10.2 Environmental Legislations,
Standards and Guidelines
10.5 Identification and Evaluation of
Environmental Impacts
10.6 Mitigation of Environmental Impacts
10.7 Evaluation of Residual Impacts
10.8 Environmental Monitoring and Audit
Table 10.1 Baseline Information of Fisheries Resources in the
Assessment Area
Table 10.2 Recent Figures of Hong Kong Capture Fisheries Industry
Table 10.3 Summary of Capture Fisheries Data in the Assessment
Table 10.4 Recent Figures of Hong Kong Culture Fisheries Industry
Table 10.5 Fisheries Impact on Fishing Ground and Mariculture
Areas within Assessment Area
Figure 10.1 Key Fisheries Resources within Assessment Area
· Fisheries Protection Ordinance (Cap. 171) – promotes the conservation of fish and other forms of aquatic life within Hong Kong waters by regulating fishing practices to prevent detrimental activities to the fisheries industry. The authority may also make rules for the management and control of fishing in any fisheries protection area, including but not limited to the specification of any zone within any fisheries protection area and the prohibition of any fishing in the specified zone.
· Marine Fish Culture Ordinance (Cap. 353) – regulates and protects marine fish cultured by designating areas of fish culture zone, granting licenses, prohibiting unauthorised vessels and any deposition of chemicals or other substances which are likely to cause injury to fish in a fish culture zone.
· Water Pollution Control Ordinance (Cap. 358) – aims to control water pollution in waters of Hong Kong. Water Control Zones (WCZs) are designated with individual water quality objectives to promote the conservation and best use of those waters in the public interest. The most updated water quality objectives for the Junk Bay WCZ, Eastern Buffer WCZ and Victoria Harbour WCZ were revised in June 1997.
· EIAO-TM – Annex 17 sets out the methodology for assessment of fisheries impacts, in order to provide objective identification, prediction and evaluation of potential fisheries impacts arising from the Project. Annex 9 provides evaluation criteria.
Table 10.1 Baseline Information of Fisheries Resources in the Assessment Area
Relevant Literature Describing Fisheries
Baseline Information in the Assessment Area |
Survey 2016/2017 (AFCD, 2018a) |
and Capture Fisheries data available from AFCD website and Hong Kong Year
Book reports (AFCD, 2020a and 2020b; HKYB, 2011-2019) |
Annual Report 2017 – 2019 (AFCD, 2017; 2018b; 2019) |
Report on Survey of Fisheries Resources in Hong Kong
(2010 – 2015) (AFCD, 2020c) |
Resources and Fishing Operations in Hong Kong Waters (ERM, 1998) |
report of Sha Tin Cavern Sewage Treatment Works (DSD, 2016) |
Table 10.2 Recent Figures of Hong Kong Capture Fisheries Industry
2011 |
2012 |
2013 |
2014 |
2015 |
2016 |
2017 |
2018 |
2019 |
2020 |
Fishing fleet size (No. of vessels) |
4,030 |
3,990 |
3,980 |
4,540 |
5,050 |
5,160 |
5,150 |
5,050 |
5,030 |
5,040 |
Local Fishermen engaged in capture fisheries |
8,500 |
8,800 |
8,800 |
9,400 |
10,500 |
10,800 |
10,600 |
10,200 |
10,100 |
10,150 |
Production (tonnes) |
171,000 |
155,230 |
170,129 |
160,789 |
145,193 |
142,775 |
127,554 |
124,300 |
122,900 |
116,000 |
Values of production (HK$ million) |
2,360 |
2,320 |
2,340 |
2,530 |
2,340 |
2,600 |
2,600 |
2,800 |
2,800 |
2,700 |
Note: 1.
Sources: AFCD,
2017, 2018b, 2019, 2020b; HKYB, 2011-2019 |
Table 10.3 Summary of Capture Fisheries Data in the Assessment Area
Parameter |
Tin Hoi |
Harbour |
Cove |
Fathoms Cove |
Channel |
Overall fishing operations (no. of vessels) |
>0-50 |
>100-400 |
>50-100 |
>0-400 |
>200-600 |
Overall fisheries production (kg/ha) |
>0-50 |
>50-200 |
>0-50 |
>0-200 |
>200-300 |
Source: AFCD,
Table 10.4 Recent Figures of Hong Kong Culture Fisheries Industry
Parameter |
2011 |
2012 |
2013 |
2014 |
2015 |
2016 |
2017 |
2018 |
2019 |
2020 |
Licensed operator |
1,015 |
1,008 |
987 |
968 |
969 |
949 |
938 |
931 |
923 |
925 |
Production (tonnes) |
1,185 |
1,299 |
1,005 |
1,255 |
1,219 |
1,031 |
1,004 |
850 |
890 |
687 |
Values of production (HK$ million) |
94 |
117 |
94 |
115 |
105 |
86 |
78 |
71 |
72 |
52 |
AFCD, 2020b; HKYB, 2011-2019
Indirect Impact
Indirect Impact
Table 10.5 Fisheries Impact on Fishing Ground and Mariculture Areas within Assessment Area
Fishing Ground |
Mariculture Areas |
Nature of impact |
§ No direct loss of fishing ground and mariculture areas § No unacceptable indirect water quality impact on fisheries is anticipated |
Size of affected area |
Indirect Impact §
The nearest fishing ground and mariculture
area are more than 2.7 km and 7.0 km away from the Project site
respectively. No unacceptable indirect
water quality impacts on fishing ground and mariculture areas during
construction and operational phases are expected |
Loss of fisheries resources/production |
Direct Impact §
No direct loss of fisheries resources/
aquaculture and aquaculture productions during construction and operational
phases Indirect Impact §
The nearest fishing ground and mariculture area
are more than 2.7 km and 7.0 km away from the Project site respectively. No unacceptable indirect water quality
impact on fisheries resources |
Destruction and disturbance of nursery and
spawning grounds |
No important nursery and spawning grounds of commercial fisheries species were recorded |
N/A |
Impact on fishing activity |
Negligible |
N/A |
Impact on aquaculture activity |
N/A |
Negligible, given the large distance between Project site and aquaculture activity (>7.0 km) |
Overall impact before mitigation |
Negligible |
Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) (2018a). Fisheries: Port Survey. https://www.afcd.gov.hk/english/fisheries/fish_cap/fish_cap_latest/files/common/PS201617_ENG.pdf
Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) (2018b). Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department Annual Report 2017-2018.
Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD)
(2019). Agriculture, Fisheries and
Conservation Department Annual Report 2018-2019.
Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) (2020a). Fisheries: Aquaculture. https://www.afcd.gov.hk/english/fisheries/fish_aqu/fish_aqu_mpo/fish_aqu_mpo.html
Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) (2020b). Fisheries: Capture Fisheries.https://www.afcd.gov.hk/english/fisheries/fish_cap/fish_cap_latest/fish_cap_latest.html
Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) (2020c). Report on Survey of Fisheries Resources in Hong Kong (2010-2015). https://www.afcd.gov.hk/english/fisheries/fish_cap/fish_cap_con/fish_cap_con.html
Drainage Service Department (DSD) (2016). Sha Tin Cavern Sewage Treatment Works – EIA Report. Prepared by AECOM Asia Co Ltd. for Drainage Service Department, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
Environmental Resources Management (ERM) (1998). Fisheries Resources and Fishing Operation in Hong Kong Waters. Prepared by ERM for Agriculture and Fisheries Department, HK SAR Government.
Hong Kong Year Book (HKYB) (2010). Food Safety, Environmental Hygiene, Agriculture and Fisheries. https://www.yearbook.gov.hk/2010/en/pdf/E09.pdf
Hong Kong Year Book (HKYB) (2011). Food Safety, Environmental Hygiene, Agriculture and Fisheries. https://www.yearbook.gov.hk/2011/en/pdf/E09.pdf
Hong Kong Year Book (HKYB) (2012). Food Safety, Environmental Hygiene, Agriculture and Fisheries. https://www.yearbook.gov.hk/2012/en/pdf/E09.pdf
Hong Kong Year Book (HKYB) (2013). Food Safety, Environmental Hygiene, Agriculture and Fisheries. https://www.yearbook.gov.hk/2013/en/pdf/E09.pdf
Hong Kong Year Book (HKYB) (2014). Food Safety, Environmental Hygiene, Agriculture and Fisheries. https://www.yearbook.gov.hk/2014/en/pdf/E09.pdf
Hong Kong Year Book (HKYB) (2015). Food Safety, Environmental Hygiene, Agriculture and Fisheries. https://www.yearbook.gov.hk/2015/en/pdf/E09.pdf
Hong Kong Year Book (HKYB) (2016). Food Safety, Environmental Hygiene, Agriculture and Fisheries. https://www.yearbook.gov.hk/2016/en/pdf/E10.pdf
Hong Kong Year Book (HKYB) (2017). Food Safety, Environmental Hygiene, Agriculture and Fisheries. https://www.yearbook.gov.hk/2017/en/pdf/E10.pdf
Hong Kong Year Book (HKYB) (2018). Food Safety, Environmental Hygiene, Agriculture and Fisheries. https://www.yearbook.gov.hk/2018/en/pdf/E10.pdf
Legislative Council (Legco) (2013). Panel on Food Safety and Environmental Hygiene − Review of moratorium on issue of new fish culture licences. https://www.legco.gov.hk/yr12-13/english/panels/fseh/papers/fe0611cb2-1284-6-e.pdf