Appendix 4.12

Validation of Rail Noise Assessment Models

Appendix 4.13

On-Site Noise Measurement and Estimation of Sound Power Levels of Existing Fixed Plant Noise Sources at Siu Ho Wan Depot

Appendix 4.14

Fixed Plant Noise Calculation

Appendix 4.15

Rail Noise from Train Movement within Reprovisioned SHD under Deck

Appendix 4.16

Summary of Unmitigated Railway Noise Levels

Appendix 4.17

Calculation of Lmax associated with Railway Operation

Appendix 4.18

Development Schemes for SHD Topside Development and Proposed Noise Canopies for Different Development Package

Appendix 4.19

Summary of Mitigated Railway Noise Levels

Appendix 4.20

Cumulative Operational Noise Levels