In the Policy Address 2015, the Government set out the intention to
adopt the concept of revitalising water bodies in
large-scale drainage improvement works and planning drainage networks for the
new development areas. The concept of revitalising water bodies is aimed at promoting greening,
biodiversity, beautification and water friendliness in addition to achieving
efficient drainage, with a view to building sustainable drainage facilities and
providing a better living environment.
Fo Tan Nullah (FTN) and Tai Wai Nullah (TWN) were identified as the
waterbodies of high revitalisation potential and
therefore were recommended for detailed investigation and proposing revitalisation schemes for implementation, taken into
account its unique features and constraints in the feasibility study on “Study
on Revitalisation of Water Bodies” (“the Study”)
under Agreement No. CE 28/2015 (DS) commissioned by Drainage Services
Department (DSD) in December 2015.
In April 2020, AECOM Asia
Company Limited was commissioned by DSD to undertake Agreement
No. CE54/2019 (DS) – “Revitalisation of Tai Wai Nullah and Fo
Tan Nullah – Investigation” (hereafter referred to as “the Assignment”)
to revitalise the existing TWN and FTN with an aim to
enhance their ecological value, provide a greener environment, promote water
friendliness and improve the community environment. The
Assignment also includes provision of dry weather flow interceptors to improve
the water quality. As part of the
Assignment, an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) study under the
Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO) is required for the proposed
works to TWN and FTN, respectively.
This EIA Report covers the EIA
study for Revitalisation of TWN (hereafter referred
to as “the Project”).
The proposed revitalisation of TWN is classified as designated project
(DP) by virtue of Item I.1(b)(ii), Part I, Schedule 2 of the EIAO – “a drainage
channel or river training and diversion works which discharges or discharge
into an area which is less than 300 m from the nearest boundary of an existing
or planned site of cultural heritage”.
Project Profile for Revitalisation of TWN (No. PP-586/2019) was submitted to
the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) on 31 July 2019 for application
for an EIA study brief under section 5(1)(a) of the EIAO. The
EIA Study Brief for the Revitalisation of TWN (No.
ESB-320/2019) was issued on 11 September 2019 under the EIAO.
(a) beautification of the existing nullah (approximately 2 km long and
40 m wide) by re-surfacing, greening and modification of channel bed;
(b) provision of approximately 3 km walkways along the nullah bed and
associated stairs and access ramps;
(c) provision of Dry Weather Flow Interceptor (DWFI) system;
(d) provision of features for ecological enhancement and sustainable
drainage system, and two underground water pumps installed near mid-stream of
TWN and underground water pipes for associated
water retention and supplement;
(e) construction of viewing decks and revamp of existing
(f) revamp/provision of footpaths, railings, pavilions, amenity areas
and public open spaces along and on the nullah banks, as well as the associated UV disinfection system for water play features;
(g) improvement/modification of existing planters; and
(h) associated works including landscaping, utility works, etc. The scope of the
abovementioned key components involves the following construction
works elements:
Channel Bed Modification
Improvement of Existing Walkways and Riparian
Public Open Spaces
Construction of Dry Weather Flow Interceptor
Landscaping and Miscellaneous Works
Desilting at Downstream Tidal Zone
Construction of Mid-stream Underground Water Pumping Facilities for Ecological Enhancement
Associated Water Retention and Supplement
Environmental Monitoring and Audit
(EM&A) programme for air quality, noise, water
quality, waste management implications,
ecological (terrestrial), cultural heritage and landscape and visual
impacts have been recommended during the construction phase to ensure that the
recommended mitigation measures in the EIA report are properly
implemented. Commissioning tests for
fixed noise sources, i.e. the proposed water pumps and UV disinfection system,
have been recommended prior to operation of the Project to ensure the fixed
plant noise impact would comply with the relevant noise standards. No EM&A programme
is required during the operational phase.
Construction Programme
The construction works are
tentatively scheduled to commence in 2024 for completion in 2029. A tentative construction programme
for the Project is provided in Appendix
A. This programme
provides the basis for the assessments presented in the EIA Report.
The purpose of this
Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Manual is to guide the setups of an EM&A programme
to ensure compliance with the EIA study recommendations, to assess the effectiveness of the recommended mitigation
measures and to set out the documentation
and submission as required.
This Manual outlines the monitoring and audit programme of the
Project. It
aims to provide systematic procedures for monitoring, auditing and minimising
environmental impacts associated with construction works and operational activities.
Hong Kong environmental
regulations have been reference to on setting out the relevant environmental standards and guidelines in
the preparation of this Manual. In addition, the EM&A
Manual has been prepared in accordance with the requirements stipulated in
Annex 21 of the Technical Memorandum
on Environmental Impact Assessment Process (EIAO- TM).
This Manual contains the
following information:
Responsibilities of the Contractor, the Engineer
or Engineer’s Representative (ER), Environmental
Team (ET) or ET Leader and Independent Environmental Checker (IEC) with respect to the environmental monitoring and audit requirements during the course
of the Project;
The basis for, and description of the broad approach
underlying the EM&A programme;
Details of the methodologies to be adopted,
including all field laboratories and analytical procedures, and details on
quality assurance and quality control programme;
The rationale on which the environmental monitoring
data will be evaluated and interpreted;
Definition and establishment of Action and Limit
Establishment of Event and Action plans;
Requirements for reviewing pollution sources and
working procedures required in the event of non-compliance with the
environmental criteria and complaints; and
Requirements for presentation of environmental
monitoring and audit data and appropriate reporting procedures.
For the purpose of this Manual,
the ET Leader, who shall be responsible for and in charge of the ET, shall
refer to the person delegated the role of executing the EM&A requirements.
Project Organisation
Involvement of relevant parties
in a collaborative and interactive manner is essential for the implementation
of the recommended EM&A programme. The following sections outline the primary
responsibilities and duties of the key EM&A programme
participants. The proposed project organisation and lines of communication with respect to
EM&A works are shown in Figure
Engineer or Engineer’s Representative (ER)
The ER is responsible for
overseeing the construction works and for ensuring that the works undertaken by
the Contractor in accordance with the specification and contractual
requirements. The duties and
responsibilities of the ER with respect to EM&A may include:
Supervise the Contractor’s activities and ensure
that the requirements in the Environmental Permit (EP), the approved EIA
Report, EM&A Manual are fully complied with;
Inform the Contractor when action is required to
reduce environmental impacts in accordance with the Event and Action Plans;
Participate in joint site inspection undertaken
by the ET; and
Adhere to the procedures for carrying out
complaint investigation.
The Contractor
The Contractor shall report to
the ER. The duties and responsibilities
of the Contractor comprise the following:
Work within the scope of the contract and other
tender conditions with respect to environmental requirements;
Operate and strictly adhere to the guidelines
and requirements in this EM&A programme and contract specifications;
Provide assistance to ET in carrying out
monitoring and auditing;
Participate in the site inspections undertaken
by ET as required, and undertake correction actions;
Provide information / advice to ET regarding
works activities which may contribute, or be continuing to the generation of
adverse environmental conditions;
Submit proposals on mitigation measures in case
of exceedance of Action and Limit levels in accordance with the Event / Action
Implement measures to reduce impact where Action
and Limit levels are exceeded; and
to the procedures for carrying out complaint investigation.
Environmental Team (ET)
An ET shall be established by
the project proponent prior to the commencement of the construction of the
project to implement the EM&A programme in
accordance with the EM&A requirements as contained in the EM&A Manual
to ensure the compliance with the project’s environmental performance requirements. The ET shall be an independent party from the
Contractor and the IEC and have relevant professional qualifications or have
sufficient relevant EM&A experience subject to approval of the ER. The ET shall be led and managed by the ET
Leader. The ET Leader shall possess at
least 7 years of experience in EM&A and/or environmental management.
The ET Leader shall be
responsible for certifying the environmental acceptability of permanent and
temporary works, relevant plans and submissions required in the EM&A Manual
and/or under the EP. The ET Leader shall keep a
contemporaneous log-book for recording each and every instance or circumstance
or change of circumstances that may affect the compliance with the
recommendations of the EIA Report. The log-book shall
be kept readily available for inspection by all persons assisting in
supervision of the implementation of the recommendations of the EIA Report and
the EP or by the Director of Environmental Protection (DEP) or his authorised officers.
The broad duties and
responsibilities of the ET are:
Monitor various environmental parameters as
required in this EM&A Manual;
Analyse the EM&A data and review the success
of EM&A programme to confirm the adequacy of mitigation measures
implemented and the validity of the EIA predictions, and to identify any
adverse environmental impacts arising;
Carry out regular site inspection to investigate
and audit the Contractors' site practice, equipment and work methodologies with
respect to pollution control and environmental mitigation, and effect proactive
action to pre-empt problems; carry out ad hoc site inspections if significant
environmental problems are identified;
Audit and prepare monitoring and audit reports
on the environmental monitoring data and site environmental conditions;
Report on the EM&A results to the IEC,
Contractor, the ER or its delegated representative and EPD;
Recommend suitable mitigation measures to the
Contractor in the case of exceedance of Action and Limit levels in accordance
with the Event and Action Plans;
Advice to the Contractor on environmental
improvement, awareness, enhancement matters, etc. on site;
Timely submission of the EM&A report to the
Project Proponent and the EPD; and
Adhere to the procedures for carrying out
complaint investigation in accordance with Section 12.3
of this EM&A Manual.
Independent Environmental Checker (IEC)
The IEC shall be employed by
the project proponent prior to the commencement of the construction pf the
Project. The IEC shall be an independent
party from the Contractor and the ET.
The IEC shall possess at least 7 years of experience in EM&A and/or
environmental management.
The IEC shall be responsible
for the duties defined in this Manual, and shall audit the overall EM&A programme, including the implementation of all
environmental mitigation measures, submissions required in this Manual, as well
as any other relevant submissions required under the EP. The
IEC shall be responsible for verifying the environmental acceptability of
permanent and temporary works, relevant design plans and submissions under the EP. The IEC shall verify the log-book prepared and kept by
the ET Leader. The IEC shall notify EPD by fax, within
24 hours of receipt of notification from the ET Leader of any such instance or
circumstance or change of circumstances or non-compliance with the EIA Report
or the EP, which might affect the monitoring or control of adverse
environmental impact.
The board duties and
responsibilities of the IEC are:
Validate and confirm the accuracy of monitoring
results, appropriateness of monitoring equipment, monitoring locations with
reference to the locations of the nearby sensitive receivers, and monitoring
On an as needed basis, verify and certify the
environmental acceptability of the permanent and temporary works, relevant
plans and submissions required in the EM&A Manual and/or under the EP;
Review and verify the EM&A works performed
by the ET (at least at monthly intervals);
Carry out random sample check and audit the
monitoring activities and results (at least at monthly intervals);
Conduct random site inspection;
Review the EM&A reports submitted by the ET;
Review the effectiveness of environmental
mitigation measures and project environmental performance;
Review the proposal on mitigation measures
submitted by the Contractor in accordance with the Event and Action Plans;
Check the mitigation measures that have been
recommended in the EIA and this Manual, and ensure they are properly
implemented in a timely manner, when necessary; and
Adhere to the procedures for carrying out
complaint investigation, and verify investigation results of complaint cases
and the effectiveness of corrective measures.
Sufficient and suitably
qualified professional and technical staff shall be employed by the respective
parties to ensure full compliance with their duties and responsibilities, as
required under the EM&A programme for the
duration of the Project.
The potential air quality
impacts arising from the construction of the Project would be related to fugitive dust emissions from
construction works and gaseous emissions from the use of powered mechanical equipment
(PME), and odour nuisance
from desilted / excavated materials generated during the desilting
at downstream tidal zone / excavation works in the nullah. Since
the construction works of the Project would be divided into sections which are in small scale, the air quality impacts
would be localised and minor, and would be well controlled through the implementation of good site practices and dust suppression measures stipulated in the Air Pollution Control
(Construction Dust) Regulation as well as the
proposed good site practices to minimise the exhaust
emissions from non-road mobile machinery (NRMMs)
and odour nuisance. No adverse
air quality impact due to the construction of the Project would
therefore be anticipated. Nonetheless, dust monitoring is recommended near mid-stream TWN (sections
2 to 4 of TWN) during construction phase to ascertain
that there would be no adverse cumulative dust impacts at the nearby sensitive receivers due to this Project and the
concurrent construction with the interfacing Revised Trunk Road T4, which site area overlaps
with this Project. Regular weekly site environmental audit is also recommended to
ensure the implementation of recommended mitigation measures
during construction phase.
No adverse air quality impact
due to the operation of the Project would be anticipated. With the implementation of DWFI system and treatment wetlands under
the Project, the existing polluted
dry weather flows from drainage outlets along TWN would either be intercepted
and diverted to the existing
sewerage system for conveying to Shatin Sewage Treatment Works for treatment by the DWFI system, or be
discharged into the treatment wetlands installed at drainage outlets for in-situ polishing. Furthermore, with the modification
of channel bed and channel bank
downstream of TWN’s low flow channel near its confluence with Shing Mun River near Man Lai Court, the excessive
accumulation of silt brought by tidal influence
due to uneven surface and
flat gradient of nullah bed in front of the broad-crested weir would be greatly reduced. In addition, desilting works would
be carried out on an annual basis during dry
season (November to March) when the water flow is low, except during emergency situations during the operational phase. Hence, no odour issue is envisaged. No EM&A programme is required during
the operational phase.
This section presents the
requirements, methodology, equipment, monitoring locations, criteria and
protocols for the monitoring and audit of air quality impact during the
construction phase of the Project.
Mitigation measures for construction
phase air quality impacts have been recommended in the EIA Report. All the recommended mitigation measures are
detailed in the implementation schedule as presented in Appendix B. The Contractor should be responsible for the
design and implementation of the mitigation measures.
Construction Phase
Monitoring Parameters
The major dusty construction
activities of the Project would mainly be related to fugitive dust generated wind erosion of the excavated
areas and stockpiles, as well as from construction activities including excavation, demolition of existing
footbridge and backfilling.
Therefore, 1-hour Total
Suspended Particulates (TSP) is recommended to be monitored and audited at the proposed monitoring locations during construction phase.
The criteria against which ambient air quality monitoring to be assessed
are 1-hour TSP limit of 500 µg
m-3. This level is not to be exceeded
at air sensitive receivers
Monitoring and audit of the TSP
levels shall be carried out by the ET to ensure that any deteriorating air
quality could be readily detected and timely action shall be undertaken to
rectify such situation.
1-hour TSP
levels should be measured to indicate the impacts of construction dust on air
quality. The TSP levels should be
measured by following the standard method as set out in High Volume Method for
Total Suspended Particulates, Part 50 Chapter 1 Appendix B, Title 40 of the
Code of Federal Regulations of the USEPA (hereinafter referred to as “HVS
method”). Upon approval by the EPD and
the IEC, an alternative sampling method of using direct reading methods which
are capable of producing comparable results as that by the high-volume sampling
method can be used to indicate short event impacts.
All relevant data including
temperature, pressure, weather conditions, elapsed-time meter reading for the
start and stop of sampler, identification and weight of the filter paper, and
other special phenomena and work progress of the concerned site, etc., should
be recorded down in detail. A sample
data sheet is shown in Appendix C.
Monitoring Equipment
High volume sampler (HVS) in
compliance with the following specifications should be used for carrying out
the 1-hour TSP monitoring:
0.6 - 1.7 m3 per minute (20 - 60 standard cubic
feet per minute) adjustable flow range;
equipped with a timing / control device with ± 5
minutes accuracy for 24 hours operation;
installed with elapsed-time meter with ± 2
minutes accuracy for 24 hours operation;
capable of providing a minimum exposed area of
406 cm2;
flow control accuracy: ± 2.5% deviation over
24-hour sampling period;
equipped with a shelter to protect the filter
and sampler;
incorporated with an electronic mass flow rate
controller or other equivalent devices;
equipped with a flow recorder for continuous
provided with a peaked roof inlet;
incorporated with a manometer;
able to hold and seal the filter paper to the
sampler housing at horizontal position;
easy to change the filter; and
capable of operating continuously for 24-hour
The ET shall be responsible for
the provision of the monitoring equipment. He shall ensure that sufficient number of HVSs with
appropriate calibration kit is available for
carrying out the baseline,
regular impacts monitoring and ad-hoc monitoring. The HVSs shall be equipped
with an electronic mass flow controller and be calibrated against a traceable standard at regular intervals, in
accordance with requirements stated in the manufacturers operating manual. All the equipment, calibration kit, filter papers, etc.,
shall be clearly labelled.
Initial calibration of the dust
monitoring equipment shall be conducted upon installation and prior to
commissioning at bi-monthly intervals.
The transfer standard shall be traceable to the internationally recognised primary standard and be calibrated
annually. The calibration data shall be
properly documented for future reference by the concerned parties such as the
IEC. All the data shall be converted
into standard temperature and pressure condition.
The flow rate of the sampler
before and after the sampling exercise with the filter in position shall be
verified to be constant and be recorded on the data sheet as shown in Appendix C.
If the ET Leader proposes to
use a direct reading dust meter to measure 1-hour TSP levels, he shall submit
sufficient information to the IEC to prove that the instrument is capable of
achieving a comparable result as that of the HVS before it may be used for the
1-hour sampling. The instrument shall
also be calibrated regularly in accordance with requirements stated in the
manufacturers operating manual, and the 1-hour sampling shall be determined
periodically by HVS to check the validity and accuracy of the results measured
by direct reading method.
Wind data monitoring equipment
shall also be provided and set up at conspicuous locations for logging wind
speed and wind direction near to the dust monitoring locations. The equipment installation location shall be
proposed by the ET and agreed with the ER and the IEC. For installation and operation of wind data
monitoring equipment, the following points shall be observed.
The wind sensors shall be installed on masts at
an elevated level 10m above ground so that they are clear of obstructions or
turbulence caused by the buildings;
The wind data shall be captured by a data
logger. The data recorded in the data
logger shall be downloaded periodically for analysis at least once a month;
The wind data monitoring equipment shall be
re-calibrated at least once every six months; and
Wind direction should be divided into 16 sectors
of 22.5 degrees each.
In exceptional situations, the
ET may propose alternative methods to obtain representative wind data upon
approval from the ER and agreement from the IEC.
Laboratory Measurement / Analysis
If a site laboratory is set up
or a non-HOKLAS accredited laboratory is hired for carrying out the laboratory
analysis, the laboratory equipment shall be verified by the IEC and approved by
the ER. Measurement performed by the
laboratory shall be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the ER and the IEC.
The IEC shall conduct regular
audit of the measurement performed by the laboratory so as to ensure the
accuracy of measurement results. The ET
shall provide the ER with one copy of the Title 40 of the Code of Federal
Regulations, Chapter 1 (Part 50), Appendix B for his/her reference.
Filter paper of size
8"x10" shall be labelled before sampling. It shall be a clean filter paper with no
pinholes, and shall be conditioned in a humidity-controlled chamber for over
24-hour and be pre-weighed before use for the sampling.
After sampling, the filter paper
loaded with dust shall be kept in a clean and tightly sealed plastic bag. The filter paper shall then be returned to
the laboratory for reconditioning in the humidity-controlled chamber followed
by accurate weighing by an electronic balance with a readout down to
0.1mg. The balance shall be regularly
calibrated against a traceable standard.
All the collected samples shall
be kept in a good condition for 6 months before disposal.
Monitoring Location
The selected monitoring
location is the worst potentially affected air sensitive receivers located in
the vicinity of construction sites. The
proposed air quality monitoring location during construction phase is listed in
2.1 below and shown in Figure 2.1.
Table 2.1 Proposed
Construction Dust Monitoring Station
Monitoring Station ID
Mei Lam Commercial Centre
TWGHs Tsoi Wing Sing Primary School
Low-rise Residential Developments at Tai Wai
The status and locations of the
air quality sensitive receivers may change after issuance of this Manual and
during the course of construction. In
such case, the ET shall propose updated monitoring locations and seek agreement
from ER and IEC and approval from EPD on the proposal. Alternative monitoring location shall be
approved by EPD prior to the change.
When alternative monitoring
locations are proposed, the following criteria, as far as practicable, shall be
at the Project boundary or such
locations close to the major dust emission source;
ii. close to the air sensitive receivers as defined in the EIAO-TM;
iii. proper position/sitting and orientation of the monitoring equipment;
iv. take into account the prevailing meteorological conditions.
The ET shall agree with the IEC
on the position of the HVS for installation of the monitoring equipment. When positioning the samplers, the following
points shall be noted:
i. a horizontal platform with appropriate support to secure the
samplers against gusty wind shall be provided;
ii. two samplers shall be placed less than 2 meters apart;
iii. the distance between the sampler and an obstacle, such as buildings,
must be at least twice the height that the obstacle protrudes above the
iv. a minimum of 2 metres of separation from
walls, parapets and penthouses is required for rooftop samplers;
v. a minimum of 2 metres of separation from
any supporting structure, measured horizontally is required;
vi. no furnace or incinerator flue is nearby;
vii. airflow around the sampler is unrestricted;
viii. the sampler is more than 20 metres from
the dripline;
ix. any wire fence and gate, to protect the sampler, shall not cause any
obstruction during monitoring;
x. permission must be obtained to set up the samplers and to obtain
access to the monitoring stations; and
xi. a secured supply of electricity is needed to operate the samplers.
Baseline Monitoring
Baseline monitoring shall be
carried out to determine the ambient 1-hour TSP levels at the monitoring
locations prior to the commencement of the Project. During the baseline monitoring, there shall
not be any construction or dust generating activities in the vicinity of the
monitoring stations. The baseline
monitoring will provide data for the determination of the appropriate Action
levels with the Limit levels set against statutory or otherwise agreed limits.
Before commencing the baseline
monitoring, the ET shall inform the IEC of the baseline monitoring programme such that the IEC can conduct on-site audit to
ensure accuracy of the baseline monitoring results.
TSP baseline monitoring should
be carried out at all the designated monitoring locations for at least 14
consecutive days prior to the commissioning of the construction works. 1-hour TSP sampling shall be done at least
three times per day at each monitoring station.
During the baseline monitoring, there should not be any construction or
dust generating activities in the vicinity of the monitoring stations. General meteorological conditions (wind
speed, direction and precipitation) and notes regarding any significant
adjacent dust producing sources should also be recorded throughout the baseline
monitoring period. A summary of baseline
monitoring requirement is presented in Table 2.2.
In case the baseline monitoring
cannot be carried out at the designated monitoring locations during the
baseline monitoring period, the ET shall carry out the monitoring at
alternative locations which can effectively represent the baseline conditions
at the impact monitoring locations. The
ET shall propose updated baseline monitoring location and seek agreement from
ER and IEC and approval from EPD on the proposal. Alternative monitoring location shall be
approved by EPD prior to the change.
In exceptional cases, when
insufficient baseline monitoring data or questionable results are obtained, the
ET Leader shall liaise with the IEC and EPD to agree on an appropriate set of
data to be used as a baseline reference and submit to ER for approval.
If the ET Leader considers that
significant changes in the ambient conditions have arisen, a repeat of the
baseline monitoring may be carried out to update the baseline levels. The revised baseline levels, in turn, the air
quality criteria, shall be agreed with the IEC and EPD.
Impact Monitoring
The ET shall carry out impact
monitoring during construction phase of the Project. For 1-hour TSP monitoring, the sampling
frequency of at least three times in every six-days should be undertaken when
the highest dust impact occurs. In case
of non-compliance with the air criteria, more frequent monitoring, as specified
in the Action Plan in the following section, should be conducted. This additional monitoring should be
continued until the excessive dust emission or the deterioration in the air
quality is rectified. The impact
monitoring programme is summarised
in Table 2.2.
The monthly schedule of the
compliance and impact monitoring programme should be
drawn up by the ET one month prior to the commencement of the scheduled
construction period. Before commencing
the impact monitoring, the ET shall inform the IEC of the impact monitoring programme such that the IEC can conduct on-site audit to
ensure accuracy of the impact monitoring results.
2.2 Summary
of Construction Dust Monitoring Programme
Monitoring Period
Baseline Monitoring
days of at least 2 weeks before commencement of major construction works
times per day
Impact Monitoring
the construction phase
3 times in every 6 days
Event and Action Plan
The baseline monitoring results
form the basis for determining the air quality criteria for the impact
monitoring. The ET shall compare the
impact monitoring results with air quality criteria set up for 1-hour TSP. Table 2.3
shows the air quality criteria, namely Action and Limit levels to be used. Should non-compliance of the air quality
criteria occur, action in accordance with the Action Plan in Table 2.4 shall be carried out.
2.3 Action and Limit Levels for Air Quality (Construction Dust)
Action Level [1]
Limit Level
TSP (1-hour average)
BL <= 384 µgm-3,
AL = (BL * 1.3 + LL)/2
BL > 384 µgm-3,
500 µgm-3
[1] BL = Baseline
level, AL = Action level, LL = Limit level
Weekly site audit should be
conducted during the construction phase of the Project to ensure the
recommended mitigation measures in Appendix B are properly implemented.
Weekly site audit during the
construction phase of the Project should be conducted to ensure proper
implementation of mitigation measures and good site practices listed in Appendix B and the noise control
requirements stated in EPD’s "Recommended
Pollution Control Clauses for
Construction Contracts” to further minimise the
potential noise nuisance during construction phase.
Commissioning test for fixed
noise sources should be conducted prior to operation of the proposed
underground water pumps and UV disinfection system to ensure fixed plant noise
impact would comply with the relevant noise standards. Commissioning
test requirements should be agreed with EPD at least 1 month prior to the
commissioning test.
Potential water quality impacts
arising from the construction and operational phases of the Project were
identified and assessed in the EIA Report.
With proper implementation of the
recommended pollution control measures, water pollution from the Project would
be avoided and minimised and no adverse water quality
impacts would be expected during construction and operational phases. Water quality monitoring is therefore not
considered necessary. Nonetheless,
regular site audit during the construction phase is proposed to inspect the
construction activities and works area to ensure the recommended pollution
control measures are properly implemented.
No EM&A requirement is
considered necessary during the operational phase.
Mitigation measures specified
in ProPECC PN 1/94 “Construction Site Drainage” and relevant measures in ETWB TC
(Works) No. 5/2005 “Protection of natural
streams / rivers from adverse impacts arising from construction works” are
recommended for the construction phase of the Project. Precautionary / pollution control measures to
avoid and minimise site surface runoff and the chance
of erosion, to retain and reduce any suspended solids prior to discharge, as
well as measures to control spillage or waterbody contamination from general
construction activities, and sewage effluent as detailed in Appendix B should also be implemented.
Weekly site audit should be
conducted to ensure that the recommended mitigation measures for water quality
impacts in Appendix B are
properly implemented during construction phase of the Project.
Waste arisings generated during
construction activities, such as construction and demolition (C&D)
materials, chemical waste and general refuse, are recommended to be audited
monthly to ensure that proper storage, transportation and disposal practices
are being implemented. The Contractor
would be responsible for the implementation of any mitigation measures
recommended in the EIA report to minimise waste or
resolve the issues associated with the management of wastes. Regular environmental audit should be
conducted to ensure proper management and handling of waste, and appropriate
implementation of the pollution control measures. A Waste Management Plan (WMP), as a part of
the Environmental Management Plan (EMP), should be prepared by the Contractor
in accordance with ETWB TC (W) No.19/2005
and submitted to the Architect/Engineer for approval. The auditing requirement stated in ETWB TC (W) No.19/2005 should be
followed with regard to the management of C&D materials. No unacceptable impacts related to waste management would be
anticipated during the operation of the Project. EM&A is considered not necessary during
the operational phase. With the proper handling,
storage and disposal of wastes arising from the construction of the Project, it
is anticipated that the potential adverse environmental impacts would be
avoided or minimised.
During site inspections, the ER and ET should pay special attention to
the issues relating to the waste management and check whether the Contractor
has implemented the recommended good site practices and other mitigation
measures as listed in Appendix B. The recommended mitigation measures should
form the basis of the WMP to be prepared by the
Contractor in accordance with the ETWB
TC(W) No. 19/2005 prior to the commencement of construction work would
provide an overall framework of Waste Management and Reduction.
Monthly site audit should be
carried out during construction phase to ensure that the recommended good site
practices and other mitigation measure as detailed in Appendix B are properly implemented by the Contractor. The audits should cover site inspection
concerning all aspects of on-site waste management practices, including the
waste generation, storage, recycling, transportation and disposal. Apart from site inspection, waste management
related documents including licenses, permits, disposal and recycling records
should be reviewed and audited for the compliance with the legislation and
contract requirements.
A site appraisal, including
site walkover and desktop review, was conducted to identify the potentially
contaminating land uses that may pose adverse impact to the Project. The findings were reported in the EIA
Based on the findings of the
site appraisal, no current or historical potentially contaminating land uses /
activities were identified within the Project site and therefore, no land
contamination impact associated with the Project would be anticipated. No EM&A is therefore required during the
construction or operational phases.
An assessment on potential sewerage
and sewage treatment implications arising from the Project has been
Since adverse impact on
sewerage and sewage treatment facilities associated with the Project would not
be anticipated, no EM&A requirement is considered necessary during the
construction or operational phases.
Potential ecological impacts
arising from the construction and operational phases of the Project were
assessed in the EIA Report. With proper
implementation of the recommended mitigation measures and good site practices,
no significant adverse ecological impact would be anticipated during
construction phase. Ecological
monitoring of ardeid usage of the active pre-roosting and roosting sites
confirmed by the pre-construction ardeid survey, as well as of the proposed
temporary floating pontoons has been recommended. The ecological monitoring / surveys should be
undertaken by experience ecologist(s) with relevant working experience. Monthly site audit should be carried out throughout
the construction phase to ensure recommended mitigation measures are fully
implemented. In case of non-compliance,
contractor should be informed to strengthen the proposed mitigation measures
With ecological enhancement
measures incorporated into revitalisation design of
TWN, nature of disturbance during operational phase would be minimal compared
to existing baseline condition. Net
positive ecological outcome would be resulted from the created and enhanced
wetland habitats. No unacceptable adverse residual
impacts would therefore be expected during the operational phase. No EM&A programme
is required during the operational phase.
Mitigation measures for
ecological impacts have been recommend in the EIA Report to minimise
potential direct and indirect impacts.
The implementation schedule of the mitigation measures is given in Appendix B.
Pre-construction Ardeid Survey
The pre-construction ardeid survey should be undertaken by experienced ecologist(s) with at least 7 years
of relevant working experience. The findings of the pre-construction ardeid survey should be submitted and approved by
findings of the pre-construction ardeid
survey will be reviewed to verify if any unwanted direct encroachment of
construction works to ardeid roosting
tree would occur according to latest extent of ardeid night roosting prior to the construction activities. In case there is
any unwanted direct encroachment to the ardeid
roosting tree, remedial actions should then be recommended, where appropriate,
in consultation with relevant authorities.
Ardeid Monitoring
The ecological monitoring
should be undertaken by experienced ecologist(s) with at least 7 years of
relevant working experience. The survey should be
conducted from one hour before sunset to one hour after sunset. Direct observation should be made from a
vantage point which enables an unobstructed view over the area. The species, abundance and time of all
ardeids observed at the night roosts during the survey should be recorded. Any changes in site condition or disturbances
detected or observed at the monitoring locations, including both construction
and non-construction related activities, during each monitoring visit should
also be recorded.
The usage of the ardeid night
roost and the proposed temporary floating pontoons should be reviewed and analysed, and if any significant decline is identified, the
cause of the decline, with reference to any changes in site condition or
disturbances detected, should be reviewed to identify any unpredicted indirect
ecological impacts arising from the proposed Project. Remedial
measures should be developed and implemented by the Contractor as
necessary. A plan detailing the
monitoring methodology should be submitted to and approved by AFCD. The monitoring results and evaluation of the
usage of the ardeid night roost and the proposed temporary floating pontoons
should be reported in the monthly EM&A Reports.
Monthly site audit should also
be carried out throughout the construction phase to ensure recommended avoidance
/ pollution control measures are properly implemented. In case of non-compliance, contractor should
be informed to strengthen the proposed measures accordingly.
The potential fisheries impact
associated with the Project has been assessed in the EIA Report. No unacceptable fisheries impact would be
anticipated during the construction and operational phases of the Project and
hence no specific monitoring for fisheries resources is considered
Mitigation measures for water
quality control recommended in Section 5 of the EIA Report would also serve to
protect fisheries resources from indirect impacts. Details of the mitigation measures are
presented in Appendix B.
No specific fisheries
monitoring and auditing programme is required. Environmental audit requirements for water
quality as detailed in Section 4 of this Manual would be
applicable for the protection of the fisheries resources.
A Declared
Monument, Old House, Wong Uk Village, is located
within 300m of the discharge area from the revitalised TWN, and located at
about 1.8km from the nearest Project boundary.
Ten built heritage resources are located within 300 m from the Project
site, including one Grade 1 Historic Building, three Grade 2 Historic
Buildings, five Grade 3 Historic Buildings, one new item pending for grading
assessment. Among the identified built
heritage, the Gatehouse of Pok Ngar
Villa (new item pending for grading assessment) is located within the Project
site. Potential direct impacts of
damages through contacting with construction machineries and site negligence,
as well as indirect impacts of ground-borne vibration, tilting, settlement and
dust nuisance would be anticipated the built heritage during construction
phase. Likewise, Li Cottage (Grade 1),
Nos. 1-3 First Street, Tai Wai (Grade 3) and Entrance Gate, Chik
Chuen Wai (Grade 2) are located within 100m from the
Project. Due to the close proximity from
the construction works, indirect impacts of ground-borne vibration would be
anticipated from the Project during construction phase. Che Kung Temple (Sha Tin), Dam, Weir, and
Supply Basin in Lower Shing Mun Reservoir are located between 137m and 255m
from the Project site, no adverse impacts would be anticipated for the following
built heritage during the construction phase due to the substantial distance
from the Project site.
No specific EM&A
requirement would be required for archaeology during construction phase. As a precautionary measure, AMO should be informed
immediately in case of discovery of antiquities or supposed antiquities in the
course of works, so that appropriate mitigation measures, if needed, can be
timely formulated and implemented in agreement with AMO.
No EM&A would be required
for built heritage and archaeology during the operational phase.
Mitigation measures for
cultural heritage impacts have been recommend in the EIA Report to minimise potential direct and indirect impacts. The implementation schedule of the mitigation
measures is given in Appendix B.
10.3.1 Pre
and Post Condition Surveys
Pre and post condition survey
of Gatehouse of Pok Ngar
Villa (new item pending for grading assessment), Li Cottage (Grade 1), Nos. 1-3
First Street, Tai Wai (Grade 3) and Entrance Gate, Chik
Chuen Wai (Grade 2) shall be carried out. The survey reports shall be submitted to AMO
for record.
10.3.2 Vibration,
Settlement and Tilting Monitoring
Monitoring of vibration,
settlement and tilting incorporated with a set of Alert, Alarm and Action (AAA)
system shall be employed for Gatehouse of Pok Ngar Villa, Li Cottage, Nos.
1-3 First Street, Tai Wai and Entrance Gate, Chik Chuen Wai during the construction
phase. If the alert level is exceeded,
the monitoring frequency should be increased.
If the alarm level is exceeded, the design of the construction may need
to be amended. If the action level is
exceeded, all works should be stopped. The proposed
AAA limiting criteria are presented in Table 10.1.
Table 10.1 Proposed
AAA Limiting Criteria for Vibration, Settlement and Tilting Level Monitoring
during Construction
Historic Building Grading
Alert, Alarm and Action Values [1]
Li Cottage
Grade 1
3 / 4 / 5 mm/s
6 / 8 / 10 mm
Gatehouse of Pok Ngar Villa
New item pending for grading assessment
5 / 6 / 7.5 mm/s
6 / 8 / 10 mm
Nos. 1-3 First Street, Tai Wai
Grade 3
Entrance Gate, Chik Chuen Wai
Grade 2
[1] Monitoring criteria would be subjected to
review upon updates of grading status of heritage sites.
The actual limiting criteria
should be further agreed with the AMO. A
monitoring proposal, including type of monitoring, checkpoint
locations, distribution of monitoring points, installation details,
frequency of monitoring and proposed actions to be
taken when reaching respective monitoring limits, should be submitted to AMO
for comments before commencement of the works.
Prior agreement and consent should be sought from the owner(s),
stakeholder(s) and relevant Government department(s) for the installation of
monitoring points before commencement of the works. Record of monitoring should be submitted
regularly to AMO during the construction.
AMO should be alerted in case any irregularities are observed.
Monthly site audit should also be
carried out throughout the construction phase to ensure recommended measures
are properly implemented. In case of
non-compliance, contractor should be informed to strengthen the proposed
measures accordingly.
The EIA Report has recommended
landscape and visual mitigation measures for the construction and operational
phases of the Project. This section
defines the audit requirements to confirm the recommended landscape and visual
impact mitigation measures are effectively implemented.
The implementation schedule of
the recommended mitigation measures is presented in Appendix B. The
landscape and visual mitigation measures proposed should be incorporated in the
detailed landscape and engineering design. The
construction phase mitigation measures should be adopted from the commencement
of construction and should be in place throughout the entire construction
period. Mitigation measures for the operational phase
should be adopted during the detailed design and be built as part of the
construction works.
For the implementation of the
proposed measures, a specialist landscape sub-contractor should be employed by
the Contractor for the construction of the landscape works and subsequent
maintenance operation during post-construction establishment period; a detailed
tree survey and topographic survey showing the site conditions should be
prepared prior to commencement of works.
Detailed tree survey should be prepared by an Arborist accredited by the
Hong Kong Institute of Landscape Architects or equivalent employed by the
Contractor. For proper implementation of
the measures, a Registered Landscape Architect (RLA) will be employed to check
the detailed tree survey and to prepare the Tree
Preservation and Removal Proposal (TPRP) as required in the DEVB TC(W) No. 4/2020 -
Tree Preservation according to the proposal in the EIA Report.
Any potential conflicts among
the proposed mitigation measures, the Project works, and operational
requirements should also be identified and resolved at early stage. Any changes to the mitigation measures should
be incorporated in the detailed design.
Baseline review to check,
record and report the status of the Landscape Resources (LR) and Landscape
Character Areas (LCA) within the construction works sites and works areas and
the Visually Sensitive Receivers (VSRs) within the visual envelope shall be
conducted by the Contractor prior to commencement of any construction works
making reference to the LR, LCA and VSRs maps included in the EIA Report.
Any significant changes to the
status of LR, LCA and VSRs since the EIA shall be identified. The recommended landscape and visual
mitigation measures shall be reviewed if such change warrants a change in the
design of the landscape and visual mitigation measures.
A baseline report including
photographic record of the site at the time of the Contractor's possession of
the site shall be prepared by the Contractor and approved by the ER. The approved baseline monitoring report including
photographic record shall be certified by the ET Leader and verified by the IEC
before submitting to EPD and PlanD for records.
Site audits should be
undertaken during the construction phase and the 12-month post-construction
establishment period to check that the proposed landscape and visual mitigation
measures are properly implemented and maintained as per their intended
The site audits should be
undertaken by the ET at least once every two weeks during the construction
period and once every two months for the 12-month post-construction
establishment period. Inspection
findings shall be logged in a site monitoring report with any discrepancies or
concerns regarding the implementation and effectiveness of mitigation measures
Site Environmental Audit
Site inspection provides a
direct means to trigger and enforce the specified environmental protection and
pollution control measures. Site
inspection shall be undertaken regularly and routinely to ensure that
appropriate environmental protection and pollution control mitigation measures
are properly implemented for the construction activities associated with the
Project. The site inspection is one of
the most effective tools to enforce the environmental protection requirements
at the works area.
The ET is responsible for
formulation of the environmental site inspection, deficiency and remedial
action reporting system, and for carrying out the site inspection works. He shall submit a proposal for site
inspection and deficiency and remedial action reporting procedures to the
Contractor for agreement, and to the ER for approval. The ET’s proposal for rectification would be
made known to the IEC.
Regular site inspections shall
be carried out during the construction phase.
The areas of inspection shall not be limited to the environmental
situation, pollution control and mitigation measures within the site. It shall also review the environmental
situation outside the site area that is likely to be affected, directly or
indirectly, by the site activities. The
ET shall make reference to the following information in conducting the
the EIA and EM&A recommendations on
environmental protection and pollution control mitigation measures;
ongoing results of the EM&A program;
works progress and programme;
individual works methodology proposals (which
shall include proposal on associated pollution control measures);
the contract specifications on environmental
the relevant environmental protection and
pollution control laws; and
previous site inspection results undertaken by
the ET and others.
The Contractor shall update the
ET Leader with all relevant information on the construction contract necessary
for him to carry out the site inspections.
The inspection results and associated recommendations for improvements
to the environmental protection and pollution control works shall be submitted
to the IEC and the Contractor within 24 hours, for reference and for taking
immediate remedial action. The
Contractor shall follow the procedures and timeframe as stipulated in the
environmental site inspection, deficiency and remedial action reporting system
formulated by the ET Leader, to report on any remedial measures subsequent to
the site inspections.
The ET shall also carry out ad hoc site inspections if significant
environmental problems are identified.
Inspections may also be required subsequent to receipt of an
environmental complaint, or as part of the investigation work, as specified in
the Event and Action Plan for environmental monitoring and audit.
There are contractual
environmental protection and pollution control requirements as well as
environmental protection and pollution control laws in Hong Kong with which the
construction activities shall comply.
In order that the works are in
compliance with the contractual requirements, all the works method statements
submitted by the Contractor to the ER for approval shall be sent to the ET
Leader for vetting to see whether sufficient environmental protection and
pollution control measures have been included.
The ET Leader shall also review
the progress and programme of the works to check that
relevant environmental laws have not been violated and that the any foreseeable
potential for violating the laws can be prevented.
The Contractor shall regularly
copy relevant documents to the ET Leader so that the checking work can be
carried out effectively. The documents
shall at least include the updated Work Progress Reports, the updated Works Programme, application for any necessary licence/permits under the relevant environmental protection
laws, and all the valid licence/permits received to
date. The site diary shall also be
available for the ET Leader’s inspection upon his request.
After reviewing the documents,
the ET Leader shall advise the ER and the Contractor of any non-compliance with
the contractual and legislative requirements on environmental protection and
pollution control for them to take follow-up actions. If the ET Leader’s review concludes that the
current status on licence/permit application and any
environmental protection and pollution control preparation works may not cope
with the works programme or may result in potential
violation of environmental protection and pollution control requirements, he
shall also advise the Contractor and the ER accordingly.
Upon receipt of the advice, the
Contractor shall undertake immediate action to remedy the situation. The ER shall follow up to ensure that
appropriate action has been taken by the Contractor in order that the Project’s
environmental protection and pollution control requirements are fulfilled.
Complaints shall be referred to
the ET Leader for carrying out complaint investigation procedures. The ET Leader shall undertake the following
procedures upon receipt of the complaints:
log complaint and date of receipt onto the
complaint database and inform the IEC immediately;
investigate the complaint to determine its
validity, and to assess whether the source of the problem is due to project
if a complaint is valid and due to project works,
identify mitigation measures in consultation with the IEC;
if mitigation measures are required, advise the
Contractor accordingly;
review the Contractor’s response to the
identified mitigation measures, and the updated situation;
if the complaint is a referral from EPD, submit
interim report to EPD on status of the complaint investigation and follow-up
action within the time frame assigned by EPD;
undertake additional monitoring and audit to
verify the complaint if necessary, and review that any valid reason for
complaint does not recur;
Report the investigation results and the
subsequent actions to the complainant (If the source of complain is identified
through EPD, the result should be reported within the time frame assigned by
EPD); and
Record the complaint, investigation, the
subsequent actions and the results in the monthly EM&A reports.
Reports can be provided in an
electronic medium upon agreeing the format with the ER and EPD. This would enable a transition from a paper /
historic and reactive approach to an electronic / real time proactive
approach. All the monitoring data
(baseline and impact) shall also be submitted in electronic format.
ET Leader shall submit baseline
monitoring report, monthly EM&A report, quarterly EM&A summary report
and final EM&A review report. In
accordance with Annex 21 of the EIAO-TM, a copy of the monthly, quarterly
summary and final review EM&A reports shall be made available to the
Director of Environmental Protection.
To facilitate public inspection
of the baseline monitoring report and various EM&A reports via the EIAO
Internet website and at the EIAO register office, electronic copies of these
reports shall be prepared in Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) (version 4.0 or
later) and in Portable Document Format (PDF Adobe 11 Pro version or later),
unless otherwise agreed by EPD and shall be submitted at the same time as the
hardcopies. For the HTML version, a
content page capable of providing hyperlink to each section and sub-section of
these reports shall be included at the beginning of the document. Hyperlinks to all figures, drawings and
tables in these reports shall be provided in the main text from where the
respective references are made. All
graphics in these reports shall be in interlaced GIF format unless otherwise
agreed by EPD. The content of the
electronic copies of these reports must be the same as the hard copies. The summary of the monitoring data taken
shall be included in the various EM&A Reports to allow for public
inspection via the EIAO Internet website.
Baseline Environmental
Monitoring Report(s) shall be prepared within 10 working days of completion of
the baseline monitoring and certified by
the ET Leader. The Baseline
Environmental Monitoring Report should then be submitted to IEC for agreement
and to EPD for approval. Copies of the
approved Baseline Environmental Monitoring Report shall be provided to the
Contractor, the IEC, ER and EPD. The ET
Leader shall liaise with the relevant parties on the exact number of copies
they require.
The baseline monitoring report
shall include, but not be limited to the following:
i. up to half a page executive summary;
ii. brief project background information;
iii. drawings showing locations of the baseline monitoring stations;
iv. an updated construction programme with
milestones of environmental protection / mitigation activities annotated;
v. monitoring results (in both hard and soft copies) together with the
following information:
monitoring methodology;
name of laboratory and types of
equipment used and calibration details;
parameters monitored;
monitoring locations (and
monitoring date, time,
frequency and duration; and
quality assurance (QA) / quality
control (QC) results and detection limits.
vi. details on influencing factors, including:
major activities, if any, being
carried out on the site during the period;
weather conditions during the
period; and
other factors which might
affect results.
vii. determination of the Action and Limit Levels (AL levels) for each
monitoring parameter and statistical analysis of the baseline data, the
analysis shall conclude if there is any significant difference between control
and impact stations for the parameters monitored;
viii. revisions for inclusion in the EM&A Manual; and
comments, recommendations and
The results and finding of all
EM&A work required in the Manual shall be recorded in the monthly EM&A reports prepared by the
ET Leader and submitted to IEC for verification before submitting to EPD. Monthly EM&A Reports shall be
submitted to the ER within 10 working
days of the end of each reporting month, the first report should be submitted
in the month after construction works
commence. Each
approved monthly EM&A report shall be submitted
to the parties: the Contractor, the IEC, the ER and EPD. Before submission of the first EM&A report, the ET Leader shall liaise with the
parties on the required number of copies and format
of the monthly reports in both hard copy and electronic copies.
The ET Leader shall review the
number and location of monitoring stations and parameters every six months, or
on as needed basis, in order to cater for any changes in the surrounding
environment and the nature of works in progress.
First Monthly EM&A Report
The first monthly EM&A
Report shall be included at least the following:
executive summary (1-2 pages):
breaches of AL levels;
complaint log;
notifications of any summons
and successful prosecutions;
reporting changes; and
future key issues.
basic project information:
project organisation
including key personnel contact names and telephone numbers;
construction programme with fine tuning of construction activities
showing the inter-relationship with environmental protection/mitigation
measures for the month;
management structure, and
works undertaken during the
reporting month.
environmental status:
works undertaken during the
month with illustrations (such as location of works, daily dredging/filling
rates, percentage of fines in the fill materials used, etc.); and
drawings showing the project
area, any environmental sensitive receivers and the locations of the monitoring
and control stations (with co-ordinates of the monitoring locations).
a brief summary of EM&A
requirements including:
all monitoring parameters;
environmental quality
performance limits (AL levels);
Event-Action Plans;
environmental mitigation
measures, as recommended in the Final EIA report; and
environmental requirements in
contract documents.
implementation status:
advice on the implementation status
of environmental protection and pollution control / mitigation measures, as
recommended in the Final EIA report.
monitoring results (in both
hard and soft copies) together with the following information:
monitoring methodology;
name of laboratory and types of
equipment used and calibration details;
monitoring parameters;
monitoring locations;
monitoring date, time,
frequency, and duration;
weather conditions during the
graphical plots of the
monitored parameters;
major activities being carried
out on site during the period;
any other factors which might
affect the monitoring results; and
QA / QC results and detection
report on non-compliance,
complaints, notifications of summons and successful prosecutions:
record of all non-compliance
(exceedances) of the environmental quality performance limits (AL levels);
record of all complaints
received (written or verbal) including locations and nature of complaints
investigation, liaison and consultation undertaken, actions and follow-up procedures
taken, results and summary;
record of all notification of
summons and successful prosecutions for breaches of current environmental
protection / pollution control legislations, including locations and nature of
the breaches, investigation, follow-up actions taken, results and summary;
review of the reasons for and
the implications of non-compliance, complaints, summons and prosecutions
including review of pollution sources and working procedures; and
description of the actions
taken in the event of non-compliance and deficiency reporting and any follow-up
procedures related to earlier non-compliance.
viii. others:
an account of the future key
issues as reviewed from the works programme and work
method statements;
advice on the solid and liquid
waste management status;
a forecast of the works programme, impact predictions and monitoring schedule for
the next reporting month;
compare and contrast the
EM&A data with the EIA predictions and annotate with explanation for any
discrepancies; and
comments (for examples,
effectiveness and efficiency of the mitigation measures), recommendations (for
example, any improvement in the EM&A programme)
and conclusions.
Subsequent monthly EM&A Reports
The subsequent monthly EM&A
Reports during construction phase shall include the following:
i. executive summary (1 - 2 pages):
breaches of AL levels;
complaints log;
notifications of any summons
and successful prosecutions;
reporting changes; and
future key issues.
Basic project information:
project organisation
and management structure;
construction programme; and
works undertaken during the
reporting month.
environmental status:
construction programme with fine tuning of construction activities
showing the inter-relationship with environmental protection / mitigation
measures for the month;
works undertaken during the
reporting month with illustrations (e.g.
location of works, etc.); and
drawing showing the project
area, any environmental sensitive receivers and the locations of the monitoring
implementation status:
advice on the implementation
status of environmental protection and pollution control / mitigation measures,
as recommended in the Final EIA report, summarised in
the updated implementation schedule.
monitoring results (in both
hard and diskette copies) together with the following information:
monitoring methodology;
name of laboratory and types of
equipment used and calibration details;
parameters monitored;
monitoring locations (and
monitoring date, time, frequency,
and duration;
weather conditions during the
graphical plots of the
monitored parameters in the reporting month;
major activities being carried
out on site during the period;
any other factors which might affect
the monitoring results; and
QA / QC results and detection
report on non-compliance,
complaints, and notifications of summons and successful prosecutions:
record of all non-compliance
(exceedances) of the environmental quality performance limits (AL levels);
record of all complaints
received (written or verbal) including locations and nature of complaints
investigation, liaison and consultation undertaken, actions and follow-up
procedures taken, results and summary;
record of all notification of
summons and successful prosecutions for breaches of current environmental
protection / pollution control legislations, including locations and nature of
the breaches, investigation, follow-up actions taken, results and summary;
review of the reasons for and
the implications of non-compliance, complaints, summons and prosecutions
including review of pollution sources and working procedures; and
description of the actions
taken in the event of non-compliance and deficiency reporting and any follow-up
procedures related to earlier non-compliance.
an account of the future key
issues as reviewed from the works programme and work
method statements;
advice on the solid and liquid
waste management status;
a forecast of the works programme, impact predictions and monitoring schedule for
the next reporting months;
compare and contrast the
EM&A data with the EIA predictions and annotate with explanation for any
discrepancies; and
comments (for examples,
effectiveness and efficiency of the mitigation measures), recommendations (for
example, any improvement in the EM&A programme)
and conclusions.
viii. appendix
Action and Limit levels;
graphical plots of trends of
monitored parameters at key stations over the past four reporting periods for
representative monitoring stations annotated against the following:
major activities being carried
out on site during the period;
weather conditions during the
period; and
any other factors that might
affect the monitoring results.
cumulative statistics on
complaints, notifications of summons and successful prosecutions;
outstanding issues and
The construction phase EM&A program shall be terminated upon completion of those
construction activities that have the potential to result in a significant
environmental impact. No EM&A
requirement is considered necessary during the operational phase.
Prior to the proposed termination,
it may be advisable to consult relevant local communities. The proposed termination should only be
implemented after the proposal has been endorsed by the IEC, the Engineer and
the Project proponent followed by final approval from the Director of
Environmental Protection.
The Final Summary EM&A
Report shall contain at least the following information:
executive summary (1 - 2
basic project information
including a synopsis of the project organisation,
contacts of key management, and a synopsis of work undertaken during the course
of the project;
a brief summary of EM&A
requirements including:
monitoring parameters;
environmental quality
performance limits (AL levels); and
environmental mitigation
measures, as recommended in the Final EIA report.
A summary of the implementation status of
environmental protection and pollution control / mitigation
measures, as recommended in the Final EIA report, summarised
in the updated implementation status proformas;
drawings showing the project
area, environmental sensitive receivers and the locations of the monitoring
graphical plots of the trends
of monitored parameters over the course of the project for all monitoring
stations annotated against:
the major activities being
carried out on site during the period;
weather conditions during the
period; and
any other factors which might
affect the monitoring results.
a summary of non-compliance
(exceedances) of the environmental quality performance limits (AL levels);
a brief review of the reasons for
and the implications of non-compliance including review of pollution sources
and working procedures;
a summary description of
the actions taken in the event of non-compliance and any follow-up procedures
related to earlier non-compliance;
a summary record of all
complaints received (written or verbal) for each media, liaison and
consultation undertaken, actions and follow-up procedures taken;
review monitoring methodology
adopted and with the benefit of hindsight, comment on its effectiveness
(including cost effectiveness);
a summary record of
notifications of summons and successful prosecutions for breaches of the
current environmental protection/pollution control legislations, locations and
nature of breaches, investigation, follow-up actions taken and results;
review the practicality and
effectiveness of the EIA process and EM&A programme
(for examples, a review of the effectiveness and efficiency of the mitigation
measures and the performance of the environmental management system, that is,
of the overall EM&A programme), recommendations
(for example, any improvement in the EM&A programme);
a conclusion to state the
return of ambient and / or the predicted scenario as per EIA findings.
No site-based documents (such
as monitoring field records, laboratory analysis records, site inspection
forms, etc.) are required to be included in the monthly EM&A reports. However, any such document shall be well kept
by the ET Leader and be ready for inspection upon request. All relevant information shall be clearly and
systematically recorded in the document.
Monitoring data shall also be recorded in
electronic format, and the software copy must be available upon request. Data format shall be agreed with the
EPD. All documents and data shall be kept
for at least one year following completion of the construction contract.
With reference to the Event and
Action Plan, when the environmental quality performance limits are exceeded,
the ET Leader shall immediately notify the IEC, ER, Contractor and EPD, as
appropriate. The notification shall be
followed up with advice to IEC and EPD on the results of the investigation,
proposed actions and success of the actions taken, with any necessary follow-up
proposals. A sample template for the
interim notifications is presented in Appendix D.