11.2 Environmental Legislations, Standards and Criteria
11.6 Description of The Environment
11.7 Identification of Potential Land Contamination Concern
11.9 Prediction and Evaluation Of Environmental Impacts
11.10 Mitigation of Adverse Environmental Impacts
11.11 Evaluation of Residual Impacts
11.12 Environmental Monitoring and Audit Requirements
of tables
Figure 11.1 Proposed Excavation Works Boundary
List of
Appendix 11.1 Contamination Assessment Plan
Annex 19 of the Technical Memorandum on
Environmental Impact Assessment Process (EIAO-TM), Guidelines for Assessment of
Impact on Sites of Cultural Heritage and Other Impacts (Section 3: Potential
Contaminated Land Issues), EPD, 1997;
Guidance Manual for Use of Risk-based
Remediation Goals (RBRGs) for Contaminated Land Management (the Guidance
Manual), EPD, 2007;
Guidance Note for Contaminated Land
Assessment and Remediation (the Guidance Note), EPD, 2007; and
Practice Guide for Investigation and
Remediation of Contaminated Land (the Practice Guide), EPD, 2011.
historical aerial photographs between 1973 and 2020;
geological and hydro-geological conditions of the Study Area from the relevant
Ground Investigation (GII) records.;
EIAs (i.e. Tai Po Sewage Treatment Works – Stage V –
Final EIA Report (AEIAR-081/2004)).
n Lubricant
Oil Store
(Refer to Annex 2.4 of the CAP in Appendix 11.1 photo no. EP- 22)
n Lot
No. STT 1449 – Canny Star Environmental Protection
(Refer to Annex 2.4 of the CAP in Appendix 11.1 photo
no. EA-1)
n Lot No. STT 1450 - C
& H Import and Export Co.
(Refer to Annex 2.4 of the CAP in Appendix 11.1 photo
no. EA- 11 to EA-23)
n Lot No. STT 1745 - Lau Choi Kee Plastic Company Limited
(Refer to Annex 2.4 of the CAP in Appendix 11.1 photo no. EA- 24 to EA-38)
n Metals
(including antimony, arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium III, chromium VI,
cobalt, copper, lead, manganese, mercury, molybdenum, nickel, tin and zinc).
n Petroleum carbon ranges (PCRs) including C6 – C8, C9 – C16 and C17 – C35.
n Volatile
organic chemicals (VOCs) including BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total
xylenes), MTBE (methyl tert-butyl ether), acetone, bromodichloromethane,
2-butanone, chloroform, methylene – chloride, styrene, tetrachloroethene, and
n Semi-volatile
organic chemicals (SVOCs) including polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)
(acenaphthene, acenaphthylene, anthracene, benzo(a)anthracene, benzo(a)pyrene,
benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(g,h,i)perylene,
benzo(k)fluoranthene, chrysene, dibenzo(a,h)anthracene,
fluoranthene, fluorene, indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene,
naphthalene, phenanthrene and pyrene), bis-(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate,
hexachlorobenzene, and phenol.
n Polychlorinated
biphenyls (PCBs)
Table 11.1 Site Appraisal Findings of the Major
Facilities and Areas within the Study Area in West Plant of TPSTW
Facility /Area (ID in Annex 2.1A of Appendix 11.1) (Approx. area) |
Site Appraisal Findings |
Reference |
Potential Land Contamination Impact |
Necessity for Intrusive Site Investigation (SI) |
West Plant |
Administration Building (39) (252 m2) |
The Old Administration
Building is a two-storey building located on
concrete paved slab. n
The building is used for
administration works. |
Photo No. WP-1, WP-2 and WP-3 in Annex 2.4 of the CAP in Appendix 11.1. |
No land
contamination impact is anticipated as no land contamination issues were
identified. |
No |
Workshop (40) (233 m2) |
The electronical workshop is
located on concrete paved slab. n
Equipment and tools are
stored properly. n
Cracks were observed on the
floor. n
Maintenance activity of small
equipment was carried out and no chemicals were used or stored within the
Electrical Workshop. |
Photo No. WP-4 to WP-7 in Annex 2.4 of the CAP in Appendix 11.1. |
No land
contamination impact is anticipated as no land contamination issues were
identified. |
No |
Car Park (51) (320 m2) |
There is 1 car park located
within the Study Area. n
The car park is located on
concrete paved floor with no oil stains/ leakage observed. n
Shelters were built to
protect cars and the floor from weathering. |
Photo No. WP-8 in Annex 2.4 of the CAP in Appendix 11.1. |
No land contamination impact
is anticipated as no land contamination issues were identified. |
No |
Maintenance Building (14) (643 m2) |
The Maintenance Building is
located within the assessment area n
The building is paved with
concrete paved floor with no stains/ leakage observed. Only stain caused by
weathering is observed. n
Equipment and tools are
mainly stored in this building, some of them are placed on steel racks and
wooden panel in good order, some bigger equipment was placed on the floor. n
Lubricant oil, Cutting Oil,
Paint and wasted oil were stored inside the cabinets on concrete paved floor.
No maintenance work was
carried out in the building. |
Photo No WP-9 to WP-12 in Annex 2.4 of the CAP in Appendix 11.1. |
No land contamination impact
is anticipated as no land contamination issues were identified. |
No |
Administration Building (15) (348 m2) |
The Administrative Building
is a two-storey building located on concrete paved
floor. The building housed offices and laboratory. The laboratory is located
on the second floor of the building. |
Photo No WP-13 to WP-16 in Annex 2.4 of the CAP in Appendix 11.1. |
No land contamination impact
is anticipated as no land contamination issues were identified. |
No |
and Storage House (53) (257 m2) |
The Control Building is a two storey building located on
concrete paved slab with the storage room on the ground floor and the control
room on the second floor. n
No oil stain or leakage is
found on the floor this location |
Photo No. WP-17 to WP-21 in Annex 2.4 of the CAP in Appendix 11.1. |
No land
contamination impact is anticipated as no land contamination issues were
identified. |
No |
Dangerous Goods Store (49) (29 m2) |
One Dangerous
Good Store (DG Store) is located within the Study Area of TPSTW n
The DG Store
comprises 2 DG store rooms located next to each
other and close to the Maintenance Building on concrete paved floor. n
The store only
used to store dangerous good (e.g. thinners) and
lubricant oil (e.g. hydraulic oil, soluble cutting oil, etc.) n
All DG are
properly stored and contained in DG tanks and located on steel panel on
concrete paved floor. All floors observed are paved with concrete under steel
panel with no oil stain or leakage observed. n
No record of
leakage nor spillage was found in this location. The concrete paved floor can
prevent soil contamination. |
Photo No WP-22 to WP-24 in Annex 2.4 of the CAP in Appendix 11.1. |
No land contamination impact
is anticipated as no land contamination issues were identified. |
No |
Inlet Pumping Station (1) (500 m2) |
There is one
Inlet Pumping Station located in west plant of TPSTW. n
The Inlet Pumping Station is
concrete paved and houses 4 screw pumps (each situated on concrete plinth of
about 2.3m thick) located on the first floor of the building about 3.4m above
ground level). Each pump was connected to a water transfer pipe down to about
5m below ground level (bgl). A control room is
located on top of the screw pumps. n
Small amount
of lubricating oil is typically required for the operation and maintenance of
the screw pumps (located 3.4 m above the ground level). No chemical is
stored. n
The concrete
paved surfaces in all accessible areas were observed to be in good
condition with no oil stains observed. |
Photo No. WP-25 to WP28 in Annex 2.4 of the CAP in Appendix 11.1. |
No land contamination impact
is anticipated as no land contamination issues were identified. |
No |
Screen House (2) (203 m2) |
There is one
screen house located in the west plant of TPSTW respectively. n
The screen
house situated on concrete plinths with a control panel. n
The facilities
only handle sewage. No potential and past land contaminating activities were
identified and recorded. n
All floors observed are paved
with concrete in good condition with no oil stains observed. |
Photo No WP-29 and WP-30 in Annex 2.4 of the CAP in Appendix 11.1. |
No land contamination impact
is anticipated as no land contamination issues were identified. |
No |
Detritors (3) (668 m2) |
There are 2 detritors within the detritor
chambers which are of concrete construction for removing grits in sewage
prior to further treatment. n
No potential and past land
contaminating activities were identified and recorded. n
The detritors
are located on concrete paved ground. All concrete surfaces observed were in
good condition with no oil stains observed.
Photo No WP-31 in Annex 2.4 of the CAP in Appendix 11.1. |
No land contamination impact
is anticipated as no land contamination issues were identified. |
No |
Final Sedimentation Tanks (6) (5,343 m2) |
There are 10 Final
Sedimentation Tanks located within the Study Area for final wastewater
sedimentation processes. n
The tanks contain wastewater
only and are located on concrete paved ground of good condition with no oil
stains / stressed vegetation / potentially contaminating activities observed. |
Photo No WP-32, WP-33, WP-43,
WP-44 and WP-45 in Annex 2.4 of the CAP in Appendix 11.1. |
No land contamination impact
is anticipated as no land contamination issues were identified. |
No |
Primary Sedimentation Tanks (4) (5,821 m2) |
There are 8 Primary
Sedimentation Tanks located in west plant of TPSTW for primary wastewater
treatment processes. n
The tanks mainly handle
wastewater only and are located on concrete paved ground of good condition
with no oil stains / stressed vegetation / potentially contaminating
activities observed. |
Photo No WP-34, WP-38, WP-39, WP-40
and WP-41 in Annex 2.4 of the CAP in Appendix 11.1. |
No land contamination impact
is anticipated as no land contamination issues were identified. |
No |
Aeration Tanks (5) (4,260 m2) |
There are 6 Aeration Tanks
located in the west plant of TPSTW for secondary wastewater treatment
process. n
The Aeration Tanks contain
sewage only and are located in a concrete paved area
observed to be in good condition with no oil stains / stressed vegetation /
potentially contaminating activities observed. |
Photo No WP-35, WP-36 and WP-37 in Annex 2.4 of the CAP in Appendix 11.1. |
No land contamination impact
is anticipated as no land contamination issues were identified. |
No |
Waste Storage Area (50) (378 m2) |
A waste storage area was
observed in the site visit. n
The area is enclosed and
surrounded by fence, with no oil stain. n
Only equipment, furniture and
garbage are stored in this area. n
No chemical-containing waste
ever been disposed of in the area since the operation of TPSTW as confirmed
by the plant operator. |
Photo No WP-42 in Annex 2.4 of the CAP in Appendix 11.1. |
No land contamination impact
is anticipated as no land contamination issues were identified. |
No |
Workshop (55) (189 m2) |
The Workshop is located on concrete paved slab with shelters on the
top of the workshops area. n
Water stain is observed due to bad weather, no oil stain/leakage is
observed in this location. n
The Workshop is mainly used
as store room and staff room for storing staff
clothes and resting area for staff usage. n
No chemical was used or
stored within the Workshop. n
No maintenance activity was
carried out in the Workshop. |
Photo No. WP-46 in Annex 2.4 of the CAP in Appendix 11.1. |
No land contamination impact is anticipated as no land contamination
issues were identified. |
No |
Return Activated Sludge Pumping Station (8) (424 m2) |
There is 1 Return Activated
Sludge Pumping Station in the west plant of TPSTW. n
The pumps only handle
biologically active sewage sludge from the aeration tanks n
The station is situated with
the concrete plinths and concrete paved floors. n
Small amount of lubricating
oil is typically required for the operation and maintenance of the pumps No
oil stain was observed. No incident of chemical spillage was recorded. |
Photo No WPS-1 and WPS-2 Annex 2.4 of the CAP in Appendix 11.1. |
No land contamination impact
is anticipated as no land contamination issues were identified. |
No |
Sludge Pumping Station (8) (508 m2) |
The Sludge Pumping House is
situated on concrete plinths. n
There are 4 sludge pumping
pumps handling sewage sludge only (at the bgl), a
control panel (at ground floor) and an electronic boiler (at ground level). n
Small amount of lubricating
oil may be used for the pump operation. The internal floors are paved with concrete
in good condition with no oil stains observed. n
No storage of chemicals and
no historic chemical spills or leaks were recorded. |
Photo No WPS-3, WPS-4 and WPS-5 in Annex 2.4 of the CAP in Appendix 11.1. |
No land contamination impact
is anticipated as no land contamination issues were identified. |
No |
Blower House (21) (429 m2) |
The Blower House is a single-storey building. n
All (5 sets of) air blowers
are placed on the ground floor. According to the site representative, small
amount of lubricating oil is used for operating the air blowers. The ground
floor is paved with concrete in good condition with no oil stain. n
No storage of chemicals and
no historic chemical spills or leaks were recorded. |
Photo No WPS-6, WPS-7 and WPS-8 in Annex 2.4 of the CAP in Appendix 11.1. |
No land contamination impact
is anticipated as no land contamination issues were identified. |
No |
Biogas Holding Tank (13) (168 m2) |
One biogas holding tank is located in the west plant of TPSTW. n
The tanks are located on
concrete paved ground with no oil stains / stressed vegetation or potentially
contaminating activities observed in the area. |
Photo No. WPS-9 in Annex 2.4 of the CAP in Appendix 11.1. |
No land contamination impact
is anticipated as no land contamination issues were identified. |
No |
Sludge Digestion Tanks (9) (1,127 m2) |
There are 2 Sludge Digestion
Tanks located the west plant of TPSTW. n
The tanks are constructed
with concrete located on concrete paved ground in good condition with no oil
stains / stressed vegetation or potentially contaminating activities observed
in the area. |
Photo No. WPS-10 in Annex 2.4 of the CAP in Appendix 11.1. |
No land contamination impact
is anticipated as no land contamination issues were identified. |
No |
Sludge Consolidation Tank (10) (978 m2) |
There are 2 Sludge
Consolidation Tanks located in the west plant of TPSTW. n
The tanks are constructed
with concrete located on concrete paved ground in good condition with no oil
stains /stressed vegetation or potentially contaminating activities observed
in the area. |
Photo No. WPS-11 in Annex 2.4 of the CAP in Appendix 11.1. |
No land contamination impact
is anticipated as no land contamination issues were identified. |
No |
Filtrate Treatment Complex (25) (279 m2) |
The Filtrate Treatment
Complex mainly handle the process of filtration to remove particles from
suspension in the water n
The Complex is constructed
with concrete located on concrete paved ground in good condition with no
stains / stressed vegetation or potentially contaminating activities observed
in the area. |
Photo No WPS-12 in Annex 2.4 of the CAP in Appendix 11.1. |
No land contamination impact
is anticipated as no land contamination issues were identified. |
No |
Filtrate Treatment Units (26) (725 m2) |
The Filtrate Treatment Units
mainly handle the process of filtration to remove particles from suspension
in the water. n
The Units are constructed
with concrete located on concrete paved ground in good condition with no oil
stains / stressed vegetation or potentially contaminating activities observed
in the area. |
Photo No WPS-13 in Annex 2.4 of the CAP in Appendix 11.1. |
No land contamination impact
is anticipated as no land contamination issues were identified. |
No |
Primary Sludge Gravity Thickeners (16) (934 m2) |
There are 4 Primary Sludge
Gravity Thickeners located in the west plant of TPSTW for handling primary
sludge gravity thickening processes n
The thickeners are
constructed with concrete located on concrete paved ground in good condition
with no oil stains / stressed vegetation or potentially contaminating
activities observed in the area. |
Photo No WPS-14 in Annex 2.4 of the CAP in Appendix 11.1. |
No land contamination impact
is anticipated as no land contamination issues were identified. |
No |
Chemical House (17) (504 m2) |
The Chemical House is located
between the Sludge Dewatering House and the Extension of Sludge Dewatering
House for material storage. Ferric chloride solutions are stored in the
Chemical House. n
No chemical other than ferric
chloride was stored in the Chemical House. n
The Chemical House is
constructed with concrete and located on concrete paved ground in good
condition with no oil stains. |
Photo No WPS-17, WPS-18 and WPS-19 in Annex 2.4 of the CAP in Appendix 11.1. |
No land contamination impact
is anticipated as no land contamination issues were identified. |
No |
Sludge Dewatering House (20) (604 m2) |
The Sludge Dewatering House
is a 2-storey building. The internal floors were paved with concrete in good
condition with no oil stains observed. n
The Sludge Dewatering House
is mainly comprised of the following areas: 1) the Chemical Store and
Handling Area which mainly consists of sludge dewatering facilities including
2 polymer mixing tanks and 2 ferric chloride storage tanks; 2) the Sludge
Feed Pump Room which consists of 5 sets of sludge feed pumps and an air
compressor; and 3) the Sludge Loading Area and a General Store. n
All pumps and compressors
were situated on concrete plinths in good condition. n
The facilities mainly handle
sewage sludge. According to the site representatives, small amount of
lubricating oil is required for operation and maintenance of all pumps and
compressors. No oil stains were observed on the concrete paved floors. No
incident of chemical spillage was recorded. n
All chemicals stored in the
house are not COC. |
Photo No WPS-15, WPS-16, WPS-20 and WPS-21 in Annex 2.4 of the CAP in Appendix 11.1. |
No land contamination impact
is anticipated as no land contamination issues were identified. |
No |
Extension of Sludge Dewatering House (24) (277 m2) |
The Extension of Sludge
Dewatering House is located next to the Chemical House. n
All pumps and compressors
were situated on concrete plinths in good condition. n
According to the site representatives,
small amount of lubricating oil is required for operation and maintenance of
all pumps and compressors. No oil stains were observed on the concrete paved
floors. n
No incident of chemical
spillage and no chemical storage was recorded. |
Photo No WPS-22, WPS-23 and WPS-24 in Annex 2.4 of the CAP in Appendix 11.1. |
No land contamination impact
is anticipated as no land contamination issues were identified. |
No |
Combined Heat and Power Generating System (31) (33 m2) |
The Combined Heat and Power
Generating System is located on concrete paved ground with no oil stains /
stressed vegetation or potentially contaminating activities observed in the
area. |
Photo No WPS-25 and WPS-26 in
Annex 2.4 of the CAP
in Appendix 11.1. |
No land contamination impact
is anticipated as no land contamination issues were identified. |
No |
Ferric Chloride Dosing System (33) (40 m2) |
The Ferric Chloride Dosing
System #1 is located near the Filtrate Treatment Complex on an elevated
platform with concrete slab. Shelter is constructed to protect the FeCl3 from
damage. n
The two FeC13 Storage Tanks
are located on the concrete slab platform with barriers. n
FeCl3 stain is observed on
the platform and the floor. |
Photo No.WPS-27 in Annex 2.4 of the CAP in Appendix 11.1. |
No land contamination impact
is anticipated as no land contamination issues were identified. |
No |
UV Disinfection Facilities (29) (191 m2) |
The UV Disinfection Facilities is located on concrete paved slab.
Vegetation is observed near the facilities in good condition. n
The floor under the shelter of the UV Disinfection Facilities is
paved with concrete slab and covered by green floor mat. n
No oil stain/ leakage is observed. |
Photo No. WPS-28 to WPS-29 in
Annex 2.4 of the CAP
in Appendix 11.1. |
No land contamination impact
is anticipated as no land contamination issues were identified. |
No |
Effluent Pumping Station (18) (1393 m2) |
There is one Effluent Pumping
Station located within the Study Area in the West Plant. n
The Wet Well is constructed with concrete paved bund wall, treated
effluent is transferred from the UV disinfection facilities and stored in the
wet well. n
The transfer pumps, gear boxes, monitors and the Control Panel are
located on the ground floor of the Effluent Pumping Station. The floor is
paved with concrete slab n
The transfer pumps are located under the ground floor. Assessible path is constructed with steel panel. n
The Gate Valve is located under the ground floor. The Gate Valve is
connected to the Wet Well of the Effluent Pumping Station. n
Small amount of lubricating
oil is required for operation and maintenance of pumps. n
No oil stain or leakage is
observed. Water stain is observed due to handling of effluent. |
Photo No. WPS-30 to WPS-34 in
Annex 2.4 of the CAP
in Appendix 11.1. |
No land contamination impact
is anticipated as no land contamination issues were identified. |
No |
Transformer (56) (20 m2) |
The transformer is located on
concrete paved floor surrounded by vegetation. No oil/leakage is found in
this located. n
Cracks are observed near the
transformer. However, the transformer is in good condition and maintained by
CLP, No leakage of transformer oil is observed. |
Photo No. WPS-35 in Annex 2.4 of the CAP in Appendix 11.1. |
No land contamination impact
is anticipated as no land contamination issues were identified. |
No |
Effluent Sampling Shelter (46) (60 m2) |
Effluent sampling equipment
is observed in this location. n
The shelter is surrounded by
vegetation, concrete paved road / surfaces. n
No oil stains and stressed
vegetation are observed. |
Photo No. WPS-36 in Annex 2.4 of the CAP in Appendix 11.1. |
No land contamination impact
is anticipated as no land contamination issues were identified. |
No |
Table 11.2 Site Appraisal Findings
of the Major Facilities and Areas within the Study Area in East Plant of TPSTW
/Area (ID in Annex 2.1A of Appendix
11.1) (Approx. area)
Site Appraisal
Findings |
Potential Land Contamination Impact
Necessity for Intrusive Site Investigation
East Plant
Sludge Consolidation
Tanks (10)
(921 m2)
There are three Sludge
Consolidation Tanks located in east plant of TPSTW. n
The tanks are constructed with concrete located on concrete paved
ground in good condition with no oil stains /stressed vegetation or
potentially contaminating activities observed in the area. |
Photo No. EP-7 to EP-9 in Annex 2.4
of the CAP in Appendix 11.1.
No land contamination impact is anticipated as no
land contamination issues were identified.
Ferric Chloride
Dosing System (33)
(32 m2)
The Ferric Chloride Dosing
System #2 is located on an elevated platform with concrete slab. Shelter is
constructed to protect the FeCl3 from damage. n
The two FeC13 Storage Tanks
are located on the concrete slab platform with barriers. |
Photo No. EP-10 and EP-13 in Annex 2.4
of the CAP in Appendix 11.1.
No land
contamination impact is anticipated as no land contamination issues were
Sludge Digestion
Tank (9)
(1,723 m2)
There are three Sludge
Digestion Tanks located in the east plant of TPSTW. n
The tanks are constructed with concrete located on concrete paved ground in
good condition with no oil stains / stressed vegetation or potentially
contaminating activities observed in the area. |
Photo No. EP-11 to EP-12 in Annex 2.4
of the CAP in Appendix 11.1.
No land contamination impact is anticipated as no
land contamination issues were identified.
Biogas Holding Tank
(164 m2)
There are two biogas holding
tank located within the east plant of TPSTW. n
Both tanks are located on
concrete paved ground with no oil stains / stressed vegetation or potentially
contaminating activities observed in the area. |
Photo No. EP-14 to EP-15 in Annex 2.4 of
the CAP in Appendix 11.1.
No land contamination impact is anticipated as no
land contamination issues were identified.
Screen House (2)
(548 m2)
The screen house is situated on concrete plinths with a control panel. n
Emergency generators
including 1 Generator Daily Fuel (Diesel Oil) Tank (450L) is observed inside
this facility. The floor is paved with concrete slab. n
The Generator Daily Fuel Tank
is located in bund wall constructed with an elevated
concrete platform. The tank looked clean. No oil stain/leakage is observed in
this location. n
1 pump is located inside this facility on concrete paved
floor next to the Generator Daily Fuel Tank on an elevated concrete paved platform. No oil
stain/leakage is observed in this location. n
The facilities mainly handle sewage. No potential and past
land contaminating activities were identified and recorded. n
All floors observed are paved
with concrete in good condition with no oil stains observed. |
Photo No. EP-16, EP-17, EP-39 and EP-40 in Annex 2.4
of the CAP in Appendix 11.1.
No land contamination impact is anticipated as no
land contamination issues were identified.
Inlet Pumping
Station (1)
(570 m2)
There is one Inlet Pumping
Station located in East plant of TPSTW. n
The settings and environment
of this Inlet Pumping Station are similar to that of
the Inlet Pumping Station located in the west plant. |
Photo No. EP-18 in Annex 2.4
of the CAP in Appendix 11.1.
No land contamination impact is anticipated as no
land contamination issues were identified.
Combined heat and
power generating system (31)
(299 m2)
The Combined Heat and Power
Generating System is located on concrete paved ground with no oil stains /
stressed vegetation or potentially contaminating activities observed in the
area. |
Photo No. EP-19 and EP-25 in Annex 2.4
of the CAP in Appendix 11.1.
No land contamination impact is anticipated as no
land contamination issues were identified.
Primary Sludge
Gravity Thickener (16)
(322 m2)
There are 1 Primary Sludge
Gravity Thickener located in the east plant of TPSTW for handling primary
sludge gravity thickening processes n
The thickeners are
constructed with concrete located on concrete paved ground in good condition
with no oil stains / stressed vegetation or potentially contaminating
activities observed in the area. |
Photo No. EP-20 in Annex 2.4
of the CAP in Appendix 11.1.
No land contamination impact is anticipated as no
land contamination issues were identified.
Decanting Chamber
(22 m2)
There is 1 Decanting Chamber
located within the Study Area. n
The Decanting Chamber is
located on concrete paved floor connecting to the Primary Sludge Gravity
Thickener surrounding by vegetation. n
The chamber is in good condition
where no damage or large area of dirty stain is found. |
Photo No. EP-21 in Annex 2.4
of the CAP in Appendix 11.1.
No land
contamination impact is anticipated as no land contamination issues were
Lubricant Oil Store (52)
(37 m2)
There is 1 Lubricant Oil
Store located within the Study Area. n
The Lubricant oil store is
located on concrete paved floor and steel panel. It is mainly used for
storing lubricant oil and chemical waste. n
Chemical waste is stored in
this location. n
Lubricant Oil stain is
observed on the concrete paved floor outside the store and on the floor
inside the store. |
Photo No. EP-22, EP-22a, EP-23 and EP-24 in Annex 2.4
of the CAP in Appendix 11.1.
Possible land contamination with metals (full list), PCRs, VOCs,
SVOCs and PCBs
Central Building
Complex (23)
(801 m2)
There is 1 Central Building
Complex within the Study Area. n
The Central Building Complex
is a two-storey building, with the equipment
storage on the ground floor and the control room together with staff room on
the second floor. n
The floor is paved with
concrete slab in good condition with no oil stain/leakage is observed. |
Photo No. EP-26, EP-27 and EP-28 in Annex 2.4
of the CAP in Appendix 11.1.
No land
contamination impact is anticipated as no land contamination issues were
Waste Biogas Burner
(39 m2)
The biogas burn is used to
burn the methane generated from wastewater process. n
The Waste Biogas Burner is located on an elevated platform
with concrete slab on concrete paved floor. n
Handling and burning of
biogas, which is a gaseous fuel, will not lead to ground contamination. n
Diesel oil
are stored inside the fuel oil tanks within a bunded area at this location. n
No oil stain/leakage is
observed in this area. |
Photo No. EP-29 in Annex 2.4
of the CAP in Appendix 11.1.
No land contamination
impact is anticipated as no land contamination issues were identified.
Gas Transfer Station
(34 m2)
There is 1 Gas Transfer
Station located within the Study Area. n
The Gas Transfer Station is
located on concrete paved floor next to
the Screen House. n
Only biogas (gaseous fuel) is
handled and transferred in this station. n
No other chemical is stored
in this station. n
No oil stain/ leakage is
observed in this location. |
Photo No. EP-30 in Annex 2.4
of the CAP in Appendix 11.1.
No land
contamination impact is anticipated as no land contamination issues were
Biogas Holding Tank
Valve Chamber (35)
(56 m2)
There is 1 Biogas Holding
Tank Valve Chamber located within the Study Area. n
It is located on concrete
slab elevated platform next to the Biogas Holding Tank. n
Water stain is observed and no oil stain/leakage is observed. |
Photo No. EP-31 in Annex 2.4
of the CAP in Appendix 11.1.
No land
contamination impact is anticipated as no land contamination issues were
Service Tower
Building (54)
(93 m2)
The Service Tower Building is
located on concrete paved slab. n
Pumps area connected to the
Sludge Digestion Tanks of the East Plant outside the Tower. Rusty stain is
observed., Water stain is observed due to handling of sludge n
No oil stain / leakage is
observed. |
Photo No. EP-32 to
EP-34 in Annex 2.4
of the CAP in Appendix 11.1.
No land contamination impact is anticipated as no
land contamination issues were identified.
Detritors (3)
(385 m2)
There are two detritors located in the east plant of TPSTW. n
No potential and past land
contaminating activities were identified and recorded. n
The detritors
are located on concrete paved ground. All concrete surfaces observed were in
good condition with no oil stains observed.
Photo No. EP-37 in Annex 2.4
of the CAP in Appendix 11.1.
No land contamination impact is anticipated as no
land contamination issues were identified.
Primary Sedimentation Tank Distribution Chamber (19)
(80 m2)
There is 1 Primary
Sedimentation Tank Distribution Chamber within the Study Area n
It is connected to the two Detritors on the elevated slope with a concrete paved
platform surrounding by vegetation. No oil stain/ leakage is observed. |
Photo No. EP-38 in Annex 2.4
of the CAP in Appendix 11.1.
No land
contamination impact is anticipated as no land contamination issues were
Chemical Store (32)
(78 m2)
The chemical store is located
on concrete paved floor. n
Leatheroid are found on steel panel inside the
chemical store above concrete paved floor. Some leatheroid
are located on wooden panel. n
Store empty drums are found
inside the chemical store on steel panel above the concrete paved floor. n
Caustic Soda were stored
inside cans on steel panel inside the chemical store above concrete paved
floor. n
No oil stain/leakage is
observed. |
Photo No. EP-41 to EP-43 in Annex 2.4
of the CAP in Appendix 11.1.
No land
contamination impact is anticipated as no land contamination issues were
Table 11.3 Site Appraisal Findings of the Major Facilities
and Areas within the Study Area in Proposed Expansion Site
/Area (Approx. area)
Site Appraisal
Findings |
Potential Land Contamination Impact
Necessity for Intrusive Site Investigation
Proposed Expansion Site
Canny Star
Environmental Protection Limited
(6,891 m2)
The site is located in Lot No. STT 1449 of the proposed expansion site. n
Site walks and questionnaire
surveys were not allowed by the tenants. n
According to the record of
Lands Department, existing and past site activities may involve recovery and
recycling of metals, paper, plastics, tyres,
electrical and electronic appliances, glass, textile and old clothes, wood or furniture in municipal solid waste. n
Possible existing and past
contaminating activities may include storage and processing of waste
materials, storage and transfer of chemicals, solvents, fuels, lubricants for
machinery and vehicle maintenance activities.
Photo No. EA-1 in Annex 2.4
of the CAP in Appendix 11.1.
Possible land contamination with metals (full list), PCRs, VOCs,
SVOCs and PCBs
DSD’s and Contractor
Site Office
(2,020 m2)
The DSD’s site Office is located in Lot No. GLA-TPP 776 of the proposed
expansion sit. n
No previous uses with
potential land contamination issue has been
identified. |
Photo No. EA-2 to EA-9 in Annex 2.4
of the CAP in Appendix 11.1.
No land
contamination impact is anticipated as no land contamination issues were
Vacant Land
(909 m2)
The vacant land is located in
Lot No. GLA-TPP 786 of the proposed expansion site. n
The vacant land was
previously used as CEDD’s and Contractor’s site offices. n
No previous uses with
potential land contamination issue has been
identified. |
Photo No. EA-10 in Annex 2.4
of the CAP in Appendix 11.1.
No land
contamination impact is anticipated as no land contamination issues were
C & H Import
& Export Co.
(2,818 m2)
The C & H Import and
Export Co. is located in Lot No. STT 1450 of the proposed expansion site. n
It is a metal / steel
recycling workshop and warehouse for storage of metal / steel waste operated
since 2012. n
From site inspection,
stockpiles of metal waste, large machineries and equipment were found in the
open site area. Some fuel oil was stored in open area with no bund wall and
no secondary containment. n
No record of previous land
use before 2012 is available. It is likely that the site was also used for
waste recycling in the past. n
Possible existing and past
contaminating activities may include storage and processing of waste
materials, storage and transfer of chemicals, solvents, fuels, lubricants for
machinery and vehicle maintenance activities. |
Photo No. EA-11 to EA-23 in Annex 2.4
of the CAP in Appendix 11.1.
Possible land contamination with metals (full list), PCRs, VOCs,
SVOCs and PCBs
Lau Choi Kee Plastic Company Limited
(2,620 m2)
Lau Choi Kee Plastic Company
Limited is located in Lot No. STT 1745 of the proposed expansion site (operated since 2017). n
It is a plastic recycling
workshops, operations involve recovery and recycling or reprocessing of
plastics from municipal solid waste. n
From site inspection,
stockpiles of plastic waste, large amount of plastic fragment, waste
carboards were found within the site area. Some lubricant oil was stored
under shelter on unpaved floor. Oil stain was found on unpaved floor with no
panel or secondary containment. n
From available record, past
land use before 2013 may involve recovery and recycling or reprocessing of
metals, papers, plastics, types, electrical and electronic appliances, glass,
textile and old clothes, wood and furniture, organic waste (excluding
chemical waste) from municipal solid waste. n
Possible existing and past
contaminating activities may include storage and processing of waste
materials, storage and transfer of chemicals, solvents, fuels, lubricants for
machinery and vehicle maintenance activities. |
Photo No. EA-24 to EA-38 in Annex 2.4
of the CAP in Appendix 11.1.
Possible land contamination with heavy metals (full list), PCRs,
VOCs, SVOCs and PCBs
n Urban
n Rural
n Industrial
n Public parks
n Excavation
profiles must be properly designed and executed with attention to the relevant
requirements for environment, health and safety;
n Excavation
shall be carried out during dry season as far as possible to minimise contaminated runoff from contaminated soils;
n Supply of
suitable clean backfill material (or treated soil) after excavation;
n Stockpiling
site(s) shall be lined with impermeable sheeting and bunded. Stockpiles shall
be fully covered by impermeable sheeting to reduce dust emission. If this is
not practicable due to frequent usage, regular watering shall be applied.
However, watering shall be avoided on stockpiles of contaminated soil to minimise contaminated runoff.
n Vehicles
containing any excavated materials shall be suitably covered to limit potential
dust emissions or contaminated wastewater run-off, and truck bodies and
tailgates shall be sealed to prevent any discharge during transport or during
wet conditions;
n Speed
control for the trucks carrying contaminated materials shall be enforced;
n Vehicle
wheel and body washing facilities at the site’s exist points shall be
established and used; and
n Pollution
control measures for air emissions (e.g. from biopile blower and handling of cement), noise emissions
(e.g. from blower or earthmoving equipment), and water discharges (e.g. runoff
control from treatment facility) shall be implemented and complied with
relevant regulations and guidelines.
[1] Details of the land contamination site
investigation results are not reported in the EIA and also not available from