Water Quality
Mai Po Nature Reserve Infrastructure Upgrade Project
Prepared for World Wide Fund For Nature Hong Kong
SMEC Internal Ref. 7076457 D01
20 October 2021
4.4 Audit Requirements
4.4.1 Regular inspection and audit of each works area shall be conducted during the construction
phase of the Project to ensure the recommended water quality mitigation measures are
properly implemented. When there are ongoing construction works within the Project Site, the
ET shall carry out inspections once per week and the IEC shall carry out audits jointly with the ET
once every two weeks.
4.4.2 Inspection findings shall be logged in a site monitoring report with any discrepancies or concerns
regarding the implementation and effectiveness of mitigation measures highlighted. The audits
should examine all aspects of on-site water pollution prevention, including the following:
Perimeter Bund. A perimeter bund shall be constructed around the work sites for TH2 and
TH3 to ensure that any runoff generated from these sites is discharged only into the adjacent
drained gei wai and not into any other water-filled gei wai that are hydraulically connected to
each other and to Deep Bay. Runoff is therefore prevented from entering other water-filled
gei wai and Deep Bay and so potential pollution of these water bodies is avoided.
Off-site Pre-fabrication. The majority of construction components shall be pre-fabricated
off-site to avoid any impacts associated with construction on-site. With this approach, the
construction activities will mainly involve assembly of pre-fabricated components.
Off-site Concrete Mixing. One of the main sources of contaminated runoff from
construction sites is concrete washings from concrete mixing on site. To avoid this problem,
all concrete will be mixed off-site and brought into each works area only when needed and
only in the quantities required, so that there is no need to store (or dispose of) any surplus
concrete. Any concrete spilled within the works area will be immediately cleaned up and
removed from the works area.
Off-site Maintenance/Repair of Plant. Plant, equipment and vehicles shall not be
maintained or repaired within any works area in the Project Site. Instead, all such servicing
shall be undertaken off-site, such that any resulting oil, chemical waste or other polluting
substances can be handled and treated off-site in an appropriate manner.
Extreme Care When Re-fuelling Plant. In the event that non-mobile plant and equipment
require re-fuelling, and it is not practicable to move off-site for re-fuelling, then re-fuelling
shall be carried out with extreme care. Drip trays shall be provided at any fuel connection
point, e.g. between the delivery pipe and the fuel tank. Any spilled fuel shall be collected
and taken off-site for proper treatment/disposal.
Covering Materials, Plant and Equipment. Materials, plant or equipment that could give rise
to contaminated runoff during extreme rainfall will be protected by storing above ground
level and also by being covered, either by tarpaulin or by small gazebos that can be erected
and folded up within a few minutes.
Provision of Chemical Toilets. Each works area will be provided with at least one chemical
toilet for use by workers. Sewage collected in these chemical toilets will be treated off-site
by the toilet provider.
Bunded, Covered Construction C&D Material Storage Areas. Each works area will be
provided one bunded and covered area for the temporary storage of C&D material – one
section for inert C&D material and one area for C&D waste. These areas will be emptied
frequently, using construction material delivery vehicles that are empty on their return
journey. All inert C&D material and C&D waste will be transported off-site for recycling or
treatment as appropriate.
Waterproof General Waste Receptacles. Each works area will be provided with at least one
set of waterproof waste receptacles – one for recyclable waste and one for non-recyclable
waste. These areas will be emptied frequently.
4.4.3 In addition to the above, the Construction Contractor shall be audited on his implementation of
good site practice on the design construction, operation and maintenance of relevant mitigation
measures specified in ProPECC PN 1/94 for construction site drainage.