12 Landscape and Visual Impact
12.2 Legislation, Standards and Guidelines
12.3 Landscape and Visual Assessment Methodology
12.4 Key Development Components
12.5 Review of Planning and Development Control Framework
12.7 Identification and Evaluation of Environmental Impact
12.9 Mitigation of Landscape and Visual Impact
12.10 Programme and Funding Arrangement for Landscape and Visual Mitigation Measures
12.11 Evaluation of Residual Impact
12.12 Environmental Monitoring and Audit
Review of Planning and Development Control Framework (Scenario 1 and Scenario 2) |
Landscape Resources (Scenario 1 and Scenario 2) |
Photographs of Landscape Resources –Sheet 1 of 7 (Scenario 1 and Scenario 2) |
Photographs of Landscape Resources –Sheet 2 of 7 (Scenario 1 and Scenario 2) |
Photographs of Landscape Resources –Sheet 3 of 7 (Scenario 1 and Scenario 2) |
Photographs of Landscape Resources –Sheet 4 of 7 (Scenario 1 and Scenario 2) |
Photographs of Landscape Resources –Sheet 5 of 7 (Scenario 1 and Scenario 2) |
Photographs of Landscape Resources –Sheet 6 of 7 (Scenario 1 and Scenario 2) |
Photographs of Landscape Resources –Sheet 7 of 7 (Scenario 1 and Scenario 2) |
Landscape Character Areas (Scenario 1 and Scenario 2) |
Photographs of Landscape Character Areas (Scenario 1 and Scenario 2) |
Visual Envelope and Visually Sensitive Receivers (Scenario 1) |
Visual Envelope and Visually Sensitive Receivers (Scenario 2) |
Visual Context of Visually Sensitive Receivers – Sheet 1 of 7 (Scenario 1 and Scenario 2) |
Visual Context of Visually Sensitive Receivers – Sheet 2 of 7 (Scenario 1) |
Visual Context of Visually Sensitive Receivers – Sheet 2 of 7 (Scenario 2) |
Visual Context of Visually Sensitive Receivers – Sheet 3 of 7 (Scenario 1 and Scenario 2) |
Visual Context of Visually Sensitive Receivers – Sheet 4 of 7 (Scenario 1) |
Visual Context of Visually Sensitive Receivers – Sheet 4 of 7 (Scenario 2) |
Visual Context of Visually Sensitive Receivers – Sheet 5 of 7 (Scenario 1) |
Visual Context of Visually Sensitive Receivers – Sheet 5 of 7 (Scenario 2) |
Visual Context of Visually Sensitive Receivers – Sheet 6 of 7 (Scenario 1) |
Visual Context of Visually Sensitive Receivers – Sheet 6 of 7 (Scenario 2) |
Visual Context of Visually Sensitive Receivers – Sheet 7 of 7 (Scenario 1 and Scenario 2) |
Impact on Landscape Resources (Scenario 1) |
Impact on Landscape Resources (Scenario 2) |
Impact on Landscape Character Areas (Scenario 1) |
Impact on Landscape Character Areas (Scenario 2) |
Visual Impacts (Scenario 1) |
Visual Impacts (Scenario 2) |
Recommendation Landscape and Visual Mitigation Plan – Master Plan (Scenario 1) |
Recommendation Landscape and Visual Mitigation Plan – Master Plan (Scenario 2) |
Recommendation Landscape and Visual Mitigation Plan – Sections (Scenario 1 and Scenario 2) |
Recommendation Landscape and Visual Mitigation Plan – Sections (Scenario 1 and Scenario 2) |
Recommendation Landscape and Visual Mitigation Plan – Sections (Scenario 1 and Scenario 2) |
Recommendation Landscape and Visual Mitigation Plan – Sections (Scenario 1 and Scenario 2) |
Recommendation Landscape and Visual Mitigation Plan – Sections (Scenario 1) |
Recommendation Landscape and Visual Mitigation Plan – Sections (Scenario 2) |
Recommendation Landscape and Visual Mitigation Plan – Sections (Scenario 1) |
Recommendation Landscape and Visual Mitigation Plan – Sections (Scenario 2) |
Photomontages – Vantage Point A – Sheet 1 of 2 (Scenario 1 and Scenario 2) |
Photomontages – Vantage Point A – Sheet 2 of 2 (Scenario 1 and Scenario 2) |
Photomontages – Vantage Point B – Sheet 1 of 2 (Scenario 1 and Scenario 2) |
Photomontages – Vantage Point B – Sheet 2 of 2 (Scenario 1 and Scenario 2) |
Photomontages – Vantage Point C – Sheet 1 of 2 (Scenario 1) |
Photomontages – Vantage Point C – Sheet 1 of 2 (Scenario 2) |
Photomontages – Vantage Point C – Sheet 2 of 2 (Scenario 1) |
Photomontages – Vantage Point C – Sheet 2 of 2 (Scenario 2) |
Photomontages – Vantage Point D – Sheet 1 of 2 (Scenario 1) |
Photomontages – Vantage Point D – Sheet 1 of 2 (Scenario 2) |
Photomontages – Vantage Point D – Sheet 2 of 2 (Scenario 1) |
Photomontages – Vantage Point D – Sheet 2 of 2 (Scenario 2) |
Photomontages – Vantage Point E – Sheet 1 of 2 (Scenario 1 and Scenario 2) |
Photomontages – Vantage Point E – Sheet 2 of 2 (Scenario 1 and Scenario 2) |
Photomontages – Vantage Point F – Sheet 1 of 2 (Scenario 1) |
Photomontages – Vantage Point F – Sheet 1 of 2 (Scenario 2) |
Photomontages – Vantage Point F – Sheet 2 of 2 (Scenario 1) |
Photomontages – Vantage Point F – Sheet 2 of 2 (Scenario 2) |
Photomontages – Vantage Point G – Sheet 1 of 2 (Scenario 1 and Scenario 2) |
Photomontages – Vantage Point G – Sheet 2 of 2 (Scenario 1 and Scenario 2) |
Photomontages – Vantage Point H – Sheet 1 of 2 (Scenario 1 and Scenario 2) |
Photomontages – Vantage Point H – Sheet 2 of 2 (Scenario 1 and Scenario 2) |
Photomontages – Vantage Point I – Sheet 1 of 2 (Scenario 1 and Scenario 2) |
Photomontages – Vantage Point I – Sheet 2 of 2 (Scenario 1 and Scenario 2) |
Artist Impression of the Golf Course – Sheet 1 of 2 (Scenario 1) |
Artist Impression of the Golf Course – Sheet 1 of 2 (Scenario 2) |
Artist Impression of the Golf Course – Sheet 2 of 2 (Scenario 1) |
Artist Impression of the Golf Course – Sheet 2 of 2 (Scenario 2) |
Group Tree Survey |
12 Landscape and Visual Impact The following sections identify the potential landscape and visual impacts during the construction and operation of the Project in Shuen Wan ex-landfill site, Tai Po, in accordance with the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO). In accordance with the criteria as stated in Annexes 10 and 18 of the Technical Memorandum on TM-EIAO, the Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA) for this project includes:
· a list of the relevant environmental legislation, standards and guidelines;
· a review of the relevant planning and development control framework;
· a landscape and visual impact assessment methodology;
· a landscape impact assessment section, including:
Ø a landscape baseline study providing a comprehensive and accurate description of the baseline Landscape Resources (LRs) and Landscape Character Areas (LCAs) within 500m assessment area from the Project Site;
Ø identification of potential landscape impacts;
Ø prediction of the nature of landscape impacts and the potential magnitude of change they will cause as well as the potential significance of impacts before the implementation of mitigation measures;
Ø recommendation of appropriate mitigation measures and associated implementation programmes;
Ø prediction of the significance of residual landscape impacts after the implementation of the suggested mitigation measures;
· a visual impact assessment section, including: and
Ø a visual baseline study, providing comprehensive details of visual elements surrounding the Project Site and the Visually Sensitive Receivers (VSRs);
Ø identification of potential visual impacts;
Ø prediction of the nature of visual impacts and the potential magnitude of change they will cause, as well as the potential significance of impacts before the implementation of mitigation measures;
Ø recommendation of appropriate mitigation measures and associated implementation programmes;
Ø prediction of the significance of residual visual impacts after implementation of the suggested mitigation measures; and
Ø an assessment of the acceptability or otherwise of the predicted residual impacts, according to the five criteria set out in Annex 10 of the TM-EIAO, namely beneficial, acceptable, acceptable with mitigation measures, unacceptable or undetermined.
12.2 Legislation, Standards and Guidelines The following legislation, standards and guidelines are applicable to this LVIA associated with the construction and operation of the golf course:
Legislation and Planning Standards
· EIAO (Cap. 499. S16) and the TM-EIAO Annexes 3, 10, 11, 18, 20 and 21;
· Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance Guidance Note 8/2010 (Preparation of Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment;
· Town Planning Ordinance (Cap131);
· Town Planning (Amendment) Ordinance, 2004;
· Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines (HKPSG) Chapters 4 and 10;
· Forests and Countryside Ordinance (Cap.96);
· Protection of Endangered Species of Animals and Plants Ordinance (Cap.586); and
· Animals and Plants (Protection of Endangered Species) Ordinance (Cap 187A).
Technical Circulars/ Guidelines
· Development Bureau (DEVB) Technical Circular (Works) (TC(W)) No. 7/2015 – Tree Preservation;
· DEVB TC(W) No. 6/2015 – Maintenance of Vegetation and Hard Landscape Features;
· DEVB TCW No. 2/2012 - Allocation of Space for Quality Greening on Roads;
· Environment, Transport and Works Bureau (ETWB) TC(W) No. 11/2004 – Cyber Manual for Greening;
· ETWB TC(W) No. 29/2004 – Registration of Old and Valuable Trees, and Guidelines for their Preservation;
· ETWB TC(W) No. 5/2005 – Protection of Natural Streams/ Rivers from Adverse Impacts Arising from Construction Works; Geotechnical Engineering Office (GEO) Publication No. 1/2011 – Technical Guidelines on Landscaping Treatment for Slopes;
· ETWB TCW No. 8/2005 - Aesthetics Design of Ancillary Buildings in Engineering Projects;
· GEO Publication No. 1/2011 "Technical Guidelines on Landscape Treatment and Bio-engineering for Man-made Slopes and Retaining Walls"; and GEO Technical Guidance Note No. 20 (TGN 20);
· Guidelines on Tree Preservation during Development (April 2015) issued by GLTM Section of DEVB;
· DEVB (GLTM) – Management Guidelines for Mature Trees, December 2014;
· DEVB (GLTM) – Guidelines on Tree Transplanting, September 2014;
· Land Administration Office, Lands Department Practice Note No. 7/2007 and 7/2007A Tree Preservation and Tree Removal Application for Building Development in Private Projects;
· Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) Nature Conservation Practice Note No. 2 - Measurement of Diameter at Breast Height (DBH);
· AFCD Nature Conservation Practice Note No. 3 – The Use of Plant Names;
· Study on Landscape Value Mapping of Hong Kong, 2005; and
· “Charter on External Lighting” (2016) and “Guidelines on Industry Best Practices for External Lighting Installations” (2015), The Environment Bureau.
· Building Department’s PNAP No. ADV-23: Improvement of Visual appearance and Landscape Treatment for Man-made Slopes and Retaining Walls.
12.3 Landscape and Visual Assessment Methodology
General The preparation of the LVIA is based on the EIAO GN No. 8/2010 “Preparation of Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment under the EIAO” for evaluation of proposed development. Section 2 of EIA describes the details of the Project and this LVIA section also provides a summary. The methodology for the LVIA is described in the following sections.
Review of Planning and Development Control Framework A review of the existing planning studies and documents has been undertaken as part of the baseline study to gain an insight into the planned role of the Project Site, its surrounding areas, and its landscape context and to help to determine if the project fits into the wider existing and future landscape context. This review has considered the approved Tai Po Outline Zoning Plan (OZP) No. S/TP/28. Compatibility of the Project to the landscape related land use and development control framework in the OZP.
Landscape Baseline Review and Impact Assessment The assessment of the potential impacts of the Project on the existing landscape comprises two distinct sections namely the baseline survey and the landscape impact assessment (LIA). LIA assessment area has been undertaken to include all areas within 500 m from the boundary of the Project and the works of the Project in accordance with the EIA Study Brief. A baseline survey of the existing landscape resources and landscape character has been undertaken based on a combination of desktop studies and site surveys. The landscape elements which contribute to the landscape character include:
· Local topography and geology;
· Woodland extent and type;
· Other vegetation types;
· Built form (including scale and appearance);
· Patterns of settlement;
· Wildness;
· Land use;
· Scenic spots;
· Details of local materials, styles, streetscape condition;
· Prominent watercourses and water bodies; and
· Cultural and religious identity. The process of landscape characterization draws on the information gathered in the desktop and site survey and provides an analysis of the way in which the elements including the identified LRs interact to create the character of the landscape. The assessment area is then divided into broadly homogenous units of similar character, which are called LCAs.
Broad Brush Tree Survey For LVIA purposes, a preliminary tree group survey within the site boundary has been undertaken to estimate the numbers of existing trees, dominant species, maturity, rarity and any plant species of conservation interest (including Old and Valuable Trees (OVTs)), Potentially Registrable OVT (POVT) or rare/ protected species) and areas for tree preservation and landscape restoration. Tree survey findings allow fine tuning of the layout and design for the Project and its associated ancillary facilities, utilities works and the access road to ensure that any important trees, including POVTs, and rare or protected tree species, where possible, be protected in current location or preserved through transplantation during both the construction and operational phases of the Project. The board brush tree group survey was undertaken in February 2018. A review field survey has been conducted in October 2018 to reflect latest tree conditions after typhoon Mangkhut in September 2018. Tree group survey refers to Appendix 12.1.
Sensitivity of LCAs and LRs A qualitative description of LCAs and LRs has been provided and their extent quantified either by area. The sensitivity of the LCAs and LRs are evaluated and rated taking into account the following criteria:
· Condition, quality and maturity (maturity in this context refers to the age of the LR or LCA relative to its constituent components therefore a woodland containing mature trees would be considered to have a high level of maturity) of the LRs / LCAs;
· Importance and rarity of special landscape elements (rarity being of either local, regional, national or global importance) ;
· Significance of the LRs / LCAs from a local and regional perspective (therefore the sensitivity of a LR or LCA which is either rare in a local or regional context is greater than one which is in common place);
· Capacity of the LRs / LCAs to accommodate change; and
· Statutory or regulatory requirements relating to the landscape including its resources. The sensitivity ratings are classified as below:
Medium |
LR or LCA of high quality and value, which is sensitive to even relatively small changes.
LR or LCA of moderate quality and value, which is reasonably tolerant to change. |
Low |
LR or LCA with low quality and value, which is largely tolerant to change. |
Magnitude of Change to LRs and LCAs The next stage of the assessment process is the identification of the assessment of the magnitude of change (rated as negligible, small, intermediate or large) arising from the implementation of the project and the principal sources of impact based on the following factors:
· Scale of the works and the associated supporting facilities.
· Compatibility of the project with the surrounding landscape context.
· Duration of impacts (temporary or occasion or permanent) under construction and operational phases; and
· Reversibility of change, The magnitude of change is considered separately for the construction phase and operational phase; the ratings are classified as below:
Large |
LR or LCA will suffer a major change. |
Intermediate |
LR or LCA will suffer a moderate change. |
Small |
LR or LCA will suffer a barely perceptible change. |
Negligible |
LR or LCA will suffer no discernible change. | There are various construction methods and sequence of works and operation procedures, which would generate landscape impacts. They will create various levels of landscape impacts due to removal of LRs and change of landscape character. The degree of significance of landscape impact is derived from the magnitude of change which the project will cause to the LRs/LCAs and the sensitivity of the LRs/LCAs. This makes a comparison between the landscapes, which would have existed in the absence of the Project with that predicted as a result of the implementation of the Project. The significance threshold for impact to LRs and LCAs is rated substantial, moderate, slight or insubstantial. The impacts may be beneficial or adverse. The impact in relation to sensitivity and magnitude of change of LRs and LCAs is derived from the following matrix:
12.1 LRs and LCAs
impact significance matrix
Magnitude of Change caused by Project |
Large |
Moderate Impact |
Moderate / Substantial Impact |
Substantial Impact |
Intermediate |
Slight / Moderate Impact |
Moderate Impact |
Moderate / Substantial Impact |
Small |
Slight Impact |
Slight / Moderate Impact |
Moderate Impact |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Low |
Medium |
High |
Sensitivity of LRs/LCAs |
12.3.2 Visual Impact The assessment of the potential visual impact of the Project comprises two distinct parts:
· Baseline survey which identifies the visual envelope (VE) and the visually sensitive receivers and their quality of existing views and their sensitivities to change as a result of the proposed works; and
· Visual impact assessment (VIA) which includes the identification of the sources of visual impact, and change of visual context and amenity, that would be generated during construction and operational phases of the proposed works; and identification of the principal visual impacts primarily in consideration of the degree of change to the baseline conditions. The assessment area for the VIA is defined by the VE which includes all areas from which the proposed works can be seen, or the area forms the view shed formed by natural / manmade features such as existing ridgelines, built development and for example areas of woodland / large trees. The baseline survey of all views towards the Project is undertaken by identifying:
· The VE is the area from which the whole or portions of the proposed works or other structure or its associated offsite construction activities and temporary works is theoretically visible; and
· The VSRs within the VE whose views will be affected by the project works. The potential receivers are considered as four groups:
· Views from residences – the most sensitive of receivers due to the high potential of intrusion on their visual amenity and quality of life;
· View from workplaces – less sensitive than above due to change of visual amenity being less important within the work environment;
· Views from recreational landscapes – including views from all areas apart from the above, e.g. public parks and gardens, recreation grounds, cultural sites etc. Sensitivity of this group depends on the length of stay and nature of activity and the occasional nature of views e.g. sitting in a park as opposed to an active sporting pursuit; and
· Views from riverside/waterfront promenade, public roads and railways – including vehicle travellers, cyclists and pedestrian with transitory views. The assessment of sensitivity has also been based on the quality and extent of the existing view. Therefore a view from a residential property, which would normally be considered the most sensitive view, may be less so if for example it is degraded by existing development or partially screened by intervening visual obstacles such as existing vegetation and topography. Factors affecting the sensitivity of receivers for evaluation of visual impacts include:
· Value and quality of existing views;
· Availability and amenity of alternative views;
· Type and estimated number of receiver population;
· Duration or frequency of view; and
· Degree of visibility. Views available to the identified VSRs are rated according to their sensitivity broadly categorized as follows.
High The VSR is highly sensitive to any changes in the viewing experience - Residential properties where the principle view is of the development site, formalized public viewpoints or designed landscape vistas.
Medium The VSR is moderately sensitive to any changes in the viewing experience - Outdoor workers, office workers, recreational users, residential properties where the secondary view is of the development.
Low The VSR is slightly sensitive to any changes in the viewing experience - People travelling though the landscape (by private/ public motorised transport or pedestrian). The location and direction of its view relative to the proposed works also influences the sensitivity of each group. Typical viewpoints from within each of the visually sensitive groups are identified and their views described. Both existing and planned visually sensitive receivers (PVSRs), if any, are considered. The factors affecting the magnitude of change for assessing the visual impacts include the following:
· Scale of the works;
· Compatibility of the project with the surrounding landscape and visual context;
· The extent of visibility of the proposed works and level of potential blockage of existing views;
· Viewing distance;
· Duration of impacts under construction and operational phases; and
· Reversibility of change. The duration of the impact during construction and operation is determined based on the following ratings:
Temporary Construction works that will only be visible for a short duration of the overall construction period.
Permanent Construction work will be visible throughout the whole construction period.
Temporary Elements of the Project that will be open to the view for a short period of time but is likely disappear at an early stage in the operational phase with minimal intervention or mitigation, for example, further growth of existing tree screening.
Permanent Views of the Project that will remain permanently open to the view. The magnitude of change to the views will be classified as follows:
· Large: e.g. large project works extent/ extensively blocked the views of VSRs / Project nature is not compatible to existing visual context / works area located in the foreground of the visual context / permanent impacts / irreversible of change;
· Intermediate: e.g. intermediate project works extent / partially blocked the views of VSRs / project nature is fairly compatible to existing visual context / works area located in the middle ground of the visual context and not immediately adjacent to VSRs or their views are already partially screened by existing topography, built structures or vegetation / permanent impacts / irreversible of change;
· Small: e.g. small project works extent / no blockage of views / project nature is compatible to existing visual context / works area located in distance to VSRs / permanent impacts and duration of construction impacts is short / Irreversible change or temporary change of view; and
¡ Negligible: e.g. no discernible change in visual context. The impact significance to VSRs deals with the prediction of “Impact Significance Threshold” for visual impacts through combining the “Sensitivity to Change” and “Magnitude of Change” for various VSRs according to the following matrix:
Table 12.2a VSRs impact significance matrix
Magnitude of Change Caused by Project |
Large |
Moderate Impact |
Moderate / Substantial Impact |
Substantial Impact |
Intermediate |
Slight / Moderate Impact |
Moderate Impact |
Moderate / Substantial Impact |
Small |
Slight Impact |
Slight / Moderate Impact |
Moderate Impact |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Low |
Medium |
High |
Sensitivity of VSRs | The significance threshold for visual impact is rated in a similar fashion to the landscape impact, i.e. substantial, moderate, slight and insubstantial and listed as the below table:
Table 12.2b Degree of impact
Impact |
Description |
Substantial |
Adverse / beneficial impact where the proposal would cause significant deterioration or improvement in existing visual quality |
Moderate |
Adverse / beneficial impact where the proposal would cause a noticeable deterioration or improvement in existing visual quality |
Slight |
Adverse / beneficial impact where the proposal would cause a barely perceptible deterioration or improvement in existing visual quality |
Insubstantial |
No discernible change in the existing visual quality | The purpose of mitigation is to avoid, reduce, and where possible remedy or offset any adverse effects on the environment arising from the proposed works. The ideal strategy for identifiable adverse impacts is one of avoidance. If this is not possible, alternative strategies of reduction, remediation and compensation should be explored. Mitigation measures may be considered under two categories:
· Primary mitigation measures which are embedded into the Project design and have been developed through an iterative design process. These mitigation measures are the most effective if considered as an integral part of the site layout and design to avoid adverse impact in the design process; and
· Secondary mitigation measures designed to specifically address the remaining (residual) adverse effects arising from the proposed works. Primary mitigation measures form integrated mainstream components of the proposed works focusing on the adoption of alternatives to the alignment, location, scale and mass of their associated above-ground structures; and refinements to the basic engineering and architectural design including layout, built structures etc. to avoid and/or minimise potential adverse impacts. The design philosophy can also describe the benefits to the design of alternative solutions, introduced to reduce potential adverse impacts, and indicate how these have been addressed. Secondary mitigation measures are specifically designed to mitigate the adverse impacts of the proposed works and are considered in the assessment of the landscape and visual impacts. These may take the form of remedial measures such as colour and textural treatment of built structure; and compensatory measures such as the implementation of landscape design measures (e.g. tree planting, creation of new amenity area etc.) to compensate for unavoidable adverse impacts and to attempt to generate potentially beneficial long-term impacts. Programme for the mitigation measures will be provided. The agencies responsible for the funding, implementation, management and maintenance of the mitigation measures will be identified. The residual impacts are those which remain after the proposed mitigation measures have been implemented. This has been assessed both during the construction period and during the design year, which is often taken to be 10 to 15 years after the project has been opened to normal operation when the soft landscape mitigation measures are deemed to have reached a level of maturity, which allows them to perform their original design objectives. The level of impact is derived from the magnitude of change, which the project will cause to the LRs/LCAs and the visual context of VSRs taking into account the beneficial effects of the proposed mitigation and the sensitivity of LRs/LCAs and VSRs. The significance threshold is derived from the matrices described separately above for the landscape and visual impacts.
12.3.5 Graphic Presentation of Mitigation Measures This project will comprise of 2 scenarios to allow flexibility of future development and operational requirement of the Project, which will be discussed in details in the following Section 12.4. Scenario 1 will be with neither staff quarters nor overnight accommodations for the proposed development, while Scenario 2 will be constructing with both staff quarters and overnight accommodations within the Project Site. In order to illustrate these landscape and visual impacts and to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed landscape and visual mitigation measures for both Scenario 1 and Scenario 2, relevant figures including Impact on Landscape Resources, Impact on Landscape Character Areas, Visual Impacts, Recommended Landscape and Visual Mitigation Plans, and Sections have been prepared under both Scenario 1 and Scenario 2. Besides, photomontages at selected representative viewpoints have been arranged for Scenario 1 and Scenario 2 to illustrate:
· Existing condition;
· Day 1 of operational phase without landscape and visual mitigation measures;
· Day 1 of operational phase with landscape and visual mitigation measure; and
· Year 10 of operational phase landscape and visual mitigation measure which have been fully established.
12.3.6 Prediction of Acceptability of Impacts
An overall assessment of the acceptability, or otherwise, of the impacts will be carried out according to the five criteria set out in Annex 10 of the TM-EIAO, namely Beneficial, Acceptable, Acceptable with Mitigation Measures, Unacceptable and Undetermined. In accordance with Annex 10 of the TM-EIAO a final conclusion is also made of the residual landscape and visual impacts attributable to the project. The degree of residual impact is considered in accordance with the Residual Impact Significance Threshold Matrix in Table 12.3 below.
Table 12.3 Residual impact significance matrix
Description |
Beneficial |
The Project will complement the landscape and visual character of its setting, will follow the relevant planning objectives and will improve overall and visual quality |
Acceptable |
There will be no significant effects on the landscape, no significant visual effects caused by the appearance of the project, or no interference with key views. |
Acceptable with mitigation measures |
There will be some adverse effects, but these can be eliminated, reduced or offset to a large extent by specific measures. |
Unacceptable |
The adverse effects are considered too excessive and are unable to mitigate practically. |
Undetermined |
Significant adverse effects are likely, but the extent to which they may occur or may be mitigated cannot be determined from the study. Further detailed study will be required for the specific effects in question. |
12.4 Key Development Components
12.4.1 The Project comprises the following which is classified as a Designated Project (DP) as per Schedule 2, Part I of the EIA Ordinance.
· Item O.1 – “An outdoor golf course and all managed turf areas”
12.4.2 The Project comprises:
· Construction and operation of an 18-hole golf course, a driving range and its ancillary facilities including but not limited to car parks, food and beverage, storage, offices, staff quarters, and nursery etc.;
· Construction and operation of staff quarters and overnight accommodations, in which 2 scenarios will be studied to allow flexibility of future development and operational requirement of the Project. Scenario 1 will be with neither staff quarters nor overnight accommodations for the proposed development, while Scenario 2 will be constructing with both staff quarters and overnight accommodations within the Project Site. The summary of development parameters of Scenario 1 and Scenario 2 are showed in below Table 12.4a and Table 12.4b respectively; and
· Other infrastructures such as access road, golf cart parking and maintenance area, pump rooms / plant rooms for irrigation / drainage / sewage / leachate etc. to support the daily operations of the Project.
· Table 12.4a Summary of Development Parameters (Scenario 1)
Development Parameters |
Units |
Number of Holes |
18 Holes |
Number of Bays in Driving Range |
28 Bays |
Total Site Area |
53Ha Approx. |
Terrain Level |
8-40 mPD Approx. |
Water Storage Tanks |
30,000m3 Approx. |
Number of Carparks |
300 Numbers Approx. |
Number of Rooms for VR Training Rooms |
84 (Tentatively) |
Number of Storeys for VR Training Rooms |
2 |
Number of Rooms for Administrative Office |
2 (Tentatively) |
Number of Storeys for Administrative Office |
2 |
Building Height(s) |
8-9m |
Total GFA |
No More than 15,000m2 |
· Table 12.4b Summary of Development Parameters (Scenario 2)
Development Parameters |
Units |
Number of Holes |
18 Holes |
Number of Bays in Driving Range |
28 Bays |
Total Site Area |
53Ha Approx. |
Terrain Level |
8-40 mPD Approx. |
Water Storage Tanks |
30,000m3 Approx. |
Number of Carparks |
300 Numbers Approx. |
Number of Rooms for Staff Quarters |
26 (Tentatively) |
Number of Storeys for Staff Quarters |
2 |
Number of Rooms for Overnight Accommodations |
60 (Tentatively) |
Number of Storeys for Overnight Accommodations |
2 |
Building Height(s) |
8-9m |
Total GFA |
No More than 15,000m2 |
12.5 Review of Planning and Development Control Framework A review of the existing planning studies and documents has been undertaken as part of the baseline study to gain an insight into the planned role of the Project Site, its surrounding areas, and its landscape context and help to determine if the project fits into the wider existing and future landscape related land use and development framework. The assessment does not consider all of the areas zoned on the OZP but focuses on only those affected by the proposed works. The locations of these areas are shown on Figure 12.1. This review has considered the following aspects of the identified planning designations:
· Zoning areas which would be physically affected by the Project, that is where the implementation of the Project would lead to the actual loss of an area;
· The potential degradation of the landscape setting of an area which might affect the viability of its landscape planning designation but not result in a loss of zoning area;
· The visual amenity enjoyed by future residents or users; and
· The general fit of the project into this future landscape context. The assessment covers areas shown on the approved Tai Po OZP No. S/TP/28. Table 12.5 indicates that the Project which will have direct impact on the Other Specified Uses (Golf Course) zone under approved the Tai Po OZP No. S/TP/28 for both Scenario 1 and Scenario 2.
Table 12.5 Review of existing planning and development control framework
Land Use Zonings |
Landscape Planning, Design and Conservation Intention of Zoning |
Potential Impacts/Approx. Area Affected by the Proposed Works / Total Zoning Area |
Mitigation Measures and Future Outlook of the Area with the Proposed Works |
Approved Tai Po Outline Zoning Plan No.: S/TP/28 |
Other Specified Uses (for ‘Golf Course’ only)
This zone (Area 28) is intended primarily for the provision of a golf course. Maximum height of 9m of building/built structures.
Approximately entire OU zoning in Area 28, including the ex-landfill site with temporary driving range and surrounding plantation on slopes, will be turned into an 18-hole golf course with ancillary facilities and utilities, including staff quarters and overnight accommodations required for the operation of the golf course. 52.69ha /Total 188.74ha of Other Specified Uses zone in OZP. |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
The Project Site is an ex-landfill site and particularly occupied by temporary driving range surrounding by plantation on slopes which are intended to be replaced by an 18-hole golf course. The land use “Golf Course” is always permitted under this land use zoning. As such, the Project is considered to be complied with the existing land use and planning intention for this area. Concurrent Projects within this OZP: Shuen Wan Landfill Restoration Contract – Environmental Protection Department (EPD) has been operating the environmental monitoring and maintenance works at the Shuen Wan Landfill site and will continue after the operation of the Project. Adjustment of Project layout has been made to adopt the monitoring system. Golf Park Golf Driving Range – A 145-bay golf driving range for public use is currently operating. This facility will be replaced by the Project. Given the existing outlook of the area is largely occupied by golf driving ranges and ex-landfill site restored with planting, the Project do not alter much of the current nature and function of the Project Site. The environmental monitoring and maintenance works of the landfill site will be continued, after implementation of the 18-hole golf course and its ancillary facilities and utilities work will fit into the planning context. |
The Project Site is an ex-landfill site and particularly occupied by temporary driving range surrounding by plantation on slopes which are intended to be replaced by an 18-hole golf course. The land use “Golf Course” is always permitted under this land use zoning. The provision and scale for both the staff quarters and overnight accommodation would be subject to the final lease conditions and any statutory town planning ordinance where applicable. In case if there is any conflict with the statutory town plan(s) and any published land use plan(s) which need for any further statutory submission, it will be separately submitted to comply with the respective authorities where applicable. Shuen Wan Landfill Restoration Contract – Environmental Protection Department (EPD) has been operating the environmental monitoring and maintenance works at the Shuen Wan Landfill site and will continue after the operation of the Project. Adjustment of Project layout has been made to adopt the monitoring system. Golf Park Golf Driving Range – A 145-bay golf driving range for public use is currently operating. This facility will be replaced by the Project. Given the existing outlook of the area is largely occupied by golf driving ranges and ex-landfill site restored with planting, the Project do not alter much of the current nature and function of the Project Site. The environmental monitoring and maintenance works of the landfill site will be continued, after implementation of the 18-hole golf course. |
12.6.1 Landscape Baseline
Baseline Condition The baseline review of the existing landscape establishes the broad characteristics, identifies landscape resources, landscape character and visual amenity of the assessment area. This baseline review is based on desktop information and site visits, the findings will then be used to provide a characterization and elevation of the identified landscape resources and landscape character areas.
Topography The assessment area is located at northeast end of Tai Po New Town next to Tai Po Industrial Estate (TPIE). The area extends to the north and is bounded by Pat Sin Leng hill slopes, Ting Kok Road and Lo Fai Road and the alongside villages and low-rises residential developments. To the east, the area is abutting to low-rise developments at waterfront of Tolo Harbour. To the south, the area is adjoining Tolo Harbour and Tai Po Waterfront Park. To the west, the area is located right next to TPIE. The Project Site is bounded by existing vegetated slopes adjoining Ting Kok Road (GL+4.1 to +94.2mPD) at the north, the TPIE (GL+5.2 to +7.0mPD) at its west, the seashore residential (GL+8.4 to +23.0mPD) and Tolo Harbour to its south and east. The Project Site is situated at the restored landfill site, hence has a relatively higher street level than the adjoining land use (GL+5.3 to +40.9mPD). Dense plantation forms the slopes of two knolls. The large one at level +28 to +41mPD in the center of site, which currently occupied by the Golf Park Golf Driving Range (GPGDR), and the small one at level +37mPD at the northeast, which is grassed on the top. The restored landfill site is partially occupied by the two golf driving ranges and offices of the GPGDR with associated access road from Ting Kok Road, offices and gardens. The driving ranges are covered by managed grassland with two built platforms while other associated facilities are situated on concrete paving area. The access road entering the Project Site from Ting Kok Road connects the existing golf driving ranges at the central part of the site, and also goes south to the seashore and EPD offices in the northwest periphery of the Project Site for monitoring and maintenance of the landfill site.
Vegetation The Project Site is a seaside restored landfill site with managed grasslands mainly used as golf driving range in the center surrounded by formed slopes. Dense vegetation on slopes, plantation with tree and shrub, is dominant throughout the Project Site. Roadside areas alongside of the access road are mainly covered by amenity planting. Waterfront areas are currently maintenance tracks with a few built structures for monitoring and maintenance purposes, it is bounded by man-made seashore, a few self-seeded trees are observed. Amenity planting of trees (larges palms and Ficus spp.) and shrubs can be found along access road and the surrounding areas of the offices of GPGDR. Slopes are covered by plantation in high density, which largely composed of exotic trees (mainly Acacia confusa, Acacia auriculiformis and Eucalyptus spp.) and plantation species such as Ficus microcarpa; with self-seeded shrubs such as Alocasia macrorrhizos in understory. Two pieces of land located at northwest and southwest corners of the landfill site, which are currently occupied by EPD landfill site management and maintenance offices or planned/reserved for other developments respectively, are excluded from the Project Site and the tree group survey. A total of 11,198 trees, which have a Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) equal or over 95mm, were recorded within the Project Site according to the updated tree group survey in Appendix 12.1. The recent field survey carried out in October 2018 has revealed that a loss of 16% tree numbers was resulted after inclement weather condition as struck by typhoon Mangkhut in September 2018, compared to 13,359 trees recorded in early 2018. 63 tree species are identified, where majority of trees are the common and exotic tree species used in plantation for restoring the ex-landfill site and ornamental plantation in the surrounding areas of the offices of the GPGDR. The rest would be those self-seeded trees generated at the edge and within the plantation on slopes. Among the total number, pioneer tree species such as Acacia spp. and Eucalyptus spp. account for more than 35% of total trees; more than 18% of existing trees is Ficus microcarpa used as plantation planting; besides undesirable weedy species Leucanena leucocephala (銀合歡) also makes up of more than 10% of existing trees. Together with the self-seeded and common plantation tree species Bauhinia spp., Macaranga tanarius var. tomentosa and Casuarina equisetifolia, the above mentioned 7 species/genus account for more than 87% of the total tree numbers. The remaining are more than 50 tree species of amenity and fruit trees planted in the GPGDR, and self-seeded trees in relatively small numbers among the plantation area. Overall, there are more than 70% of trees are exotic species. Four important trees are identified in the Project Site. They are 2 nos. of Aquilaria sinensis at their young stage and another 2 nos. of mature size trees, one Ficus elastica and one Ficus microcarpa. Aquilaria sinensis is a tree species protected under Endangered Species of Animals and Plants Ordinance Cap. 586, listed as near threatened species under the Rare and Precious Plants of Hong Kong (Status in China), and considered vulnerable under China Plant Red Data Book. The 2 nos. of mature size trees have their DBH greater than 1m, one Ficus elastica and one Ficus microcarpa, which meet the criteria for an Old and Valuable Tree ETWB TCW No. 29/2004 Registration of Old and Valuable Trees. No Champion Trees (identified in the book Champion Trees in Urban Hong Kong’) were found in the Project Site. The general condition of the trees within the Project Site is ranged fair to poor. Since trees are extensively planted on the ex-landfill site area covering nearly all slopes, in large numbers and high density, they developed, deteriorated and regenerated naturally. Due to crowded and sloping site condition, many trees are found leaning or with poor tapering form. The weakness of these trees has been revealed by the inclement weather when super typhoon Mangkhut striking Hong Kong in September 2018, where the Hurricane Signal No. 10 was hoisted. Many trees were affected and damaged after the typhoon. With more than 2,000 trees were found collapsed, uprooted, trunk broken or dead, resulting in loss of 16% of total tree number, when comparing findings of latest field survey in October 2018 to that of early 2018. These severely affected trees (tree numbers removed from latest tree survey schedule) are mostly Acacia spp., Casuarina equisetifolia, Eucalyptus spp., Ficus microcarpa and Leucaena leucocephala, where percentage of each species/number of trees affected are 18%/800nos., 25%/300nos., 20%/120nos., 17%/420nos. and 23%/450nos. of trees respectively. These trees affected by typhoon were suffered from unrecoverable defects including dead, collapsed and main trunk broken etc.. Besides, many other trees might have leaning form or broken branches and stems after the incident. High chance of affected trees shows the rooting system is not stable in general and trees in poor condition are prone to be affected under adverse situation. The four important trees were slightly affected that broken branches were observed.
12.6.2 Landscape Resources (LRs) The important determinants of the landscape resources within the assessment area include a combination of plantation, mixed woodland, managed grassland, watercourse, agricultural field, seashore, water body, waterfront park, roadside amenity planting, developed area and amenity area. These landscape resources (LRs) are shown on Figure 12.2 and their photographic record is provided on Figures 12.3.1 to 12.3.7. The following LRs are identified within the assessment area and Table 12.6 provides an assessment of sensitivity of each of the identified LRs:
LR1 Ex-landfill Site Plantation Ex-landfill site plantation covers almost all slopes of the Project Site occupying more than 60% of the total area. The man-made slopes surround and extend along the peripheries of the Project Site, supporting two grassed knolls. Exotic pioneer species are dominant on these slopes, in combination of native species, in high density to restore and cover the barren lands of the closed landfill site at the 90s. The Project Site is under management and fenced off, so the slopes have been kept with minimal disturbance and had no further development for decades. With the nature of highly adaptable and rapid growth of pioneer tree species, plantation with continuous tree canopy is established providing greenery to the area.
LR1.1 Ex-landfill Site Plantation (within Project Site) This LR is the majority of the Ex-landfill Site Plantation that locates within the Project Site. It consists of approximately 10,440 trees in this LR, composed of dominant species including Acacia confusa, Ficus microcarpa and Casuarina equisetifolia, which account for more than half of trees. Many of these trees have reached mature size. Weedy and invasive species Leucaena leucocephala is abundant over the Project Site distributed mostly at edges of tree group. Also, self-seeded native tree species in smaller size could be found among the plantation, such as Macaranga tanarius var. tomentosa and Alangium chinense. Shrubs such as Alocasia macrorrhizo and Ligustrum sinense are dominated in understory. Four important trees are identified on slope of LR1.1 that are two mature size trees (Ficus elastica and Ficus microcarpa) and two young trees of protected species Aquilaria sinensis. Although the plantation are relatively mature, they are planted in dense and steep growing condition, majority of trees have evident of leaning form, poor tapering, tangled and poor root system. Given this LR is a large piece of plantation with high significance to the local; trees with fair to poor condition individually, important trees has contributed to the amenity locally, it is considered to be relatively tolerant to accommodate change and hence this LR has a high sensitivity to further development.
LR1.2 Ex-landfill Site Plantation (outside Project Site) LR1.2 is a small portion of the Ex-landfill Site Plantation at the southwest abutting to TPIE and outside the Project Site boundary. The sloping profile and vegetation found in this LR are very similar to LR1.1. This LR is located at the edge of the landfill site and interspersed by drainage channel. About 124 trees have the same condition and composition of trees as in LR1.1, plantation and self-seeded species with fair to poor condition. It is considered to be relatively tolerant to accommodate changes and as an extension part of the large piece of plantation, and it has a medium sensitivity to further development.
LR2 Mixed Woodland Mixed woodlands locate at the northern hillside of the assessment area, lower slope of Pak Sin Leng and extend south to Ting Kok Road and other developed areas, which composed of natural and modified slopes alongside of Ting Kok Road and Lo Fai Road, and green knolls next to low-rise residential developments in Ha Hang and Ting Kok Road. There is a combination of preserved native species and planted exotic species, based on the nature of location, such as modified slope along road, undeveloped hillside or green knolls near village settlement. The composition of tree species is diverse as the land uses are fragmented and contribute by existing developments.
LR2.1 Ting Kok Road South Mixed Woodland Surrounded by the ex-landfill site, low-rise residential development Fortune Garden and seashore of Tolo Harbour, a piece of fragmented mixed woodland is retained on the remnant slope in between. The slope is covered by approximate 150 trees including native species Celtis sinensis, Cinnamomum camphora, Ficus microcarpa and Macaranga tanarius var. tomentosa; exotic species such as Acacia confusa and Casuarina equisetifolia. Mature trees are found in the centre of woodland, while younger trees are planted or self-seeded at the periphery. The fragmented mixed woodland is found in poor condition, partially disturbed by slope stabilisation works; some trees are heavily covered by vines; defects could be easily found; and site condition is crowded. A few self-seed shrubs and herbs such as Alocasia macrorrhizo, Ligustrum sinense, Bidens alba and Commelina paludosa are found at the lower slope. It provides greenery to the nearby residential development. Given the fragmented and disturbed condition with low quality, LR2.1 is considered relatively tolerant to change and have a medium sensitivity to further development.
LR2.2 Ting Kok Road North Mixed Woodland Ting Kok Road North Mixed Woodland extends from hillside at the north to Ting Kok Road. The continuity of woodland is interrupted by the hillside low-rise residential developments along Lo Fai Road such as Richwood Park and Tycoon Place, but still, the mixed woodland forms a significant and large piece of vegetation within the landscape context at district level. It provides greenery all along the roads and is visible from distance. Majority of the slope covered by this mixed woodland is natural slope with remnant vegetation. Trees are relatively scattered at some of these areas, especially on steeper slope and spur, where bushes might be exposed instead. Meanwhile, there are modified slopes alongside Ting Kok Road, Lo Fai Road, and levelled area near the residential developments, where trees are planted in high density on slope with exotic pioneer tree species. The woodland is formed by approximately 4,500 trees, dominated by pioneer and plantation species on lower slopes abutting to the road such as Acacia confusa, Eucalyptus tereticornis and Acacia mangium, whilst native species such as Ficus hispida Mallotus paniculatus, Schefflera heptaphylla and Rhus succedanea are found on natural upper slope. Climbing plants such as Bauhinia championii and Mikania micrantha covered the tree crown on upper slope. There is not much understory particularly on slopes abutting to the road; bare soil and some groundcover such as grass and Dicranopteris pedataare mostly observed. The tree and vegetation are fair in condition and are important landscape resources in the district. Given the maturity and importance of this LR to the landscape and visual amenity of the road corridor and district, it is considered to have less tolerant to accommodate change and hence this LR has a high sensitivity to change.
LR2.3 Lo Fai Road West Mixed Woodland Lo Fai Road West Mixed Woodland is bounded by the uphill Lo Fai Road at the east, Ting Kok Road at the south, developed and agricultural fields of Ha Hang lowland to the west; it connects to the natural hillside woodland to the further north outside the assessment area. The woodland covers sloping area descending from Lo Fai Road. Similar to LR2.2, there are few modified slopes next to the road and developments where pioneer tree are planted in high density, which dominated by Eucalyptus torelliana, Eucalyptus tereticornis and Acacia confusa. On other areas, mix combination of native and exotic tree species could be found such as Schefflera heptaphylla, Hibiscus tiliaceus, Ficus microcarpa, Bischofia javanica, Acacia confusa and Eucalyptus tereticornis. The number of trees is approximately 1,000 nos. and condition of trees is fair in general. Similar to LR2.2, there is not much understory; bare soil and some groundcover such as grass and Dicranopteris pedata are mostly observed. It forms a significant vegetation of the area and acts as screening of the Lo Fai Road and buffer of the hillside residential developments. Given the fair quality with disturbed area and importance of this LR to district, it is considered to have relatively less tolerant to accommodate change and hence this LR has a medium sensitivity to change.
LR2.4 Ha Hang Mixed Woodland At the northern Ha Hang Village, mixed woodland on three green knolls is located immediately next to the developed areas (village settlement and low-rise residential developments). The mixed woodland within the assessment area is separated by a flat land, currently with agricultural activities and a piece of vacant land pending for further development. Being preserved and untouched on the knolls, the woodland has mostly remained remnant and so mature trees could be found. Though, the edge being closed to Ha Hang developed area is disturbed for which footpaths surrounding knolls, village houses and road built closed to it would mildly intrude into the woodland area. Approximately 800 trees form the mixed woodland acting as the green backdrop of the Ha Hang Village. A very mature Cinnamomum camphora can be found at the edge of woodland against the village settlement; it is an important tree to the local landscape context. The tree species combination is quite diverse including native trees and domesticated fruit trees, for example, Ficus microcarpa, Syzygium jambos, Macaranga tanarius var. tomentosa, Litsea glutinosa, Trema tomentosa, Dimocarpus longan and Litchi chinensis. Being a more natural and self-sustained mixed woodland, tree condition is fair to poor and with abundant undergrowth climbing plants and shrubs including Alocasia macrorrhizos, Microstegium ciliatum, Psychotria asiatica etc.. Given the quality of this LR and maturity, although is fragmented by agricultural activities, LR2.4 is considered to have a medium landscape and amenity value, it is less tolerant to change and hence it is considered to have a medium sensitivity to further development.
LR3 Managed Grassland on Ex-landfill Site Grassland is another key landscape resource on the ex-landfill site. This LR is distributed mainly on two flat areas on the top of slopes in the ex-landfill site and areas abutting to the seashore. These grasslands are used as a golf driving range, amenity area or maintained as accessible area or path for maintenance of landfill site auxiliary facilities. These are managed areas under regular maintenance with grass cut short, with controlled access and trees are usually found at the edge of the LR.
LR3.1 Managed Grassland on Ex-landfill Site (within Project Site) There are two patches of grassland in the centre of ex-landfill site, surrounded by slopes and plantation (LR1.1 and LR 1.2), and being at the top level of ex-landfill site. These grasslands are managed and maintained with grass cut short and weedy vegetation is found minimal. The smaller piece of grassland at the northwest of the site is for amenity purpose; the extensive one in the center of the site is currently used as a golf driving range and accommodates some relating auxiliary facilities. There are two more small pieces of grassland could be found on ex-landfill site along the Golf Park access road, which are maintained for amenity purpose. Approximately 494 trees can be found in this LR, which usually at the peripheries and along fence of driving range, majority of them are self-seeded Leucaena leucocephala. The accessibility to grasslands is controlled by EPD and the golf driving range operating company, the Golf Park. Turf grass species include Axonopus compressus and Paspalum spp.. Given there is not much other vegetation and is man-made resource, quality of this LR is low and is relatively tolerant to change. Hence, it is considered to have a low sensitivity to further development.
LR3.2 Managed Grassland along Seashore (within Project Site) At the slope toe of Ex-landfill Site Plantation (within Project Site) (LR1.1) abutting to seashore (LR6) to the south and Fortune Garden to the east, there is a strip of grassland extending along seashore which used for maintenance access. It is a flat land covered by grass with some self-seeded trees including Acacia auriculiformis, Leucaena leucocephala, and Macaranga tanarius var. tomentosa at the edge of the LR. They are very common species spreading from adjacent plantation or are weedy in nature. This LR also accommodates a few monitoring facilities for the ex-landfill site. There are about 202 trees found in this LR. The condition of trees and vegetation is poor in general with low amenity value. Given the vegetation is not abundant, condition and quality is not good, it is considered tolerant to change and hence has a low sensitivity to further development.
LR3.3 Managed Grassland along Seashore (outside Project Site) This LR is the extension of LR3.2 that locates outside the Project Site boundary. This LR is located at the southwest corner of the ex-landfill site abutting to the seashore covered by grass, fenced off and for maintenance use only. About 20 self-seeded trees found in this LR which are in poor condition in general and in small size. Given the vegetation is not abundant, condition and quality is not good, it is considered tolerant to change and hence has a low sensitivity to further development.
LR4 Ha Hang Watercourse Two watercourses run through Ha Hang from northern hillside towards south to Ting Kok Road and end with urbanized drainage system. Both watercourses run through agricultural fields (LR5) and then pass through the developed area. Some parts are in natural state with rocks and soil in the river bed surface; other part at upper watercourse and at the end is channelised for irrigation and connecting to box culvert discharging to the sea. The eastern watercourse is dominated weirs, concrete and grassy bank in the agricultural fields, footpath and settlements are also built along the watercourse when approaching to the village. Grass is the main vegetation on the bank, plant species include Brachiaria mutica, Panicum maximum, Microstegium ciliatum and Ludwigia perennis. There are some small trees growing along river bank which are naturally spreading from woodland (LR2.4). Around 30 trees could be found which are small in size and self-seeded trees such as Ficus hispida, Macaranga tanarius var. tomentosa and Cleistocalyx nervosum. They are relatively young in size and fair to poor in condition. Given this LR is partly modified and with relatively low vegetation coverage, LR4 is considered to have a relatively medium landscape quality and amenity value, and thus is considered to have medium sensitivity to further development.
LR5 Ha Hang Agricultural Field The agricultural fields in Ha Hang are developed on the flatland along the watercourses and surrounded by vegetated slopes and green knolls. Active and abandoned farmland can be found. Located at the northeast of Ha Hang, the agricultural fields occupying larger piece of land and is more intensive with land planned for agricultural production. Temporary structures are found within the area. Another smaller scale agriculture field locates to north of Ha Hang developed area which is cultivated by local villagers. Abandoned fields could be found nearby. Around 200 trees are found at the fringe of these agriculture fields and alongside temporary structures and settlements. Most of them are fruit trees such as Dimocarpus longan, Litchi chinensis, Citrus maxima, Cairica papaya and Clausena lansium. A few ornamental trees such as Osmanthus fragrans and Michelia x alba are found in the field. They are relatively young and have fair condition. Some self-seeded trees extending from nearby green knolls (LR2.3 and 2.4) can also be found. A Ficus elastica in very mature size is found standing among the agricultural fields next to the watercourse passing through. It is an important tree to the landscape context. Abandoned fields were covered with grasses and weedy species including Brachiaria mutica, Microstegium ciliatum and Pueraria lobata var. thomsonii. Crops in the active fields include Musa x paradisiaca and Brassica spp. Given that the plants are grown for cultivation purposes, the landscape quality and amenity value of this LR is generally low, it is relatively tolerant to change and hence this LR has a low sensitivity to further development.
LR6 Seashore The seashore goes along the south and east edges of ex-landfill site alongside of the managed grasslands (LR3.2 and LR3.3), and it extends to the east abutting to a small piece of remnant mix woodland (LR2.1), Fortune Garden (LR10.4) and Ting Kok Road. This LR is largely man-made rocky shore outlining the ex-landfill site and halted at the west by concrete seawall of the Tai Po Waterfront Park. Little vegetation was found on the rocky surface including weeds, herbs and climbing plants and small trees in the crevices. Extending to the northeast, there is a small portion of remnant rocky shore butting to mix woodland (LR2.1), it is covered by some small native trees and shrubs including Rhus succedanea, Scolopia chinensid and Clerodendrum inerme. In front of the seawall of Fortune Garden and road embankment of Ting Kok Road, a narrow strip of sandy shore/beach is observed. It is vegetated at the edge with some self-seeded plants and planted tree and shrub including Casuarina equisetifolia, Lantana camara, Panicum maximum and Hibiscus tiliaceus. In general, about 40 trees could be found in this LR. The condition of trees and vegetation is poor in general and their amenity value is relatively low. Given the nature of seashore is largely man-made; the vegetation is not abundant in this LR and condition is not good, it is considered tolerant to change and hence has a low sensitivity to further development.
LR7 Water Body - Tolo Harbour Tolo Harbour locates at the east of the New Territories, and is a sheltered harbour confined by urbanized areas of Ma On Shan, Tai Po and Shuen Wan. It has low frequency sea vehicle traffic. The water edge is composed of promenade and built-up areas extend all along the coastline except a short section to the further east of the ex-landfill site. Given the LR is dominated by man-made coastal line, it is considered tolerant to change and hence has a medium sensitivity to further development.
LR8 Tai Po Waterfront Park Tai Po Waterfront Park is an importance harbourside public open space in district level and with high frequent of use. It is formed by a wide and open corridor along seashore and a pier at the eastern end at where is popular for fishing, extensive planting areas providing shades to the gathering area, jogging and cycling tracks within the Park. Approximately 800 trees could be found, which are mainly common ornamental tree species such as Ficus microcarpa, Bombax ceiba, Lagerstroemia speciosa, Casuarina equisetifolia and Juniperus chinensis. Shrubs are also found in planters including species Calliandra haematocephala, Duranta erecta and Excoecaria cochinchinensis. They have fair to good condition and high amenity value, which create a pleasant open space for public enjoyment. Given the good condition and significance of the vegetation within this LR, it is important to Tai Po district. It is considered less tolerant to change and hence it has high sensitivity to further development.
LR9 Roadside Amenity Planting Roadside amenity planting, with tree and shrub, in planter or at-grade planting area are found along major roads, including Ting Kok Road and Lo Fai Road. The planting separated the carriageway, footpath and cycle track and it is significantly contribute to the landscape and visual amenity of the road corridor. Tree species, Melaleuca cajuputi subsp. Cumingiana, is dominant along the corridors. Besides, roadside amenity planting are also observed in TPIE. Trees are planted in tree pit or narrow planting strip on pavement. The composition of tree species is diverse.
LR9.1 Ting Kok Road Roadside Amenity Planting Ting Kok Road is the primary transport corridor within Tai Po district and passes through the assessment area, associated with cycle track and footpath all along the road. It connects Tai Po town centre at the west to Tai Mei Tuk at the east. The roadside amenity planting is composed of planters on one side abutting to carriageway and at-grade planting areas next to footpath/cycle track on the other side, both areas are planted with shrubs and trees. Melaleuca cajuputi subsp. cumingiana is the dominant tree species, and then would be Bombax ceiba, Cinnamomum burmannii and Ficus microcarpa etc. comprising of approximately 280 nos. of tree. Younger trees are usually found on planters while mature trees are found on the at-grade planting area. Shrubs including Schefflera arboricola, Calliandra haematocephala and Duranta erecta are found in planters. Meanwhile, on the north side of Ting Kok Road is aligned with the hillside mixed woodland (LR2.2) without roadside planter which also contributes to the landscape context of road corridor. Given the importance of this LR to the landscape and the visual amenity corridor for vehicle travellers, cyclists and pedestrians, it is less tolerant to accommodate change and hence this LR has a medium sensitivity to change.
LR9.2 Tai Po Industrial Estate Roadside Amenity Planting All the roads inside TPIE have roadside amenity planting of different levels. The most abundant planting type is tree pits or narrow planting strip on pavement. Many of them are planted with trees such as Ficus spp., Alstonia scholaris, Aleurites moluccana, Callistemon viminalis, Senna siamea, Spathodea campanulata and many other common ornamental or plantation species. Both young to mature trees could be found. Also, there is a mature tree group retained on a wider at-grade planting strip on Dai Kwai Street, mainly planted with Acacia confusa and Ficus microcarpa etc.. Shrub planting of Duranta erecta can be occasionally found on the planting strips. The tree conditions are fair to poor as the trees are often planted in restricted planting area and in close proximity to one another. Due to extensive area and roadside planting always appears on both sides of the road, there are about 750 nos. of trees. Given its quality and amenity value are medium and is relatively tolerant to change, however they are importance resources to the landscape context of industrial estate, hence it is considered to have a medium sensitivity to change.
LR9.3 Lo Fai Road Roadside Amenity Planting Lo Fai Road is the only vehicular connection to the hillside residential developments within the assessment area. A row of Melaleuca cajuputi subsp. Cumingiana is found all alongside of the road on the planters with around 250 numbers in total. Calliandra haematocephala and Duranta erecta are tidily planted on planters. Tree condition is fair. Given the importance of this LR to the landscape and the visual amenity of the road corridor for pedestrians, it is less tolerant to accommodate change and hence this LR has a medium sensitivity to change.
LR10 Developed Area At the urban fringe of Tai Po district, developed areas within the assessment area are extensively occupied by industrial estate and low-rise residential developments. Village-type development and recreational use could also be identified in this LR. They are connected by and distributed along Ting Kok Road, Lo Fai Road or Dai Kwai Street. These built up areas have limited vegetation in general.
LR10.1 Golf Park Golf Driving Range on Ex-landfill Site (within Project Site) The GPGDR on ex-landfill site for recreational use are composed of several elements, access road, two platforms of driving range, turf area, paved area of offices and auxiliary facilities formed by temporary structures and containers. Near the entrance and along the access road, there are planting of ornamental palm trees, Livistona chinensis and Roystonea regia, on the lawn area for amenity purpose. Also, around the area of offices and facilities, Ficus microcarpa of mature size are planted providing shades for surrounding gardens; shrub planting such as short hedges with the use of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Schefflera arboricola and Rhododendron spp. etc. are found in the garden. In sum, there are around 62 trees within this area. Given this LR is built-up area with some common ornamental species with relatively low importance and rarity, it is considered to be quite tolerant to accommodate change and hence this LR has a low sensitivity to further development.
LR10.2 Golf Park Golf Driving Range on Ex-landfill Site (outside Project Site) This LR covers the southern portion and the end of existing access road abutting to seashore and it falls outside the Project Site boundary. It is mainly a hard-paved area and where an electricity sub-station locates. Amenity and self-seeded trees, approximately 10 numbers, are found alongside of the road and near the sub-station, such as Ficus spp., Bauhinia spp. and Spathodea campanulata. Some trees have broken branches and generally in poor to fair condition with exception of a Ficus microcarpa in very large size (1m DBH) which having a relatively good form and is contributing to the landscape context as an important tree. Given this LR is built-up area with some common amenity and self-seeded species with low amenity value, it is considered to be tolerant to change and hence this LR has a low sensitivity to further development.
LR10.3 Offices on Ex-landfill Site A small paved flat area to the northwest corner of ex-landfill site, between Ting Kok Road and TPIE, is accommodating a few of site offices, relating workshops and car parking area, including the EPD management site office of the ex-landfill site. Offices and workshops are single storey temporary structure. An open area for vehicle access and parking occupies most area of this LR. Trees are only found at edges including species Casuarina equisetifolia, Ficus microcarpa and Leucaena leucocephala, with about 20 numbers. They are retained or self-seeded trees in poor condition or restricted rooting area in general. Given this LR is highly disturbed, its amenity value is relatively low due to limited green coverage and has high tolerant to further changes, hence this LR is considered to have a relatively low sensitivity to change.
LR10.4 Ting Kok Road South Low-rise Residential Developed Area This LR comprised of low-rise / house developments to the south of Ting Kok Road at seaside location. Within this residential development, there is private garden area among the houses and planted with trees, approximately 40 numbers. The dominant tree species is Cinnamomum camphora in mature size and facing Ting Kok Road. There are around 40 trees in fair condition. Given the amenity of trees is fair and some are mature, and the LR also contributes to Ting Kok Road users, it is considered tolerant to change. And hence it has a relatively medium sensitivity to change.
LR10.5 Lo Fai Road Low-rise Residential Developed Area Along Lo Fai Road, there are four similar low-rise residential developments. They are low-rise / house developments in high density and locating at hillside surrounded by mixed woodland. These developments are greatly urbanised and have some vegetation that mostly be found at the central landscape area of each development, narrow planters on fence wall and planted in private garden. Tree number is around 30 numbers and dominated by ornamental species such as Cinnamomum burmannii, Juniperus chinensis and Roystonea regia. Shrub planting of Calliandra haematocephala, Ixora chinensis and Bougainvillea spectabilis; and palms Dypsis lutescens can also be found. Given the limited green coverage and highly urbanized nature, this LR is relatively tolerant to change, hence this LR is considered to have a relatively medium sensitivity to change.
LR10.6 Ha Hang Low-rise Developed Area Ha Hang is a village type development with developed areas and areas pending for future developments. The existing built-up areas are the village houses and a small area of open yard at the east. Among the houses, there are few patches of grassland and vacant site, fenced off or not, to be developed in future. Currently, these lands are covered by grass or planted with group of pioneer trees in planted in high density. Approximately 400 trees could be found within this LR. Acacia confusa and Acacia mangium are the dominating tree species. Other ornamental and fruit trees can also be found within the village setting, such as Terminalia mantaly, Archontophoenix alexandrae and Dimocarpus longan. A mature tree Cinnamomum camphora in large size is found that located on a slope toe at the back of village houses near mixed woodland (LR2.4). It could be fragmented from the original woodland after village house development. Given there is a significant number of trees and its importance to the visual amenity of the local context, this LR has relatively low ability to accommodate change, hence it is considered to have a medium sensitivity to change.
LR10.7 Tai Po Industrial Estate Developed Area TPIE is built on a reclamation land in the 70s. Occupied by industrial buildings and facilities, the highly urbanized area has very little vegetation within the built up areas, except some trees in small group or individually preserved within the built up areas and some have become mature size. These trees mostly planted on restricted planting location. And self-seeded vegetation is developed on some scattered unused land. Casuarina equisetifolia, Ficus spp. and Acacia confusa are more frequently found. The tree condition in general is poor. Tree number is around 60 in total. Given the LR is highly industrialized and vegetation are sparsely distributed, it has high tolerant to change and hence is considered to have low sensitivity to change.
LR11 Amenity Area – Ha Hang Village Sitting-out Area Ha Hang Sitting-out Area is located at roadside of Ting Kok Road in front of Ha Hang Village. It is a mildly undulating public open space with generous planting area of lawn, shrub and tree, and is equipped with a children playground and benches. Carmona microphylla and Calliandra haematocephala are the major shrub species. Dominant tree species are Delonix regia, Ficus virens, Acacia confusa and Melaleuca cajuputi subsp. Cumingiana. They are generally at mature size and have fair condition. Planting of Juniperus chinensis and Bauhinia x blakeana is also found. Around 60 trees of this LR are found within the assessment area. Given the tree is in maturity and condition is generally fair, and the amenity planting has contributed to the local landscape and public enjoyment, it has less tolerant to accommodate change and hence this LR is considered to have a medium sensitivity to change. For the purposes of this assessment the landscape resources are represented by the existing land coverage. The condition of these landscape resources is also important in determining the landscape quality of the assessment area and its sensitivity to change as described above. Therefore the preservation and enhancement of the existing landscape resources is important to the successful integration of the proposals within the landscape context of the assessment area. Magnitude of change of these LRs and landscape impact are assessed under Section 12.7.
Table 12.6 Sensitivity of Landscape Resources (LRs)
I.D. No. |
Landscape Resources (LRs) |
Criteria |
Area |
Approx. No. of Trees |
Other Vegetation |
Quality |
Importance/ Rarity |
Ability to accommodate change |
Local / Regional Significance |
Maturity |
Sensitivity |
LR1.1 |
Ex-Landfill Site Plantation (within Project Site) |
31.67 |
10,440 (including 4 mature trees/protected species |
Self-seed grass, groundcover and small shrub |
High |
Medium |
Medium |
High / Medium |
Medium |
High |
LR1.2 |
Ex-Landfill Site Plantation (outside Project Site) |
0.85 |
124 |
Self-seed grass, groundcover and small shrub |
Medium |
Low |
Medium |
Medium / Medium |
Medium |
Medium |
LR2.1 |
Ting Kok Road South Mixed Woodland |
0.93 |
150 |
Self-seed grass and groundcover |
Low |
Low |
Medium |
Medium / Low |
Medium |
Medium |
LR2.2 |
Ting Kok Road North Mixed Woodland |
32.22 |
4500 |
Self-seed grass and groundcover |
High |
Medium |
Low |
High / Medium |
Medium |
High |
LR2.3 |
Lo Fai Road West Mixed Woodland |
4.76 |
1000 |
Self-seed grass and groundcover |
Medium |
Medium |
Low |
Medium / Medium |
Medium |
Medium |
LR2.4 |
Ha Hang Mixed Woodland |
7.8 |
800 |
Self-seed grass and groundcover |
Medium |
Medium |
Low |
Medium / Medium |
Medium |
Medium |
LR3.1 |
Managed Grassland on Ex-landfill Site (within Project Site) |
14.98 |
494 |
Managed grass cover |
Low |
Low |
Medium |
Low / Low |
Low |
Low |
LR3.2 |
Managed Grassland along Seashore (within Project Site) |
2.59 |
202 |
Managed grass cover |
Low |
Low |
Medium |
Low / Low |
Low |
Low |
LR3.3 |
Managed Grassland along Seashore (outside Project Site) |
0.13 |
20 |
Managed grass cover |
Low |
Low |
Medium |
Low / Low |
Low |
Low |
LR4 |
Ha Hang Watercourse |
0.3 |
50 |
Self-seed grass |
Medium |
Medium |
Medium |
Medium / Low |
Low |
Medium |
LR5 |
Ha Hang Agricultural Field |
6.93 |
240 |
Crops |
Low |
Low |
High |
Low / Low |
Low |
Low |
LR6 |
Seashore |
1.11 |
40 |
Self-seed grass and groundcover |
Low to Medium |
Low |
High |
Low / Low |
Medium |
Low |
LR7 |
Water Body - Tolo Harbour |
90.91 |
0 |
Nil |
High |
Medium |
Medium |
High / Low |
Medium |
Medium |
LR8 |
Tai Po Waterfront Park |
3.6 |
800 |
Amenity shrub planting |
High |
Medium |
Medium |
High / High |
Medium |
High |
LR9.1 |
Ting Kok Road Roadside Amenity Planting |
1.1 |
280 |
Amenity shrub planting |
Medium |
Medium |
Medium |
Medium / Low |
Low to Medium |
Medium |
LR9.2 |
Tai Po Industrial Estate Roadside Amenity Planting |
1.2 |
750 |
A few amenity shrub planting |
Low to Medium |
Medium |
Medium |
Medium / Low |
Low to Medium |
Medium |
LR9.3 |
Lo Fai Road Roadside Amenity Planting |
0.2 |
250 |
Amenity shrub planting |
Medium |
Medium |
Medium |
Medium / Low |
Low to Medium |
Medium |
LR10.1 |
Golf Park Golf Park Driving Range on Ex-landfill Site (within Project Site) |
3.45 |
62 |
Amenity shrub planting. |
Low |
Low |
Medium |
Medium / Low |
Low |
Low |
LR10.2 |
Golf Park Golf Park Driving Range on Ex-landfill Site (outside Project Site) |
0.29 |
10 |
Amenity shrub planting. |
Low |
Low |
Medium |
Medium / Low |
Low |
Low |
LR10.3 |
Offices on Ex-landfill Site |
1.07 |
20 |
Self-seed grass |
Low |
Low |
High |
Low / Low |
Low |
Low |
LR10.4 |
Ting Kok Road South Low-rise Residential Developed Area |
3.11 |
40 |
Amenity shrub planting. |
Medium |
Low |
Medium |
Medium / Low |
Medium |
Medium |
LR10.5 |
Lo Fai Road Low-rise Residential Developed Area |
10.08 |
30 |
Amenity shrub planting |
Medium |
Low |
Medium |
Medium / Low |
Medium |
Medium |
LR10.6 |
Ha Hang Low-rise Residential Developed Area |
7.1 |
400 |
Amenity shrub planting, grass cover |
Medium |
Low |
Medium |
Low / Low |
Medium |
Medium |
LR10.7 |
Tai Po Industrial Estate Developed Area |
51.73 |
60 |
A few self-seed grass and groundcover |
Medium |
Low |
Medium |
Low / Low |
Medium to High |
Low |
LR11 |
Amenity Area - Ha Hang Village Sitting-out Area |
0.27 |
60 |
Amenity shrub planting |
Medium |
Medium |
Medium |
Medium / Medium |
Medium |
Medium |
12.6.3 Landscape Character Areas (LCAs) The landscape character of the assessment area is composed of various natures of landscape elements including hillside, low to medium-rise building, restored landfill site, waterfront, harbour and vegetation bisected by Ting Kok Road. The assessment area contains four key landscape character areas according to their geographical locations including Ting Kok Road low-rise residential landscape, restored landfill site landscape, Tai Po Waterfront Park landscape and TPIE landscape. Detailed descriptions of these LCAs are listed below. LCAs are mapped on Figure 12.4 and their photographic record is provided on Figure 12.5. Table 12.7 provides an assessment of the sensitivity of each of the identified LCAs. Magnitude of change of these LCAs and landscape impact are assessed in Section 12.7 of this report.
LCA1 Ting Kok Road Low-rise Residential Landscape This LCA is mostly located on the lower slope of Pat Sin Leng to the north of Ting Kok Road and alongside Tolo Harbour situated at the eastern periphery of the assessment area. Its character comprises of landscape elements including extensive numbers of low-rise /house developments associated with internal access roads and car/coach parking areas, community facilities and private garden surrounded by mixed woodland. Some low-rise village houses, small amenity area/sitting-out area, cultivated land interspersed with pieces of mixed woodland and roadside amenity planting are abutting to Ting Kok Road. A small portion of manmade and remnant rocky seashore is found at the southeastern edge of this LCA. This LCA is dominated by hillside and roadside vegetation. Given this landscape character area is partially urbanized with high greenery coverage, it is less tolerant to accommodate change and the sensitivity to change of this LCA is medium.
LCA2 Restored Landfill Site Landscape This LCA contains the vegetated ex-landfill site, EPD management offices, driving ranges and offices of GPGDR, internal road and maintenance access. This ex-landfill area is dominated by plantation on sloped terraces on two knolls. One knoll holds the managed turf for golf driving ranges and associated with offices, some amenity planting and access road. The other smaller knoll is covered with grass. The landfill site commenced its operation in 1973 and ceased operation in 1995. It is currently restored with vegetation and half of area serves as a 145-bay golf driving range for public recreational use. The area is permitted to be changed to a golf course as stipulated in the relevant OZP. Another key feature on the landfill site area is its monitoring devices for settlements and gas exhaust. With high greenery coverage of the site, including relatively mature pioneer species, man-made engineering features and recreational facilities, on this restored-landfill site, the landscape quality is considered to be medium and it is low level of importance to the local context. The ability to accommodate change is high and hence its sensitivity to change is medium.
LCA3 Tai Po Waterfront Park Landscape This LCA is located to the south of TPIE along Tolo Harbour. The strip of waterfront area provides passive recreation facilities to Tai Po New Town residents and workers. Amenity planting with trees and shrubs framed spaces for sitting-out area along the promenade and cycle track along the other side. Rain shelters are key built structures along the promenade. A lower-rise building and pier is located at its eastern end abutting to the landfill site and becomes a popular fishing spots. The amenity value of this LCA is relatively high, it is locally important to Tai Po New Town. Having considered the quality and high importance to Tai Po, the ability to accommodate change is low and its sensitivity to change is medium.
LCA4 Tai Po Industrial Estate Landscape This LCA is located to the east of Tai Po New Town and to the south of Ting Kok Road. It is dominated by 2-8-storey industrial buildings which are unpleasant visual elements, with internal access roads and on street car/coach/lorry parking areas, some roadside amenity planting. Considered the industrial nature of the area with limited roadside trees and vegetation, the amenity value of this LCA is relatively low. This landscape character area is largely urbanised, it has a relatively high ability to accommodate change, it is considered that the sensitivity to change of this LCA is low.
Table 12.7 Sensitivity of Landscape Character Areas (LCAs)
I.D. No. |
Landscape Resources (LRs) |
Criteria |
Sensitivity |
Area |
Quality |
Importance/ Rarity |
Ability to accommodate change |
Local / Regional Significance |
Maturity |
LCA1 |
Ting Kok Road Low-rise Residential Landscape |
81.10 ha |
Medium |
Medium |
Medium |
Medium / Low |
Medium |
Medium |
LCA2 |
Restored Landfill Site Landscape |
55.19 ha |
Medium |
Low |
High |
Low / Low |
Medium |
Medium |
LCA3 |
Tai Po Waterfront Park Landscape |
95.32 ha |
High |
Medium |
Low |
High / Low |
Medium |
Medium |
LCA4 |
Tai Po Industrial Estate Landscape |
59.77 ha |
Low |
Low |
High |
Low / Low |
Low |
Low |
12.6.4 Visual Baseline
Existing Visual Context
(A) Visual Envelope The visual envelope (VE), the area from which the proposed works would be seen, is shaped by the vegetated hill of Pat Sin Leng, the high-rises along Yuen Shin Road of Tai Po, the low-rise residential scattered on the hill slope along the Tai Po Road – Tai Po Kau, and is opened to Tolo Harbour towards Ma On Shan. The VE extends to low-rise residential developments of The Beverly Hills and village settlement at Sam Mun Tsai in the east, Ma On Shan Promenade and the high-rises along and behind the promenade in the south-east, the low-rise residential developments scattered on the hillside along the Tai Po Road – Tai Po Kau in the south-west, the TPIE and the high-rises along Yuen Shin Road in the west and the vegetated slopes of Pat Sin Leng with low-rises residential developments in the north. The VSRs located within and in proximity to the Project Site are key VSRs, including staff at planned staff quarters / guests at planned overnight accommodations (Scenario 2; Scenario 1 would be the case without these facilities) within the Project Site, those living in Fortune Garden, the Beverly Hills, current and planned low-rises developments along Lo Fai Road, Ha Hang Village and those working along the eastern edge of TPIE. However, only those living or working in the front row of buildings of the developments mentioned above have views looking towards the Project Site or at high elevated level of these buildings will have the overall view or closed view of the Project or views interrupted/obstructed by trees at low levels. The remaining VSRs will have partial views of the Project Site blocked by the existing topography, vegetation or buildings in their foreground. There are other VSRs located at far distance to the site, and only those living at the high elevated floors will have panoramic view of the development in long range of view. The views of the remaining VSRs at lower floor will be largely intervened by different elements in the foreground such as buildings, roadside trees, vegetation or topography. These VSRs includes villagers at Sam Mun Tsai, residents of high-rises of Fu Shin Estate, Ming Nga Court, Kwong Fuk Estate and Wang Fuk Court in Tai Po, residents of high-rises along Ma On Shan Promenade, residents of low-rises along Pak Shek Kok Promenade and workers of Hong Kong Science Park. Other than the above permanent VSRs, vehicle travellers, cyclist, and pedestrians along Ting Kok Road will have closed but glimpsed views of the Project through the gaps in-between roadside trees. Visitors of Tai Po Waterfront Park and Yuen Chau Tsai Park will have occasional/partial views of the uppermost portion of the Project while the lower part is being obstructed by the industrial buildings in TPIE and the trees at the Tai Po Waterfront Park. Vehicle travellers / cyclist and pedestrians along Tolo Harbour and Ma On Shan Promenade will have open view of the Project in long distance. Owing to their occasional nature, the visual mitigation will come from the integration of the project works with its local landscape context. The extent of the visual envelope and visually sensitive receivers are presented in Figure 12.6.1 for Scenario 1 and Figure 12.6.2 for Scenario 2. Photographic record of VSRs is put in Figures 12.7.1 to 12.7.7.
Visually Sensitive Receivers VSRs identified are grouped by receivers who have views of the Project based on the preliminary assumption discussed in the previous sections, are sensitive to change and are likely to be subjected to adverse impacts as a result of the Project. The sensitivity of a particular VSR is influenced by its location (sensitivity tends to decrease with distance from the proposed scheme), direction and nature of the view relative to the scheme (an open and full views will be more sensitive to change than a partial of glimpse view), and VSR type. The VSRs are represented by both transient or permanent receivers and their populations range from large to small. The principal VSRs within the assessment area are the low-rise residents of developments at the northern hillside of the assessment area and staff at planned staff quarters / guests at planned overnight accommodations. As discussed in Section 2 and Section 12.4.2 above, the staff quarters and overnight accommodations will be considered and implemented depending on future conditions and operational requirement. Therefore, 2 scenarios have been studied, with Scenario 1 with neither staff quarters nor overnight accommodations and Scenario 2 with both staff quarters and overnight accommodations, to encourage flexibility of future development. The design layout of the golf course is the same for both Scenario 1 and Scenario 2, the only difference between them is the interior usage. Under this assumption, all the below VSR/PVSR applied to both case of scenarios, except additional receiver, Staff at planned staff quarters / Guests at planned overnight accommodations (i.e. PVSR3.8), will be included under Scenario 2, which will also be assessed in the following paragraphs. The selected VSRs listed below are representative of the views available to people at each location of the proposals. Table 12.8 describes the sensitivity of the selected VSRs, the quality of their existing views and their ability to accommodate change. Table 12.14 identifies the magnitude of change and the potential impacts on their visual amenity and the residual impact with recommended landscape mitigation measures fully established. The potential visual impacts are mapped in Figure 12.10.1 for Scenario 1 and Figure 12.10.2 for Scenario 2 respectively.
VSR 1.1 Students and Staff of The Education University of Hong Kong
VSR 1.2 Residents of low-rises along Lo Fai Road
PVSR 1.3 Residents of Planned low-rises along Lo Fai Road
VSR1.4 Pedestrians/ Cyclists/ Vehicular travellers along Ting Kok Road
VSR 2.1 Residents of Fortune Garden
VSR 2.2 Residents of The Beverly Hills
VSR 2.3 Villagers at Sam Mun Tsai
VSR 3.1 Visitors to Ma On Shan Promenade and Ma On Shan Park
VSR 3.2 Residents of high-rises along Ma On Shan Promenade
VSR 3.3 Workers of Hong Kong Science Park
VSR 3.4 Residents of Pak Shek Kok Promenade
VSR 3.5 Pedestrians/ Cyclists along Tolo Harbour
VSR 3.6 Residents of low-rises along Yau King Lane
VSR 3.7 Residents of low-rises along Yat Yiu Avenue, Hung Lam Drive, and Tai Po Kau
PVSR 3.8 Staff at planned staff quarters / Guests at planned overnight accommodations
VSR 4.1 Visitors of Yuen Chau Tsai Park
VSR 4.2 Residents of high-rises at Kwong Fuk Estate and Wang Fuk Court
VSR 4.3 Residents of high-rises at Fu Shin Estate, Ming Nga Court and Rivera Lodge
VSR 4.4 Visitors of Tai Po Waterfront Park
VSR 4.5 Workers of Tai Po Industrial Estate
VSR 4.6 Residents of Ha Hang Village and Casa Brava
VSR 4.7 Workers of Tai Po Sewage Treatment Works
VSR 4.8 Visitors of Tai Po Waterfront Pier
VSR 1.1 Students and Staff of The Education University of Hong Kong These VSRs are located at the northern hillside of the assessment area. As they are located at a lower elevation than the vegetated ridge to the north of the Project Site, their low level views looking towards the Project Site are completely screened by the vegetated hill and the low-rises house developments in the foreground when looking southward, which include Casa Marina, Forest Hill, Richwood Park and Tycoon Place. Their views are largely confirmed within the campus and extend to the east towards Plover Cove. These VSRs are intermediate in numbers. The quality of their views is good, and their main views are focused on the vegetated hill surrounding them. Given the quality of views of these VSRs, occasional views in nature, hence the sensitivity to change of these VSRs is low.
VSR 1.2 Residents of low-rises along Lo Fai Road These VSRs are residents of low-rise/house developments located along Lo Fai Road at the northern hillside of the assessment area, which include Casa Marina, Forest Hill, Richwood Park and Tycoon Place. Their main development frontages are facing Lo Fai Road along the road corridor and Tolo Harbour and TPIE looking from high elevation. They are located at elevated levels (+58.4 to +93.5PD). Only those VSRs living on the elevated floor at front row of houses facing and looking south towards the Project will have full and panoramic view of the Project Site. They are intermediate in numbers. Alternative views from these VSRs are either open to the hillside or confined within the development. The quality of their existing views is good. Given the quality views of these VSRs, their wide open viewshed to Tolo Harbour, permanent view in the living place, hence the sensitivity to change of these VSRs is high.
PVSR1.3 Residents of Planned low-rises along Lo Fai Road These PVSRs are residents of future low-rises located between Casa Marina and Tycoon Place, similar to VSR1.2, only VSRs who have open view to Tolo Harbour, will also have panoramic views towards the Project in their foreground. They are small in numbers. The quality of their existing views is good, and their main views are panoramic view across Tolo Harbour whilst their low level views are largely intervening by trees. Alternative views are available towards the north along Lo Fai Road corridor and hill slope behind. Given the open and quality views of these PVSRs, permanent view in nature, hence the sensitivity to change of these PVSRs is high.
VSR1.4 Pedestrians/ Cyclists/ Vehicular travellers along Ting Kok Road Visual context of these VSRs is constrained by the roadside planting and buildings alongside of the road. These VSRs would have glimpse views towards the Project through the gaps between roadside trees. Their views are transient in nature and largely confined along the road corridor. Due to the screening effect of the roadside vegetation, only glimpsed views of the Project are available to these VSRs. These VSRs are large in number and their visual quality is fair. Given the fair quality of visual context views are dynamic and confined, hence their sensitivity to change is medium.
VSR2.1 Residents of Fortune Garden These VSRs are living in house developments at higher elevation along the northeastern periphery of the Project Site. VSRs are small in numbers. Only those facing west will have close and direct view of the Project, views are intervening by existing trees in the foreground, only the eastern portion of the Project Site can be seen by these VSRs. Alternative views are available across Tolo Harbour towards Ma On Shan. These VSRs are permanent in nature, small in numbers and their visual quality is good. Given to the above nature of VSRs the sensitivity to change of these VSRs is high.
VSR2.2 Residents of The Beverly Hills These VSRs are living in low-rise/house developments located to the east of the Project Site across Tolo Harbour. As the houses sit on the terraced platform, most VSRs will have panoramic view of the eastern portion of the Project Site across the Harbour. VSRs are small in numbers, permanent in nature and their visual quality is good. Given to the above nature of VSRs, the sensitivity to change of these VSRs is high.
VSR2.3 Villagers at Sam Mun Tsai These VSRs are villagers living in Sam Mun Tsai, located further to the east of The Beverly Hills, where majority of them area living in village houses at the seashore of Tolo Harbour and Plover Cove. These VSRs facing west have views of Shuen Wan Typhoon Shelter and breakwaters in the foreground with low level view of the eastern portion of the Project Site behind the breakwater in distance. These VSRs are small in numbers and their visual quality is good. Given the long viewing distance of VSRs, low level views, quality of view and permanent in nature, their sensitivity to change is medium.
VSR3.1 Visitors to Ma On Shan Promenade and Ma On Shan Park The VSRs represent the long-range views of the visitors of the Ma On Shan Promenade and Ma On Shan Park at street level. Pedestrians and cyclists of the Promenade have a panoramic view of Tai Po New Town across the Tolo Harbour with the backdrop of Cloudy Hill and Pat Sin Leng in long distance, while the views of visitors of the Ma On Shan Park towards the Harbour is intervening by tree planting along the promenade and within the Park. These areas are key district open space for Ma On Shan residents. The quality of view of these VSRs is good and open. Number of these VSRs is large and occasional in nature. Only the south eastern edge of the Project Site can be seen from the low level views of these VSR. Given the long viewing distance and partial view towards the Project, quality of view and their nature, hence their sensitivity to change is medium.
VSR3.2 Residents of high-rises along Ma On Shan Promenade The VSRs are high-rise located behind the promenade. Similar to VSR 3.1, VSRs at elevated level have panoramic view across the Tolo Harbour with the backdrop of Cloudy Hill and Pat Sin Leng. These VSRs will have partial view of the south eastern portion of the Project in distance. Their open views are in good quality. Number of VSRs is large. Given the long viewing distance of VSRs, the quality of view and permanent in nature, hence their sensitivity to change of these VSR is medium.
VSR3.3 Workers of Hong Kong Science Park The VSRs are the staff working in the office buildings at Science Park along Pak Shek Kok Promenade. Staff who working at the front row of buildings have partial and oblique view of the southern portion of the Project next to TPIE at high elevation across the Tolo Harbour in long distance. Views of the remaining VSRs working behind the front row of building are largely confined within the Park. These VSRs are intermediate in number and their visual quality is good. Given the relatively long viewing distance of these VSRs towards the development, quality of views and occasional in nature, hence their sensitivity to change is medium.
VSR3.4 Residents of Pak Shek Kok Promenade These VSRs are the residents of the low-rises along the Pak Shek Kok promenade. Similar to VSR 3.3, VSRs living in the front row of the residential buildings along the Pak Shek Kok promenade have oblique views towards north-west across the Tolo Harbour to Tai Po waterfront. The southern portion of the Project can be seen in a long distance next to TPIE. Views of other VSRs living behind the front row of the buildings are largely confined within the development. These VSRs are small in numbers and their visual quality is good. Given the relatively long viewing distance of VSRs, their permanent in nature, hence their sensitivity to change is medium.
VSR3.5 Pedestrians / Cyclists along Tolo Harbour Visual context of pedestrians and cyclists have direct views of Tai Po waterfront with the backdrop of Cloudy Hill and Pat Sin Leng across Tolo Harbour. These VSRs are transient in nature, quality of views is open and good. Partial view of the southern portion of the Project is screened off progressively by the buildings in TPIE and trees along Tai Po Waterfront Park when approaching to the direction of Tai Po. These VSRs are large in numbers. Given their visual quality and nature, their sensitivity to change is medium.
VSR3.6 Residents of low-rises along Yau King Lane These VSRs are residents of low-rise houses along Yau King Lane at the lower slopes behind Tolo Highway. VSRs living in the front row and at elevated levels of the residential buildings along the Tolo Harbour will have the open views of Tolo Harbour and Tai Po waterfront in the foreground from elevated level, Ting Kok and Sam Mun Tsai in the background. The south western portion of the Project can be seen in a long distance. Views of other VSRS living behind the front row of the buildings are largely confined within the development. These VSRs are permanent in nature and small in numbers, quality of view is good. The southern portion of the Project can be seen next to TPIE. Given their visual quality, permanent in nature and long viewing distance, their sensitivity to change is medium.
VSR3.7 Residents of low-rises along Yat Yiu Avenue, Hung Lam Drive and Tai Po Kau Similar viewshed as VSR 3.6, these VSRs have open views of Tai Po waterfront to Sam Mun Tsai across Tolo Harbour with the backdrop of Cloudy Hill and Pat Sin Leng. Only residents living on the top floor of the houses and in the front row will have partial view of the southern portion of the Project across Tolo Harbour in long distance, while their low level view is intervening by topography and vegetation. These VSRs are small in numbers and permanent in nature, visual quality is good. Southern portion of the Project can be seen right next to TPIE. Given their visual quality, long viewing distance and nature, their sensitivity to change is medium.
PVSR3.8 Staff at planned staff quarters / Guests at planned overnight accommodations These PVSRs are staff of future staff quarters and guests of the planned overnight accommodations located at the eastern, south eastern and southern periphery of the site to represent Scenario 2 with both the staff quarters and the overnight accommodations will be implemented in the future. As living within the Project Site, these PVSRs will have close and direct view of the Project Site but they are small in numbers. The planned staff quarters and overnight accommodations area are situated at lower site profile (8-9m building height) than the surrounding; the view towards the site will therefore mainly be bounded by the adjoining higher topography with proposed access road aligned with new trees and preserved trees enclosing these buildings. Alternative views are available across Tolo Harbour towards Tai Po and Ma On Shan. These VSRs are permanent in nature, small in numbers and their visual quality is good. Given to the above nature of VSRs the sensitivity to change of these VSRs is high
VSR4.1 Visitors of Yuen Chau Tsai Park These VSRs are the visitors of the Yuen Chau Tsai Park at Tai Po waterfront who have an oblique view of Tai Po Waterfront Park and TPIE to Sam Mu Tsai across Tolo Harbour. These VSRs have partial view of southern portion of the Project only through lower profile buildings in the industrial estate whilst the lower part has been screened by the Tai Po Waterfront Park and industrial buildings. These VSRs are small in number and their visual quality is good. Given their visual quality and that the view is occasional in nature, hence their sensitivity to change is medium.
VSR4.2 Residents of high-rises at Kwong Fuk Estate and Wang Fuk Court These VSRs are the residents of the high-rises at Kwong Fuk Estate and Wang Fuk Court behind VSR 4.1. Only VSRs living at elevated floors and at the front row have overall view of Tai Po Waterfront Part in foreground, oblique view of TPIE to Sam Mun Tsai across Tolo Harbour in distance. Views of other VSRs living behind the front row or at the lower floors of the buildings are largely confined within the development. The Project can only be seen partially through industrial buildings which have a lower height profile. These VSRs are large in numbers and their visual quality is fair. Given their visual quality and that the view is permanent in nature, hence their sensitivity to change is medium.
VSR 4.3 Residents of high-rises at Fu Shin Estate, Ming Nga Court and Riviera Lodge These VSRs are the residents of the high-rises at Fu Shin Estate, Ming Nga Court and Riviera Lodge in Tai Po New Town behind Tai Po Waterfront Park. These VSRs at elevated floors and at front rows of the buildings will have open view to Sam Mun Tsai across Tolo Harbour and oblique view of Tai Po waterfront and TPIE. Only those VSRs living on the elevated floors of the buildings looking east will have partially obstructed view of the Project in distance. Views of other VSRs living behind the front row or at the lower floors of the buildings are largely confined within the development. These VSRs are large in number and their visual quality is fair. Given their visual quality and that the view is permanent in nature, hence their sensitivity to change is medium.
VSR 4.4 Visitors of Tai Po Waterfront Park These VSRs are the visitors of the Tai Po Waterfront Park who have open views of Sam Mun Tsai across Tolo Harbour in distance and oblique view of TPIE and Tai Po Waterfront Park. Views towards the Project are partially blocked by industrial buildings and trees at the waterfront. These VSRs only have a glimpsed view to the upper level of the Project when approaching the eastern end of the Park. These VSRs are large in number and their visual quality is good. Given their visual quality and that the view is occasional in nature, hence their sensitivity to change is medium.
VSR 4.5 Workers of Tai Po Industrial Estate Views of these VSRs are confined within the industrial buildings, visual quality of these VSRs is poor due to the unpleased industrial elements. Glimpsed or direct views of the Project are only available at the eastern periphery of the Estate. Views of the Project at street level at Dai Li Street are screened by roadside plantation. Only glimpsed views of the Project may be available in other locations of the Estate. Direct view of the Project (north-east portion only) is available from elevated level of the industrial buildings located at the eastern edge of the Estate. These VSRs are intermediate in numbers and their visual quality is poor. Given their visual quality and that the view is occasional in nature, hence their sensitivity to change is poor.
VSR 4.6 Residents of Ha Hang and Casa Brava Views of these VSRs included those villagers and residents of low-rise developments and village houses at Ha Hang and Casa Brava. Their views are largely confined within the settlements except those VSRs living abutting to Ting Kok Road where glimpsed and obstructed view of the Project can be seen through the gaps between roadside trees. These VSRs are small in number and their visual quality is fair. Given their visual quality and that the view is permanent in nature, hence their sensitivity to change is medium.
VSR 4.7 Worker of Tai Po Sewage Treatment Works These VSRs are located right next to the Project Site. Working in the sewage filtration tank area has direct/partial views of the western portion of the Project whilst view of the Project is largely screened by built structures/buildings in the Plant. These VSRs are small in number and their visual quality is poor. Given their poor visual quality and occasional in nature, hence their sensitivity to change is low.
VSR 4.8 Visitors of Tai Po Waterfront Pier These VSRs are located right next to the Project Site however are separated by a planting strip of mature trees in between the Pier and the project site. VSRs can only have glimpsed view of the southern edge of the project site. Majority of low level views towards the Project blocked by a single storey building at the Pier and the mentioned strip of trees in the foreground. These VSRs have alternative views of the Tai Po Waterfront Park and the Tolo Harbour when viewing south respectively. Sea traffic is not active at this pier but it acts as one of the resting area and fishing spot for visitors of Tai Po Waterfront Park. It is located at the ending point of the Park. The numbers of VSRs is therefore large in numbers and their visual quality is good. Given their visual quality and that the view is occasional in nature, hence their sensitivity to change is medium.
Table 12.8 Sensitivity of Visually Sensitive Receivers (VSRs)
I.D. No. |
Visually Sensitive Receivers (VSRs) |
Criteria |
Sensitivity/ Quality of VSR |
Quality of View |
Availability and Amenity of Alternative Views |
Type (Permanent / Occasional / Transient)/ No. of VSRs (Few/Small/ |
Duration and Frequency of Views to the Project (Constructional and Operational Phases) |
Degree of Visibility to the Project |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
VSR1.1 |
Students and Staff of The Education University of Hong Kong |
Good |
Good |
Available/Good Alternative views are available with the mountain backdrop of Pat Sin Leng when viewing north and within the University |
Available/Good Alternative views are available with the mountain backdrop of Pat Sin Leng when viewing north and within the University |
Occasional / Intermediate |
Occasional / Intermediate |
No view / No view |
No view / No view |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Low |
Low |
VSR1.2 |
Residents of low-rises along Lo Fai Road |
Good |
Good |
Available/Good Open views looking out towards the surrounding vegetated landscape, sea view of Tolo Harbour and TPIE are available. Another alternative view is confined within the residential development with roadside plantation and residential building. |
Available/Good Open views looking out towards the surrounding vegetated landscape, sea view of Tolo Harbour and TPIE are available. Another alternative view is confined within the residential development with roadside plantation and residential building. |
Permanent / Intermediate |
Permanent / Intermediate |
3 yrs. and Frequent Low-level views obstructed by trees in the foreground. View south towards the Project only available at those living at elevated levels who have views towards Tolo Harbour. |
3 yrs. and Frequent Low-level views obstructed by trees in the foreground. View south towards the Project only available at those living at elevated levels who have views towards Tolo Harbour. |
Full / Panoramic VSRs living at front row facing Tolo Harbour have panoramic views of the Project Site. |
Full / Panoramic VSRs living at front row facing Tolo Harbour have panoramic views of the Project Site. |
High |
High |
PVSR1.3 |
Residents of Planned low-rises along Lo Fai Road |
Good |
Good |
Available/Good Open views looking out towards the surrounding vegetated landscape, sea view of Tolo Harbour and TPIE are available. |
Available/Good Open views looking out towards the surrounding vegetated landscape, sea view of Tolo Harbour and TPIE are available. |
Permanent / Small |
Permanent / Small |
3 yrs. and Frequent View south towards the Project |
3 yrs. and Frequent View south towards the Project |
Full / Panoramic PVSRs living at front row facing Tolo Harbour have panoramic views of the Project Site. |
Full / Panoramic PVSRs living at front row facing Tolo Harbour have panoramic views of the Project Site. |
High |
High |
VSR1.4 |
Pedestrians/ Cyclists/ Vehicular travellers along Ting Kok Road |
Fair |
Fair |
Not Available/Fair Dynamic views confined along road corridor |
Not Available/Fair Dynamic views confined along road corridor |
Transient / Large |
Transient / Large |
3 yrs. and Occasional View south along the road towards the Project |
3 yrs. and Occasional View south along the road towards the Project |
Glimpsed Glimpsed views of part of the Project Site through roadside trees. |
Glimpsed Glimpsed views of part of the Project Site through roadside trees. |
Medium |
Medium |
VSR2.1 |
Residents of Fortune Garden |
Good |
Good |
Available/Good Open views looking out towards Tolo Harbour and Ma On Shan are available. |
Available/Good Open views looking out towards Tolo Harbour and Ma On Shan are available. |
Permanent / Small |
Permanent / Small |
3 yrs. and Frequent View west direct to the Project |
3 yrs. and Frequent View west direct to the Project |
Close and Direct VSRs living at the western periphery will have direct view of northern and eastern portion of the Project Site. |
Close and Direct VSRs living at the western periphery will have direct view of northern and eastern portion of the Project Site. |
High |
High |
VSR2.2 |
Residents of The Beverly Hills |
Good |
Good |
Available/Good Open views looking out towards the sea view of Tolo Harbour, Sam Mun Tsai and Ma On Shan are available. |
Available/Good Open views looking out towards the sea view of Tolo Harbour, Sam Mun Tsai and Ma On Shan are available. |
Permanent / Small |
Permanent / Small |
3 yrs. and Frequent View west towards the Project |
3 yrs. and Frequent View west towards the Project |
Panoramic VSRs living at western peripheral of the Project Site have view of eastern portion of the Project Site. |
Panoramic VSRs living at western peripheral of the Project Site have view of eastern portion of the Project Site. |
High |
High |
VSR2.3 |
Villagers at Sam Mun Tsai |
Good |
Good |
Available/Good Open views towards Tai Po New Town in the west across Tolo Harbour and to Plover Cove in the east. Shuen Wan Typhon Shelter is dominant in the foreground of their view. |
Available/Good Open views towards Tai Po New Town in the west across Tolo Harbour and to Plover Cove in the east. Shuen Wan Typhon Shelter is dominant in the foreground of their view. |
Permanent / Small |
Permanent / Small |
3 yrs. and Frequent View west towards the Project |
3 yrs. and Frequent View west towards the Project |
Partial/Obstructed VSRs living at the western periphery will have partial/obstructed view of the eastern portion of the Project Site in distance across Tolo Harbour. |
Partial/Obstructed VSRs living at the western periphery will have partial/obstructed view of the eastern portion of the Project Site in distance across Tolo Harbour. |
Medium |
Medium |
VSR3.1 |
Visitors to Ma On Shan Promenade and Ma On Shan Park |
Good |
Good |
Available/Good Open Views to Tai Po and Tolo Harbour to its north and east are available. |
Available/Good Open Views to Tai Po and Tolo Harbour to its north and east are available. |
Occasional / Large |
Occasional / Large |
3 yrs. and Occasional View north in distance across the Harbour towards the Project |
3 yrs. and Occasional View north in distance across the Harbour towards the Project |
Partial VSRs along promenade can see the southern edge of the Project Site in distance. |
Partial VSRs along promenade can see the southern edge of the Project Site in distance. |
Medium |
Medium |
VSR3.2 |
Residents of high-rises along Ma On Shan Promenade |
Good |
Good |
Available/Good Open Views to the Tai Po and Tolo Harbour to its west and Ma On Shan Promenade to its east are available. Another alternative view is Ma On Shan New Town to its south. |
Available/Good Open Views to the Tai Po and Tolo Harbour to its west and Ma On Shan Promenade to its east are available. Another alternative view is Ma On Shan New Town to its south. |
Permanent / Large |
Permanent / Large |
3 yrs. and Frequent View north towards the Project across the Harbour |
3 yrs. and Frequent View north towards the Project across the Harbour |
Partial VSRs living at elevated floors along the promenade will have view of the southern portion of the Project Site in distance. |
Partial VSRs living at elevated floors along the promenade will have view of the southern portion of the Project Site in distance. |
Medium |
Medium |
VSR3.3 |
Workers of Hong Kong Science Park |
Good |
Good |
Available/Good Open Views to Tai Po and Tolo Harbour to its west and Ma On Shan Promenade to its east are available. Another alternative view is confined within the Hong Kong Science Park. |
Available/Good Open Views to Tai Po and Tolo Harbour to its west and Ma On Shan Promenade to its east are available. Another alternative view is confined within the Hong Kong Science Park. |
Occasional / Intermediate |
Occasional / Intermediate |
3 yrs. and Frequent View northwest towards the Project across the Harbour |
3 yrs. and Frequent View northwest towards the Project across the Harbour |
Partial/Oblique VSRs working in the buildings along Pak Shek Kok promenade will have view of the southern portion of the Project Site next to TPIE in long distance. |
Partial/Oblique VSRs working in the buildings along Pak Shek Kok promenade will have view of the southern portion of the Project Site next to TPIE in long distance. |
Medium |
Medium |
VSR3.4 |
Residents of Pak Shek Kok Promenade
Good |
Good |
Available/Good Open Views to the Tai Po and Tolo Harbour to its west and Ma On Shan Promenade to its east are available. Another alternative view is confined within the residential development. |
Available/Good Open Views to the Tai Po and Tolo Harbour to its west and Ma On Shan Promenade to its east are available. Another alternative view is confined within the residential development. |
Permanent / Small |
Permanent / Small |
3 yrs. and Frequent View north towards the Project across the Harbour |
3 yrs. and Frequent View north towards the Project across the Harbour |
Partial/Oblique VSRs living in the front row of buildings and at elevated levels along the Pak Shek Kok promenade will have view of the southern portion of the Project Site next to TPIE in long distance. |
Partial/Oblique VSRs living in the front row of buildings and at elevated levels along the Pak Shek Kok promenade will have view of the southern portion of the Project Site next to TPIE in long distance. |
Medium |
Medium |
VSR3.5 |
Pedestrians / Cyclists along Tolo Harbour |
Good |
Good |
Available/Good Alternative views are available along the promenade and across the Harbour towards Tai Po and Ma On Shan New Town. |
Available/Good Alternative views are available along the promenade and across the Harbour towards Tai Po and Ma On Shan New Town. |
Transient / Large |
Transient / Large |
3 yrs. and Transient, Dynamic View north towards the Project across the Harbour |
3 yrs. and Transient, Dynamic View north towards the Project across the Harbour |
Partial Southern portion of the Project Site is screened off progressively by the buildings in TPIE and trees along Tai Po Waterfront Park when approaching to the direction of Tai Po. |
Partial Southern portion of the Project Site is screened off progressively by the buildings in TPIE and trees along Tai Po Waterfront Park when approaching to the direction of Tai Po. |
Medium |
Medium |
VSR3.6 |
Residents of low-rises along Yau King Lane |
Good |
Good |
Available/Good Open views looking out towards the surrounding vegetated hill and view of Tai Po and Tolo Harbour to its east and Ma On Shan to its west are available. Alternative view also includes view within the residential development. |
Available/Good Open views looking out towards the surrounding vegetated hill and view of Tai Po and Tolo Harbour to its east and Ma On Shan to its west are available. Alternative view also includes view within the residential development. |
Permanent / Small |
Permanent / Small |
3 yrs. and Frequent View north-east towards the Project across the Harbour |
3 yrs. and Frequent View north-east towards the Project across the Harbour |
Partial VSRs living in the front row of buildings and at elevated levels will have views of southern portion of the Project Site next to TPIE in distance.
Partial VSRs living in the front row of buildings and at elevated levels will have views of southern portion of the Project Site next to TPIE in distance.
Medium |
Medium |
VSR3.7 |
Residents of low-rises along Yat Yiu Avenue, Hung Lam Drive and Tai Po Kau |
Good |
Good |
Available/Good Open views looking out towards the surrounding vegetated landscape and view of Tai Po and Tolo Harbour to its east and Ma On Shan to its west are available. Alternative view also includes view within the residential development. |
Available/Good Open views looking out towards the surrounding vegetated landscape and view of Tai Po and Tolo Harbour to its east and Ma On Shan to its west are available. Alternative view also includes view within the residential development. |
Permanent / Small |
Permanent / Small |
3 yrs. and Frequent View north-east towards the Project across the Harbour |
3 yrs. and Frequent View north-east towards the Project across the Harbour |
Partial VSRs living in the front row of buildings and at elevated levels will have views of southern portion of the Project Site in distance.
Partial VSRs living in the front row of buildings and at elevated levels will have views of southern portion of the Project Site in distance.
Medium |
Medium |
PVSR3.8 |
Staff at planned staff quarters / guests at planned overnight accommodations |
Not Applicable |
Good |
Not Applicable |
Available/Good |
Not Applicable |
Permanent / Small |
Not Applicable |
3 yrs. and Frequent View north-west towards the Project |
Not Applicable |
Close and Direct VSRs will have close and direct view of south-eastern portion of the Project Site. |
Not Applicable |
High |
VSR4.1 |
Visitors of Yuen Chau Tsai Park |
Good |
Good |
Available/Good Alternative view is confined within the Park and open to the Harbour. |
Available/Good Alternative view is confined within the Park and open to the Harbour. |
Occasional / Small |
Occasional / Small |
3 yrs. and Occasional Visitors to the Park arranged on request only View north-east towards the Project |
3 yrs. and Occasional Visitors to the Park arranged on request only View north-east towards the Project |
Partial/Oblique Views towards the Project are partially screened by TPIE and trees at Tai Po Waterfront Park. Only the southern part of the Project Site can be seen. |
Partial/Oblique Views towards the Project are partially screened by TPIE and trees at Tai Po Waterfront Park. Only the southern part of the Project Site can be seen. |
Medium |
Medium |
VSR4.2 |
Residents of high-rises at Kwong Fuk Estate and Wang Fuk Court |
Fair |
Fair |
Available/Good Open Views to Tolo Harbour and Ma On Shan to its south east and high-rise residential development of Tai Po to its west are available. |
Available/Good Open Views to Tolo Harbour and Ma On Shan to its south east and high-rise residential development of Tai Po to its west are available. |
Permanent / Large |
Permanent / Large |
3 yrs. and Frequent View east towards the Project site across the Harbour |
3 yrs. and Frequent View east towards the Project site across the Harbour |
Partial/Obstructed Only those VSRs living at the elevated floors and at the front row of the residential buildings can see the southern portion of the Project Site behind TPIE in distance. Views towards the Project Site are partially screened by TPIE and trees at Tai Po Waterfront Park. |
Partial/Obstructed Only those VSRs living at the elevated floors and at the front row of the residential buildings can see the southern portion of the Project Site behind TPIE in distance. Views towards the Project Site are partially screened by TPIE and trees at Tai Po Waterfront Park. |
Medium |
Medium |
VSR4.3 |
Residents of high-rises at Fu Shin Estate, Ming Nga Court and Riviera Lodge |
Fair |
Fair |
Available/Good Open Views to Tolo Harbour and Ma On Shan to its south east and Tai Po Townscape to its west are available. |
Available/Good Open Views to Tolo Harbour and Ma On Shan to its south east and Tai Po Townscape to its west are available. |
Permanent / Large |
Permanent / Large |
3 yrs. and Frequent View east towards the Project Site in distance
3 yrs. and Frequent View east towards the Project Site in distance
Partial/Obstructed Only those VSRs living at the elevated floor and at the front row of the residential buildings can see the southern portion of the Project Site behind TPIE in distance. Views towards the Project are partially screened by TPIE and trees at Tai Po Waterfront Park. |
Partial/Obstructed Only those VSRs living at the elevated floor and at the front row of the residential buildings can see the southern portion of the Project Site behind TPIE in distance. Views towards the Project are partially screened by TPIE and trees at Tai Po Waterfront Park. |
Medium |
Medium |
VSR4.4 |
Visitors of Tai Po Waterfront Park |
Good |
Good |
Available/Good Open Views to Tolo Harbour to its south-east and view within the Park are available. |
Available/Good Open Views to Tolo Harbour to its south-east and view within the Park are available. |
Occasional / Large |
Occasional / Large |
3 yrs. and Occasional View east in oblique angle towards the Project |
3 yrs. and Occasional View east in oblique angle towards the Project |
Glimpsed Views towards the Project Site are partially screened by TPIE and trees at Tai Po Waterfront Park. Only the southernmost portion of the Project Site can be seen behind the TPIE when approaching to the eastern end of the Park. |
Glimpsed Views towards the Project Site are partially screened by TPIE and trees at Tai Po Waterfront Park. Only the southernmost portion of the Project Site can be seen behind the TPIE when approaching to the eastern end of the Park. |
Medium |
Medium |
VSR4.5 |
Workers of Tai Po Industrial Estate |
Poor |
Poor |
Available/Poor Alternative views are available within the industrial estate. |
Available/Poor Alternative views are available within the industrial estate. |
Occasional / Intermediate |
Occasional / Intermediate |
3 yrs. and Occasional View east towards the Project |
3 yrs. and Occasional View east towards the Project |
Glimpsed / Direct Glimpse views of the Project Site are available only through the roadside plantation at Dai Li Street viewing east towards the Project Site. Direct view of the Project (northeastern portion only) is available from elevated level of the industrial buildings located at the eastern edge of the TPIE. |
Glimpsed / Direct Glimpse views of the Project Site are available only through the roadside plantation at Dai Li Street viewing east towards the Project Site. Direct view of the Project (northeastern portion only) is available from elevated level of the industrial buildings located at the eastern edge of the TPIE. |
Low |
Low |
VSR4.6 |
Residents at Ha Hang Village and Casa Brava |
Fair |
Fair |
Available/Fair Views of these VSRs are largely confined within the settlements. |
Available/Fair Views of these VSRs are largely confined within the settlements. |
Permanent / Small |
Permanent / Small |
3 yrs. and Frequent View south towards the Project across Ting Kok Road. |
3 yrs. and Frequent View south towards the Project across Ting Kok Road. |
Glimpsed / Obstructed Only those living at the elevated level can see the northern portion of the Project Site through trees along Ting Kok Road. |
Glimpsed / Obstructed Only those living at the elevated level can see the northern portion of the Project Site through trees along Ting Kok Road. |
Medium |
Medium |
VSR4.7 |
Workers of Tai Po Sewage Treatment Works |
Poor |
Poor |
Available/Poor Alternative views are confined within the Sewage Treatment Works and the TPIE. . |
Available/Poor Alternative views are confined within the Sewage Treatment Works and the TPIE. . |
Occasional/ Small |
Occasional/ Small |
3 yrs. and Frequent View east towards the Project |
3 yrs. and Frequent View east towards the Project |
Partial / Direct VSRs working at the eastern portion of the plant will have direct views of the western portion of the Project Site. |
Partial / Direct VSRs working at the eastern portion of the plant will have direct views of the western portion of the Project Site. |
Low |
Low |
VSR4.8 |
Visitors of Tai Po Waterfront Pier |
Good |
Good |
Available/Good Open Views to Tolo Harbour to its south-east and view within the Park are available. |
Available/Good Open Views to Tolo Harbour to its south-east and view within the Park are available. |
Occasional / Large |
Occasional / Large |
3 yrs. and Occasional View east towards the Project |
3 yrs. and Occasional View east towards the Project |
Glimpsed Only the southernmost portion of the Project Site can be seen behind the pier building through trees. |
Glimpsed Only the southernmost portion of the Project Site can be seen behind the pier building through trees. |
Medium |
Medium |
12.7 Identification and Evaluation of Environmental Impact
12.7.1 Source of Potential Impact The Project comprises of site formation and minor building works for ancillary facilities and utilities. Potential landscape and visual impacts would be restricted to above ground construction works. During the construction stage, potential temporary landscape and visual Impacts would arise from:
· Site formation Works - levelling up to 1-4m of the site to accommodate an 18-hole golf course for golf playing area and planting areas;
· Construction of internal road and maintenance paths;
· Construction of low profile and small scale buildings for ancillary facilities including staff quarters and overnight accommodations (Scenario 2; Scenario 1 would be the case without these facilities);
· Construction of utilities facilities including pump rooms and water storage tanks etc.;
· Construction of landscape pond/lake;
· Construction of sewerage connection to TPSTW, water mains connection at Ting Kok Road and water abstraction from the open channel north of the Project Site outside the Project site; and
· Contractor’s temporary works sites, site offices, material storage and parking areas. During the operation stage, potential landscape and visual Impacts would be related to the following visible above ground structures:
· Golf playing area includes rough, fairway, bunker, tee and green;
· Buildings including staff quarters and overnight accommodations (Scenario 2; Scenario 1 would be the case without these facilities) and other utilities facilities and their compatibility of surrounding landscape context;
· Access road and maintenance paths; and
· Necessary lightings for Project operation.
12.7.2 Impact on Existing Trees The impact on existing trees within the Project Site according to individual LRs are summarised in Table 12.9 and listed in Table 12.10. Preliminary tree recommendation and compensatory planting proposed are based on the findings in broad brush tree group survey contained in Appendix 12.1 and Figure master plan of the Project for Scenario 1 and Figure master plan of the Project for Scenario 2. After analysis, no difference of impact on existing trees is identified under both Scenario 1 and Scenario 2, as the building layouts of these scenarios are exactly the same. The only difference is the interior usage between them which will not bring any variance on impact on existing trees. Proposed project requires regrading of existing slopes of ex-landfill site to accommodate the 18-hole golf course and its associated facilities (including staff quarters and overnight accommodations) and utilities necessary for its operation. Affected trees fall within Ex-landfill Site Plantation (within Project Site) (LR1.1), Managed Grassland on Ex-landfill site (within Project Site) (LR3.1), Managed Grassland along Seashore (within Project Site) (LR3.2), and the GPGDR on Ex-landfill site (within Project Site) (LR10.1). Majority plantation on slopes in LR1.1 will be affected. Trees within other LRs in the assessment area apart from those mentioned above will not be affected.
Table 12.9 Summary of existing tree and tree treatment within the Project Site in each LR
L.R. |
Landscape Resources |
Number of Trees within Project Site of each LR |
Retain Tree Nos. |
Transplant Tree Nos. |
Fell Tree Nos. |
Compensatory Tree/Whips Nos. |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
LR1.1 |
Ex-landfill Site Plantation (within Project Site) |
10,440 |
1,874 |
1,874 |
304 |
304 |
8,262 |
8,262 |
trees |
trees |
LR3.1 |
Managed Grassland on Ex-landfill Site (within Project Site) |
494 |
0 |
0 |
6 |
6 |
488 |
488 |
1,130 trees |
1,130 trees |
LR 3.2 |
Managed Grassland along Seashore (within Project Site) |
202 |
0 |
0 |
10 |
10 |
192 |
192 |
270 trees |
270 trees |
LR10.1 |
Golf Park Golf Driving Range on Ex-landfill Site (with Project Site) |
62 |
0 |
0 |
6 |
6 |
56 |
56 |
148 trees |
148 trees |
Total |
11,198 |
1,874 (16.7%) |
1,874 (16.7%) |
326 (2.9%) |
326 (2.9%) |
8,998 (80.4%) |
8,998 (80.4%) |
4,180 trees and 4,818 whips = Total 8,998 trees upon establishment of planting works. |
4,180 trees and 4,818 whips = Total 8,998 trees upon establishment of planting works. |
12.7.3 Tree Retention and Transplanting Proposal The proposed works have been designed to minimise impact to the existing trees as far as possible through limiting the site formation works in central portion of the site for golf playing area. Buildings and built structures are located away from existing slopes, the landfill areas, close to the waterfront at where piling works allowed on non-landfill areas. Considered the site constraints and operation needs, it is estimated that approximately 1,874 nos. of trees (16.7%) within the Project Site can be retained in their current locations under both Scenario 1 and Scenario 2. Tree retention has been maximised after consideration of the necessity of levelling works required to accommodate the golf playing area and the visual clearance for golf playing and safety issues etc.. Majority tree retained are located at the lower tiers of existing slope continuing their screening function. Majority of Ficus microcarpa located at the western and northwestern slopes, which have better tree condition could be retained. Groups of trees within the golf playing area are reserved at where no change of existing ground level and at where does not interfere the golf playing or safety of the players. Four important trees are proposed to be retained in-situ within the Project Site, including Ficus elastica, Ficus microcarpa and 2 nos. of Aquilaria sinensis. Considered the generally poor condition of trees on slope, tree species (majority are pioneer species), their individual amenity value, majority of the trees are not good candidate for tree transplanting. With consideration of the factors described above, it is recommended that 326 nos. (2.9%) of the existing trees within the Project Site are suitable candidates for transplanting under Scenario 1 and Scenario 2. Transplanting specimens should have fair to good tree health and form condition, technically feasible for tree transplanting in which being accessible by vehicle or machinery, and at flat or gentle location where viable rootball could be properly formed for transplanting preparation. Species with relatively higher survival rate after transplantation including Ficus microcarpa, Livistona chinensis, Roystonea regia and Bauhinia spp. are considered for tree transplanting. In order to conserve ecological value in local context, trees of native species with good health and form will be considered for transplant. With consideration of the factors described above, together with factors including size, maturity, extent of root, contribute and fit into future character of site, and cost-effectiveness, trees will be selected to be preserved by transplantation. Areas located to the northwestern corner of the Project Site will be reserved for tree recipient site. Advance tree transplanting directly to the final replanting site will enhance their survival rate, integration with preserved trees continuing their screen function at the periphery of the Project Site. Advance tree transplanting has taken into account in the works program. Tree Felling Application and Compensatory Planting Proposal in accordance with LAO PN 7/2007 and 7/2007A will be submitted for government approval when more project details are available at the later stage. Potential tree transplanting will be reviewed at that time.
12.7.4 Tree Felling Proposals Trees affected by proposed works are first considered for transplantation. Where tree transplanting is not technically feasible or suitable, 8,998 nos. of affected trees (80.4% of total tree number) will be inevitably recommended for felling under Scenario 1 and Scenario 2. For the majority (more than 90%) of trees affected are planted on slope in densely growing condition and hence many of them are in poor form and condition, and also about 70% are exotic species, which has a relatively low ecological and amenity value individually. All defective trees and/or undesirable species, such as Leucanena leucocephala are proposed to be removed following good horticultural practices to avoid spreading of undesirable tree species or to ensure public safety adjacent to defective trees.
12.7.5 Compensatory Planting Principles In addition to tree Compensatory planting forms a major part of landscape mitigation measures. The planting principles will include planting new trees in the landscape areas throughout the Project Site, along the access road and providing infill planting between the retained and transplanted trees and on the newly formed slopes. Approximately 4,180 nos. of compensatory trees would be able to accommodate in the Project Site for either Scenario 1 or Scenario 2. Considered that a number of trees might had dead or collapsed or serious damaged under the inclement weather brought by typhoon Mangkhut in September 2018, there are some locations the tree coverage of tree group on slopes proposed to be retained are thinned and exposed. Whip planting is proposed in these locations and to be planted among retained trees, so that new planting could be more adaptive to shady and sloping site condition and to alleviate the loss of existing trees brought by the Project. Approximately 4,818 whips could be planted in the Project Site. In sum, combination of planting new trees and whips, 8,998 nos. of trees will be established within the Project Site under both Scenario 1 and Scenario 2 to compensate the loss of existing trees. The planting proposal would achieve replanting ratio of 1:1 (Total number of 8,998 nos. of tree loss: Total number of compensatory trees and whips) in term of quantity upon completion of replanting works. Due to site constraint, planting whips in form of woodland mix on existing slopes at the southern and western parts is more applicable to maximise the greenery coverage and enrich the vegetation diversity for better woodland restoration. The development has strived to maximize tree planting opportunity, 1:1 ratio in quantity can only be achieved by compensating both trees and whips in the development. Such planting strategy is tactically applied after considering the various concerns and site restrictions. First of all, overcrowded tree planting will impose long term impediment to clear sightline posing potential threat to the safety of golf players, staffs and visitors. Tree planting can only be located at strategic location where does not interfere the fairway clearance for golf playing and to ensure no hidden spot will pose risk to anyone in the playing area. Besides, opportunities of tree replanting within the golf course have been maximised considering enough space reserved for tree preservation and tree transplanting and preserved enough space for healthy tree establishment. A mix of tree stock selection for tree replanting, whip, standard to heavy standard size in general and mature size at strategic location, is subject to detailed design of the golf course and planting area profile and condition at later stage. Nevertheless, Tree Felling Application and Compensatory Planting Proposal in accordance with LAO PN 7/2007 and 7/2007A will be submitted for government approval when more project details are available at the later stage. Tree planting opportunities and tree replanting ratio will be reviewed at that time particularly in the buffer planting along public frontage and edge planting along the site boundary. As mentioned in previous sections, broad brush tree survey is carried out at this conceptual planning stage, the total loss of DBH loss will be uncertain and subject to further review at detailed design stage during formal tree felling application for government approval and according to detailed tree condition to be reviewed at later stage. Therefore, no compensatory tree planting ratio in terms of quality can be provided at this preliminary stage. Species selection will be composed of broadleaf and evergreen trees, both native or locally adopted tree species, and ornamental species and flowering trees, etc. to enhance the biodiversity of the Project Site. Large (mature) tree stock / feature trees will be utilised at selected locations, around the lakeside areas and alongside of the access road. Formal tree felling proposal will be submitted for government department approval in according with LAO PN 7/2007 and 7/2007A.
12.7.6 Impact on Existing Landscape Resources An LIA has been undertaken to define the nature and scale of the potential landscape impacts associated with the Project. The potential landscape impacts are discussed specifically in terms of the existing landscape character and resources. Broad mitigation measures have been identified and the effectiveness and landscape opportunities have also been explored. The acceptability of the Project will derive from the scale of potential residual impacts and the ability of the proposals to mitigate them to acceptable levels. Table 12.10 and the following sections evaluate the magnitude of change on each LR in term of both quantity and quality for both Scenario 1 and Scenario 2.
12.7.7 Predicted Potential Impacts on Existing Landscape Resources The predicted potential impacts on Landscape Resources of the assessment area during construction and operational period would be as follows:
· Affected existing trees which are largely located on the man-made slopes of the Project Site and along the existing internal roads. A large proportion of these trees are pioneer tree species which has relatively low ecological and amenity value;
· Loss of plantation on slopes in Project Site due to formation of the Project and access road;
· Replacement of managed grassland of driving range and built structures in the GPGDR; and
· Replacement of flat areas at the crest of seashore to accommodate the access road.
Magnitude of Changes on Each LRs The following sections will discuss about the magnitude of changes on each LRs due to the proposed development for both Scenario 1 and Scenario 2. As discussed in the previous sections, there is no difference in the development layout for both scenarios, while the only difference is the interior use of the ancillary facilities, which will not create any variation in magnitude of changes on each LRs under different development scenarios. As a result, the magnitude of changes on each LRs will be the same for both Scenario 1 and Scenario 2.
(A) Large According to the assessment results in Table 12.10, having considered the determinants listed under assessment methodology, a large portion of the man-made slopes covered with plantation and trees within the Project Site (approx. 53 ha) will be replaced by an 18-hole golf course landscape, topography and access road. LR1.1 Ex-Landfill Site Plantation (within Project Site), LR3.1 Managed Grassland on Ex-landfill Site and LR 3.2 Managed Grassland along Seashore within the Project Site would have large change of quantity and quality for Scenario 1 and Scenario 2. LR1.1 Ex-Landfill Site Plantation (within Project Site) will be directly affected by losing existing trees and plants in Ex-Landfill Site sloping terraces due to the site leveling works. The loss of resource within this LR is 26.24 ha, which is 82.9% of the total area of LR1.1. The lower tier of slopes at the western and north-western portion of the site could be retained in-situ. The proposed number of trees to be retained, transplanted and felled within this LR are 1,874nos., 304nos. and 8,262nos. respectively. Four important trees will be preserved in this LR. Condition of trees affected is generally fair to poor condition due to their sloping and dense growing condition. Trees deformed due to dense growing condition. Trees contribute to the amenity value of this LR in form of group but not individually. A number of tree species such as Ficus spp., Livistona chinensis, Roystonea regia and Bauhinia spp. are suitable for tree transplanting. The understory of trees is monopolised by one or two species of shade tolerant shrubs or grass. Although the area and tree loss of this LR are large as a result of the Project whilst the change from an vegetated sloping areas to landscaped recreation areas would not leading to a substantial change of the quality of this LR, greenery coverage remains largely the same although tree cover will be reduced to accommodate the golf playing area. The magnitude of change in both construction and operation stages are large due to its medium compatibility, large scale of change, permanent duration of impact and low reversibility in nature. LR 3.1 Managed Grassland on Ex-landfill Site (within Project Site) will be replaced by well-designed grassland for the Project with amenity tree and shrub planting in good quality. The total loss of this LR is 14.98ha, which covers the whole area of the LR. There are 494nos. of trees in total within this LR, which 6 trees will be transplanted while the rest will be affected by the development. Majority trees affected are Leucaena leucocephala weedy trees at the periphery of this LR and exotic species Acacia confusa. A few numbers of tree including species Ficus spp., Bauhinia spp. and Syzygium jambos in this LR may have better condition and viable for tree transplanting. Although the grassed area and quite a number of trees will be loss in LR, the quality of these plantations is low in amenity value. The magnitude of change in construction and operation stages are both large due to the large scale of change, permanent duration of impact and medium reversibility, even it has high compatibility in nature. LR 3.2 Managed Grassland along Seashore within the Project Site will be affected by construction of access road and ancillary facilities of the project. Self-seed grass and trees will be replaced by partial built-up area with amenity planting and become part of the landscaped golf course. The size of this LR is relatively small with 2.59ha, which will entirely be influenced. About 202nos. of tree are found within this LR, and nearly all trees will be felled due to the proposed development; 10 trees could be selected for transplanting. Majority of trees to be felled are weedy species Leucaena leucocephala, while species suitable for transplant are Celtis sinensis, Sapium sebiferum, Cinnanomum burmannii and Glochidion hirsutum. Though with high compatibility, the magnitude of change in construction and operation stages are still large, due to its large scale of change and permanent duration of impact and medium reversibility in nature.
(B) Intermediate LR10.1 Golf Park Golf Driving Range on Ex-landfill Site (within Project Site) will be replaced by well-designed grassland for golf course with amenity tree and shrub planting in good quality. The total loss of area of resources is 3.45ha, which covers the entire LR. 62nos. of trees are identified within the LR, 56nos. will be affected by the development and proposed felled, and 6nos. will be transplanted within site to continue its contribution to the landscape context. Ficus benjamina, Ficus microcarpa and Bridelia tomentosa are the potential and suitable species for transplant. The magnitude of change in construction and operation stage are both intermediate after considering its high compatibility, large scale of change, permanent duration of change and medium reversibility under Scenarios 1 and 2.
(C) Small No LRs would have a small change for Scenario 1 and Scenario 2.
(D) Negligible The Project will not affect the remaining LRs within the assessment area. The magnitude of change on them is negligible. These LRs include LR1.2 Ex-Landfill Site Plantation (outside Project Site), LR 2.1 Ting Kok Road South Mixed Woodland, LR2.2 Ting Kok Road North Mixed Woodland, LR2.3 Lo Fai Road West Mixed Woodland, LR2.4 Ha Hang Mixed Woodland, LR3.3 Managed Grassland along Seashore (outside Project Site), LR4 Ha Hang Watercourse, LR 5 Ha Hang Agricultural Field, LR6 Seashore, LR7 Water Body - Tolo Harbour, LR8 Tai Po Waterfront Park, LR9.1 Ting Kok Road Roadside Amenity Planting, LR9.2 Tai Po Industrial Estate Roadside Amenity Planting, LR9.3 Lo Fai Road Roadside Amenity Planting, LR10.2 Golf Park Golf Driving Range on Ex-landfill Site (outside Project Site), LR10.3 Offices on Ex-landfill Site, LR10.4 Ting Kok Road South Low-rise Residential Developed Area, LR10.5 Lo Rai Road Low-rise Residential Developed Area, LR10.6 Ha Hang Low-rise Residential Developed Area, LR10.7 Tai Po Industrial Estate Developed Area and LR11 Amenity Area - Ha Hang Village Sitting-out Area. None of them has any area or tree loss due to the proposed development of Scenario 1 and Scenario 2. Table 12.11 presents the predicted unmitigated and mitigated (Day 1 and Yr. 10/residual) impacts on the existing landscape resources resulting from the Project during the construction and operational phases of the Project under Scenario 1 and Scenario 2. These impacts are also mapped on Figure 12.8.1 (Scenario 1) and Figure 12.8.2 (Scenario 2) respectively. The mitigated (residual) impacts are assessed during the design year for the purpose of this study and it is taken at Yr. 10 after the development opening when the proposed mitigation planting is deemed to have reached a level of maturity, which is sufficient for it to perform the design objectives. Significance of thresholds of unmitigated impact are summarised as follows:
Unmitigated Impact - Construction Phase Due to the same magnitude of changes on each LRs brought by the proposed development under Scenario 1 and Scenario 2 as discussed above, the unmitigated impact at construction phase will therefore be identical for both Scenario 1 and Scenario 2.
(A) Substantial Impact Substantial adverse impact is found in LR1.1 Plantation on Ex-Landfill Site (within Project Site) if no mitigated measures are applied, after considering its high sensitivity, large magnitude of change in construction phase in nature.
(B) Slight to Moderate Impact Slight to Moderate adverse impacts are found in LR3.1 Managed Grassland on Ex-landfill Site (within Project Site), LR 3.2 Managed Grassland along Seashore (within Project Site) and LR10.1 the GPGDR facilities (within Project Site), due to their intermediate to large magnitude of change in construction stage, though all of them have low sensitivity of change.
Unmitigated Impact - Operational Phase Same as the unmitigated impact at construction phase, the unmitigated impact at operational phase will therefore be the same for both Scenario 1 and Scenario 2.
(A) Substantial Impact Trees on slopes in LR1.1 Ex-landfill Site Plantation (within Project Site) will largely be felled due to formation of the Project and construction of access road from Ting Kok Road. Though the 31.67ha plantation and 10,440 trees would be replaced by managed turf, greenery area would be comparable when proposed works completed. LR1.1 has high sensitivity, and the magnitude of change as a result of the Project is large in operational phase. LR1.1 would have substantial impact due to the scale of the Project and its medium compatibility to proposed recreational land uses.
(B) Moderate Impact LR3.1 Managed Grassland on Ex-landfill Site within Project Site, which is 14.98ha with 494 self-seeded and weedy trees, will be replaced by the Project where will be extensively covered by high quality managed turf. Large magnitude of change on low sensitivity grassland implies a moderate adverse unmitigated impact. Introduction of new access road on top of LR3.2 Managed Grassland along Seashore (within Project Site) of 2.59ha with 202 nos. trees of relatively low amenity value involves an intermediate change on low sensitivity seashore implying a moderate unmitigated impact.
(C) Slight Impact LR10.1 Golf Park Golf Driving Range on Ex-landfill Site within Project Site, which has low sensitivity, and the magnitude of change as a result of the Project on this LRs is insignificant. This LR would experience a slight unmitigated impact as a result of site formation and construction of access road and buildings for the Project, with a loss of landscape resources existing trees. The area of 3.45ha with little vegetation and 62 trees will be replaced by managed turf in the Project.
(D) Insubstantial With exception of LRs mentioned above, the Project and its associated works would not have any impact on all the remaining LRs 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 3.3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4, 10.5, 10.6, 10.7 and 11 outside the project site. The assessment contained in Table 12.11 concluded that the Project would have a moderate to slight impact on only four LRs within the assessment area after the mitigation measures are carried out, whilst the majority of LRs within the assessment area remain unchanged for Scenario 1 and Scenario 2. Through the introduction of new landscape buffer and landscape areas within the golf course, in combination with the tree preservation proposals, these mitigation measures will mitigate the loss of landscape resources, will reinstate and enhance the disturbed landscape amenity and context to alleviate the impacts on LRs, Figures to illustrate the application of landscape and visual mitigation measures under both Scenario 1 and Scenario 2. The recommended landscape mitigation measures and residual impact on these LRs is further discussed in Sections 12.9 and 12.11.
Table 12.10 Potential magnitude of change for Landscape Resources
L.R. |
Description of Impacts |
Loss (ha)/Total Area of Resources (ha); Percentage of loss area; No. of Trees to be Felled (F)/ Transplanted (T)/ Retained(R)/ No. of Existing Trees
Determinants for Magnitude of Change |
Magnitude of Change |
Reversibility (N/A / Low / Medium / High) |
Compatibility (N/A / Low / Medium / High) |
Scale (N/A / Small / Intermediate / Large) |
Duration of Impact (Construction/ Operation) |
Construction (Negligible / Small / Intermediate / Large) |
Operation (Negligible / Small / Intermediate / Large) |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
LR1.1 Ex-Landfill Site Plantation (within Project Site) |
Loss of existing trees and plants in Ex-Landfill Site sloping terraces as the site levelling works will have direct conflict to the man-made slopes; plantation on few slopes at lower tier retained and unaffected. |
26.24/31.67 ha 82.9% 8,262F/304T/ 1,874R |
26.24/31.67 ha 82.9% 8,262F/304T/ 1,874R |
Low |
Medium |
Large |
Large |
3 yrs/ Permanent |
3 yrs/ Permanent |
Large |
Large |
Large |
Large |
LR1.2 Ex-Landfill Site Plantation (outside Project Site) |
No direct impact on Ex-Landfill Site Plantation (outside Project Site) as the Project will be located away from this LR. |
0/0.85 ha 0% No tree loss |
0/0.85 ha 0% No tree loss |
NA |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
NA/ NA |
NA/ NA |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
LR2.1 Ting Kok Road South Mixed Woodland |
No direct impact on Ting Kok Road South Mixed Woodland as the Project will be located away from this LR. |
0/0.93 ha 0% No tree loss |
0/0.93 ha 0% No tree loss |
NA |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
NA/ NA |
NA/ NA |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
LR2.2 Ting Kok Road North Mixed Woodland |
No direct impact on Ting Kok Road North Mixed Woodland as the Project will be located away from this LR. |
0/32.22 ha 0% No tree loss |
0/32.22 ha 0% No tree loss |
NA |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
NA/ NA |
NA/ NA |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
LR2.3 Lo Fai Road West Mixed Woodland |
No direct impact on Lo Fai Road West Mixed Woodland as the Project will be located away from this LR. |
0/4.76 ha 0% No tree loss |
0/4.76 ha 0% No tree loss |
NA |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
NA/ NA |
NA/ NA |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
LR2.4 Ha Hang Mixed Woodland |
No direct impact on Ha Hang Mixed Woodland as the Project will be located away from this LR. |
0/7.80 ha 0% No tree loss |
0/7.80 ha 0% No tree loss |
NA |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
NA/ NA |
NA/ NA |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
LR3.1 Managed Grassland on Ex-landfill Site (within Project Site) |
Managed grassland will be replaced by well-designed grassland for the Project with amenity tree and shrub planting in good quality |
14.98/14.98 ha 100% 488F/6T/0R/ |
14.98/14.98 ha 100% 488F/6T/0R/ |
Medium |
High |
Large |
Large |
3 yrs/ Permanent |
3 yrs/ Permanent |
Large |
Large |
Large |
Large |
LR3.2 Managed Grassland along Seashore (within Project Site) |
Managed Grassland along Seashore within Project Site will be affected by construction of access road and ancillary facilities of the Project. Self-seed grass and trees will be replaced by partial built-up area with amenity planting and become part of the landscaped golf course. |
2.59/2.59 ha 100% 192F/10T/0R/ |
2.59/2.59 ha 100% 192F/10T/0R/ |
Medium |
High |
Large |
Large |
3 yrs/ Permanent |
3 yrs/ Permanent |
Large |
Large |
Large |
Large |
LR3.3 Managed Grassland along Seashore (outside Project Site) |
No direct impact on Managed Grassland along Seashore (outside the Project) site as the Project will be located away from this LR. |
0/0.13 ha 0% No tree loss |
0/0.13 ha 0% No tree loss |
NA |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
NA/ NA |
NA/ NA |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
LR4 Ha Hang Watercourse |
No direct impact on Ha Hang watercourse as the Project will be located away from this LR. |
0/0.30 ha 0% No tree loss |
0/0.30 ha 0% No tree loss |
NA |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
NA/ NA |
NA/ NA |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
LR 5 Ha Hang Agricultural Field |
No direct impact on Ha Hang Agricultural Field as the Project will be located away from this LR. |
0/6.93 ha 0% No tree loss |
0/6.93 ha 0% No tree loss |
NA |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
NA/ NA |
NA/ NA |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
LR 6 Seashore |
No direct impact on Seashore as the Project will be located away from this LR. |
0/1.11 ha 0% No tree loss |
0/1.11 ha 0% No tree loss |
NA |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
NA/ NA |
NA/ NA |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
LR 7 Water Body - Tolo Harbour |
No direct impact on Tolo Harbour as the Project will be located away from this LR. |
0/90.91 ha 0% No tree loss |
0/90.91 ha 0% No tree loss |
NA |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
NA/ NA |
NA/ NA |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
LR 8 Tai Po Waterfront Park |
No direct impact on Tai Po Waterfront Park as the Project will be located away from this LR. |
0/3.60 ha 0% No tree loss |
0/3.60 ha 0% No tree loss |
NA |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
NA/ NA |
NA/ NA |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
LR 9.1 Ting Kok Road Roadside Amenity Planting |
No direct impact on Ting Kok Road Roadside Amenity Planting as the Project will be located away from this LR. |
0/1.10 ha 0% No tree loss |
0/1.10 ha 0% No tree loss |
NA |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
NA/ NA |
NA/ NA |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
LR 9.2 Tai Po Industrial Estate Roadside Amenity Planting |
No direct impact on TPIE Roadside Amenity Planting as the Project will be located away from this LR. |
0/1.20 ha 0% No tree loss |
0/1.20 ha 0% No tree loss |
NA |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
NA/ NA |
NA/ NA |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
LR 9.3 Lo Fai Road Roadside Amenity Planting |
No direct impact on Lo Fai Road Roadside Amenity Planting as the Project will be located away from this LR. |
0/0.20 ha 0% No tree loss |
0/0.20 ha 0% No tree loss |
NA |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
NA/ NA |
NA/ NA |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
LR 10.1 Golf Park Golf Driving Range on Ex-landfill Site (within Project Site) |
GPGDR will be replaced by well-designed grassland for golf course with amenity tree and shrub planting in good quality. Existing tree loss due to site formation. |
3.45/3.45 ha 100% 56F/6T/0R /62 |
3.45/3.45 ha 100% 56F/6T/0R /62 |
Medium |
High |
Large |
Large |
3 yrs/ Permanent |
3 yrs/ Permanent |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
LR 10.2 Golf Park Golf Driving Range on Ex-landfill Site (outside Project Site) |
No direct impact on Golf Park Access Road on Ex-landfill Site as the Project will be located away from this LR. |
0/0.29 ha 0% No tree loss |
0/0.29 ha 0% No tree loss |
NA |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
NA/ NA |
NA/ NA |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
LR 10.3 Offices on Ex-landfill Site |
No direct impact on Offices on Ex-landfill Site as the Project will be located away from this LR. |
0/1.07 ha 0% No tree loss |
0/1.07 ha 0% No tree loss |
NA |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
NA/ NA |
NA/ NA |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
LR 10.4 Ting Kok Road South Low-rise Residential Developed Area |
No direct impact on Ting Kok Road South Low-rise Residential Developed Area as the Project will be located away from this LR. |
0/3.11 ha 0% No tree loss |
0/3.11 ha 0% No tree loss |
NA |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
NA/ NA |
NA/ NA |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
LR 10.5 Lo Fai Road Low-rise Residential Developed Area |
No direct impact on Lo Fai Road Low-rise Residential Developed Area as the Project will be located away from this LR. |
0/10.08 ha 0% No tree loss |
0/10.08 ha 0% No tree loss |
NA |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
NA/ NA |
NA/ NA |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
LR 10.6 Ha Hang Low-rise Residential Developed Area |
No direct impact on Ha Hang Low-rise Residential Developed Area as the Project will be located away from this LR. |
0/7.10 ha 0% No tree loss |
0/7.10 ha 0% No tree loss |
NA |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
NA/ NA |
NA/ NA |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
LR 10.7 Tai Po Industrial Estate Developed Area |
No direct impact on TPIE as the Project will be located away from this LR. |
0/51.73 ha 0% No tree loss |
0/51.73 ha 0% No tree loss |
NA |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
NA/ NA |
NA/ NA |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
LR 11 Amenity Area - Ha Hang Village Sitting-out Area |
No direct impact on Ha Hang Amenity Garden as the Project will be located away from this LR. |
0/0.27 ha 0% No tree loss |
0/0.27 ha 0% No tree loss |
NA |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
NA/ NA |
NA/ NA |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Table 12.11 Existing Landscape Resources and predicted impacts
L.R. |
Sensitivity (Low / Medium/ High) |
Magnitude of Change |
Significance Threshold (Unmitigated) |
Mitigation Measures |
Significance Threshold (Mitigated) |
Construction (Negligible /Small / Intermediate /Large) |
Operation (Negligible /Small / Intermediate/Large) |
Construction (Insubstantial, Slight, Moderate and Substantial) (adverse or beneficial) |
Operation (Insubstantial, Slight, Moderate and Substantial) (adverse or beneficial) |
Construction (Insubstantial, Slight, Moderate and Substantial) (adverse or beneficial) |
Operation (Insubstantial, Slight, Moderate and Substantial) (adverse or beneficial) |
Day 1 |
Year 10 (Residual) |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
LR1.1 Ex-Landfill Site Plantation (within Project Site) |
high |
Large |
Large |
Large |
Large |
Substantial adverse |
Substantial adverse |
Substantial adverse |
Substantial adverse |
CP1, CP2, CP3, CP4, OP1, OP2, OP3, OP4 |
CP1, CP2, CP3, CP4, OP1, OP2, OP3, OP4 |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Moderate Adverse |
Moderate Adverse |
Slight Adverse (tree and planting established) |
Slight Adverse (tree and planting established) |
LR1.2 Ex-Landfill Site Plantation (outside Project Site) |
Medium |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
LR2.1 Ting Kok Road South Mixed Woodland |
Medium |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
LR2.2 Ting Kok Road North Mixed Woodland |
High |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
LR2.3 Lo Fai Road West Mixed Woodland |
Medium |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
LR2.4 Ha Hang Mixed Woodland |
Medium |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
LR3.1 Managed Grassland on Ex-landfill Site (within Project Site) |
Low |
Large |
Large |
Large |
Large |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CP3, OP1, OP2, OP5 |
CP3, OP1, OP2, OP5 |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight (tree and planting) |
Slight (tree and planting) |
Moderate (tree and planting established) |
Moderate (tree and planting established) |
LR3.2 Managed Grassland along Seashore (within Project Site) |
Low |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
Moderate Adverse |
Moderate Adverse |
Moderate Adverse |
Moderate Adverse |
CP3, OP1, OP2, OP3, OP4 |
CP3, OP1, OP2, OP3, OP4 |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Beneficial (tree and planting along access road and seashore established ) |
Slight Beneficial (tree and planting along access road and seashore established ) |
LR3.3 Managed Grassland along Seashore (outside Project Site) |
Low |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
LR4 Ha Hang Watercourse |
Medium |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
LR 5 Ha Hang Agricultural Field |
Low |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
LR 6 Seashore |
Low |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
LR 7 Water Body - Tolo Harbour |
Low |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
LR 8 Tai Po Waterfront Park |
High |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
LR 9.1 Ting Kok Road Roadside Amenity Planting |
Medium |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
LR 9.2 Tai Po Industrial Estate Roadside Amenity Planting |
Medium |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
LR 9.3 Lo Fai Road Roadside Amenity Planting |
Medium |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
LR 10.1 Golf Park Golf Driving Range on Ex-landfill Site (within Project Site) |
Low |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
Slight |
Slight |
Slight |
Slight |
CP2, CP3, CP4, OP1, OP2, OP3 |
CP2, CP3, CP4, OP1, OP2, OP3 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Slight Beneficial (tree and planting along access road and seashore established ) |
Slight Beneficial (tree and planting along access road and seashore established ) |
LR 10.2 Golf Park Golf Driving Range on Ex-landfill Site (outside Project Site) |
Low |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
LR 10.3 Offices on Ex-landfill Site |
Low |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
LR 10.4 Ting Kok Road South Low-rise Residential Developed Area |
Medium |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
LR 10.5 Lo Fai Road Low-rise Residential Developed Area |
Medium |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
LR 10.6 Ha Hang Low-rise Residential Developed Area |
Medium |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
LR 10.7 Tai Po Industrial Estate Developed Area |
Low |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
LR 11 Amenity Area - Ha Hang Village Sitting-out Area |
Medium |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
12.7.8 Predicted Potential Impacts on Existing Landscape Character Due to the scale of the Project and partial loss of landscape resources and minor work of building structures, there are likely to be some adverse impacts on the local landscape character, however it would not be substantial as the an 18-hole golf course can still maintain similar nature and function of the existing site, while the current partial vacant area can be fully utilized as recreational uses under the proposed development. The predicted potential impacts on Landscape Character Areas of the assessment area during construction and operational period would be as follows:
¡ Removal of trees and plantation within the site due to change of grading, construction of golf course and related ancillary facilities of the Project Site;
¡ Introduction of golf course which partly replaced the amenity/plantation to recreational character largely covered with turf;
¡ Construction of access road, small scale buildings and utilities and facilities; and
¡ Introduction of new landscape elements such as lake and bunker. Table 12.12 describes the source of impacts as a result of the Project and presents the magnitude of change on individual LCAs under Scenario 1 and Scenario 2. Since the golf course design and the building layout are the same for Scenario 1 and Scenario 2, except the interior usage of the ancillary facilities, which will not create any difference in terms of landscape characters. Magnitude of change on individual LCAs will therefore be the same for both Scenario 1 and Scenario 2 as listed below:
Construction Phase
(A) Large Construction of access road, buildings and levelling of the site to accommodate the golf course in LCA2 will result in 47.26ha loss of area of resource out of 55.19ha of the total area of this LCA (85.6%). The vegetated slopes of ex-landfill site and existing managed grassland will be changed to a golf playing area which is also covered by grass and vegetation. Although the extent of affected area is large, the change of quality of the area remains largely the same as the greenery coverage is similar before and after the implementation of the Project. Considering the large scale of change, permanent duration of impact, medium reversibility, the proposed development will create large magnitude of change towards LCA2 in construction stage under Scenario 1 and Scenario 2.
Operational Phase
(A) Large The Project Site although occupies majority of LCA2, the Project is having similar nature and character of the existing driving range, which infers the character of this LCA can be largely preserved. Replacement of temporary landscape on ex-landfill site (LCA2) with similar recreational landscape, and introduction of trees, shrubs and turf with higher coverage of greenery will fit into the existing waterfront and urban landscape context in the longer run. Given the extent of perceptible change on the Restored Landfill Site Landscape (LCA2), the magnitude of change on this LCA is large under both Scenario 1 and Scenario 2.
(B) Negligible No perceptible change on the remaining LCAs, including LCA1 Ting Kok Road Low-rise Residential Landscape, LCA3 Tai Po Waterfront Park Landscape and LCA4 Tai Po Industrial Estate Landscape, as a result of the Project since all of these LCAs are located away from the Project Site, the landscape characters remain largely unchanged, and the magnitude of changes are therefore negligible for Scenario 1 and Scenario 2. Table 12.13 presents the predicted unmitigated and mitigated (residual) impacts on the existing landscape character areas resulting from the proposed works during the construction and operational phases of Scenario 1 and Scenario 2. These impacts are also mapped on Figure 12.9.1 and Figure 12.9.2 for Scenario 1 and Scenario 2 correspondingly. The mitigated (residual) impacts are assessed during the design year for the purpose of this study and taken as being between 10 and 15 years after the schemes opening when the proposed mitigation planting is deemed to have reached a level of maturity, which is sufficient for it to perform the design objectives. The predicted mitigated (residual) impacts are further discussed in Section 12.11. Table 12.13 presents the predicted unmitigated impacts and discuss in the following sections.
¡ LCA2 Restored Landfill Site Landscape – Given this LCA is currently occupied partly by a golf driving range on ex-landfill site, the Project will not alter much character and nature of the site, which implied that this LCA will only be subject to a moderate adverse unmitigated impact due to loss of landscape resources such as trees and change of landscape character during the construction and operational phases of the project.
¡ Given there is no change of landscape resources and elements within the remaining LCAs, impact on these LCAs are insubstantial. The assessment contained in Table 12.13 concluded that the moderate impact to LCA2 will be alleviated to a slight level through the introduction of landscape mitigation measures shown on Figures to The recommended landscape mitigation measures and residual impact on LCA2 will be further discussed in Sections 12.9 and 12.11.
Table 12.12 Potential magnitude of change for Landscape Character Areas (LCAs)
ID |
Description of Impacts |
Loss (ha)/ Total Area of Resources (ha); Percentage of loss area |
Determinants for Magnitude of Change |
Magnitude of Change |
Compatibility (Negligible/
Low/ Medium/ |
Reversibility (Nil/ Low/ |
Scale (N/A /Small/ Intermediate/ Large) |
Duration of Impact (Construction/ Operation)
Construction (Negligible /Small/ Intermediate/Large) |
Operation (Negligible /Small/ Intermediate/Large) |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
LCA1 Ting Kok Road Low-rise Residential Landscape |
No direct impact on Ting Kok Road Low-Rise residential development as the Project will be located away from this LCA. Replacement of similar character and nature of the Project within the Project Site adjacent to this LCA would no create any impact. |
0/81.10ha 0% |
0/81.10ha 0% |
High |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A / N/A |
N/A / N/A |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
LCA2 Restored Landfill Site Landscape |
The Project Site although occupies the major part of this LCA, the Project is of similar nature and character of the existing driving range, which implies the character of this site can be largely maintained. Replacement of existing driving range and restored landfill site landscape with golf course recreational landscape in the Project Site would fit into the existing waterfront and urban landscape context in the longer term. |
47.26/55.19 ha 85.6% |
47.26/55.19 ha 85.6% |
High |
Medium |
Large |
Large |
3yrs/ Permanent |
3yrs/ Permanent |
Large |
Large |
Large |
Large |
LCA3 Tai Po Waterfront Park Landscape |
No direct impact on Tai Po Waterfront Park as the Project will be located away from this LCA. Replacement of similar character and nature of the Project within the project site adjacent to this LCA would no create any impact. |
0/95.32 ha 0% |
0/95.32 ha 0% |
High |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A / N/A |
N/A / N/A |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
LCA4 Tai Po Industrial Estate Landscape |
No direct impact on TPIE as the Project will be located away from this LCA. Replacement of similar character and nature of the Project within the Project Site adjacent to this LCA would no create any impact. |
0/59.77 ha |
0/59.77 ha |
High |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A / N/A |
N/A / N/A |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Table 12.13 Landscape Character Areas (LCAs) and predicted impacts
ID |
Sensitivity (Low / Medium/ High) |
Magnitude of Change |
Significance Threshold (Unmitigated) |
Mitigation Measures
Significance Threshold (Mitigated) |
Construction (Negligible/ Small / Intermediate /Large) |
Operation (Negligible /Small / Intermediate/Large) |
Construction Insubstantial, Slight, Moderate and Substantial (adverse or beneficial) |
Operation Insubstantial, Slight, Moderate and Substantial (adverse or beneficial) |
Construction Negligible, Slight, Moderate and Significant (adverse or beneficial) |
Operation Negligible, Slight, Moderate and Significant (adverse or beneficial) |
Day 1 |
Year 10 (Residual) |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
LCA1 Ting Kok Road Low-rise Residential Landscape |
Medium |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
CP2, CP3, OP2, OP3, OP4, OP5 |
CP2, CP3, OP2, OP3, OP4, OP5 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
LCA2 Restored Landfill Site Landscape |
Medium |
Large |
Large |
Large |
Large |
Moderate Adverse |
Moderate Adverse |
Moderate Adverse |
Moderate Adverse |
CP1, CP2, CP3, CP4, CP5, OP1, OP2, OP3, OP4, OP5 |
CP1, CP2, CP3, CP4, CP5, OP1, OP2, OP3, OP4, OP5 |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Insubstantial (Full establishment of planting works) |
Insubstantial (Full establishment of planting works) |
LCA3 Tai Po Waterfront Park Landscape |
Medium |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
CP1, CP2, CP5, OP2, OP3, OP4 |
CP1, CP2, CP5, OP2, OP3, OP4 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
LCA4 TPIE Landscape |
Low |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
CP1, CP2, CP4, OP2, OP3, OP4 |
CP1, CP2, CP4, OP2, OP3, OP4 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
12.7.9 Visual Impact The potential visual impacts (unmitigated) on identified VSRs resulting from the Project during the construction and operational phases of the Project under both Scenario 1 and Scenario 2 are summarised in the following sections and listed in Table 12.14. These impacts are also mapped on Figure 12.10.1 for Scenario 1 and Figure 12.10.2 for Scenario 2 respectively. The mitigated (residual) impacts are assessed during the design year which for the purpose of this study is taken as being between 10 and 15 years after the golf course opening when the proposed mitigation planting is deemed to have reached a level of maturity, which is sufficient for it to perform the design objectives. The residual impacts (mitigated) are discussed under Section 12.11. Source of visual impacts include the change of grade to accommodate the golf playing area, change of amenity to recreational landscape, removal of vegetation, introduction of ancillary facilities and utilities structures (above ground) and access road etc. After assessment, the only difference between Scenario 1 and Scenario 2 for visual impact is that only Scenario 2 has impact on Staff at Planned Staff Quarters / Guests at Planned Overnight Accommodations (PVSR 3.8). As Scenario 1 is the scheme without any planned staff quarters / guests at planned overnight accommodation, no PVSR 3.8 will be identified in Scenario 1. While the remaining visual impacts brought by both Scenario 1 and Scenario 2 will be the same as the golf course design and the building layout are identical for both scenarios, except the interior usage of the ancillary facilities, which will not create any difference in terms of visual impact. The unmitigated/mitigated impacts summarised as follow:
Substantial Impact Although some visual amenity of VSRs/PVSRs will create spared impact due to implementation of the Project, there are likely to be some substantial adverse impacts on the visual amenity of some VSRs in the absence of mitigation measures during construction and operational phases due to their location in proximity to the Project Site, have direct/full/panoramic view of the Project such as residents and planned residents of low-rises along Lo Fai Road (VSR 1.2 and PVSR 1.3) and Residents of Fortune Garden (VSR2.1), the Beverly Hills (VSR2.2). Although change of their visual context is large however there is no blockage of their existing views. These impacts will be alleviated to moderate level through the implementation of landscape and visual mitigation measures under both Scenario 1 and Scenario 2.
Moderate Impact Workers of Tai Po Sewage Treatment Works (VSR4.7), being located in proximity to the Project Site, the Project will be a major component in the visual context, and so they will experience a moderate adverse unmitigated impact without mitigation measures. There is no blockage of views upon implementation of the Project. Through the implementation of landscape and visual mitigation measures the impacts will be alleviated to slight level under both Scenarios 1 and 2. For Scenario 2, Staff at Planned Staff Quarters / Guests at Planned Overnight Accommodations (PVSR 3.8) are located at the Project site after the construction of the Proposed Development. They will have the direct view towards the proposed development and the Project will be their main component, therefore, they will experience a moderate adverse unmitigated impact without mitigation measures during the operational stage. Through the implementation of landscape and visual mitigation measures, the impacts will be alleviated to slight level.
Slight Impact Due to long viewing distance across the harbour, VSRs include Villages at Sam Mun Tsai (VSR2.3), Visitors to Ma On Shan Promenade and Ma On Shan Park (VSR3.1), Residents of high-rises along Ma On Shan Promenade (VSR3.2), Workers of Hong Kong Science Park (VSR3.3), Residents of Pak Shek Kok Promenand (VSR3.4), Pedestrians / Cyclists along Tolo Harbour (VSR3.5), VSR3.6 Residents of low-rises along Yau King Lane, VSR 3.7 Residents of low-rises along Yat Yiu Avenue, Hung Lam Drive and Tai Po Kau, Visitors of Yuen Chau Tsai Park (VSR4.1), Residents of high-rises at Kwong Fuk Estate and Wang Fuk Court (VSR4.2), Residents of high-rises at Fu Shin Estate, Ming Nga Court and Rivera Lodge (VSR4.3) and Visitors of Tai Po Waterfront Park (VSR4.4), will have experience of slight adverse unmitigated impact as the Project will only be a minor component of their visual context for Scenario 1 and Scenario 2. There is no blockage of their views. Upon the implementation of landscape and visual mitigation measures, impacts will be alleviated to insubstantial level under Scenario 1 and Scenario 2. Another group of VSRs located closed to the Project Site, including transient travellers along Ting Kok Road (VSR1.4), workers in TPIE (VSR4.5), resident of Ha Hang Village (VSR4.6) and visitors of Tai Po Waterfront Pier (VSR4.8), who have glimpse or obstructed views to the Project Site, will also experience slight adverse unmitigated impacts. Again there is no blockage of views upon implementation of the Project. Through the implementation of landscape and visual mitigation measures the impacts will be alleviated to insubstantial level of Scenario 1 and Scenario 2.
Insubstantial Students and staff of the Education University of Hong Kong (VSR1.1) will experience insubstantial impact without the implementation of landscape mitigation measures in either Scenario 1 or Scenario 2 development proposal. Their views to the Project Site are totally blocked by the vegetated slope and low-rise residential developments. The assessment contained in Table 12.14 concluded that the Project would have a slight adverse to insubstantial on VSRs through the application of landscape and visual mitigation measures shown on Figures to 12.12.18. The recommended landscape and visual mitigation measures and residual impact on VSRs are further discussed in Sections 12.9 and 12.11.
Table 12.14 Visually Sensitive Receivers and predicted impacts
ID |
Sensitivity |
Determinants for Magnitude of Change |
Magnitude of Change (Construction/ Operational phase) |
Impact Significance Threshold (Unmitigated) |
Mitigation Measures |
Impact Significance Threshold (Mitigated) |
Viewing Distance (m) / Blockage of View |
Compatibility with Surrounding Landscape |
Reversibility |
Scale |
Duration Construction/ Operation |
Construction |
Operation |
Construction |
Operation |
Day 1 |
Year 10 |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
VSR1.1 Students and Staff of The Education University of Hong Kong |
Low |
910m Given these VSRs are located at a lower elevation than the vegetated hill to the north of the Project Site, their low level views looking towards the Project Site are completely screened by the vegetated hill with trees and the low-rises. No blockage of existing view. |
Negligible |
Negligible |
3yrs / permanent |
3yrs / permanent |
Negligible /Negligible |
Negligible/ Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
VSR1.2 Residents of low-rises along Lo Fai Road
Photomontages refer to Figures 12.12.1-12.12.2 |
570m These VSRs are located along Lo Fai Road living in 2 to 4-storey houses. VSRs living at elevated floors at front row of houses have full/panoramic view of the Project Site. Views of other VSRs are confined within the settlement. No blockage of existing view. |
. Irreversible |
Large |
Large |
3yrs / permanent |
3yrs / permanent |
Large/ Large Given the proximity to these VSRs, the Project will be a major component in the lowland context. |
Large/ Large Given the proximity to these VSRs, the Project will be a major component in the lowland context. |
Substantial Adverse |
Substantial Adverse |
Substantial Adverse |
Substantial Adverse |
CPV1, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
CPV1, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
Moderate Adverse |
Moderate Adverse |
Moderate Adverse |
Moderate Adverse |
Slight Adverse Minor change of grade, largely maintained the topography of the site, small scale, disposition and low profile building and utilities structures and access road. |
Slight Adverse Minor change of grade, largely maintained the topography of the site, small scale, disposition and low profile building and utilities structures and access road. |
PVSR1.3 Residents of Planned low-rises along Lo Fai Road
Photomontages refer to Figures 12.12.1-12.12.2 |
270m These PVSRs are residents of future low-rises located between Casa Marina and Tycoon Place and they will have full/panoramic views of the Project Site. No blockage of existing view.
Irreversible |
Large |
Large |
3yrs / permanent |
3yrs / permanent |
Large/ Large Given the proximity with these PVSRs, the Project will be a major component in the lowland context. |
Large/ Large Given the proximity with these PVSRs, the Project will be a major component in the lowland context. |
Substantial Adverse |
Substantial Adverse |
Substantial Adverse |
Substantial Adverse |
CPV1, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
CPV1, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
Moderate Adverse |
Moderate Adverse |
Moderate Adverse |
Moderate Adverse |
Slight Adverse Minor change of grade, largely maintained the topography of the site, small scale, disposition and low profile building and utilities structures and access road. Upon full establishment of tree preservation, transplanting and compensatory planting proposals, introduction of recreational landscape and features such as lake in the project site, visual impact will be further alleviated. |
Slight Adverse Minor change of grade, largely maintained the topography of the site, small scale, disposition and low profile building and utilities structures and access road. Upon full establishment of tree preservation, transplanting and compensatory planting proposals, introduction of recreational landscape and features such as lake in the project site, visual impact will be further alleviated. |
VSR1.4 Pedestrians/ Cyclists/ Vehicular travellers along Ting Kok Road
Photomontages refer to Figures 12.12.3-12.12.4 |
Medium |
110m Majority of views are confined by roadside vegetation along the road corridor. Views towards the Project Site only available between trees. No blockage of existing view. |
Medium |
Irreversible |
Small |
Small |
3yrs / permanent |
3yrs / permanent |
Small/ Small |
Given their nature and visual quality, the disrupted and glimpsed visibility of these VSRs, proximity to the Project Site, the Project is a relatively minor component in their view. |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial Minor change of grade, largely maintained the topography of the site. Upon full establishment of tree preservation, transplanting and compensatory planting proposals, buffer and screen planting, visual impact will be further alleviated. |
Insubstantial Minor change of grade, largely maintained the topography of the site. Upon full establishment of tree preservation, transplanting and compensatory planting proposals, buffer and screen planting, visual impact will be further alleviated. |
VSR2.1 Residents of Fortune Garden Photomontages refer to Figures 12.12.3-12.12.4 |
110m VSRs living at western periphery of the development have direct and closed view of the eastern portion of the Project Site. No blockage of existing view as these VSRs is located at a higher elevation. |
Large |
Large |
3yrs / permanent |
3yrs / permanent |
Large/ Large Given the proximity to these VSRs, the Project will be a major component in the lowland context. |
Large/ Large Given the proximity to these VSRs, the Project will be a major component in the lowland context. |
Substantial Adverse |
Substantial Adverse |
Substantial Adverse |
Substantial Adverse |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
Moderate Adverse |
Moderate Adverse
Moderate Adverse |
Moderate Adverse |
Slight Adverse Minor change of grade, responsive alignment and planting proposals along access road. Upon full establishment of tree preservation, transplanting and compensatory planting proposals, visual impact will be further alleviated. |
Slight Adverse Minor change of grade, responsive alignment and planting proposals along access road. Upon full establishment of tree preservation, transplanting and compensatory planting proposals, visual impact will be further alleviated. |
VSR2.2 Residents of The Beverly Hills
Photomontages refer to Figures 12.12.5-12.12.6 |
890m VSRs living at western periphery of the development have full and panoramic view of Project Site across the harbour. No blockage of existing view.
Irreversible |
Large |
Large |
3yrs / permanent |
3yrs / permanent |
Large/ Large Given the proximity to these VSRs, the Project will be a major component in the lowland context. |
Large/ Large Given the proximity to these VSRs, the Project will be a major component in the lowland context. |
Substantial Adverse |
Substantial Adverse |
Substantial Adverse |
Substantial Adverse |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
Moderate Adverse |
Moderate Adverse |
Moderate Adverse |
Moderate Adverse |
Slight Adverse Minor change of grade, responsive alignment and planting proposals along access road. Upon full establishment of tree preservation, transplanting and compensatory planting proposals, visual impact will be further alleviated. |
Slight Adverse Minor change of grade, responsive alignment and planting proposals along access road. Upon full establishment of tree preservation, transplanting and compensatory planting proposals, visual impact will be further alleviated. |
VSR2.3 Villagers at Sam Mun Tsai
Photomontages refer to Figures 12.12.5-12.12.6 |
Medium |
1,650m VSRs have partial view of the Project Site in long distance across Tolo Harbour at low elevation. No blockage of existing view.
Irreversible |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
3yrs / permanent |
3yrs / permanent |
Small/ Small Given to the long viewing distance at low elevation, the Project will only be a relatively small component in the lowland context. |
Small/ Small Given to the long viewing distance at low elevation, the Project will only be a relatively small component in the lowland context. |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial Minor change of grade, existing topography largely maintained, small scale, disposition and low profile buildings and access road. |
Upon full establishment of tree preservation and compensatory planting proposals, and tree and shrub planting along access road and sea shore, visual impact will be further alleviated. |
VSR3.1 Visitors to Ma On Shan Promenade and Ma On Shan Park
Photomontages refer to Figures 12.12.7-12.12.8 |
Medium |
4,360m The VSRs will have partial views of the Project Site with the backdrop of Cloudy Hill and Pat Sin Leng, TPIE at waterfront in long distance across Tolo Harbour. No blockage of existing view.
Irreversible |
Small |
Small |
3yrs / permanent |
3yrs / permanent |
Small / Small Given long distance views and low profile of the Project Site, the Project will be a minor component of Tai Po Waterfront. |
Small / Small Given long distance views and low profile of the Project Site, the Project will be a minor component of Tai Po Waterfront. |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial Minor change of grade, existing topography largely maintained, small scale, disposition and low profile buildings and access road. Upon full establishment of tree preservation and compensatory planting proposals, and tree and shrub planting along access road and sea shore, visual impact will be further alleviated. |
Insubstantial Minor change of grade, existing topography largely maintained, small scale, disposition and low profile buildings and access road. Upon full establishment of tree preservation and compensatory planting proposals, and tree and shrub planting along access road and sea shore, visual impact will be further alleviated. |
VSR3.2 Residents of high-rises along Ma On Shan Promenade
Photomontages refer to Figures 12.12.7-12.12.8 |
Medium |
4,260m The VSRs will have partial views of the Project Site with the backdrop of Cloudy Hill and Pat Sin Leng, TPIE at Waterfront in long distance across Tolo Harbour. No blockage of existing view
High |
Irreversible |
Small |
Small |
3yrs / permanent |
3yrs / permanent |
Small / Small Given long distance views and low profile of the Project Site, the Project will be a minor component of Tai Po Waterfront. |
Small / Small Given long distance views and low profile of the Project Site, the Project will be a minor component of Tai Po Waterfront. |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial Minor change of grade, existing topography largely maintained, small scale, disposition and low profile buildings and access road. Upon full establishment of tree preservation and compensatory planting proposals, and tree and shrub planting along access road and sea shore, visual impact will be further alleviated. |
Insubstantial Minor change of grade, existing topography largely maintained, small scale, disposition and low profile buildings and access road. Upon full establishment of tree preservation and compensatory planting proposals, and tree and shrub planting along access road and sea shore, visual impact will be further alleviated. |
VSR3.3 Workers of Hong Kong Science Park
Photomontages refer to Figures 12.12.7-12.12.8 |
Medium |
3,030m VSRs working in the front row of buildings along the Pak Shek Kok promenade will have partial view of the Project Site at Tai Po Waterfront next to TPIE. No blockage of existing view |
High |
Irreversible |
Small |
Small |
3yrs / permanent |
3yrs / permanent |
Small / Small Given long distance view, low profile of the Project Site, the Project will be a minor component in Tai Po Waterfront across Tolo Harbour. |
Small / Small Given long distance view, low profile of the Project Site, the Project will be a minor component in Tai Po Waterfront across Tolo Harbour. |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial Minor change of grade, existing topography largely maintained, small scale, disposition and low profile buildings and access road. Upon full establishment of tree preservation and compensatory planting proposals, and tree and shrub planting along access road and sea shore, visual impact will be further alleviated. |
Insubstantial Minor change of grade, existing topography largely maintained, small scale, disposition and low profile buildings and access road. Upon full establishment of tree preservation and compensatory planting proposals, and tree and shrub planting along access road and sea shore, visual impact will be further alleviated. |
VSR3.4 Residents of Pak Shek Kok Promenade
Photomontages refer to Figures 12.12.7-12.12.8
Medium |
2,220m VSRs living in the front row of buildings along the Pak Shek Kok promenade at upper level will have partial view of the Project Site at Tai Po Waterfront next to TPIE from a long distance. No blockage of existing view |
High |
Irreversible |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
3yrs / permanent |
3yrs / permanent |
Small/ Small Given long distance view, low profile of the Project Site, the Project will be a relatively minor component in Tai Po Waterfront across Tolo Harbour. |
Small/ Small Given long distance view, low profile of the Project Site, the Project will be a relatively minor component in Tai Po Waterfront across Tolo Harbour. |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial Minor change of grade, existing topography largely maintained, small scale, disposition and low profile buildings and access road. Upon full establishment of tree preservation and compensatory planting proposals, and tree and shrub planting along access road and sea shore, visual impact will be further alleviated. |
Insubstantial Minor change of grade, existing topography largely maintained, small scale, disposition and low profile buildings and access road. Upon full establishment of tree preservation and compensatory planting proposals, and tree and shrub planting along access road and sea shore, visual impact will be further alleviated. |
VSR3.5 Pedestrians / Cyclists along Tolo Harbour
Photomontages refer to Figures 12.12.7-12.12.8 |
Medium |
1,370m Visual context of pedestrians and cyclists will have partial views of the Project Site with the backdrop of Cloudy Hill and Pat Sin Leng and residential development at Ting Kok Road in long distance across the Tolo Harbour. No blockage of existing view
Medium |
Irreversible |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
3yrs / permanent |
3yrs / permanent |
Small/ Small Given the long distance view, intervening by existing residential development along Ting Kok Road, the Project will not form a major component in the waterfront context. |
Small/ Small Given the long distance view, intervening by existing residential development along Ting Kok Road, the Project will not form a major component in the waterfront context. |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial Largely maintained existing topography and utilities structure, Minor levelling of site level, small scale low profile building Upon full establishment of tree preservation, and compensatory proposals in landscape area of the subject site, visual impact will be alleviated |
Insubstantial Largely maintained existing topography and utilities structure, Minor levelling of site level, small scale low profile building Upon full establishment of tree preservation, and compensatory proposals in landscape area of the subject site, visual impact will be alleviated |
VSR3.6 Residents of low-rises along Yau King Lane
Photomontages refer to Figures 12.12.7-12.12.8 |
Medium |
2,000m The VSRs will have partial views of the Project Site with the backdrop of Cloudy Hill and Pat Sin Leng with Tai Po New Town and TPIE at waterfront. No blockage of existing view |
High |
Irreversible |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
3yrs / permanent |
3yrs / permanent |
Small/ Small Given the viewing distance, intervened by high-rises buildings and industrial buildings at Tai Po Waterfront, the Project will not form a major component in the waterfront context. |
Small/ Small Given the viewing distance, intervened by high-rises buildings and industrial buildings at Tai Po Waterfront, the Project will not form a major component in the waterfront context. |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial Largely maintained existing topography and utilities structure, minor levelling of site level, small scale low profile building Upon full establishment of tree preservation, and compensatory proposals in landscape area of the subject site, visual impact will be alleviated |
Insubstantial Largely maintained existing topography and utilities structure, minor levelling of site level, small scale low profile building Upon full establishment of tree preservation, and compensatory proposals in landscape area of the subject site, visual impact will be alleviated |
VSR3.7 Residents of low-rises along Yat Yiu Avenue, Hung Lam Drive and Tai Po Kau
Photomontages refer to Figures 12.12.7-12.12.8 |
Medium |
1,980m Views towards the Project Site are partially screened by TPIE and Trees at Tai Po Waterfront Park. No blockage of existing view |
High |
Irreversible |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
3yrs / permanent |
3yrs / permanent |
Small/ Small Given the long viewing distance, intervened by high-rises buildings and industrial buildings at Tai Po Waterfront, the Project will not form a major component in the waterfront context. |
Small/ Small Given the viewing distance, intervened by high-rises buildings and industrial buildings at Tai Po Waterfront, the Project will not form a major component in the waterfront context. |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial Minor change of grade, existing topography largely maintained, small scale, disposition and low profile buildings and access road. Upon full establishment of tree preservation and compensatory planting proposals, and tree and shrub planting along access road and sea shore, visual impact will be further alleviated. |
Insubstantial Minor change of grade, existing topography largely maintained, small scale, disposition and low profile buildings and access road. Upon full establishment of tree preservation and compensatory planting proposals, and tree and shrub planting along access road and sea shore, visual impact will be |
PVSR3.8 Staff at planned staff quarters / guests at planned overnight accommodations
Medium |
0m These VSRs are at the Project Site and will have direct views to the Project Site. No blockage of existing view
High |
Irreversible |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
Not applicable / permanent |
Not applicable / permanent |
Not applicable/ Not applicable |
Not applicable/ Intermediate Given the viewing distance, intervened by high-rises buildings and industrial buildings at Tai Po Waterfront, the Project will not form a major component in the waterfront context. |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
Moderate Adverse |
Not applicable |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
Slight Adverse |
Not applicable |
Insubstantial Upon full establishment of tree preservation and compensatory planting proposals, and tree and shrub planting along access road in front of this PVSR towards the Project Site, visual impact will be further alleviated. |
VSR4.1 Visitors of Yuen Chau Tsai Park
Photomontages refer to Figures 12.12.9-12.12.10 |
Medium |
1,630m Views towards the Project Site are partially screened by TPIE and Trees at Tai Po Waterfront Park. No blockage of existing view
High |
Irreversible |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
3yrs / permanent |
3yrs / permanent |
Small/ Small Given the viewing distance, intervened by high-rises buildings and industrial buildings at Tai Po Waterfront, the Project will not form a major component in the waterfront context. |
Small/ Small Given the viewing distance, intervened by high-rises buildings and industrial buildings at Tai Po Waterfront, the Project will not form a major component in the waterfront context. |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial Minor change of grade, existing topography largely maintained, small scale, disposition and low profile buildings. Upon full establishment of tree preservation and compensatory planting proposals, and tree and shrub planting along sea shore, visual impact will be further alleviated. |
Insubstantial Minor change of grade, existing topography largely maintained, small scale, disposition and low profile buildings. Upon full establishment of tree preservation and compensatory planting proposals, and tree and shrub planting along sea shore, visual impact will be further alleviated. |
VSR4.2 Residents of high-rises at Kwong Fuk Estate and Wang Fuk Court
Photomontages refer to Figures 12.12.9-12.12.10 |
Medium |
1,820m The VSRs will have partial and obstructed views of the Project Site screened by TPIE with the backdrop of Cloudy Hill and Pat Sin Leng and residential development at Ting Kok Road in distance. No blockage of existing view
Medium |
Irreversible |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
3yrs / permanent |
3yrs / permanent |
Small/ Small Given the viewing distance, intervened by high-rises buildings and industrial buildings at Tai Po Waterfront, the Project will form a minor component in the waterfront context. |
Small/ Small Given the viewing distance, intervened by high-rises buildings and industrial buildings at Tai Po Waterfront, the Project will form a minor component in the waterfront context. |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial Minor change of grade, existing topography largely maintained, small scale, disposition and low profile buildings. Upon full establishment of tree preservation and compensatory planting proposals, and tree and shrub planting along sea shore, visual impact will be further alleviated. |
Insubstantial Minor change of grade, existing topography largely maintained, small scale, disposition and low profile buildings. Upon full establishment of tree preservation and compensatory planting proposals, and tree and shrub planting along sea shore, visual impact will be further alleviated. |
VSR4.3 Residents of high-rises at Fu Shin Estate, Ming Nga Court and Riviera Lodge
Photomontages refer to Figures 12.12.9-12.12.10 |
Medium |
1,550m The VSRs will have partial and obstructed views of the Project Site screened by TPIE with the backdrop of Cloudy Hill and Pat Sin Leng and residential development at Ting Kok Road in distance. No blockage of existing view
Medium |
Irreversible |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
3yrs / permanent |
3yrs / permanent |
Small/ Small Given the viewing distance, intervened by high-rises buildings and industrial buildings at Tai Po Waterfront, the Project will not form a major component in the waterfront context. |
Small/ Small Given the viewing distance, intervened by high-rises buildings and industrial buildings at Tai Po Waterfront, the Project will not form a major component in the waterfront context. |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial Minor change of grade, existing topography largely maintained, small scale, disposition and low profile buildings. Upon full establishment of tree preservation and compensatory planting proposals, and tree and shrub planting along sea shore, visual impact will be further alleviated. |
Insubstantial Minor change of grade, existing topography largely maintained, small scale, disposition and low profile buildings. Upon full establishment of tree preservation and compensatory planting proposals, and tree and shrub planting along sea shore, visual impact will be further alleviated |
VSR4.4 Visitors of Tai Po Waterfront Park
Photomontages refer to Figures 12.12.9-12.12.10 |
Medium |
1,320m Views towards the Project Site are glimpsed view at oblique angle screened by industrial buildings at eastern end of Tai Po Waterfront Park and trees at the southwest corner of the Project Site. No blockage of existing view
High |
Irreversible |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
3yrs / permanent |
3yrs / permanent |
Small/ Small Given intervened planting and buildings in the foreground, the Project will not be a major component in the lowland context. |
Small/ Small Given intervened planting and buildings in the foreground, the Project will not be a major component in the lowland context. |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial Minor change of grade, existing topography largely maintained, small scale, disposition and low profile buildings. Upon full establishment of tree preservation and compensatory planting proposals, and tree and shrub planting along sea shore, visual impact will be further alleviated. |
Insubstantial Minor change of grade, existing topography largely maintained, small scale, disposition and low profile buildings. Upon full establishment of tree preservation and compensatory planting proposals, and tree and shrub planting along sea shore, visual impact will be further alleviated |
VSR4.5 Workers of TPIE
Photomontages refer to Figures 12.12.13-12.12.14 |
Low |
80m These VSRs will have a glimpsed or direct view of the Project Site where obstructed by existing trees in the foreground. No blockage of existing view
High |
Irreversible |
Large |
Large |
3yrs / permanent |
3yrs / permanent |
Small/ Small Given intervened planting in the foreground of the Project, views in proximity to the Project Site The Project will not be a major component in visual context. |
Small/ Small Given intervened planting in the foreground of the Project, views in proximity to the Project Site The Project will not be a major component in visual context. |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial Minor change of grade, existing topography largely maintained Upon full establishment of tree preservation and compensatory planting proposals, and screening buffer, visual impact will be further alleviated. |
Insubstantial Minor change of grade, existing topography largely maintained Upon full establishment of tree preservation and compensatory planting proposals, and screening buffer, visual impact will be further alleviated.
VSR4.6 Residents of Ha Hang Village and Casa Brava
Photomontages refer to Figures 12.12.15-12.12.16 |
Medium |
260m These VSRs will have glimpsed view to the Project Site and obstructed by roadside trees and buildings along Ting Kok Road. No blockage of existing view |
High |
Irreversible |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
3yrs / permanent |
3yrs / permanent |
Small/ Small Given intervened roadside planting and buildings in the foreground of the development, the Project will not be a major component in the lowland context. |
Small/ Small Given intervened roadside planting and buildings in the foreground of the development, the Project will not be a major component in the lowland context. |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial Minor change of grade, existing topography largely maintained. Upon full establishment of tree preservation and compensatory planting proposals, and screen buffer, visual impact will be further alleviated. |
Insubstantial Minor change of grade, existing topography largely maintained. Upon full establishment of tree preservation and compensatory planting proposals, and screen buffer, visual impact will be further alleviated.
VSR4.7 Workers of Tai Po Sewage Treatment Works
Photomontages refer to Figures 12.12.17-12.12.18 |
Low |
10m These VSRs will have direct views to the Project Site. No blockage of existing view
High |
Irreversible |
Large |
Large |
3yrs / permanent |
3yrs / permanent |
Large/ Large Given the proximity to the Project Site, the Project will be a major component in the visual context. |
Large/ Large Given the proximity to the Project Site, the Project will be a major component in the visual context. |
Moderate Adverse |
Moderate Adverse |
Moderate Adverse |
Moderate Adverse |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Insubstantial Minor change of grade, existing topography largely maintained. Upon full establishment of tree preservation and compensatory planting proposals, and screen buffer, visual impact will be further alleviated. |
Insubstantial Minor change of grade, existing topography largely maintained. Upon full establishment of tree preservation and compensatory planting proposals, and screen buffer, visual impact will be further alleviated. |
VSR4.8 Visitors of Tai Po Waterfront Pier
Photomontages refer to Figures 12.12.11-12.12.12 |
Medium |
140m Views of these VSRs are largely blocked by the vegetated slopes and pier building itself. The vegetated slope behind the building is excluded from the development site. These VSRs will only have a glimpsed view of the Project Site. No blockage of existing view |
High |
Irreversible |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
3yrs / permanent |
3yrs / permanent |
Small/ Small Given these VSRs are in proximity to the Project Site, however only a small portion of the Project and its ancillary facilities can be seen due to intervening vegetation and building in the pier, the Project will not form a major component in the view. |
Small/ Small Given these VSRs are in proximity to the Project Site, however only a small portion of the Project and its ancillary facilities can be seen due to intervening vegetation and building in the pier, the Project will not form a major component in the view. |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial Minor change of grade, existing topography largely maintained, responsive scale and disposition of buildings. Upon full establishment of tree preservation and compensatory planting proposals, and screen buffer, visual impact will be further alleviated. |
Insubstantial Minor change of grade, existing topography largely maintained, responsive scale and disposition of buildings. Upon full establishment of tree preservation and compensatory planting proposals, and screen buffer, visual impact will be further alleviated.
| This section reviews other projects, currently in progress or planned within the assessment area, such as Shuen Wan Landfill Restoration Contract, Upgrading of Sewage Pumping Stations and Sewerage along Ting Kok Road, and Columbarium Development at Shuen Wan Landfill, etc. which may be result in landscape and visual cumulative impacts including the degradation of landscape character and visual amenity during construction, the loss of landscape resources and change of local landscape characters under Scenario 1 and Scenario 2. After analysis, there will be no cumulative impacts from landscape and visual aspects under Scenario 1 and Scenario 2, same design layout but just different interior usage of ancillaries facilities of the two scenarios, which will be discussed in details as follow: Shuen Wan Landfill Restoration Contract is taking place exactly in the Project Site. The contract involves environmental monitoring and maintenance works of the ex-landfill site. The Project takes into account the contract monitoring works of the landfill site required, keeps minimal alternation of the monitoring system and facilities. Therefore, cumulative impacts from landscape and visual would not be anticipated for Scenario 1 and Scenario 2. Another project is the Food Waste Pre-treatment Facilities for Food Waste / Sewage Sludge Anaerobic Co-Digestion Pilot Trial in Tai Po Sewage Treatment Works (TPSTW). It comprises design, construction, operation and maintenance of the Food Waste Pre-treatment Facilities for the Food Waste / Sewage Sludge Anaerobic Co-digestion Trial Scheme located at the existing Shuen Wan Leachate Pre-treatment Works in TPSTW. As the boundary of the development in TPSTW is located next to the Project Site and the construction works of these facilities would be finished before the commencement of the Project, no cumulative construction impacts would be anticipated under Scenario 1 and Scenario 2. In addition, the development of a Bathing Beach at Lung Mei, Tai Po is also under implementation. The construction work of a 200-meter long bathing beach with a groyne at each end started in 2013 and the completion date is not yet to be confirmed. As this improvement works is located over 3km from the Project Site, the cumulative impact would not be anticipated for both Scenario 1 and Scenario 2. Besides, there are two planned developments, namely the Upgrading of Sewage Pumping Stations and Sewerage along Ting Kok Road and the Columbarium Development at Shuen Wan Landfill, Tai Po. The former would not be implemented concurrently while the later one is still under planning stage. Hence, cumulative impact would not be anticipated under Scenario 1 and Scenario 2. According to the approved Tai Po Outline Zoning Plan No. S/TP/28, an area at the north of the Project Site, at Lo Fai Road near Tycoon Place, is zoned as “Residential (Group C) (R(C)”), which is intended primarily for low-rise, low-density residential developments. No development program and details are available yet, thus, cumulative impact would not be anticipated for both Scenario 1 and Scenario 2.
12.9 Mitigation of Landscape and Visual Impact The landscape mitigation measures described in this report are at levels which both demonstrate their effectiveness to alleviate the potential landscape and visual impacts identified in the assessment and also to allow the proposals to be incorporated and carried forward during the detailed design stage of the Project. The measures are designed to address both the construction and operational phases of the project under both Scenario 1 and Scenario 2. More detailed landscape and compensatory planting proposals will be developed during the detailed design stage of this project and will seek approval from the relevant departments at that stage. The landscape and visual mitigation measures are described both in a generic sense for measures, which apply to the works area and in terms of the proposed landscape strategy for the Project. The aims of the mitigation measures are to:
· Alleviate where possible those landscape and visual impacts which are unavoidable through the review of design layout, works details and method of site formation and slope regarding works;
· Establish a coherent and integrated landscape strategy creating a framework which draws together visually disparate components of the works and where possible reduces their visual prominence and enhances the integration of the structures within their landscape setting;
· Enhance the existing landscape character and visual amenity of the Project Site and its the surrounding areas; and
· Provide a coordinated approach between the ecological and landscape mitigation proposals where there is an interface. The Landscape and Visual Mitigation Plan including Master Plans and Sections on Figures to, photomontages on Figures 12.12.1 to 12.12.18 and artist impression in Figures to for Scenario 1 and Scenario 2 demonstrate the main landscape and visual mitigation strategies and the application of design mitigation measures including the followings:
¡ Minimisation of the change of grading and existing topography;
¡ Preservation of the existing trees;
¡ Compensatory planting proposal;
¡ Creation of screen buffer;
¡ Integrated architectural and engineering design approach;
¡ Introduction of landscape features; and
¡ The recreational landscape of the golf course, etc. Application of the recommended mitigation measures are mapped on the figures.
12.9.2 Primary Mitigation Measures In accordance with the TM-EIAO, the hierarchy for landscape and visual impact mitigation is first avoidance of impact, then minimisation of impact and finally compensation of impact, such principle will be applicable and identical for both Scenario 1 and Scenario 2. As has been described in Section 2 in this report, design layout of the Project has been taken into account to fulfill the following “avoidance” measures:
· Minimisation of potential impacts on landscape resources such as existing trees by review of disposition of golf playing area and associated ancillary facilities / utilities/ engineering structures, access road alignment to preserve existing trees as far as technically feasible.
· Minimisation of change of grading and maintaining existing topography. Import of soil only for necessary site formation of golf features and playing ground and for planting works. Particularly at tree planting location enough soil mix to ensure health tree growth and would not affect the protective layer of the land fill underneath and would not adding extensive loading that affect or speeding up the settlement of the Project Site.
· Review provision of planting areas within the golf course to ensure that space reserved for compensatory planting has been maximised and at where not to interfere the necessary spatial and visual clearance safety for golf players. And
· Avoidance of potential impact on existing coastline and seashore; In accordance with the TM-EIAO, mitigation measures for the construction and operational phases of the project have been designed to minimise predicted landscape and visual impacts, and to compensate for loss of landscape resources, enhance the landscape and visual context as far as is possible given the Project constraints.
12.9.3 Landscape and Visual Mitigation Plan The design objectives for the Landscape and Visual Mitigation Plan are to:
· Integration of the Project from a landscape and visual perspective with the existing and planned landscape context.
· Soften the building mass and disguise the engineering appearance including adoption of responsive scale and deposition and low profile structures, earth sheltered design approach covered with green roof.
· Integration of preserved, transplanted and new tree planting to form a continuous landscape buffer along periphery of the Project Site for screening.
· Responding to the recreational landscape of the golf course and its low-rise residential, recreational and industrial neighbourhoods with an aesthetically appropriate landscape treatment.
· Provide compensation for the loss of existing trees. And
· Maximising opportunities for greening through planting of new trees and shrubs, greening on golf playing area and built structures, introduction of landscape features such as lakes / water features / water ponds, etc., to enhance the biodiversity and amenity of the landscape and ecology context. The Project layout shown on Figures to for Scenario 1 and Scenario 2 will be subject to review during the detailed design stage of the Project, however the following seeks to establish some general principles that are important in establishing the landscape as part of the general mitigation for proposed works. The layout is at this stage indicative and shows the type of elements which form the basis of the golf course design. Landscape Buffer Treatment – Allows the boundary of golf playing area setback from the Project Site periphery to preserve and create a continuous landscape buffer. (Figures to refers). This buffer will retain existing trees and vegetation, in combination of transplanted trees, new tree and whips planting that would create an instant greening and screening effect effectively. Introduction of a combination of tree species already found in context will create a naturalistic effect integrated with the recreational and seaside landscapes. Shade tolerant shrub and ground cover for understory of trees, preferably native species or locally adopted tree species that would reinforce the naturalistic effect and enhance layer structure of the buffer. Planting Areas within the Golf Playing Area – Allocated at strategic locations framing extensive turf areas for golf playing area and screening the necessary maintenance path at where do not interfere the golf playing and players’ safety. Introduction of ornamental plant species and feature trees to enhance the recreational landscape. Introduction of Landscape Feature- Introduction of landscape pond /lake/water features create landscape vista, variation of visual amenity and watered habitat to enhance the biodiversity and amenity of the landscape and ecology context. Tree Avenue along Access Road and Planting near Seashore – Avenue tree is designed alongside of the access road to disguise the functional and linear appearance of the road. Roadside area abutting to the Tolo Harbour along the eastern boundary, setback of foot path and carriageway allows provision of terraced planter with trees / shrubs / trailing plants for screening purposes and to soften the development edge in views looking from Tolo Harbour. Ornamental and/or broadleaf and/or evergreen tree species, suitable species can withstand windy and high salinity grown condition, will be utilised to form a continuous canopy and to ensure their healthy establishment. Green roof – Green roof has been applied on the top of the ancillary facilities and engineering structure and earth sheltered design adopted to soften the building bulk. Introduction of grass, shrub or trailing plant on the roof or along seashore will disguise the functional appearance of these facilities and maximise visible greenery within the Project Site. Landscape softworks - The landscape design will, where practicable, maximise the opportunities for tree and shrub planting to create a high quality and recreational environment and maintain the local coastal landscape character. Specific grass management to maintain greenery on golf playing area and meet international standard for golf players. Native and ornamental trees and flowering shrubs emphasise the character of each landscape design components. The plant selection will also consider the form, colour and foliage texture and also include species which are designed for architectural highlights. Table 12.15 listed out an indicative tree planting mix for compensatory and amenity planting which is especially suitable for golf course and will be taken into account for the further development of the golf course design.
Table 12.15 Indicative tree planting list
Type |
Species |
Chinese Name |
Native(N)/ Exotic(E) |
Tree Planting in Landscape Buffer |
Bischofia javanica |
秋楓 |
N |
Celtis sinensis |
朴樹 |
N |
Cinnamomum camphora |
樟樹 |
N |
Elaeocarpus sylvestris |
山杜英 |
N |
Ficus benjamina |
垂榕 |
E |
Melia azedarach |
苦楝 |
E |
Sapium sebiferum |
烏桕 |
N |
Schefflera heptaphylla |
鵝掌柴 |
N |
Schima superba |
木荷 |
N |
Sterculia lanceolata |
假蘋婆 |
N |
Whip Planting in Landscape Buffer
Adenanthera microsperma |
海紅豆 |
N |
Bischofia javanica |
秋楓 |
N |
Bauhinia variegata |
宮粉羊蹄甲 |
E |
Bauhinia x blakeana |
洋紫荊 |
N |
Bauhinia purpurea |
紅花羊蹄甲 |
E |
Bauhinia variegate var. candida |
白花洋紫荊 |
E |
Casuarina equisetifolia |
木麻黃 |
E |
Celtis sinensis |
朴 |
N |
Ficus microcarpa |
細葉榕 |
N |
Liquidambar formosana |
楓香 |
N |
Litsea glutinosa |
潺槁樹 |
N |
Ligustrum sinense |
山指甲 |
E |
Melia azedarach |
苦楝 |
E |
Schefflera octophylla |
鵝掌柴 |
N |
Sterculia lanceolata |
假蘋婆 |
N |
Reevesia thyrsoidea |
梭羅樹 |
N |
Sapium sebiferum |
烏桕 |
N |
Tree Planting in Golf Playing Area |
Bauhinia variegata |
宮粉羊蹄甲 |
E |
Bauhinia x blakeana |
洋紫荊 |
N |
Bauhinia purpurea |
紅花羊蹄甲 |
E |
Bauhinia variegate var. candida |
白花洋紫荊 |
E |
Bischofia javanica |
秋楓 |
N |
Callistemon x hybridus |
黃金串錢柳 |
E |
Camellia japonica |
山茶 |
E |
Celtis sinensis |
朴 |
N |
Cinnamomum burmannii |
陰香 |
N |
Cinnamomum camphora |
樟樹 |
N |
Delonix regia |
鳳凰木 |
E |
Dracontomelon duperreanum |
人面子 |
E |
Elaeocarpus apiculatus |
尖葉杜英 |
E |
Ficus benjamina |
垂榕 |
E |
Ficus microcarpa |
細葉榕 |
N |
Ficus rumphii |
心葉榕 |
E |
Ficus virens |
黃葛樹 |
N |
Jacaranda mimosifolia |
藍花楹 |
E |
Juniperus chinensis |
龍柏 |
E |
Khaya senegalensis |
非洲楝 |
E |
Lagerstroemia indica |
紫薇 |
E |
Liquidambar formosana |
楓香 |
N |
Melaleuca cajuputi subsp. cubmingiana |
白千層 |
E |
Melia azedarach |
苦楝 |
E |
Michelia x alba |
白蘭 |
E |
Peltophorum tonkinense |
銀珠 |
E |
Prunus campanulata |
山櫻 |
E |
Pterocarpus indicus |
紫檀 |
E |
Pyrus calleryana |
豆梨 |
N |
Sapium sebiferum |
烏桕 |
N |
Syzygium cumini |
海南蒲桃 |
E |
Tabebuia chrysantha |
黃鐘木 |
E |
Tabebuia pentaphylla |
紅花風鈴木 |
E |
Tabebuia argentea |
銀鱗金鈴木 |
E |
Terminalia mantaly |
小葉欖仁 |
E |
Terminalia mantaly 'Tricolor' |
錦葉欖仁 |
E |
Viburnum odoratissimum |
珊瑚樹 |
N |
Xanthostemon chrysanthus |
金蒲桃 |
E |
Bismarckia nobilis |
霸王棕 |
E |
Hyophorbe lagenicaulis |
酒瓶椰子 |
E |
Livistona chinensis |
蒲葵 |
E |
Phoenix sylvestris |
銀海棗 |
E |
Roystonea regia |
王棕 |
E |
Syagrus romanzoffiana |
皇后葵 |
E |
Washingtonia robusta |
華盛頓葵 |
E |
Wodyetia bifurcata |
狐尾椰子 |
E |
Lakeside Tree Planting |
Adenanthera microsperma |
海紅豆 |
N |
Callistemon viminalis |
串錢柳 |
E |
Cleistocalyx nervosum |
水翁 |
N |
Elaeocarpus hainanensis |
水石榕 |
E |
Pyrus calleryana |
豆梨 |
N |
Schima superba |
木荷 |
N |
Sterculia lanceolata |
假蘋婆 |
N |
Tree Planting near Seashore and along Access Road |
Casuarina equisetifolia |
木麻黃 |
E |
Chukrasia tabularia |
麻楝 |
E |
Cleistocalyx nervosum |
水翁 |
N |
Hibiscus tiliaceus |
黃槿 |
N |
Pongamia pinnata |
水黃皮 |
N |
Sterculia lanceolata |
假蘋婆 |
N |
Terminalia catappa |
欖仁樹 |
E |
Thespesia populnea |
恆春黃槿 |
N |
Michelia chapensis |
樂昌含笑 |
N |
12.9.4 Secondary Mitigation Measures A series of mitigation measures designed to alleviate impact and where possible compensate for loss of landscape resources, change of landscape character and visual amenity for VSRs resulting from the construction and operational phases of the Project. The implementation, funding, and management and maintenance for the landscape areas associated with the Project will be undertaken by project proponent. The proposed landscape and visual impact mitigation measures are summarised in Tables 12.16 to 12.19 and illustrated in Figures to, photomontages on Figures 12.12.1 to 12.12.18 and artist impression in Figures to for both scenarios.
12.9.5 Construction Phase Landscape Mitigation Measures The proposed landscape impact mitigation measures in the construction phase are summarised in Table 12.16, which are applicable for both Scenario 1 and Scenario 2. Details requirements are also provided below.
Table 12.16 Construction phase landscape mitigation measures (Scenario 1 and Scenario 2)
Mitigation Code |
Mitigation Measure |
Preservation of Existing Vegetation - The proposed works shall avoid disturbance to the existing trees and vegetation as far as practicable within the Project Site. The tree preservation proposals shall be coordinated with the layout and design of the engineering and architectural works of the Project. It is recommended that a full tree survey and felling application shall be undertaken and submitted for approval by the relevant government departments in accordance with LAO PN No. 7/2007 and 7/2007A Tree Preservation and Tree Removal Application for Building Development in Private Projects during the detailed design phase of the Project. All preserved trees shall be protected by means of fencing where appropriate to prevent potential damage to tree canopies and root zones from vehicles and storage of materials during construction stage. Specifications for tree protection measures will be formulated at detailed design stage and to be implemented by contractors before site formation/ built structures construction works commence. (Figures to refer) |
Implementation of Mitigation Planting and Planting Species Selection - Replanting of existing / disturbed vegetation will be undertaken at the earliest possible stage of the construction phase of the Project. Native or locally adopted tree species to enhance the biodiversity of the ex-landfill site shall be predominantly utilised. Heavy standard trees would be planted for instant greening and screening effect. Larger tree stock would be considered at strategic location. Species will be strategically selected, which will be suitable for golf course and not interfere with golf playing and players’ safety. Proposed mitigation planting shall not only be limited to conventional amenity planting, but also consider alternative greening measures such as vertical greening for screening and softening of the built structures such as retaining wall and green roof on built structures for enhancing the visual amenity. Small shrub, climbing plants, turf and groundcover shall be used in specific locations where technically feasible. (Figures to refer) |
Transplantation of Existing Trees – Some specimens which have relatively higher amenity value and technically suitable will be considered for transplanting. The final recipient site will be in planting areas within the Project Site and integrated with preserved trees. These trees continue their contribution to the local landscape context as well as the future recreational landscape. The transplanting proposal is subject to review at detailed design stage and seeks for the approval from the relevant government departments in accordance with LAO PN No. 7/2007 and 7/2007A Tree Preservation and Tree Removal Application for Building Development in Private Projects. The implementation programme for the proposed works will reserve enough time for the advanced tree transplanting preparation works to enhance the survival of the transplanted trees. (Figures to refer) |
CP4 |
Minimisation of Topographical Changes – change of grading of the Project Site will be minimised as far as possible through import of soil mix for necessary site levelling of golf playing area and association of planting works and to minimise adding extensive loading and affect the protective layer of land fill underneath. (Figures to refer) |
CP5 |
Protection of Coastline – The existing coastline will be maintained without any alternation. Responsive access road alignment of using the existing maintenance track to minimise disturbance of vegetation and the coastline. (Figures to refer) |
12.9.6 Operational Phase Landscape Mitigation Measures The proposed landscape impact mitigation measures in the operational phase are summarised in Table 12.17, which are applicable for both Scenario 1 and Scenario 2. Detailed requirements are also provided below.
Table 12.17 Operational phase landscape mitigation measures (Scenario 1 and Scenario 2)
Mitigation Code |
Mitigation Measure |
Roadside and Amenity Planting – The planting proposals will predominantly utilise native or locally adopted tree species, supplement with ornamental species and broadleaf trees in combination of wind and salinity tolerant plant species along access road. A terraced planter with trees / shrubs / trailing plants will be adopted all along the seashore of the eastern boundary to soften the development edge. It will form a continuous landscape buffer at the periphery of the Project Site in combination with tree preservation proposal. Enough soil depth of 1200mm will be reserved for tree planting area to ensure healthy planting establishment. High canopy clearance tree planting will be utilised alongside of access road and not to interfere the EVA requirement and vehicular traffic. Larger size of tree stock will be planted at strategic location to create instant greening effect and landscape vista. The implementation of new planting shall be undertaken as soon as technically feasible after completion of road and building works upon works completion in phase and planting area are ready to ensure the effectiveness of this mitigation during operational phase. (Figures to refer) |
OP2 |
Compensatory Planting Proposals – As the works are largely located within the Project and along access road, the planting proposals have sought to utilise all of the available and suitable space for new trees, whips and shrub planting to create a comprehensive landscape framework which is connected to areas of retained and preserved vegetation and designed to integrate the proposals within their future recreational landscape setting. The new planting will be maintained in accordance with good horticultural practice in order to realise the objectives of the mitigation measures. This includes the replacement of defective and invasive plant species in the new planting areas to enhance the aesthetic, landscape and ecological quality of the context. The compensatory planting proposal will be developed at detailed design stage in accordance with the requirements listed in the LAO PN No. 7/2007 and 7/2007A ‘Tree Preservation and Tree Removal Application for Building Development in Private Project’. New tree planting will utilise various tree stock sizes from heavy standard to light standard in general landscape and roadside planting areas. Smaller planting stock, such as whips, will be used on slope/ landscape buffer. Large (mature) tree stock / feature trees will be utilised at selected locations, around the lakeside areas and alongside of the access road at where possible. Figures to show the indicative tree planting locations that will create an instant greening and screening effect to the golf course. Based on a preliminary estimation, the planting proposal would achieve replanting ratio of approximately 1:1 (Total number of tree loss: Total number of compensatory trees and whips) in terms of quantity upon the completion of replanting works. Proposed compensatory planting consists of 4,180 trees and 4,818 whips. This replanting ratio has been maximised in balance with the planting and safety requirement for golf course. The development has sought to preserve approximately 2,200 existing trees (19.6%) through retention in their current locations or tree transplanting and plant 4,180 compensatory trees and 4,818 whips. Upon the completion of the tree preservation and planting proposal, the Project could accommodate approximately 11,198 trees (including 4,818 whips on slope) in combination of tree preservation and new tree planting, which will formulate a landscape context with good quality. The tree preservation and planting proposal within this green recreation facility will cover the loss of re-instated vegetation on land fill site. The above recommendations are subject to change at detailed design stage. The findings and recommendations on existing trees are subject to review at detailed design stage and a tree felling and transplanting application will be prepared in accordance with LAO PN 7/2007 and 7/2007A Tree Preservation and Tree Removal Application for Building Development in Private Projects and submitted to DLO for approval. |
OP3 |
Design of Engineering Structure – Alternative greening measures including greening on the roof and/or vertical greening on the structures and the retaining wall will be used wherever possible to disguise their function appearance in both medium and long distance views and maximise the greening opportunities. Tree preservation, new tree planting and alternative greening measures on and adjacent to the engineering structures will create an instant greening effect and to soften the visual mass. (Figures to refer) |
OP4 |
Creation of Landscape Buffer –Predominantly planting native or locally adopted tree species and shrub planting creating landscape buffer along Ting Kok Road and the periphery of the Project Site to enhance the aesthetic and landscape biodiversity of the local context. Appropriate height and form of the landscape buffer to create a naturalistic amenity. Treatment of retaining walls should be aesthetically enhanced through the use of soft landscape works including tree and shrub planting to create a more natural appearance blending into the local rural landscape. (Figures to refer) |
OP5 |
Creation of Landscape Ponds / Lakes / Water Features – Introduction of ponds/lakes will create watered habitat and plantation to enhance landscape amenity and biodiversity of the context. (Figures to refer) |
12.9.7 Construction Phase Visual Mitigation Measures The proposed visual impact mitigation measures in the construction phase are summarised in Table 12.18, which applied for both Scenario 1 and Scenario 2. Detailed requirements are also provided below.
Table 12.18 Construction phase visual mitigation measures (Scenario 1 and Scenario 2)
Mitigation Code |
Mitigation Measure |
Preservation of Existing Vegetation – The tree preservation proposals will coordinate with the layout and design of the engineering and architectural layout at detailed design stage. The preservation of existing trees will provide instant greening and screening effect for the Project. |
Works Area and Temporary Works Areas – The landscape of the works areas will be restored to their original condition or enhanced through the introduction of new amenity planting areas following the completion of the construction phase. The construction sequence and construction programme will be optimised in order to minimise the duration of impact. Construction site controls will be enforced including the storage of materials, the location and appearance of site accommodation and site storage; and the careful design of site lighting to prevent light spillage. Hoarding designed with recessive colour will be set up around the construction site providing screening effect for the construction works. The site office or temporary above-ground structures will be sited at less visual prominent locations. |
CPV3 |
Coordination with Concurrent Projects - Coordinated implementation programme with concurrent projects to minimise potential cumulative impacts and where possible reduce the period of disturbance to visual context. |
12.9.8 Operational Phase Visual Mitigation Measures The proposed visual impact mitigation measures in the operational phase are summarised in Table 12.19, applied for both Scenario 1 and Scenario2. Detailed requirements are also provided below.
Table 12.19 Operational phase visual mitigation measures (Scenario 1 and Scenario 2)
Mitigation Code |
Mitigation Measure |
Responsive Design of Buildings - The design of the proposed building structures, access road and utilities will incorporate following features as part of visual mitigation measures including: Integrated design approach Responsive design of built structures considered the location of ancillary facilities and utilities. The disposition and height profile of the building and above ground utilities structures at less visually prominent location respond to the seashore context. Design measures include the low profile and small building mass to reduce the apparent visual mass and to enhance the sense of visual integration with the existing low profile context. Building Treatment The architectural design seeks to reduce the apparent visual mass of the structures further through the use of recessive colour palette and earth sheltered design approach. Incorporation of alternative greening measures such as green roof /vertical greening on built structures where condition allows and particularly at where fronting to the public realm and waterfront. Non-reflective finishes also recommended reducing the potential glare effect. (Figures to refer) |
OPV2 |
Design of Engineering Structure – Particularly attention on the design, the appearance and construction methods of the structures of proposed engineering structures such as fence wall, retaining wall, slope regarding and utilities installation. The architect and landscape consultants shall work in liaison with the engineers on the aesthetic aspects of the structures and their relationship with the landscape and built structures. Alternative greening measures including greening on the roof and/or vertical greening on the structures and on regarded sloping areas will be used wherever possible to disguise their function appearance in both medium and long distance views and maximise the greening opportunities. Tree preservation, new tree planting and alternative greening measures on and adjacent to the engineering structures will create an instant greening effect soften the visual mass. (Figures to refer) |
OPV3 |
Creation of Landscape Buffer- Landscape buffer is created at the periphery of the Project Site which composed of preserved and new planted trees for screening purposes and to enhance the aesthetic and landscape biodiversity of the local context. Appropriate height and form of the landscape buffer to create a naturalistic amenity. The creation of landscape buffer at the periphery of the Project Site, the height and form of the planting proposals have key role in screening as well as to enhance visual amenity. Treatment of Slopes should be aesthetically enhanced through the use of soft landscape works including tree and shrub planting to create a more natural appearance blending into the recreational landscape. (Figures to refer) |
OPV4 |
Control of Operation Lights – Through management of operation of the Project at night time, use of direction lights and limited lux level to meet safety standard. Reference has been made to “Charter on External Lighting” and “Guidelines on Industry Best Practices for External Lighting Installations” promulgated by the Environment Bureau, including the operating hours of lighting and light nuisance control measures, etc. |
OPV5 |
Creation of Landscape Ponds / Lakes / Water Features – Created variety of visual elements and landscape vistas to enhance the visual amenity and context. (Figures to refer) |
12.10 Programme and Funding Arrangement for Landscape and Visual Mitigation Measures The landscape works will closely follow the completion of setting up of the planting areas. The design year for the purpose of this Study is taken as approximately 10 to 15 years after the opening of the golf course when the planting is fully established. The implementation schedule of mitigation measures is presented in this report and also presented in the EM&A Manual. The agencies responsible for the funding, implementation, management and maintenance of the mitigation measures are identified in Table 12.20 a to d.
Table 12.20a Landscape and visual mitigation measures/works funding and implementation (Construction Phase Landscape Mitigation Measures)
ID No. |
Landscape Mitigation Measure |
Funding Agency |
Implementation Agency |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Preservation of Existing Vegetation |
Preservation of Existing Vegetation |
Project Proponent |
Project Proponent |
Project Architect/ Landscape Architect/ Contractor |
Project Architect/ Landscape Architect/ Contractor |
Implementation of Mitigation Planting and Planting Species Selection |
Implementation of Mitigation Planting and Planting Species Selection |
Project Proponent |
Project Proponent |
Project Architect/ Landscape Architect/ Contractor |
Project Architect/ Landscape Architect/ Contractor |
Transplantation of Existing Trees |
Transplantation of Existing Trees |
Project Proponent |
Project Proponent |
Project Architect/ Landscape Architect/ Contractor |
Project Architect/ Landscape Architect/ Contractor |
CP4 |
Minimisation of Topographical Changes |
Minimisation of Topographical Changes |
Project Proponent |
Project Proponent |
Project Engineers/ Architects/ Contractor |
Project Engineers/ Architects/ Contractor |
CP5 |
Protection of Coastline |
Protection of Coastline |
Project Proponent |
Project Proponent |
Project Engineer/ Architect/ Contractor |
Project Engineer/ Architect/ Contractor |
Table 12.20b Landscape and visual mitigation measures/works funding and implementation (Operational Phase Landscape Mitigation Measures)
ID No. |
Landscape Mitigation Measure |
Funding Agency |
Implementation Agency |
Management Agency |
Maintenance Agency |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Roadside and Amenity Planting |
Roadside and Amenity Planting |
Project Proponent |
Project Proponent |
Project Landscape Architect/ Contractor |
Project Landscape Architect/ Contractor |
Project Proponent/ Operation Management Agent |
Project Proponent/ Operation Management Agent |
Project Proponent/ Operation Management Agent |
Project Proponent/ Operation Management Agent |
OP2 |
Compensatory Planting Proposals |
Compensatory Planting Proposals |
Project Proponent |
Project Proponent |
Project Landscape Architect/ Contractor |
Project Landscape Architect/ Contractor |
Project Proponent/ Operation Management Agent |
Project Proponent/ Operation Management Agent |
Project Proponent/ Operation Management Agent |
Project Proponent/ Operation Management Agent |
OP3 |
Design of Engineering Structure |
Design of Engineering Structure |
Project Proponent |
Project Proponent |
Project Landscape Architect/ Engineers/Contractor |
Project Landscape Architect/ Engineers/ Contractor |
Project Proponent/ Operation Management Agent |
Project Proponent/ Operation Management Agent |
Project Proponent/ Operation Management Agent |
Project Proponent/ Operation Management Agent |
OP4 |
Creation of Landscape Buffer |
Creation of Landscape Buffer |
Project Proponent |
Project Proponent |
Project Landscape Architect/ Contractor |
Project Landscape Architect/ Contractor |
Project Proponent/ Operation Management Agent |
Project Proponent/ Operation Management Agent |
Project Proponent/ Operation Management Agent |
Project Proponent/ Operation Management Agent |
OP5 |
Creation of Landscape Ponds / Lakes / Water Features |
Creation of Landscape Ponds / Lakes / Water Features |
Project Proponent |
Project Proponent |
Project Landscape Architect/ Architect/ Contractor |
Project Landscape Architect/ Architect/ Contractor |
Project Proponent/ Operation Management Agent |
Project Proponent/ Operation Management Agent |
Project Proponent/ Operation Management Agent |
Project Proponent/ Operation Management Agent |
Table 12.20c Landscape and visual mitigation measures/works funding and implementation (Construction Phase Visual Mitigation Measures)
ID No. |
Visual Mitigation Measure |
Funding Agency |
Implementation Agency |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Preservation of Existing Vegetation |
Preservation of Existing Vegetation |
Project Proponent |
Project Proponent |
Project Engineer/ Architect/ Landscape Architect/ Contractor |
Project Engineer/ Architect/ Landscape Architect/ Contractor |
Works Area and Temporary Works Areas |
Works Area and Temporary Works Areas |
Project Proponent |
Project Proponent |
Project Architect/ Contractor |
Project Architect/ Contractor |
CPV3 |
Coordination with Concurrent Projects - Coordinated implementation programme with concurrent projects to minimise potential impacts and where possible reduce the period of disturbance. |
Coordination with Concurrent Projects - Coordinated implementation programme with concurrent projects to minimise potential impacts and where possible reduce the period of disturbance. |
Project Proponent |
Project Proponent |
Project Engineer/ Architect/ Landscape Architect/ Contractor |
Project Engineer/ Architect/ Landscape Architect/ Contractor |
Table 12.20d Landscape and visual mitigation measures/works funding and implementation (Operational Phase Visual Mitigation Measures)
ID No. |
Visual Mitigation Measure |
Funding Agency |
Implementation Agency |
Management Agency |
Maintenance Agency |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Responsive Design of Buildings |
Responsive Design of Buildings |
Project Proponent |
Project Proponent |
Project Architect |
Project Architect |
Project Proponent/ Operation Management Agent |
Project Proponent/ Operation Management Agent |
Project Proponent/ Operation Management Agent |
Project Proponent/ Operation Management Agent |
OPV2 |
Design of Engineering Structure |
Design of Engineering Structure |
Project Proponent |
Project Proponent |
Project Engineer/ Architect/ Landscape Architect |
Project Engineer/ Architect/ Landscape Architect |
Project Proponent/ Operation Management Agent |
Project Proponent/ Operation Management Agent |
Project Proponent/ Operation Management Agent |
Project Proponent/ Operation Management Agent |
OPV3 |
Creation of Landscape Buffer |
Creation of Landscape Buffer |
Project Proponent |
Project Proponent |
Project Architect/ Landscape Architect |
Project Architect/ Landscape Architect |
Project Proponent/ Operation Management Agent |
Project Proponent/ Operation Management Agent |
Project Proponent/ Operation Management Agent |
Project Proponent/ Operation Management Agent |
OPV4 |
Control of Operation Lights |
Control of Operation Lights |
Project Proponent |
Project Proponent |
Project Engineer/ Architect |
Project Engineer/ Architect |
Project Proponent/ Operation Management Agent |
Project Proponent/ Operation Management Agent |
Project Proponent/ Operation Management Agent |
Project Proponent/ Operation Management Agent |
OPV5 |
Creation of Landscape Ponds / Lakes / Water Features |
Creation of Landscape Ponds / Lakes / Water Features |
Project Proponent |
Project Proponent |
Project Engineer/ Architect/ Landscape Architect |
Project Engineer/ Architect/ Landscape Architect |
Project Proponent/ Operation Management Agent |
Project Proponent/ Operation Management Agent |
Project Proponent/ Operation Management Agent |
Project Proponent/ Operation Management Agent |
12.11 Evaluation of Residual Impact Overall, in terms of residual landscape and visual impacts the main effects will primarily result from the replacement of restored ex-landfill landscape to recreational landscape and the loss of existing trees. As the Project Site will be reinstated or enhanced through provision of landscape proposals, it is evident that the predicted impacts will be alleviated to acceptable level upon full establishment of landscape and visual mitigation measures under both Scenario 1 and Scenario 2. The residual impact on Landscape Resources, Landscape Character Area and Visual Impact, will be no difference between them as they have the same design layout but different interior usage which will result in same residual impact after applying the identical mitigations as mentioned in the previous sections. For the most part, the landscape character of the assessment area will not be degraded when compared to the existing condition after the full establishment of the recommended mitigation measures, as:
12.11.2 Residual Impact on Landscape Resources (Yr10) Landscape mitigation measures recommended and mitigated (residual/Yr10) impact for individual LRs under Scenario 1 and Scenario 2 assessed in Table 12.9 and 12.10 are summarised as follows and Table 12.21 below. Referring to Section 12.9, the planting proposal would achieve replanting ratio of 1:1 (Total number of tree loss: Total number of compensatory trees and whips) in term of quantity. Based on preliminary estimation, in combination with tree retention and transplanting, compensatory planting and new amenity tree planting, the landscape context will be enriched and creating the golf course with unique recreational landscape character and in good quality. This tree replanting ratio has been maximised the tree planting opportunity to compensate for tree loss having considered the necessary spaces for golf playing and players’ safety. The retention of existing trees in-situ or through transplanting in combination of the establishment of the newly planted trees will enhance amenity within the Project Site and benefit to the neighbourhood landscape context. In sum, 11,198 trees (including 4,818 whips) could be accommodated within the golf course. The species selection will utilise a range of native, ornamental and amenity tree species. The planting proposal is subject to further development during the detailed design stage of the Project. As mentioned above, the findings and recommendations of the preliminary tree group survey report are subject to review during the preparation of a formal felling application in accordance with LAO PN Nos.7/2007 and 7/2007A. The application will be conducted during the detailed design stage of the Project and submit to Lands Department for approval.
Residual Impact on Landscape Resources
(A) Slight Adverse Residual Impact Impact on the loss of LR1.1 Plantation Woodland on Ex-landfill Site (within Project Site) would be further alleviated upon full establishment of planting works and landscape buffer made up of both retained trees and newly planted trees, where 6,132 trees and whips of selected species in good quality will be planted to compensate the loss of 8,262 trees on slope in poor to fair condition. The moderate adverse mitigated impact in construction phase will be reduced to a slight level with the implementation of proposed mitigation measures for both Scenario 1 and Scenario 2.
(B) Beneficial Residual Impact LR3.1 Managed Grassland on Ex-landfill Site and LR10.1 Developed Area – GPGDR on Ex-landfill Site within Project Site will be replaced by an 18-hole golf course with grassed or turf areas increased that will be well managed and in high quality. Existing maintenance track of ex-landfill site at Managed Grassland along Seashore (LR3.2) within Project Site will be replaced by access road and ancillary facilities of the Project with tree and shrub planting. Also, the proposed mitigation measures will introduce increased number of trees in these LRs to compensate the tree loss. Together, there will be 1,548 new trees to compensate loss of 758 trees. These landscape resources will be benefit from slight to moderate level upon full establishment of the planting works under both Scenarios.
12.11.3 Residual Impact on Landscape Character Areas Landscape and visual mitigation measures recommended and mitigated (residual) impact for individual LCAs assessed in Table 12.13 and are summarised as follows and Table 12.21 below.
Insubstantial For both Scenario 1 and Scenario 2, the mitigated slight adverse impact during the construction and operational phases (Day 1) on LCA2 Restored Landfill Site Landscape due to the loss of tree planting will be enhanced to an insubstantial level upon full establishment of landscape and visual mitigation during the operational phase (Year 10) including the planting proposals. The Project does not change much of the character and nature of the existing driving range and therefore would fit into the existing ex-landfill site and waterfront landscape context. Besides, the Project will not have direct impact on the LCA1 Ting Kok Road Low-rise Residential Landscape, LCA3 Tai Po Waterfront Park Landscape, and LCA 4 TPIE Landscape under both Scenario 1 and Scenario 2. The insubstantial impact on these LCAs continues to Yr10 operational phase.
Table 12.21 Significance of Landscape Impacts during Construction and Operation Phases
Landscape Resources / Character Areas |
Sensitivity |
Magnitude of Change |
Threshold |
Mitigation Measures |
Threshold |
(Low/ Medium/ High) |
(Negligible/ Small/ Intermediate/ Large) |
(Insubstantial/ Slight/ Moderate/ Substantial) (adverse or beneficial) |
(Insubstantial/ Slight/ Moderate/ Substantial) (adverse or beneficial) |
Construction |
Operation |
Construction |
Operation |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Construction |
Operation |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Day 1 |
Year 10 |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Landscape Resources |
LR1.1 Ex-Landfill Site Plantation (within Project Site) |
High |
Large |
Large |
Large |
Large |
Substantial adverse |
Substantial adverse |
Substantial adverse |
Substantial adverse |
CP1, CP2, CP3, CP4, OP1, OP2, OP3, OP4 |
CP1, CP2, CP3, CP4, OP1, OP2, OP3, OP4 |
Moderate Adverse |
Moderate Adverse |
Moderate Adverse |
Moderate Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
LR1.2 Ex-Landfill Site Plantation (outside Project Site) |
Medium |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
LR2.1 Ting Kok Road South Mixed Woodland |
Medium |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
LR2.2 Ting Kok Road North Mixed Woodland |
High |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
LR2.3 Lo Fai Road West Mixed Woodland |
Medium |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
LR2.4 Ha Hang Mixed Woodland |
Medium |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
LR3.1 Managed Grassland on Ex-landfill Site (within Project Site) |
Low |
Large |
Large |
Large |
Large |
Moderate Adverse |
Moderate Adverse |
Moderate Adverse |
Moderate Adverse |
CP3, OP1, OP2, OP5 |
CP3, OP1, OP2, OP5 |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Beneficial (tree and planting) |
Slight Beneficial (tree and planting) |
Beneficial |
Beneficial |
LR3.2 Managed Grassland along Seashore (within Project Site) |
Low |
Large |
Large |
Large |
Large |
Moderate Adverse |
Moderate Adverse |
Moderate Adverse |
Moderate Adverse |
CP3, OP1, OP2, OP3, OP4 |
CP3, OP1, OP2, OP3, OP4 |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Beneficial
Slight Beneficial
LR3.3 Managed Grassland along Seashore (outside Project Site) |
Low |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
LR4 Ha Hang Watercourse |
Medium |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
LR 5 Ha Hang Agricultural Field |
Low |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
LR 6 Seashore |
Low |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
LR 7 Water Body - Tolo Harbour |
Medium |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
LR 8 Tai Po Waterfront Park |
High |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
LR 9.1 Ting Kok Road Roadside Amenity Planting |
Medium |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
LR 9.2 Tai Po Industrial Estate Roadside Amenity Planting |
Medium |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
LR 9.3 Lo Fai Road Roadside Amenity Planting |
Medium |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
LR 10.1 Golf Park Golf Driving Range on Ex-landfill Site (within Project Site) |
Low |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
CP2, CP3, CP4, OP1, OP2, OP3 |
CP2, CP3, CP4, OP1, OP2, OP3 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Slight Beneficial
Slight Beneficial
LR 10.2 Golf Park Golf Driving Range on Ex-landfill Site (outside Project Site) |
Low |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
LR 10.3 Offices on Ex-landfill Site |
Low |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
LR 10.4 Ting Kok Road South Low-rise Residential Developed Area |
Medium |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
LR 10.5 Lo Fai Road Low-rise Residential Developed Area |
Medium |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
LR 10.6 Ha Hang Low-rise Residential Developed Area |
Medium |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
LR 10.7 Tai Po Industrial Estate Developed Area |
Low |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
LR 11 Amenity Area - Ha Hang Village Sitting-out Area |
Medium |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Landscape Character Areas |
LCA1 Ting Kok Road Low-rise Residential Landscape |
Medium |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
CP2, CP3, OP2, OP3, OP4, OP5 |
CP2, CP3, OP2, OP3, OP4, OP5 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
LCA2 Restored Landfill Site Landscape |
Medium |
Large |
Large |
Large |
Large |
Moderate Adverse |
Moderate Adverse |
Moderate Adverse |
Moderate Adverse |
CP1, CP2, CP3, CP4, CP5, OP1, OP2, OP3, OP4, OP5 |
CP1, CP2, CP3, CP4, CP5, OP1, OP2, OP3, OP4, OP5 |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
LCA3 Tai Po Waterfront Park Landscape |
Medium |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
CP1, CP2, CP5, OP2, OP3, OP4 |
CP1, CP2, CP5, OP2, OP3, OP4 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
LCA4 TPIE Landscape |
Low |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
CP1, CP2, CP4, OP2, OP3, OP4 |
CP1, CP2, CP4, OP2, OP3, OP4 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
12.11.4 Residual Visual Impact (Year 10) Landscape and visual mitigation measures recommended and mitigated (residual) impact for individual VSRs assessed in Table 12.14 and are summarised as follows and Table 12.22 below.
Residual Impact during Construction Phase Due to the scale of the Project and building of ancillary facilities, utilities and access road, mitigation measures implemented during construction including preservation of existing trees, responsive hoarding, tidy site management and careful planning of the construction program, coordination of concurrent projects, the predicted level of impacts on the views of the majority of VSRs would be alleviated from slight to insubstantial level.
Residual Impact during Operational phase
(A) Slight Adverse Impact Under Scenario 1 and Scenario 2, the visual amenity of VSRs in proximity to the Project or have a full/panoramic views to the Project, including residents and planned residents of low-rises along Lo Fai Road (VSR 1.2 and PVSR 1.3), and Residents of Fortune Garden (VSR2.1) and The Beverly Hills (VSR2.2) will be changed moderately following the implementation of landscape and visual mitigation measures. This potential visual intrusion resulting from built structures will be further reduced upon full establishment of planting and landscape buffer. Mitigation measures create high quality recreational landscape for the enjoyment of future players in the golf course as well as provide enhanced visual amenity in the wider context of Ting Kok Road low-rise residential and Tai Po industrial development context. Although these measures might not fully cover the area with trees as previously on slopes, the replanting proposal and turf area would alleviate the impact from moderate adverse mitigated impact during operational phase (Day 1) to slight adverse impact during operational phase (Year 10) upon full establishment of landscape and visual mitigation measures.
(B) Insubstantial For Scenario 2, PVSR 3.8 Staff at planned staff quarters / guests at planned overnight accommodations will experience slight adverse mitigated impact during operational phase (Day 1) following the implementation of landscape and visual mitigation will be further alleviated to an insubstantial level upon full formation of mitigation measures, which includes tree planting and landscape buffer during operational phase (Yr. 10). For the remaining VSRs under both Scenario 1 and Scenario 2, the slight adverse mitigated impact during operational phase (Day 1) resulting from the execution of landscape and visual mitigation will be further improved to an insubstantial level upon full establishment of mitigation measures.
Table 12.22 Significance of Visual Impacts during Construction and Operation Phases
ID No. |
Key VSRs |
Sensitivity |
Magnitude of Change |
Threshold |
Mitigation Measures |
Threshold |
(Low/ Medium/ High) |
(Negligible/ Small/ Intermediate/ Large) |
Slight/ Moderate/ Substantial) |
(Insubstantial/ Slight/ Moderate/ Substantial) (adverse or beneficial) |
Construction |
Operation |
Construction |
Operation |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Construction |
Operation |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Day 1 |
Year 10 |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
Scenario 1 |
Scenario 2 |
VSR1.1 |
Students and Staff of The Education University of Hong Kong |
Low |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
N/A |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
VSR1.2 |
Residents of low-rises along Lo Fai Road |
High |
Large |
Large |
Large |
Large |
Substantial Adverse |
Substantial Adverse |
Substantial Adverse |
Substantial Adverse |
Moderate Adverse |
Moderate Adverse |
Moderate Adverse |
Moderate Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
PVSR1.3 |
Residents of Planned low-rises along Lo Fai Road |
High |
Large |
Large |
Large |
Large |
Substantial Adverse |
Substantial Adverse |
Substantial Adverse |
Substantial Adverse |
Moderate Adverse |
Moderate Adverse |
Moderate Adverse |
Moderate Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
VSR1.4 |
Pedestrians/ Cyclists/ Vehicular travellers along Ting Kok Road |
Medium |
Small |
Small |
Small |
Small |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
VSR2.1 |
Residents of Fortune Garden |
High |
Large |
Large |
Large |
Large |
Substantial Adverse |
Substantial Adverse |
Substantial Adverse |
Substantial Adverse |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
Moderate Adverse |
Moderate Adverse |
Moderate Adverse |
Moderate Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
VSR2.2 |
Residents of The Beverly Hills |
High |
Large |
Large |
Large |
Large |
Substantial Adverse |
Substantial Adverse |
Substantial Adverse |
Substantial Adverse |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
Moderate Adverse |
Moderate Adverse |
Moderate Adverse |
Moderate Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
VSR2.3 |
Villagers at Sam Mun Tsai |
Medium |
Small |
Small |
Small |
Small |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
VSR3.1 |
Visitors to Ma On Shan Promenade and Ma On Shan Park |
Medium |
Small |
Small |
Small |
Small |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
VSR3.2 |
Residents of high-rises along Ma On Shan Promenade |
Medium |
Small |
Small |
Small |
Small |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
VSR3.3 |
Workers of Hong Kong Science Park |
Medium |
Small |
Small |
Small |
Small |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
VSR3.4 |
Residents of Pak Shek Kok Promenade |
Medium |
Small |
Small |
Small |
Small |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
VSR3.5 |
Pedestrians / Cyclists along Tolo Harbour |
Medium |
Small |
Small |
Small |
Small |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
VSR3.6 |
Residents of low-rises along Yau King Lane |
Medium |
Small |
Small |
Small |
Small |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
VSR3.7 |
Residents of low-rises along Yat Yiu Avenue, Hung Lam Drive and Tai Po Kau |
Medium |
Small |
Small |
Small |
Small |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
PVSR3.8 |
Staff at planned staff quarters / guests at planned overnight accommodations |
High |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
Intermediate |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
Moderate Adverse |
Not applicable |
CPV1, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
Slight Adverse |
Not applicable |
Insubstantial |
VSR4.1 |
Visitors of Yuen Chau Tsai Park |
Medium |
Small |
Small |
Small |
Small |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
VSR4.2 |
Residents of high-rises at Kwong Fuk Estate and Wang Fuk Court |
Medium |
Small |
Small |
Small |
Small |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
VSR4.3 |
Residents of high-rises at Fu Shin Estate, Ming Nga Court and Riviera Lodge |
Medium |
Small |
Small |
Small |
Small |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
VSR4.4 |
Visitors of Tai Po Waterfront Park |
Medium |
Small |
Small |
Small |
Small |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
VSR4.5 |
Workers of Tai Po Industrial Estate |
Low |
Small |
Small |
Small |
Small |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
VSR4.6 |
Residents at Ha Hang Village and Casa Brava |
Medium |
Small |
Small |
Small |
Small |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
VSR4.7 |
Workers of Tai Po Sewage Treatment Works |
Low |
Large |
Large |
Large |
Large |
Moderate Adverse |
Moderate Adverse |
Moderate Adverse |
Moderate Adverse |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
VSR4.8 |
Visitors of Tai Po Waterfront Pier |
Medium |
Small |
Small |
Small |
Small |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
Slight Adverse |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
CPV1, CPV2, CPV3, OPV1, OPV2, OPV3, OPV4 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial | A series of computer generated images or photomontages have been prepared for the proposed works demonstrating the worst-case scenario for the identified VSRs and are presented in Figures 12.12.1 to 12.12.18. The photomontages of the Project showed the existing conditions, Day 1 of operational phase after the completion of the construction phase in the absence of mitigation measures and Day 1 of operational phase with mitigation measures. Year 10 of operational phase with mitigation measures to demonstrate the predicted residual impacts, which would exist in the design year during the operational phase taken as between 10 and 15 years after the completion of the construction phase. Photomontages are used to demonstrate the changes in the visual context of most of the VSRs and quality of their views, differences before and after the implementation of the Project, with and without landscape and visual mitigation measures, the compatibility of the Project with the surrounding context upon full establishment of landscape and visual mitigation measures. The photomontages of views would not able to cover the Project Site in one single shot due to the effects of perspective and so are presented as a series of individual images. Since VSR 1.1 cannot view the Project either before or after the proposed development under both Scenario 1 and Scenario 2, they will not have any visual changes due to the development and therefore no photomontage is recommended. For PVSR 3.8 (Staff at Planned Staff Quarters / Guests at Planned Overnight Accommodations), who will only be appeared at the site after the proposed development under Scenario 2, no photomontage is needed to compare before and after visual context of these PVSRs. Except the mentioned VSR 1.1 and PVSR3.8, the visual context of other VSRs/PVSRs are demonstrated by Vantage Point A to I (Figures 12.12.1 to 12.12.18) respectively as below:
Vantage Point A Looking south towards the Project Site from the footpath near Tycoon Place representing views from permanent VSRs / PVSRs living in the low-rises along Lo Fai Road (VSR 1.2 and PVSRs 1.3) under both Scenario 1 and Scenario 2. The vantage point (Figures 12.12.1 and 12.12.2 refer) is located at the footpath near Tycoon Place on a vegetated hill (+83.3mPD) from distance of approximately 206m from the Project Site. It is taken at an elevated level to demonstrate the potential change of visual amenity and context of residents of low-rises and planned of low-rises along Lo Fai Road who have full and panoramic views towards the Project Site and Tolo Harbour. It should be noted that major view of these VSRs are confined within the residential development and their low level views are intervening by vegetation on the hill in foreground. Only views facing south from upper floors at front row of the houses have views towards the Project. The image shows the overall view of the Project with its northern portion partially screened by the vegetated hill in the foreground. It demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed landscape mitigation measures. The ancillary facilities, utilities and access road will not able to be seen due to the responsive building disposition and low height profile. The minor change of grading and maintained existing topography making the golf course better integrated with the waterfront landscape and minimised the changes of visual context. Although unavoidable trees at the upper tiers on the sloping area along the eastern periphery of the Project Site are required to be removed to accommodate the necessary golf playing area, clusters of existing trees at the lower tiers and in-between the fairways are able to be retained. Together with compensatory trees plating in-filling within the golf playing area, and the extensive turf areas the greenery coverage of the Project Site will be increased. The visual quality remains largely unchanged upon full establishment of tree planting. The introduction of golf playing area and new visual feature such as landscape ponds/lakes will enhance the quality of the visual context when compare to restored ex-landfill site amenity and driving range character. Upon full establishment of the mitigation measures including tree preservation, transplanting and compensatory proposals, introduction of recreational landscape features, visual impact will be alleviated. The Project will fit into the waterfront visual context. Visual impacts on the VSRs will be alleviated to slight adverse level for Scenario 1 and Scenario 2.
Vantage Point B Looking west towards the Project Site from the entrance of Fortune Garden at Ting Kok Road representing views from VSRs of pedestrians / cyclists / vehicular travellers along Ting Kok Road (VSR 1.4) and Residents of Fortune Garden (VSR 2.1) under both Scenario 1 and Scenario 2. The vantage point (Figures 12.12.3 and 12.12.4 refer) is located adjacent to the Project at a distance of 110m in Ting Kok Road. The view is taken from pedestrian level (+15.5mPD) to demonstrate the visual changes of VSRs travelling along Ting Kok Road at the north-eastern periphery of the Project Site. Given the transient and dynamic nature of views, the lower part of the Project are largely screened by roadside trees and the trees within the residential development of Fortune Garden in the foreground, only the glimpsed view of the uppermost of the Project can be seen. The vantage point B can also partially demonstrate the visual context of Residents of Fortune Garden (VSR2.1) as the vantage point is right next to Fortune Garden. These VSRs are small in number and only those facing west at the front row will have direct and close view of northern and eastern portion of the Project including golf playing area, access road and ancillary facilities, etc, with view intervened by existing trees in the foreground. Other remaining VSRs living behind the front row or at the lower floors of the buildings are largely screened by the trees and front row of buildings within Fortune Garden as shows in Figures 12.12.3 and 12.12.4. The image demonstrates the profile of the north-eastern edge of the Project and the effectiveness of the proposed landscape and visual mitigation measures. The outbound trees along Ting Kok Road will not be affected. Although unavoidable some trees within the Project Site are required to be removed due to accommodate the golf playing area some trees abutting to the Fortune Garden are preserved as landscape buffer for screening purpose. Compensatory trees will also be in-filled within the Project Site to mitigate the impact. Minor change of grading also effectively provides better integration with the roadside amenity. The mitigation measures perceive in the image including tree preservation and compensation, minor levelling of the Project Site and largely maintaining the existing topography. Upon full establishment of planting proposals, the Project is hardly to be seen in the view. The visual impact to these VSRs will alleviate to insubstantial level under Scenario 1 and Scenario 2.
Vantage Point C Looking west towards the Project Site from the Shuen Wan Typhoon Shelter Breakwater representing views from permanent VSRs of residents in The Beverly Hills (VSR 2.2) across the Harbour for Scenario 1 and Scenario 2. The vantage point (Figures and refer) is located from far distance of approximately 1,170m from the Project Site. The view is taken at pedestrian level (+7.1mPD) to demonstrate the VSRs living at the western periphery of Sam Mun Tsai who have full and panoramic view of eastern portion of the Project across the Tolo Harbour. The image shows the eastern part of the Project in relation to the Harbour landscape and the effectiveness of the proposed landscape mitigation measures. The typhoon shelter is dominant in the views of these VSRs. Although unavoidable trees are required to be removed to accommodate the golf playing area, access road and ancillary facilities at the eastern edge of the Project Site. Tree preservation in combination with compensatory tree planting are proposed alongside of the access road abutting to the waterfront. Such planting proposal infilling within the golf playing area, the green visual context and quality will then be reinstated. The mitigation measures also include minor change of grading maintained the topography, responsive alignment along access road, responsive disposition and building height profile of the ancillary facilities. Upon full establishment of the mitigation measures, particularly the tree planting, the Project is hardly to be seen in this view. Visual impacts on the VSRs will be alleviated to slight to insubstantial level of both Scenario 1 and Scenario 2. The Project will be well integrated with the waterfront context.
Vantage Point D Looking north towards the Project Site from Tolo Harbour waterfront promenade along Cycling Track representing views from VSRs of visitors to Ma On Shan Promenade and Ma On Shan Park (VSR3.1), residents of high-rises along Ma On Shan Promenade (VSR3.2), workers of Hong Kong Science Park (VSR3.3), residents of Pak Shek Kok Promenade (VSR3.4), pedestrians / cyclists along Tolo Harbour (VSR 3.5), and residents of low-rises along Yau King Lane (VSR3.6) and residents of low-rises along Yat Yiu Avenue, Hung Lam Drive and Tai Po Kau (VSR3.7). The vantage point (Figures and refer) is located from far distance of approximately 1,340m at Tolo Harbour waterfront from pedestrian level (+5.7mPD). The view is taken to demonstrate those VSRs along Ma On Shan Promenade and Tolo Harbour mentioned in the above paragraph. These VSRs share similar site context at various long viewing distances, composing the view of south eastern or southern periphery of the Project and Tai Po District across the harbour with the backdrop of Cloudy Hill and Pat Sin Leng. VSRs of visitors to Ma On Shan Promenade and Ma On Shan Park (VSR3.1) represent the long-range views of the visitors to Ma On Shan Promenade and Ma On Shan Park at pedestrian level. Pedestrians and cyclists along the Promenade will have south eastern portion of the Project across Tolo Harbour with the backdrop of Cloudy Hill and Pat Sin Leng, as demonstrated in Figures and Other remaining VSRs at the Ma On Shan Park will have view intervened by tree planting along the promenade and within the Park. VSRs of residents of high-rises along Ma On Shan Promenade (VSR3.2) represent high-rise located behind the promenade. Only VSRs at elevated level and front row of the residential development have the view of south eastern portion of the Project across Tolo Harbour in distance, as demonstrated to Figures and The remaining VSRs at lower level or behind the front row will be confined within the development. Workers of Hong Kong Science Park (VSR3.3) are the staff working in the office buildings at Science Park along Pak Shek Kok Promenade. Staff who working at the front row of buildings have partial and oblique view of the southern part of the Project across the Tolo Harbour in long distance as demonstrated in Figures and Views of other remaining VSRs working behind the front row of buildings are mostly restricted inside the Park. Similar viewshed as VSR3.3, VSR3.4 (residents of Pak Shek Kok Promenade) living in the front row of the residential buildings along the Pak Shek Kok Promenade have oblique views towards the southern portion of the site next to TPIE across the Tolo Harbour with the backdrop of Cloudy Hill and Pat Sin Leng. Views of other VSRs living behind the front row of the buildings are basically limited within the development. VSR 3.5 Pedestrians / cyclists along Tolo Harbour represent traveller passing along the Tolo Harbour waterfront. The transient view of these VSRs will include the southern portion of the Project with the backdrop of Cloudy Hill and Pat Sin Leng across Tolo Harbour. VSR3.6 Residents of low-rises along Yau King Lane are living at the lower slope behind Tolo Highway. VSRs living in the front row and at elevated levels of the residential development along the Tolo Harbour will have views of southern portion of the Project with the open views of Tolo Harbour and Tai Po Waterfront in the foreground from elevated level as illustrated in Figures and Views of remaining VSRs living behind the front row are mainly confined within the development. VSR3.7 Residents of low-rises along Yat Yiu Avenue, Hung Lam Drive and Tai Po Kau will have similar visual context as VSR3.6, including open views of Tai Po waterfront to Sam Mun Tsai across Tolo Harbour with the backdrop of Cloudy Hill and Pat Sin Leng. Only those VSRs living on the top floor of the houses and in the front row will have fractional view of the southern part of the Project across Tolo Harbour in long distance, while their low level view is intervened by vegetation and buildings within the development. The image shows the scale of the Project in relation to the waterfront visual context and demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed landscape mitigation measures. Although unavoidable some trees along the southeastern periphery of the Project Site are required to be removed to accommodate the golf playing area and golf features, ancillary facilities etc., cluster of trees are able to be retained in the southwest corner of the Project Site, in combination with compensatory trees, green appearance of the Project Site will be largely restored. The mitigation measures perceive in the image including tree preservation and compensation, minor change of grading maintained the topography of the Project Site, the responsive scale, disposition and height profile of the ancillary facilities, utilities and the access road. Upon full establishment of new tree planting with preserved trees along the southern periphery of the Project Site, screening effect on the golf playing area is apparent in this view. The potential visual impacts on the VSRs will be alleviated to insubstantial level and the Project will fit into the waterfront landscape and visual context given the long viewing distance of the VSRs under both Scenario 1 and Scenario 2.
Vantage Point E Looking east towards the Project Site from Tai Po Waterfront Park representing similar views from visitors of Yuen Chau Tsai Park (VSR4.1), residents of high-rises at Kwong Fuk Estate and Wang Fok Court (VSR4.2), residents of high-rises at Fu Shin Estate, Ming Nga Court and Rivera Lodge (VSR4.3) and visitors of the Tai Po Waterfront Park (VSR 4.4). The vantage point (Figures 12.12.9 and 12.12.10 refer) is located from far distance of approximately 1,320m at Tai Po Waterfront Park. This vantage point is selected to represent the above mentioned VSRs who are at / behind Tai Po Waterfront Park, viewing towards the south western or western part of the Project. Visitors of Yuen Chau Tsai Park (VSR4.1) have oblique view of Tai Po Waterfront Park and TPIE across Tolo Harbour as demonstrated in Figures 12.12.9 and 12.12.10. Partial view of southern portion of the Project can only be view through lower profile buildings in the industrial estate whilst the lower portion has been screened by the Tai Po Waterfront Park and industrial building. Residents of high-rises at Kwong Fuk Estate and Wang Fok Court (VSR4.2) are located behind the Tai Po Waterfront Park, sharing similar viewing angle as VSR4.1. Only VSRs living at elevated floor and at the front row have overall view of Tai Po Waterfront Park in foreground, oblique view of TPIE to Sam Mun Tsai across Tolo Harbour in distance. The Project can only be seen to some extent through industrial buildings which have a lower height profile. Views of remaining VSRs living behind the front row or at the lower floors of the residential buildings are mostly restricted within the development. Similar viewshed as VSR4.2, residents of high-rises at Fu Shin Estate, Ming Nga Court and Rivera Lodge (VSR4.3) living at the elevated floors and front rows of the buildings will have open view to Sam Mun Tsai across Tolo Harbour and oblique view of Tai Po Waterfront and TPIE, as well as the partial obstructed view of the Project in distance when looking east. Views of other VSRs living behind the front row or at the lower floors of the buildings are largely confined within the development. Visitors of the Tai Po Waterfront Park (VSR 4.4) will have low level of views of the Project screened by industrial buildings in TPIE and at eastern end of Tai Po Waterfront Park and trees at the southwest corner outside the Project Site. When moving closer to the Project Site, the screening effect is more apparent. As demonstrated in Figures 12.12.9 and 12.12.10, the view is at a long distance and is taken at pedestrian level (+10mPD) to demonstrate the potential change of visual amenity of visitors of Tai Po Waterfront Park who have an oblique and obstructed view to the Project. The image shows the Project in an oblique angle and the effectiveness of the proposed landscape and visual mitigation measures. Taken benefit to the screening effects by buildings and trees outside the Project Site, minimised change of grading and maintained existing topography and tree preservation at the southernmost within the Project Site. Although unavoidable felling of some trees along the southeastern periphery of the Project Site to accommodate the access road and ancillary facilities, the mitigated measures such as scale, disposition and height profile of the facilities, integrated design approach with earth sheltered architectural design and application of green roof will alleviate and restore the green appearance of the Project Site. The effectiveness of landscape and visual mitigation measures are apparent in the view. The mitigation measures perceive in the image including tree preservation and compensation, minor change of grading and largely maintaining the existing topography. Upon full establishment of planting proposals, the Project is hardly to be seen in the view. Visual impacts on the VSRs will be alleviated to insubstantial level under Scenario 1 and Scenario 2.
Vantage Point F Looking northeast towards the Project Site from the eastern end of the Tai Po Waterfront Park at the Pier representing close views from the visitors of Tai Po Waterfront Park and Pier (VSR 4.4 and VSR 4.8). The vantage point (Figures and refer) is located from short distance of approximately 140m at Tai Po Waterfront Park next to the Pier. Low level of views of these VSRs (+5.4mPD) is dominated by the vegetated slope (outside the Project Site) and building in the foreground. The view is at a close distance in an oblique angle and is taken at pedestrian level to demonstrate the potential change of visual amenity of visitors of Tai Po Waterfront Park and the Pier. The image demonstrates the southern edge of the Project and the effectiveness of the proposed landscape and visual mitigation measures. Only glimpse view of the upper part of the boundary fence of the driving range and ancillary facilities can be seen behind the preserved trees and new tree planting through adopting a responsive height profile and scale. Landscape buffer along the southern edge of the Project Site with combination of retained trees and in-filled trees within the Project Site will create an instant greening effect to the Project. The topography of the site largely remains unchanged. Therefore, the proposed mitigation measures would effectively alleviate the visual impacts on these VSRs to insubstantial level under both Scenario 1 and Scenario 2.
Vantage Point G Looking east towards the Project Site at Dai Li Street representing close views adjoining the Project Site from workers of TPIE (VSR 4.5). The vantage point (Figures 12.12.13 and 12.12.14 refer) is located from short distance of approximately 80m from the Project Site. Low level of views of these VSRs is dominated by roadside vegetation and industrial buildings at TPIE. The view is at a close distance and is taken at pedestrian level (+5.6mPD) to demonstrate the potential change of visual amenity of workers at TPIE. Given the nature of views which the lower part of the Project are largely screened by unaffected roadside trees and the built environment outside the Project Site in the foreground, only glimpsed view of the uppermost of the Project can be seen. The image demonstrates the northwestern edge of the Project Site and the effectiveness of the proposed landscape and visual mitigation measures. The outbound roadside trees at the roundabout of Dai Li Street will be preserved. Although unavoidable trees at the upper tier of the sloping area along the northwestern periphery of the Project Site are required to be removed due to accommodation of necessary golf playing area. The mitigation measures perceive in the image including tree preservation and compensation, minor grading works and largely maintaining the existing topography. Upon full establishment of planting proposals, the Project is hardly to be seen in the view and will integrated seamless to the landscape character of its neighbourhood industrial development. Visual impacts on the VSRs will be alleviated to insubstantial level under both Scenario 1 and Scenario 2.
Vantage Point H Looking southeast towards the Project Site at Ha Hang Village abutting Ting Kok Road representing close views adjoining the Project Site from residents of Ha Hang Village and Casa Brava (VSR 4.6) The vantage point (Figures 12.12.15 and 12.12.16 refer) is located from approximately 200m from the Project Site and at +5.3mPD. Views of these VSRs are confined by roadside vegetation and buildings alongside of the road. The view is at a relatively close distance in an oblique angle taken at street level along Ting Kok Road to demonstrate the potential change of visual amenity to residents of Ha Hang Village and Casa Brava. Similar to Vantage Point G, given to intervening building and roadside trees on the opposite side of the road where the lower part of the Project is largely screened by roadside trees and the built environment in the foreground, only the glimpsed view of the uppermost of the northwestern portion of the Project can be seen. The image demonstrates the northwestern edge of the Project and the effectiveness of the proposed landscape and visual mitigation measures. The roadside trees and the buildings along Ting Kok Road outside the Project Site will screen off the lower portion of the Project. Although unavoidable trees at the upper tier of the slopes along the northwestern periphery of the Project Site are required to be removed to accommodate the golf playing area, the retained trees at the lower tier of the slope in combination with compensatory trees will reinstate the green amenity of the Project Site and to alleviate the impact. The mitigation measures perceive in the view including tree preservation and compensation, minor change of grading and largely maintaining the existing topography will reinstate the profile effectively. Upon full establishment of planting proposals, the Project is hardly to be seen in the view. Visual impacts on these VSRs will be alleviated to insubstantial level of Scenario 1 and Scenario 2.
Vantage Point I Looking east towards the Project Site at TPSTW representing close and direct views adjoining the Project Site from workers. (VSR 4.7). The vantage point (Figures 12.12.17 and 12.12.18 refer) is located from approximately 10m from the Project Site. The view is at a close distance taken at street level of TPSTW (+6.5mPD) demonstrating the potential change of visual amenity to the workers. These VSRs have a direct view of the Project including the vegetated slopes at lower tier of ex-landfill site along northwestern periphery of the Project Site and the uppermost of the Project along the western edge, while the lower part of the Project are screened by the built structures of TPSTW in the foreground, which are visually detracting elements in the visual context. Although unavoidable trees at the upper tier of the slopes along the western periphery of the Project Site are required to be removed to accommodate the golf playing area, the retained trees and in-filled trees in the lower tier of slopes will form a landscape buffer and will reinstate the green character of the Project Site to alleviate the impact. The image shows the northwestern edge of the Project and the effectiveness of the proposed landscape and visual mitigation measures. The trees on the vegetated sloping area at lower tier will be preserved, while part of adjoining vehicular maintenance access from the centre of the Project Site will be changed to planting area and infilled with tree and shrub formed part of landscape buffer. Hedge planting will also be applied along the site boundary abutting to TPSTW for soften the development edge and integrate with surrounding landscape. The vehicular maintenance access to EPD office from TPIE and adjacent to TPSTW remains unchanged outside the Project Site. This design approach tends to create an instant greening and screening effect to the Project and created a continuous landscape buffer in the view of these VSRs. The mitigation measures perceive in the view including tree preservation and infilled planting, minor change of grading and largely maintaining the existing topography. Upon full establishment of planting proposals, the Project is hardly to be seen in the view. Visual impacts on the VSRs will be alleviated to insubstantial level under both Scenario 1 and Scenario 2.
12.12 Environmental Monitoring and Audit The design, implementation and maintenance of landscape and visual mitigation measures should be checked to ensure that they are fully realised, thus EM&A for these mitigation measures should be undertaken. Design measures shall be incorporated at the detailed design stage. Implementation of the mitigation measures such as tree protection and preservation shall be monitored through site audit programme during construction phase. (details refer to EM&A Manual or Chapter 13 of this report)
12.13.1 Compatible with the Landscape Planning Framework The Project will only have direct impact on the Other Use (for ‘Golf Course’ only) under the approved Tai Po OZP No. S/TP/28. Under Scenario 1, the Project complies with the existing and planned land uses and planning intention. The proposal will not affect its viability in terms of being a landscape and recreational planning designation. The introduction of an 18-hole golf course is in similar nature and character of the existing 145-bay driving range currently exists on site. The Project is thus considered to be compatible with the planning intention of the development control framework with full establishment of the recommended landscape and visual mitigation measures. Under Scenario 2, it covered all the uses such as staff quarters / overnight accommodations as part of the Ancillary Facilities of the proposed golfcourse have concluded that all the associated environmental impacts would comply with the statutory requirements under the EIAO. The provision and scale for both the staff quarters and overnight accommodation would be subject to the final lease conditions and any statutory town planning ordinance where applicable. In case if there is any conflict with the statutory town plan(s) and any published land use plan(s) which need for any further statutory submission, it will be separately submitted to comply with the respective authorities where applicable. The Project, either implemented under Scenario 1 or Scenario 2, is found integrated with the future outlook of the urban and coastal fringe landscape context along Ting Kok Road. Substantial impact on plantation of ex-landfill site and moderate impact on managed grassland, seashore and the existing Golf Park Golf Driving Range will be alleviated to moderate adverse to insubstantial mitigated impact during construction phase under Scenario 1 and Scenario 2. Moderate adverse impact during construction phase will be mitigated to slight adverse impact on restored landfill site LCA during construction phase for Scenario 1 and Scenario 2. With the adoption of responsive design of the Project layout and associated ancillary facilities, utilities and access road, tree preservation, full establishment of planting proposals within the Project Site, creation of continuous landscape buffer/tree planting at the periphery of the Project Site, restoration of the disturbed areas, introduction of landscape pond/lake, and minimisation of disturbance to existing topography and coastline, the substantial unmitigated impacts will be alleviated to moderate to slight level of mitigated impact (Yr 1) during operational phase. Upon full establishment of tree and planting proposals, the residual impacts on the Plantation of Ex-landfill Site (within Project Site) (LR1.1) will be alleviated to slight adverse impact (Yr10) during operational phase, the Project will be slight to moderate beneficial to the remaining LRs including managed grassland (LR3.1 and LR3.2), and the existing Golf Park Golf Driving Range (access road and offices) (LR10.1) within Project Site under both Scenario 1 and Scenario 2. Impact on existing trees will be compensated by new tree planting. Tree planting in the Project will predominantly utilise native or locally adopted tree species with combination of ornamental species of various planting stock sizes from heavy standard to light standard and whip planting on slopes to create an instant and natural greening effect. Feature tree will be planted at strategic location. The retention of existing trees in-situ or through transplanting in combination with the establishment of new tree planting creates instant greening effect for screening and forms the landscape buffer. Tree planting proposals will compensate the tree loss and provide new amenity trees where space allows enhancing the landscape, visual amenity and ecological value of the context. The tree planting would be able to achieve a 1:1 replanting ratio by planting both trees and whips in the development. The Project would able to accommodate 11,198 trees including the retention of 1,874 existing trees in-situ or through transplanting of 326 existing trees in combination of the establishment of 4,180 newly planted trees and 4,818 whips among retained tree group, will reinstate and enhance amenity within the Project Site and benefit to the neighbourhood landscape context. The species selection will utilise a range of native, ornamental and amenity tree species. In addition to tree planting proposal mentioned above, the impact on restored landfill site landscape character area (LCA2) will be alleviate from moderate adverse unmitigated impact to slight adverse impact (Yr1) to insubstantial (Yr 10) during operational phase through the implementation of extensive turf area and shrub planting and introduction of landscape pond/lake to enhance the landscape and amenity value of the Project Site and making itself a better integration with the waterfront of Tolo Harbour and Tai Po urban landscape character adjoining to the Project Site. The minimisation of the change of coastline and existing topography also reduce the change of amenity and character of the Project Site. Given the above responsive design approach, the Project will fit into the existing urban and waterfront landscape context. Mitigation measures implemented during construction phase including preservation of existing trees, responsive hoarding, tidy site management and careful planning of the construction program, responsive construction method, advance tree transplanting and replanting works program as earliest as possible after sectional completion of the Project, the predicted level of impacts on the majority of VSRs would be alleviated from substantial to slight adverse unmitigated impact to moderate adverse to insubstantial mitigated impact on majority of VSRs under both Scenario 1 and Scenario 2.. As has been described above, the Project is compatible to the character of the existing uses such as the 145-bay driving range and plantation, which implied that replacement with an 18-hole golf course and associated ancillary facilities will reinstate and enhance the greenery coverage and also creates an unique recreational landscape character for the Project Site. The visual change would be considered as substantial to moderate (unmitigated impacts) in views of VSRs in proximity to the Project Site but it is a good change on quality with introduction of new greenery and landscape features without too much altering the existing topography. Through the implementation of visual mitigation measures including minor regarding of the Project Site and topography largely maintained, creation of landscape buffer, planting works for recreational landscape and introduction of landscape ponds/lakes, the impact mitigated to a moderate to slight adverse mitigated impact (Yr1). The residual impacts (Yr10) and visual change on the views of residents and planned residents of low-rises along Lo Fai Road (VSR 1.2 and PVSR 1.3), and Residents of Fortune Garden (VSR2.1) and The Beverly Hills (VSR2.2) would be alleviated to slight level upon full establishment of landscape and visual mitigation measures. For the remaining VSRs surrounding the Tolo Harbour will experience insubstantial residual impacts under both Scenario 1 and Scenario 2. Key mitigation measures for the Project including the adoption of innovative and responsive design for the buildings and associated engineering structures, responsive building disposition and height profile, alignment of access road, minor change of grading and maintaining existing topography, introduction of recreational and landscape features in the Project and tree preservation, transplanting and tree planting proposal and application of alternative green feature such as green roof/vertical greening will soften the development mass and edges and enhance the visual amenity. As such the level of visual change arising from the implementation of the Project will not be apparent in majority views of VSRs and visually integrated with the urban and waterfront context. In accordance with Annex 10 of the TM-EIAO, the landscape and visual impacts as a result of the Project would be ‘acceptable with mitigation measures’ that is to say ‘there would be some adverse effects, but these can be eliminated, reduced or offset to a large extent by specific measures’.