List of Appendices

Appendix 2.1

Confirmation Letter from EPD

Appendix 2.2

Tentative Construction Programme

Appendix 3.1

Tentative Construction Programme

Appendix 3.2

Traffic data

Appendix 3.3

Calculation of Construction Dust Emission Source

Appendix 3.4

Dust Emission Inventory of Concurrent Project

Appendix 3.5

Calculation of Vehicular Emission Source (Construction Phase)

Appendix 3.6

Not Used

Appendix 3.7

Calculation of Emission from Portals and Ventilation Buildings (Construction Phase)

Appendix 3.8

Locations of Nearby Chimneys

Appendix 3.9

Determination of Surface Characteristics

Appendix 3.10

Detailed Prediction Result (Construction Phase, Kowloon, Unmitigated)

Appendix 3.11

Detailed Prediction Result (Construction Phase, Shatin, Unmitigated)

Appendix 3.12

Detailed Prediction Result (Construction Phase, Kowloon, Mitigated)

Appendix 3.13

Detailed Prediction Result (Construction Phase, Shatin, Mitigated)

Appendix 3.14

Calculation of Vehicular Emission Source (Operation Phase)

Appendix 3.15

Not Used

Appendix 3.16

Calculation of Emission from Portals and Ventilation Buildings (Operation Phase)

Appendix 3.17

Detailed Prediction Result (Operation Phase, Kowloon, With Project)

Appendix 3.18

Detailed Prediction Result (Operation Phase, Kowloon, Without Project)

Appendix 3.19

Detailed Prediction Result (Operation Phase, Shatin, with Proposed Noise Mitigation)

Appendix 3.20

Detailed Prediction Result (Operation Phase, Shatin, without Proposed Noise Mitigation)

Appendix 3.21

Detailed Prediction Result (Operation Phase, Shatin, Without Project)

Appendix 3.22

Not used

Appendix 3.23

Sensitivity Test on Start Emission at Bus Terminus

Appendix 4.1

Photographs of Existing NSRs

Appendix 4.2

Plant inventory (Unmitigated Scenario)

Appendix 4.3

Construction Programme, Locations of Works areas and Distance to Notional Sources

Appendix 4.4


Appendix 4.5a

Construction Noise Assessment during Non-Restricted Hours (Unmitigated Scenario)

Appendix 4.5b

Predicted Construction Noise Levels at Representative Floor Levels (Unmitigated Scenario)

Appendix 4.6a

Locations of Construction Work during Restricted Hours

Appendix 4.6b

Construction Noise Assessment for Restricted Hours (Unmitigated Scenario)

Appendix 4.7a

Calculation of Construction Ground-borne Noise Levels during

Non-Restricted Hours (Unmitigated Scenario)

Appendix 4.7b

Calculation of Construction Ground-borne Noise Levels during Restricted Hours

(Unmitigated Scenario)

Appendix 4.8

Plant Inventory (Mitigated Scenario)

Appendix 4.9a

Construction Noise Assessment during Non-Restricted Hours (Mitigated Scenario)

Appendix 4.9b

Predicted Construction Noise Levels at Representative Floor Levels (Mitigated Scenario)

Appendix 4.10a

Construction Noise Assessment with Implementation of Further Noise Mitigation Measures for WWG8

Appendix 4.10b


Construction Noise Assessment with Implementation of Further Noise Mitigation Measures for KTV5


Appendix 4.10c

Construction Noise Assessment with Implementation of Further Noise Mitigation Measures for STTNV5

Appendix 4.10d

Construction Noise Assessment with Implementation of Further Noise Mitigation Measures for STTNV2

Appendix 4.11

Calculation of Construction Noise Levels during Restricted Hours (Mitigated Scenario)

Appendix 4.12

Calculation of Construction Ground-borne Noise Levels during

Restricted Hours (Mitigated Scenario)

Appendix 4.13

Predicted Traffic Data

Appendix 4.14

TD’s Response on Technical Note on Traffic Forecast for EIA

Appendix 4.15

Road Traffic Noise Mitigation Measures of Existing Roads

Appendix 4.16

Road Plot

Appendix 4.17a

Predicted Road Traffic Noise Levels

Appendix 4.17b

Consideration of Other Noise Mitigation Measures

Appendix 4.18

Eligibility Testing for Indirect Noise Mitigation Measures

Appendix 4.19

Background Noise Measurement

Appendix 4.20

Fixed Noise Calculation

Appendix 6.1

Location of Temporary Stockpiling Area

Appendix 7.1

Contamination Assessment Plan (CAP)

Appendix 8.1

Indicative Locations of Species of Conservation Importance Recorded during Previous Approved EIA Studies within Current Assessment Area

Appendix 8.2

Representative Photographs of Habitat Types Recorded within the Assessment Area

Appendix 8.3

Flora Species Recorded within the Assessment Area

Appendix 8.4

Fauna Species Recorded within the Assessment Area

Appendix 8.5

Representative Photographs of Species of Conservation Importance Recorded within the Assessment Area

Appendix 8.6

Flight Lines Utilized by Night Roosting Ardeids towards Night Roosting Site between Hong Kong Heritage Museum and Man Lai Court

Appendix 8.7

Preliminary Plant Preservation and Transplantation Proposal

Appendix 8.8

Preliminary Reinstatement Plan

Appendix 8.9

Appendix 8.10

Justification for Off-site Woodland Compensation

Preliminary Woodland Compensation Plan

Appendix 9.1

Photos of the Built Heritage Resources

Appendix 10.1

Broad Brush Tree Survey Report

Appendix 10.2

Proposed works near Lung Cheung Road Park

Appendix 10.3

Indicative location of off-site woodland compensation

Appendix 11.1

Photos of the Surrounding Population

Appendix 11.2

Population Data

Appendix 11.3

Event Tree Analysis

Appendix 11.4

Fault Tree Analysis

Appendix 14.1

Key Assessment Assumptions and Limitations of Assessment Methodologies

Appendix 14.2

Summary of Environmental Impacts