16.2.... Environmental Benefits
of the Project
16.3.... Incorporation of
Environmentally Friendly Options
16.4.... Environmental Designs
16.5.... Key Environmental
Problems Avoided and Environmentally Sensitive Areas Protected
16.6.... Environmental
Protection Measures Recommended
16.7.... Estimation of
Population Protected
List of Tables
Table 16.1 Summary of Key
Environmental Problems Avoided and Sensitive Areas Protected
Reduction of the reliance on road-based vehicles;
Promotion in the use of environmentally friendly rail system; and
Reduction of road traffic noise and vehicular emissions.
Adoption of underground scheme to avoid/minimise the ecological and
fisheries impacts, as well as operational airborne rail noise impact;
Appropriate selection of the Project alignment and locations of stations
and Ancillary Buildings (ABs) to minimise the aboveground encroachment to
ecologically sensitive areas including Egretry and night roost near Kam Po Road, Mai Po Inner Deep Bay Ramsar Site, Sha Po
Marsh, WCA, WBA and Country Parks;
Minimisation of total number of the ABs to avoid / minimise the
potential impacts to sensitive receivers and ecologically sensitive areas;
Proper selection of construction methods for minimisation of impact to
sensitive receivers where practicable;
Adoption of proper acoustic design for fixed plant at stations, NTD and
ABs for achievement of noise compliance at sensitive receivers; and
Adoption of proper ground treatment according to the ground conditions
for minimisation of impact on groundwater system.
Adoption of environmentally friendly construction methods;
Adoption of green roof;
Incorporation of sustainable building considerations in the station
Adoption of proactive measures to avoid illegal dumping; and
Implementation of environmental monitoring and auditing system.
Adoption of
Environmentally Friendly Construction Methods
Adoption of
Green Roof
Adoption of
underground scheme and proper design of NTD
of Sustainable Building Considerations in the Station Design
Adoption of
Proactive Measures to Avoid Illegal Dumping
of Environmental Monitoring and Auditing System
Table 16.1 Summary of Key Environmental Problems
Avoided and Sensitive Areas Protected
Design Approach
Environmental Problems Avoided and
Sensitive Areas Protected
Adoption of underground scheme, proper selection of the Project
alignment, and locations of stations and ABs (Section 16.3.1)
· Minimisation of aboveground works sites, so as to avoid / minimise the potential direct impact and to minimise disturbance to sensitive ecological areas, including wetland, sites of conservation importance (including Country Parks, Mai Po Inner Deep Bay Ramsar Site, Sha Po Marsh, WCA and WBA) and species of conservation interest. · Minimisation of airborne noise impact associated with the train movements. · Minimisation of landscape and visual impact associated with the above-ground structures. · Minimisation of impact on any significant landscape resources. · Avoidance of encroachment of Sha Po Marsh through proper selection of the locations of station and ABs. |
Minimisation of total number of the ABs (Section 16.3.1)
· Reduction of the potential impact to West Rail Compensatory Wetland. · Reduction of the potential construction dust, construction noise, fixed plant noise, landscape and visual impact to sensitive receivers. |
Adoption of proper acoustic design for fixed plant at stations, NTD
and ABs (Section 16.3.1)
· Protection of the noise sensitive receivers in the vicinity of stations, NTD and ABs from adverse fixed plant noise impact. |
Adoption of proper ground treatment according to the ground
conditions (Section 16.3.1)
· Minimisation of impact on groundwater system. |
Adoption of environmentally friendly construction method
(Section 16.4.2) |
· Minimisation of construction dust and noise impacts at sensitive receivers and ecological impact in the vicinity of the Project. |
Adoption of Green Roof (Section 16.4.3)
· Reduction heat island effect by absorbing some of the heat in evapotranspiration to cool the surrounding and interior temperature · Retaining rainwater and help decreasing surface runoff · Creating habitat for flora and fauna · Use of native and naturalised species to promote biodiversity. |
Incorporation of Sustainable Building Considerations in the Station
(Section 16.4.5) |
· Maximisation of natural ventilation to reduce demand for air-conditioning. · Appropriate glazing and/or shading in the façade design to reduce solar heat gain. · Allowance for natural daylight penetration to minimise artificial lighting dependency. · Onsite renewable energy generation in the form of photovoltaic panels or micro wind turbines. · Rainwater harvesting for landscape planting irrigation. · High efficiency potable water fixtures and dual flush systems to reduce water consumption. |
Avoidance of illegal dumping (Section 16.4.6)
Adoption of preventive measures to
avoid/minimise the chance of illegal dumping. |
Implementation of Environmental Monitoring and Auditing System
Ensure all the recommended measures are
properly in place and their effectiveness during the construction and
operation of the Project. |
Table 16.2 Key Recommended Mitigation Measures / Good
Site Practices / Enhancement Measures and their Associated Benefits
Aspect |
Recommended Mitigation Measures / Good Site Practices / Enhancement Measures |
Benefits |
Air Quality
Implement relevant control measures as
required in the Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulation to
minimise dust generation. ·
Regular watering on heavy construction works
sites / works areas, exposed site surfaces and unpaved haul roads to reduce
dust emission, subject to actual site condition. ·
Provision of 2.4m/3m high hoarding from
ground level along site boundary where appropriate. ·
Provide regular watering at the unloading
point of spoils generated by the TBM excavation for the mucking-out operation
at TBM launching shafts. ·
Install and close the blast door during
blasting. A filtration system comprising watering and dust collector, etc.
with overall dust removal efficiency of at least 80% should be provided at
the ventilation exhaust. ·
Connect construction plant and equipment to
main electricity supply and avoid use of diesel generators and diesel-powered
equipment; avoid the use of exempted Non-road Mobile Machineries (NRMMs) and
deploy electrified NRMMs as far as practicable to minimise exhaust emission
from NRMMs during construction phase. |
· Protect
air sensitive receivers by reducing fugitive dust emissions and exhaust
emissions from construction plant and equipment |
Airborne Noise
Liaise with the representative of the
planned education institution predicted with exceedance and/or the
Examination Authority to confirm the examination periods and to avoid
conducting noisy activities during the examination periods if the school is
relied on opened windows for ventilation. ·
Adopt quieter construction methods, quiet
Powered Mechanical Equipment (PME) including Quality Powered Mechanical
Equipment (QPME), temporary movable noise barriers, noise insulating fabric,
silencer, soundproof hammer bracket, noise enclosures and good site practices
to mitigate the construction noise impact. ·
Provide decking and vertical walls at NTD as
well as noise canopy and vertical louvre walls with natural ventilation
feature at the trough area to avoid noise nuisance during the operation of
the Project. ·
Provide acoustic measures where necessary
for the planned fixed plants to ensure noise compliance. |
Protect noise sensitive receivers by reducing
construction and operational noise |
Ground-borne Noise
Closely liaise with the education
institution with exceedance predicted during examination period and avoid TBM
operation in the vicinity during such periods. ·
Review the proposed mitigation measures
based on the findings of tunnel impact test to be conducted after the
completion of tunnel construction. |
Protect noise sensitive receivers by reducing
construction and operational ground-borne noise |
Water Quality
Implement the mitigation measures as
detailed in the ProPECC PN 1/94 “Construction Site Drainage” and ·
Surface runoff from construction sites would
be collected by temporary drainage system and treated or desilted on-site
before discharging into storm drains via adequately designed sand/silt
removal facilities such as sand traps, silt traps and sedimentation
basins. Channels or earth bunds or
sand bag barriers would be provided on site during construction works to
properly direct stormwater to such silt removal facilities. Perimeter channels would be provided on
site boundaries where necessary to intercept storm runoff from outside the
site so that it will not wash across the site. Catchpits and perimeter
channels would be constructed in advance of site formation works and
earthworks. |
Protect the neighbouring Water Sensitive
Receivers (WSRs) during construction phase |
Sewerage and Sewage Treatment Implications
Coordinate with the relevant Government
departments for modifications or upgrading works on the existing or planned
sewerage system where necessary. |
Avoid adverse impact on the existing and
planned sewerage systems |
Waste Management Implications
Implement good site practices
and waste reduction measures (e.g. reuse of construction and demolition
(C&D) materials as far as practicable before off-site disposal
or develop a materials recovery and recycling programme during construction
and operation). ·
Submit an Environmental Management Plan
(EMP), which includes the Waste Management Plan (WMP) to the Engineer for
approval. ·
Implement a trip-ticket system for each
works contract in accordance with DEVB TC(W) No. 6/2010 to ensure that the
disposal of C&D materials is properly documented and verified. ·
Adopt GPS or equivalent system for tracking
and monitoring of all dump trucks engaged for the Project in recording their
travel routings and parking locations to prohibit illegal dumping and
landfilling of inert and non-inert C&D materials. · Handle chemical waste in accordance with the Code of Practice on the Packaging, Labelling and Storage of Chemical Wastes, and disposal of chemical waste at licensed chemical waste recycling / treatment facilities. |
· Minimise
waste generation · Ensure
proper handling of chemical waste · Ensure the
C&D materials are disposed to the designated outlets |
Land Contamination
· Prior to the commencement of the site investigation (SI) works, review the Contamination Assessment Plan (CAP) provided in Appendix 9.1 and conduct site re-appraisal to confirm whether the proposed SI works (e.g. sampling locations, testing parameters etc.) are still valid, and to confirm the appropriate RBRGs land use scenario for the development. · Should any changes in operation which lead to any new or the relocation of contamination hotspots or occurrence of spillage or accident be found in the review, supplementary CAP(s), presenting the findings of the review, the latest site conditions and updated sampling strategy and testing protocol, should be submitted to EPD for approval. · The SI works should be carried out according to EPD’s approved CAP(s). · Contamination Assessment Report(s) (CAR(s)) should be prepared to present the findings of the SI works and to discuss the presence, nature and extent of contamination. If contamination is identified in the CAR(s), Remediation Action Plan(s) (RAP(s)) which provides details of the remedial actions for the identified contaminated soil and/or groundwater should be developed prior to construction works at the concerned areas. Submission to EPD for approval of the supplementary CAP(s), CAR(s) and, if required, RAP would be carried out in stages according to the programme of NOL. · If required, carry out soil/groundwater remediation works according to EPD approved RAP(s) and submit Remediation Report(s) (RR(s)) afterwards for EPD approval. The remediation works should be completed and RR(s) demonstrating the completion of remediation works at the area(s) (if any) confirmed with contamination will be prepared and submitted to EPD for approval prior to the commencement of construction works at the contaminated areas. |
Land contamination issues could be resolved
before commencement of construction works by mean of excavation |
· Impacts on ecological resources are largely avoided through the alignment selection process and construction methods for the Project, as discussed in earlier sections. Through adopting the underground tunnel scheme, the aboveground works of the Project are confined to stations, ABs, depot and their associated works site/area thus minimising different types of direct impacts. · Provide bat shelter and wetland compensation area. · Adopt noise mitigation measures, glare reduction measures, and dust suppression measures. · Erect 3m high screening around the works site and works area of SMA where are adjacent to wetlands before commencement of construction activities. · Noisy construction works using Powered Mechanical Equipment (PME) within 100 m from Kam Po Road Egretry should be scheduled outside the breeding season through careful phasing of works as far as practicable. · No noisy construction works should be undertaken within 100m from Kam Po Road ardeid night roost (ANR) approximately 30 minutes before sunset. · Use site hoarding that is opaque and in dull colour, non-transparent panels as the noise enclosure and adopting non-glaring tinted materials, as per Guidelines on Design of Noise Barriers (EPD & HyD, 2003) and Practice Notes No. BSTR/PN/003 (Revision E) Noise Barriers with Transparent Panels (HyD, 2020). · Conduct a Detailed Vegetation Survey in the identified affected areas (i.e. SPAUT and SATSWW areas) and, if necessary, prepare a Protection and Transplantation Proposal for the affected plant species of conservation importance. |
Avoidance of direct impact on Recognised
Sites of Conservation Importance and Core Areas of Ecologically Sensitive
Areas · Minimise
disturbance impacts to the surrounding habitats and associated wildlife
nearby during construction phase · Avoidance
of bird collision · Avoidance
of impact to species of conservation importance |
Implement the mitigation
measures as detailed in the ProPECCPN 1/94 “Construction Site Drainage” and · Surface runoff from construction sites would be discharged into storm drains via adequately designed sand/silt removal facilities such as sand traps, silt traps and sedimentation basins. Channels or earth bunds or sand bag barriers would be provided on site during construction works to properly direct stormwater to such silt removal facilities. Perimeter channels would be provided on site boundaries where necessary to intercept storm runoff from outside the site so that it will not wash across the site. Catchpits and perimeter channels would be constructed in advance of site formation works and earthworks. |
Minimise of potential impacts to nearby
fisheries resources. |
Landscape and Visual
· CM1 Tree Preservation and Transplantation – Tree without impact from the proposed works should be retained and any existing trees unavoidably affected by the works should be transplanted as far as possible in accordance with LAO Practice Note 6/2023. · CM2 Control of Night-time Lighting Glare – Control of night-time lighting glare to prevent light overspill to the nearby VSRs and into the sky. Relevant best practices as suggested in the "Charter on External Lighting" and “Guidelines on Industry Best Practices for External Lighting Installations” promulgated by ENB should be adopted. · CM3 Erection of Decorative Screen Hoarding – Erection of decorative screen hoarding or hoarding compatible with the surrounding setting. ·
CM4 Management of Construction Activities and
Facilities – Construction
facilities and activities on work sites and areas should be carefully managed and
controlled on the height and disposition /arrangement to minimise any
potential adverse landscape and visual impacts. · OM1 Aesthetically Pleasing Design of Aboveground Structures – Aesthetically pleasing design as regard to the form, material and finishes should be incorporated to Stations, Entrance, Ancillary Buildings and other associated engineering facilities so as to blend in the structures to the adjacent landscape and visual context. · OM2 Buffer Screen Planting – Buffer screen planting, including shrub to provide screening to ventilation building, engineering structures and associated facilities. · OM3 Roof Greening – Roof greening at the roof area of the proposed structures as far as practical to enhance the landscape quality of the structures and mitigate any potential visual impact on adjacent VSRs at high level. · OM4 Compensatory Tree Planting – Compensatory tree planting in accordance with LAO Practice Note 6/2023. ·
OM5 Landscape Treatments
on Slope or Retaining Structure – Landscape treatments on slope or retaining structure
should be made reference to GEO Publication No. 1/2011 – Technical Guidelines
on Landscape Treatment for Slopes. |
Minimise landscape and visual impact during
construction and operational phases |
Cultural Heritage
Built Heritage · Monitor ground-borne vibration, tilting and ground settlement for the other identified item (i.e. San Yau Vegetable Marketing Co-operative Society Ltd.) during construction phase. · Conduct cartographic and photographic record, and other documentation means (including 3D scanning) at two other identified items including Pok Wai Public School and Fung Kat Vegetable Marketing Co-operative Society Ltd. before commencement of construction works at the respective areas. Archaeology · Conduct archaeological survey-cum-excavation at Long Ha Archaeologically Sensitive Area (ASA) and Ngau Tam Mei ASA, further archaeological investigation at NTM-TP3, and further archaeological survey at the south of SAT Station after land resumption and before commencement of site formation and construction works. · Conduct archaeological watching brief at the northwest of SAT Station during the course of excavation works. · Inform the AMO by the project proponent immediately in case of discovery of antiquities or supposed antiquities under the Antiquities and Monuments Ordinance (Cap. 53) during the construction phase, so that appropriate mitigation measures, if needed, can be timely formulated and implemented in agreement with AMO. |
No impact to cultural heritage resources
anticipated |
Hazard to Life
· Implement all the good practices to minimize the hazard-to-life even further and ensure that the services, utilities, slopes, retaining walls, buildings and structures will not be affected through ground vibrations or other effects: · Blasting Works: The good practice could make reference to the latest guideline including, but not limited to, Practice Note for Authorized Persons and Registered Structural Engineers (APP-72) by Buildings Department (BD). · Overnight Storage of Explosives: The good practice could made reference to the latest guideline including, but not limited to, “Guidance Note No. GN 8 How to Apply for a Mode A Store Licence for Storage of Blasting Explosives” by CEDD. ·
Transportation of Explosives:
The good practice could made reference to the latest guideline including, but
not limited to “Guidance Note No. GN 2
Approval of an Explosives Delivery Vehicle” and “Guidance Note No. GN 3 Application and Handling of a Removal
Permit” by CEDD. |
Protect nearby sensitive receivers due to
transportation, storage and use of explosive. |