3                     Project Description and Construction methodologies

3.1                       Need of the Project

3.1.1                  Housing is one of the most important livelihood issues in Hong Kong to be addressed by the Government. Hence, increasing housing supply has been one of the major focuses in the Policy Addresses for last few years.  The 2011-2014 Policy Addresses had identified that increasing production of Public Rental Housing (PRH) / Subsidised Sale Flats (SSF) as well as land supply for private housing development would be a key to tackle issues arising from the raising housing demand.  Various measures had been recommended with an aim to expanding the land resources, which include exploring the possibility of converting agricultural land in some parts of the New Territories, currently used for industrial purposes or temporary storage into land for housing development. In the 2018 Policy Address, the Government shared the community’s aspiration about the development of brownfield sites to increase housing supply. Under the Long Term Housing Strategy 2019, the split ratio of public / private housing of 70:30 is adopted continuously, and supply target for public housing is 301,000 for ten year from 2020/21 to 2029/30.

3.2                       Appreciation of Existing Environment

3.2.1                  The PDA mainly comprises of the SHR Site, SHR Site Extension and HPR Site, the proposed Road L7 and the realigned Hong Po Road. To facilitate the developments, a number of infrastructure works including site formation, construction of public housing and schools, provision of social welfare facilities, construction of roads, drainage and sewerage and waterworks, and landscaping works etc., will be implemented.  The following sections provide an overview of the existing environment of these areas and the proposed infrastructure works.

3.2.2                  The existing ground level of SHR Site, SHR Site Extension and HPR Site ranges from approximately +5.3 mPD to +14.8 mPD, +9 mPD to +16 mPD and +14 mPD to +40 mPD respectively. The site currently comprises slopes, open storages, workshops, low-rise village houses settlements, agricultural area, ice-making factories, warehouses and temporary structures, graves, urns and permitted burial grounds.  The proposed site formation levels of SHR Site, SHR Site Extension and HPR Site ranges from +6.0 mPD to +12 mPD, from +9.8 mPD to +12.2 mPD and from +8.0 mPD to +21.0 mPD respectively.

3.2.3                  TSFR adjoins the north-western boundary of the PDA.  The PDA is rural in nature and is characterised by low-rise/village type houses. Background noise in the vicinity is typical of rural environment.  No significant fixed plant noise was identified from adjacent premises.  The existing noise climate at the eastern part of the PDA is dominated by road traffic noise from Tuen Mun Road and Castle Peak Road, and rail noise from LRT and the WRL. 

3.2.4                  These sites are accessed by existing Hong Po Road, which is a single two-way road of 6m with substandard footpath and road bends. 

SHR Site

3.2.5                  The SHR Site is located to the south of San Hing Tsuen and bounded north by the San Hing Road, east by Ng Lau Road and south by Hong Po Road. The site currently comprises of low-rise village houses settlements, warehouses and temporary structures.  The eastern part of the SHR site falls within the Railway Protection Zone of Mass Transit Railway Corporation Limited (MTRCL). 

3.2.6                  The existing low-rise village houses are located very close to the brownfield sites and hence are affected by the brownfield operations to a certain extent.  Other than brownfield operations and low-density residential developments, there are several drainage channels located within the SHR Site. About half of the SHR Site falls within the San Hing Tsuen Site of Archaeological Interest (SAI). CLP’s 400kV OHL and the pylons and the Kei Lun Wai SAI are located to the south side of SHR Site. The Tuen Mun Nullah is located at the east side of SHR Site.

3.2.7                  The watercourses in SHR Site are now channelized with little vegetation along the banks. They act as continuations of the natural/semi-natural streams that drain water from the hillside woodland / shrubland areas and collect storm water from nearby the villages they pass through.

3.2.8                  No declared monuments, proposed monuments, graded historic sites/buildings or any Government historic sites is present within SHR Site.

SHR Site Extension

3.2.9                  The SHR Site Extension is located between Villa Pinada and northwest boundary of the SHR Site.  It is currently occupied by a marble factory and squatter structures.  Immediately north of SHR Site Extension is the Permitted Burial Ground No. 6 (BURGD6). The eastern edge of SHR Site Extension falls within the San Hing Tsuen SAI. No declared monuments, proposed monuments, graded historic sites/buildings or any Government historic sites is identified within SHR Site Extension.

3.2.10              Patches of agricultural land penetrate through and scattered throughout the village and open storage /workshop areas. The central bulk of SHR Site Extension comprises agricultural land/ orchard.

3.2.11              There is an existing open channel running from the northwest to the south within the SHR Site Extension.  A drainage channel is located at the south of the SHR Site Extension.  These existing drainage channels would require proper diversion during the proposed site formation works.   400kV OHL and the pylons and the Kei Lun Wai SAI are located to the south side of the SHR Site Extension, where the San Hing Tsuen SAI is located at the east side of the SHR Site Extension.

HPR Site

3.2.12              The HPR Site is located to the west of Villa Pinada and to the east of TSFR.  To the north and west of the HPR Site are the BURGD7 and BURGD8 respectively.  The HPR Site is currently occupied by open storage and orchard.  A DSD adit shaft building is located to the northwest of the site. 

3.2.13              There are two semi-natural streams running across the HPR Site, in which one is running from the north to the south and another one is running from the west to the south.  The Siu Hang Tsuen SAI is located at the south side of the HPR Site. No declared monuments, proposed monuments, graded historic sites/building or any Government historic sites is identified within HPR Site.

Other Infrastructure Works

3.2.14              The existing infrastructure and roads would need to be upgraded in order to support the proposed public housing developments. The construction of supporting infrastructure and road improvement works includes the connection of the proposed Road L7 to the realigned Hong Po Road which links Lam Tei Interchange and Ming Kum Road. The proposed Road L7 will provide an alternative access route to the proposed development site to diversify the traffic to different location as to minimise traffic impact to the surrounding road network. A small patch of woodland would be unavoidably affected by the construction of proposed Road L7

3.2.15              Besides road works, a new SPS is proposed at the SHR site to collect sewage from the SHR Site, SHR Site Extension and HPR Site to the downstream sewerage system. Rising mains are proposed along Hong Po Road and Tsing Lun Road to convey sewage from the SHR SPS to the downstream TM54 SPS.

3.2.16              The construction of the associated rising main falls within the Kei Lun Wai SAI, while southern end of the proposed Road L7 falls within the Siu Hang Tsuen SAI.

3.2.17              The proposed fresh water service reservoir (FWSR) and salt water service reservoir (SWSR) at the HPR site would be located at the village/orchard area and adjacent to the TSFR Boundary. The proposed FWSR and SWSR will provide fresh water supply and salt water supply for the proposed public housing developments, respectively together with the existing fresh water supply infrastructure. The proposed watermains will be constructed along the existing Ming Kum Road, the proposed Road L7 and the realigned Hong Po Road, which mainly fall in the open area/village area.

3.2.18              No declared monuments, proposed monuments, graded historic sites/buildings or any Government historic sites is identified within the associated infrastructure works area.

3.3                       Consideration of Scenario With and Without the Proposed Development

Scenario without the Project

3.3.1                  Without the Project, alternative housing sites may need to be identified on alternative greenfield site, which generally refers to previously undeveloped land. In order to accommodate the increasing population and household growth effectively, it would be more effective to develop on previously developed land instead of looking for scarce greenfield land.

3.3.2                  From urban planning perspective, it is more effective to develop this area as it is close to the development of Tuen Mun Area 54 with well-developed public transport infrastructures such as LRT stations and MTR WRL Stations. The proposed development would meet long-term housing, economic, social and environmental needs. Summarizing the above, the proposed development is located at an area which can create a synergy effect with development of Tuen Mun Area 54 by better utilisation of existing facilities, and at the same time providing further facilities to meet the needs of local community and support future development needs of the wider community.

3.3.3                  Under the scenario without the proposed development, the area would remain in its present stage. As a result, no strategic land parcels in this area would be developed to provide housing to meet the public needs. In addition, the present mix of non-compatible land uses (e.g. residential blocks located next to brownfield operations including open storage) would remain. The predominant uses are brownfield operations including open storage yards, warehouses, workshops, industrial operations. Proliferation of brownfield sites has resulted in degradation of the rural environment due to the increasing noise nuisances to surrounding residents, and discharge of industrial waste water. Furthermore, any of these industrial premises which may not be properly connected to sewer system could result in discharge of untreated sewage into nearby water bodies and hence deteriorate water quality.

3.3.4                  However, the population in Hong Kong is increasing and there is an urgent need to have strategic sites for housing development as well as other facilities. As a result, development within this part of Hong Kong would not only bring social, economic and environmental benefits to the local community but also to the whole territory. Without the project, the developments would also be scattered within the region without any strategic planning. This could further decrease the quality of the living environment.

Scenario with the Project

This Project was putting forward to provide approximately 21,600 public housing units, accommodating a total population of approximately 61,000.  The proposed developments would also include supporting social welfare and other facilities to serve the proposed developments. These facilities include primary schools, secondary schools, kindergartens, community centre, child care centre, residential care home for the elderly, children and youth services centre, retail, etc.

Optimising the Land Use for Provision of Public Housing

3.3.5                  Of the approximately 29.7 ha of land proposed for development of public housings as well as the proposed Road L7 and the realigned Hong Po Road, approximately 10.3 ha of this land is currently used for various types of brownfield operations.  The transition of this land being used for brownfield operations into housing developments proposed under this Project could optimise the land use as well as addressing the public housing needs.

Improvement of Rural Environment

3.3.6                  The PDA is currently rural area with a mixture of land uses, with brownfield operations as the predominant uses.  These brownfield operations are intermingled with rural settlements and residential developments, agricultural land and vacant land, etc.  The expansion in brownfield site has resulted in deterioration of the rural environmental due to the increasing noise nuisances to the surrounding residents. In addition, the possibility of improper discharge of industrial waste water and contaminants without proper treatment into the nearby watercourses could deteriorate the water quality in the vicinity.

3.3.7                  With the implementation of the proposed public housing developments, proper sewerage facilities will be provided to convey the sewage collected within the PDA to the downstream public sewerage system, which on the other hand alleviating the impact caused by the existing brownfield operations.

3.3.8                  By transforming the brownfield sites for housing developments and other associated ancillary facilities, e.g. provision of PTIs, Government, Institution or Community (GI/C) facilities and social welfare facilities and public sewers etc., not only the living condition at the study area would be improved, the public’s expectation on provision of more traffic and transport infrastructure and G/IC facilities at the area could also be met and therefore, improving the overall living environment for the existing residents in the vicinity and future residents.

Provision of Alternative Road Linkage

3.3.9                  The proposed Road L7 and the realigned Hong Po Road will provide an alternative route for the areas adjacent to the PDA, e.g. San Hing Tsuen and Tsz Tin Tsuen, to the nearby road networks, which could release the burden of the existing road linkages within the area.

3.4                       Proposed Construction Methodologies

3.4.1                  Figures 1.3a and 1.3b shows the preliminary engineering layout plan which indicates the location of the SHR Site, SHR Site Extension, HPR Site and the associated infrastructure works. The details of the major works items involved in this Project and their construction methodologies and staged implementation are discussed in following sections:

Site Formation Works

3.4.2                  Site formation works will be carried out by cutting or filling the existing ground profile at SHR Site, SHR Site Extension and HPR Site to form platforms for future housing development.  Cut slope, L-shaped and bored piled retaining walls will be adopted to facilitate the platform formation. Surplus of inert C&D material generated during the site formation works would be either reused on site as far as practicable.  Surplus inert C&D material will be disposed of at the public fill reception facility or other concurrent construction projects for reuse. .

Treatment of Contaminated Soil

3.4.3                  The subsoil at the proposed development area may be contaminated by metals, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and other organics. Site investigation to obtain soil sample by drilling rigs and laboratory testing will be carried out after commencement of works to confirm the extent and degree of the contaminated soil. Solidification/stabilization and/or biopiling will be adopted in accordance the Practice Guide for Investigation and Remediation of Contaminated Land (published by EPD) if any contamination is identified. The treated soil will be re-used as backfilling materials within the site.

Road Works and Utilities

3.4.4                  The proposed road works include formation of Road L7, realignment of Hong Po Road and road junction improvement. Utilities installation works include construction of new drainage systems, diversion of existing drainage channels, laying of sewage pipes and laying of new water mains to support the development. The construction works will involve at-grade road construction, earthworks, temporary supports erection, utilities laying, laying of sub-base materials and laying of bituminous or concrete surfacing layers.

3.4.5                  Diversion of existing drainage channel will be carried out with provision of new drainage channel/ box culvert and proper temporary site drainage systems as per EPD’s Practice Note ProPECC PN 1/94 to maintain the existing drainage flow. Cut and cover method will be adopted for the construction of the box culvert. Subsequent connection works at the junction between the existing and new drainage channels/ box culverts will be carried out at particular seasons with less disturbance to the drainage flow. Proper silt removal facilities will be provided. The temporary site drainage systems will be removed upon completion of the connection works.


3.4.6                  A footbridge will be constructed to connect SHR Site to the existing footbridge near Ng Lau Road. It will be founded on piling foundation and supported by reinforced concrete columns.

3.4.7                  The superstructure will take the form of typical reinforced concrete structure. Considering its short in total length and complicated geometry, precast segmental construction and in-situ balanced cantilever construction methods will not be the cost-effective option and is considered not appropriate for this footbridge. Conventional in-situ construction employing formwork and falsework, with appropriate temporary traffic management, will be adopted.

Public Transportation Interchanges

3.4.8                  Covered Public transportation Interchanges (PTI) will be constructed at the SHR Site and HPR Site. It is envisaged the PTIs will be founded on shallow foundation.

Sewage Pumping Station

3.4.9                  A sewage pumping station (SPS) with design capacity of 14,629m3/day (Average Dry Weather Flow) is proposed to be situated at SHR Site to collect sewage generated from SHR Site, SHR Site Extension and HPR Site. The collected sewage flow will be transferred to the downstream sewerage system.

3.4.10              The construction activities would include piling works, in-situ casting of superstructures and laying of associated pipe works.

Fresh Water and Salt Water Service Reservoirs

3.4.11              In addition to the existing water supply infrastructure, a new FWSR and a new SWSR are proposed at HPR site to cater for the water supply demand arising from the proposed developments. A platform will be formed by cut and fill method at the uphill side of the HPR Site for the service reservoirs. Both service reservoirs will be buried underground. The construction activities would include typical foundation works, earthwork, reinforced concrete structure works, water pipe laying works and modification to the existing access road.

Landscaping Works at Open Spaces, Amenity Areas and Slopes

3.4.12              Landscaping works at open space, amenity areas and slopes will be carried out after site formation works and slope works. As these works will mainly involve planting or hydroseeding, environmental impact is not anticipated.

Building Structures

3.4.13              The public housing will be constructed by the Housing Department (HD) and the schools will be constructed by the Architectural Services Department (ArchSD). It is envisaged that the foundation works will involve piling machineries. For the superstructure, erection of precast concrete elements and in-situ concreting work are envisaged.

3.5                       Construction Programme

3.5.1                  It is anticipated that the development will be commissioned in phases.  The construction works is targeted to commence in Year 2025 and are summarised in Table 3.1 below and in Appendix 3.1.

                    Table 3.1 Works Packaging for the Development

Works Package


Land Clearance & Construction Period

Description of Works

Stage 1 Works –

SHR Site Extension, SHR SPS and Realigned Hong Po Road

SHR Site Extension (Residential Sites)

2025 to 2030

·         Site Clearance

·         Land Decontamination

·         Site Formation

·         Internal Roads

·         Pipe Works

·         Landscaping

·         Construction of Public Housing


2026 to 2030

·         Site Clearance

·         Land Decontamination

·         Site Formation

·         Sewage Pumping Station Construction and the associated Rising Mains

·         Upgrading Works of Existing Sewers & Modification of  TM54 SPS

Realigned Hong Po Road

2026 to 2029

·         Site Clearance

·         Land Decontamination

·         Site Formation

·         Road and Junction Improvement Works

·         Pipe Works

·         Utilities Works

·         Construction of footbridge and covered walkway

Stage 2 Works – Proposed Road L7

Proposed Road L7

2026 to 2029

·         Site Clearance

·         Site Formation

·         Road and Junction Improvement Works

·         Pipe Works Utilities Works

Stage 3 Works –

SHR Site and School Site at SHR Site

SHR Site

(Residential Sites)

2025 to 2031

·         Site Clearance

·         Land Decontamination

·         Site Formation

·         Internal Roads and PTI

·         Pipe Works

·         Landscaping

·         Construction of Public Housing

School Site at SHR Site

2026 to 2031

·         Site Clearance

·         Land Decontamination

·         Site Formation

·         Internal Roads

·         Pipe Works

·         Landscaping

·         Construction of Schools

Stage 4 Works –

HPR Site and School Sites at SHR Site Extension

HPR Site

(Residential Sites)

2026 to 2033

·         Site Clearance

·         Land Decontamination

·         Site Formation

·         Internal Roads and PTI

·         Pipe Works

·         Landscaping

·         Ecological Enhancement Works

·         Natural Terrain Hazard Mitigation Measures

·         Construction of Water Service Reservoirs

·         Construction of Public Housing

School Site at SHR Site Extension

2026 to 2033

·         Site Clearance

·         Land Decontamination

·         Site Formation

·         Internal Roads

·         Pipe Works

·         Landscaping

·         Construction of Schools