5             water quality Impact. 5-1

5.1           Introduction. 5-1

5.2           Environmental Legislation, Standards and Criteria. 5-1

5.3           Description of Environment 5-3

5.4           Water Sensitive Receivers. 5-7

5.5           Identification of Potential Impacts. 5-7

5.6           Assessment Methodology. 5-8

5.7           Water Quality Impact Assessment 5-8

5.8           Water Quality Mitigation Measures. 5-10

5.9           Cumulative Impacts. 5-15

5.10         Residual Water Quality Impacts. 5-15

5.11         Environmental Monitoring and Audit Requirements. 5-16

5.12         Conclusions. 5-16


List of Tables


Table 5.1              Summary of Water Quality Objectives for Watercourses in Tolo Harbour and Channel WCZ

Table 5.2              Summary Statistics of Marine Water Quality of Tolo Harbour and Channel WCZ Collected by EPD in 2019

Table 5.3              Summary Statistics of River Water Quality of Shing Mun River Collected by EPD in 2019

Table 5.4              Water Sensitive Receivers


List of Figures


Figure 5.1

Locations of Water Sensitive Receivers and EPD Water Quality Monitoring Stations


5                      water quality Impact

5.1                  Introduction           This section presents an assessment of the potential water quality impacts associated with the construction and operation of the Project.  The assessment was conducted in accordance with set out under Clause 3.4.6 of the Study Brief.

5.2                  Environmental Legislation, Standards and Criteria

5.2.1              Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO)           Technical Memorandum on Environmental Impact Assessment Process (EIAO-TM) was issued by EPD under Section 16 of the EIAO.  The EIAO-TM specifies assessment methodologies and criteria that are to be followed in an EIA Study.  Sections relevant to water quality impact assessment comprise:

·                   Annex 6 - Criteria for Evaluating Water Pollution

·                   Annex 14 - Guidelines for Assessment of Water Pollution

5.2.2              Water Quality Objectives           The Water Pollution Control Ordinance (WPCO) provides the major statutory framework for the protection and control of water quality in Hong Kong.  According to the Ordinance and its subsidiary legislation, Hong Kong waters are divided into ten Water Control Zones (WCZs).  Corresponding statements of Water Quality Objectives (WQOs) are stipulated for different water regimes (marine waters, inland waters, bathing beaches subzones, secondary contact recreation subzones and fish culture subzones) in each WCZ based on their beneficial uses.  WQOs for the watercourses in Tolo Harbour and Channel WCZ relevant to this assessment are listed in Table 5.1.

Table 5.1          Summary of Water Quality Objectives for Watercourses in Tolo Harbour and Channel WCZ




Aesthetic Appearance

Waste discharges shall not cause the water to contain substances that settle to form objectionable deposits;

Whole Zone

Waste discharges shall not cause the water to contain substances that float as debris, scum, oil or other matter to form nuisances;

Waste discharges shall not cause water to contain substances that produce objectionable colour, odours, taste or turbidity;

Waste discharges shall not cause water to contain substances that injure or are toxic or produce adverse physiological responses in humans, animals or plants; or

Waste discharges shall not cause water to contain substances that are conductive to undesirable aquatic life or a nuisance to aquatic life.


Should not exceed 1000 per 100 mL, calculated as the running median of the most recent 5 consecutive samples taken at intervals of between 7 and 21 days.

Inland Waters in Shing Mun (A, C, D, E, H, I) subzones, Tai Po (B, C) subzones and other watercourses.

Should not exceed 0 per 100 mL, calculated as the running median of the most recent 5 consecutive samples taken at intervals of between 7 and 21 days.




Inland Waters in Shing Mun (B, F, G) subzones, Lam Tsuen (C, D) subzones and Tai Po subzone A. 


Waste discharge shall not cause the colour of water to exceed 30 Hazen units.

Inland Waters in Shing Mun (B, F, G) subzones, Lam Tsuen (C, D) subzones and Tai Po subzone A. 

Waste discharge shall not cause the colour of water to exceed 50 Hazen units.

Inland Waters in Shing Mun (A, C, D, E, H, I) subzones, Tai Po (B, C) subzones and other watercourses.


To be in the range of 6.0 – 9.0

Inland Waters in Shing Mun (D, E, I) subzones and other watercourses.

To be in the range of 6.5 – 8.5

Inland Waters in Shing Mun (A, B, C, F, G, H) subzones, Lam Tsuen (C, D) subzones and Tai Po (A, B,C) subzones. 


Not to exceed ± 2 0C daily temperature range due to waste discharge

Whole Zone

Suspended solids (SS)

Waste discharges shall not cause the annual median of suspended solids to exceed 25 milligrams per litre.

Inland Waters in Shing Mun (D, E, I) subzones and other watercourses.

Waste discharges shall not cause the annual median of suspended solids to exceed 20 milligrams per litre.

Inland Waters in Shing Mun (A, B, C, F, G, H) subzones, Lam Tsuen (C, D) subzones and Tai Po (A, B,C) subzones. 

Dissolve Oxygen (DO) within 2 m of the seabed

Not less than 4 mg/L or 40% saturation at any time.

Whole Zone

5-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5)

(a) Waste discharges shall not cause the 5-day biochemical oxygen demand to exceed 5 milligrams per litre.

Inland Waters in Shing Mun (A, C, D, E, H, I) subzones, Tai Po (B, C) subzones and other watercourses

(b) Waste discharges shall not cause the 5-day biochemical oxygen demand to exceed 3 milligrams per litre.

Inland Waters in Shing Mun (B, F, G) subzones, Lam Tsuen (C, D) subzones and Tai Po subzone A. 

Chemical oxygen demand (COD)

(a) Waste discharges shall not cause the chemical oxygen demand to exceed 15 milligrams per litre.

Inland Waters in Shing Mun (B, F, G) subzones, Lam Tsuen (C, D) subzones and Tai Po subzone A. 

(b) Waste discharges shall not cause the chemical oxygen demand to exceed 30 milligrams per litre.

Inland Waters in Shing Mun (A, C, D, E, H, I) subzones, Tai Po (B, C) subzones and other watercourses


Waste discharges shall not cause the ammoniacal nitrogen in waters of the subzone to exceed 0.5 milligram per litre at any time.

All inland watercourses


Waste discharges shall not cause the toxicants in water to attain such a level as to produce significant toxic effects in humans, fish or any other aquatic organisms, with due regard to biologically cumulative effects in food chains and to toxicant interactions with each other.

Whole Zone

Source:   Statement of Water Quality Objectives (Tolo Harbour and Channel Water Control Zone).

5.2.3              Technical Memorandum on Effluent Discharge Standard (TM-DSS)           Discharge of effluents is subject to control under the WPCO.  The “Technical Memorandum on Standards for Effluents Discharged into Drainage and Sewerage Systems, Inland and Coastal Waters” (TM-DSS) gives guidance on the permissible effluent discharges based on the type of receiving waters (foul sewers, storm water drains, inland and coastal waters).  The standards control the physical, chemical and microbial quality of effluents.  Any sewage from the proposed construction and operation activities must comply with the standards for effluents discharged into the foul sewers, inland waters and coastal waters of Tolo Harbour and Channel WCZ, as stipulated in the TM-DSS.

5.2.4              Practice Notes for Professional Persons on Construction Site Drainage           A “Professional Persons Environmental Consultative Committee Practice Note” (ProPECC PN) was issued by the EPD to provide guidelines for handling and disposal of construction site discharges.  The ProPECC PN 1/94 "Construction Site Drainage" provides good practice guidelines for dealing with 10 types of discharge from construction sites.  These include surface run-off, groundwater, boring and drilling water, wastewater from concrete batching and precast concrete casting, wheel washing water, bentonite slurry, water for testing and sterilisation of water retaining structures and water pipes, wastewater from building constructions, acid cleaning, etching and pickling wastewater, and wastewater from site facilities.  Practices given in the ProPECC PN 1/94 should be followed as far as possible during construction to minimise the water quality impact due to construction site drainage.           The ProPECC PN 5/93 "Drainage Plans subject to Comments by Environmental Protection Department" provides guidelines and practices for handling, treatment and disposal of various effluent discharges to stormwater drains and foul sewers.  The design of site drainage and disposal of various site effluents generated within the new development area should follow the relevant guidelines and practices as given in the ProPECC PN 5/93.

5.2.5              ETWB Technical Circular (Works) No. 5/2005 Protection of Natural Streams/Rivers from Adverse Impacts Arising from Construction Works           ETWB Technical Circular (Works) No. 5/2005 provides an administrative framework to better protect all natural streams/rivers from the impacts of construction works. The procedures promulgated under this Circular aim to clarify and strengthen existing measures for protection of natural streams/rivers from government projects and private developments. The guidelines and precautionary mitigation measures given in the ETWB TC (Works) No. 5/2005 should be followed as far as possible to protect the inland watercourse at or near the Project area during the construction phase

5.2.6              Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines           The Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines (HKPSG), Chapter 9 (Environment), provides additional guidelines against water pollution for sensitive use such as aquaculture and fisheries zones, bathing waters and other contact recreational waters.

5.3                  Description of Environment

5.3.1              Study Area           According to Item of the Study Brief, the Study Area for this water quality impact assessment include areas within 500 metres from the boundary of the Project and has included the Tolo Harbour and Channel WCZ as designated under the WPCO (Cap. 358) and the water sensitive receivers in the vicinity of the Project.  The baseline condition of water bodies in the Study Area have been established with reference to routine river and marine water quality monitoring data collected by EPD.  Descriptions of the baseline conditions provided in the subsequent sections are extracted from the EPD's reports “River Water Quality in Hong Kong in 2019” and “Marine Water Quality in Hong Kong in 2019” which contains the latest information published by EPD on river and marine water quality.

5.3.2              Marine Water           The EPD monitoring data collected in 2019 is summarised in Table 5.2 for Harbour Subzone (Station TM2).  Indicative location of this monitoring station is shown in Figure 5.1.  Descriptions of the baseline water quality conditions provided in the subsequent section are based on the EPD’s report “Marine Water Quality in Hong Kong in 2019”.           The overall WQO compliance rate of the Tolo Harbour and Channel WCZ in 2019 was 79%, same as 2018. The compliance rate for the DO WQO maintained at 57%, same as the last three years. Furthermore, the Tolo Harbour and Channel WCZ also complied with the bacteriological WQO for the secondary contact recreation subzone.           Tolo Harbour is a shallow and semi-enclosed water body which is essentially landlocked. Such hydrological setting often leads to natural stratification of the water column and the associated lower bottom DO levels, particularly during the hot summer months with heavy rainfall. As such, occasional non-compliance with the DO WQO may take place during summer.

Table 5.2          Summary Statistics of Marine Water Quality of Tolo Harbour and Channel WCZ Collected by EPD in 2019


Harbour Subzone


(in marine waters)





(17.8 - 32.0)

Not more than ±1 in daily temperature range



(22.2 - 32.1)

Not to cause more than ±3ppt change

Dissolved Oxygen


Depth Average


(4.7 - 7.7)

Not less than 4 mg/L



(4.3 - 8.0)

Harbour Subzone: Not less than 2 mg/L

Buffer Subzone:  Not less than 3 mg/L

Channel Subzone: Not less than 4 mg/L

Dissolved Oxygen

(% Saturation)

Depth Average


(64 - 113)




(65 - 123)



(7.7 - 8.7)

Harbour Subzone: Not greater than ±0.5 from natural range

Buffer Subzone:  Not greater than ±0.3 from natural range

Channel Subzone: Not greater than ±0.1 from natural range

Suspended Solids



(2.0 - 14.0)





(0.017 - 0.072)


Unionised Ammonia



(<0.001 - 0.020)





(<0.002 - 0.013)





(<0.002 - 0.034)


Total Inorganic Nitrogen



(0.03 - 0.12)


Total Nitrogen



(0.15 - 0.64)





(<0.002 - 0.014)


Total phosphorus



(0.02 - 0.07)





(2.2 - 12.0)

Harbour Subzone: Arithmetic mean not to exceed 20µg/L

Buffer Subzone: Arithmetic mean not to exceed 10µg/L

Channel Subzone: Arithmetic mean not to exceed 6µg/L

E. coli



(<1 - 250)

Secondary Contact Recreation and Fish Culture Subzones: Annual geometric mean not to exceed 610 cfu/100L

Faecal Coliforms



(1 - 520)



1.   Data source: EPD Marine Water Quality in Hong Kong in 2019

2.   Except as specified, data presented are depth-averaged values calculated by taking the means of three depths: surface, mid-depth and bottom.

3.   Data presented are annual arithmetic means of depth-averaged results except for E.coli and faecal coliforms that are annual geometric means.

4.   Data in brackets indicate the ranges.

5.3.3              Inland Water           The water quality monitoring results at stations in Shing Mun River, namely TR19 and TR19C, are shown in Table 5.3, and the locations of the river water quality monitoring stations are shown in Figure 5.1.  According to the EPD’s publication “River Water Quality in Hong Kong in 2019”, the compliance rate of Shing Mun River was 95% in 2019.           Shing Mun River, a major river which has three main tributaries and runs through the densely populated Sha Tin urban area, showed marked improvement during the past three decades because factory discharges are controlled under the WPCO. Most of the domestic and commercial premises in the urbanized town centre are connected to government sewers. Under the Livestock Waste Control Scheme, livestock farms have ceased operation. But the river is still affected by polluted discharges from a small number of unsewered villages and expedient connections.

Table 5.3          Summary Statistics of River Water Quality of Shing Mun River Collected by EPD in 2019


Tai Wai Nullah


(in inland waters)



Dissolved oxygen (mg/L)


(8.4 – 11.1)


(8.7 – 13.0)

Waste discharges shall not cause the level of dissolved oxygen to be less than 4 mg/L



(7.2 – 7.8)


(7.1 - 8.3)

Inland Waters in Shing Mun (D, E, I) subzones and other watercourses: 6.0 – 9.0

Inland Waters in Shing Mun (A, B, C, F, G, H) subzones, Lam Tsuen (C, D) subzones and Tai Po (A, B,C) subzones: 6.5 – 8.5

Suspended solids (mg/L)


(1.0 - 13.0)


(1.1 - 7.7)

Inland Waters in Shing Mun (D, E, I) subzones and other watercourses: Annual median not to exceed 25mg/L

Inland Waters in Shing Mun (A, B, C, F, G, H) subzones, Lam Tsuen (C, D) subzones and Tai Po (A, B,C) subzones: Annual median not to exceed 20mg/L

5-day Biochemical Oxygen Demand



(0.6 - 6.8)


(0.9 - 5.9)

Inland Waters in Shing Mun (A, C, D, E, H, I) subzones, Tai Po (B, C) subzones and other watercourses: 5-day biochemical oxygen demand not to exceed 5mg/L

Inland Waters in Shing Mun (B, F, G) subzones, Lam Tsuen (C, D) subzones and Tai Po subzone A: 5-day biochemical oxygen demand not to exceed 3mg/L

Chemical Oxygen Demand (mg/L)


(3 - 18)


(4 - 12)

Inland Waters in Shing Mun (B, F, G) subzones, Lam Tsuen (C, D) subzones and Tai Po subzone A: Not to exceed 15mg/L

Inland Waters in Shing Mun (A, C, D, E, H, I) subzones, Tai Po (B, C) subzones and other watercourses: Not to exceed 30mg/L

Oil & grease



(<0.5 – <0.5)


(<0.5 - 0.6)

Not available

Faecal coliforms



(4,400 – 84,000)


(13,000 – 280,000)

Not available

E. coli



(180 – 14,000)


(150 – 81,000)

Inland Waters in Shing Mun (A, C, D, E, H, I) subzones, Tai Po (B, C) subzones and other watercourses: Not exceed 1000 per 100 mL

Inland Waters in Shing Mun (B, F, G) subzones, Lam Tsuen (C, D) subzones and Tai Po subzone A: Not exceed 0 per 100 mL




(0.012 - 0.530)


(0.010 - 0.530)

Not more than 0.5 mg/L




(0.470 - 1.600)


(0.520 - 1.100)

Not available

Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (mg/L)


(0.18 - 1.20)


(0.31 - 0.88)

Not available




(0.004 - 0.170)


(<0.002 - 0.130)

Not available

Total phosphorus



(0.02 - 0.22)


(0.02 – 0.16)

Not available

Total sulphide



(<0.02 - <0.02)


(<0.02 - <0.02)

Not available




(<50 - 210)


(<50 - 122)

Not available




(<0.1 - 0.1)


(<0.1 - 0.1)

Not available




(<1 - 1)


(<1 - 2)

Not available




(<1 - 7)


(<1 - 4)

Not available




(<1 - <1)


(<1 - <1)

Not available




(<10 - 39)


(<10 - 31)

Not available




(0.024 – 0.180)


(0.045 – 0.384)

Not available


1.    Data source: EPD River Water Quality in Hong Kong in 2019

2.    Data presented are in annual medians of monthly samples; except those for faecal coliforms and E. coli which are in annual geometric means

3.    Figures in brackets are annual ranges

4.    cfu – colony forming unit

5.    Values at or below laboratory reporting limits are presented as laboratory reporting limits

6.    Equal values for annual medians (or geometric means) and ranges indicate that all data are the same as or below laboratory reporting limits.

5.4                  Water Sensitive Receivers           The Project is an inland development, water sensitive receivers (WSRs) within 500m of the Project site boundary and has been extended to include other areas that has a bearing on water quality in the vicinity, are identified and listed at Table 5.4. Their indicative locations are shown in Figure 5.1.

Table 5.4        Water Sensitive Receivers






From Needle Hill

Natural watercourse

Moderate to fast flow rate. Relatively natural and undisturbed, with a short section near Shing Mun Tunnel Road channelised.


From Grassy Hill

Natural watercourse

Moderate to fast flow rate.


From Temple Hill, at the west of Shui Chuen O Estate

Natural watercourse

Moderate flow rate. Middle and upper sections were relatively natural and semi-shaded.


Kwun Yam Shan Stream running from Temple Hill, at the east of Shui Chuen O Estate

Natural watercourse

Moderate flow rate.


Sha Tin Tau Village

Channelised watercourse

Concrete nullah with slow water flow.


From Unicorn Ridge

Natural watercourse

Limited water flow.


Near Shui Chuen O Estate

Channelised watercourse

Concrete nullah with shallow water


Shing Mun Main River Channel

Channelised watercourse

Trapezoidal channel with concrete bank and experienced tidal influence.


Lion Rock Country Park

Country Park

-           Lower Shing Mun Reservoir is located outside the 500m Project site boundary and is located at the upstream of the Project. Hence, no water quality impacts are expected on the reservoir and it is not identified as a WSR.

5.5                  Identification of Potential Impacts

5.5.1              Construction Impacts           The potential sources of water quality impact associated with the construction works would include:

·         Construction works at Shing Mun Main River Channel;

·         Wastewater from general construction activities;

·         Construction site run-off;

·         Construction works in close proximity to inland water;

·         Sewage from construction workforce;

·         Accidental spillage of chemicals; and

·         Diversion of Sha Tin Tau Nullah.

5.5.2              Operation Impacts           Potential water quality impacts associated with the operation phase would include:

·         Non-point source surface run-off from new impervious areas; and

·         Hydrodynamic and water quality impact on Shing Mun River.

5.6                  Assessment Methodology

5.6.1              General           As discussed previously, the WSRs in the vicinity of the Project are presented in Figure 5.1.  The methodology employed to assess potential water quality impacts associated with the construction and operation of the Project followed the detailed technical requirements given in Appendix D of the Study Brief and was based on the information presented in Section 2.           All the identified sources of potential water quality impacts from the land-based construction works and the operation phase were evaluated and their impact significance determined.  Practical water pollution control measures were recommended to mitigate identified water quality impacts.

5.7                  Water Quality Impact Assessment

5.7.1              Construction Phase

Construction works at Shing Mun Main River Channel           The construction of bridge structures across Shing Mun River Channel would require the installation of new bridge piers in Shing Mun Main River. The bridge piers installation would involve pilling and excavation activities in Shing Mun Main River, which may lead to elevated suspended solids (SS) levels and dispersion of SS to the downstream section of the river if in contact with river water. However, according to the proposed design, watertight steel casing and concrete block cofferdam would be used to enclose all the piling and excavation works in river to isolate the working area from the water. The piling works in river and any associated river excavation works would be fully enclosed by the watertight steel casing and cofferdam as discussed in Section 2.4.2.  Concrete block cofferdam will be removed before the coming wet season to allow river flow underneath the temporary steel platform avoiding potential overflow onto the riverbanks of SMRC during wet season.  The watertight steel casing will be lifted up gradually from the riverbed during the concreting process of pile foundations, which will be completely removed once the concrete piles have been hardened for casting the pile cap on top in subsequent construction stage. Water pumps would be used to collect any construction site runoff and ingress/seepage water within the cofferdam/watertight steel casing. The collected construction site runoff and ingress/seepage water would be diverted to the on-site wastewater treatment facilities for treatment to satisfactory levels before discharge.  The temporary steel platform will be demolished, and riverbed will be reinstated during dry season upon completion of pier construction and bridge deck.  Silt curtains should be deployed to completely enclose the cofferdam/watertight steel casing/temporary steel platform prior to setting up piling works, installation of cofferdam/watertight steel casing and demolition of temporary steel platform.  Silt curtains should only be removed after completion of pilling works, removal of cofferdam/watertight steel casing and demolition of temporary steel platform.           The construction activities for bridge piers would be conducted by phases and only one cofferdam and watertight steel casing would be installed in each period (refer to Figure 2.4.1 & Figure 2.4.2). Since the cross-section area of the river channel to be blocked by the pier installation was anticipated localized and temporary, the change in flow regime would be localized and any local water quality impact would expect to be transient. As a result, the potential impact on water quality and hydrology of Shing Mun River would be insignificant, no unacceptable water quality would be expected if the mitigation measures detailed in Section 5.8 are implemented properly.

Wastewater from General Construction Activities           Wastewater generated from construction activities, including general cleaning and polishing, wheel washing, dust suppression and utility installation may contain high SS concentrations.  It may also contain a certain amount of grease and oil.  Potential water quality impacts due to the wastewater discharge can be minimised if construction and site management practices are implemented to ensure that litter, fuels, and solvents do not enter public drainage systems.  It is expected that if the good site practice suggested in Section 5.8 are followed as far as practicable, the potential water quality impacts associated with construction activities would be minimal.

Construction Site Run-off           Potential pollution sources of site run-off may include:

·         Run-off and erosion of exposed bare soil and earth, drainage channels, earth working areas and stockpiles;

·         Wash water from dust suppression sprays and wheel washing facilities; and

·         Fuel, oil and lubricants from maintenance of construction vehicles and equipment.           During rainstorms, site run-off would wash away the soil particles on unpaved lands and areas with topsoil exposed, if any.  The run-off is generally characterized by high concentrations of SS.  Release of uncontrolled site run-off would increase the SS levels and turbidity in the nearby inland waters.  Site run-off may also wash away soil particles that were contaminated by the construction activities and therefore cause water pollution.  Mitigation measures provided in Section 5.8 can minimise potential impacts of site run-off.

Construction Works in Close Proximity to Inland Water           Construction activities in close vicinity to the inland water courses may impact water quality due to the potential release of construction wastewater.  Construction wastewater are generally characterized by high SS concentration and elevated pH.  The implementation of adequate construction site drainage and Best Management Practices as described Section 5.8 and provision of mitigation measures as specified in ETWB TC(Works) No. 5/2005 “Protection of natural streams / rivers from adverse impacts arising from construction works” as detailed in Section 5.8, it is anticipated that water quality impacts would be minimal.

Sewage from Construction Workforce           During the construction of the Project, the workforce on site will generate sewage effluent, which is characterized by high levels of BOD, ammonia and E.coli counts.  Based on the DSD Sewerage Manual, the sewage production rate for construction workers is estimated at 0.35m3 per worker per day. Potential water quality impacts upon the local drainage and fresh water system may arise from these sewage effluents, if uncontrolled.           Temporary sewage generation can be adequately treated by interim sewage treatment facilities, such as portable chemical toilets.  Provided that sewage is not discharged directly into storm drains or inland waters adjacent to the construction site, temporary sanitary facilities are used and properly maintained, and mitigation measures as recommended in Section 5.8 are adopted as far as practicable, it is unlikely that sewage generated from the site would have a significant water quality impact.

Accidental Spillage of Chemicals           The use of chemicals such as engine oil and lubricants, and their storage as waste materials has the potential to impact water quality if spillage occurs and enters adjacent water environment.  Waste oil may infiltrate into the surface soil layer, or runoff into the nearby water environment, increasing hydrocarbon levels.  Groundwater pollution may also arise from the improper use and storage of chemicals and petroleum products within the site area where groundwater infiltrates into the area.  Infiltration of groundwater may occur at area where there are faults and / or fissures in the rock mass.  The potential impacts could however be mitigated by practical mitigation measures and good site practices (as given in Section 5.8).

Water Pollution during Diversion of Sha Tin Tau Nullah        The channelized watercourse Sha Tin Tau Nullah would be diverted. The diversion of watercourses would involve excavation and construction works. If not properly controlled, the excavated materials, wastewater, chemicals or other construction materials may enter the watercourse and give rise to water quality impact at the downstream area. To prevent adverse water quality impact, the nullah diversion works should be scheduled in dry season as far as practicable when the flow is low. Sequencing of works should be duly planned to minimize water quality impacts. A temporary drainage or permanent drainage at most downstream should first be established to intercept and divert the upstream flow. Precautionary measures in Appendix D of ETWB TC No. 5/2005, such as temporary isolation to other connected watercourse using sandbags and silt curtains, shall be applied to prevent pollutants running into the neighboring watercourse. Dewatering of the construction works area shall be conducted prior to the construction works. Silt removal facilities should be adopted to treat the wastewater from dewatering operations prior to discharge. After completion of the construction works, the works area shall be cleaned up before receiving any water flow or connecting to any existing watercourse. Detailed mitigation measures are giving in Section 5.8.

5.7.2              Operation Phase

Surface Run-off           Potential water quality impact may also arise from surface runoff discharge during operational phase.  The surface runoff may contain small amount of suspended solids that may cause water quality impacts to the nearby receiving waters.  However, impacts upon water quality would be minimal provided that a proper drainage system would be provided to receive surface runoff to the drainage system at the planning and design stages. It is anticipated that with proper implementation of best management practices as recommended in Section 5.8, no adverse water quality impact from non-point source surface run-off is expected.

Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Impact on Shing Mun River           The permanent bridge pier structure in Shing Mun River has potential to obstruct the river flow. However, considering that the bridge pier will be oriented in parallel with the existing bridge pier of Lion Rock Tunnel Road, the cross-section area of the river channel to be blocked by the pier installation was anticipated small, the change in flow regime would be insignificant and any local water quality impact would expect to be acceptable.

5.8                  Water Quality Mitigation Measures

5.8.1              Construction Phase           Measures as listed below are recommended to mitigate the potential water quality impacts from the land-based construction works.

Bridge Piers in Shing Mun River           The pilling works should be conducted by phases. The method and sequence of the proposed pier works in Shing Mun River should be carefully designed so that wastewater and sediment laden water generated from the pilling works would be confined and physically separated from the watercourse.           All pilling and excavation works in river should be fully enclosed by cofferdam/watertight steel casing. Cofferdam and watertight steel casing should be constructed to isolate the construction activities from the river water. The detail design of the cofferdams and watertight steel casing will be conducted by the Contractor during the construction phase to fulfil the requirements in DSD Technical Circular No. 14/200 “Temporary Flow Diversions and Temporary Works Affecting Capacity in Stormwater System” for DSD approval in order to formulate feasible options of these temporary structure.           Water pumps should be used to collect any construction site runoff and ingress/seepage water within the cofferdam and watertight steel casing. The collected construction site surface runoff and ingress/seepage water should be diverted to the on-site wastewater treatment facilities for treatment to satisfactory levels before discharged. There is a need to apply to EPD for a discharge licence for discharging effluent from the construction site under the WPCO. The discharge quality must meet the requirements specified in the discharge licence and follow the TM-DSS.           To further minimize any adverse water quality impact during the pilling and excavation works, silt curtains should be deployed to completely enclose the cofferdam/watertight steel casing/temporary steel platform prior to setting up piling works, installation of cofferdam/watertight steel casing and demolition of temporary steel platform. Silt curtains should only be removed after completion of pilling works, removal of cofferdam/watertight steel casing and demolition of temporary steel platform. The Contractor should be responsible for the design, installation and maintenance of the silt curtain to minimize the impacts on water quality. The design and specification of the silt curtains should be submitted by the Contractor to the Project Manage for approval.

General Construction Activities and Construction Site Run-off

Boring and Drilling Water           Water used in ground boring and drilling for site investigation or rock / soil anchoring should as far as practicable be re-circulated after sedimentation.  When there is a need for final disposal, the wastewater should be discharged into storm drains via silt removal facilities.

Wheel Washing Water           All vehicles and plants should be cleaned before they leave a construction site to minimise the deposition of earth, mud and debris on roads.  A wheel washing bay should be provided at every site exit if practicable and washwater should have sand and silt settled out or removed before discharging into storm drains.  The section of construction road between the wheel washing bay and the public road should be paved with backfill to reduce vehicle tracking of soil and to prevent site run-off from entering public road drains.

Rubbish and Litter           Good site practices should be adopted to remove rubbish and litter from construction sites so as to prevent the rubbish and litter from spreading from the site area.  It is recommended to clean the construction sites on a regular basis.

Construction Site Run-off           The site practices outlined in ProPECC PN 1/94 “Construction Site Drainage” should be followed as far as practicable to minimise surface run-off and the chance of erosion.  All effluent discharged from the construction site should comply with the standards stipulated in the TM-DSS.  The following measures are recommended to protect water quality, and when properly implemented should be sufficient to adequately control site discharges so as to avoid water quality impact.        Surface run-off from construction sites should be discharged into storm drains via adequately designed sand / silt removal facilities such as sand traps, silt traps and sedimentation basins.  Channels, earth bunds or sand bag barriers should be provided on site to properly direct stormwater to such silt removal facilities.  Perimeter channels at site boundaries should be provided as necessary to intercept storm run-off from outside the site so that it will not wash across the site.  Catchpits and perimeter channels should be constructed in advance of site formation works and earthworks.        Silt removal facilities, channels and manholes should be maintained and the deposited silt and grit should be removed regularly (as well as at the onset of and after each rainstorm) to prevent overflows and localised flooding.  Before disposal at the public fill reception facilities, the deposited silt and grit should be solicited in such a way that it can be contained and delivered by dump truck instead of tanker truck.  Any practical options for the diversion and realignment of drainage should comply with both engineering and environmental requirements in order to provide adequate hydraulic capacity of all drains.        Construction works should be programmed to minimise soil excavation in the wet season (i.e. April to September).  If soil excavation cannot be avoided in these months or at any time of year when rainstorms are likely, temporarily exposed slope surfaces should be covered e.g. by tarpaulin, and temporary access roads should be protected by crushed stone or gravel, as excavation proceeds.  Intercepting channels should be provided (e.g. along the crest / edge of excavation) to prevent storm run-off from washing across exposed soil surfaces.  Arrangements should always be in place in such a way that adequate surface protection measures can be safely carried out well before the arrival of rainstorm.        Earthworks final surfaces should be well compacted and the subsequent permanent work or surface protection should be carried out immediately after the final surfaces are formed to prevent erosion caused by rainstorms.  Appropriate drainage like intercepting channels should be provided where necessary.        Measures should be taken to minimise the ingress of rainwater into trenches.  If excavation of trenches in the wet season is necessary, they should be dug and backfilled in short sections.  Rainwater pumped out from trenches or foundation excavations should be discharged into storm drains via silt removal facilities.        Construction materials (e.g. aggregates, sand and fill material) on sites should be covered with tarpaulin or similar fabric during rainstorms.        Manholes (including newly constructed ones) should always be adequately covered and temporarily sealed so as to prevent silt, construction materials or debris from getting into the drainage system, and to prevent storm run-off from getting into foul sewers.  Discharge of surface run-off into foul sewers must always be prevented in order not to unduly overload the foul sewerage system.

Effluent Discharge        There is a need to apply to EPD for a discharge licence for discharge of effluent from the construction site under the WPCO.  The discharge quality must meet the requirements specified in the discharge licence.  All the runoff and wastewater generated from the works areas should be treated so that it satisfies all the standards listed in the TM-DSS.  The beneficial uses of the treated effluent for other on-site activities such as dust suppression, wheel washing and general cleaning etc., can minimise water consumption and reduce the effluent discharge volume.  If monitoring of the treated effluent quality from the works areas is required during the construction phase of the Project, the monitoring should be carried out in accordance with the relevant WPCO licence.

Construction Works in Close Proximity to Inland Water        The practices outlined in ETWB TC (Works) No. 5/2005 “Protection of natural streams / rivers from adverse impacts arising from construction works” should also be adopted where applicable to minimise the water quality impacts on any natural streams or surface water systems.  Relevant mitigation measures from the ETWB TC (Works) No. 5/2005 are listed below:

·         The use of less or smaller construction plants may be specified in areas close to the water courses to reduce the disturbance to the surface water.

·         Temporary storage of materials (e.g. equipment, chemicals and fuel) and temporary stockpile of construction materials should be located well away from any water courses when carrying out of the construction works.

·         Stockpiling of construction materials and dusty materials should be covered and located away from any water courses.

·         Construction debris and spoil should be covered up and / or disposed of as soon as possible to avoid being washed into the nearby water receivers.

·         Proper shoring may need to be erected in order to prevent soil or mud from slipping into the watercourses.

Sewage Effluent from Construction Workforce        The construction workforce on site will generate sewage.  Sufficient chemical toilets should be provided in the works area, with a licensed waste collector employed to clean the chemical toilets on a regular basis.        Notices should be posted at conspicuous locations to remind the workers not to discharge any sewage or wastewater into the surrounding environment.  Regular environmental audit of the construction site will provide an effective control of any malpractices and can encourage continual improvement of environmental performance on site.  It is anticipated that sewage generation during the construction phase of the project would not cause water pollution problem after undertaking all required measures.

Accidental Spillage of Chemicals        Contractor must register as a chemical waste producer if chemical wastes would be produced from the construction activities.  The Waste Disposal Ordinance (Cap 354) and its subsidiary regulations in particular the Waste Disposal (Chemical Waste) (General) Regulation should be observed and complied with for control of chemical wastes.        Any service shop and maintenance facilities should be located on hard standings within a bunded area, and sumps and oil interceptors should be provided.  Maintenance of vehicles and equipment involving activities with potential leakage and spillage should only be undertaken within the areas appropriately equipped to control these discharges.        Disposal of chemical wastes should be carried out in compliance with the Waste Disposal Ordinance.  The “Code of Practice on the Packaging, Labelling and Storage of Chemical Wastes” published under the Waste Disposal Ordinance details the requirements to deal with chemical wastes.  General requirements are given as follows:

·         Suitable containers should be used to hold the chemical wastes to avoid leakage or spillage during storage, handling and transport.

·         Chemical waste containers should be suitably labelled, to notify and warn the personnel who are handling the wastes to avoid accidents.

·         Storage area should be selected at a safe location on site and adequate space should be allocated to the storage area.

Diversion of Sha Tin Tau Nullah        During diversion of watercourse, precaution measures shall be implemented to prevent adverse water quality impact to the surrounding environment. Good site practices as described in ETWB TC(Works) No. 5/2005 “Protection of natural streams/rivers from adverse impacts arising from construction works” and ProPECC PN1/94 “Construction Site Drainage” should be adopted where applicable. The following major measures shall be implemented:

·         Cofferdams or impermeable structures should be installed as appropriate to isolate the water flow from the construction works area.

·         Dewatering or flow diversion shall be conducted prior to the construction works to prevent water overflow to the surrounding area.

·         Watercourse removal and flow diversion should be conducted in dry season as far as practicable when the water flow is low.

·         Water drained from the watercourse shall be diverted to new/temporary drainage for watercourse diversion.

·         Any excavated land-based sediment from the diversion of watercourse shall be properly stored at bunded areas away from any watercourses and covered with tarpaulin before transporting out of the site. Detailed management of excavated land-based sediment is discussed in Section 6.6.

5.8.2              Operation Phase

Surface Runoff           The ProPECC PN 5/93 “Drainage Plans subject to Comments by Environmental Protection Department” provides guidelines and practices for handling, treatment and disposal of various effluent discharges to stormwater drains and foul sewers. The design of site drainage should follow the relevant guidelines and practices as given in the ProPECC PN 5/93. Best Management Practices (BMPs) for storm water discharge are recommended for the Project to mitigate potential adverse water quality impacts.

Design Measures           Exposed surface shall be avoided within the proposed development to minimise soil erosion.  Development site shall be either hard paved or covered by landscaping area where appropriate to reduce soil erosion.           The existing watercourses in adjacent to the Project site will be retained to maintain the original flow path.  The drainage system will be designed to avoid any case of flooding based on the 1 in 50 year return period.

Devices / Facilities to Control Pollution           Screening facilities such as standard gully grating and trash grille, with spacing which is capable of screening off large substances such as fallen leaves and rubbish should be provided at the inlet of drainage system.           Road gullies with standard design and silt traps and oil interceptors should be incorporated during the detailed design to remove particles present in storm water runoff.

Administrative Measures           Good management measures such as regular cleaning and sweeping of road surface / open areas is suggested to be implemented by contractors.  The road surface / open area cleaning should also be carried out prior to occurrence of rainstorm.           Manholes, as well as storm water gullies, ditches provided among the development areas should be regularly inspected and cleaned (e.g. monthly) by contractors.  Additional inspection and cleansing should be carried out before forecast heavy rainfall.

Hydrodynamic and Water Quality impact on Shing Mun River           No significant change in flow regime and water quality associated with the operation of the revised Trunk Road T4 is anticipated. No adverse hydrodynamic and water quality impacts would therefore be expected during the operational phase and no mitigation measures are considered necessary.  

5.9                  Cumulative Impacts           According to Section 1, Revitalization of Tai Wai Nullah would be constructed and operated concurrently with the Project and Widening of Tai Po Road (Shat Tin Section) would also be operated in conjunction with the Project.

5.9.2              Construction Phase           The construction phase of Revitalization of Tai Wai Nullah will overlap with that of the Project during 2024 to 2028. According to the Project Profile, construction site runoff, silts arising from earthworks, oil and lubricants from construction vehicles and plants as well as wastewater from general construction activities would cause impacts on water quality. With proper adoption of mitigation measures and good site practices, potential sedimentation and other water quality impacts to areas downstream of the proposed works areas would be minimized. No unacceptable water quality impacts were expected.           As no significant water quality impact was expected from the Project and Revitalization of Tai Wai Nullah during construction phase, adverse cumulative water quality impacts were hence not anticipated.

5.9.3              Operation Phase           Revitalization of Tai Wai Nullah would operate in concurrent with the Project. According to the Project Profile, no adverse water quality impact would be expected. Nevertheless, water quality of the Tai Wai Nullah would be enhanced by the proposed dry weather flow intercepting system.           For the operation of Widening of Tai Po Road (Sha Tin Section), major sources of water quality impacts were expected to be paved area runoff and accidental spillage of chemicals from loaded vehicles. Based on the EIA Report, no unacceptable water quality impacts were expected if the mitigation measures provided are implemented properly.           As neither the Project nor the concurrent projects were anticipated to generate significant water quality impact during operation phase, adverse cumulative impacts were hence not anticipated. 

5.10                Residual Water Quality Impacts        With proper implementation of mitigation measures, no adverse residual water quality impact is expected in construction and operation phases.

5.11                Environmental Monitoring and Audit Requirements        The Project is not expected to create any unacceptable adverse water quality impacts in the construction and operation phase, if the recommended mitigation measures are implemented properly. Water quality monitoring is therefore not considered necessary. Nonetheless, regular site inspections during the construction phase is proposed to inspect the construction activities and works area to ensure the recommended mitigation measures are properly implemented.

5.12                Conclusions

5.12.1            Construction Phase        The key issues of the land-based construction works include construction works at Shing Mun Main River Channel and in close proximity to inland water, wastewater generated from general construction activities, construction site runoff, sewage from construction workforce, accidental spillage of chemicals and diversion of watercourse. The potential water quality impacts could be mitigated and controlled by implementing the recommended mitigation measures. Regular site inspections should be undertaken routinely to inspect the construction activities and works area to ensure the recommended mitigation measures are proper implemented.

5.12.2            Operation Phase        The key issues of the operation phase are the surface runoff generated from the new paved areas as well as the potential hydrodynamic and water quality impact on Shing Mun River due to the installation of permanent structures. Provided that the recommended mitigation measures for the drainage system are properly implemented, the associated water quality impacts are expected to be minimal and acceptable. No significant change in flow regime and water quality associated with the permanent structures is predicted, therefore, no unacceptable water quality impact on Shing Mun River is expected.