5............. Water Quality Impact. 5-1

5.1.......... Introduction. 5-1

5.2.......... Environmental Legislation, Standards and Criteria. 5-1

5.3.......... Description of Environment 5-10

5.4.......... Identification of Water Sensitive Receivers. 5-18

5.5.......... Assessment Methodology. 5-19

5.6.......... Prediction and Evaluation of Environmental Impacts. 5-27

5.7.......... Mitigation of Adverse Environmental Impacts. 5-46

5.8.......... Evaluation of Residual Impacts. 5-52

5.9.......... Cumulative Impacts. 5-52

5.10........ Environmental Monitoring and Audit 5-52

5.11........ Conclusion. 5-53


List of Tables


Table 5.1                   Summary of Water Quality Objectives for North Western WCZ. 5-1

Table 5.2                   Summary of Water Quality Objectives for North Western Supplementary WCZ. 5-4

Table 5.3                   Summary of Water Quality Objectives for Deep Bay WCZ. 5-5

Table 5.4                   WSD Standards at Flushing Water Intakes. 5-10

Table 5.5                   Summary EPD’s Routine Marine Water Quality Data for North Western WCZ in Year 2020  5-12

Table 5.6                   Summary EPD’s Routine Marine Water Quality Data for Deep Bay WCZ in Year 2020  5-13

Table 5.7                   Summary Statistic of 2020 River Water Quality of Tin Shui Wai Nullah. 5-16

Table 5.8                   Water Quality Survey Results under this Study. 5-17

Table 5.9                   Projects Incorporated in Modelling. 5-22

Table 5.10                 Pollution Loads within Deep Bay from Concurrent EIA Projects. 5-23

Table 5.11                 Assumed Effluent Qualities under Normal Operation Scenarios. 5-24

Table 5.12                 Assumed Effluent Qualities under Emergency Discharge Scenarios. 5-25

Table 5.13                 Pollution Load to NWNT Tunnel under Scenario 1, 2 and 5. 5-29

Table 5.14                 Maximum Percentage Change due to Maintenance Discharge. 5-36

Table 5.15                 Maximum Percentage Change due to Emergency Discharge. 5-40


List of Figures


Figure 5.1

Indicative Locations of Marine Water Sensitive Receivers and Observation Points (North Western Waters)

Figure 5.2

Indicative Locations of Marine Water Sensitive Receivers and Observation Points (Deep Bay Waters)

Figure 5.3

Indicative Locations of WSRs in 500m from Project Site Boundary


List of Appendices


Appendix 5.1

Initial Dilution Model

Appendix 5.2

Model Grid Layout, Properties and Model Verifications

Appendix 5.3

Contour Plots of Water Quality Modelling Results (Scenario 2) – Dry Season

Appendix 5.4

Contour Plots of Water Quality Modelling Results (Scenario 2) – Wet Season

Appendix 5.5

Contour Plots of Water Quality Modelling Results (Scenario 5) – Dry Season (Scenario 5)

Appendix 5.6

Contour Plots of Water Quality Modelling Results (Scenario 5) – Wet Season

Appendix 5.7

Predicted Water Quality at Key Water Sensitive Receivers

Appendix 5.8


Time Series Plot for Water Quality Modelling Results (Scenario 2 and 3) – Dry Season

Appendix 5.9

Time Series Plot for Water Quality Modelling Results (Scenario 2 and 3) – Wet Season

Appendix 5.10


Time Series Plot for Water Quality Modelling Results (Scenario 2 and 4) – Dry Season

Appendix 5.11

Time Series Plot for Water Quality Modelling Results (Scenario 2 and 4) – Wet Season

Appendix 5.12

Spin-up Test Results


5                      Water Quality Impact

5.1                  Introduction           This section presents an assessment of potential water quality impacts arising from construction and operation of the Project, which has been conducted in accordance with the criteria and guidelines for evaluating and assessing water pollution as stated in Annex 6 and Annex 14 of the “Technical Memorandum on Environmental Impact Assessment Process” (EIAO-TM) as well as the requirements given in Clause 3.4.6 and Appendix D of the EIA Study Brief (No. ESB-312/2019) (hereinafter “the Study Brief”)

5.2                  Environmental Legislation, Standards and Criteria

5.2.1              Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO)           The EIAO-TM specifies the assessment method and criteria that need to be followed in the EIA.  Reference sections in the EIAO-TM provide the details of the assessment criteria and guidelines that are relevant to the water quality impact assessment, including:

·           Annex 6 – Criteria for Evaluating Water Pollution

·            Annex 14 –Guidelines for Assessment of Water Pollution

5.2.2              Water Pollution Control Ordinance (WPCO)           The Water Pollution Control Ordinance (WPCO, Cap. 358) provides the major statutory framework for the protection and control of water quality in Hong Kong.  According to the WPCO and its subsidiary legislation, Hong Kong waters are divided into ten Water Control Zones (WCZs).  Corresponding statements of WQOs are stipulated for different water regimes (marine waters, inland waters, bathing beaches subzones, secondary contact recreation subzones and fish culture subzones) in the WCZ based on their beneficial uses.  The Project site is located within Deep Bay WCZs and have potential impacts to the North Western WCZ, North Western Supplementary WCZ and Deep Bay WCZ.  The corresponding WQOs are summarized in Table 5.1 to Table 5.3 below.

Table 5.1      Summary of Water Quality Objectives for North Western WCZ




Aesthetic appearance

Waste discharges shall cause no objectionable odours or discolouration of the water.

Whole Zone


Tarry residues, floating wood, articles made of glass, plastic, rubber or of any other substances should be absent.



Mineral oil should not be visible on the surface. Surfactants should not give rise to a lasting foam.



There should be no recognisable sewage-derived debris.



Floating, submerged and semi-submerged objects of a size likely to interfere with the free movement of vessels, or cause damage to vessels, should be absent.



Waste discharges shall not cause the water to contain substances which settle to form objectionable deposits.



Should not exceed 610 per 100 mL, calculated as the geometric mean of all samples collected in one calendar year.

Secondary Contact Recreation Subzones


Should be less than 1 per 100 mL, calculated as the running median of the most recent 5 consecutive samples taken at intervals of between 7 and 21 days.

Tuen Mun (A) and Tuen Mun (B) Subzones and Water Gathering Ground Subzones


Should not exceed 1000 per 100 mL, calculated as the running median of the most recent 5 consecutive samples taken at intervals of between 7 and 21 days.

Tuen Mun (C) Subzone and other inland waters


Should not exceed 180 per 100 mL, calculated as the geometric mean of all samples collected from March to October inclusive in one calendar year.  Samples should be taken at least 3 times in a calendar month at intervals of between 3 and 14 days.

Bathing Beach Subzones

Dissolved Oxygen (DO) within 2 m of the seabed

Not less than 2 mg/L for 90% of the sample.

Marine waters

Dissolved Oxygen (DO)

Not less than 4 mg/L for 90% of the sampling, calculated as water column average.

Marine waters


Not less than 4 mg/L.

Tuen Mun (A), Tuen Mun (B) and Tuen Mun (C) Subzones, Water Gathering Ground Subzones and other inland waters


To be in the range of 6.5-8.5, change due to human activity not to exceed 0.2 units.

Marine waters excepting Bathing Beach Subzones


To be in the range of 6.5-8.5.

Tuen Mun (A), Tuen Mun (B) and Tuen Mun (C) Subzones and Water Gathering Ground Subzones


To be in the range of 6.0-9.0.

Other inland waters


To be in the range of 6.0-9.0 for 95% of samples, change due to human activity not to exceed 0.5 units.

Bathing Beach Subzones


Human activity should not cause the colour of water to exceed 30 Hazen units.

Tuen Mun (A) and Tuen Mun (B) Subzones and Water Gathering Ground Subzones


Human activity should not cause the colour of water to exceed 50 Hazen units.

Tuen Mun (C) Subzone and other inland waters


Waste discharges shall not cause the natural daily temperature range to change by more than 2.

Whole Zone


Waste discharges shall not cause the natural ambient salinity level to change by more than 10%.

Whole Zone

Suspended Solids (SS)

Human activity shall neither cause the natural ambient SS level to be raised by 30% nor give rise to accumulation of SS which may adversely affect aquatic communities.

Marine waters


Human activity shall not cause the annual median of SS to exceed 20 mg/L.

Tuen Mun (A), Tuen Mun (B) and Tuen Mun (C) Subzones and Water Gathering Ground Subzones


Human activity shall not cause the annual median of SS to exceed 25 mg/L.

Other inland waters

Un-ionized ammonia (UIA)

The un-ionized ammoniacal nitrogen level should not be more than 0.021 mg/L, calculated as the annual average (arithmetic mean).

Whole Zone


(a)   Nutrients shall not be present in quantities sufficient to cause excessive or nuisance growth of algae or other aquatic plants.

Marine waters


(b)   Without limiting the generality of objective (a) above, the level of inorganic nitrogen should not exceed 0.3 mg/L, expressed as annual water column average.

Castle Peak Bay Subzone


(c)   Without limiting the generality of objective (a) above, the level of inorganic nitrogen should not exceed 0.5 mg/L, expressed as annual water column average.

Marine waters excepting Castle Peak Bay Subzone

5-Day Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5)

Waste discharges shall not cause the 5-day biochemical oxygen demand to exceed 3 mg/L.

Tuen Mun (A), Tuen Mun (B) and Tuen Mun (C) Subzones and Water Gathering Ground Subzones


Waste discharges shall not cause the 5-day biochemical oxygen demand to exceed 5 mg/L.

Other inland waters

Chemical Oxygen Demand


Waste discharge shall not cause the chemical oxygen demand to exceed 15 mg/L.

Tuen Mun (A), Tuen Mun (B) and Tuen Mun (C) Subzones and Water Gathering Ground Subzones


Waste discharges shall not cause the chemical oxygen demand to exceed 30 mg/L.

Other inland waters


Waste discharges shall not cause the toxins in water to attain such levels as to produce significant toxic carcinogenic, mutagenic or teratogenic effects in humans, fish or any other aquatic organisms, with due regard to biologically cumulative effects in food chains and to toxicant interactions with each other.

Whole Zone


Waste discharges shall not cause a risk to any beneficial uses of the aquatic environment.



Phenols shall not be present in such quantities as to produce a specific odour, or in concentration greater than 0.05 mg/L as C6H5OH.

Bathing Beach Subzones


Waste discharges shall not reduce light transmission substantially from the normal level.

Bathing Beach Subzones

Source: Statement of Water Quality Objectives (North Western Water Control Zone).


Table 5.2      Summary of Water Quality Objectives for North Western Supplementary WCZ




Aesthetic appearance

Waste discharges shall cause no objectionable odours or discolouration of the water.

Whole Zone


Tarry residues, floating wood, articles made of glass, plastic, rubber or of any other substances should be absent.



Mineral oil should not be visible on the surface. Surfactants should not give rise to a lasting foam.



There should be no recognisable sewage-derived debris.



Floating, submerged and semi-submerged objects of a size likely to interfere with the free movement of vessels, or cause damage to vessels, should be absent.



Waste discharges shall not cause the water to contain substances which settle to form objectionable deposits.



should not exceed 610 per 100 mL, calculated as the geometric mean of all samples collected in a calendar year.

Secondary Contact Recreation Subzones

Dissolved Oxygen (DO) within 2 m of the seabed

Not less than 2 mg/L for 90% of the sample.

Whole zone

Dissolved Oxygen (DO)

Not less than 4 mg/L for 90% of the sampling, calculated as water column average.

Whole zone


To be in the range of 6.5-8.5, change due to human activity not to exceed 0.2 units.

Whole zone


Waste discharges shall not cause the natural daily temperature range to change by more than 2.

Whole Zone


Waste discharges shall not cause the natural ambient salinity level to change by more than 10%.

Whole Zone

Suspended Solids (SS)

Waste discharges should not cause the natural ambient level to be raised by more than 30% or give rise to accumulation of suspended solids which may adversely affect aquatic communities.

Whole zone

Un-ionized ammonia (UIA)

The un-ionized ammoniacal nitrogen level should not be more than 0.021 mg/L, calculated as the annual average (arithmetic mean).

Whole Zone


(a)   Nutrients shall not be present in quantities sufficient to cause excessive or nuisance growth of algae or other aquatic plants.

Whole Zone


(b)   Without limiting the generality of objective (a) above, the level of inorganic nitrogen should not exceed 0.5 mg/L, expressed as annual water column average.

Whole Zone


Waste discharges shall not cause the toxins in water to attain such levels as to produce significant toxic carcinogenic, mutagenic or teratogenic effects in humans, fish or any other aquatic organisms, with due regard to biologically cumulative effects in food chains and to toxicant interactions with each other.

Whole Zone


Waste discharges shall not cause a risk to any beneficial uses of the aquatic environment.


Source:            Statement of Water Quality Objectives (North Western Supplementary Water Control Zone)


Table 5.3      Summary of Water Quality Objectives for Deep Bay WCZ




Aesthetic appearance

Waste discharges shall cause no objectionable odours or discolouration of the water.

Whole Zone


Tarry residues, floating wood, articles made of glass, plastic, rubber or of any other substances should be absent.



Mineral oil should not be visible on the surface. Surfactants should not give rise to a lasting foam.



There should be no recognisable sewage-derived debris.



Floating, submerged and semi-submerged objects of a size likely to interfere with the free movement of vessels, or cause damage to vessels, should be absent.



Waste discharges shall not cause the water to contain substances which settle to form objectionable deposits.



Should not exceed 610 per 100 mL, calculated as the geometric mean of all samples collected in one calendar year.

Secondary Contact Recreation Subzone and Mariculture Subzone (L.N. 455 of 1991)


Should be zero per 100 mL, calculated as the running median of the most recent 5 consecutive samples taken at intervals of between 7 and 21 days.

Yuen Long & Kam Tin (Upper) Subzone, Beas Subzone, Indus Subzone, Ganges Subzone and Water Gathering Ground Subzones


Should not exceed 1000 per 100 mL, calculated as the running median of the most recent 5 consecutive samples taken at intervals of between 7 and 21 days.

Yuen Long & Kam Tin (Lower) Subzone and other inland waters


Should not exceed 180 per 100 mL, calculated as the geometric mean of all samples collected from March to October inclusive in one calendar year.  Samples should be taken at least 3 times in a calendar month at intervals of between 3 and 14 days.

Yung Long Bathing Beach Subzone (L.N. 455 of 1991)

Dissolved Oxygen (DO) within 2 m of the seabed

Not less than 2 mg/L for 90% of the sample.

Outer Marine Subzone excepting Mariculture Subzone

Dissolved Oxygen (DO)

Not less than 4 mg/L for 90% of the sample, taken at 1 metre below surface.

Inner Marine Subzone excepting Mariculture Subzone


Not less than 4 mg/L for 90% of the sampling, calculated as water column average.

Outer Marine Subzone excepting Mariculture Subzone


Not less than 5 mg/L for 90% of the sample, taken at 1 metre below surface.

Mariculture Subzone


Not less than 4 mg/L.

Yuen Long & Kam Tin (Upper and Lower) Subzones, Beas Subzone, Indus Subzone, Ganges Subzone, Water Gathering Ground Subzones and other inland waters of the Zone


Human activity should not cause the colour of water to exceed 30 Hazen units.

Yuen Long & Kam Tin (Upper) Subzone, Beas Subzone, Indus Subzone, Ganges Subzone and Water Gathering Ground Subzones


Human activity should not cause the colour of water to exceed 50 Hazen units.

Yuen Long & Kam Tin (Lower) Subzone and other inland waters


Waste discharges shall not cause the natural daily temperature range to change by more than 2

Whole Zone


Waste discharges shall not cause the natural ambient salinity level to change by more than 10%.

Whole Zone


To be in the range of 6.5-8.5, change due to human activity not to exceed 0.2 units.

Marine waters excepting Yung Long Bathing Beach Subzone


To be in the range of 6.5-8.5.

Yuen Long & Kam Tin (Upper and Lower) Subzones, Beas Subzone, Indus Subzone, Ganges Subzone and Water Gathering Ground Subzones


To be in the range of 6.0-9.0.

Other inland waters


To be in the range of 6.0-9.0 for 95% of samples, change due to human activity not to exceed 0.5 units.

Yung Long Bathing Beach Subzone

Suspended Solids (SS)

Human activity shall neither cause the natural ambient SS level to be raised by 30% nor give rise to accumulation of SS which may adversely affect aquatic communities.

Marine waters


Human activity shall not cause the annual median of SS to exceed 20 mg/L.

Yuen Long & Kam Tin (Upper and Lower) Subzones, Beas Subzone, Ganges Subzone, Indus Subzone, Water Gathering Ground Subzones and other inland waters

Un-ionized ammonia (UIA)

The un-ionized ammoniacal nitrogen level should not be more than 0.021 mg/L, calculated as the annual average (arithmetic mean).

Whole Zone


(a)   Nutrients shall not be present in quantities sufficient to cause excessive or nuisance growth of algae or other aquatic plants.

Inner and Outer Marine Subzones


(b)   Without limiting the generality of objective (a) above, the level of inorganic nitrogen should not exceed 0.7 mg/L, expressed as annual mean.

Inner Marine Subzones


(c)   Without limiting the generality of objective (a) above, the level of inorganic nitrogen should not exceed 0.5 mg/L, expressed as annual water column average (arithmetic mean of at least 2 measurements at 1 m below surface and 1 m above seabed).

Outer Marine Subzones

5-Day Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5)

Waste discharges shall not cause the 5-day biochemical oxygen demand to exceed 3 mg/L.

Yuen Long & Kam Tin (Upper) Subzone, Beas Subzone, Indus Subzone, Ganges Subzone and Water Gathering Ground Subzones


Waste discharge shall not cause the 5-day biochemical oxygen demand to exceed 5 mg/L.

Yuen Long & Kam Tin (Lower) Subzone and other inland waters

Chemical Oxygen Demand


Waste discharges shall not cause the chemical oxygen demand to exceed 15 mg/L.

Yuen Long & Kam Tin (Upper) Subzone, Beas Subzone, Indus Subzone, Ganges Subzone and Water Gathering Ground Subzones


Waste discharges shall not cause the chemical oxygen demand to exceed 30 mg/L.

Yuen Long & Kam Tin (Lower) Subzone and other inland waters


Waste discharges shall not cause the toxins in water to attain such levels as to produce significant toxic carcinogenic, mutagenic or teratogenic effects in humans, fish or any other aquatic organisms, with due regard to biologically cumulative effects in food chains and to toxicant interactions with each other.

Whole Zone


Waste discharges shall not cause a risk to any beneficial uses of the aquatic environment.

Whole Zone


Phenols shall not be present in such quantities as to produce a specific odour, or in concentration greater than 0.05 mg/L as C6H5OH.

Yung Long Bathing Beach Subzone


Waste discharges shall not reduce light transmission substantially from the normal level.

Yung Long Bathing Beach Subzone

Source: Statement of Water Quality Objectives (Deep Bay Control Zone).

5.2.3              Technical Memorandum for Effluents Discharged into Drainage and Sewerage Systems, Inland and Coastal Waters           Discharge of effluents is subject to control under the WPCO.  The “Technical Memorandum on Standards for Effluents Discharged into Drainage and Sewerage Systems, Inland and Coastal Waters” (TM-DSS) was issued under Section 21 of the WPCO.  It sets the discharge limits vary with the effluent flow rates and the effluent should comply with the standards for effluent discharged into different type of receiving waters (foul sewers, storm water drains, inland and coastal waters).  The standards control the physical, chemical and microbial quality of effluents.

5.2.4              Practice Notes           A “Professional Persons Environmental Consultative Committee Practice Note” (ProPECC PN) was issued by the EPD to provide guidelines for handling and disposal of construction site discharges.  The ProPECC PN 1/94 "Construction Site Drainage" provides good practice guidelines for dealing with 10 types of discharge from construction sites.  These include surface run-off, groundwater, boring and drilling water, bentonite slurry, water for testing and sterilisation of water retaining structures and water pipes, wastewater from building constructions, acid cleaning, etching and pickling wastewater, and wastewater from site facilities.  Practices given in the ProPECC PN 1/94 should be followed as far as possible during construction to minimise the water quality impact due to construction site drainage.           The ProPECC PN 5/93 "Drainage Plans subject to Comments by Environmental Protection Department" provides guidelines and practices for handling, treatment and disposal of various effluent discharges to stormwater drains and foul sewers.  The design of site drainage and disposal of various site effluents generated within the new development area should follow the relevant guidelines and practices as given in the ProPECC PN 5/93.

5.2.5              Technical Circular           Environment, Transport and Works Bureau Technical Circular (ETWB TC) (Works) No. 5/2005 provides an administrative framework to better protect all natural streams/rivers from the impacts of construction works.  The procedures promulgated under this Circular aim to clarify and strengthen existing measures for protection of natural streams/rivers from government projects and private developments.  The guidelines and precautionary mitigation measures given in the ETWB TC (Works) No. 5/2005 should be followed as far as possible to protect the inland watercourses at or near the Project area during the construction phase.

5.2.6              Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines (HKPSG)           Chapter 9 of the HKPSG outlines environmental requirements that need to be considered in land use planning.  The recommended guidelines, standards and guidance cover the selection of suitable locations for the developments and sensitive uses, provision of environmental facilities, and design, layout, phasing and operational controls to minimise adverse environmental impacts.  It also lists out environmental factors that influence land use planning and recommends buffer distances for land uses.

5.2.7              Water Supplies Department (WSD) Water Quality Criteria           Besides the WQO set under the WPCO, the WSD has also specified a set of seawater quality objectives for water quality at their flushing water intakes.  The list is shown in Table 5.4.

Table 5.4      WSD Standards at Flushing Water Intakes

Parameters (in mg/L unless otherwise stated)

WSD Target Limit

Colour (Hazen Unit)

< 20

Turbidity (NTU)

< 10

Threshold Odour Number (odour unit)

< 100

Ammoniacal Nitrogen (NH3-N)

< 1

Suspended Solids (SS)

< 10

Dissolved Oxygen (DO)

> 2

Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)

< 10

Synthetic Detergents

< 5

E.coli (no./100 mL)

< 20,000


5.2.8              Reference Suspended Solids (SS) Criterion for Cooling Water Intake           The suspended solids (SS) criterion for cooling water intakes is different from that for the WSD’s intakes as their beneficial uses are different (the former is used for cooling water system and the latter for flushing purpose).  There are a number of cooling water intakes identified in the North Western WCZ. include the CLP Black Point Power Station, Castle Peak Power Station, China Cement Plant and Shiu Wing Steel Mills.  The applicable criteria for SS level in the Black Point Power Station and Castle Peak Power Station seawater intakes is below 764 mg/L-1, the tolerance level of 700 mg L-1 for maximum SS elevation at these two WSRs would be taken as assessment criteria (AEIAR-197/2016).  There are no particular criteria specified for the seawater intakes of Shiu Wing Steel Mill and China Cement Plant hence WQOs SS criteria have been adopted.

5.2.9              Assessment Criterion for Sediment Deposition (Applicable to Ecological Subtidal Habitats Only)           There is no existing legislative standard on sedimentation rate available.  Soft corals typical of the north western coastal waters where the sediment regime is more dynamic than in other parts of Hong Kong's coastal waters are expected to be more tolerant of deposition.  The daily sediment deposition rate of 200 g/m2/day is generally considered as tolerable in the western waters.  The sediment deposition rate of 200 g/m2/day has been adopted as the reference criterion for this Study following the approach adopted under other approved EIA studies.  The sedimentation criterion was derived for protection of subtidal coral habitats only and hence it is not applicable to other water sensitive receivers such as bathing beach users and seawater intakes where the main concern would be on the surface / mid-depth water quality.  No sedimentation criterion specific to bathing beach users and seawater intakes is available and therefore the sedimentation rates are not presented for these sensitive receivers under this assessment.

5.3                  Description of Environment

5.3.1              Study Area           According to Clause of the Study Brief, the Study Area for this water quality impact assessment include areas within 500 metres from the boundary of the Project and shall cover Deep Bay, North Western and other affected WCZs as designated under the WPCO and water sensitive receivers, such as the natural streams and nullah in the vicinity of the Project.  The baseline condition of water bodies in the Study Area have been established with reference to routine river and marine water quality monitoring data collected by EPD.  Descriptions of the baseline conditions provided in the subsequent sections are extracted from the EPD's reports “Marine Water Quality in Hong Kong in 2020” and “River Water Quality in Hong Kong in 2020” which contains the latest information published by EPD on river and marine water quality.

5.3.2              Marine Water           The baseline water quality condition of marine water was established from the marine water quality monitoring data routinely collected by EPD in the North Western and Deep Bay WCZs.  A summary of EPD monitoring data collected in 2020 for Deep Bay WCZ and North Western WCZ were presented in Table 5.5 and Table 5.6 respectively.

Table 5.5     Summary EPD’s Routine Marine Water Quality Data for North Western WCZ in Year 2020


Lantau Island (North)

Pearl Island

Pillar Point

Urmston Road

Chek Lap Kok


(in marine waters)










(20.5 - 29.3)


(20.5 - 29.4)


(18.9 - 29.4)


(20.8 - 29.4)


(20.7 - 29.4)


(20.5 - 29.4)

Not more than 2 in daily temperature range



(25.6 - 32.2)


(19.8 - 31.6)


(20.2 - 31.9)


(20.2 - 30.7)


(14.8 - 30.5)


(14.3 - 31.0)

Not to cause more than 10% change

Dissolved Oxygen


Depth Average


(4.4 - 6.4)


(4.7 - 7.2)


(4.3 – 6.7)


(4.3 - 6.7)


(4.7 - 7.2)


(4.7 - 7.0)

Not less than 4 mg/L for 90% of samples




(3.9 - 6.4)


(4.0 - 7.5)


(3.5 - 6.9)


(3.7 - 6.6)


(4.2 - 7.2)


(4.1 - 7.2)

Not less than 2 mg/L for 90% of samples

Dissolved Oxygen

(% Saturation)

Depth Average


(64 - 89)


(68 - 104)


(64 - 89)


(62 - 89)


(68 - 102)


(67 - 98)

Not available




(56 - 91)


(58 - 108)


(57 - 92)


(53 - 93)


(61 - 103)


(60 - 98)

Not available




(7.7 - 8.2)


(7.7 - 8.1)


(7.7 - 8.2)


(7.5 - 8.1)

(7.7 - 8.1)


(7.7 - 8.2)

6.5 - 8.5 (±0.2 from natural range)

Secchi Disc Depth



(1.7 - 2.3)


(1.7 - 2.6)


(1.7 – 2.7)


(1.6 – 2.6)


(1.6 - 2.5)


(1.5 - 2.8)

Not available




(2.9 - 10.9)


(1.9 - 7.8)


(3.4 – 8.9)


(4.0 - 11.9)


(4.2 - 11.0)


(5.0 - 23.3)

Not available

Suspended Solids (SS)



(2.3 - 15.0)


(2.4 - 12.7)


(3.6 - 15.3)


(3.9 - 20.3)


(4.5 - 16.7)


(2.2 - 29.3)

Not more than 30% increase

5-day Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5) (mg/L)


(<0.1 - 1.1)


(0.3 - 1.0)


(0.3 - 0.8)


(0.2 - 0.8)


(0.3 - 1.7)


(0.3 - 1.2)

Not available

Ammonia Nitrogen (NH3-N)



(0.039 - 0.180)


(0.031 - 0.177)


(0.023 - 0.167)


(0.021 - 0.150)


(0.016 - 0.157)


(0.016 - 0.089)

Not available

Unionised Ammonia



(0.002 - 0.008)


0.001 - 0.007)


(<0.001 - 0.007)


(<0.001 - 0.006)


(<0.001 - 0.007)


(<0.001 - 0.004)

Not more than annual average of 0.021mg/L

Nitrite Nitrogen

(NO2-N) (mg/L)


(0.021 - 0.133)


(0.023 - 0.150)


(0.011 - 0.157)


(0.028 - 0.170)


(0.028 - 0.203)


(0.027 - 0.153)

Not available

Nitrate Nitrogen

(NO3-N) (mg/L)


(0.140 - 0.640)


(0.157 - 0.757)


(0.160 - 0.850)


(0.233 - 0.930)


(0.263 - 0.913)


(0.167 - 0.967)

Not available

Total Inorganic Nitrogen (TIN) (mg/L)


(0.28 - 0.81)


(0.28 - 0.90)


(0.29 - 0.97)


(0.37 - 1.05)


(0.40 - 1.02)


(0.24 - 1.07)

Not more than annual average of 0.5mg/L

Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) (mg/L)


(0.10 - 0.60)


(0.07 - 0.62)


(0.08 - 0.93)


(0.05 – 0.52)


(0.05 - 0.54)


(0.08 - 0.45)

Not available

Total Nitrogen (TN)



(0.45 - 0.97)


(0.57 - 1.08)


(0.49 - 1.15)


(0.55 - 1.43)


(0.57 - 1.24)


(0.52 - 1.48)

Not available

Orthophosphate Phosphorus (PO4) (mg/L)


(0.011 - 0.031)


(0.015 - 0.033)


(0.013 - 0.033)


(0.018 - 0.041)


(0.013 - 0.042)


(0.013 - 0.027)

Not available

Total Phosphorus (TP) (mg/L)


(0.03 - 0.15)


(0.03 - 0.24)


(0.03 - 0.11)


(0.03 - 0.17)


(0.03 - 0.12)


(0.03 - 0.17)

Not available

Silica (as SiO2)



(0.44 - 3.83)


(0.54 - 4.27)


(0.56 - 4.67)


(0.76 - 4.87)


(0.91 - 4.90)


(1.13 - 5.40)

Not available




(0.6 - 16.3)


(0.5 - 22.3)


(0.4 - 13.0)


(0.7 - 3.1)


(0.8 - 16.0)


(1.1 - 13.0)

Not available 

E. coli



(17 - 600)


(13 - 140)


(16 - 470)


(11 - 840)


(6 - 600)


(<1 - 12)

Not available

Faecal Coliforms



(45 - 1500)


(24 - 590)


(30 - 1500)


(50 - 2500)


(8 - 1000)


(1 - 25)

Not available


1.     Data source: EPD Marine Water Quality in Hong Kong in 2020

2.     Except as specified, data presented are depth-averaged values calculated by taking the means of three depths: Surface, Mid-depth, Bottom.

3.     Data presented are annual arithmetic means of depth-averaged results except for E. coli and faecal coliforms that are annual geometric means.

4.     Data in brackets indicate the ranges.


Table 5.6        Summary EPD’s Routine Marine Water Quality Data for Deep Bay WCZ in Year 2020


Inner Deep Bay

Outer Deep Bay








(in marine waters)




(20.8 – 31.2)


(21.1 - 30.9)


(20.2 - 30.5)


(21.1 - 29.8)


(20.9 - 28.9)

Not more than 2 in daily temperature range



(1.6 - 22.6)


(3.0 - 25.5)

(4.4 - 29.3)


(3.8 - 30.7)


(8.9 - 31.6)

Not to cause more than 10% change

Dissolved Oxygen


Depth Average


(4.4 - 7.8)


(4.8 - 7.3)


(4.3 - 7.1)


(5.2 - 6.6)


(4.4 - 6.9)

Marine Subzone excepting Mariculture Subzone: Not less than 4 mg/L for 90% of samples

Mariculture Subzone: Not less than 5 mg/L for 90% of samples









(4.6 - 6.6)


(2.6 - 7.1)

Outer Marine Subzone excepting Mariculture Subzone: Not less than 2 mg/L for 90% of samples

Dissolved Oxygen

(% Saturation)

Depth Average


(62 - 105)


(69 - 94)


(56 - 97)


(70 - 94)


(59 - 98)

Not available







(61 - 94)


(36 - 100)

Not available




(7.1 - 7.8)


(7.2 - 8.0)


(7.4 - 8.2)


(7.3 - 8.1)


(7.5 - 8.1)

Marine Waters excepting Yung Long Bathing Beach Subzone: 6.5 - 8.5 (±0.2 from natural range)

Yung Long Bathing Beach Subzone: 6.0-9.0 for 95% of samples (±0.5 from natural range)

Secchi Disc Depth



(0.8 - 1.2)


(0.8 - 1.3)


(1.1 - 1.9)


(1.0 - 2.0)


(1.0 - 2.1)

Not available




(13.3 - 41.4)


(13.3 – 42.7)


(5.9 - 14.2)


(5.1 - 17.4)


(4.5 - 21.0)

Yung Long Bathing Beach Subzone: Not reduce light transmission substantially from the normal level.

Suspended Solids (SS) (mg/L)


(19.0 - 59.0)


(24.0 - 80.0)


(6.5 - 30.0)


(6.3 - 21.5)


(6.8 - 27.3)

Not more than 30% increase

5-day Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5) (mg/L)


(0.3 - 3.1)


(0.7 – 4.9)


(0.3 - 4.3)


(0.2 - 0.8)


(0.3 - 1.0)

Not available

Ammonia Nitrogen (NH3-N)



(0.190 - 0.970)


(0.075 - 0.930)


(0.029 - 0.320)


(0.018 - 0.180)


(0.011 - 0.170)

Not available

Unionised Ammonia



(0.002 - 0.014)


(0.002 - 0.019)


(<0.001- 0.009)


(<0.001- 0.007)


(<0.001- 0.007)

Not more than annual average of 0.021mg/L

Nitrite Nitrogen

(NO2-N) (mg/L)


(0.026 - 0.310)


(0.040 - 0.310)


(0.014 - 0.170)


(0.026 - 0.165)


(0.024 - 0.130)

Not available

Nitrate Nitrogen

(NO3-N) (mg/L)


(0.900 - 1.600)


(0.850 - 1.500)


(0.370 - 1.500)


(0.265 - 1.400)


(0.137 - 1.330)

Not available

Total Inorganic Nitrogen (TIN) (mg/L)


(1.38 - 2.32)


(1.02 - 2.34)


(0.43 - 1.78)


(0.37 - 1.52)


(0.23 - 1.41)

Inner Marine Subzone: Not more than annual mean of 0.7 mg/L

Outer Marine Subzone: Not more than annual water column average of 0.5 mg/L

Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) (mg/L)


(0.58 - 1.70)


(0.48 - 1.60)


(0.22 - 0.67)


(0.14 - 0.49)


(0.09 - 0.97)

Not available

Total Nitrogen (TN)



(1.81 - 2.91)


(1.52 - 3.01)


(0.77 - 2.11)


(0.76 - 1.81)


(0.73 - 1.72)

Not available

Orthophosphate Phosphorus (PO4) (mg/L)


(0.120 - 0.220)


(0.086 - 0.160)


(0.010 - 0.092)


(0.017 - 0.053)


(0.011 - 0.037)

Not available

Total Phosphorus (TP) (mg/L)


(0.19 - 0.34)


(0.15 - 0.27)


(0.05 - 0.14)


(0.05 - 0.10)


(0.04 - 0.08)

Not available

Silica (as SiO2)



(3.10 - 10.00)


(1.90 - 10.00)


(0.47 - 8.50)


(0.38 - 9.00)


(0.34 - 8.97)

Not available




(2.5 - 8.9)


(2.6 - 15.0)


(1.0 - 11.0)


(0.5 - 4.0)


(0.6 - 3.6)

Not available

E. coli



(12 - 1600)


(17 - 6100)


(<1 - 1100)


(4 - 890)


(9 - 1500)

Secondary Contact Recreation Subzones and Mariculture Subzone (L.N. 455 of 1991): Not exceed 610 per 100mL

Yung Long Bathing Beach Subzone (L.N.455 of 1991): Not exceed 180 per 100mL

Faecal Coliforms



(55 - 2800)


(24 - 9600)


(3 - 3900)


(11 - 3000)


(26 - 4600)

Not available


1.    Data source: EPD Marine Water Quality in Hong Kong in 2020

2.    Except as specified, data presented are depth-averaged values calculated by taking the means of three depths: Surface, Mid-depth, Bottom.

3.    Data presented are annual arithmetic means of depth-averaged results except for E. coli and faecal coliforms that are annual geometric means.

4.    Data in brackets indicate the ranges.

5.    NA (Not Applicable) indicates the measurement was not made due to shallow water.           In 2020, the overall WQO compliance rate of the North Western WCZ was 67%, with the DO and NH3-N WQOs fully met.  The TIN level, however, could not meet the WQO under the influence of high background level in the Pearl River Estuary.           The overall WQO compliance rate for Deep Bay WCZ was 67% in 2020, as compared with a ten-year average of 47% in 2009-2018.  Overall, with the measures under the Deep Bay Water Pollution Control Joint Implementation Plan taken progressively by Hong Kong and Shenzhen, there have been significant water quality improvements in Deep Bay.  In particular, there have been full compliance of the DO WQO in the past two years and NH3-N WQOs in the past five years.  Although Deep Bay, as compared with other WCZs, had higher nutrient levels with annual depth-averaged TIN levels exceeding the respective TIN WQOs, a noticeable long-term decrease in TIN levels since mid-2000s has been seen.

5.3.3              Inland Water           The water quality monitoring results at stations in Tin Shui Wai Nullah, TSR1 and TSR2, are shown in Table 5.7.  According to the EPD’s publication “River Water Quality in Hong Kong in 2020”, Tin Shui Wai Nullah had an overall WQO compliance of 86% in 2020 (Figure 14).  The upstream monitoring station (TSR2) and downstream station (TSR1) maintained “Good” and “Fair” WQI respectively in 2020.  In terms of E. coli, the two river monitoring stations of Tin Shui Wai Nullah recorded “Very High” (TSR1) and “High” E. coli levels, mainly due to discharges from livestock farms, surface runoffs from unsewered villages as well as expedient connections in old districts.

Table 5.7      Summary Statistic of 2020 River Water Quality of Tin Shui Wai Nullah


Tin Shui Wai Nullah





(in inland waters)

Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L)


(2.5 - 7.2)


(8.1 - 10.3)

Waste discharges shall not cause the level of dissolved oxygen to be less than 4 mg/L



(6.9 - 8.2)


(7.5 – 9.0)

The pH of the water should be within the range of 6.0-9.0

Suspended solids (mg/L)


(2.0 - 28.0)


(2.5 - 250.0)

Waste discharges shall not cause the annual median of suspended solids to exceed 20 mg/L

5-day Biochemical Oxygen Demand (mg/L)


(4.5 - 21.0)


(1.6 - 2.7)

Waste discharges shall not cause the 5-day biochemical oxygen demand to exceed 5 mg/L

Chemical Oxygen Demand (mg/L)


(9 - 41)


(3 - 14)

Waste discharges shall not cause the chemical oxygen demand to exceed 30 mg/L

Oil & Grease (mg/L)


(<0.5 - <0.5)


(<0.5 - <0.5)

Not available

E. coli (cfu/100mL)

260 000

(26 000 – 3 600 000)

21 000

(5 500 - 91 000)

Not available

Faecal Coliforms (cfu/100mL)

480 000

(77 000 - 4 100 000)

49 000

(20 000 - 170 000)

Not available

Ammonia-nitrogen (mg/L)


(0.970 - 5.000)


(0.230 - 1.800)

Not available

Nitrate-nitrogen (mg/L)


(0.006 - 1.200)


(0.650 - 2.200)

Not available

Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (mg/L)


(1.70 - 6.00)


(0.38 - 2.50)

Not available

Ortho-phosphate Phosphorus (mg/L)


(0.015 - 0.370)


(0.009 - 0.120)

Not available

Total Phosphorus (mg/L)


(0.22 - 0.65)


(0.04 - 0.23)

Not available




(<0.02 - 0.06)


(<0.02 - <0.02)

Not available




(<50 - 125)


(<50 - 421)

Not available




(<0.1 - <0.1)


(<0.1 - <0.1)

Not available




(<1 - <1)


(<1 - 1)

Not available




(2 - 10)


(<1 - 1)

Not available




(<1 - <1)


(<1 - <1)

Not available




(<10 - 25)


(<10 - 19)

Not available





(0.050 - 0.370)

Not available


1.    Data source: EPD River Water Quality in Hong Kong in 2020

2.    Data presented are in annual medians of monthly samples; except those for faecal coliforms and E. coli which are in annual geometric means

3.    Figures in brackets are annual ranges

4.    cfu – colony forming unit

5.    Values at or below laboratory reporting limits are presented as laboratory reporting limits

6.    Equal values for annual median (or geometric means) and ranges indicate that all data are the same as or below laboratory reporting limits

7.    NM indicates no measurement taken           As part of this assessment, water quality surveys were conducted near the HSKEPP to supplement the baseline water quality information.  The surveys were conducted as per a water quality survey plan submitted to EPD.  The location of survey point, SP1 (downstream Tin Shui Wai Nullah) is shown in Figure 5.2.  Water quality surveys were conducted in 4 consecutive non-rainy days.  On each sampling day, grab samples for laboratory analysis shall be collected at three specific times, including (i) 10:00am, (ii) 1:00pm and (iii) 4:00pm.  All samples were retrieved at the mid-depth of the water column.  The water quality survey results are tabulated in Table 5.8 below and summarized in the following paragraph.           Water quality survey were conducted from 2 July 2021 to 5 July 2021 respectively to supplement the water quality data near the HSKEPP.  High levels of BOD5 (ranged from 6-18 mg/L) and low level of DO (ranged from 0.74-8.72 mg/L) are measured in SP1 where poor water circulation and high level of nutrients NH3-N (ranged from 5.5-11 mg/L), TKN (ranged from 5.8-14 mg/L) was observed, which may indicate that growth of biomass occurred due to high organic loading of the inland waters. This could be attributed to sewage discharges into the inland water.  E. coli ranged from 59000-300000 cfu/100mL.  The levels of SS are considered satisfactory, as compared to the higher annual mean reported in TSR1 in River Water Quality in Hong Kong in 2020.

Table 5.8      Water Quality Survey Results under this Study



In-situ measurement





(29.4 – 32.8)

Dissolved Oxygen



(0.74 – 8.72)

Dissolved Oxygen

(% Saturation)


(9.8 - 122.1)




(7.5 – 8.3)




(0.74 – 3.59)

Flow Velocity



(0.0 - 0.2)

Laboratory Results


Total Suspended Solids



(2.9 – 8.8)

5-day Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5)



(6 - 18)

Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)



(22 - 34)

E. coli


120 000

(59 000 - 300 000)


(mg NH3-N/L)


(5.5 - 11.0)


(mg NO3--N/L)


(<0.002 - 0.948)


(mg NO2--N/L)


(<0.002 - 0.319)

Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN)

(mg N/L)


(5.8 - 14.0)

Total Phosphorus (TP)

(mg PO43--P/L)


(0.34 - 0.77)



5.4                  Identification of Water Sensitive Receivers           Major WSRs identified in the North Western and North Western Supplementary WCZs are listed below and their indicative locations are given in Figure 5.1.

·          Bathing Beaches (B1-B3);


·          Tuen Mun Typhoon Shelter (T1);


·          Tai O Estuary (S1);


·          Marine Park (E17, P1-P7);


·          Cooling Water Inlets (C3-C4, C7-C10, C12, C15, C18);


·          WSD Saltwater Intakes (C5, C6, C11, C14, C19, C20);


·          Various Coral / Mangrove / Seagrass / Horseshoe Crab Habitat (E2-E4, E6-E9, E16, E19-E23);


·          Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) (E5, E10, E11); and


·          Fishing / Spawning Grounds in North Lantau (E18).           Key marine WSRs identified in the Deep Bay WCZ (Inner Marine Subzone, Outer Marine Subzone, Mariculture Subzone and Yuen Long& Kam Tin (Lower) Subzone) are listed below and their indicative locations are shown in Figure 5.1 and Figure 5.2.

·          Mai Po Inner Deep Bay Ramsar Site/ Inner Deep Bay SSSI (E27);


·          Mai Po Marshes (E26);


·          Oyster Culture Area (E24);


·          Cooling Water Inlets (C1, C2); and


·          Various Coral / Mangrove / Seagrass / Horseshoe Crab Habitat (E12-E15, E25, E28).           Major inland water bodies within 500m of the site boundary of the Project were identified.  These inland WSRs are shown in Figure 5.3 are listed on below.

·          Upstream of Tin Shui Wai Nullah (W1);


·          Downstream river of Yuen Tau Shan (W2);


·          Natural watercourse (W3);


·          Watercourse near the Kong Sham Western Highway (W4, W5);


·          Existing ponds adjacent to HSKEPP; and


·          Mitigation pond under Deep Bay Link Project (AEIAR-064/2002).


5.5                  Assessment Methodology

5.5.1              General           According to Clause of the Study Brief, the Study Area for this water quality impact assessment include areas within 500m from the boundary of the Project and would be extended to include WSRs, such as the natural streams and nullah in the vicinity of the Project that may be impacted.  Potential water quality impact associated to the construction and operation of the Project will be assessed in accordance with Annex 6 – Criteria for Evaluating Water Pollution and Annex 14 – Guidelines for Assessment of Water Pollution under the EIAO-TM.

5.5.2              Construction Phase           Potential water quality impacts during construction and operation of the Project are related to wastewater generated from land-based construction works.  There will be neither dredging, nor reclamation works, and all the works will be land-based.  Hence, water quality modelling is not proposed.  Practical water pollution control measures were recommended to mitigate identified water quality impacts.

5.5.3              Operation Phase

Modelling Tools           Computer modelling was used to assess the potential water quality impacts from sewage effluent discharge during the operation phase of HSKEPP.  The hydrodynamic and water quality modelling platforms were developed by Delft Hydraulics, namely the Delft3D-FLOW and Delft3D-WAQ respectively.           Delft3D-FLOW is a 3-dimensional hydrodynamic simulation programme which calculates non-steady flow and transport phenomena that result from tidal and meteorological forcing on a curvilinear, boundary fitted grid.           Delft3D-WAQ is a water quality model framework for numerical simulation of various physical, biological and chemical processes in 3 dimensions.  It solves the advection-diffusion-reaction equation for a predefined computational grid and for a wide range of model substances.

Model Grid Layout and Properties           The Delft3D Yuen Long (YL) Model adopted under the EIA study for "Yuen Long Effluent Polishing Plant – Investigation, Design and Construction" (hereafter YLEPP EIA Study) was adopted for this Study.  Appendix 5.2 shows the grid layout and properties of the YL Model at the study area.  As shown in Appendix 5.2, the grids were refined by means of a domain decomposition technique to achieve fine grid sizes near the Project.  The YL Model covers the Hong Kong western waters including the North Western, North Western Supplementary, Western Buffer and Deep Bay Water Control Zones (WCZs) and the adjacent Mainland waters including the Pearl River Estuary.  The YL Model consists of 38,590 grid cells.  Grid size at the open waters is less than 400m in general.  The grid cells near Mai Po Nature Reserve are about 70m.  The grid quality of the detailed model is generally good except in some areas at or close to the land boundary.  In view of the small flow velocity at the land boundary, numerical errors associated with the change of orthogonality should be small.  Therefore, the closed grid cells at the coastlines have been adjusted to form a grid line that is parallel to land boundary (rather than keeping these closed grid cells orthogonal).  Orthogonality at open grid cells has been checked to be adequate.  The grid properties of detailed model grid including orthogonality, N-smoothness and M-smoothness are shown in Appendix 5.2.           The YL Model is linked to the Update Model, which was constructed, calibrated and verified under the project “CE42/97 Update on Cumulative Water Quality and Hydrological Effect of Coastal Development and Upgrading of Assessment Tool (Cumulative Study)”.  Computations were first carried out using the Update Model to provide open boundary conditions to the YL Model.  The Update Model covers the whole HKSAR and the adjacent Mainland waters including the discharges from Pearl River.  The influence on hydrodynamics and water quality in these outer regions would be fully incorporated into the YL Model.           The performance of the YL Model has already been checked against with Western Harbour (WH) Model which adopted under the EIA Study for “Cumulative Environmental Impact Assessment Study for the Three Potential Nearshore Reclamation Sites in the Western Waters of Hong Kong - Investigation” (CEIA Study).  Model results under YLEPP EIA Study.  The results of the actual simulation periods (with sufficient spin-up periods) for water level, depth averaged flow speed, depth averaged flow directions, salinity predicted by the two models have been compared at two indicator points within the modelled area.  The results of momentary flows and accumulated flows have been compared at the selected cross sections to check for the consistency.  Locations of the selected indicator points and cross sections are shown in Appendix 5.2-04 and Appendix 5.2-17.  Momentary flow represents the instantaneous flow rate at a specific time in m3/s whereas accumulated flow represents the total flow accumulated at a specific time in m3.  The comparison plots are given in Appendix 5.2-05 to 5.2-15 and Appendix 5.2-19 to 5.2-25.  The comparison plots indicated that the model results predicted by both models were in general consistent with each other which implied that the model settings of the YL Model as well as the nesting procedures were carried out correctly.  There would have minor difference between the two model results which was caused by the difference in grid resolutions between the two models.  As the YL Model has relatively finer grid resolution, it should have a more accurate representation of the bathymetry and coastline in Deep Bay waters as compared to the WH Model and hence the deviation is reasonable.

Model Bathymetry           The bathymetry schematization of this model has been updated based on the depth data from marine charts (Charts for Local Vessels 2018) produced by the Hydrographic Office of Marine Department, with incorporation of the projects affecting bathymetry (tabulated in Table 5.9).  The hydrodynamic effect of the Contaminated Mid Pit (CMP) at East Sha Chau and The Brothers has also been incorporated and the final level at the CMP after capping was assumed in the modelling scenarios.

Simulation Periods           For each modelling scenario, the hydrodynamic simulations was performed for both dry and wet seasons, and the simulation period covered a 15-day full spring-neap cycle (excluding the spin-up period) for each of the dry and wet seasons.  The hydrodynamic results of 15 days will then be used repeatedly to drive the water quality simulations for at least a 15-day full spring-neap cycle (excluding the spin-up period) for each dry and wet season respectively.  A spin-up period of 7 days and 45 days will be provided for hydrodynamic simulation and water quality simulation respectively.  Hence, the hydrodynamic model simulation period will consist of a spin-up period of 7 days plus an actual simulation period of 15 days (total 22 days).  Similarly, the water quality model simulation period will consist of a spin-up period of 45 days plus an actual simulation period of at least a complete year.  In order to determine whether sufficient spin-up period is provided for the simulation, a Spin-up Test was conducted by repeating the model run for one more simulation period to check the spin-up period is sufficient. The spin-up test results at EPD marine station (DM2 and NM5) for dry and wet season are presented in Appendix 5.12.  It was found that the results of the two successive actual simulation and repeat model run were consistent with each other, which indicated that the spin-up period was sufficient.

Other Model Setting and Model Parameters           The general settings of the model such as the approach to the setup of boundary and initial conditions as well as the model coefficients and parameters followed those adopted under the YLEPP EIA Study (AEIAR-220/2019).

Assessment Year and Coastline Configuration        Major factors that would affect the water quality simulated would be (i) the change in pollution loading discharged to marine waters; and (ii) the change in coastline configurations in different time horizons.        The recommended design capacity of the Project is 90,000 m3 per day was adopted for worst case assessment as it represents the worst case in terms of the amount of Project flow under operation phase.        The coastline configurations for construction and operation phase will incorporate with the coastal developments due to the major existing / planned projects that might potentially affect the hydrodynamic regime and water quality in the study area.  The planned reclamations as listed in Table 5.9 would be completed and therefore would represent a worst case in terms of the tidal flushing and assimilation capacity of the marine water.  Table 5.9 shows the coastal development projects incorporated in the coastline configurations for modelling.

Table 5.9      Projects Incorporated in Modelling


Source of Information on Project Layout

Yuen Long South Effluent Polishing Plant

EIA Study Brief for “Yuen Long South Effluent Polishing Plant” (EIA Study Brief No.: ESB-313/2019)

Yuen Long Effluent Polishing Plant

EIA Report for “Yuen Long Effluent Polishing Plant” (EIAO Register No.: AEIAR – 220/2019)

Development of Integrated Waste Management Facilities (IWMF) Phase 1

EIA Report for “Development of IWMF Phase 1” (EIAO Register No.: AEIAR – 163/2012)

Harbour Area Treatment Scheme (HATS) Stage 2A

EIA Report for “HATS Stage 2A” (EIAO Register No.: AEIAR – 121/2008)

Hong Kong – Zhuhai – Macao Bridge (HZMB) Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities (BCF)

EIA Report for “HZMB Hong Kong BCF” (EIAO Register No.: AEIAR – 145/2009)

Hong Kong Link Road (HKLR)

EIA Report for “HZMB – Hong Kong Link Road” (EIAO Register No.: AEIAR – 144/2009)

New Contaminated Mud Marine Disposal Facility (MDF) at Airport East / East Sha Chau Area

EIA Report for “New Contaminated Mud MDF at Airport East / East Sha Chau Area” (EIAO Register No.: AEIAR – 089/2005)

Expansion of Hong Kong International Airport into a Three-Runway System (3RS)

EIA Report for “3RS” (EIAO Register No.: AEIAR – 185/2014)

Sha Tin to Central Link (SCL)

EIA Report for “SCL Protection Works at Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter: (EIAO Register No.: AEIAR – 159/2011), EIA Report for “SCL – Hung Hom to Admiralty Section” (EIAO Register No.: AEIAR – 166/2012) and EIA Report for “SCL – Tai Wai to Hung Hom Section” (EIAO Register No.: AEIAR – 167/2012)

Kai Tak Cruise Terminal

EIA Report for “Dredging, Works for Proposed Cruise Terminal at Kai Tak” (EIAO Register No.: AEIAR – 115/2007)

Tuen Mun – Chek Lap Kok Link (TM-CLKL)

EIA Report for “TM-CLKL” (EIAO Register No.: AEIAR – 146/2009)

Tung Chung New Town Extension (TCNTE)

EIA Report for “TCNTE” (EIAO Register No.: AEIAR – 196/2016)

Contaminated Mid Pit (CMP) at South Brothers

EIA Report for “New Contaminated Mud Marine Disposal Facility at Airport East / East Sha Chau Area” (EIAO Register No.: AEIAR-082/2004)


(Remark: The hydrodynamic effect of the capped CMP will be incorporated into the hydrodynamic model.  The final level after capping of the CMP is assumed in the model under all modelling scenarios)

CMP at East Sha Chau

Sunny Bay Reclamation

PWP Item No. 751CL - Planning and Engineering Study on Sunny bay Reclamation

Road P1 (Tai Ho – Sunny Bay Section)

EIA Report for “Road P1 Advance Works at Yam O on Lantau Island” (EIAO Register No.: AEIAR-090/2005)


Background Pollution Loading        The pollution loading of the HSKEPP used for modelling will be compiled with reference to the design flow and loads.  The pollution loading of other background discharges to the marine water will be based on the pollution loads complied for the YL Model under the YLEPP EIA study for cumulative assessment.        In addition to the background pollution loading extracted from the YLEPP EIA study, the following pollution loads in Table 5.10 from concurrent EIA projects were also considered to assess the cumulative impacts.

Table 5.10    Pollution Loads within Deep Bay from Concurrent EIA Projects


Source of Information on Project Layout

Yuen Long South Effluent Polishing Plant (EIA Study Brief No.: ESB-313/2019)

A new Yuen Long South Effluent Polishing Plant with a design tertiary treatment capacity of 65,000 m3/d

Yuen Long Effluent Polishing Plant (EIAO Register No.: AEIAR – 220/2019)

The existing Yuen Long STW will be upgraded to Yuen Long Effluent Polishing Plant with a design tertiary treatment capacity of 180,000 m3/d.

North East New Territories New Development Areas (EIAO Register No.: AEIAR – 175/2013)

Increase population of around 180,000 with sewage treated at the expanded Shek Wu Hui Effluent Polishing Plant with a design tertiary treatment capacity of 190,000 m3/d.

Development of Lok Ma Chau Loop

(EIAO Register No.: AEIAR – 176/2013)

Development of Lok Ma Chau Loop with sewage treated at the proposed Lok Ma Chau Sewage Treatment Works with a design tertiary treatment capacity of 18,000 m3/d.


Modelling Scenarios        The following five assessment scenarios have been evaluated in this study:

·          Scenario 1: Base Case – “Without Project” condition;


·          Scenario 2: Normal Operation of HSKEPPnormal operation of HSKEPP (ADWF = 90,000 m3/day) with secondary plus treatment level discharge to Urmston Road submarine outfall via NWNT tunnel;


·          Scenario 3: NWNT Tunnel Maintenance Discharge 200,000 m3/day CEPT effluent from upgraded SWSTW and 90,000 m3/day secondary plus treated effluent from HSKEPP, all discharging to Tin Shui Wai Nullah for 12 days when NWNT tunnel is under maintenance;


·          Scenario 4: Emergency Discharge from HSKEPP – 2-hr emergency discharge (20,000 m3) of raw sewage from HSKEPP under power / plant failure to Tin Shui Wai Nullah; and


·          Scenario 5 (Sensitivity Test): Sensitivity Test of HSKEPPnormal operation of HSKEPP (ADWF = 90,000 m3/day) with tertiary treatment level discharge to Tin Shui Wai Nullah.


“Without Project” and “With Project” conditions – Scenario 1 and 2        San Wai Sewage Treatment Works (SWSTW) is designed to cater for the sewage in San Wai catchment.  Under the approved EIA study for “Upgrading and expansion of San Wai Sewage Treatment Works and expansion of Ha Tsuen Sewage Pumping Station” completed in 2003, it was proposed to expand the design flow of SWSTW to 246,000 m3/day and upgrade its treatment level to Chemically Enhanced Primary Treatment (CEPT) plus UV disinfection.  This approved EIA concluded that the proposed upgrading works would be environmentally acceptable.  However, during the later detailed design stage under Agreement No. CE43/2007 (DS) ([1]), the capacity of SWSTW (Phase 1) has been revised to 200,000 m3/day.  The treatment level of SWSTW would also be upgraded to CEPT plus UV disinfection under Agreement No. CE43/2007 (DS).  The construction of SWSTW (Phase 1) has been substantially completed in March 2021.  The SWSTW has gone into the operation phase starting from that point.        Scenario 1 represents the base case condition without commissioning of HSKEPP.  Under this situation, the Urmston Road submarine outfall would only receive the treated effluent from the SWSTW.  It is assumed that the design capacity of the existing SWSTW will be expanded to 246,000 m3/day and its treatment level will be upgraded to CEPT plus UV disinfection as proposed in the approved EIA study for SWSTW.        Scenario 2 represents the “with Project” condition with implementation of the proposed HSKEPP.  The Urmston Road submarine outfall would receive the treated effluents from the new HSKEPP and the upgraded SWSTW.  It is assumed that the upgraded SWSTW (200,000 m3/day) proposed under Agreement no. CE43/2007(DS) would provide CEPT plus UV disinfection, whilst the new HSKEPP (90,000 m3/day) would employ secondary treatment plus UV disinfection.  With more advanced treatment technology adopted in HSKEPP, BOD5, TN and E. Coli can be reduced by more than 60%.  The commission of HSKEPP begins from 2031 and it is envisaged to treat 90,000 m3/day in 2038.  The effluent flow and qualities of the SWSTW and HSKEPP are presented in Table 5.11.

Table 5.11    Assumed Effluent Qualities under Normal Operation Scenarios


Scenario 1

Scenario 2

Scenario 5 (sensitivity test)

Discharge Location

Urmston Road Submarine Outfall

Urmston Road Submarine Outfall

Urmston Road Submarine Outfall

Tin Shui Wai Nullah


Upgraded San Wai STW (1)

Upgraded San Wai STW (1)


Upgraded San Wai STW (1)


Effluent (m3/day)






Treatment Level

CEPT and UV Disinfection

CEPT and UV Disinfection

Secondary Plus

CEPT and UV Disinfection


5-day Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5) (2)







Suspended Solids (SS) (2)







Ammonia Nitrogen (NH3-N) (3)







Total Nitrogen (TN) (3)







Total Phosphorus (TP) (3)







E.coli (4)


2.0 x 104

2.0 x 104


2.0 x 104



1.    The CEPT effluent quality is based on the assumptions adopted in the Appendix 5.2 of approved EIA Report for “Hung Shui Kiu New Development Area

2.    Data are 95th percentile of effluent quality of respective treatment design standards

3.    Data are annual average of effluent quality of respective treatment design standards

4.    Data are monthly geometric mean of effluent quality of respective treatment design standards

5.    Design flow of upgraded SW STW assumed in the approved EIA for SW STW

6.    Design flow of upgraded SW STW (Phase 1) proposed in HSKNDA (AEIAR-203/2016)



Emergency Discharge due to Maintenance of NWNT Tunnel – Scenario 3        As advised by DSD, the longest substantial emergency repair and maintenance works for NWNT tunnel and the Urmston Road Submarine Outfall could be up to 12 days.  The worst case of the emergency discharge duration of 12 days would therefore be taken for assessing the NWNT tunnel maintenance scenario.  It was further assumed that effluent from SWSTW (CEPT and disinfection) and HSKEPP (Secondary plus level treatment) will be discharged via the proposed rising main for raw sewage and emergency bypass pipe to Tin Shui Wai Nullah.  The period of the maintenance discharges simulated in the water quality models will be during dry and wet seasons.

Emergency Discharge from HKSEPP – Scenario 4        Water quality modelling was carried out to evaluate the impact from the discharge of untreated effluent during temporary failure of power supply as well as other incidents such as pump or equipment failure.        Considering emergency situations, untreated effluent would be discharged directly into the proposed rising main for raw sewage and emergency bypass pipe to Tin Shui Wai Nullah.  One common reason for system failure relates to unstable power supply.  A number of design alternatives have been provided in Section 2.6 to minimize emergency discharges, including the provision of duel power supply from CLP plus a further backup supply from renewable energy, power outage is unlikely to occur for HSKEPP.  In case if unstable power and system hanged, the standby units would serve the process and the system restarting time will be less than 2 hours according to DSD’s normal practice.  Interim bypass after the primary sewage treatment (PST) will also be provided in case there is failure in downstream treatment units to avoid raw sewage bypass.        To illustrate the worst possible water quality effect under this emergency situation, the emergency discharge is assumed to occur for a period of 2 hours with a total discharge volume of 20,000 m3.  This emergency discharge scenario was simulated for both dry and wet seasons.  The location of the HSKEPP emergency bypass pipe to Tin Shui Wai Nullah is shown in Figure 5.2.  The effluent flow and qualities of HSKEPP assumed in the water quality modelling under the emergency situation are tabulated in Table 5.12.

Table 5.12    Assumed Effluent Qualities under Emergency Discharge Scenarios


Scenario 3

Scenario 4

Discharge Location

Tin Shui Wai Nullah

Tin Shui Wai Nullah

Discharge Duration

12 days

2 hr


Upgraded San Wai STW




200,000 m3/day

90,000 m3/day

Total: 20,000 m3

Effluent Type

CEPT and UV Disinfection

Secondary Plus

Raw Sewage

5-day Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5)





Suspended Solids (SS)





Ammonia Nitrogen (NH3-N)





Total Nitrogen (TN)





Total Phosphorus (TP)







2.0 x 104


4.0 x 107


Sensitivity Test of HSKEPP: HSKEPP with Tertiary Treatment Level discharge to Tin Shui Wai Nullah – Scenario 5        A sensitivity test, namely Scenario 5, was conducted to investigate the change in water quality impacts due to higher effluent qualities of HSKEPP discharge to Tin Shui Wai Nullah.  Similar to Scenario 2, it is assumed that the design capacity of the HSKEPP will remain 90,000 m3/day.  Under Scenario 5, the HSKEPP will employ tertiary treatment level which will be discharged to Tin Shui Wai Nullah (Deep Bay WCZ) via the proposed rising main (see Figure 5.2).  The assumed tertiary effluent quality is shown in Table 5.11.  In comparison to secondary plus treatment proposed in scenario 2, the tertiary treatment design significantly reduce the suspended solids, BOD5, total phosphorus and E. coli in effluent.

Initial Dilution Model        Under Agreement No. CE 2/2011 Hung Shui Kiu New Development Area Planning and Engineering Study – Investigation, an initial dilution model was simulated to describe the characteristics of effluent plume in the vicinity of the Urmston Road submarine outfall in various flow and ambient conditions.  The normal operation of HSKEPP fits the designed discharge capacity of the Urmston Road submarine outfall and the initial dilution model results are provided in Appendix 5.1. There will be no initial dilution model for discharge to Tin Shui Wai Nullah as it is expected that the effluent will be fully mixed with the waters in Tin Shui Wai Nullah and finally discharge to Deep Bay.  The characteristic of the effluent discharge is therefore considered as river discharge and initial dilution modelling (near field modelling) is therefore considered not applicable for this discharge option.

Model Validation        The performance of the YL Model has been checked against with WH Model results.  The results of the actual simulation periods (with sufficient spin-up periods) for water level, depth averaged flow speed, depth averaged flow directions, salinity predicted by the two models have been compared at two indicator points within the modelled area.  The results of momentary flows and accumulated flows have been compared at the selected cross section to check for the consistency.  Locations of the selected indicator points and cross section are shown in Appendix 5.2-04.  Momentary flow represents the instantaneous flow rate at a specific time in m3/s whereas accumulated flow represents the total flow accumulated at a specific time in m3.  The comparison plots are given in Appendix 5.2-05 to 5.2-16.  The comparison plots indicated that the model results predicted by both models were in general consistent with each other which implied that the model settings of the YL Model as well as the nesting procedures were carried out correctly.  There would have minor difference between the two model results which was caused by the difference in grid resolutions between the two models.  As the YL Model has relatively finer grid resolution, it should have a more accurate representation of the bathymetry and coastline in Deep Bay waters as compared to the WH Model and hence the deviation is considered reasonable.

5.6                  Prediction and Evaluation of Environmental Impacts

5.6.1              Construction Phase

General Construction Activities           Wastewater generated from construction activities, including general cleaning and polishing, wheel washing, dust suppression and utility installation may contain high SS concentrations.  It may also contain a certain amount of grease and oil.  Potential water quality impacts due to the wastewater discharge can be minimised if construction and site management practices are implemented to ensure that litter, fuels, and solvents do not enter public drainage systems.  It is expected that if the good site practice suggested in Section 5.7.1 are followed as far as practicable, the potential water quality impacts associated with construction activities would be minimal.

Construction Site Runoff           Surface runoff generated from the construction site may contained increased loads of SS and contaminants.  Potential pollution sources of site run-off may include:

·            Run-off and erosion of exposed bare soil and earth, drainage channels, earth working areas and stockpiles;

·            Wash water from dust suppression sprays and wheel washing facilities; and

·            Fuel, oil and lubricants from maintenance of construction vehicles and equipment.           During rainstorms, site run-off would wash away the soil particles on unpaved lands and areas with topsoil exposed, if any.  The run-off is generally characterized by high concentrations of SS.  Release of uncontrolled site run-off would increase the SS levels and turbidity in the nearby streams.  Site run-off may also wash away contaminated soil particles and therefore cause water pollution.           Windblown dust would be generated from exposed soil surfaces in the works areas.  It is possible that windblown dust would fall directly onto the nearby water bodies when a strong wind occurs.  Dispersion of dust within the works areas may increase the SS levels in surface runoff causing a potential impact to the nearby sensitive receivers.           It is important that proper site practice and good site management be followed to prevent run-off with high level of SS from entering the surrounding waters.  Best Management Practices (BMPs) in controlling construction site discharges are recommended for this Project.  With the implementation of BMPs to control run-off and drainage from the construction site, disturbance of water bodies would be avoided and deterioration in water quality would be minimal.  Suggested measures to control construction site run-off and drainage are described in Section

Accidental Spillage of Chemicals           The use of chemicals such as engine oil and lubricants, and their storage as waste materials has the potential to impact water quality if spillage occurs and enters adjacent streams.  Waste oil may infiltrate into the surface soil layer, or runoff into the nearby streams, increasing hydrocarbon levels.  The potential impacts could however be mitigated by practical mitigation measures and good site practices as described in Section

Sewage Effluent from Construction Workforce           During the construction of the Project, the workforce on site will generate sewage effluent, which is characterized by high levels of BOD, ammonia and E. coli counts.  According to Section 5.6.10 of the Construction Industry Council (CIC)’s publication “Reference Materials – Construction Site Welfare, Health and Safety Measures”, the number of toilet facilities should be provided at a ratio of not less than one for every 25 workers. Potential water quality impacts upon the local drainage and fresh water system may arise from these sewage effluents, if uncontrolled.           Temporary sewage generation can be adequately treated by interim sewage treatment facilities, such as portable chemical toilets.  The number of the chemical toilets required for the construction sites should be subject to later detailed design, the capacity of the chemical toilets, and contractor's site practices.  A licensed contractor should be employed to provide appropriate and adequate portable toilets and be responsible for appropriate disposal and maintenance.           Provided that sewage is not discharged directly into storm drains or inland waters adjacent to the construction site, temporary sanitary facilities are used and properly maintained, and mitigation measures as recommended in Section are adopted as far as practicable, it is unlikely that sewage generated from the site would have a significant water quality impact.

Construction Works in Close Proximity to Inland Water        Construction activities in close vicinity to the inland water courses (a section of the Upstream of Tin Shui Wai Nullah is within the Project area as shown in Figure 5.3) may impact water quality due to the potential release of construction waste and wastewater.  Construction waste and wastewater are generally characterized by high SS concentration and elevated pH.  The implementation of adequate construction site drainage and Best Management Practices as described in Section - and provision of mitigation measures as specified in ETWB TC (Works) No. 5/2005 “Protection of natural streams/ rivers from adverse impacts arising from construction works” as detailed in Section, it is anticipated that water quality impacts would be minimal.

Groundwater from Contaminated Areas, Contaminated Site Run-off and Wastewater from Land Decontamination        It is identified that some of the construction works areas currently occupied as open area storage, chemical storage area and warehouses would have land contamination issues.  Proper land contamination remediation and mitigation measures are proposed in Section 7. Any contaminated material disturbed, or material which comes into contact with the contaminated material, has the potential to be washed with site run-off into watercourses.  Any wastewater discharge from land decontamination processes could also adversely affect the nearby water environment.  Excavated contaminated materials would be properly stored, housed and covered to avoid generation of contaminated run-off. Open stockpiling of contaminated materials will not be allowed. Any contaminated site run-off and wastewater from land decontamination activities will be properly treated and disposed in compliance with the requirements of the TM-DSS. Mitigation measures for contaminated site run-off and wastewater from land decontamination are recommended in Section  With proper implementation of the recommended mitigation measures, the potential water quality impacts arising from the land decontamination works would be minimised.        Groundwater pumped out or from dewatering process during excavation works in the contaminated areas would be potentially contaminated. Any contaminated groundwater will be either properly treated or properly recharged into the ground in compliance with the requirements of the TM-DSS. No direct discharge of contaminated groundwater will be adopted. Mitigation measures and monitoring requirements for contaminated groundwater discharge/ recharge are recommended in Sections to With proper implementation of the recommended mitigation measures, no unacceptable water quality would be expected from the groundwater generated from contamination areas.


5.6.2              Operation Phase           Potential water quality impacts associated with the operation phase include:

·            Project effluent discharge;

·            Effluent discharge during maintenance of NWNT tunnel;

·            Emergency effluent discharge;

·            Project effluent discharge under sensitivity test

·            Treated effluent reuse;

·            Transportation of organic waste;

·            Wastewater from Sludge Treatment;

·            Non-point source surface run-off from new impervious areas; and

·            Chemical spillage from storage facilities.

Project Effluent Discharge           During the operation phase, sewage discharge will be the major water pollution source.  As mentioned in Section 2, the proposed HSKEPP (Scenario 2) will be designed to achieve a treatment capacity of 90,000 m3/day in ADWF.  The plant adopts secondary plus treatment standard and the effluent will be discharged at Urmston Road submarine outfall via NWNT tunnel.  The proposed scenario under normal operation (Scenario 2) assumed that the CEPT effluent of 200,000 m3 per day from San Wai STW and the secondary plus treated effluent of 90,000 m3/day from the proposed HSKEPP would be discharged at the Urmston Road submarine outfall.  Table 5.13 summarized the pollution loads to NWNT tunnel under normal operation of San Wai STW and HSKEPP (Scenario 1, 2 and 5).

Table 5.13    Pollution Load to NWNT Tunnel under Scenario 1, 2 and 5



Scenario 1

Scenario 2

Scenario 5


























E. coli





Notes:      The calculated pollution loads are based on the assumed effluent flow and qualities of the SWSTW and HSKEPP as presented in Table 5.11.           As shown in Table 5.13, there would be an increase in pollution loads for SS and TP discharge to NWNT tunnel due to the proposed effluent discharge from HSKEPP (90,000 m3/day) under Scenario 2 as compared to Scenario 1.  Under Scenario 5, as only 200,000 m3/day CEPT treated effluent from SWSTW would be discharged to NWNT tunnel while 90,000 m3/day tertiary treated effluent would be discharged to Tin Shui Wai Nullah, the pollution loads discharge to NWNT tunnel under Scenario 5 would be lower than the pollution loads as adopted under Scenario 1.

Overall Water Quality in North Western and North Western Supplementary WCZs           North Western and North Western Supplementary WCZs are open waters with good tidal flushing capacity and the level of compliances in these two WCZs for key water quality parameters of concern including DO and UIA (which two are important indicator for maintaining a healthy ecosystem in marine water) was relatively good with reference to past monitoring data presented in Table 5.5 as well as the model predictions for both base case (Scenario 1) and normal operation of HSLEPP (Scenario 2).           The water quality modelling results for dry season and wet season are presented as contour plots in Appendix 5.3 and Appendix 5.4 respectively.  The contour plots are presented for 10th percentile depth-averaged dissolved oxygen (DO), depth-averaged 5-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), depth-averaged total inorganic nitrogen (TIN), depth-averaged unionized ammonia (UIA), depth-averaged total nitrogen, depth-averaged total phosphorus (TP), depth-averaged E.coli, depth-averaged suspended solids (SS), maximum and mean sedimentation rates, and depth-averaged salinity in the North Western WCZ.  Each figure attached in Appendix 5.3 and Appendix 5.4 contains two contour plots for comparison. The upper plot shows the model output for base case scenario (Scenario 1), whereas the lower plot shows the model outputs for proposed scenario (Scenario 2).  All contour plots are presented as arithmetic averages except for the E.coli levels which are geometric mean values and the DO levels which are 10th percentile values.  The water quality in Inner Deep Bay was found not to be impacted by Scenario 2 hence the contour plots are not presented nor discussed in this section.           Appendix 5.7 tabulates the model results of both baseline and proposed scenarios at identified WSRs and observation points in ultimate year, dry season, and wet season.  These water quality parameters include dissolved oxygen (DO), sedimentation rate, E. coli, salinity, 5-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), total inorganic nitrogen (TIN), total phosphorus (TP), total nitrogen (TN) and suspended solids (SS).  The results are presented as both annual and seasonal arithmetic depth-averaged values except for the E.coli levels (which are geometric mean depth-averaged values) and the DO levels (which are presented as 10th percentile bottom value and 10th percentile depth-averaged values) as well as the sedimentation rates (which are the maximum values over the simulation period).  The depth-averaged salinity predicted at the WSRs and EPD Stations were compared to the base case (Scenario 1) and the percentage changes are tabulated.  The results provided for flushing water intakes and cooling water intakes in this appendix are maximum values over the simulation period except for the minimum DO.  These data are the results predicted in the middle water layer where the seawater intake points are located.  Only the annual predicted water quality will be discussed in the subsequent sections.

Dissolved Oxygen           Under base case (Scenario 1) and normal operation of HSKEPP (Scenario 2), full compliance with the marine WQO for 10th percentile depth-averaged DO (> 4mg/L) was predicted in the North Western WCZ for dry and wet season as shown in Appendix 5.3 and Appendix 5.4.           From Appendix 5.7, full compliance of DO was predicted at all WSRs and EPD monitoring stations in the North Western and North Western Supplementary WCZ.  Full compliance of minimum DO is predicted for all WSD saltwater intakes.  The predicted 10th percentile bottom DO and depth-averaged DO were to be 3.57-6.10 mg/L and 4.40-6.23 mg/L respectively under Scenario 1 (base case).  In the normal operation of HSKEPP (Scenario 2), the 10th percentile bottom DO and depth-averaged DO were to be 3.60-6.05 mg/L and 4.39-6.20 mg/L respectively.  The maximum percentage change in bottom DO and depth-averaged were -2.04% and -0.65%, the change in DO level due to Scenario 2 is negligible.

Unionized Ammonia / Total Inorganic Nitrogen / Ammonia Nitrogen           From Appendix 5.7, the predicted depth-averaged TIN at all the WSRs and EPD stations in the North Western and North Western Supplementary WCZ under Scenario 1 and Scenario 2 failed to comply the WQO except for E5, E21, E22, E23.  The non-compliance of TIN ranged from 0.52-0.76 mg/L for Scenario 1 and 0.52-0.76mg/L for Scenario 2.  As mentioned in Section, the Study Area are subject to a high TIN level due to the background discharge from Pearl River Estuary, with non-compliances for TIN recorded in this WCZ even under the existing situations.  Since the maximum percentage change in TIN was predicted to be 0.01%, the change in TIN level due to Scenario 2 is negligible.        Full compliance in mid-depth NH3-N was predicted in all WSD saltwater intakes and their predicted values were 0.237-0.311 mg/L under scenario 1, and 0.235-0.311mg/L in Scenario 2. Full compliance of UIA was predicted in all WSRs and EPD Stations. The predicted UIA value for Scenario 1 and Scenario 2 were both 0.006-0.013mg/L.  The change in both NH3-N and UIA is therefore negligible.

Total Phosphorus        No WQO for total phosphorus is available for the North Western WCZ and North Western Supplementary WCZ.  The predicted depth-averaged mean TP predicted under both scenarios as presented were less than 0.10 mg/L.  The maximum change of TP level is 0.002mg/L (-6.1%), recorded at E25.  Hence, changes in TP levels in the North Western WCZ caused by Scenario 2 were considered to be negligible.        As both TIN and TP are essential component of algal biomass which are not toxic to marine life, the implication of high nutrient level in marine water would be the possible enhancement of excessive phytoplankton growth (algal bloom / red tide), which could lead to various indirect water quality impacts such as oxygen depletion.  It should also be highlighted that the presence of algae in water is generally not harmful.  Only their uncontrolled growth as algal bloom would adversely affect the environment.  Red tide occurrence is a natural event in marine water which depends on a combination of different environmental factors such as the flow condition, light penetration, salinity distribution, nutrient concentrations, nutrient ratios and species competition, etc.  Past research studies on long-term water quality data in Hong Kong suggested that, under favourable environmental conditions (e.g. in stagnant water, under calm wind condition and with sufficient light energy), there would be red tide occurrence whenever the level of nitrogen (N) rose above 0.1 mg/L and phosphorus level rose above 0.02 mg/L ([2]).  Another report also indicated that the threshold nutrient (N and P) level for algal bloom in Hong Kong would be 0.12 mg/L and 0.018 mg/L ([3]).  Therefore, only a very slight nutrient level in marine water could presumably trigger red tide, as long as the environmental conditions are favourable.        Under scenario 1 and scenario 2 simulated for this Study, non-compliance with the WQO for TIN was predicted at 3 beaches (namely B1 – B3), Tuen Mun Typhoon Shelter (T1), Tai O Estuary (S1) and various ecological resources (E2-E4, E6 -E11, E16 -E23).  The number of WSRs with WQO non-compliances for TIN was predicted to be the same between the two scenarios.  No increase in TIN levels (caused by the change in the effluent flow and quality of Urmston Road outfall) is predicted at the WSRs in the North Western and North Western Supplementary WCZ.  Similarly, there is no TP increase in the Urmston Road outfall discharge predicted under the normal operation of the Project.  The occurrence of red tide from the Project is therefore not expected.        TIN and TP were not a critical factor for triggering red tide in the North Western and North Western Supplementary waters as the existing red tide occurrence in these two WCZs was low (despite the fact that the TIN and TP levels and the rates of TIN non-compliances recorded in these areas were high).  The low red tide occurrence in these two WCZs was limited by other physical factors (e.g. the relatively strong tidal flushing in these two WCZs would minimize the accumulation of algal biomass).

Suspended Solids        Full compliance of WQO for depth-averaged SS was predicted in all WSRs and EPD Stations in the North Western and North Western Supplementary WCZ.  The maximum percentage differences in the predicted annual SS levels in the all the North Western WCZ is -1.54% (at E5), which comply well with the WQO for SS of no more than 30% change from the ambient levels.        Full compliance of WSD’s SS limit ( 10mg/L) is observed at all WSD Saltwater Intakes expect for C11.  At C11, SS levels were predicted to be 10.75 and 10.77 mg/L under Scenario 1 and Scenario 2, which both exceeded the target water quality objective. The percentage change is +0.2% and the increase is considered not significant.  Full compliance of CLP SS limit of ≤ 700 mg/L for Castle Peak Power Station cooling water intake (C3).  No unacceptable SS impact is predicted for Scenario 2.

5-day Biochemical Oxygen Demand        There is no WQO available for BOD in the marine water of the North Western nor North Western Supplementary WCZ.  The predicted BOD levels for WSRs and EPD Stations would be 0.3-3.0 mg/L for both Scenario 1 and Scenario 2.  The WSD has however specified a target BOD objective for their saltwater water intakes ( 10mg/L).  Full compliance is observed for all WSD saltwater intakes in the North Western WCZ and their predicted values were to be 0.87-2.15mg/L and 0.86-2.11mg/L for Scenario 1 and Scenario 2 respectively.  No unacceptable BOD impact is predicted for Scenario 2.

Salinity        Full compliance of WQO for salinity was predicted in all WSRs and EPD Stations in the North Western and North Western Supplementary WCZ.  The maximum change of salinity levels caused by Scenario 2 (as compared to Scenario 1) was approximately 0.3 %, which comply well with the WQO of no more than 10% change from the background levels.  The salinity impact was negligible.  No unacceptable salinity impact is predicted for Scenario 2.

E. coli        The depth-averaged geometric mean E.coli levels predicted in the bathing beaches (secondary contact recreation zones) along the coast of Tuen Mun and Tsuen Wan Districts comply with the target WQO of 180 no. per 100 mL (for water sports activities) under both scenarios (Scenario 1 and Scenario 2).  The maximum E. coli allowable level for WSD saltwater intake is less than 20,000 no./100mL and all saltwater intakes in the North Western WCZ fulfilled the criterion.

Maximum Sedimentation Rate        The maximum sedimentation rates predicted for ecological resources in the North Western and North Western Supplementary WCZ under both scenarios were less than 12 g/m2/day. As for corals sites, the maximum sedimentation rate is 8 g/m2/day, which complied well with the assessment criterion of 200 g/m2/day for ecological subtidal habitat (refer to Section        In summary, the model predicted that the TIN level in the North Western and North Western Supplementary WCZs was high.  The high TIN level was mainly contributed from the Pearl River flow and other background discharges in the Study Area.  Other water quality parameters (SS, salinity, DO, BOD, Sedimentation rate, E. coli and TP) would not show any unacceptable water quality impact under the normal operation of HSKEPP (Scenario 2).

Overall Water Quality in Deep Bay WCZs        Deep Bay WCZ is a shallow semi-enclosed water body with low water exchange rate and poor tidal flushing and therefore, pollution loading to the Deep Bay WCZ (e.g. due to the polluted storm discharges from Shenzhen River, Kam Tin River, Yuen Long Creek and Tin Shui Wai Nullah) would tend to accumulate inside the bay and cannot be easily flushed out.        Appendix 5.7 shows the predicted water quality for selected WSRs and EPD Stations.  Detail description of Appendix 5.7 can be found in Section  Only the annual predicted water quality will be discussed in the subsequent sections. 

Dissolved Oxygen        Full compliance of WQO for DO is predicted for WSRs in the Deep Bay WCZ except for E28 and DM2.  Non-compliance of WQO for depth-averaged DO (≥ 4mg/L) is predicted for Mangrove along Shan Pui River (E28) for both Scenario 1 and Scenario 2 and their respective values are 2.87 mg/L and 2.85 mg/L.  The normal operation of HSKEPP would reduce the annual minimum depth-averaged DO by 0.7% at E28, the reduction is considered not significant.  The predicted water quality at EPD monitoring station DM2 in the Deep Bay meets the WQO for 10th percentile bottom DO (≥ 2mg/L) but failed to comply 10th percentile depth-averaged DO (≥ 4mg/L).  At DM2, the 10th percentile depth-averaged DO is predicted to be 3.89 mg/L in both Scenario 1 and Scenario 2. Overall speaking, no unacceptable adverse impact in terms of DO is predicted during the normal operation of HSKEPP.

Unionized Ammonia / Total Inorganic Nitrogen        As mentioned in Section, the Study Area is subject to a high TIN level due to high nutrient background loading, with non-compliances for TIN recorded in this WCZ even under the existing situations.  The predicted depth-averaged TIN at all the ecological WSRs and EPD monitoring stations in the Deep Bay WCZ under Scenario 1 and Scenario 2 failed to comply with the WQO (≤ 0.7mg/L).  Without HSKEPP (Scenario 1), the predicted TIN levels at selected WSRs and EPD Stations would be 0.78-7.56 mg/L.  The normal operation of HSKEPP (Scenario 2) slightly reduce the TIN levels in selected WSRs and EPD Stations.  In comparison to Scenario 1, the depth-averaged TIN under the normal operation of HSKEPP (Scenario 2) is predicted to be 0.77-7.56 mg/L.  The maximum percentage change was -1.3% (at E12), which the values in Scenario 1 and Scenario 2 were 0.78 mg/L and 0.77 mg/L respectively.        Similarly, non-compliance in depth-averaged UIA (≤ 0.021mg/L) is predicted at selected WSRs and EPD Stations in the Inner Marine Subzone, Mariculture Subzone and Yuen Long & Kam Tin (Lower) Subzone within the Deep Bay WCZ (E26, E27, E15, E24, E25, E28, DM1, DM2, DM3).  Under Scenario 1, the non-compliance UIA level ranged from 0.022-0.116mg/L and with HSKEPP (Scenario 2), the UIA levels is predicted to be 0.022-0.116mg/L.  The maximum percentage change in UIA was -7.1% (0.001mg/L increment at DM4 from 0.014 mg/L in Scenario 1 and 0.013 mg/L in Scenario 2).   Hence, no adverse UIA and TIN impact at the identified WSRs would be expected from the Project.

Total Phosphorus        The WQO did not specify the target for total phosphorus for the Deep Bay WCZ.  The predicted depth-averaged TP predicted at selected WSRs and EPD Stations under scenario 1 and Scenario 2 are 0.068-1.194 mg/L and 0.068-1.193 mg/L respectively.  The model predicted that the Project would reduce the TP levels at all selected WSRs and EPD stations in Deep Bay WCZ.  The maximum percentage change was -0.26%, which the values in Scenario 1 and Scenario 2 at E25 were 0.766 mg/L and 0.764 mg/L respectively.  Hence, no adverse water quality impact for TP would therefore be expected.        Section suggested the conditions to trigger growth of algal biomass.  Section stated that with TIN level increase by 0.1 mg/L and TP increase by 0.02 mg/L, the occurrence of red tide is favourable hence vice versa.  Among selected WSRs and EPD Stations in the Deep Bay WCZ, TIN level increases are less than 0.1mg/L from Scenario 1 to Scenario 2.  Similarly, TP predicted in all selected WSRs and EPD Stations did not show an increase of 0.02 mg/L during normal operation of the Project (Scenario 2) when compared to the base case (Scenario 1).  The occurrence of red tide from the Project is therefore not expected.  TIN and TP were not a critical factor for triggering red tide in the Deep Bay WCZ as the existing red tide occurrence was low.

Suspended Solids        The maximum percentage differences in the predicted SS levels at all selected WSRs and EPD Stations in the Deep Bay WCZ caused by the proposed Project is 0.55%, which comply well with the WQO for SS of no more than 30% change from the ambient levels.        Full compliance is observed in CLP Black Point Power Station (C2) for suspended solids requirement of ≤ 700 mg/L.

5-day Biochemical Oxygen Demand        The BOD levels predicted under Scenarios 1 and 2 are compared in Appendix 5.7.  Operation of this Project under Scenario 2 would slightly increase the depth-averaged BOD level in the selected WSRs and EPD Stations within the Deep Bay WCZ.  There is no WQO available for BOD in the marine water in the Deep Bay WCZ.  Non-compliance of BOD is predicted in E28 where the WQO for BOD (Yuen Long & Kam Tin (Lower) Subzone is present  Under the base case (Scenario 1), the BOD level predicted at E28 was 10.7 mg/L, as compared to the WSD’s target objective of no more than 5 mg/L. (Yuen Long & Kam Tin (Lower) Subzone).  With the implementation of this Project (under Scenario 2), the BOD at E28 would be 10.8 mg/L, which was 0.9% higher than Scenario 1, the increase is considered not significant.  Hence, the BOD impact due to the Project is negligible. 

Salinity        The difference in the predicted salinity levels in the Deep Bay WCZ caused by Scenario 2 (as compared to Scenario 1) were also negligible.  The maximum change of salinity levels caused by Scenario 2 (as compared to Scenario 1) were approximately 1.0%, which comply well with the WQO of no more than 10% change from the background levels. 

E. coli        Full compliance of E. coli was predicted in WSRs and EPD Stations in the Deep Bay WCZ except for E14 and E15.  The geometric mean of E. coli at Mangrove along Shan Pui River (E28) complies with the WQO target (≤ 1000) for Yuen Long & Kam Tin (Lower) Subzone.  E. coli exceedance was predicted in Mariculture Subzone where the geometric mean level would be 11677 (E14) and 15885 (E15) no./100mL for Scenarios 1, as compared to the WQO of no less than 610 no./100mL.  In Scenario 2, the geometric mean E. coli level would be 11706 and 15888 no./100mL at E14 and E15 respectively.  As the exceedance was predicted under both Scenarios 1 (without Project scenario) and 2 (with Project scenario) and the E. coli level would be slightly increase by 0.25% (E14) and 0.02% (E15) under Scenario 5 (with Project scenario), the E. coli exceedance at E14 and E15 was not caused by this Project.  The high E. coli level could be attributed by background pollution from rivers upstream.  No adverse E. coli impact is predicted from the Project operation.

Maximum Sedimentation Rate        The maximum sedimentation rates predicted for ecological WSRs in the Deep Bay WCZ under Scenario 1 and Scenario 2 were 18.99 and 18.79 g/m2/day respectively.  As for corals sites, the maximum sedimentation rate in Scenario 1 is 10.76 (E12) and 13.40 (E13) g/m2/day, and 10.64 (E12) and 13.17 (E13) g/m2/day in Scenario 2, which complied well with the assessment criterion of 200 g/m2/day for ecological subtidal habitat (refer to Section        In summary, the Inner Marine Subzone of Deep Bay WCZ and Yuen Long & Kam Tin (Lower) Subzone was most affected by background nutrient pollution.  The high TIN level was mainly contributed from the Shenzhen River and other background discharges in the Study Area.  In addition, the WQO non-compliance were predicted in the Mariculture Subzone including E. coli, TIN and UIA.  The level of WQO compliances in the Outer Marine Subzone of Deep Bay WCZ for the key parameters of concern including DO and UIA (which are two important indicators for maintaining a healthy ecosystem in marine water) was relatively good. The changes in water quality due to operation of the Project under Scenario 2 would not lead to adverse water quality impacts.

Effluent Discharge During NWNT Tunnel Maintenance        During the maintenance of NWNT tunnel that last for 12 days, it is assumed that the 200,000 m3/day CEPT treated effluent from SWSTW and 90,000 m3/day secondary plus treated effluent from HSKEPP would discharge into the Tin Shui Wai Nullah via the proposed rising main for raw sewage and emergency bypass pipe.        The construction and design of the emergency bypass pipe would be carried out in a separate agreement by CEDD.  The emergency bypass pipe to Tin Shui Wai Nullah and its associated environmental impact has been assessed in approved EIA report ref. AEIAR-203/2016under the Project of Agreement No. CE 2/2011 (CE) Hung Shui Kiu New Development Area Planning and Engineering Study – Investigation.        Maintenance discharge would typically lower the water quality of watercourses through an a period of released contaminants and organic matters, however, most of the watercourses identified within the assessment area are highly modified and exposed to high levels of disturbance, and supports a low ecological diversity.  Hence, insignificant impact on water quality and ecology is expected as emergency discharge would not result in long-term or unacceptable water quality impact on nearby watercourses, mitigation ponds and other wetland habitats.        The time-series model results for dry season and wet season (Scenario 3) are presented in Appendix 5.8 and Appendix 5.9 for depth-averaged dissolved oxygen (DO), depth-averaged 5-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), depth-averaged total inorganic nitrogen (TIN), depth-averaged unionized ammonia (UIA), depth-averaged total nitrogen, depth-averaged total phosphorus (TP), depth-averaged E.coli and depth-averaged suspended solids (SS).  As the discharge is within the Inner Deep Bay, WSRs at proximity to the discharge location which include Mai Po Marshes SSSI (E26), Mai Po Inner Deep Bay Ramsar Site/ Inner Deep Bay SSSI (E27), Oyster Culture Area (E24) Mangroves in Inner Deep Bay (E25) and Mangrove along Shan Pui River (E28) were selected to illustrate the spatial changes of pollution elevations at WSRs both close to and further away from the maintenance discharge point.  Each figure attached in Appendix 5.8 and Appendix 5.9 contains a comparison for the certain water quality parameter under normal operation of HSKEPP (Scenario 2) and NWNT maintenance (Scenario 3) at each selected WSR.  All time-series plots are presented as seasonal arithmetic averages except for the E.coli levels which are geometric mean values.  The water quality in North Western and North Western Supplementary WCZ was found not to be significantly impacted by Scenario 3 hence the time-series plots are not presented nor discussed in this section.        Appendix 5.7 tabulates the model results of both normal operation scenario (Scenario 2) and 12-day NWNT maintenance (Scenario 3) at identified WSRs in Section in ultimate year, dry season, and wet season.  Detailed description of Appendix 5.7 can be referred to Section  Annual means values in Appendix 5.7 is not be used for assessing the impacts of the short-term maintenance discharge.

Time Series Results at Selected WSRs        Appendix 5.8 and Appendix 5.9 show the time-series model results for dry and wet seasons at the selected WSRs.  These WSRs include Oyster Culture Area (E24) Mangroves in Inner Deep Bay (E25), Mai Po Marshes SSSI (E26), Mai Po Inner Deep Bay Ramsar Site/ Inner Deep Bay SSSI (E27) and Mangrove along Shan Pui River (E28).  Elevation on selected water quality parameters (BOD5, TIN, UIA, TN, TP, SS) and DO depletion was observed at mainly E25, E26, E27 and E28 which located close to the maintenance discharge of HSKEPP.  The elevated levels at these WSRs were observed during the 12-day maintenance discharge period and remained for a period after the end of maintenance discharge.  The elevated levels at these WSRs would be recovered to the normal operation of HSKEPP (Scenario 2) of about 21 days after termination of the maintenance discharge for parameters including DO, BOD, TIN, UIA and SS.  The maintenance discharge has no observable elevation on E. coli.  The more distant WSRs – Oyster Culture Area (E24), was found not to be elevated for water quality parameters during or after the maintenance discharge event, hence the result is not discussed. The maximum value (except minimum value for DO) provided in this section are obtained from the period of 33 days from the maintenance discharge (model simulation period from January 16 – February 18 in dry season and from May 31-July 2 in wet season), and the water quality in Scenario 3 is compared to Scenario 2 (of the same period).  Table 5.14 presented the maximum percentage change due to maintenance discharge from HSKEPP.

Table 5.14    Maximum Percentage Change due to Maintenance Discharge


Parameters (Depth Averaged)







E. coli


Dry Season














































Wet Season














































Notes:      The values in the above table refers to the percentage change between maintenance discharge (Scenario 3) and normal operation of HKSEPP (Scenario 2) with maximum elevation for each water quality parameters.  Hence, Maximum Percentage Change = max. of [(concentration under Scenario 3) – (concentration under Scenario 2)] / (concentration under Scenario 2).


Dissolved Oxygen        The greatest DO impact was found at E25 which is located nearest to the discharge point.  The DO level at E25 decreased dramatically during the maintenance discharge period.  The lowest DO levels of 2.3 mg/L and 0 mg/L were predicted at E25 in dry and wet seasons respectively and returned to almost the same as the normal operation levels of around 4.8 mg/L and 4.0 mg/L in dry and wet seasons respectively of about 21 days after termination of the maintenance discharge.  The influences on water quality in terms of the decrease in DO at E26, E27 and E28, which are located further away from the discharge, are significantly smaller, if any.        During maintenance discharge event in wet season, the minimum DO levels at E25, E26 and E28 were predicted to be very low (ranged from 0 mg/L to 1.6 mg/L; see Appendix 5.9-01).  In comparison with the DO levels (Scenario 2) in wet season, the minimum DO levels predicted at E25, E26 and E28 were ranged from 2.8 mg/L to 4.0 mg/L, which is also considered to be low (as compared to the WQO for DO).  The maintenance discharge event in dry season (see Appendix 5.8-01) is however considered to have relatively lower DO impact as compared to the minimum DO levels at E25, E26 and E28 between Scenario 3 (ranged from 2.3 mg/L to 3.5 mg/L) and Scenario 2 (ranged from 3.9 mg/L to 4.8 mg/L).  To avoid undesirable water quality impact in Deep Bay, it is therefore recommended that the 12-day NWNT tunnel maintenance should be taken place in dry season and should be avoided in wet season.

Unionized Ammonia/ Total Inorganic Nitrogen/ Total Nitrogen        In terms of UIA, TIN and TN, it is considered that the greatest impact would occur at E25 which is located nearest to the discharge point.  The highest UIA levels predicted at E25 was almost 0.17 mg/L and 0.36 mg/L in dry and wet seasons respectively, as compared to the Scenario 2 values of 0.16 mg/L for both dry and wet seasons.  The highest TIN levels predicted at E25 was almost 11.4 mg/L and 8.4 mg/L in dry and wet seasons respectively, as compared to the Scenario 2 values of 9.6 mg/L and 5.5 mg/L in dry and wet seasons respectively.  The highest TN levels predicted at E25 was almost 14.5 mg/L and 10.3 mg/L in dry and wet seasons respectively, as compared to the Scenario 2 values of 12.1 mg/L and 6.9 mg/L in dry and wet seasons respectively.        The UIA, TIN and TN levels returned to almost the same as the normal operation levels of about 21 days after the end of the maintenance period.  Although the UIA, TIN and TN levels could reach 0.36 mg/L, 11.4 mg/L and 14.5 mg/L respectively at E25, the relative impact is considered low as the normal operation levels at this station were very high (0.16 mg/L, 9.6 mg/L and 12.1 mg/L for UIA, TIN and TN levels respectively).  Again, the predicted UIA, TIN and TN impacts were significantly lower, if any, at the rest of the WSRs (E26, E27, E28) which are relatively further away from the discharge locations.

5-day Biochemical Oxygen Demand / Total Phosphorus/ Suspended Solids/ E. coli        In terms of BOD, TP, SS and E. coli, the greatest impact was found at E25 under Scenario 3.  These impacts are however considered small and would be restored within only a few days after termination of the discharge period.  The time-series plots showed that the impacts for these parameters at E25 would be minimal under the 12-day maintenance discharge scenario.  The maintenance discharge would only cause minimal increase in the BOD, TP, SS and E. coli levels at E25.  It is therefore deduced that the Mangroves in Inner Deep Bay (E25) would not be adversely affected by the Project during the NWNT tunnel maintenance period.        In summary, although the maintenance discharge event would inevitably cause an increase in pollution levels in Deep Bay, it is considered that the potential water quality impact to the nearby WSRs is acceptable and reversible.  The model predicted that the elevated levels at the selected WSRs could be recovered to the normal operation of HSKEPP (Scenario 2) of about 21 days after termination of the maintenance discharge event.  The more distant WSRs, including Oyster Culture Area (E24) was found not to be elevated during or after the maintenance discharge event.  It is recommended that the 12-day NWNT tunnel maintenance should be taken place in dry season and should be avoided in wet season.

Emergency Effluent Discharge        During emergency situations, such as loss of power supply at the HSKEPP, or mechanical faults / equipment failures may occur at the proposed HSKEPP.  In Scenario 4, it is assumed that an emergency discharge from the HSKEPP would occur for a period of 2 hours and discharge (total discharge volume: 20,000m3) into the Tin Shui Wai Nullah via the proposed rising main for raw sewage and emergency bypass pipe in case of power or plant failure.        The construction and design of the emergency bypass pipe would be carried out in a separate agreement by CEDD.  The emergency bypass pipe to Tin Shui Wai Nullah and its associated environmental impact has been assessed in approved EIA report ref. AEIAR-203/2016 under the Project of Agreement No. CE 2/2011 (CE) Hung Shui Kiu New Development Area Planning and Engineering Study – Investigation.        Emergency discharge would typically lower the water quality of watercourses through an acute spike of released contaminants and organic matters, however, most of the watercourses identified within the assessment area are highly modified and exposed to high levels of disturbance, and supports a low ecological diversity.  Hence, insignificant impact on water quality and ecology is expected as emergency discharge would not result in long-term or unacceptable water quality impact on nearby watercourses, mitigation ponds and other wetland habitats.        To minimise the risk of untreated effluent discharge due to emergency events, various contingency measures will be provided to the HSKEPP, such as provision of standby unit for all major equipment and back-up power for dual power supply.  Details of the mitigation measures are discussed in Section 5.7.2.  With the above design provision as contingency measures, the risk of failure of HSKEPP is considered to be negligible.        The time-series model results for dry season and wet season (Scenario 4) are presented in Appendix 5.10 and Appendix 5.11 for depth-averaged dissolved oxygen (DO), depth-averaged 5-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), depth-averaged total inorganic nitrogen (TIN), depth-averaged unionized ammonia (UIA), depth-averaged total nitrogen, depth-averaged total phosphorus (TP), depth-averaged E.coli and depth-averaged suspended solids (SS).  As the discharge is within the Inner Deep Bay, WSRs at proximity to the discharge location which include Mai Po Marshes SSSI (E26), Mai Po Inner Deep Bay Ramsar Site/ Inner Deep Bay SSSI (E27), Oyster Culture Area (E24) Mangroves in Inner Deep Bay (E25) and Mangrove along Shan Pui River (E28) were selected to illustrate the spatial changes of pollution elevations at WSRs both close to and further away from the emergency discharge point.  Each figure attached in Appendix 5.10 and Appendix 5.11 contains a comparison for the certain water quality parameter under normal operation of HSKEPP (Scenario 2) and emergency (Scenario 4) at each selected WSR.  All time-series plots are presented as seasonal arithmetic averages except for the E.coli levels which are geometric mean values.  The water quality in North Western waters was found not to be significantly impacted by Scenario 4 hence the time-series plots are not presented nor discussed in this section.        Appendix 5.7 tabulates the model results of both normal operation scenario (Scenario 2) and 2-hour emergency discharge (Scenario 4) at identified WSRs in section in ultimate year, dry season, and wet season.  Detailed description of Appendix 5.7 can be referred to Section  Annual means values in Appendix 5.7 are not be used for assessing the impacts of the short-term emergency discharge.

Dissolved Oxygen        The impact of short-term emergency discharge under Scenario 4 on DO levels among the selected WSRs is insignificant in general.  Biggest DO impact were predicted at E25 and E26. According to Appendix 5.7, the predicted DO levels at E25 and E26 in dry season were 6.92 mg/L and 6.02 mg/L during the emergency discharge scenario, as compared to the predicted DO level of 6.95 mg/L and 6.06 mg/L under the normal operation scenario (Scenario 2).  The percentage decrease in DO levels were 0.43% at E25 and 0.66% at E26. Full compliance of DO was predicted at all the remaining WSRs under emergency discharge scenario during dry season.  In wet season, non-compliance of DO is predicted for E26 and E28 for both Scenario 2 and Scenario 4.  The DO levels at E26 and E28 in wet season were predicted to be 3.85mg/L and 2.85mg/L under Scenario 2, while in Scenario 4 the values were 3.84mg/L and 2.85mg/L respectively.

Unionized Ammonia / Total Inorganic Nitrogen        The impact of short-term emergency discharge under Scenario 4 on UIA and TIN levels among the selected WSRs is insignificant in general. The biggest TIN and UIA impacts due to the short-term emergency discharge under Scenario 3 was observed at E26.  The predicted TIN and UIA levels at E26 during dry season were 8.17 mg/L and 0.096 mg/L respectively, as compared to 8.15mg/L and 0.096mg/L predicted in Scenario 2.  The percentage increase in TIN is predicted to be 0.24% under Scenario 3.  In wet season, the predicted TIN and UIA levels at E26 were 4.83mg/L and 0.138mg/L, in comparison to 4.81mg/L and 0.137mg/L under Scenario 2, which is an increase of 0.42% and 0.73% respectively.  As mentioned previously, the Study Area are subject to high nitrogen nutrient loads due to the background discharge from region, with non-compliances for TIN and UIA at all selected WSRs recorded in Deep Bay WCZ even under the baseline scenario (Scenario 1).

Suspended Solids        The impact of short-term emergency discharge under Scenario 4 on suspended solids among the selected WSRs is insignificant in general.  The biggest SS impact due to the short-term emergency discharge under Scenario 4 was observed at E26 during wet season with an increase of 0.32%, the respective SS levels under Scenario 4 and Scenario 2 were 30.9 and 30.8mg/L.  The predicted SS levels at all selected WSRs comply to the WQO of no more than 30% change from the ambient SS levels (as predicted under Scenario 1). 

5-day Biochemical Oxygen Demand        The impact of short-term emergency discharge under Scenario 4 on BOD among the selected WSRs is insignificant in general, for both the dry and wet season.  Non-compliance of BOD levels is recorded at E28 for both Scenario 2, Scenario 4 as well as the baseline scenario (Scenario 1).

E. coli        The impact of short-term emergency discharge under Scenario 4 on E coli among the selected WSRs is insignificant in general, for both the dry and wet season.  Full compliance of E coli is predicted at E28 for Scenario 4 and Scenario 2.

Time Series Results at Selected WSRs        The time series plots under the emergency discharge scenarios at selected WSRs are presented in Appendices 5.10 and 5.11.  Slight elevation on selected water quality parameters was observed at E25 which was close to the emergency discharge of HSKEPP.  The elevated levels at these WSRs were observed right after the emergency discharge.  The elevated levels at these WSRs would be recovered to the normal operation of HSKEPP (Scenario 2) within 0.5 days for most parameters except E. coli, which can also be recovered in a relatively short time of about 2 day after termination of the emergency discharge.  The more distant WSRs in Inner Deep Bay such as Oyster Culture Area (E24), Mai Po Marshes SSSI (E26), Mai Po Inner Deep Bay Ramsar Site/ Inner Deep Bay SSSI (E27) and Mangrove along Shan Pui River (E28), was found not to be elevated during or after the emergency discharge event.  Table 5.15 presented the maximum percentage change due to emergency discharge from HSKEPP.

Table 5.15    Maximum Percentage Change due to Emergency Discharge


Parameters (Depth Averaged)







E. coli


Dry Season














































Wet Season














































Notes:      The values in the above table refers to the percentage change between emergency discharge (Scenario 4) and normal operation of HSKEPP (Scenario 2) with maximum elevation for each water quality parameters.  Hence, Maximum Percentage Change = max. of [(concentration under Scenario 4) – (concentration under Scenario 2)] / (concentration under Scenario 2).        In summary, although the emergency discharge would inevitably cause a spike in pollution levels in Inner Deep Bay, it is considered that the potential water quality impact to the nearby WSRs is acceptable, and the water quality could be recovered in 2 days.  In addition, the chance of emergency discharge event occurrence is rare with design measures in Section 2.6 were adopted.  Mitigation measures as stated in Section 5.7.2 would also be provided.  Therefore, no adverse water quality impact is expected.

Project Effluent Discharge Under Sensitivity Test        As mentioned in Section 2, the sensitivity test (Scenario 5) act as a supplementary normal operation scenario to predict the water quality impact when the 90,000 m3/day tertiary treated effluent from HSKEPP discharge into Tin Shui Wai Nullah and eventually into Inner Deep Bay.  The sensitivity test (Scenario 5) under normal operation assumed that the CEPT effluent of 200,000 m3 per day from San Wai STW HSKEPP would be discharged at the Urmston Road submarine outfall while the tertiary treated effluent of 90,000 m3/day from HSKEPP will discharge into Tin Shui Wai Nullah via the proposed rising main.        The construction and design of the proposed rising main would not be under the scope of the Project.  Permanent discharge in Tin Shui Wai Nullah would lower the water quality of watercourses in a long run through increased pollution load. However, most of the watercourses identified within the assessment area are highly modified and exposed to high levels of disturbance, and supports a low ecological diversity.  In addition, the water quality impacts were minimized by the HSKEPP adopting the highest level of treatment (tertiary treatment). Hence, the water quality and ecological impact associated to this Scenario is at least, curtailed.

Overall Water Quality in North Western and North Western Supplementary WCZs        North Western and North Western Supplementary WCZs are open waters with good tidal flushing capacity.  Since the sensitivity test (Scenario 5) discharge is in Inner Deep Bay, little water quality impact is found in the North Western and North Western Supplementary WCZ, hence contour plot for the North Western and North Western Supplementary WCZ were not shown.        Appendix 5.7 tabulates the model results of both base case (Scenario 2) and sensitivity test (Scenario 5) at identified WSRs in the North Western and North Western Supplementary WCZs in ultimate year, dry season, and wet season.  Detailed description of Appendix 5.7 can be referred to Section  Only the annual predicted water quality will be discussed in the subsequent sections. 

Dissolved Oxygen        Full compliance of WQO for DO is predicted in all WSRs and EPD Stations in the North Western and North Western Supplementary WCZ.  Full compliance of minimum DO at all WSD saltwater intakes.  The change in the DO level caused by the change in the discharge location was predicted to be negligible.  Among all seawater intakes, the percentage change in minimum DO ranges from -1.8% (at C10) to +0.47% (at C20) when comparing the sensitivity test (Scenario 5) with base case (Scenario 1).  The depth-averaged DO predicted at WSRs and EPD Stations for Scenario 2 and Scenario 5 were 4.24-6.23 mg/L and 4.22-6.21 mg/L respectively. Scenario 5 in general cause a slight drop in depth-averaged DO (compared with Scenario 1) for all ecological WSRs in the North Western and North Western Supplementary WCZ.  The highest percentage decrement is found at Sha Chu and Lung Kwu Chau Marine Park (P4), the DO levels predicted for Scenario 5 and Scenario 1 were 4.43 and 4.47 mg/L (-0.77%).  The changes in DO predicted for EPD stations did not exceed -0.4%, which is considered not significant.

Unionized Ammonia / Total Inorganic Nitrogen / Ammonia Nitrogen        All WSD saltwater intake in the North Western WCZ were predicted to meet the WSD target objective for maximum mid-depth NH3-N.  Full compliance of WQO for depth-averaged UIA was predicted in all WSRs within the North Western WCZ.        Non-compliance of WQO for depth-averaged TIN is predicted in all selected WSRs and EPD Stations within the North Western WCZ and North Western Supplementary WCZ except for E5, E21, E22 and E23.  Under Scenario 1, the predicted annual TIN levels at all selected WSRs and EPD Stations were ranged from 0.53-0.76 mg/L.  For the tertiary treated effluent from HSKEPP discharge into Tin Shui Wai Nullah (Scenario 5), the predicted annual TIN levels at all selected WSRs and EPD Stations would be slightly reduced to 0.52-0.75 mg/L.  The maximum percentage change was -2.9% (with 0.01mg/L reduction).  The predicted non-compliance for TIN was mainly contributed by the background pollution sources, which carries a high loading of nitrogen nutrients (as compared to the WQO for TIN).  Hence, no adverse TIN impact is predicted in the North Western waters under Scenario 5.

Total Phosphorus        No WQO for total phosphorus available for the North Western WCZ and North Western Supplementary WCZ.  The predicted depth-averaged TP at WSRs and EPD Stations in the North Western and North Western Supplementary WCZ under Scenario 1 and Scenario 5 were to be 0.033-0.063 mg/L and 0.030-0.062 mg/L.  Improvement of TP is predicted under Scenario 5 and the largest TP reduction (7.36%) is predicted at E23.  No adverse TP impact was predicted under Scenario 5.

Suspended Solids        The maximum percentage differences in the predicted annual SS levels in the all the North Western WCZ WSRs including bathing beaches, typhoon shelter, Tai O Estuary, ecological resources and EPD routine monitoring stations caused by change in the discharge location was -1.54% (at E5), which comply well with the WQO for SS of no more than 30% change from the ambient levels.        Full compliance of annual mid-depth maximum SS is found in all WSD Saltwater Intakes except for C11.  At C11, the SS levels were 10.75 and 10.76 mg/L under Scenario 1 and Scenario 5, marginally exceeded the target water quality objective (≤ 10mg/L).  The SS level change due to Scenario 5 at C11 is considered not significant.  Other cooling water intake point in CLP power plants fully comply to the limit of ≤ 700 mg/L.  Slight improvement in SS (as compared to Scenario 1) is predicted under Scenario 5 and the percentage reduction ranged from 0.01% to 1.20%, which is considered no adverse SS impact.

5-day Biochemical Oxygen Demand        There is no WQO available for BOD in the marine water of the North Western or North Western Supplementary WCZ.  Slight improvement in BOD (compared to Scenario 1) was predicted under Scenario 5 and the percentage reduction ranged from 0.22% to 2.49%.  The WSD has however specified a target BOD objective for their saltwater water intakes ( 10mg/L).  Full compliance is observed for all WSD saltwater intakes in the North Western WCZ.

Salinity        The differences in the predicted salinity levels among selected WSRs and EPD Stations the North Western waters caused by Scenario 5 were also negligible.  The maximum change of salinity levels under Scenario 5 was approximately 0.2%, which comply well with the WQO of no more than 10% change from the background levels. 

E. coli        The depth-averaged geometric mean E.coli levels predicted in the bathing beaches comply with the target WQO of 180 no. per 100 mL (for water sports activities) under both scenarios (Scenario 1 and Scenario 5).  The maximum E. coli allowable level for WSD saltwater intake is less than 20,000 no./100mL and all saltwater intakes in the North Western WCZ fulfilled the criterion.

Maximum Sedimentation Rate        Full compliance of maximum sedimentation rate was predicted in North Western and North Western Supplementary WCZ.  The maximum sedimentation rate criterion assessment for ecological subtidal habitat (refer to Section is 200 g/m2/day.  The maximum sedimentation rates predicted in corals WSRs in the North Western WCZ under Scenario 1 and Scenario 5 were to be 6.72- 8.00 g/m2/day and 6.66-7.93 g/m2/day.  The greatest percentage change observed in coral WSRs was -1.7%.  No adverse sedimentation impact is predicted under Scenario 5.        In summary, the model predicted that the TIN level in the North Western and North Western Supplementary WCZs was high.  The high TIN level was mainly contributed from the Pearl River flow and other background discharges in the Study Area.  Other water quality parameters (SS, salinity, DO, BOD, Sedimentation rate, E. coli and TP) would not show any unacceptable water quality impact under the sensitivity test with tertiary treated effluent from HSKEPP discharge into Tin Shui Wai Nullah (Scenario 5).

Overall Water Quality in Deep Bay WCZs        Deep Bay WCZ is a shallow semi-enclosed water body with low water exchange rate and poor tidal flushing and therefore, pollution loading in the Deep Bay WCZ (e.g. due to the polluted storm discharges from Shenzhen River, Kam Tin River, Yuen Long Creek and Tin Shui Wai Nullah) would tend to accumulate inside the bay and cannot be easily flushed out.        The water quality modelling results for dry season and wet season are presented as contour plots in Appendix 5.10 and Appendix 5.11 respectively.  The contour plots are presented for 10th percentile depth-averaged dissolved oxygen (DO), depth-averaged 5-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), depth-averaged total inorganic nitrogen (TIN), depth-averaged unionized ammonia (UIA), depth-averaged total nitrogen, depth-averaged total phosphorus (TP), depth-averaged E.coli, depth-averaged suspended solids (SS), sedimentation rates and depth-averaged salinity in the Inner Deep Bay.  Each figure attached in Appendix 5.10 and Appendix 5.11 contains two contour plots for comparison. The upper plot shows the model output for the base case (Scenario 1), whereas the lower plot reflects the model output for the sensitivity test (Scenario 5).  Baseline scenario (Scenario 1) assumed that the CEPT effluent of 246,000 m3 per day from upgraded San Wai STW would be discharged at the Urmston Road outfall.  The Sensitivity test scenario (Scenario 5) is as described in Section        Appendix 5.7 shows the predicted water quality for selected WSRs in the Deep Bay WCZ.  Detail description of Appendix 5.7 can be found in Section  Only the annual predicted water quality will be discussed in the subsequent sections. 

Dissolved Oxygen        Full compliance of WQO target for DO is predicted at all WSRs and EPD Stations in the Deep Bay WCZ under scenario 5 except for E28 and DM2.  Non-compliance of WQO for 10th percentile depth-averaged minimum DO (≥ 4mg/L) is predicted for Mangrove along Shan Pui River (E28) for both Scenario 1 and Scenario 5 and their values were the same, 2.87 mg/L.  The predicted water quality at EPD Stations DM2 meets the WQO for 10th percentile bottom DO (≥ 2mg/L) but fail to comply the 10th percentile depth-averaged DO (≥ 4mg/L).  At DM2, the 10th percentile depth-averaged DO is predicted to be 3.89 mg/L and 3.86 mg/L in Scenario 1 and Scenario 5 respectively. The percentage reduction is 0.8%, which is considered not significant.

Unionized Ammonia / Total Inorganic Nitrogen        As mentioned in Section, the Study Area are subject to a high TIN level due to high nutrient background loading, with non-compliances for TIN recorded in this WCZ even under the existing situations.  The predicted depth-averaged TIN at all WSRs and EPD Stations in the Deep Bay WCZ under Scenario 5 and Scenario 1 failed to comply with the WQO.  Without HSKEPP (Scenario 1), the predicted TIN levels at selected WSRs and EPD Stations were predicted to be 0.78-7.56 mg/L.  Scenario 5 slightly improved the predicted TIN and the range of TIN was to be 0.77-7.55 mg/L, except for DM2.  At DM2, the TIN level increase from 4.11 mg/L in Scenario 1 to 4.12 mg/L in Scenario 5, the 0.2% increment is not considered as significant.  The maximum percentage change was -1.3%, which is considered not significant.  Similarly, non-compliance in depth-averaged UIA (≤ 0.021mg/L) is predicted at selected WSRs and EPD Stations in the Inner Marine Subzone, Mariculture Subzone and Yuen Long & Kam Tin (Lower) Subzone within the Deep Bay WCZ (E26, E27, E15, E24, E25, E28, DM1, DM2, DM3).  Under Scenario 1, the non-compliance UIA ranged from 0.022-0.116mg/L and under the sensitivity test (Scenario 5), the UIA levels is predicted to be 0.022-0.117mg/L.  UIA levels predicted under Scenario 5 were slightly higher than the ones in Scenario 1.  The maximum percentage change was 2.8% (with 0.001mg/L increment), which is considered not significant.  Hence, no adverse UIA and TIN impact at the selected WSRs would be expected from the Project.

Total Phosphorus        The WQO did not specify the target for total phosphorus for the Deep Bay WCZ.  The predicted depth-averaged TP predicted at WSRs and EPD Stations under scenario 1 and Scenario 5 were 0.068-1.194 mg/L and 0.067-1.198 respectively.  Maximum increase in TP (1.18%) is predicted at E25, which is considered insignificant with an absolute increment of 0.009mg/L, locating closest to the discharge location.        Section suggested the conditions to trigger growth of algal biomass.  Among selected WSRs and EPD Stations in the Deep Bay WCZ, no increase of 0.1mg/L in TIN levels is predicted from Scenario 1 to Scenario 5.  Similarly, TP predicted in all selected WSRs and EPD Stations did not show an increase of 0.02 mg/L during normal operation of the Project (Scenario 2) when compared to the baseline Scenario (Scenario 1).  The occurrence of red tide from the Project is therefore not expected.  TIN and TP were not a critical factor for triggering red tide in the Deep Bay WCZ as the existing red tide occurrence was low.

Suspended Solids        The maximum percentage differences in the predicted SS levels at all selected WSRs and EPD Stations in the Deep Bay WCZ caused by the proposed Project is -2.32% (at E25), which comply well with the WQO for SS of no more than 30% change from the ambient levels.  Full compliance is observed in CLP Black Point Power Station (C2) for suspended solids requirement of ≤ 700 mg/L.

5-day Biochemical Oxygen Demand        Scenario 5 would slightly increase the depth-averaged BOD level in the selected WSRs and EPD Stations within the Deep Bay WCZ.  There is no WQO available for BOD in the marine water in the Deep Bay WCZ.  Under the base case (Scenario 1), the BOD level predicted at E28 was 10.7 mg/L, as compared to the WSD’s target objective for Yuen Long & Kam Tin (Lower) Subzone of no more than 5 mg/L.  Under Scenario 5, the BOD at E28 would also be 10.7 mg/L, hence, no adverse water quality impact is expected.

Salinity        The differences in the predicted salinity levels among WSRs and EPD Stations in the Deep Bay WCZ under Scenario 5 were also negligible.  The maximum change of salinity levels caused by Scenario 5 in comparison to Scenario 1 was approximately 2.3% (at E26), which comply well with the WQO of no more than 10% change from the background levels. 

E. coli        The geometric mean of E. coli at Mangrove along Shan Pui River (E28) complies with the WQO target (≤ 1000) for Yuen Long & Kam Tin (Lower) Subzone.  E. coli non-compliance was predicted in Mariculture Subzone where the geometric mean level would be 11677 (E14) and 15885 (E15) no./100mL for Scenarios 1, as compared to the WQO of less than 610 no./100mL.  In Scenario 5, the geometric mean E. coli level would be 11643 and 15852 no./100mL at E14 and E15 respectively.  As the non-compliance was predicted under both Scenarios 1 and 5 that the E. coli level would be slightly decrease by 0.29% (E14) and 0.20% (E15) under Scenario 5, the E. coli exceedance at E14 and E15 was not caused by this Project.  The high E. coli level could be attributed by background pollution from rivers upstream.  Therefore, no adverse E. coli impact is predicted from Scenario 5.

Maximum Sedimentation Rate        Full compliance of maximum sedimentation rate was predicted in the Deep Bay WCZ.  The maximum sedimentation rate criterion assessment for ecological subtidal habitat (refer to Section is 200 g/m2/day.  The maximum sedimentation rates predicted in corals WSRs in the Deep Bay WCZ under Scenario 1 and Scenario 5 were to be 10.76-13.40 g/m2/day and 10.71-13.28 g/m2/day.  The maximum percentage change among coral WSRs was -0.90%.  No adverse sedimentation impact is predicted under Scenario 5.        In summary, Scenario 5 would not cause unacceptable water quality impact in the Deep Bay WCZ due to the tertiary treated effluent qualities from the HSKEPP.  The model predicted that no additional non-compliance in WQOs for DO, TIN, UIA, TN, TP, SS and E. coli levels at all selected WSRs and EPD monitoring stations, which implies that no non-compliance of WQO or any criterion was induced by Scenario 5 as compared to the baseline condition.  The predicted salinity levels would comply well within the WQO of no more than 10% change from the background levels (as compared to Scenario 1).  No unacceptable water quality impact from Scenario 5 upon the WSRs would therefore be expected.

Treated Effluent Reuse        As stated in Section to, reuse of treated effluent inside the HSKEPP would be limited to non-potable uses within HSKEPP only for chemical preparation, water supplement to deodorisation units and cleaning of treatment equipment.  All the treated effluent reuse will be adopted within the proposed sewage treatment stream via automatic system and well serving as part of sewage treatment process.  There would not be any human contacts to the reuse effluent during these processes and thus health impact consideration is not anticipated.        With treated effluent would be limited to internal non-potable uses and implementation of water pollution preventive measures listed in Section, no adverse water quality impacts are anticipated from reuse of treated effluent inside the HSKEPP.

Transportation of Organic Waste        As stated in Section 2.3.3, food or organic wastes will be collected and pre-treated in the pre-treatment facilities outside HSKEPP and transported to HSKEPP for co-digestion with sludge generated from sewage treatment.  Provided that the incoming food or organic wastes would be pre-treated and delivered to the pre-treated food waste reception facility at HSKEPP for co-digestion, no adverse water quality impact is therefore expected.  As the pre-treated food waste reception facility would be enclosed, spills (if any) would be contained and will not contaminate the surface runoff.        The contained wastewater from the enclosed tankers will be collected at the pre-treated food waste reception facility, conveyed to the food waste bunker and mixed with the treated effluent of HSKEPP before being fed into the digesters.  There would be no direct discharge of the wastewater into surroundings.

Wastewater from Sludge Treatment        The HSKEPP would have advanced sludge treatment capacity to cater its sludge and additional organic waste as stated in Section 2.5.2.  The sludge treatment process of the HSKEPP would involve dewatering process and wastewater would be generated from the sludge treatment process which may have potential to cause water pollution.  Nonetheless, wastewater generated from the dewatering process will be fed back into the HSKEPP for treatment before final disposal.  There would be no discharge of wastewater from the dewatering process and hence no adverse water quality impact is expected.

Surface Runoff        Potential water quality impact may also arise from surface runoff discharge of HSKEPP during operation phase.  The surface runoff may contain small amount of suspended solids that may leads to water quality impacts to the nearby receiving waters.  However, impacts upon water quality would be minimal provided that a proper drainage system would be provided to receive surface runoff to the drainage system at the planning and design stages.        According to the DSD "Stormwater Drainage Manual (5th edition, 2018)", annual rainfall in Hong Kong is around 2,400 mm.  However, the EPD study namely "Update on Cumulative Water Quality and Hydrological Effect of Coastal Developments and Upgrading of Assessment Tool (Update Study)suggested that only rainfall events of sufficient intensity and volume would give rise to runoff and that runoff percentage is about 44% and 82% for dry and wet season, respectively.  Therefore, only 1,512 mm of 2,400 mm annual rainfall would be considered as effective rainfall that would generate runoff (i.e. 1,512 mm = 2,400 mm × (82%+44%)/2).        The footprint of the HSKEPP is about 5.2 hectares.  With development of the Project, there would be an increase in the total paved area.  The additional paved area is about 3,220 m2.  All the treatment units in HSKEPP will be covered or enclosed to minimize the inflow of surface run-off from entering the treatment processes.  Assuming 0.9 as the runoff coefficient, the non-point source pollution from surface run-off is estimated to be 12 m3/day (= 0.9 × 1,512 mm/year × 3,220 m2).  It is anticipated that with proper implementation of best management practices as recommended in Section 5.7.2, no adverse water quality impact from non-point source surface run-off is expected.

Chemical Spillage        A number of chemicals, including ferric chloride and polymers, would be stored onsite and be used for wastewater treatment process such as sludge conditioning / dewatering.  Adverse water quality impacts can be minimised by appropriate storage management and drainage system design as recommended in Section 5.7.2.

5.7                  Mitigation of Adverse Environmental Impacts

5.7.1              Construction Phase           Measures as listed below are recommended to mitigate the potential water quality impacts from the land-based construction works.

General Construction Activities and Construction Site Runoff

Construction Site Runoff           The site practices outlined in ProPECC PN 1/94 “Construction Site Drainage” should be followed as far as practicable to minimise surface run-off and the chance of erosion.  The following measures are recommended to protect water quality, and when properly implemented should be sufficient to adequately control site discharges so as to avoid water quality impact.           Surface run-off from construction sites should be discharged into storm drains via adequately designed sand / silt removal facilities such as sand traps, silt traps and sedimentation basins.  Channels, earth bunds or sand bag barriers should be provided on site to properly direct stormwater to such silt removal facilities.  Perimeter channels at site boundaries should be provided as necessary to intercept storm run-off from outside the site so that it will not wash across the site.  Catchpits and perimeter channels should be constructed in advance of site formation works and earthworks.           Silt removal facilities, channels and manholes should be maintained and the deposited silt and grit should be removed regularly (as well as at the onset of and after each rainstorm) to prevent overflows and localised flooding.  Before disposal at the public fill reception facilities, the deposited silt and grit should be solicited in such a way that it can be contained and delivered by dump truck instead of tanker truck.  Any practical options for the diversion and realignment of drainage should comply with both engineering and environmental requirements in order to provide adequate hydraulic capacity of all drains.           Construction works should be programmed to minimise soil excavation in the wet season (i.e. April to September).  If soil excavation cannot be avoided in these months or at any time of year when rainstorms are likely, temporarily exposed slope surfaces should be covered e.g. by tarpaulin, and temporary access roads should be protected by crushed stone or gravel, as excavation proceeds.  Intercepting channels should be provided (e.g. along the crest / edge of excavation) to prevent storm run-off from washing across exposed soil surfaces.  Arrangements should always be in place in such a way that adequate surface protection measures can be safely carried out well before the arrival of rainstorm.           Earthworks final surfaces should be well compacted and the subsequent permanent work or surface protection should be carried out immediately after the final surfaces are formed to prevent erosion caused by rainstorms.  Appropriate drainage like intercepting channels should be provided where necessary.           Measures should be taken to minimise the ingress of rainwater into trenches.  If excavation of trenches in the wet season is necessary, they should be dug and backfilled in short sections.  Rainwater pumped out from trenches or foundation excavations should be discharged into storm drains via silt removal facilities           Construction materials (e.g. aggregates, sand and fill material) on sites should be covered with tarpaulin or similar fabric during rainstorms           Manholes (including newly constructed ones) should always be adequately covered and temporarily sealed so as to prevent silt, construction materials or debris from getting into the drainage system, and to prevent storm run-off from getting into foul sewers.  Discharge of surface run-off into foul sewers must always be prevented in order not to unduly overload the foul sewerage system.

Boring and Drilling Water        Water used in ground boring and drilling for site investigation or rock / soil anchoring should as far as practicable be re-circulated after sedimentation.  When there is a need for final disposal, the wastewater should be discharged into storm drains via silt removal facilities.

Wheel Washing Water        All vehicles and plants should be cleaned before they leave a construction site to minimise the deposition of earth, mud and debris on roads.  A wheel washing bay should be provided at every site exit if practicable and washwater should have sand and silt settled out or removed before discharging into storm drains.  The section of construction road between the wheel washing bay and the public road should be paved with backfill to reduce vehicle tracking of soil and to prevent site run-off from entering public road drains.

Rubbish and Litter        Good site practices should be adopted to remove rubbish and litter from construction sites so as to prevent the rubbish and litter from spreading from the site area.  It is recommended to clean the construction sites on a regular basis.

Effluent Discharge        There is a need to apply to EPD for a discharge licence for discharge of effluent from the construction site under the WPCO.  The discharge quality must meet the requirements specified in the discharge licence.  All the runoff and wastewater generated from the works areas should be treated so that it satisfies all the standards listed in the TM-DSS.  The beneficial uses of the treated effluent for other on-site activities such as dust suppression, wheel washing and general cleaning etc., can minimise water consumption and reduce the effluent discharge volume.  If monitoring of the treated effluent quality from the works areas is required during the construction phase of the Project, the monitoring should be carried out in accordance with the relevant WPCO licence.

Construction Works in Close Proximity to Inland Water        The practices outlined in ETWB TC (Works) No. 5/2005 “Protection of natural streams / rivers from adverse impacts arising from construction works” should also be adopted where applicable to minimise the water quality impacts on natural streams or surface water systems.  Relevant mitigation measures from the ETWB TC (Works) No. 5/2005 are listed below:

·            Construction works close to the inland waters should be carried out in the dry season as far as practicable where the flow in the surface channel or stream is low.

·            The use of less or smaller construction plants may be specified in areas close to the water courses to reduce the disturbance to the surface water.

·            Temporary storage of materials (e.g. equipment, chemicals and fuel) and temporary stockpile of construction materials should be located well away from any water courses when carrying out of the construction works.

·            Stockpiling of construction materials and dusty materials should be covered and located away from any water courses.

·            Construction debris and spoil should be covered up and / or disposed of as soon as possible to avoid being washed into the nearby water receivers.

·            Proper shoring may need to be erected in order to prevent soil or mud from slipping into the watercourses

Accidental Spillage of Chemicals        Contractor must register as a chemical waste producer if chemical wastes would be produced from the construction activities.  The Waste Disposal Ordinance (Cap 354) and its subsidiary regulations in particular the Waste Disposal (Chemical Waste) (General) Regulation should be observed and complied with for control of chemical wastes.        Any service shop and maintenance facilities should be located on hard standings within a bunded area, and sumps and oil interceptors should be provided.  Maintenance of vehicles and equipment involving activities with potential leakage and spillage should only be undertaken within the areas appropriately equipped to control these discharges.        Disposal of chemical wastes should be carried out in compliance with the Waste Disposal Ordinance.  The “Code of Practice on the Packaging, Labelling and Storage of Chemical Wastes” published under the Waste Disposal Ordinance details the requirements to deal with chemical wastes.  General requirements are given as follows:

·            Suitable containers should be used to hold the chemical wastes to avoid leakage or spillage during storage, handling and transport

·            Chemical waste containers should be suitably labelled, to notify and warn the personnel who are handling the wastes to avoid accidents

·            Storage area should be selected at a safe location on site and adequate space should be allocated to the storage area.

Sewage Effluent from Construction Workforce        The construction workforce on site will generate sewage.  Sufficient chemical toilets should be provided in the works area, with a licensed waste collector employed to clean the chemical toilets on a regular basis.        Notices should be posted at conspicuous locations to remind the workers not to discharge any sewage or wastewater into the surrounding environment.  Regular environmental audit of the construction site will provide an effective control of any malpractices and can encourage continual improvement of environmental performance on site.  It is anticipated that sewage generation during the construction phase of the project would not cause water pollution problem after undertaking all required measures.

Groundwater from Contaminated Areas, Contaminated Site Run-off and Wastewater from Land Decontamination        Remediation of contaminated land should be properly conducted following the recommendations of Land Contamination Assessment in Section 8. Any excavated contaminated material and exposed contaminated surface should be properly housed and covered to avoid generation of contaminated run-off. Open stockpiling of contaminated materials should not be allowed.  Any contaminated run-off or wastewater generated from the land decontamination processes should be properly collected and diverted to wastewater treatment facilities (WTF).  The WTF shall deploy suitable treatment processes (e.g. oil interceptor / activated carbon) to reduce the pollution level to an acceptable standard and remove any prohibited substances (such as total petroleum hydrocarbon) to an undetectable range. All treated effluent from the wastewater treatment system shall meet the requirements as stated in TM-DSS and should be either discharged into the foul sewers or tankered away for proper disposal.        No direct discharge of groundwater from contaminated areas should be adopted.  Prior to any excavation works within the potentially contaminated areas, the baseline groundwater quality in these areas should be reviewed based on the past relevant site investigation data and any additional groundwater quality measurements to be performed with reference to Guidance Note for Contaminated Land Assessment and Remediation and the review results should be submitted to EPD for examination. If the review results indicated that the groundwater to be generated from the excavation works would be contaminated, this contaminated groundwater should be either properly treated or properly recharged into the ground in compliance with the requirements of the TM-DSS. If wastewater treatment is to be deployed for treating the contaminated groundwater, the wastewater treatment unit shall deploy suitable treatment processes (e.g. oil interceptor / activated carbon) to reduce the pollution level to an acceptable standard and remove any prohibited substances (such as total petroleum hydrocarbon) to an undetectable range. All treated effluent from the wastewater treatment plant shall meet the requirements as stated in the TM-DSS and should be either discharged into the foul sewers or tankered away for proper disposal.        If deployment of wastewater treatment is not feasible for handling the contaminated groundwater, groundwater recharging wells should be installed as appropriate for recharging the contaminated groundwater back into the ground. The recharging wells should be selected at places where the groundwater quality will not be affected by the recharge operation as indicated in section 2.3 of TM-DSS.  The baseline groundwater quality should be determined prior to the selection of the recharge wells, and submit a working plan to EPD for agreement.  Pollution levels of groundwater to be recharged shall not be higher than pollutant levels of ambient groundwater at the recharge well. Groundwater monitoring wells should be installed near the recharge points to monitor the effectiveness of the recharge wells and to ensure that no likelihood of increase of groundwater level and transfer of pollutants beyond the site boundary. Prior to recharge, free products should be removed as necessary by installing the petrol interceptor.  The Contractor should apply for a discharge licence under the WPCO through the Regional Office of EPD for groundwater recharge operation or discharge of treated groundwater.

5.7.2              Operation Phase

Effluent Discharge During Maintenance of NWNT Tunnel           Given the sensitivity of inner Deep Bay in term of water quality and ecology, a number of additional mitigation measures are proposed under this Project to further minimize the water quality impact during the maintenance of NWNT Tunnel.  These measures are described as follows.           Relevant government departments including EPD, WSD and AFCD as well as key stakeholders for mariculture and fisheries in the Deep Bay WCZ should be informed of the NWNT Tunnel maintenance event prior to any HSKEPP and San Wai STW maintenance discharge.           It is also recommended under this Project that any NWNT Tunnel maintenance period should be shortened as far as possible and should be conducted during dry season as the ambient DO levels in Inner Deep Bay is low in wet season in comparison to dry season. 

Emergency Effluent Discharge           Given the sensitivity of inner Deep Bay in term of water quality and ecology, extensive effort will be expedited to avoid the occurrence for emergency discharge.  In order to achieve this, the design of HSKEPP will be cautiously reviewed to include additional provisions including as follows:

·            Applied peaking factors for all major treatment units and electrical and mechanical equipment to a void equipment failure;

·            By-pass mechanism would be provided for both coarse screens and fine screens in the inlet to avoid/minimize failure in coarse/fine screens; Interim by-pass would be provided after the PST to avoid raw sewage by-pass as much as possible;

·            Standby unit for all major equipment would be provided in case of unexpected breakdown of pumping and treatment facilities such that the standby pumps and treatment facilities could take over and function to replace the broken pumps; and

·            Back-up power for dual power supply would be provided in case of power failure to sustain the function of pumping and treatment facilities.           To provide a mechanism to minimise the impact of emergency discharges and facilitate subsequent management of any emergency, an Emergency Response Plan will be formulated prior to commissioning of HSKEPP to set out the emergency response procedures and actions to be followed in case of equipment or sewage treatment failure.  The plant operators of HSKEPP should carry out necessary follow-up actions according to the procedures of the contingency plan to minimise any impacts on the identified WSRs due to emergency bypass.  Regular maintenances and inspections to all treatment units, penstocks and plant facilities are necessary to maintain a good operation condition.

Best Stormwater Management Practices           Best Management Practices (BMPs) for stormwater discharge are recommended to reduce stormwater pollution arising from the Project.

Design Measures           Exposed surface shall be avoided within the Project site to minimise soil erosion.  The site shall be either hard paved or covered by landscaping area and plantation where appropriate.           Green areas / tree / shrub planting etc. should be introduced within the site as far as possible including open space and along roadside amenity strips, which can help to reduce soil erosion.           The existing watercourses in adjacent to the Project site will be retained to maintain the original flow path.  The drainage system will be designed to avoid any case of flooding based on the 1 in 50 year return period.

Devices / Facilities to Control Pollution        Screening facilities such as standard gully grating and trash grille, with spacing which is capable of screening off large substances such as fallen leaves and rubbish should be provided at the inlet of drainage system.        Road gullies with standard design and silt traps and oil interceptors should be incorporated during the detailed design to remove particles present in storm water runoff.

Administrative Measures        Good management measures such as regular cleaning and sweeping of road surface / open areas is suggested.  The road surface / open area cleaning should also be carried out prior to occurrence of rainstorm.        Manholes, as well as storm water gullies, ditches provided among the development areas should be regularly inspected and cleaned (e.g. monthly).  Additional inspection and cleansing should be carried out before forecast heavy rainfall.

Chemical Spillage        Chemical should be stored on site at bunded area and separate drainage system as appropriate should be provided to avoid any spilled chemicals from entering the storm drain in case of accidental spillage.  Also, adequate tools for cleanup of spilled chemicals should be stored on site and appropriate training shall be provided to staffs to further prevent potential adverse water quality impacts from happening.

Preventive Measures for Cross Contamination and Misuse of Reclaimed Water        The following preventive measures would also be adopted for prevention of cross contamination between reclaimed water and freshwater supplied from WSD and misuse of reclaimed water:

·            All pipes and fittings used for the reclaimed water supply and associated distribution system should be purple in color (exact color code to be reviewed) for distinguishing them from the pipes and fittings used for fresh water supply and its distribution systems;

·            Regular checking/inspections of the reclaimed water supply and associated distribution systems should be carried out to identify any possible cross connection to the fresh water supply and distribution system. Non-toxic dye may be adopted in the checking / inspections;

·            Warning plate with sign would be shown on the toilet flushing and irrigation water storage tanks, and tagged on all accessible water taps supplying reclaimed water if any within the developments, notifying the staff, visitors and the public at large that treated effluent is being used and is not suitable for drinking;

·            All water taps of reclaimed water at communal areas, if any, should be locked in order to avoid mis-use of reclaimed water for other non-planned use; and

·            Proper signage, promotion and training workshops will be provided periodically to all management and operation staffs of the Development, as well as future land owners, on the proper use of reclaimed water and portable water.

5.8                  Evaluation of Residual Impacts           With implementation of the recommended mitigation measures in Section 5.7, it is therefore expected no adverse residual water quality impact is expected in construction and operation phases.  It is recommended that regular audit of the implementation of the recommended mitigation measures at the work areas be carried out during the construction phase.

5.9                  Cumulative Impacts

5.9.1              Construction Phase           Based on the current construction programme as mentioned in Section 2, the Project construction works are anticipated to commence in early 2027 with completion of the Project by 2031.  According to the latest information on the HSK/HT NDA development, HSK/HT NDA Advance Work Phase 3 will tentatively be completed in 2029; whilst Stage 2 Works will tentatively be commenced in 2024 and completed in 2032; and the Reaming Remaining Phase Development will tentatively be commence in 2030 and completed in 2036.  The construction of the Project would likely interact with these projects, which may have cumulative environmental impacts.           The construction works for the concurrent projects as mentioned in Section would involve land-based construction works only and the potential water quality impact would include construction site runoff and drainage from works areas, wastewater from general construction activities, sewage generated by construction workforce, accidental spillage of chemicals, contaminated groundwater and wastewater, and construction works near watercourses.  With proper adoption of mitigation measures and good site practices such as guidelines as given in ProPECC PN 1/94, potential water quality impact would be minimized.  No adverse water quality impacts were anticipated.           As no significant water quality impact was expected from the Project and the identified concurrent projects during construction phase, no adverse cumulative water quality impacts were hence anticipated.

5.9.2              Operation Phase           As stated in Section 5.5.3, cumulative impacts from other projects have already been incorporated in the YL Model in terms of coastline configuration, background pollution loadings, etc. and hence the cumulative water quality impacts have already been assessed in Sections 5.6.2 and 5.7.2.

5.10                Environmental Monitoring and Audit

5.10.1            Construction Phase        The potential water quality impact from the land-based construction works can be controlled by the recommended mitigation measures.  Water quality monitoring at designated control and impact monitoring stations are proposed to monitor any sub-standard water discharge into the nearby water bodies.  A WPCO license should be obtained if there has construction drainage discharge.  Self-monitoring and reporting should be carried out for monitoring the construction drainage discharge in accordance with the WPCO license.

5.10.2            Operation Phase        During operation phase, water quality monitoring is recommended for the first year of normal operation of HSKEPP.  Monitoring of the treated effluent quality will be governed by the WPCO license to ensure that the effluent quality would comply with the design standards, which is under the ambit of RO of EPD. Detailed environmental monitoring procedures are provided in the standalone EM&A manual.

5.10.3            Maintenance of NWNT Tunnel        Water quality monitoring is recommended in Inner Deep Bay for NWNT Tunnel maintenance during both construction and operational phases of this Project. A five-month baseline monitoring programme covering the period from November to March is proposed at a frequency of twice per month to establish the baseline water quality conditions at selected monitoring points.  In case of NWNT Tunnel maintenance during the operational phase of this Project, water quality in Deep Bay should be monitored at a frequency of 3 times per week throughout the maintenance period until the baseline water quality is restored or at least 1 month after termination of the effluent bypass (whichever is longer).  In case of emergency discharge during operation phase of this Project, a follow-up water quality monitoring exercise shall be commenced within 24 hours after the start of the emergency discharge at all proposed monitoring stations.

5.11                Conclusion

5.11.1            Construction Phase        Minor water quality impacts would be associated with land-based construction works.  Water quality impacts may result from wastewater generated from the general construction activities, construction site runoff, construction works near inland watercourses, sewage effluent from workforce and accidental chemical spillage.  The impacts could be mitigated and controlled by implementing the recommended mitigation measures.  No adverse water quality impact from construction works for the HSKEPP is anticipated.  No adverse residual water quality impacts are expected.

5.11.2            Operation Phase        Mathematical modelling was conducted under this EIA to study the water quality impacts caused by the potential change in the effluent flow and qualities from the proposed HSKEPP.  The model results indicated that the proposed HSKEPP would not impose adverse water quality impact into the North Western and North Western Supplementary WCZ.  The model predicted that the proposed HSKEPP would have no significant impact on the TIN, UIA, TN, TP, SS, DO and E.coli levels in the Deep Bay WCZ.  The model results showed that the predicted salinity levels at WSRs in North Western, North Western Supplementary, Deep Bay WCZs would comply with the WQO of no more than 10% change from the background levels.  No unacceptable water quality impact from normal operation of the proposed HSKEPP upon the receiving marine water would therefore be expected.        During the NWNT tunnel maintenance, it is unavoidable to result in worsen water quality (DO, BOD, TIN, UIA, SS and E. coli) due to increase of pollution loading discharging into the Deep Bay WCZ.  In order to further minimize the water quality impact, it is recommended under this Project to schedule the NWNT tunnel maintenance during dry season.  The water quality model predicted that the pollution elevation in Deep Bay WCZ and the associated water quality recovery period would be significantly reduced and minimized for the HSKEPP maintenance discharge during dry season.  An event and action plan and a water quality monitoring programme (as presented in the standalone EM&A Manual) is also proposed for the NWNT tunnel maintenance events during both construction and operational phases to minimize the water quality impacts.        For emergency discharge, the model results indicated that elevated levels of key water quality parameters would be recovered within 0.5-2.0 days after termination of the emergency discharge for WSRs within Inner Deep Bay.  The more distant WSR i.e. Oyster Culture Area was found not to be affected by emergency discharge event.  The occurrence of emergency discharge from the proposed HSKEPP can be minimised by the implementation of appropriate mitigation measures, including dual power supply and provision of standby facilities.  An Emergency Response Plan will be formulated prior to commissioning of HSKEPP to minimize the impact of emergency discharges and facilitate subsequent management of the emergency.        Other water quality impacts associated with the operation phase are identified as surface runoff from paved areas and accidental spillage.  It is expected that these potential impacts can be prevented by adopting recommended mitigation measures.  No unacceptable residual water quality impact is expected.

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