1.1.2 Afterwards, the “Hong Kong 2030:
Planning Vision and Strategy” (the HK2030 Study) completed by the Planning
Department (PlanD) in 2007 revisited the need for NDAs in the New Territories
and recommended proceeding with the NDA developments to address the long-term
housing demand and provide employment opportunities. The Chief Executive
announced in his 2007-08 Policy Address the planning for the NDAs in HSK as one
of the ten major infrastructure projects for economic growth.
1.1.3 Having regard to the changes in
planning circumstances and public aspiration since the completion of the NWNT
Study, a comprehensive planning and engineering study on the HSK NDA was
commissioned in 2011. The HSK NDA Planning and Engineering Study (the “Study”)
is to revisit the findings and recommendations of the NWNT Study, to take into
account changes in the latest circumstances and public aspiration so as to
confirm the feasibility of the proposed developments to meet long-term housing,
social, and economic needs, and to prepare a Recommended Outline Development
Plan (RODP) and preliminary engineering design for the development. The Study
started with the assessment of a tentative HSK NDA of 790 ha and the NDA was
subsequently refined to 714 ha taking into account the public views gathered
and the results of the planning and technical assessments during the course of
the Study.
1.1.4 A three-stage community engagement
to foster consensus building was adopted for this Study. The Stage 1 Community
Engagement (First Round) was carried out in November 2010 by the Civil
Engineering and Development Department (CEDD) and PlanD before the commencement
of the Study. In December 2011, the Stage 1 Community Engagement – Second Round
was formally launched. The main purpose
of the Stage 1 Community Engagement was to engage the community at the
beginning of the Study process to discuss the key issues and help building the
community vision for the HSK NDA. This
would facilitate the preparation of development concepts for further discussion
in the community. Based on the public comments received during the Stage 1
Community Engagement, the Preliminary Outline Development Plan (PODP) was
formulated and put forward for public comment during the Stage 2 Community
Engagement commenced in July 2013. The
HSK NDA proposals were further refined with reference to the public views
gathered from the Stage 2 Community Engagement and translated into the
RODP. Subsequently, the Stage 3
Community Engagement was carried out from June 2015 to September 2015, to gauge
public views on the RODP. A series of community engagement activities were
undertaken including briefing sessions with the Panel on Development of Legislative
Council, Town Planning Board, Hong Kong Housing Authority, Advisory Council on
the Environment, Yuen Long and Tuen Mun District Councils, Heung Yee Kuk, Ping
Shan, Ha Tsuen and Tuen Mun Rural Committees, professional bodies, green
groups, affected villagers, local concern groups, port back-up and open storage
operators, Hong Kong Logistic Council, Hong Kong Council for Testing and
Certification, local industry operators, etc.
1.1.5 After careful and comprehensive
consideration of comments received during the Stage 3 Community Engagement and
taking into account all relevant considerations including the findings of
various technical assessments, appropriate amendments to the land uses have
been made to the RODP, which were reflected on the Revised RODP adopted for
this environmental impact assessment (EIA).
HK2030 Study completely in 2007 suggested proceeding with the development of
various NDAs (including HSK NDA) to address the long-term housing demand and
provide employment opportunities. The NDAs shall provide a mixture of public
and private housing land, and possibly higher education and high
value-added/clean special industrial processes. The HSK NDA would also offer an
alternative choice of living, through the development of lower-density
buildings in a quality living environment, with convenient access to mass
transportation and community facilities. In addition, by shifting some of the
population from the dense urban areas to the New Territories, a more balanced territorial
development pattern and a less congested environment could be achieved, which
is particularly needed in those urban areas characterised by extremely high
development densities.
development at HSK NDA (herein referred to as the “Project”) will help to
create new developable land for the provision of approximately 61,000 new flats
(about half for public housing) thereby contributing toward Hong Kong’s housing
supply targets. In doing so it will help facilitate the achievement of the
Government’s multi-pronged strategy to increase much needed land supply,
particularly in the medium and long term. To achieve the vision of building a
sustainable, people-oriented and balanced living and working community for Hong
Kong, the Project also aims to increase land supply for economic use by
providing employment for 150,000. This would help to address the over
concentration of commercial activities and employment opportunities in the main
urban areas, boost the vibrancy of local communities, meet the short fall of
jobs in Tin Shui Wai (TSW), as well as ease congestion at the commuting
corridors between the New Territories and the urban areas.
strategic location of the Project, close to the Tuen Mun, TSW and Yuen Long New
Towns, Qianhai in Shenzhen, and connected by a number of existing and planned
strategic transport links to other parts of the Territory, the Hong Kong
International Airport and Shenzhen, is fundamental to its development as a
regional centre and strategic employment hub.
of brownfield sites has also been highlighted as an opportunity for increasing
land supply in Hong Kong. Therefore, the
Government will actively explore the feasibility of accommodating some of the
affected brownfield in multi-storey buildings.
Appreciation of Existing Environment
2.2.1 The Project is located in the
northwestern part of the New Territories, midway between the Tuen Mun and TSW
New Towns (refer to Figure 1.1 for location plan). The existing population of the Project area is
approximately 42,000 (including committed developments). The area has a mixed
urban-rural character. Land in the north is predominantly occupied by
brownfield operations (mainly port back-up / open storage) uses with some village
developments, whereas land in the south is mainly occupied by low-density
residential and village developments with some scattered brownfield operations
(mainly open storage, warehouse and workshop uses). These are described further
Northern Project Area
2.2.2 The northern extent of the Project
is bounded by Lau Fau Shan Road and hillslopes along Deep Bay Road. The Lau Fau Shan area is located in the
northern Project area and is physically characterised by a series of knolls,
uplands and hills. The uplands benefit
from a moderate intensity of tree cover. Low lying areas are more sparsely
vegetated and are occupied by clusters of New Territories Exempted Houses,
informal basic housing, and a cluster of modern low rise developments. Lau Fau Shan has long been the local centre
for oyster farming and fishing activities and the centre is well known for its
seafood market and restaurant trade.
Great variety of cultural/historical and natural scenic spots could also
be found in the Lau Fau Shan area.
2.2.3 Areas within the northern part of
the Project area have been cleared for brownfield operations. These operations permeate a significant
proportion of the northern and central parts of the Project area (approximately
200 ha of land within the NDA were being used for brownfield operations at the
time of writing), creating severe planning blight. Container storage and the storage of plant
and vehicles are the principal uses.
Container storage tends to fall into two categories: short- to
medium-term container storage where containers are moved on and off site on a
regular basis and long-term storage where containers are rarely moved off
site. The latter condition is readily
perceptible in relation to a number of sites.
It is notable that containers are stored to six or more boxes high.
2.2.4 The northern and central parts of
the Project area are also occupied by a number of traditional villages such as
Fung Kong Tsuen, Ha Tsuen Shi, Sik Kong Wai, San Wai and Tung Tau Tsuen. The scale and intensity is consistent with village
type development throughout the NWNT.
There is particular cultural heritage value identified within these
traditional villages. Many elements of vernacular Chinese rural housing of the
Qing dynasties are preserved in the area.
Large areas
occupied by brownfield operations
Built heritage
within villages
Southern Project Area
2.2.5 The southern part of the Project
area is significantly dissected by existing road and rail infrastructure. This has a significant impact on the morphology
of this area and in combination with other transport routes effectively
subdivides the area into definable parts.
2.2.6 The southern part of the Project
area and particularly those located to the north of Castle Peak Road are
currently committed to developments and land uses of various scales and
character. Domestic structures,
non-domestic structures and brownfield sites mainly open storage, warehouse and
workshops are particularly prevalent within the southwestern parts of the
Project area. The domestic structures in
these areas are widely dispersed and some of them are impoverished temporary
structures, intermingled with many non-domestic temporary structures. Some domestic structures are also converted
from abandoned farm structures. The
southeastern part of the Project area contrasts significantly with the
preceding areas where a series of contemporary developments have been
introduced to the area. This area includes a range of residential developments
with various densities. These are generally low to medium-rise modern
developments formed on lots of various scales. Individual developments have
been realised incrementally over time as developers have assembled land of
sufficient scale to enable development.
Open storage near villages
Area subdivided by Kong Sham Western
Highway, West Rail, Light Rail and Castle Peak Road
Western Project Area
2.2.7 Land at the western Project area is
formed of rolling uplands and lowlands linked to Castle Peak and its associated
hillsides. Intermittent developments
including rural industrial uses and infrastructure facilities are located to
the west of Kong Sham Western Highway (KSWH).
A large area of hillslope is designated as “Conservation Area” (“CA”) on
the extant Outline Zoning Plans (OZPs), which comprises mainly shrubland and
grassland, as well as some natural watercourses and small patches of
village/orchard and plantation. The physical terrain restricts development in
this area.
2.2.8 A mosaic of brownfield sites (e.g.
recycling yards), vegetated knolls (with graves) and a small amount of
agricultural land is located east of the KSWH. The effect of the brownfield
sites on the environment is evident through disturbance to a local egretry near
San Sang San Tsuen and direct discharge of effluent into local
Vegetated hillslopes at back of the
Project area
Egretry disturbed by brownfield activities
watercourse receiving effluent from adjacent properties
Eastern Project Area
2.2.9 The TSW Main Channel, which is a
wide concrete-lined channel, forms the northeastern boundary of the
Project. In the eastern Project area,
Kiu Tau Wai industrial area is located to the south of the existing West Rail
TSW Station (TSW Station) and TSW Light Rail Transit (LRT) Station. This area
comprises of a number of low-rise industrial buildings which are mainly used
for logistics, vehicle testing, warehouse and other general industrial
2.2.10 A series of open areas located
within and adjacent to Kiu Tau Wai and Hung Uk Tsuen have also been converted
for the use of industries and open storage.
The mix of land uses within the area has created industrial / residential
interface issues.
Industry and Open storage near
village areas
Concrete-lined banks of the TSW Main
Constraints and Opportunities for Project Development
2.2.11 The Project commands a
geographically favourable location which provides opportunities for the area to
develop as the regional centre of the NWNT with new residential and economic
developments. However, a number of existing infrastructure and social and
environmental features also impose constraints to the Project development.
Highly Accessible
2.2.12 The Yuen Long Highway to the
southeast and KSWH and Shenzhen Bay Bridge to the west connect the Project area
to other parts of the Territory as well as Shenzhen through the strategic road
network. The proposed strategic highway (Tuen Mun Western Bypass (TMWB)) which
would connect the Project area to the Tuen Mun – Chek Lap Kok Link and the
other proposed new strategic highway could further augment accessibility to and
from the Project area.
2.2.13 The proposed HSK Station along the
existing West Rail Line (HSK Station) and the existing TSW Station provide an
opportunity to connect the Project area with Tuen Mun, TSW and Yuen Long New
Towns and the urban area. These stations could also integrate the railway
transport system in the overall land use framework. With the introduction of
the environmentally friendly transport services (EFTS) in the Project and
integration of land uses, the EFTS and railway stations could help maximise the
use of public transport, thus minimising road traffic and reducing carbon
emissions. The existing and planned railways and highway network is shown in Figure 2.1.
Favourable Geographical Location
2.2.14 Being located close to the Tuen Mun,
TSW and Yuen Long New Towns, Qianhai in Shenzhen, and connected by a number of
existing and planned strategic transport links to other parts of the Territory,
the Hong Kong International Airport and Shenzhen, there is potential for the
Project to be developed as a regional centre and strategic employment hub. This
geographically favourable location enables development of the area in promoting
economic activities.
Plentiful Natural and Landscape Features
2.2.15 A number of natural and landscape
features within and surrounding the Project area could be utilised to create a
quality living environment, such as uplands and lowlands, knolls,
ridgeline/mountain backdrops of Yuen Tau Shan, woodlands, and San Sang San
Tsuen egretry and its associated flight path. Proper planning and land use
zoning designation could help conserve the ecological value of these features
and establish an integrated green network for the Project. Drainage channels
running through the Project area offer good opportunities for creating distinct
local character and providing passive recreational spaces along the riverside
Rich Cultural Heritage
2.2.16 The Project and its surroundings
boast significant cultural heritage resources such as a number of declared
monuments, graded historic buildings, sites of archaeological interest and the
Ping Shan Heritage Trail. Appropriate planning and proper land use zoning
designation could help incorporate these valuable resources into the Project
for the benefits of existing and future residents.
Land Resource
present, a large portion of land is being utilised for the purposes of
brownfield operations. The vast extent of brownfield operations in the area has
created environmental and interface problems. However, with the aspiration to
turn such land for more optimal uses, it provides opportunities for supporting
the future development of Hong Kong.
Development Constraints
Infrastructure Constraints
2.2.18 A number of constraints posed by the
existing infrastructure and environment require careful consideration in the
planning of the Project:
The West Rail Line (WRL) and LRT Line which
traverse the Project area, fragment much of the land and are expected to pose
constraints to the nearby developments in terms of access, and environmental
and visual impacts.
The existing major distributors of KSWH, Castle
Peak Road and Hung Tin Road will also likely generate environmental impacts to
the nearby proposed developments within the Project area.
The Project area falls within the Deep Bay Water
Control Zone (WCZ) and is subject to the requirement that no net increase in
the pollution loading to the Deep Bay waters would result from any proposed new
Retention of the Traditional Villages and
Permitted Burial Grounds
2.2.19 Retention of traditional villages
(involving 19 recognised villages and 1 village re-site) within the Project
area precludes a large quantity of land from being developed. Potential
interface issues between the villages and the proposed developments will need
to be addressed. Permitted burial grounds located at the hillslopes in the
western and northwestern Project area, and isolated knolls near the recognised
villages would generally be retained.
Proliferation of Brownfield Operations
2.2.20 At present, a large portion of land
is being utilised for the purposes of brownfield operations including open
storage, port back-up, construction material/machinery storage, car repair
workshops, recycling yards, and rural workshops, etc. There are concerns regarding
the negative externalities generated from such uses including the encroachment
on residential developments leading to adverse interface issues, environmental
degradation, adverse visual impacts and possible land contamination issues.
While recognising that there may be opportunities to accommodate some of these
uses to multi-storey buildings, given this is likely to be an incremental
process, concerns pertaining to the interface of new developments with the
existing brownfield operations during the interim period, needs to be
Preservation of Natural and Landscape Features
2.2.21 Whilst the natural and landscape
features are regarded as opportunities and may add value to the Project, their
existence; however, may preclude land from being developed. Due consideration
should be paid to these resources within and in the vicinity of the Project
area to avoid/minimise adverse effects on their ecological and aesthetic value.
Flooding Risk
2.2.22 Areas adjoining TSW New Town along
TSW Main Channel are located in the flood plain where flooding is evident. Site
formation and the drainage system should be designed to minimise flooding risk
to the planned developments and the nearby existing settlements.
Project occupies an area of approximately 714 ha and is located in the
northwestern part of the New Territories, midway between the Tuen Mun and TSW
New Towns. Adhering to the planning
principles for creating a sustainable, people-oriented and balanced living and
working community, the Project will be the next generation New Town of Hong
Kong providing a desirable place to live, work, learn and play for a total
population of about 218,000. It will
also offer development spaces for various commercial and special industrial
uses and “Government, Institution and Community” (“G/IC”) facilities.
the Regional Economic and Civic Hub for the NWNT, the Project will create about
150,000 new employment opportunities, and a large amount of commercial
facilities and supporting services for people living in the Project area, TSW,
Tuen Mun and Yuen Long New Towns as well as the proposed Yuen Long South
development project.
Project mainly comprises the following elements:
The provision of about 61,000 new residential units will house an
estimated new population of about 176,000 persons. With the existing population and population
from the planned/committed residential developments within the Project area,
the overall population is projected to be around 218,000 persons upon full development.
sites for office, retail and hotel developments around the proposed HSK
Station and existing TSW Station to reinforce their respective roles as
“Regional Economic and Civic Hub” and “District Commercial Node”, as well as
two commercial sites in the northern edge of the Project area to complement
local economic activities in the Lau Fau Shan and the northern part of TSW New
Town area.
and Technology Park for accommodating a variety of innovation and
technology uses, which may include research centre, testing & certification
use, data centre, modern industries and other related businesses and
non-polluting industrial uses.
Facility to facilitate accommodation of modern logistics buildings.
Multi-storey buildings on land reserved for Port Back-Up, Storage and Workshop Uses to accommodate some of the
affected brownfield operations in a land-efficient manner.
land for general industrial uses.
A comprehensive Open Space network, including a continuous riverside promenade and
a Regional Town Park in the centre of the Project area, that would optimise
existing natural, cultural and landscape resources and provide recreational and
leisure spaces.
A variety of “G/IC” facilities such as social welfare facilities, education
facilities, etc. to support the existing neighbourhood and future population.
Sewage Treatment Works (STW) with a tertiary and secondary plus treatment
process and an ultimate design
capacity of approximately 85,500 m3 per day.
Four new
Sewage Pumping Stations (SPSs) with a design capacity of 27,000 m3 per
day (SPS1), 39,500 m3 per day (SPS2), 11,000 m3
per day (SPS3), and 68,000 m3
per day (SPS4).
A Fresh Water
Service Reservoir (FWSR) and Flushing Water Service Reservoirs (FLWSR).
A Refuse
Transfer Station (RTS) to support the existing NWNT RTS and cope with the
new population waste generation.
Cooling System (DCS) in the vicinity of the proposed HSK Station and the
existing TSW Station – subject to further review.
Distributor Road (Dual 2 / Dual 3 Standard) – Road P1.
Eight District
Distributor Roads (Dual 2 / Dual 3 Standards).
Transit Corridor (GTC) comprising EFTS, pedestrian walkways and cycle
tracks, which would traverse the core of residential,
commercial and other land reserves within the Project area – details subject to
further review.
Pedestrian Walkway and Cycle Track Network to promote walking and cycling
within the Project area.
the outset, the drawing up of the proposals on the Revised RODP has avoided and
minimised direct encroachment upon ecologically sensitive areas (e.g. the
egretry near San Sang San Tsuen) and hilly slopes as far as practicable.
Integrated land use and transport planning approach (e.g. compact city design
and sensible road arrangement) has also been adopted to minimise possible
environmental impact. The Revised RODP was prepared in accordance with a
comprehensive planning and urban design framework, with a set of well-defined
planning principles including the objective to alleviate industrial /
residential interface issues through land use planning. In balancing other
factors, the proposed land uses have also been sited in such a way to avoid
environmental impacts such as noise and air impacts, with introduction of
appropriate mitigation measures such as setback and amenity strips.
Revised RODP has been prepared by taking into account public views received in
various rounds of Community Engagement exercises, as well as findings of
technical assessments. Table 2.1
summarises the major planning parameters of the Revised RODP.
Table 2.1 Land Use Budget of the Revised RODP
Land Use
Area (ha)
Residential and Commercial / Residential
Commercial (Office, Hotel and Retail)
Logistics Facilities
Port Back Up, Storage and Workshop Uses
Enterprise and Technology Park
Public Facilities
Government, Institution or Community
(other than Education)
Education and Related Uses
Public Utilities (Petrol Filling Station, Bus
Depot, Regional Plaza, Station, etc.)
Regional Open Space
District Open Space
Local Open Space
Roads and Amenity
New Roads
Existing Road and River Channel
Green Belt (Preserved Knolls &
Retained Existing/ Committed Development
(including villages)
Grand Total
addition, based on the Revised RODP, the Project would comprise the following
DPs by virtue of items A.1, A.2, A.3,
A.8, A.9, B.5, F.1, F.3(b), F.4, G.2 and Q.1 of Schedule 2 of the EIAO (Table
2.2 and Figure 2.2).
Table 2.2 Schedule 2 Designated
Projects in the HSK NDA
Desjignated Project Reference No.
Schedule 2 Designated Project
Work Component / Reference in Revised
DP1 1
Part I, A.1
A road which is an expressway, trunk road,
primary distributor road or district distributor road including new roads,
and major extensions or improvements to existing road
Construction of new primary distributor
road (Road P1)
DP2 1
Part I, A.1
A road which is an expressway, trunk road,
primary distributor road or district distributor road including new roads,
and major extensions or improvements to existing road
Construction of eight new distributor
roads (Roads D1 to D8)
DP3 2
Part I, A.2
A railway and its associated stations
Construction of new West Rail HSK Station
(Site 4-34)
(Potential DP) 2
Part I, A.3
A tramway and its associated stations
Construction of EFTS – subject to further
DP5 1
Part I, A.8
A road or railway bridge more than 100 m
in length between abutments
Construction of slip roads between: Road
D8 Junction and existing Castle Peak Road; Junction of D8/P1 and Junction of
D7/P1; and KSWH connection to Road D3
DP6 1
Part I, A.9
A road fully enclosed by decking above and
by structure on the sides for more than 100 m
Construction of partly depressed and
partly decked-over roads located at Road D2, Road D4 and Road D6
(Potential DP) 2
Part I, B.5
A container back-up area, container storage,
container handling or container packing area (including a container vehicle
parking area) more than 5 ha in size and within 300 m of an existing or
planned receiver
Construction of a new container back-up
and storage area (Sites 3-1, 3-4, 3-5, 3-13 and 3-14) – subject to further
DP8 2
Part I, F.1
Sewage treatment works with an installed
capacity of more than 15,000 m3 per day
DP9 1
Part I, F.3(b)
A sewage pumping station –
(b) with an installed capacity of more
than 2,000 m3 per day and a boundary of which is less than 150 m
from an existing or planned receiver
Construction of four new SPSs (Sites 2-34,
3-41, 3-48 and 4-35)
DP10 2
Part I, F.4
An activity for the reuse of treated
sewage effluent from a treatment plant
Construction of flushing water service
reservoirs for reuse of reclaimed water at Tan Kwai Tsuen and Fung Kong Tsuen
(Sites 3-3 and Site 5-40)
DP11 2
Part I, G.2
A refuse transfer station
Construction of one RTS (Site 3-12)
DP12 1
Part 1, Q.1
All projects including new access roads,
railways, sewers, sewage treatment facilities, earthworks, dredging works and
other building works partly or wholly in an existing or gazetted proposed country
park or special area, a conservation area, an existing or gazetted proposed
marine park or marine reserve, a site of cultural heritage, and a site of
special scientific interest.
Construction of Road P1 and a slip-road
from KSWH to Road D3 partly located within the "CA” of Yuen Tau Shan
1 Subject to an Environmental
Permit application under this EIA Study.
2 Subject to separate EIA
Study, as required.
Green Initiatives
2.6.1 As a green city, the Project would
adopt a sustainable and energy saving strategy in respect of town planning,
urban design, transportation, and blue-green infrastructure, so as to achieve
energy efficiency, carbon emission reduction and sustainable living, as far as
practicable. A key aspect to achieving this is to minimise road transport-use
and promote green mobility. Within the Project, major population, economic
activities and community facilities have been concentrated within walking
distance of mass transit and public transport nodes. Green mobility is promoted
through the introduction of the GTC and a comprehensive cycle track and
pedestrian walkway network.
2.6.2 The comprehensive pedestrian walkway
and cycle track network could be supported by facilities such as underground
cycle parking areas, bicycle rental system, cycle and footbridges, crossing
facilities and rest areas to promote walkability and cycle friendliness.
Conceptual diagram of GTC and
environmentally-friendly modes of transport
2.6.3 In addition to transport, a total
water management concept and arrangement including sewerage, drainage and water
resource infrastructure is proposed for integration into the Project. To
promote sustainable use of water, opportunities for using reclaimed water and
harvested rainwater for non-potable purposes such as toilet flushing and
irrigation within the Project will be explored. Rainwater is proposed to be
partly collected and reused as irrigation water. Also roadside bioretention
swales are proposed to attenuate any surface run-off to the downstream areas.
Blue-green infrastructure, such as a flood retention facility with possible
underground storage tank, will be used to temporarily store any flood water
collected at low-lying villages. The
flood retention facilities’ integrated design with the Open Space system would
provide for opportunities for passive recreation activities and public
enjoyment, as well as a potential microclimate cooling mechanism.
Conceptual diagram of flood retention
slake proposed in Regional Town Park and revitalised river channels
2.6.4 It is also proposed to revitalise
the river channel system by adopting a comprehensive regeneration design along
the whole system. The ecology of the
channel would be enhanced and the riverside promenade with pedestrian walkways
and cycle tracks introduced. To inject
vitality into the riverside, the promenade will be extended along the channels
to link the Regional Town Park and Regional Plaza. The regenerated channels will be the major
green spines, breezeways and view corridors and will enable better integration
between different neighbourhoods and with the adjacent TSW New Town.
2.6.5 Other green initiatives, which are
proposed include the provision of a Community Green Station for environmental
education and collection of recyclables from the local community; and promotion
of energy efficient buildings and installations. The use of a DCS for
non-domestic developments, and the establishment of an information and
communication technology (ICT) platform to coordinate different city functions
for enhancing city management and convenience of residents and businesses would
also be explored.
2.6.6 These proposed green initiatives
will be implemented in future developments subject to further review.
2.6.7 The proposed green initiatives have
been summarised in Table 2.3, under the following themes: Green
Mobility, Total Water Management, Solid Waste Management, Sustainable Drainage
System, and Green Energy Saving.
Table 2.3 Proposed Green Initiatives
Green Initiatives
Green Mobility
Create compact and walkable city by concentrating population, key
economic activities and major community facilities within walking distance of
mass transit and public transport nodes
Create local communities with easily accessible daily necessities to
promote walking
Provide comprehensive, convenient and attractive cycle track and
pedestrian walkway network with supporting facilities such as underground
cycle parking areas, bicycle rental system, cycle and footbridges, crossing
facilities and rest areas, etc. to promote walkability and cycle friendliness
Provide GTC that connects the residential clusters with the logistics,
enterprise and technology quarter, railway stations and key community
facilities to minimise road traffic and carbon emissions
Total Water Management
Incorporate tertiary treatment at the proposed HSK STW allowing
reclaimed water to be polished for reuse, thus minimising the need for
long-distance effluent export
Explore the use of biogas produced from sludge digestion for
electricity generation
Explore the use of reclaimed water for non-potable purposes such as
toilet flushing and irrigation
Provide bioretention swales along roadsides
Solid Waste Management
Co-locate Community Green Station with the refuse transfer station for
environmental education purpose and convenient collection of recyclables from
the local community, providing synergy to achieve better operational
efficiency and environmental sustainability
Explore adoption of automatic refuse collection system and organic
waste treatment facilities
Sustainable Drainage System
Provide flood retention facilities as a regulating measure to the overall
drainage system and as a microclimate cooling mechanism through integrated
design with the open space system for public enjoyment
Collect rainwater for non-potable purposes
Revitalise the river channel system of Project area by replacing Tin
Ying Road abutting the channel and adopting comprehensive regeneration design
along the whole system. The ecological
system in the channel will be enhanced and riverside promenade with
pedestrian walkways and cycle tracks will be introduced
Inject vitality to the riverside by extending the promenade all along
the river channels linking with the Regional Town Park and Regional Plaza and
creating corridors for activities
Regenerate river channels as the major green spines, breezeways and
view corridors and enable better integration between different neighbourhoods
and with the adjacent TSW New Town
Green Energy Saving
Explore the use of DCS for non-domestic developments
Encourage environmentally friendly building design and materials, and energy-saving
Promote certification under BEAM Plus or other equivalent
accreditations for all new buildings
Establish ICT platform to coordinate different city functions to enhance
city management and convenience of residents and business activities
Explore development of community gardens in open space and amenity
areas to promote green living
Benefits of the Project
2.6.8 The Project aspires to turn the
existing vast extent of brownfield sites including open storage, port back-up,
construction material/machinery storage, car repair workshops, recycling yards, and rural workshops, etc.
which have created considerable environmental, traffic, visual, and other
nuisance, to more optimal uses and better land utilisation for future
development of Hong Kong. The
development of the Project could result in the following benefits and bring in
environmental initiatives:
Direct Benefits
Alleviate the current housing shortfall and
meet the long-term housing needs of Hong Kong – The Project will
provide about 61,000 new flats (about half for public housing). This will
provide a variety of housing types, responding to the needs of the community
and therefore engendering a sense of belonging for people and enriching their
quality of life. The proposed public/private housing mix in the Project will
also help to redress the existing imbalance of public/private housing in the
TSW New Town.
Create job opportunities – Approximately
150,000 new job places would be generated upon full development of the Project,
through a mix of commercial, business, industrial, community and government
land uses. This would help to address the over concentration of commercial
activities and employment opportunities in the main urban areas, boost the
vibrancy of local communities, meet the short fall of jobs in TSW New Town, as
well as ease congestion at the commuting corridors between the New Territories
and the urban areas.
Economic Growth – Concentrated development intensity
of the commercial sites at the proposed HSK Station and the existing TSW
Station reinforces their respective functions as “Regional Economic and Civic
Hub” and “District Commercial Node”. The proposed commercial development around
the two stations would help relieve the already congested town centres of
nearby Yuen Long and Tuen Mun New Towns. In each individual residential
neighbourhood, street shops and local retailing services will be provided to
meet the residents’ daily necessities and enhance street vibrancy.
Spaces for Special Industry – The
“Logistics, Enterprise and Technology Quarter” at the northwestern part of the
Project area provides another major employment cluster. About 37 ha of land are
reserved for high value-added modern logistics and about 9 ha are reserved for
uses such as innovation and technology, testing and certification, data centre
and other related business and non-polluting industrial activities. An
approximately 13 ha industrial zone is also planned at the western fringe of
the Project area near KSWH for general industrial uses.
“G/IC” facilities – The planning
for the Project is people-oriented. The requirements of the surrounding areas
including TSW have been taken into account in the provision of “G/IC”
facilities. The Project has proposed a series of civic elements and a wide
range of “G/IC” facilities including hospital, clinics, magistracy, community
halls, performance venue, wet markets, youth centres, educational facilities,
social welfare facilities, sports and recreation facilities, etc.
Environmental Initiatives
Minimise Industrial / Residential Interface – At
present, the proliferation of brownfield operations in the Project area has
created considerable environmental, traffic, visual, flooding and other
problems. One of the objectives of developing the Project is to convert these
brownfield sites to more optimal uses and improve the overall environment of
the area. Approximately 24 ha of land at
the northern fringe of the Project area is reserved for “Other Specified Uses” annotated “Port
Back-up, Storage and Workshop Uses” (“OU(PBU+SWU)”). This area may accommodate
some of the existing brownfield operations through the possible development of
multi-storey buildings or other land efficient means. The provision of this dedicated area will
help to alleviate existing industrial/residential interface issues resulting
from existing brownfield operations. In
addition, new roads will be provided to directly connect this area to KSWH
thereby eliminating the current movement of heavy goods vehicles (HGV) through
built-up areas including residential areas.
Create Compact and Walkable City – For
sustainable development of the Project, one of the key planning concepts
is to minimise traffic
generation. Major population, economic activities and community facilities will
be concentrated within walking distance of mass transit and public transport
nodes. Green mobility is promoted within the Project through the introduction
of the GTC comprising the EFTS, cycle tracks and pedestrian walkways. This would allow
the community to have better accessibility to the EFTS which would in turn help
reducing road based traffic and hence their associated vehicular noise
and emission.
A comprehensive and convenient pedestrian
walkway and cycle track network is also planned throughout the Project area.
Key destinations, such as proposed railway/EFTS stations and public transport
nodes, riverside promenade and residential communities,
would be linked up by pedestrian walkways, cycle tracks and open spaces. This
would allow convenient and comfortable movement within the Project area and
create local communities with easily accessible daily necessities to promote
cycling and walking.
Conceptual diagram of pedestrianised
shopping street which connects to the proposed HSK Station
modes of transport
Integrated Green and Blue Network – A comprehensive open space network has
been planned through the Project area. Leisure and recreational spaces that
optimise the existing natural, cultural and landscape resources are introduced
to form an integrated green and blue network. In particular, the regenerated
river channels and high quality riverside promenades would form the spine of
the open spaces framework, and also operate as continuous pedestrian walkway to
enhance connectivity of the entire Project area. It would link up several
important open spaces and recreational spaces within the Project area,
including the Regional Town Park at the centre of the Project area and the
Regional Plaza in front of the proposed HSK Station.
Sensible Road Arrangement – The
re-arrangement of the road network within the Project area by replacement of
Tin Ying Road and downgrading of Hung Tin Road will reduce the existing road
traffic noise and minimise air pollutants generated from road traffic. The proposal for replacing Tin Ying Road also
provides an opportunity to integrate a leisure riverside development along the
river channel and facilitate better connectivity between TSW New Town and the
Project area.
Conceptual diagram of revitalised river
Promote Green Initiatives – The Project provides an opportunity
to showcase a range of green initiatives adopted to create a green city. For
sustainable development of the Project, one of the key planning concepts is to
minimise traffic generation through transit-oriented development. Major
population, economic activities and community facilities will be concentrated
within walking distance of railway and public transport nodes. Green mobility
is promoted within the Project area through the introduction of the GTC and a
comprehensive cycle track and pedestrian walkway network. To promote
sustainable use of water, using reclaimed water and harvested rainwater for
non-potable purposes such as toilet flushing and irrigation within the Project
area would be explored. Other green initiatives include the provision of
Community Green Station for environmental education and collection of
recyclables from the local community; and promotion of energy efficient
buildings and installations.
Sustainable drainage systems or facilities have
also been identified (e.g. rainwater harvesting, roadside bioretention swales,
blue-green infrastructure, flood retention facilities). The
implementation of these measures would reduce and attenuate stormwater flows,
avoid/reduce flooding, improve water quality of river channels, and improve
ecological value of channels.
and Promote Cultural Heritage Resources – All Declared Monuments and Graded
Historic Buildings are well preserved and kept intact. In addition, the Project
provides an opportunity to promote the cultural heritage resources though the
provision of a cultural heritage trail. This trail is proposed to begin at the
existing TSW Station and proposed HSK Station permeates through the Project
area along the existing “Open Space” and “Amenity” (“A”) zones to interlink the
heritage features at Ha Tsuen. The trail provides a safe and efficient amenity
for people to explore many of the culturally significant areas in the Project
area and is also intended to help promote these features and draw people to the
of built heritage within the Project area
Optimise Natural Resources – The
retention of the San Sang San Tsuen egretry in “Green Belt” (“GB”) that is buffered
by “Local Open Space” (“LO”), is an improvement upon its current condition in a
highly disturbed open storage area, as it increases protection of the
egretry. The “LO” also provides an
eco-corridor, covering the ardeid flight paths, and providing connectivity to
foraging habitats to the east.
Within the Project area, more than half of
existing villages and brownfield sites, including the southwestern and
northwestern Project areas are currently not covered by or properly connected
to the existing sewerage system. New public sewers are proposed under this
Project to collect sewage from most of these existing unsewered
developments. This is likely to result
in an improvement to the water quality of watercourses within the Project area.
Project would be commissioned in different stage with the first population
intake in Year 2024. The major construction works are targeted to commence in
Year 2019 and be completed by Year 2037/2038 for full population intake. The key site formation and infrastructure
works in different stages are summarised below.
2.7.2 The Advance Works are targeted to
bring in early population and employment to the Project area within the
capacity of existing strategic infrastructure. The required supporting
infrastructure works are therefore minimal. Some industrial sites and a key
access roads (Road P1), will be implemented under this development stage. The
major site formation and infrastructure works in this development stage will
Site formation works for “Residential” (“R”),
“G/IC”, “Commercial” (“C”) and “Industrial” (“I”) sites.
Two new SPSs (SPS1 and SPS2) (DP9) and
associated rising mains.
Primary Distributor Road P1 under KSWH and
associated interchange/junction works connecting with KSWH, Castle Peak Road
and other District Distributors (DP1).
Slip Roads between Road D8 Junction and existing
Castle Peak Road; Junction of D8/P1 and Junction of D7/P1 (DP5).
utilities for the future development of relevant
sites in the Project, such as sewerage, watermains, power supply cables and
electricity substation, etc.
Stage 1
2.7.3 In Stage 1, three “OU(PBU+SWU)”
sites in the northern part of the Project will be developed. The early
completion could provide opportunity for accommodating some of the affected
brownfield operations. The major site formation and infrastructure works in
this development stage will include:
Site formation works for the three “OU(PBU+SWU)”
sites and two “R” sites.
section of District Distributor Road D1 (DP2) connecting the “OU(PBU+SWU)”
sites to KSWH.
laying works for the future development of relevant
sites in the Project, such as sewerage, watermains, power supply cables, etc.
along the proposed Road P1.
Stage 2
2.7.4 In Stage 2, the development mainly
focuses on areas surrounding the proposed HSK Station and the remaining
“OU(PBU+SWU)” sites in the northern part of the Project area.
2.7.5 The major site formation and
infrastructure works in this development stage will include:
District Distributor Road D6, D7 and D8 (DP2 and
DP6) and local roads, and associated pedestrian walkway and cycle tracks.
District Distributor Road D1, a section of Road
D3 (DP2) and local roads, and associated pedestrian walkway and cycle tracks.
Site formation works for “R”, “C”, “G/IC” and
open space sites in the southern Project area and associated section of the
Site formation works for the remaining
“OU(PBU+SWU)” sites and RTS in the northern Project area.
Two new
SPSs (SPS3 and SPS4)
(DP9) and associated rising mains.
HSK STW Phase 1 (DP8).
and FLWSRs for reuse of reclaimed water
(DP10) near Tan Kwai Tsuen and associated supply networks.
near proposed HSK Station (if
for the future development of relevant sites in the Project, such as
sewerage, watermains, power supply cables, electricity
substations, etc.
Stage 3
2.7.6 In Stage 3, the development would
focus on special industrial sites, public housing sites in the northern Project
area, and open space in the middle part of the Project area. Most of the
existing brownfield operations are located in the areas under this development
stage. The major site formation and infrastructure works in this development
stage will include:
District Distributor Road D4 and Ping Ha Road
(Road D2) widening (DP2 and DP6) and local roads, and associated pedestrian
walkways and cycle tracks.
District Distributor Road D3 and D5 (DP2), and
associated pedestrian walkways and cycle tracks.
Slip roads connecting KSWH and Road D3 (DP5 and
Site formation works for “R”, “C” and “G/IC”
sites in the eastern and northern parts of the project area and associated
section of GTC.
Site formation works for “OU(Logistics
Facilities)” and “OU(Enterprise and Technology Park)” sites in the western
Project area and associated section of GTC.
New HSK STW Phase 2 (DP8).
for reuse of reclaimed water near Fung Kong Tsuen (DP10) and associated supply
of FWSR near Fung Kong Tsuen and associated supply networks.
Revitalisation of existing Tin Sam Channel and
HSK Main Channel.
Flood retention facilities and open spaces.
for the future development of relevant sites in the Project, such as
sewerage, watermains, power supply cables, etc.
Stage 4
2.7.7 In Stage 4, the remaining
residential development along the TSW Main Channel and the low density
residential development in Lau Fau Shan area will be completed. The major site
formation and infrastructure works in this development stage will include:
Local roads serving development sites, and
associated pedestrian walkways and cycle tracks.
Site formation works for “R”, “G/IC”, “C”, open
spaces and riverside promenade sites in the eastern and northern Project areas
and associated section of GTC.
Revitalisation of TSW Main Channel.
Flood retention facilities.
DCS near existing TSW Station (if implemented).
Construction of EFTS (DP4) (if implemented), and
associated pedestrian walkway and cycle tracks within the GTC.
for the future development of relevant sites in the Project, such as
sewerage, watermains, power supply cables, etc.
Existing Brownfield Interface with New Development
2.7.8 The potential interface issues which
could arise during the implementation stages have been assessed within
individual chapters (e.g. air quality/construction dust, construction noise,
and visual impacts on existing and planned sensitive receivers). Where
required, mitigation measures have been recommended to avoid or minimise
potential impacts. A review of existing
land uses (with a particular focus on sites for open storage, port back-up,
construction material/machinery storage, car repair workshops, recycling yards,
and rural workshops, etc.) and the phasing plan was also undertaken to identify
any locations where other impacts may arise (e.g. population intake at
locations adjacent to existing brownfield operations). In most cases the population moves in after
clearance of the surrounding brownfield sites.
As a result any potential interface issues are minimised through the
development phasing.
of Key Findings in EIA Study
3.1.1 The EIA process provides a means of
identifying, assessing and reporting the environmental impacts and benefits of
the Project. It is an iterative process that has been undertaken in parallel
with the development of the Revised RODP to identify the potential
environmental effects of various design options, and develop alternatives as
well as mitigation measures to be incorporated into the design, construction
and operation of the Project. Public views obtained from the various community
engagement exercises have been considered and incorporated into the EIA
process, where appropriate. Mitigation measures have been proposed, where
required, to avoid some potential environmental impacts, or to minimise impacts
to acceptable levels. In addition,
environmental benefits have been incorporated into the Project, where possible.
air quality impacts from the construction works of the Project would mainly be
related to construction dust from excavation, materials handling, spoil removal
and wind erosion. Quantitative fugitive
dust assessments have been conducted, taking into account the cumulative impact
caused by nearby concurrent sources within 500 m from the boundary of the
Project area. With the implementation of
mitigation measures specified in the Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust)
Regulation together with the recommended dust suppression measures including
watering once per hour on active works areas, exposed areas and unpaved haul
roads and other site management measures such as, good site practices, and
environmental monitoring and audit (EM&A) programme, the predicted dust
impact at air sensitive receivers (ASRs) in the vicinity of the work sites
would comply with the hourly, daily and annual particulate criteria stipulated
in the Air Quality Objectives (AQOs) and Technical Memorandum on EIA Process
summary of the predictions for representative air pollutants related to
construction dust impact after the implementation of mitigation measures is
presented below:
Table 3.1 Summary
of Construction Dust Impact after Implementation of Mitigation Measures
TSP Conc.
RSP Conc.
FSP Conc.
Max. 1-hour
highest 24-hour (100)
Annual (50)
highest 24-hour (75)
Annual (35)
2019 – 2030
169 – 488
91 – 100
41 – 45
69 – 75
29 – 31
2031 – 2036
170 – 495
92 – 100
41 – 44
69 – 75
29 – 31
Respective criterion is given in bracket.
most affected ASRs would be those in the immediate vicinity of construction
sites, for example, Oaklands Court, Tin Ha Road Playground, logistic facilities
at Sites 3-6 and 3-8, and Site 4-20 due to Stage 2 Works Contract in Year 2019
– 2030 scenario, and Site 3-14 due to Stage 3 Works Contract in Year 2031 –
2036 scenario. In summary, no
unacceptable air quality impact during construction phase is anticipated when
the proposed mitigation measures are implemented.
air quality impact arising from the vehicular emissions from the open roads
including KSWH, Castle Peak Road and Yuen Long Highway, and chimney emissions
within the assessment area, portal emission and emission from ventilation
building of TMWB, has been assessed at the worst case years. The assessment
results concluded that the predicted cumulative 1-hour and annual average NO2,
daily and annual average respirable suspended particulates (RSP) / fine
suspended particulates (FSP) concentrations at representative ASR would comply
with the AQOs.
summary of predictions for representative air pollutants during operation phase
is presented below.
Table 3.2 Summary
of Air Quality Impact during Operation Phase
Conc. (µg/m3)
Conc. (µg/m3)
RSP Conc.
FSP Conc.
highest 1-hour (200)
Annual (40)
highest 10-min (500)
highest 24-hour (125)
highest 24-hour (100)
Annual (50)
highest 24-hour (75)
Annual (35)
2024 – 2030
86 – 137
17 – 36
110 – 256
26 – 36
91 – 97
40 – 43
68 – 73
29 – 30
2031 – 2039
87 – 145
17 – 36
110 – 256
26 – 36
91 – 98
40 – 43
69 – 73
29 – 31
Respective criterion is given in bracket.
annual NO2 concentration would be predicted at the ASRs at Sites
3-43, 3-45, 3-50 and 3-51 which are within the industrial area located next to
KSWH. The predicted hourly and annual
average NO2 concentrations at most of existing and planned ASRs would be in the
range of 20 – 30 µg/m3. The
predicted RSP/FSP concentrations at the ASRs would be dominantly contributed
from background levels. For the existing and planned ASRs, the Project would
contribute to less than 2 µg/m3 in terms of annual RSP and 1 µg/m3
in terms of annual FSP.
potential odour impact from nearby existing chicken farm has been assessed.
Exceedance of odour criterion would only be expected at a small portion of one
planned site zoned “OU(PBU+SWU)”. It is
proposed that these areas to be designed as non-air sensitive uses or with the
fresh air intake located at higher levels.
The cumulative odour impacts from upgraded San Wai STW, new HSK STW and
planned RTS have also been assessed. No
exceedance of the EIAO-TM odour criterion would be expected. No adverse odour impact from the operation of
the four planned SPSs would be anticipated with the implementation of proposed
mitigation measures including enclosing the wet wells and odourous facilities,
provision of deodourising units for treatment of foul air before discharging.
noise associated with the use of powered mechanical equipment (PME) for
different stages of construction has been conducted. With the implementation of practical
mitigation measures including good site management practices, use of movable
noise barrier, use of “quiet” plant, proper workfront management, proper
grouping of PME for some construction activities at critical work areas and
provision of minimum separations from the affected educational institutions or
avoidance of any noisy construction activities during the examination period,
the maximum predicted construction noise impact would be 75 dB(A) for
residential noise sensitive receivers (NSRs), 70 dB(A) for education
institutions and 65 dB(A) for education institutions during examination period.
Hence, no unacceptable impact arising from the construction of the Project
would be anticipated.
conducting construction works closed to education institution, it is
recommended that the Contractor should liaise with the school representative(s)
to obtain the examination schedule so as to avoid noisy construction activities
during school examination period.
EM&A programme is recommended to ensure the proper implementation of the
proposed mitigation measures and take remedial measures when non-compliance is
recorded. As the construction of the
Project may involve different parties, it is proposed to set up a liaison group
among relevant government departments, contractors of the works contracts, etc.
during construction phase of the Project so as to ensure the proper
implementation of the proposed noise mitigation measures.
road traffic noise impact on planned and existing noise sensitive uses within
and in the vicinity of the Project area have been assessed. After considering
the alternative land use arrangements, results indicate that the noise impacts
can be further mitigated by a combination of noise mitigation measures
including: 1) application of low noise road surfacing materials on some road
sections; 2) noise barriers/cantilever noise barriers along some Project road
sections; and 3) building set-back, orientation and special building design
such as façade design as non-noise sensitive uses/blank façade, provision of acoustic windows for affected planned
residential NSRs to ensure the noise levels at these NSRs would comply with the
respective noise criteria. This
mitigation will also ensure that the noise levels caused by Project roads are
within the respective noise criteria.
Provision of air conditioning and noise insulated windows for the
affected planned educational institutes is proposed to alleviate the adverse
traffic noise impact. A summary of the
predicted road traffic noise levels is given below:
Table 3.3 Summary of Mitigated Road Traffic
Noise Levels
Mitigated Overall Noise Levels, L10(1hr) dB(A)
L10(1hr) dB(A)
43 – 70
Educational Institutions
47 – 65
re-arrangement of the road network by replacing Tin Ying Road and downgrading
of Hung Tin Road will also reduce the existing road traffic noise impact to
nearby noise sensitive receivers.
plant noise assessment has been conducted.
Noise impact from planned fixed plant could be effectively mitigated by
implementing noise control measure at source during the detailed design stage.
With the adoption of the proposed maximum permissible sound power levels for
the planned fixed plant, the impact noise levels at representative NSRs would
comply with the relevant noise criteria. Therefore, adverse fixed noise sources
impact to the NSRs is not anticipated.
noise assessment has been conducted based on operational information from the
railway operator. Results indicate that
the noise impacts from WRL and LRT on NSRs would comply with the statutory
requirement after incorporated mitigation measures such as screening by noise
tolerant buildings, provision of architectural fins, non-sensitive use or fixed
glazing and building layout setback.
is proposed to be introduced to operate within the Project area, which may be
in the form of rail based or road based mode of transport. For conservative
noise assessment, the rail based EFTS was assumed for rail noise impact
assessment. Results indicate that the
noise impacts on NSRs would comply with the statutory requirement after some
track enhancement measures such as embedded rail, green track with vegetation,
the existing helipad near KSWH is for emergency use, there would be no routine
flight expected. Helicopter noise
assessment at the existing helipad during occasional take-off, overflight and
approach has been conducted. Results indicate that the operation of the helipad
would not pose environmental impact to the planned NSRs and the existing NSRs.
of the objectives of developing the Project is to convert the existing
brownfield sites to more optimal uses and improve the overall environment of
the area. Approximately 24 ha of land at
the northern fringe of the Project area is reserved as “OU(PBU+SWU)” sites.
This area may accommodate some of the existing brownfield operations through
the possible development of multi-storey buildings or other land efficient
means. The provision of this dedicated
area will help to alleviate existing industrial/residential interface issues
resulting from existing brownfield operations.
In addition, new roads will be provided to directly connect this area to
KSWH thereby eliminating the current movement of HGV through built-up areas
including residential areas.
quality impacts from the construction works are associated with the general
construction activities, construction site run-off, accidental spillage, and
sewage effluent from construction workforce. The site practices as outlined in
the ProPECCPN 1/94 “Construction Site Drainage” and the ETWB TC (W) No. 5/2005
“Protection of natural streams/rivers from adverse impacts arising from construction
works” are recommended to minimise the potential water quality impacts from the
construction activities. Proper site management and good site practices are
also recommended to ensure that construction wastes and other
construction-related materials would not enter the nearby watercourses. Sewage
effluent arising from the construction workforce would be handled through
provision of portable toilets. Water quality monitoring and regular site
inspection will be implemented for the construction works to ensure that the
recommended mitigation measures are properly implemented.
Emergency Response Plan is recommended to minimise the potential water quality
impact from construction site discharges under failure of treatment facilities
during emergency situations or inclement weather.
the implementation of the recommended mitigation measures, the construction
works for the Project would not result in unacceptable impacts on water
3.4.5 In view of the potential adverse
effect of emergency sewage bypass and sewage leakage on the water quality of
the nearby watercourses, various precautionary measures are proposed to be
incorporated in the design of the SPSs and rising mains to avoid emergency
bypass and leakage of sewage to the maximum practicable extent. A contingency
plan is also recommended to deal with the remote occurrence of emergency
discharge. With the incorporation of the precautionary measures and contingency
plan as recommended in this EIA, the possibility of emergency sewage bypass and
sewage leakage would be remote and the potential water quality impacts in the
unlikely event that an overflow/leakage does occur would be minimised.
3.4.6 Another source of potential impact
during the operational phase will be the run-off or non-point source pollution
from road surfaces and developed areas.
Stormwater control measures including adequate stormwater drainage
system with suitable pollutant removal devices, blue-green infrastructure and
best stormwater management practices are recommended for the Project to
minimise the non-point source pollution. With proper implementation of the
recommended mitigation measures, it is anticipated that the water quality
impacts associated with the non-point source discharge from road surfaces and
developed areas would be minimised.
3.5.1 The Project will generate additional
sewage flow which will require additional sewerage infrastructures such as new
HSK STW and SPSs. The new HSK STW is
proposed with a tertiary treatment process, for reuse of reclaimed water and
secondary plus treatment (with UV disinfection and 75% nitrogen removal) for
disposal of effluent.
3.5.2 Reuse of reclaimed water is
recommended for non-potable uses such as toilet flushing and irrigation. With
reuse of reclaimed water, part of the treated sewage would be reused and the
effluent discharge to North Western WCZ will also be minimised.
3.5.3 Within the proposed development
area, most of the existing villages and brownfield sites, are currently not
covered by or properly connected to the existing sewerage system. New public
sewers are proposed under this Project to collect sewage in the proposed
development area which will replace the existing unsewered areas. This is likely to result in an improvement to
the water quality of watercourses within the Project area.
3.5.4 Based on the sewerage impact
assessment, it can be concluded that the Project is sustainable from sewerage
collection, treatment and disposal perspective.
types of waste that would be generated during the construction and operation
phases of the Project have been identified. The potential environmental impacts
that may result from these waste materials have been assessed in accordance
with the criteria and guidelines outlined in Annex 7 and Annex 15 of the
main waste types to be generated during the construction phase of the Project
would include construction and demolition (C&D) materials, chemical waste,
general refuse, excavated sediment and contaminated soil. It is estimated that
there will be around 0.42 Mm3 of non-inert C&D materials, 5.55
Mm3 of inert C&D materials, a few cubic metres per month of
chemical waste, around 1,950 kg per day of general refuse and some excavated
sediment and contaminated soil to be generated during the construction phase of
the Project. Reduction measures have been recommended to minimise the amount of
materials generated by the Project by reusing C&D materials as far as
practicable before off-site disposal.
non-inert and inert C&D materials generated from the Project will be reused
within the Project or other concurrent projects as much as possible. For instance, during site clearance and site
formation works, it is assumed that most inert C&D materials will be
suitable for reuse on-site as backfilling materials and only 5,047 m3
of inert C&D materials will be transported to other concurrent projects for
reuse. Temporary
stockpiling areas are also identified to store the C&D materials to be
reused under this Project. Provided that the waste is handled,
transported and disposed of using approved methods, adverse environmental
impacts would not be expected.
main waste types to be generated during the operation phase of the Project would
include municipal solid waste, chemical waste and sewage sludge. It is
estimated that there will be around 700 tonnes per day of municipal solid
waste, a few cubic metres per month of chemical waste, around 16 m3
per day of screenings and grits and around 50 m3 per day of
dewatered sludge to be generated during the operation phase of the Project.
Three new refuse collection points and a new RTS have been included in the
Revised RODP to handle the increased quantity of waste in the district. A
Community Green Station is proposed to be co-located with the new RTS for
environmental education purpose, convenient collection of recyclables from the
local community, and to provide synergy to achieve better operational
efficiency and environmental sustainability.
Provided that the waste is handled, transported and disposed of using
approved methods, adverse environmental impacts would not be expected.
3.7.1 The land contamination assessment
examined the potential contaminative land use within the assessment area and
their potential impacts to future land use. The majority of the potentially contaminated sites could not be accessed
to assess the site conditions by site walkover, at the time of reporting. For those sites that were accessible for site
walkover, permission could not be obtained from the site operators to carry out
the site investigation (SI) works. Due
to this, the assessment on the potential land contamination was conducted based
on the findings from desktop study, helicopter reconnaissance and site surveys.
total of 480 potentially contaminated sites were identified, of which 253
potentially contaminated sites are currently used as open area storage,
container storage and warehouse sites.
Warehouse sites may not be contaminated if they are used to store
general household goods (e.g. furniture and toys). Container storage and open
area storage, on the other hand, typically comprise a large portion of area for
goods / container storage with possibly smaller portion for potentially
contaminating activities such as vehicle / equipment maintenance area and the
associated chemical handling/storage. The contamination (if any) is therefore
expected to be localised if the main types of goods stored on-site are not
potential sources of contamination. In
addition, the land uses of the remaining identified potentially contaminated
sites are not large scale polluting installations / facilities, which further
support that the contamination (if any) would be localised rather that
chemicals of concern (COCs) identified with the potential to be present at the
potentially contaminated sites include: metals, VOCs, SVOCs, PCRs and
PCBs. These COCs are readily treatable
using proven physical, chemical and biological remediation techniques; as
demonstrated by the successful remediation of soil contaminated with the
abovementioned COCs in other Hong Kong projects. By implementing the recommended further
works, the actual contaminated site(s) within the assessment area would be
located and any contaminated soil and groundwater would be identified and
implementation of the recommended further works under this Project would clean
up any contaminated site(s) identified within the assessment area. The recommended further works would not only
minimise the health risks to future occupants arising from the exposure of the
contaminated soil and/or groundwater, it would also provide the opportunity to
treat the contaminated soil / groundwater using proven remediation techniques
for reuse as useful materials (such as backfilling materials); thereby
minimising the amount of waste disposing into the already depleting landfills
in Hong Kong and achieving a more sustainable development.
the Project would allow the conversion of any contaminated site(s) into land
that is safe for more optimal development. This would assist in
addressing Hong Kong’s long-term housing demand and other land use needs.
the above, land contamination impacts are therefore considered not
the identified potentially contaminated sites are still in operation and the
development will only commence in stages from 2019 to 2037/38, and there may be
change in land use prior to development within both the potentially
contaminated and non-contaminated sites, it is recommended to conduct further
works. This would include: site
re-appraisal, SI works as well as submission of supplementary Contamination Assessment
Plan(s) (CAP(s)), Contamination Assessment Report(s) (CAR(s)) and Remediation
Action Plan(s) (RAP(s)) for the Environmental Protection Department’s (EPD)
approval after the sites are handed over to project proponent for development.
If contaminated soil and/or groundwater were identified, remediation should be
carried out according to EPD’s approved RAP(s) and Remediation Report(s)
(RR(s)) should be submitted to EPD for agreement after completion of the
remediation works. No development works shall be commenced prior to EPD’s
agreement of the RR(s).
Areas Retained and/or Protected in the Development of the Revised RODP
3.8.2 Avoidance measures were considered
and incorporated during the early stages of the Project, to avoid direct impact
to recognised sites of conservation importance / areas of higher ecological
value including:
Retention of most of the “GB” areas in the
Revised RODP;
Avoidance of “Coastal Protection Area” (“CPA”)
and the majority of “CA”;
Avoidance of the three identified egretries:
Ngau Hom Shek egretry, Shenzhen Bay Bridge egretry and San Sang San Tsuen
egretry and its associated flight lines;
Avoidance of a large area of
shrubland/plantation/woodland (Crested Serpent Eagle territory) at Ngau Hom
Shek (Site 3-2);
Retention of Tung Tau Tsuen woodland and one
individual of plant species of conservation importance (Incense Tree) in situ;
Avoidance of Deep Bay Link (DBL) project
mitigation ponds (wetland compensation area) near KSWH; and
Avoidance of natural watercourses, TSW Main
Channel and its major tributary.
Potential Impacts and Mitigation Measures
3.8.3 The Project will encroach upon
approximately 441 ha of habitat area; however, over 98% of the existing
habitats are of low ecological value.
Only 0.1 ha of “CA” (which comprised roads and reinforced concrete flood
storage pond) to the west of KSWH would be directly impacted. The direct impact is anticipated to be negligible.
3.8.4 Only two small areas of woodland
located at Ngau Hom Shek (0.1 ha) and west of Fung Kong Tsuen (0.11 ha) would
be lost. These woodlands were already subject to anthropogenic disturbance
(e.g. roads and graves). Given the
relatively small sizes, the impact is minor.
3.8.6 While the Project would not have
direct impact on the DBL project mitigation ponds, the proposed slip roads
between Road P1 and KSWH would be located adjacent to the two eastern ponds
which could result in potential decreased use of these ponds by avifauna
species (due to disturbance and potential barrier effect). To minimise the impacts an amenity strip is
proposed adjacent to the eastern side of these ponds and additional buffer tree
planting along the new Road P1 would provide screening.
3.8.7 Two footbridges and two cycle
bridges are proposed across TSW Main Channel and construction activities (e.g.
piling and excavation) may result in temporarily habitat loss and disturbance
to avifauna (including overwintering waterbirds and nesting ardeids). Given the construction is temporary and small
in scale, the loss of modified watercourse habitat would be also minor.
3.8.8 Indirect and secondary impacts
during the construction phase would be construction disturbance, noise and
vibration, dust, glare and site run-off.
With implementation of good site practices (e.g. dust suppression
measures, night-time lighting control, proper discharge system), no significant
adverse ecological impact is anticipated.
Enhancement Measures and Environmental Benefits
3.8.9 The environmental benefits arising
from Project include:
Approximately 200 ha (45% of the proposed
development area) is currently occupied by brownfield operations. This operation had created various environmental
impacts, including: air quality/dust, noise, visual, water quality, and
subsequently ecological impacts.
Therefore, consolidation of the existing brownfield operations to
multi-storey buildings will help to reduce the current impacts and improve
habitat quality.
The retention of the San Sang San Tsuen egretry
in “GB” that is buffered by “LO”, is an improvement upon its current condition
in a highly disturbed open storage area.
The implementation of sustainable drainage
systems or facilities would reduce and attenuate stormwater flows, improve
water quality of river channels, and improve ecological value of river
3.8.10 Enhancement measures have also been
considered to improve the overall habitat quality and bring environmental
benefits to the Project, which include:
Introduction of native plant species within the
proposed development area and by incorporating habitat creation through the
landscaping plan (e.g. planting of trees and bamboo at “LO” and “DO” zoning),
particularly at areas connected to “GB” (i.e. natural habitats);
Inclusion of suitable planting within the flood
retention facilities to provide foraging and/or roosting/nesting habitats for
wetland dependent species (e.g. ardeids);
Incorporation of ecological enhancement into the
design of the realigned Tin Sam Channel could improve the ecological value of
the habitats during the operational phase; and
Enhancement planting with native species at the
proposed Fung Kong Tsuen FLWSR site would enhance the value of habitats
3.8.11 The Revised RODP has generally
avoided impacts to habitats and species through its layout and the retention of
higher ecological value habitats (e.g. the egretry, woodland). With the implementation of the recommended
mitigation measures (e.g. measures to avoid/minimise impacts to San Sang San
Tsuen egretry, measures to reduce disturbance from construction activities,
etc.), no unacceptable residual impacts including both direct and indirect
residual impacts during construction and operational phases would be
fisheries resources within the assessment area include active fishponds
(outside the Project boundary) and capture fisheries resources of North Western
and Deep Bay WCZs. The value of capture fisheries in the North Western WCZ is
low to moderate, while it is low in Deep Bay WCZ. An important nursery and spawning ground for
commercial fisheries species has been identified within the North Western WCZ,
but outside the Project area. No oyster
culturing and intertidal fishing were recorded at the coastal area from Ngau
Hom Sha to Lau Fau Shan.
fisheries impacts arising from the Project have been assessed. No active fishponds are located within the
Project boundary. Three inactive
fishponds were recorded within the Project area and would be lost due to the
Project. Therefore the impact to pond fish culture is considered negligible to
low when taking into account the potential conversion of inactive fishponds
back to active fishponds.
unacceptable water quality impacts to the Deep Bay WCZ and North Western WCZ
are anticipated from the Project with proper implementation of water quality
mitigation measures. Therefore, monitoring of fisheries resources during the
construction and operation phases would not be necessary.
the generally rural nature of the Project area, development of the Project will
likely bring about land use changes that will fundamentally change the visual
and landscape character of the area. However such changes could be regarded as
positive enhancement given the Project area is presently a large area of
dilapidated and haphazard brownfield sites. The Project, though bringing
changes to the existing environment, would intrinsically enhance the visual and
landscape character of the area, ensure ample public benefit such as open
space, and contribute to creating a vibrant, liveable and green new town.
at the outset of drawing up the proposals on the Revised RODP, a planning and
urban design framework has been formulated to minimise landscape and visual
changes as far as possible. The Project has been carefully planned to achieve a
distinct landscape and visual characteristic of a new town. A stepped building
height and development intensity profile is adopted with the tallest and
densest developments concentrated at the commercial nodes near the railway
stations, and descending towards Lau Fau Shan and Deep Bay area which is more
rural and low-rise in scale. Care has also been taken to establish a network of
linked open spaces, accommodating a number of parks, green amenity strips,
shopping streets and landscape/visual corridors, to create ‘green’ communities
and partly compensate for any loss of landscape/visual resources due to the
cautionary design, it is inevitable that the Project at such large-scale would
induce some potential landscape and visual impacts at the construction and
operational phases (including site clearance and formation works, construction
of new developments and roads, provisioning of utilities, realignment of roads,
streams and watercourses, and the ultimate operation of the new developments).
To evaluate the significance of such impacts, landscape and visual impact
assessment for the Project was undertaken. Key findings are outlined below.
broad-brush tree survey has been carried out to determine, in broad terms, the
potential impacts on existing trees. Within the assessment area, it is
estimated that there are approximately 28,583 trees consisting of 200 species.
Major tree species include Ficus
microcarpa, Macaranga tanarius var. tomentosa,
Leucaena leucocephala, Dimocarpus longan, Ficus benjamina and Celtis sinensis. The broad brush tree
survey suggests that only about 45% of the trees are found within the Project
area, and amongst them, about 50% would be preserved. While most of the trees
surveyed belong to common tree species of variable quality, some rare tree
species and other trees of relatively outstanding quality were found
occasionally. One Old and Valuable Tree
(OVT) was found in the assessment area but it is located outside the Project
area. A total of 63 trees are potentially registerable as OVTs, while 28
additional trees identified as Important Trees (as per DEVB TCW No. 7/2015). A
detailed Tree Removal Application process will be carried out at a later
detailed design stage to finalise the tree treatment and allocate compensatory
planting areas. Tree compensation within the Project area will be provided at a
1:1 ratio. This means that for every tree that is removed, a new one will be
planted. Furthermore, trees affected by DPs will be compensated within their
respective DP areas.
the assessment area, 18 Landscape Resources (LRs) and six Landscape Character
Areas (LCAs) are identified. Due to the nature of the Project, some LRs and
LCAs are inevitably affected. Based on the impact assessment findings, a number
of mitigation measures have been proposed. These include tree protection and
preservation, tree transplantation, compensatory planting, road greening, as
well as integration of the abovementioned open space framework to mitigate the
loss of major LRs and reinstate streetscape areas to equal or better quality
than currently existing. With the mitigation measures in place, the residual
landscape impacts during the operational phase will consist largely of loss of
vegetation and fragmentation of some LRs only. The residual landscape impacts
for some LRs and LCAs cannot be completely mitigated, for example the loss of
agricultural land, low-lying woodland and grassland. The loss of vegetation in other LRs/LCAs,
however, will only be temporary as it will be replaced by new and/or
compensatory planting. The felling and compensation of trees will also occur in
stages over the course of the construction of the Project rather than all at
once. The concepts enshrined in the urban design framework create many
opportunities to introduce new planting in areas of open space such as the
Regional Town Park or along river channels. The reinstated vegetation is
recommended to consist largely of native species so as to enhance the
ecological integrity and biodiversity of the Project area. The provision of roadside “A” zones provides
room for this type of planting.
new developments and their site greening and amenity plantings, new high
quality street trees and roadside vegetation along all district distributors
and local roads, and the aforementioned trees and plantings within new open
space sites and riverside promenade, will enhance the landscape quality of the
area. Collectively, the new development will bring forth both impacts and new
amenity that seeks to balance the new developments with ample greening and
well-designed public space.
particular, while disturbance during the construction phase would cause
temporary impacts to the TSW Main Channel and Shek Po Channel, the LRs for
these watercourses would be enhanced during operational phase as implementation
of the proposed open space framework would upgrade the quality of these
resources. Other watercourses at Hang Hau Tsuen Nullah, Ping Ha Road Nullah,
Tin Sam Channel, San Sang San Tsuen Channel, and Yick Yuen Tsuen/Tsing Chuen
Wai Nullah would also be subject to permanent impacts due to partial coverage
and subsequent loss of sections of the watercourse. However, the overall impact
on these resources would be enhanced via new amenity and native plantings,
enhanced nullah edges and recreation zones along the lengths of these nullahs.
a visual perspective, given the nature and scale of the proposed development
with high-rise developments, the Project will likely to be altered
significantly from the visual context of the area. A number of Visual Sensitive
Receivers (VSRs), especially those located within and to the immediate
surroundings of the Project area, are anticipated to experience substantial
visual impacts:
For Residential VSRs, the substantial visual
impact after mitigation is largely due to the scale of the proposed development
and proximity of the VSRs to the sources of impact. As a result, views are full
and in some cases all-encompassing for those within the Project area.
In the case of Recreational VSRs, several are
afforded prolonged and recurring views toward the Project, such as hikers along
the Castle Peak Trails.
For Travelling VSRs, substantial impacts arise
for those VSRs travelling along roads that intersect or pass through the
Project area such that their views will be significantly altered for long
durations of their journey, causing a substantial magnitude of change. In the
case of cyclists along roadways, their higher sensitivity due to a slower
travel speed and heightened awareness of their surroundings results in
pronounced and prolonged exposure to visual impacts.
on the impact assessment findings, a number of mitigation measures have been
proposed. These include adopting alternative designs or revisions to the basic
engineering and architectural designs to prevent and/or minimise adverse
impacts; remedial measures such as colour and textural treatment of building
features; and compensatory measures such as the implementation of landscape
design elements (e.g. tree planting, creation of new open space, etc.) to
compensate for unavoidable adverse impacts and to attempt to generate
potentially beneficial long-term impacts.
the overall visual character in the Project area would be significantly changed
by the Project, the recommended mitigation measures may not be enough to
adequately compensate for such a substantial magnitude of change for these
highly sensitive VSRs. However, the
overall change that is to occur as a result of development of the Project will
ultimately bring about positive enhancement.
The transformation of the area from what is presently an area
predominantly occupied by haphazard and dilapidated brownfield sites into a
contemporary planned community with varying District Character Areas and
applicable landscape treatments will result in strong visual interest and
character and improved visual outlook for the majority of VSRs. Added to this,
a number of breezeways and view corridors planned along riverside promenade and
fung shui lanes, as well as a stepped building height strategy enshrined in the
urban design framework will add visual interest to the development and provide
it a contextual setting and connection to the broader Project area and TSW New
Town. The urban design framework sets forth a number of planning and urban
design concepts intended to influence the form, scale and overall visual
character of the Project with the intention to develop a holistic and visually
dynamic new town arising from what is presently a brownfield site.
urban design framework is an intrinsic part of the Project that must be viewed
in connection with proposed mitigation measures. While not all impacts can be
fully reduced or eliminated through the implementation of mitigation measures
due to the nature of the Project, the urban design framework goes further by
specifically outlining and dedicating areas for open space, riverside promenade
development, fung shui lanes and view corridors, and greenbelt areas that will
result in the creation of new, positive LRs with positive visual outlooks for
VSRs. The urban design framework also provides guidelines on building heights,
massing and scale in order to address the visual change that will result from
new buildings and provide contextual, sensitive treatment to the surrounding
developments. The measures sought in the urban design framework work in unison
with mitigation measures to ensure that a quality, green, and attractive new
town replaces the existing mix of industrial storage yards that presently exist
with the goal of realising a positive impact as a result of the new town development.
assuming full implementation of mitigation measures in combination with the key
urban design and planning proposals outlined above, the residual landscape and
visual impacts are perceived to be acceptable with mitigation measures as
outlined in Annex 10 of the EIAO-TM, provided that appropriate mitigation
measures are implemented during the construction and operational phases of the
on desktop review and archaeological survey conducted between January and March
2015, a total of six Sites of Archaeological Interest (SAIs) were identified
within the assessment area. However,
only Tseung Kong Wai SAI (F1) and Tung Tau Tsuen SAI (F2) might be partially
impacted by construction of the Project, but no insurmountable impact is
anticipated. The archaeological impact arising from the construction works
should be assessed when the detailed design of the works is available.
Preservation in situ is the top priority to safeguard the archaeological
remains in the impacted area by amending the layout plans of the construction
works. However, if the works cannot avoid disturbance to the archaeological
deposit, depending on degree of direct impact, the following mitigation
measures should be considered, such as archaeological surveys, archaeological
watching brief, preservation by records and relocation of archaeological
remains. The scope and programme of the archaeological fieldwork would be
agreed with AMO.
as archaeological fieldwork could not be conducted at some of the area, four
Archaeological Potential Areas (APAs) were identified within the Project Area,
which were subjected to uncertain archaeological potential. As such, further archaeological survey is
required to be conducted at APA1 and APA2 to ascertain the extent of any
archaeological remains within the APAs if any construction works will be
carried out. Based on the findings of the survey, mitigation measures could be
proposed, such as preservation in situ, preservation by records, or relocation
of archaeological remains, in prior agreement with the AMO. Direct impact
arising from the proposed development within APA3 should be avoided as far as
possible. As the land use of APA4 remains “GB” and “V” type and no construction
works will be conducted, no mitigation measure is required.
total number of 21 traditional villages with archaeological potential were
identified. As no development is proposed in the "V" zones, no impact
is anticipated and hence no mitigation measure is required.
terms of built heritage, two Declared Monuments, seven Graded Historic
Buildings (including two Grade 2 Historic Buildings and five Grade 3 Historic
buildings) are within the Project Area.
The Project will not affect any Declared Monuments or Graded Historic Buildings. Moreover, 339 nil grade built heritage were
identified within the Project Area. No
direct impact to these nil grade built heritage is anticipated except 12 of
them located in Yick Yuen Tsuen, Tin Sam San Tsuen and Tin Sam Tsuen which were
assessed to contain no cultural significance.
Preservation by record (including cartographic and photographic record)
prior to the commencement of any construction works would be required for the
impacted nil grade built heritage.
the Project provides an opportunity to promote the cultural heritage resources
within and surrounding the area though the provision of a cultural heritage
trail. This trail is proposed to begin at the existing TSW Station and the
proposed HSK Station and permeates through the Project area, along the existing
“Open Space” and “A” zones. The trail provides a safe and efficient amenity for
people to explore many of the culturally significant areas in the Project area
and is also intended to help promote these features and draw people to the
area. A Conservation Strategy in Ha
Tsuen area is also recommended to maximise the public education, heritage and
cultural tourism related opportunities in this area as heritage attractions. A Conservation Management Plan should be
proposed to implement future maintenance and management of the cultural
EM&A programme will be implemented throughout the entire construction
period to regularly monitor the environmental impacts on the neighbouring
sensitive receivers. Any action required during the construction phase is also
recommended for implementation. Some of the environmental aspects would extend
the EM&A programme to the operational period to ensure no unexpected
adverse environmental impacts resulting from the Project.
EM&A programme would include site inspection / audit and monitoring for
construction dust, construction airborne noise, operation airborne noise, water
quality and updating changes as necessary. Details of the recommended
mitigation measures, monitoring procedures and locations are presented in a
standalone EM&A Manual.
of Environmental outcomes
Project will be the next generation new town for Hong Kong. In addition, to providing housing and other
land supply in Hong Kong, the Project will also serve as a “Regional Economic
and Civic Hub” for the NWNT, given its strategic location in the NWNT and
connection to TSW, Tuen Mun and Yuen Long New Towns. The Project aspires to turn the existing vast
extent of brownfield sites including open storage, port back-up, construction
material/machinery storage, car repair workshops, recycling yards, and rural
workshops, etc. which have created considerable environmental, traffic, visual,
and other problems, to more optimal uses and better land utilisation for future
development of Hong Kong.
EIA has provided an assessment of the potential environmental impacts
associated with the construction and operation of the Project, based on the
engineering design information available at this stage. This has also included specific assessment
for the six Schedule 2 DPs subject to environmental permit application under
this Study.
assessment has been conducted, in accordance with the EIA Study Brief (No.
ESB–291/2015) under the EIAO for the Project, covering the following
environmental issues:
Air Quality Impact
Noise Impact
Water Quality Impact
Sewerage and Sewage Treatment Implications
Waste Management Implications
Land Contamination Impact
Ecological Impact
Fisheries Impact
Landscape and Visual Impact
Impact on Cultural Heritage
findings of this EIA Study have determined the likely nature and extent of
environmental impacts predicted to arise from the construction and operation of
the Project. During the EIA process, environmental control measures
have been identified for incorporation into the planning and design of the
Project, to achieve compliance with environmental legislation and standards
during both the construction and operation phases.
of environmental impacts has been one of the key considerations throughout the
entire EIA Study. The key environmental
problems that have been avoided and any sensitive areas protected in the
Revised RODP are summarised below.
of Sites of Conservation Importance
The majority of Sites of Conservation Importance
(“CPA”, most of the “CA”) have been avoided. Where there is a slight
encroachment into the “CA”, the preferred option has avoided impacts to
semi-natural/natural habitats and graves.
of San Sang San Tsuen Egretry
The Egretry is retained and protected in “GB”
zone, which is an improvement upon its current condition in a highly disturbed
storage area. The egretry is also
protected from disturbance through the provision of “LO”, which provides a
buffer to the south of the “GB”. The “LO” also provides an eco-corridor,
covering the ardeid flight paths, and connecting the “GB” supporting the
egretry to “GB” and foraging habitats to the east.
of Habitats with Ecological Value and Species of Conservation Importance
Most of the sites of conservation importance as
well as habitats with high ecological value have been excluded from the Project
area during the optioneering stages. In addition, the majority of “GB” is
retained during the development to avoid the loss of natural habitats. This
also includes avoidance of direct impacts to species of conservation
of Natural Watercourses in the Project Area
A natural watercourse is located in the “Industry”
zone in the west of the Project area. To
avoid direct loss of this watercourse, the Revised RODP has zoned the
watercourse and the area south of it as “GB” thereby protecting it from
of the Deep Bay Water Quality
There will be no increase in the pollution
loading to the Deep Bay waters, as the sewage generated by the Project will be
either reused as reclaimed water or properly disposed at North Western WCZ. In
addition, providing new sewerage network in the Project which will replace the
existing unsewered areas within the proposed development area, and will reduce
the pollution loading to Deep Bay.
The recommended preventative design measures of
the four new SPSs would also protect the inland watercourses and Deep Bay waters
downstream of the SPSs.
of Built Heritage
All of the Declared Monuments and Graded
Historic Buildings have been preserved within the Revised RODP. A cultural
heritage trail is also proposed under the Revised RODP to allow public to
appreciate these precious heritage resources by walking.
than measures to avoid environmental impacts, efforts have also been exercised
to minimise and compensate any unavoidable impacts. The need for any
environmental designs required to mitigate the associated impacts have been
identified and will be implemented as appropriate.
Water Quality Impacts
By reducing and attenuating stormwater flows
through the adoption of sustainable drainage systems or facilities, flooding
would be avoided/reduced, water quality of channels and subsequent ecological
value of channels would be improved.
By reducing the amount of effluent discharge
from the new HSK STW via Urmston Road Submarine Outfall, with reusing part of
the treated sewage effluent as reclaimed water, the pollution loading to the
North Western WCZ would be minimised.
Landscape and Visual Impacts
A comprehensive open space network is planned
for the NDA to create a continuous riverside promenade, where additional open spaces
are introduced on the Revised RODP with corresponding changes to the spatial
layout of the developments along TSW Main Channel to further enhance air
ventilation performance and visual porosity. The landscape and ecological value
of the riverside promenade will be enhanced by planting vegetation of native
Sufficient buffer has been introduced on the
Revised RODP as "A” and Non-building Area (NBA) between the existing
"V” zone and new developments. A 5 m NBA is also proposed along Road D2
for the private residential developments facing Lo Uk Tsuen, Ha Tsuen and San
Uk Tsuen to increase the separation of buildings from the “V” zone.
The proposed building height and development
intensity profile for the Project area gives due regard to the physical form
and setting of the existing and retained uses.
This will allow better integration with the existing / retained areas
and enhance the quality of the overall visual character of the Project area.
Air Quality Impacts
The Revised RODP has concentrated the
population, key economic activities and major community facilities within
walking distance of mass transit and public transport nodes. Community
neighbourhoods will also be created within easily accessible daily necessities
to promote walking. With the above planning, road traffic and associated
vehicular emissions will be minimised.
The GTC encompassing EFTS, pedestrian walkways
and cycle tracks, and a comprehensive pedestrian walkways and cycle tracks
network will connect residential clusters with the “Logistics, Enterprise and
Technology Quarter”, railway stations and key community facilities to
facilitate people movement between different activity nodes within the Project
area and hence minimise road traffic and vehicular emissions.
The re-arrangement of the road network by
replacement of Tin Ying Road and downgrading of Hung Tin Road will minimise air
pollutants generated from road traffic as well as reduce the existing road
traffic noise.
The Revised RODP layout also removes the existing
interface problem between brownfield operations and the adjoining residential
developments and will minimise movements of HGV traffic within the Project area
by diverting the traffic to the new primary distributor underneath KSWH.
Noise Impacts
As stated above, the Project has been carefully
planned to minimise road traffic and associated emissions, and noise by:
promoting walking and cycling; providing GTC within the Project area; and
locating “PBU+SWU” sites away from residential areas, as far as practicable.
The GTC will also be separated from future roads to minimise traffic
disturbance, and the depressed sections at road junctions will also shield some
of the traffic noise. Noise impacts to a significant number of residents in TSW
will also be ameliorated through replacement of Tin Ying Road. Non-noise
sensitive uses and set-back from roads have also been proposed as far as
practicable in order to avoid excessive noise barrier or sterilising too much
NSRs are protected through various mitigation
measures to comply with the statutory traffic noise limit. These include application of low noise road
surfacing materials; noise barriers/cantilever noise barriers; and building
set-back, orientation and special building design such as façade design,
provision of architectural fins/acoustic windows for affected developments.
The location of the planned logistics facilities
buildings would help to screen the fixed plant noise from proposed
“OU(PBU+SWU)” sites, thereby minimising impact on the existing village houses.
the EIA Study has predicted that the Project, with the implementation of the
mitigation measures, would be environmentally acceptable with no adverse
residual impacts on the population and environmentally sensitive resources.
A number of enhancements (including enhancing ecological connectivity
across the Revised RODP; provision of landscape planting in the “LO” zone
adjacent to the egretry that could potentially be used by ardeids for nesting;
wetland planting in the flood retention facilities in the Regional Town Park
could provide additional resources for birds) and environmental benefits
(including provision of dedicated “OU(PBU+SWU)” sites thereby reducing existing
industrial / residential interface issues; rearrangement of the road network to
reduce the existing traffic noise and minimise air pollutants generated from
traffic; pollution loading to the Deep Bay waters will be reduced, as the
existing unsewered areas within the proposed development area will be provided
with new sewerage and no treated sewage effluent generated by the Project will
be discharged to Deep Bay) within the proposed development area are also likely
to result from the Project, which are illustrated in Figure 4.1.