
Local |
Medium |
Medium |
This LR primarily consists of an open area of scrubland vegetation
and several stands of mature woodlands and individual trees. The LR is circumscribed on three sides
by rural village housing and is bound to the east by a nullah drainage
channel. This LR is located south
of Castle Peak Road and south of Chung Uk Tsuen. The character of vegetation is
generally of good quality in that the trees are mature and semi-mature
species. As continual expansion
of village housing occurs, it is likely that this area will be subsumed by
development. A
total of approx. 115 nos. of trees
have been identified within this LR; the dominant species includes Leucaena leucocephala, Celtis sinensis,
Artocarpus heterophyllus, Clausena lansium. |
Zoning: |
This LR resides within areas zoned V under the Lam Tei & Yick
Yuen OZP S/TM-LTYY/8. |
5.9 |
Yick Yuen Tsuen |
12.4 ha |
High |
Medium |
Regional |
Medium |
High |
This LR consists of an extremely large, woodland and scrubland
area. This LR is located west of
Yick Yuen Tsuen and east of the Kong Sam Western Highway. It consists of continuous, large areas
vegetation including stands of mature and semi-mature trees and open
scrubland and grassland areas.
All the vegetation is of relatively high quality. This LR is generally continuous, open,
and of high quality. A
total of approx. 503 nos. of trees
have been identified within this LR; the dominant species includes Leucaena leucocephala, Dimocarpus longan,
Macaranga tanarius var. tomentosa. |
Zoning: |
This LR resides within areas zoned GB and R(D) under the Lam Tei
& Yick Yuen OZP S/TM-LTYY/8. |
5.10 |
Tuen Mun San Tsuen |
1.0 ha |
Low |
Low |
Local |
High |
Low |
This LR consists of scrubland and grassland vegetation patches
circumscribed by development on all sides. It is located east of Castle Peak
Road, immediately behind Lin Wah Hall, north of Lam Tei Main Street, and
adjacent to The Sherwood residential development as well as numerous village
housing settlements. Two smaller
grasslands are located to the south of Botania Villa and east of Tuen Mun San
Tsuen. As continual expansion of
village housing occurs, it is likely that these areas will be subsumed by
development in short time. A total of approx. 60
nos. of trees have been identified within this LR; the dominant species
includes Archontophoenix alexandrae,
Dimocarpus longan, Clausena lansium, Leucaena leucocephala. |
Zoning: |
This LR resides within areas zoned V, GB, and CDA under the Lam
Tei & Yick Yuen OZP S/TM-LTYY/8. |
5.11 |
Tsing Chuen Wai |
0.4 ha |
Low |
Low |
Local |
High |
Low |
This LR primarily consists of low-quality scrubland interspersed
between rural residential developments and the KSWH. As continual expansion of village housing
occurs, it is likely that this area will be subsumed by development in short
time. A
total of approx. 27 nos. of trees have
been identified within this LR; the dominant species includes Leucaena leucocephala. |
Zoning: |
This LR resides within areas zoned V under the Lam Tei &
Yick Yuen OZP S/TM-LTYY/8. |
5.12 |
Tong Yan San Tsuen |
0.5 ha |
Low |
Low |
Local |
High |
Low |
This LR primarily consists of medium-quality scrubland interspersed
between rural residential developments and a vegetated knoll. As continual expansion of village
housing occurs, it is likely that this area will be subsumed by development
in short time. |
Zoning: |
This LR resides within areas zoned R(D) under the Tong Yan San Tsuen OZP S/YL-TYST/10. |
¡V Vegetation on Agricultural Land |
52.9 ha |
6.1 |
Sha Kong Wai |
1.2 ha |
Low |
Low |
Local |
High |
Low |
This LR consists of numerous small plots with stands of mature trees
and buffer vegetation throughout.
It is located just east of Sha Kong Wai village and surrounded by
rural residential housing on three sides. It is adjacent to LR 4.1 - Sha Kong
Wai Tsai Low-lying Woodland. A total of approx. 86
nos. of trees have been identified within this LR; the dominant species
includes Leucaena leucocephala, Ficus
benjamina, Ficus microcarpa. |
Zoning: |
This LR resides within two different zoning designations; land
zoned V and GB under the Lau Fau
Shan & Tsim Bei Tsui OZP S/YL-LFS/7. |
6.2 |
Hang Hau Tsuen |
2.1 ha |
High |
Medium |
Local |
Medium |
Medium |
This LR consists of numerous agricultural plots with stands of
mature trees and buffer vegetation throughout. It is located north of Deep Bay Road
and is located adjacent to water ponds, a large drainage nullah, and rural
residential housing. A
total of approx. 98 nos. of trees have
been identified within this LR; the dominant species includes Sonneratia sp., Macaranga tanarius var.
tomentosa, Clausena lansium, Dimocarpus longan. |
Zoning: |
This LR resides wholly within land zoned CPA under the Ha Tsuen
OZP S/YL-HT/10. |
6.3 |
Ha Tsuen |
3.7 ha |
Low |
Low |
Local |
High |
Low |
This LR comprises five individual, non-congruous plots of land
actively being used in agricultural production. They are located near Tseung Kong Wai,
Ski Kong Wai, San Wai, and Ha Tsuen Shi and generally are bordered by rural
village housing and vegetation.
As this LR is essentially located in leftover spots around village
housing, as continual expansion of village housing occurs it is likely that
this area will be subsumed by development. A total of approx. 66 nos. of trees have been identified
within this LR; the dominant species includes Eucalyptus torelliana, Dimocarpus longan, Melaleuca cajuputi subsp. Cumingiana. |
Zoning: |
This LR largely resides within land zoned V under the Ha Tsuen OZP
S/YL-HT/10, with very small areas falling under REC or GB designation. |
6.4 |
Fui Sha Wai |
3.6 ha |
High |
Medium |
Local |
Medium |
Medium |
This LR comprises a large plot of land actively being used in agricultural
production located to the south of Fui Sha Wai village. The agricultural plots circumscribe a
water pond and are bound by the Yuen Long Highway to the south and
developments along Castle Peak Road to the north and west. As this LR is presently being used for
intensive cultivation of crops, it is regarded as having a high amenity
value. A
total of approx. 95 nos. of trees have
been identified within this LR; the dominant species includes Roystonea regia, Cinnamomum camphora,
Leucaena leucocephala, Artocarpus heterophyllus, Bauhinia sp., Dimocarpus longan. |
Zoning: |
This LR resides within areas zoned V under the Tong Yan San
Tsuen OZP S/YL-TYST/10. |
6.5 |
Shek Po Tsuen |
4.3 ha |
Low |
Low |
Local |
High |
Low |
This LR comprises five individual, non-congruous plots of land
actively used in agricultural production. They are located in the vicinity of
Shek Po Tsuen to the north, west and south, as well as two larger sized plots
located to the west on either side of the WRL alignment. The plots surrounding Shek Po Tsuen
occupy leftover spaces around village housing, and as continual expansion of
village housing occurs, it is likely that this area will be subsumed by development. The two plots located to the west are
located adjacent to the large Low-lying Scrub and Woodland LR4.12. A total of approx. 147 nos. of trees have been identified within
this LR; the dominant species includes Dimocarpus
longan, Clausena lansium, Roystonea regia. |
Zoning: |
This LR resides wholly within land zoned V and R(D) under the Ha
Tsuen OZP S/YL-HT/10. |
6.6 |
San Sang San Tsuen |
19.3 ha |
High |
Medium |
Local |
Low |
High |
This LR comprises three individual, non-congruous plots of land actively
used in agricultural production.
They are located to the south of San Sang San Tsuen and are bounded by
the KSWH to the west and the WRL to the east. The north is bound by LR4.13 ¡V San
Sang San Tsuen Low-lying Woodland/Plantation, a high-amenity scrubland. This LR is the largest contiguous area
of land being actively used for agriculture within the Project. It consists of agricultural plots of
various sizes growing a variety of crops, numerous stands of trees varying in
age, rural housing and buildings of varying quality and functions, areas of
woodland and scrubland between plots and buildings. It is regarded to have a high amenity
value due to its intensive use and large size. Six Important Trees, 785A-T1, 785A-T2,
785A-T3, 785A-T4, 785A-T5, & 787A-T1 are located within this LR. The identified tree species include Eucalyptus citriodora and Ficus microcarpa and are potentially
registrable as OVTs due to tree of large size and good form. A total of approx. 651 nos. of trees have been identified within
this LR; the dominant species includes Dimocarpus
longan, Mangifera indica, Artocarpus heterophyllus, Macaranga tanarius var. tomentosa. |
Zoning: |
This LR resides mostly within areas zoned GB under the Ping Shan
OZP S/YL-PS/16. A small corner of
the southeastern LR falls within area zoned U under the Ping Shan OZP, and a
very miniscule area of the LR falls within land zoned R(D) under the Ha Tsuen
OZP S/YL-HT/10. |
6.7 |
Ling To |
3.2 ha |
High |
Medium |
Regional |
Low |
High |
This LR comprises plots of land actively used in agricultural
production in the vicinity of Ling To Tsz. This LR located primarily to the west
of the KSWH within a settled valley leading up to the temple, and consequently
is bound by hillsides of LR2.9 ¡V Yuen Tau Shan Woodland to the south and
LR3.4 ¡V Yuen Tau Shan Natural Hillside Scrub and Grassland to the north. It consists of agricultural plots of
various sizes growing a variety of crops, numerous stands of trees varying in
age, areas of buffer woodland and scrubland between plots and buildings. Due to the contextual location and the
character of the area leading up to the temple, it is regarded to have a high
amenity value. A
total of approx. 180 nos. of trees
have been identified within this LR; the dominant species includes Ficus benjamina, Dimocarpus longan,
Roystonea regia. |
Zoning: |
This LR resides wholly within land zoned GB under the Ha Tsuen
OZP S/YL-HT/10. |
6.8 |
HSK Tin Sam Road & Hung Yuen Road |
0.6 ha |
High |
Medium |
Local |
Low |
High |
This LR primarily consists of agricultural land adjacent to
existing scrub and woodland of LR4.15.
It is located next to Aster Court, Coronet Court and Park Nar
residential developments, and is located south of HSK Tin Sam Road and west
of Hung Yuen Road. It
consists of agricultural plots of various sizes several stands of trees
varying in age. One Important
Tree, 714-T1 is located within this LR.
The identified tree is Ficus
elastica and is potentially registrable as an OVT due to large size and
good form. A
total of approx. 26 nos. of trees have
been identified within this LR; the dominant species includes Bombax ceiba, Dimocarpus longan, Leucaena
leucocephala. |
Zoning: |
This LR resides within areas zoned O under the Ping Shan OZP
S/YL-PS/16. |
6.9 |
Wo Ping San Tsuen & Nai Wai |
3.2 ha |
Medium |
Medium |
Local |
Medium |
Medium |
This LR primarily consists of two medium-sized agricultural plots,
buffer vegetation, and several stands of trees. The LR is circumscribed on three sides
by rural village housing and the easterly area is located north of Shun Tat
Street. The character of
vegetation is generally of good quality in that the trees are mature and
semi-mature species. As continual
expansion of village housing occurs, it is likely that this area will be
subsumed by development. The
westerly LR is located east of Nai Wai village and is completely
circumscribed by village housing.
Being that this LR is located in leftover spots around village
housing, as continual expansion of village housing occurs it is likely that
this area will be subsumed by development. A total of approx. 109 nos. of trees have been identified within
this LR; the dominant species includes Leucaena
leucocephala, Celtis sinensis, Clausena lansium, Litchi chinensis, Artocarpus
heterophyllus, Macaranga tanarius var.
tomentosa, Sterculia nobilis, Ficus benjamina, Archontophoenix alexandrae. |
Zoning: |
This LR resides within
areas zoned V, GB, and R(D) under the Lam Tei & Yick Yuen OZP
S/TM-LTYY/8. |
6.10 |
Tin Sam |
4.5 ha |
Medium |
Medium |
Local |
Medium |
Medium |
This LR consists of
continuous agricultural plots located to the south west of Tin Sam
village. Interspersed throughout
this agricultural area are numerous trees as well as sheds and rural
buildings of varying functions.
This LR is located to the east of the WRL alignment across from a
small drainage channel. The
vegetation is generally of good quality. A total of approx. 472
nos. of trees have been identified within this LR; the dominant species
includes Dimocarpus longan, Clausena
lansium. |
Zoning: |
This LR resides with
area under R(C) under the Ping Shan OZP S/YL-PS/16. |
6.11 |
Yick Yuen Tsuen |
2.1 ha |
Medium |
Low |
Local |
High |
Low |
This LR consists of
two small, non-congruous areas of agricultural land adjacent to LR4.19; a
large, open scrub and woodland area.
This LR is located west of Yick Yuen Tsuen and the WRL alignment, and
east of the KSWH. It also
includes a small, marginalised area of agricultural land adjacent to the KSWH
located just north of Tsing Chuen Wai.
Interspersed throughout these agricultural areas are numerous trees as
well as sheds and rural buildings of varying functions. The vegetation is generally of good
quality. A
total of approx. 82 nos. of trees have
been identified within this LR; the dominant species includes Dimocarpus longan, Litchi chinensis,
Clausena lansium. |
Zoning: |
This LR resides within
areas zoned GB and R(D) under the Lam Tei & Yick Yuen OZP S/TM-LTYY/8. |
6.12 |
Tsing Chuen Wai & Tuen Tsz Wai |
1.0 ha |
Low |
Low |
Local |
High |
Low |
This LR consists of a
small, isolated area of agricultural land located in the north of Tsing Chuen
Wai on the hillside. The LR is
bounded to the west by R2.9 ¡V Yuen Tau Shan Natural Hillside Woodland. Also within this LR is a small,
isolated area of agricultural land located in the vicinity of Tuen Tsz Wai
village. The area is
circumscribed on all sides by nullah, rail lines, and roads. Throughout this agricultural
area are stands of trees as well as sheds and rural buildings of varying
functions. The vegetation is
generally of good quality. A total of approx. 21
nos. of trees have been identified within this LR; the dominant species
includes Ficus microcarpa, Litchi
chinensis, Leucaena leucocephala, Clausena lansium, Bombax ceiba, Mangifera
indica, Dimocarpus longan. |
Zoning: |
This LR resides within areas zoned GB under the Lam Tei &
Yick Yuen OZP S/TM-LTYY/8. |
6.13 |
Shan Ha Tsuen |
4.2 ha |
Medium |
Low |
Local |
Medium |
Medium |
This LR consists of agricultural plots located to the south west
of Shan Ha Tsuen. Interspersed
throughout this agricultural area are numerous trees as well as a few sheds
and rural buildings of varying functions. This LR is located to the southeast of
the Ma Shan ridgeline. The
vegetation is generally of good quality. |
Zoning: |
This LR resides within areas zoned GB and R(D) under the
Tong Yan San Tsuen OZP
S/YL-TYST/10. |
¡V Vegetation within Residential Developments |
19.4 ha |
7.1 |
Developments in TSW |
15.9 ha |
Medium |
Medium |
Local |
Medium |
Medium |
This LR encompasses all residential developments within TSW
located between Tin Sau Road to the north and Tin Fuk Road to the south, and
east of the TSW Promenade.
Generally, developments consist of high-rise buildings with amenity
planting around buildings, sports fields, and walkways. Vegetation is of variable quality and
consists of numerous trees, shrubs and groundcovers of various native and
exotic species. A
total of approx. 2055 nos. of trees
have been identified within this LR: the dominant species includes Cinnamomum burmannii, Ficus virens, Ficus
microcarpa, Bauhinia x blakeana, Archontophoenix alexandrae, Roystonea regia,
Bauhinia sp., Ficus benjamina,
Livistona chinensis. |
Zoning: |
This LR resides within areas zoned R(A), R(B), and G/IC under
the TSW OZP S/TSW/12. |
7.2 |
Developments along Castle Peak Road |
1.3 ha |
Medium |
Medium |
Local |
Medium |
Medium |
This LR comprises residential developments along Castle Peak
Road including: Uptown & The Woodside; Symphony Garden & Treasure
Court; Lai Hung Garden; Bauhinia Garden.
Vegetation includes amenity planting around residential
developments. This LR is located
along Castle Peak Road. The
vegetation is newly established and provides garden and recreation spaces for
residents. A
total of approx. 162 nos. of trees
have been identified within this LR; the dominant species includes Spathodea campanulata, Bauhinia
variegata, Ficus microcarpa, Michelia x alba, Melaleuca cajuputi subsp. cumingiana, Ficus benjamina, Cinnamomum
burmannii. |
Zoning: This LR resides within
areas zoned CDA and R(B) under the Tong Yan San Tsuen OZP S/YL-TYST/10. |
7.3 |
Meadowlands |
0.8 ha |
High |
Medium |
Local |
Low |
High |
This LR comprises a road garden located south of the
Meadowlands, a mixed medium and high-rise residential development, and north
of Osmanthus Garden. Amenity vegetation is located around a larger gathering
space and sports fields for nearby residents. This LR is located west of Tan Kwai
Tsuen Road. The vegetation is
generally consisting of mature trees and good quality and provides garden and
amenity spaces for residents.
One Important Tree, 1036-T1 is located within this LR. The identified tree species is Ficus benjamina and is potentially
registrable as an OVT due to its large size and good form. A total of approx. 79 nos. of trees have been identified within
this LR; the dominant species includes Bauhinia
x blakeana, Bauhinia variegata, Falcataria moluccana, Michelia x alba,
Bauhinia purpurea. |
Zoning: |
This LR resides within areas zoned R(B) under the Tong Yan San
Tsuen OZP S/YL-TYST/10. |
7.4 |
Parkview Garden |
0.2 ha |
Medium |
Medium |
Local |
Medium |
Medium |
This LR comprises amenity vegetation planted around residential
developments of Parkview Garden.
This LR is located east of Hung Kei Road. The vegetation is mature as the
residential developments are well-established and this LR provides garden and
recreation space for residents. A total of approx. 14
nos. of trees have been identified within this LR; the dominant species
includes Michelia x alba, Dimocarpus
longan, Ficus microcarpa. |
Zoning: |
This LR resides within areas zoned R(B) under the Ping Shan OZP
S/YL-PS/16. |
7.5 |
The Sherwood |
1.0 ha |
Medium |
Medium |
Local |
Medium |
Medium |
This LR comprises amenity gardens and street plantings located within
and around The Sherwood and Botania Villa, both high-rise residential
developments. Amenity vegetation is located around larger gathering spaces
and adjacent to buildings and internal roads. This LR is located east of Castle Peak
Road and south of the KSWH. The
vegetation is generally consisting of mature trees and good quality and
provides garden and amenity spaces for residents. A total of approx. 320 nos. of trees have been identified within
this LR; the dominant species includes Araucaria
heterophylla, Aleurites moluccana, Ficus virens, Archontophoenix alexandrae. |
Zoning: |
This LR resides within areas zoned CDA under the Lam Tei &
Yick Yuen OZP S/TM-LTYY/8. |
¡V Vegetation within Rural Village |
110.2 ha |
8.1 |
Fu To Tsuen / San Hing Tsuen |
2.9 ha |
Medium |
Medium |
Local |
Medium |
Medium |
This LR consists of one large village housing area with trees
scattered about. It is located along Deep Bay Road north of San Hing
Tsuen and southwest of Fu To Tsuen. It lies adjacent to open air
storage areas to the north, east and west. Vegetation within this LR
primarily consists of self-seeded and planted mature and semi-mature trees
with various understory and shrub planting. A total of approx. 88 nos. of trees have been identified within
this LR; the dominant species includes Dimocarpus
longan, Ficus microcarpa, Macaranga tanarius var. tomentosa, Melia azedarach. |
Zoning: |
This LR resides within land zoned REC and R/E under the Lau Fau
Shan & Tsim Bei Tsui OZP S/YL-LFS/7. |
8.2 |
San Hing Tsuen/ Ngau
Hom / Sha Kong Wai |
8.1 ha |
Medium |
Medium |
Local |
Medium |
Medium |
This LR is scattered
throughout several villages north of Lau Fau Shan Road. These are San Hing
Tsuen, Ngau Hom and Sha Kong Wai. Vegetation is generally mixed planting of
self-seeded semi-mature trees. Three Important Trees, 34A-T1, 34A-T2 and
34-T1, are located in this LR. The identified tree species include Ficus macrocarpa and Aquilaria sinensis and have very good
form and size or are protected
under local legislation, the Protection of Endangered Species of Animals and
Plants Ordinance (Cap. 586). A total of approx. 265 nos. of trees have been identified within
this LR; the dominant species includes Leucaena
leucocephala, Ficus microcarpa, Clausena lansium, Ficus benjamina. |
Zoning: |
This LR resides wholly
within land zoned V under the Lau Fau Shan & Tsim Bei Tsui OZP
S/YL-LFS/7. |
8.3 |
Lau Fau Shan |
0.5 ha |
Medium |
Medium |
Local |
Medium |
Medium |
The LR is generally
rural housing and open space storage, south of Lau Fau Shan Main Street.
Vegetation is of mixed planting of self-seeded semi-mature trees. A total of approx. 26 nos. of trees have been identified within
this LR; the dominant species includes Celtis
sinensis, Aleurites moluccana. |
Zoning: |
This LR resides within
areas zoned C/R and R/C under the Lau Fau Shan & Tsim Bei Tsui OZP
S/YL-LFS/7. |
8.4 |
Deep Bay Coast |
4.9 ha |
Medium |
Medium |
Local |
Medium |
Medium |
LR is along costal
area of Deep Bay; it is largely marshland with scattered housing and trees.
Vegetation is of self-seeded mature and semi-mature trees with various
understory and shrub planting. A total of approx. 283
nos. of trees have been identified within this LR; the dominant species
includes Dimocarpus longan, Litchi
chinensis, Hibiscus tiliaceus. |
Zoning: |
The LR resides in land
zoned CPA under the Ha Tsuen OZP. |
8.5 |
Sik Kong Tsuen/ Hong
Mei Tsuen/ Tseung Kong Wai |
4.0 ha |
Medium |
Medium |
Local |
Medium |
Medium |
The LR is of multiple
areas in Sik Kong Tsuen, Hong Mei Tsuen and Tseung Kong Wai. The village
areas are along San Sik Road. The vegetation is within and around the rural
housing and the open storage areas. Four Important Trees, 201-T1, 202-T1,
207-T1 and 207-T2, are located in this LR. Identified species include Ficus macrocarpa and is potentially
registrable as an OVT due to its large size and good form. A total of approx. 220 nos. of trees have been identified within
this LR; the dominant species includes Dimocarpus
longan, Clausena lansium, Litchi chinensis, Macaranga tanarius var. tomentosa. |
Zoning: |
The LR resides in land
zoned V under the Ha Tsuen OZP S/YL-HT/10. |
8.6 |
Sik Kong Wai / San Uk Tsuen
/ Ha Tsuen Shi |
4.4 ha |
Medium |
Medium |
Local |
Medium |
Medium |
The LR is part of the
Sik Kong Wai, San Uk Tsuen and Ha Tsuen Shi village housing areas. The
village areas are north of a large container yard across from Tin Ha Road.
Vegetation is mixed and self-seeded trees within and around the populated
areas. A
total of approx. 260 nos. of trees
have been identified within this LR; the dominant species includes Melaleuca cajuputi subsp. cumingiana, Eucalyptus torelliana,
Acacia confuse. |
Zoning: |
The LR resides in land
zoned V under the Ha Tsuen OZP S/YL-HT/10. |
8.7 |
Sheung Cheung Wai / Hang Tau Tsuen / Hang Mei Tsuen |
5.2 ha |
Medium |
Medium |
Local |
Medium |
Medium |
The LR consists of multiple
village housing areas, these are Sheng Cheung Wai, Hang Tau Tsuen, Hang Mei
Tsuen. Further to the village housing, there is an open-air car sales yard.
Location is east of Tin Yiu Road. Vegetation is generally self-seeded
semi-mature trees. A
total of approx. 220 nos. of trees
have been identified within this LR; the dominant species includes Roystonea regia, Dimocarpus longan, Ficus
hispida, Leucaena leucocephala. |
Zoning: |
The LR resides in land
zoned V under the Ping Shan OZP S/YL-PS/16. |
8.8 |
Sha Chau Lei |
0.6 ha |
High |
Medium |
Local |
Low |
High |
The LR is east of
container yard along Tin Ha Road and west of Sha Chau Lei Road; area is
adjacent the village of Sha Chau Lei. Vegetation is of self-seeded mature and
semi-mature trees with various understory and shrub planting. Two Important Trees, 407B-T1 and
407B-T2, are located within this LR.
The identified tree species are Ficus
microcarpa and Ficus elastica
and are potentially registrable as an OVT due to their large size. A total of approx. 69 nos. of trees have been identified within
this LR; the dominant species includes Clausena
lansium, Mangifera indica, Dimocarpus longan. |
Zoning: |
The LR resides in land
zoned U under the Ha Tsuen OZP S/YL-HT/10. |
8.9 |
Hang Mei Tsuen / Tong Fong Tsuen / Hung Uk Tsuen |
2.4 ha |
Medium |
Medium |
Local |
Medium |
Medium |
The LR consists of Hang
Mei Tsuen, Tong Fong Tsuen and Hung Uk Tsuen village areas and is located
along Kiu Fung Road and Ping Ha Road. Vegetation within this LR primarily
consists of self-seeded and planted mature and semi-mature trees with various
understory and shrub planting. Three Important Trees, 458-T1, 458-T2 and
531-T1, are located within this LR. Identified species include Ficus microcarpa and is potentially
registrable as an OVT due to its large size and good form. A
total of approx. 141 nos. of trees
have been identified within this LR; the dominant species includes Leucaena leucocephala, Macaranga tanarius var. tomentosa, Eucalyptus torelliana, Ficus
microcarpa, Dimocarpus longan. |
Zoning: |
The LR resides in land
zoned V under the Ping Shan OZP S/YL-PS/16. |
8.10 |
Shek Po Tsuen |
0.3 ha |
Low |
Low |
Local |
High |
Low |
The LR is located at
Shek Po Tsuen, west of Hung Tin Road. The area is generally rural village
housing with pockets of vegetation amongst the houses and area borders. The
vegetation is mostly self-seeded semi-mature and mature trees. Two Important
Trees, 575-T1 and 576-T1, are located within this LR. Identified species are Ficus macrocarpa and is potentially
registrable as an OVT due to its large size and good form. A
total of approx. 19 nos. of trees have
been identified within this LR; the dominant species includes Roystonea regia, Dimocarpus longan. |
Zoning: |
The LR resides in land
zoned V under the Ha Tsuen OZP S/YL-HT/10. |
8.11 |
San Sang Tsuen |
3.4 ha |
Medium |
Medium |
Local |
Medium |
Medium |
This LR consists of
two large medium-sized areas trees scattered about village housing. It
is located west of Tin Ha Road. Vegetation is a mixture of self-seeded and
cultivated trees within and around the village area. One Important Tree,
633-T1, is located within this LR. The identified species is Bombax ceiba and is potentially
registrable as an OVT due to its large size and good form.
A total of approx. 191 nos. of trees
have been identified within this LR; the dominant species includes Dimocarpus longan, Clausena lansium,
Macaranga tanarius var. tomentosa,
Litchi chinensis. |
Zoning: |
The majority of the LR
resides in land zoned V under the Ha Tsuen OZP S/YL-HT/10. A small portion of
the LR is under land zoned R(D) under the Ha Tsuen OZP S/YL-HT/10. In
addition, a trivial area of the LR resides in land zoned U under the Ping
Shan OZP S/YL-PS/16. |
8.12 |
San Lee Uk Tsuen / Tin Sam |
2.7 ha |
Medium |
Medium |
Local |
Medium |
Medium |
This LR consists of
several small, non-congruous vegetation patches scattered about the San Lee
Uk Tsuen Village area, and one vegetation patch north of Tin Sam. The LR is
located west of HSK Main Street.
General vegetation is of self-seeded semi-mature and mature trees. One Important Tree, 706-T1 is located
within this LR. The identified
tree species is Ficus elastica and
is potentially registrable as an OVT due to its large size and good form
among trees of this species. A total of approx. 153
nos. of trees have been identified within this LR; the dominant species
includes Leucaena leucocephala,
Dimocarpus longan, Bauhinia purpurea, Clausena lansium. |
Zoning: |
The LR mostly resides
in land zoned V under the Ping Shan OZP S/YL-PS/16. Other areas are in land
zoned R© and G/IC also under the Ping Shan OZP S/YL-PS/16. |
8.13 |
Hung Shui Kiu |
1.5 ha |
Medium |
Medium |
Local |
Medium |
Medium |
This LR consists of
three small sized village housing areas located in the vicinity of HSK Tin
Sam Road and Hung Kei Road.
General vegetation is of self-seeded semi-mature and mature trees. A total of approx. 101 nos. of trees have been identified within
this LR; the dominant species includes Dimocarpus
longan, Clausena lansium, Macaranga tanarius var. tomentosa, Artocarpus heterophyllus. |
Zoning: |
The LR resides in land
zoned R(B) under the Ping Shan OZP S/YL-PS/16. |
8.14 |
Tin Sam |
10.6 ha |
Medium |
Medium |
Local |
Medium |
Medium |
This LR is located
about the large village housing area of Tin Sam; it is located south and west
of Tin Ha Road along Tin Sam. Area is west of residential developments Casa
De Oro and Parkview Garden. Vegetation is a mixture of self-seeded and
cultivated trees within and around the village area. A total of approx. 501 nos. of trees have been identified within
this LR; the dominant species includes Dimocarpus
longan, Macaranga tanarius var.
tomentosa, Clausena lansium. |
Zoning: |
The LR resides in l£á
zoned V an©(C) under the Ping Shan OZP S/YL-PS/16. This LR also resides in
land zoned R(B)2 under the Lam Tei & Yick Yuen OZP S/TM-LTYY/8. |
8.15 |
Fui Sha Wai |
1.9 ha |
Medium |
Medium |
Local |
Medium |
Medium |
This LR consists of
two vegetation patches located around Fui Sha Wai, found along Castle Peak
Road. Southeast of the area is an open air storage area. Village is generally
sparse with trees scattered around housing. Vegetation is generally self-seeded
semi-mature trees. A
total of approx. 75 nos. of trees have
been identified within this LR; the dominant species includes Roystonea regia, Dimocarpus longan,
Bauhinia sp.. |
Zoning: |
The LR resides in land
zoned V under the Tong Yan San Tsuen OZP S/YL/-TYST/10. |
8.16 |
Tai To Tsuen |
1.1 ha |
Medium |
Medium |
Local |
Medium |
Medium |
This LR consists of a
single village housing area, Tai Tao Tsuen. Village is south of residential
development Uptown and east of the residential development the Woodsville. The
vegetation is spread in and around the borders of the village with a larger
tree group south of village. Vegetation is generally self-seeded semi-mature
to mature trees with various understory and shrub planting. A total of approx. 44 nos. of trees have been identified within
this LR; the dominant species
includes Macaranga tanarius var. tomentosa, Dimocarpus longan. |
Zoning: |
The LR resides in land
zoned CDA and R(B)1 under the Tong Yan San Tsuen OZP S/YL/-TYST/10. |
8.17 |
Tan Kwai Tsuen |
11.4 ha |
Medium |
Medium |
Local |
Medium |
Medium |
This LR consists of a
large continuous canopy of trees and vegetation throughout Tan Kwai Tsuen.
This LR is located northeast and south of two residential developments, The
Verdancy and the Meadowlands. Vegetation within this LR primarily consists of
self-seeded and planted mature and semi-mature trees with various understory
and shrub planting. Two Important Trees, 1064-T1 & 1064-T2 are located
within this LR. The identified
tree species are Michelia x alba &
Ficus virens and are potentially
registrable as an OVT due to their large size and good form. A total of approx. 405 nos. of trees have been identified within
this LR; the dominant species includes Dimocarpus
longan, Bauhinia purpurea, Cinnamomum burmannii, Ficus microcarpa. |
Zoning: |
The majority of LR resides in land zoned R(D) under the Tong Yan
San Tsuen OZP S/YL/-TYST/10. A smaller are of LR resides in land zoned R(B)3
under the Tong Yan San Tsuen OZP S/YL/-TYST/10. |
8.18 |
Wo Ping San Tsuen / Cheung Uk Tsuen / Arkadia |
20.7 ha |
Medium |
Medium |
Local |
Medium |
Medium |
This LR consists of two village housing areas; these are Wo Ping
San Tsuen and Cheung Uk Tsuen. Southern portion of area is a housing
development Arkadia. The LR is located southeast of Castle Peak Road HSK.
Vegetation in the LR is generally self-seeded semi-mature to mature trees. A total of approx. 393 nos. of trees have been identified within
this LR; the dominant species includes Leucaena
leucocephala, Clausena lansium, Dimocarpus longan. |
Zoning: |
The LR resides mostly in land zoned V under the Lam Tei &
Yick Yuen OZP S/TM-LTYY/8. A small portion of LR resides in land zoned R(D)
under the Lam Tei & Yick Yuen OZP S/TM-LTYY/8. In addition, trivial areas
of the LR reside in land zoned O and R(B)2R(B)2 under the Lam Tei & Yick Yuen OZP
S/TM-LTYY/8. |
8.19 |
Yick Yuen Tsuen |
11.9 ha |
Medium |
Medium |
Local |
Medium |
Medium |
This LR consists of one village housing area, called Yick Yuen
Tsuen. The site is adjacent to an open air storage area to the north and
woodland area to the west. There are pockets of vegetation scattered around
the village area between and around the housing. Vegetation is generally
self-seeded semi-mature to mature trees. A total of approx. 447
nos. of trees have been identified within this LR; the dominant species
includes Dimocarpus longan, Litchi
chinensis. |
Zoning: |
The majority of LR resides in land zoned R(C) under the Lam Tei
& Yick Yuen OZP S/TM-LTYY/8. A portion of LR resides in land zoned V
under the Lam Tei & Yick Yuen OZP S/TM-LTYY/8. |
8.20 |
Tsing Chuen Wai / Tuen Tsz Wai |
5.4 ha |
Medium |
Medium |
Local |
Medium |
Medium |
This LR is adjacent to two village housing areas: Tsing Chuen
Wai and Tuen Tsz Wai. Village area is south west of the KSWH and north west
of Castle Peak Road. The vegetation is mostly scattered around housing areas;
and are generally self-seeded semi-mature to mature trees. One Important
Tree, 1203-T1, is located within this LR. It is identified as Ficus macrocarpa and
is potentially registrable as an OVT due to its large size and good form. A total of approx. 159
nos. of trees have been identified within this LR; the dominant species
includes Leucaena leucocephala,
Dimocarpus longan, Clausena lansium. |
Zoning: |
The LR resides mostly in land zoned V under the Lam Tei &
Yick Yuen OZP S/TM-LTYY/8. Smaller areas of LR reside in land zoned GB and CA
under the Lam Tei & Yick Yuen OZP S/TM-LTYY/8. |
8.21 |
Lam Tei / Tuen Mun San Tsuen |
5.2 ha |
Medium |
Medium |
Local |
Medium |
Medium |
This LR comprises
scattered stands of trees and vegetation located amongst the village areas of
Fuk Hang Tsuen, Lam Tei, and Tuen Mun San Tsuen. This LR is located east of
Castle Peak Road, near to the residential developments, The Sherwood and
Lingrade Garden. Vegetation is generally self-seeded semi-mature to mature
trees. A
total of approx. 264 nos. of trees
have been identified within this LR; the dominant species includes Dimocarpus longan, Leucaena leucocephala,
Clausena lansium, Archontophoenix alexandrae. |
Zoning: |
The LR reside in land
zoned R(B), R(C), G/IC, CDA, O and V under the Lam Tei & Yick Yuen OZP
S/TM-LTYY/8. |
8.22 |
Tong Yan San Tsuen |
1.1 ha |
Low |
Low |
Local |
High |
Low |
This LR consists of
trees and vegetation located to the south west of Shan Ha Tsuen. Interspersed throughout this area are
numerous trees as well as rural buildings of varying functions. This LR is located to the southeast of
the Ma Shan ridgeline. The
vegetation is generally of good quality. |
Zoning: |
This LR resides within
areas zoned GB and R(D) under the Tong
Yan San Tsuen OZP S/YL-TYST/10. |
¡V Vegetation within Industrial Land / Open Storage |
106.4 ha |
9.1 |
Lau Fau Shan |
15.2 ha |
Low |
Low |
Local |
High |
Low |
This LR consists of one
large open yard storage with trees scattered around. The area is located
south of Fu Tso Tsuen at Lau Fau Shan, along Deep Bay Road. Vegetation is
generally self-seeded semi-mature trees with various understory and shrub
planting. One Important Tree, 18-T1, is located within this LR It is identified as Ficus elastic and is potentially registrable as an OVT due
to its large size and good form. A total of approx. 234
nos. of trees have been identified within this LR; the dominant species
includes Dimocarpus longan, Macaranga
tanarius var. tomentosa, Ficus
microcarpa, Melia azedarach. |
Zoning: |
The LR resides mostly
in land zoned REC under the Lau Fau Shan & Tsim Bei Tsui OZP S/YL-LFS/7.
In addition, small areas of LR resides in zoned CPA and R(E) under the Lau
Fau Shan & Tsim Bei Tsui OZP S/YL-LFS/7. |
9.2 |
Lau Fau Shan Road |
3.9 ha |
Low |
Low |
Local |
High |
Low |
LR is northeast of a large container yard along Lau Fau Shan Road,
also south of Ngau Hom Tsuen. Vegetation is generally around the perimeter of
the open space yards providing a minor partition between the road and storage
yard. Vegetation is generally self-seeded semi-mature trees with understory
and shrub planting. A
total of approx. 146 nos. of trees
have been identified within this LR; the dominant species includes Ficus microcarpa, Ficus benjamina. |
Zoning: |
The LR resides in land zoned V under the Lau Fau Shan & Tsim
Bei Tsui OZP S/YL-LFS/7. In addition, the LR resides in land zoned R(E) under
the Lau Fau Shan & Tsim Bei Tsui OZP S/YL-LFS/7. Additionally, the LR also resides in
land zoned V and CDA under the Ha Tsuen OZP S/YL-HT/10. |
9.3 |
Ping Ha Road |
2.9 ha |
Low |
Low |
Local |
High |
Low |
LR is scattered amongst a large container yard and an open
storage along Ping Ha Road. Vegetation is generally around the perimeter of
the open space yards providing a minor partition between the road and storage
yards. Vegetation is generally self-seeded semi-mature trees with some
understory and shrub planting. A total of approx. 215
nos. of trees have been identified within this LR; the dominant species
includes Ficus benjamina, Ficus
microcarpa, Macaranga tanarius var.
tomentosa. |
Zoning: |
The LR resides in land zoned CDA under the Ha Tsuen OZP
S/YL-HT/10. |
9.4 |
Fung Kong Tsuen Road / Deep Bay Road |
17.9 ha |
Low |
Low |
Local |
High |
Low |
LR consists of one large container storage yard, located between
Fung Kong Tsuen Road and Deep Bay Road. Vegetation is found scattered around
the open storages; and is generally self-seeded semi-mature trees with
various understory and shrub planting. A total of approx. 741
nos. of trees have been identified within this LR; the dominant species
includes Ficus benjamina, Ficus
microcarpa, Macaranga tanarius var.
tomentosa, Dimocarpus longan. |
Zoning: |
The LR is over multiple zoned areas under the Ha Tsuen OZP
S/YL-HT/10; zoned CDA, R(D) and AGR. |
9.5 |
Deep Bay Road |
2.7 ha |
Low |
Low |
Local |
High |
Low |
This LR is bordering an open storage yard south of Deep Bay Road,
opposite another open storage area north of Deep Bay Road. Vegetation is
generally around the perimeter of the open space yards providing a minor
partition between the road and storage yards. Vegetation is generally
self-seeded semi-mature trees with some understory and shrub planting. A total of approx. 152 nos. of trees have been identified within
this LR; the dominant species includes Dimocarpus
longan, Litchi chinensis, Macaranga tanarius var. tomentosa. |
Zoning: |
The LR resides in land zoned AGR under the Ha Tsuen OZP
S/YL-HT/10. |
9.6 |
Ping Ha Road / Tin Yip Road |
0.9 ha |
Low |
Low |
Local |
High |
Low |
This LR consists of one open storage yard and one parking lot. Area
is located east of Ping Ha Road and west of Tin Yip Road. Vegetation is found
around the perimeters of the open yard and parking lot. Vegetation is
generally self-seeded semi-mature trees with understory and shrubs plants. A total of approx. 81 nos. of trees have been identified within
this LR; the dominant species includes Ficus
microcarpa, Ficus benjamina. |
Zoning: |
The LR resides in land zoned CDA under the Ha Tsuen OZP
S/YL-HT/10. |
9.7 |
Tseung Kong Wai |
9.7 ha |
Low |
Low |
Local |
High |
Low |
The LR is south of an open container yard and north of Tseung
Kong Wai rural housing area. Vegetation is within and around the boundary of
the industrial buildings and open-air yards. Vegetation is generally
self-seeded semi-mature trees with understory and shrubs plants. One
Important Tree, 207-T3, is located in this LR. The identified species is Ficus macrocarpa and is potentially
registrable as an OVT due to its large size and good form. A
total of approx. 324 nos. of trees
have been identified within this LR; the dominant species includes Ficus microcarpa, Macaranga tanarius var. tomentosa, Ficus virens. |
Zoning: |
The LR is over multiple zoned areas under the Ha Tsuen OZP
S/YL-HT/10; zoned CDA,GB and REC. |
9.8 |
Ping Ha Road / Tin Ha Road |
5.1 ha |
Low |
Low |
Local |
High |
Low |
LR consists of one large container yard and several smaller open
space storages on southeast Ping Ha Road and southeast Tin Ha Road. Vegetation
is solely around the perimeter of the open space yards providing a minor
partition between the road and storage yard. Vegetation is generally
self-seeded semi-mature trees with understory and shrub planting. One Important Tree, 403-T1, is located
within this LR adjacent to Sha Chau Lei village. The identified tree species is Ficus microcarpa and is potentially
registrable as an OVT due to its very good form and size among trees of this
species. A
total of approx. 801 nos. of trees
have been identified within this LR; the dominant species includes Ficus microcarpa, Leucaena leucocephala,
Acacia auriculiformis, Macaranga tanarius var. tomentosa, Melia azedarach, Ficus altissima. |
Zoning: |
The LR resides in land zoned U under the Ha Tsuen OZP
S/YL-HT/10. |
9.9 |
Ha Tsuen Road |
9.6 ha |
Medium |
Low |
Local |
Medium |
Medium |
This LR consists of several large open spaces used for container
storage and parking lots. The area is north of Ha Tsuen Road and a sewage
treatment plant. Vegetation is generally around the perimeter of the open
space yards providing a minor partition between the road and storage yard.
Vegetation is mostly self-seeded semi-mature trees with some wild understory
planting. One Important Tree, 224-T1, is located in this LR. The species is
identified as Bombax ceiba. A total of approx. 468 nos. of trees have been identified within
this LR; the dominant species includes Ficus
benjamina, Ficus microcarpa, Macaranga tanarius var. tomentosa. |
Zoning: |
The LR resides mostly in land zoned REC under the Ha Tsuen OZP
S/YL-HT/10. Small areas of the LR also reside in land zoned G/IC and GB under
the Ha Tsuen OZP S/YL-HT/10. |
9.10 |
Hung Tin Road / Hung Chi Road |
4.0 ha |
Medium |
Low |
Local |
Medium |
Medium |
The LR consists of a large warehouse, open space storage area
and a parking lot. The areas are generally defined by the outline of the WRL and
vegetation along boundaries and roads. Vegetation is generally around the
perimeter of the open space yards providing a minor partition between the
road and storage yard. Vegetation is mostly self-seeded semi-mature trees
with some wild understory planting. Two identified Important Trees, 559-T1,
559A-T1, are located within this LR adjacent to Sha Chau Lei village. The identified species are Ficus elastica and are potentially
registrable as OVTs due to very good form and size among trees of this species.
A total
of approx. 245 nos. of trees
have been identified within this LR; the dominant species includes Ficus microcarpa, Macaranga tanarius var. tomentosa, Bauhinia purpurea, Eucalyptus
urophylla. |
Zoning: |
The LR resides mostly in land zoned I(D) under the Ping Shan OZP
S/YL-PS/16. Smaller areas of the LR reside in land zoned I under the Ping
Shan OZP S/YL-PS/16. In addition, the LR resides in land zoned OS and O under
the Ha Tsuen OZP S/YL-HT/10. |
9.11 |
Sik Kong Wai Road / Ha Tsuen Road |
2.3 ha |
Low |
Low |
Local |
High |
Low |
LR is bordering a large container yard and a smaller open-air
storage area. Area is located along Sik Kong Wai Road and north of Ha Tsuen Road.
Vegetation is generally along the perimeters of the sites flanking the
roads. Vegetation is mostly
self-seeded semi-mature trees with some wild understory planting. A total of approx. 241 nos. of trees have been identified within
this LR; the dominant species includes Ficus
microcarpa, Ficus benjamina, Macaranga tanarius var. tomentosa. |
Zoning: |
The LR is over multiple zoned areas under the Ha Tsuen OZP
S/YL-HT/10; zoned OS, REC, GB and V. |
9.12 |
San Wai Sewage Treatment Works / Ha Tsuen Road |
0.4 ha |
Low |
Low |
Local |
High |
Low |
This LR is around the perimeter of San Wai Sewage Treatment
Works (SW STW) north of the KSWH. There are open space storages and container
yards to the north east south of the site. Vegetation is at the border of the
sewage treatment plant mostly flanking the backroads Ha Tsuen Road. Vegetation is mostly self-seeded
semi-mature trees with some wild understory planting. A total of approx. 80 nos. of trees have been identified within
this LR; the dominant species includes Leucaena
leucocephala, Acacia confuse. |
Zoning: |
The LR resides in land zoned G/IC under the Ha Tsuen OZP
S/YL-HT/10. |
9.13 |
San Hei Tsuen / Fui Sha Wai |
2.9 ha |
Low |
Low |
Local |
High |
Low |
This LR consists of two main areas, one is northeast of San Hei
Tsuen, located between Castle Peak Road and Fui Sha Wai South Road, and the
other is located south west of Fui Sha Wai village and south of Castle Peak
Road (Ping Shan). The area consists mostly of industrial buildings and open
storages. Vegetation is generally scattered within and around the open space
yards. Vegetation is mainly self-seeded semi-mature trees with some wild
understory planting. A
total of approx. 81 nos. of trees have
been identified within this LR; the dominant species includes Roystonea regia, Bauhinia sp., Dimocarpus longan, Celtis sinensis. |
Zoning: |
The LR resides in land zoned V, I, and OU under the Tong Yan San
Tsuen OZP S/YL/-TYST/10. |
9.14 |
Hung Uk Tsuen / Kiu Hung Road |
6.8 ha |
Low |
Low |
Local |
High |
Low |
The LR is mostly south and south west of Hung Uk Tsuen west of
Kiu Hung Road, an area is encircled by Ping Pak Lane and Ping Kwai Road. Vegetation
is generally scattered loosely around the storage yards and perimeter.
Vegetation is self-seeded semi-mature trees with some wild understory
planting. A
total of approx. 126 nos. of trees
have been identified within this LR; the dominant species includes Cinnamomum camphora, Macaranga tanarius var. tomentosa, Leucaena leucocephala. |
Zoning: |
The LR resides mostly in land zoned V under the Ping Shan OZP
S/YL-PS/16. Small areas of LR resides in land zoned O and R(B)1 under the
Ping Shan OZP S/YL-PS/16. |
9.15 |
Hung Shui Kiu / Hung Shui Kiu Bus Depot |
2.4 ha |
Low |
Low |
Local |
High |
Low |
This LR is comprises
an open storage yard west of public housing Hung Fuk Estate; the area is
directly east of Hung Yuen road and west of the nullah/channel. The other area of this LR comprises of
an open storage yard with a few industrial buildings; it is located at the
junction of HSK Tin Sum Road and Hung Yuen Road. Hung Yuen Road Bus Terminus
is southeast of the LR. Vegetation is generally scattered within and around
the perimeter of the open storage yards and is generally self-seeded
semi-mature tree with various understory and shrub planting. One identified Important Tree, 666-T1,
is located within this LR adjacent to Sha Chau Lei village. The identified tree species is Ficus religiosa and is potentially
registrable as an OVT due to very good form and size among trees of this
species. A
total of approx. 199 nos. of trees
have been identified within this LR; the dominant species includes Archontophoenix alexandrae, Leucaena
leucocephala, Dimocarpus longan, Ficus microcarpa. |
Zoning: |
The LR resides mostly
in land zoned R(B)2 under the Ping Shan OZP S/YL-PS/16, and O and CDA under
the Ping Shan OZP S/YL-PS/16. |
9.16 |
San Lee Uk Tsuen |
0.7 ha |
Low |
Low |
Local |
High |
Low |
The LR is north west
of San Lee Uk Tsuen, also located along the southeast of the WRL and southeast
of San Sang Tsuen. Vegetation is mostly around the perimeter of the open
storage yard. It is generally self-seeded semi-mature trees with some wild
understory planting. A
total of approx. 12 nos. of trees have
been identified within this LR; the dominant species includes Sterculia nobilis, Macaranga tanarius var. tomentosa, Ficus benjamina, Clausena
lansium, Morus alba, Dimocarpus longan, Ficus microcarpa. |
Zoning: |
The LR resides in land
zoned R(D) under the Ha Tsuen OZP S/YL-HT/10; and in land zoned V under the
Ping Shan OZP S/YL-PS/16. |
9.17 |
Kau Lee Uk Tsuen / San Sang Tsuen |
11.4 ha |
Low |
Low |
Local |
High |
Low |
The LR is located
between Kau Lee Uk Tsuen and San Sang Tsuen, and east of KSWH. General area
consists of industrial buildings and open storage yards with planting
scattered throughout the buildings and open storage yards. Vegetation is
generally self-seeded semi-mature to mature planting. Two identified
Important Trees, 640A-T1 & 640A-T2, are located within this LR adjacent
to Sha Chau Lei village. The
identified tree species is Bombax ceiba
and both have very good form and size among trees of this species. A total of approx. 290 nos. of trees have been identified within
this LR; the dominant species includes Macaranga
tanarius var. tomentosa, Clausena
lansium, Litchi chinensis, Dimocarpus longan. |
Zoning: |
Majority of LR resides in land zoned R(D) under the Ha Tsuen OZP
S/YL-HT/10. Other areas of LR are in land zoned V, GB and OS(1) under the Ha
Tsuen OZP S/YL-HT/10. In addition, a small area of the LR resides in land
zoned GB under the Ping Shan OZP S/YL-PS/16. |
9.18 |
Yick Yuen Road |
1.2 ha |
Low |
Low |
Local |
High |
Low |
The LR consists of one large container storage area, located
north of Yick Yuen Road and west of the WRL. Vegetation is generally around the
perimeter of the open space yards providing a minor partition between the
road and storage yards. Vegetation is generally self-seeded semi-mature trees
with some understory and shrub planting. A total of approx. 102
nos. of trees have been identified within this LR; the dominant species
includes Leucaena leucocephala, Ficus
benjamina, Macaranga tanarius var.
tomentosa. |
Zoning: |
The LR resides mostly in land zoned U under the Ping Shan OZP
S/YL-PS/16. A small portion of LR is in land zoned G/IC and R(B)2 under the
Lam Tei & Yick Yuen OZP S/TM-LTYY/8. |
9.19 |
KSWH South |
1.0 ha |
Low |
Low |
Local |
High |
Low |
The LR consists of 2
separate open storage areas. Both are located along the KSWH: one at Yick
Yuen Road and other at Tsing Yick Road. Vegetation is generally at the
perimeter of the open space yards with self-seeded semi-mature trees with
some understory and shrub planting. A total of approx. 75
nos. of trees have been identified within this LR; the dominant species
includes Leucaena leucocephala,
Eucalyptus tereticornis, Macaranga tanarius var. tomentosa. |
Zoning: |
The LR resides in land
zoned GB under both the Ping Shan OZP S/YL-PS/16 and the Lam Tei & Yick
Yuen OZP S/TM-LTYY/8. |
9.20 |
Tong Yan San Tsuen |
1.6 ha |
Low |
Low |
Local |
High |
Low |
The LR consists of and
industrial / storage yard area located south of Tong Yan San Tsuen.
Vegetation is generally around the perimeter of the open space yards providing
a minor partition between the road and storage yards. Vegetation is generally
self-seeded semi-mature trees with some understory and shrub planting. |
Zoning: |
This LR resides within
areas zoned R(D) under the Tong Yan
San Tsuen OZP S/YL-TYST/10. |
¡V Watercourse |
28.5 ha |
10.1 |
TSW River Channel |
15.3 ha |
Medium |
High |
Regional |
Low |
High |
TSW Main Channel is a
concrete channel running through the whole TSW New Town and eventually draining
into inner Deep Bay. It has two major tributaries, namely the Shek Po Channel
and the Tin Sam Channel. It covers a catchment area of 16 km2,
with a total stretch of 27 km in length.
This area has an abundance of tree stands lining the river banks. A total of approx. 410 nos. of trees have been identified within
this LR: the dominant species includes
Sonneratia sp., Leucaena
leucocephala, Acacia auriculiformis. |
Zoning: |
This LR does not fall
within any OZP. |
10.2 |
Hang Hau Tsuen Channel |
1.3 ha |
Medium |
Medium |
Regional |
Medium |
Medium |
Hang Hau Tsuen Channel
is a concrete channel running through the north of the Project and eventually
draining into inner Deep Bay. It has one small tributary draining from San Hing
Tsuen village. The southern
extents of the channel consists of a small drainage channel with vertical
walls whereas, after passing under Deep Bay Road, the channel widens to a
greater width and upon reaching Deep bay is a naturalised course set within
the manmade embankments. This
area has an abundance of tree stands lining the riverbanks. |
Zoning: |
The southern arm and
small tributary of this LR resides within areas zoned CDA under the Ha Tsuen OZP
S/YL-HT/10, and as it flows into Deep Bay it resides within areas zoned R(D)
under the Lau Fau Shan & Tsim Bei Tsui OZP S/YL-LFS/7. |
10.3 |
Tung Tau Tsuen Nullah |
0.2 ha |
Low |
Low |
Local |
High |
Low |
This watercourse is a
small, concrete-lined vertical channel that for the most part is piped and
culverted and only briefly is open to the sky between Ping Ha Road and Tin
Ying Road before emptying into TSW Nullah. Despite its small character, this
LR has an abundance of tree stands lining the channel banks. |
Zoning: |
The LR resides within areas zoned CDA under
the Ha Tsuen OZP S/YL-HT/10. |
10.4 |
Ping Ha Road Nullah |
0.8 ha |
Medium |
Medium |
Local |
Medium |
Medium |
This LR is a channelised watercourse with both
vertical and sloping concrete banks running north along the west side of Ping
Ha Road and eventually turning northeast and draining into TSW Nullah. The southern extents of the nullah
consists of a small drainage channel with vertical walls whereas, after
passing under Ping Ha Road, the channel widens to a greater width and is set
within manmade embankments. This
area has an abundance of tree stands lining the riverbanks. |
Zoning: |
This LR lies within areas zoned U and V under the
Ha Tsuen OZP S/YL-HT/10. |
10.5 |
Sik Kong Tsuen & Tseung Kong Wai Nullah |
0.3 ha |
Medium |
Medium |
Local |
Medium |
Medium |
This LR is a channelised watercourse with
vertical concrete banks running in west to east direction eventually turning
northeast and draining into LR10.4 - Ping Ha Road Nullah. This LR stretches from west of Tseung
Kong Wai and passes through the village areas of San Wai and Sik Kong
Tsuen. This LR has an abundance
of tree stands lining the riverbanks in the vicinity of Sik Kong Wai and
gradually becomes more open and sparse of vegetation as one moves
upstream. |
Zoning: |
This LR lies within areas zoned V under the Ha
Tsuen OZP S/YL-HT/10. |
10.6 |
Sik Kong Wai & Ling To Nullah |
0.9 ha |
Medium |
Medium |
Local |
Medium |
Medium |
This LR is a channelised watercourse with
vertical concrete banks running in a southwest to northeast direction
eventually joining LR10.5 and draining into Ping Ha Road Nullah. This LR stretches from Ling To where
it passes under the KSWH, meanders between numerous industrial and open
storage yards, and, at flowing between Sik Kong Wai and Ha Tsuen Shi, turns
north to drain into LR10.4 ¡V Ping Ha Road Nullah. This LR has an abundance of tree
stands lining the riverbanks in the vicinity of the villages as well as
continuous tree cover as it meanders through the open storage areas. It gradually becomes more open in the
vicinity of Ling To Temple. A total of approx. 12
nos. of trees have been identified within this LR; the dominant species
includes Macaranga tanarius var. tomentosa, Acacia auriculiformis. |
Zoning: |
This LR lies within areas zoned V, GB, and
¡§Open Storage¡¨ (OS) under the Ha Tsuen OZP S/YL-HT/10. |
10.7 |
Yuen Tau Shan Streams & Nullah |
0.1 ha (nullah) |
Medium |
Medium |
Regional |
Medium |
Medium |
This LR consists of the three natural
watercourses that exist within the Project. These three natural streams are all
located along the western ridgeline of the Project. The northernmost stream drains northwards
and eventually is channelised before emptying into Deep Bay. The other two streams are located
across the Kong Sham Western Highway from LR6.6 - San Sang San Tsuen. They both become channelised and
culverted before passing under the highway and eventually emptying into
LR10.11 ¡V Tin Sam Channel. A total of approx. 61
nos. of trees have been identified within this LR; the dominant species
includes Macaranga tanarius var. tomentosa, Pinus massoniana, Leucaena
leucocephala, Ficus hispida. |
Zoning: |
The northern stream lies within areas zoned GB
and CA under the Ha Tsuen OZP S/YL-HT/10. The two southern streams lay within
areas zoned GB and CA under the Ping Shan OZP S/YL-PS/16. |
10.8 |
Hung Tin Road Nullah |
0.4 ha |
Low |
Low |
Local |
High |
Low |
This LR is a channelised watercourse with
vertical concrete banks running north along the east side of Hung Tin
Road. It extends from Castle Peak
Road to the south nearly to Kiu Fat Street in the north. The northern extents have an abundance
of tree stands lining the vertical riverbanks, whereas the majority of it has
no vegetation. A
total of approx. 12 nos. of trees have
been identified within this LR; the dominant species includes Leucaena leucocephala, Sterculia
lanceolata, Macaranga tanarius var.
tomentosa, Bauhinia sp., Hibiscus
tiliaceus, Celtis sinensis, Litchi chinensis, Dimocarpus longan, Roystonea
regia, Ficus benjamina, Ficus microcarpa. |
Zoning: |
This LR lies within areas zoned Industrial (Group
D) (I(D)), Industrial (I), and U under the Ping Shan OZP S/YL-PS/16. |
10.9 |
Kiu Tau Wai Nullah |
1.1 ha |
Medium |
Medium |
Local |
Medium |
Medium |
This LR is a channelised watercourse with vertical
concrete banks running north along the east side of Hung Tin Road. It extends from Hung Chi Road to the
south to Ping Ha Road in the north.
One identified Important Tree, 534A-T1, is located within this
LR. The identified tree species
is Ficus macrocarpa and is
potentially registrable as an OVT due to its large size and good form. This
LR has an abundance of tree stands lining the vertical riverbanks. A total of approx. 1 nos. of trees has been identified within
this LR; the dominant species includes Ficus
microcarpa. |
Zoning: |
This LR does not lie within any zoning
designation. |
10.10 |
Shek Po Channel |
4.0 ha |
High |
Medium |
Local |
Low |
Medium |
This LR is a concrete channel running through
the south of the Project and eventually draining into LR10.1 TSW Nullah. It
consists of a sloping concrete bank channel north of Castle Peak Road and,
south of Castle Peak Road, the concrete sloping banks are lined with
grasscrete for a short section before returning to bare concrete banks. This LR has an abundance of high
quality tree stands lining the riverbanks for nearly the entire length. |
Zoning: |
The extents of this LR north of Castle Peak
Road does not fall within any OZP, whereas the extents south of this road
falls within area zoned R(D) under the Tong Yan San Tsuen OZP S/YL-TYST/10. |
10.11 |
Tin Sam Channel |
2.6 ha |
High |
Medium |
Local |
Low |
High |
This LR is a concrete channel running through
the south of the Project and eventually draining into LR10.1 TSW River
Channel. It consists of a sloping concrete bank channel north of Tin Ha Road
and, south of Tin Ha Road, becomes a vertical bank channel. This LR has an abundance of high
quality tree stands lining the riverbanks for nearly the entire length. A total of approx. 2 nos. of trees have been identified within
this LR; the dominant species includes Dimocarpus
longan. |
Zoning: |
The extents of this LR north of Tin Ha Road does
not fall within any OZP, whereas the extents south of this road fall within
area zoned V and R(C) under the Ping Shan OZP S/YL-PS/16 and GB under the Lam
Tei & Yick Yuen OZP S/TM-LTYY/8. |
10.12 |
San Sang San Tsuen Channel |
0.5 ha |
Medium |
Medium |
Local |
Medium |
Medium |
This LR consists of three very small
tributaries traversing the area south of San Sang San Tsuen through LR6.6 -
San Sang San Tsuen Vegetation on Agricultural Land as well as LR4.13 ¡V San
Sang San Tsuen Low-lying Woodland/Plantation. These drainage channels consist of
vertical concrete embankments with an abundance of trees along their length. |
Zoning: |
This LR falls within numerous zoning
designations under the GB, U, R(C) and R(D) all under the Ping Shan OZP
S/YL-PS/16. |
10.13 |
Yick Yuen Tsuen & Tsing Chuen Wai Nullah |
1.2 ha |
Medium |
Medium |
Local |
Medium |
Medium |
This LR is a concrete channel running through
the south of the Project and eventually draining into the Tuen Mun River. The
main nullah consists of a sloping concrete bank channel extending from Castle
Peak Road and the KSWH and draining southwest. A smaller tributary drains from Yick
Yuen Tsuen in a southwardly direction.
This smaller tributary has an abundance of tree stands along the
riverbanks whereas the main channel is bare, concrete sloped embankment. A total of approx. 3 nos. of trees have been identified within
this LR; the dominant species includes Bischofia
javanica, Dimocarpus longan, Leucaena leucocephala, Mangifera indica. |
Zoning: |
The southern extents of this LR does not fall
within any OZP, whereas the northern extents fall within area zoned V and
R(D) under the Ping Shan OZP S/YL-PS/16 and GB under the Lam Tei & Yick
Yuen OZP S/TM-LTYY/8. |
¡V Vegetation in Urban Parks |
11.8 ha |
11.1 |
Parks in TSW |
8.2 ha |
High |
Medium |
Local |
Medium |
Medium |
The TSW Park, which has a total area of 14.86
ha, is located at the heart of TSW New Town. It consists of numerous spaces, activity
areas, walking trails and planting areas. Tree species located within the park
include; Archontophoenix alexandrae,
Bauhinia spp., Delonix regia, Ficus microcarpa and Roystonea regia. Tin
Shui Road Park is a linear park linking TSW Park with the TSW
Waterfront. It is divided into
two halves, split by the light rail line, Shui Wu Garden is a linear park
located adjacent to TSW Road Park and running parallel with the rail tracks,
Locwood Garden is a road park located adjacent to Tin Yiu Road and located in
front of Kingswood Villas and Locwood Court, and Tin Ho Road Playground is a
road park located adjacent to Tin Ho Road. The vegetation within all these park
sites consist of semi-mature amenity trees and amenity planting. A total of approx. 2062 nos. of trees have been identified
within this LR; the dominant species includes Archontophoenix alexandrae, Spathodea campanulata, Ficus microcarpa,
Lagerstroemia speciosa, Tabebuia argentea, Livistona chinensis. |
Zoning: |
This LR falls within areas zoned O under the
TSW S/TSW/12. |
11.2 |
Ping Ha Road Garden |
0.3 ha |
High |
Medium |
Local |
Medium |
Medium |
The Ping Ha Road Garden is a small open space
adjacent to Lo Uk Tsuen. It
primarily consists of a soccer pitch with various amenity planting and paving
around the pitch. The vegetation
consists of semi-mature amenity trees and shrub planting. A total of approx. 62 nos. of trees have been identified within
this LR; the dominant species includes Bauhinia
sp., Leucaena leucocephala,
Melaleuca cajuputi subsp.
Cumingiana. |
Zoning: |
This LR falls within areas zoned V under the
Ha Tsuen OZP S/YL-HT/10. |
11.3 |
Ping Pak Lane Park |
1.3 ha |
High |
Medium |
Local |
Medium |
Medium |
The Ping Pak Lane Park is a medium-sized open
space adjacent to residential units to the east and open storage to the
west. It primarily consists of a
soccer pitch and smaller sports pitch, with various amenity planting and
paving and activity spaces around the pitch. The vegetation consists of semi-mature
amenity trees and shrub planting. A total of approx. 202
nos. of trees have been identified within this LR; the dominant species
includes Ficus microcarpa, Spathodea
campanulata, Hibiscus tiliaceus, Livistona chinensis, Bombax ceiba. |
Zoning: |
This LR falls within areas zoned O under the
Ping Shan OZP S/YL-PS/16. |
11.4 |
Tin Ha Road Playground |
0.6 ha |
High |
Medium |
Local |
Medium |
Medium |
The Tin Ha Road Playground is a medium-sized
open space adjacent to rural residential housing and located along Castle
Peak Road. It primarily consists
of a soccer pitch and smaller sports pitch, with various amenity planting and
paved activity spaces around the pitch.
The vegetation consists of semi-mature amenity trees and shrub
planting. A
total of approx. 36 nos. of trees have
been identified within this LR; the dominant species includes Callistemon viminalis, Eucalyptus
torelliana. |
Zoning: |
This LR falls within areas zoned O under the
Lam Tei & Yick Yuen OZP S/TM-LTYY/8. |
11.5 |
Nai Wai Soccer Pitch / Fuk Hang Tsuen Road Garden |
1.6 ha |
High |
Medium |
Local |
Medium |
Medium |
Nai Wai Soccer Pitch is a small open space
adjacent to Nai Wai. It primarily
consists of a soccer pitch with various amenity planting and paving around
the pitch. The vegetation
consists of semi-mature amenity trees and shrub planting. The Fuk Hang Tsuen Road Garden is a
medium-sized open space adjacent to residential units in The Sherwood, and
located off Castle Peak Road behind the Miu Fat Buddhist Monastery. It primarily consists of numerous
spaces, activity areas, walking trails and planting areas. The vegetation consists of semi-mature
amenity trees and shrub planting.
There is also a large paved square on top of a carpark entrance
located to the south off Lam Tei Main Street. One Important Tree, 1213-T2, is
located in this LR. The identified species is Ficus elastica and is potentially registrable as an OVT due to
its large size and good form. A total of approx. 143
nos. of trees have been identified within this LR; the dominant species
includes Araucaria heterophylla,
Aleurites moluccana, Ficus virens, Leucaena leucocephala, Archontophoenix
alexandrae. |
Zoning: |
This LR falls within areas zoned O under the
Lam Tei & Yick Yuen OZP S/TM-LTYY/8. |
¡V Vegetation on Modified Slopes |
28.6 ha |
12.1 |
Hang Hau Tsuen |
1.0 ha |
Medium |
Low |
Local |
High |
Low |
This LR comprises several modified slopes along
Deep Bay Road and¡VFung Kong Tsuen Road near LR6.2 - Hang Hau Tsuen Nullah, in
the north of the Project. It also
includes several vegetated slopes circumscribing a large open storage yard in
the vicinity of LR2.2 ¡V Ngau Hom Hillside Woodland. These slopes comprise hillsides with
semi-mature vegetation and with various scattered, self-seeded shrubs and
trees growing on slopes. A total of approx. 198
nos. of trees have been identified within this LR: the dominant species
includes Macaranga tanarius var. tomentosa, Celtis sinensis, Dimocarpus
longan, Ficus benjamina, Melia azedarach. |
Zoning: |
This LR falls within areas zoned CDA, V, and
CPA under Ha Tsuen OZ£á/YL-HT/10, areas zoned R(D), R(E), and GB under Lau Fau
Shan & Tsim Bei Tsui OZP S/YL-LFS/7. |
12.2 |
Ha Tsuen |
6.0 ha |
Medium |
Low |
Local |
High |
Low |
This LR comprises numerous modified slopes in
the vicinity of KSWH where it crosses the northern hills and connects to Deep
Bay Bridge. It also includes
several small slopes in the vicinity of the SW STW and Ha Tsuen Road. A total of approx. 814 nos. of trees have been identified within
this LR; the dominant species includes Leucaena
leucocephala, Acacia auriculiformis, Ficus microcarpa, Eucalyptus sp., Macaranga tanarius var. tomentosa, Acacia confuse. |
Zoning: |
This LR falls within areas zoned AGR, GB,
G/IC, and OS Ha Tsuen OZP S/YL-HT/10. |
12.3 |
Yick Yuen Tsuen |
1.2 ha |
Medium |
Low |
Local |
High |
Low |
This LR comprises several modified slopes in the
vicinity of KSWH to the west of Yick Yuen Tsuen. The slopes cut into the
hillsides to make way for the highway and smaller roads branching off. A total of approx. 125 nos. of trees have been identified within
this LR; the dominant species includes Leucaena
leucocephala, Eucalyptus citriodora, Macaranga tanarius var. tomentosa. |
Zoning: |
This LR falls within areas zoned GB under the
Ha Tsuen OZP S/YL-HT/10. |
12.4 |
Ma Shan |
20.5 ha |
Medium |
Low |
Local |
Medium |
Medium |
This LR comprises numerous large, continuous
modified slopes in the vicinity of Tan Kwai Tsuen Fresh Water Service
Reservoirs facing north. The
slopes are well-established with vegetation and are highly visible to the
general area of HSK. |
Zoning: |
This LR resides within areas zoned CA and GB
under the Tong Yan San Tsuen OZP
S/YL-TYST/10. |
¡V Vegetation Along TSW Promenade |
4.4 ha |
13.0 |
Vegetation along TSW Promenade |
4.4 ha |
High |
High |
Regional |
Medium |
Medium |
This LR runs along the TSW Promenade and
Channel for approximately 2 km. Vegetation along TSW Promenade consists of
amenity tree and shrub planting and is generally of mature or semi-mature
status. A
total of approx. 894 nos. of trees
have been identified within this LR; the dominant species include Cinnamomum
burmannii, Bauhinia sp., Ficus
microcarpa, Ficus virens, Livistona chinensis. |
Zoning: |
This LR does not fall within any OZP. |
¡V Roadside Vegetation |
45.0 ha |
14.1 |
Deep Bay Road |
1.1 ha |
Medium |
Low |
Local |
Medium |
Medium |
This LR comprises intermittent stands of trees
located along Deep Bay Road.
While not continuous along the entire roadway, this LR extends from
northeast of the Project in Lau Fau Shan to southwest of the Deep Bay
Bridge. Vegetation consists of
mature and semi-mature trees of various species, some planted and others
naturally colonised. A
total of approx. 188 nos. of trees
have been identified within this LR: the dominant species includes Dimocarpus longan, Macaranga tanarius var. tomentosa, Litchi chinensis, Hibiscus
tiliaceus, Celtis sinensis. |
Zoning: |
This LR falls within areas zoned REC under the
Lau Fau Shan & Tsim Bei Tsui OZP S/YL-LFS/7, and areas zoned AGR, CPA, and
CDA under the Ha Tsuen OZP S/YL-HT/10. |
14.2 |
Tin Shui Road |
3.8 ha |
High |
Medium |
Local |
Low |
Medium |
This LR comprises intermittent stands of trees
located along Tin Shui Road, Tin Wah Road, Tin Wu Road, and Tin Fuk
Road. While not continuous along the
entire roadway, this LR extends from the north of TSW area to the south at
TSW Station. Vegetation consists
of mature and semi-mature trees of various species, predominantly planted as
amenity roadside planting. A total of approx. 701
nos. of trees have been identified within this LR; the dominant species
includes Roystonea regia, Crateva
unilocularis, Bauhinia x blakeana, Syagrus romanzoffiana, Archontophoenix
alexandrae, Cinnamomum burmannii. |
Zoning: |
This LR falls within areas zoned R(A) and G/IC
under the TSW OZP S/TSW/12. |
14.3 |
Tin Ying Road |
12.9 ha |
Medium |
Medium |
Local |
Low |
Medium |
This LR comprises intermittent stands of trees
located along Tin Ying Road.
While not continuous along the entire roadway, this LR extends along the
TSW River Channel from Lau Fau Shan in the northeast to Ping Ha Road in the
south. Several locations comprise
of large, broad areas with stands of trees. Vegetation consists of mature and
semi-mature trees of various species, some planted and others naturally
colonised. A
total of approx. 4174 nos. of trees
have been identified within this LR; the dominant species includes Acacia confusa, Acacia auriculiformis,
Eucalyptus sp., Leucaena
leucocephala, Albizia lebbeck, Ficus microcarpa. |
Zoning: |
This LR falls within areas zoned O, R(A), and
OU under the TSW OZP S/TSW/12, and areas zoned GB, G/IC, R(C), V, CDA, O, and
U under the Ha Tsuen OZP S/YL-HT/10. |
14.4 |
Lau Fau Shan Road |
0.9 ha |
Medium |
Medium |
Local |
Medium |
Medium |
This LR comprises intermittent stands of trees
located along Lau Fau Shan Road.
While not continuous along the entire roadway, this LR extends from
Deep Bay Road to the northwest to Tin Wah Road towards the southeast. Vegetation consists of mature and semi-mature
trees of various species, some planted and others naturally colonised. A total of approx. 94 nos. of trees have been identified within
this LR; the dominant species includes Ficus
benjamina, Ficus microcarpa, Bauhinia x blakeana. |
Zoning: |
This LR falls within areas zoned V and
Commercial/Residential (C/R) under the Lau Fau Shan & Tsim Bei Tsui OZP
S/YL-LFS/7, and areas zoned CDA under the Ha Tsuen OZP S/YL-HT/10. |
14.5 |
Ping Shan |
1.5 ha |
Medium |
Low |
Local |
Medium |
Medium |
This LR comprises
intermittent stands of trees located along Tsui Sing Road, Ping Ha Road, Kiu Fat
Street, and Ping Kwai Road .
While not continuous along the roadways, this LR covers roadways in
the general Ping Shan area.
Vegetation consists of mature and semi-mature trees of various
species, some planted and others naturally colonised. A total of approx. 515 nos. of trees have been identified within
this LR; the dominant species includes Ficus
microcarpa, Albizia lebbeck, Ficus virens. |
Zoning: |
This LR falls within
areas zoned I, V, OU, G/IC under the Ping Shan OZP S/YL-PS/16. |
14.6 |
Ping Ha Road |
4.1 ha |
Medium |
Low |
Local |
Medium |
Medium |
This LR comprises
intermittent stands of trees located along Ping Ha Road. While not continuous along the entire
roadway, this LR extends from Tin Wah Road in the north to TSW Station in the
south. Vegetation consists of
mature and semi-mature trees of various species, some planted and others
naturally colonised. A
total of approx. 550 nos. of trees
have been identified within this LR; the dominant species includes Ficus microcarpa, Ficus benjamina,
Leucaena leucocephala, Melaleuca cajuputi subsp. cumingiana, Hibiscus tiliaceus. |
Zoning: |
This LR falls within areas
zoned R(A) and OU under the TSW OZP S/TSW/12; areas zoned U under the Ping
Shan OZP S/YL-PS/16; and areas zoned V, U, G/IC, O, and CDA under the Ha Tsuen OZP S/YL-HT/10. |
14.7 |
Hung Tin Road |
2.3 ha |
Medium |
Low |
Local |
Medium |
Medium |
This LR comprises
intermittent stands of trees located along Hung Tin Road. While not continuous along the entire
roadway, this LR extends from Ping Ha Road to the north to Castle Peak Road
to the south. Vegetation consists
of mature and semi-mature trees of various species, some planted and others
naturally colonised. A
total of approx. 553 nos. of trees
have been identified within this LR; the dominant species includes Ficus microcarpa, Hibiscus tiliaceus,
Casuarina equisetifolia, Leucaena leucocephala. |
Zoning: |
This LR falls within
areas zoned I(D) and I under the Ping Shan OZP S/YL-PS/16. |
14.8 |
Tin Ha Road |
1.2 ha |
Medium |
Low |
Local |
Medium |
Medium |
This LR comprises intermittent stands of trees
located along Tin Ha Road. While not
continuous along the entire roadway, this LR extends from Ping Ha Road to the
north to Castle Peak Road to the south.
Vegetation consists of mature and semi-mature trees of various
species, some planted and others naturally colonised. A total of approx. 135 nos. of trees have been identified within
this LR; the dominant species includes Ficus
microcarpa, Macaranga tanarius var.
tomentosa, Khaya senegalensis, Dimocarpus longan. |
Zoning: |
This LR falls within areas zoned V and U under
the Ha Tsuen OZP S/YL-HT/10; and areas zoned V and R(C) under the Ping Shan
OZP S/YL-PS/16. |
14.9 |
Ha Tsuen Road |
0.9 ha |
Medium |
Low |
Local |
Medium |
Medium |
This LR comprises intermittent stands of trees
located along Tin Ha Road. While not
continuous along the entire roadway, this LR extends from Tin Ha Road to the
east to KSWH to the west.
Vegetation consists of mature and semi-mature trees of various
species, some planted and others naturally colonised. A total of approx. 149 nos. of trees have been identified within
this LR; the dominant species includes
Bauhinia x blakeana, Leucaena leucocephala, Delonix regia, Ficus benjamina,
Macaranga tanarius var. tomentosa,
Bauhinia variegate. |
Zoning: |
This LR falls within areas zoned under the Ha
Tsuen OZP S/YL-HT/10. |
14.10 |
Castle Peak Road |
5.1 ha |
Medium |
Low |
Local |
Medium |
Medium |
This LR comprises intermittent stands of trees
located along Castle Peak Road. While
not continuous along the entire roadway, this LR extends from Ping Shan to
the east to Lam Tei to the west.
Vegetation consists of mature and semi-mature trees of various
species, some planted and others naturally colonised. Five identified Important Trees,
1077-T1, 962-T1, 1202-T1, 1202-T2 & 1213A-T1, are located within this LR
adjacent to Castle Peak Road. The
identified tree species are Ficus
microcarpa, Melaleuca cajuputi subsp. Cumingiana, & Ficus elastica and all have very good
form and large size among trees of this species. A total of approx. 731 nos. of trees have been identified within
this LR: the dominant species includes Celtis
sinensis, Melaleuca cajuputi subsp.
cumingiana, Ficus microcarpa, Dimocarpus longan, Albizia lebbeck, Leucaena
leucocephala, Cinnamomum camphora. |
Zoning: |
This LR falls within areas zoned V, R(A),
R(B), GB, CDA, and I under the
Ping Shan OZP S/YL-PS/16; areas zoned I, V, and G/IC under the Tong Yan San Tsuen
OZP S/YL-TYST/10; and areas zoned V, G/IC, and R(C) under the Lam Tei &
Yick Yuen OZP S/TM-LTYY/8. |
14.11 |
Yuen Long Highway |
6.3 ha |
Medium |
Low |
Local |
Medium |
Medium |
This LR comprises stands of trees located along Yuen Long Highway
and centred around the traffic islands around the interchange with Hung Tin
Road. While not continuous along
the entire roadway, this LR comprises several significant stands of trees
located around the interchange area.
Vegetation consists of mature and semi-mature trees of various
species, some planted and others naturally colonised. A total of approx. 99 nos. of trees have been identified within
this LR; the dominant species includes
Senna siamea, Acacia auriculiformis. |
Zoning: |
This LR falls within areas zoned I and GB under the Tong Yan San
Tsuen OZP S/YL-TYST/10. |
14.12 |
Hung Shui Kiu Tin Sam Road / Hung Yuen Road / |
2.7 ha |
Medium |
Low |
Local |
Medium |
Medium |
This LR comprises intermittent stands of trees located along HSK
Tin Sam Road, Hung Chi Road, Hung Kei Road, Hung Tai Road, and Hung Yuen
Road. While not continuous along
the roadways, this LR covers roadways in the general San Lee Uk Tsuen area
and extends towards Castle Peak Road to the south. Vegetation consists of mature and
semi-mature trees of various species, some planted and others naturally
colonised. A
total of approx. 655 nos. of trees
have been identified within this LR; the dominant species includes Livistona chinensis, Bauhinia purpurea,
Spathodea campanulata. |
Zoning: |
This LR falls within areas zoned V, R(A), R(B), and CDA under
the Ping Shan OZP S/YL-PS/16. |
14.13 |
Yick Yuen Road |
0.2 ha |
Medium |
Low |
Local |
Medium |
Medium |
This LR comprises three
intermittent stands of trees located along Yick Yuen Road. While not continuous along the
roadway, this LR extends from Castle Peak Road to the east to the WRL
alignment to the west. Vegetation
consists of mature and semi-mature trees of various species, some planted and
others naturally colonised. A total of approx. 19
nos. of trees have been identified within this LR; the dominant species
includes Ficus benjamina. |
Zoning: |
This LR falls within areas
zoned U under the Ping Shan OZP S/YL-PS/16; and areas zoned G/IC, R(C), and
R(D) under the Lam Tei & Yick Yuen OZP S/TM-LTYY/8. |
14.14 |
2.0 ha |
Medium |
Low |
Local |
Medium |
Medium |
This LR comprises stands
of trees located along KSWH and centred around the traffic islands around the
interchange with the Yuen Long Highway.
While not continuous along the entire roadway, this LR comprises
several significant stands of trees located along the roadway. Vegetation consists of mature and
semi-mature trees of various species, some planted and others naturally
colonised. One Important Tree, 1213-T1, is located in this LR. The identified
species is Ficus elastica and is
potentially registrable as an OVT due to its large size and good form. A total of approx. 49 nos. of trees have been identified
within this LR: the dominant species includes Leucaena leucocephala, Archontophoenix alexandrae, Clausena lansium,
Bauhinia sp. |
Zoning: |
This LR falls within
areas zoned GB, V, G/IC, and R(C) under the Lam Tei & Yick Yuen OZP
S/TM-LTYY/8. |
¡V Waterbodies |
6.9 ha |
15.1 |
Lau Fau Shan |
0.1 ha |
Low |
Medium |
Local |
High |
Low |
This LR comprises one fishpond
located amongst various industrial storage/open air storage land uses and on
the coastline with Deep Bay.
It is situated north of Deep Bay Road and has limited vegetation
around the perimeter. |
Zoning: |
This LR lies within
area zoned as CPA under the Lau Fau Shan & Tsim Bei Tsui OZP S/YL-LFS/7. |
15.2 |
Sha Kong Tsuen |
0.6 ha |
Medium |
Medium |
Local |
Medium |
Medium |
This LR comprises a
fishpond and a recreational pond of 0.2 and 0.4 ha, respectively. The recreational pond is used for
paddle boating by nearby residents and visitors and has heavy vegetation
surrounding it. The fishpond has
little vegetation and is bounded by rural village housing on two sides. |
Zoning: |
This LR lies within
area zoned as CPA under the Lau Fau Shan & Tsim Bei Tsui OZP S/YL-LFS/7. |
15.3 |
Hang Hau Tsuen |
0.6 ha |
Low |
Medium |
Local |
High |
Low |
This LR comprises
several manmade fishponds located in the vicinity of Hang Hau Tsuen. Two larger ponds are located adjacent
to LR10.2 ¡V Hang Hau Tsuen Nullah, and two smaller ponds are located further
south along Deep Bay Road nestled along the shore. The fishponds have ample vegetation
around their borders consisting of semi-mature trees and shrubs. |
Zoning: |
This LR falls within
areas zoned CPA under the Ha Tsuen OZP S/YL-HT/10. |
15.4 |
Ping Shan |
0.8 ha |
High |
High |
Local |
Low |
High |
This LR comprises two stormwater
ponds cum recreation ponds in the vicinity of Sheung Cheung Wai village. The two ponds are located along the
heritage trail that runs through numerous villages in Ping Shan and therefore
have strong cultural ties to the villagers. The ponds comprise of numerous
floating plants and an island with a large tree. Vegetation lines the banks and
primarily comprises shrubs and grasses. |
Zoning: |
This LR resides
primarily within areas zoned OU and V under the Ping Shan OZP S/YL-PS/16. |
15.5 |
Sik Kong Tsuen |
0.9 ha |
High |
High |
Local |
Low |
High |
This LR comprises four
stormwater ponds located in the vicinity of Sik Kong Wai, Sik Kong Tsuen, and
Lo Uk Tsuen villages. The ponds are
located along the proposed heritage trail that runs through numerous villages
in San Wai and therefore have strong cultural ties to the villagers. Vegetation lines the banks and
primarily comprises shrubs and grasses and numerous stands of mature and semi-mature
trees. |
Zoning: |
This LR falls within
areas zoned V under the Ha Tsuen OZP S/YL-HT/10. |
15.6 |
Tseung Kong Wai |
0.2 ha |
Low |
Medium |
Local |
High |
Low |
This LR comprises two fishponds
located amongst various industrial storage/open air storage land uses at the
base of the northern hills of the Project. It is situated north of Ha Tsuen Road
and has limited vegetation around the perimeter. |
Zoning: |
This LR falls within areas zoned GB under the Ha Tsuen OZP
S/YL-HT/10. |
15.7 |
Deep Bay Road |
1.3 ha |
Low |
Medium |
Local |
High |
Low |
This LR comprises several manmade fishponds located along Deep
Bay Road between the road and the water¡¦s edge in the extreme northwest of
the Project. The fishponds have
dense vegetation around their borders consisting of semi-mature trees and
shrubs. |
Zoning: |
This LR falls within areas zoned CPA under the Ha Tsuen OZP
S/YL-HT/10. |
15.8 |
Kiu Tau Wai |
0.4 ha |
High |
High |
Local |
Low |
High |
This LR comprises a manmade stormwater pond circumscribing
one-half the Kiu Tau Wai village.
It is located adjacent to Kiu Hung Road. It has little vegetation around it
with the exception of a few scattered trees. |
Zoning: |
This LR resides primarily within areas zoned V under the Ping
Shan OZP S/YL-PS/16. |
15.9 |
Fui Sha Wai |
0.4 ha |
Low |
Medium |
Local |
High |
Low |
This LR comprises two manmade fishponds located in the vicinity of
Fui Sha Wai Village and amongst agricultural land LR6.4 ¡V Fui Sha Wai. They are located north of Yuen Long
Highway and south of Castle Peak Road.
The fishponds have vegetation around their borders consisting of
semi-mature trees and shrubs. |
Zoning: |
This LR resides within areas zoned V under the Tong Yan San
Tsuen OZP S/YL-TYST/10. |
15.10 |
Ling To |
0.6 ha |
Medium |
Medium |
Local |
Low |
High |
This LR is comprised of several fishponds and two compensatory wetlands
all located adjacent to the KSWH near Ling To Tsz Temple. The fishponds are located on the
western side of the highway and the compensatory wetlands are located on the
eastern side. The water bodies
have dense vegetation around their edges consisting of semi-mature trees and
shrubs. |
Zoning: |
This LR resides wholly within land zoned GB under the Ha Tsuen
OZP S/YL-HT/10. |
15.11 |
Tuen Tsz Wai |
0.3 ha |
Low |
Medium |
Local |
High |
Low |
This LR comprises two manmade fishponds located in the vicinity
of Fui Sha Wai Village and amongst agricultural land LR6.4 ¡V Fui Sha
Wai. They are located north of
Yuen Long Highway and south of Castle Peak Road. The fishponds have vegetation around
their borders consisting of semi-mature trees and shrubs. |
Zoning: |
This LR resides within areas zoned R(B) under the Lam Tei &
Yick Yuen OZP S/TM-LTYY/8. |
15.12 |
San Sang San Tsuen |
0.32 ha |
Low |
Medium |
Local |
High |
Low |
This LR comprises of one inactive fish pond located in the
vicinity of San Sang San Tsuen and amongst low-lying woodland/plantation land
LR4.8 ¡V San Sang San Tsuen. It is located west of Tin Ha Road and Tin Sam
Channel. The fishpond is overgrown with herbaceous species of vegetation. |
Zoning: |
This LR resides within areas zoned GB under the Ping Shan OZP
S/YL-PS/16. |
¡V Mangrove |
ha |
16.0 |
Mangrove |
11.1 ha |
High |
High |
Regional |
Low |
High |
This LR comprises mangrove communities
present along the intertidal mudflats of the Deep Bay shoreline, reaching a
maximum width of approximately 160 m. A total of approx. 39 nos. of trees have been identified within
this LR; the dominant species includes Dimocarpus
longan, Litchi chinensis, Clausena lansium, Sonneratia sp.. |
Zoning: |
This LR does not fall within any OZP. |
LR17 ¡V Marsh |
1.5 ha |
17.1 |
Hang Hau Tsuen |
0.9 ha |
High |
High |
Regional |
Low |
High |
This LR comprises a moderate-sized marsh located adjacent LR5.1-Hang
Hau Tsuen Low-lying Shrub and Grassland.
The marsh is heavily influenced by development on three sides and
drains into Deep Bay. A
total of approx. 15 nos. of trees have
been identified within this LR; the dominant species includes Celtis sinensis, Artocarpus heterophyllus,
Sonneratia sp., Melia azedarach. |
Zoning: |
This LR resides within two different zoning designations; land
zoned R(C) and R(D) under the Lau
Fau Shan & Tsim Bei Tsui OZP S/YL-LFS/7. |
17.2 |
Fung Kong Tsuen |
0.6 ha |
High |
High |
Regional |
Low |
High |
This LR comprises a moderate-sized marsh located adjacent
LR5.3-Fung Kong Tsuen Low-lying Shrub and Grassland. The marsh is heavily influenced by
development and likely evolved from abandoned agriculture. A total of approx. 26 nos. of trees have been identified within
this LR; the dominant species includes Dimocarpus
longan, Litchi chinensis, Macaranga tanarius var. tomentosa. |
Zoning: |
This LR resides primarily within areas zoned GB under the Ha Tsuen
OZP S/YL-HT/10. |
18 - Important Trees |
N/A |
18 |
High |
High |
Regional |
Low |
High |
There are approximately 91 trees that
are classified as ¡§Important Trees¡¨. Species include Ficus microcarpa, Ficus elastic, Bombax ceiba, and Artocarpus nitidus subsp. Lingnanensis, among others.
Important trees are located throughout the Project assessment area and
identified within the corresponding LR¡¦s above, contributing to the
sensitivity rating of each LR where present. Due to the ¡§Important Trees¡¨
quality and natural status, its regional importance, and low tolerance to
change, the sensitivity given is High |
Landscape Character Areas
¡P Scattered villages: predominately concentrated along the major traffic corridors (e.g. Castle Peak Road and Yuen Long Highway) at the south of the assessment area, consisting largely of low-rise buildings.
¡P Agricultural land: of approximately 50.57 ha within the assessment area. This land is intended for the retention of fallow arable land with potential for rehabilitation for cultivation and other agricultural purposes. The agricultural land is located in the north of the directly south of Deep Bay Road, and in the south-southeast located between KSWH and Castle Peak Road.
¡P Open storage plots: are one of the largest current constituent land uses within the Project area. Open storage is predominantly located in the northern portion of the Project and it is estimated that over 200 ha of land is committed to this category of land use. The existence of open storage uses has significant implications for the assessment area as they contribute to the degradation of the rural living environment of the assessment area and its surrounding environs and creates is a general sense of transience and change about the landscape even though the traditional rural character predominates.
Table 11.6 Sensitivity of Landscape Character Areas
Landscape Character Area |
Description |
Sensitivity |
Baseline Area |
Quality &
Maturity (High, Medium,
Low) |
Rarity (High, Medium,
Low) |
Importance (Local, Regional,
National, Global) |
Ability to
Accommodate Change (Low, Medium, High) |
LCA1 |
Miscellaneous Rural Fringe Landscape |
Medium |
728.3 ha |
Medium |
Medium |
Local |
Medium |
LCA2 |
Miscellaneous Urban Fringe Landscape |
Medium |
165.0 ha |
Medium |
Low |
Local |
Medium |
LCA3 |
Residential Urban Landscape |
Medium |
138.6 ha |
Medium |
Low |
Local |
Medium |
LCA4 |
Upland and Hillside Landscape |
High |
333.6 ha |
High |
Medium |
Regional |
Low |
LCA5 |
Settled Valley Landscape |
Medium |
10.1 ha |
Medium |
Medium |
Local |
Medium |
LCA6 |
Rural Coastal Plain Landscape |
High |
123.4 ha |
Medium |
High |
Regional |
Low |
LCA7 |
Park Urban Landscape |
Medium |
4.3 ha |
Medium |
Medium |
Regional |
Medium |
LCA8 |
Inter-tidal Coast Landscape |
High |
73.0 ha |
High |
High |
Regional |
High |
Potential Sources of Landscape and Visual Impacts
¡P Site clearance works involving the removal of the existing Storage Containers and recreational facilities, as well as the removal of existing trees and shrub planting;
¡P Site formation works including cutting and filling;
¡P Excavation works and haulage off-site of excavated materials;
¡P Storage of existing topsoil for reinstatement works;
¡P Importation and storage of construction equipment and plant;
¡P Materials stockpiling;
¡P Construction of site access;
¡P Temporary Traffic Management activities;
¡P Removal of existing Tin Ying Road, upgrading of an existing tertiary Road ¡V Ping Ha Road and the laying down of utilities including water, drainage, power and waste;
¡P Construction of the temporary parking areas, on-site accommodation offices and structures and working areas, importation and storage of equipment and materials;
¡P Construction of the Road P1 and Roads D1 ¡V D8 and associated internal site roads;
¡P Construction of the Proposed HSK Station, as well as the, proposed Residential, Commercial, Industrial and Other Specified Use Developments;
¡P Construction of the Proposed EFTS, tracks and station platforms;
¡P Re-alignment of roads;
¡P Re-alignment of streams and watercourses;
¡P Dust and construction debris;
¡P The laying down of utilities, including water, drainage and power; and
¡P Night lighting.
¡P Operation of Ping Ha Road, Road P1 and Roads D1 ¡V D8;
¡P Operation of the Proposed HSK Station, as well as the, proposed Residential, Commercial, Industrial and Other Specified Use Developments;
¡P Operation and maintenance of proposed Open Space;
¡P Provision of noise mitigation structures; and
¡P Residual impacts from loss of trees and vegetation during the construction phase.
¡P Approximately 13,721 trees will be affected, of which 29 are Important Trees.
¡P 4 LCAs and 85 LRs will be impacted, of which 16 are water bodies / watercourses.
¡P Tree compensation within the HSK NDA will be provided at a 1:1 ratio. This means that for every tree that is removed, a new one will be planted. Furthermore, trees affected by DPs will be compensated within their respective DP areas.
Nature and Magnitude of Landscape Change Before Mitigation in Construction Phase
Nature and Magnitude of Landscape change Before Mitigation in Operation Phase
Table 11.7 Magnitude
of Landscape Change during the Construction and Operation Phases before
ID No. |
Landscape Resource/ Landscape Character Area |
Source of Impact |
Description of Impacts |
Compatibility of the Project with the
Surrounding Landscape (High, Medium, Low) |
Duration of Impact (None, Temporary (Short, Medium, Long-term); Permanent, Reversible;
Permanent, Irreversible) |
Magnitude of Change (None,
Negligible, Small, Intermediate, Large) |
LR1 Coastal Waters and Mudflats |
LR1.0 |
Waters and Mudflats |
Construction -
Run-off from site
clearance works -
Run-off from
construction of the temporary structures and working areas -
Run-off from
construction of the Roads P1 and Roads D1 ¡V D7 and associated internal
industrial and residential roads -
Run-off from construction
of R, C, GIC and developments -
Run-off from proposed
open spaces |
Construction -
Temporary disturbance
to existing landscape resource by construction activities -
Baseline area coverage
is approx. 62.6 ha |
Low |
Medium-term |
Small |
Operation -
None |
Operation -
None |
Low |
None |
Negligible |
LR2 Hillside Woodland |
LR2.1 |
Fau Shan |
None |
None -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 7.2 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LR2.2 |
Hom |
None |
None -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 6.3 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LR2.3 |
Hau Tsuen |
None |
None -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 7.4 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LR2.4 |
Hom Shek |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of the Road
P1 and Road D1 and associated internal roads -
Construction of OU and
GIC developments |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation and
hillside area of approx. 6.1 ha -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 42.6 ha -
One potentially
affected Important Tree (181-T1) -
A total of approx. 340
nos. of trees are impacted |
Low |
Irreversible |
Small |
Operation -
New road network and
Industrial and G/IC development replacing existing vegetation and hillsides |
Operation -
Residual impacts from loss
of existing vegetation due to replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR2.5 |
Shan |
None |
None -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 6.9 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LR2.6 |
Tau Tsuen |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the temporary
structures and working areas |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation and
hillside area of approx. 2.6 ha -
Three potentially
affected Important Trees (155E-T1,155E-T2, 155E-T4) -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 5.0 ha approx. -
A total of approx. 264 nos.
of trees are impacted |
Medium |
Permanent, Reversible |
Large |
Operation -
Operation of the
proposed open space |
Operation -
Residual impacts from
loss of existing vegetation due to replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR2.7 |
Tsuen Road |
None |
None -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 0.6 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LR2.8 |
Tsuen |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of Road D1
and associated internal site roads -
Construction of industrial
developments |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation and
hillside area of approx. 0.6 ha -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 1.3 ha -
A total of approx. 50
nos. of trees are impacted |
Medium |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Intermediate |
Operation -
New road network and
Industrial development replacing existing hillside vegetation |
Operation -
Residual impacts from
loss of existing vegetation due to replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR2.9 |
Tau Tsuen |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of Road P1
and associated internal roads -
Construction of
industrial developments |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation and
hillside area of approx. 6.6ha -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 144.5 ha -
A total of approx. 314
nos. of trees are impacted |
Low |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Small |
Operation -
New road network and
Industrial Development replacing existing hillside vegetation |
Operation -
Residual impacts from loss
of existing vegetation due to replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR2.10 |
Uk Tsuen |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of
associated internal roads -
Construction of the
proposed EFTS and stations; -
Construction of C and
GIC developments |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation and
hillside areas of approx. 0.6ha -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 7.4 ha. -
A total of approx. 76
nos. of trees are impacted |
Low |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Small |
Operation -
New EFTS and road
network and C and G/IC development replacing existing vegetation and
hillsides |
Operation -
Residual impacts from
loss of existing vegetation due to replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR2.11 |
Lee Uk Tsuen |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of the
access roads and associated internal roads -
Construction of
industrial developments |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation and
hillside areas of approx. 1.9 ha -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is aapprox.5.5 ha -
A total of approx. 91
nos. of trees are impacted |
Low |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Intermediate |
Operation -
New road network and
Industrial Development replacing existing vegetation and hillsides |
Operation -
Residual impacts from
loss of existing vegetation due to replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR2.12 |
Sang Tsuen |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the temporary
structures and working areas -
Construction of
associated internal residential roads -
Construction of the
proposed EFTS and stations; -
Construction of GIC
developments |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation and
hillside areas of approx. 1.0 ha -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 2.9 ha -
A total of approx. 54 nos. of trees are impacted |
Low |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Intermediate |
Operation -
New EFTS and road
network and G/IC development replacing existing vegetation and hillsides |
Operation -
Residual impacts from
loss of existing vegetation due to replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR2.13 |
Shan |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of the proposed
fresh water service reservoir -
Construction of access
roads |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation and
hillside areas of approx. 0.2 ha -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 35.0 ha -
A total of approx. 0
nos. of trees are impacted |
Low |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Negligible |
Operation -
New service reservoir
replacing existing vegetation and hillsides |
Operation -
Residual impacts from
loss of existing vegetation due to the replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR3 Hillside Shrub & Grassland |
LR3.1 |
Hom |
None |
None -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 3.0 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LR3.2 |
Hau Tsuen |
None |
None -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 1.4 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LR3.3 |
Hom Shek |
None |
None -
Baseline vegetation coverage
is approx. 22.0 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LR3.4 |
Tau Shan |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of Road P1
and associated internal roads -
Construction of I
developments |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation and
hillsides of approx. 1.9ha -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 60.8 ha -
A total of approx. 12
nos. of trees are impacted |
Low |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Small |
Operation -
New road network and
Industrial development replacing existing vegetation and hillsides |
Operation -
Residual impacts from
loss of existing vegetation due to the replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR3.5 |
Lee Uk Tsuen |
None |
None -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 1.1 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LR3.6 |
Uk Tsuen |
None |
None -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 0.7 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LR3.7 |
Shan |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of the proposed
fresh water service reservoir Construction of access roads |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation and
hillside areas of approx. 0.01 ha -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 42.9 ha -
A total of approx. 0
nos. of trees are impacted |
Low |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Negligible |
Operation New service reservoir replacing existing
vegetation and hillsides |
Operation -
Residual impacts from
loss of existing vegetation due to the replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR4 Low-lying Woodland/ Plantation |
LR4.1 |
Ying Road & Tin Wah Road |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of
associated internal roads -
Construction of R, E,
and GIC developments -
Construction of the
proposed EFTS and stations |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation of
approx. 3.8 ha -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 3.8 ha. -
A total of approx. 845
nos. of trees are impacted |
Low |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Large |
Operation -
New EFTS network and R,
E, and G/IC development replacing existing vegetation |
Operation -
Residual impacts from
loss of existing vegetation due to the replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR4.2 |
Hau Tsuen |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of
associated internal roads -
Construction of R, C,
and OU developments -
Construction of the
proposed EFTS and station platforms; |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation of
approx. 1.3 ha -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 4.8 ha -
A total of approx. 30
nos. of trees are impacted |
Low |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Intermediate |
Operation -
New EFTS network and R,
C, and OU development replacing existing vegetation |
Operation -
Residual impacts from loss
of existing vegetation due to the replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR4.3 |
Ying Road & Ping Ha Road |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of
associated internal residential roads -
Construction of R
developments |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation of
approx. 1.6 ha -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 1.6 ha -
A total of approx. 358
nos. of trees are impacted |
Medium |
Permanent, Reversible |
Large |
Operation -
New road network and R
developments replacing existing vegetation |
Operation -
Residual impacts from
loss of existing vegetation due to the replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR4.4 |
Fong Tsuen |
None |
None -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx.1.5 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LR4.5 |
Pak Lane & Ping Kwai Road |
None |
None -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 0.5 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LR4.6 |
Uk Tsuen |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of
associated internal roads |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation of
approx. 0.1 ha -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 0.6 ha -
A total of approx. 8
nos. of trees are impacted |
Medium |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Small |
Operation -
New road network |
Operation -
Residual impacts from
loss of existing vegetation due to the replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR4.7 |
Sha Wai |
None |
None -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 0.2 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LR4.8 |
Sang San Tsuen |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of Residential, Commercial, ,
Educational, and Industrial developments -
Construction of Road D6
and associated internal roads -
Construction of the
proposed EFTS and station platforms |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation of
approx. 15.4 ha -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 15.8 ha -
Ten potentially
affected Important Trees (688D-T1, 688D-T2, 914-T1, 914-T2, 688G-T1, 785A-T1,
785A-T2, 785A-T3, 785A-T4 and 785A-T5) -
A total of approx. 610
nos. of trees are impacted |
Low |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Large |
Operation -
New EFTS network and
Residential, Port Backup and Commercial development replacing existing
vegetation |
Operation -
Residual impacts from loss
of existing vegetation due to the replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR4.9 |
Tao Tsuen |
None |
None -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 3.0 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LR4.10 |
Tin Sam Road & Hung Yuen Road |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of
associated internal road -
Construction of Residential developments |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation of
approx. 0.8 ha -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 0.8 ha -
A total of approx. 34
nos. of trees are impacted |
Low |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Large |
Operation -
New Residential
development replacing existing vegetation |
Operation -
Residual impacts from
loss of existing vegetation due to the replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR4.11 |
Sam |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of Residential developments -
Construction of
associated internal roads |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation of approx.
0.5 ha -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 0.6 ha -
A total of approx. 28
nos. of trees are impacted |
Low |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Large |
Operation -
New road network and
Residential developments replacing existing vegetation |
Operation -
Residual impacts from
loss of existing vegetation due to the replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR4.12 |
Pylon |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of G/IC developments |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation of
approx. 0.3 ha -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 0.3 ha -
A total of approx. 22
nos. of trees are impacted |
Low |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Large |
Operation -
New GIC developments
replacing existing vegetation |
Operation -
Residual impacts from
loss of existing vegetation due to the replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR4.13 |
Ha Tsuen |
None |
None -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 2.4 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LR5 Low-lying Shrub & Grassland |
LR5.1 |
Hau Tsuen |
None |
None -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 0.8 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LR5.2 |
Kong Wai Tsai |
None |
None -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 8.3 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LR5.3 |
Kong Tsuen |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of GIC and Industrial developments -
Construction of the
Road D1, Road D4, and associated internal roads -
Construction of the
proposed EFTS and station platforms |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation of
approx. 7.1 ha -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 9.5 ha -
A total of approx. 147
nos. of trees are impacted |
Low |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Large |
Operation -
New EFTS network and
Port Backup and G/IC development replacing existing vegetation |
Operation -
Residual impacts from
loss of existing vegetation due to the replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR5.4 |
Shan |
None |
None -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 1.5 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LR5.5 |
Wai |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of the
Road D3 |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation of
approx. 0.5 ha -
Three potentially
affected Important Trees (278-T1, 278-T2, & 278D-T1) -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 1.6 ha -
A total of approx. 21
nos. of trees are impacted |
High |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Intermediate |
Operation -
New Open Space
Developments replacing existing vegetation |
Operation -
Residual impacts from
loss of existing vegetation due to the replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR5.6 |
Lee Uk Tsuen |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of Open Space developments |
Construction -
Potential loss of vegetation
of approx. 2.6 ha -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 2.6 ha -
A total of approx. 91 nos. of trees are impacted |
High |
Permanent, Reversible |
Large |
Operation -
New Open Space
development replacing existing vegetation |
Operation -
Residual impacts from
loss of existing vegetation due to the replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR5.7 |
Sang Tsuen |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of Open Space developments |
Construction -
Potential loss of
vegetation of approx. 0.2 ha -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 0.5 ha -
A total of approx. 0
nos. of trees are impacted |
Medium |
Permanent, Reversible |
Intermediate |
Operation -
New Open Space development
replacing existing vegetation |
Operation -
Residual impacts from
loss of existing vegetation due to the replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR5.8 |
Uk Tsuen |
None |
None -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx.1.6 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LR5.9 |
Yuen Tsuen |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of Residential, GIC and Education
developments -
Construction of the
Road D8 and associated internal roads -
Construction of the proposed
Construction -
Loss of vegetation of
approx. 12.3 ha -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 12.4 ha -
A total of approx. 499
nos. of trees are impacted |
Low |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Large |
Operation -
New EFTS and road
network and Residential, Education and G/IC development replacing existing
vegetation |
Operation -
Residual impacts from
loss of existing vegetation due to the replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR5.10 |
Mun San Tsuen |
None |
None -
Baseline vegetation coverage
is approx. 1.0 ha -
N/A |
None |
None |
LR5.11 |
Chuen Wai |
None |
None -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 0.4 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LR5.12 |
Yan San Tsuen |
None |
None Baseline vegetation coverage is approx. 0.5 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LR6 Vegetation on Agricultural Land |
LR6.1 |
Kong Wai |
None |
None -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx.1.2 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LR6.2 |
Hau Tsuen |
None |
None -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 2.1 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LR6.3 |
Tsuen |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of I
developments -
Construction of the
proposed EFTS |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation of
approx. 0.9 ha -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 3.7 ha -
A total of approx. 16
nos. of trees are impacted |
High |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Small |
Operation -
New EFTS network and
Industrial Developments replacing existing vegetation |
Operation -
Residual impacts from
loss of existing vegetation due to the replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR6.4 |
Sha Wai |
None |
None -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 3.6 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LR6.5 |
Po Tsuen |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of
associated internal roads -
Construction of E and
GIC developments |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation
ofapprox. 2.6 ha -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 4.3 ha -
A total of approx. 91
nos. of trees are impacted |
Medium |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Intermediate |
Operation -
New road network, E and
GIC Developments replacing existing vegetation |
Operation -
Residual impacts from
loss of existing vegetation due to the replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR6.6 |
Sang San Tsuen |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of Road D6
and associated internal roads -
Construction of R, C,
GIC and industrial developments -
Construction of the
proposed EFTS |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation of
approx. 19.3 ha -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 19.3 ha -
One potentially
affected Important Tree (787A-T1) -
A total of approx. 651
nos. of trees are impacted |
Low |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Large |
Operation -
New EFTS and road network
and Residential, Commercial, Industrial and Mixed Use Developments replacing
existing vegetation |
Operation -
Residual impacts from
loss of existing vegetation due to the replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR6.7 |
To |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of Road P1
Construction -
Loss of vegetation of
approx. 0.1 ha Baseline vegetation coverage is approx. 1.5 ha approx. -
A total of approx. 12
nos. of trees are impacted |
Low |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Small |
Operation -
New EFTS and road
network and Residential, Commercial, Industrial and Mixed Use Developments
replacing existing vegetation |
Operation -
Residual impacts from
loss of existing vegetation due to the replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR6.8 |
Tin Sam Road & Hung Yuen Road |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of Open Space developments |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation of approx.
0.5 -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 0.6 ha -
One potentially
affected Important Tree (714-T1) -
A total of approx. 22
nos. of trees are impacted |
Low |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Large |
Operation -
New Open Space development
replacing existing vegetation |
Operation -
Residual impacts from
loss of existing vegetation due to the replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR6.9 |
Ping San Tsuen & Nai Wai |
None |
None -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 3.2 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LR6.10 |
Sam |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of
internal roads -
Construction of
residential and commercial developments -
Construction of future railway
station and associated structures |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation of
approx. 4.2 ha -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 4.5 ha -
A total of approx. 440
nos. of trees are impacted |
Low |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Large |
Operation -
New road network and
Residential and Commercial Developments replacing existing vegetation |
Operation -
Residual impacts from
loss of existing vegetation due to the replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR6.11 |
Yuen Tsuen |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of Road
P1, Road D6, and associated internal roads -
Construction of E and I
developments -
Construction of the
proposed EFTS |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation of
approx. 2.1 ha -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 2.1 ha -
A total of approx. 82
nos. of trees are impacted |
Low |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Large |
Operation -
New EFTS, road network,
I and E Developments replacing existing vegetation |
Operation -
Residual impacts from loss of existing vegetation
due to the replacement with infrastructure and/or buildings |
LR6.12 |
Chuen Wai & Tuen Tsz Wai |
None |
None -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 1.0 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LR6.13 |
Ha Tsuen |
None |
None Baseline vegetation coverage is approx. 4.2 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LR7 Vegetation within Residential Developments |
LR7.1-7.5 |
within Residential Developments |
None |
None -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 19.4 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LR8 Vegetation within Rural Village |
LR8.1 |
Tso Tsuen / San Hing Tsuen |
None |
None -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 2.9 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LR8.2 |
Hing Tsuen / Ngau Hom / Sha Kong Wai |
None |
None -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 8.1 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LR8.3 |
Fau Shan |
None |
None -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 0.5 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LR8.4 |
Bay Coast |
None |
None -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 4.9 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LR8.5 |
Kong Tsuen / Hong Mei Tsuen /
Tseung Kong Wai |
None |
None -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 4.0 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LR8.6 |
Kong Wai / San Uk Tsuen / Ha Tsuen Shi |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of other
Open Space developments |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation of
approx. 0.3 ha -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 4.4 ha -
A total of approx. 18 nos. of trees are impacted |
High |
Permanent, Reversible |
Negligible |
Operation -
New road network and Open
Space Developments replacing existing vegetation |
Operation -
Residual impacts from
loss of existing vegetation due to the replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR8.7 |
Cheung Wai / Hang Tau Tsuen / Hang Mei Tsuen |
None |
None -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 5.2 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LR8.8 |
Chau Lei |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of open
space developments |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation of
approx. 0.5 ha -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 0.6 ha -
A total of approx. 57 nos. of trees are impacted |
High |
Permanent, Reversible |
Large |
Operation -
New Open Space
Developments replacing existing vegetation |
Operation -
Residual impacts from loss
of existing vegetation due to the replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR8.9 |
Mei Tsuen / Tong Fong Tsuen / Hung Uk Tsuen |
None |
None -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 2.4 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LR8.10 |
Po Tsuen |
None |
None -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 0.3 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LR8.11 |
Sang Tsuen |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of Road D6
and associated internal roads -
Construction of other specified
use and open space developments |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation
ofapprox. 1.5 ha -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 3.4 ha -
A total of approx. 84 nos. of trees are impacted |
Medium |
Permanent, Reversible |
Intermediate |
Operation -
New road network and OU
and Open Space Developments replacing existing vegetation |
Operation -
Residual impacts from
loss of existing vegetation due to the replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR8.12 |
Lee Uk Tsuen / Tin Sam |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of
education and open space developments |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation of
approx. 1.0 ha -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 2.7 ha -
One potentially
affected Important Tree (706-T1) -
A total of approx. 57 nos. of trees are impacted |
Medium |
Permanent, Reversible |
Intermediate |
Operation -
New road network and
Education and Open Space Developments replacing existing vegetation |
Operation -
Residual impacts from loss
of existing vegetation due to the replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR8.13 |
Shui Kiu |
None |
None -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 1.5 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LR8.14 |
Sam |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the temporary
structures and working areas -
Construction of
associated roads -
Construction of R, C
and open space developments |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation of
approx. 5.4 ha -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 10.6 ha -
A total of approx. 255 nos. of trees are impacted |
Medium |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Intermediate |
Operation -
New road network and
Residential, Commercial and Open Space Developments replacing existing
vegetation |
Operation -
Residual impacts from loss
of existing vegetation due to the replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR8.15 |
Sha Wai |
None |
None -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 1.9 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LR8.16 |
Tao Tsuen |
None |
None -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 1.1 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LR8.17 |
Kwai Tsuen |
None |
None -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 11.4 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LR8.18 |
Ping San Tsuen / Cheung Uk Tsuen / Arkadia |
None |
None -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 20.7 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LR8.19 |
Yuen Tsuen |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of Road D8
and associated internal roads -
Construction of the
proposed EFTS -
Construction of R, E,
GIC and open space developments |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation of
approx. 9.3 ha -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 11.9 ha -
A total of approx. 350 nos. of trees are impacted |
Low |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Large |
Operation -
New EFTS, road network and
Residential, Educational, GIC and Open Space Developments replacing existing
vegetation |
Operation -
Residual impacts from
loss of existing vegetation due to the replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR8.20 |
Chuen Wai / Tuen Tsz Wai |
None |
None -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 5.4 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LR8.21 |
Tei / Tuen Mun San Tsuen |
None |
None -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 5.2 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LR8.22 |
Yan San Tsuen |
None |
None Baseline vegetation coverage is approx. 1.1 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LR9 Vegetation within Industrial Land / Open
Storage |
LR9.1 |
Fau Shan |
None |
None -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 15.2 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LR9.2 |
Fau Shan Road |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of
internal site roads -
Construction of R, E
and open space developments -
Construction of the
proposed EFTS |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation of
approx. 1.6 ha -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 3.9 ha -
A total of approx. 60 nos. of trees are impacted |
Medium |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Intermediate |
Operation -
New EFTS and road
network and Residential, Educational and Open Space Developments replacing existing
vegetation |
Operation -
Residual impacts from
loss of existing vegetation due to the replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR9.3 |
Ha Road |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of Road D2
and associated internal roads -
Construction of R, E
and GIC developments -
Construction of the
proposed EFTS |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation of
approx. 2.9 ha -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 2.9 ha -
A total of approx. 215 nos. of trees are impacted |
Low |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Large |
Operation -
New EFTS and road
network and Residential, Educational and GIC Developments replacing existing
vegetation |
Operation -
Residual impacts from
loss of existing vegetation due to the replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR9.4 |
Kong Tsuen Road / Deep Bay Road |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of
associated internal roads -
Construction of R, E
GIC, and open space developments |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation of
approx. 5.2 ha -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 17.9 ha -
A total of approx. 216 nos. of trees are impacted |
Low |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Intermediate |
Operation -
New road network and
Residential, Educational and GIC Developments replacing existing vegetation |
Operation -
Residual impacts from
loss of existing vegetation due to the replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR9.5 |
Bay Road |
None |
None -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 2.7 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LR9.6 |
Ha Road / Tin Yip Road |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of
associated internal roads -
Construction of and open space developments |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation of
approx. 0.9 ha -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 0.9 ha -
A total of approx. 81 nos. of trees are impacted |
Low |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Large |
Operation -
New road network and Residential
and Open Space Developments replacing existing vegetation |
Operation -
Residual impacts from
loss of existing vegetation due to the replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR9.7 |
Kong Wai |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of Road D1
Road D4, and associated internal roads -
Construction of R, GIC,
OU, E, and open space developments -
Construction of the
proposed EFTS |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation of
approx. 8.7 ha -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 9.7 ha -
A total of approx. 291 nos. of trees are impacted |
Medium |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Large |
Operation -
New EFTS and road
network and Residential, Industrial, Educational, GIC and Open Space
Developments replacing existing vegetation |
Operation -
Residual impacts from
loss of existing vegetation due to the replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR9.8 |
Ha Road / Tin Ha Road |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the temporary
structures and working areas -
Construction of the
Road D2 and associated internal roads -
Construction of R, E
and open space developments |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation of
approx. 5.1 ha -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 5.1 ha -
One no. potentially
affected Important Tree (403-T1) -
A total of approx. 801 nos. of trees are impacted |
Low |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Large |
Operation -
New road network and
Residential, Educational and Open Space Developments replacing existing
vegetation |
Operation -
Residual impacts from
loss of existing vegetation due to the replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR9.9 |
Tsuen Road |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of Road
D1, Road D3, and associated internal roads -
Construction of
industrial and open space developments -
Construction of the
proposed EFTS |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation of
approx. 8.4 ha -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 8.8 ha -
A total of approx. 447 nos. of trees are impacted -
One potentially
affected Important Tree (224-T1) |
Low |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Large |
Operation -
New EFTS and road
network and Industrial and Open Space Developments replacing existing
vegetation |
Operation -
Residual impacts from
loss of existing vegetation due to the replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR9.10 |
Tin Road / Hung Chi Road |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of the Roads
P1 and Roads D1 ¡V D7 and associated internal residential, GIC, and
educational roads -
Construction of
residential, GIC, educational and open space developments -
Construction of the
proposed EFTS |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation of
approx. 3.8 ha -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 4.0 ha -
Three nos. of
potentially affected Important Trees (547-T1, 599A-T1, and 599-T1) -
A total of approx. 233 nos. of trees are impacted |
Low |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Large |
Operation -
New EFTS and road
network and Residential, Educational, GIC and Open Space Developments
replacing existing vegetation |
Operation -
Residual impacts from
loss of existing vegetation due to the replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR9.11 |
Kong Wai Road / Ha Tsuen Road |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of
associated internal industrial roads -
Construction of I and
open space developments -
Construction of the
proposed EFTS |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation of
approx. 2.3 ha -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 2.3 ha -
A total of approx. 241 nos. of trees are impacted |
Low |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Large |
Operation -
New EFTS and road
network and Industrial and Open Space Developments replacing existing vegetation |
Operation -
Residual impacts from
loss of existing vegetation due to the replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR9.12 |
STW / Ha Tsuen Road |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of the
Roads P1 and Roads D1 ¡V D7 and associated internal industrial roads -
Construction of
industrial developments |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation of
approx. 0.4 ha -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 0.4 ha -
A total of approx. 80 nos. of trees are impacted |
Low |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Large |
Operation -
New road network and
Industrial Developments replacing existing vegetation |
Operation -
Residual impacts from
loss of existing vegetation due to the replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR9.13 |
Hei Tsuen / Fui Sha Wai |
None |
None -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 2.9 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LR9.14 |
Uk Tsuen / Kiu Hung Road |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the temporary
structures and working areas -
Construction of
associated site roads -
Construction of GIC
developments |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation of
approx. 0.5 ha -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 6.8 ha -
A total of approx. 9 nos. of trees are impacted |
High |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Small |
Operation -
New road network and
GIC Developments replacing existing vegetation |
Operation -
Residual impacts from
loss of existing vegetation due to the replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR9.15 |
Shui Kiu / Hung Shui Kiu Bus Depot |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of
associated site access roads -
Construction of R, GIC,
and OU developments |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation of
approx. 2.4 ha -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 2.4 ha -
One potentially
affected Important Tree (666-T1) |
Low |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Large |
Operation -
New road network and
Residential, Government, and OU Developments replacing existing vegetation |
Operation -
Residual impacts from
loss of existing vegetation due to the replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR9.16 |
Lee Uk Tsuen |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction associated
internal roads -
Construction of GIC and
Open Space developments |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation of
approx. 0.4 ha -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 0.7 ha -
A total of approx. 7 nos. of trees are impacted |
Medium |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Intermediate |
Operation -
New road network and
GIC and Open Space Developments replacing existing vegetation |
Operation -
Residual impacts from
loss of existing vegetation due to the replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR9.17 |
Kau Lee
Uk Tsuen / San Sang Tsuen |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of Road P1
and associated site access roads -
Construction of
industrial and open space developments -
Construction of the proposed
Construction -
Loss of vegetation of
approx. 9.1 ha -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 11.4 ha -
Two nos. potentially
affected Important Trees (640A-T1, and 640A-T2) -
A total of approx. 231 nos. of trees are impacted |
Medium |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Large |
Operation -
New EFTS and road
network and Industrial and Open Space Developments replacing existing
vegetation |
Operation -
Residual impacts from
loss of existing vegetation due to the replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR9.18 |
Yuen Road |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of Road D6
and associated internal roads -
Construction of R, C,
OU, and open space developments |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation of
approx. 1.2 ha -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 1.2 ha -
A total of approx. 102 nos. of trees are impacted |
High |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Large |
Operation -
New road network and
Residential, Commercial and Open Space Developments replacing existing vegetation |
Operation -
Residual impacts from
loss of existing vegetation due to the replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR9.19 |
South |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of Road P1
associated internal industrial roads -
Construction of
developments |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation
ofapprox. 0.4 ha -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 1.0 ha -
A total of approx. 30 nos. of trees are impacted |
Low |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Intermediate |
Operation -
New road network and
Industrial Developments replacing existing vegetation |
Operation -
Residual impacts from
loss of existing vegetation due to the replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR9.20 |
Tung Yan San
Tsuen |
None |
None Baseline vegetation coverage is approx. 1.6 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LR10 Watercourse |
LR10.1 |
River Channel |
Construction -
Channel enhancement
measures -
Development of
associated infrastructure along channel |
Construction -
Temporary disturbance
to existing landscape by construction activities -
Baseline water area is
approx. 15.3 ha |
High |
Temporary Medium |
Small |
Operation -
None |
Operation -
None |
N/A |
None |
Negligible |
LR10.2 |
Hau Tsuen Channel |
Construction -
Channel enhancement measures -
Boxing and culverting
of partial length of channel -
Construction of
associated internal site roads -
Construction of R, OU,
and Open Space developments -
Construction of the
proposed EFTS |
Construction -
Temporary disturbance
to existing landscape by construction activities -
Permanent loss of 500 m
length of channel, approx. 0.3 ha -
Baseline channel area
is approx. 1.3 ha |
Medium |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Intermediate |
Operation -
New ELFS, road network
and Residential developments replacing existing channel |
Operation -
Loss of channel -
Replacement of existing
channel with infrastructure and buildings |
LR10.3 |
Tau Tsuen Nullah |
Construction -
Boxing and culverting
of entire length of nullah -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the temporary
structures and working areas -
Construction of Road
D2and associated internal site roads -
Construction of R
developments |
Construction -
Loss of 400 m length of
nullah, approx. 0.2 ha -
Baseline nullah area is
approx. 0.2 ha |
Low |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Large |
Operation -
New road network and
Residential developments replacing existing nullah |
Operation -
Loss of nullah -
Replacement of existing
nullah with infrastructure and buildings |
LR10.4 |
Ha Road Nullah |
Construction -
Nullah enhancement
measures -
Boxing and culverting
of partial length of nullah -
Construction of Open
Space developments -
Construction of the
proposed EFTS |
Construction -
Temporary disturbance
to existing landscape by construction activities -
Loss of nullah
ofapprox. 0.2 ha -
Baseline nullah area is
0.8 ha approx. |
High |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Small |
Operation -
New ELFS and Open Space
developments replacing existing nullah |
Operation -
Loss of nullah -
Replacement of existing
nullah with infrastructure and buildings |
LR10.5 |
Kong Tsuen / Tsueng Kong Wai Nullah |
Construction -
Boxing and culverting
of partial length of nullah -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of the
Roads P1 and Roads D1 ¡V D7 and associated internal industrial roads -
Construction of
industrial developments |
Construction -
Loss of 270 m length of
nullah, approx. 0.1 ha -
Baseline nullah area is
approx. 0.3 ha -
One no. potentially
affected Important Tree (224-T1) |
Medium |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Intermediate |
Operation -
New road network and
Industrial Developments replacing existing nullah |
Operation -
Loss of nullah -
Replacement of existing
nullah with infrastructure and buildings -
LR10.6 |
Kong Wai / Ling To Nullah |
Construction -
Boxing and culverting
of partial length of nullah -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of the
Road P1, Roads D5, and associated internal roads -
Construction of
industrial developments -
Construction of the
proposed EFTS |
Construction -
Loss of 570 m length of
nullah, approx. 0.3 ha -
Baseline nullah area is
approx. 0.7 ha -
A total of approx. 5 nos. of trees are impacted |
Medium |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Intermediate |
Operation -
New EFTS, road network and
Industrial Developments replacing existing nullah |
Operation -
Loss of nullah -
Replacement of existing
nullah with infrastructure and buildings |
LR10.7 |
Tau Shan Streams & Nullah |
Construction -
Boxing and culverting
of entire length of nullah -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of
associated internal industrial roads -
Construction of
industrial developments |
Construction -
Loss of 360 m length of
nullah, approx. 0.09 ha -
Baseline nullah area is
approx. 0.1 ha (streams have no approx. area) -
A total of approx. 55 nos. of trees are impacted |
Low |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Small |
Operation -
New road network and
Industrial Developments replacing existing nullah |
Operation -
Loss of nullah -
Replacement of existing
nullah with infrastructure and buildings |
LR10.8 |
Tin Road Nullah |
Construction -
Boxing and culverting
of partial length of nullah -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of the
proposed EFTS |
Construction -
Loss of 720 m length of
nullah, approx. 0.3 ha -
Baseline nullah area is
approx. 0.4 ha -
A total of approx. 9 nos. of trees are impacted |
Low |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Large |
Operation -
New EFTS and open space
developments replacing existing nullah |
Operation -
Loss of nullah -
Replacement of existing
nullah with infrastructure and buildings |
LR10.9 |
Tau Wai Nullah |
Construction -
Boxing and culverting
of partial length of nullah -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of
associated site roads -
Construction of
commercial and residential developments |
Construction -
Loss of 120 m length of
nullah, approx. 0.2 ha -
Baseline nullah area is
approx. 1.1 ha |
Low |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Small |
Operation -
New road network and
Commercial and Residential Developments replacing existing nullah |
Operation -
Loss of nullah -
Replacement of existing
nullah with infrastructure and buildings |
LR10.10 |
Po Channel |
Construction -
Nullah enhancement
measures -
Development of
associated infrastructure along nullah |
Construction -
Temporary disturbance
to existing landscape by construction activities -
Baseline water area is
approx. 4.0 ha |
High |
Temporary, Medium |
Small |
Operation -
Development of
infrastructure along nullah |
Operation Enhancement to existing nullah |
N/A |
None |
Negligible |
LR10.11 |
Sam Channel |
Construction -
Boxing and culverting
of partial length of channel -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the temporary
structures and working areas -
Construction of Road D6
and associated internal roads -
Construction of the
proposed EFTS -
Construction of C, R,
and Open Space developments |
Construction -
Temporary disturbance
to existing landscape by construction activities -
Realignment of 440 m
section of channel -
Loss of 610 m length of
channel, approx. 0.3 ha -
Baseline water area
isapprox. 2.6 ha |
High |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Intermediate |
Operation -
New EFTS and road network
and Open Space Developments replacing existing channel |
Operation -
Realignment of channel -
Loss of channel -
Replacement of existing
channel with infrastructure and buildings |
LR10.12 |
Sang San Tsuen Channel |
Construction -
Boxing and culverting of
partial length of channel -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of Road D6
and associated internal roads -
Construction of the
proposed EFTS -
Construction of C, R,
and Open Space developments |
Construction -
Temporary disturbance
to existing landscape by construction activities -
Realignment of 230 m
section of channel -
Loss of 900 m length of
channel, approx. 0.3 ha -
Baseline water area is
approx. 0.5 ha |
Medium |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Large |
Operation -
New EFTS and road
network and Open Space Developments replacing existing channel |
Operation -
Loss of channel -
Replacement of existing
channel with infrastructure and buildings |
LR10.13 |
Yuen Tsuen / Tsing Chuen Wai Nullah |
Construction -
Boxing and culverting
of partial length of nullah -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of Road D8
and associated internal roads -
Construction of the
proposed EFTS -
Construction of GIC,
OU, R, and Open Space developments |
Construction -
Loss of 400 m length of
nullah, approx. 0.2 ha -
Baseline water area is
approx. 1.2 ha |
Low |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Intermediate |
Operation -
New EFTS and road
network and Open Space Developments replacing existing nullah |
Operation -
Loss of nullah -
Replacement of existing
nullah with infrastructure and buildings |
LR11 Vegetation within Urban Parks |
LR11.1-11.5 |
within Urban Parks |
None |
None -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 11.8 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LR12 Vegetation on Modified Slopes |
LR12.1 |
Hau Tsuen |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of Road D1
and associated internal roads -
Construction of E,
GIC and open space developments |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation of
approx. 0.4 ha -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 1.0 ha -
A total of approx. 79 nos. of trees are impacted |
Low |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Small |
Operation -
New road network and
Educational, GIC, and Open Space Developments replacing existing vegetation |
Operation -
Residual impacts from
loss of existing vegetation due to the replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR12.2 |
Tsuen |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of Road
P1, Road D1, and associated internal roads -
Construction of
industrial developments |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation of
approx. 0.9 ha -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 6.0 ha -
A total of approx. 122 nos. of trees are impacted |
Medium |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Small |
Operation -
New road network and
Industrial Developments replacing existing vegetation |
Operation -
Loss of vegetation -
Residual impacts from loss of existing vegetation
due to the replacement with infrastructure and/or buildings |
LR12.3 |
Yuen Tsuen |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of Road P1
and associated internal industrial roads -
Construction of I
developments |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation of
approx. 1.2 ha -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 1.2 ha -
A total of approx. 125 nos. of trees are impacted |
Low |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Large |
Operation -
New road network and Industrial
Developments replacing existing vegetation |
Operation -
Residual impacts from
loss of existing vegetation due to the replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR12.4 |
Ma Shan |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of the
proposed fresh water service reservoir# -
Construction of access
roads |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation and
hillside areas of approx. 1.0 ha -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 20.5 ha |
Low |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Negligible |
Operation New service reservoir replacing existing
vegetation and hillsides |
Operation -
Residual impacts from
loss of existing vegetation due to the replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR13 Vegetation along TSW Promenade |
LR13.0 |
along TSW Promenade |
None |
None -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx.4.4 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LR14 Roadside Vegetation |
LR14.1 |
Bay Road |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of
associated internal site roads -
Construction of C and
OU developments |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation of
approx. 0.1 ha -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 1.1 ha. -
A total of approx. 17 nos. of trees are impacted |
Medium |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Negligible |
Operation -
New road network and
Commercial Developments replacing existing vegetation |
Operation -
Residual impacts from
loss of existing vegetation due to the replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR14.2 |
Shui Road |
None |
None -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 3.8 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LR14.3 |
Ying Road |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of Road D2,
upgrade of Tin Wah Road, and construction of internal site roads -
Construction of noise
barriers/enclosures -
Construction of the
proposed EFTS -
Construction of C, R
and OU developments |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation
ofapprox. 8.4 ha -
Baseline vegetation coverage
is approx. 12.9 ha -
A total of approx. 2717 nos. of trees are
impacted |
Medium |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Large |
Operation -
New EFTS and road
network and Commercial, Residential and OU developments replacing existing
vegetation |
Operation -
Residual impacts from
loss of existing vegetation due to the replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR14.4 |
Fau Shan Road |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of the
proposed EFTS |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation of
approx. 0.5 ha -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 0.9 ha -
A total of approx. 52 nos. of trees are impacted |
Medium |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Intermediate |
Operation -
New EFTS development
replacing existing vegetation |
Operation -
Residual impacts from
loss of existing vegetation due to the replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR14.5 |
Shan |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of associated
internal commercial and residential roads -
Construction of
commercial, residential and OU developments |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation of
approx. 0.3 ha -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 1.5 ha -
A total of approx. 103 nos. of trees are impacted |
Low |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Small |
Operation -
New road network and
Commercial, Residential and OU Developments replacing existing vegetation |
Operation -
Residual impacts from
loss of existing vegetation due to the replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR14.6 |
Ha Road |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas` -
Construction of Road D2
and associated internal site access roads -
Construction of noise
barriers/enclosures -
Construction of C, R, E
and OU developments |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation of
approx. 2.7 ha -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 4.1 ha -
A total of approx. 362 nos. of trees are impacted |
Medium |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Large |
Operation -
New road network and Commercial,
Residential, Educational and OU Developments replacing existing vegetation |
Operation -
Residual impacts from
loss of existing vegetation due to the replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR14.7 |
Tin Road |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of the
proposed EFT |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation of
approx. 1.0 ha -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 2.3 ha -
A total of approx. 241 nos. of trees are impacted |
Medium |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Intermediate |
Operation -
New EFTS network
replacing existing vegetation |
Operation -
Residual impacts from
loss of existing vegetation due to the replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR14.8 |
Ha Road |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of Road D5
and associated site access roads -
Construction of
Residential and open space developments |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation of
approx. 0.4 ha -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 1.2 ha -
A total of approx. 45 nos. of trees are impacted |
High |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Small |
Operation -
New road network,
residential, and Open Space Developments replacing existing vegetation |
Operation -
Residual impacts from
loss of existing vegetation due to the replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR14.9 |
Tsuen Road |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of Road D5
and associated internal roads -
Construction of OU
developments |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation
ofapprox. 0.9 ha -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 0.9 ha -
A total of approx. 149 nos. of trees are impacted |
Low |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Large |
Operation -
New road network and
Industrial OU Developments replacing existing vegetation |
Operation -
Residual impacts from
loss of existing vegetation due to the replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR14.10 |
Peak Road |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of
associated internal access roads -
Construction of the
proposed EFTS -
Construction of R, GIC,
and OU developments |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation of
approx. 0.6 ha -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 5.1 ha -
One no. potentially
affected Important Tree (1077-T1) -
A total of approx. 86 nos. of trees are impacted |
Medium |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Small |
Operation -
New EFTS and road network
and Residential, GIC, and OU Developments replacing existing vegetation |
Operation -
Residual impacts from
loss of existing vegetation due to the replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR14.11 |
Long Highway |
None |
None -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 6.3 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LR14.12 |
Tin Sam Road / Hung Yuen Road |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of
associated internal access roads -
Construction of R, GIC,
E, and OU developments |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation of
approx. 1.8 ha -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 2.7 ha -
A total of approx. 437 nos. of trees are impacted |
Low |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Intermediate |
Operation -
New road network and
Residential, GIC, Educational, and OU Developments replacing existing
vegetation |
Operation -
Residual impacts from
loss of existing vegetation due to the replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR14.13 |
Yuen Road |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of Road D6
and associated internal access roads -
Construction of the
proposed EFTS -
Construction of
commercial, residential, GIC, and OU developments |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation of approx.
0.2 ha -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 0.2 ha -
One no. potentially
affected Important Tree (955-T1) -
A total of approx. 19 nos. of trees are impacted |
Low |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Large |
Operation -
New EFTS and road
network and Commercial, GIC, and OU Developments replacing existing
vegetation |
Operation -
Residual impacts from
loss of existing vegetation due to the replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR14.14 |
None |
None -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 2.0 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LR15 Waterbodies |
LR15.1 |
Fau Shan |
None |
None -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 0.1 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LR15.2 |
Kong Tsuen |
None |
None -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 0.6 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LR15.3 |
Hau Tsuen |
None |
None -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 0.6 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LR15.4 |
Shan |
None |
None -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 0.8 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LR15.5 |
Kong Tsuen |
None |
None -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 0.9 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LR15.6 |
Kong Wai |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of the
Road D1 -
Construction of GIC
developments |
Construction -
Loss of water area
ofapprox. 0.2 ha -
Baseline water area
isapprox. 0.2 ha |
Low |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Large |
Operation -
New road network and
GIC replacing existing water body |
Operation -
Residual impacts from
loss of existing vegetation due to the replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR15.7 |
Bay Road |
None |
None -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 1.3 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LR15.8 |
Tau Wai |
None |
None -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 0.4 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LR15.9 |
Sha Wai |
None |
None -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 0.4 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LR15.10 |
To |
None |
None -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 0.6 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LR15.11 |
Tsz Wai |
None |
None -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 0.3 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LR15.12 |
Sang San Tsuen |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the temporary
structures and working areas -
Construction of the
Sewage Pumping Station Site 3-41 -
Construction of GIC
developments |
Construction -
Loss of water area
ofapprox. 0.3 ha -
Baseline water area
isapprox. 0.3 ha |
Low |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Large |
Operation New sewage pumping station and GIC replacing
existing water body |
Operation -
Residual impacts from
loss of existing vegetation due to the replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LR16 Mangrove |
LR16.0 |
Mangrove |
Construction -
Run-off from site
clearance works -
Run-off from
construction of the temporary structures and working areas -
Run-off from
construction of the Roads P1 and Roads D1 ¡V D7 and associated internal
industrial and residential roads -
Run-off from
construction of residential, commercial, GIC and industrial developments -
Run-off from
implementation of the proposed Open Space Framework |
Construction -
Temporary disturbance
to existing landscape resource by construction activities -
Baseline area coverage
is approx. 11.1 ha |
Low |
Temporary, Medium-term |
Small |
Operation -
None |
Operation -
None |
Low |
None |
Negligible |
LR17 Marsh |
LR17.1 |
Hau Tsuen |
None |
None -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 0.9 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LR17.2 |
Kong Tsuen |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of local
roads and associated site access roads -
Construction of the
proposed EFTS; -
Construction of OU
developments |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation of
approx. 0.6 ha -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 0.6 ha -
A total of approx. 26 nos. of trees are impacted |
Low |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Large |
Operation New EFTS and road network and OU developments
replacing existing vegetation |
Operation -
Residual impacts from loss
of existing vegetation due to the replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
Landscape Character Areas |
LCA1 |
Miscellaneous Rural Fringe Landscape |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Presence of
construction equipment -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of the
Roads P1 and Roads D1 ¡V D7 and associated internal industrial and residential
roads -
Construction of the
proposed EFTS; -
Construction of
residential, commercial, GIC and industrial developments -
Night lighting |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation of
approx. 367.5 ha -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 728.3 ha. -
Change of landscape
quality |
Medium |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Intermediate |
Operation -
New EFTS and road network
and Residential, Commercial, Industrial and Mixed Use Developments replacing
existing vegetation |
Operation -
Residual impacts from
loss of existing vegetation due to the replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LCA2 |
Urban Fringe Landscape |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Presence of
construction equipment -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of the
Roads P1 and Roads D1 ¡V D7 and associated internal residential roads -
Construction of the proposed
Construction of
residential, commercial, GIC and educational developments -
Night lighting |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation of
approx. 130.0 ha -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 165 ha. -
Change of landscape
quality |
Low |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Large |
Operation -
New EFTS and road
network and Residential, Commercial, and Mixed Use Developments replacing
existing developments and vegetation |
Operation -
Residual impacts from
loss of existing vegetation due to the replacement with infrastructure and/or
buildings |
LCA3 |
Urban Landscape |
None |
None -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 138.6 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LCA4 |
Upland and Hillside Landscape |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Presence of
construction equipment -
Construction of the temporary
structures and working areas -
Construction of the
Roads P1 and Roads D1 ¡V D7 and associated internal industrial, OU and
GIC roads -
Construction of GIC,
OU, and industrial developments -
Night lighting |
Construction. -
Loss of vegetation of approx.
19.0 ha -
Construction within
LCA4 alters perception of landscape quality and visual amenity of LCA4 -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 334 ha |
Medium |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Small |
Operation -
New EFTS and road
network and Industrial, GIC, OU replacing existing developments and
vegetation |
Operation -
Presence of the Project
alters perception of landscape quality and visual amenity of LCA4 |
LCA5 |
Valley Landscape |
None |
None -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 10.1 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LCA6 |
Coastal Plane Landscape |
Construction -
Site clearance works -
Presence of
construction equipment -
Construction of the
temporary structures and working areas -
Construction of the
Roads P1 and Roads D1 ¡V D7 and associated internal residential roads -
Construction of
residential developments -
Night lighting |
Construction -
Loss of vegetation
ofapprox. 0.6 ha -
Construction within
LCA6 alters perception of landscape quality and visual amenity of LCA6 -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 123.4 ha |
Medium |
Permanent, Irreversible |
Negligible |
Operation -
road network and Residential Developments replacing developments and existing
vegetation |
Operation -
Presence of the Project
alters perception of landscape quality and visual amenity of LCA6 |
LCA7 |
Urban Landscape |
None |
None -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 4.3 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
LCA8 |
Coast Landscape |
None |
None -
Baseline vegetation
coverage is approx. 73.0 ha |
N/A |
None |
None |
Table 11.8 Proposed Construction Phase Landscape and Visual Mitigation Measures
ID No. |
Landscape and Visual Mitigation Measures |
Funding Agency |
Implementation Agency** |
CM1 |
construction area and contractor¡¦s temporary works areas The
construction area and contractor¡¦s temporary works areas should be minimised. General Good Practice Measures - For areas unavoidably disturbed by the Project on a short-term basis e.g. works areas, the general principle to try and restore these to their former state to suit future land use, should be adhered to. |
CEDD (via Contractor) |
CM2 |
and storing of topsoil Topsoil, where identified, should be stripped and stored for re-use in the construction of the soft landscape works, where practical. The Contract Specification shall include storage and reuse of topsoil as appropriate. On potentially contaminated sites (as per Section 8) where investigation results indicate soil contamination is present, the use of contaminated soils for planting is to be avoided where appropriate. |
CEDD (via Contractor) |
CM3 |
of existing trees Tree
Protection & Preservation ¡V Existing trees to be retained within the
Project area should be carefully protected during construction. Detailed Tree
Protection Specification shall be provided in the Contract Specification.
Under this specification, the Contractor shall be required to submit, for
approval, a detailed working method statement for the protection of trees
prior to undertaking any works adjacent to all retained trees, including
trees in Contractor¡¦s works areas. A detailed tree survey will be carried out for the Tree Removal Application (TRA) process which will be carried out at the later detailed design stage of the Project. The detailed tree survey will propose which trees should be retained, transplanted or felled and will include details of tree protection measures for those trees to be retained. |
CEDD (via Contractor) |
CM4 |
of existing trees where practical Trees unavoidably affected by the Project works should be transplanted
where practical. Trees should be transplanted straight to their final
receptor site and not held in a temporary nursery as far as possible. A
detailed Tree Transplanting Specification shall be provided in the Contract
Specification, where applicable. Sufficient time for necessary tree root and
crown preparation periods shall be allowed in the Project programme. A detailed transplanting proposal will be submitted to relevant
Government departments for approval in accordance with DEVB TCW Nos 6/2015
and 7/2015 and final locations of transplanted trees should be agreed prior
to commencement of the work. For trees associated with highways e.g. roadside planting along highways, that are unavoidably affected and should be transplanted, HyD HQ/GN/13 ¡¥Interim Guidelines for Tree Transplanting Works under Highways Department's Vegetation Maintenance Ambit¡¦ should be referred to. |
CEDD (via Contractor) |
CM5 |
Control of night-time lighting Control of night-time lighting and glare by hooding all lights. Construction day and night time lighting should be controlled to
minimise glare impact to adjacent VSRs during the construction phase. |
CEDD (via Contractor) |
CM6 |
Construction of decorative hoarding around construction works Erection of decorative mesh screens or construction hoardings around
works areas in visually unobtrusive colours. Screen hoarding shall be erected along areas of the construction works
site boundary where the works site borders publically accessible routes
and/or is close to VSRs. It is proposed that the screening be compatible with
the surrounding environment and where possible, non-reflective, recessive
colours be used. |
CEDD (via Contractor) |
CM7 |
Reduction of construction period to practical minimum Options to reduce the construction period to practical minimum to be
provided. |
CEDD (via Contractor) |
CM8 |
Prevention of run-off Limitation of / Ensuring no run-off into surrounding landscape and
prohibit run-off from entering adjacent water bodies and waterways |
CEDD (via Contractor) |
CM9 |
Phasing of construction stage Phasing of the construction stage to reduce visual impacts. |
CEDD (via Contractor) |
CM10 |
Advance screen planting Advance screen planting of fast growing tree and shrub species to
noise barriers and hoardings. Trees shall be capable of reaching a height
>10m within 10 years. |
CEDD (via Contractor) |
CM11 |
Minimise disturbance footprints To minimise landscape and visual impacts, the footprint and elevation
of such elements should be optimised to reduce topographical/ landform
changes, as well as reduce land take and interference with natural terrain.
Where there is a need to significantly cut into the existing landform,
retaining walls should be considered as well as cut slopes, to minimise
landform changes and land resumption, while also considering visual amenity.
Earthworks and engineered slopes should be designed to be a visually
interesting landform, compatible with the surrounding landscape and to mimic
the natural contouring and terrain e.g. introduction and continuation of
natural features such as spurs and ridges where appropriate, to support
assimilation with the hillside setting. |
CEDD (via Contractor) |
CM12 |
Protection of existing water courses For all the natural rivers and streams inside the development area,
consideration of protection measures should be made to minimise any impacts
from the construction works. Avoid affecting watercourses ¡V In the detailed design, consideration
should be made of watercourses, to minimise any impacts e.g. at new bridge
crossings, viaducts, road alignment etc. Guidelines stated should be
followed. Bridges and box culverts should also be used to minimise the necessity
of watercourse modification and protect the watercourses where necessary. |
CEDD (via Contractor) |
CM13 |
Hydroseeding on modified slopes Hydroseeding of modified slopes should be done as soon as grading
works are completed to prevent erosion and subsequent loss of landscape
resources and character. Woodland tree seedlings and/ or shrubs should be
planted where slope gradient and site conditions allow. In addition, landscape planting should be provided for the retaining
structures associated with modified slopes where conditions allow. All slope landscaping works should comply with GEO Publication No.
1/2011-Technical Guidelines on Landscape Treatment for Slopes. |
CEDD (via Contractor) |
CM14 |
Integrate Open Space Network with existing nullah conditions For watercourses affected during construction, measures should be
sought to minimise the impact with respect to the existing nullah conditions,
existing shrubs and trees along the banks. Where natural streams are unavoidably affected along some of their
length, they can be diverted to avoid the proposed new developments and
retain the integrity of the whole stream. Detailed design of any stream
diversion should follow the Guidelines in ETWB Technical Circular (Works) No. 5/2005 (Protection of natural streams/rivers from adverse
impacts arising from construction works) and appropriate construction methods
should be used. |
CEDD (via Contractor) |
* Management and Maintenance Agencies are identified as per current
practices across the overall territory of Hong Kong, and as per DEVB TCW No. 6/2015
**CEDD will only be responsible for construction of the site formation and
essential infrastructure
Table 11.9 Proposed Operation Phase Landscape and Visual Mitigation Measures
ID No. |
Landscape and Visual Mitigation Measures |
Funding Agency |
Implementation Agency** |
Management Agency* |
Maintenance Agency* |
OM1 |
Compensatory tree planting where practical Compensatory Planting ¡V Compensatory tree planting for felled trees
shall be provided to the satisfaction of relevant Government departments.
Required numbers and locations of compensatory trees shall be determined and
agreed separately with Government during the Tree Removal Application process
under ETWBTC 7/2015. Compensatory planting is proposed at the potential open areas such as
open spaces, amenity areas, open areas of the streetscapes, as well as the
open areas within development lots. Tree compensation within the HSK NDA will be provided at a 1:1 ratio.
This means that for every tree that is removed, a new one will be planted.
Furthermore, trees affected by DPs will be compensated within their
respective DP areas. |
CEDD (via Contractor) |
OM2 |
Sensitive design of above-ground structures All above-ground structures, including Sewage Pumping Stations,
Electrical Sub-Stations, EFLS Stations, Emergency and Firemen¡¦s¡¦ Accesses,
etc. shall be sensitively designed in a manner that responds to the existing
and planned urban context. The footprint and massing of development components and the works area
should also be kept to a practical minimum and the detailed design of
development components for construction phase should follow the Sustainable Building Design Guidelines. The form, textures, finishes and colours
of the proposed development components should aim to be compatible with the
existing surroundings. To improve visual amenity designs should be
aesthetically pleasing and treatment of structures also improve visual
amenity. |
CEDD / MTR / EFTS Operator |
CEDD / MTR / EFTS Operator |
MTR / EFTS Operator |
MTR / EFTS Operator |
OM3 |
Sensitive design of hardscape elements along
roadsides Streetscape elements along new and existing roads (e.g. paving, signage, street furniture, lighting etc.) shall be sensitively designed in a manner that responds to the existing and planned urban context. |
CEDD (via Contractor) |
HyD |
HyD |
OM4 |
Reinstatement of streetscape elements All streetscape areas and hard and soft landscape areas disturbed during construction shall be reinstated to equal or better quality, to the satisfaction of the relevant Government departments. |
CEDD (via Contractor) |
HyD |
HyD |
OM5 |
Visual softening via soft landscape elements Attractive soft landscape in areas adjoining Sewage Pumping Stations, Electrical Sub-Stations, EFTS Stations, Emergency and Firemen¡¦s¡¦ Accesses, etc. (taking into account the necessary setbacks) so as to provide a visual softening and greening effect (e.g. provision of tree / shrub / climber planting). |
CEDD (via Contractor) |
OM6 |
Quality greening along roadside amenity strips Shade trees, ornamental tree / shrub / climber planting should be provided along roadside amenity strips to enhance the townscape quality. Provision of utility free planting strips for quality planting shall be adopted according to DEVB TCW 2/2012. |
CEDD (via Contractor) |
OM7 |
of street lighting Appropriate design of street lighting to avoid glare and light pollution to surrounding areas. |
CEDD (via Contractor) |
HyD |
HyD |
OM8 |
Sensitive and chromatic treatment of architectural
facades Elegant architectural and engineering design, sensitive architectural and chromatic treatment for building facades. The form, textures, finishes and colours of the proposed development components should aim to be compatible with the existing surroundings. To improve visual amenity designs should be aesthetically pleasing and treatment of structures also improve visual amenity. For example, natural building materials such as stone and timber, should be considered for architectural features, and light earthy tone colours such as shades of green, shades of grey, shades of brown and off-white should also be considered to reduce the visibility of the development components. |
ArchSD, Housing Department, Private Developer |
ArchSD, Housing Department, Private Developer |
ArchSD, Housing Department, Private Developer |
ArchSD, Housing Department, Private Developer |
OM9 |
Sensitive design of landscape areas Elegant, sensitive design and generous planting of the associated landscape areas. Open Space Provision - the principles adopted in the RODP planning ensure that public open space systems are incorporated. All requirements for open space areas stipulated in the planning documents for the formulation of the Preliminary Layout Plan should be adhered to. |
ArchSD, Housing Department, Private Developer |
ArchSD, Housing Department, Private Developer |
ArchSD, Housing Department, Private Developer |
ArchSD, Housing Department, Private Developer |
OM10 |
Sensitive design of noise barriers and enclosures The visual impact of noise barriers & enclosures will be mitigated by appropriate detailed design, including suitable combination of transparent and sound absorbent materials, appropriate colour selection of panels and supporting structures, or provision of at-grade planting of trees, shrubs and/or climbers camouflage to the barriers, as well as design of supporting structures to incorporate a high level of quality and aesthetics. A combination of transparent panels at top and solid panels at bottom would lighten the visual impact, and at the same time maintain the attractiveness by using colourful panels. (refer Figure 11.64) |
CEDD (via Contractor) |
HyD |
HyD |
OM11 |
Tree planting to site boundaries Tree planting screens along appropriate site boundaries |
CEDD (via Contractor) |
OM12 |
Night time lighting Control of lighting glare. A balance between lighting for safety, and avoiding excessive lighting can be achieved through consideration of the following: the type of lamp (light source) used; use of directional lighting to avoid light spill into sensitive areas; height of the lighting column can affect the amount/extent of glare; and control/timing of lighting periods of some facilities, particularly those close to sites of conservation importance. |
ArchSD, Housing Department, Private Developer |
ArchSD, Housing Department, Private Developer |
ArchSD, Housing Department, Private Developer |
ArchSD, Housing Department, Private Developer |
OM13 |
Green roofs and vertical greening Green roofs and vertical greening provision of green roofs and vertical greening where feasible and appropriate to mitigate visual impacts of buildings and structures |
Initiating Government Department, Private Developer |
Initiating Government Department, Private Developer |
Initiating Government Department, Private Developer |
Initiating Government Department, Private Developer |
OM14 |
Greening of viaduct structures and noise barriers Aesthetic improvement of viaduct structures and noise barriers through greening of structure where feasible and appropriate to mitigate visual impact of viaduct/noise barrier form. |
CEDD (via Contractor) |
HyD |
HyD |
*Management and Maintenance Agencies are identified as per DEVB TCW No. 6/2015. Agreement from individual agent shall be sought at the
detailed design stage before commencement of the contract.
**CEDD will only be responsible for construction of the site formation and
essential infrastructure
Note: The Contractor shall
be responsible for the maintenance of the soft landscape works during the
establishment period at operation phase. The project proponent shall then be
responsible for the management and maintenance of the soft landscape work until
such time those are successfully handed over to the designated
Programme of Implementation of Landscape and Visual Mitigation Measures
Table 11.10 Significance of Landscape Impacts in Construction and Operation Phases
ID No. |
Resources / Landscape Character |
Sensitivity (Low, Medium, High) |
Magnitude of Change (None,
Negligible, Small, Intermediate, Large)* |
Impact Significance BEFORE Mitigation (None,
Insubstantial, Slight, Moderate, Substantial) |
Recommended Mitigation Measures |
Residual Impact Significance AFTER Mitigation (None,
Insubstantial, Slight, Moderate, Substantial) |
Construction |
Operation |
Construction |
Operation |
Construction |
Operation |
DAY 1 |
YEAR 10 |
Coastal Waters & Mudflats |
LR1.0 |
Waters & Mudflats |
High |
Small |
Negligible |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
CM8, 12, 14 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Hillside Woodland |
2.1 |
Fau Shan |
High |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
2.2 |
Hom |
High |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
2.3 |
Hau Tsuen |
High |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
2.4 |
Hom Shek |
High |
Small |
Small |
Moderate |
Moderate |
OM1-13 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
2.5 |
Shan |
High |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
2.6 |
Tau Tsuen |
High |
Large |
Large |
Substantial |
Substantial |
OM1-13 |
Substantial |
Substantial |
Moderate |
2.7 |
Tsuen Road |
High |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
2.8 |
Tsuen |
Medium |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
OM1-13 |
Slight |
Slight |
Slight |
2.9 |
Tau Tsuen |
High |
Small |
Small |
Slight |
Slight |
CM1-14, OM1-14 |
Slight |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
2.10 |
Uk Tsuen |
High |
Small |
Small |
Slight |
Slight |
OM1-13 |
Slight |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
2.11 |
Lee Uk Tsuen |
High |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
Substantial |
Substantial |
OM1-14 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
2.12 |
Sang Tsuen |
High |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
Substantial |
Substantial |
OM1-13 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Slight |
2.13 |
Shan |
High |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
CM1-14, OM1-13 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Hillside Shrub & Grassland |
3.1 |
Hom |
High |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
3.2 |
Hau Tsuen |
High |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
3.3 |
Hom Shek |
High |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
3.4 |
Sang Tsuen |
High |
Small |
Small |
Slight |
Slight |
OM1-13 |
Slight |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
3.5 |
Lee Uk Tsuen |
High |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
3.6 |
Uk Tsuen |
High |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
3.7 |
Shan |
High |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
CM1-14, OM1-13 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Low-lying Woodland/ Plantation |
4.1 |
Ying Road & Tin Wah Road |
High |
Large |
Large |
Substantial |
Substantial |
OM1-13 |
Substantial |
Substantial |
Substantial |
4.2 |
Hau Tsuen |
Medium |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1-14, OM1-13 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Slight |
4.3 |
Ying Road & Ping Ha Road |
Medium |
Large |
Large |
Substantial |
Substantial |
CM1-14, OM1-13 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Slight |
4.4 |
Fong Tsuen |
Medium |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
4.5 |
Pak Lane & Ping Kwai Road |
Medium |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
4.6 |
Uk Tsuen |
High |
Small |
Small |
Slight |
Slight |
OM1-13 |
Slight |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
4.7 |
Sha Wai |
Low |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
4.8 |
Sang San Tsuen |
High |
Large |
Large |
Substantial |
Substantial |
CM1-14, OM1-13 |
Substantial |
Substantial |
Substantial |
4.9 |
Tao Tsuen |
High |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
4.10 |
Sam Road & Hung Yuen Road |
Medium |
Large |
Large |
Substantial |
Substantial |
OM1-13 |
Substantial |
Substantial |
Substantial |
4.11 |
Sam |
Medium |
Large |
Large |
Substantial |
Substantial |
OM1-13 |
Substantial |
Substantial |
Moderate |
4.12 |
Pylon |
Low |
Large |
Large |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1-14, OM1-13 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
4.13 |
Ha Tsuen |
Medium |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
Low-lying Shrub & Grassland |
5.1 |
Hau Tsuen |
Medium |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
5.2 |
Kong Wai Tsai |
Low |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
5.3 |
Kong Tsuen |
Medium |
Large |
Large |
Substantial |
Substantial |
OM1-13 |
Substantial |
Substantial |
Substantial |
5.4 |
Shan |
Low |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
5.5 |
Wai |
High |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1-14, OM1-13 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
5.6 |
Lee Uk Tsuen |
High |
Large |
Large |
Substantial |
Substantial |
CM1-14, OM1-13 |
Substantial |
Moderate |
Moderate |
5.7 |
Sang Tsuen |
Low |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1-14, OM1-13 |
Moderate |
Slight |
Slight |
5.8 |
Uk Tsuen |
Medium |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
5.9 |
Yuen Tsuen |
High |
Large |
Large |
Substantial |
Substantial |
CM1-14, OM1-13 |
Substantial |
Substantial |
Substantial |
5.10 |
Mun San Tsuen |
Low |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
5.11 |
Chuen Wai |
Low |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
5.12 |
Yan San Tsuen |
Low |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
Vegetation on Agricultural Land |
6.1 |
Kong Wai |
Low |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
6.2 |
Hau Tsuen |
Medium |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
6.3 |
Tsuen |
Low |
Small |
Small |
Slight |
Slight |
CM1-14, OM1-13 |
Slight |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
6.4 |
Sha Wai |
Medium |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
6.5 |
Po Tsuen |
Low |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1-14, OM1-13 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Slight |
6.6 |
Sang San Tsuen |
High |
Large |
Large |
Substantial |
Substantial |
CM1-14, OM1-13 |
Substantial |
Substantial |
Substantial |
6.7 |
To |
High |
Small |
Small |
Slight |
Slight |
CM1-14, OM1-13 |
Slight |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
6.8 |
Tin Sam Road & Hung Yuen Road |
High |
Large |
Large |
Substantial |
Substantial |
CM1-14, OM1-13 |
Substantial |
Substantial |
Substantial |
6.9 |
Ping San Tsuen & Nai Wai |
Medium |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
6.10 |
Sam |
Medium |
Large |
Large |
Substantial |
Substantial |
OM1-13 |
Substantial |
Substantial |
Substantial |
6.11 |
Yuen Tsuen |
Low |
Large |
Large |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1-14, OM1-13 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Slight |
6.12 |
Chuen Wai & Tuen Tsz Wai |
Low |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
6.13 |
Ha Tsuen |
Medium |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
Vegetation within Residential Developments |
7.1 |
in TSW |
Medium |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
7.2 |
along Castle Peak Road |
Medium |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
7.3 |
Meadowlands |
High |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
7.4 |
Garden |
Medium |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
7.5 |
Sherwood |
Medium |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
Vegetation within Rural Village |
8.1 |
Tso Tsuen / San Hing Tsuen |
Medium |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
8.2 |
Hing Tsuen/ Ngau Hom / Sha Kong Wai |
Medium |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
8.3 |
Fau Shan |
Medium |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
8.4 |
Bay Coast |
Medium |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
8.5 |
Kong Tsuen/ Hong Mei Tsuen/ Tseung Kong Wai |
Medium |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
8.6 |
Kong Wai / San Uk Tsuen / Ha Tsuen Shi |
Medium |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
CM1-14, OM1-13 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
8.7 |
Cheung Wai / Hang Tau Tsuen / Hang Mei Tsuen |
Medium |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
8.8 |
Chau Lei |
High |
Large |
Large |
Substantial |
Substantial |
CM1-14, OM1-13 |
Substantial |
Substantial |
Moderate |
8.9 |
Mei Tsuen / Tong Fong Tsuen / Hung Uk Tsuen |
Medium |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
8.10 |
Po Tsuen |
Low |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
8.11 |
Sang Tsuen |
Medium |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
OM1-13 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Slight |
8.12 |
Lee Uk Tsuen / Tin Sam |
Medium |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1-14, OM1-13 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
8.13 |
Shui Kiu |
Medium |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
8.14 |
Sam |
Medium |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1-14, OM1-13 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
8.15 |
Sha Wai |
Medium |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
8.16 |
Tao Tsuen |
Medium |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
8.17 |
Kwai Tsuen |
Medium |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
8.18 |
Ping San Tsuen / Cheung Uk Tsuen / Arkadia |
Medium |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
8.19 |
Yuen Tsuen |
Medium |
Large |
Large |
Substantial |
Substantial |
CM1-14, OM1-13 |
Substantial |
Substantial |
Substantial |
8.20 |
Chuen Wai / Tuen Tsz Wai |
Medium |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
8.21 |
Hang Tsuen |
Medium |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
8.22 |
Yan San Tsuen |
Low |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
Vegetation within Industrial Land / Open Storage |
9.1 |
Fau Shan |
Low |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
9.2 |
Fau Shan Road |
Low |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
Slight |
Slight |
OM1-13 |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
9.3 |
Ha Road |
Low |
Large |
Large |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1-14, OM1-13 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Slight |
9.4 |
Kong Tsuen Road / Deep Bay Road |
Low |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
Slight |
Slight |
CM1-14, OM1-13 |
Slight |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
9.5 |
Bay Road |
Low |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
9.6 |
Ha Road / Tin Yip Road |
Low |
Large |
Large |
Moderate |
Moderate |
OM1-13 |
Moderate |
Slight |
Slight |
9.7 |
Kong Wai |
Low |
Large |
Large |
Moderate |
Moderate |
OM1-13 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Slight |
9.8 |
Ha Road / Tin Ha Road |
Low |
Large |
Large |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1-14, OM1-13 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Slight |
9.9 |
Tsuen Road |
Medium |
Large |
Large |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1-14, OM1-13
Moderate |
Moderate |
Slight |
9.10 |
Tin Road / Hung Chi Road |
Medium |
Large |
Large |
Substantial |
Substantial |
CM1-14, OM1-13 |
Substantial |
Substantial |
Substantial |
9.11 |
Kong Wai Road / Ha Tsuen Road |
Low |
Large |
Large |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1-14, OM1-13 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Slight |
9.12 |
STW / Ha Tsuen Road |
Low |
Large |
Large |
Moderate |
Moderate |
OM1-13 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Slight |
9.13 |
Hei Tsuen / Fui Sha Wai |
Low |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
9.14 |
Uk Tsuen / Kiu Hung Road |
Low |
Small |
Small |
Slight |
Slight |
CM1-14, OM1-13 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
9.15 |
Shui Kiu / Hung Shui Kiu Bus Depot |
Low |
Large |
Large |
Moderate |
Moderate |
OM1-13 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Slight |
9.16 |
Lee Uk Tsuen |
Low |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
Slight |
Slight |
CM1-14, OM1-13 |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
9.17 |
Lee Uk Tsuen / San Sang Tsuen |
Low |
Large |
Large |
Moderate |
Moderate |
OM1-13 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Slight |
9.18 |
Yuen Road |
Low |
Large |
Large |
Moderate |
Moderate |
OM1-13 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Slight |
9.19 |
South |
Low |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
Slight |
Slight |
OM1-13 |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
9.20 |
Yan San Tsuen |
Low |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
Watercourse |
10.1 |
TSW River
Channel |
High |
Small |
Negligible |
Moderate |
Negligible |
CM1-14, OM1-13 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
10.2 |
Hau Tsuen Channel |
Medium |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1-14, OM1-13 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
10.3 |
Tau Tsuen Nullah |
Low |
Large |
Large |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1-14, OM1-13 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
10.4 |
Ha Road Nullah |
Medium |
Small |
Small |
Slight |
Slight |
CM1-14, OM1-13 |
Slight |
Slight |
Slight |
10.5 |
Kong Tsuen / Tseung Kong Wai Nullah |
Medium |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1-14, OM1-13 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Slight |
10.6 |
Kong Wai / Ling To Nullah |
Medium |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1-14, OM1-14 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
10.7 |
Tau Shan Streams |
Medium |
Small |
Small |
Slight |
Slight |
CM1-14, OM1-13 |
Slight |
Slight |
Slight |
10.8 |
Tin Road Nullah |
Low |
Large |
Large |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1-14, OM1-13 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
10.9 |
Tau Wai Nullah |
Medium |
Small |
Small |
Slight |
Slight |
CM1-14, OM1-13 |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
10.10 |
Po Channel |
Medium |
Small |
Negligible |
Moderate |
Negligible |
CM1-14, OM1-13 |
Moderate |
Slight |
Slight |
10.11 |
Sam Channel |
High |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1-14, OM1-13 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
10.12 |
Sang San Tsuen Channel |
Medium |
Large |
Large |
Substantial |
Substantial |
CM1-14, OM1-13 |
Substantial |
Substantial |
Substantial |
10.13 |
Yuen Tsuen / Tsing Chuen Wai Nullah |
Medium |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1-14, OM1-13 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Vegetation within Urban Parks |
11.1 |
in TSW |
Medium |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
11.2 |
Ha Road Garden |
Medium |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
11.3 |
Pak Lane Park |
Medium |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
11.4 |
Ha Road Playground |
Medium |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
11.5 |
Wai Soccer Pitch / Fuk Hang Tsuen Road Garden |
Medium |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
Vegetation on Modified Slopes |
12.1 |
Hau Tsuen |
Low |
Small |
Small |
Slight |
Slight |
OM1-13 |
Slight |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
12.2 |
Tsuen |
Low |
Small |
Small |
Slight |
Slight |
OM1-13 |
Slight |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
12.3 |
Yuen Tsuen |
Low |
Large |
Large |
Moderate |
Moderate |
OM1-13 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Slight |
12.4 |
Shan |
Medium |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
OM1-13 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Vegetation along TSW Promenade |
13.0 |
along TSW Promenade |
Medium |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
Roadside Vegetation |
14.1 |
Bay Road |
Medium |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
OM1-13 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
14.2 |
Shui Road |
Medium |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
14.3 |
Ying Road |
Medium |
Large |
Large |
Substantial |
Substantial |
CM1-14, OM1-13 |
Substantial |
Substantial |
Moderate |
14.4 |
Fau Shan Road |
Medium |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1-14, OM1-13 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Slight |
14.5 |
Shan |
Medium |
Small |
Small |
Slight |
Slight |
CM1-14, OM1-13 |
Slight |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
14.6 |
Ha road |
Medium |
Large |
Large |
Substantial |
Substantial |
CM1-14, OM1-13 |
Substantial |
Substantial |
Moderate |
14.7 |
Tin Road |
Medium |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1-14, OM1-13 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Slight |
14.8 |
Ha Road |
Medium |
Small |
Small |
Slight |
Slight |
OM1-13 |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
14.9 |
Tsuen Road |
Medium |
Large |
Large |
Substantial |
Substantial |
CM1-14, OM1-13 |
Substantial |
Substantial |
Moderate |
14.10 |
Peak Road |
Medium |
Small |
Small |
Slight |
Slight |
CM1-14, OM1-13 |
Slight |
Slight |
Slight |
14.11 |
Long Highway |
Medium |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
14.12 |
Tin Sam Road / Hung Yuen Road |
Medium |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1-14, OM1-13 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Slight |
14.13 |
Yuen Road |
Medium |
Large |
Large |
Substantial |
Substantial |
CM1-14, OM1-13 |
Substantial |
Substantial |
Substantial |
14.14 |
Medium |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
Waterbodies |
15.1 |
Fau Shan |
Low |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
15.2 |
Kong Tsuen |
Medium |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
15.3 |
Hau Tsuen |
Low |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
15.4 |
Shan |
High |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
15.5 |
Kong Tsuen |
High |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
15.6 |
Kong Wai |
Low |
Large |
Large |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1-14, OM1-13 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Slight |
15.7 |
Bay Road |
Low |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
15.8 |
Tau Wai |
High |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
15.9 |
Sha Wai |
Low |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
15.10 |
To |
High |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
15.11 |
Tsz Wai |
Low |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
15.12 |
San Sang San Tsuen |
Low |
Large |
Large |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1-14, OM1-13 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Slight |
Mangrove |
16.0 |
Mangrove |
High |
Small |
Negligible |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
CM1-14, OM1-13 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Marsh |
17.1 |
Hau Tsuen |
High |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
17.2 |
Kong Tsuen |
High |
Large |
Large |
Substantial |
Substantial |
CM1-14, OM1-13 |
Substantial |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Character Areas |
LCA1 |
Rural Fringe Landscape |
Medium |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1-14, OM1-14 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Slight |
LCA2 |
Urban Fringe Landscape |
Medium |
Large |
Large |
Substantial |
Substantial |
CM1-14, OM1-13 |
Substantial |
Substantial |
Moderate |
LCA3 |
Urban Landscape |
Medium |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
LCA4 |
and Hillside Landscape |
High |
Small |
Small |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1-14, OM1-14 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Slight |
LCA5 |
Valley Landscape |
Medium |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
LCA6 |
Coastal Plane Landscape |
High |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Not required |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
LCA7 |
Urban Landscape |
Medium |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
LCA8 |
Coast Landscape |
High |
None |
None |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
Zone of Visual Influence (ZVI)
Baseline Visual Conditions
Key Positive Visual Elements
¡P TSW River Channel, Tim Sam Channel, and Shek Po Channel
¡P Ridgelines of Yuen Tau Shan, Tai Lam Country Park, and along the northern boundary of Project
¡P Several vegetated woodland hillsides rising above the valley bottom
¡P TSW Promenade and associated vegetation
¡P Vegetation associated with rural agriculture and village areas
¡P Ling To Temple and nearby valley environment
¡P Key Negative Visual Elements
¡P Scattered, haphazard areas of light industrial sheds, buildings, and storage yards
¡P Haphazard placement of port back up storage yards
¡P Presence of and traffic along the KSWH, Yuen Long Highway, and Castle Peak Road
Visually Sensitive Receivers (VSRs)
¡P Type of VSR: VSRs are categorised according to whether the viewer is at home, at work or school, at play or leisure, or travelling. (Ranked by the major VSR types, as described below)
- Residential VSRs ¡V These VSRs are people living in the area and who view the proposed Project from their homes. They are considered the most sensitive VSRs due to the character of the view from their homes having a substantial effect on their perception of quality and acceptability of their home environment and general quality of life.
- Occupational VSRs ¡V These VSRs are people working or in education in the area, who view the proposed Project from their workplace or education centre. Visual amenity is in general not considered a top priority within the average workplace and these VSRs are considered to be relatively less sensitive than residential VSRs as their view will have a less important, although still material, effect on their perception of quality of life. The degree to which this applies to workers depends on whether their location is industrial, retail or commercial. The VSRs in industrial areas, such as factories, are generally considered to be the least sensitive, due to the relatively low quality of their existing view in an industrial area.
- Recreational VSRs ¡V These VSRs are people engaging in recreational activities such as hikers on established trails and footpaths, people participating in team sports at recreation grounds or at leisure. Sensitivity of these VSRs depends on duration of stay, nature of the activity and how enclosed the location is.
- Travelling VSRs ¡V These VSRs are people travelling on public roads and railways, both in public and private vehicles and on foot. They have varying sensitivity depending on the speed, nature and frequency of travel, but are generally considered to be transitory to the area with less regard for the surrounding views and with low sensitivity.
¡P Number of individuals (Ranked as very many, many, few or very few)
Higher number of individuals within a VSR contributes to an increase in the level of sensitivity for that VSR
¡P Quality of existing view (Ranked as good, fair or poor)
Good quality existing views contribute to an increase in the levels of sensitivity for that VSR, while poor quality views contribute to a decrease
¡P Availability of alternative views (Ranked as yes or no)
The absence of alternative views contributes to an increase in sensitivity for the respective VSR as the importance of the existing view is heightened
¡P Degree of visibility / distance between VSR & nearest source(s) of Impact (Ranked as full, partial or obscured)
VSRs with full views have a greater exposure than partial and obscured views, and this contributes to an increased level of sensitivity, as does the VSR¡¦s proximity to the nearest source of impact
¡P Duration of view (Ranked temporary or permanent)
VSRs with permanent duration of views have a longer exposure than those with a temporary duration, contributing to an increased level of sensitivity
¡P Frequency of view (Ranked intermittent or continuous)
¡P VSRs with a continuous frequency of views have a higher awareness than those with an intermittent duration, contributing to an increased level of sensitivity
High: The VSR is highly sensitive to any change in the viewing
experience (e.g. residential, recreational and travelling VSRs where the
principle view is of the development site, formalised public viewpoints or the
Medium: The VSR is
moderately sensitive to any change in the viewing experience (e.g. residential,
recreational, occupational and travelling VSRs where the secondary view is of
the development); and
Low: The VSR is slightly sensitive to any change in the
viewing experience (e.g. VSRs travelling through the landscape, residential and
recreational VSRs who are far away, and occupational VSRs for whom the view
does not significantly impact the experience of place).
Table 11.11 Sensitivity of VSRs
Number of
Individuals (Very Few,
Few, Many, Very Many) |
of Existing View (Good, Fair, Poor) |
Availability of Alternative Views (Yes / No) |
and Frequency of Views to Source(s) of Impact (Temporary/Permanent & Intermittent/Continuous) |
Degree of Visibility
of Source(s) of Visual Impact (Full, Partial, Obscured) & Distance Between VSR & Nearest Source(s) of Impact |
of the VSR (High/ Medium/Low) |
Construction |
Operation |
Construction |
Operation |
RES-1 |
Residents in West TSW (Tin
Yan Estate, Tin Wah Estate, Tin Shui Estate, Tin Oi Court, Locwood Court, Tin
Shing Court, Tin Yiu Estate, Tin Tsz Estate, Sherwood Court) |
Very Many |
Good |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Full, ~150 m |
Full, ~500 m |
High |
RES-2 |
Residents in Sha Kong
Wai, Sha Kong Wai Tsai, and Flowery Villas |
Many |
Fair |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Partial, ~200 m |
Partial, ~200 m |
High |
RES-3 |
Residents in Fung Kong
Tsuen |
Many |
Fair |
No |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Partial, 0 m |
Partial, 0 m |
High |
RES-4 |
Residents in Lo Uk
Tsuen, Hong Mei Tsuen, San Wai, Sik Kong Tsuen, and Tung Tau Tsuen |
Many |
Fair |
No |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Partial, 0 m |
Partial, 0 m |
High |
RES-5 |
Residents in Hang Tau Tsuen,
Ping Wu Garden and Elle Garden |
Many |
Fair |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Partial, ~320 m |
Partial, ~320 m |
High |
RES-6 |
Residents in Hung Uk
Tsuen and Kiu Tau Wai |
Many |
Fair |
No |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Partial, 0 m |
Partial, 0 m |
High |
RES-7 |
Residents in Scenic
Gardens and Villa By The Park |
Many |
Good |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Partial, ~1375 m |
Partial, ~1375 |
Medium |
RES-8 |
Residents in Wo Ping San
Tsuen, Tan Kwai Tsuen, The Verdancy, The Meadowlands, and Chung Uk Tsuen |
Many |
Fair |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Full, ~300 m |
Full, ~300 m |
High |
RES-9 |
Residents in Sun Fung
Wai |
Many |
Fair |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Full, ~160 m |
Full, ~160 m |
High |
RES-10 |
Residents in Hung Shui
Kiu |
Many |
Fair |
No |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
High |
RES-11 |
Residents in Shek Po
Tsuen |
Many |
Fair |
No |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
High |
RES-12 |
Residents in San Sang
Tsuen |
Many |
Fair |
No |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
High |
RES-13 |
Residents in Lung Fung
Fa Yuen, Lingrade Garden, Tuen Mun San Tsuen, Hanison Garden, |
Many |
Fair |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Partial, ~ 670 m |
Partial, ~670 m |
High |
RES-14 |
Residents in Sherwood
and Botania Villa |
Many |
Good |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Partial, ~400 m |
Partial, ~400 m |
High |
RES-15 |
Residents in Fu Tai Estate |
Many |
Good |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Partial, ~1000 m |
Partial, ~1000 m |
High |
RES-16 |
Residents in Siu Hong
Court |
Many |
Good |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Partial, ~1200 m |
Partial, ~1200 m |
High |
RES-17 |
Residents in Grandeur
Gardens, Elegance Gardens, Brilliant Garden and Noble Place |
Very Many |
Good |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Partial, ~1400 m |
Partial, ~1400 m |
Medium |
RES-18 |
Residents in Parkland
Hills and Prime View Garden |
Very Many |
Good |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Partial, ~1600 m |
Partial, ~1600 m |
Medium |
RES-19 |
Residents in Po Tin
Estate, Blossom Garden, Siu Hin Court Shun, Tin King Estate and San Wai Court |
Many |
Good |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Partial, ~2400 m |
Partial, ~2400 m |
Medium |
RES-20 |
Residents in
developments south of Castle Peak Road (Meadowlands, Uptown, The Woodside,
and Treasure Court) |
Many |
Good |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Full, 200 m |
Full, 200 m |
High |
RES-21 |
Residents in Parkview
Garden, Casa De Oro, and Aster Court |
Many |
Good |
No |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
High |
RES-22 |
Residents Public Rental
Housing Development at Hung Shui Kiu Area 13 |
Many |
Good |
No |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
High |
RES-23 |
Residents in
developments in Tung Chuen Wai and its surrounding areas |
Many |
Poor |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Obscured, ~9500 m |
Obscured, ~9500 m |
Low |
RES-24 |
Residents in Tuen Tsz
Wai |
Many |
Fair |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Partial, ~430 m |
Partial, ~430 m |
High |
RES-25 |
Residents in Villa
Pinada development |
Many |
Good |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Partial, ~1000 m |
Partial, ~1000 m |
High |
RES-26 |
Residents in Hong Lai,
Tseng Tau Chung Tsuen, and Eldo Court |
Very Many |
Good |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Partial, ~2100 m |
Partial, ~2100 m |
Medium |
RES-27 |
Residents in Tai Hing Garden,
Tai Hing Estate and Affluence Garden |
Very Many |
Good |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Partial, ~2500 m |
Partial, ~2500 m |
Medium |
RES-28 |
Residents in Shan King
Estate |
Very Many |
Good |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Partial, ~1600 m |
Partial, ~1600 m |
Medium |
RES-29 |
Residents in Sheung Pak
Nai |
Few |
Good |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Partial, ~2000 m |
Partial, ~2000 m |
Low |
RES-30 |
Residents in Pak Nai |
Few |
Good |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Obscured, ~2900 m |
Obscured, ~2900 m |
Low |
RES-31 |
Residents in Ha Pak Nai |
Few |
Good |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Obscured, ~4500 m |
Obscured, ~4500 m |
Low |
RES-32 |
Residents in Hang Hau
Tsuen |
Many |
Fair |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Full, ~100 m |
Full, ~100 m |
High |
RES-33 |
Residents in Tuen Mun
Town Plaza |
Very Many |
Good |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Obscured, ~2500 m |
Obscured, ~2500 m |
Low |
RES-34 |
Residents in Shan King
Estate, King Fu and King Kwai House |
Very Many |
Good |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Partial, ~2500 m |
Partial, ~2500 m |
Medium |
RES-35 |
Residents in Mong Tseng
Tsuen |
Many |
Fair |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Partial, ~2100 m |
Partial, ~2100 m |
Medium |
RES-36 |
Residents in Crystal
Park, Sereno Verde Pradera and Yee Fung Garden |
Very Many |
Poor |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Partial, ~2200 m |
Partial, ~2200 m |
Medium |
RES-37 |
Residents in Yuen Long
between Ma Tong Road and Castle Peak Road |
Very Many |
Fair |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Partial, ~2200 m |
Partial, ~2200 m |
Medium |
RES-38 |
Residents in Long Ping
Estate |
Very Many |
Fair |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Partial, ~1630 m |
Partial, ~1630 m |
Medium |
RES-39 |
Residents in Fairview
residential development and its surrounding areas |
Very Many |
Fair |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Obscured, ~5500 m |
Obscured, ~5500 m |
Low |
RES-40 |
Residents in Wong Nai
Tun Tsuen |
Many |
Fair |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Obscured, ~2800 m |
Obscured, ~2800 m |
Low |
RES-41 |
Residents in villages
south of Yuen Long |
Many |
Fair |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Obscured, ~2250 |
Obscured, ~2250 m |
Medium |
RES-42 |
Residents in Ngau Tam
Mei |
Many |
Good |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Obscured, ~6600 m |
Obscured, ~6600 m |
Low |
RES-43 |
Residents in Royal
Palms Residential Development |
Many |
Fair |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Obscured, ~6890 m |
Obscured, ~6890 m |
Low |
RES-44 |
Residents in Kam Tin |
Many |
Good |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Obscured, ~6400 m |
Obscured, ~6400 m |
Low |
RES-45 |
Residents in Tai Tong |
Many |
Good |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Obscured, ~2690 m |
Obscured, ~2690 m |
Low |
RES-46 |
Future Residents in HOS
near TSW Station (Site 5-6) |
Many |
Good |
No |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
High |
RES-47 |
Residents in Sunny
Villas, Tseung Kong Wai, Sik Kong Wai,
Ha Tsuen Shi, and San Uk Tsuen |
Many |
Fair |
No |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
High |
RES-48 |
Residents in Tsz Tin
Tsuen and Grand Villa |
Many |
Fair |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Partial, ~1570 m |
Partial, ~1570 m |
Medium |
RES-49 |
Residents in Tong Yan San
Tsuen, The Eldorado, Kisland Villa, Marbella Gardens and nearby residential
developments |
Many |
Fair |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Partial, ~1050 m |
Partial, ~1050 m |
Medium |
RES-50 |
Residents in Grandeur
Terrace, Tin Chak Estate, Tin Heng Estate, and Tin Yat Estate |
Many |
Good |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Partial, ~900 m |
Partial, ~900 m |
High |
RES-51 |
Residents in Tin Fu
Court, Tin Yuet Estate, Tin Ching Estate |
Many |
Good |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Partial, ~960 m |
Partial, ~960 m |
High |
RES-52 |
Residents in Tin Chung
Court, Chestwood Court, Central Park Towers, Kingswood Ginza |
Many |
Good |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Full, ~600 m |
Full, ~600 m |
High |
REC-1 |
Hikers along Castle
Peak Trails |
Few |
Good |
Yes |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Full, ~0-6150 m |
Full, ~00-6150 m |
High |
REC-2 |
Hikers along Tai Lam
Country Park Trails |
Few |
Good |
Yes |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Full, ~1000-10100 m |
Full, ~1000-10100 m |
High |
REC-3 |
Hikers on Kai Shan |
Few |
Good |
Yes |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Partial, ~1400 m |
Partial, ~1400 m |
High |
REC-4 |
Hikers on Lau Fau Shan |
Few |
Good |
Yes |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Partial, ~600 m |
Partial, ~600 m |
High |
REC-5 |
Users of TSW Promenade |
Many |
Good |
No |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Full, ~110 m |
Full, ~110 m |
High |
REC-6 |
Visitors to Tsui Sing
Lau Pagoda |
Few |
Poor |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Full, ~240 m |
Full, ~240 m |
High |
REC-7 |
Visitors to Yuen Ping
Shan Tang Clan Gallery Cum Heritage Trail Visitors Centre |
Few |
Fair |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Full, ~200 m |
Full, ~200 m |
High |
REC-8 |
Hikers along the
Hillside north of the Project |
Few |
Good |
No |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
High |
REC-9 |
Users of Tin Shui Road
Park |
Many |
Fair |
Yes |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Partial, ~380 m |
Partial, ~380 m |
High |
REC-10 |
Users of Ping Ha Road
Garden |
Few |
Poor |
No |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
Medium |
REC-11 |
Users of Sik Kong Tsuen
Playground and Ha Tsuen Football Field |
Few |
Fair |
No |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
Medium |
REC-12 |
Users of Shek Po Tsuen Playground |
Few |
Poor |
No |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
Medium |
REC-13 |
Users of Ping Pak Lane
Park |
Many |
Poor |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Partial, ~250 m |
Partial, ~250 m |
Medium |
REC-14 |
Users of Tong Yan San
Tsuen Playground |
Few |
Fair |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Partial, ~1000 m |
Partial, ~1000 m |
Low |
REC-15 |
Users of Tin Ha Road
Playground |
Many |
Fair |
No |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
Medium |
REC-16 |
Users of Nai Wai Soccer
Pitch |
Many |
Fair |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Partial, 250 m |
Partial, 250 m |
Medium |
REC-17 |
Users of Fuk Hang
Playground |
Few |
Fair |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Full, ~130 m |
Full, ~130 m |
Medium |
REC-18 |
Users of Fung Tei
Garden |
Many |
Fair |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Obscured, 1900 m |
Obscured, ~1900 m |
Low |
REC-19 |
Recreational marine
craft users of Deep Bay |
Few |
Good |
Yes |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Partial, ~640-6850 m |
Partial, ~640-6850 m |
High |
REC-20 |
Users of Lingnan
University Outdoor Sportsfield |
Many |
Good |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Partial, ~1200 m |
Partial, ~1200 m |
Low |
REC-21 |
Users of Tsing Tin
Playground |
Many |
Fair |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Obscured, ~2500 m |
Obscured, ~2500 m |
Low |
REC-22 |
Users of Tang Shiu Kin
Sports Ground |
Many |
Good |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Obscured, ~2500 m |
Obscured, ~2500 m |
Low |
REC-23 |
Users of Yeung King
Playground |
Many |
Fair |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Obscured, ~3100 m |
Obscured, ~3100 m |
Low |
REC-24 |
Users Mong Tseng Wai
Basketball Court |
Many |
Fair |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Partial, ~2200 m |
Partial, ~2200 m |
Low |
REC-25 |
Users of Yuen Long Park
and Yuen Long Stadium |
Many |
Good |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Obscured, ~1980 m |
Obscured, ~1980 m |
Low |
REC-26 |
Hikers on Ki Lun Shan |
Few |
Good |
Yes |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Partial, ~10500 m |
Partial, ~10500 m |
Medium |
REC-27 |
Hikers in Lam Tsuen
Country Park |
Few |
Good |
Yes |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Partial, ~7800 m |
Partial, ~7800 m |
Medium |
REC-28 |
Hikers on Ho Hok Shan |
Few |
Good |
Yes |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Partial, ~4500 m |
Partial, ~4500 m |
Medium |
REC-29 |
Users of Shui Mei
Village Playground |
Few |
Good |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Obscured, ~6000 m |
Obscured, ~6000 m |
Low |
REC-30 |
Users of TSW Park |
Many |
Fair |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Obscured, ~900 m |
Obscured, ~900 m |
Low |
REC-31 |
Users of Hong Wetland
Park |
Many |
Good |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Obscured, ~1600 m |
Obscured, ~1600 m |
High |
REC-32 |
Users of Tin Sau Road
Community Garden and Tin Sau Road Park |
Many |
Fair |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Obscured, ~1050 m |
Obscured, ~1050 m |
Low |
REC-33 |
Users of Dragons Park
and Tin Pak Road Park |
Many |
Fair |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Obscured, ~960 m |
Obscured, ~960 m |
Low |
T-1 |
Motorists along KSWH |
Many |
Good |
Yes |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
Medium |
T-2 |
Users of the MTR
between TSW and Siu Hong Station |
Many |
Good |
No |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
Medium |
T-3 |
Motorists along Yuen
Long Highway |
Many |
Good |
Yes |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Full, ~380 m |
Full, ~380 m |
Medium |
T-4 |
Motorists along Hung
Tin Road |
Many |
Fair |
No |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
Medium |
T-5 |
Motorists along Castle
Peak Road |
Many |
Good |
Yes |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
Medium |
T-6 |
Motorists along Ping Ha
Road |
Many |
Fair |
No |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
Medium |
T-7 |
Motorists along Tin Ha
Road |
Many |
Fair |
No |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
Medium |
T-8 |
Motorists along Shek Po
Road |
Many |
Fair |
No |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
Medium |
T-9 |
Motorists along Tin Sam
Road |
Few |
Fair |
No |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
Medium |
T-10 |
Motorists along Hung
Yuen Road and Hung Chi Road |
Few |
Good |
No |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
Medium |
T-11 |
Motorists along Sha
Chau Lei Road |
Few |
Good |
No |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
Medium |
T-12 |
Motorists along Hung Shui
Kui Main Street |
Many |
Fair |
No |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
Medium |
T-13 |
Motorists along Lau Fau
Shan Road |
Many |
Fair |
No |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
Medium |
T-14 |
Motorists along Deep
Bay Road |
Few |
Poor |
Yes |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Partial, ~0 m |
Partial, ~0 m |
Low |
T-15 |
Motorists along
Shenzhen Bay Bridge |
Many |
Good |
Yes |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Partial, ~540-3500 m |
Partial, ~540-3900 m |
Medium |
T-16 |
Passengers on Light
Rail System |
Many |
Fair |
Yes |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
Medium |
T-17 |
Cyclists along Castle
Peak Road |
Few |
Good |
Yes |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
High |
T-18 |
Cyclists along Tin Ha
Road |
Few |
Fair |
No |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
High |
T-19 |
Cyclists along Shek Po
Road |
Few |
Fair |
No |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
High |
T-20 |
Cyclists along Ping Ha
Road |
Few |
Fair |
No |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
High |
T-21 |
Cyclists along Hung
Yuen Road |
Few |
Good |
No |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
High |
T-22 |
Cyclists along Tin Sum
Road |
Few |
Fair |
No |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
High |
T-23 |
Cyclists along Tin Ying
Road and Hung Tin Road |
Few |
Good |
No |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
High |
T-24 |
Motorists along Tuen
Mun Road |
Many |
Good |
Yes |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Partial, ~1000 m |
Partial, ~1000 m |
Medium |
T-25 |
Travelers on MTR
between Tin Shui Wai and Siu Hong |
Many |
Good |
Yes |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Partial, ~1360 m |
Partial, ~1360 m |
Medium |
T-26 |
Motorists along Ming
Kum Road |
Many |
Fair |
Yes |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Partial, ~1500 m |
Partial, ~1500 m |
Low |
T-27 |
Travelers on MTR
between TSW and Yuen Long |
Many |
Good |
Yes |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Partial, ~920 m |
Partial, ~920 m |
Medium |
T-28 |
Motorists on San Tin
Highway |
Many |
Good |
Yes |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Obscured, ~5500 m |
Obscured, ~5500 m |
Low |
T-29 |
Motorists on Long Tin Road |
Many |
Good |
Yes |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Partial, ~950 m |
Partial, ~950 m |
Medium |
T-30 |
Motorists on Tin Wah
Road |
Many |
Fair |
Yes |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Partial, 0 m |
Partial, 0 m |
Medium |
T-31 |
Motorists on Fuk Hang
Tsuen Road |
Few |
Fair |
Yes |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Partial, ~200 m |
Partial, ~200 m |
Medium |
T-32 |
Motorists on Tsing Lun
Road |
Many |
Fair |
Yes |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Partial, ~720 m |
Partial, ~720 m |
Medium |
T-33 |
Motorists on Kung Um
Road |
Many |
Good |
Yes |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Obscured, ~2100 m |
Obscured, ~2100 m |
Low |
T-34 |
Motorists on Tai Shu Ha
Road |
Many |
Good |
Yes |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Obscured, ~3100 m |
Obscured, ~3100 m |
Low |
T-35 |
Motorists on Ma Wang
Road |
Many |
Fair |
Yes |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Partial, ~2100 m |
Partial, ~2100 m |
Medium |
T-36 |
Motorists on Ng Lau
Road |
Few |
Fair |
Yes |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Partial, ~730 m |
Partial, ~730 m |
Medium |
O-1 |
Teachers and students
at Shung Tak Catholic English College |
Few |
Fair |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Full, ~140 m |
Full, ~140 m |
Low |
O-2 |
Workers at Multiwin
Logistics |
Few |
Fair |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Partial, ~190 m |
Partial, ~190 m |
Low |
O-3 |
Workers at Lam Tei
Quarry |
Few |
Good |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Partial, ~1300 m |
Partial, ~1300 m |
Low |
O-4 |
Teachers and students at
Madam Lau Kam Lung Secondary School |
Few |
Good |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Partial, ~320 m |
Partial, ~320 m |
Low |
O-5 |
Teachers and students
at Hing Tak School |
Few |
Good |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Obscured, ~390 m |
Obscured, ~390 m |
Low |
O-6 |
Teachers and students
at WF Joseph Lee Primary School, Heung Tao Middle School, and Pansy Ho
Activity Centre |
Few |
Fair |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Partial, ~430 m |
Partial, ~430 m |
Low |
O-7 |
Teachers and students at
Po Kok Branch School |
Few |
Poor |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Partial, ~500 m |
Partial, ~500 m |
Low |
O-8 |
Workers in Industrial
Area of Yuen Long South |
Few |
Fair |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Obscured, ~1780 m |
Obscured, ~1780 m |
Low |
O-9 |
Teachers and students
at Ho Dao College |
Few |
Good |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Full, ~170 m |
Full, ~170 m |
Low |
O-10 |
Teachers and students
at VTC Youth College, Yan Chai Hospital Nina Lam Kindergarten, and Pui Shing Catholic
Secondary School |
Few |
Good |
No |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Full, ~110 m |
Full, ~110 m |
Medium |
O-11 |
Teachers and students
at Caritas Lok Kan School, and
TWGH Leo Tung-hai Lee Primary School |
Few |
Good |
No |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Full, ~200 m |
Full, ~200 m |
Medium |
O-12 |
Teachers and students
at Yau Tze Tin Memorial College |
Few |
Good |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Obscured, ~1100 m |
Obscured, ~1100 m |
Low |
O-13 |
Workers at North West
New Territories Refuse Transfer Station
Few |
Fair |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Partial, ~800 m |
Partial, ~800 m |
Low |
O-14 |
Workers On Oyster Farms
in Deep Bay |
Few |
Good |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Partial, ~1500 m |
Partial, ~1500 m |
Low |
O-15 |
Workers at Power
station located near Black Point (Lan Kok Tsui) |
Few |
Fair |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Partial, ~7800 m |
Partial, ~7800 m |
Low |
O-16 |
Students and Teachers at
Lingnan University |
Few |
Fair |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Obscured, ~1500 m |
Obscured, ~1500 m |
Low |
O-17 |
Workers at Tai Hing
Commercial Complex |
Few |
Poor |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Obscured, ~2600 m |
Obscured, ~2600 m |
Low |
O-18 |
Workers and Patients at
Tuen Mun Hospital |
Few |
Good |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Obscured, ~1900 m |
Obscured, ~1900 |
Low |
O-19 |
Workers and Patients at
Castle Peak Hospital |
Few |
Good |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Obscured, ~1900 m |
Obscured, ~1900 m |
Low |
O-20 |
Workers in Industrial
area of Ping Shan |
Few |
Poor |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Partial, ~360 m |
Partial, ~360 m |
Low |
O-21 |
Workers in Industrial
Area North of Yuen Long |
Few |
Fair |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Obscured, ~2500 m |
Obscured, ~2500 m |
Low |
O-22 |
Workers in Industrial
Area of Ha Tsuen |
Few |
Fair |
No |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
Medium |
O-23 |
Workers in Tung Tau
Industrial Area |
Few |
Fair |
Yes |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Obscured, ~2550 m |
Obscured, ~2550 m |
Low |
Potential Sources of Visual Impacts
Magnitude of Visual Change before Mitigation in the Construction and Operation phases
¡P Compatibility of the Project with the Visual Backdrop: A ranking of High, Medium or Low is assigned according to the compatibility of the Project with the Visual Backdrop. Compatibility is determined by the visual consistency, proportion, scale, colour, texture, form of the Project in relation to what is presently available in forming the Visual Backdrop for the VSR. The Visual Backdrop may be made up of the surrounding landscape, geological features, waterways, and urban skyline that is viewable from the VSR;
¡P Duration and Frequency of Impact: A ranking of Temporary or Permanent define the duration of impact, while Intermittent and Continuous define the frequency. These are assigned according to the amount of time during which the VSR experiences the impact of the project;
Temporary: The impacts of the Project on the VSR are experienced for a finite duration; the Project will not always be visible;
Permanent: The impacts of the Project on the VSR are to remain constant; the Project will always be visible;
Intermittent: The impacts of the Project on the VSR are interrupted at times, occurring within discreet events; the Project will not be continually visible;
Continuous: The impacts of the Project on the VSR are experienced over an ongoing frequency; the Project will be continually visible.
¡P Scale of Development: A ranking of Large, Medium or Small is assigned according to the relative size, height and span of the Project;
¡P Reversibility of Change: A ranking of Yes or No is assigned according to whether the Project is Permanent or Temporary;
¡P Degree of Visibility of Sources of Visual Impact: A ranking of Full, Partial or Obscured is assigned according to the visibility of the Project, as a function of distance from the VSR and/or the absence/presence of any obstructions, such as existing structures or landscape elements, which may inhibit visibility. (For example, the Project may be located immediately adjacent to a VSR, but its visibility may be inhibited by the presence of existing tall buildings located between the VSR and the Project.):
Full: The Project is fully visible to the VSR as a function of distance
and/or the absence of any obstructions;
Partial: The Project is only partially visible to the VSR as a function of
distance and/or the presence of obstructions;
Obscured: The Project is mostly hidden or concealed from the VSR as a
function of distance and/or the presence of obstructions.
¡P Distance Between VSR & Nearest Sources of Impact: The approximate distance between the VSR and the nearest source of impact as part of the Project (for example, a building or noise barrier) is indicated in metres; and
Blockage of Existing View: A ranking of Full, Partial, Slight, Negligible
or None is assigned in an effort to anticipate the impact of the Project on the
VSR¡¦s existing view, as a function of changes to existing views or view
corridors resulting from construction of the new built form.
Full: The existing view is fully
blocked by the Project as a function of an increase or decrease in the
Partial: The existing view is partially blocked by the Project as a function of an increase or decrease in the blockage;
Slight: The existing view is only
slightly blocked by the Project as a function of an increase or decrease in the
Negligible: The blockage of the existing view by the Project is negligible as a function of an increase or decrease in the blockage;
None: The existing view is not blocked
as a result of the Project.
Large: |
The VSRs would suffer a major change in their viewing experience; |
Intermediate: |
The VSRs would suffer a moderate change in their viewing experience; |
Small: |
The VSRs would suffer a small change in their viewing experience; |
Negligible: |
The VSRs would suffer no discernible change in their viewing experience. |
None |
The VSRs would suffer no change in their viewing |
Landscape and Visual Mitigation Measures
Table 11.12 Magnitude of Visual Change during the Construction and Operation Phases before Mitigation (Overall Project, Schedule 3)
Key VSR |
Compatibility of the Project with the Visual
Backdrop (High/Medium/Low) |
Duration and Frequency of Impacts (Temporary/Permanent
& Intermittent/Continuous) |
Scale of Development (Large/Medium/Small) & Reversibility of Change
(Yes/No) |
Degree of Visibility of Source(s) of Visual Impact (Full, Partial,
Obscured) & Distance
Between VSR & Nearest Source(s) of Impact |
Potential Blockage of Existing View (Full/Partial/Slight/Negligible) |
Magnitude of Visual Change BEFORE Mitigation (None, Negligible, Small, Intermediate, Large) |
Construction |
Operation |
Construction |
Operation |
Construction |
Operation |
Construction |
Operation |
VSRs |
RES-1 |
Residents in West TSW (Tin Yan Estate, Tin Wah Estate,
Tin Shui Estate, Tin Oi Court, Locwood Court, Tin Shing Court, Tin Yiu
Estate, Tin Tsz Estate, Sherwood Court) |
Low |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Full, ~150 m |
Full, ~500 m |
Full |
Full |
Large |
Large |
This VSR would mainly experience views to the
west towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and continuous. Due to close proximity, the
Project would be visible during Construction and Operation. Any existing views, including distant
views to the west of the HSK valley and Lau Fau Shan behind it, would be
blocked by the Project. In terms of the source of visual impacts, views
during construction may include site clearance, site formation and
development of new buildings, while views during operation may include new
residential, commercial and institutional buildings. Due to the factors
outlined above, combined with the large scale of the development in the view
and a ¡§Low¡¨ compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change
during Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Large¡¨. Refer to Figures 11.17a and
11.17b for an example of how
views may be impacted on Day 1 and Year 10 of the operation phase. |
RES-2 |
Residents in Sha Kong Wai, Sha Kong Wai Tsai, and
Flowery Villas |
Low |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Partial, ~200 m |
Partial, ~200 m |
Full |
Full |
Large |
Large |
This VSR would mainly experience views to the
south and to the west towards the Project. The duration and frequency of
impacts can be characterised as permanent and continuous. Due to close
proximity, the Project would be visible during Construction and Operation.
Any existing views, including distant views of Yuen Tau Shan to the
southwest, would be blocked by the Project. In terms of the source of visual
impacts, views during construction may include site clearance, site formation
and development of new buildings, while views during operation may include
new residential and commercial buildings. Due to the factors outlined above,
combined with the large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§Low¡¨
compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during
Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Large¡¨. |
RES-3 |
Residents in Fung Kong Tsuen |
Low |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Partial, 0 m |
Partial, 0 m |
Full |
Full |
Large |
Large |
This VSR would mainly experience views to the
north, south and east towards the Project. The duration and frequency of
impacts can be characterised as permanent and continuous. Despite immediate
adjacency, the Project would be partially visible during Construction and
Operation as a result of visual obstructions in the foreground. Any existing
views, including distant views of Yuen Tau Shan to the southwest and Lam Tei
to the southeast, would be blocked by the Project. In terms of the source of
visual impacts, views during construction may include site clearance, site
formation and development of new buildings, while views during operation may
include new residential, commercial and institutional buildings. Due to the
factors outlined above, combined with the large scale of the development in
the view and a ¡§Low¡¨ compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of
change during Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Large¡¨. |
RES-4 |
Residents in Lo Uk Tsuen, Hong Mei Tsuen, San
Wai, Sik Kong Tsuen, and Tung Tau Tsuen |
Low |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Partial, 0 m |
Partial, 0 m |
Full |
Full |
Large |
Large |
This VSR would experience views in all directions
towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and continuous. Despite immediate adjacency, the
Project would be partially visible during Construction and Operation as a
result of visual obstructions in the foreground. Any existing views,
including distant views of Lau Fau Shan and Yuen Tau Shan to the west, would
be blocked by the Project. In terms of the source of visual impacts, views
during construction may include site clearance, site formation and development
of new buildings, while views during operation may include new residential,
commercial and institutional buildings. Due to the factors outlined above,
combined with the large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§Low¡¨
compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during
Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Large¡¨. |
RES-5 |
Residents in Hang Tau Tsuen, Ping Wu Garden and
Elle Garden |
Low |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Partial, ~320 m |
Partial, ~320 m |
Full |
Full |
Large |
Large |
This VSR would experience views to the west
towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and continuous. Due to proximity, the Project
would be partially visible during Construction and Operation. Any existing
views, including distant views of Lau Fau Shan and Yuen Tau Shan to the west,
would be blocked by the Project. In terms of the source of visual impacts,
views during construction may include site clearance, site formation and
development of new buildings, while views during operation may include new
residential and institutional buildings. Due to the factors outlined above,
combined with the large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§Low¡¨
compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during
Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Large¡¨. |
RES-6 |
Residents in Hung Uk Tsuen and Kiu Tau Wai |
Low |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Partial, 0 m |
Partial, 0 m |
Full |
Full |
Large |
Large |
This VSR would experience views to the west
towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and continuous. Despite immediate adjacency, the
Project would be partially visible during Construction and Operation as a
result of visual obstructions in the foreground. Any existing views,
including distant views of Lau Fau Shan and Yuen Tau Shan to the west, would
be blocked by the Project. In terms of the source of visual impacts, views
during construction may include site clearance, site formation and
development of new buildings, while views during operation may include new
residential, commercial and institutional buildings. Due to the factors
outlined above, combined with the large scale of the development in the view
and a ¡§Low¡¨ compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change
during Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Large¡¨. |
RES-7 |
Residents in Scenic Gardens and Villa By The Park |
Medium |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Partial, ~1375 m |
Partial, ~1375 m |
Partial |
Partial |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
This VSR would experience views to the west towards
the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be characterised as
permanent and continuous. Despite
this VSR¡¦s distance, the Project would be partially visible during
Construction and Operation. Any existing views, including distant views of
Lau Fau Shan and Yuen Tau Shan to the west, would be partially blocked. In
terms of the source of visual impacts, views during construction may include
site clearance, site formation and development of new buildings, while views
during operation may include new residential, commercial and institutional
buildings. Due to the factors outlined above, combined with the large scale
of the development in the view and a ¡§Medium¡¨ compatibility with the visual
backdrop, the magnitude of change during Construction and Operation is
considered to be ¡§Intermediate¡¨. |
RES-8 |
Residents in Wo Ping San Tsuen, Tan Kwai Tsuen,
The Verdancy, The Meadowlands, and Chung Uk Tsuen |
Low |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Full, ~300 m |
Full, ~300 m |
Full |
Full |
Large |
Large |
This VSR would experience views to the north and
west towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and continuous. Due to close proximity, the
Project would be visible during Construction and Operation. Any existing
views, including distant views of Lau Fau Shan and Yuen Tau Shan to the west/
northwest, would be blocked. In terms of the source of visual impacts, views
during construction may include site clearance, site formation and development
of new buildings, while views during operation would include new residential
and commercial buildings. Due to the factors outlined above, combined with
the large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§Low¡¨ compatibility with
the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during Construction and
Operation is considered to be ¡§Large¡¨. |
RES-9 |
Residents in Sun Fung Wai |
Low |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Full, ~160 m |
Full, ~160 m |
Full |
Full |
Large |
Large |
This VSR would experience views to the north and
west towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and continuous. Due to close proximity, the
Project would be visible during Construction and Operation. Any existing views, including distant
views of Lau Fau Shan and Yuen Tau Shan to the west/northwest, would be
blocked. In terms of the source of visual impacts, views during construction
may include site clearance, site formation and development of new buildings,
while views during operation would include new residential, commercial and
institutional buildings. Due to the factors outlined above, combined with the
large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§Low¡¨ compatibility with the
visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during Construction and Operation is
considered to be ¡§Large¡¨. |
RES-10 |
Residents in Hung Shui Kiu |
Low |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
Full |
Full |
Large |
Large |
This VSR would experience views in all directions
towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and continuous. Due to immediate adjacency, the
Project would be visible during Construction and Operation. Any existing
views, including distant views of Lau Fau Shan and Yuen Tau Shan to the
west/northwest and Lam Tei to the east, would be blocked. In terms of the
source of visual impacts, views during construction may include site
clearance, site formation and development of new buildings, while views
during operation would include new residential, commercial and institutional
buildings. Due to the factors outlined above, combined with the large scale
of the development in the view and a ¡§Low¡¨ compatibility with the visual
backdrop, the magnitude of change during Construction and Operation is
considered to be ¡§Large¡¨. |
RES-11 |
Residents in Shek Po Tsuen |
Low |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
Full |
Full |
Large |
Large |
This VSR would experience views in all directions
towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and continuous. Due to immediate adjacency, the
Project would be visible during Construction and Operation. Any existing
views, including distant views of Lau Fau Shan and Yuen Tau Shan to the
west/northwest and Lam Tei to the southeast, would be blocked. In terms of
the source of visual impacts, views during construction may include site
clearance, site formation and development of new buildings, while views
during operation would include new residential, commercial and institutional
buildings. Due to the factors outlined above, combined with the large scale
of the development in the view and a ¡§Low¡¨ compatibility with the visual
backdrop, the magnitude of change during Construction and Operation is
considered to be ¡§Large¡¨. |
RES-12 |
Residents in San Sang Tsuen |
Low |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
Full |
Full |
Large |
Large |
This VSR would experience views in all directions
towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and continuous. Due to immediate adjacency, the
Project would be visible during Construction and Operation. Any existing
views, including distant views of Lau Fau Shan and Yuen Tau Shan to the
west/northwest and Lam Tei to the southeast, would be blocked. In terms of
the source of visual impacts, views during construction may include site
clearance, site formation and development of new buildings, while views
during operation would include new residential, commercial and institutional
buildings. Due to the factors outlined above, combined with the large scale
of the development in the view and a ¡§Low¡¨ compatibility with the visual
backdrop, the magnitude of change during Construction and Operation is
considered to be ¡§Large¡¨. |
RES-13 |
Residents in Lung Fung Fa Yuen, Lingrade Garden,
Tuen Mun San Tsuen, Hanison Garden, |
Low |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Partial, ~ 670 m |
Partial, ~670 m |
Full |
Full |
Large |
Large |
This VSR would experience views to the northeast
towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and continuous. Despite this VSR¡¦s distance, the
Project would be partially visible during Construction and Operation. Any
existing views would be blocked. In terms of the source of visual impacts,
views during construction may include site clearance, site formation and
development of new buildings, while views during operation would include the
new buildings forming the development. Due to the factors outlined above,
combined with the large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§Low¡¨
compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during
Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Large¡¨. |
RES-14 |
Residents in Sherwood and Botania Villa |
Low |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Partial, ~400 m |
Partial, ~400 m |
Full |
Full |
Large |
Large |
This VSR would experience views to the north
towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and continuous. Despite this VSR¡¦s distance, the
Project would be partially visible during Construction and Operation. Any
existing views would be blocked. In terms of the source of visual impacts,
views during construction may include site clearance, site formation and
development of new buildings, while views during operation would include the
new buildings forming the development. Due to the factors outlined above,
combined with the large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§Low¡¨
compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during
Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Large¡¨. |
RES-15 |
Residents in Fu Tai Estate |
Medium |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Partial, ~1000 m |
Partial, ~1000 m |
Partial |
Partial |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
This VSR would experience views to the north and northeast
towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and continuous. Despite this VSR¡¦s distance, the
Project would be partially visible during Construction and Operation. Any
existing views would be partially blocked. In terms of the source of visual
impacts, views during construction may include site clearance, site formation
and development of new buildings, while views during operation would include
the new buildings forming the development. Due to the factors outlined above,
combined with the large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§Medium¡¨
compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during
Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Intermediate¡¨. |
RES-16 |
Residents in Siu Hong Court |
Medium |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Partial, ~1200 m |
Partial, ~1200 m |
Partial |
Partial |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
This VSR would experience views to the north and
northeast towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and continuous. Despite this VSR¡¦s distance, the
Project would be partially visible during Construction and Operation. Any
existing views would be partially blocked. In terms of the source of visual
impacts, views during construction may include site clearance, site formation
and development of new buildings, while views during operation would include
the new buildings forming the development. Due to the factors outlined above,
combined with the large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§Medium¡¨
compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during
Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Intermediate¡¨. |
RES-17 |
Residents in Grandeur Gardens, Elegance Gardens,
Brilliant Garden and Noble Place |
Medium |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Partial, ~1400 m |
Partial, ~1400 m |
Slight |
Slight |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
This VSR would experience views to the north and
northeast towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and continuous. Despite this VSR¡¦s distance, the
Project would be partially visible during Construction and Operation. The
Project would have only a slight impact on existing views. In terms of the
source of visual impacts, views during construction may include site
clearance, site formation and development of new buildings, while views
during operation would include the new buildings forming the development. Due
to the factors outlined above, combined with the large scale of the
development in the view and a ¡§Medium¡¨ compatibility with the visual
backdrop, the magnitude of change during Construction and Operation is
considered to be ¡§Intermediate¡¨. |
RES-18 |
Residents in Parkland Hills and Prime View Garden |
Medium |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Partial, ~1600 m |
Partial, ~1600 m |
Slight |
Slight |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
This VSR would experience views to the north and
northeast towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and continuous. Despite this VSR¡¦s distance, the
Project would be partially visible during Construction and Operation. The
Project would have only a slight impact on existing views. In terms of the
source of visual impacts, views during construction may include site
clearance, site formation and development of new buildings, while views
during operation would include the new buildings forming the development. Due
to the factors outlined above, combined with the large scale of the
development in the view and a ¡§Medium¡¨ compatibility with the visual
backdrop, the magnitude of change during Construction and Operation is
considered to be ¡§Intermediate¡¨. |
RES-19 |
Residents in Po Tin Estate, Blossom Garden, Siu
Hin Court Shun, Tin King Estate and San Wai Court |
Medium |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Partial, ~2400 m |
Partial, ~2400 m |
Slight |
Slight |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
This VSR would experience views to the northeast
towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and continuous. Despite this VSR¡¦s distance, the
Project would be partially visible during Construction and Operation. The
Project would have only a slight impact on existing views. In terms of the
source of visual impacts, views during construction may include site
clearance, site formation and development of new buildings, while views
during operation would include the new buildings forming the development. Due
to the factors outlined above, combined with the large scale of the
development in the view and a ¡§Medium¡¨ compatibility with the visual
backdrop, the magnitude of change during Construction and Operation is
considered to be ¡§Intermediate¡¨. |
RES-20 |
Residents in developments south of Castle Peak
Road (Meadowlands, Uptown, The Woodside, and Treasure Court) |
Low |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Full, 200 m |
Full, 200 m |
Full |
Full |
Large |
Large |
This VSR would experience views to the north,
west and southwest towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts
can be characterised as permanent and continuous. Due to close proximity, the
Project would be visible during Construction and Operation. Any existing
views, including distant views of Yuen Tau Shan to the west/northwest, would
be blocked. In terms of the source of visual impacts, views during
construction may include site clearance, site formation and development of
new buildings, while views during operation would include the new
residential, commercial and institutional buildings. Due to the factors outlined
above, combined with the large scale of the development in the view and a
¡§Low¡¨ compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during
Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Large¡¨. |
RES-21 |
Residents in Parkview Garden, Casa De Oro, and
Aster Court |
Low |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
Full |
Full |
Large |
Large |
This VSR would experience views in all directions
towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be characterised
as permanent and continuous. Due to immediate adjacency, the Project would be
visible during Construction and Operation. Any existing views, including
views of Yuen Tau Shan to the west/northwest and Lam Tei to the east, would
be blocked. In terms of the source of visual impacts, views during
construction may include site clearance, site formation and development of
new buildings, while views during operation would include the residential,
commercial and institutional buildings. Due to the factors outlined above,
combined with the large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§Low¡¨
compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during
Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Large¡¨. |
RES-22 |
Residents Public Rental Housing Development at
Hung Shui Kiu Area 13 |
Low |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
Full |
Full |
Large |
Large |
This VSR would experience views in all directions
towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and continuous. Due to immediate adjacency, the
Project would be visible during Construction and Operation. Any existing
views, including distant views of Yuen Tau Shan to the west/northwest and Lam
Tei to the east, would be blocked. In terms of the source of visual impacts,
views during construction may include site clearance, site formation and
development of new buildings, while views during operation would include the
residential, commercial and institutional buildings. Due to the factors
outlined above, combined with the large scale of the development in the view
and a ¡§Low¡¨ compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change
during Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Large¡¨. |
RES-23 |
Residents in developments in Tung Chuen Wai and
its surrounding areas |
High |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Obscured, ~9500 m |
Obscured, ~9500 m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
None |
None |
This VSR would experience negligible views to the
southwest towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and continuous. Due this VSR¡¦s distance from the
Project, views of the Project would largely be obscured. The impact of the
Project on existing views would be negligible. In terms of the source of
visual impacts, views during construction would be obscured due to distance
from the project, as would views during operation. Due to the factors
outlined above, combined with the large scale of the development in the view
and a ¡§High¡¨ compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change
during Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§None¡¨. |
RES-24 |
Residents in Tuen Tsz Wai |
Medium |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Partial, ~430 m |
Partial, ~430 m |
Partial |
Partial |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
This VSR would experience views to the northeast
towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and continuous. Despite this VSR¡¦s distance, the
Project would be partially visible during Construction and Operation. Any
existing views would be partially blocked. In terms of the source of visual
impacts, views during construction may include site clearance, site formation
and development of new buildings, while views during operation would include
the new buildings forming the development. Due to the factors outlined above,
combined with the large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§Medium¡¨
compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during
Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Intermediate¡¨. |
RES-25 |
Residents in Villa Pinada development |
Medium |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Partial, ~1000 m |
Partial, ~1000 m |
Partial |
Partial |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
This VSR would experience views to the northeast
towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and continuous. Despite this VSR¡¦s distance, the
Project would be partially visible during Construction and Operation. Any
existing views would be partially blocked. In terms of the source of visual
impacts, views during construction may include site clearance, site formation
and development of new buildings, while views during operation would include
the new buildings forming the development. Due to the factors outlined above,
combined with the large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§Medium¡¨
compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during
Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Intermediate¡¨. |
RES-26 |
Residents in Hong Lai, Tseng Tau Chung Tsuen, and
Eldo Court |
High |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Partial, ~2100 m |
Partial, ~2100 m |
Slight |
Slight |
Small |
Small |
This VSR would experience views to the north
towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and continuous. Despite this VSR¡¦s distance, the
Project would be partially visible during Construction and Operation. Any
existing views would be slightly blocked. In terms of the source of visual
impacts, views during construction may include site clearance, site formation
and development of new buildings, while views during operation would include
the new buildings forming the development. Due to the factors outlined above,
combined with the large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§High¡¨
compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during
Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Small¡¨. |
RES-27 |
Residents in Tai Hing Garden, Tai Hing Estate and
Affluence Garden |
Medium |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Partial, ~2500 m |
Partial, ~2500 m |
Slight |
Slight |
Small |
Small |
This VSR would experience views to the north
towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and continuous. Despite this VSR¡¦s distance, the
Project would be partially visible during Construction and Operation. Any
existing views would be slightly blocked. In terms of the source of visual
impacts, views during construction may include site clearance, site formation
and development of new buildings, while views during operation would include
the new buildings forming the development. Due to the factors outlined above,
combined with the large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§Medium¡¨
compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during
Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Small¡¨. |
RES-28 |
Residents in Shan King Estate |
Medium |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Partial, ~1600 m |
Partial, ~1600 m |
Slight |
Slight |
Small |
Small |
This VSR would experience views to the northwest
towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and continuous. Despite this VSR¡¦s distance, the
Project would be partially visible during Construction and Operation. Any
existing views would be slightly blocked. In terms of the source of visual
impacts, views during construction may include site clearance, site formation
and development of new buildings, while views during operation would include
the new buildings forming the development. Due to the factors outlined above,
combined with the large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§Medium¡¨
compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during
Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Small¡¨. |
RES-29 |
Residents in Sheung Pak Nai |
Medium |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Partial, ~2000 m |
Partial, ~2000 m |
Slight |
Slight |
Small |
Small |
This VSR would experience views to the east
towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and continuous. Despite this VSR¡¦s distance, the Project
would be partially visible during Construction and Operation. Any existing
views would be slightly blocked. In terms of the source of visual impacts,
views during construction may include site clearance, site formation and
development of new buildings, while views during operation would include the
new buildings forming the development. Due to the factors outlined above,
combined with the large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§Medium¡¨
compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during
Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Small¡¨. |
RES-30 |
Residents in Pak Nai |
High |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Obscured, ~2900 m |
Obscured, ~2900 m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
This VSR would experience views to the east
towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and continuous. Due this VSR¡¦s distance from the
Project, views of the Project would largely be obscured. The impact of the
Project on existing views would be negligible. In terms of the source of
visual impacts, views during construction would be obscured due to distance
from the project, as would views during operation. Due to the factors
outlined above, combined with the large scale of the development in the view
and a ¡§High¡¨ compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change
during Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Negligible¡¨. |
RES-31 |
Residents in Ha Pak Nai |
High |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Obscured, ~4500 m |
Obscured, ~4500 m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
This VSR would experience views to the northeast
towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and continuous. Due this VSR¡¦s distance from the
Project, views of the Project would largely be obscured. The impact of the
Project on existing views would be negligible. In terms of the source of
visual impacts, views during construction would be obscured due to distance
from the project, as would views during operation. Due to the factors
outlined above, combined with the large scale of the development in the view
and a ¡§High¡¨ compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change
during Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Negligible¡¨. |
RES-32 |
Residents in Hang Hau Tsuen |
Low |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Full, ~100 m |
Full, ~100 m |
Partial |
Partial |
Large |
Large |
This VSR would mainly experience views to the
south towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and continuous. Due to close proximity, the
Project would be visible during Construction and Operation. Any existing
views, including distant views of Yuen Tau Shan to the southwest and Lam Tei
to the southeast, would be partially blocked by the Project. In terms of the
source of visual impacts, views during construction may include site
clearance, site formation and development of new buildings, while views
during operation may include new residential, commercial and institutional
buildings. Due to the factors outlined above, combined with the large scale
of the development in the view and a ¡§Low¡¨ compatibility with the visual
backdrop, the magnitude of change during Construction and Operation is
considered to be ¡§Large¡¨. |
RES-33 |
Residents in Tuen Mun Town Plaza |
High |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Obscured, ~2500 m |
Obscured, ~2500 m |
Slight |
Slight |
Negligible |
Negligible |
This VSR would experience views to the north
towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and continuous. Due this VSR¡¦s distance from the Project,
views of the Project would largely be obscured. The Project would only have a
slight impact on existing views. In terms of the source of visual impacts,
views during construction would be obscured due to distance from the project,
as would views during operation. Due to the factors outlined above, combined
with the large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§High¡¨
compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during
Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Negligible¡¨. |
RES-34 |
Residents in Shan King Estate, King Fu and King
Kwai House |
Medium |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Partial, ~2500 m |
Partial, ~2500 m |
Slight |
Slight |
Small |
Small |
This VSR would experience views to the northwest towards
the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be characterised as
permanent and continuous. Despite this VSR¡¦s distance, the Project would be
partially visible during Construction and Operation. Any existing views would
be slightly blocked. In terms of the source of visual impacts, views during
construction may include site clearance, site formation and development of
new buildings, while views during operation would include the new buildings
forming the development. Due to the factors outlined above, combined with the
large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§Medium¡¨ compatibility with
the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during Construction and
Operation is considered to be ¡§Small¡¨. |
RES-35 |
Residents in Mong Tseng Tsuen |
Medium |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Partial, ~2100 m |
Partial, ~2100 m |
Slight |
Slight |
Small |
Small |
This VSR would experience views to the southwest
towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and continuous. Despite this VSR¡¦s distance, the
Project would be partially visible during Construction and Operation. Any
existing views would be slightly blocked. In terms of the source of visual
impacts, views during construction may include site clearance, site formation
and development of new buildings, while views during operation would include
the new buildings forming the development. Due to the factors outlined above,
combined with the large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§Medium¡¨
compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during
Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Small¡¨. |
RES-36 |
Residents in Crystal Park, Sereno Verde Pradera
and Yee Fung Garden |
Medium |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Partial, ~2200 m |
Partial, ~2200 m |
Slight |
Slight |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
This VSR would experience views to the west
towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be characterised
as permanent and continuous. Despite this VSR¡¦s distance, the Project would
be partially visible during Construction and Operation. Any existing views
would be slightly blocked. In terms of the source of visual impacts, views
during construction may include site clearance, site formation and
development of new buildings, while views during operation would include the
new buildings forming the development. Due to the factors outlined above,
combined with the large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§Medium¡¨
compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during
Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Intermediate¡¨. |
RES-37 |
Residents in Yuen Long between Ma Tong Road and
Castle Peak Road |
High |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Partial, ~2200 m |
Partial, ~2200 m |
Slight |
Slight |
Small |
Small |
This VSR would experience views to the west
towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and continuous. Despite this VSR¡¦s distance, the
Project would be partially visible during Construction and Operation. Any
existing views would be slightly blocked. In terms of the source of visual
impacts, views during construction may include site clearance, site formation
and development of new buildings, while views during operation would include
the new buildings forming the development. Due to the factors outlined above,
combined with the large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§High¡¨
compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during
Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Small¡¨. |
RES-38 |
Residents in Long Ping Estate |
Medium |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Partial, ~1630 m |
Partial, ~1630 m |
Slight |
Slight |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
This VSR would experience views to the west
towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and continuous. Despite this VSR¡¦s distance, the
Project would be partially visible during Construction and Operation. Any
existing views would be slightly blocked. In terms of the source of visual
impacts, views during construction may include site clearance, site formation
and development of new buildings, while views during operation would include
the new buildings forming the development. Due to the factors outlined above,
combined with the large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§Medium¡¨
compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during
Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Intermediate¡¨. |
RES-39 |
Residents in Fairview residential development and
its surrounding areas |
High |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Obscured, ~5500 m |
Obscured, ~5500 m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
This VSR would experience views to the west
towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and continuous. Due this VSR¡¦s distance from the Project,
views of the Project would largely be obscured. The Project would have a
negligible impact on existing views. In terms of the source of visual
impacts, views during construction would be obscured due to distance from the
project, as would views during operation. Due to the factors outlined above,
combined with the large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§High¡¨
compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during
Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Negligible¡¨. |
RES-40 |
Residents in Wong Nai Tun Tsuen |
High |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Obscured, ~2800 m |
Obscured, ~2800 m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
This VSR would experience views to the northwest towards
the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be characterised as
permanent and continuous. Due this VSR¡¦s distance from the Project, views of
the Project would largely be obscured. The Project would have a negligible
impact on existing views. In terms of the source of visual impacts, views
during construction would be obscured due to distance from the project, as
would views during operation. Due to the factors outlined above, combined
with the large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§High¡¨
compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during
Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Negligible¡¨. |
RES-41 |
Residents in villages south of Yuen Long |
High |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Obscured, ~2250 |
Obscured, ~2250 m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
This VSR would experience views to the northwest
towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and continuous. Due this VSR¡¦s distance from the
Project, views of the Project would largely be obscured. The Project would
have a negligible impact on existing views. In terms of the source of visual
impacts, views during construction would be obscured due to distance from the
project, as would views during operation. Due to the factors outlined above,
combined with the large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§High¡¨
compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during
Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Negligible¡¨. |
RES-42 |
Residents in Ngau Tam Mei |
High |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Obscured, ~6600 m |
Obscured, ~6600 m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
This VSR would experience views to the southwest
towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and continuous. Due this VSR¡¦s distance from the
Project, views of the Project would largely be obscured. The Project would
have a negligible impact on existing views. In terms of the source of visual
impacts, views during construction would be obscured due to distance from the
project, as would views during operation. Due to the factors outlined above,
combined with the large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§High¡¨
compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during
Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Negligible¡¨. |
RES-43 |
Residents in Royal Palms Residential Development |
High |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Obscured, ~6890 m |
Obscured, ~6890 m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
None |
None |
This VSR would experience views to the southwest
towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be characterised
as permanent and continuous. Due this VSR¡¦s distance from the Project, views
of the Project would largely be obscured. The Project would have a negligible
impact on existing views. In terms of the source of visual impacts, views
during construction would be obscured due to distance from the project, as
would views during operation. Due to the factors outlined above, combined
with the large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§High¡¨
compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during
Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§None¡¨. |
RES-44 |
Residents in Kam Tin |
High |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Obscured, ~6400 m |
Obscured, ~6400 m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
This VSR would experience views to the west
towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and continuous. Due this VSR¡¦s distance from the
Project, views of the Project would largely be obscured. The Project would
have a negligible impact on existing views. In terms of the source of visual
impacts, views during construction would be obscured due to distance from the
project, as would views during operation. Due to the factors outlined above,
combined with the large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§High¡¨
compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during
Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Negligible¡¨. |
RES-45 |
Residents in Tai Tong |
High |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Obscured, ~2690 m |
Obscured, ~2690 m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
This VSR would experience views to the northwest
towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be characterised
as permanent and continuous. Due this VSR¡¦s distance from the Project, views
of the Project would largely be obscured. The Project would have a negligible
impact on existing views. In terms of the source of visual impacts, views
during construction would be obscured due to distance from the project, as
would views during operation. Due to the factors outlined above, combined
with the large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§High¡¨
compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during
Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Negligible¡¨. |
RES-46 |
Future Residents in HOS near TSW Station (Site
5-6) |
Low |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
Full |
Full |
Large |
Large |
This VSR would experience views to the west
towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and continuous. Due to immediate adjacency, the
Project would be visible during Construction and Operation. Any existing
views, including distant views of Lau Fau Shan and Yuen Tau Shan to the west,
would be blocked. In terms of the source of visual impacts, views during
construction may include site clearance, site formation and development of
new buildings, while partial views during operation may include new
residential, commercial and institutional buildings. Due to the factors
outlined above, combined with the large scale of the development in the view
and a ¡§Low¡¨ compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change
during Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Large¡¨. |
RES-47 |
Residents in Sunny Villas, Tseung Kong Wai, Sik
Kong Wai, Ha Tsuen Shi, and San
Uk Tsuen |
Low |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
Full |
Full |
Large |
Large |
This VSR would experience views in all directions
towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and continuous. Due to immediate adjacency, the
Project would be visible during Construction and Operation. Any existing
views, including distant views of Lau Fau Shan and Yuen Tau Shan to the west
and Lam Tei to the southeast, would be blocked by the Project. In terms of
the source of visual impacts, views during construction may include site
clearance, site formation and development of new buildings, while views
during operation may include new residential, commercial and institutional
buildings. Due to the factors outlined above, combined with the large scale
of the development in the view and a ¡§Low¡¨ compatibility with the visual
backdrop, the magnitude of change during Construction and Operation is
considered to be ¡§Large¡¨. |
RES-48 |
Residents in Tsz Tin Tsuen and Grand Villa |
Medium |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Partial, ~1570 m |
Partial, ~1570 m |
Partial |
Partial |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
This VSR would experience views to the northeast
towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and continuous. Despite this VSR¡¦s distance, the
Project would be partially visible during Construction and Operation. Any
existing views would be partially blocked. In terms of the source of visual
impacts, views during construction may include site clearance, site formation
and development of new buildings, while views during operation would include
the new buildings forming the development. Due to the factors outlined above,
combined with the large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§Medium¡¨
compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during
Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Intermediate¡¨. |
RES-49 |
Residents in Tong Yan San Tsuen, The Eldorado,
Kisland Villa, Marbella Gardens and nearby residential developments |
Medium |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Partial, ~1050 m |
Partial, ~1050 m |
Partial |
Partial |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
This VSR would experience views to the west
towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be characterised
as permanent and continuous. Despite this VSR¡¦s distance, the Project would
be partially visible during Construction and Operation. Any existing views
would be partially blocked. In terms of the source of visual impacts, views
during construction may include site clearance, site formation and
development of new buildings, while views during operation would include the
new buildings forming the development. Due to the factors outlined above,
combined with the large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§Medium¡¨
compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during
Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Intermediate¡¨. |
RES-50 |
Residents in Grandeur Terrace Tin Chak Estate,
Tin Heng Estate, and Tin Yat Estate |
Medium |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Partial, ~1120 m |
Partial, ~1120 m |
Partial |
Partial |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
This VSR would experience views to the west and southwest
towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and continuous. Despite this VSR¡¦s distance, the
Project would be partially visible during Construction and Operation. Any
existing views would be partially blocked. In terms of the source of visual
impacts, views during construction may include site clearance, site formation
and development of new buildings, while views during operation would include
the new buildings forming the development. Due to the factors outlined above,
combined with the large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§Medium¡¨
compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during
Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Intermediate¡¨. Refer to Figures 11.17a and
11.17b for an example of how
views may be impacted on Day 1 and Year 10 of the operation phase. |
RES-51 |
Residents in Tin Fu Court, Tin Yuet Estate, Tin Ching
Estate |
High |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Partial, ~960 m |
Partial, ~960 m |
Partial |
Partial |
Small |
Small |
This VSR would experience views to the west and
southwest towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and continuous. Despite this VSR¡¦s distance, the
Project would be partially visible during Construction and Operation. Any
existing views would be partially blocked. In terms of the source of visual
impacts, views during construction may include site clearance, site formation
and development of new buildings, while views during operation would include
the new buildings forming the development. Due to the factors outlined above,
combined with the large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§High¡¨
compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during
Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Small¡¨. Refer to Figures 11.17a and
11.17b for an example of how
views may be impacted on Day 1 and Year 10 of the operation phase. |
RES-52 |
Residents in Tin Chung Court, Chestwood Court,
Central Park Towers, Kingswood Ginza |
High |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Full, ~600 m |
Full, ~600 m |
Partial |
Partial |
Small |
Small |
This VSR would experience views to the west
towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and continuous. Despite this VSR¡¦s distance, the
Project would be visible during Construction and Operation. Any existing
views would be partially blocked. In terms of the source of visual impacts,
views during construction may include site clearance, site formation and
development of new buildings, while views during operation would include the
new buildings forming the development. Due to the factors outlined above,
combined with the large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§High¡¨
compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during
Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Small¡¨. |
VSRs |
REC-1 |
Hikers along Castle Peak Trails |
Low |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Large, No |
Full, ~0-6150 m |
Full, ~00-6150 m |
Partial |
Partial |
Large |
Large |
This VSR would experience views to the northeast
and east towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be characterised
as permanent and intermittent due to the changing nature of conditions along
the trail. According to a hiker¡¦s position along the trail, the Project would
be in full view during Construction and Operation. In terms of the source of
visual impacts, views of the Project during construction may include site
clearance, site formation and development of new buildings, while views
during operation would include the new buildings forming the development.
Existing views from locations along the trail may be partially blocked by the
project. Due to the factors outlined above, combined with the large scale of
the development in the view and a ¡§Low¡¨ compatibility with the visual
backdrop, the magnitude of change during Construction and Operation is considered
to be ¡§Large¡¨. Refer to Figures 11.15a and
11.15b for an example of how
views may be impacted on Day 1 and Year 10 of the operation phase. |
REC-2 |
Hikers along Tai Lam Country Park Trails |
Medium |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Large, No |
Full, ~1000-10100 m |
Full, ~1000-10100 m |
Partial |
Partial |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
This VSR would experience views to the northwest and
west towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and intermittent due to the changing nature of
conditions along the trail. According to a hiker¡¦s position along the trail,
the Project would be in full view during Construction and Operation. In terms
of the source of visual impacts, views of the Project during construction may
include site clearance, site formation and development of new buildings,
while views during operation would include the new buildings forming the
development. Existing views from locations along the trail may be partially
blocked by the project. Due to the factors outlined above, combined with the
large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§Medium¡¨ compatibility with
the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during Construction and
Operation is considered to be ¡§Intermediate¡¨. |
REC-3 |
Hikers on Kai Shan |
High |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Large, No |
Partial, ~1400 m |
Partial, ~1400 m |
Partial |
Partial |
Small |
Small |
This VSR would experience views to the west and
southwest towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and intermittent due to the changing nature of
conditions along the trail. According to a hiker¡¦s position on Kai Shan, the
Project would be in partial view during Construction and Operation. In terms
of the source of visual impacts, views of the Project during construction may
include site clearance, site formation and development of new buildings,
while views during operation would include the new buildings forming the
development. Existing views from Kai Shan may be partially blocked by the
project. Due to the factors outlined above, combined with the large scale of
the development in the view and a ¡§High¡¨ compatibility with the visual
backdrop, the magnitude of change during Construction and Operation is
considered to be ¡§Small¡¨. |
REC-4 |
Hikers on Lau Fau Shan |
Low |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Large, No |
Partial, ~600 m |
Partial, ~600 m |
Partial |
Partial |
Large |
Large |
This VSR would experience views to the south and
southwest towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and intermittent due to the changing nature of
conditions along the trail. According to a hiker¡¦s position on Lau Fau Shan,
the Project would be in partial view during Construction and Operation. In
terms of the source of visual impacts, views of the Project during construction
may include site clearance, site formation and development of new buildings,
while views during operation would include the new buildings forming the
development. Existing views from Lau Fau Shan may be partially blocked by the
project. Due to the factors outlined above, combined with the large scale of
the development in the view and a ¡§Low¡¨ compatibility with the visual
backdrop, the magnitude of change during Construction and Operation is
considered to be ¡§Large¡¨. |
REC-5 |
Users of TSW Promenade |
Low |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Full, ~110 m |
Full, ~110 m |
Full |
Full |
Large |
Large |
This VSR would experience views to the west
towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be characterised
as permanent and continuous. According to the user¡¦s position along the
promenade, the Project would be in full view during Construction and
Operation. In terms of the source of visual impacts, views of the Project
during construction may include site clearance, site formation and
development of new buildings, while views during operation would include the
new commercial, residential and institutional buildings forming the
development. Existing views from the promenade would be blocked by the project
Due to the factors outlined above, combined with the large scale of the
development in the view and a ¡§Low¡¨ compatibility with the visual backdrop,
the magnitude of change during Construction and Operation is considered to be
¡§Large¡¨. |
REC-6 |
Visitors to Tsui Sing Lau Pagoda |
Low |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Full, ~240 m |
Full, ~240 m |
Partial |
Partial |
Large |
Large |
This VSR would experience views to the west,
northwest and southwest towards the Project. The duration and frequency of
impacts can be characterised as permanent and continuous. The Project would
be fully visible to visitors during Construction and Operation. In terms of
the source of visual impacts, views of the Project during construction may
include site clearance, site formation and development of new buildings,
while views during operation would include the new commercial, residential
and institutional buildings forming the development. Existing views from the
Tsui Sing Lau Pagoda would be partially blocked by the project. Due to the
factors outlined above, combined with the large scale of the development in
the view and a ¡§Low¡¨ compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of
change during Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Large¡¨. |
REC-7 |
Visitors to Yuen Ping Shan Tang Clan Gallery Cum Heritage Trail
Visitors Centre |
Low |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Full, ~200 m |
Full, ~200 m |
Partial |
Partial |
Large |
Large |
This VSR would experience views to the west,
northwest and southwest towards the Project. The duration and frequency of
impacts can be characterised as permanent and continuous. The Project would
be fully visible to visitors during Construction and Operation. In terms of
the source of visual impacts, views of the Project during construction may
include site clearance, site formation and development of new buildings,
while views during operation would include the new commercial, residential
and institutional buildings forming the development. Existing views from the
Ping Shan Tang Clan gallery cum Heritage Trail Visitors Centre would be
partially blocked by the project. Due to the factors outlined above, combined
with the large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§Low¡¨ compatibility
with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during Construction and
Operation is considered to be ¡§Large¡¨. |
REC-8 |
Hikers along the Hillside north of the Project |
Medium |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Large, No |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
Partial |
Partial |
Large |
Large |
This VSR would experience views to the north,
east and south towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can
be characterised as permanent and intermittent. According to a hiker¡¦s
position along the hillside, the Project would be fully visible during
Construction and Operation. In terms of the source of visual impacts, views
of the Project during construction may include site clearance, site formation
and development of new buildings, while views during operation would include
the new commercial, residential, institutional and industry buildings forming
the development. Existing views from the hillside would be partially blocked
by the project. Due to the factors outlined above, combined with the large
scale of the development in the view and a ¡§Medium¡¨ compatibility with the
visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during Construction and Operation is
considered to be ¡§Large¡¨. Refer to Figures 11.16a and
11.16b for an example of how
views may be impacted on Day 1 and Year 10 of the operation phase. |
REC-9 |
Users of Tin Shui Road Park |
High |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Large, No |
Partial, ~380 m |
Partial, ~380 m |
Slight |
Slight |
Small |
Small |
This VSR would experience views to the west,
northwest and southwest towards the Project. The duration and frequency of
impacts can be characterised as permanent and intermittent. The Project would
be partially visible during Construction and Operation. In terms of the
source of visual impacts, views of the Project during construction may
include site clearance, site formation and development of new buildings,
while views during operation would include the new commercial, residential
and institutional buildings forming the development. Existing views from Tin
Shui Road Park would be slightly blocked by the project. Due to the factors
outlined above, combined with the large scale of the development in the view
and a ¡§High¡¨ compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change
during Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Small¡¨. |
REC-10 |
Users of Ping Ha Road Garden |
Low |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
Full |
Full |
Large |
Large |
This VSR would experience views in all directions
towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be characterised
as permanent and continuous. The Project would be fully visible during
Construction and Operation. In terms of the source of visual impacts, views
of the Project during construction may include site clearance, site formation
and development of new buildings, while views during operation would include
the new commercial, residential and institutional buildings forming the
development. Existing views from Ping Ha Road Garden would be blocked by the
project. Due to the factors outlined above, combined with the large scale of
the development in the view and a ¡§Low¡¨ compatibility with the visual
backdrop, the magnitude of change during Construction and Operation is
considered to be ¡§Large¡¨. |
REC-11 |
Users of Sik Kong Tsuen Playground and Ha Tsuen Football Field |
Low |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
Full |
Full |
Large |
Large |
This VSR would experience views in all directions
towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be characterised
as permanent and continuous. The Project would be fully visible during
Construction and Operation. In terms of the source of visual impacts, views
of the Project during construction may include site clearance, site formation
and development of new buildings, while views during operation would include
the new commercial, residential and institutional buildings forming the
development. Existing views from Sik Kong Tsuen Playground and Ha Tsuen
Football Field would be blocked by the project. Due to the factors outlined
above, combined with the large scale of the development in the view and a
¡§Low¡¨ compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during
Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Large¡¨. |
REC-12 |
Users of Shek Po Tsuen Playground |
Low |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
Full |
Full |
Large |
Large |
This VSR would experience views in all directions
towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be characterised
as permanent and continuous. The Project would be fully visible during
Construction and Operation. In terms of the source of visual impacts, views
of the Project during construction may include site clearance, site formation
and development of new buildings, while views during operation would include
the new commercial, residential and institutional buildings forming the
development. Existing views from Shek Po Tsuen Playground would be blocked by
the project. Due to the factors outlined above, combined with the large scale
of the development in the view and a ¡§Low¡¨ compatibility with the visual
backdrop, the magnitude of change during Construction and Operation is
considered to be ¡§Large¡¨. |
REC-13 |
Users of Ping Pak Lane Park |
Low |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Partial, ~250 m |
Partial, ~250 m |
Partial |
Partial |
Large |
Large |
This VSR would experience views to the west,
northwest and southwest towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts
can be characterised as permanent and continuous. The Project would be
partially visible during Construction and Operation. In terms of the source
of visual impacts, views of the Project during construction may include site
clearance, site formation and development of new buildings, while views
during operation would include the new commercial, residential and
institutional buildings forming the development. Existing views from Ping Pak
Lane Park would be partially blocked by the project. Due to the factors
outlined above, combined with the large scale of the development in the view
and a ¡§Low¡¨ compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change
during Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Large¡¨. |
REC-14 |
Users of Tong Yan San Tsuen Playground |
Medium |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Partial, ~1000 m |
Partial, ~1000 m |
Partial |
Partial |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
This VSR would experience views to the west, northwest
and southwest towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can
be characterised as permanent and continuous. The Project would be partially
visible during Construction and Operation. In terms of the source of visual
impacts, views of the Project during construction may include site clearance,
site formation and development of new buildings, while views during operation
would include the new buildings forming the development. Existing views from
Tong Yan San Tsuen Playground would be partially blocked by the project Due
to the factors outlined above, combined with the large scale of the
development in the view and a ¡§Medium¡¨ compatibility with the visual
backdrop, the magnitude of change during Construction and Operation is
considered to be ¡§Intermediate¡¨. |
REC-15 |
Users of Tin Ha Road Playground |
Low |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
Full |
Full |
Large |
Large |
This VSR would experience views in all directions
towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and continuous. The Project would be fully visible
during Construction and Operation. In terms of the source of visual impacts,
views of the Project during construction may include site clearance, site
formation and development of new buildings, while views during operation
would include the new commercial, residential, institutional and industry
buildings forming the development. Existing views from Tin Ha Road Playground
would be blocked by the project. Due to the factors outlined above, combined
with the large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§Low¡¨ compatibility
with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during Construction and
Operation is considered to be ¡§Large¡¨. |
REC-16 |
Users of Nai Wai Soccer Pitch |
Low |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Partial, 250 m |
Partial, 250 m |
Partial |
Partial |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
This VSR would experience views northward towards
the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be characterised as
permanent and continuous. The Project would be partially visible during
Construction and Operation. In terms of the source of visual impacts, views
of the Project during construction may include site clearance, site formation
and development of new buildings, while views during operation would include
the new buildings forming the development. Existing views from the Nai Wai
Soccer Pitch would be partially blocked by the project. Due to the factors
outlined above, combined with the large scale of the development in the view
and a ¡§Low¡¨ compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change
during Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Intermediate¡¨. |
REC-17 |
Users of Fuk Hang Playground |
Low |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Full, ~130 m |
Full, ~130 m |
Partial |
Partial |
Large |
Large |
This VSR would experience views northward towards
the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be characterised as
permanent and continuous. The Project would be fully visible during
Construction and Operation. In terms of the source of visual impacts, views
of the Project during construction may include site clearance, site formation
and development of new buildings, while views during operation would include
the new buildings forming the development. Existing views from the Fuk Hang
Playground would be partially blocked by the project. Due to the factors
outlined above, combined with the large scale of the development in the view
and a ¡§Low¡¨ compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change
during Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Large¡¨. |
REC-18 |
Users of Fung Tei Garden |
High |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Obscured, 1900 m |
Obscured, ~1900 m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
None |
None |
This VSR would experience views northward towards
the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be characterised as
permanent and continuous. The Project would be obscured during Construction
and Operation. The impacts of the Project on existing views from the Fung Tei
Garden would be negligible Due to the factors outlined above, combined with the
large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§High¡¨ compatibility with
the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during Construction and
Operation is considered to be ¡§None¡¨. |
REC-19 |
Recreational marine craft users of Deep Bay |
Low |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Large, No |
Partial, ~640-6850 m |
Partial, ~640-6850 m |
Partial |
Partial |
Large |
Large |
This VSR would experience views eastward towards
the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be characterised as permanent
and intermittent due to the changing nature of views experienced by
recreational marine craft users. The Project would be partially visible
during Construction and Operation. In terms of the source of visual impacts,
partial views of the Project during construction may include site clearance,
site formation and development of new buildings, while views during operation
would include the new buildings forming the development. Existing views from
Deep Bay would be partially blocked by the project. Due to the factors
outlined above, combined with the large scale of the development in the view
and a ¡§Low¡¨ compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change
during Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Large¡¨. |
REC-20 |
Users of Lingnan University Outdoor Sportsfield |
Medium |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Partial, ~1200 m |
Partial, ~1200 m |
Partial |
Partial |
Small |
Small |
This VSR would experience views northward towards
the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be characterised as
permanent and continuous. The Project would be partially visible during
Construction and Operation. In terms of the source of visual impacts, views
of the Project during construction may include site clearance, site formation
and development of new buildings, while views during operation would include
the new buildings forming the development. Existing views from the Lingnan
University Outdoor Sportsfield would be partially blocked by the project. Due
to the factors outlined above, combined with the large scale of the
development in the view and a ¡§Medium¡¨ compatibility with the visual
backdrop, the magnitude of change during Construction and Operation is
considered to be ¡§Small¡¨. |
REC-21 |
Users of Tsing Tin Playground |
High |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Obscured, ~2500 m |
Obscured, ~2500 m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
None |
None |
This VSR would experience views to the northeast towards
the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be characterised as
permanent and continuous. The Project would be obscured during Construction
and Operation. The impacts of the Project on existing views from the Tsing
Tin Playground would be negligible. Due to the factors outlined above,
combined with the large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§High¡¨
compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during
Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§None¡¨. |
REC-22 |
Users of Tang Shiu Kin Sports Ground |
High |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Obscured, ~2500 m |
Obscured, ~2500 m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
None |
None |
This VSR would experience views to the northeast towards
the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be characterised as
permanent and continuous. The Project would be obscured during Construction
and Operation. The impacts of the Project on existing views from the Tang
Shiu Kin Sports Ground would be negligible. Due to the factors outlined
above, combined with the large scale of the development in the view and a
¡§High¡¨ compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during
Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§None¡¨. |
REC-23 |
Users of Yeung King Playground |
High |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Obscured, ~3100 m |
Obscured, ~3100 m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
None |
None |
This VSR would experience views to the northeast towards
the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be characterised as
permanent and continuous. The Project would be obscured during Construction
and Operation. The impacts of the Project on existing views from the Yeung
King Playground would be negligible. Due to the factors outlined above,
combined with the large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§High¡¨
compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during
Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§None¡¨. |
REC-24 |
Users Mong Tseng Wai Basketball Court |
Medium |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Partial, ~2200 m |
Partial, ~2200 m |
Partial |
Partial |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
This VSR would experience views southward towards
the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be characterised as
permanent and continuous. The Project would be partially visible during
Construction and Operation. In terms of the source of visual impacts, views
of the Project during construction may include site clearance, site formation
and development of new buildings, while views during operation would include
the new buildings forming the development. Existing views from the Mong Tseng
Wai Basketball Court would be partially blocked by the project. Due to the
factors outlined above, combined with the large scale of the development in
the view and a ¡§Low¡¨ compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of
change during Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Intermediate¡¨. |
REC-25 |
Users of Yuen Long Park and Yuen Long Stadium |
High |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Obscured, ~1980 m |
Obscured, ~1980 m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
This VSR would experience views westward towards the
Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be characterised as
permanent and continuous. The Project would be obscured during Construction
and Operation. The impacts of the Project on existing views from Yuen Long
Park and Yuen Long Stadium would be negligible. Due to the factors outlined
above, combined with the large scale of the development in the view and a
¡§High¡¨ compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during
Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Negligible¡¨. |
REC-26 |
Hikers on Ki Lun Shan |
High |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Large, No |
Partial, ~10500 m |
Partial, ~10500 m |
Slight |
Slight |
Negligible |
Negligible |
This VSR would experience views to the west and southwest
towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and intermittent due to the changing nature of
conditions along Ki Lun Shan trails. The Project would be partially visible
during Construction and Operation. In terms of the source of visual impacts,
views of the Project during construction may include site clearance, site
formation and development of new buildings, while views during operation
would include the new buildings forming the development. Existing views from
Ki Lun Shan would be slightly blocked by the Project. Due to the factors
outlined above, combined with the large scale of the development in the view
and a ¡§High¡¨ compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change
during Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Negligible¡¨. |
REC-27 |
Hikers in Lam Tsuen Country Park |
High |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Large, No |
Partial, ~7800 m |
Partial, ~7800 m |
Slight |
Slight |
Negligible |
Negligible |
This VSR would experience views westward towards
the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be characterised as
permanent and intermittent due to the changing nature of conditions along Lam
Tsuen Country Park trails. The Project would be partially visible during
Construction and Operation. In terms of the source of visual impacts, views
of the Project during construction may include site clearance, site formation
and development of new buildings, while views during operation would include
the new buildings forming the development. Existing views from Lam Tsuen
Country Park would be slightly blocked by the Project. Due to the factors
outlined above, combined with the large scale of the development in the view
and a ¡§High¡¨ compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change
during Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Negligible¡¨. |
REC-28 |
Hikers on Ho Hok Shan |
High |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Large, No |
Partial, ~4500 m |
Partial, ~4500 m |
Slight |
Slight |
Small |
Small |
This VSR would experience views westward towards
the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be characterised as
permanent and intermittent due to the changing nature of conditions along Ho
Hok Shan trails. The Project would be partially visible during Construction
and Operation. In terms of the source of visual impacts, views of the Project
during construction may include site clearance, site formation and
development of new buildings, while views during operation would include the
new buildings forming the development. Existing views from Ho Kok Shan would
be slightly blocked by the Project. Due to the factors outlined above,
combined with the large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§High¡¨ compatibility
with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during Construction and
Operation is considered to be ¡§Small¡¨. |
REC-29 |
Users of Shui Mei Village Playground |
High |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Obscured, ~6000 m |
Obscured, ~6000 m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
None |
None |
This VSR would experience views westward towards
the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be characterised as
permanent and continuous. The Project would be obscured during Construction
and Operation. The impacts of the Project on existing views from Shui Mei
Village Playground would be negligible. Due to the factors outlined above,
combined with the large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§High¡¨
compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during
Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§None¡¨. |
REC-30 |
Users of TSW Park |
High |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Obscured, ~900 m |
Obscured, ~900 m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
This VSR would experience views westward towards
the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be characterised as
permanent and continuous. The Project would be obscured during Construction
and Operation. The impacts of the Project on existing views from TSW Park
would be negligible. Due to the factors outlined above, combined with the
large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§High¡¨ compatibility with
the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during Construction and
Operation is considered to be ¡§Negligible¡¨. |
REC-31 |
Users of Hong Wetland Park |
High |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Obscured, ~1600 m |
Obscured, ~1600 m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Small |
Small |
This VSR would experience views to the southwest
towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and continuous. The Project would be obscured
during Construction and Operation. The impacts of the Project on existing
views from Hong Kong Wetland Park would be negligible Due to the factors
outlined above, combined with the large scale of the development in the view
and a ¡§High¡¨ compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change
during Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Small¡¨. |
REC-32 |
Users of Tin Sau Road Community Garden and Tin Sau Road Park |
High |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Obscured, ~1050 m |
Obscured, ~1050 m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
None |
None |
This VSR would experience views to the southwest
towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and continuous. The Project would be obscured
during Construction and Operation. The impacts of the Project on existing
views from the Tin Sau Road Community Garden and Tin Sau Road Park would be
negligible. Due to the factors outlined above, combined with the large scale
of the development in the view and a ¡§High¡¨ compatibility with the visual
backdrop, the magnitude of change during Construction and Operation is
considered to be ¡§None¡¨. |
REC-33 |
Users of Dragons Park and Tin Pak Road Park |
High |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Obscured, ~960 m |
Obscured, ~960 m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
None |
None |
This VSR would experience views to the southwest
towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and continuous. The Project would be obscured
during Construction and Operation. The impacts of the Project on existing
views from Dragons Park and Tin Pak Road Park would be negligible. Due to the
factors outlined above, combined with the large scale of the development in
the view and a ¡§High¡¨ compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude
of change during Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§None¡¨. |
VSRs |
T-1 |
Motorists along KSWH |
Low |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Large, No |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
Full |
Full |
Large |
Large |
This VSR would experience views eastward along
the length of the Project as well as some views westward toward industrial
buildings clustered in the southern portion of the Project. The duration and
frequency of impacts can be characterised as permanent and intermittent as
this VSR is in motion. Due to immediate adjacency, the Project would be fully
visible during Construction and Operation. In terms of the source of visual
impacts, views of the Project during construction may include site clearance,
site formation and development of new buildings, while views during operation
would include the new buildings forming the development. Existing views from
the KSWH would be blocked by the project. Due to the factors outlined above,
combined with the large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§Low¡¨
compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during
Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Large¡¨. |
T-2 |
Users of the MTR between TSW and Siu Hong Station |
Low |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Large, No |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
Full |
Full |
Large |
Large |
This VSR would experience views in all directions
toward the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be characterised
as permanent and intermittent as this VSR is in motion. Due to immediate
adjacency, the Project would be fully visible during Construction and
Operation. In terms of the source of visual impacts, views of the Project
during construction may include site clearance, site formation and
development of new buildings, while views during operation would include the
new buildings forming the development. Existing views experienced by MTR
users would be blocked by the project. Due to the factors outlined above,
combined with the large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§Low¡¨
compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during
Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Large¡¨. |
T-3 |
Motorists along Yuen Long Highway |
Low |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Large, No |
Full, ~380 m |
Full, ~380 m |
Full |
Full |
Large |
Large |
This VSR would experience views westward toward
the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be characterised as permanent
and intermittent as this VSR is in motion. Due to close proximity, the
Project would be fully visible during Construction and Operation. In terms of
the source of visual impacts, views of the Project during construction may
include site clearance, site formation and development of new buildings,
while views during operation would include the new buildings forming the
development. Existing views from the Yuen Long Highway would be blocked by
the project. Due to the factors outlined above, combined with the large scale
of the development in the view and a ¡§Low¡¨ compatibility with the visual
backdrop, the magnitude of change during Construction and Operation is
considered to be ¡§Large¡¨. |
T-4 |
Motorists along Hung Tin Road |
Low |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Large, No |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
Full |
Full |
Large |
Large |
This VSR would experience views in all directions
toward the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and intermittent as this VSR is in motion. Due to
close proximity, the Project would be fully visible during Construction and
Operation. In terms of the source of visual impacts, views of the Project
during construction may include site clearance, site formation and development
of new buildings, while views during operation would include the new
buildings forming the development. Existing views along Hung Tin Road would
be blocked by the project. Due to the factors outlined above, combined with
the large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§Low¡¨ compatibility with
the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during Construction and
Operation is considered to be ¡§Large¡¨. |
T-5 |
Motorists along Castle Peak Road |
Low |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Large, No |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
Full |
Full |
Large |
Large |
This VSR would predominantly experience views to
the northwest toward the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and intermittent as this VSR is in motion. Due to
immediate adjacency, the Project would be fully visible during Construction
and Operation. In terms of the source of visual impacts, views of the Project
during construction may include site clearance, site formation and
development of new buildings, while views during operation would include the
new buildings forming the development. Existing views along Castle Peak Road
would be blocked by the project. Due to the factors outlined above, combined
with the large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§Low¡¨ compatibility
with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during Construction and
Operation is considered to be ¡§Large¡¨. |
T-6 |
Motorists along Ping Ha Road |
Low |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Large, No |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
Full |
Full |
Large |
Large |
This VSR would experience views in all directions
toward the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be characterised
as permanent and intermittent as this VSR is in motion. Due to immediate
adjacency, the Project would be fully visible during Construction and
Operation. In terms of the source of visual impacts, views of the Project
during construction may include site clearance, site formation and
development of new buildings, while views during operation would include the
new buildings forming the development. Existing views along Ping Ha Road
would be blocked by the project. Due to the factors outlined above, combined
with the large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§Low¡¨ compatibility
with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during Construction and
Operation is considered to be ¡§Large¡¨. |
T-7 |
Motorists along Tin Ha Road |
Low |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Large, No |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
Full |
Full |
Large |
Large |
This VSR would experience views in all directions
toward the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and intermittent as this VSR is in motion. Due to
immediate adjacency, the Project would be fully visible during Construction
and Operation. In terms of the source of visual impacts, views of the Project
during construction may include site clearance, site formation and
development of new buildings, while views during operation would include the
new buildings forming the development. Existing views along Tin Ha Road would
be blocked by the project Due to the factors outlined above, combined with
the large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§Low¡¨ compatibility with
the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during Construction and
Operation is considered to be ¡§Large¡¨. |
T-8 |
Motorists along Shek Po Road |
Low |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Large, No |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
Full |
Full |
Large |
Large |
This VSR would experience views in all directions
toward the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be characterised
as permanent and intermittent as this VSR is in motion. Due to immediate
adjacency, the Project would be fully visible during Construction and
Operation. In terms of the source of visual impacts, views of the Project
during construction may include site clearance, site formation and
development of new buildings, while views during operation would include the
new buildings forming the development. Existing views along Shek Po Road
would be blocked by the project. Due to the factors outlined above, combined
with the large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§Low¡¨ compatibility
with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during Construction and
Operation is considered to be ¡§Large¡¨. |
T-9 |
Motorists along Tin Sam Road |
Low |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Large, No |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
Full |
Full |
Large |
Large |
This VSR would experience views in all directions
toward the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be characterised
as permanent and intermittent as this VSR is in motion. Due to immediate
adjacency, the Project would be fully visible during Construction and
Operation. In terms of the source of visual impacts, views of the Project
during construction may include site clearance, site formation and
development of new buildings, while views during operation would include the
new buildings forming the development. Existing views along Tim Sam Road
would be blocked by the project. Due to the factors outlined above, combined
with the large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§Low¡¨ compatibility
with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during Construction and
Operation is considered to be ¡§Large¡¨. |
T-10 |
Motorists along Hung Yuen Road and Hung Chi Road |
Low |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Large, No |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
Full |
Full |
Large |
Large |
This VSR would experience views in all directions
toward the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and intermittent as this VSR is in motion. Due to
immediate adjacency, the Project would be fully visible during Construction
and Operation. In terms of the source of visual impacts, views of the Project
during construction may include site clearance, site formation and
development of new buildings, while views during operation would include the
new buildings forming the development. Existing views along Hung Yuen Road
and Hung Chi Road would be blocked by the project. Due to the factors
outlined above, combined with the large scale of the development in the view
and a ¡§Low¡¨ compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change
during Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Large¡¨. |
T-11 |
Motorists along Sha Chau Lei Road |
Low |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Large, No |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
Full |
Full |
Large |
Large |
This VSR would experience views in all directions
toward the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and intermittent as this VSR is in motion. Due to
immediate adjacency, the Project would be fully visible during Construction
and Operation. In terms of the source of visual impacts, views of the Project
during construction may include site clearance, site formation and
development of new buildings, while views during operation would include the
new buildings forming the development. Existing views along Sha Chau Lei Road
would be blocked by the project. Due to the factors outlined above, combined
with the large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§Low¡¨ compatibility
with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during Construction and
Operation is considered to be ¡§Large¡¨. |
T-12 |
Motorists along Hung Shui Kui Main Street |
Low |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Large, No |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
Full |
Full |
Large |
Large |
This VSR would experience views in all directions
toward the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and intermittent as this VSR is in motion. Due to
immediate adjacency, the Project would be fully visible during Construction
and Operation. In terms of the source of visual impacts, views of the Project
during construction may include site clearance, site formation and
development of new buildings, while views during operation would include the
new buildings forming the development. Existing views along Hung Shui Kui
Main Street would be blocked by the project. Due to the factors outlined
above, combined with the large scale of the development in the view and a
¡§Low¡¨ compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during
Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Large¡¨. |
T-13 |
Motorists along Lau Fau Shan Road |
Low |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Large, No |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
Full |
Full |
Large |
Large |
This VSR would experience views in all directions
toward the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and intermittent as this VSR is in motion. Due to
immediate adjacency, the Project would be fully visible during Construction
and Operation. In terms of the source of visual impacts, views of the Project
during construction may include site clearance, site formation and
development of new buildings, while views during operation would include the
new buildings forming the development. Existing views along Lau Fau Shan Road
would be blocked by the project. Due to the factors outlined above, combined
with the large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§Low¡¨ compatibility
with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during Construction and
Operation is considered to be ¡§Large¡¨. |
T-14 |
Motorists along Deep Bay Road |
Low |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Large, No |
Partial, ~0 m |
Partial, ~0 m |
Partial |
Partial |
Small |
Small |
This VSR would experience views eastward toward the
Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be characterised as
permanent and intermittent as this VSR is in motion. Due to close proximity
along the majority of the road, and immediate adjacency along the
northernmost section of the development, the Project would be partially
visible during Construction and Operation. In terms of the source of visual
impacts, views of the Project during construction may include site clearance,
site formation and development of new buildings, while views during operation
would include the new buildings forming the development. Existing views along
Deep Bay Road would be partially blocked by the project. Due to the factors
outlined above, combined with the large scale of the development in the view
and a ¡§Low¡¨ compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change
during Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Small¡¨. |
T-15 |
Motorists along Shenzhen Bay Bridge |
Medium |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Large, No |
Partial, ~540-3500 m |
Partial, ~540-3500 m |
Partial |
Partial |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
This VSR would experience views eastward toward
the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be characterised as permanent
and intermittent as this VSR is in motion. Despite being at a distance, the
Project would be partially visible during Construction and Operation. In
terms of the source of visual impacts, views of the Project during
construction may include site clearance, site formation and development of
new buildings, while views during operation would include the new buildings
forming the development. Existing views along Shenzhen Bay Bridge would be
partially blocked by the project. Due to the factors outlined above, combined
with the large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§Medium¡¨
compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during
Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Intermediate¡¨. |
T-16 |
Passengers on Light Rail System |
Low |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Large, No |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
Full |
Full |
Large |
Large |
This VSR would experience views in all directions
toward the Project, although predominant views would be toward the northwest.
The duration and frequency of impacts can be characterised as permanent and
intermittent as this VSR is in motion. Due to immediate adjacency, the
Project would be fully visible during Construction and Operation. In terms of
the source of visual impacts, views of the Project during construction may
include site clearance, site formation and development of new buildings,
while views during operation would include the new buildings forming the
development. Existing views experienced by Light Rail System Passengers would
be blocked by the project. Due to the factors outlined above, combined with
the large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§Low¡¨ compatibility with
the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during Construction and
Operation is considered to be ¡§Large¡¨. |
T-17 |
Cyclists along Castle Peak Road |
Low |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Large, No |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
Full |
Full |
Large |
Large |
This VSR would predominantly experience views to the
northwest toward the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and intermittent as this VSR is in motion. This
VSR experiences views at a slower pace than motorists along the same road.
Due to immediate adjacency, the Project would be fully visible during
Construction and Operation. In terms of the source of visual impacts, views
of the Project during construction may include site clearance, site formation
and development of new buildings, while views during operation would include
the new buildings forming the development. Existing views along Castle Peak
Road would be blocked by the project. Due to the factors outlined above,
combined with the large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§Low¡¨
compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during
Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Large¡¨. |
T-18 |
Cyclists along Tin Ha Road |
Low |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Large, No |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
Full |
Full |
Large |
Large |
This VSR would experience views in all directions
toward the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and intermittent as this VSR is in motion. This
VSR experiences views at a slower pace than motorists along the same road.
Due to immediate adjacency, the Project would be fully visible during
Construction and Operation. In terms of the source of visual impacts, views
of the Project during construction may include site clearance, site formation
and development of new buildings, while views during operation would include
the new buildings forming the development. Existing views along Tin Ha Road
would be blocked by the project. Due to the factors outlined above, combined
with the large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§Low¡¨ compatibility
with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during Construction and
Operation is considered to be ¡§Large¡¨. |
T-19 |
Cyclists along Shek Po Road |
Low |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Large, No |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
Full |
Full |
Large |
Large |
This VSR would experience views in all directions
toward the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and intermittent as this VSR is in motion. This
VSR experiences views at a slower pace than motorists along the same road.
Due to immediate adjacency, the Project would be fully visible during
Construction and Operation. In terms of the source of visual impacts, views
of the Project during construction may include site clearance, site formation
and development of new buildings, while views during operation would include
the new buildings forming the development. Existing views along Shek Po Road
would be blocked by the project. Due to the factors outlined above, combined
with the large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§Low¡¨ compatibility
with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during Construction and
Operation is considered to be ¡§Large¡¨. |
T-20 |
Cyclists along Ping Ha Road |
Low |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Large, No |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
Full |
Full |
Large |
Large |
This VSR would experience views in all directions
toward the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and intermittent as this VSR is in motion. This
VSR experiences views at a slower pace than motorists along the same road.
Due to immediate adjacency, the Project would be fully visible during
Construction and Operation. In terms of the source of visual impacts, views
of the Project during construction may include site clearance, site formation
and development of new buildings, while views during operation would include
the new buildings forming the development. Existing views along Ping Ha Road
would be blocked by the project. Due to the factors outlined above, combined
with the large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§Low¡¨ compatibility
with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during Construction and
Operation is considered to be ¡§Large¡¨. |
T-21 |
Cyclists along Hung Yuen Road |
Low |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Large, No |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
Full |
Full |
Large |
Large |
This VSR would experience views in all directions
toward the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and intermittent as this VSR is in motion. This
VSR experiences views at a slower pace than motorists along the same road.
Due to immediate adjacency, the Project would be fully visible during
Construction and Operation. In terms of the source of visual impacts, views
of the Project during construction may include site clearance, site formation
and development of new buildings, while views during operation would include
the new buildings forming the development. Existing views along Hung Yuen
Road would be blocked by the project. Due to the factors outlined above,
combined with the large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§Low¡¨
compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during
Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Large¡¨. |
T-22 |
Cyclists along Tin Sum Road |
Low |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Large, No |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
Full |
Full |
Large |
Large |
This VSR would experience views in all directions
toward the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and intermittent as this VSR is in motion. This
VSR experiences views at a slower pace than motorists along the same road.
Due to immediate adjacency, the Project would be fully visible during
Construction and Operation. In terms of the source of visual impacts, views
of the Project during construction may include site clearance, site formation
and development of new buildings, while views during operation would include
the new buildings forming the development. Existing views along Tin Sam Road
would be blocked by the project. Due to the factors outlined above, combined
with the large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§Low¡¨ compatibility
with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during Construction and
Operation is considered to be ¡§Large¡¨. |
T-23 |
Cyclists along Tin Ying Road and Hung Tin Road |
Medium |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Large, No |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
Full |
Full |
Large |
Large |
This VSR would experience views in all directions
toward the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and intermittent as this VSR is in motion. This
VSR experiences views at a slower pace than motorists along the same road.
Due to close proximity, the Project would be fully visible during
Construction and Operation. In terms of the source of visual impacts, views
of the Project during construction may include site clearance, site formation
and development of new buildings, while views during operation would include
the new buildings forming the development. Existing views along Tin Ying Road
and Hung Tin Road would be blocked by the project. Due to the factors
outlined above, combined with the large scale of the development in the view
and a ¡§Low¡¨ compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change
during Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Large¡¨. |
T-24 |
Motorists along Tuen Mun Road |
High |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Large, No |
Partial, ~1000 m |
Partial, ~1000 m |
Slight |
Slight |
Small |
Small |
This VSR would experience views northward toward the
Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be characterised as
permanent and intermittent as this VSR is in motion. Despite being at a
distance, the Project would be partially visible during Construction and
Operation. In terms of the source of visual impacts, views of the Project
during construction may include site clearance, site formation and
development of new buildings, while views during operation would include the
new buildings forming the development. Existing views along Tuen Mun Road would
be slightly blocked by the project. Due to the factors outlined above,
combined with the large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§High¡¨
compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during
Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Small¡¨. |
T-25 |
Travellers on MTR between Tin Shui Wai and Siu
Hong |
High |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Large, No |
Partial, ~1360 m |
Partial, ~1360 m |
Sight |
Slight |
Small |
Small |
This VSR would experience views northward toward
the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be characterised as
permanent and intermittent as this VSR is in motion. Despite being at a
distance,, the Project may be partially visible during Construction and
Operation. In terms of the source of visual impacts, views of the Project
during construction may include site clearance, site formation and
development of new buildings, while views during operation would include the
new buildings forming the development. Existing views experienced by
travellers on MTR between Tuen Mun and Siu Hong would be slightly blocked by
the project. Due to the factors outlined above, combined with the large scale
of the development in the view and a ¡§High¡¨ compatibility with the visual
backdrop, the magnitude of change during Construction and Operation is
considered to be ¡§Small¡¨. |
T-26 |
Motorists along Ming Kum Road |
Medium |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Large, No |
Partial, ~1500 m |
Partial, ~1500 m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Small |
Small |
This VSR would experience views to the northeast
toward the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and intermittent as this VSR is in motion. Despite
being at a distance, the Project may be partially visible during Construction
and Operation. In terms of the source of visual impacts, views of the Project
during construction may include site clearance, site formation and
development of new buildings, while views during operation would include the
new buildings forming the development. The impact of the Project on existing
views along Ming Kum Road would be negligible. Due to the factors outlined
above, combined with the large scale of the development in the view and a
¡§Medium¡¨ compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change
during Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Small¡¨. |
T-27 |
Travellers on MTR between TSW and Yuen Long |
Medium |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Large, No |
Partial, ~920 m |
Partial, ~920 m |
Partial |
Partial |
Small |
Small |
This VSR would experience views westward toward
the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be characterised as
permanent and intermittent as this VSR is in motion. Despite being at a
distance,, the Project may be partially visible during Construction and
Operation. In terms of the source of visual impacts, views of the Project
during construction may include site clearance, site formation and
development of new buildings, while views during operation would include the
new buildings forming the development. Existing views experienced by
travelers on MTR between TSW and Yuen Long would be partially blocked by the
Project. Due to the factors outlined above, combined with the large scale of
the development in the view and a ¡§Medium¡¨ compatibility with the visual
backdrop, the magnitude of change during Construction and Operation is
considered to be ¡§Small¡¨. |
T-28 |
Motorists on San Tin Highway |
High |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Large, No |
Obscured, ~5500 m |
Obscured, ~5500 m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
This VSR would experience views westward toward the
Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be characterised as
permanent and intermittent as this VSR is in motion. Due to distance, the
Project would be obscured during Construction and Operation. The impacts of
the Project on existing views experienced by motorists on San Tin Highway
would be negligible. Due to the factors outlined above, combined with the
large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§High¡¨ compatibility with
the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during Construction and
Operation is considered to be ¡§Negligible¡¨. |
T-29 |
Motorists on Long Tin Road |
Medium |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Large, No |
Partial, ~950 m |
Partial, ~950 m |
Partial |
Partial |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
This VSR would experience views westward toward
the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be characterised as
permanent and intermittent as this VSR is in motion. Despite being at a
distance,, the Project may be partially visible during Construction and
Operation. In terms of the source of visual impacts, views of the Project
during construction may include site clearance, site formation and
development of new buildings, while views during operation would include the
new buildings forming the development. Existing views experienced by
motorists along Long Tin Road would be partially blocked by the Project. Due
to the factors outlined above, combined with the large scale of the
development in the view and a ¡§Medium¡¨ compatibility with the visual backdrop,
the magnitude of change during Construction and Operation is considered to be
¡§Intermediate¡¨. |
T-30 |
Motorists on Tin Wah Road |
Low |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Large, No |
Partial, 0 m |
Partial, 0 m |
Full |
Full |
Large |
Large |
This VSR would experience views westward toward
the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be characterised as
permanent and intermittent as this VSR is in motion. Despite being in close
proximity, the Project would be partially visible during Construction and
Operation due to some obstructions in the foreground. In terms of the source
of visual impacts, views of the Project during construction may include site
clearance, site formation and development of new buildings, while views during
operation would include the new buildings forming the development. Existing
views along Tin Wah Road would be blocked by the project. Due to the factors
outlined above, combined with the large scale of the development in the view
and a ¡§Low¡¨ compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change
during Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Large¡¨. |
T-31 |
Motorists on Fuk Hang Tsuen Road |
Low |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Large, No |
Partial, ~200 m |
Partial, ~200 m |
Partial |
Partial |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
This VSR would experience views northward toward
the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be characterised as permanent
and intermittent as this VSR is in motion. Despite being in close proximity,
the Project would only be partially visible during Construction and Operation
due to obstructions in the foreground. In terms of the source of visual
impacts, views of the Project during construction may include site clearance,
site formation and development of new buildings, while views during operation
would include the new buildings forming the development. Existing views along
Fuk Hang Tsuen Road would be partially blocked by the Project. Due to the
factors outlined above, combined with the large scale of the development in
the view and a ¡§Low¡¨ compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of
change during Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Intermediate¡¨. |
T-32 |
Motorists on Tsing Lun Road |
Medium |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Large, No |
Partial, ~720 m |
Partial, ~720 m |
Partial |
Partial |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
This VSR would experience views to the northeast toward
the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be characterised as
permanent and intermittent as this VSR is in motion. Due to distance, the
Project would only be partially visible during Construction and Operation. In
terms of the source of visual impacts, views of the Project during
construction may include site clearance, site formation and development of
new buildings, while views during operation would include the new buildings
forming the development. Existing views along Tsing Lun Road would be
partially blocked by the Project. Due to the factors outlined above, combined
with the large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§Medium¡¨
compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during
Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Intermediate¡¨. |
T-33 |
Motorists on Kung Um Road |
High |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Large, No |
Obscured, ~2100 m |
Obscured, ~2100 m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
This VSR would experience views westward toward
the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be characterised as
permanent and intermittent as this VSR is in motion. Due to distance, the
Project would be obscured during Construction and Operation. The impacts of
the Project on existing views experienced by motorists on Kung Um Road would
be negligible. Due to the factors outlined above, combined with the large
scale of the development in the view and a ¡§High¡¨ compatibility with the
visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during Construction and Operation is
considered to be ¡§Negligible¡¨. |
T-34 |
Motorists on Tai Shu Ha Road |
High |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Large, No |
Obscured, ~3100 m |
Obscured, ~3100 m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
This VSR would experience views to the northwest
toward the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and intermittent as this VSR is in motion. Due to
distance, the Project would be obscured during Construction and Operation.
The impacts of the Project on existing views experienced by motorists on Tai
Shu Ha Road would be negligible. Due to the factors outlined above, combined
with the large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§High¡¨
compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during
Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Negligible¡¨. |
T-35 |
Motorists on Ma Wang Road |
Medium |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Large, No |
Partial, ~2100 m |
Partial, ~2100 m |
Partial |
Partial |
Small |
Small |
This VSR would experience views westward toward
the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be characterised as
permanent and intermittent as this VSR is in motion. Due to distance, the
Project would only be partially visible during Construction and Operation. In
terms of the source of visual impacts, views of the Project during
construction may include site clearance, site formation and development of
new buildings, while views during operation would include the new buildings
forming the development. Existing views along Ma Wang Road would be partially
blocked by the Project. Due to the factors outlined above, combined with the
large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§Medium¡¨ compatibility with
the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during Construction and
Operation is considered to be ¡§Small¡¨. |
T-36 |
Motorists on Ng Lau Road |
Low |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Large, No |
Partial, ~730 m |
Partial, ~730 m |
Partial |
Partial |
Large |
Large |
This VSR would experience views to the northeast
toward the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and intermittent as this VSR is in motion. Due to
distance, the Project would only be partially visible during Construction and
Operation. In terms of the source of visual impacts, views of the Project
during construction may include site clearance, site formation and
development of new buildings, while views during operation would include the
new buildings forming the development. Existing views along Ng Lau Road would
be partially blocked by the Project. Due to the factors outlined above,
combined with the large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§Low¡¨
compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during
Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Large¡¨. |
VSRs |
O-1 |
Teachers and Students at Shung Tak Catholic
English College |
Low |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Full, ~140 m |
Full, ~140 m |
Full |
Full |
Large |
Large |
This VSR would mainly experience views to the
northwest towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be characterised
as permanent and continuous. Due to close proximity, the Project would be
visible during Construction and Operation. Any existing views, including
distant views of Lau Fau Shan and Yuen Tau Shan to the northwest, would be
blocked by the Project. In terms of the source of visual impacts, views
during construction may include site clearance, site formation and
development of new buildings, while views during operation may include new
residential, commercial and institutional buildings. Due to the factors
outlined above, combined with the large scale of the development in the view
and a ¡§Low¡¨ compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change
during Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Large¡¨. |
O-2 |
Workers at Multiwin Logistics |
Low |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Partial, ~190 m |
Partial, ~190 m |
Partial |
Partial |
Large |
Large |
This VSR would mainly experience views to the northwest
towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and continuous. Due to proximity, the Project
would be partially visible during Construction and Operation. Any existing
views, including distant views of Lau Fau Shan and Yuen Tau Shan to the
northwest, would be partially blocked by the Project. In terms of the source
of visual impacts, views during construction may include site clearance, site
formation and development of new buildings, while views during operation may
include new residential, commercial and institutional buildings. Due to the
factors outlined above, combined with the large scale of the development in
the view and a ¡§Low¡¨ compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of
change during Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Large¡¨. |
O-3 |
Workers at Lam Tei Quarry |
Medium |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Partial, ~1300 m |
Partial, ~1300 m |
Partial |
Partial |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
This VSR would mainly experience views to the
northwest towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and continuous. Despite the Quarry¡¦s distance, the
Project would be partially visible during Construction and Operation. Any
existing views, including distant views of Lau Fau Shan and Yuen Tau Shan to
the northwest, would be partially blocked by the Project. In terms of the
source of visual impacts, views during construction may include site
clearance, site formation and development of new buildings, while views
during operation may include new buildings forming the development Due to the
factors outlined above, combined with the large scale of the development in
the view and a ¡§Low¡¨ compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of
change during Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Intermediate¡¨. |
O-4 |
Teachers and Students at Madam Lau Kam Lung
Secondary School |
Medium |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Partial, ~320 m |
Partial, ~320 m |
Partial |
Partial |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
This VSR would mainly experience views to the
north towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and continuous. Due to the Project¡¦s proximity to
the school, the Project would be partially visible during Construction and
Operation. Any existing views would be partially blocked by the Project. In
terms of the source of visual impacts, views during construction may include
site clearance, site formation and development of new buildings, while views
during operation may include new residential, commercial and institutional
buildings. Due to the factors outlined above, combined with the large scale
of the development in the view and a ¡§Low¡¨ compatibility with the visual
backdrop, the magnitude of change during Construction and Operation is
considered to be ¡§Intermediate¡¨. |
O-5 |
Teachers and Students at Hing Tak School |
High |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Obscured, ~390 m |
Obscured, ~390 m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
This VSR would experience views to the northeast
towards the Project. Due to this VSR¡¦s distance from the Project, views of the
Project would largely be obscured. The Project would have a negligible impact
on existing views. In terms of the source of visual impacts, views into the
site during Construction and Operation would be obscured Due to the factors
outlined above, combined with the large scale of the development in the view
and a ¡§High¡¨ compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change
during Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Negligible¡¨. |
O-6 |
Teachers and Students at WF Joseph Lee Primary
School, Heung Tao Middle School, and Pansy Ho Activity Centre |
Low |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Partial, ~430 m |
Partial, ~430 m |
Partial |
Partial |
Large |
Large |
This VSR would mainly experience views to the south
and southwest towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can
be characterised as permanent and continuous. Despite the Project¡¦s distance
to the schools and activity centre, the Project would be partially visible
during Construction and Operation. Any existing views, including distant
views of Lau Fau Shan and Yuen Tau Shan to the northwest, would be partially
blocked by the Project. In terms of the source of visual impacts, views
during construction may include site clearance, site formation and
development of new buildings, while views during operation may include new
buildings forming the development. Due to the factors outlined above,
combined with the large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§Low¡¨
compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during
Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Large¡¨. |
O-7 |
Teachers and Students at Po Kok Branch School |
Medium |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Partial, ~500 m |
Partial, ~500 m |
Partial |
Partial |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
This VSR would mainly experience views to the
northwest towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and continuous. Despite the Project¡¦s distance from the School, the Project would be
partially visible during Construction and Operation. Any existing views,
including distant views of Lau Fau Shan and Yuen Tau Shan to the northwest,
would be partially blocked by the Project. In terms of the source of visual
impacts, views during construction may include site clearance, site formation
and development of new buildings, while views during operation may include
new buildings forming the development. Due to the factors outlined above,
combined with the large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§Medium¡¨
compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during
Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Intermediate¡¨. |
O-8 |
Workers in Industrial Area of Yuen Long South |
Medium |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Obscured, ~1780 m |
Obscured, ~1780 m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
This VSR would experience views to the northwest
towards the Project. Due to this VSR¡¦s distance from the Project, views of
the Project would largely be obscured. The Project would have a negligible
impact on existing views. In terms of the source of visual impacts, views
into the site during Construction and Operation would be obscured. Due to the
factors outlined above, combined with the large scale of the development in
the view and a ¡§Medium¡¨ compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude
of change during Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Negligible¡¨. |
O-9 |
Teachers and Students at Ho Dao College |
Low |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Full, ~170 m |
Full, ~170 m |
Full |
Full |
Large |
Large |
This VSR would mainly experience views to the northwest
towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and continuous. Due to close proximity, the
Project would be visible during Construction and Operation. Any existing
views, including distant views of Lau Fau Shan and Yuen Tau Shan to the
northwest, would be blocked by the Project. In terms of the source of visual
impacts, views during construction may include site clearance, site formation
and development of new buildings, while views during operation may include
new residential, commercial and institutional buildings. Due to the factors
outlined above, combined with the large scale of the development in the view
and a ¡§Low¡¨ compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change
during Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Large¡¨. |
O-10 |
Teachers and Students at VTC Youth College, Yan Chai Hospital Nina
Lam Kindergarten, and Pui Shing Catholic Secondary School |
Low |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Full, ~110 m |
Full, ~110 m |
Full |
Full |
Large |
Large |
This VSR would mainly experience views to the
west towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and continuous. Due to close proximity, the
Project would be visible during Construction and Operation. Any existing
views, including distant views of Lau Fau Shan and Yuen Tau Shan to the west,
would be blocked by the Project. In terms of the source of visual impacts,
views during construction may include site clearance, site formation and
development of new buildings, while views during operation may include new
residential, commercial and institutional buildings Due to the factors
outlined above, combined with the large scale of the development in the view
and a ¡§Low¡¨ compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change
during Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Large¡¨. |
O-11 |
Teachers and Students at Caritas Lok Kan
School, and TWGH Leo Tung-hai Lee
Primary School |
Low |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Full, ~200 m |
Full, ~200 m |
Full |
Full |
Large |
Large |
This VSR would mainly experience views to the
west towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and continuous. Due to close proximity, the
Project would be visible during Construction and Operation. Any existing
views, including distant views of Lau Fau Shan and Yuen Tau Shan to the west,
would be blocked by the Project. In terms of the source of visual impacts,
views during construction may include site clearance, site formation and
development of new buildings, while views during operation may include new
residential and institutional buildings. Due to the factors outlined above,
combined with the large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§Low¡¨
compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during
Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Large¡¨. |
O-12 |
Teachers and Students at Yau Tze Tin Memorial
College |
Medium |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Obscured, ~1100 m |
Obscured, ~1100 m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
None |
None |
This VSR would experience views to the northeast
towards the Project. Due to this VSR¡¦s distance from the Project, views of the
Project would largely be obscured. The Project would have a negligible impact
on existing views. In terms of the source of visual impacts, views into the
site during Construction and Operation would be obscured. Due to the factors
outlined above, combined with the large scale of the development in the view
and a ¡§Medium¡¨ compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of
change during Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§None¡¨. |
O-13 |
Workers at North West New Territories Refuse
Transfer Station |
Low |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Partial, ~800 m |
Partial, ~800 m |
Partial |
Partial |
Small |
Small |
This VSR would mainly experience views to the northwest
towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and continuous. Despite the Project¡¦s distance
from the Refuse Transfer Station, the Project would be partially visible
during Construction and Operation. Any existing views would be partially
blocked by the Project. In terms of the source of visual impacts, views
during construction may include site clearance, site formation and
development of new buildings, while views during operation may include new buildings
forming the development. Due to the factors outlined above, combined with the
large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§Low¡¨ compatibility with the
visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during Construction and Operation is
considered to be ¡§Small¡¨. |
O-14 |
Workers On Oyster Farms in Deep Bay |
Medium |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Partial, ~1500 m |
Partial, ~1500 m |
Slight |
Slight |
Negligible |
Negligible |
This VSR would mainly experience views to the south
towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and continuous. Despite the Project¡¦s distance
from the Oyster Farms, the Project would be partially visible during
Construction and Operation. Any existing views would be slightly blocked by
the Project. In terms of the source of visual impacts, views during
construction may include site clearance, site formation and development of
new buildings, while views during operation may include new buildings forming
the development. Due to the factors outlined above, combined with the large
scale of the development in the view and a ¡§Medium¡¨ compatibility with the
visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during Construction and Operation is
considered to be ¡§Negligible¡¨. |
O-15 |
Workers at power station located near Black Point
(Lan Kok Tsui) |
High |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Partial, ~7800 m |
Partial, ~7800 m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
This VSR would mainly experience views to the
northwest towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and continuous. Despite the Project¡¦s distance
from the power station, the Project would be partially visible during
Construction and Operation. The Project would have a negligible impact on
existing views. In terms of the source of visual impacts, views during
construction may include site clearance, site formation and development of
new buildings, while views during operation may include new buildings forming
the development. Due to the factors outlined above, combined with the large
scale of the development in the view and a ¡§High¡¨ compatibility with the
visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during Construction and Operation is
considered to be ¡§Negligible¡¨. |
O-16 |
Students and Teachers at Lingnan University |
Medium |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Obscured, ~1500 m |
Obscured, ~1500 m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
This VSR would mainly experience views to the
north towards the Project. Due to this VSR¡¦s distance from the Project, views
of the Project would largely be obscured. The Project would have a negligible
impact on existing views. In terms of the source of visual impacts, views
into the site during Construction and Operation would be obscured. Due to the
factors outlined above, combined with the large scale of the development in
the view and a ¡§Medium¡¨ compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude
of change during Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Negligible¡¨. |
O-17 |
Workers at Tai Hing Commercial Complex |
Medium |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Obscured, ~2600 m |
Obscured, ~2600 m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
This VSR would mainly experience views to the
northeast towards the Project. Due to this VSR¡¦s distance from the Project,
views of the Project would largely be obscured. The Project would have a
negligible impact on existing views. In terms of the source of visual
impacts, views into the site during Construction and Operation would be
obscured. Due to the factors outlined above, combined with the large scale of
the development in the view and a ¡§Medium¡¨ compatibility with the visual backdrop,
the magnitude of change during Construction and Operation is considered to be
¡§Negligible¡¨. |
O-18 |
Workers and Patients at Tuen Mun Hospital |
Medium |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Obscured, ~1900 m |
Obscured, ~1900 m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
This VSR would mainly experience views to the
northeast towards the Project. Due to this VSR¡¦s distance from the Project, views
of the Project would largely be obscured. The Project would have a negligible
impact on existing views. In terms of the source of visual impacts, views
into the site during Construction and Operation would be obscured. Due to the
factors outlined above, combined with the large scale of the development in
the view and a ¡§Medium¡¨ compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude
of change during Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Negligible¡¨. |
O-19 |
Workers and Patients at Castle Peak Hospital |
Medium |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Obscured, ~1900 m |
Obscured, ~1900 m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
This VSR would mainly experience views to the northeast
towards the Project. Due to this VSR¡¦s distance from the Project, views of
the Project would largely be obscured. The Project would have a negligible
impact on existing views. In terms of the source of visual impacts, views
into the site during Construction and Operation would be obscured. Due to the
factors outlined above, combined with the large scale of the development in
the view and a ¡§Medium¡¨ compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude
of change during Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Negligible¡¨. |
O-20 |
Workers in Industrial area of Ping Shan |
Low |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Partial, ~360 m |
Partial, ~360 m |
Partial |
Partial |
Large |
Large |
This VSR would mainly experience views to the west
towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and continuous. Due to the Project¡¦s proximity to
the industrial area, the Project would be partially visible during
Construction and Operation. Any existing views, including distant views of
Lau Fau Shan and Yuen Tau Shan to the west, would be partially blocked by the
Project. In terms of the source of visual impacts, views during construction
may include site clearance, site formation and development of new buildings,
while views during operation may include new residential, commercial and
institutional buildings. Due to the factors outlined above, combined with the
large scale of the development in the view and a ¡§Low¡¨ compatibility with the
visual backdrop, the magnitude of change during Construction and Operation is
considered to be ¡§Large¡¨. |
O-21 |
Workers in Industrial Area North of Yuen Long |
Medium |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Obscured, ~2500 m |
Obscured, ~2500 m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
This VSR would mainly experience views to the
west towards the Project. Due to this VSR¡¦s distance from the Project, views
of the Project would largely be obscured. The Project would have a negligible
impact on existing views. In terms of the source of visual impacts, views
into the site during Construction and Operation would be obscured. Due to the
factors outlined above, combined with the large scale of the development in
the view and a ¡§Medium¡¨ compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude
of change during Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Negligible¡¨. |
O-22 |
Workers in Industrial Area of Ha Tsuen |
Low |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Full, 0 m |
Full, 0 m |
Full |
Full |
Large |
Large |
This VSR would experience views in all directions
towards the Project. The duration and frequency of impacts can be
characterised as permanent and continuous. Due to immediate adjacency, the
Project would be visible during Construction and Operation. Any existing
views, including distant views of Lau Fau Shan and Yuen Tau Shan to the west,
would be blocked by the Project. In terms of the source of visual impacts,
views during construction may include site clearance, site formation and
development of new buildings, while views during operation may include new
residential, commercial, institutional and industrial buildings. Due to the
factors outlined above, combined with the large scale of the development in
the view and a ¡§Low¡¨ compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of
change during Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Large¡¨. |
O-23 |
Workers in Tung Tau Industrial Area |
High |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
Large, No |
Obscured, ~2550 m |
Obscured, ~2550 m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
This VSR would mainly experience views to the
west towards the Project. Due to this VSR¡¦s distance from the Project, views
of the Project would largely be obscured. The Project would have a negligible
impact on existing views. In terms of the source of visual impacts, views
into the site during Construction and Operation would be obscured. Due to the
factors outlined above, combined with the large scale of the development in the
view and a ¡§High¡¨ compatibility with the visual backdrop, the magnitude of
change during Construction and Operation is considered to be ¡§Negligible¡¨. |
Prediction of Significance of Visual Impacts
Impacts during the Construction and Operational Phase before Mitigation
Residential VSRs
¡P RES1, RES8, RES9, RES10, RES11, RES12, RES20, RES21, RES22, RES32, RES46, RES47: These VSRs will have permanent and continuous full views towards the source of visual impact at distances ranging from 0 m to 200 m. In the Construction Phase, the resultant magnitude of visual change is Large, and this combined with their High sensitivity results in an impact considered to be of Substantial significance. In the operation phase, the predicted impact significance is anticipated to remain the same as in the construction phase, as the unmitigated development would render similar impacts as the construction phase.
¡P RES2, RES3, RES4, RES5, RES6, RES13, RES14: These VSRs will have permanent and continuous partial views towards the source of visual impact at distances ranging from 0 m to 670 m. In the construction phase, the resultant magnitude of visual change is Large, and this combined with their High sensitivity results in an impact considered to be of Substantial significance. In the operation phase, the predicted impact significance is anticipated to remain the same as in the construction phase, as the unmitigated development would render similar impacts as the construction phase.
¡P RES7, RES15, RES16, RES17, RES18, RES19, RES24, RES25, RES36, RES38, RES48, RES49, RES50: These VSRs will have permanent and continuous partial views towards the source of visual impact at distances ranging from 430m to 2200m. In the construction phase, the resultant magnitude of visual change is Intermediate, and this combined with their High sensitivity results in an impact considered to be of Moderate significance. In the operation phase, the predicted impact significance is anticipated to remain the same as in the Construction Phase, as the unmitigated development would render similar impacts as the construction phase.
¡P RES26, RES27, RES28, RES29, RES34, RES35, RES37, RES51, RES52: These VSRs will have permanent and continuous partial views towards the source of visual impact at distances ranging from 960 m to 2500 m. In the construction phase, the resultant magnitude of visual change is Small, and this combined with their High sensitivity results in an impact considered to be of Slight significance. In the operation phase, the predicted impact significance is anticipated to remain the same as in the construction phase, as the unmitigated development would render similar impacts as the construction phase.
¡P RES30, RES33, RES40, RES41, RES42, RES44, RES45: These VSRs will have permanent and continuous obscured views towards the source of visual impact at distances ranging from 2690 m to 6400 m. In the construction phase, the resultant magnitude of visual change is negligible, and this combined with their High sensitivity results in an impact considered to be of Insubstantial significance. In the operation phase, the predicted impact significance is anticipated to remain the same as in the construction phase, as the unmitigated development would render similar impacts as the construction phase.
¡P RES39: This VSR will have permanent and continuous partial views towards the source of visual impact at a distance of 2200 m. In the construction phase, the resultant magnitude of visual change is negligible, and this combined with their Low sensitivity results in an impact considered to be of Insubstantial significance. In the operation phase, the predicted impact significance is anticipated to remain the same as in the construction phase, as the unmitigated development would render similar impacts as the construction phase.
¡P RES23, RES31, RES43: These VSRs will have permanent and continuous obscured views towards the source of visual impact at distances ranging from 2690 m to 6400 m. In the construction phase, the resultant magnitude of visual change is None, and this combined with their High sensitivity results in an impact considered to be of None significance. In the operation phase, the predicted impact significance is anticipated to remain the same as in the construction phase, as the unmitigated development would render similar impacts as the construction phase.
Recreational VSRs
REC6, REC7, REC10, REC11: These VSRs will have permanent and continuous
full views towards the source of visual impact at distances of 0 m to 240 m. In
the Construction Phase, the
resultant magnitude of visual change is Large, and this combined with their
High sensitivity results in an impact considered to be of Substantial significance.
In the operation phase, the predicted impact significance is anticipated
to remain the same as in the construction phase, as the unmitigated development
would render similar impacts as the construction phase.
REC15, REC17: These VSRs will have permanent and continuous full views
towards the source of visual impact at distances of 0 m to 130 m. In the
construction phase, the resultant magnitude of visual change is Large, and this
combined with their Medium sensitivity results in an impact considered to be of
Substantial significance. In the
operation phase, the predicted impact significance is anticipated to remain the
same as in the construction phase, as the unmitigated development would render
similar impacts as the construction phase.
These VSRs will have permanent and continuous partial views towards the source
of visual impact at a distance of 250 m. In the construction phase, the resultant
magnitude of visual change is Large, and this combined with their High
sensitivity results in an impact considered to be of Substantial significance.
In the operation phase, the predicted impact significance is anticipated
to remain the same as in the construction phase, as the unmitigated development
would render similar impacts as the construction phase.
REC1 and
REC8: These VSRs will have permanent and intermittent full views towards the
source of visual impact at distances ranging from 0 m to 6150 m. In the
construction phase, the resultant magnitude of visual change is Large, and this
combined with their High sensitivity results in an impact considered to be of Substantial significance. In the
operation phase, the predicted impact significance is anticipated to remain the
same as in the construction phase, as the unmitigated development would render
similar impacts as the construction phase.
REC19: These
VSRs will have permanent and intermittent partial views towards the source of
visual impact at a distance of 6850 m. In the construction phase, the resultant
magnitude of visual change is Large, and this combined with their High
sensitivity results in an impact considered to be of Substantial significance. In the operation phase, the predicted
impact significance is anticipated to remain the same as in the construction
phase, as the unmitigated development would render similar impacts as the
construction phase.
REC2: These
VSRs will have permanent and intermittent full views towards the source of
visual impact at distances ranging from 1000 m 10100 m. In the construction
phase, the resultant magnitude of visual change is Intermediate, and this
combined with their High sensitivity results in an impact considered to be of Moderate significance. In the operation phase, the predicted
impact significance is anticipated to remain the same as in the construction
phase, as the unmitigated development would render similar impacts as the
construction phase.
These VSRs will have permanent and intermittent partial views towards the
source of visual impact at a distance of 600 m. In the construction phase, the
resultant magnitude of visual change is Large, and this combined with their
High sensitivity results in an impact considered to be of Moderate significance.
In the operation phase, the predicted impact significance is anticipated
to remain the same as in the construction phase, as the unmitigated development
would render similar impacts as the construction phase.
REC24: These VSRs will have permanent and continuous partial views towards
the source of visual impact at distances ranging from 240 m to 2200 m. In the
construction phase, the resultant magnitude of visual change is Intermediate,
and this combined with their High sensitivity results in an impact considered
to be of Moderate significance. In the operation phase, the predicted
impact significance is anticipated to remain the same as in the construction
phase, as the unmitigated development would render similar impacts as the
construction phase.
REC14: These
VSRs will have permanent and continuous partial views towards the source of
visual impact at distances ranging of 1000 m. In the construction phase, the
resultant magnitude of visual change is Intermediate, and this combined with
their Low sensitivity results in an impact considered to be of Moderate significance. In the operation phase, the predicted
impact significance is anticipated to remain the same as in the construction
phase, as the unmitigated development would render similar impacts as the
construction phase.
REC9: These VSRs will have permanent and intermittent partial views towards
the source of visual impact at distances ranging from 380 m to 1400 m. In the
construction phase, the resultant magnitude of visual change is small, and this
combined with their High sensitivity results in an impact considered to be of Slight significance. In the operation phase, the predicted
impact significance is anticipated to remain the same as in the construction
phase, as the unmitigated development would render similar impacts as the
construction phase.
REC28: These
VSRs will have permanent and intermittent partial views towards the source of
visual impact at a distance of 4500 m. In the construction phase, the resultant
magnitude of visual change is small, and this combined with their Medium
sensitivity results in an impact considered to be of Slight significance. In
the operation phase, the predicted impact significance is anticipated to remain
the same as in the construction phase, as the unmitigated development would
render similar impacts as the construction phase.
REC20: These
VSRs will have permanent and continuous partial views towards the source of
visual impact at a distance of 1200 m. In the Construction Phase, the resultant magnitude of visual
change is small, and this combined with their High sensitivity results in an
impact considered to be of Slight
significance. In the operation
phase, the predicted impact significance is anticipated to remain the same as
in the Construction Phase, as the
unmitigated development would render similar impacts as the Construction Phase.
REC31: These
VSRs will have permanent and continuous obscured views towards the source of visual
impact at a distance of 1600 m. In the Construction Phase, the resultant magnitude of visual
change is small, and this combined with their High sensitivity results in an
impact considered to be of Slight
significance. In the operation phase, the predicted impact significance is
anticipated to remain the same as in the Construction Phase, as the unmitigated development
would render similar impacts as the Construction Phase.
¡P REC26, REC27: These VSRs will have permanent and intermittent partial views towards the source of visual impact at a distance of 7800 m to 10500 m. In the Construction Phase, the resultant magnitude of visual change is negligible, and this combined with their Medium sensitivity results in an impact considered to be of Insubstantial significance. In the operation phase, the predicted impact significance is anticipated to remain the same as in the construction phase, as the unmitigated development would render similar impacts as the construction phase.
REC25: These
VSRs will have permanent and continuous obscured views towards the source of
visual impact at a distance of 1980 m. In the construction phase, the resultant
magnitude of visual change is Negligible, and this combined with their Low
sensitivity results in an impact considered to be of Insubstantial significance. In the operation phase, the predicted
impact significance is anticipated to remain the same as in the construction
phase, as the unmitigated development would render similar impacts as the
construction phase.
REC30: These
VSRs will have permanent and continuous obscured views towards the source of
visual impact at a distance of 900 m. In the Construction Phase, the resultant magnitude of visual
change is Negligible, and this combined with their Low sensitivity results in
an impact considered to be of Insubstantial
significance. In the operation phase, the predicted impact significance is
anticipated to remain the same as in the Construction Phase, as the unmitigated development
would render similar impacts as the Construction Phase.
REC21, REC22, REC23, REC29, REC32, REC33: These VSRs will have permanent
and continuous obscured views towards the source of visual impact at a distance
of 960 m to 6000 m. In the Construction Phase, the resultant magnitude of visual
change is None, and this combined with their Low sensitivity results in an
impact considered to be of None
significance. In the operation phase, the predicted impact significance is
anticipated to remain the same as in the Construction Phase, as the unmitigated development
would render similar impacts as the Construction Phase.
Traveling VSRs
T1, T2,
T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T16: These VSRs will have
permanent and intermittent full views towards the source of visual impact at a
distance of 0 m to 380 m, as these VSRs are located within the Project. In the
Construction Phase, the resultant
magnitude of visual change is Large, and this combined with their Medium
sensitivity results in an impact considered to be of Moderate significance.
In the operation phase, the predicted impact significance is anticipated
to remain the same as in the construction phase, as the unmitigated development
would render similar impacts as the construction phase.
T17, T18,
T19, T20, T21, T22, T23: These VSRs will have permanent and intermittent
full views towards the source of visual impact, as these VSRs are located
within the Project. In the construction phase, the resultant magnitude of
visual change is Large, and this combined with their High sensitivity results
in an impact considered to be of Substantial
significance. In the operation
phase, the predicted impact significance is anticipated to remain the same as
in the construction phase, as the unmitigated development would render similar
impacts as the construction phase.
T30 and
T36: These VSRs will have permanent and intermittent partial views towards
the source of visual impact at a distance of 0 m to 730 m, as these VSRs are
located within the Project. In the Construction Phase, the resultant magnitude of visual
change is Large, and this combined with their Medium sensitivity results in an
impact considered to be of Substantial
significance. In the operation phase, the predicted impact significance is
anticipated to remain the same as in the Construction Phase, as the unmitigated development
would render similar impacts as the Construction Phase.
T15, T29,
T31, T32: These VSRs will have permanent and intermittent partial views
towards the source of visual impact at distances ranging from 200 m to 3500 m.
In the Construction Phase, the
resultant magnitude of visual change is Intermediate, and this combined with
their Medium sensitivity results in an impact considered to be of Moderate significance. In the operation phase, the predicted
impact significance is anticipated to remain the same as in the
Construction Phase, as the
unmitigated development would render similar impacts as the Construction Phase.
T14, T24,
T25, T26, T27, T35: These VSRs will have permanent and intermittent partial
views towards the source of visual impact at distances ranging from 0 m to 2100
m. In the Construction Phase, the
resultant magnitude of visual change is small, and this combined with their
Medium sensitivity results in an impact considered to be of Slight significance. In the operation phase, the predicted
impact significance is anticipated to remain the same as in the
Construction Phase, as the
unmitigated development would render similar impacts as the Construction Phase.
T26: These
VSRs will have permanent and intermittent partial views towards the source of
visual impact at a distance of 1500 m. In the construction phase, the resultant
magnitude of visual change is small, and this combined with their Low
sensitivity results in an impact considered to be of Slight significance. In
the operation phase, the predicted impact significance is anticipated to remain
the same as in the construction phase, as the unmitigated development would
render similar impacts as the construction phase.
¡P T28, T33, T34: These VSRs will have permanent and intermittent obscured views towards the source of visual impact at distances ranging from 140 m to 920 m. In the Construction Phase, the resultant magnitude of visual change is Negligible, and this combined with their Low sensitivity results in an impact considered to be of Insubstantial significance. In the operation phase, the predicted impact significance is anticipated to remain the same as in the Construction Phase, as the unmitigated development would render similar impacts as the Construction Phase.
Occupational VSRs
O1, O9,
O10, O11: These VSRs will have permanent and continuous full views towards
the source of visual impact at distances ranging from 0 m to 200 m. In the
Construction Phase, the resultant
magnitude of visual change is Large, and this combined with their Low
sensitivity results in an impact considered to be of Moderate significance. In the operation phase, the predicted impact
significance is anticipated to remain the same as in the Construction Phase, as the unmitigated development
would render similar impacts as the Construction Phase.
O22: These
VSRs will have permanent and continuous full views towards the source of visual
impact at a distance ranging of 0 m. In the construction phase, the resultant
magnitude of visual change is Large, and this combined with their Medium
sensitivity results in an impact considered to be of Moderate significance. In the operation phase, the predicted impact
significance is anticipated to remain the same as in the construction phase, as
the unmitigated development would render similar impacts as the construction
O2, O6,
O20: These VSRs will have permanent and continuous partial views towards
the source of visual impact at distances ranging from 190 m to 430 m. In the
Construction Phase, the resultant
magnitude of visual change is Large, and this combined with their Low
sensitivity results in an impact considered to be of Moderate significance. In the operation phase, the predicted impact
significance is anticipated to remain the same as in the Construction Phase, as the unmitigated development
would render similar impacts as the Construction Phase.
O3, O4,
O7: These VSRs will have permanent and continuous partial views towards the
source of visual impact at a distance of 320 m to 1300 m. In the
Construction Phase, the resultant
magnitude of visual change is Intermediate, and this combined with their Low
sensitivity results in an impact considered to be of Slight significance. In the operation phase, the predicted impact
significance is anticipated to remain the same as in the Construction Phase, as the unmitigated development
would render similar impacts as the Construction Phase.
O13: These
VSRs will have permanent and continuous partial views towards the source of
visual impact at a distance of 800 m. In the construction phase, the resultant
magnitude of visual change is small, and this combined with their Low
sensitivity results in an impact considered to be of Slight significance. In the Operation Phase, the predicted impact significance
is anticipated to remain the same as in the construction phase, as the
unmitigated development would render similar impacts as the construction phase.
O14: These
VSRs will have permanent and continuous partial views towards the source of
visual impact at distances ranging from 1500 m. In the construction phase, the
resultant magnitude of visual change is Negligible, and this combined with
their Low sensitivity results in an impact considered to be of Insubstantial significance. In the
operation phase, the predicted impact significance is anticipated to remain the
same as in the construction phase, as the unmitigated development would render
similar impacts as the construction phase
O5, O8,
O21, O23: These VSRs will have permanent and continuous obscured views
towards the source of visual impact at distances ranging from 390 m to 2550 m.
In the construction phase, the resultant magnitude of visual change is
Negligible, and this combined with their Low sensitivity results in an impact
considered to be of Insubstantial
significance. In the operation phase, the predicted impact significance is
anticipated to remain the same as in the construction phase, as the unmitigated
development would render similar impacts as the construction phase.
O12, O15,
O16, O17, O18, O19: These VSRs will have permanent and continuous obscured
views towards the source of visual impact at a distance of 270 m to 1100 m. In
the construction phase, the resultant magnitude of visual change is none, and
this combined with their Low sensitivity results in an impact considered to be
of None significance. In the
operation phase, the predicted impact significance is anticipated to remain the
same as in the construction phase, as the unmitigated development would render
similar impacts as the construction phase.
Residual Impacts during the Construction Phase after Mitigation
Residual Impacts during the Operational Phase after Mitigation
Preliminary Land Use Study for Lam Tei Quarry and the Adjoining Areas
¡P This is a preliminary land use study to identify and examine the development potential and suitable types of possible future land uses of the Lam Tei Quarry (LTQ) and its adjoining areas, including two proposed Strategic Cavern Areas (SCVAs) identified under the Feasibility Study on Long-Term Strategy for Cavern Development. Although no cumulative impacts are predicted with the implementation of mitigation measures at this stage, it is advised that a coordinated approach be undertaken between these projects.
Tuen Mun Western Bypass
TMWB together with the Tuen Mun ¡V Chek Lap Kok
Link, will provide a north-south highway corridor linking the NWNT with the
Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities, the Hong
Kong International Airport and North Lantau. Although no cumulative impacts are predicted with the implementation of
mitigation measures at this stage, it is advised that a coordinated approach be
undertaken between these projects to reduce potential impacts in terms of both
magnitude and the period of disturbance during construction.
Proposed Development Under the Study on the Enhancement of the Lau Fau Shan Rural Township and Surrounding Areas
The objective of the study is to realise the
tourism and recreational potential of Lau Fau Shan and its surrounding
areas. The assessment area with a
total site area of about 565 ha, mainly covers Lau Fau Shan and the coastal
areas of Deep Bay, stretching from the KSWH in the south to Tsim Bei Tsui in
the north. Although no cumulative impacts
are predicted with the implementation of mitigation measures at this stage, it
is advised that a coordinated approach be undertaken between these projects to
reduce potential impacts in terms of both magnitude and the period of
disturbance during construction.
Planning and Engineering Study for Housing Sites in Yuen Long South ¡V Investigation
The overall objective of the Study is to examine
and optimise the development potential of the degraded brownfield land in Yuen
Long South for housing purpose and other uses with supporting infrastructure
and community facilities, and to improve the existing environment. The
Potential Development Area (PDA), covering
an area of about 223 ha, is located to the south of Yuen Long New Town and
bounded by Yuen Long Highway and Kung Um Road, with Tai Lam Country Park
located at the south. The PDA includes two main parts, one in the Tong Yan San
Tsuen area and the other in the area along Kung Um Road. Given that the
proposed development intensity at Tong Yan San Tsuen, which is the development
sub-zone closest to the Project area within the Yuen Long South development, is
planned to be a low-density development with a plot ratio of 1 to 1.5, the
potential cumulative visual impact will be moderate
and therefore visually compatible with the profile of the Project.
Table 11.13 Significance of Visual Impacts in the Construction and Operation Phases (Overall Project, Schedule 3)
Key Visually Sensitive Receiver (VSR) |
Magnitude of Change before Mitigation (None,
Negligible, Small, Intermediate, Large) |
Receptor Sensitivity & Number
Medium, High) (Very Few,
Few, Many, Very Many) |
Impact Significance BEFORE Mitigation (None,
Insubstantial, Slight, Moderate, Substantial) |
Recommended Mitigation Measures |
Residual Impact Significance AFTER Mitigation (None,
Insubstantial, Slight, Moderate, Substantial) |
Construction |
Operation |
Construction |
Operation |
Construction |
Operation |
Construction |
Operation |
DAY 1 |
YEAR 10 |
Residential VSRs |
RES-1 |
Residents in West Tin Shui Wai (Tin Yan Estate,
Tin Wah Estate, Tin Shui Estate, Tin Oi Court, Locwood Court, Tin Shing
Court, Tin Yiu Estate, Tin Tsz Estate, Sherwood Court) |
Large |
Large |
High, Very Many |
High, Very Many |
Substantial |
Substantial |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, OM1-14 |
Substantial |
Substantial |
Substantial |
RES-2 |
Residents in Sha Kong Wai, Sha Kong Wai Tsai, and
Flowery Villas |
Large |
Large |
High, Many |
High, Many |
Substantial |
Substantial |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Substantial |
Substantial |
Substantial |
RES-3 |
Residents in Fung Kong Tsuen |
Large |
Large |
High, Many |
High, Many |
Substantial |
Substantial |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, OM1-14 |
Substantial |
Substantial |
Substantial |
RES-4 |
Residents in Lo Uk Tsuen, Hong Mei Tsuen, San
Wai, Sik Kong Tsuen, and Tung Tau Tsuen |
Large |
Large |
High, Many |
High, Many |
Substantial |
Substantial |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, OM1-14 |
Substantial |
Substantial |
Substantial |
RES-5 |
Residents in Hang Tau Tsuen, Ping Wu Garden and
Elle Garden |
Large |
Large |
High, Many |
High, Many |
Substantial |
Substantial |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Substantial |
Substantial |
Substantial |
RES-6 |
Residents in Hung Uk Tsuen and Kiu Tau Wai |
Large |
Large |
High, Many |
High, Many |
Substantial |
Substantial |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Substantial |
Substantial |
Substantial |
RES-7 |
Residents in Scenic Gardens and Villa By The Park |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
Medium, Many |
Medium, Many |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
RES-8 |
Residents in Wo Ping San Tsuen, Tan Kwai Tsuen,
The Verdancy, The Meadowlands, and Chung Uk Tsuen |
Large |
Large |
High, Many |
High, Many |
Substantial |
Substantial |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Substantial |
Substantial |
Substantial |
RES-9 |
Residents in Sun Fung Wai |
Large |
Large |
High, Many |
High, Many |
Substantial |
Substantial |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, OM1-14 |
Substantial |
Substantial |
Substantial |
RES-10 |
Residents in Hung Shui Kiu |
Large |
Large |
High, Many |
High, Many |
Substantial |
Substantial |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, OM1-14 |
Substantial |
Substantial |
Substantial |
RES-11 |
Residents in Shek Po Tsuen |
Large |
Large |
High, Many |
High, Many |
Substantial |
Substantial |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, OM1-14 |
Substantial |
Substantial |
Substantial |
RES-12 |
Residents in San Sang Tsuen |
Large |
Large |
High, Many |
High, Many |
Substantial |
Substantial |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Substantial |
Substantial |
Substantial |
RES-13 |
Residents in Lung Fung Fa Yuen, Lingrade Garden,
Tuen Mun San Tsuen, Hanison Garden, |
Large |
Large |
High, Many |
High, Many |
Substantial |
Substantial |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Substantial |
Substantial |
Substantial |
RES-14 |
Residents in Sherwood and Botania Villa |
Large |
Large |
High, Many |
High, Many |
Substantial |
Substantial |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Substantial |
Substantial |
Substantial |
RES-15 |
Residents in Fu Tai Estate |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
High, Many |
High, Many |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
RES-16 |
Residents in Siu Hong Court |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
High, Many |
High, Many |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
RES-17 |
Residents in Grandeur Gardens, Elegance Gardens,
Brilliant Garden and Noble Place |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
Medium, Very Many |
Medium, Very Many |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
RES-18 |
Residents in Parkland Hills and Prime View Garden |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
Medium, Very Many |
Medium, Very Many |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
RES-19 |
Residents in Po Tin Estate, Blossom Garden, Siu
Hin Court Shun, Tin King Estate and San Wai Court |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
Medium, Many |
Medium, Very Many |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
RES-20 |
Residents in developments south of Castle Peak
Road (Meadowlands, Uptown, The Woodside, and Treasure Court) |
Large |
Large |
High, Many |
High, Very Many |
Substantial |
Substantial |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Substantial |
Substantial |
Substantial |
RES-21 |
Residents in Parkview Garden, Casa De Oro, and Aster
Court |
Large |
Large |
High, Many |
High, Very Many |
Substantial |
Substantial |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Substantial |
Substantial |
Substantial |
RES-22 |
Future residents Public Rental Housing
Development at Hung Shui Kiu Area 13 |
Large |
Large |
High, Many |
High, Many |
Substantial |
Substantial |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Substantial |
Substantial |
Substantial |
RES-23 |
Residents in developments in Tung Chuen Wai and
its surrounding areas |
None |
None |
Low, Many |
Low, Many |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
RES-24 |
Residents in Tuen Tsz Wai |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
High, Many |
High, Many |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, OM1-14 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
RES-25 |
Residents in Villa Pinada development |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
High, Many |
High, Many |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
RES-26 |
Residents in Hong Lai, Tseng Tau Chung Tsuen, and
Eldo Court |
Small |
Small |
Medium, Very Many |
Medium, Very Many |
Slight |
Slight |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Slight |
Slight |
Slight |
RES-27 |
Residents in Tai Hing Garden, Tai Hing Estate and
Affluence Garden |
Small |
Small |
Medium, Very Many |
Medium, Very Many |
Slight |
Slight |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Slight |
Slight |
Slight |
RES-28 |
Residents in Shan King Estate |
Small |
Small |
Medium, Very Many |
Medium, Very Many |
Slight |
Slight |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Slight |
Slight |
Slight |
RES-29 |
Residents in Sheung Pak Nei |
Small |
Small |
Low, Few |
Low, Few |
Slight |
Slight |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Slight |
Slight |
Slight |
RES-30 |
Residents in Pak Nai |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Low, Few |
Low, Few |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
RES-31 |
Residents in Ha Pak Nai |
None |
None |
Low, Few |
Low, Few |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
RES-32 |
Residents in Hang Hau Tsuen |
Large |
Large |
High, Many |
High, Many |
Substantial |
Substantial |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Substantial |
Substantial |
RES-33 |
Residents in Tuen Mun Town Plaza |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Low, Very Many |
Low, Very Many |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
RES-34 |
Residents in Shan King Estate, King Fu and King
Kwai House |
Small |
Small |
Medium, Very Many |
Medium, Very Many |
Slight |
Slight |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Slight |
Slight |
Slight |
RES-35 |
Residents in Mong Tseng Tsuen |
Small |
Small |
Medium, Many |
Medium, Many |
Slight |
Slight |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Slight |
Slight |
Slight |
RES-36 |
Residents in Crystal Park, Sereno Verde Pradera
and Yee Fung Garden |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
High, Very Many |
High, Very Many |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
RES-37 |
Residents in Yuen Long between Ma Tong Road and
Castle Peak Road |
Small |
Small |
High, Very Many |
High, Very Many |
Slight |
Slight |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Slight |
Slight |
Slight |
RES-38 |
Residents in Long Ping Estate |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
High, Very Many |
High, Very Many |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
RES-39 |
Residents in Fairview residential development and
its surrounding areas |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Low, Very Many |
Low, Very Many |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
RES-40 |
Residents in Wong Nai Tun Tsuen |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Low, Many |
Low, Many |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
RES-41 |
Residents in villages south of Yuen Long |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Low, Many |
Low, Many |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
RES-42 |
Residents in Ngau Tam Mei |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Low, Many |
Low, Many |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
RES-43 |
Residents in Royal Palms Residential Development |
None |
None |
Low, Many |
Low, Many |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
RES-44 |
Residents in Kam Tin |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Low, Many |
Low, Many |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Not Required |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
RES-45 |
Residents in Tai Tong |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Low, Many |
Low, Many |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Not Required |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
RES-46 |
Future Residents in HOS near TSW Station (Site
5-6) |
Large |
Large |
High, Many |
High, Many |
Substantial |
Substantial |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, OM1-14 |
Substantial |
Substantial |
Substantial |
RES-47 |
Residents in Sunny Villas, Tseung Kong Wai, Sik
Kong Wai, Ha Tsuen Shi, and San
Uk Tsuen |
Large |
Large |
High, Many |
High, Many |
Substantial |
Substantial |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, OM1-14 |
Substantial |
Substantial |
Substantial |
RES-48 |
Residents in Tsz Tin Tsuen and Grand Villa |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
High, Many |
High, Very Many |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
RES-49 |
Residents in Tong Yan San Tsuen, The Eldorado,
Kisland Villa, Marbella Gardens and nearby residential developments |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
High, Many |
High, Many |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
RES-50 |
Residents in Grandeur Terrace Tin Chak Estate,
Tin Heng Estate, and Tin Yat Estate |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
High, Many |
High, Many |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, OM1-14 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
RES-51 |
Residents in Tin Fu Court, Tin Yuet Estate, Tin
Ching Estate |
Small |
Small |
High, Many |
High, Many |
Slight |
Slight |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, OM1-14 |
Slight |
Slight |
Slight |
RES-52 |
Residents in Tin Chung Court, Chestwood Court,
Central Park Towers, Kingswood Ginza |
Small |
Small |
High, Many |
High, Many |
Slight |
Slight |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, OM1-14 |
Slight |
Slight |
Slight |
Recreational VSRs |
REC-1 |
Hikers along Castle Peak Trails |
Large |
Large |
High, Few |
High, Few |
Substantial |
Substantial |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, OM1-14 |
Substantial |
Substantial |
Substantial |
REC-2 |
Hikers along Tai Lam Country Park Trails |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
High, Few |
High, Few |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
REC-3 |
Hikers on Kai Shan |
Small |
Small |
High, Few |
High, Few |
Slight |
Slight |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, OM1-14 |
Slight |
Slight |
Slight |
REC-4 |
Hikers on Lau Fau Shan |
Large |
Large |
High, Few |
High, Few |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
REC-5 |
Users of TSW Promenade |
Large |
Large |
High, Many |
High, Many |
Substantial |
Substantial |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Substantial |
Substantial |
Substantial |
REC-6 |
Visitors to Tsui Sing Lau Pagoda |
Large |
Large |
High, Few |
High, Few |
Substantial |
Substantial |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Substantial |
Substantial |
Substantial |
REC-7 |
Visitors to Yuen Ping Shan Tang Clan Gallery Cum
Heritage Trail Visitors Centre |
Large |
Large |
High, Few |
High, Few |
Substantial |
Substantial |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Substantial |
Substantial |
Substantial |
REC-8 |
Hikers along the Hillside north of the Project |
Large |
Large |
High, Few |
High, Few |
Substantial |
Substantial |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, OM1-14 |
Substantial |
Substantial |
Substantial |
REC-9 |
Users of Tin Shui Road Park |
Small |
Small |
High, Many |
High, Many |
Slight |
Slight |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Slight |
Slight |
Slight |
REC-10 |
Users of Ping Ha Road Garden |
Large |
Large |
High, Few |
High, Many |
Substantial |
Substantial |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Substantial |
Substantial |
Substantial |
REC-11 |
Users of Sik Kong Tsuen Playground and Ha Tsuen
Football Field |
Large |
Large |
Medium, Few |
Medium, Few |
Substantial |
Substantial |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, OM1-14 |
Substantial |
Substantial |
Substantial |
REC-12 |
Users of Shek Po Tsuen Playground |
Large |
Large |
Medium, Few |
Medium, Few |
Substantial |
Substantial |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Substantial |
Substantial |
Substantial |
REC-13 |
Users of Ping Pak Lane Park |
Large |
Large |
High, Many |
High, Many |
Substantial |
Substantial |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Substantial |
Substantial |
Substantial |
REC-14 |
Users of Tong Yan San Tsuen Playground |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
Low, Few |
Low, Few |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
REC-15 |
Users of Tin Ha Road Playground |
Large |
Large |
Medium, Many |
Medium, Many |
Substantial |
Substantial |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Substantial |
Substantial |
Substantial |
REC-16 |
Users of Nai Wai Soccer Pitch |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
Medium, Many |
Medium, Many |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
REC-17 |
Users of Fuk Hang Playground |
Large |
Large |
Medium, Few |
Medium, Few |
Substantial |
Substantial |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Substantial |
Substantial |
Substantial |
REC-18 |
Users of Fung Tei Garden |
None |
None |
Low, Many |
Low, Many |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
REC-19 |
Recreational marine craft users of Deep Bay |
Large |
Large |
High, Few |
High, Few |
Substantial |
Substantial |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Substantial |
Substantial |
Substantial |
REC-20 |
Users of Lingnan University Outdoor Sportsfield |
Small |
Small |
Low, Many |
Low, Many |
Slight |
Slight |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Slight |
Slight |
Slight |
REC-21 |
Users of Tsing Tin Playground |
None |
None |
Low, Many |
Low, Many |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
REC-22 |
Users of Tang Shiu Kin Sports Ground |
None |
None |
Low, Many |
Low, Many |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
REC-23 |
Users of Yeung King Playground |
None |
None |
Low, Many |
Low, Many |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
REC-24 |
Users Mong Tseng Wai Basketball court |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
Low, Many |
Low, Many |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
REC-25 |
Users of Yuen Long Park and Yuen Long Stadium |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Low, Many |
Low, Many |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
REC-26 |
Hikers on Ki Lun Shan |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Medium, Few |
Medium, Few |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
REC-27 |
Hikers in Lam Tsuen Country Park |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Medium, Few |
Medium, Few |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
REC-28 |
Hikers on Ho Hok Shan |
Small |
Small |
Medium, Few |
Medium, Few |
Slight |
Slight |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Slight |
Slight |
Slight |
REC-29 |
Users of Shui Mei Village Playground |
None |
None |
Low, Few |
Low, Few |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
REC-30 |
Users of TSW Park |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Low, Many |
Low, Many |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
REC-31 |
Users of Hong Wetland Park |
Small |
Small |
High, Many |
High, Many |
Slight |
Slight |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Slight |
Slight |
Slight |
REC-32 |
Users of Tin Sau Road Community Garden and Tin
Sau Road Park |
None |
None |
Low, Many |
Low, Many |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
REC-33 |
Users of Dragons Park and Tin Pak Road Park |
None |
None |
Low, Many |
Low, Many |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
Travelling VSRs |
T-1 |
Motorists along KSWH |
Large |
Large |
Medium, Many |
Medium, Many |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, OM1-14 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
T-2 |
Users of the MTR between TSW and Siu Hong Station |
Large |
Large |
Medium, Many |
Medium, Many |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, OM1-14 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
T-3 |
Motorists along Yuen Long Highway |
Large |
Large |
Medium, Many |
Medium, Many |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
T-4 |
Motorists along Hung Tin Road |
Large |
Large |
Medium, Many |
Medium, Many |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, OM1-14 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
T-5 |
Motorists along Castle Peak Road |
Large |
Large |
Medium, Many |
Medium, Many |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, OM1-14 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
T-6 |
Motorists along Ping Ha Road |
Large |
Large |
Medium, Many |
Medium, Many |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, OM1-14 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
T-7 |
Motorists along Tin Ha Road |
Large |
Large |
Medium, Many |
Medium, Many |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, OM1-14 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
T-8 |
Motorists along Shek Po Road |
Large |
Large |
Medium, Many |
Medium, Many |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, OM1-14 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
T-9 |
Motorists along Tin Sam Road |
Large |
Large |
Medium, Few |
Medium, Few |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
T-10 |
Motorists along Hung Yuen Road and Hung Chi Road |
Large |
Large |
Medium, Few |
Medium, Few |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
T-11 |
Motorists along Sha Chau Lei Road |
Large |
Large |
Medium, Few |
Medium, Few |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
T-12 |
Motorists along Hung Shui Kui Main Street |
Large |
Large |
Medium, Many |
Medium, Many |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
T-13 |
Motorists along Lau Fau Shan Road |
Large |
Large |
Medium, Many |
Medium, Many |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, OM1-14 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
T-14 |
Motorists along Deep Bay Road |
Small |
Small |
Medium, Few |
Medium, Few |
Slight |
Slight |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Slight |
Slight |
Slight |
T-15 |
Motorists along Shenzhen Bay Bridge |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
Medium, Many |
Medium, Many |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
T-16 |
Passengers on Light Rail System |
Large |
Large |
Medium, Many |
Medium, Many |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, OM1-14 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
T-17 |
Cyclists along Castle Peak Road |
Large |
Large |
High, Few |
High, Few |
Substantial |
Substantial |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, OM1-14 |
Substantial |
Substantial |
Substantial |
T-18 |
Cyclists along Tin Ha Road |
Large |
Large |
High, Few |
High, Few |
Substantial |
Substantial |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, OM1-14 |
Substantial |
Substantial |
Substantial |
T-19 |
Cyclists along Shek Po Road |
Large |
Large |
High, Few |
High, Few |
Substantial |
Substantial |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, OM1-14 |
Substantial |
Substantial |
Substantial |
T-20 |
Cyclists along Ping Ha Road |
Large |
Large |
High, Few |
High, Few |
Substantial |
Substantial |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, OM1-14 |
Substantial |
Substantial |
Substantial |
T-21 |
Cyclists along Hung Yuen Road |
Large |
Large |
High, Few |
High, Few |
Substantial |
Substantial |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Substantial |
Substantial |
Substantial |
T-22 |
Cyclists along Tin Sum Road |
Large |
Large |
High, Few |
High, Few |
Substantial |
Substantial |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Substantial |
Substantial |
Substantial |
T-23 |
Cyclists along Tin Ying Road and Hung Tin Road |
Large |
Large |
High, Few |
High, Few |
Substantial |
Substantial |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, OM1-14 |
Substantial |
Substantial |
Substantial |
T-24 |
Motorists along Tuen Mun Road |
Small |
Small |
Medium, Many |
Medium, Many |
Slight |
Slight |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Slight |
Slight |
Slight |
T-25 |
Travellers on MTR between Tin Shui Wai and Siu
Hong |
Small |
Small |
Medium, Many |
Medium, Many |
Slight |
Slight |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Slight |
Slight |
Slight |
T-26 |
Motorists along Ming Kum Road |
Small |
Small |
Low, Many |
Low, Many |
Slight |
Slight |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Slight |
Slight |
Slight |
T-27 |
Travellers on MTR between TSW and Yeun Long |
Small |
Small |
Medium, Many |
Medium, Many |
Slight |
Slight |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Slight |
Slight |
Slight |
T-28 |
Motorists on San Tin Highway |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Low, Many |
Low, Many |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
T-29 |
Motorists on Long Tin Road |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
Medium, Many |
Medium, Many |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
T-30 |
Motorists on Tin Wah Road |
Large |
Large |
Medium, Many |
Medium, Many |
Substantial |
Substantial |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, OM1-14 |
Substantial |
Substantial |
Substantial |
T-31 |
Motorists on Fuk Hang Tsuen Road |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
Medium, Few |
Medium, Few |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, OM1-14 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
T-32 |
Motorists on Tsing Lun Road |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
Medium, Many |
Medium, Many |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
T-33 |
Motorists on Kung Um Road |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Low, Many |
Low, Many |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
T-34 |
Motorists on Tai Shu Ha Road |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Low, Many |
Low, Many |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
T-35 |
Motorists on Ma Wang Road |
Small |
Small |
Medium, Many |
Medium, Many |
Slight |
Slight |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Slight |
Slight |
Slight |
T-36 |
Motorists on Ng Lau Road |
Large |
Large |
Medium, Few |
Medium, Few |
Substantial |
Substantial |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Substantial |
Substantial |
Substantial |
Occupational VSRs |
O-1 |
Teachers and students at Shung Tak Catholic English
College |
Large |
Large |
Low, Few |
Low, Few |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
O-2 |
Workers at Multiwin Logistics |
Large |
Large |
Low, Few |
Low, Few |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
O-3 |
Workers at Lam Tei Quarry |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
Low, Few |
Low, Few |
Slight |
Slight |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Slight |
Slight |
Slight |
O-4 |
Teachers and students at Madam Lau Kam Lung
Secondary School |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
Low, Few |
Low, Few |
Slight |
Slight |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Slight |
Slight |
O-5 |
Teachers and students at Hing Tak School |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Low, Few |
Low, Few |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
O-6 |
Teachers and students at WF Joseph Lee Primary
School, Heung Tao Middle School, and Pansy Ho Activity Centre |
Large |
Large |
Low, Few |
Low, Few |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, OM1-14 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
O-7 |
Teachers and students at Po Kok Branch School |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
Low, Few |
Low, Few |
Slight |
Slight |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Slight |
Slight |
Slight |
O-8 |
Workers in Industrial Area of Yuen Long South |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Low, Few |
Low, Few |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
O-9 |
Teachers and students at Ho Dao College |
Large |
Large |
Low, Few |
Low, Few |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
O-10 |
Teachers and students at VTC Youth College, Yan Chai Hospital Nina Lam
Kindergarten, and Pui Shing Catholic Secondary School |
Large |
Large |
Low, Few |
Low, Few |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, OM1-14 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
O-11 |
Teachers and students at Caritas Lok Kan
School, and TWGH Leo Tung-hai Lee
Primary School |
Large |
Large |
Low, Few |
Low, Few |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, OM1-14 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
O-12 |
Teachers and students at Yau Tze Tin Memorial
College |
None |
None |
Low, Few |
Low, Few |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
O-13 |
Workers at North West New Territories Refuse
Transfer Station |
Small |
Small |
Low, Few |
Low, Few |
Slight |
Slight |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Slight |
Slight |
Slight |
O-14 |
Workers On Oyster Farms in Deep Bay |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Low, Few |
Low, Few |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
O-15 |
Workers at power station located near Black Point
(Lan Kok Tsui) |
None |
None |
Low, Few |
Low, Few |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
O-16 |
Students and Teachers at Lingnan University |
None |
None |
Low, Few |
Low, Few |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
O-17 |
Workers at Tai Hing Commercial Complex |
None |
None |
Low, Few |
Low, Few |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
O-18 |
Workers and Patients at Tuen Mun Hospital |
None |
None |
Low, Few |
Low, Few |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
O-19 |
Workers and Patients at Castle Peak Hospital |
None |
None |
Low, Few |
Low, Few |
None |
None |
Not Required |
None |
None |
None |
O-20 |
Workers in Industrial area of Ping Shan |
Large |
Large |
Low, Few |
Low, Few |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
O-21 |
Workers in Industrial area north of Yuen Long |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Low, Few |
Low, Few |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
O-22 |
Workers in Industrial Area of Ha Tsuen |
Large |
Large |
Medium, Few |
Medium, Few |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, OM1-14 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
O-23 |
Workers in Tung Tau Industrial Area |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Low, Few |
Low, Few |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
CM1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, OM1-14 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Note: VSRs with
impact significance of ¡§None¡¨ do not
require mitigation measures
¡P Existing Baseline Conditions in March 2016 ¡V This photo illustrates the ¡¥before scenario¡¦ ¡V the existing landscape conditions before construction of the proposed HSK development for the purpose to assess the magnitude of visual change.
HSK development without mitigation at Day 1 (Operational Phase) ¡V This
photomontage illustrates the proposed HSK development at Day 1 without
mitigation (i.e. no screen planting, no chromatic treatment to the buildings,
no landscape greening etc.). This photomontage is used to assess the
effectiveness of implementing mitigation measures in reducing the landscape and
visual impacts.
¡P Proposed HSK development with mitigation at Day 1 (Operational Phase) ¡V This photomontage illustrates the proposed HSK development at Day 1 with mitigation (i.e. with screen planting, with chromatic treatment to the buildings, with landscape greening etc.). The implementation of mitigation measures at Day 1 will reduce the landscape and visual impacts imposed by the proposed HSK development at Day 1.
¡P Proposed HSK development with mitigation at Year 10 (Operational Phase) ¡V This photomontage illustrates the proposed HSK development at Year 10 with mitigation (i.e. with screen planting, with chromatic treatment to the buildings, with landscape greening etc.). The implementation of mitigation measures will have matured at Year 10 further reducing the landscape and visual impacts imposed by the proposed HSK development.
Summary of Landscape and Visual Mitigation Measures
¡P CM1 ¡V Minimised construction area and contractor¡¦s temporary works areas
¡P CM2 ¡V Stripping and storing of top soil
¡P CM3 ¡V Protection of existing trees
¡P CM4 ¡V Transplantation of existing trees where practical
¡P CM5 ¡V Control of night-time lighting
¡P CM6 ¡V Construction of decorative hoarding around construction works
¡P CM7 ¡V Reduction of construction period to practical minimum
¡P CM8 ¡V Prevention of run-off
¡P CM9 ¡V Phasing of construction stage
¡P CM10 ¡V Advance screen planting
¡P CM11 ¡V Minimise disturbance footprints
¡P CM12 ¡V Protection of existing water courses
¡P CM13 ¡V Hydroseeding on modified slopes
¡P CM14 ¡V Integrate Open Space Network with existing nullah conditions
¡P OM1 ¡V Compensatory tree planting where practical
¡P OM2 ¡V Sensitive design of above-ground structures
¡P OM3 ¡V Sensitive design of hardscape elements along roadsides
¡P OM4 ¡V Reinstatement of streetscape elements
¡P OM5 ¡V Visual softening via soft landscape elements
¡P OM6 ¡V Quality greening along roadside amenity strips
¡P OM7 ¡V Design of street lighting
¡P OM8 ¡V Sensitive and chromatic treatment of architectural facades
¡P OM9 ¡V Sensitive design of landscape areas
¡P OM10 ¡V Sensitive design of noise barriers and enclosures
¡P OM11 ¡V Tree planting to site boundaries
¡P OM12 ¡V Night time lighting
¡P OM13 ¡V Green roofs and vertical greening
¡P OM14 ¡V Greening of viaduct structures and noise barriers
Summary of Predicted Landscape Impacts in the Construction & Operation phase
Overall Summary: Landscape Impacts
Summary of Predicted Visual Impacts in the Construction & Operation phase
Overall Summary: Visual Impacts
Overall Conclusion