1                      INTRODUCTION

1.1                  Project Background

1.1.1                  The Government is committed to increase the supply of land for housing development in a persistent manner to meet the keen housing demands of the public. To meet this policy objective, the sites at San Hing Road (SHR) and Hong Po Road (HPR) have been identified for potential public housing development. The Site Formation and Infrastructural Works for the Development at San Hing Road and Hong Po Road, Tuen Mun – Feasibility Study (the Study) commenced in February 2018 to ascertain the engineering feasibility and environmental acceptability of the proposed public housing development at these sites.

1.1.2                  The Proposed Development Area (PDA) mainly comprises of SHR Site, SHR Site Extension and HPR Site, the proposed Road L7 and the realigned Hong Po Road.  The PDA is situated in Tuen Mun between Lam Tei Light Rail Transit (LRT) Station and Siu Hong West Rail Line/ Light Rail Transit (WRL/LRT) Interchange Station.  SHR Site, SHR Site Extension and HPR Site are connected by HPR which is a single two-way road of 6m with substandard footpaths and road bends without sufficient widening at curve and is remote from the public transport network.  On the south side of the PDA is Po Tong Ha and Tsz Tin Tsuen, while the west side is the Tsing Shan Firing Range (TSFR).  The private housing site, Villa Pinada, which is a low density private residential development, is located to the north side of the PDA and is situated between HPR Site and SHR Site Extension, location of which is shown in Figures 1.1a and 1.1b.

1.1.3                  The PDA, which has an area of about 29.7 hectares (ha), falls within an area zoned “Residential (Group E)” (“R(E)”) and “Green Belt” (“GB”) on the approved Lam Tei and Yick Yuen Outline Zoning Plan (OZP) No. S/TM-LTYY/10 and “Residential (Group E) 1” (“R(E)1”), “GB” and “Village Type Development” (“V”) and an area shown as ‘Road’ on the approved Tuen Mun OZP No. S/TM/35. 

1.1.4                  SHR Site, SHR Site Extension and HPR Site are currently used for brownfield operations such as open storages, workshops, ice-making and dyeing factories, warehouses, temporary structures, etc.  There are also low-rise village houses settlements, agricultural lands, graves, urns and permitted burial grounds, slopes, etc., scattering throughout the PDA.  In addition, there are CLP pylons and 400kV overhead powerlines (OHL) spanning across SHR Site, SHR Site Extension, HPR Site on the southern side.  

1.1.5                  The Study aims to examine the feasibility and sustainability to optimise the uses of brownfield sites for public housing developments to meet the long-term housing needs.

1.1.6                  The total study area under the Study exceeds 20 ha, therefore an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is required in accordance with the Item 1 under Schedule 3 of the EIA Ordinance (Cap. 499), i.e. "Engineering feasibility study of urban development projects with a study area covering more than 20 ha or involving a total population of more than 100,000".

1.2                  Site History

1.2.1                  In 1963, the Site comprised sheds, village houses and agricultural terraces. The village houses were developed near the agricultural terraces between 1963 and 1973. More temporary structures and open storage areas were developed between 1978 and 1988.

1.2.2                  Tsing Lun Road, Ng Lau Road, pylons and overhead transmission lines were constructed in 1984. Hong Po Road was formed in 1992. San Hing Road and San Tat Lane were formed in 1993.

1.2.3                  Some open storage areas were developed on the agricultural terraces and some temporary structures were rebuilt after demolition in 1994. Containers and temporary structures were removed from part of the storage area in 1996. Construction of Villa Pinada was performed between 2000 and 2004. Some village houses in SHR Site Extension were demolished in 2002.

1.3                  Project Description

1.3.1                  This Project explores the development potential of the PDA located at San Hing Road and Hong Po Road for public housing development. The PDA and the proposed works limit of supporting infrastructure works covers about 37.5 ha. The PDA Boundary and Project Site Boundary of the proposed infrastructure works are shown in Figure 1.1a and 1.1b. The proposed site formation and infrastructure works to support the public housing developments comprise the followings:

a)         Site formation works;

b)        Slope works and other geotechnical works;

c)         Land decontamination works;

d)        Roadworks (e.g. Proposed Road L7 and the realigned Hong Po Road);

e)         Waterworks (including service reservoirs);

f)          Sewerage works (including Sewage Pumping Station);

g)         Drainage works;

h)        Landscaping works;

i)          Public Transport Interchanges (PTIs); and

j)          Other infrastructure works including utilities and road junction improvement works etc.

1.3.2                  The findings and recommendations of this Study will serve as a reference for the proposed amendments of the Lam Tei and Yick Yuen OZP and Tuen Mun OZP to facilitate the proposed public housing developments.

1.4                  EIA Study Brief

1.4.1                  In accordance with the requirements of Section 5(1)(a) of the EIA Ordinance, an application (No. ESB-299/2017) for an EIA Study Brief was submitted to Environmental Protection Department (EPD) on 21 June 2017 with a Project Profile (No. PP-551/2017).  Pursuant to Section 5(7)(a) of the EIA Ordinance, the Director of Environmental Protection issued to the Project Proponent, namely the Civil Engineering and Development Department, an EIA Study Brief (ref: EIA Study Brief No: ESB-299/2017 dated 4 August 2017) to carry out an EIA Study.

1.5                  Designated Projects

1.5.1                  The Study is a Designated Project (DP) under Schedule 3 Item 1 of EIA Ordnance (EIAO) – Engineering Feasibility Study of urban development projects with a study area covering more than 20 ha or involving a total population of more than 100,000.  For any future change(s) after the approval of this EIA report, the following steps will be taken:

(a) Should the change(s) involve a designated project item under Schedule 2 of the EIAO, the requirements under the EIAO will be complied with; and

(b) Should the change(s) not involve any designated project items under Schedule 2 of the EIAO, prevailing planning mechanisms and standards will be followed and relevant EIA findings will be conformed to.

1.5.2                  To implement the Project, there is one proposed work classified as DP under Schedule 2 of the EIAO. Location of the DP under Schedule 2 of the EIAO and the details are shown in Figure 1.2 and Table 1.1 respectively.

         Table 1.1 Summary of Schedule 2 Designated Project

Item Ref. No.

Ref. Category No.

Descriptions of DP under EIAO

Works Component


F.3 (b) of Part 1 Schedule 2

A Sewage Pumping Station with an installed capacity of more than 2,000 m3 per day and a boundary of which is less than 150m from an existing or planned residential area

Construction of a sewage pumping station (SPS) with a design capacity of 14,629m3/day at SHR Site and is less than 150m from an existing / planned residential area

Item DP1 – Construction of Proposed Sewage Pumping Station (SPS) at SHR Site and the Laying of associated Rising Mains

1.5.3                  The proposed development scheme at SHR Site, SHR Site Extension and HPR Site will generate large amount of sewage flows due to the population and employment intake.   As such, a SPS is proposed at the southern side of SHR Site to collect sewage from SHR Site, SHR Site Extension and HPR Site for further discharge via rising mains to the SPS located in Area 54, Tuen Mun (TM54 SPS) along Hong Po Road and Tsing Lun Road. The average dry weather flow (ADWF) of the SPS would be 14,629 m3/day.

1.5.4                  Since the proposed works involve construction of a SPS with a design capacity of more than 2,000m3/day and is less than 150m from an existing / planned residential area, it is a DP under item F.3 (b) of Schedule 2, Part 1 of EIAO.

1.6                 Other Infrastructure Works

1.6.1                  Other than the Designated Project listed in Table 1.1, there are other infrastructure works proposed under this Study. These infrastructure works are listed in Table 1.2 below and their locations are shown in Figures 1.3a and 1.3b for indication.

                    Table 1.2 Summary of Infrastructure Works

Item Ref. No.

Works Component

Works Responsible by Project Proponent


Realigning and widening of Hong Po Road

·         Site Formation

·         Construction


Construction of PTIs at SHR Site and HPR Site

·         Site Formation

·         Construction


Construction of Proposed Road L7

·          Site Formation

·         Construction


Construction of box culverts, u-channels and laying of drainage pipes

·         Site Formation

·         Construction


Laying of local sewerage and upgrading of TM54 SPS

·         Site Formation

·         Construction


Construction of proposed fresh / salt water service reservoirs and laying of fresh watermains and salt watermains

·         Site Formation

·         Construction


Construction of retaining structures, slope works, demolition or modification of existing registered geotechnical features at SHR Site, SHR Site Extension and HPR Site

·         Site Formation

·         Construction


Installation of rigid barriers at HPR Site

·         Construction


J1 – Junction improvement works at Lam Tei Interchange/ Castle Peak Road – Lingnan

·         Construction


J4 – Junction improvement works at Tsing Lun Road/ Hong Po Road

·         Construction


J6 – Junction improvement works at Tsing Lun Road/ Tsz Tin Road/ Access Road to Siu Hong Court

·         Construction


J12 – Junction improvement works at Hing Kwai Street / Tsun Wen Road/ Ming Kum Road

·         Construction


J13 – Junction improvement works at Road L54D/ Hing Fu Street

·         Construction


J15 – Junction improvement works at Road L7 / L54D

·         Construction


J21 – Junction improvement works at Tin King Road/ Ming Kum Road

·         Construction


Road improvement works at Tsing Lun Road

·         Construction


Construction of footbridge and walkway/covered walkway to connect SHR Site and Siu Hong WRL/LRT Interchange Station

·         Construction

Item IW 1 – Realigning and widening of Hong Po Road

1.6.2                  The original Hong Po Road would be realigned and widened to connect with the proposed Road L7 so as to meet the traffic demand arising from the proposed development and provide alternative road linkage for the areas adjacent to the development.  About 1,040 m of existing Hong Po Road section would be widened from 6.2 m to 10.3 m.

1.6.3                  Along the proposed Road L7 and the realigned Hong Po Road, a 3.0 m wide of pedestrian footpath (FP) will be provided along both sides while a 4.0 m wide of cycle track (CT) will be provided along the northern side.

1.6.4                  Access roads would be maintained along the realigned Hong Po Road and proposed Road L7 to connect with the existing residential areas (e.g. Villa Pinada, Tsz Tin Tsuen) and the proposed developments in the vicinity, i.e. SHR Site, SHR Site Extension and HPR Site.

1.6.5                  The main objective of realigning Hong Po Road and connecting to the proposed Road L7 is to facilitate the connectivity and accessibility of the developments to the developments/ public facilities nearby, e.g. Yan Tin Estate, Lam Tei Light Rail Station, TM Area 54 Development, etc.  The construction of FP and CT will allow the pedestrians and cyclists to travel on the corresponding side of the road and reduce the chances of accidents. 

Item IW 2 – Construction of public transport interchanges (PTI) at SHR Site and HPR Site

1.6.6                  The main objective of constructing one PTI at SHR Site and one PTI at HPR Site is to provide a convenient access from the proposed public housing development to the other areas in the territory by public transport. The PTIs will be covered for both bus and taxi/public light bus.

Item IW 3 – Construction of Proposed Road L7

1.6.7                  Road L7 is proposed to be connected to the realigned Hong Po Road which links Lam Tei Interchange and Ming Kum Road, providing a direct east-west transport corridor.  The concept of the proposed Road L7 is to provide an alternative access route to the proposed development sites as to minimise traffic impact to the surrounding road network.

1.6.8                  Without the proposed Road L7, all the traffic generated by the proposed developments to the south could only travel via Tuen Mun Road or Tsing Lun Road, which would induce traffic impact to the already congested junction (i.e. Lam Tei Interchange/ Castle Peak Road – Lingnan junction and Tsing Lun Road / Tsz Tin Road / Siu Hong Court junction, etc.). The proposed Road L7 could diversify the development traffic to/from the south to Ming Kum Road or Tsun Wen Road and hence alleviate the traffic impact on the critical junctions.

Item IW 4 – Construction of box culverts, u-channels and laying of drainage pipes

1.6.9                  A new drainage system, comprises box culverts and drainage pipes of various sizes, would be constructed to convey the surface runoff from the proposed developments and upstream catchments to Tuen Mun Nullah.  Drainage reserves are required for proper maintenance of the drainage pipes and box culverts.  Sand traps are suggested for installation at the inlet of the drainage pipe and box culvert to minimize blockage and maintenance requirement.

1.6.10              U-channels would be installed for proper conveyance of the stormwater runoff to the adjacent downstream drainage system. 

Item IW 5 – Laying of local sewerage and upgrading of TM54 SPS

1.6.11              Local sewerage comprising sewage pipes of 300 mm to 900 mm in diameter are proposed to collect the sewage flow generated from the proposed developments to the SHR SPS for subsequent conveyance to the downstream TM54 SPS.

1.6.12              Rising mains are proposed along Hong Po Road and Tsing Lun Road to convey sewage from the SHR SPS to the downstream TM54 SPS.

1.6.13              The approved EIA Report of TM54 SPS (AEIAR-122/2008) has demonstrated the environmental acceptability for its construction and operation with a capacity of about 90,000m3/day. With the proposed rising mains, minor modification of internal pipeworks within the SPS is proposed in order to upgrade the existing capacity from 50,890 m3/day to 70,848 m3/day. In view that the capacity of TM54 SPS is still below 90,000 m3/day after the proposed upgrading works, no adverse impact due to the proposed upgrading works is anticipated,

Item IW 6 – Construction of proposed fresh / salt water service reservoirs and laying of fresh watermains and salt watermains

1.6.14              To provide sufficient fresh water supply to the proposed developments, a fresh water service reservoir is proposed at HPR Site in addition to the existing fresh water supply network. Fresh watermain will be constructed via the Ming Kum Road.

1.6.15              A salt water service reservoir is also proposed at HPR Site to supply salt water to the development sites. Salt watermain will be constructed via the Ming Kum Road.

1.6.16              For SHR Site, fresh watermain will be constructed from Castle Peak Road to SHR Site via San Hing Road; while salt watermain will be constructed via the realigned Hong Po Road to SHR Site and the school sites.

1.6.17              For SHR Site Extension, fresh watermain and salt watermain will be constructed via the realigned Hong Po Road to SHR Site Extension.

1.6.18              For HPR Site, fresh watermain and salt watermain will be constructed via the realigned Hong Po Road to HPR Site.

Item IW 7 – Construction of retaining structures, slope works, demolition or modification of existing registered geotechnical features at SHR Site, SHR Site Extension and HPR Site

1.6.19              17 existing man-made features are proposed to be modified and 7 existing man-made features are proposed to be demolished under the proposed works. Retaining structures are proposed along proposed Road L7, within the HPR Site and along the access road to the school sites at SHR Site Extension to cater for the level difference. 

Item IW 8 – Installation of rigid barriers at HPR Site

1.6.20              Rigid barriers are proposed to be installed along the toe of the natural slope which is located to the west of HPR Site to mitigate boulder fall hazards and channelized debris flow hazards.

Item IW9 – J1 – Junction Improvement Works at Lam Tei Interchange/ Castle Peak Road – Lingnan

1.6.21              It is proposed to convert the second farside lane of Castle Peak Road – Lingnan northbound from straight ahead movement to left turning movement to cater for the increase of traffic due to the proposed developments.

1.6.22              The road curb of the slip road from Castle Peak Road to Lam Tei Interchange is also set back to improve the turning radius from Castle Peak Road – Lingnan northbound.  Besides, the right-turning lane of Castle Peak Road – Lingnan southbound is proposed to split phase with the other movements. Minor setback of road curb next to the right-turning lane is proposed.

Item IW10 – J4 – Junction Improvement Works at Tsing Lun Road/ Hong Po Road

1.6.23              It is proposed to widen the entry arm of Tsing Lun Road eastbound and westbound carriageway to increase the traffic capacity.

Item IW11J6 – Junction Improvement Works at Tsing Lun Road/ Tsz Tin Road/ Access Road to Siu Hong Court

1.6.24              It is proposed to convert the farside lane of Tsing Lun Road southbound from northbound right turning movement to southbound straight-ahead movement. The northbound carriageway of Tsing Lun Road would be reduced to two lanes, where left turning cum straight-ahead and right turning cum straight-ahead movement would be provided for the nearside and farside lane respectively.

Item IW12 – J12 – Junction Improvement Works at Hing Kwai Street / Tsun Wen Road/ Ming Kum Road

1.6.25              It is proposed to widen the carriageway of Hing Kwai Street southbound to provide an additional left turning lane.

Item IW 13 – J13 – Junction Improvement Works at Road L54D / Hing Fu Street

1.6.26              An additional right turning traffic lane is proposed at Hing Kwai Street southbound while Hing Kwai Street northbound would be set back and reduced to two lanes. The near-side lane of Hing Kwai Street northbound would become right turning cum straight-ahead and the farside lane would be right turning.  Change of road markings at Hing Fu Street is also proposed.

Item IW14 – J15 – Junction Improvement works at Road L7 / L54D

1.6.27              It is proposed to modify the roundabout junction to a T-junction with pedestrian crossings added.

Item IW 15 – J21 – Junction Improvement Works at Tin King Road/ Ming Kum Road

1.6.28              It is proposed to convert the farside lane of Ming Kum Road southbound to right turning movement only to provide split phase for right turning and straight-ahead movement.

1.6.29              Change of road marking at Ting King Road so that the near-side lane of Ting King Road eastbound is proposed to convert from left turning movement to left and right turning movement.

Item IW 16 – Road Improvement Works at Tsing Lun Road

1.6.30              Bus layby will be constructed at both sides of Tsing Lun Road.

1.6.31              The details of the abovementioned proposed traffic improvement measures (Item IW9-IW16) are shown in Figures 1.4 and 1.5.

Item IW 17 – Construction of footbridges and walkway/covered walkway to connect SHR Site and Siu Hong WRL/LRT Interchange Station  

1.6.32              A footbridge is proposed from the open space next to the SHR SPS at SHR Site to the existing footbridge near Ng Lau Road.  A covered walkway and walkway are proposed to connect the existing footbridge near Ng Lau Road and the Siu Hong WRL/LRT Interchange Station as far as practicable to enhance the pedestrian connectivity.

1.6.33              Should there be any change to the works that do not constitute Designated Project after the approval of this EIA report, corresponding environmental assessment should be carried out to satisfy the latest planning mechanism and other statutory requirements at that time.

1.7                 Project Benefits and Environmental Benefits

                     Project Benefits

1.7.1                  The Project aspires to turn the existing vast extent of brownfield sites including container yard, vehicle repair workshop, ice-making factory, motor services yards, workshop for woodworking and sawmill and warehouse as well as sporadic low density residential development, agricultural land and vacant land into potential land for public housing developments. These brownfield sites have created considerable environmental, traffic and visual impacts to the neighbouring communities.

1.7.2                  The proposed developments would plan for a balanced community to optimise the use of scarce land resources to serve the mass housing need with community facilities and improve the existing environment.

1.7.3                  In formulating the proposed developments for the Project, consideration has been given to the views and comments made by the local communities and the public, guiding principles and overall development strategies as well as planning and urban design framework. Reference has also been made to relevant and most current planning contexts and circumstances. Technical and environmental assessments on traffic, engineering, air quality, noise, water quality, sewerage, waste management, land contamination, hazard to life, cultural heritage, landscape and visual, ecological aspects, etc. have been conducted and mitigation measures were recommended. All these are considered with a view to creating housing supply and economic opportunities as well as reaching a careful balance among quality of life, environmental protection and sustainability. The benefits of the Project, including environmental benefits in the broad term, are broadly described below:

·            Alleviating scarcity of housing supply – The Project will provide approx. 21,600 new public housing units, comprising public rental housing (PRH) and subsidised sale flat (SSF), responding to the needs of community and improving the quality of life.

·            Serving a Wider Community – Commercial and retail facilities would be provided within the proposed development sites to serve the planned population as well as the nearby community.  Two PTIs would be provided, one at the SHR Site and the other at the HPR Site. These PTIs are located near the existing villages and hence, would not only serve the proposed developments but also the nearby villagers and residents.

·            Providing “Government, Institution and Community” (G/IC) facilities The Project has proposed various welfare facilities and educational facilities including Child Care Centre (CCC), Special Child Care Centre (SCCC), On-site Pre-school Rehabilitation Service (OPRS) Office Base, Residential Care Home for the Elderly (RCHE), Day Care Unit (DCU), Integrated Children and Youth Services Centre (ICYSC) and Neighbourhood Elderly Centre (NEC), kindergartens, primary school and secondary school, etc (details subject to further review at detailed design stage).  These facilities could help to relieve the increasing welfare and educational needs at the Tuen Mun North area as well as the needs arising from the proposed developments.

                   Environmental Initiatives and Benefits

1.7.4                  The environmental consideration has been the key factors in the planning of the Project. Throughout the planning process, environmental impacts as well as benefits are both identified and critically considered. The Project offers potential environmental initiatives both to conserve existing environmental resources and, where opportunities exist, to enhance and upgrade the environment on various fronts. The environmental initiatives and benefits that the Project offers are summarised below:

·            Improving the existing interface issues of industrial/residential uses;

·            Providing proper sewerage system within the PDA;

·            Encouraging green commuting within and beyond the PDA;

·            Providing opportunity to clean-up the existing potentially contaminated land;

·            Providing sustainable development and greening opportunities;

·            Enhancing the ecological value of the retained semi-natural streams adjacent to the PDA for identified species of conservation interest; and

·            Providing opportunity to enhance the ecological performance of nearby area.

Improving the Existing Interface Issues of Industrial/Residential Uses

1.7.5                  At present, the proliferation of brownfield operations within the PDA has created considerable environmental, traffic and visual problems. To maximize the land use for housing supply and improve the overall environment of the area, the existing brownfield operation such as workshops, warehouses and temporary structures within the PDA will be converted into housing developments. This will help alleviate the existing residential /industrial interface issues resulting from existing brownfield operations.

Providing Proper Sewerage System within the PDA

1.7.6                  Currently, there is no public sewers within the PDA, and the watercourses are still subject to discharges from scattered houses not served by public sewers. With the proposed SHR SPS and associated sewage pipes to be constructed under the Project, all the areas within the PDA will be provided with public sewers that convey the sewage to the downstream public sewer collection and treatment system. Hence, the watercourses in the vicinity are anticipated to have potential benefits from the improvement in water quality.

Encouraging Green Commuting within and beyond the PDA

1.7.7                  Pedestrian walkways and cycle tracks will be constructed along the proposed Road L7 and the re-aligned Hong Po Road to promote green commuting. The proposed cycle tracks will be connected to the nearby residential areas e.g. Tuen Mun New Town and public transport facilities such as Lam Tei LRT Station and Sui Hong WRL/LRT Interchange Station where practicable. Upgrading/modification works to existing footbridge at Ng Lau Road and associated covered walkway are proposed to improve the walking environment and promote green commuting. All these measures are proposed to facilitate walking and cycling across the PDA and in the wider community. This would also in turn help to reduce road-based traffic and hence their associated vehicular noise and pollutants emission.

Providing Opportunity to Clean-up the Existing Potentially Contaminated Land

1.7.8                  The PDA currently comprises brownfield operations including container yard, vehicle repair workshop, ice-making factory, motor services yards and warehouse, etc, which are identified as the land uses which have the potential to cause or have caused land contamination (see Chapter 12Land Contamination Section). 

1.7.9                  Proposed mitigation measures to clean up the existing contaminated land, if any, will be carried out prior to the implementation of the proposed public housing developments.  This act is to minimise the health risk to the future occupants arising from the exposure of the contaminated soil and/or groundwater. It would also provide the opportunity to reuse the contaminated materials into useful materials for backfilling, which results in minimising the amount of waste disposing into the depleting landfill in Hong Kong and achieving a more sustainable development.

1.7.10              Upon remediation of the contaminated land, if any, the Project will have converted previously contaminated soil and groundwater into safe, usable land fit for development, thus bringing benefits to the community at large and helping to address Hong Kong’s long-term housing demand and other land use needs.

Providing Sustainable Development and Greening Opportunities

1.7.11              The woodland area along the proposed Road L7 will be preserved under the Project as far as practicable to maintain the local character, green landscape and linkage between urban and rural areas. Besides that, green planting/greening space would be provided in the open spaces within SHR Site, SHR Site Extension and HPR Site. Screen planting would also be provided along the proposed Road L7 and the realigned Hong Po Road. Green roof and corresponding landscape work such as planting of climbers, shrubs and bamboo, etc. would be carried out for the proposed SPS, service reservoirs and proposed PTIs areas.

Enhancing the Ecological Value of the Retained Semi-natural Stream Adjacent to the PDA for identified Species of Conservation Interest

1.7.12              Two crab species of conservation interest Cryptopotamon anacoluthon and Somanniathelphusa zanklon were identified at a section of semi-natural stream R1f adjacent to HPR Site during the ecological baseline survey. Apart from setting a buffer zone of 6m separation along the southern bank of the retained stream section to minimize the disturbance to the two crab species due to the construction and operation of the proposed development, ecological enhancement for the retained section of the semi-natural stream adjacent to the PDA by reinstating the artificial bank structure to natural riparian habitat is recommended which aims to improve the carrying capability of the semi-natural stream for the two crab species of conservation interest. The enhancement will include the demolition of all existing artificial structures to reinstate its natural riparian state, and planting of native plants along the reinstated banks and the buffer zone. The proposed design and enhancement measures are expected to be able to improve the ecological carrying capacity of the stream and its associated riparian habitats for the concerned crab species (see Chapter 8 – Ecology Section).

Providing Opportunity to Improve the Ecological Performance to Nearby Area

1.7.13              Ecological enhancement by provision of not less than 1.2ha of enhancement planting has been recommended during the development of the project. This measure takes the opportunity to enhance the ecological performance of the off-site village/orchard habitat adjacent to the northeast side of the HPR Site, which is currently by planting native species and turn it into a woodland habitat. It could reduce the human disturbance to the nearby ecologically sensitive semi-natural section R1f, provide additional buffer to the natural stream R1b and increase the ecological linkage with the nearby shrubland/grassland.

1.8                 Concurrent Projects

1.8.1                  In order to assess the cumulative impacts, a review of best available information at the time of preparing this EIA report to identify a number of other concurrent projects in the vicinity that are undergoing planning, design, construction and/or operation within the construction and/or operation period of the Study has been conducted and a list of the tentative concurrent projects identified at this stage is summarised in Table 1.3 below.

1.8.2                  Various cumulative impacts for different concurrent projects have been identified and detailed justifications on consideration of various cumulative environmental impacts from individual concurrent project has been included in the corresponding technical chapters.

1.8.3                  The locations of these concurrent projects are shown in Figures 1.6a and 1.6b.

                    Table 1.3 Potentially Concurrent Projects within Local Vicinity of the Proposed Development

Concurrent Project

Project Proponent

Construction Commenced/ Due to Commence

Target Operation/ Target Completion of Development

Contract No. CV/2011/01 – Site Formation and Infrastructural Works near Tsing Lun Road and Tsz Tin Road in Area 54, Tuen Mun


September 2011

September 2016


Contract No. CV/2012/02 – Construction of Sewage Pumping Station near Tsz Tin Road and Associated Sewerage Works in Area 54, Tuen Mun


October 2012

May 2016


Contract No. CV/2015/03 – Site Formation and Infrastructural Works near Tong Hang Road and Tsz Tin Road in Area 54, Tuen Mun


November 2015



Housing Projects at Site 1 & 1A, Site 2, Site 3/4 (East) at Tuen Mun Area 54



2018 (Site 2)

2021/2022 (Site 1 & 1A and Site 3 & 4 (East))


Private Housing Development Works at Site 3/4 (West) in Area 54, Tuen Mun

Private Developer

n/a (a)



Formation, Roads and Drains in Area 54, Tuen Mun – Site Formation at Site 4A (East), Site 4A (South), Site 5 and Associated Infrastructure Works





Housing Projects at Site 4A (South) and Site 5 in Area 54, Tuen Mun





Construction for Community Hall and Sports Centre at Site 4A (West) of Area 54, Tuen Mun


n/a (a)



Construction for Primary School and Secondary School at Site 4A (East) of Area 54, Tuen Mun



n/a (a)



Public Housing Development at Tuen Mun Area 29 West





Tuen Mun Western Bypass (TMWB)






(a)     The commencement date of construction is not available.

Contract No. CV/2011/01 – Site Formation and Infrastructural Works near Tsing Lun Road and Tsz Tin Road in Area 54, Tuen Mun

1.8.4                  The works include the formation of about 4.2 ha of land for a public housing development (Site 2), widening of a section of Tsing Lun Road, Tsz Tin Road and Hong Po Road, re-provision of a refuse collection point, a pavilion and a public toilet, construction of a covered footbridge, noise barriers / enclosures and associated footpaths, cycle tracks, slopes, retaining walls, drainage, sewerage, waterworks, landscaping works and other ancillary works.

1.8.5                  This construction works commenced in September 2011 and completed in September 2016.  Cumulative impact is not anticipated during the construction phase.  The impact from vehicular emission and road traffic noise during operational phase are anticipated from the induced traffic.

Contract No. CV/2012/02 – Construction of Sewage Pumping Station near Tsz Tin Road and Associated Sewerage Works in Area 54, Tuen Mun

1.8.6                  The works include construction of a sewage pumping station near Tsz Tin Road and associated rising mains, trunk sewers, landscaping and other ancillary works.

1.8.7                  This construction works commenced in October 2012 and completed in May 2016.  Cumulative impact is not anticipated during the construction phase.  Nevertheless, cumulative effect from sewerage implication is anticipated during the operation phase.

Contract No. CV/2015/03 – Site Formation and Infrastructural Works near Tong Hang Road and Tsz Tin Road in Area 54, Tuen Mun

1.8.8                  The works include the formation of about 7.4 ha of land in total for public housing developments (Site 1&1A and Site 3/4 (East)) and a G/IC site (Site 4A (West)), construction of new local distributor roads (Road L54A and Road L54D), widening of a section of Tsz Tin Road and a section of Hing Fu Street, re-provisioning of a section of Tong Hang Road, a public transport interchange, noise barriers and associated footpaths, cycle tracks, slopes, retaining walls, drainage, sewerage, water, landscaping works and other ancillary works.

1.8.9                  This construction works commenced in November 2015 and was completed in 2020.  Cumulative impact is not anticipated during the construction phase.  The impact from vehicular emission and road traffic noise during operational phase are anticipated from the induced traffic.

Public Housing Projects at Site 1 & 1A, Site 2, Site 3/4 (East) in Area 54, Tuen Mun

1.8.10              The proposed public housing project at Site 2 includes 4,688 flats, retail and social welfare/ community facilities, a kindergarten. The completion year was 2018.

1.8.11              The proposed public housing project at Site 1& 1A includes approx. 4,300 flats, retail and social welfare/ community facilities, a nursery and kindergarten.  The tentative year for completion is 2021/22.

1.8.12              The proposed public housing project at Site 3/4 (East) includes approx. 5,200 flats, retail and social welfare/ community facilities, a nursery and kindergarten.  The tentative year for completion is 2021/22.

1.8.13              Cumulative impact is not anticipated during the construction phase.  However, impact from vehicular emission and road traffic noise during operational phase are anticipated from the induced traffic.  Impact on its planned/as-constructed receivers have also been assessed under this project.

Private Housing Development Works at Site 3/4 (West) in Area 54, Tuen Mun

1.8.14              The private housing project at Site 3/4 (West) includes approx. 3,215 flats.  The tentative year for completion is 2024/25.  Cumulative impact is not anticipated during the construction phase.  However, impact from vehicular emission and road traffic noise during operational phase are anticipated from the induced traffic.  Impact on its planned receivers have also been assessed under this project.

Formation, Roads and Drains in Area 54, Tuen Mun – Site Formation at Site 4A (East), Site 4A (South), Site 5 and Associated Infrastructure Works

1.8.15              The site formation works for Site 5, Site 4A (South), Site 4A (East) and associated infrastructure works are expected to be completed by 2023.

1.8.16              Therefore, it is estimated that cumulative impact will not arise during the construction phase.  However, impact from vehicular emission and road traffic noise during operational phase are anticipated from the induced traffic. Impact on its planned/as-constructed receivers have also been assessed under this project.

Housing Projects at Site 4A (South) and Site 5 in Area 54, Tuen Mun

1.8.17              The proposed public housing project at Site 4A (South) includes approx. 1,500 flats, and a nursery & kindergarten.  The tentative year for completion is 2027.

1.8.18              The proposed public housing project at Site 5 includes 1,100 flats and social welfare/ community facilities.  The tentative year for completion is 2027.

1.8.19              Impact from vehicular emission during both construction and operation phase, and road traffic noise impact during operational phase are anticipated from the induced traffic. Cumulative impact on its planned receivers have also been assessed under this project.

Construction for Community Hall and Sports Centre at Site 4A (West) in Area 54, Tuen Mun

1.8.20              The tentative year for completion for the community hall and sports centre at Site 4A (West) is 2022/2023.  Cumulative impact is not anticipated during the construction phase.  Impact on its planned receivers have been assessed under this project.

Construction for Primary School and Secondary School at Site 4A (East) in Area 54, Tuen Mun

1.8.21              The tentative year for completion for the primary school and secondary school at Site 4A (East) is 2026/2027.  Impact from vehicular emission during both construction and operation phase, and road traffic noise impact during operation phase is anticipated from the induced traffic. Cumulative impact on its planned receivers have also been assessed under this project.

Public Housing Development at Tuen Mun Area 29 West

1.8.22              The proposed public housing includes approx. 1,020 flats, community health centre and residential care home for the elderly. The project is currently under construction stage with foundation contract ongoing. The tentative completion year at 2024/25. 

1.8.23              Impact from vehicular emission during both construction and operation phase, and road traffic noise impact during operation phase is anticipated from the induced traffic. Cumulative impact on its planned receivers have also been assessed under this project.

Tuen Mun Western Bypass (TMWB)

1.8.24              The works provide a dual two-lane highway and associated connections to the Tuen Mun-Chek Lap Kok Link (TM-CLKL) in the south and the Kong Sham Western Highway (KSWH) in the north, with intermediate connections to Tsing Tin Road in Tuen Mun North.  The latest alignment of the TMWB consists of 9 km long tunnels connecting TM-CLKL in the south and KSWH near San Sang San Tusen in the north, plus slip tunnels of 3 km long connecting to Tsing Tin Road in Tuen Mun North.

1.8.25              The construction of TMWB is scheduled to be commissioned in the period of 2026 to 2031.  The proposed alignment of Tuen Mun Western Bypass is 500m away to the west of HPR Site. Hence, impact from vehicular emission during both construction and operation phase is anticipated.  Nevertheless, as that section of Tuen Mun Western Bypass is formed by tunnel, it is anticipated that no air quality impact and road traffic noise impact during operation phase.

1.9                 Objective of the EIA Report

1.9.1                  The objectives of this EIA Study are as follows:

·            To describe the Project and associated works together with the requirements and environmental benefits for carrying out the Project;

·            To identify and describe the elements of the community and environment likely to be affected by the Project, and/or likely to cause adverse impacts to the Project, including both natural and man-made environment and the associated environmental constraints;

·            To identify and quantify emission sources and determine the significance of impacts on sensitive receivers and potentially affected uses;

·            To identify and quantify any potential losses or damage to flora, fauna and natural habitats;

·            To identify any negative impacts on cultural heritage and to propose measures to mitigate these impacts;

·            To propose the provision of infrastructure or mitigation measures to minimize pollution, environmental disturbance and nuisance during construction and operation of the Project;

·            To investigate the feasibility, effectiveness and implications of the proposed mitigation measures;

·            To identify, predict and evaluate the residual (i.e. after practicable mitigation) environmental impacts and the cumulative effects expected to arise during the construction and operation phases of the Project in relation to the sensitive receivers and potential affected uses;

·            To identify, assess and specify methods, measures and standards, to be included in the detailed design, construction and operation of the Project which are necessary to mitigate these residual environmental impacts and cumulative effects and reduce them to acceptable levels;

·            To design and specify the environmental monitoring and audit requirements; and

·            To identify any additional studies necessary to implement the mitigation measures or monitoring and proposals recommended in the EIA report.

1.10             Structure of the EIA Report

1.10.1              The background of the Project, objectives and scope of the EIA study are introduced in this section. Section 2 provides the details of considerations of alternative options. Section 3 describes the project needs, construction methodologies and detailed elements of the development. Section 4 to Section 13 present the results of the environmental impact assessment of each key subject area, covering relevant legislation, environmental conditions, assessment criteria, methodology, and assessment findings.

1.10.2              Section 14 outlines the requirements for the Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A).  It includes a detailed implementation schedule of the recommended mitigation measures. Section 15 summaries of key environmental outcomes arising from the EIA study. Section 16 summaries the findings and concludes the overall acceptability of the project.

1.10.3              The chapter breakdown of this Report is summarised below:

·            Chapter 1: Introduction;

·            Chapter 2: Consideration of Alternative Development Options;

·            Chapter 3: Project Description and Construction Methodologies;

·            Chapter 4: Air Quality Impact;

·            Chapter 5: Noise Impact;

·            Chapter 6: Water Quality Impact;

·            Chapter 7: Sewerage and Sewage Treatment Implications;

·            Chapter 8: Ecology;

·            Chapter 9: Impact from Electric and Magnetic Fields;

·            Chapter 10: Landscape and Visual;

·            Chapter 11: Waste Management;

·            Chapter 12: Land Contamination;

·            Chapter 13: Cultural Heritage;

·            Chapter 14: Environmental Monitoring and Audit Requirement;

·            Chapter 15: Summary of Environmental Outcome; and

·            Chapter 16: Conclusion.