6          water quality Impact. 6-1

6.1          Introduction. 6-1

6.2          Environmental Legislation, Plans, Standards, and Guidelines. 6-1

6.3          Description of the Environment 6-6

6.4          Water Sensitive Receivers. 6-10

6.5          Assessment Methodology. 6-15

6.6          Identification and Evaluation of Environmental Impacts. 6-15

6.7          Cumulative Impacts from Concurrent Project 6-22

6.8          Recommended Water Quality Mitigation Measures. 6-22

6.9          Evaluation of Residual Impacts. 6-30

6.10        EM&A Requirements. 6-30

6.11        Conclusions. 6-30



List of tables

Table 6.1            Summary of Water Quality Objectives for Deep Bay WCZ. 6-1

Table 6.2           Summary Statistics of Marine Water Quality of Deep Bay WCZ Collected by EPD in 2022  6-6

Table 6.3           Summary Statistics of River Water Quality of Kam Tin River Collected by EPD in 2022  6-8

Table 6.4           Summary Statistics of River Water Quality of River Beas Collected by EPD in 2022  6-9

Table 6.5           Summary of Water Sensitive Receivers within Assessment Area of NOL Mainline  6-11

Table 6.6           Summary of Water Sensitive Receivers within Assessment Area of Temporary Explosive Magazine Site at Tai Shu Ha. 6-14





Locations of EPD Marine and River Water Quality Monitoring Stations



C1603/C/NOL/ACM/M53/304 to C1603/C/NOL/ACM/M53/315


Locations of Water Sensitive Receivers (Key Plan)

(Not Used)

Locations of Water Sensitive Receivers (Sheet 1 to 12)


Locations of Water Sensitive Receivers (Temporary Magazine Site at Tai Shu Ha (Yuen Long))




Appendix 6.1

Hydrogeological Impact Assessment




6                  water quality Impact

6.1              Introduction

6.1.1         This section presents an assessment of the potential water quality impacts associated with construction and operation of the Project.  Recommendations for mitigation measures were provided to minimize the identified water quality impacts.

6.2              Environmental Legislation, Plans, Standards, and Guidelines

Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO)

6.2.1         The Technical Memorandum on Environmental Impact Assessment Process (EIAO-TM) was issued by Environmental Protection Department (EPD) under Section 16 of the EIAO.  It specifies the assessment method and criteria that are to be followed in an EIA Study.  Reference sections in the EIAO-TM provide the details of assessment criteria and guidelines that are relevant to the water quality impact assessment, including:

¡¤         Annex 6 ¨C Criteria for Evaluating Water Pollution; and

¡¤         Annex 14 ¨C Guidelines for Assessment of Water Pollution.


Water Quality Objective

6.2.2         The Water Pollution Control Ordinance (WPCO) (Cap. 358) provides the major statutory framework for the protection and control of water quality in Hong Kong.  According to the Ordinance and its subsidiary legislation, Hong Kong waters are divided into ten Water Control Zones (WCZs).  Water Quality Objectives (WQOs) are stipulated for different water regimes (marine waters, inland waters, bathing beaches subzones, secondary contact recreation subzones and fish culture subzones) in the WCZs based on their beneficial uses.  The Project site is located within the Deep Bay WCZ and the WQOs for the Deep Bay WCZ are listed in Table 6.1.

Table 6.1      Summary of Water Quality Objectives for Deep Bay WCZ




Aesthetic appearance

Waste discharges shall cause no objectionable odours or discolouration of the water.

Whole Zone


Tarry residues, floating wood, articles made of glass, plastic, rubber or of any other substances should be absent.



Mineral oil should not be visible on the surface. Surfactants should not give rise to a lasting foam.



There should be no recognisable sewage-derived debris.



Floating, submerged and semi-submerged objects of a size likely to interfere with the free movement of vessels, or cause damage to vessels, should be absent.



Waste discharges shall not cause the water to contain substances which settle to form objectionable deposits.



The level of Escherichia coli should not exceed 610 per 100 mL, calculated as the geometric mean of all samples collected in one calendar year.

Secondary Contact Recreation Subzone and Mariculture Subzone (L.N. 455 of 1991)


The level of Escherichia coli should be zero per 100 mL, calculated as the running median of the most recent 5 consecutive samples taken at intervals of between 7 and 21 days.

Yuen Long & Kam Tin (Upper) Subzone, Beas Subzone, Indus Subzone, Ganges Subzone and Water Gathering Ground Subzones


The level of Escherichia coli should not exceed 1000 per 100 mL, calculated as the running median of the most recent 5 consecutive samples taken at intervals of between 7 and 21 days.

Yuen Long & Kam Tin (Lower) Subzone and other inland waters


The level of Escherichia coli should not exceed 180 per 100 mL, calculated as the geometric mean of all samples collected from March to October inclusive in one calendar year.  Samples should be taken at least 3 times in a calendar month at intervals of between 3 and 14 days.

Yung Long Bathing Beach Subzone (L.N. 455 of 1991)

Dissolve Oxygen (DO) within 2 m of the seabed

The level of dissolved oxygen should not be less than 2 mg/L for 90% of the sampling occasions during the whole year.

Outer Marine Subzone excepting Mariculture Subzone

Dissolved Oxygen (DO)

The level of dissolved oxygen should not be less than 4 mg/L for 90% of the sampling occasions during the whole year, taken at 1 metre below surface.

Inner Marine Subzone excepting Mariculture Subzone


The level of dissolved oxygen should not be less than 4 mg/L for 90% of the sampling occasions during the whole year, calculated as water column average.

Outer Marine Subzone excepting Mariculture Subzone


The level of dissolved oxygen should not be less than 5 mg/L for 90% of the sampling occasions during the whole year, taken at 1 metre below surface.

Mariculture Subzone


The level of dissolved oxygen should not be less than 4 mg/L.

Yuen Long & Kam Tin (Upper and Lower) Subzones, Beas Subzone, Indus Subzone, Ganges Subzone, Water Gathering Ground Subzones and other inland waters of the Zone


Human activity should not cause the colour of water to exceed 30 Hazen units.

Yuen Long & Kam Tin (Upper) Subzone, Beas Subzone, Indus Subzone, Ganges Subzone and Water Gathering Ground Subzones


Human activity should not cause the colour of water to exceed 50 Hazen units.

Yuen Long & Kam Tin (Lower) Subzone and other inland waters


Waste discharges shall not cause the natural daily temperature range to change by more than 2 ¡æ.

Whole Zone


Waste discharges shall not cause the natural ambient salinity level to change by more than 10%.

Whole Zone


To be in the range of 6.5-8.5, change due to human activity not to exceed 0.2 units.

Marine waters excepting Yung Long Bathing Beach Subzone


To be in the range of 6.5-8.5.

Yuen Long & Kam Tin (Upper and Lower) Subzones, Beas Subzone, Indus Subzone, Ganges Subzone and Water Gathering Ground Subzones


To be in the range of 6.0-9.0.

Other inland waters


To be in the range of 6.0-9.0 for 95% of samples, change due to human activity not to exceed 0.5 units.

Yung Long Bathing Beach Subzone

Suspended Solids (SS)

Waste discharges shall neither cause the natural ambient level to be raised by 30% nor give rise to accumulation of suspended solids which may adversely affect aquatic communities.

Marine waters


Human activity shall not cause the annual median of SS to exceed 20 mg/L.

Yuen Long & Kam Tin (Upper and Lower) Subzones, Beas Subzone, Ganges Subzone, Indus Subzone, Water Gathering Ground Subzones and other inland waters

Un-ionized ammonia (UIA)

The un-ionized ammoniacal nitrogen level should not be more than 0.021 mg/L, calculated as the annual average (arithmetic mean).

Whole Zone


(a)   Nutrients shall not be present in quantities sufficient to cause excessive or nuisance growth of algae or other aquatic plants.

Inner and Outer Marine Subzones


(b)   Without limiting the generality of objective (a) above, the level of inorganic nitrogen should not exceed 0.7 mg/L, expressed as annual mean.

Inner Marine Subzone


(c)   Without limiting the generality of objective (a) above, the level of inorganic nitrogen should not exceed 0.5 mg/L, expressed as annual water column average (arithmetic mean of at least 2 measurements at 1 m below surface and 1 m above seabed).

Outer Marine Subzone

5-Day Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5)

Waste discharges shall not cause the 5-day biochemical oxygen demand to exceed 3 mg/L.

Yuen Long & Kam Tin (Upper) Subzone, Beas Subzone, Indus Subzone, Ganges Subzone and Water Gathering Ground Subzones


Waste discharges shall not cause the 5-day biochemical oxygen demand to exceed 5 mg/L.

Yuen Long & Kam Tin (Lower) Subzone and other inland waters

Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)

Waste discharges shall not cause the chemical oxygen demand to exceed 15 mg/L.

Yuen Long & Kam Tin (Upper) Subzone, Beas Subzone, Indus Subzone, Ganges Subzone and Water Gathering Ground Subzones


Waste discharges shall not cause the chemical oxygen demand to exceed 30 mg/L.

Yuen Long & Kam Tin (Lower) Subzone and other inland waters


Waste discharges shall not cause the toxins in water to attain such levels as to produce significant toxic carcinogenic, mutagenic or teratogenic effects in humans, fish or any other aquatic organisms, with due regard to biologically cumulative effects in food chains and to toxicant interactions with each other.

Whole Zone


Waste discharges shall not cause a risk to any beneficial uses of the aquatic environment.

Whole Zone


Phenols shall not be present in such quantities as to produce a specific odour, or in concentration greater than 0.05 mg/L as C6H5OH.

Yung Long Bathing Beach Subzone


Waste discharges shall not reduce light transmission substantially from the normal level.

Yung Long Bathing Beach Subzone

Source: Statement of Water Quality Objectives (Deep Bay Water Control Zone)


Technical Memorandum on Effluents Discharge Standards

6.2.3         Discharges of effluents are subject to control under the WPCO.  The Technical Memorandum on Standards for Effluents Discharged into Drainage and Sewerage Systems, Inland and Coastal Waters (DSS-TM), issued under Section 21 of the WPCO, gives guidance on permissible effluent discharges based on the type of receiving waters (foul sewers, storm water drains, inland and coastal waters).  The limits control the physical, chemical and microbial quality of effluent.  Any sewage from the proposed construction and operational activities must comply with the standards for effluent discharged into the foul sewers and coastal waters of the Deep Bay WCZ provided in the DSS-TM.

Practice Notes

Professional Persons Environmental Consultative Committee Practice Note 1/94 Construction Site Drainage

6.2.4         The Practice Note for Professional Persons ProPECC PN 1/94 ¡°Construction Site Drainage¡± published by EPD provides good practice guidelines for dealing with ten types of discharge from a construction site.  These include surface runoff, groundwater, boring and drilling water, bentonite slurry, water for testing and sterilisation of water retaining structures and water pipes, wastewater from building construction, acid cleaning, etching and pickling wastewater, and wastewater from site facilities.  Guidelines given in ProPECC PN 1/94 should be followed as far as possible during construction to minimize the water quality impact due to construction site drainage.

Professional Persons Environmental Consultative Committee Practice Note 5/93 Drainage Plans subject to Comment by the Environmental Protection Department (ProPECC PN 5/93)

6.2.5         EPD has issued a Professional Persons Environmental Consultative Committee Practice Note 5/93 Drainage Plans (ProPECC PN 5/93) to provide reference in preparing drainage plans for various types of wastewater that would arise from the proposed Project.  Guidelines for handling such wastewater should be closely followed where appropriate.

Technical Circular

6.2.6         Environment, Transport and Works Bureau Technical Circular (ETWB TC) (Works) No. 5/2005 provides an administrative framework to better protect all natural streams/rivers from the impacts of construction works.  The procedures promulgated under this Circular aim to clarify and strengthen existing measures for protection of natural streams/rivers from government projects and private developments.  The guidelines and precautionary mitigation measures given in the ETWB TC (Works) No. 5/2005 should be followed as far as possible to protect the inland watercourses at or near the Project area during the construction phase.

Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines

6.2.7         Chapter 9 of the HKPSG outlines environmental requirements that need to be considered in land use planning.  The recommended guidelines, standards and guidance cover the selection of suitable locations for the developments and sensitive uses, provision of environmental facilities, and design, layout, phasing and operational controls to minimise adverse environmental impacts.  It also lists out environmental factors that influence land use planning and recommends buffer distances for land uses.

Requirement of No Net Increase in Pollution Load to Deep Bay

6.2.8         As stated in Town Planning Board Guideline No.12B, the pollution loads of concern should be offset by equivalent reduction of current loads for new discharge into Deep Bay.  The "Requirement of No Net Increase in Pollution Load" aims to provide protection to the inland and marine water quality of the Deep Bay WCZ.  The pollutions entering Deep Bay have exceeded the assimilative capacity of the water body.  Further increasing the pollution loads to the water body is therefore environmentally undesirable.

6.3              Description of the Environment

Assessment Area

6.3.1         The assessment area for this water quality impact assessment includes areas within 500m from the boundary of the Project and it falls within the Deep Bay WCZ as designated under the WPCO (Cap. 358).  The baseline condition of water bodies in the assessment area have been established with reference to routine river and marine water quality monitoring data collected by EPD.  Descriptions of the baseline conditions provided in the subsequent sections are extracted from the EPD¡¯s reports River Water Quality in Hong Kong 2022 and Marine Water Quality in Hong Kong 2022 which contain the latest information published by EPD on river and marine water quality.

Marine Water

6.3.2         Marine water monitoring data collected by EPD in 2022 are summarised in Table 6.2 for DM1, DM2 and DM3 respectively, and the respective locations of these monitoring stations are illustrated in Figure No. C1603/C/NOL/ACM/M53/301.  Descriptions of the baseline water quality conditions provided in the subsequent section are based on the EPD¡¯s report Marine Water Quality Hong Kong in 2022.

6.3.3         In 2022, the overall WQO compliance rate for the Deep Bay WCZ was 67%, as compared with a ten-year average of 47% in 2009-2018. Overall, with the measures under the Deep Bay Water Pollution Control Joint Implementation Programme taken progressively by the governments of Hong Kong and Shenzhen, there have been significant water quality improvements in Deep Bay. In particular, there has been full compliance of the NH3-N WQO in the past seven years. Although Deep Bay, as compared with other WCZs, shows higher nutrient levels with annual depth-averaged TIN levels exceeding the respective TIN WQOs, a noticeable long-term decrease in TIN levels since mid-2000s has been seen.

Table 6.2     Summary Statistics of Marine Water Quality of Deep Bay WCZ Collected by EPD in 2022


Inner Deep Bay






(in marine waters)



(17.9 - 32.4)

(18.0 - 32.1)

(18.9 - 31.0)

Not more than 2¡æ in daily temperature range


(0.5 - 23.3)

(0.4 - 25.8)

(5.4 - 29.1)

Not to cause more than 10% change

Dissolved Oxygen


Depth Average

(4.9 - 9.2)

(4.9 - 7.8)

(4.8 - 6.9)

Marine Subzone excepting Mariculture Subzone: Not less than 4 mg/L for 90% of samples

Mariculture Subzone: Not less than 5 mg/L for 90% of samples






Outer Marine Subzone excepting Mariculture Subzone: Not less than 2 mg/L for 90% of samples

Dissolved Oxygen

(% Saturation)

Depth Average

(63 - 123)

(66 - 111)

(71 - 94)

Not available






Not available



(7.0 - 8.5)

(6.9 - 8.3)

(7.1 - 7.9)

Marine Waters excepting Yung Long Bathing Beach Subzone: 6.5 - 8.5 (¡À0.2 from natural range)

Yung Long Bathing Beach Subzone: 6.0-9.0 for 95% of samples (¡À0.5 from natural range)

Secchi Disc Depth


(0.9 - 1.6)

(0.9 - 1.5)

(1.2 - 2.2)

Not available



(9.9 - 288.0)

(9.4 - 384.0)

(1.8 - 264.0)

Yung Long Bathing Beach Subzone: Not reduce light transmission substantially from the normal level

Suspended Solids (SS) (mg/L)

(7.0 - 58.0)

(4.7 - 65.0)

(2.6 - 22.0)

Not more than 30% increase

5-day Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5) (mg/L)

(<0.1 - 6.0)

(0.4 - 3.2)

(0.2 - 3.5)

Not available

Ammonia Nitrogen (NH3-N)


(0.088 - 1.200)

(0.050 - 1.400)

(0.024 - 0.420)

Not available

Unionised Ammonia


(0.002 - 0.024)

(<0.001 - 0.043)

(<0.001 - 0.011)

Not more than annual average of 0.021mg/L

Nitrite Nitrogen

(NO2-N) (mg/L)

(0.094 - 0.420)

(0.067 - 0.200)

(0.025 - 0.130)

Not available

Nitrate Nitrogen

(NO3-N) (mg/L)

(0.840 - 1.800)

(0.510 - 2.300)

(0.280 - 1.200)

Not available

Total Inorganic Nitrogen (TIN) (mg/L)

(1.13 - 2.61)

(0.70 - 2.89)

(0.41 - 1.49)

Inner Marine Subzone: Not more than annual mean of 0.7 mg/L

Outer Marine Subzone: Not more than annual water column average of 0.5 mg/L

Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) (mg/L)

(0.46 - 2.10)

(0.37 - 2.10)

(0.19 - 0.82)

Not available

Total Nitrogen (TN)


(1.40 - 3.37)

(0.95 - 3.59)

(0.51 - 1.85)

Not available

Orthophosphate Phosphorus (PO4) (mg/L)

(0.018 - 0.180)

(0.014 - 0.130)

(<0.002 - 0.160)

Not available

Total Phosphorus (TP) (mg/L)

(0.16 - 0.41)

(0.13 - 0.35)

(0.05 - 0.21)

Not available

Silica (as SiO2)


(1.70 - 8.90)

(0.96 - 11.00)

(1.30 - 7.40)

Not available



(2.1 - 45.0)

(2.1 - 33.0)

(0.8 - 7.5)

Not available

E. coli


(31 - 4900)

(3 - 10000)

(<1 - 430)

Secondary Contact Recreation Subzones and Mariculture Subzone (L.N. 455 of 1991): Not exceed 610 per 100mL

Yung Long Bathing Beach Subzone (L.N.455 of 1991): Not exceed 180 per 100mL

Faecal Coliforms


(88 - 24000)

(9 - 18000)

(<1 - 900)

Not available


1.   Data source: EPD Marine Water Quality in Hong Kong in 2022.

2.   Except as specified, data presented are depth-averaged values calculated by taking the means of three depths: surface, mid-depth and bottom.

3.   Data presented are annual arithmetic means of depth-averaged results except for E.coli and faecal coliforms that are annual geometric means.

4.   Data in brackets indicate the ranges.

Inland Water

6.3.4         The assessment area of the Project lies within the Kam Tin River and River Beas catchment area.  The water quality monitoring results at EPD¡¯s river water quality monitoring stations at Kam Tin River (KT1, KT2) and River Beas (RB2, RB3) are shown in Table 6.3 and Table 6.4 respectively.  The locations of these stations are illustrated in Figure No. C1603/C/NOL/ACM/M53/301.  For Kam Tin River, the overall WQO compliance rate in 2022 was 46%, as compared with 18% in 1992. Both monitoring stations (KT1 and KT2) at Kam Tin River were graded ¡°Fair¡± and ¡°Bad¡± respectively in 2022.   As a tributary of River Indus, River Beas recorded an overall WQO compliance rate of 84% in 2022, as compared with 26% in 1992.  RB2 and RB3 achieved ¡°Good¡± and ¡°Fair¡± WQI gradings respectively in 2022.

Table 6.3     Summary Statistics of River Water Quality of Kam Tin River Collected by EPD in 2022


Kam Tin River


(in inland waters)



Dissolved Oxygen


(3.1 - 7.0)

(1.1 - 6.9)

Not less than 4 mg/L


(7.1 - 7.9)

(7.2 - 8.0)

Yuen Long & Kam Tin (Upper) Subzone: within the range of 6.5-8.5


Suspended Solids


(1.5 - 27.0)

(3.8 - 58.0)

Yuen Long & Kam Tin (Upper) Subzone: Annual median not to exceed 20 mg/L

5-Day Biochemical Oxygen Demand (mg/L)

(5.2 - 14.0)

(3.2 - 150.0)

Yuen Long & Kam Tin (Upper) Subzone: Not to exceed 3 mg/L


Chemical Oxygen Demand (mg/L)

(12 - 65)

(9 - 170)

Yuen Long & Kam Tin (Upper) Subzone: Not to exceed 15 mg/L


Oil & Grease (mg/L)

(<0.5 - 0.8)

(<0.5 - 2.4)

Not available

E.coli (cfu/100mL)

41 000
(5 000 - 340 000)

110 000
(24 000 - 1 700 000)

Not available

Faecal Coliforms (cfu/100mL)

150 000
(52 000 - 470 000)

270 000
(62 000 - 1 900 000)

Not available



(0.670 - 10.000)

(0.480 - 25.000)

Not available



(0.410 - 3.300)

(<0.002 - 0.560)

Not available

Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (mg/L)

(1.80 - 12.00)

(1.90 - 31.00)

Not available



(0.260 - 1.300)

(0.180 - 2.400)

Not available

Total phosphorus


(0.40 - 1.60)

(0.44 - 3.80)

Not available

Sulphide (mg/L)

(<0.02 - 0.04)

(<0.02 - 0.11)

Not available

Aluminium (µg/L)

(<50 - <50)

(<50 - 70)

Not available

Cadmium (µg/L)

(<0.1 - <0.1)

(<0.1 - <0.1)

Not available

Chromium (µg/L)

(<1 - <1)

(<1 - <1)

Not available

Copper (µg/L)

(1 - 7)

(<1 - 4)

Not available

Lead (µg/L)

(<1 - <1)

(<1 - <1)

Not available

Zinc (µg/L)

(<10 - 25)

(<10 - 25)

Not available

Flow (m3/s)

(0.244 - 17.587)

(0.186 - 15.984)

Not available


1.     Data source: EPD River Water Quality in Hong Kong in 2022.

2.     Data presented are in annual medians of monthly samples; except those for faecal coliforms and E. coli which are in annual geometric means.

3.     NM indicates no measurement taken.

4.     Figures in brackets are annual ranges.

5.     cfu ¨C colony forming unit.

6.     Values at or below laboratory reporting limits are presented as laboratory reporting limits.

Table 6.4     Summary Statistics of River Water Quality of River Beas Collected by EPD in 2022


River Beas


(in inland waters)



Dissolved Oxygen


(6.4 ¨C 9.9)

(4.7 ¨C 13.3)

Not less than 4 mg/L


(6.8 ¨C 7.4)

(7.1 ¨C 8.4)

Within the range of 6.5-8.5

Suspended Solids


(1.9 ¨C 13.0)

(1.6 ¨C 690.0)

Annual median not to exceed 20 mg/L

5-Day Biochemical Oxygen Demand (mg/L)

(1.8 ¨C 8.1)

¨C 30.0)

Not to exceed 3 mg/L

Chemical Oxygen Demand (mg/L)

(5 ¨C 18)

(4 ¨C 98)

Not to exceed 15 mg/L

Oil & Grease (mg/L)

(<0.5 ¨C <0.5)

(<0.5 ¨C <0.5)

Not available

E.coli (cfu/100mL)

5 200
(380 ¨C 24 000)

9 300
(530 ¨C 57 000)

Not available

Faecal Coliforms (cfu/100mL)

25 000
(1 700 ¨C 520 000)

38 000
(1 200 ¨C 280 000)

Not available



(0.120 ¨C 2.600)

(0.130 ¨C 4.100)

Not available



(0.081 ¨C 0.920)

(0.330 ¨C 1.700)

Not available

Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (mg/L)

(0.48 ¨C 3.80)

(0.47 ¨C 6.20)

Not available



(0.058 ¨C 0.210)

(0.069 ¨C 0.220)

Not available

Total phosphorus


(0.10 ¨C 0.53)

(0.14 ¨C 0.94)

Not available

Sulphide (mg/L)

(<0.02 ¨C <0.02)

(<0.02 ¨C 0.02)

Not available

Aluminium (µg/L)

(<50 - <50)

(<50 - <50)

Not available

Cadmium (µg/L)

(<0.1 - <0.1)

(<0.1 - <0.1)

Not available

Chromium (µg/L)

(<1 - <1)

(<1 - <1)

Not available

Copper (µg/L)

(<1 ¨C 3)

(<1 ¨C 3)

Not available

Lead (µg/L)

(<1 ¨C <1)

(<1 ¨C <1)

Not available

Zinc (µg/L)

(<10 ¨C 14)

(<10 ¨C 16)

Not available

Flow (m3/s)

(0.010 ¨C 33.600)


Not available


1.     Data source: EPD River Water Quality in Hong Kong in 2022.

2.     Data presented are in annual medians of monthly samples; except those for faecal coliforms and E. coli which are in annual geometric means.

3.     NM indicates no measurement taken.

4.     Figures in brackets are annual ranges.

5.     cfu ¨C colony forming unit.

6.     Values at or below laboratory reporting limits are presented as laboratory reporting limits.

6.4              Water Sensitive Receivers

6.4.1         Water sensitive receivers (WSRs) within 500m from the Project site boundary were identified based on GeoInfo Map, DSD¡¯s Eco-channels Database Management System (EcoDMS) and Appendix B Location of Major Flood Control Projects in Northern and Northwestern New Territories in DSD 2001/02 Annual Report.  The WSRs within assessment area of NOL mainline are listed in Table 6.5, with their indicative locations presented in Figure Nos. C1603/C/NOL/ACM/M53/302 to 315.

Table 6.5     Summary of Water Sensitive Receivers within Assessment Area of NOL Mainline


Water Sensitive Receiver

Within Aboveground Works Site/ Area?


To be Removed or Diverted under the Project?



Downstream rivers of mountain in the east of Tsing Long Highway




Downstream rivers of mountain in the west of Tsing Long Highway




Ho Pui Channel

Yes for southern section only



Nullah at Kam Ho Road




Drainage along Kam Po Road




Modified watercourse east of Ho Pui Channel




Modified watercourse passing through along farmland west of Tsing Long Highway



W15, W18

Nullah at Kam Ho Road




Downstream river of Au Tau



W17, W20

Modified watercourse near Kam Sheung Road




Modified watercourse near Kam Shek Road




Kam Tin River




Mo Fan Heung Stream



W21b, W21c, W21f, W21g

Tributaries of Kam Tin River




Tributaries of Kam Tin River


Yes, a section of W21d will be removed and diverted during the construction of ancillary building, while another section of W21d will be affected by other project for road works


Tributaries of Kam Tin River




Yuen Long Bypass Floodway




Modified watercourse near Mei Fung Road




Drainage along San Tam Road


No (Remark: W24 will be removed and modified as underground drainage by other project)

W25, W26, W27, W33

Downstream rivers of Kai Kung Leng



W28, W31

Downstream rivers of Kai Kung Leng


Yes, W28 and W31 will be partially removed and diverted


Modified watercourse near Pok Wai West Road




Ngau Tam Mei Drainage Channel



W30a, W30b, W30c, W30e, W30f, W30g

Upstream semi-modified watercourse of Ngau Tam Mei Drainage Channel




Upstream semi-modified watercourse of Ngau Tam Mei Drainage Channel


Yes, W30d will be partially removed and diverted


Downstream rivers of Kai Kung Leng


Yes, W32 will be partially removed and diverted

W34, W52

Drainage along San Tin Highway




Drainage along Castle Peak Road ¨C Tam Mi




Semi-modified watercourse near Wah On Villa




Abandoned meander from the Ngau Tam Mei Drainage Channel




Drainage of Tam Mei Barracks




Drainage of Tam Mei Firing Range




Downstream rivers of Ngau Tam Shan




Downstream river of mountain of Tam Mei




Modified watercourse in Tam Mei




Semi-modified watercourse near Ko Hang




Modified watercourse near Shek Wu Wai San Tsuen


Yes, a section of W45 will be removed and diverted


San Tin Western Main Drainage Channel


Yes, W46 will be partially removed and diverted

W46a, W46b

Branches of San Tin Western Main Drainage Channel




Modified watercourse along Kwu Tung Road




Modified watercourse near San Tin Soccer Pitch




Modified watercourse along Mai Po Lung Road



W50, W50a

Modified watercourse along Shek Wu Wai Road




Modified watercourse near Ka Lung Road




Drainage near Chun San Organic Farm



W54, W54b, W54c, W54d

San Tin Eastern Main Drainage Channel and its upstream natural watercourse




Upstream natural watercourse of San Tin Eastern Main Drainage Channel



W55, W56

Downstream river of Hadden Hill



W57, W59

Modified watercourse near Kwu Tung Road




Drainage along Fanling Highway




Drainage along Lok Ma Chau Road




Modified watercourse in Lok Ma Chau




Modified watercourse in Lok Ma Chau




Downstream river of Tit Hang Shan




Downstream watercourse of Mount Kirkpatrick



W65, W65b, W65c, W65d

River Beas and its tributaries




Tributaries of River Beas


N/A(2) (Remark:  W65a will be removed by other project)


Modified watercourse near Sha Po Tsuen


Yes, a short section of W66 will be temporarily diverted during the construction phase


Modified watercourse near Castle Peak Road ¨C San Tin




Modified watercourse near Ko Po Tsuen





P4-6, P8-22, P25-40, P42, P46-53, P56-58, P60, P64-68, P70-71, P76-96




P41, P43-45, P54-55, P59, P61-63, P69, P72-75



Yes, P41, P43, P45, P54, P61-63, P69, P74-75 will be partially removed, while the remaining will be wholly removed

P23, P24



Only one of P24 will be removed, while the remaining will be removed by other project


Pok Wai Floodwater Pond






Conservation Area (OZP: S/YL-KTS/15; S/YL-KTS/10; S/YL-KTN/10; S/YL-NTM/12)




West Rail Compensatory Wetland




Lam Tsuen Country Park




Tai Lam Country Park




Wetland Buffer Area (OZP: S/YL-NSW/8; S/YL-MP/6; S/YL-ST/8)




Wetland Conservation Area (OZP: S/YL-KTN/10; S/YL-ST/8)




(1)    In the event of construction works at watercourse / ponds within the works sites/areas is found unavoidable, relevant mitigation measures as discussed in Section 6.8 should be strictly followed.

(2)    N/A - Not Applicable.

6.4.2         Water sensitive receivers (WSRs) within 500m from the boundary of the temporary explosive magazine site at Tai Shu Ha (Yuen Long) were identified and are listed below, with their indicative locations shown in Figure No. C1603/C/NOL/ACM/M53/316.

Table 6.6     Summary of Water Sensitive Receivers within Assessment Area of Temporary Explosive Magazine Site at Tai Shu Ha


Water Sensitive Receiver

Within Works Site/ Area?


To be Removed or Diverted under the Project?


W68a ¨C W68e

Downstream river of mountains in Tai Lam Country Park



W69 ¨C W75

Upstream of Yuen Long Creek




Drainage along Tai Shu Ha Road West




P97, P98

Ponds near Nam Hang Pai and Nam Hang Tsuen





Conservation Area




Tai Lam Country Park




6.5              Assessment Methodology

6.5.1         The assessment area includes all areas within 500 m from the Project boundary including works site and works area, and covers relevant WSRs that have a bearing on the environmental acceptability of the Project within the Deep Bay WCZ.  The methodology employed to assess potential water quality impacts associated with the construction and operation of the Project followed the detailed technical requirements given in Appendix D of the Study Brief (ESB-346/2021) and was based on the preliminary design information. No marine dredging works would be required for this Project.

6.5.2         The WSRs that may be affected by the Project were identified.  Potential sources of water quality impact that may arise during the construction works and operation activities were described and quantified, where applicable.  All the identified sources of potential water quality impact were then evaluated and their impact significance was determined.  The need for mitigation measures to reduce any identified adverse impacts on water quality to acceptable levels was also determined.

6.6              Identification and Evaluation of Environmental Impacts

Construction Phase

6.6.1         Potential sources of water quality impact associated with the construction works include:

¡¤         Wastewater from general construction activities;

¡¤         Construction site runoff;

¡¤         Groundwater infiltration and change in groundwater levels;

¡¤         Groundwater from contaminated areas, contaminated site run-off and wastewater from land decontamination;

¡¤         Demolition works;

¡¤         Construction works in close proximity to inland water;

¡¤         Construction works in Inland Water;

¡¤         Removal or diversion of watercourses;

¡¤         Removal or filling of ponds;

¡¤         Accidental spillage of chemicals; and

¡¤         Sewage effluent from construction workforce.

General Construction Activities

6.6.2         Wastewater generated from construction activities, including general cleaning and polishing, wheel washing, dust suppression and utility installation may contain high SS concentrations.  It may also contain a certain amount of grease and oil.  Potential water quality impacts due to the wastewater discharge can be minimised with the implementation of construction and site management practices to ensure that litter, fuels, and solvents do not enter public drainage systems.  It is therefore expected that if the good site practice suggested in Section 6.8 are followed as far as practicable, the potential water quality impacts associated with construction activities would be minimal.

Construction Site Runoff

6.6.3         Surface runoff generated from the construction site may contain increased loads of SS and contaminants.  Potential pollution sources of site run-off may include:

¡¤         Run-off and erosion of exposed bare soil and earth, drainage channels, earth working areas and stockpiles;

¡¤         Wash water from dust suppression sprays and wheel washing facilities; and

¡¤         Fuel, oil and lubricants from maintenance of construction vehicles and equipment.

6.6.4         During rainstorms, site run-off would wash away the soil particles on unpaved lands and areas with topsoil exposed, if any.  The run-off is generally characterized by high concentrations of SS.  Release of uncontrolled site run-off would increase the SS levels and turbidity in the nearby streams.  Site run-off may also wash away contaminated soil particles and therefore cause water pollution.

6.6.5         Windblown dust would be generated from exposed soil surfaces in the works areas.  It is possible that windblown dust would fall directly onto the nearby water bodies when a strong wind occurs.  Dispersion of dust within the works areas may increase the SS levels in surface runoff causing a potential impact to the nearby sensitive receivers.

6.6.6         It is important that proper site practice and good site management be followed to prevent run-off with high level of SS from entering the surrounding waters.  Best Management Practices (BMPs) in controlling construction site discharges are recommended for this Project.  With the implementation of BMPs to control run-off and drainage from the construction site, disturbance of water bodies would be avoided and deterioration in water quality would be minimal.  Suggested measures to control construction site run-off and drainage are described in Section 6.8.

Groundwater Infiltration and Change in Groundwater Levels

6.6.7         Construction of tunnels may result in infiltration of groundwater (Appendix 6.1 refers).  The major concern from these construction activities would be the increase in site runoff and the associated potential drawdown of groundwater in any soil and aquifer layers.  Groundwater infiltration would affect the construction works and infiltrated water would carry away silt from site into the site drainage.  The water pumped out from the tunnel may also be contaminated by grouting materials.  Consideration should be taken in underground tunnel design to minimise the infiltration of groundwater and the potential impacts from the change in groundwater level. 

Groundwater from Contaminated Areas, Contaminated Site Run-off and Wastewater from Land Decontamination

6.6.8         It was identified that some of the construction works areas would have land contamination issues.  Proper land contamination remediation and mitigation measures are proposed in Section 6.8.  Any contaminated material disturbed, or material which comes into contact with the contaminated material, has the potential to be washed with site run-off into watercourses.  Any wastewater discharge from land decontamination processes could also adversely affect the nearby water environment.  Excavated contaminated materials will be properly stored, housed and covered to avoid generation of contaminated run-off.  Open stockpiling of contaminated materials will not be allowed.  Any contaminated site run-off and wastewater from land decontamination activities will be properly treated and disposed in compliance with the requirements of the DSS-TM.  Mitigation measures for contaminated site run-off and wastewater from land decontamination are recommended in Section 6.8.  With proper implementation of the recommended mitigation measures, the potential water quality impacts arising from the land decontamination works would be minimised.

6.6.9         Groundwater pumped out or from dewatering process during excavation works in the contaminated areas will be potentially contaminated.  Any contaminated groundwater will be either properly treated or properly recharged into the ground in compliance with the requirements of the DSS-TM.  No direct discharge of contaminated groundwater will be adopted.  Mitigation measures and monitoring requirements for contaminated groundwater discharge/ recharge are recommended in Sections 6.8.17 to 6.8.19.  With proper implementation of the recommended mitigation measures, no unacceptable water quality would be expected from the groundwater generated from contamination areas.

Demolition works

6.6.10       The Project would involve demolition works of some existing structures for the construction of NOL.  The sewage remaining or washed out from the decommissioned facilities will not be discharged without treatment.  Another key concern from demolition works would be surface runoff and site effluent.  Precipitation that falls on unpaved lands and areas with the topsoil exposed during the demolition would wash away soil particles.  Such surface runoff and stormwater overflows with high levels of suspended solids if directly discharged into the marine and inland waters which may lead to water quality impact.  Effluent discharge from temporary site facilities should be controlled to prevent direct discharge to the neighbouring marine waters and storm drains.  Such wastewater may include wastewater resulting from wheel washing of site vehicles at site entrances.

6.6.11       Good site practices should be implemented to control site runoff and drainage and site effluent from the works areas, and to prevent runoff and drainage water with high levels of suspended solids from entering the adjacent Deep Bay waters.  With the implementation of adequate site drainage and provision of sediment removal facilities as described in Section 6.8 below, it is anticipated that unacceptable water quality impacts would not arise.  Surface runoff would be collected by the temporary drainage system and then treated or desilted on-site before discharging to the storm water drain.  Effluent from wheel washing would also be treated or desilted on-site before discharged.  A license should be obtained from EPD for discharge to the public drainage system.

Construction Works in Close Proximity to Inland Water

6.6.12       Construction activities in close vicinity to the inland watercourses may impact water quality due to the potential release of construction waste and wastewater.  Construction waste and wastewater are generally characterized by high SS concentration and elevated pH.  The implementation of adequate construction site drainage and Best Management Practices as described in Section 6.8 and provision of mitigation measures as specified in ETWB TC (Works) No. 5/2005 ¡°Protection of Natural Streams / Rivers from Adverse Impacts Arising from Construction Works¡± as detailed in Section 6.8, it is anticipated that water quality impacts would be minimal.

Construction Works in Inland Water

6.6.13       The construction of temporary vehicular bridge structures across Ho Pui Channel (W13) would require the installation of temporary bridge pier.  The bridge piers installation would involve pilling works and construction activities in Ho Pui Channel, which may lead to elevated suspended solids (SS) levels and dispersion of SS to the downstream section of the river if in contact with river water.  According to the proposed preliminary design, concrete block cofferdam would be erected at Ho Pui Channel and thereafter dewatering and temporary filling will be conducted inside the cofferdam to create a dry working zone for the construction of temporary deck such that all the piling and construction works would be isolated from the water.  The piling and installation of cofferdam would be conducted during dry season as far as practicable.  Concrete block cofferdam will be removed before the coming wet season to allow river flow avoiding potential overflow onto the riverbanks of Ho Pui Channel during wet season.  Water pumps would be used to collect any construction site runoff and ingress/seepage water within the cofferdam. The collected construction site runoff and ingress/seepage water would be diverted to the on-site wastewater treatment facilities for treatment to satisfactory levels before discharge.  The temporary vehicular bridge will be demolished upon completion of required construction works. 

6.6.14       Since the cross-section area of the river channel to be blocked by the pier installation was anticipated localized and temporary, the change in flow regime would be localized and any local water quality impact would expect to be transient.  As a result, the potential impact on water quality and hydrology of Ho Pui Channel would be insignificant, no unacceptable water quality would be expected if the mitigation measures detailed in Section 6.8 are implemented properly.

6.6.15       A portion of Ho Pui Channel (W13) that is close to the east side of Pat Heung Depot will also be temporary decked and covered during the construction phase.  Potential water quality impacts may be generated by discharge of construction materials, wastewater, excavated spoils, spillage and contaminants to the downstream receiving waters.

6.6.16       A portion of grout block for TBM breakout underneath Kam Tin River (W21) at the immediate north of the proposed KSR(NOL) Station would be constructed in Kam Tin River during dry season.  During the construction, concrete blocks would be erected to fence off the works area such that the grouting works would be conducted within a dry zone and physically separated from the water. It is therefore anticipated that the impact on Kam Tin River would be minimal during construction. 

6.6.17       Ground treatment works (i.e. grouting works) would be carried out at the area near the upstream watercourse of Eastern Main Drainage Channel in San Tin (W54a) due to the tunneling works crossing the existing LMCSL tunnels.  It is expected that the proposed grouting works would not have direct impact on the existing stream and the existing stream could be retained during construction. 

6.6.18       Excavated materials (including sediment) may be generated from the above works.   Mitigation measures for handling and disposal of excavated materials and sediment as recommended in Section 6.8 should be followed to minimise the potential environmental impacts arising from the excavated materials.  Mitigation measures for protection of downstream water quality from diversion / removal of watercourses are described in Section 6.8.  With adoption of the recommended mitigation measures, there should not be significant sediment and contaminant release to the downstream water.

Removal or Diversion of Watercourses

6.6.19       Temporary diversion of watercourse is anticipated in modified watercourse near Sha Po Tsuen (W66).  Other watercourses including partial W21d, W24 and W65a will be removed/diverted/modified before the construction of the Project under other projects.  Partial removal of existing watercourses (namely W21d, W28, W30d, W31, W32, W45, and W46), would involve diversion of water flow from their existing routes to the new routes.  Potential sources of impact may include discharge of concrete slurry and other grouting materials generated by concreting works as well as release of construction materials, wastewater, excavated sediment, spillage and contaminants to the receiving waters in the downstream during soil excavation for construction of new drainage and demolition of the existing watercourses.  All these construction works should be undertaken in dry conditions to avoid and minimise potential water quality impacts on the downstream water quality.  The tentative works sequence for diversion and removal of watercourse is described below.

¡¤         Construction works at watercourse would be undertaken only after flow diversion or dewatering operation is fully completed to avoid water flow in the works area.

¡¤         Dewatering of watercourse would be performed by diverting the water flow to new or temporary drainage.  Where necessary, cofferdams or similar impermeable sheet pile walls should be used to isolate the works areas from neighbouring waters.

¡¤         Permanent or temporary drainage for carrying the diverted flow from existing watercourse to be removed would be constructed and completed before dewatering of that existing watercourse.

¡¤         Construction of all the proposed permanent and temporary drainage would be undertaken in a dry condition prior to receiving any water flow.

6.6.20       Excavated materials (including sediment) may be generated from the removal and diversion of watercourses.  Mitigation measures for handling and disposal of excavated materials and sediment as recommended in Section 6.8 should be followed to minimise the potential environmental impacts arising from the excavated materials.

6.6.21       Mitigation measures for protection of downstream water quality from diversion and removal of watercourses are described in Section 6.8.  With adoption of the recommended mitigation measures, there should not be significant sediment and contaminant release to the downstream water.

Removal or Filling of Ponds

6.6.22       One pond of P24, P41, P43-45, P54-55, P59, P61-63, P69, and P72-75 would be affected partially or wholly by the construction works, while P23 and remaining ponds of P24 would be affected by others for road works. The associated construction works would include draining the water in ponds / watercourses before filling up these areas or before commencement of any excavation and construction works.  The water of these ponds to be drained would probably be sediment-laden and would carry a certain level of pollutants.  Direct dumping of these drained waters to the nearby watercourse or marine water will not be allowed.

6.6.23       The drained water generated from dewatering of the ponds to be removed would be temporarily stored as appropriate in storage tanks or containers for reuse on-site where practicable and any surplus water would be tankered away for disposal or treated as necessary before disposal in compliance with the DSS-TM.  In order to minimise the potential impact, dewatering works at ponds would be conducted within dry season as far as practicable to minimise the quantity of drained water.  No direct discharge of drained water from these construction works will be allowed.

6.6.24       Excavated materials (including sediment) may be generated from the construction works in ponds.  Mitigation measures for handling and disposal of excavated materials and sediment as recommended in Section 6.8 should be followed to minimise the potential environmental impacts arising from the excavated material.  Together with the adoption of the mitigation measures for removal of ponds as recommended in Section 6.8, no unacceptable water quality impact would be expected.

Accidental Spillage of Chemicals

6.6.25       The use of chemicals such as engine oil and lubricants, and their storage as waste materials has the potential to impact water quality if spillage occurs and enters adjacent streams.  Waste oil may infiltrate into the surface soil layer, or runoff into the nearby streams, increasing hydrocarbon levels.  The potential impacts could however be mitigated by practical mitigation measures and good site practices as described in Section 6.8.

Sewage Effluent from Construction Workforce

6.6.26       During the construction of the Project, the workforce on site will generate sewage effluent, which is characterized by high levels of BOD, ammonia and E. coli counts.  According to Section 5.6.10 of the Construction Industry Council (CIC)¡¯s publication ¡°Reference Materials ¨C Construction Site Welfare, Health and Safety Measures¡±, the number of toilet facilities should be provided at a ratio of not less than one for every 25 workers.  Potential water quality impacts upon the local drainage and fresh water system may arise from these sewage effluents, if uncontrolled.

6.6.27       Temporary sewage generation can be adequately treated by interim sewage treatment facilities, such as portable chemical toilets.  The number of the chemical toilets required for the construction sites would be subject to later detailed design, the capacity of the chemical toilets, and Contractor's site practices.  A licensed Contractor should be employed to provide appropriate and adequate portable toilets and be responsible for appropriate disposal and maintenance.

6.6.28       Provided that sewage is not discharged directly into storm drains or inland waters adjacent to the construction site, temporary sanitary facilities are used and properly maintained, and mitigation measures as recommended in Section 6.8 are adopted as far as practicable, it is unlikely that sewage generated from the site would have a significant impact on water quality.

6.6.29       The construction of the Project would have potential impacts on change of groundwater table.  Such construction activities would include:

¡¤         Cut & Cover works for tunnels, stations and ancillary buildings i.e. EAPs/EEPs/VBs;

¡¤         Bored tunnelling works;

¡¤         Mined tunnelling works;

¡¤         Drill & blast construction works for adits, tunnels and ancillary building; and

¡¤         Site formation works for NTD.

Cut & Cover Works for Tunnels, Stations and Ancillary Buildings

6.6.30       The excavation for station boxes, cut & cover tunnels (including overrun tunnels and southern extension, etc.), ancillary buildings (i.e. EAPs/EEPs/VBs) and construction shaft structures will require temporary dewatering within the excavation to facilitate the construction of permanent structure.  The Contractors should follow the contract requirement during the design and construction of temporary works to control the changes in surrounding piezometric pressure head and/or groundwater level not to exceed the equivalent of 1m head of water from the specified groundwater level.  Mitigation measures will be required to mitigate any significant drawdown effects (i.e. >1m) to the groundwater table during the temporary dewatering works.  Provided that the mitigation measures are properly followed, no unacceptable impact in relation to the groundwater drawdown would be expected.  In addition, those permanent structures would be designed as watertight structures to avoid the long term groundwater drawdown issue.

Bored Tunnelling Works

6.6.31       For the bored tunnelling works, the effects on the external groundwater regime are expected to be small during construction due to the method of construction and the use of undrained linings.  The bored tunnels will be constructed using a closed face tunnel boring machine (TBM) to limit water inflow into the tunnel.  The cutter head for the machine will be sealed during excavation to control the water inflow from the cutter face, and therefore the water inflow from the face is expected to be insignificant.  Precast segmental linings will be installed and back grouted at the tail skin as the TBM advances along the alignment, the potential inflow of water behind the TBM shield would be small and adverse impact on groundwater drawdown would not be anticipated.  The permanent precast segment linings will be designed as watertight structures with Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM) gasket provided between segments to resist the water inflow through the joints, so that long term groundwater drawdown is not expected.

Mined Tunnelling Works

6.6.32       Mining works would be conducted to the areas with limited rock cover, soft/mixed ground and in close proximity to the existing sensitive receivers.  In view of high permeability of the overlying soil materials compared to the relatively impermeable rock stratum beneath, potential loss of groundwater into the mined tunnel is anticipated and the groundwater table close to the surface would be affected by the tunnelling works.  Therefore, undrained lining would be adopted to ensure insignificant effect on the groundwater table above the rockhead level.  Also, pre-excavation grouting would be adopted as necessary to control the groundwater inflow to mined tunnelling under mixed ground condition and minimise the groundwater drawdown.  The permanent lining will be designed as watertight structures to avoid the long term dewatering of the groundwater.

Drill & Blast Tunnels for Adits, Tunnels and Ancillary Building

6.6.33       Drill and blast techniques would be proposed for certain tunnel sections and adits in rock formation.  Considering the proposed tunnel span together with the maximum expected groundwater pressure heads in excess of 300m in sections of the alignment and also this method will generally be adopted under the competent rock condition where the permeability is anticipated to be low, a drained tunnel system is the most technically feasible option.  The drained tunnel system had been widely adopted in this situation in Hong Kong and elsewhere around the world without adverse effect on the environment or water catchments.   With regard to the loss of water into the tunnels this is anticipated to be relatively very small and the water table close to the surface will not be affected by these subsurface tunnelling works.  This is due to the high permeability of the overlying soil materials compared to the relatively impermeable rock stratum beneath.  The drained tunnels will cause only localized pressure relief and groundwater drawdown in the area immediately surrounding the tunnel.  Beyond this localized distance horizontal natural recharge will ensure insignificant effect on the groundwater above the rockhead level. 

6.6.34       Pre-excavation grouting would be adopted where necessary as preventive / mitigation measure for excessive groundwater inflow which lead potential groundwater drawdown, and also undrained lining may be provided under the poor rock or soft ground condition to mitigate the long term dewatering issue. 

Site Formation Works for Ngau Tam Mei Depot

6.6.35       Site formation works for depot site area would involve cut and fill and ELS works at shallow depth.  For NTD which is located at a valley, surface runoff from surrounding hillside would flow downwards and accumulate at valley, which may cause flooding and potentially rising groundwater table at the proposed NTD site. Therefore, the existing drainage system affected by proposed works should be modified into new drainage system and integrated with the existing drainage system as suitable mitigation measure.  Capacity of new drainage system should cater for increment from both surface runoff and groundwater.  Permanent retaining walls surround with adequate provision of drainage system would also be constructed to prevent damping up the groundwater behind.

Operational Phase

6.6.36       Potential sources of water quality impact associated with the operation of the Project include:

¡¤         Sewage and wastewater from stations, ancillary buildings and depot operation; and

¡¤         Non-point source surface runoff from new impervious area.

Sewage and Wastewater Effluents Discharge

6.6.37       Sewage effluent from the staff and passengers at KSR(NOL), AUT, NTM, SAT and KTU(NOL) Stations and NTD would be connected to the existing or planned foul sewerage system, subject to the availability of the planned foul sewerage system at the time of NOL operation.  Wastewater from air conditioning system and cleaning activities would also be discharged to the foul sewer, while accumulated at the foul water line sumps in railway tunnels will be pumped to the ground surface via stations/ancillary buildings for discharge to the public sewerage system.  Hence, no adverse water quality impact would be anticipated to arise from sewage and wastewater effluents generated during the operation of the stations, ancillary buildings and depot.

Non-point Source Surface Runoff from New Impervious Area

6.6.38       Surface runoff to be generated from the Project is known as non-point source pollution.  A small amount of grease and grit may be deposited on the surfaces of the rail tracks and stabling sidings.  These pollutants could be washed into the nearby drainage system during rainfall events.  Sources of potential polluted stormwater that may also arise from the stations, NTD and ancillary buildings include dust from the roof of the structures and cleaning agents used for washing building façade.  Surface runoff generated from these newly paved areas may also affect the quality of the nearby receiving water environment, if uncontrolled.

6.7              Cumulative Impacts from Concurrent Project

6.7.1         The construction of the Project is anticipated to commence tentatively in 2025 for completion in 2034.  A full list of concurrent projects is detailed in Table 2.11.  The potential water pollution sources in the construction phase include construction runoff, sewage effluent due to workforce and accidental spillage.  In the operation phase, depot runoff and discharge, and sewage from other facilities are the key water quality impacts.  However, with incorporation of the recommended mitigation measures during the construction and operational phases of the Project, the water quality impact generated from the Project would be localized and no adverse cumulative water quality impacts would be expected.

6.8              Recommended Water Quality Mitigation Measures

Construction Phase

Construction Site Runoff and General Construction Activities

6.8.1         Control of potential pollution of nearby water bodies during the construction phase of the Project should be achieved by measures to:

¡¤         prevent or minimise the likelihood of pollutants (generated from construction activities including demolition works) being in contact with rainfall or runoff; and

¡¤         abate pollutants in the stormwater surface runoff prior to the discharge of surface runoff to the nearby water bodies.

6.8.2         It is important that Best Management Practices (BMPs) of mitigation measures in controlling water pollution and good site management, as specified in the ProPECC PN 1/94 ¡°Construction Site Drainage¡± are followed, where applicable, to prevent runoff with high level of SS from entering the surrounding waters.

6.8.3         All effluent discharged from the construction site should comply with the standards stipulated in the DSS-TM.  The measures discussed below are recommended to protect water quality of the inland and coastal waters, and when properly implemented should be sufficient to adequately control site discharges so as to avoid water quality impacts.

6.8.4         Surface runoff from construction sites should be discharged into storm drains via adequately designed sand/silt removal facilities such as sand traps, silt traps and sedimentation basins.  Channels or earth bunds or sand bag barriers should be provided on site during construction to properly direct stormwater to such silt removal facilities.  Perimeter channels should also be provided at site boundaries where necessary to intercept storm runoff from outside to the site so that it will not wash across the site.  Catchpits and perimeter channels should be constructed in advance of site formation works and earthworks.

6.8.5         Silt removal facilities, channels and manholes should be maintained and the deposited silt and grit should be removed regularly, at the onset of and after each rainstorm to prevent local flooding.  Any practical options for the diversion and re-alignment of drainage should comply with both engineering and environmental requirements in order to provide adequate hydraulic capacity of all drains. 

6.8.6         Construction works should be programmed to minimize soil excavation works in rainy seasons (April to September) as far as practicable.  If soil excavation cannot be avoided in these months or at any time of year when rainstorms are likely, for the purpose of preventing soil erosion, temporary exposed slope surfaces should be covered e.g. by tarpaulin, and temporary access roads should be protected by crushed stone or gravel, as excavation proceeds.  Intercepting channels should be provided (e.g. along the crest / edge of excavation) to prevent storm runoff from washing across exposed soil surfaces.  Arrangements should always be in place such that adequate surface protection measures can be safely carried out well before the arrival of a rainstorm.

6.8.7         Earthworks final surfaces should be well compacted and the subsequent permanent work or surface protection should be carried out immediately after the final surfaces are formed to prevent erosion caused by rainstorms.  Appropriate drainage like intercepting channels should be provided where necessary.

6.8.8         Measures should be taken to minimize the ingress of rainwater into trenches.  If excavation of trenches in wet seasons is necessary, they should be dug and backfilled in short sections.  Rainwater pumped out from trenches or foundation excavations should be discharged into storm drains via silt removal facilities.

6.8.9         If bentonite slurries are required for any construction works, they should be reconditioned and reused wherever practicable to minimise the disposal volume of used bentonite slurries.  Temporary enclosed storage locations should be provided on-site for any unused bentonite that needs to be transported away after the related construction activities are completed.  Requirements as stipulated in ProPECC PN 1/94 should be closely followed when handling and disposing bentonite slurries.

6.8.10       Open stockpiles of construction materials (e.g. aggregates, sand and fill material) on sites should be covered with tarpaulin or similar fabric. 

6.8.11       Manholes (including newly constructed ones) should always be adequately covered and temporarily sealed so as to prevent silt, construction materials or debris from getting into the drainage system, and to prevent storm runoff from getting into foul sewers.  Discharge of surface runoff into foul sewers must always be prevented in order not to unduly overload the foul sewerage system.

6.8.12       Good site practices should be adopted to remove rubbish and litter from construction sites so as to prevent the rubbish and litter from spreading over the site area.  It is recommended to clean the construction sites on a regular basis. 

6.8.13       The following mitigation measures related to the transportation of the sediment should be implemented, where applicable, to minimize the potential water quality impact:

¡¤         Loading of the excavated sediment to the barge should be controlled to avoid splashing and overflowing of the sediment slurry to the surrounding water.

¡¤         The barge transporting the sediments to the designated disposal sites should be equipped with tight fitting seals to prevent leakage and should not be filled to a level that would cause overflow of materials or laden water during loading or transportation.  

¡¤         Monitoring of the barge loading should be conducted to ensure that loss of material does not take place during transportation.  Transport barges or vessels should be equipped with automatic self-monitoring devices as specified by the Director of Environmental Protection (DEP). 

6.8.14       Discharge licence issued by the EPD for discharge of effluent from the construction site under the WPCO is needed.  The discharge quality and quantity should meet the requirements specified in the discharge licence.  All the runoff and wastewater generated from the works areas should be treated so that it satisfies all the standards listed in the DSS-TM.  The beneficial uses of the treated effluent for other on-site activities such as dust suppression, wheel washing and general cleaning etc., can minimise water consumption and reduce the effluent discharge volume.  If monitoring of the treated effluent quality from the works areas is required during the construction phase of the Project, the monitoring should be carried out in accordance with the relevant WPCO licence.

Groundwater infiltration and change in groundwater levels

6.8.15       As discussed in Section 6.6.30 to 6.6.35, preventive or mitigation measures during construction period would be required to minimise the potential impact on groundwater system.  Examples of preventive or mitigation measures are listed below:

¡¤         Adoption of close mode TBM at ecological sensitive area (e.g. wetland), if any, to prevent the groundwater ingress to tunnel excavation and control the ground settlement;

¡¤         Adoption of robust hydraulic cut-off to control groundwater inflow into the excavation;

¡¤         Provision of recharge well to mitigate the excessive groundwater drawdown out; 

¡¤         Adoption of ground treatment if necessary to control groundwater inflow into the excavation;

¡¤         For mined or drill & blast tunnels, adoption of probing ahead before excavation to identify the geological features and water inflow ahead to determine the need for pre-excavation grouting and the type of temporary support.  In case of excessive groundwater inflow observed, pre-excavation grouting should be applied as suitable mitigation measure;

¡¤         In the event of excessive drawdown being observed within the groundwater as a result of the tunnelling works even after incorporation of the water control strategies by the pre-grouting measures, post-grouting should be applied as far as practicable before the lining is cast;

¡¤         Provision of ground treatment for undrained tunnel (e.g. mined tunnel in soft and permeable ground) to enhance the properties of ground; and

¡¤         Monitoring of groundwater level and settlement during the construction.

6.8.16       In addition, as mentioned in Section 6.6.30 to 6.6.35, preventive or mitigation measures during operational phase would be required to minimise the potential impact on groundwater system.  Examples of preventive or mitigation measures are listed below:

¡¤         For drill & blast tunnels, adoption of undrained lining under the poor rock condition to mitigate the long term dewatering issue;

¡¤         For drained tunnel section, provision of an individual groundwater drainage system within the tunnel to collect the groundwater inflow to public drainage system; and

¡¤         Provision of ground treatment for undrained tunnel (e.g. mined tunnel in soft and permeable ground) to enhance the properties of ground.

Groundwater from Contaminated Areas, Contaminated Site Runoff and Wastewater from Land Decontamination

6.8.17       Remediation of contaminated land, if any, should be properly conducted following the recommendations of the agreed Remediation Action Plan (RAP).  Any excavated contaminated material and exposed contaminated surface should be properly housed and covered to avoid generation of contaminated runoff. Open stockpiling of contaminated materials should not be allowed.  Any contaminated runoff or wastewater generated from the land decontamination processes should be properly collected and diverted to wastewater treatment facilities (WTF).  The WTF should deploy suitable treatment processes (e.g. oil interceptor / activated carbon) to reduce the pollution level to an acceptable standard and remove any prohibited substances (such as total petroleum hydrocarbon) to an undetectable range.  All treated effluent from the wastewater treatment system should meet the requirements as stated in DSS-TM and should be either discharged into the foul sewers or tankered away for proper disposal.

6.8.18       No direct discharge of groundwater from contaminated areas should be adopted.  Prior to any excavation works within the potentially contaminated areas, the baseline groundwater quality in these areas should be reviewed based on the past relevant site investigation data and any additional groundwater quality measurements to be performed with reference to Guidance Note for Contaminated Land Assessment and Remediation and the review results should be submitted to EPD under the Contamination Assessment Report (CAR) for examination.  If the review results indicated that the groundwater to be generated from the excavation works would be contaminated, this contaminated groundwater should be either properly treated or properly recharged into the ground in compliance with the requirements of the DSS-TM.  If wastewater treatment is to be deployed for treating the contaminated groundwater, the wastewater treatment unit should deploy suitable treatment processes (e.g. oil interceptor / activated carbon) to reduce the pollution level to an acceptable standard and remove any prohibited substances (such as total petroleum hydrocarbon) to an undetectable range.  All treated effluent from the wastewater treatment plant should meet the requirements as stated in the DSS-TM and should be either discharged into the foul sewers or tankered away for proper disposal.

6.8.19       If deployment of wastewater treatment is not feasible for handling the contaminated groundwater, groundwater recharging wells should be installed as appropriate for recharging the contaminated groundwater back into the ground.  The recharging wells should be selected at places where the groundwater quality will not be affected by the recharge operation as indicated in section 2.3 of DSS-TM.  The baseline groundwater quality should be determined prior to the selection of the recharge wells.  Pollution levels of groundwater to be recharged should not be higher than pollutant levels of ambient groundwater at the recharge well.  Groundwater monitoring wells should be installed near the recharge points to monitor the effectiveness of the recharge wells and to ensure that no likelihood of increase of groundwater level and transfer of pollutants beyond the site boundary.  Prior to recharge, free products should be removed as necessary by installing the petrol interceptor.   The Contractor should apply for a discharge licence under the WPCO through the Regional Office of EPD for groundwater recharge operation or discharge of treated groundwater.

Construction Works in Close Proximity to Inland Water

6.8.20       The practices outlined in ETWB TC (Works) No. 5/2005 ¡°Protection of Natural Streams / Rivers from Adverse Impacts Arising from Construction Works¡± should be adopted where applicable to minimise the water quality impacts on any natural streams or surface water systems.  Relevant mitigation measures from the ETWB TC (Works) No. 5/2005 are listed below:

¡¤         Use of less or smaller construction plants may be specified in works area close to the inland water bodies as far as practicable;

¡¤         Temporary storage of material (e.g. equipment, filling materials, chemicals and fuel) and temporary stockpile of construction materials should be located well away from watercourses when carrying out of the construction works;

¡¤         Stockpiling of construction materials and dusty materials should be covered and located away from any watercourses;

¡¤         Construction debris and spoil should be covered up and / or disposed of as soon as possible to avoid being washed into the nearby water receivers;

¡¤         Construction activities, which generate large amount of wastewater, should be carried out in a distance away from the watercourses, where practicable;

¡¤         Construction effluent, site run-off and sewage should be properly collected and / or treated; and

¡¤         Proper shoring may need to be erected in order to prevent soil / mud from slipping into the inland water bodies.

Construction Works in Inland Water

6.8.21       The construction method and sequence of the proposed construction works at Ho Pui Channel (W13) should be carefully designed so that all the construction works including any excavation would be undertaken within a dry zone and physically separated from the watercourses downstream.

6.8.22       Impermeable sheet pile walls or cofferdam walls should be installed to fully enclose the construction works area (including all the excavation and piling works) in the watercourse prior to the commencement of any works in watercourse.  Dewatering of the construction works area should be undertaken before the commencement of construction works to avoid water flow in the construction works area.  Silt removal facilities should be used to clarify the effluent generated from the dewatering operation before discharging back to the watercourse / drainage system.  Any construction works including excavation and piling activities should be undertaken in a dry zone surrounded by the impermeable sheet pile walls or cofferdam walls.  All wastewater generated from the piling activities should be regarded as part of the construction site effluent, which should be properly collected and treated as appropriate to meet the standards stipulated in the DSS-TM before disposal.  It is recommended that the construction works in watercourses should be undertaken in dry seasons, where practicable, when the water flow is low.

6.8.23       The mitigation measures for construction site drainage as recommended in Sections 6.8.1 to 6.8.14 and protection measures for construction works near watercourses as detailed in Section 6.8.20 should also be followed to minimise the potential water quality impacts from the construction in watercourses.

6.8.24       The pilling works for the temporary vehicular bridge in Ho Pui Channel should be conducted by phases.  The method and sequence of the proposed bridge works in Ho Pui Channel should be carefully designed so that wastewater and sediment laden water generated from the pilling works would be confined and physically separated from the watercourse.  All pilling, the associated construction works in the watercourse should be fully enclosed by concrete cofferdam/sheet pile.  Concrete cofferdam should be constructed to isolate the construction activities from the river water.  The detail design of the concrete cofferdams will be conducted by the Contractor during the construction phase to fulfil the requirements in Drainage Services Department (DSD) Technical Circular No. 1/2017 "Temporary Flow Diversions and Temporary Works Affecting Capacity in Stormwater System" for DSD approval in order to formulate feasible options of these temporary structure.  Water pumps should be used to collect any construction site runoff and ingress/seepage water within the concrete cofferdam.  The collected construction site surface runoff and ingress/seepage water should be diverted to the on-site wastewater treatment facilities for treatment to satisfactory levels before discharge.  Discharge licence for discharging effluent from the construction site under the WPCO should be obtained from the EPD.  The discharge quality and quantity should meet the requirements specified in the discharge licence and follow the DSS-TM.

Removal or Diversion of Watercourses

6.8.25       The construction works for removal and diversion of watercourses should be undertaken within a dry zone.  Cofferdams or similar impermeable sheet pile walls should be used as necessary to isolate the works areas from the neighbouring waters.

6.8.26       The tentative works sequence for provision of a dry zone for the construction works is described as follows.  Construction works at watercourse should be undertaken only after flow diversion or dewatering operation is fully completed to avoid water flow in the works area.  Dewatering of watercourse should be performed by diverting the water flow to new or temporary drainage.  Where necessary, cofferdams or similar impermeable sheet pile walls should be used to isolate the works areas from neighbouring waters.  The permanent or temporary drainage for carrying the diverted flow from existing watercourse to be removed should be constructed and completed before dewatering of that existing watercourse.  Construction of all the proposed permanent and temporary drainage should be undertaken in a dry zone prior to receiving any water flow.

6.8.27       The Contractor should provide a dry zone for all the construction works to be undertaken in watercourses and stormwater drainage following the tentative works sequence as described above or using other approved methods as appropriate to suit the works condition.  The flow diversion works should be conducted in dry season, where possible, when the flow in the watercourse is low.  The wastewater and ingress water from the site should be properly treated to comply with the WPCO and the DSS-TM before discharge.

6.8.28       The site practices outlined in the ProPECC PN 1/94 ¡°Construction Site Drainage¡± and ETWB TC (Works) No. 5/2005 ¡°Protection of natural streams/rivers from adverse impacts arising from construction works¡± should be adopted for the proposed demolition or diversion of watercourses where applicable.

Removal or Filling of Ponds

6.8.29       Construction works at the existing ponds should be conducted after dewatering is completed if practicable.  The drained water generated from the dewatering of these ponds to be removed should be temporarily stored as appropriate in storage tanks or containers for reuse on-site where practical and any surplus drained water should be tankered away for disposal or treated as necessary before disposal in compliance with the DSS-TM.

6.8.30       It is recommended to drain ponds by stages to minimise the potential water quality impact.  Dewatering works at ponds should be conducted within dry season as far as practicable to minimise the quantity of drained water.  No direct discharge of drained water to the stormwater drainage system or marine water should be allowed.

Accidental Spillage of Chemicals

6.8.31       The Contractor should register as a chemical waste producer if chemical wastes would be produced from the construction activities.  The Waste Disposal Ordinance (Cap 354) and its subsidiary regulations in particular the Waste Disposal (Chemical Waste) (General) Regulation, should be observed and complied with for control of chemical wastes.  The Contractor is also recommended to develop management procedures for chemicals used and prepare an emergency spillage handling procedure to deal with chemical spillage in case of accident occurs.

6.8.32       Any service shop and maintenance facilities should be located on hard standings within a bunded area, and sumps and oil interceptors should be provided.  Maintenance of vehicles and equipment involving activities with potential leakage and spillage should only be undertaken within the areas appropriately equipped to control these discharges.

6.8.33       Disposal of chemical wastes should be carried out in compliance with the Waste Disposal Ordinance.   The ¡°Code of Practice on the Packaging, Labelling and Storage of Chemical Wastes¡± published under the Waste Disposal Ordinance details the requirements to deal with chemical wastes.  General requirements are given as follows:

¡¤         Suitable containers should be used to hold the chemical wastes to avoid leakage or spillage during storage, handling and transport.

¡¤         Chemical waste containers should be suitably labelled, to notify and warn the personnel who are handling the wastes, to avoid accidents.

¡¤         Storage area should be selected at a safe location on site and adequate space should be allocated to the storage area.

Sewage Effluent from Construction Workforce

6.8.34       No discharge of sewage to the storm water system and marine water will be allowed.  Adequate and sufficient portable chemical toilets should be provided in the works areas to handle sewage from construction workforce.  A licensed waste collector should be employed to clean and maintain the chemical toilets on a regular basis.

6.8.35       Notices should be posted at conspicuous locations to remind the workers not to discharge any sewage or wastewater into the surrounding environment.  Regular environmental audit of the construction site should be conducted to provide an effective control of any malpractices and achieve continual improvement of environmental performance on site.  It is anticipated that sewage generation during the construction phase of the project would not cause water pollution problem after undertaking all required measures.

Operational Phase

Sewage and Wastewater Effluents Discharge

6.8.36       Most of the sewage and wastewater effluents generated from the operation of stations, ancillary buildings and depot would be connected to the public sewerage system and diverted to public sewers, subject to the availability of the planned foul sewerage system at the time of NOL operation.  At some satellite locations without nearby public sewerage systems (Section 7.6 refers), sewage generated will be stored at MTR¡¯s Sewage Holding Tanks before being tankered away by MTR¡¯s competent contractor regularly.  The sewerage generation of these satellite locations is anticipated to be minimal as they are unmanned and are mainly used by limited MTR staff.  No direct discharge of sewage and wastewater effluents into the storm drains or inland/marine waters will be allowed.

Stormwater Runoff

6.8.37       Best Management Practices (BMPs) for stormwater discharge are recommended to reduce stormwater pollution arising from the Project.  Details are as follows:

Design Measures

6.8.38       Exposed surface should be avoided to minimise soil erosion.  The site should be either hard paved or covered by landscaping area and plantation where appropriate.  The condensed water arising from the operation of air conditioning systems would also be properly collected and diverted to the drainage system of the Project.

6.8.39       The drainage system should be designed to avoid flooding.  The drainage system will be designed to avoid any case of flooding based on at least 1 in 50 year return period.

Devices and Facilities

6.8.40       Screening facilities such as standard gully grating and trash grille, with spacing which is capable of screening large substances such as fallen leaves and rubbish should be provided at the inlet of drainage system. 

6.8.41       Silt traps and oil interceptors should be incorporated as appropriate during the detailed design to remove particles and oil, where appropriate. 

Administrative Measures

6.8.42       Good management measures such as regular cleaning and sweeping of road surface / open areas are suggested.  Manholes and stormwater gullies provided at the Project sites should be regularly inspected and cleaned (e.g. monthly).  Additional inspection and cleansing should be carried out before forecast of heavy rainfall. 

6.9              Evaluation of Residual Impacts

6.9.1         With the full implementation of the recommended mitigation measures for the construction and operational phases of the proposed Project, no adverse residual impact on water quality is anticipated.

6.10           EM&A Requirements

6.10.1       As discussed in Section 6.8.15, monitoring of groundwater level would be required during the construction stage and thus a groundwater monitoring programme should be developed in detailed design stage for implementation during construction. 

6.10.2       It is recommended that regular site inspections during the construction phase should be undertaken to inspect the construction activities and works sites / areas in order to ensure the recommended mitigation measures are properly implemented.  Details of the audit requirements are provided in the stand-alone EM&A Manual for the Project.

6.11           Conclusions

Construction Phase

6.11.1       The potential water quality impacts from the construction works are associated with the construction works in inland water, and in close proximity to inland water, wastewater generated from general construction activities, construction site run-off, groundwater infiltration and change in groundwater levels, groundwater from contaminated areas and contaminated site runoff, demolition works, accidental spillage of chemicals and sewage effluent from construction workforce.  Provided that proper site management practices and the mitigation measures including adequate construction site drainage, provision of sediment removal facilities, practical groundwater control measures and chemical toilets would be implemented, no adverse water quality impact during construction phase would be anticipated.

Operational Phase

6.11.2       The key potential source of water quality impact during operational phase would be related to non-point source stormwater runoff, sewage and wastewater effluents from operation of depot, ancillary buildings and stations.  Adequate drainage system should be provided to collect the stormwater runoff.  Most of the sewage and wastewater effluents generated from operation of depot, ancillary buildings and stations would be connected to the public sewerage system and diverted to public sewers, subject to the availability of the planned foul sewerage system at the time of NOL operation.  At some satellite locations without nearby public sewerage systems (Section 7.6 refers), sewage generated will be stored at MTR Corporation¡¯s Sewage Holding Tanks before being tankered away by MTR Corporation¡¯s competent contractor regularly.  With proper design of drainage and sewerage systems and implementation of the recommended mitigation measures. Therefore, no adverse water quality impact during operational phase would be anticipated.