1       Introduction.. 1

1.1        Background.. 1

1.2        Project Scope and Location.. 1

1.3        Designated Project. 1

1.4        Construction Programme. 2

1.5        Purpose of the Manual. 2

1.6        Project Organization.. 3

2       Air Quality.. 5

2.1        Introduction.. 5

2.2        Mitigation Measures. 5

2.3        Monitoring Requirements. 5

2.4        Audit Requirements. 15

3       Water Quality.. 16

3.1        Introduction.. 16

3.2        Mitigation Measures. 16

3.3        Monitoring Requirements. 16

3.4        Audit Requirements. 25

4       Ecology.. 26

4.1        Introduction.. 26

4.2        Mitigation Measures. 26

4.3        Monitoring and Audit Requirements for Terrestrial Ecology. 26

4.4        Monitoring and Audit Requirements for Marine Ecology. 27

5       Fisheries. 28

5.1        Introduction.. 28

5.2        Mitigation Measures. 28

6       Landscape and Visual Impacts. 29

6.1        Introduction.. 29

6.2        Mitigation Measures. 29

6.3        Baseline Review for Landscape Impact. 29

6.4        Audit Requirements. 29

7       Hazard to Life.. 31

7.1        Introduction.. 31

7.2        Mitigation Measures. 31

7.3        Audit Requirements. 31

8       Landfill Gas Hazard.. 32

8.1        Introduction.. 32

8.2        Mitigation Measures. 32

8.3        Monitoring and Audit Requirements. 32

9       Waste Management Implications. 35

9.1        Introduction.. 35

9.2        Mitigation Measures. 35

9.3        Audit Requirements. 35

10    Land Contamination.. 36

10.1     Introduction.. 36

10.2     Mitigation Measures. 36

10.3     Audit Requirements. 36

11    Noise.. 37

11.1     Introduction.. 37

11.2     Mitigation Measures. 37

11.3     Audit Requirements. 37

12    Site Environmental Audit. 38

12.1     Site Inspection.. 38

12.2     Environmental Compliance. 38

12.3     Choice of Construction Method.. 39

12.4     Environment Complaints. 39

12.5     Event and Action Plan.. 40

13    Reporting. 42

13.1     General. 42

13.2     Baseline Monitoring Report. 42

13.3     Monthly Monitoring Report. 43

13.4     Final EM&A Review Reports. 46

13.5     Data Keeping. 48

13.6     Interim Notifications of Environmental Quality Limit Exceedances. 49


List of TABLES

Table 2.1.... Construction Dust Monitoring Locations. 7

Table 2.2.... Summary of Construction Dust Monitoring Programme. 9

Table 2.3.... Action and Limit Levels for Air Quality (Dust). 9

Table 2.4.... Event and Action Plan for Air Quality (Dust). 9

Table 2.5.... Emission Limit for CHP Unit. 11

Table 2.6.... Analytical Parameters and Methods. 11

Table 2.7.... Odour Intensity Levels. 13

Table 2.8.... Action and Limit Levels for Air Quality (Odour). 13

Table 2.9.... Event and Action Plan for Air Quality (Odour). 14

Table 3.1.... Proposed River Water Quality Monitoring Stations. 17

Table 3.2.... Proposed Marine Water Quality Monitoring Stations in Victoria Harbour. 18

Table 3.3.... Proposed Marine Water Quality Monitoring Stations in Tolo Harbour and Tolo Channel 20

Table 3.4.... Event and Action Plan for THEES Maintenance and Emergency Discharge. 22

Table 8.1.... Actions in the event of LFG being detected in excavations. 33

Table 12.1. Event and Action Plan.. 40


List of Figures

Figure 1.1 Project Location Plan

Figure 2.1 Proposed Air Quality Monitoring Locations for Construction Dust Monitoring

Figure 3.1 Proposed River Water Quality Monitoring Stations in Kai Tak River

Figure 3.2 Proposed Marine Water Quality Monitoring Stations in Victoria Harbour

Figure 3.3 Proposed Marine Water Quality Monitoring Stations in Tolo Harbour and Tolo Channel


list of Appendices

Appendix A        Project Organization for Environmental Works

Appendix B        Project Implementation Schedule

Appendix C        Data Sheet for TSP Monitoring

Appendix D       Odour Complaint Registration Form

Appendix E        Water Quality Monitoring Data Record Sheet

Appendix F        Proactive Environmental Protection Proforma

Appendix G        Sample Template for Interim Notification

1                Introduction

1.1           Background

1.1.1        Drainage Services Department (DSD) appointed Binnies Hong Kong Limited (the consultants) to undertake the consultancy “Agreement No. CE 50/2019 (DS) Upgrading of Tai Po Sewage Treatment Works - Investigation” on 31 March 2020. The scope of the consultancy includes the carrying out an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) study for the Project.

1.1.2        The existing Tai Po Sewage Treatment Works (TPSTW) is located within Tai Po Industrial Estate (TPIE) and has undergone various stages of extension since it was first commissioned in 1979.  Currently, the existing TPSTW is a secondary treatment works with a design capacity of 120,000 m3 per day, in Average Dry Weather Flow (ADWF), serving TPIE, Tai Po, Lam Tsuen and Ting Kok areas. Based on the latest flow records, the existing TPSTW is already operating close to its design capacity.

1.1.3        This EM&A Manual is a working document which will be reviewed periodically and updated if necessary during the implementation of the Project.

1.2           Project Scope and Location

1.2.1        The scope of the Project is to upgrade the existing TPSTW from 120,000  m3 per day to 160,000 m3 per day in ADWF, with a view to meeting the future needs of Tai Po District, and allowing provision to utilize and co-digest sludge from TPSTW, other existing and proposed sewage treatment works (STW) in New Territories and pre-treated food waste from the adjoining Organic Waste Pre-treatment Centre (OWPC) (New Territories East).

1.2.2        The Project mainly comprises the following works:

(a)     Construction and operation of new treatment facilities, modification / demolition of existing treatment facilities of TPSTW;

(b)    Providing effluent reuse facilities to provide reclaimed water for non-portable use within the Project site; and

(c)     Providing co-digestion facilities for imported sewage sludge and pre-treated food waste.

1.2.3        Owing to the space limitation within the existing TPSTW and in order to maintain the sewage treatment services of the existing TPSTW, which is almost fully utilized, a piece of government land to the south of the existing TPSTW (1.6 hectares) is identified as the proposed expansion site for the Project.  The location plan of the Project is shown in Figure 1.1.

1.3           Designated Project

1.3.1        The Project consists of the following Designated Projects (DPs) under Part I, Schedule 2 of the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO):

n  Item F.1 - Sewage treatment works with an installed capacity of more than 15,000 m3 per day;

n  Item F.4 - An activity for the reuse of treated sewage effluent from a treatment plant;

n  Item D.1 – A public utility electricity power plant; and

n  Item D.2 – A public utility gas generation plant.

1.4           Construction Programme

1.4.1        In order to maintain normal sewage treatment services of the existing TPSTW during the construction phase, a New West Plant will be built in the proposed expansion site outside the existing TPSTW boundary.  The New West Plant will be a relatively compact STW and able to provide adequate sewage treatment capacity to meet the projected sewage flow buildup before the normal treatment services of the existing West Plant of TPSTW is decommissioned for re-development.

1.4.2        The construction works of this Project are tentatively scheduled to commence in 2025 for completion in 2036.  Majority of the demolition works in the existing West Plant of TPSTW will be carried out from 2029 to 2033 after the New West Plant in the proposed expansion site is in operation.

1.5           Purpose of the Manual

1.5.1        The purposes of this Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Manual are to:

n  Guide the set-up of an EM&A programme to ensure compliance with the EIA recommendations;

n  Specify the requirements for monitoring equipment;

n  Propose environmental monitoring points, monitoring frequency, etc.;

n  Propose Action and Limit Levels; and

n  Propose Event and Action Plans.

1.5.2        This Manual outlines the monitoring and audit programme for the construction and operation of the proposed Project and provides systematic procedures for monitoring, auditing and minimizing environmental impacts.

1.5.3        Hong Kong environmental regulations and the Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines (HKPSG) have served as environmental standards and guidelines in the preparation of this Manual. In addition, this EM&A Manual has been prepared in accordance with the requirements stipulated in Annex 21 of the Technical Memorandum on the EIA Process (EIAO-TM).

1.5.4        This Manual contains the following information:

n  Responsibilities of the Contractor, the Engineer or Engineer’s Representative (ER), Environmental Team (ET), and the Independent Environmental Checker (IEC) under the context of EM&A;

n  Project organization for the EM&A works;

n  The basis for, and description of the broad approach underlying the EM&A programme;

n  Details of the methodologies to be adopted, including all laboratories and analytical procedures, and details on quality assurance and quality control programme;

n  The rationale on which the environmental monitoring data will be evaluated and interpreted;

n  Definition of Action and Limit Levels;

n  Establishment of Event and Action Plans;

n  Requirements for reviewing pollution sources and working procedures required in the event of non-compliance with the environmental criteria and complaints; and

n  Requirements for presentation of environmental monitoring and audit data and appropriate reporting procedures.

1.5.5        For the purpose of this manual, the ER shall refer to the Engineer as defined in the Construction Contract, in cases where the Engineer’s powers have been delegated to the ER, in accordance with the Construction Contract. The ET leader, who shall be responsible for and in charge of the ET, shall refer to the person delegated the role of executing the EM&A requirements.

1.6           Project Organization

1.6.1        The proposed project organization and lines of communication with respect to environmental protection works are shown in Appendix A.

1.6.2        Only one ET with an ET Leader shall be engaged for the entire Project at any time. The ET shall conduct the EM&A programme and ensure the Contractor’s compliance with the Project’s environmental performance requirements. The ET shall be established by the Project Proponent, or shall be part of the Resident Site Staff of the Engineer and directly supervised by the Engineer or ER, and shall be an independent party from the Contractor or the IEC for the Project. The ET shall be led and managed by an ET leader. The ET leader shall possess at least 7 years of experience in EM&A and/or environmental management.

1.6.3        Only one IEC with a supporting team shall be directly employed by the Project Proponent for the entire Project at any time. The IEC shall audit the overall EM&A programme, including the implementation of all environmental mitigation measures, submissions required in this Manual, as well as any other relevant submissions required under the Environmental Permit. The IEC shall be an independent party from the Engineer or ER, Contractor and the ET for the Project. The IEC shall possess at least 7 years of experience in EM&A and/or environmental management. The IEC shall report directly to the EPD on matters relating to the EM&A programme and environmental impacts from the Project.

1.6.4        The responsibilities of respective parties are:

The Contractor

n  Implement the EIA recommendations and requirements;

n  Provide assistance to ET in carrying out monitoring and auditing;

n  Submit proposals on mitigation measures in case of exceedances of Action and Limit Levels in accordance with the Event and Action Plans;

n  Implement measures to reduce impact where Action and Limit Levels are exceeded; and

n  Adhere to the agreed procedures for carrying out compliant investigation.

Environmental Team (ET)

n  Set up all the required environmental monitoring stations;

n  Monitor various environmental parameters as required in the EM&A Manual;

n  Analyse the EM&A data, review the success of EM&A programme, confirm the adequacy of mitigation measures implemented and the validity of the EIA predictions, and to identify any adverse environmental impacts arising;

n  Carry out site inspection to investigate and audit the Contractors’ site practice, equipment and work methodologies with respect to pollution control and environmental mitigation measures, take proactive actions to pre-empt problems, and carry out ad-hoc site inspections if significant environmental problems are identified;

n  Audit and prepare audit reports on the environmental monitoring data and site environmental conditions;

n  Report on the EM&A results to the IEC, Contractor, the ER and EPD or its delegated representative;

n  Recommend suitable mitigation measures to the Contractor in the case of exceedance of Action and Limit Levels in accordance with the Event and Action Plans;

n  Undertake regular on-site audits / inspections and report to the Contractor and the ER of any potential non-compliance;

n  Follow up and close out non-compliance actions; and

n  Adhere to the procedures for carrying out environmental complaint investigation.

Engineer or Engineer’s Representative (ER)

n  Supervise the Contractor’s activities and ensure that the requirements in the EM&A Manual are fully complied with;

n  Inform the Contractor when action is required to reduce impacts in accordance with the Event and Action Plans;

n  Assist the Project Proponent in employing an IEC to audit the results of the EM&A works carried out by the ET;

n  Comply with the agreed Event and Action Plans in the event of any exceedance;

n  Adhere to the procedures for carrying out complaint investigations.

Independent Environmental Checker (IEC)

n  Review the EM&A works performed by the ET (at not less than monthly intervals);

n  Audit the monitoring activities and results (at not less than monthly intervals);

n  Validate and confirm the accuracy of monitoring results, monitoring equipment, monitoring locations, monitoring procedures and location of sensitive receivers;

n  Report the audit results to the ER and EPD in parallel;

n  Review the EM&A reports (monthly and quarterly summary reports) submitted by the ET;

n  Review the proposal on mitigation measures submitted by the Contractor in accordance with the Event and Action Plans;

n  Check the mitigation measures submitted by the Contractor in accordance with the Event and Action Plans;

n  Check the mitigation measures that have been recommended in the EIA Report and this Manual, and ensure they are properly implemented in a timely manner, when necessary; and

n  Report the findings of site inspections and other environmental performance reviews to ER and EPD.

1.6.5        Sufficient and suitably qualified professional and technical staff shall be employed by the respective parties to ensure full compliance with their duties and responsibilities, as required under the EM&A programme for the duration of the Project.

2                Air Quality

2.1           Introduction

2.1.1        Potential air quality impacts arising from the construction of the Project have been addressed in the EIA Report. No unacceptable air quality impact during the construction phase is anticipated with implementation of proposed mitigation measures. Odour monitoring is considered not necessary during the construction phase. However, regular dust monitoring and environmental site audits are recommended to verify the EIA predictions and ensure the proper implementation of proposed mitigation measures during the construction period.

2.1.2        Potential air quality impacts arising from the operation of the Project have been addressed in the EIA Report.  No unacceptable air quality impact during the operational phase is anticipated with implementation of proposed plant design, provision of adequate ventilation and appropriate deodorization systems. Nevertheless, a commissioning test at the exhaust of the Combined Heat and Power (CHP) as well as Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) monitoring at the deodorizers upon commissioning to ascertain the odour removal performance are recommended. In addition, odour patrol is proposed during the period of maintenance or cleaning of the deodorization system for the Project.

2.1.3        In this section, the requirements for the monitoring and audit of air quality impacts arising from the Project are presented.

2.2           Mitigation Measures

2.2.1        Mitigation measures for air quality impacts during construction and operational phases have been recommended in the EIA Report. All the recommended mitigation measures and designs are provided in the implementation schedule in Appendix B.

2.3           Monitoring Requirements

Construction Dust Monitoring

2.3.1        Fugitive dust would be generated from construction activities including site clearance and site formation, demolition works, excavation works, and wind erosion. Therefore, 1-hour Total Suspended Particulates (TSP) is recommended to be monitored and audited at the proposed monitoring locations during construction phase.

2.3.2        One-hour TSP shall be measured to indicate the impacts of construction dust on air quality. The TSP levels shall be measured by following the standard high volume sampling method as set out in the Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter 1 (Part 50), Appendix B.  Upon approval of the IEC and the Environmental Protection Department (EPD), 1-hour TSP levels can be measured by direct reading method which are capable of producing comparable results as that by the high volume sampling method, to indicate short event impacts.

2.3.3        All relevant data including temperature, pressure, weather conditions, elapsed-time meter reading for the start and stop of the sampler, identification and weight of the filter paper, and any other local atmospheric factors affecting or affected by site conditions, special phenomena and work progress of the site etc., shall be recorded down in detail by the ET.  A sample data sheet is shown in Appendix C.

Monitoring Equipment

2.3.4        A high volume sampler (HVS) in compliance with the following specifications should be used for carrying out the 1-hour TSP monitoring:

n  0.6 - 1.7 m3 per minute (20 - 60 standard cubic feet per minute) adjustable flow range;

n  equipped with a timing / control device with ± 5 minutes accuracy for 24 hours operation;

n  installed with elapsed-time meter with ± 2 minutes accuracy for 24 hours operation;

n  capable of providing a minimum exposed area of 406 cm2;

n  flow control accuracy: ± 2.5% deviation over 24-hour sampling period;

n  equipped with a shelter to protect the filter and sampler;

n  incorporated with an electronic mass flow rate controller or other equivalent devices;

n  equipped with a flow recorder for continuous monitoring;

n  provided with a peaked roof inlet;

n  incorporated with a manometer;

n  able to hold and seal the filter paper to the sampler housing at horizontal position;

n  easy to change the filter; and

n  capable of operating continuously for 24-hour period.

2.3.5        The ET is responsible for the provision, installation, operation, maintenance, and dismantling of the monitoring equipment. They shall ensure that sufficient number of HVSs with an appropriate calibration kit are available for carrying out the baseline monitoring, regular impact monitoring and ad hoc monitoring. The HVSs shall be equipped with an electronic mass flow controller and be calibrated against a traceable standard at regular intervals. All the equipment, calibration kit, filter papers, etc., shall be clearly labelled by the ET.

2.3.6        The flow-rate of the sampler before and after the sampling exercise with the filter in position shall be verified to be constant and be recorded in the data sheet as mentioned in Appendix C.

2.3.7        Wind data monitoring equipment shall also be provided and set up at suitable locations for logging wind speed and wind direction near the dust monitoring locations. The equipment installation location shall be proposed by the ET and agreed with the Engineer and the IEC.  For installation and operation of wind data monitoring equipment, the following points shall be observed.

n  The wind sensors should be installed at 10m above ground so that they are clear of obstructions or turbulence caused by buildings;

n  The wind data should be captured by a data logger, the data shall be downloaded for analysis at least once a month;

n  The wind data monitoring equipment should be re-calibrated at least once every six months; and

n  Wind direction should be divided into 16 sectors of 22.5 degrees each.

2.3.8        In exceptional situations, the ET may propose alternative methods to obtain representative wind data upon approval from the Engineer and agreement from the IEC.

Proposal of Use of Portable Direct Reading Dust Meter

2.3.9        If the ET proposes to use a direct reading dust meter to measure 1-hour TSP levels, they shall submit sufficient information to the IEC to prove that the instrument is capable of achieving a comparable result to the HVS. The instrument should also be calibrated every year against HVS to check the validity and accuracy of the results measured by direct reading method.

Laboratory Measurement/Analysis

2.3.10    A clean laboratory with constant temperature and humidity control, and equipped with necessary measuring and conditioning instruments to handle the dust samples collected shall be available for sample analysis, equipment calibration and maintenance.  The laboratory should be Hong Kong laboratory accreditation scheme (HOKLAS) accredited.

2.3.11    If a site laboratory is set up or a non-HOKLAS accredited laboratory is hired for carrying out the laboratory analysis, the laboratory equipment shall be approved by the Engineer, in consultation with the IEC. Measurement performed by the laboratory shall be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the ER and IEC.  The IEC shall regularly audit the measurement performed by the laboratory to ensure the accuracy of measurement results.  The ET shall provide the Engineer and the IEC with one copy of the Title 40 of Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter 1 (Part 50), Appendix B for reference.

2.3.12    Filter paper of size 8” × 10” shall be labelled before sampling.  It shall be a clean filter paper with no pin holes and shall be conditioned in a humidity-controlled chamber for over 24-hours and be pre-weighed before use for the sampling.

2.3.13    After sampling, the filter paper loaded with dust shall be kept in a clean and tightly sealed plastic bag. The filter paper shall then be returned to the laboratory for reconditioning in the humidity-controlled chamber followed by accurate weighing by an electronic balance with readout down to 0.1 mg. The balance shall be regularly calibrated against a traceable standard.

2.3.14    All the collected samples shall be kept in a good condition for 6 months before disposal.

Monitoring Location

2.3.15    The selected air quality monitoring locations are the worst potentially affected air sensitive receivers located in the vicinity of construction sites. The proposed air quality monitoring locations during construction phase are listed in Table 2.1 below and shown in Figure 2.1.

Table 2.1        Construction Dust Monitoring Locations


Air Sensitive Receiver (ASR) ID




Maxim’s Food Factory 2



Tung Fong Hung


ASR 13

Taclon Industrial Ltd.


The monitoring period is determined based on the tentative construction period of the nearest worksites within the Project site and will subject to adjustment based on the actual construction programme of the relevant contracts in the Construction Stage.

2.3.16    The status and locations of the air sensitive receivers may change after issuing this manual.  In such case, the ET shall propose updated monitoring locations and seek approval from ER and the IEC, and agreement from the EPD on the proposal.

2.3.17    When alternative monitoring locations are proposed, the following criteria, as far as practicable, shall be followed:

i.                 At the site boundary or such locations close to the major dust emission source;

ii.                Close to the air sensitive receivers as defined in the EIAO-TM;

iii.              Proper position/ sitting and orientation of the monitoring equipment; and

iv.              Take into account the prevailing meteorological conditions.

2.3.18    The ET shall agree with the ER in consultation with the IEC on the position of the HVS for the installation of the monitoring equipment.  When positioning the samplers, the following points shall be noted:

i.               a horizontal platform with appropriate support to secure the samplers against gusty wind shall be provided;

ii.             the distance between the sampler and an obstacle, such as buildings, shall be at least twice the height that the obstacle protrudes above the sampler;

iii.            a minimum of 2 metres of separation from walls, parapets and penthouses is required for rooftop samplers;

iv.            a minimum of 2 metres of separation from any supporting structure, measured horizontally is required;

v.              no furnace or incinerator flue is nearby;

vi.            airflow around the sampler is unrestricted;

vii.          the sampler is more than 20 metres from the dripline;

viii.         any wire fence and gate, to protect the sampler, shall not cause any obstruction during monitoring;

ix.            permission must be obtained to set up the samplers and to obtain access to the monitoring stations;

x.              a secured supply of electricity is needed to operate the samplers; and

xi.            no two samplers should be placed less than 2 meters apart.

2.3.19    Before construction in each month, the corresponding dust monitoring schedule shall be prepared by the ET based upon the construction schedule provided by the Contractor.  The ET shall forward the IEC the impact monitoring programme such that he/she can conduct on-site audits to ensure accuracy of the impact monitoring results.

Baseline Monitoring

2.3.20    The ET shall carry out the baseline monitoring at all of the designated monitoring locations for at least 14 consecutive days prior to the commissioning of major construction works to obtain 1-hour TSP samples. The selected baseline monitoring stations should reflect baseline conditions at the impact stations. One-hour sampling should also be done at least 3 times per day while the highest dust impact is expected.

2.3.21    During the baseline monitoring, there should not be any major construction or dust generation activities in the vicinity of the monitoring stations. Before commencing baseline monitoring, the ET shall inform the IEC of the baseline monitoring programme such that, if required, the IEC can conduct on-site audit to ensure accuracy of the baseline monitoring results.

2.3.22    In case the baseline monitoring cannot be carried out at the designated monitoring locations during the baseline monitoring period, the ET shall carry out the monitoring at alternative locations which can effectively represent the baseline conditions at the impact monitoring locations.  The alternative baseline monitoring location shall be agreed with the Engineer and the IEC, and approved by the EPD.

2.3.23    In exceptional cases, when insufficient baseline monitoring data or questionable results are obtained, the ET shall liaise with the IEC and EPD to agree on an appropriate set of data to be used as a baseline reference and submit to Engineer and IEC for approval.

2.3.24    Ambient conditions may vary seasonally and shall be reviewed once every three months.  If the ET considered that the ambient conditions have changed and a repeat of the baseline monitoring is required to be carried out for obtaining the updated baseline levels, the monitoring should be at times when the Contractor's activities are not generating dust, at least in the proximity of the monitoring stations.  Should change in ambient conditions be determined, the baseline levels and, in turn, the air quality criteria, should be revised.  The revised baseline levels and air quality criteria should be agreed with the IEC and the EPD.

Impact Monitoring

2.3.25    The ET shall carry out impact monitoring during construction phase of the Project. For 1-hour TSP monitoring, the sampling frequency of at least three times in every six-days should be undertaken when the highest dust impact occurs.  In case of non-compliance with the air quality criteria, more frequent monitoring, as specified in the action plan in the following section, should be conducted within the specified timeframe after the result is obtained. This additional monitoring should be continued until the excessive dust emission or the deterioration in the air quality is rectified. The impact monitoring programme is summarised in Table 2.2.

Table 2.2       Summary of Construction Dust Monitoring Programme

Monitoring Period


Sampling Parameter


Baseline Monitoring

Consecutive days of at least 2 weeks before commencement of major construction works

1-hour TSP

3 times per day

Impact Monitoring

Throughout the construction phase

1-hour TSP

3 times every 6 days

Event and Action Plan – Dust

2.3.26    The baseline monitoring results form the basis for determining the air quality criteria for the impact monitoring.  The ET shall compare the impact monitoring results with air quality criteria set up for 1-hour TSP. Table 2.3 shows the air quality criteria, namely action and limit levels to be used.

Table 2.3       Action and Limit Levels for Air Quality (Dust)


Action Level

Limit Level

1-hour TSP level in µg/m3

For baseline level ≤ 384 µg/m3, action level = (baseline level  ´ 1.3 + limit level)/2

For baseline level > 384 µg/m3, action level = limit level.

500 µg/m3

2.3.27    Should non-compliance of the air quality criteria occur, action in accordance with the action plan in Table 2.4 shall be carried out.

Table 2.4       Event and Action Plan for Air Quality (Dust)







Action level exceedance for one sample

1. Identify source, investigate the causes of exceedance and propose remedial measures;

2. Inform IEC and ER;

3. Repeat measurement to confirm finding;

4. Increase monitoring frequency to daily.

1. Check monitoring data submitted by ET;

2. Check contractor’s working method.

1. Notify Contractor.

1. Rectify any unacceptable practice;

2. Amend working methods if appropriate.

Action level exceedance for two or more consecutive samples

1. Identify source;

2. Inform IEC and ER;

3. Advise the ER on the effectiveness of the proposed remedial measures;

4. Repeat measurements to confirm findings;

5. Increase monitoring frequency to daily;

6. Discuss with IEC and Contractor on remedial actions required;

7. If exceedance continues, arrange meeting with IEC and ER;

8. If exceedance stops, cease additional monitoring.

1. Check monitoring data submitted by ET;

2. Check Contractor’s working method;

3. Discuss with ET and Contractor on possible remedial measures;

4. Advise the ET on the effectiveness of the proposed remedial measures;

5. Supervise Implementation of remedial measures.

1. Confirm receipt of notification of failure in writing;

2. Notify Contractor;

3. Ensure remedial measures properly implemented.

1. Submit proposals for remedial actions to ER within 3 working days of notification;

2. Implement the agreed proposals;

3. Amend proposal if appropriate.

Limit level exceedance for one sample

1. Identify source, investigate the causes of exceedance and propose remedial measures;

2. Inform ER, Contractor and EPD;

3. Repeat measurement to confirm finding;

4. Increase monitoring frequency to daily;

5. Assess effectiveness of Contractor’s remedial actions and keep IEC, EPD and ER informed of the results.

1. Check monitoring data submitted by ET;

2. Check Contractor’s working method;

3. Discuss with ET and Contractor on possible remedial measures;

4. Advise the ER on the effectiveness of the proposed remedial measures;

5. Supervise implementation of remedial measures.

1. Confirm receipt of notification of failure in writing;

2. Notify Contractor;

3. Ensure remedial measures properly implemented.

1. Take immediate action to avoid further exceedance

2. Submit proposals for remedial actions to IEC within 3 working days of notification;

3. Implement the agreed proposals;

4. Amend proposal if appropriate.

Limit level exceedance for two or more consecutive samples

1. Notify IEC, ER, Contractor and EPD;

2. Identify source;

3. Repeat measurement to confirm findings;

4. Increase monitoring frequency to daily;

5. Carry out analysis of Contractor’s working procedures to determine possible mitigation to be implemented;

6. Arrange meeting with IEC and ER to discuss the remedial actions to be taken;

7. Assess effectiveness of Contractor’s remedial actions and keep IEC, EPD and ER informed of the results;

8. If exceedance stops, cease additional monitoring.

1. Discuss amongst ER, ET, and Contractor on the potential remedial actions;

2. Review Contractor’s remedial actions whenever necessary to assure their effectiveness and advise the ER accordingly;

3. Supervise the implementation of remedial measures.

1. Confirm receipt of notification of failure in writing;

2. Notify Contractor;

3. In consultation with the IEC, agree with the Contractor on the remedial measures to be implemented;

4. Ensure remedial measures properly implemented;

5. If exceedance continues, consider what portion of the work is responsible and instruct the Contractor to stop that portion of work until the exceedance is abated.

1. Take immediate action to avoid further exceedance;

2. Submit proposals for remedial actions to IEC within 3 working days of notification;

3. Implement the agreed proposals;

4. Resubmit proposals if problem still not under control;

5. Stop the relevant portion of works as determined by the ER until the exceedance is abated.


ET – Environmental Team; IEC – Independent Environmental Checker; ER – Engineer’s Representative

Commissioning Test at the Exhausts of CHP unit

2.3.28    Measurement of air quality parameters of concern due to stack emission from the CHP unit should be conducted at each stack during commission stage to demonstrate the process/facility is operated properly and the design emission limits presented in Table 2.5 can be achieved. The proposed sampling and analytical methods for the measured parameters are listed in Table 2.6. The proposed methods are for reference only. The monitoring scopes and analytical methods to be adopted for the commissioning tests shall be agreed with EPD before measurement.

Table 2.5       Emission Limit for CHP Unit


Maximum Emission Level (mg/m3)

Respirable Suspended Particulates (RSP)


Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) (as Nitrogen Dioxides, NO2)


Sulphur Dioxide (SO2)



Table 2.6       Analytical Parameters and Methods



Particulates (as RSP)

ISO 9096, ASTM D3685-98, USEPA Method 17

NOx (as NO2)

USEPA Method 7 and associated methods


USEPA Method 8

Hydrogen Sulphide Monitoring

2.3.29    The odour monitoring in term of Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) concentration at the inlets and outlets of each deodorizing unit shall be conducted quarterly using H2S sensor in the first three years upon commissioning to determine whether the odour removal efficiency of the proposed deodorization systems meet the requirements specified in the EIA Report (i.e. 99%). The first H2S monitoring shall be conducted within one month after the commissioning of the deodorizing unit.  Subsequent H2S monitoring shall be conducted quarterly for the first year.  For the second and third years, subject to EPD’s approval, the frequency of the impact H2S monitoring could be reduced to once every 6 months provided that no non-compliance is found. If there is any non-compliance, the deodorization unit should be inspected by the operator and the frequency of H2S monitoring shall be resumed to quarterly. Upon the third year of monitoring, the H2S monitoring should be reviewed and agreed with EPD to determine the need and plan of further monitoring.

Odour Complaint Registration

2.3.30    An Odour Complaint Registration System is recommended to be included in the EM&A Programme to assess whether the ASRs experience odour nuisance as a result of emissions from the upgraded TPSTW.  For all odour complaints, the procedures for handling complaints from the public given in DSD Administration Circular No. 4/2009 shall be followed.

2.3.31    In the event of receipt of odour complaint, the operator shall liaise with the complainant and a Complaint Registration Form shall be completed.  The Complaint Registration Form is to record detailed information regarding the odour complaint and hence, facilitates efficient investigation work.  The registration form shall contain, but not be limited to the following information:

n  Location of where the odour nuisance occurred, including whether the odour was experienced indoors or outdoors;

n  Date and time of the complaint and the nuisance event;

n  Description of the complaint, i.e. the type and characteristics of the odour; and an indication of the odour strength (highly offensive / offensive / slightly offensive / just continuously detectable /intermittently detectable); and

n  Name and contact information of the complainant.

2.3.32    This information shall be obtained by the plant engineer or his representative(s) of the TPSTW when the complaint is received. A sample of Odour Compliant Registration Form is shown in Appendix D.

2.3.33    In addition, the following information shall be obtained:

n  Meteorological conditions from the Hong Kong Observatory’s Tai Po (Yuen Chau Tsai Park) / Tai Po Kau Weather Stations (including temperature, wind speed, relative humidity) at the time of the complaint; and

n  Whether any abnormal operations were being carried out at the upgraded TPSTW at the time the nuisance occurred.

2.3.34    The Odour Complaint Register shall be kept at the upgraded TPSTW.

Odour Patrol

2.3.35    Odour patrol is proposed to monitor the potential odour impact from the upgraded TPSTW during the period of maintenance or cleaning of the deodorization system. During the maintenance or cleaning period, the standby odour removal system will be used. The odour patrols shall be conducted by an odour patrol team.  The odour patrol team shall patrol and sniff along the upgraded TPSTW site boundary.  The implementation of the odour patrols shall be subject to the prevailing weather forecast condition and should not be carried out during rainy days.

2.3.36    The odour patrol team shall be comprised of at least two independent trained personnel / competent persons, who should pass a set of screening tests and fulfil the following requirements.

n  Have their individual odour threshold of n-butanol in nitrogen gas in the range of 20 to 80 ppb/v required by the European Standard Method (EN 13725);

n  Be at least 16 years of age and willing and able to follow instructions;

n  Be free from any respiratory illnesses;

n  Be engaged for a sufficient period to build up and monitor/detect at the monitoring location;

n  Not be allowed to smoke, eat, drink (except water) or use chewing gum or sweets 30 minutes before and during odour patrol;

n  Take great care not to cause any interference with their own perception or that of others by lack of personal hygiene or the use of perfumes, deodorants, body lotions or cosmetics; and

n  Not communicate with each other about the results of their choices.

2.3.37    The independent trained personnel / competent persons should use their noses (olfactory sensors) to sniff odour along the odour patrol route.  The main odour emission sources and the areas to be affected by the odour nuisance shall be identified.

2.3.38    The perceived odour intensity is divided into 5 levels.  The odour intensity for different levels is presented in Table 2.7.

Table 2.7       Odour Intensity Levels


Odour Intensity


Not detected.  No odour perceived or an odour so weak that it cannot be easily characterised or described


Slight identifiable odour, and slight chance to have odour nuisance


Moderate identifiable odour, and moderate chance to have odour nuisance


Strong identifiable, likely to have odour nuisance


Extreme severe odour, and unacceptable odour level

2.3.39    During each odour patrol event, the independent trained personnel / competent persons shall record the findings including date, start and end times, weather condition (e.g. sunny, fine, cloudy, and rainy), odour intensity along the patrol route, local wind speed and wind direction. The odour nature, possible odour sources, date and time shall be recorded at each section along the upgraded TPSTW site boundary where odour is detected.

Event and Action Plan – Odour

2.3.40    Action and Limit levels for odour are shown in Table 2.8. Should the action or limit level be reached, action shall be carried out in accordance with the Action Plan described in Table 2.9.

Table 2.8       Action and Limit Levels for Air Quality (Odour)


Action Level

Limit Level

Odour Nuisance

(from odour patrol)

Odour intensity of 2 is measured from odour patrol

Odour intensity of 3 or above is measured from odour patrol

Odour Complaints

Any incidence of odour complaint received through the Odour Complaint Register

Two or more complaints through the Odour Complaint Register within three months


Table 2.9       Event and Action Plan for Air Quality (Odour)



TPSTW Engineer-in-charge of Odour Patrol

DSD Sewage Treatment Division 1 (ST1)

DSD Sewerage Projects Division (SP) / Electrical and Mechanical Projects Division (E&MP)

Action Level

Action level for Odour Patrol is reached


1. Identify source / reason of exceedance;

2. Repeat odour patrol to confirm finding


1. Carry out investigation to identify the source/reason of exceedance; 

2. Rectify any unacceptable practice;

3. Implement more mitigation measures if necessary.


1. Assist ST1 to find the root cause of non-compliance; and

2. Modify or improve design as appropriate.

Receipt of any odour complaint

1. Identify source / reason of odour complaints

1. Carry out investigation to identify the source/reason of complaints. Investigation shall be completed within 1 week;

2. Rectify any unacceptable practice;

3. Amend working methods if required;

4. Inform DSD SP/E&MP if cause of complaint is considered to be caused by civil or E&M design problems;

5. Correspond to the complainant within 10 days to inform the cause of the nuisance and action taken; and

6. Implement amended working methods.

1. Assist ST1 to find the root cause of the complaint; and

2. Modify or improve design as appropriate.

Limit Level

Limit level for Odour Patrol is reached

1. Identify source / reason of non-compliance;

2. Repeat odour patrol to confirm findings;

3. Assess effectiveness of remedial action and keep EPD informed of the results

1. Carry out investigation to identify the source/reason of non-compliance;

2. Rectify any unacceptable practice;

3. Amended working methods if required;

4. Notify DSD SP / E∓

5. Formulate remedial actions;

6. Ensure amended working methods and remedial actions properly implemented;

7. If non-compliance continues, consider what portion of the work is responsible and stop that portion of the work until the non-compliance is abated.

1. Assist ST1 to find the root cause of non-compliance;

2. Modify or improve design as appropriate; and

3. Formulate remedial actions in association with ST.

Receipt of two or more dour complaints in 3 months

1. Identify source / reason of odour complaints;

2. Repeat measurements to confirm findings;

3. Increase monitoring frequency to monthly;

4. If non-compliance stops, cease additional monitoring.

1. Carry out investigation to identify the source/reason of non-compliance or complaints. Investigation shall be completed within 1 week;

2. Rectify any unacceptable practice;

3. Amended working methods if required;

4. Notify DSD SP / E∓

5. Formulate remedial actions;

6. Ensure amended working methods and remedial actions properly implemented;

7. If non-compliance continues, consider what portion of the work is responsible and stop that portion of the work until the non-compliance is abated; and

8. Correspond to the complainant within 10 days to inform the cause of the nuisance and action taken.

1. Assist ST1 to find the root cause of the complaint or non-compliance;

2. Modify or improve design as appropriate; and

3. Formulate remedial actions in association with ST1.

2.4           Audit Requirements

2.4.1        Regular site inspections and audits (at least once per week) should be conducted by the ET, ER and the Contractor during the entire construction phase of the Project to ensure the recommended mitigation measures are properly implemented as detailed in Section 12.

3                Water Quality

3.1           Introduction

3.1.1        Under the normal operation of the Project and the Tolo Harbour Effluent Export Scheme (THEES), the treated effluent from the Project together with the treated effluent from the Sha Tin Cavern Sewage Treatment Works (CSTW) will be conveyed to Kai Tai River (KTR) for discharge into the Kai Tak Approach Channel (KTAC) in Victoria Harbour.  In addition, effluent from the Project may be discharged into Tolo Harbour under emergency condition or during the THEES maintenance period.

3.1.2        According to the EIA Report, no adverse water quality impact is anticipated with implementation of proposed mitigation measures during both construction and operational phases. No water quality monitoring is recommended for the land-based construction works of the Project. Nevertheless, river water quality monitoring at KTR and marine water quality monitoring in Victoria Harbour are recommended after the commissioning of the New West Plant under normal operation of the THEES. Marine water quality monitoring in Tolo Harbour is also recommended for THEES maintenance and emergency discharge under both construction and operational phases of the Project.

3.1.3        Regular environmental site audits are also recommended to ensure the proper implementation of proposed mitigation measures during the construction period.

3.1.4        In this section, the requirements for the monitoring and audit of water quality impacts arising from the Project are presented.

3.2           Mitigation Measures

3.2.1        Mitigation measures for water quality impacts during construction and operational phases have been recommended in the EIA Report. All the recommended mitigation measures and designs are provided in the implementation schedule in Appendix B.

3.3           Monitoring Requirements

Effluent Monitoring for Normal Operation

3.3.1        Effluent quality and effluent flow of the existing TPSTW and Sha Tin STW (STSTW) are being routinely monitored by the DSD [1]. It is recommended that DSD should carry out the same effluent monitoring for the future upgraded TPSTW and the proposed CSTW. The effluent quality monitoring data shall be used as necessary for analysis of the river and marine water quality monitoring data of this Project.

3.3.2        Monitoring of the treated effluent quality from the Project will also be governed by the Water Pollution Control Ordinance (WPCO) license to ensure that the effluent quality would comply with the design standards, which is under the ambit of regional office (RO) of EPD.

River Water Quality Monitoring for Normal Operation

3.3.3        River water quality monitoring in KTR is recommended for normal operation of THEES after commissioning of the New West Plant (see Section 1.4.1). The river water quality data collected from the monitoring programme should be compared with the routine river water quality monitoring data collected by EPD to verify whether there is any adverse water quality impact at KTR as compared to that before the implementation of this Project.

River Water Quality Monitoring Stations

3.3.4        River water quality monitoring shall be carried out at six (6) EPD’s routine river water monitoring stations along KTR as listed in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1       Proposed River Water Quality Monitoring Stations


























3.3.5        Any change to the monitoring stations shall be justified by the ET Leader, agreed by the ER, verified by the IEC before seeking approval from EPD prior to the commencement of the monitoring.

River Water Quality Monitoring Parameters and Schedule

Depths of Measurements

3.3.6        Measurements shall be taken at three water depths, namely, 1 m below water surface, mid-depth and 1 m above riverbed, except where the water depth is less than 6 m, in which case the mid-depth station may be omitted.  Shall the water depth be less than 3 m, only the mid-depth station will be monitored. 

Monitoring Programme

3.3.7        River water quality parameters including pH, salinity, dissolved oxygen (DO), turbidity, suspended solids (SS), 5-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), chemical oxygen demand (COD), ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N), nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N), unionized ammonia (UIA), total inorganic nitrogen (TIN) and E. coli levels shall be monitored. The proposed river water quality monitoring schedule shall be submitted to the ER, IEC and EPD at least four weeks before the first day of the monitoring month. The ER, IEC and EPD should be notified immediately of any changes in schedule. Salinity, pH, DO and turbidity shall be measured in-situ whereas SS, BOD5, COD, NH3-N, NO3-N, UIA, TIN and E. coli shall be determined by laboratory. Duplicate in-situ measurements and collection of duplicate water samples for laboratory analysis should be carried out in each independent sampling event.

3.3.8        A one-year impact water quality monitoring programme is proposed for KTR at a frequency of once per month after commissioning of the New West Plant. Where necessary, available effluent monitoring data of the existing / upgraded TPSTW and the existing STSTW / future CSTW routinely collected by DSD before and after commissioning of the New West Plant and during the river monitoring period should be reviewed to assist in identification of the potential impact.

Marine Water Quality Monitoring for Normal Operation

3.3.9        Marine water quality monitoring in Victoria Harbour is recommended for normal operation of the THEES after commissioning of the New West Plant. The water quality data collected from the monitoring programme should be compared with the baseline water quality condition to verify whether there is any adverse water quality impact to water sensitive receivers in Victoria Harbour.

Marine Water Quality Monitoring Stations

3.3.10    Nine (9) monitoring stations are proposed for the marine water quality monitoring for normal operation as listed in Table 3.2. Seven (7) impacts stations (including four WSD flushing water intakes, two typhoon shelters and one gradient station) and two (2) control stations (including two EPD monitoring stations) are proposed. Cooling water intakes are not sensitive to the changes of water quality and are therefore not covered. The two control stations are selected in the open water of the main Victoria Harbour channel, which would not be affected by the disinfected secondary effluent of the Project as predicted under the Water Quality Impact Assessment for the Project. The monitoring data collected at the control stations should be used to indicate any changes of the background water quality in Victoria Harbour. The locations of the proposed marine water quality monitoring stations in Victoria Harbour are indicated in Figure 3.2.

Table 3.2     Proposed Marine Water Quality Monitoring Stations in Victoria Harbour





Impact Station


WSD Flushing Water Intake at Cha Kwo Ling




WSD Flushing Water Intake at Sai Wan Ho




WSD Flushing Water Intake at Quarry Bay




WSD Flushing Water Intake at Tai Wai




To Kwa Wan Typhoon Shelter




Kwun Tong Typhoon Shelter




Kai Tak Approach Channel (KTAC) (Gradient Station)



Control Station


EPD Monitoring Station VM1




EPD Monitoring Station VM5



3.3.11    The status and locations of water sensitive receivers may change after issuing this Manual.  Any change to the monitoring stations shall be justified by the ET Leader, agreed by the ER, verified by the IEC before seeking approval from EPD prior to the commencement of the monitoring.

Marine Water Quality Monitoring Parameters and Schedule

Depths of Measurements

3.3.12    Measurements shall be taken at three water depths (i.e. 1 m below water surface, mid-depth and 1 m above seabed), except where the water depth is less than 6 m, for which the mid-depth station may be omitted.  Should the water depth be less than 3 m, only the mid-depth station will be monitored. 

Baseline Monitoring

3.3.13    A one-year baseline monitoring programme is proposed at a frequency of twice per month covering different tidal states including both wet and dry seasons to establish the baseline marine water quality conditions under normal operation of THEES. The baseline monitoring programme should be carried out prior to the commissioning of the New West Plant.

3.3.14    During each monitoring event, water samples shall be collected at both mid-flood and mid-ebb tides. The proposed baseline water quality monitoring schedule should be submitted to ER, IEC and EPD at least 4 weeks before the first day of the monitoring month. The ER, IEC and EPD should also be notified immediately for any changes in schedule. Marine water quality parameters including pH, salinity, DO, turbidity, SS, BOD5, TIN, NH3-N, UIA and E. coli levels shall be monitored. Salinity, pH, DO and turbidity shall be measured in-situ whereas SS, BOD5, TIN, NH3-N, UIA and E. coli shall be determined by laboratory. Duplicate in-situ measurements and collection of duplicate water samples for laboratory analysis should be carried out in each independent sampling event.

3.3.15    The purpose of the baseline monitoring is to establish ambient conditions without this Project. The baseline monitoring programme shall be suspended in the events of any THEES maintenance or emergency discharge during the monitoring period or if there are other marine construction activities in Victoria Harbour.  The baseline water quality shall be established and agreed with EPD prior to commissioning of the New West Plant. In exceptional cases when insufficient baseline monitoring data or questionable results are obtained, the ET Leader shall seek approval from the IEC and EPD on an appropriate set of data to be used as baseline reference.

Impact Monitoring

3.3.16    A one-year water quality monitoring programme is proposed in Victoria Harbour at a frequency of twice per month over the first year of the New West Plant operation. Where necessary, available effluent data of the existing / upgraded TPSTW and the STSTW / CSTW routinely collected by the DSD during the baseline and impact monitoring periods should be reviewed to assist in identification of the potential impact.

3.3.17    During each monitoring event, water samples shall be collected at both mid-flood and mid-ebb tides. Water quality parameters including pH, salinity, DO, turbidity, SS, BOD5, TIN, NH3-N, UIA, and E.coli shall be measured under the impact monitoring programme. Salinity, pH, DO and turbidity shall be measured in-situ whereas SS, BOD5, TIN, NH3-N, UIA and E. coli shall be determined by laboratory. Duplicate in-situ measurements and collection of duplicate water samples for laboratory analysis should be carried out in each independent sampling event.

3.3.18    The proposed water quality monitoring schedule for impact monitoring should be submitted to the ER, IEC and EPD at least 4 weeks before the first day of the monitoring month. The ER, IEC and EPD should be notified immediately of any changes in schedule.

Review of Water Quality Monitoring for Normal Operation

3.3.19    After completion of the one-year impact monitoring programme, the Project Proponent shall review the impact monitoring results against the baseline conditions to identify if there is any change to the overall water quality in KTR and Victoria Harbour and propose remedial action if there is any deterioration in water quality due to the Project. The review should also determine the need and requirement of further monitoring in KTR and Victoria Harbour. The review findings shall be submitted to EPD. Any amendment to the river and marine water quality monitoring for normal operation shall be agreed with EPD.

Marine Water Quality Monitoring for THEES maintenance and Emergency Discharge

3.3.20    Marine water quality monitoring in Tolo Harbour is recommended for THEES maintenance and emergency discharge events during the construction phase of the Project and after commissioning of the New West Plant. The water quality data collected from the monitoring programme should be compared with the baseline water quality condition to evaluate the degree of water quality impact resulted from the THEES maintenance or emergency discharge.

Marine Water Quality Monitoring Stations

3.3.21    Under THEES maintenance or emergency discharge events, effluent would be discharged into the Tolo Harbour from the existing emergency outfalls of STSTW and TPSTW. Twelve (12) monitoring stations are proposed for the marine water quality monitoring for THEES maintenance and emergency discharge events as listed in Table 3.3. Eleven (11) are impact stations and one (1) is control station. The coral site located far away from the emergency outfalls at the mouth of Tolo Channel is selected as control station. The locations of the proposed marine water quality monitoring stations in Tolo Harbour and Tolo Channel are indicated in Figure 3.3.

Table 3.3       Proposed Marine Water Quality Monitoring Stations in Tolo Harbour and Tolo Channel



Easting *

Northing *

Impact Station

F7 / CR1

WSD Flushing Water Intake at Tai Po / Corals at Tai Po Industrial Estate




WSD Flushing Water Intake at Sha Tin




Seawater Intake for Experimental Mariculture at Marine Science Laboratory of CUHK




Yim Tin Tsai Fish Culture Zone




Yim Tin Tsai (East) Fish Culture Zone




Lo Fu Wat Fish Culture Zone




Yung Shue Au Fish Culture Zone




Corals at Shuen Wan Golf Course




Corals at Providence Bay




Corals at Ma Liu Shui




Corals at Sha Tin Hoi



Control Station


Corals at Gruff Head



Note:  * The proposed marine water quality monitoring stations are tentative only and subject to review by ET and IEC based on actual site condition.

3.3.22    The status and locations of water sensitive receivers may change after issuing this Manual.  Any change to the monitoring stations shall be justified by the ET Leader, agreed by the ER, verified by the IEC before seeking approval from EPD, AFCD and WSD prior to the commencement of the monitoring.

Marine Water Quality Monitoring Parameters and Schedule

Depths of Measurements

3.3.23    Measurements shall be taken at three water depths (i.e. 1 m below water surface, mid-depth and 1 m above seabed), except where the water depth is less than 6 m, for which the mid-depth station may be omitted.  Should the water depth be less than 3 m, only the mid-depth station will be monitored.

Baseline Monitoring

3.3.24    A one-year baseline monitoring programme, covering both dry and wet seasons, is proposed at a frequency of twice per month to establish the baseline water quality conditions at all designated monitoring stations. The baseline monitoring programme should be carried out prior to the Project construction.

3.3.25    During each monitoring event, water samples shall be collected at both mid-flood and mid-ebb tides. The proposed baseline water quality monitoring schedule should be submitted to the ER, IEC and EPD at least 4 weeks before the first day of the monitoring month. The ER, IEC and EPD should also be notified immediately for any changes in schedule. Marine water quality parameters including pH, salinity, DO, turbidity, SS, BOD5, TIN, NH3-N, UIA, chlorophyll-a and E. coli levels shall be monitored. Salinity, pH, DO and turbidity shall be measured in-situ whereas SS, BOD5, TIN, NH3-N, UIA, chlorophyll-a and E. coli shall be determined by laboratory. Duplicate in-situ measurements and collection of duplicate water samples for laboratory analysis should be carried out in each independent sampling event.

3.3.26    The purpose of the baseline monitoring is to establish ambient conditions under normal operation of TPSTW and the THEES. The baseline monitoring programme shall be suspended in the events of any THEES maintenance or emergency discharge or if there are other marine construction activities in Tolo Harbour and Tolo Channel. The baseline water quality shall be established and agreed with EPD prior to the commencement of the Project construction. In exceptional cases when insufficient baseline monitoring data or questionable results are obtained, the ET Leader shall seek approval from the IEC and EPD on an appropriate set of data to be used as baseline reference.

Impact Monitoring

3.3.27    In case of THEES maintenance during the construction phase and after commissioning of the New West Plant, marine water quality at all designated monitoring stations should be monitored daily during and after the maintenance period. The monitoring should be carried out until the baseline water quality is restored for at least 2 consecutive days or at least 4 weeks after termination of the effluent bypass (whichever is longer). The effluent flow and quality of the THEES maintenance discharge (from the existing / upgraded TPSTW and STSTW / CSTW) should also be monitored daily during the THEES maintenance period.

3.3.28    In case of emergency discharge during the construction phase or during operation of the New West Plant, marine water quality at all designated monitoring stations should be monitored daily throughout the emergency discharge period until the baseline water quality is restored for at least 2 consecutive days or at least 1 week after termination of the discharge (whichever is longer). The marine water quality monitoring shall be commenced within 24 hours after the start of the emergency discharge. The effluent flow and quality of the emergency discharge should also be monitored daily during the emergency discharge period. 

3.3.29    During each monitoring event, marine water samples shall be collected at both mid-flood and mid-ebb tides. Marine water quality parameters including pH, salinity, DO, turbidity, SS, BOD5, TIN, NH3-N, UIA, chlorophyll-a and E.coli shall be measured under the impact monitoring programme. The effluent monitoring parameters shall include flow, pH, salinity, turbidity, SS, BOD5, TIN, NH3-N, NO3-N and E.coli. Salinity, pH, DO and turbidity shall be measured in-situ whereas SS, BOD5, TIN, NH3-N, NO3-N, UIA, chlorophyll-a and E. coli shall be determined by laboratory. Duplicate in-situ measurements and collection of duplicate water samples for laboratory analysis should be carried out in each independent sampling event.

3.3.30    The monitoring programme for THEES maintenance and emergency discharge should continue during the construction phase of the Project as well as in the first 3 years after commissioning of the New West Plant. After the first 3 years of the-New West Plant operation, a review shall be conducted by the Project Proponent to determine whether such monitoring shall be continued. The review results shall be submitted to EPD, AFCD, WSD and other relevant parties. Any amendment on the monitoring programme shall be agreed by EPD, AFCD and WSD.

Event and Action Plan

3.3.31    The Project Proponent / plant operators shall inform EPD, AFCD, WSD and, if necessary, other relevant stakeholders (such as the mariculturists) every day on the latest results of the water quality monitoring exercise to allow these parties to make informed decisions.  By the end of the water quality monitoring exercise, the Project Proponent / plant operators shall also inform these parties that the ambient water quality is restored and thus the water quality is recovered. It is recommended that the Project Proponent / plant operators shall maintain good communications with various concerned parties.  A list of address, email address, phone and fax number of key persons of all relevant parties shall be made available to the Project Proponent / plant operators. The procedures to be followed in the event of THEES maintenance and emergency discharge are provided in Table 3.4.

Table 3.4     Event and Action Plan for THEES Maintenance and Emergency Discharge


Actions by Project Proponent / Plant Operators

THEES Maintenance  Discharge

1.      The regular THEES maintenance event should be carefully planned and scheduled outside the peak algae blooming season (i.e. December to April/May) to minimize the risk of red tides.

2.      The scheduling of the THEES maintenance discharge should take into account any ongoing blooming event in the area, which may occur outside the blooming season, in liaison with AFCD

3.      Notify EPD, AFCD and WSD and other relevant stakeholders on the maintenance event and submit the maintenance schedule to all relevant parties at least four weeks before any discharge.

4.      If required by WSD, install silt curtains at Tai Po and Shatin flushing water intakes during the whole water quality monitoring exercise.

5.      Conduct daily marine water monitoring (as discussed in Sections 3.3.20 to 3.3.30) until the baseline water quality levels are restored for at least 2 consecutive days or at least 4 weeks after termination of the maintenance period (whichever is longer).

6.      Conduct daily effluent monitoring (as discussed in Sections 3.3.20 to 3.3.30) throughout the THEES maintenance period.

7.      The monitoring data collected in Item 5 above shall be compared with the baseline data collected under normal operation of the THEES to identify the degree of impact caused by the THEES maintenance discharge.


Emergency Discharge

1.      Investigate the reason of failure and adhere to the procedures in the latest emergency contingency plan prepared by DSD where appropriate.

2.      Determine possible remedial measures and identify the need of emergency discharge.

3.      If emergency discharge is required, EPD, AFCD, WSD and other relevant parties should be informed immediately.

4.      Ensure remedial measures are implemented.

5.      Assess the effectiveness of the implemented remedial measures and identify alternative measures if necessary.

6.      Discuss with EPD, AFCD and WSD for the required remedial actions if necessary and ensure all necessary remedial actions are properly implemented.

7.      Conduct daily marine water monitoring (as discussed in Sections 3.3.20 to 3.3.30) until the baseline water quality levels are restored for at least 2 consecutive days or at least 1 week after normal plant operation is resumed (whichever is longer).

8.      Conduct daily effluent monitoring (as discussed in Sections 3.3.20 to 3.3.30) during the emergency discharge period.

9.      The monitoring data collected in Item 7 above shall be compared with the baseline data collected under normal operation of the Project to identify the degree of impact caused by the emergency discharge (if any).


Documentation of Water Quality Monitoring for THEES Maintenance and Emergency Discharge

3.3.32    Details of each THEES maintenance event occurring during the water quality monitoring programme, including the results and findings of the water quality monitoring exercise as well as the need and requirements of any additional water quality mitigation measures/plans for future THEES maintenance events shall be documented and submitted to EPD, AFCD and WSD within 4 weeks after completion of the water quality monitoring exercise for agreement.

3.3.33    Details of any emergency discharge event occurring during the water quality monitoring programme including the cause of plant failure, the remedial measures undertaken, the water quality impact monitoring results and findings, the recommendation of any follow-up actions to avoid future occurrence of the same incident as well as the need and requirements of any additional water quality mitigation measures for future emergency discharge shall be documented and submitted to EPD, AFCD and WSD within 4 weeks after completion of the water quality monitoring exercise for agreement.

Site Record

3.3.34    All relevant data shall be recorded, including monitoring location / position, time, water depth, pH value, salinity, turbidity, temperature, tidal stages, weather conditions and any special phenomena (provide photographs if appropriate) or work activities undertaken around the monitoring and works area that may influence the monitoring results. A sample data record sheet is shown in Appendix E for reference.

Monitoring Equipment

Dissolved Oxygen and Temperature Measuring Equipment

3.3.35    The instrument shall be a portable and weatherproof DO measuring instrument complete with cable and sensor, and use a direct current (DC) power source.  The equipment shall be capable of measuring:

n  DO level in the range of 0 ‑ 20 mg L-1 and 0 ‑ 200% saturation; and

n  Temperature of 0 ‑ 45 degree Celsius.

3.3.36    It shall have a membrane electrode with automatic temperature compensation complete with a cable. Sufficient stocks of spare electrodes and cables shall be available for replacement where necessary. For example, YSI model 59 meter, YSI 5739 probe, YSI 5795A submersible stirrer with reel and cable or an approved similar instrument.

3.3.37    Shall salinity compensation not be built-in to the DO equipment, in-situ salinity shall be measured to calibrate the DO equipment prior to each DO measurement.

Turbidity Measurement Instrument

3.3.38    Turbidity shall be measured in-situ by the nephelometric method. The instrument shall be portable and weatherproof turbidity measuring instrument using a DC power source complete with cable, sensor and comprehensive operation manuals. It shall have a photoelectric sensor capable of measuring turbidity between 0 - 1000 NTU (for example, Hach model 2100P or an approved similar instrument). The cable shall not be less than 25m in length. The meter shall be calibrated in order to establish the relationship between NTU units and the levels of suspended solids. The turbidity measurement should be carried out on a split water sample from the same water sample collected for suspended solids analysis.

Water Sampling Equipment

3.3.39    A water sampler is required.  It shall comprise a transparent Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) cylinder, with a capacity of not less than 2 litres, which can be effectively sealed with latex cups at both ends. The sampler shall have a positive latching system to keep it open and prevent premature closure until released by a messenger when the sampler is at the selected water depth (for example, Kahlsico Water Sampler or an approved similar instrument).

Water Depth Detector

3.3.40    A portable, battery-operated echo sounder shall be used for the determination of water depth at each designated monitoring station. This unit can either be handheld or affixed to the bottom of the work boat, if the same vessel is to be used throughout the monitoring programme.


3.3.41    A portable salinometer capable of measuring salinity in the range of 0 - 40 parts per thousand (ppt) shall be provided for measuring salinity of the water at each monitoring location.

pH Measuring Instrument

3.3.42    The instrument shall consist of a potentiometer, a glass electrode, a reference electrode and a temperature-compensating device. It shall be readable to 0.1 pH in a range of 0 to 14. Standard buffer solutions of at least pH 7 and pH 10 shall be used for calibration of the instrument before and after use. Details of the method shall comply with American Public Health Association (APHA), 19th ed. 4500-HTB or equivalent methods subject to approval of the EPD.

Sample Containers and Storage

3.3.43    Water samples shall be stored in high density polythene bottles with no preservative added, packed in ice (cooled to 4°C without being frozen) and delivered to the laboratory and analyzed as soon as possible after collection. Sufficient volume of samples shall be collected to achieve the required detection limit.

Monitoring Position Equipment

3.3.44    A hand-held or boat-fixed type digital Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) with way point bearing indication or other equipment instrument of similar accuracy, shall be provided and used during marine water monitoring to ensure the monitoring vessel is at the correct location before taking measurements.

Calibration of In-Situ Instruments

3.3.45    All in-situ monitoring instruments shall be checked, calibrated and certified by a laboratory accredited under HOKLAS or any other international accreditation scheme before use and subsequently re-calibrated at three monthly intervals throughout all stages of the water quality monitoring programme. Responses of sensors and electrodes shall be checked with certified standard solutions before each use. Wet bulb calibration for a DO meter shall be carried out before measurement at each monitoring location.

3.3.46    Sufficient stocks of spare parts shall be maintained for replacements when necessary.  Backup monitoring equipment shall also be made available so that monitoring can proceed uninterrupted even when some equipment is under maintenance, calibration, etc.

Laboratory Measurement / Analysis

3.3.47    Analysis of SS, BOD5, COD, TIN, NH3-N, NO3-N, UIA, chlorophyll-a and E. coli levels shall be carried out in a HOKLAS or other international accredited laboratory. Sufficient water samples shall be collected at the monitoring stations for carrying out the necessary laboratory analysis. The analysis shall commence within 24 hours after collection of the water samples. The analyses shall follow the standard methods described in APHA Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 21st edition or equivalent methods subject to approval of the EPD. 

3.3.48    Detailed testing methods, pre-treatment procedures, instrument use, Quality Assurance (QA) /Quality Control (QC) details (such as blank, spike recovery, number of duplicate samples per batch, etc.), detection limits and accuracy shall be submitted to EPD for approval prior to the commencement of monitoring programme. The QA/QC shall be in accordance with the requirement of HOKLAS or international accredited scheme. EPD may also request the laboratory to carry out analysis of known standards provided by EPD for quality assurance. Additional duplicate samples may be required by EPD for inter laboratory calibration. Remaining samples after analysis shall be kept by the laboratory for 3 months in case repeat analysis is required. If in-house or non-standard methods are proposed, details of the method verification may be required to be submitted to EPD. In any circumstance, the sample testing shall have comprehensive QA and QC programmes. The laboratory shall prepare to demonstrate the programmes to EPD or his representatives when requested.

3.4           Audit Requirements

3.4.1        Regular environmental site audits are recommended to ensure the proper implementation of proposed mitigation measures during the construction phase as detailed in Section 12. .

4                Ecology

4.1           Introduction

4.1.1        The EIA has evaluated the ecological consequences of the Project and recommended ecological mitigation measures to avoid, minimize and compensate for the impact arising from the Project.

4.1.2        In this section, the requirements for the monitoring and audit of ecological impacts arising from the Project are presented.

4.2           Mitigation Measures

4.2.1        Mitigation measures for ecological impacts have been recommended in the EIA Report. All the recommended mitigation measures and designs are provided in the implementation schedule in Appendix B.

4.3           Monitoring and Audit Requirements for Terrestrial Ecology

Monitoring of Compensation for Occasional Ardeid Night Roost

4.3.1        Prior to the site clearance works at the tree group (i.e. the identified occasional night roost for ardeids) within the TPSTW, tree assessment shall be conducted by the qualified botanist/plant ecologist(s) of the ET. Transplantation Proposal shall be prepared to confirm the location, quantity and condition of the trees within the tree group, and propose methodology and receptor site (s) to transplant any of these trees that are to be affected by the construction works. After completion of the tree transplantation works, the conditions of the transplanted trees shall be closely monitored at monthly basis throughout the construction period of the Project.

4.3.2        Compensatory planting of suitable trees within TPSTW shall be implemented if transplanting the identified tree group is impracticable based on the tree assessment. A detailed Compensation Plan shall be prepared by the qualified botanist/plant ecologist(s) of the ET. The Plan shall include proposals on site preparation works, planting design and layout, planting period, planting methodology, site supervision of planting, post-planting monitoring and maintenance programme.

4.3.3        The Transplantation Proposal and Compensation Plan shall be submitted to AFCD for agreement prior to removal of the concerned tree group. The post-transplanting or post-planting monitoring shall be carried out by the qualified botanist/plant ecologist(s) of the ET and the results shall be submitted to AFCD on a monthly basis throughout the monitoring programme.

4.3.4        Given the sporadic use of the site by night roosting ardeids, no night roosting bird monitoring is proposed.

Monitoring of Disturbance Impacts during Construction Phase

4.3.5        Monthly ecological monitoring, focusing on avifauna species of conservation importance (e.g. Collared Crows and ardeids) utilizing habitats within the 500m assessment area, should be conducted during construction phase to monitor the effectiveness of proposed mitigation measures and detect any unpredicted indirect ecological impacts arising from the proposed Project. The ecological monitoring should be undertaken by experienced ecologist(s) with relevant working experience. Remedial actions can then be recommended, where appropriate, based on the impact monitoring results.

4.3.6        Whilst the roosting sites of Collared Crow and roosting sites of Black Kites were identified within Shuen Wan Restored Landfill, which are separated from the Project works by the existing topography, monitoring of the pre-roost and night roost of Collared Crows is recommended given its importance.

4.3.7        Site audits should be undertaken by the ET, ER and the Contractor on weekly basis to check the proper implementation and maintenance of recommended mitigation measures during construction phase of the Project.

4.3.8        The ecological monitoring and site audit results and findings shall be documented in the Monthly / Quarterly / Final EM&A Reports for construction phase. 

Monitoring of Disturbance Impacts during Operational Phase

4.3.9        Monthly ecological monitoring, focusing on avifauna species of conservation importance (e.g. Collared Crows and ardeids) utilizing habitats within the Project site, should be conducted in the first 3 years of the Project operation to monitor any changes in foraging habitats by the Project. The ecological monitoring should be undertaken by experienced ecologist(s) with relevant working experience. Remedial actions can then be recommended, where appropriate, based on the impact monitoring results. The monitoring results and recommendation of the ecologist(s) shall be submitted to AFCD for agreement.

4.4           Monitoring and Audit Requirements for Marine Ecology

4.4.1        Potential marine ecological impacts arising from the Project have been addressed in the EIA Report. No unacceptable marine ecological impact is anticipated with implementation of proposed mitigation measures. The water quality monitoring and audit programme presented in Section 3 would serve to protect the marine ecological resources. No monitoring and audit program specific to marine ecology is required.

5                Fisheries

5.1           Introduction

5.1.1        Potential fisheries impacts arising from the Project have been addressed in the EIA Report.  No unacceptable fisheries impact is anticipated with implementation of proposed mitigation measures. The water quality monitoring and audit programme presented in Section 3 would serve to protect the fisheries resources. No monitoring program specific for fisheries is required.

5.2           Mitigation Measures

5.2.1        Mitigation measures recommended for controlling water quality impact would also serve to protect fisheries resources and activities from indirect impacts. The THEES maintenance discharge would be avoided in the algae blooming season (December to April/May). The scheduling of the THEES maintenance discharge would take into account any ongoing blooming event in the area, which may occur outside the blooming season. All the recommended mitigation measures and designs are provided in the implementation schedule in Appendix B.

6                Landscape and Visual Impacts

6.1           Introduction

6.1.1        The EIA Report has recommended landscape and visual mitigation measures for the construction and operational phases of the Project. This section defines the audit requirements to confirm the recommended landscape and visual impact mitigation measures are effectively implemented.

6.2           Mitigation Measures

6.2.1        The proposed mitigation measures of landscape and visual impacts are presented in Appendix B. The landscape and visual mitigation measures proposed should be incorporated in the detailed landscape and engineering design. The construction phase mitigation measures should be adopted from the commencement of construction and should be in place throughout the entire construction period. Mitigation measures for the operational phase should be adopted during the detailed design and be built as part of the construction works so that they are in place on commissioning of the Project.

6.2.2        Any potential conflict among the proposed mitigation measures, the Project works, and operational requirements should also be identified and resolved at early stage. Any change to the mitigation measure should be incorporated in the detailed design.

6.3           Baseline Review for Landscape Impact

6.3.1        Baseline review to check, record and report the status of the Landscape Resources (LR) and Landscape Character Areas (LCA) within the construction works sites and works areas shall be conducted prior to commencement of any construction works making reference to the LR and LCA maps included in the EIA Report.

6.3.2        Any significant change to the status of LR and LCA since the EIA shall be identified. The recommended mitigation measures shall be reviewed if such change warrants a change in the design of the mitigation measures.

6.3.3        A baseline monitoring report including photographic record of the site at the time of the Contractor's possession of the site shall be prepared by the Contractor and approved by the ER. The approved baseline monitoring report including photographic record shall be submitted to the Project Proponent, ET, IEC and EPD for record.

6.4           Audit Requirements

6.4.1        Site audits should be undertaken during the construction phase and the 12-month establishment period (operational phase) to check that the proposed landscape and visual mitigation measures are properly implemented and maintained as per their intended objectives. The extent of works areas should be regularly checked by the ET, ER and the Contractor to ensure no damage to existing vegetation or trees outside the works limits.

6.4.2        The conditions and growth performance of the implemented compensatory planting should be regularly checked and monitored by a qualified plant specialist of the ET to ensure the effectiveness of the mitigation measures.

6.4.3        Site inspections should be undertaken at weekly basis during the construction period and once every two months for the 12-month establishment period during operational phase.

6.4.4        In the event of non-compliance, the responsibilities of the relevant parties are detailed in the Event/Action plan provided in Table 12.1 in Section 12.

7                Hazard to Life

7.1           Introduction

7.1.1        Potential hazard to life risk arising from the Project have been addressed in the EIA Report.  No unacceptable risk is predicted.

7.2           Mitigation Measures

7.2.1        Mitigation measures recommended to further manage and minimize the potential risk during construction and operational phases of the Project are provided in the implementation schedule in Appendix B.

7.3           Audit Requirements

7.3.1        Implementation of the recommended mitigation measures should be regularly audited during the construction phase as detailed in Section 12..

8                Landfill Gas Hazard

8.1           Introduction

8.1.1        Potential landfill gas hazard arising from the Project have been addressed in the EIA Report.  No adverse impact is anticipated with implementation of proposed mitigation measures.

8.2           Mitigation Measures

8.2.1        Precautionary and protection measures for landfill gas hazard have been recommended in the EIA Report. All the recommended mitigation measures and designs are provided in the implementation schedule in Appendix B.

8.3           Monitoring and Audit Requirements

Construction Phase

8.3.1        Landfill gas (LFG) Monitoring shall be undertaken during construction phase. The monitoring requirement of excavations stated in the Landfill Gas Hazard Assessment Guidance Note (EPD/TR8/ 97) sections 8.25 to 8.27 shall be followed. All measurements of LFG should be recorded and documented by a standard record form to be approved by EPD. The form will detail the location, time of monitoring and equipment used, together with the gas concentrations measured to ensure all relevant data are recorded. LFG monitoring during construction phase will be reported in the monthly EM&A Reports.

8.3.2        Periodically during ground-works construction, the works area should be monitored for methane, carbon dioxide and oxygen using appropriately calibrated portable gas detection equipment.

8.3.3        The monitoring frequency and areas to be monitored should be set down prior to commencement of ground-works either by the Safety Officer or by an appropriately qualified person.

8.3.4        Routine monitoring should be carried out in all excavations, manholes and chambers and any other confined spaces that may have been created by, for example, the temporary storage of building materials on the site surface.

8.3.5        The gas detection equipment should be appropriately calibrated and able to measure the following gases in the ranges indicated below:

n  Methane                 0-100% LEL and 0-100% v/v

n  Carbon dioxide    0-100%

n  Oxygen                   0-21%

8.3.6        Monitoring should be performed properly to make sure that the area is free of LFG before any man enters into the area.

8.3.7        All measurements in excavations should be made with the extended monitoring tube located not more than 10mm from the exposed ground surface. The monitoring should be undertaken by the Safety Officer.

8.3.8        For excavations deeper than 1m, measurements should be carried out:

n  at the ground surface before excavation commences;

n  immediately before any worker enters the excavation;

n  at the beginning of each working day for the entire period the excavation remains open; and

n  periodically through the working day whilst workers are in the excavation.

8.3.9        For excavations between 300mm and 1m deep, measurements should be carried out:

n  directly after the excavation has been completed; and

n  periodically whilst the excavation remains open.

8.3.10    For excavations less than 0.3m deep, monitoring may be omitted, at the discretion of the Safety Officer or other appropriately qualified person.

8.3.11    Depending on the results of the measurements, actions required will vary and should be set down by the Safety Officer or other appropriately qualified person. As a minimum these shall encompass those actions specified in Table 8.1.

Table 8.1       Actions in the event of LFG being detected in excavations


Monitoring Results

Action by the Contractor



·  Ventilate trench/void to restore O2 to >19%


·  Stop works;

·  Evacuate personnel/prohibit entry;

·  Increase ventilation to restore O2 to >19%


>10% LEL

(i.e. >0.5% v/v)

·  Prohibit hot works;

·  Ventilate to restore CH4 to <10% LEL

>20% LEL

(i.e. >1% v/v)

·  Stop works;

·  Evacuate personnel/prohibit entry;

·  Increase ventilation to restore CH4 to <10% LEL

Carbon Dioxide

>0.5% v/v

·  Ventilate to restore CO2 to <0.5%

>1.5% v/v

·  Stop works;

·  Evacuate personnel/prohibit entry;

·  Increase ventilation to restore CO2 to <0.5%

8.3.12    Upon completion of the works, a competent professional person representing the Project Proponent shall confirm in writing to EPD that all the recommended LFG protection measures for the Project have been properly incorporated, installed and implemented. This could be in form of a report with photos showing the installation of membrane, installation of gas detection system, etc. as well as the relevant as-built drawings related to LFG protection measures.

Operational Phase

8.3.13    Gas detection systems with audio alarm and forced ventilation should also be provided in the areas at or below the ground floor of new permanent building structures of the Project if provision of natural ventilation is not feasible in such areas. The gas detection systems should be calibrated and maintained at regular basis in according to the recommendation of manufacturer’s instruction.  The operators of the Project should also make sure that the gas detection systems are in functions during the operational phase of the Project.

8.3.14    Forced ventilation should be used if methane of more than 0.5 % (by volume) in the internal atmosphere (e.g. in voids or rooms as mentioned above) is detected in the aforementioned areas.

8.3.15    Carbon dioxide and oxygen concentration should be monitored and no person shall enter or remain in any confined spaces (e.g. in voids or rooms as mentioned above) where carbon dioxide concentration exceeds 1.5 % (by volume) or the oxygen content of air has fallen below 18 % (by volume).

8.3.16    Landfill gas concentration should be measured and monitored prior to any person entering the confined spaces.

8.3.17    When service voids, manholes or inspection chambers within the proposed site are entered for maintenance, monitoring and a checklist system of safety requirements should be performed before entry in accordance with Code of Practice on Safety and Health at Work in Confined Spaces published by Labour Department.

9                Waste Management Implications

9.1           Introduction

9.1.1        During the construction phase, the Contractor shall be responsible for the implementation of mitigation measures to minimize waste or redress problems arising from the waste materials including construction and demolition (C&D) materials, excavated sediments, chemical waste and general refuse. A Waste Management Plan (WMP), as a part of the Environmental Management Plan (EMP), should be prepared in accordance with ETWB TC (W) No.19/2005 and submitted to the Engineer for approval. The recommended mitigation measures should form the basis of the WMP. Regular audit of the construction waste materials and waste management practice is recommended during the construction phase.

9.1.2        Large quantities of wastes are not expected from the operation of the Project and no adverse environmental impact would arise with the implementation of good waste management practices.  Hence, audit programme would not be required during the operational phase.

9.2           Mitigation Measures

9.2.1        The mitigation measures recommended in the EIA Report should form the basis of the site WMP to be developed by the Contractor during the construction stage.

9.2.2        With the appropriate handling, storage and disposal of waste arising from the construction and operation of the Project as recommended in Appendix B, the potential adverse environmental impacts would be avoided or minimized.

9.3           Audit Requirements

Regular audits and site inspections shall be carried out at regular interval (at least quarterly) during construction phase by the ER, ET and Contractor to ensure that the good waste management practices and mitigation measures listed in Appendix B and specified in the WMP and the relevant EPD’s regulations and legislations are properly implemented by the Contractor. The audits should concern all aspects of on-site waste management practices including waste generation, storage, recycling, transport and disposal. The regular audit programme would ensure that the solid wastes generated during construction are not disposed into the nearby coastal waters. The auditing requirement stated in ETWB TC (W) No.19/2005 should be followed with regard to the management of &D materials. Apart from site inspection, documents including licenses, permits, disposal and recycling records should be reviewed and audited for compliance with the legislation and contract requirements.

10           Land Contamination

10.1       Introduction

10.1.1    As the existing facilities in the existing Project site is still in operation and will continue to operate during the EIA stage, further assessment and, if required, remediation works are recommended to be carried out after decommissioning of the concerned facilities / areas but prior to the construction works at the concerned facilities / areas. The recommended further assessment and remediation works, including the submission of supplementary Contamination Assessment Plan(s) (CAP(s)), Contamination Assessment Report(s) (CAR(s)), Remediation Action Plan(s) (RAP(s)) and Remediation Report(s) (RR(s)) would need to follow EPD’s Guidance Manual, Guidance Note and Practice Guide and according to the EIA Report.

10.2       Mitigation Measures

10.2.1    Mitigation measures for potential land contamination have been recommended in the EIA Report. All the recommended mitigation measures and designs are provided in the implementation schedule in Appendix B.

10.3       Audit Requirements

10.3.1    Remediation works, if necessary, would be carried out based on the recommended further works outlined in Section 10.1. Mitigation measures as recommended in the future EPD endorsed RAP(s) should be implemented during the remediation works. The Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) requirements should be carried out in the form of regular site inspections to ensure the recommended mitigation measures are properly implemented.

11           Noise

11.1       Introduction

11.1.1    The EIA Report concluded that no existing, committed or planned  noise sensitive receiver (NSR) has been identified within the assessment area. Based upon this, no noise monitoring is considered necessary for either the construction or operational phases.

11.2       Mitigation Measures

11.2.1    Mitigation measures for noise impacts have been recommended in the EIA Report. All the recommended mitigation measures and designs are provided in the implementation schedule in Appendix B.

11.3       Audit Requirements

11.3.1    Regular environmental site audits are recommended to ensure the proper implementation of proposed mitigation measures during the construction phase.

12           Site Environmental Audit

12.1       Site Inspection

12.1.1    Site inspection provides a direct means to initiate and enforce specified environmental protection and pollution control measures.  These shall be undertaken routinely to inspect construction activities in order to ensure that appropriate environmental protection and pollution control mitigation measures are properly implemented.  Site inspection is one of the most effective tools to enforce the environmental protection requirements at the works area.

12.1.2    The ET shall be responsible for formulating the environmental site inspection programme as well as the deficiency and action reporting system, and for carrying out the site inspections. The proposal for rectification, if any, should be prepared and submitted to the ET Leader and IEC by the Contractor.

12.1.3    Regular site inspections shall be carried out and led by the ER and attended by the Contractor and ET at least once per week during the construction phase.  The areas of inspection shall not be limited to the environmental situation, pollution control and mitigation measures within the site.  It should also review the environmental situations outside the works area which is likely to be affected, directly or indirectly, by the construction site activities of the Project.  The ET shall make reference to the following information in conducting the inspection.  During the inspection, the following information should be referred to:

a)             EIA Report recommendations on environmental protection and pollution control mitigation measures;

b)            works progress and programme;

c)             individual works methodology proposals (which shall include the proposal on associated pollution control measures);

d)            contract specifications on environmental protection;

e)             relevant environmental protection and pollution control legislations; and

f)              previous site inspection results.

12.1.4    The Contractor shall keep the ER and ET Leader updated with all relevant environmental related information on the construction contract necessary for him to carry out the site inspections.  Site inspection results and associated recommendations for improvements to the environmental protection and pollution control efforts should be recorded and followed up by the Contractor in an agreed time-frame.  The Contractor shall follow the procedures and time-frame as stipulated in the environmental site inspection, and the deficiency and action reporting system formulated by the ET, to report on any remedial measures subsequent to the site inspections.

12.1.5    The ER, ET and the Contractor should also carry out ad-hoc site inspections if significant environmental problems are identified. Inspections may also be required subsequent to receipt of a valid environmental complaint, or as part of the investigation work, as specified in the Event and Action Plan for the EM&A programme.

12.2       Environmental Compliance

12.2.1    There are statutory requirements on environmental protection and pollution control requirements with which construction activities must comply.

12.2.2    In order to ensure the works comply with corresponding requirements, all method statements of works should be submitted by the Contractor to the ER for approval and to the ET Leader to ensure sufficient environmental protection and pollution control measures have been included.  The Project Implementation schedule (PIS) is summarized in Appendix B.  Any proposed changes to the mitigation measures shall be certified by the ET Leader and verified by the IEC as conforming to the relevant information and recommendations contained in the EIA Report.

12.2.3    The ER and ET shall also review the progress and programme of the works to check that relevant environmental legislations have not been violated, and that any foreseeable potential for violating laws can be prevented.

12.2.4    The Contractor should provide the update of the relevant documents to the ET Leader so that checking can be carried out. The document shall at least include the updated Works Progress Reports, updated Works Programme, method statements, any application letters for different licenses/permits under the environmental protection laws, and copies of all valid licenses/permits. The site diary and environmental records shall also be available for inspection by the relevant parties.

12.2.5    After reviewing the document, the ET shall advise the IEC and Contractor of any non-compliance with legislative requirements on environmental protection and pollution control so that they can timely take follow-up actions as appropriate.  If the follow-up actions may still result in potential violation of environmental protection and pollution control requirements, the ER and ET should provide further advice to the Contractor to take remedial action to resolve the problem.

12.2.6    Upon receipt of the advice, the Contractor shall undertake immediate actions to correct the situation.  The ER and ET shall follow up to ensure that appropriate action has been taken in order to satisfy legal requirements.

12.3       Choice of Construction Method

12.3.1    At times during the construction phase the Contractor may submit method statements for various aspects of construction. This state of affairs would only apply to those construction methods that the EIA has not imposed conditions while for construction methods that have been assessed in the EIA, the Contractor is bound to follow the requirements and recommendations in the EIA Study. The Contractor’s options for alternative construction methods may introduce adverse environmental impacts into the Project.  It is the responsibility of the Contractor and ET, in accordance with established standards, guidelines and EIA Study recommendations and requirements, to review and determine the adequacy of the environmental protection and pollution control measures in the Contractor’s proposal in order to ensure no unacceptable impacts would result. To achieve this end, the ET shall provide a copy of the Proactive Environmental Protection Proforma as shown in Appendix F to the IEC for approval. The IEC should audit the review of the construction method and endorse the proposal on the basis of no adverse environmental impacts.

12.4       Environment Complaints

12.4.1    The following procedures should be undertaken upon receipt of any environmental complaint:

n  The Contractor to log complaint and date of receipt onto the complaint database and inform the ER, ET and IEC immediately;

n  The Contractor to investigate, with the ER and ET, the complaint to determine its validity, and assess whether the source of the problem is due to construction works of the Project with the support of additional monitoring frequency and stations, if necessary;

n  The Contractor to identify remedial measures in consultation with the IEC, ET and ER if a complaint is valid and due to the construction works of the Project;

n  The Contractor to implement the remedial measures as required by the ER and to agree with the ET and IEC any additional monitoring frequency and stations, where necessary, for checking the effectiveness of the remedial measures;

n  The ER, ET and IEC to review the effectiveness of the Contractor's remedial measures and the updated situation;

n  The ET to undertake additional monitoring and audit to verify the situation if necessary, and oversee that circumstances leading to the complaint do not recur;

n  If the complaint is referred by the EPD, the Contractor to prepare interim report on the status of the complaint investigation and follow-up actions stipulated above, including the details of the remedial measures and additional monitoring identified or already taken, for submission to EPD within the time frame assigned by the EPD; and

n  The ET to record the details of the complaint, results of the investigation, subsequent actions taken to address the complaint and updated situation including the effectiveness of the remedial measures, supported by regular and additional monitoring results in the monthly EM&A reports.

12.5       Event and Action Plan

12.5.1    In the event of non-compliance identified during the EM&A programme, the responsibilities of the relevant parties are detailed in the Event/Action plan provided in Table 12.1.

Table 12.1    Event and Action Plan







Non-conformity on one occasion

1. Inform the IEC, ER and the Contractor;

2. Discuss remedial actions with IEC, ER and Contractor; and

3. Monitor remedial actions until rectification has been completed.

1. Check inspection report;

2. Check Contractor’s working method;

3. Discuss with ET, ER and Contractor on possible remedial measures;

4. Advise ER on effective of proposed remedial measures; and

5. Check implementation of remedial measures.

1. Confirm receipt of notification of non-conformity in writing;

2. Review and agree on the remedial measures proposed by the Contractor; and

3. Ensure remedial measures are properly implemented.


1. Identify source and investigate the non-conformity;

2. Amend working methods agreed with ER as appropriate; and

3. Rectify damage and undertake any necessary replacement.


Repeated Non-conformity

1. Identify sources;

2. Inform the Contractor, IEC and ER;

3. Discuss inspection frequency;

4. Discuss remedial actions with IEC, ER and Contractor;

5. Monitor remedial actions until rectification has been completed; and

6. If non-conformity stops, cease additional monitoring.

1. Check inspection report;

2. Check Contractor’s working method;

3. Discuss with ET, ER and Contractor on possible remedial measures; and

4. Advise ER on effectiveness of proposed remedial measures.



1. Notify the Contractor;

2. in consultation with the ET and IEC, agree with the Contractor on the remedial measures to be implemented; and

3. Supervise implementation of remedial measures.


1. Identify source and investigate the non-conformity;

2. implement remedial measures;

3. Amend working methods agreed with ER as appropriate;

4. Rectify damage and undertake any necessary replacement. Stop relevant portion of works as determined by ER until the non-conformity is abated.


13           Reporting

13.1       General

13.1.1    Reports can be provided in an electronic medium upon agreeing the format with the ER and EPD.  This would enable a transition from a paper/historic and reactive approach to an electronic/real time proactive approach.  All the monitoring data (baseline and impact) shall also be submitted on diskettes or other approved media.  The formats for monitoring data to be submitted shall be separately agreed.

13.1.2    The ET is responsible for establishing and maintaining a dedicated website throughout the entire construction period for publishing all the relevant environmental monitoring data (including but not limited to the baseline and impact monitoring). The ET shall propose the format and functionality of the website for agreement with the ER and IEC prior to publishing of data.  Once the monitoring data are available (e.g. air quality, water quality, etc.) and vetted by the IEC, the ET is responsible to upload the relevant data to the dedicated website.

13.1.3    Types of reports that the ET shall prepare and submit include baseline monitoring report, monthly EM&A report and final EM&A review report.  In accordance with Annex 21 of the EIAO-TM, a copy of the monthly and final review EM&A reports shall be made available to the Director of Environmental Protection.

13.2       Baseline Monitoring Report

13.2.1    The baseline monitoring report shall include at least the following:

i.               Up to half a page executive summary;

ii.             brief project background information;

iii.            drawings showing locations of the baseline monitoring stations;

iv.            monitoring results (in both hard and diskette copies) together with the following information:

n  monitoring methodology;

n  name of laboratory and types of equipment used and calibration details;

n  parameters monitored;

n  monitoring locations;

n  monitoring date, time, frequency and duration; and

n  quality assurance (QA)/quality control (QC) results and detection limits;

v.              details of influencing factors, including;

n  major activities, if any, being carried out on the site during the period;

n  weather conditions during the period; and

n  other factors which might affect monitoring results;

vi.            determination of the Action and Limit Levels for each monitoring parameter and statistical analysis of the baseline data;

vii.          revisions for inclusion in the EM&A Manual; and

viii.         comments, recommendations and conclusions.

13.3       Monthly Monitoring Report

13.3.1    The results and findings of all EM&A work required in the Manual shall be recorded in the monthly EM&A reports prepared by the ET and endorsed by the IEC.  The EM&A report shall be prepared and submitted to EPD within 10 working days of the end of each reporting month, with the first report due the month after construction commences.  Copies of each monthly EM&A report shall be submitted to the following parties: the IEC, the ER and EPD.  Before submission of the first EM&A report, the ET shall liaise with the parties on the required number of copies and format of the monthly reports in both hard copy and electronic medium.

13.3.2    The ET should prepare and submit a Baseline Environmental Monitoring Report at least one month before commencement of construction of the Project.  Copies of the Baseline Environmental Monitoring Report should be submitted to the IEC, ER and EPD.  The ET should liaise with the relevant parties on the exact number of copies require.

13.3.3    The ET shall review the number and location of monitoring stations and parameters every six months, or on as needed basis, in order to cater for any changes in the surrounding environment and the nature of works in progress.

First Monthly EM&A Report

13.3.4    The first monthly EM&A report shall include at least the following:

i.               Executive summary (1-2 pages);

n  breaches of Action and Limit levels;

n  complaint log;

n  notifications of any summons and successful prosecutions;

n  reporting changes; and

n  future key issues.

ii.             Basic project information:

n  project organization including key personnel contact names and telephone numbers;

n  programme;

n  management structure; and

n  works undertaken during the month.

iii.            Environmental status

n  advice on the status of statutory environmental compliance such as the status of compliance with the environmental permit (EP) conditions under the EIA Ordinance, submission status under the EP and implementation status of mitigation measures;

n  works undertaken during the month with illustrations (such as location of works, daily excavation rate, etc.); and

n  drawings showing the project area, any environmental sensitive receivers and the locations of the monitoring and control stations (with co-ordinates of the monitoring locations).

iv.            A brief summary of EM&A requirements including;

n  all monitoring parameters;

n  environmental quality performance limits (Action and Limit levels);

n  Event-Action Plans;

n  environmental mitigation measures, as recommended in the project EIA Study final report; and

n  environmental requirements in contract documents.

v.              Implementation status

n  advice on the implementation status of environmental protection and pollution control / mitigation measures, as recommended in the project EIA Report.

vi.            Monitoring result (in both hard and diskette copies) together with the following information:

n  monitoring methodology;

n  name of laboratory and types of equipment used and calibration details;

n  monitoring parameters;

n  monitoring locations;

n  monitoring date, time, frequency, and duration;

n  weather conditions during the period;

n  any other factors which might affect the monitoring results; and

n  QA / QC results and detection limits.

vii.          Reporting on non-compliance, complaints, and notifications of summons and successful prosecutions:

n  record of all non-compliance (exceedances) of the environmental quality performance limits (Action and Limit levels);

n  record of all complaints received (written or verbal) for each media, including locations and nature of complaints investigation, liaison and consultation undertaken, actions and follow-up procedures taken, results and summary;

n  record of all notification of summons and successful prosecutions for breaches of current environmental protection / pollution control legislation, including locations and nature of the breaches, investigation, follow-up actions taken, results and summary;

n  review of the reasons for and the implications of non-compliances, complaints, summons and prosecutions including review of pollution sources and working procedures; and

n  description of the actions taken in the event of non-compliance and deficiency reporting and any follow-up procedures related to earlier non-compliance.

viii.         Others

n  an account of the future key issues as reviewed from the works programme and work method statements;

n  advice on the solid and liquid waste management status;

n  record of any project changes from the originally proposed as described in the EIA (e.g. construction methods, mitigation proposals, design changes, etc.); and

n   comments (for examples, effectiveness and efficiency of the mitigation measures), recommendations (for examples, any improvement in the EM&A programme) and conclusions.

Subsequent monthly EM&A Report

13.3.5    Subsequent monthly EM&A report shall include at least the following:

i.               Executive summary (1-2 pages);

n  breaches of Action and Limit levels;

n  complaint log;

n  notifications of any summons and successful prosecutions;

n  reporting changes; and

n  future key issues.

ii.             Basic project information:

n  project organization including key personnel contact names and telephone numbers;

n  programme;

n  management structure;

n  works undertaken during the month; and

n  any updates as needed to the scope of works and construction methodologies.

iii.            Environmental status

n  advice on the status of statutory environmental compliance such as the status of compliance with the environmental permit (EP) conditions under the EIA Ordinance, submission status under the EP and implementation status of mitigation measures;

n  works undertaken during the month with illustrations (such as location of works, daily excavation rate, etc.); and

n  drawings showing the project area, any environmental sensitive receivers and the locations of the monitoring and control stations.

iv.            Implementation status

n  advice on the implementation status of environmental protection and pollution control/mitigation measures, as recommended in the project EIA Report.

v.              Monitoring result (in both hard and diskette copies) together with the following information:

n  monitoring methodology;

n  name of laboratory and types of equipment used and calibration details;

n  monitoring parameters;

n  monitoring locations;

n  monitoring date, time, frequency, and duration;

n  weather conditions during the period;

n  any other factors which might affect the monitoring results; and

n  QA / QC results and detection limits.

vi.            Reporting on non-compliance, complaints, and notifications of summons and successful prosecutions:

n  record of all non-compliance (exceedances) of the environmental quality performance limits (Action and Limit levels);

n  record of all complaints received (written or verbal) for each media, including locations and nature of complaints investigation, liaison and consultation undertaken, actions and follow-up procedures taken, results and summary;

n  record of all notification of summons and successful prosecutions for breaches of current environmental protection / pollution control legislation, including locations and nature of the breaches, investigation, follow-up actions taken, results and summary;

n  review of the reasons for and the implications of non-compliances, complaints, summons and prosecutions including review of pollution sources and working procedures; and

n  description of the actions taken in the event of non-compliance and deficiency reporting and any follow-up procedures related to earlier non-compliance.

vii.          Others

n  an account of the future key issues as reviewed from the works programme and work method statements;

n  advice on the solid and liquid waste management status;

n  record of any project changes from the originally proposed as described in the EIA (e.g. construction methods, mitigation proposals, design changes, etc.); and

n   comments (for examples, effectiveness and efficiency of the mitigation measures), recommendations (for examples, any improvement in the EM&A programme) and conclusions.

viii.         Appendices

n  Action and Limit levels;

n  graphical plots of trends of the monitoring parameters at key stations over the past four reporting periods for representative monitoring stations annotated against the following:

a) major activities being carried out on site during the period;

b) weather conditions during the period; and

c) any other factors that might affect the monitoring results.

n  monitoring schedule for the present and next reporting period;

n  cumulative statistics on complaints, notifications of summons and successful prosecutions; and

n  outstanding issues and deficiencies.

13.4       Final EM&A Review Reports


13.4.1    The EM&A programme for construction stage should be terminated upon the completion of the construction activities, while the EM&A programme for operation stage should be terminated upon the completion of operation monitoring.

13.4.2    The proposed termination should only be implemented after the proposal has been endorsed by the IEC, the Engineer and the Project Proponent followed by approval from the Director of Environmental Protection.

Final EM&A Review Report for Construction Stage

13.4.3    The final EM&A review report for construction stage (to be submitted after completion of construction activities) should contain at least the following information:

i.               Executive summary (1-2 pages):

ii.             Drawings showing the project area, any environmental sensitive receivers and the locations of the monitoring and control stations;

iii.            Basic project information including a synopsis of the project organization, contacts of key management, and a synopsis of work undertaken during the course of the project or past twelve months;

iv.            A brief summary of EM&A requirements including:

n  environmental mitigation measures for construction stage, as recommended in the project EIA Report;

n  environmental impact hypotheses tested;

n  environmental quality performance limits (Action and Limit levels);

n  all monitoring parameters;

n  Event and Action Plans;

v.              A summary of the implementation status of environmental protection and pollution control/mitigation measures for construction stage, as recommended in the project EIA Report and summarised in the updated implementation schedule;

vi.            Graphical plots and the statistical analysis of the trends of monitoring parameters over the course of the project, including:

n  the major activities being carried out on site during the period;

n  weather conditions during the period; and

n  any other factors which might affect the monitoring results;

vii.          A summary of non-compliance (exceedances) of the environmental quality performance limits (Action and Limit levels);

viii.         A review of the reasons for and the implications of non-compliance including review of pollution sources and working procedures as appropriate;

ix.            A description of the actions taken in the event of non-compliance;

x.              A summary record of all complaints received (written or verbal) for each media, liaison and consultation undertaken, actions and follow-up actions taken and results;

xi.            A review of the validity of EIA predictions for construction stage and identification of shortcomings in EIA recommendations;

xii.          Comments (for example, a review of the effectiveness and efficiency of the mitigation measures and of the performance of the environmental management system, that is, of the overall EM&A programme for construction stage); and

xiii.         Recommendations and conclusions (for example, a review of success of the overall EM&A programme for construction stage to cost-effectively identify deterioration and to initiate prompt effective mitigatory action when necessary).

Final EM&A Review Report for Operation Stage

13.4.4    The final EM&A review report for operation stage (to be submitted after completion of operation monitoring) should contain at least the following information:

i.               Executive summary (1-2 pages):

ii.             Drawings showing the project area, any environmental sensitive receivers and the locations of the monitoring and control stations;

iii.            Basic project information including a synopsis of the project organization, contacts of key management, and a synopsis of work undertaken during the course of the project or past twelve months;

iv.            A brief summary of EM&A requirements including:

n  environmental measures for operational stage, as recommended in the project EIA Report;

n  environmental impact hypotheses tested;

n  environmental quality performance limits (Action and Limit levels);

n  all monitoring parameters;

n  Event and Action Plans;

v.              A summary of the implementation status of environmental protection and pollution control/mitigation measures for operation stage, as recommended in the project EIA Report and summarised in the updated implementation schedule;

vi.            Graphical plots and the statistical analysis of the trends of monitoring parameters over the course of the project, including:

n  the major activities being carried out on site during the period;

n  weather conditions during the period; and

n  any other factors which might affect the monitoring results;

vii.          A summary of non-compliance (exceedances) of the environmental quality performance limits (Action and Limit levels);

viii.         A review of the reasons for and the implications of non-compliance including review of pollution sources and working procedures as appropriate;

ix.            A description of the actions taken in the event of non-compliance;

x.              A summary record of all complaints received (written or verbal) for each media, liaison and consultation undertaken, actions and follow-up actions taken and results;

xi.            A review of the validity of EIA predictions for operation stage and identification of shortcomings in EIA recommendations;

xii.          Comments (for example, a review of the effectiveness and efficiency of the mitigation measures and of the performance of the environmental management system, that is, of the overall EM&A programme for operation stage); and

xiii.         Recommendations and conclusions (for example, a review of success of the overall EM&A programme for operational stage to cost-effectively identify deterioration and to initiate prompt effective mitigatory action when necessary).

13.5       Data Keeping

13.5.1    No site-based documents (such as monitoring field records, laboratory analysis records, site inspection forms, etc.) are required to be included in the monthly EM&A reports.  However, any such document shall be well kept by the ET and be ready for inspection upon request. All relevant information shall be clearly and systematically recorded in the document. Monitoring data shall also be recorded in magnetic media form, and the software copy must be available upon request. Data format shall be agreed with EPD. All documents and data shall be kept for at least one year following completion of the construction contract and one year following completion of the operational phase monitoring for construction phase EM&A and operational EM&A respectively.

13.6       Interim Notifications of Environmental Quality Limit Exceedances

13.6.1    With reference to the Event and Action Plans, when the environmental quality performance limits are exceeded and if they are proven to be valid, the ET should immediately notify the IEC and EPD, as appropriate. The notification should be followed up with advice to the IEC and EPD on the results of the investigation, proposed actions and success of the actions taken, with any necessary follow-up proposals.  A sample template for the interim notification is presented in Appendix G.

[1] https://www.dsd.gov.hk/EN/Sewerage/Sewage_Treatment_Facilities/Effluent_Quality_of_Major_Sewage_Treatment_Works/index.html