As the flight paths of the helicopter are close to the airspace above
the LPG Filling station and the Kerry Dangerous Goods Warehouse (Kowloon Bay) (KDGW).
Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) has been conducted with the objective of
identifying potential hazards involved during the construction and operation
phase of the helipad. QRA was conducted to evaluate the risk
associated with the proposed helipad at the Acute Hospital. The risk, both in
terms of individual risk and societal risk, has been found to be in compliance
with the risk criteria stipulated in Section 2 of Annex 4 of the TM-EIAO.
Mitigation measures for risk includes providing professional trainings
and guidelines to the helicopter pilots in order to ensure the pilots be
familiar with the procedures to avoid approaching near the smoke plume in event
of a major fire accident at KDGW.
Since both individual risk and societal risk posed by the proposed
helipad at Acute Hospital meet the criteria of Hong Kong Risk Guidelines, no
further mitigation measures are required.
No monitoring or audit is considered necessary for construction phase or
operation phase.