Agreement No. CE 26/2022 (EP) Development of Integrated Waste Management Facilities Phase 2 (I∙PARK2)

Environmental Impact Assessment

Main Text


1        Introduction

1.1          Background

1.2          Purposes and Objectives of the Project

1.3          Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance Requirements

1.4          Purpose of the EIA Study

1.5          Objectives of the EIA Study

1.6          Structure of the Report

2                Project Description

2.1          Context

2.2          Need and Benefits of the Project

2.3          Scenario with the Project

2.4          Scenario without the Project

2.5          Project Background

2.6          Site Location and History

2.7          Project Scope and Scale

2.8          Project Implementation Programme

2.9          Consideration of Alternatives

2.10     Interfacing and Concurrent Projects

2.11     Public Concerns

3                Air Quality Impact

3.1          Introduction

3.2          Environmental Legislation, Standards and Criteria

3.3          Study Area

3.4          Identification of Air Sensitive Receivers

3.5          Existing Air Quality

3.6          Identification of Pollution Sources

3.7          Assessment Methodology - Construction Phase

3.8          Assessment Methodology - Operational Phase

3.9          Impact Assessment

3.10     Mitigation Measures

3.11     Evaluation of Residual Impacts

3.12     Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A)

3.13     Conclusion

4                Noise Impact

4.1          Introduction

4.2          Environmental Legislation, Standards and Criteria

4.3          Description of Environment

4.4          Assessment Area and Noise Sensitive Receivers

4.5          Assessment Methodology

4.6          Identification and Evaluation of Noise Impacts

4.7          Cumulative Noise Impacts

4.8          Environmental Monitoring and Audit Requirements

4.9          Conclusion

5                Water Quality Impact

5.1          Introduction

5.2          Assessment Area and Water Sensitive Receivers

5.3          Legislation, Standards, Guidelines and Criteria

5.4          Baseline Conditions

5.5          Identification of Potential Impacts

5.6          Assessment Methodology

5.7          Evaluation of Potential Impacts

5.8          Mitigation Measures

5.9          Evaluation of Cumulative Impacts

5.10     Residual Water Quality Impacts

5.11     Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Requirements

5.12     Conclusions

6                Waste Management Implications

6.1          Introduction

6.2          Relevant Legislation, Standards and Guidelines

6.3          Assessment Methodology

6.4          Identification of Potential Waste Sources

6.5          Impact Assessment and Evaluation

6.6          Mitigation Measures

6.7          Land Contamination Prevention Measures

6.8          Residual Impacts

6.9          Monitoring and Audit Requirement

6.10     Conclusion

7                Ecological Impact

7.1          Introduction

7.2          Relevant Legislation, Standards and Guidelines

7.3          Assessment Area

7.4          Assessment Methodology

7.5          Ecological Baseline Condition

7.6          Evaluation of Baseline Ecological Conditions

7.7          Identification and Evaluation of Terrestrial Ecological Impacts

7.8          Identification and Evaluation of Potential Marine

7.9          Summary of Potential Ecological Impacts

7.10     Mitigation Measures

7.11     Evaluation of Cumulative Impacts

7.12     Residual Ecological Impacts

7.13     Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Requirement

7.14     Conclusion

8                Fisheries Impact

8.1          Introduction

8.2          Relevant Legislation, Standards and Guidelines

8.3          Assessment Area

8.4          Assessment Methodology

8.5          Description of the Environment

8.6          Sites of Fisheries Importance

8.7          Identification and Evaluation of Potential Impacts

8.8          Mitigation Measures

8.9          Evaluation of Cumulative Impacts

8.10     Residual Fisheries Impacts

8.11     Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Requirement

8.12     Conclusions

8.13     References

9                Visual Impact

9.1          Introduction

9.2          Relevant Legislation, Standards and Guidelines

9.3          Assessment Methodologies

9.4          Visual Baseline

9.5          Identification and Assessment of Visual Impact

9.6          Design / Mitigation Measures

9.7          Significance Threshold of Visual Impact (after Mitigation Measures established)

9.8          Environmental Monitoring and Audit

9.9          Conclusion

10           Health Impact

10.1     Introduction

10.2     Potential Health Impacts of Aerial Emissions from the I∙PARK2 during Operational Phase

10.3     Potential Health Impacts of Fugitive Emissions during Transportation, Storage, Handling and Disposal of Waste and Ash

10.4     Potential Health Impacts of Radon Emissions from Excavation, Filling, Handling, Storage, Transport and Disposal of Pulverised Fly Ash

10.5     Health Impacts Associated with other Potential Accidental Events

10.6     Conclusion

10.7     Reference

11           Landfill Gas Hazards Assessment

11.1     Introduction

11.2     Environmental Legislation, Policies, Plans, Standards and Criteria

11.3     Description of the Environment

11.4     Potential Hazard Associated with Landfill Gas and Leachate

11.5     Landfill Gas Assessment Criteria and Methodology

11.6     Qualitative Landfill Gas Assessment

11.7     Summary of Qualitative Source-Pathway-Target Analysis

11.8     Recommended Precautionary and Protection Measures

11.9     Evaluation of Residual Impacts

11.10 Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Requirements

11.11 Conclusion

12           EM&A Requirements

12.1     Introduction

12.2     Air Quality Impact

12.3     Noise

12.4     Water Quality

12.5     Waste Management Implications

12.6     Ecological Impact

12.7     Fisheries Impact

12.8     Visual Impact

12.9     Health Impact

12.10 Landfill Gas Hazards

13           Conclusions

13.1     Introduction

13.2     Summary of Key Environmental Outcomes

13.3     Summary of Environmental Impacts

13.4     Summary of Alternative Mitigation Measures