4              Noise Impact

4.1           Introduction

This Section provides an evaluation of the potential noise impacts arising from the construction and operation of the proposed Project. Standard good site practices have been recommended, where necessary, in order to avoid, minimise or mitigate the potential noise impacts.

4.2            Environmental Legislation, Standards and Criteria

4.2.1       Construction Phase

The principal legislation relating to the control of construction noise of the Project is the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO) (Cap. 499).  The Technical Memorandum on Environmental Impact Assessment Process (EIAO-TM), issued under the EIAO, provides guidelines and noise criteria for evaluating noise impacts. The assessment criteria are defined in Annex 5 of the EIAO-TM. The guidelines for noise assessment are provided in Annex 13 of the EIAO-TM. EIAO Guidance Note No.9/2023 also provides good practices on the preparation of Construction Noise Impact Assessment (CNIA) of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) studies for designated projects (DPs) under the EIAO. Recommendations on practicable measures in minimizing noise from general construction activities and the deployment of quieter construction methods/equipment in construction works are set out in the Professional Persons Environmental Consultative Committee Practice Note PN1/24 - "Minimizing Noise from Construction Activities".

The Noise Control Ordinance (NCO) (Cap. 400) also provides means to assess construction noise impacts.  A number of Technical Memoranda (TMs) have been issued under the NCO to stipulate control approaches and criteria.  The Technical Memorandum on Noise from Construction Work Other than Percussive Piling (GW-TM) provides the guidelines for controlling the construction noise from powered mechanical equipment (PME) in general construction works other than percussive piling during the restricted hours (i.e., between 1900 to 0700 hours or at any time on a general holiday (including Sunday). The Technical Memorandum on Noise from Percussive Piling (PP-TM) provides the guidelines for the determination of the permitted hours for percussive piling for CNP applications. The Technical Memorandum on Noise from Construction Work in Designated Areas (DA-TM) provides the guidelines for controlling construction noise from the use of Specified Powered Mechanical Equipment (SPME) and the undertaking of Prescribed Construction Work (PCW) during the restricted hours in designated areas.     General Construction Works during Non-Restricted Hours

Under the EIAO, potential noise impact arising from general construction works during non-restricted hours (i.e. 0700 to 1900 hours on any day not being a Sunday or general holiday (non-restricted hours)) at 1 m from the external façade of the noise sensitive uses, which rely on opened windows for ventilation, is to be assessed in accordance with the noise criteria specified in the EIAO-TM.  The EIAO-TM day-time construction noise standards are presented in Table 4-1.

Table 4‑1 EIAO-TM Day-time Construction Noise Standards


Noise Standards

0700 to 1900 hours on any day not being a Sunday or general holiday

Leq, 30 min (dB(A))

    All domestics premises,

    Temporary housing accommodation,


    Convalescent homes, and

    Homes for the aged


    Places of public worship,

    Courts of law, and

    Hospitals and medical clinics


    Educational Institutions (including kindergartens and nurseries)


65 (During examinations)


(1)  The above standards apply to uses which rely on opened windows for ventilation and are assessed at 1m from the external façade.     General Construction Works during Restricted Hours

The NCO provides statutory controls on general construction works during restricted hours (i.e. 1900 to 0700 hours or any time on Sundays or general holidays).  The use of PME for carrying out construction works other than percussive piling during these restricted hours would require a Construction Noise Permit (CNP).  In considering an CNP application, the Noise Control Authority shall be guided by the relevant Technical Memoranda issued under the NCO.

When assessing an application for CNP for the use of PME during restricted hours, the Noise Control Authority will compare the Acceptable Noise Levels (ANLs) specified in the GW-TM with the Corrected Noise Levels (CNLs) (i.e. after accounting for factors such as barrier effects and reflections) associated with the proposed PME operations.  The NCO generally requires that noise levels from construction at affected Noise Sensitive Receiver (NSR) be equal or less than the specified ANL. The ANLs are related to the inherent noise sensitivity of the noise receiver areas in question. Different Area Sensitivity Ratings (ASRs), i.e. A, B or C (see Table 4-2), have been established to reflect the background characteristics of different areas.  Each noise receiver is assigned an ASR based on its type of area and the presence, if any, of Influencing Factors (IFs) such as nearby industrial areas, major roads or airports.  The appropriate ASR for the NSR is determined with reference to Table 4-2. ANLs are obtained with corrections for the duration of the CNP and multiple permit situations, if applicable, to the Basic Noise Level(s) (BNLs). The BNLs for each ASR are shown in Table 4-3.

Table 4‑2 Area Sensitivity Ratings (ASRs)

Type of Area Containing NSR

Degree to which NSR is affected by Influencing Factor

Not Affected

Indirectly Affected

Directly Affected

Rural area, including country parks or village type developments




Low density residential area consisting of low-rise or isolated high-rise developments




Urban area




Area other than those above





The following definitions apply:

(a)    "Country Park" means an area that is designated as a country park pursuant to section 14 of the Country Parks Ordinance;

(b)    "directly affected" means that the NSR is at such a location that noise generated by the IF is readily noticeable at the NSR and is a dominant feature of the noise climate of the NSR;

(c)    "indirectly affected" means that the NSR is at such a location that noise generated by the IF, whilst noticeable at the NSR, is not a dominant feature of the noise climate of the NSR;

(d)   "not affected" means that the NSR is at such a location that noise generated by the IF is not noticeable at the NSR; and

(e)   "urban area" means an area of high density, diverse development including a mixture of such elements as industrial activities, major trade or commercial activities and residential premises.

Table 4‑3 Basic Noise Levels (BNLs) for General Construction Works to be carried out during Restricted Hours (GW-TM)

Time period

Area Sensitivity Rating




All days during the evening (i.e. 1900-2300 hrs) and general holidays (including Sundays) during the day and evening (i.e. 0700-2300 hrs)

60 (dB(A))

65 (dB(A))

70 (dB(A))

All days during the night-time (i.e. 2300-0700 hrs)

45 (dB(A))

50 (dB(A))

55 (dB(A))


(a)   The above standard applies to uses which rely on opened windows for ventilation.

The Noise Control Authority will consider a well-justified CNP application for construction works within restricted hours as guided by the relevant Technical Memorandum issued under the NCO.  The Noise Control Authority will take into account adjoining land uses and any previous complaints against construction activities at the site before making a decision in granting/renewing a CNP.  Factors influencing the outcome of a CNP application, such as the assigning of ANLs, would be determined by the Noise Control Authority at the time of the application review based on the prevailing site conditions which may change from time to time. Nothing in the EIA report shall bind the Noise Control Authority in making a decision. If a CNP is to be issued, the Noise Control Authority shall include in it any conditions as appropriate. Failure to comply with any such conditions will lead to cancellation of the CNP and prosecution under the NCO.

The DA-TM issued under the NCO indicates a list of Specified Powered Mechanical Equipment (SPME) and the types of Prescribed Construction Work (PCW) to be regulated within restricted hours in Designated Areas (DAs).  Under the DA-TM, the use of five types of SPME and the carrying out of three types of PCW within a designated area during restricted hours would require a valid CNP.  The SPME includes hand-held breaker, bulldozer, concrete lorry mixer, dump truck and hand-held vibratory poker.  The PCW are:

            Erecting or dismantling of formwork or scaffolding;

            Loading, unloading or handling of rubble, wooden boards, steel bars, wood or scaffolding material; and


Any PCW and use of SPME during the restricted hours within the designated area shall be guided by the DA-TM under the control of the NCO. The Noise Control Authority will assess the CNP applications based on procedures and requirements as described in the DA-TM.  In general, it should not be presumed that a CNP would be granted for the carrying out of PCW within a designated area during the restricted hours.  The CNP may be granted for the execution of construction works within a designated area during restricted hours involving the use of SPME if the relevant ANL and criteria stipulated in the DA-TM can be satisfied. Nonetheless, according to the latest design, no part of the construction works of the Project will fall within the Designated Areas established under the NCO.     Percussive Piling

Percussive piling is prohibited between 1900 and 0700 hours on any days not being a general holiday and at any time on Sunday or general holiday.  A CNP is required for the carrying out of percussive piling between 0700 and 1900 hours on any day not being a general holiday (including Sunday).  Technical Memorandum on Noise from Percussive Piling (PP-TM) sets out the requirements for the determination of the permitted hours of operation for percussive piling.  The permitted hours of operations would generally be 3, 5 or 12 hours per day depending on the types of percussive piling and the predicted noise impact at NSRs.

4.2.2  Operational Phase

Fixed plant noise associated with the operation of a project is controlled under Section 13 of the NCO, and the Technical Memorandum for the Assessment of Noise from Places Other than Domestic Premises, Public Places or Construction Sites (IND-TM).

The noise criteria, in terms of ANLs, stipulated in the IND-TM apply for all days and general holidays.  The ANLs are dependent on the ASR of the NSRs and the time of the day and are presented in Table 4-4.

Table 4‑4 Acceptable Noise Level for Fixed Plant Noise

Time Period

ANL Leq 30-min, dB(A)




Day (0700 to 1900 hours)




Evening (1900 to 2300 hours)




Night (2300 to 0700 hours)




In any event, the Area Sensitivity Rating(s) and ANL(s) adopted in this study, if any, are for indicative assessment only.  It should be noted that the fixed noise sources are controlled under Section 13 of the NCO. At the time of investigation, the Noise Control Authority shall determine the noise impact from the concerned fixed noise sources on the basis of prevailing legislation and practices being in force, and taking into account the existing adjoining land uses and contemporary conditions/situations.  Nothing in the EIA Report shall bind the Noise Control Authority in the context of law enforcement against any of the fixed noise sources being assessed.

The EIAO-TM also stipulates that the noise level at the façade of the nearby noise sensitive receiver(s) should be at least 5 dB(A) below the appropriate ANL or, in the case of background noise being 5 dB(A) lower than the ANL, the predicted noise level arising from the operation of the proposed Project at the façade of the nearby NSRs should not exceed the background noise level.

EIAO Guidance Note No. 16/2023 provides good practices on the preparation of Fixed Noise Sources Impact Assessment (FNIA) of DPs under EIAO.

4.2.3  Road Traffic Noise Criteria under EIAO

Annex 5 of the EIAO-TM defines the peak hour traffic L10 (1 hour) criteria at various NSRs for evaluating road traffic noise impact. The EIAO-TM Road Traffic Noise Standards are presented in Table 4-5. The guidelines for traffic noise assessment are provided in Annex 13 of the EIAO-TM. EIAO Guidance Note No. 12/2023 also provides general reference on the preparation of Road Traffic Noise Impact Assessment (RTNIA) for DPs under EIAO.

Table 4‑5 EIAO-TM Road Traffic Noise Standard

Common Uses

Noise Standard

Peak Hour Traffic

L10, 1 hour (dB(A))

     All domestics premises,

     Temporary housing accommodation,


     Convalescent homes, and

     Homes for the aged


     Educational Institutions (including kindergartens and nurseries),

     Places of public worship, and

     Courts of law, and


     Hospitals and medical clinics



(1)    The above standards apply to uses which rely on opened windows for ventilation and are assessed at 1m from the external façade.

4.3            Description of Environment

The Project is located at Ash Lagoon area, the north-western side of Tuen Mun District. To the east of the Project site are TPark (Sludge Treatment Facilities) and YPark, whereas to the west is the Tsang Tsui Columbarium and Garden of Remembrance and to the southeast is the West New Territories (WENT) Landfill. The prevailing noise climate of assessment area is dominated by the industrial activities nearby.

4.4           Assessment Area and Noise Sensitive Receivers

The assessment area for noise impact shall include the 300 m distance from the Project boundary as specified in the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Study Brief. The assessment boundary is shown in Figure 4.1. Representative noise sensitive receivers (NSRs) were identified according to the criteria set out in the EIAO-TM. Existing, committed and planned NSRs, earmarked on the relevant Outline Zoning Plans, Development Permission Area Plans, Outline Development Plans, Layout Plans and other relevant published land use plans, including plans and drawings published by the Lands Department and any land use and development applications approved by the Town Planning Board, in the vicinity of the Project, have been reviewed.

The 300 m study area falls in the area not covered by any relevant Outline Zoning Plans (OZP), Development Permission Area Plans, Outline Development Plans and Layout Plans published by Lands Department and the land use and development applications approved by the Town Planning Board.

According to the site visit on 7 May 2024, a nearby temple (洪聖宮廟) was considered as abandoned and therefore not identified as NSR under both construction and operational noise impact assessments.

Based on the review and site visit, no existing, committed or planned NSR was identified within 300m from the boundary of the Project area and the works of the Project. The nearest residential development at Ha Pak Nai, which falls in the area of approved Sheung Pak Nai & Ha Pak Nai OZP S/YL-PN/9, is located over 1.5 km away to the east of the Project site, as shown in Figure 4.1.

4.5           Assessment Methodology

Since no existing, committed and planned NSR was identified within 300m from the boundary of this Project and with the consideration of the nature and scale of the Project, peak traffic generated by the Project would not fall within night time or early morning, quantitative noise assessments for the construction and operation of the proposed Project are considered not necessary. Qualitative assessment on construction noise, fixed noise sources impact assessments, marine traffic and road traffic noise (see Section 4.6.4 for details) have been conducted for the Project.

4.6           Identification and Evaluation of Noise Impacts

4.6.1                Construction Phase

Potential source of noise impact during construction phase of the Project would be the use of PME for various construction activities. Major construction works of the Project would include:

            Site clearance

            Construction of berthing facility;

            Foundation works;

            Superstructure works;

            Construction of outfall;

            Internal access roads construction and landscaping works;

            Plant equipment installations, Electrical and Mechanical (E&M) Works; and

            Building Services Works including utilities installations

The construction activities that may cause noise impacts include piling, excavation and concreting. Piling will be the key construction activity for providing the foundation for new facilities. Excavation and concreting will be involved in construction of berthing facility, foundation, superstructure works, construction of outfall, access road construction and landscaping works. The quieter construction methods/ equipment to be adopted as far as practicable are listed in Table 4-6. Other quieter construction methods and construction equipment listed in EPD website (https://www.epd.gov.hk/epd/misc/construction_noise/‌contents/index.php/en/index.html) will be explored and adopted, as far as appropriate and necessary, to minimize the construction noise impact to the surroundings.

Table 4‑6 Application of Quieter Construction Methods/ Equipment [1][2]


Conventional Practices

Alternative Quieter Construction Methods/ Equipment


Percussive piling

            Use of non-percussive pile types (e.g. Pre-bored steel H piles)

Excavation and Lateral Support

Percussive piling

            Use of silent piling construction method (e.g. Hydraulic press-in method)

Concrete compacting

Vibratory poker

            Self-compacting concrete

Building works

In-situ construction

            Use of pre-casting or prefabrication units

[1] Reference was made to “Annex D - Examples of Quieter Construction Methods and Equipment
for Different Typical Noisy Construction Processes” of PN1/24
- “Minimizing Noise From Construction Activities”.

[2] The quieter construction methods/ equipment listed in this table will be considered and adopted as far as practicable.

In addition, EPD’s “Recommended Pollution Control Clauses for Construction Contracts” will also be adopted to ensure proper control and minimization of construction noise impact. With reference to PN1/24, particular specifications will be imposed in the construction contracts to ensure implementation of the recommended quieter construction method and equipment above by the future contractor(s).

Since the nearest representative noise sensitive receiver (Ha Pak Nai) is located over 1.5 km to the Project site, with consideration of the nature and scale of the Project, and quieter construction equipment/methods will be adopted as far as practicable, no unacceptable construction noise impact would be expected due to the Project. Nevertheless, the following standard good site practices should be adopted during construction of the Project to minimise noise impact to the surroundings:

           Only well-maintained plant should be operated on-site and plant should be serviced regularly during the construction phase;

           Silencers or mufflers on construction equipment should be utilised and should be properly maintained during the construction phase;

           Mobile plant should be sited as far away from sensitive uses as possible;

           Machines and plant (such as trucks) that may be in intermittent use should be shut down between work periods or should be throttled down to a minimum;

           Plant known to emit noise strongly in one direction should, wherever possible, be orientated so that the noise is directed away from sensitive uses;

           Material stockpiles and other structures should be effectively utilised, wherever practicable, in screening noise from on-site construction activities; and

           Noisy construction activities such as road surface breaking, should be scheduled to less sensitive hours during the day, e.g. midday, as far as practicable.

4.6.2                Operational Phase -Fixed Noise Sources

Potential fixed plants noise would be generated from the incinerator plant, waste water treatment facilities, desalination plants, IBA treatment facility, cooling and ventilation facilities, berth operations etc. These plants will involve mainly the operation of the fixed noise sources, such as pumps, air blowers, motors and ventilation fans. The pumps, air blowers and motors would be located within reinforced concrete buildings, while ventilation fans would be provided at the ventilation vents of these buildings.  Noise control techniques such as selection of quiet equipment , use of enclosure or silencer set out in the “Good Practices on the Control of Noise from Electrical & Mechanical Systems” promulgated by EPD will be adopted as far as practicable with a view to minimising noise from fixed noise sources such as fan units during operation phase. Quieter equipment will be adopted as far as practicable. There will not be any noisy electrical or mechanical equipment to be operated for the operation of outfall and internal access roads.

The IPARK2 will be operated 24 hours per day, 7 days per week throughout the year.  No existing, committed and planned NSR was identified within 300m from the from the boundary of this Project. The nearest representative noise sensitive receiver (Ha Pak Nai) is located over 1.5 km to the Project site. In view of the large separation distance and the adoption of quieter equipment, no unacceptable fixed noise impact would be expected due to the Project.

4.6.3             Operational Phase -Marine Traffic Noise

Currently, MSW loaded in containers is delivered to the berth of WENT Landfill and its extension by marine vessels along the northern seafront of the IPARK2. During the operational phase of the Project, some vessels originally planned to deliver MSW to the WENT Landfill and its extension will be diverted to the IPARK2. Bottom ash generated from IPARK1 will be transported to IPARK2 for treatment and the treated bottom ash from both IPARK1 and IPARK2 would be transported off-site for beneficial uses by marine vessels, subject to detailed design. Under the latest estimation, only 1 to 2 additional marine vessels per day (for transporting MSW/ashes, as compared with the prevailing scenario of MSW delivery to WENT Landfill) would be anticipated during operation. Given that there is no NSR identified within the 300m assessment area from the boundary of the Project and minimal no. of vessel trips induced from the Project per day, adverse marine traffic noise impact due to the Project is not anticipated.

4.6.4                Operational Phase -Road Traffic Noise

Upon the full operation of the Project, vehicles would pass through Lung Kwu Tan Road to and from the IPARK2. There would be about 90 trips per day for trucks delivering materials or equipment and 70 trips per day for transportation of staff and visitors (e.g. by shuttle buses or private cars) generated by the Project between 7am and 9pm under normal operation at its design capacity. For the land transportation of MSW, some of the waste collection vehicles originally travelling to the WENT Landfill or its extension will be diverted to the IPARK2 for treatment.  Upon the operation of the Project, it is anticipated that the number of waste collection vehicles passing through the existing Lung Kwu Tan Road will be similar to the prevailing scenario of MSW delivery to WENT Landfill.

As confirmed by design engineer, the induced traffic by IPARK2 along Lung Kwu Tan road will be the same throughout the operation period. According to Section 2.8, IPARK2 is expected to be commissioned in the early 2030s. As a conservative approach, the traffic forecast at Lung Kwu Tan Road in Year 2030 is adopted for review as presented in Appendix 4A.

Given that the peak traffic generated by the Project to the Lung Kwu Tan Road is insignificant (41 veh/hr (~4%)) and would not fall within night time or early morning (i.e. between 11pm and 7am), adverse road traffic noise impact due to the Project is not anticipated.

4.7           Cumulative Noise Impacts

4.7.1       West New Territories Landfill Extension

The WENT Landfill Extension (WENTX) construction works contract was awarded in 2023. The proposed rock crushing plants, stockpiling areas and barging points under WENTX have large separation distance of around 900 m to 1 km away from NSRs. Given good practices and mitigation measures for the control of noise emissions from both construction sites and operation phases of WENTX and IPARK2, as stated in EIA reports, would be implemented, no adverse construction and operation noise impacts are anticipated. Besides, there are no NSRs within 300m assessment area of IPARK2. The nearest NSR is Ha Pak Nai on east side of these projects and has a separation distance of more than 1.5 km from IPARK2. Potential cumulative noise impacts due to construction and operation of these projects are therefore not anticipated.

4.7.2       Decommissioning of West Ash Lagoon in Tsang Tsui

According to DIR-305/2024 Decommissioning of West Ash Lagoon in Tsang Tsui, the tentative programme for the decommissioning work would be approximately 6months, and tentatively scheduled to commence in 2026. The proposed decommissioning works of this Project mainly involve covering of at least 1m thick general fill above the PFA at west ash lagoon, as well as installation of temporary surface drainage system. Site clearance such as vegetation clearance might be required prior to the decommissioning works. The noise impact arising from the decommissioning works would be minor in view of the nature of the decommissioning activities, limited number of PME in use at the Project site. Upon completion of decommissioning phase of the Project, it will provide flat buildable land for future development and no adverse noise impact is anticipated. As there are no NSRs within 300m assessment area of IPARK2 and the decommissioning works. The nearest NSR is Ha Pak Nai on east side of these projects and has a separation distance of more than 1.5 km from IPARK2. Potential cumulative noise impacts of these projects are therefore not anticipated.

4.7.3       Nim Wan Road (South)

The programme and design of Nim Wan Road (South) are under review and not yet available at the time of preparing this EIA report. Therefore, it is not included in the cumulative noise impact assessment of the Project. Nevertheless, there are no NSRs within 300 m of I∙PARK2. The nearest NSR is Ha Pak Nai on east side of these projects and has a separation distance of more than 1.5 km from I∙PARK2. Given that the best practicable means will be implemented to mitigate the noise impact for both projects, potential cumulative noise impacts of these projects are therefore not anticipated.

4.7.4       Upgrading of Nim Wan Road (North) and Deep Bay Road

As discussed in Section 2.10.3, the design including the latest layout of the proposed Nim Wan Road (North) is under review and the proposed construction programme of the proposed Upgrading of Nim Wan Road (North) and Deep Bay Road is not yet available at the time of preparing this EIA report. In addition, considering the Deep Bay Road to be upgraded are more than 4 km away from I∙PARK2 and would not be the major MSW delivery route to I∙PARK2, no potential cumulative noise impacts of these projects are therefore not anticipated.

4.7.5       Lung Kwu Tan Reclamation and the Re-planning of Tuen Mun West Area

According to the Project Profile of Lung Kwu Tan Reclamation (ESB-367/2024), the reclamation and associated works are tentatively intended to commence in 2027 the soonest with a view to provide first piece of “developable land” to meet development needs starting from 2030-2031. It was stated in its Project Profile that adverse construction noise impact on nearby NSRs during construction phase of the project is not expected with implementation of mitigation measures. Nevertheless, the project falls outside the 300 m assessment area of I∙PARK2 and there are no NSRs within 300 m of I∙PARK2 as well as the best practicable means to be implemented to mitigate the noise impact for both projects, potential cumulative noise impact assessment of the projects are not anticipated.

4.7.6       Underground Cable Laying by China Light and Power Company (CLP)

The programme and design of Underground Cable Laying by CLP are not yet available at the time of preparing this EIA report. Given that the cable laying works would be minor in scale and no NSRs are identified within 300 m from I∙PARK2 as well as the best practicable means to be implemented to mitigate the noise impact for both projects, potential cumulative noise impacts due to construction and operation of the project are not anticipated.

4.8           Environmental Monitoring and Audit Requirements

Since no existing, committed or planned NSR is identified within the assessment area, noise monitoring and audit is considered unnecessary.

4.9           Conclusion

Noise impact generated from the Project has been reviewed. Since the nearest representative noise sensitive receiver (Ha Pak Nai) is located over 1.5 km to the Project site, with consideration of the nature and scale of the Project, and quieter construction equipment/methods will be adopted as far as practicable, no unacceptable construction noise impact would be expected due to the Project.

Quieter equipment will be adopted during operation as far as practicable. In view of the large separation distance, no unacceptable fixed noise impact would be expected due to the Project.

There is no NSR identified within the 300m assessment area from the boundary of the Project and minimal no. of vessel trips induced from the Project per day, adverse marine traffic noise impact due to the Project is not anticipated.

The peak traffic generated by the Project to the Lung Kwu Tan Road is insignificant (41 veh/hr (~4%)) and would not fall within night time or early morning (i.e. between 11pm and 7am), adverse road traffic noise impact due to the Project is not anticipated.