15                         Summary of Environmental Outcome

15.1                   Introduction

15.1.1              This chapter summarises the overall environmental outcomes due to the developments at San Hing Road and Hong Po Road, which comprises a total area of 37.5 ha. It can be seen from Sections 1 to 3 that environmental considerations have been the key consideration throughout the planning of the proposed land use as illustrated in the proposed development plan. Alternative options for designs and construction methodologies have been duly considered. All the options considered have ensured that environmental impacts could be avoided or minimised where practicable and mitigated by implementing suitable mitigation measures to fulfil all the statutory requirements. The technical assessments conducted (see Section 4 to Section 13) have demonstrated that all the statutory requirements in EIA Study Brief (No. ESB-299/2017) and Technical Memorandum on Environmental Impact Assessment (EIAO-TM) have been complied with.

15.1.2              The following sections summarise the approaches that have been adopted to either avoid or minimise various environmental impacts throughout the design process, and the associated environmental enhancement and compensation plans.

15.2                   Environmentally Friendly Options Recommended to Avoid Environmental Impacts

15.2.1              Avoidance of environmental impacts is one of the key considerations throughout the entire project development and design. For those impacts that could not be avoided, due considerations have been given to minimise those impacts as much as practicable so that all the mitigated environmental impacts would comply with the statutory requirements. For the proposed development in particular, given the views collated from general public and green groups, much emphasis has been given to address the natural resources such as woodland, ecologically sensitive semi-natural stream R1f at HPR Site, crabs species and plant species of conservation interest, etc. The following approaches to avoid environmental impacts have been suitably incorporated into the layout plan of the proposed development.

·         Avoidance of encroachment onto recognised sites of conservation interest;

·         Avoidance of direct impact on crab species and plants of conservation interest; and

·         Avoidance of direct impact on watercourses of higher ecological value.

Avoidance of encroachment onto Recognised Sites of Conservation Interest

15.2.2              Woodland W2 and the Conservation Area zone at Chung Shan are two sites of conservation interest identified from literature review and their ecological conditions were further confirmed in Chapter 8. Direct encroachment onto the sites of conservation interest due to the site formation and infrastructure works to support the proposed public housing development has been avoided to prevent significant ecological impact.

Avoidance of Direct Impact on Crab Species and Plants of Conservation Interest

15.2.3              The crab species Cryptopotamon anacoluthon and Somanniathelphusa zanklon were identified in an upper section of the semi-natural stream R1f. In order to avoid adverse impact on these crab species, the upstream section of R1f of about 208m in length is proposed to be retained by adjusting the project site boundary for in-situ preservation of the localities of the two crab species of conservation interest as far as practicable.

15.2.4              Consideration of avoiding the impacts of floral species of conservation interest such as Aquilaria sinensis and Pyrenaria spectabilis identified in woodland W3 has been taken into account during the selection of the alignment of the proposed Road L7. The current alignment is found to be the preferred option from ecological perspective as minimal affected Aquilaria sinensis could be resulted. Moreover, option evaluation on the construction methods of proposed Road L7 has been conducted. L-shaped/bored pile retaining walls instead of cut slope is proposed, which could significantly reduce the required construction area by about 0.9ha and therefore avoid the encroachment on 6 individuals of Aquilaria sinensis. As a result, all the Pyrenaria spectabilis and majority of Aquilaria sinensis can be preserved in-situ without any conflict with the proposed works. Besides that, the adoption of L-shaped/bored pile retaining walls could also minimise the encroachment of the existing woodland W3.

15.2.5              Three affected Aquilaria sinensis that are unavoidably removed due to the construction of the proposed Road L7. Two of them are seedling and sapling, while the third affected individual is a topped young tree. To minimize the impact on the Aquilaria sinensis, the 1 seedling and 1 sapling will be transplanted to the potential receptor site locating in the unaffected areas within woodland W3.

Avoidance of Direct Impact on Watercourses of Higher Ecological Value

15.2.6              Natural streams R1a-e and R1k are natural rocky streams, with continuous waterflow during wet season. Fauna and floral species of conservation interest, namely Nepenthes mirabilis and Somanniathelphusa zanklon, are recorded at natural streams R1a and R1b. The proposed development has totally avoided direct encroachment onto these natural streams.  In addition, refinement of PDA boundary and drainage alignment have been adopted in order to preserve the upper section of semi-natural stream R1f with higher ecological value during the planning of the development.

15.3                   Environmental Designs Recommended to Minimise and Mitigate Environmental Impacts

15.3.1              Other than initiatives to avoid environmental impacts as summarised in Section 15.2, efforts have been exercised to minimise those inevitable impacts.  The need for any environmental designs required to mitigate the associated impacts has also been identified and will be implemented as appropriate. A summary of these approaches is given below:

·         Provision of pedestrian walkways and cycle tracks for encouraging green commuting within and beyond the PDA;

·         Provision of Covered PTIs;

·         Provision of noise mitigation measures;

·         Provision of sewerage system within PDA and sewage pumping station; and

·         Provision of ecological enhancement measures at the retained semi-natural streams for identified species of conservation interests.

Provision of pedestrian walkways and cycle tracks for encouraging green commuting within and beyond the PDA

15.3.2              As discussed in Section 1.6, pedestrian walkways and cycle tracks will be constructed along the proposed Road L7 and the re-aligned Hong Po Road to promote green commuting. The proposed cycle tracks will be connected to the nearby residential areas e.g. Tuen Mun New Town and public transport facilities such as Lam Tei LRT Station and Sui Hong WRL/LRT Interchange Station where practicable. Upgrading/modification works to existing footbridge at Ng Lau Road and associated covered walkway are proposed to improve the walking environment and promote green commuting. All these measures are proposed to facilitate walking and cycling across the PDA and in the wider community. These would also in turn help to reduce road-based traffic and hence their associated vehicular noise and air pollutants emission.

Provision of Covered PTIs

15.3.3              Two PTIs proposed within the PDA will be covered to minimise the operational noise to existing and planned noise sensitive receivers (NSRs).

Providing Noise Mitigation Measures

15.3.4              A road traffic noise assessment (see Section 5) has been conducted for the existing and planned NSRs (including residential units, schools, etc.) within the 300m assessment area of the PDA and the associated infrastructure works. The current planning of building block layout has allowed setback distances as much as practicable. To mitigate the road traffic noise impact on the existing and planned NSRs within and near the PDA, a combination of noise mitigation measures have been recommended, including i) application of low noise road surfacing material along some sections of Project roads (e.g. realigned Hong Po Road) and other roads, ii) construction of roadside noise barriers along some sections of Project roads, iii) provision of acoustic windows for the proposed public housing buildings, iv) construction of boundary wall for the proposed welfare facilities, v) implementation of on-site noise mitigation measures at TM Area 54 Site 5 by Hong Kong Housing Authority and vi) restriction on locating the more noise sensitive welfare uses at façade facing the realigned Hong Po Road and access road in HPR Site. More detailed description of those direct noise mitigation measures are given in Section 5.7.

Provision of Sewerage System within PDA and Sewage Pumping Station

15.3.5              Currently, there is no public sewers within the PDA, and the watercourses are still subject to discharges from scattered houses not served by public sewers. With the proposed SHR SPS and associated sewage pipes to be constructed under the Project, all the areas within the PDA will be provided with public sewers that convey the sewage to the downstream public sewage collection and treatment system. Hence, the watercourses in the vicinity are anticipated to have potential benefits from the improvement in water quality.

                      Provision of Ecological Enhancement Measures at the Retained Semi-Natural Streams for Identified Species of Conservation Interests

15.3.6              Two crab species of conservation interest were identified in an upper section of a semi-natural stream R1f at northern portion of the HPR Site. Apart from setting a buffer zone of 6m separation alongside the southern band of the retained stream section, ecological enhancement for the retained section of the semi-natural stream by reinstating its artificial bank structure to natural riparian habitat is recommended which aims to improve the carrying capability of the watercourse for the two crab species of conservation interest. The enhancement works will include the demolition of all existing artificial structures to reinstate its natural riparian state, and planting of native plants along the reinstated banks and the buffer zone. The proposed design and enhancement measures are expected to be able to improve the ecological carrying capacity of the stream and its associated riparian habitats for the concerned crab species.

15.4                  Summary of Key Environmental Problems and Sensitive Areas Avoided

15.4.1               Sections 15.2 and 15.3 have summarised the key approaches adopted in the development to avoid, minimise and mitigate environmental impacts. Some of these approaches have contributed to avoid a number of environmental problems and to protect a number of environmental sensitive areas. Table 15.1 presents the key environmental problems and any sensitive areas that have been avoided by these approaches.

Table 15.1 Key Environmental Problems Avoided and Sensitive Areas Protected

Designed Approaches

Key Environmental Problems Avoided and Sensitive Areas Protected

Avoidance of encroachment onto recognised sites of conservation interest

·         Woodland W2 and the Conservation Area zone at Chung Shan have been avoided and will not be encroached by any developments under the Project.

Avoidance of direct impact on crab species and plants of conservation interest

·         The upper section of the semi-natural stream R1f of about 208m long, adjacent to HPR site, with totally 4 recorded localities of crab species of conservation interest , is proposed to be retained with minimum 6m buffer zone at the southern bank.

·         In order to preserve in-situ the offsite Aquilaria sinensis along the proposed Road L7, L-shaped/bored pile retaining wall is proposed which has a smaller works area and can avoid the removal of the plants of conservation interest.

Direct Impact on Watercourses of Higher Ecological Value

·         Direct encroachment on natural streams R1a-e and R1k are avoided. In addition, the refinement of PDA boundary and drainage alignment have been considered to preserve the semi-natural stream at HPR Site during the planning of the development.

Provision of pedestrian walkways and cycling tracks for encouraging green commuting within and beyond PDA

·         Pedestrian roads and cycling tracks are planned within the PDA to promote green commuting. Besides that, this can also reduce road-based traffic and the associated environmental issues.

Provision of covered PTIs

·         Operation noise impacts from proposed PTIs to NSRs are avoided/minimised.

Provision of noise mitigation measures

·         All noise sensitive receivers within and in the vicinity of the PDA are protected to achieve the statutory traffic noise criterion.

Provision of sewerage system within PDA and sewage pumping station

·         All the areas within the PDA boundary will be provided with public sewers that convey the sewage to the proposed SPS. Watercourses within the PDA and in the vicinity are anticipated to have potential benefits from the improvement in water quality.

Minimising Direct Impact on Plants of Conservation Interests

·         Adjustment of the alignment of Road L7 to minimise the impact has been considered.

Provision of ecological enhancement measures at the retained semi-natural streams for identified species of conservation interests

·         Ecological enhancement of the retained stream section at HPR Site is recommended, which will include reinstatement of the disturbed stream bank by demolition of all existing artificial structures and provision of buffer zone, followed by planting of native plants along the reinstated bank and buffer zone.

15.5                  Estimated Population Protected from Various Environmental Impacts

15.5.1              The proposed development has been carefully designed to protect the populations from various environmental impacts. As mentioned in Section 5.7, the implementation of proposed direct noise mitigation measures (i.e. erection of noise barriers and application of low noise road surfacing) could protect a number of residential dwellings/classrooms/welfares use facilities. In total, there are about 388 no. of dwellings within and in vicinity of PDA, 15 no. of classrooms within PDA and 2 welfare use units proposed by the direct mitigation measures. With the implementation of proposed noise mitigation measures, all the total planned population assigned in the PDA (approximately 61,000) will be protected from road traffic and rail noise.

15.6                  Environmental Benefits of Environmental Protection Measures Recommended

15.6.1              Mitigation measures have been recommended to further reduce the environmental impacts during the construction and operation phases of the project. Key recommended mitigation measures and the associated benefits are summarised in Table 15‑2 below.

Table 152 Key Recommended Mitigation Measures and Associated Benefits

EIA Aspects

Key Recommended Mitigation Measures

Associated Benefits

Air Quality

Construction Dust

·         Implementing relevant control measures as required in the Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulation to minimise dust generation; and

·         Watering once per hour on exposed worksites and haul road.


·         Potential odour sources associated with the proposed sewage pumping station should be enclosed inside reinforced concrete structure. The foul air will be ventilated to a deodouriser with odour removal efficiency of 99.5% for treatment before discharge.  The ventilation outlet should be located away from the nearby air sensitive receivers (ASRs) as far as practicable. The ventilation system shall also maintain a negative pressure within the facility.

·         For the planned refuse collection points (RCPs) within the proposed housing sites, the siting should be away from the nearby ASRs as far as possible.  The design of the planned RCPs should incorporate proper ventilation, deodourisng and exhaust system to minimize the potential odour nuisance on the nearby ASRs.

To minimize the dust nuisance on ASRs during construction phase and odour impact on ASRs during operation phase.

Noise Impact


Construction Noise

·         Use of quiet powered mechanical plants with lower sound power level, movable barriers, noise insulating fabric and noise enclosures during the construction phase;

·         Implement recommended minimum separation distance between critical construction activities and NSRs (schools during exam period); and

·         Adoption of quieter construction method for site clearance works.

Road Traffic Noise

·         Use of low noise road surfacing material along some sections of project roads and other roads;

·         Use of roadside noise barriers along some sections of project roads;

·         Provision of acoustic windows for the proposed public housing buildings;

·         Use of boundary wall for the proposed welfare facilities;

·         Provision of on-site noise mitigation measures at TM Area 54 Site 5 by Hong Kong Housing Authority; and

·         Restriction on locating the more noise sensitive welfare uses at façade facing the realigned Hong Po Road and access road in HPR Site.

Rail Noise

·         Provision of acoustic windows for the proposed public housing buildings to mitigate the rail noise.

Fixed Noise Sources

·         PTIs to be decked and avoid direct line of sight to NSRs Adopt recommended maximum sound power level of the ventilation fans installed at PTIs.

·         Openings of ventilation system located and oriented away from NSRs.

·         Installation of silencer/acoustic louvre for exhaust of ventilation system.

·         Pumps and noisy plants located inside enclosed SPS building.

·         Proper selection of quiet plant with lower tonality.

To minimize the construction noise on NSRs during construction phase. During the operation phase, the road traffic noise, noise from fixed noise source and rail noise on NSRs could be reduced.

Water Quality

·         Implementing the mitigation measures recommended for control of suspended solids release.

·         Implementing site practices as outlined in ProPECC Note PN 1/94 to control and minimise site runoff and drainage.

·         Provision of adequate portable chemical toilets during construction.

·         Install and maintain roadside gullies and oil/grease interceptors for removal of pollutants from storm water.

·         Develop a contingency plan to deal with emergency discharge from the sewage pumping station.

To minimise the potential water pollution to the nearby water sensitive receivers (WSRs), thus, the WSRs could be protected in construction and operation phases.

Sewerage and Sewage Treatment

·         Propose new sewerage system for the unsewered area and sewage pumping station within PDA to ensure proper handling of sewage flow.

To minimise the potential water pollution to the nearby WSRs (i.e.  watercourses) by conveying the sewage to downstream treatment facilities before disposal.


·         The proposed PDA boundary has avoided direct encroachment on sites of ecological importance, namely woodland W2 and Conservation Area at Chung Shan, and major natural streams with presence of species of conservation interest.

·         Direct encroachment on most of the plant species of conservation interest is avoided. Amongst the 3 individuals of the affected Aquilaria sinensis, 2 of them (1 seedling and 1 sapling) will be preserved by transplanting.

·         All the recorded localities of the crab species of conservation interest Somanniathelphusa zanklon that recorded at the semi-natural stream section R1f are avoided from direct impact by refinement of the proposed PDA boundary.

·         The unavoidably affected crab species (One locality of Cryptopotamon anacoluthon) is recommended to be preserved by translocation at suitable undisturbed stream habitat.

·         Ecological enhancement for retained section of the semi-natural stream R1f by reinstating the disturbed stream bank and the provision of 6m buffer zone by demolition of all artificial structures, following by planting of native plants is recommended.

To avoid the disturbance of ecologically sensitive areas, minimise the impacts to the floral and faunal species of conservation interest and enhance the naturalness of the ecologically sensitive semi-natural stream.

Landscape and Visual

·         Careful design of proposed Road L7 and to minimise the impacts to mixed woodland W3 and floral species of conservation interests.

·         Applying the naturalistic finishing materials for the proposed housing building blocks.

·         Providing of colour scheme of chromatic alternation to façade materials and avoiding usage of monotonous colour that could improve the visual appearance of building.

·         Implement greening measures, including roadsides greening and screen planting where practical to improve the landscape and visual aesthetics.

·         Enhancement by planting of native tree species and transplantation of affected trees.

·         Applying the green roof and corresponding landscape work such as planting of climbers, shrubs and bamboo to SPS, service reservoirs and proposed PTIs area.

To provide a disguising effect that merge proposed buildings to surrounding context visually; while the overall greenery coverage shall be increased.

Waste Management

·         Good waste management and control practices to avoid generation of excessive amount of waste materials.

·         Good site practices to alleviate impacts related to waste management such as dust, odour and noise.

·         Implementation of a trip-ticket system promulgated under DEVB TC(W) No. 6/2010 to monitor off-site delivery of surplus inert construction and demolition (C&D) materials.

·         Handling of chemical wastes in accordance with the Code of Practice on the Packaging, Labelling and Storage of Chemical Wastes, and disposal of chemical wastes at licensed chemical waste recycling/ treatment facilities.

·         Employ reputable licensed waste collectors for disposal of general refuse.

Implementation of good waste management to avoid, reuse and recycle the waste materials as far as practical and fully utilize the waste resources during the construction and operation.

Land Contamination

·         Carry out suitable remediation measures according to the results from future Site Investigation prior to construction after land resumption.

To provide opportunity to clean up the contaminated land and reduce the potential risk to health and the environment.

Cultural Heritage

·         Declared monument and graded buildings are avoided.

·         San Hing Tsuen SAI might be impacted by construction works. Prior to the construction phase, a programme of archaeological field survey is recommended to be implemented for the development in northern part upon land resumption and clearance of structures and prior to the construction phase. If significant deposits or features are present, follow up mitigation should be recommended. The scope and programme of the archaeological fieldwork would be agreed with AMO prior to implementation.

·         For the areas with low or no archaeological potential, works should cease and AMO should be informed immediately in case of discovery of antiquities or supposed antiquities in the course of the construction works. Agreement from AMO would be sought on the follow-up actions if required.

The resources on cultural heritage shall be protected.