16.5 Sewerage
and Sewage Treatment Implications
16.6 Waste
Management Implications
16.8 Ecology
(Terrestrial and Marine)
16.14 Electric
and Magnetic Fields
List of
Table 16.1 Summary of Key EM&A Requirements for DP1, DP2 and
Protection of Floral Species of Conservation Importance
Protection of Faunal Species of Conservation Importance
Translocation of Affected Coral Colonies
Monitoring of Mitigation Measures for Disturbance Impact
Built Heritage
Marine Archaeology
Construction Phase
· At the ground surface before excavation commences;
· Immediately before any worker enters the excavation;
· At the beginning of each working day for the entire period the excavation remains open; and
· Periodically through the working day whilst workers are in the excavation.
· Directly after the excavation has been completed; and
· Periodically whilst the excavation remains open.
Operational Phase
· LFG monitoring should be carried out within the ground floor of buildings and enclosures within the 250 m Consultation zone, prior to the operation and for the first year of operation, monthly monitoring is recommended. Should the monitoring reveal the presence of landfill gas joints sealings shall be inspected and sealed.
· During the operational phase of the Project, prior to entry into service rooms / voids, manholes and chambers, pre-entry monitoring for landfill gases shall be conducted, following the requirements of the Factories and Industrial Undertaking (Confined Spaces) Regulation is recommended.
· In addition, if any construction is required for the maintenance work during operational stage, the responsible party should follow the monitoring works stated in Chapter 8 - Hazards Arising During Construction of the LFGHA Guidance Note.
· Any service voids, manholes or chambers which are large enough to permit access to personnel should be subject to entry safety procedures. Works in confined spaces are controlled by the Factories and Industrial Undertakings (Confined Spaces) Regulation of the Factories and Industrial Undertakings Ordinance and the Safety Guide to Working in Confined Spaces should be followed to ensure compliance with the Regulation.
Table 16.1 Summary of Key EM&A Requirements for DP1, DP2 and DP3
Impact |
Summary of EM&A Requirements |
DP 1 – Construction and operation of a
carriageway bridge for motor vehicles |
Air Quality |
Construction dust monitoring
and regular site audit during construction period |
Noise |
Construction noise
monitoring and regular site audit during construction period ·
Monitoring of road
traffic noise impact during 1st year after road opening or full
population intake of protected NSRs, whichever is the latest. |
Water Quality |
Marine water quality
monitoring and regular site audit during construction period |
Sewerage and Sewage Treatment Implications |
N/A |
Waste Management Implications |
Regular audits and site
inspections should be carried out during construction phase |
Land Contamination |
If the recommended
further works confirm remediation works is required, regular site audit during
construction phase is required to ensure the implementation of proposed
mitigation measures effectively |
Ecology |
Regular site audit should
be carried out throughout the construction phase |
Fisheries |
N/A |
Landscape and Visual |
Landscape and visual monitoring during
construction and 12-month establishment period during operation phase. |
Cultural Heritage |
If antiquities or supposed
antiquities under the Antiquities and Monuments Ordinance (Cap. 53) are
discovered during the construction works within the Project boundary of TKO 137
and TKO 132, the project proponent
is required to inform AMO immediately for discussion of appropriate
mitigation measures to be agreed by AMO before implementation by the project
proponent to the satisfaction of AMO. |
Hazard to Life |
N/A |
Landfill Gas Hazard |
No EM&A required as
construction and operation of DP1 is outside the landfill 250 m Consultation
Zone |
Electric and Magnetic Field |
N/A |
DP 2 - Construction and operation of
Reclamation works |
Air Quality |
Construction dust
monitoring and regular site audit during construction period |
Noise |
Construction noise monitoring
and regular site audit during construction period |
Water Quality |
Marine water quality
monitoring and regular site audit during the marine construction period. |
Sewerage and Sewage Treatment Implications |
NA |
Waste Management Implications |
Regular audits and site
inspections should be carried out during construction phase |
Land Contamination |
N/A |
Ecology |
Translocation of affected coral colonies |
Fisheries |
N/A |
Landscape and Visual |
Landscape and visual monitoring
during construction and 12-month establishment period during operation phase |
Cultural Heritage |
Monitoring of ground-borne vibration, tilting and ground settlement
should be employed for Fat Tau Chau House Ruin SAI (SAI185). ·
Air Pollution Control
(Construction Dust) Regulation shall be followed for Fat Tau Chau House Ruin
SAI (SAI185). Dust suppression
measures and good site practice should be observed for Fat Tau Chau House
Ruin SAI (SAI185). ·
The areas with
data gaps and the uninvestigated anomaly should be designated as
archaeological exclusion zones (AEZs) during the marine works of the Project
to ensure no impact on the seabed in these locations from anchoring of work
vessels. ·
If antiquities or supposed antiquities under the Antiquities and
Monuments Ordinance (Cap. 53) are discovered during the construction works
within the Project boundary of TKO 137 and TKO 132, the project proponent is
required to inform AMO immediately for discussion of appropriate mitigation
measures to be agreed by AMO before implementation by the project proponent
to the satisfaction of AMO. |
Hazard to Life |
N/A |
Landfill Gas Hazard |
No EM&A required as
construction and operation of DP2 is outside the landfill 250 m Consultation
Zone |
Electric and Magnetic Field |
N/A |
DP3 - Construction and operation of TKO 137
Effluent Polishing Plant |
Air Quality |
Construction dust
monitoring and regular site audit during construction period ·
Odour monitoring (in term
of H2S concentration) at inlets and outlets of each DO unit in the
first three years upon operation of EPP ·
Odour patrol during the
period of regular and ad hoc maintenance or cleaning of the deodorizing unit
of EPP ·
Odour Complaint
Registration System for EPP introduced in EM&A Programme |
Noise |
Construction noise
monitoring and regular site audit during construction period ·
Operation noise
monitoring for fixed plants during the testing and commissioning stage,
subject to detail requirements to be confirmed in the FNMP |
Water Quality |
Regular site audit during
construction period ·
Marine water quality
monitoring and audit during the first year of EPP operation and in case of
emergency discharge from the EPP |
Sewerage and Sewage Treatment Implications |
NA |
Waste Management Implications |
Regular audits and site
inspections should be carried out during construction phase |
Land Contamination |
If the recommended further
works confirm remediation works is required, regular site audit during
construction phase is required to ensure the implementation of proposed
mitigation measures effectively |
Ecology |
Regular site audit should
be carried out throughout the construction phase |
Fisheries |
N/A |
Landscape and Visual |
Landscape and visual
monitoring during construction and 12-month establishment period during
operation phase |
Cultural Heritage |
If antiquities or supposed
antiquities under the Antiquities and Monuments Ordinance (Cap. 53) are
discovered during the construction works within the Project boundary of TKO 137
and TKO 132, the project proponent
is required to inform AMO immediately for discussion of appropriate
mitigation measures to be agreed by AMO before implementation by the project
proponent to the satisfaction of AMO. |
Hazard to Life |
N/A |
Landfill Gas Hazard |
Project proponents of
future developments located within the 250 m Consultant Zone shall conduct a
detailed LFGHA following the LFGHA Guidance Note issued by EPD at detailed
design stage to re-confirm the landfill gas hazard risk and undertake
detailed design of the mitigation measures, as appropriate. ·
The monitoring programme
(e.g. proposed parameters, locations and frequency of landfill gas
monitoring) should be submitted to EPD for approval in a detailed LFGHA
during the detailed design stage. |
Electric and Magnetic Field |
N/A |