2............. Project Description. 2-1

2.1.......... Introduction. 2-1

2.2.......... The Purposes, Objectives and Environmental Benefits of the Project 2-1

2.3.......... The Need of the Project 2-1

2.4.......... Site Location, History and Scope of the Project 2-3

2.5.......... Consideration of Alternative Design and Layout 2-8

2.6.......... Consideration of Alternative Designs to Minimize Emergency Discharges. 2-12

2.7.......... Sustainability Consideration. 2-13

2.8.......... Consideration of Alternative Construction Methods and Sequences of Works. 2-13

2.9.......... Construction Programme. 2-17

2.10........ Concurrent Projects. 2-17

2.11........ Public Consultation. 2-17


List of Tables

Table 2.1                   Design Capacity and Effluent Standard of YLSEPP. 2-4

Table 2.2                   Initial Ideas on Green Features for YLSEPP. 2-13

Table 2.3                   Comparison of Various Foundation Methods and Its Applications. 2-15

Table 2.4                   Potential Concurrent Projects. 2-19


List of Figures


Figure 2.1

Schematic Layout of Yuen Long South Effluent Polishing Plant (YLSEPP)

Figure 2.2

Process Flow Diagram of Sewage Treatment for YLSEPP

Figure 2.3

Process Flow Diagram of Sludge Treatment for YLSEPP

Figure 2.4

Locations of Other Possible Concurrent Projects


List of Appendices


Appendix 2.1

Tentative Master Construction Programme

Appendix 2.2

Documentation of Public Concerns





2                      Project Description

2.1             Introduction      This section gives a detailed description of the Project and describes the constraints encountered as well as alternative options considered. 

2.2             The Purposes, Objectives and Environmental Benefits of the Project      The Government plans to develop Yuen Long South Development Area (YLS DA) which is a mega-scale and complex development aiming to provide land to transform the degraded brownfield land to developable land contributing to meet the territory’s medium to long-term need for housing development.      The purposes and objectives of the Project are to provide sewage treatment to the sewage collected from the YLS DA.      The environmental benefit of the Project is that the proposed Yuen Long South Effluent Polishing Plant (YLSEPP) will provide sewage treatment to the sewage generation from the population growth and development of YLS DA and other developments in the North West New Territories (NWNT), which will prevent pollution and minimize any impact to the discharging water body (Deep Bay) compared to the case of having no sewage treatment. Without this Project, alternative land shall still be sourced to meet such sewage treatment needs.      It is planned that there will be a Water Reclamation Facility and its associated pumping facilities adjacent to YLSEPP where YLSEPP’s tertiary effluent will be further treated as Reclaimed Water to meet flushing demand in YLS DA, HSK/HT NDA and the surrounding new development areas. In addition, there is future opportunity that YLSEPP’s tertiary effluent, would provide a clean water source to revitalize the Yuen Long Nullah. Such high quality flow would improve the scenic appearance of Yuen Long Nullah and would enhance the ecological value to the nearby community. In addition, the surplus treated effluent to Yuen Long Nullah could also serve as a back-up water for periodic flushing of the Yuen Long Nullah Barrage under the Yuen long Nullah Barrage Scheme. 

2.3             The Need of the Project

2.3.1              Project Initiation      The YLS DA is generally rural in character with a mixture of land uses. The predominant uses are brownfield operations including open storage yards, warehouses, industrial workshops, etc. These brownfield operations are intermingled with rural settlements and residential settlements, agricultural land, livestock farms and vacant land. Proliferation of such brownfield sites has resulted in degradation of the rural environment. There is a need to better utilise the degraded brownfield land occupied by open storage yards, warehouses, industrial workshops, etc for beneficial uses. Hence an effluent polishing plant (EPP) is proposed to site at the YLS DA to optimise the development potential to meet the territory’s needs, and to improve the local living environment with infrastructure.      In 2011, Chief Executive announced out the “2011-12 Policy Address” to explore the possibility of converting into housing land some 150 hectares of agricultural land in North District and Yuen Long currently used mainly for industrial purposes or temporary storage, or which is deserted.      In November 2012, Planning Department (PlanD) and Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD) commissioned Agreement No. CE 35/2012 (CE) “Planning and Engineering Study for Housing Sites in Yuen Long South – Investigation” to examine the future land use, optimise the development potential, and ascertain the feasibility for public and private housing developments in the YLS area.      In 2020, Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD) and the Planning Department (PlanD) promulgated the Revised Recommended Outline Development Plan to provide a series of planning and technical assessments for the optimization of the development intensity of some public housing sites and sites for accommodating brownfield operations under Stages 1 and 2 of the Yuen Long South Development Area (YLS DA) and the increasing the public housing component in the overall housing mix.      In 2020, the DSD has commissioned Agreement No. CE 6/2019 (DS) for the investigation for HSKEPP and YLSEPP. The sewage flow projection and treatment process for YLSEPP was reviewed. It was recommended to construct of a new tertiary effluent polishing plant with a capacity up to 65,000 m3/day of sewage from the YLS DA and the HSK NDA and other surrounding areas such as Yuen Long Area 13 & 14 with due regard of the holistic sewage treatment and disposal arrangement in the region.

2.3.2              Sewage Flow Projections      Further review on sewage flow projections within the catchments of YLSEPP have been conducted under this Assignment. Information on current and planned catchment as well as planned developments within the catchments were obtained from relevant government departments. The sewage flow projection principles were based on the following guidelines:

(a)   Sewerage Manual, Part 1 (DSD, 2013)

(b)   Technical Paper No. EPD/TP1/05 – Guidelines for Estimating Sewage Flows for Sewage Infrastructure Planning (EPD, 2005)      The population and planning data from Planning Department has been taken into account for population projections. In addition, new development projects and other sewerage and sewage projects were also included in the sewage flow projections.      Due to the limited land supply of HSKEPP, the available footprint for construction of HSKEPP cannot accommodate the required treatment facilities to cater all the sewage from the catchment area. Therefore, as per the discussion with DSD, CEDD and EPD, 16,000 m3/day of sewage from HSKEPP catchment area would be diverted to YLSEPP for treatment. The sewage diversion would start in Year 2038.      With consideration of the agreement no. CE 35/2012 (CE) – Planning and Engineering Study for Housing Sites in Yuen Long South – Investigation and CE 36/2018 (CE) – Preliminary Technical Review on Potential Sites in Yuen Long Areas 13 and 14 For Housing Development – Feasibility Study, the sewerage catchment of the YLSEPP included YLS DA, YL Areas 13 and 14 and diverted flow from HSK/HT NDA.      Having considered the abovementioned projects and population projections, the projected Average Dry Weather Flow (ADWF) will reach approximately 65,000 m3/day in Year 2038.


2.3.3              Organic Waste Co-digestion      As a sustainability consideration, co-digestion of organic wastes with sewage sludge within YLSEPP will be adopted to enhance energy recovery from the anaerobic digestion process. Food waste will be collected and pre-treated in the Food Waste Pre-Treatment Facilities, which will be located out of 500m from YLSEPP subject site boundary, before transported to YLSEPP for co-digestion with sewage sludge. Additional facilities for organic wastes co-digestion, including reception facilities, digesters and dewatering facilities will be located within the YLSEPP’s footprint.

2.3.4              Scenario without the Project      The projected Average Dry Weather Flow (ADWF) will be up to 65,000 m3/d. For the scenario without the implementation of YLSEPP, there will be still a need to provide alternative sewerage and sewage disposal strategies or facilities to collect and treat the sewage flow generated from YLS DA and other developments in the North West New Territories (NWNT), before discharging to the Deep Bay. This may lead to sourcing of alternative land and the opportunity of reusing treated effluent for the benefit of conserving freshwater may also be lost.

2.3.5              Scenario with the Project      Upon the completion of YLSEPP, it will provide enough treatment capacity for the sewage generated from YLS DA and its surrounding areas including HSK/HT NDA and Yuen Long Area 13 &14. With sufficient treatment capacity and high effluent quality, there are opportunities to handle sewage from future developments within YLSEPP catchment.      YLSEPP will provide high level of treatment to minimize pollutant discharge to Deep Bay. It will include co-digestion of organic wastes with sewage sludge to enhance energy recovery and optimize land use. YLSEPP will also cater for future planning of further treatment as reclaimed water (by others), and provide further opportunity of river revitalization of Yuen Long Nullah and back-up water for flushing of the Yuen Long Nullah Barrage Scheme.

2.4             Site Location, History and Scope of the Project      The proposed YLSEPP is located in adjacent to the end of Kung Um Road. In the 1960s, the land was mainly agricultural and most of the agricultural land was abandoned in 1990s. Currently, the existing land of the site is mainly used for vehicle maintenance and logistic industry.      YLS DA has reserved about 4.6 hectares of land (including part of land OU3.3 and land G3.1) for the proposed YLSEPP, the location of which is shown in Figure 1.1. According to the YLS DA’s Revised Recommended Outline Development Plan (RODP), YLSEPP is located at the southern tip of YLS DA and is co-located with the planned Water Reclamation Facilities and its associated pumping facilities at land OU3.3 It is bounded by Ma Shan (Kung Um Shan) and Tai Lam Country Park at its south west. There will be a planned reedbed and green belt to its north, and planned government and institutional land use to its east side.      The Scope of this Project would only cover the construction of YLSEPP of which the associated supporting structures, including the upstream sewage pumping station, rising main for raw sewage, water reclamation facilities and its associated pumping facilities, reedbed and rising main for reclaimed water (as shown in Figure 1.1), are out of the study brief of this EIA study. For avoidance of doubt, the site formation works of the YLSEPP site (including land OU3.3 and G3.1) are also not covered in the scope of this Project and the environmental impact of such works should be duly reviewed in the separate EIA Report: AEIAR-215/2017- Housing Sites in Yuen Long South.      The pre-treated food waste collected in YLSEPP would be transported by EPD for subsequent co-digestion with sewage sludge. As such, no food waste pre-treatment would be carried out in YLSEPP.      YLSEPP’s treated tertiary effluent will be discharge to Yuen Long Nullah in the interim. In the ultimate scenario, it is planned that there will be Water Reclamation Facilities and reedbed (to be constructed by others) adjacent to YLSEPP. YLSEPP’s treated tertiary effluent would be supplied to the Water Reclamation Facilities to produce reclaimed water and discharged to the reedbed for river revitalization.  Part of the effluent would also be reused within YLSEPP for plant operation.  An emergency discharge pipe will be constructed within the proposed YLSEPP boundary and connected to the underground section of the Yuen Long Nullah (as shown in Figure 1.1) for emergency effluent discharge to Yuen Long Nullah.      The proposed works of the Project comprise:

1.     Construction of a sewage treatment plant with a maximum capacity of Average Dry Weather Flow (ADWF) up to 65,000 m3/day;

2.     Construction of sludge treatment facilities for treating sludge generated from YLSEPP and other nearby sewage treatment works;

3.     Construction of facilities for receiving and co-digesting pre-treated food or organic wastes;

4.     Construction of effluent discharge pipe for the purpose of emergency discharge; and

5.     Associated ancillary works.      The schematic layout for YLSEPP is presented in Figure 2.1. The design capacity and effluent standards of YLSEPP are tabulated in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1       Design Capacity and Effluent Standard of YLSEPP



Treatment Level



Treatment Capacity

 65,000 m3/d


Effluent Standard




10 mg/l

95 percentile

Suspended Solid

10 mg/l

95 percentile


2 mg/l

Annual average

Total Nitrogen

10 mg/l

Annual average

Total Phosphorus

1 mg/l

Annual average

E. coli

100 no./100ml

Monthly geometric mean


2.4.2              Process Flow of Sewage Treatment      Figure 2.2 illustrates the process flow of sewage treatment at YLSEPP.

Coarse Screen      Mechanically raked type coarse screens with inclined bars and a clear bar opening will be provided. The coarse screens will protect the downstream inlet pumps by removing large objects.      All coarse screen channels will be equipped with their own inlet and outlet penstocks for channel isolation. The emergency bypass channel for coarse screen system will be provided to overflow raw sewage from reception chamber to the inlet pumps chamber in case of the clogging of coarse screen.

Fine Screen      Bar screen will be adopted as the fine screen technology. Screens will be fully enclosed by polycarbonate cover for odour control. Removable covers will be provided to facilitate maintenance of the screens. Access and inspection openings with covers will also be provided at various locations to facilitate safe entry to the channel interior for inspection and maintenance.

Grit Removal Facilities      Vortex grit separators will be provided for YLSEPP, which are designed to effectively remove small particles from the sewage flow and also designed to hydraulically accommodate the design peak flow.      After screened by the fine screens, sewage is directed to the vortex grit separators through the respective penstock openings. Each vortex unit can be isolated by closing the corresponding inlet/outlet gates. Vortex grit separators allow grit separation from the screened effluent by inducing a vortex pattern in the circular chamber, where the denser grit will gravitate towards the bottom under centrifugal force.      Grit accumulated in the vortex hopper will be periodically pumped to a grit classifier. The drainage flow generated from the grit classifiers will be discharged to the screen effluent channel by gravity. The grit slurry is settled, dewatered, and dropped into a screenings / grit conveyor and eventually into a disposal bin.

Primary Sedimentation      Plate settlers (i.e. Lamella) would be installed in the primary sedimentation tank to remove the insoluble particles by sedimentation. Oil and grease in sewage would be removed by scum trough while the sludge collected in the bottom of the primary sedimentation tank would be pumped to holding tanks for subsequent sludge treatment.

Biological Treatment      Membrane bioreactors would be provided as the biological treatment in YLSEPP. Each bioreactor would be partitioned to three zones, the pre-anoxic zone, aerobic zone and post-anoxic zone, through which the sewage will pass sequentially. In each zone, the level of dissolved oxygen would be controlled to achieve carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus removal with mechanical mixer or fine bubble diffusion systems.  Internal sludge recycle pumps will also be installed to recycle the nitrified effluent in aerobic zone to pre-anoxic zone for denitrification. The sewage will be filtered through membrane modules to remove the suspended solids before passing to the disinfection facilities. Surplus sludge accumulated in the process tanks would be pumped to holding tanks for subsequent sludge treatment.

UV Disinfection Facilities    UV channels with low pressure and high intensity UV lamps would be provided as UV disinfection would to further reduce the concentration of E.coli. of effluent before discharge.

Effluent Discharge    In the ultimate scenario, the majority of treated tertiary effluent would be discharged to the adjacent Water Reclamation Facilities for further treatment. Part of the effluent would be used within YLSEPP (e.g. pipe flushing) for internal plant operation and discharged to adjacent reedbed for river revitalization.    However, the Water Reclamation Facility and reedbed are proposed under CEDD's D&C consultancy for YLS DA Stage 2 Works, Phase 2 and Stage 3 Works respectively, all the treated effluent would be discharged to Yuen Long Nullah as interim operation.

2.4.3              Process Flow of Sludge Treatment      Figure 2.3 illustrates the process flow of sludge treatment at YLSEPP.

Sludge Thickening      Primary sludge and MBR secondary sludge will be collected from lamella primary sludge sedimentation tanks and MBR membrane tanks respectively. The collected sludge would be transferred to Sludge Blend Tank by pumping for mixing. The mixed sludge would then be thickened by centrifuge before fed into digesters. The centrifuge consists of a rotating bowl where the sludge is fed from the centre and the solid and liquid are separated by centrifugal force.      The dilute liquid rejected from the centrifuge (i.e. centrate) would be transferred back to inlet reception chamber for sewage treatment. Coagulant and/ or flocculant is required to be inline dosed into the sludge feed to the centrifuge for sludge conditioning.

Pre-treated Food Waste      YLSEPP would receive pre-treated food waste from EPD via fully enclosed tankers for co-digestion with sewage sludge. The pre-treated food waste would be first accepted in the food waste bunker and diluted with treated effluent of YLSEPP. The treated effluent of YLSEPP with pre-determinate flowrate will be injected in the feed pipe of food waste feeding system and mixed with the pre-treated food waste in the pipework by dynamic mixers. The diluted food waste will then be stored in a Diluted Food Waste Preparation Tank before being fed into digesters. Proper in-tank mixing will be provided.

Anaerobic Digestion      Thickened sludge and diluted food waste would be fed into digesters and would be well mixed in the digestors for anaerobic digestion to reduce the volatile solid content of the sludge. Waste heat from the CHP would be collected to maintain the operation temperature of the digestors throughout the digestion process to achieve optimum biogas production.      The digested sludge would be collected from the digesters in sludge holding tanks for subsequent sludge dewatering process. The biogas obtained from the digesters, will pass through iron sponge filters to reduce the H2S content. The filter media reacts with the H2S content and binds the sulphur in a stable solid form inside the filter. Thereafter, the biogas would be transferred and stored in the biogas holders for utilization later for heat and power generation with CHP and boiler. During normal operation, all biogas will be consumed by the CHP units or boiler. Waste gas burners are provided for emergency flaring of excess biogas during the rare case when the CHP system and/ or boiler are not operational.

Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Generation      The biogas stored in the biogas holder would first be pre-treated to remove the moisture and solids content before feeding to the CHP and boiler systems. The pre-treated biogas would then be combusted in CHP system to generate electricity. Exhaust gas, with the major composition of NO2 and SO2, and waste heat would be generated during combustion process. The waste heat would then be collected and transferred to the digester system to maintain the operation temperature for sludge digestion. A standby CHP unit is provided to ensure the CHP system operates at the design capacity in terms of biogas consumption rate to avoid flaring of excess biogas by the waste gas burner. The standby unit will be operated if any of the duty CHP units is out of service.

Sludge Dewatering      The digested sludge stored in the sludge holding tank would be pumped to sludge centrifuge system to increase the dry solid content of sludge. The centrifuge consists of a rotating bowl where the sludge is fed from the centre and the solid and liquid are separated by centrifugal force. The dense sludge cake is discharged from the bowl by a crew feeder and the dilute liquid rejected from the centrifuge (i.e. centrate) would be collected. Coagulant and/ or flocculant is required to be inline dosed into the sludge feed to the centrifuge for sludge conditioning.      To achieve the minimum dry solid content of dewatered sludge, a portion of dewatered sludge, after dewatering via centrifuge system, would be further dried using sludge dryers, which further reduces the water content through evaporation by applying heat to the sludge. The heat is supplied in the form of steam by a steam boiler that utilized biogas as combustion fuel for steam production. The exhaust gas from the boiler combustion of biogas would have similar composition as that of CHP units. A standby boiler unit is provided to ensure the boiler system operators at the design capacity in terms of biogas consumption rate to avoid flaring of excess biogas by the waste gas burner. The standby unit will be put in operation if the duty boiler is out of service. The evaporated water from the dried sludge will be re-condensed at the cooling tower from which the collected water will be combined with the dewatering centrifuge centrate to be further treated as sewage by the side stream treatment. The dried sludge produced by the sludge dryers would then be blended and mixed with dewatered sludge before sending out to the Sludge Treatment Facilities (STF) for further processing.

Sidestream Treatment    The sewage collected from the sludge dewatering and drying process would be treated by sidestream anammox system to remove organics and ammonia content in the liquid stream before returning to the mainstream sewage treatment.

2.4.4              Deodorisation Facilities

Design Approach of deodorization at YLSEPP      All the treatment units in YLSEPP, including channels and tanks, would be fully covered to prevent the odour emission to the atmosphere causing nuisance to adjacent sensitive receivers. Two-stage deodorization system would be provided to control odour emission at individual treatment unit. Ventilation fan would be provided to extract the odour gas from sewage and sludge treatment units to deodorization units for treatment.      In two-stage deodorisation system, the odour gas would first be treated by biotrickling filter followed by activated carbon filter for final polishing. Biotrickling filters make uses of bacteria or other micro-organisms to transform odour to non-odorous conditions and are commonly used to treat odour with high H2S levels. They are recommended as odour generated in those target odour extraction locations contains high concentration of H2S and constant odour loadings. This condition facilitates stable growth of micro-organisms in biotrickling filters, and thus high H2S removal efficiency can be maintained at all times with low operation and maintenance requirements. The activated carbon filter is provided so that any remaining odour after passing through the biotrickling filter is further minimized before the treated air is released into the atmosphere.


2.5             Consideration of Alternative Design and Layout

2.5.1              Sewage Treatment

Options of Primary Treatment Process      Owing to limited space, a compact design of the primary sedimentation tanks will be required for the YLSEPP. Thus, the following compact primary treatment technologies have been shortlisted:

·         Primary clarifier with double-deck configuration

·         Primary clarifier with plate settler (Lamella clarifier)

·         Chemically enhanced primary treatment (CEPT)      Comparing the environmental benefits among the above options of primary treatment process, primary clarifier with double-deck configuration and CEPT would require a larger building footprint to accommodate all the necessary E&M equipment which would induce more environmental impact such as noise and dust during construction. The excavation for these two options is also more extent which would induce a larger amount of C&D material and waste. Moreover, CEPT would require more mixer for chemical mixing which would induce noise during operation. Therefore, primary clarifier with plate settler (Lamella clarifier), which is more compact in size, is selected as the primary treatment process in YLSEPP.

Options of Biological Treatment Process      The treatment option evaluation section mainly focuses on the biological treatment processes as this is the critical part in YLSEPP layouts.      A preliminary review of potential biological treatment processes, including proven treatment processes, market availability, overseas and local experiences and the emerging treatment process, have been conducted. Two major options of biological treatment process for the YLSEPP were considered, including:

·         Conventional Activated Sludge (CAS)

·         Compacted-type technologies      Both CAS and the compacted-type technologies will provide biological treatment capable of achieving the required effluent standards with UV disinfection. Since the operation mode for both options is similar (e.g. both of them require air bubble mixing with sewage for aerobic digestion), it is considered that the environmental impact for two options during operation , such as noise, would not have significant difference. Nevertheless, CAS will require larger footprint which could not be accommodated in the YLSEPP. The additional footprint would be required if CAS is adopted, which will inevitably induce significant environmental impacts.      It should also be noted that CAS will involve a considerably larger volume of excavation works and, hence, significant increase in C&D materials to be disposed of.  In addition, it will result in longer construction period during which more environmental impacts would be arisen.      For the compacted-type technologies, three processes were considered, comprising Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR), Aerobic Granular Sludge (AGS), Membrane Bioreactor (MBR). Comparing the technologies, MBBR and AGS have relatively larger footprint and excavation volume than MBR. MBR is a more compact sewage treatment option. MBR would occupy the least footprint and requires the lowest amount of excavation. The amount of TSS in the treated effluent of MBR is also the lowest, which resulted in the lowest amount of pollutant discharge to the Deep Bay. MBR’s high quality effluent is also favorable for further reclaimed water treatment and production. Different compacted-type technologies have their own environmental benefits and disbenefits.      Although those compacted-type technologies would generally require higher power consumption and more O&M requirements when compared to CAS, they have overall environmental benefits, in particular during construction phase, and, thus, are recommended as preferred option.

Options of Disinfection Process      There are three common disinfection technologies, namely ultraviolet (UV), chlorination and ozone treatment. Chlorination is not recommended for YLSEPP as the treated effluent would leave residual chlorine which is harmful to aquatic lives in the receiving waterbody. Both ozone and UV leave no residuals in effluent that does not harm the water life. Compared to UV disinfection, ozonation requires a larger footprint and much higher power consumption, which is not as favorable as the UV option in terms of environmental benefit. Therefore, UV is the most recommended for YLSEPP’s disinfection application.     

2.5.2              Sludge Treatment

Options for Sludge Treatment      Sludge cake generated from YLSEPP’s treatment of sewage sludge and organic waste will be delivered to the Sludge Treatment Facility (STF) in Tuen Mun for incineration. Prior to conveyance to the STF, the following handling options are considered:

·         Dewatering with prior anaerobic digestion including organic waste co-digestion

·         Direct dewatering without digestion      Anaerobic digestion is recommended with the environmental benefits of reducing the volume of sludge and food waste to be disposed of at STF and allow energy recovery from biogas generation for utilization within YLSEPP. Also, the organic contents in digested sludge would be much lower so as to minimize the odour level in the downstream dewatering and offsite disposal process.      Emissions from biogas combustion were considered as minimum and relevant impact assessment are included in Section 3.  The environmental benefits would significantly outweigh the disbenefits of the sludge digestion process.      As a sustainability consideration, co-digestion of organic wastes with sewage sludge within YLSEPP is recommended to enhance biogas generation and, hence, increase the generation of renewable energy for plant internal usage. Additional facilities for organic wastes co-digestion, including reception facilities, digesters and dewatering process, will be located within the YLSEPP’s footprint.


Options for Sidestream Treatment      The following sidestream treatment technology have been considered during the development of the plant design for YLSEPP:

·         Anammox Technology

·         Ammonia Stripping      Anammox technology utilizes a low energy ammonification process to convert aqueous ammonia to nitrogen gas. While ammonia stripping technology heats the centrate/filtrate stream to convert ammonia from liquid phase to gas phase. The air leaving the stripping column will then be burned in a combustion chamber to convert the ammonia-laden air to nitrogen and water before it is released to the atmosphere.  In order to meet the emission standard for NOx, additional NOx treatment unit will be added to further treat the ammonia stripping exhaust gas. Compared with ammonia stripping technology, anammox uses much less energy and produce less gaseous emissions, therefore it will be selected for side-stream treatment in YLSEPP.

2.5.3              Deodorization Facilities

Options for Deodorization System      Due to the constraint of footprint and height limit, the following deodorization options have been considered during the development of the plant design for YLSEPP:

·         A combination of one-stage and two-stage deodorization: to adopt two-stage deodorization system for areas with high odour concern such as inlet works, primary treatment units, sludge treatment units and organic waste reception facilities; and adopt one-stage deodorization system for areas with less odour concern, such as biological treatment units and tertiary treatment units.

·         Two-stage deodorization for all treatment processes      In the design of YLSEPP, two-stage deodorization for all treatment processes including for treatment processes with lower odour emission rates such as bioreactors for sewage treatment is adopted. Compared with a combination of one-stage and two-stage deodorization, adoption of two-stage deodorization for all treatment processes will achieve a higher odour removal efficiency. This design will minimize the odour emission from YLSEPP as far as possible.

2.5.4              Consideration of Layout Options to Reduce Environmental Impacts

Design Constraints and Environmental Factors      For developing of YLSEPP’s internal layout, considerations of numerous engineering constraints and environmental factors have been made as below:

·         The locations, size and arrangement on new treatment facility is bounded by recommended treatment options (Section 2.5.1 refers). Thus, compacted size treatment facility is provided in the layout.

·         In green building consideration, energy recovery from biogas is recommended (Section 2.5.2 refers). Thus, chimneys from CHP is required in YLSEPP.

·         The required treatment capacity of 65,000 m3/day (Section 2.3.2 refers) would determine the size of treatment units and likewise would determine the amount of odour emission and the requirement on deodorization units to cater the odour nuisance due to sewage treatment process.

·         Odour emission to be treated by deodourization units are determined by the surface area of the treatment facilities, the air exchange flow rate and the odour emission strength according to odour generation sources such as sewage and sludge tanks. Compacted treatment facilities would assist in reducing the odour emissions with smaller tank sizes.

·         Odour extraction rates will be appropriately provided for man-access areas with higher air exchange rates and for non-man-access odour enclosures with lower air exchange rates to reduce the size of the deodourization units necessary to treat the extracted foul air.

·         Foul air is treated as close to the emission source as possible with decentralized deodourization units to reduce the footprint required for odour extraction ductwork and to provide optimal deodourization treatment technology for the various types of odour sources.

·         The layout of different treatment units is determined with due considerations of not only the process requirements, but also environmental factors, e.g. most of the air emission sources as well as deodourization units are located with as much setback from the site boundary as possible to provide maximum distance between the air emission sources and the sensitive receivers.

·         The scale and size of above-ground structures are determined by striking a balance between the plant’s hydraulics and visual impacts to the surroundings.

Consideration of Project Design and Layout      In order to avoid and minimize environmental impacts in terms of air quality, noise, water quality, ecological, landscape and visual aspect, the following major design and layout will be adopted in YLSEPP:

·         All the treatment units will be covered and ventilated via deodorization units. Thus, odour impact would be minimized.(Section 3 refers)

·         All the treatment facilities and building will be ventilated with silencers at lourvers. Thus, fixed noise impact would then be minimized. (Section 4 refers)

·         A set of design measures will be installed to avoid and minimize the chance on emergency discharge (Section 2.6 and Section 5 refers)

·         All the treatment units and buildings are designed with due considerations on minimizing the building heights by such means as adopting equipment that requires low headroom.  This is to ensure all the aboveground structures would not be excessively bulky so as to minimize the visual impacts. (Section 9 refers)

Consideration on the Amount of Excavation      To reduce the amount of excavation within the Project, relaxation of the height restriction for Land OU3.3 as stated in the YLS DA’s Revised Recommended Outline Development Plan (RODP) (i.e. from +35.0 mPD to +40.0 mPD) for construction of YLSEPP treatment facilities is adopted to minimise the associated environmental impact such as the air quality and waste implication due to excavation. Further relaxation of height limit (i.e. beyond +40.0 mPD) is not advisable with consideration of the visual impact due to the project.      The design layout of YLSEPP taking into account the relaxation of height restriction has already been adopted in this EIA report and the environmental implication would be discussed in later sections.

Consideration of Locations for the New Treatment Facilities      The locations of new treatment facilities are bounded by the inlet sewage pipes and effluent outfall at the northern and south-eastern sides, respectively.  In order to minimize the scale of construction, sewage inlet works would be located at the north side of YLSEPP to minimise the distance of the incoming sewage rising mains and the effluent outfall would be located close to the existing Yuen Long Nullah. As such, the locations of new facilities are designed with inlet works at the north, primary and biological unit in the middle and tertiary treatment units at the south of YLSEPP. In addition, all the construction works and new facilities would be within the site boundary to avoid additional project footprint. The new treatment facilities arrangement is then designed under these boundary conditions.

2.6             Consideration of Alternative Designs to Minimize Emergency Discharges      Standby units for major treatment units and Electrical and Mechanical (E&M) equipment will be provided in YLSEPP to minimize the occurrence of emergency discharge.      The project site is subject to severe space constraints with very congested arrangements in order to accommodate treatment and ancillary facilities of YLSEPP. It is found infeasible to provide an emergency storage tank within the YLSEPP site for storage of raw sewage during emergency situations. Nevertheless, the reliability and robustness of YLSEPP is largely sufficient to avoid / minimize the risk of emergency discharge, including the design measures as described below.

Provision of adequate standby units and peaking factors      In order to minimize the risk of failure of individual equipment, provision of standby units and a peaking factor of 2.7 will be applied for major treatment units and E&M equipment. This could avoid emergency discharge due to failure of individual equipment. The standby treatment tanks or idled tanks under non-peak flow may also be considered as temporary storage of sewage in case of equipment or power failure.

Provision of by-pass mechanism at coarse and fine screens      According to DSD’s record, an emergency discharge event from a sizable STW was recorded in August 2014. This emergency discharge event was due to the malfunction of fine screens at the inlet works. In order to avoid similar event occurring at YLSEPP, in addition to providing standby units, by-pass mechanism will be provided for both coarse screens and fine screens in the inlet works building. Influent could be diverted to grit trap and lamella primary clarifier and emergency discharge could be avoided/minimized if there is failure in coarse/fine screens.

Provision of reliable power supply      The CLP power supply to YLSEPP is stable and reliable.  YLSEPP’s power supply system will be further enhanced with dual power supply.      Apart from conventional power sources, alternative power supply will be provided by the renewable energy sources within YLSEPP. One of the major renewable energy sources will be from biogas stored in the gas holders.  In case of power outage from CLP, the Combined Heat and Power units will generate electricity by consuming the stored biogas.  Together with the power generated by solar panels, the renewable energy could be able to drive essential power demands for treatment processes for a duration of time.  With such arrangements for YLSEPP’s power supply system, the operation reliability of YLSEPP is further enhanced.

Provision on interim emergency by-pass      Interim by pass after the primary clarifier will be provided. In case there is failure in downstream treatment units such as biological treatment or tertiary treatment, raw sewage could be treated by primary solid/liquid separation and discharged via an interim by-pass. With this provision, raw sewage by-pass could be avoided as much as possible.

Regular maintenances and inspections      Regular maintenances and inspections to all treatment units, penstocks and plant facilities will maintain a good operation condition of YLSEPP. As such, minimizing the risk of malfunction and blockage of treatment units. The probability of emergency discharge could also be minimized.

Application of Emergency Response Plan      To provide a mechanism to minimize the impact of emergency discharges and facilitate subsequent management of any emergency, the criteria and procedures recommended in the “Contingency Plan for Incidents Possibly Encountered in Sewage Treatment Facilities having a Potential of Generating an Environmental Nuisance” by Sewage Treatment Divisions One & Two of DSD should be referenced to formulate an Emergency Response Plan, which shall be submitted prior to commissioning of YLSEPP.  The plant operators of YLSEPP should carry out necessary follow-up actions according to the procedures of the Emergency Response Plan to minimize any impact on the identified WSRs due to emergency bypass.    In addition, in case of emergency discharge, the upstream pumping station could be temporarily suspended, preventing sewage from entering to YLSEPP, so to lower the risk of any emergency discharge.

2.7             Sustainability Consideration

2.7.1              Opportunities for Green Building      To encourage low carbon and green STW, green building design is one of the key tasks in this Assignment. The implementation of green features will be subject to further studies during detail design stage of this Assignment. The initial ideas of recommended green features are summarized below:-

Table 2.2    Initial Ideas on Green Features for YLSEPP

Green Features


Green roof

Relatively large areas of green roofs could be implemented at most treatment facility buildings as most facilities are housed within buildings.

Renewable energy

Biogas from food waste co-digestion will be utilized by Combined Heat and Power Units for generation of heat and power as alternative energy source for plant operation.

Photovoltaics (PV) system will be provided at building rooftops.

Non-potable internal effluent reuse

Sewage will undergo tertiary treatment in YLSEPP. The current design effluent quality standard is generally good enough for direct reuse for non-potable use within YLSEPP. The treated effluent will be used as polymer preparations within the treatment process and via distribution systems without any human contact.


Selecting materials with lowest environmental impacts, from local/regional sources, sustainable sources.

Provisions for porous pavement to limit the surface runoff.


2.8             Consideration of Alternative Construction Methods and Sequences of Works

2.8.1              Consideration of Site Formation Works      The environmental implication of site formation work for both land OU3.3 and G3.1 are covered in the EIA report no. AEIAR-215/2017 – Housing Sites in Yuen Long South. As such, the consideration of alternative site formation method is not included in this EIA report. Land OU3.3 and G3.1 refers to the lot of land allocated in YLS DA’s revised RODP.      However, it is noted that the site formation level for the land G3.1 as shown in the EIA report no. AEIAR-215/2017 (i.e. 31.0 mPD) will be changed to suit the latest proposed site formation level of YLSEPP. Thus, an environmental review should be conducted by others (e.g. CEDD) to assess the environmental impact resulted from this change.”

2.8.2              Consideration of Foundation Methods      The foundation options are highly dependent on the ground conditions. According to the available ground information, the site is generally overlaid by fill, alluvium clay, completely decomposed granite (CDG) and slightly/moderately decomposed granite (S/MDG). In considering the geotechnical feasibility, the following foundation methods have been considered:-

·               Pre-bored socketed steel H piles (for heavy-duty structures only)

·                Percussive piles

·                Shallow foundation (for light-duty structures)      A comparison of individual foundation methods and its application are presented in the below Table 2.3.      Since the proposed boundary of YLSEPP is currently located within private land lots with numerous existing private structures, the area assessable for ground investigation works is limited. As such, the technical feasibility of different foundation options should be further reviewed at a later project stage when more ground information can be gathered.

Light-duty Structures      Piling foundation and shallow foundation are both the feasible foundation options for light-duty structures in YLSEPP. In order to minimize the disturbance to adjacent environment in terms of noise and vibration, shallow foundation is adopted for light-duty structure to reduce the environmental implication of the project during construction stage.

Heavy-duty Structures      Based on the existing drilling record of ground investigation work, it is considered that both percussive pile and bored pile are the feasible foundation options for heavy-duty structures within YLSEPP. However, since the stiffness of underground soil is undesirable for percussive pile, it is not the preferable option due to anticipated long pile length leading to low economic efficiency. Meanwhile, the tentative bed rock level is at about 20m below ground level which allows the adoption of pre-bored socketed steel H piles for heavy-duty buildings. Therefore, subject to the detailed design of YLSEPP, bored pile would be the likely foundation options for those heavy structures in YLSEPP.      In addition, it is recognised that there are existing graves located at the south-western side of YLSEPP. With this consideration, application of percussive piling will be avoided as far as practicable to minimize the disturbance to existing structures and prevent potential public complaint during Project’s construction stage. Bored pile remains the preferrable foundation option for heavy-duty structures in YLSEPP since it would generate less vibration and disturbance to the adjacent area. However, it should also be noted that bored pile has its demerits of requiring a comparatively longer construction period as well as generating much higher volume of excavated materials to be disposed which would generate other environmental impacts.

Table 2.3          Comparison of Various Foundation Methods and Its Applications

Foundation Methods




Recommended Application

Percussive piles

·  Applicable to all ground conditions

·  Less construction time

·  Less excavation volumes

·  Less construction cost

·  Higher construction noise

·  Since the underground soil stiffness is not desirable, deep piling will be required to achieve the design capacity

No, due to the presence of existing features (i.e. grave) adjacent to the construction site.


Bored piles (Pre-bored rock socketed steel H pile)

·  Quiet foundation method

·  Less vibration which is favourable to adjacent sensible structures

·  Longer construction time

·  Higher construction cost

·  More excavation volumes incurred


Subject to the detail design, programme limitation and its application, adopt as far as possible due to construction noise consideration

Shallow foundations

·  Quiet foundation method

·  Percussive and boring activity are not required

·  Less excavation volume

·  Pre-loading may be required and would lead to longer construction period

·  Limited application


Subject to the detail design, programme limitation and its application, adopt as far as possible due to construction noise consideration

2.8.3              Construction Methods for Superstructures      Superstructures such as administration building, inlet works building, tertiary treatment building, sludge treatment facilities and other smaller facilities will be erected. These building structures will be of typical reinforced concrete construction with architectural features, and construction works generally include: i) formwork and falsework erection, ii) rebar fixing, iii) concrete pouring and curing, iv) formwork striking and back propping, v) installation of building services and vi) installation of large E&M equipment.      Superstructures will adopt bottom-up construction by constructing the ground floor slabs, beams, columns and walls from the low level and progressing upwards to roof level.      Construction by precast or prefabrication units will be adopted as far as practicable in order to minimize the environmental impacts to the surroundings during construction phase. 

2.8.4              Construction Sequences and Programme      In general, the construction of YLSEPP would be carried out under the development of housing sites in Yuen Long South, in which construction of nearby facilities would be carried out concurrently. Therefore, sensitive receivers are not expected to be found in the vicinity of YLSEPP during construction stage since it is surrounded by other construction sites. Moreover, noting that the footprint of YLSEPP is located at and surrounded by brownfield site (except for the south-western portion which is bounded by hillside with existing graves), loss of habitats due to construction of this Project is not anticipated if proper environmental mitigation measures are adopted.      The major works of the Project include foundation works, superstructure works and E&M equipment installation. Various construction methods have been considered and the preferred methods have been selected, taking into account the engineering feasibility, site constraints, programme and environmental considerations. To minimize the potential ecological disturbance, noisy activities including percussive piling works, if any, will be avoided as far as possible.  Continuous fencing will also be erected along the site boundary prior to the commencement of construction works.      With consideration of the flow build-up of YLSEPP, the YLSEPP should start operating by 2032 to cater the incoming sewage from various catchment area. The construction of YLSEPP would be implemented in one stage to achieve the required treatment capacity before the ultimate design year.      Two approaches were considered for planning the construction sequence, which are the concurrent construction sequence and phased construction sequence. Concurrent construction sequence involves various construction activities being carried out at the same time, which can shorten the overall construction duration along with the duration of resulted environmental impact. Phased construction sequence involves construction activities being carried out one followed by another, which reduce the magnitude of maximum cumulative environmental impact generated at the same time. However, the construction duration would be prolonged. In view of limited construction time frame, concurrent construction sequence is adopted.      Despite concurrent construction sequence would lead to environmental drawback, the impact on the surrounding community should be minimal since sensitive receivers are not expected to be found in the vicinity during the construction of YLSEPP. Besides, compared to any mega development like Yuen Long South Development Area, the scale of YLSEPP construction is relatively small, the additional environmental impact generated by choosing concurrent sequence over phased sequence shall be limited.

2.9             Construction Programme      The Project construction works are anticipated to commence in early 2028 with completion of the Project by 2032.  A tentative construction programme for the Project is provided in Appendix 2.1. This programme provides the basis for the assessments presented in the EIA Report.

2.10          Concurrent Projects    With a view to assess the cumulative impact of the Project, a list of concurrent projects is identified based on the available information at the time of submission of this EIA.  It should be noted that the implementation of individual projects would be subject to further development and subsequent actions of the respective project proponents.    Table 2.4 and Figure 2.4 summarise the concurrent projects that would contribute to the cumulative environmental impacts during construction and/or operational phase.

2.11          Public Consultation   A public inspection of the project profile was conducted from 2 to 15 February 2019 and public comments were received. The main concerns and ways to address are outlined below and presented in Appendix 2.2:

Main Concerns / Ways to Address

·      Watercourses and their Riparian Zones Inside or In the Vicinity of the Proposed YLSEPP

The development of YLSEPP including both the site formation and construction works would not bring significant adverse impacts on the watercourses and their riparian zones. A full-scale Ecological Impact Assessment has been conducted in this Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) under Section 8.

·      Effluent discharge to Deep Bay

YLSEPP has adopted the highest sewage treatment standard of tertiary treatment in Hong Kong. The water quality impact has been assessed in this Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) under Section 5.    With these preliminary comments and responses, further public engagements were conducted with relevant stakeholders in 2021 to collect their views on the project.

                  Green Groups Liaison Meeting    The Project maintained a continuous communication with Green Groups and their views were obtained through 3 sessions of online meetings conducted on 13,14 and 17 May 2021 and one Green Group Liaison Meeting on 22 July 2021. Their feedback and responses are recorded in Appendix 2.2.

Main Concerns / Ways to Address

·         Natural Stream at the Southern Boundary of YLSEPP at G3.1

The natural stream within the site boundary of YLSEPP at G3.1 will be maintained. The layout and construction work of YLSEPP would not affect such natural stream. Please refer to the landscape and visual impact assessment in Section 9 of this EIA, particularly Figure 9.9 the Landscape and Visual Mitigation Plan where the existing natural stream would be maintained and blended into YLSEPP’s landscape design.


·         Visual Impact of YLSEPP to Hikers at Tai Lam Country Park

The landscape and architectural design of YLSEPP has been developed with due considerations of hikers at the nearby country park to ensure YLSEPP is blending into the environment. The landscape and visual impact has been assessed in the EIA report under Section 9.


·     Potential Pollution due to the Operation of YLSEPP

YLSEPP has been designed to minimize the environmental impact and potential pollution. Various aspects of environmental impact assessment, including air, noise, water, waste management etc have been conducted in this EIA.


Table 2.4          Potential Concurrent Projects


 Tentative Construction Programme

Brief Description

Potential Cumulative Impact

Approximate Distance from YLSEPP

Water Reclamation Facilities and Its Associated Pumping Facilities

Under Yuen Long South (YLS) Development Stage 2 Works. The construction programme is yet to be confirmed

The water reclamation facilities will polish the treated sewage effluent (TSE) from YLSEPP into reclaimed water

The works boundary of the Water Reclamation Facilities and its associated pumping facilities are located within 500m away from the YLSEPP, relevant environmental impacts such as air quality, noise and ecology are anticipated during construction and operation phase.

In Adjacent

Yuen Long South (YLS) Development Stage 1 works



Tentatively to be commenced in Year 2022 and completed in Year 2029

Stage 1 works of YLS Development includes fast tracked delivery of first housing site in the northern part of YLSDA.


The works boundary of the YLS DA Stage 1 works is located more than 1km away from the YLSEPP, thus potential cumulative impact is not anticipated during construction phase.

1600 m

Yuen Long South (YLS) Development Stage 2 works



Tentatively to be commenced in Year 2022 for land clearance and resumption, whereas site formation works would be commenced in Year 2023, and completed in Year 2033 tentatively.

Stage 2 works of YLS development includes the development of the remaining sites in Stage 1 of the YLS DA, major infrastructure works such as construction of main road, water reclamation facilities, sewerage works, drainage works, etc.

The works boundary of the YLS DA Stage 2 works is located within 500m away from the YLSEPP, relevant environmental impacts such as air quality, noise and ecology are anticipated during construction and operation phase.

18 m

Yuen Long South (YLS) Development Stage 3 and Stage 4 Works



YLS DA Stage 3: Tentatively to be commenced in Year 2031 for land clearance and resumption, whereas site formation works would be commenced in Year 2033 targeted intake year would be Year 2038.

YLS DA Stage 4: Tentatively to be commenced in Year 2032 for land clearance and resumption, whereas site formation works would be commenced in Year 2034 targeted intake year would be Year 2038.

Stage 3 of YLS development is mainly for developing the sites and the associated infrastructure in the southern part of the YLS DA.

Stage 4 works of YLS development is mainly for developing the sites in Tong Yan San Tsuen area.

The works boundary of the YLS DA Stage 3 and Stage 4 works is located within 500m away from the YLSEPP, relevant environmental impacts such as air quality, noise and ecology are anticipated during construction and operation phase.

In Adjacent

Hung Shui Kiu/Ha Tsuen New Development Area



Year 2020 to Year 2037/8

HSK/HT NDA is located in the North West New Territories and connected to Tin Shui Wai, Tuen Mun and Yuen Long. Upon full development, the NDA will provide homes for about 218,000 residents, including 176,000 new population.

The works boundary of the HSK/HT NDA is located more than 2km away from the YLSEPP, thus potential cumulative impact is not anticipated during construction and operation phase.

2700 m

CE 93/2017 (DS) Yuen Long Barrage Scheme – Investigation, Design and Construction



Year 2022 to Year 2029

The scope of this consultancy agreement comprises preliminary and detailed design, public consultation, preparation of tender documents, assessment of tender and construction supervision for the Yuen Long Barrage Scheme.

The works boundary of the Yuen Long Barrage Scheme is located more than 2km away from the YLSEPP, thus potential cumulative impact is not anticipated during construction and operation phase.

2700 m

CE 36/2018 (CE) Preliminary Technical Review on Potential Sites in 

Yuen Long Areas 13 and 14 for Housing Development 

– Feasibility Study

The tentative intake year of the interim phase of the project would be Year 2032

The main objectives of this consultancy agreement are to conduct preliminary technical review, to confirm the engineering feasibility of the

Development in various engineering/infrastructure related aspects, and to recommend necessary technically feasible improvement/new infrastructure upgrading works to provide adequate infrastructure capacity to support relaxation of plot ratio and future zoning amendment potential sites in Yuen Long Areas 13 and 14 for housing development.

The works boundary of the Yuen Long Areas 13 and 14 for housing development is located more than 2km away from the YLSEPP, thus potential cumulative impact is not anticipated during construction and operation phase.

2300 m

Note: The implementation programme of YLS DA is based on the best available information for this EIA report and subject to update by CEDD.