Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance
(Cap. 499)
Section 5(7)
Environmental Impact
Assessment Study Brief No. ESB-167/2007
Title : Hang Hau Tsuen Channel at Lau Fau Shan
hereinafter known as "the Project" )
Name of Applicant : Civil Engineering and Development Department
hereinafter known as "the Applicant")
An application (No.
ESB-167/2007) for an Environmental Impact
Assessment (EIA) study brief under section 5(1)(a) of the Environmental Impact
Assessment Ordinance (EIAO) was submitted by the Applicant on 7 June 2007 with
a Project Profile (No. PP-318/2007) for the Project.
The Project is intended
to alleviate the flooding problem in the area by converting the existing Hang
Hau Tsuen stream between Deep Bay and
Deep Bay Road into an
engineered channel. The proposed
location and layout of the Project are shown in Figure 1. The proposed project works comprise -
training of Hang Hau
Tsuen stream including construction of a drainage
channel of 370m
in length connecting the downstream ends of Fung Kong Tsuen Channel and San
Hing Tsuen Channel to Deep
of a25mbox culvert
of 5.5m (w) x 3m (H) beneath the Deep Bay Road and 4 nos. of footbridges across the channel; and
of an access road of 3.5 m
in width with passing bays along the northern bank of the channel and footpaths
of 2 m in width on both
sides of the channel.
The Project is a designated
project by virtue of item I.1(b) (vi) of Schedule 2 of the EIAO. In accordance with item I.1 (b) (vi),
drainage channel or river training and diversion works which discharges or
discharge into an area which is less than 300 m
from the nearest boundary of an existing or planned coastal protection area" is
a designated project. In accordance
with section 5(1)(a), a person who is planning a designated project shall apply
to the Director for an environmental impact assessment study brief to proceed
with an environmental impact assessment study for the project.
1.4 Pursuant
to section 5(7)(a) of the EIAO, the Director of Environmental Protection (the
Director) issues this EIA study brief to the Applicant to carry out an EIA
purpose of the EIA study is to provide information on the nature and extent of
environmental impacts arising from the construction and operation of the Project
and related activities taking place concurrently. This information will contribute to
decisions by the Director on -
(i) the overall
acceptability of any adverse environmental consequences that are likely to
arise as a result of the Project;
(ii) the conditions and
requirements for the detailed design, construction and operation of the Project
to mitigate against adverse environmental consequences wherever practicable;
(iii) the acceptability of residual
impacts after implementation of the proposed mitigation measures.
2.1 The objectives of the EIA study are as follows -
describe the Project and associated works together with the requirements for
carrying out the Project;
(ii) to identify and describe
the elements of the community and environment likely to be affected by the Project
and/or likely to cause adverse impacts to the Project, including both the
natural and man-made environment;
(iii) to provide information on
consideration of alternatives to avoid and minimize potential environmental
impacts to environmentally sensitive areas and other sensitive uses; to compare
the environmental benefits and dis-benefits of each of different options; to
provide reasons for selecting the preferred option(s) and to describe the part
environmental factors played in the selection of preferred option(s);
(iv) to identify any potential
impacts from point and non-point pollution sources on the identified water
systems and sensitive receivers during the construction and operation stages;
identify and quantify any potential losses and damage to flora, fauna and natural
habitats and to propose measures to avoid or mitigate these impacts;
identify and quantify any potential landscape
and visual impacts and determine the significance of impacts on sensitive
(vii) to propose provision of infrastructure
or mitigation measures so as to minimize pollution, environmental disturbance
and nuisance during construction and operation of the Project;
(viii) to identify, predict and evaluate the residual
environmental impacts (i.e. after practicable mitigation) and the cumulative
effects expected to arise during the construction and operation phases of the Project
in relation to the sensitive receivers and potential affected uses;
to identify, assess
and specify methods, measures and standards, to be included in the detailed
design, construction and operation of the Project, which are necessary to
mitigate these environmental impacts and reduce them to the acceptable levels;
to investigate the
extent of secondary environmental impacts that may arise from the proposed
mitigation measures and to identify constraints associated with the mitigation
measures recommended in the EIA study, as well as the provision of any
necessary modification; and
to design and specify
the environmental monitoring and audit requirements, if required, to ensure the
implementation and the effectiveness of the environmental protection and
pollution control measures adopted.
3.1 The Purpose
3.1.1 The
purpose of this study brief is to scope the key issues for the EIA study. The Applicant has to demonstrate in the
EIA report that the criteria in the relevant sections of the Technical
Memorandum on EIA Process of the EIAO (hereinafter referred to as the TM) are
fully complied with.
3.2 The Scope
3.2.1 The scope of this EIA study
covers the Project mentioned in section 1.2 above. The EIA study shall address the likely
key issues described below; together with any key issues identified during the
course of the EIA study -
the potential impact arising from the Project and associated
activities on Hang Hau Tsuen stream and
the coastal protection area in the vicinity, and the assessment shall include
but not be limited to the stream course, stream meander, mangrove, inter-tidal
mudflats and existing ponds within or near to Hang Hau Tsuen stream;
the potential noise and air quality impacts to
sensitive receivers during
construction and operation of the Project;
the potential aquatic and terrestrial ecological
impacts arising from the Project, including loss of habitats, removal of
vegetation and disturbance to plants and animals. The assessment shall fully address all
direct, indirect and cumulative impacts arising from construction and operation
of the Project on the integrity and viability of the ecosystems of Hang Hau
Tsuen stream and Inner Deep Bay;
the potential impacts arising from the Project on the
drainage and hydrology, the water
quality and aquatic ecology of Hang Hau Tsuen stream floodplain, in particular
the potential impacts on the flow regime, water level and water quality on the stream
meanders, mangrove, inter-tidal mudflat habitats and Inner Deep Bay; and
the potential landscape and visual impacts arising
from the removal of stream meanders, vegetation cover, mangroves and mudflats and
the cutting of bank(s) along channel sides.
Consideration of Alternatives
Need for the Project
3.3.1 The
Applicant shall provide information on the need for the Project and
justification for the need and scale of the proposed works. The Applicant shall explain clearly the
purpose and objectives of the Project and describe the scenarios with and
without the Project.
Consideration of Alternative
Drainage Options, Channel Alignments and Designs
3.3.2 The
Applicant shall identify feasible alternatives other than the proposed option
presented in the Project Profile (No. PP-318/2007) to alleviate the flooding
problem in the area. In considering
alternative flood alleviation options, channel alignments and lining designs,
the Applicant shall take into account the need to minimize negative effects on Hang
Hau Tsuen stream course, the mangrove colony, nearby fish pond habitats and the
inter-tidal mudflats.
3.3.3 An evaluation system shall be set up to assess the environmental benefits
and dis-benefits of all possible flood alleviation alternatives and channel design
Consideration of
Alternative Construction Methods and Sequences of Works
3.3.4 Having regard to the
cumulative effects of the construction period and the severity of the
construction impacts to the affected sensitive receivers in the vicinity of the
drainage channel, the EIA study shall also explore alternative construction
methods and work sequences for the Project with a view to avoid adverse environmental
impacts to the maximum practicable extent.
A comparison of the environmental benefits and dis-benefits of various
construction methods shall be made.
The Applicant shall take into account the environmental implications of
possible release of heavy metals from mud during excavation works and the potential
water quality impact during the construction phase.
Need for Maintenance Dredging
3.3.5 The Applicant shall investigate any need for maintenance dredging during
the operation stage. If such a need
is identified, the Applicant shall assess and quantify the frequency, the
likely extent of maintenance dredging required and associated potential
environmental impacts.
3.4 Technical
3.4.1 The Applicant shall conduct an
EIA study to address all environmental aspects of the activities described in
the scope set out in section 3.2 above subject to the findings of the
evaluation process specified in section 3.3. The EIA study shall be based on the best
and latest information available during the course of the study.
3.4.2 The Applicant shall include in
the EIA report details of the construction programme and methodologies. The Applicant shall clearly state in the
EIA report the time frame and work programmes of the Project and other
concurrent projects, and assess the cumulative environmental impacts from the
Project with all interacting projects, including staged implementation of the
Use of Relevant Findings of
Approved EIA Reports and Relevant Studies
3.4.3 The Applicant shall review all
previously approved studies and EIA reports which are relevant to the Project
and extract relevant information for the purpose of this study.
3.4.4 The EIA study shall include
the following technical requirements on specific impacts.
3.4.5 Air Quality Impact The Applicant
shall follow the criteria and guidelines as stated in section 1 of Annex 4 and Annex
12 of the TM for evaluating and assessing the air quality impact.
Determination of
Assessment Area
The area for air
quality impact assessment shall be defined by a distance of 500m from the boundary of the Project
works site, and may be extended depending on the circumstances and the scale of
the Project. The assessment shall
include but not limited to the existing, planned and committed sensitive
receivers within the assessment area.
The Applicant shall
assess the air pollutant concentrations with reference to the relevant sections
of the guidelines attached to this study brief in Appendices A-1 to A-3
or other methodology as agreed by the Director.
The air quality
assessment shall be based on the best available information at the time of
assessment. The assessment shall
include the following -
Background and
Analysis of Activities
(a) Provide
background information relating to air quality issues relevant to the Project.
Give an account, where
appropriate, of the consideration/ measures that had been taken into account in
the planning of the Project to abate the air pollution impact. That is, the Applicant shall consider alternative
construction methods/phasing programmes to minimize the air quality impact
Present the background
air quality levels in the assessment area for the purpose of evaluating the cumulative air quality impact.
Identification of Air
Sensitive Receivers (ASRs) and Examination of Emission/Dispersion
(a) Identify
and describe representative existing and planned/ committed ASRs that would
likely be affected by the Project, including those earmarked on the relevant
Outline Zoning Plans, Development Permission Area Plans, Outline Development
Plans, Layout Plans and other relevant published land use plans, including
plans and drawings published by Lands Department, and any land use and
development applications approved by Town Planning Board. The Applicant shall select the
assessment points of the identified ASRs such that they represent the worst
impact points of these ASRs. A map
showing the locations and description, including the names and uses of
buildings and the height of the selected assessment points, shall be
given. The separation distances of
these ASRs from the nearest emission sources should also be provided.
(b) Provide
a list of air pollutant emission sources, including any nearby emission sources
which are likely to have impact related to the Project based on the analysis of
the constructional and operational activities of the Project in section
(i) above. Examples of construction
stage emission sources include stockpiling, material handling and vehicular
movements on unpaved haul roads on site, etc. Examples of operational stage emission
sources include odour from dredging activities during maintenance. Confirmation of the validity of the
assumptions and the magnitude of the activities (e.g. volume of construction
materials handled) shall be obtained from the relevant government/authorities
and documented.
(c) The
Applicant shall confirm if dredging operation is required during the construction
and operation stages, and, if affirmative, if odour nuisance would arise. In case of odour nuisance arising, the
Applicant shall propose mitigation measures, including good site practices, for
Impact Assessment
Phase Impact
The Applicant shall
follow the requirements of the Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust)
Regulation to ensure constructional dust impacts are controlled within the
relevant standards as stipulated in section 1 of Annex 4 of the TM. A monitoring and audit
program shall be implemented during the construction stage to verify the
effectiveness of the control measures and to ensure that the construction dust
levels are brought under control.
If the Applicant anticipates significant construction dust impact that
will likely cause exceedance of the recommended limits in the TM at the ASRs
despite incorporation of dust control measures, a quantitative assessment shall
be carried out to evaluate the construction dust impact at the identified
ASRs. The Applicant shall follow
the methodology set out in section
(iv) and (v) below when carrying out the quantitative assessment.
Phase Impact
(b) The Applicant shall assess the
expected air pollution impacts at the identified ASRs based on the emission
sources identified in section .4 (ii) (b) above. The Applicant shall propose suitable
measures to ensure that the air quality impacts are brought under control.
(iv) Quantitative
Assessment Methodology
(a) If a
quantitative assessment is required, the Applicant shall conduct the
quantitative assessment with reference to relevant sections of modelling
guidelines in Appendices A1 to A3 or any other methodology as agreed
with the Director. The specific
methodology must be documented to such level of details (preferably with tables
and diagrams) to allow the readers of the assessment report to grasp how the
model is set up to simulate the situation at hand without referring to the
model input files. Detailed
calculation of the pollutant emission rates shall be presented in the EIA
report. The Applicant must ensure
consistency between the text description and the model files at every stage of
submission. In case of doubt, the
Applicant shall seek and obtain prior agreement of the Director on the specific
modelling details.
(b) The
Applicant shall identify the key/representative air pollutant parameters related
to activities identified in section
(i) above (types of pollutants and the averaging time concentration) to be
evaluated and provide explanation for choosing these parameters for assessment
of the air quality impact of the Project.
(c) The Applicant shall calculate the cumulative air quality impact at the identified ASRs and compare these results against the criteria set out in section 1 of Annex 4 in the TM. The predicted air quality impacts (both unmitigated and mitigated) shall be presented in the form of summary tables and pollution contours, to be evaluated against the relevant air quality standards and examination of the land use implications of these impacts. Plans of suitable scale should be used for presentation of pollution contours for determining buffer distances required.
(v) Mitigating
Measures for Non-compliance
(a) The
Applicant shall propose remedies and mitigating measures, where the predicted
air quality impact exceeds the criteria set out in section 1 of Annex 4 in the TM. These measures and any constraints on
future land use planning shall be agreed with the relevant government
departments/authorities and documented.
The Applicant shall demonstrate quantitatively that the resultant
impacts after incorporation of proposed mitigating measures will comply with
the criteria stipulated in section 1 of Annex 4 in the TM.
(vi) Submission
of Model Files
(a) All input and output file(s) of the model run(s) shall be submitted to the Director in an electronic format.
Noise Impact The Applicant
shall follow the criteria and guidelines as stated in Annex 5 and Annex 13 of
the TM for evaluating and assessing the noise impact. The noise impact assessment for the Project shall include the following -
(i) Determination
of Assessment Area
(a) The area
for the noise impact assessment shall include all areas within 300m from the Project site boundary or
alternative Project alignment identified in the EIA study. Subject to the agreement of the Director,
the assessment area could be reduced accordingly if the first layer of noise
sensitive receivers, closer than 300m
from the Project site boundary, provides acoustic shielding to those receivers
further from the Project site.
Subject to the agreement of the Director, the assessment area shall be
expanded to include noise sensitive receivers (NSRs) at distances over 300m from the Project site boundary,
which would be affected by the Project.
(ii) Provision
of Background Information and Existing Noise Levels
(a) The
Applicant shall provide all background information relevant to the Project,
including relevant previous or current studies. Unless required for determining planning
standards, it will not be necessary to investigate the existing noise levels.
(iii) Identification
of Noise Sensitive Receivers
(a) The
Applicant shall refer to Annex 13 of the TM when identifying noise sensitive
receivers (NSRs). The NSRs shall
include all existing NSRs and all planned/committed noise sensitive
developments and uses earmarked on the relevant Outline Zoning Plans, Development
Permission Area Plans, Outline Development Plans, Layout Plans and other relevant
published plans, including plans and drawings published by Lands Department,
and any land use and development applications approved by Town Planning
Board. Photographs of the existing
NSRs shall be appended to the EIA report.
(b) The
Applicant shall select assessment points to represent all identified NSRs for
carrying out a quantitative noise assessment described below. The assessment points shall be agreed
with the Director prior to the quantitative noise assessment. A map showing the location and
description, such as names and uses of buildings, and the floor of each and
every selected assessment point, shall be given. For planned noise sensitive land uses
without committed site layouts, the Applicant shall use the relevant planning
parameters to work out representative site layouts for operational noise
assessment purpose. Such
assumptions together with any constraints identified, such as setback of
building, building orientation and extended podium, shall be agreed with the
relevant responsible parties including Planning Department and Lands
(iv) Provision
of an Emission Inventory of the Noise Sources
(a) The
Applicant shall provide an inventory of noise sources including representative construction
equipment for construction noise assessment, and traffic flow for operational
noise assessment as appropriate. Confirmation
of the validity of the inventory shall be obtained from the relevant government
departments/authorities and documented in the EIA report.
(v) Construction
Noise Assessment
The assessment shall
cover the cumulative noise impacts due to construction works of the Project and
other concurrent projects identified during the course of the EIA study.
The Applicant shall
carry out an assessment of noise impact arising from construction of the
Project (excluding percussive piling) during day time, i.e. 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on weekdays other than
general holidays, in accordance with the methodology stipulated in paragraphs 5.3
and 5.4 of Annex 13 of the TM. The
criteria in Table 1B of Annex 5 of the TM shall be adopted in the assessment. In case blasting works are involved, it
shall be carried out, as far as practicable, outside the sensitive hours of 7
p.m. to 7 a.m. on Monday to
Saturday and any time on a general holiday, including Sunday. For blasting that must be carried out
during the above mentioned sensitive hours, the noise impact from the removal
of debris and rocks shall be fully assessed and adequate mitigation measures
shall be recommended to reduce the noise impact.
(c) To minimize
the construction noise impact, alternative construction methods to replace
percussive piling shall be explored and recommended as far as practicable.
(d) If the
unmitigated construction noise levels are found to exceed the relevant
criteria, the Applicant shall propose practicable direct mitigation measures
(including but not limited to movable barriers, enclosures, quieter alternative
methods, re-scheduling and restricting hours of operation of noisy task) to
minimize the impact. If the
mitigated noise levels still exceed the relevant criteria, the duration of the
noise exceedance at the affected NSRs shall be given.
(e) The Applicant
shall formulate a reasonable construction programme as far as practicable, such
that no work will be required to be undertaken in the restricted hours as
defined in the Noise Control Ordinance (NCO). In case the Applicant needs to evaluate
whether construction works in the restricted hours as defined in the NCO are
feasible or not in the context of programming construction works, reference
shall be made to the relevant technical memoranda issued under the NCO. In case the Applicant considers that
there is an unavoidable need to conduct certain type of construction works
during the restricted hours, detailed justifications should be provided with
the assessment of the degree and duration of the noise impact. Regardless of the results of
construction noise impact assessment for restricted hours, the Noise Control
Authority will process Construction Noise Permit (CNP) application, if
necessary, based on the NCO, the relevant technical memoranda issued under the
NCO, and the contemporary conditions/situations. This aspect should be explicitly stated
in the noise chapter and the conclusions and recommendation chapter in the EIA
(vi) Operational
Noise Assessment
Applicant shall confirm in the EIA study if the proposed access road(s) will be
open for use by channel maintenance vehicles only or open to use by the
public. In the case that the
proposed access road(s) will be open to use by the public in addition to maintenance
vehicles, the Applicant shall conduct operational traffic noise impact
assessment in accordance with the requirements set out below.
(a) Road
Traffic Noise
(a1) Calculation
of Noise Levels
The Applicant shall analyse the scope of the proposed road alignment(s)
to identify the road sections for the purpose of traffic noise impact
assessment. In determining whether
the traffic noise impact due to a road is considered significant, detailed
information with respect to factors including at least change of nature of
road, change of alignment and change of traffic capacity or traffic composition
shall be assessed. The traffic noise impact shall be considered significant if
the traffic noise level with the Project is greater than that without the Project
at the design year by 1.0 dB(A) or more. Figures showing extents
of new roads and existing roads shall be provided in the EIA report.
Applicant shall calculate the expected road traffic noise using methods
described in the U.K. Department of Transport¡¦s ¡§Calculation of Road Traffic
Noise¡¨ (1988). Calculations of
future road traffic noise shall be based on the peak hour traffic flow in
respect of the maximum traffic projection within a 15 years period upon
commencement of operation of the Project. The Applicant shall calculate traffic
noise levels in respect of each road section and the overall noise levels from
combined road sections (both new and existing) at NSRs. The EIA report shall contain sample
calculations and input parameters for at least 10 assessment points as
requested by the Director. The
Applicant shall provide the input data set of the traffic noise model in the
format of electronic files in the EIA.
Furthermore, the Applicant shall prepare and provide drawings (i.e.
road-plots of the traffic noise model) of appropriate scale to show the road
segments, topographic barriers, and assessment points of sensitive receivers
input into the traffic noise model.
The Applicant shall provide input data sets of traffic noise prediction model adopted in the EIA study as requested by the Director for the following scenarios -
the unmitigated scenario in the assessment year;
the mitigated scenario in the assessment year; and
(iii) the
prevailing scenario for indirect technical remedies eligibility assessment.
The data shall be in an electronic
text file (ASCII format) containing road segments, barriers and noise sensitive
receivers information. The data
structure of the above file shall be agreed with the Director. CD-ROM(s) containing the above data shall
be attached in the EIA report.
(a2) Presentation
of Noise Levels
The Applicant shall present the prevailing and
future noise levels in L10 (1 hour) at the NSRs at various
representative floor levels (in m P.D.) on tables and plans of suitable scale.
quantitative assessment at the NSRs for the proposed road alignments shall be
carried out and compared against the criteria set out in Table 1A of Annex 5 of the TM. The potential noise impact of the
Project shall be quantified by estimating the total number of dwellings,
classrooms and other noise sensitive elements that will be exposed to noise
levels exceeding the criteria set in Table 1A
of Annex 5 in the TM.
(a3) Proposals
for Noise Mitigation Measures
After rounding of the predicted noise levels according to the U.K.
Department of Transport's "Calculation of Road Traffic Noise"(1988),
the Applicant shall propose direct mitigation measures in all situations where
the predicted traffic noise level due to the road sections exceeds the criteria in
Table 1A of Annex 5 in the TM by 1 dB(A) or more. The direct mitigation measures listed
under section 6.1, Annex 13 of the TM, such as the option of alternative land
use arrangement, shall be thoroughly explored and evaluated with a view to reducing
the noise level at the NSRs concerned to the level meeting the relevant noise
criteria. Also, the feasibility,
practicability, programming and effectiveness of the recommended mitigation
measures should be assessed in accordance with section 4.4.2(k)
of the TM. Specific reasons for not
adopting certain direct mitigation measures in the design to reduce the traffic
noise to a level meeting the criteria in the TM or to maximize the protection
for NSRs as far as possible shall be clearly and specifically quantified and
laid down in the EIA report.
Sections of barriers proposed to protect the existing NSRs shall be
differentiated clearly from those proposed for protection of future or planned
NSRs as the latter is only required to be constructed before occupation of the
planned NSRs. To facilitate the
phased implementation of the barriers under this principle, a barrier inventory
showing intended NSRs (i.e. existing NSRs as distinct from planned NSRs) to be
protected by different barrier sections to achieve different extent of noise
reduction (to be quantified in terms of how many dB(A)) should be provided. The total number of
dwellings, classrooms and other noise sensitive element that will be benefited
by the provision of direct technical remedies shall be provided. In order to clearly present the extents/locations of the
recommended noise mitigation measures, plans prepared from 1:1,000 or 1:2,000
survey maps showing the mitigation measures (e.g. enclosures/barriers, low
noise road surfacing, etc.) shall be included in the EIA report.
The total
number of dwellings, classrooms and other noise sensitive elements that will
still be exposed to noise above the criteria with the implementation of all
recommended direct technical remedies shall be quantified. The Applicant shall provide in the EIA report the information
of the recommended noise mitigation measures (such as barrier types, nominal
dimensions at different cross-sections, extents/locations, lengths, mPD levels
of barriers) in an electronic format as agreed by the Director.
In case where a number of NSRs cannot be protected by the recommended
direct mitigation measures, the Applicant shall identify and estimate the total
number of existing dwellings, classrooms and other noise sensitive elements
which may qualify for indirect mitigation measures, the associated costs and
any implications for such implementation. For the purpose of determining the
eligibility of the affected premises for indirect technical remedies, reference
shall be made to the following set of three criteria -
(i) the
predicted overall noise level from the road sections together with other
traffic noise in the vicinity must be above a specified noise level ( e.g. 70
dB(A ) for domestic premises and 65 dB(A) for education institutions, all in L10(1hr)
the predicted overall
noise level is at least 1.0 dB(A) more than the prevailing traffic noise level,
i.e. the total traffic noise level existing before commencement of the works to
construct the road; and
the contribution of
the road sections to the increase in the predicted overall noise level from the
new road must be at least 1.0 dB(A).
Assessment of Side
Effects and Constraints
Applicant shall identify, assess and propose means to minimize any side effects
and to resolve any potential constraints due to the inclusion of any
recommended direct mitigation measures.
Evaluation of
Constraints on Planned Noise Sensitive Developments/ Land uses
For planned
noise sensitive uses which will still be affected even with practicable direct
mitigation measures in place, the Applicant shall propose, evaluate and confirm
the practicability of additional measures within the planned noise sensitive
uses and shall make recommendations on how these noise sensitive uses will be
designed for the information of relevant parties.
Applicant shall take into account agreed environmental requirements/constraints
identified in the EIA study to assess the development potential of concerned
sites, which shall be made known to the relevant parties.
3.4.7 Water Quality Impact The Applicant shall follow the
criteria and guidelines as stated in Annex 6 and Annex 14 of the TM for
evaluating and assessing water pollution. The
study area for the water quality impact assessment shall include all areas
within 300m from the Project site
boundary, including but not limited to Hang Hau Tsuen stream catchment area and
Inner Deep Bay. This assessment area could be extended
to include other areas such as stream courses and the associated water system
in the vicinity being impacted during the course of the EIA study if found
Applicant shall identify and analyze physical, chemical and biological
disruptions of marine, estuarine or fresh water system(s), drainage system, catchment
area(s), storm water channel and coastal water arising from the construction
and operation of the Project.
Applicant shall address water quality impacts due to construction and operation
(including maintenance works) of the Project. Essentially, the assessment shall
address the following -
and review background information on the affected existing and planned water
systems, their respective catchments and sensitive receivers which might be
affected by the Project;
Characterize water quality of the water systems, their
respective catchments and sensitive receivers which might be affected by the Project
based on the existing best available information or through appropriate site
survey and tests;
and analyze relevant existing and planned future activities, beneficial uses and
water sensitive receivers related to the affected water system(s). The Applicant shall refer to,
inter alia, those developments and
uses specified in the relevant Outline Zoning Plans, Outline Development Plans
and Layout Plans, and any other relevant published landuse plans;
Identify pertinent water quality objectives and establish other
appropriate water quality criteria or standards for the water system(s) and all
the sensitive receivers in section
(i), (ii) & (iii), including ecological sensitive receivers for the
assessment covered in section 3.4.9 below;
Review the specific
construction methods and configurations, and operation of the Project
(including the proposed access road, footpaths, and maintenance works). Identify any alteration of the existing water courses, meander, natural
streams, shoreline or bathymetry, flow regimes and ground water levels;
Identify and quantify the existing and likely future water pollution
sources and loading. An emission inventory on the quantities
and characteristics of these existing and likely future pollution sources in
the study area shall also be provided.
Field investigation and laboratory test shall be conducted as
appropriate to fill relevant information gaps;
Assess the cumulative impacts due to other related concurrent and planned
projects, and activities or pollution sources in Lau Fau Shan area along the
identified water system(s) and sensitive
receivers that may have a bearing on the environmental acceptability of the
Assess and evaluate
any potential water quality impacts on the identified water system(s),
respective catchments and sensitive receivers due to sewage arising from the
construction stage. Any effluent
generated will require appropriate collection, treatment and disposal to within
the standards and objectives and criteria established in section
(iv) above;
Assess and evaluate any potential storm water
and construction runoff impacts on the water system(s), respective catchments
and sensitive receivers during the construction stage and operational
maintenance works (such as regular desilting and/or dredging) as to reduce the
water quality impacts to within the standards, objectives and criteria
established in section (iv) above. Best management practices shall be
recommended to reduce any potential impacts arising from storm water runoff
during both construction and operation phases;
Assess the
pattern of the sediment deposition and the potential increase in turbidity and
suspended solids levels in the water column due to the disturbance of sediments
during dredging, if any. The
potential for the release of contaminants during dredging shall also be
addressed using the chemical testing results derived from sediment samples
collected on site and relevant historic data;
for effective and practicable infrastructure upgrading or provision, water
pollution prevention and mitigation measures to be implemented during the
construction and operation stages to reduce water quality impacts to within the
standards. Requirements to be
incorporated in the Project contract document shall also be proposed;
management practices to reduce storm water and non-point source pollution shall
be investigated and proposed as appropriate;
and quantify residual impacts on the affected water system(s) and sensitive
receivers with regard to the appropriate water quality criteria, standards or
guidelines; and
Specify an emergency contingency plan for the construction phase of the
Project to contain and remove accidental spillage along the channel, access
road(s) /haul road(s) at short notice and to prevent or to minimize the
quantities of contaminants from the stream water and sensitive habitats.
3.4.8 Waste Management Implications The Applicant
shall follow the criteria and guidelines as stated in Annex 7 and Annex 15 of
the TM for evaluating and assessing waste management implications. The assessment of
waste management implications shall cover the following -
(i) Analysis
of Activities and Waste Generation
(a) Identification
of the quantity, quality and timing of the waste arising as a result of the
construction and operation activities, based on the sequence and duration of
these activities.
(ii) Proposal
for Waste Management
(a) Prior to
considering the disposal options for various types of wastes, opportunities for
reducing waste generation and on-site or off-site re-use shall be fully evaluated. Measures, which can be taken in the
planning and design stages, e.g. by modifying the design approach, and in the
construction stage for maximizing waste reduction shall be separately
(b) After
considering all the opportunities for reducing waste generation and maximizing
re-use, the types and quantities of the wastes required to be disposed of as a
consequence shall be estimated and the disposal options for each type of waste
shall be described in detail. Pre-treatment
processes for slurry before disposal shall be addressed in detail. The disposal method recommended for each
type of waste shall take into account the result of the assessment in section.2
(ii) (c) below.
(c) The impact caused by handling (including labelling, packaging and storage), collection, and disposal of wastes shall be addressed in detail and appropriate mitigation measures proposed. This assessment shall cover the following areas -
• potential
air and odour emissions;
• wastewater
discharge; and
public transport.
(iii) Dredging,
Filling and Dumping
and quantification as far as practicable of all dredging; fill extraction,
filling, reclamation, mud/sediment transportation and disposal activities and
requirements shall be conducted.
Potential fill source and dumping ground to be involved shall also be
identified. Field investigation,
sampling and chemical and biological laboratory tests to characterize the
sediment/mud concerned shall be conducted as appropriate. The ranges of parameters to be analysed;
the number, type and methods of sampling; sample preservation; chemical and
biological laboratory test methods to be used shall be agreed with the Director
(with reference to section (c) of the TM)
prior to commencement of the tests.
The categories of sediments, which are to be disposed of in accordance
with a permit granted under the Dumping at Sea Ordinance (DASO), shall be
identified by both chemical and biological tests and their quantities shall be
estimated. If the presence of any
serious contaminated sediment, which requires special treatment/disposal, is
confirmed, the Applicant shall identify the most appropriate treatment and/or
disposal arrangement and demonstrate its feasibility.
Identification and evaluation of
the best practical dredging methods to minimize dredging and dumping
requirements and demand for fill sources based on the criterion that the
existing marine mud shall be left in place and not to be disturbed as far as
Impact (Both Terrestrial and Aquatic) The
Applicant shall follow the criteria and guidelines as stated in Annex 8 and
Annex 16 of the TM for evaluating and assessing ecological impact. The assessment area for the purpose of
terrestrial ecological assessment shall include all areas within 500m from the boundary of the works
areas, or the area likely to be impacted by the Project. For aquatic ecology, the assessment area
shall be the same as for water quality assessment described in section In
the ecological impact assessment, the Applicant shall examine the flora, fauna
and other components of the ecological habitats within the assessment
area. The aim shall be to protect,
maintain or rehabilitate the natural environment. The assessment shall identify and
quantify as far as possible the potential ecological impacts associated with
the Project, including the impacts of any haul roads and temporary access. The potential impact on water quality
and aquatic ecology from the discharge of storm water into Inner Deep
Bay waters during the operational phase
shall also be addressed. The assessment shall include the following -
of the findings of relevant studies and collating all the available information
regarding the ecological characters of the assessment area;
(ii) Evaluation
of the information collected and identification of any information gap relating
to the assessment of potential ecological impacts to the terrestrial and
aquatic environment;
(iii) Carrying
out necessary field surveys (the duration of which shall be at least 6 months
covering the winter migratory bird season) and investigations to verify the
information collected, fill the information gaps identified and fulfil the
objectives of the EIA study;
(iv) Establishing
a general ecological profile and describing the characteristics of each habitat
found; major information to be provided shall include ¡V
Description of the physical environment;
Preparation of habitat maps of suitable scale (1:1000 to 1:5000) showing
the types and locations of habitats in the assessment area;
Definition and characterization of the ecological characteristics of each
habitat type, including size, vegetation type, species present, dominant
species found, species diversity and abundance, community structure,
seasonality and inter-dependence of the habitats and species, and presence of
any features of ecological importance;
Presentation of representative colour photos of each habitat type and of
any important ecological features identified; and
Listing the species found that are rare, endangered and/or listed under
local legislation, international conventions for conservation of
wildlife/habitats or red data books.
Investigation and description of the existing wildlife uses of various habitats
with special attention to those wildlife groups and habitats with conservation
interest including -
the coastal protection area near Hang Hau Tsuen;
the natural stream course and meanders of Hang Hau Tsuen stream;
the ponds, inter-tidal mudflats and mangrove at or near the Project area;
avifauna in particular waterbirds; and
any other habitats and wildlife groups identified as having special
conservation interest by the study.
(vi) Description
of all recognized sites of conservation importance in the proposed development
site and its vicinity and assessment of whether these sites will be affected by
the proposed development;
(vii) Using
suitable methodology, identification and quantification as far as possible of
any direct, indirect, on-site, off-site, primary, secondary and cumulative
ecological impacts such as destruction of habitats, reduction of species
abundance/diversity, loss of feeding, nesting and/or breeding grounds,
reduction of ecological carrying capacity, habitat fragmentation; and in
particular the following -
ecological impacts of potential loss of areas of conservation interest
such as natural stream courses, fish ponds, inter-tidal mudflats and mangrove;
disturbance to wildlife during the construction stage in particular the
impacts on waterbirds;
impacts due to the potential sedimentation to the inter-tidal mudflats and
Deep Bay during the construction stage;
operational impacts on aquatic life and other wildlife in Deep Bay
through periodic storm discharges at the portal; and
cumulative impacts due to other planned and committed development projects
at or near the Project area.
off-site mitigation is considered necessary to mitigate the environmental
impact, the guidelines and requirements laid down in Annex 16 of the TM should
be followed.
(viii) Evaluation
of the significance and acceptability of the ecological impacts identified
using well-defined criteria;
Recommendation of all possible alternatives, such as modifications of channel
alignment, layout and design and practicable mitigation measures to avoid,
minimize and/or compensate for the adverse ecological impacts identified, such
as reinstatement of habitats temporarily affected by the proposed development
to its original state and if appropriate with some enhancement features;
Evaluation of the feasibility and effectiveness of the recommended
mitigation measures and definition of the scope, type, location, implementation
arrangement, resources requirement, subsequent management and maintenance of such
Determination and quantification as far as possible of the residual
ecological impacts after implementation of the proposed mitigation measures;
Evaluation of the severity and acceptability of the residual ecological
impacts using well-defined criteria; and
(xiii) Review of the need for and recommendation for any
ecological monitoring programme required.
3.4.10 Fisheries Impact The Applicant
shall follow the criteria and guidelines as specified in Annex 9 and Annex 17
of the TM for assessing fisheries impact. The assessment area shall include 500m from the limit of the Project site
boundary and any areas likely to be impacted by the Project. Special attention shall be given to the
surrounding fish ponds and the oyster beds in Lau Fau Shan and Inner Deep Bay. The study
shall review and collate the existing information to provide adequate and
accurate data for prediction and evaluation of impacts of the Project on
fisheries. Any data gap shall be
identified and the need for field surveys shall be determined. If field surveys are considered
necessary, appropriate methodology, duration and timing of the surveys shall be
recommended to provide the required data. The fisheries
impact assessment shall include the following major tasks -
Description of
the physical environmental background;
Description and
quantification of the existing fisheries activities (e.g. pond culture and
oyster farming);
Description and
quantification of the existing fisheries resources;
Identification of
parameters (e.g. water quality parameters) and areas that are important in the
fisheries aspect;
and quantification of any direct, indirect, on-site and off-site impacts to
fisheries during the construction and operation phases (e.g. loss of fish
ponds/oyster beds and temporary occupied areas);
Evaluation of
impacts and proposals for any practical alternatives or mitigation measures to
prevent or minimize adverse impacts on fisheries; and
Determination of any
need for fisheries monitoring and, if necessary, recommendation of a monitoring
and audit programme.
Landscape and Visual Impact The Applicant
shall follow the criteria and guidelines as stated in section 1 of Annex 10 and
Annex 18 of the TM for evaluating and assessing landscape and visual impacts of
the Project, including any above ground structures and work areas associated
with the Project. The Landscape and
visual impacts during both construction and operation phases within the
assessment area shall be assessed.
The area for landscape impact
assessment shall include all areas within 500m
of the work limit of the Project while the area for the visual impact
assessment shall be defined by the visual envelope of the Project.
The Applicant shall review relevant Outline
Development Plan(s), Outline Zoning Plan(s) (OZP) such as Lau Fau Shan &
Tsim Bei Tsui OZP and Ha Tsuen OZP, layout plan(s), other published land use
plans, planning briefs and studies such as the North West New Territories (Yuen
Long District) Development Statement, which may identify areas of high
landscape value and recommended green belt and coastal protection area
designations. Any guidelines on
landscape strategy, landscape framework, urban design concept, building height
profiles, designated view corridors, open space network and landscape link that
may affect appreciation of the Project shall also be reviewed. The aim is to gain an insight into the future
outlook of the area affected so as to assess whether the Project can fit into
the surrounding setting. Any
conflict with statutory land use plan(s) shall be highlighted and appropriate
follow-up action shall be recommended.
Applicant shall describe, appraise, analyze and evaluate the existing landscape
resources and character of the assessment area. A system should be derived for judging
the significance of the landscape and visual impact as required under the TM. The sensitivity of the landscape
framework and its ability to accommodate change shall be particularly focused
on. The Applicant shall identify
the degree of compatibility of the Project with the existing and planned
landscape setting. The landscape
impact assessment shall quantify the potential landscape impact as far as
possible so as to illustrate the significance of such impacts arising from the
Project. Clear mapping of the
landscape impact is required. A tree
survey shall be carried out and the impacts on existing trees shall be
addressed. Applicant shall assess the visual impacts of the
proposed project. Clear
illustration including mapping of visual impact is required. The assessment shall include the
following -
and plotting of visual envelope of the Project within the assessment area;
of the key groups of sensitive receivers within the visual envelope with regard
to views from both ground/sea level and elevated vantage points;
of the visual compatibility of the Project such as channel walls and associated
access road(s), footbridge(s) and footpath(s) with the surrounding and the
planned setting, and interference with key views of the adjacent areas; and
(iv) identification of the severity of visual impacts in terms of distance, nature and number of sensitive receivers. The visual impacts of the Project with and without mitigation measures shall be included so as to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed mitigation measures.
Applicant shall evaluate the merits of preservation in totality, in parts or
total destruction of existing landscape.
In addition, alternative alignment, design and construction method that
would avoid or reduce the landscape and visual impact shall be evaluated for
comparison before adopting other mitigation or compensatory measures to alleviate
the impacts. The mitigation
measures proposed shall not only be concerned with damage reduction but shall
also include consideration of potential enhancement of existing landscape. The Applicant shall recommend mitigation
measures to minimize the adverse effects identified above, including provision
of a landscape design. The mitigation measures shall also include preservation of
vegetation, transplanting of mature trees, provision of screen planting,
re-vegetation of disturbed land, compensatory planting, design of structures,
provision of finishes to structures, colour scheme and texture of material used
and any measures to mitigate the disturbance of the existing land use. Parties shall be identified for the on
going management and maintenance of the proposed mitigation works to ensure
their effectiveness throughout the operation phase of the Project. A practical programme and funding
proposal for the implementation of the recommended measures shall be provided. Annotated illustration materials such as coloured perspective
drawings, plans and section/elevation diagrams, oblique aerial photographs,
photographs taken at vantage points, and computer-generated photomontage shall
be adopted to fully illustrate the landscape and visual impacts of the Project
to the satisfaction of the Director. The Applicant shall record the technical
details in preparing the illustration, which may need to be submitted for
verification of the accuracy of the illustration.
4.1 The
Applicant shall identify in the EIA study if there is a need for EM&A
activities during construction and operation of the Project and, if
affirmative, define the scope of the EM&A requirements for the Project in
the EIA study.
4.2 Subject
to the confirmation of the EIA study findings, the Applicant shall comply with
the requirements as stipulated in Annex 21 of the TM. The Applicant shall also propose
real-time reporting of monitoring data for the Project through a dedicated
internet website.
4.3 The
Applicant shall prepare a Project Implementation Schedule, in the form of a
checklist as shown in Appendix B attached to this study brief, containing
all the EIA study recommendations and mitigation measures with reference to the
implementation programme. The
Project Implementation Schedule shall include the explicit agreement reached between
the Applicant and relevant parties on the responsibility for funding,
implementation, management and maintenance of mitigation measures. Alternatively, the Project
Implementation Schedule shall include an undertaking from the Applicant to
assume the responsibility of those mitigation measures until an agreement is
reached between the Applicant and relevant parties on the funding,
implementation, management and maintenance of mitigation measures.
5.1 The
EIA report shall contain a summary of the key environmental outcomes arising
from the EIA study, including the population and environmentally sensitive
areas protected, environmentally friendly designs recommended, key
environmental problems avoided, compensation areas included and the
environmental benefits of environmental protection measures recommended.
6.1 If
the EIA study does not commence within 36 months after the date of issue of
this study brief, the Applicant shall apply to the Director for a fresh EIA
study brief before commencement of the EIA study.
7.1 In
preparing the EIA report, the Applicant shall refer to Annex 11 of the TM for
the contents of an EIA report. The
Applicant shall also refer to Annex 20 of the TM, which stipulates the
guidelines for the review of an EIA report.
7.2 The
Applicant shall supply the Director with the following number of copies of the
EIA report and the executive summary -
(i) 50
copies of the EIA report in English and 80 copies of the executive summary
(each bilingual in both English and Chinese) as required under section 6(2) of
the EIAO to be supplied at the time of application for approval of the EIA report.
(ii) When
necessary, any addendum to the EIA report and the executive summary submitted
in accordance with section 7.2 (i) above as
required under section 7(1) of the EIAO to be supplied upon advice by the Director
for public inspection.
(iii) 20
copies of the EIA report in English and 50 copies of the executive summary
(each bilingual in both English and Chinese) with or without Addendum as
required under section 7(5) of the EIAO to be supplied upon advice by the
Director for consultation with the Advisory Council on the Environment.
7.3 The
Applicant shall, upon request, make additional copies of the above documents
available to the public, subject to payment by the interested parties of full
costs of printing.
7.4 In
addition, to facilitate public inspection of the EIA report via the EIAO
Internet Website, the Applicant shall provide electronic copies of both the EIA
report and the executive summary prepared in Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML)
(version 4.0 or later) and in Portable Document Format (PDF) version 4.0 or
later), unless otherwise agreed by the Director. For the HTML version, a content page
capable of providing hyperlinks to each section and sub-section of the EIA report
and the executive summary shall be included in the beginning of the document. Hyperlinks to all figures, drawings and
tables in the EIA report and executive summary shall be provided in the main
text from where the respective references are made. All graphics in the report shall be in
interlaced GIF format unless otherwise agreed by the Director.
7.5 The
electronic copies of the EIA report and the executive summary shall be
submitted to the Director at the time of application for approval of the EIA report.
When the EIA report
and the executive summary are made available for public inspection under
section 7(1) of the EIAO, the content of the electronic copies of the EIA report
and the executive summary must be the same as the hard copies and the Director
shall be provided with the most up to date electronic copies.
7.7 To
promote environmentally friendly and efficient dissemination of information,
both hard copies and electronic copies of future EM&A reports recommended
by the EIA study shall be required and their format shall be agreed by the
8.1 If
there is any change in the name of the Applicant for this EIA study brief, the
Applicant mentioned in this study brief must notify the Director immediately.
8.2 If
there is any key change in the scope of the Project mentioned in section 1.2 of
this EIA study brief and in the Project Profile (No. PP-318/2007), the
Applicant must seek confirmation from the Director in writing on whether or not
the scope of issues covered by this EIA study brief can still cover the key
changes, and the additional issues, if any, that the EIA study must also
address. If the changes to the Project
fundamentally alter the key scope of the EIA study brief, the Applicant shall
apply to the Director for a fresh EIA study brief.
July 2007
Environmental Assessment Division
Environmental Protection Department
Appendix A-1
Guidelines on Choice
of Models and Model Parameters
[ The information contained in this Appendix is meant to assist the
Applicant in performing the air quality assessment. The Applicant must exercise professional
judgement in applying this general information. ]
To expedite the review process by the Authority
and to assist project proponents or environmental consultants with the conduct
of air quality modelling exercises which are frequently called for as part of
environmental impact assessment studies, this paper describes the usage and
requirements of a few commonly used air quality models.
2. Choice
of Models
2.1 The
models which have been most commonly used in air quality impact assessments,
due partly to their ease of use and partly to the quick turn-around time for
results, are of Gaussian type and designed for use in simple terrain under
uniform wind flow. There are circumstances when these models are not suitable
for ambient concentration estimates and other types of models such as physical,
numerical or mesoscale models will have to be used. In situations where
topographic, terrain or obstruction effects are minimal between source and
receptor, the following Gaussian models can be used to estimate the near-field
impacts of a number of source types including dust, traffic and industrial
Model |
Applications |
for evaluating fugitive and open dust source impacts
(point, line and area sources) |
evaluating mobile traffic emission impacts (line sources) |
evaluating industrial chimney releases as well as area and volumetric sources
(point, area and volume sources); line sources can be approximated by a
number of volume sources. |
These frequently used models are also referred
to as Schedule 1 models (see attached list).
2.2 Note
that both FDM and CALINE4 have a height limit on elevated sources (20 m and 10m, respectively). Source of elevation above these
limits will have to be modelled using the ISCST3 model or suitable alternative
models. In using the latter, reference should be made to the 'Guidelines on the
Use of Alternative Computer Models in Air Quality Assessment'.
2.3 The
models can be used to estimate both short-term (hourly and daily average) and
long-term (annual average) ambient concentrations of air pollutants. The model
results, obtained using appropriate model parameters (refer to Section 3) and
assumptions, allow direct comparison with the relevant air quality standards
such as the Air Quality Objectives (AQOs) for the
relevant pollutant and time averaging period.
Input Requirements
3.1.1 At least 1 year
of recent meteorological data (including wind speed, wind direction, stability
class, ambient temperature and mixing height) from a weather station either
closest to or having similar characteristics as the study site should be used
to determine the highest short-term (hourly, daily) and long-term (annual)
impacts at identified air sensitive receivers in that period. The amount of
valid data for the period should be no less than 90 percent.
3.1.2 Alternatively,
the meteorological conditions as listed below can be used to examine the worst
case short-term impacts :
Day time : stability class D; wind speed 1 m/s (at 10m height); worst-case wind angle; mixing height 500 m
Night time : stability class F; wind speed 1 m/s (at 10m height); worst case wind angle; mixing height 500 m
is a common practice with using the CALINE4 model due to its inability to
handle lengthy data set.
3.1.3 For situations
where, for example, (i) the model (such as CALINE4) does not allow easy
handling of one full year of meteorological data; or (ii) model run time is a
concern, the followings can be adopted in order to determine the daily and
annual average impacts:
perform a frequency occurrence analysis of one
year of meteorological data to determine the actual wind speed (to the nearest
unit of m/s), wind direction (to the nearest 10o) and stability
(classes A to F) combinations and their frequency of occurrence;
determine the short term hourly impact under all
of the identified wind speed, wind direction and stability combinations; and
apply the frequency data with the short term
results to determine the long term (daily / annual) impacts.
Apart from the
above, any alternative approach that will capture the worst possible impact
values (both short term and long term) may also be considered.
3.1.4 Note that the
anemometer height (relative to a datum same for the sources and receptors) at
which wind speed measurements were taken at a selected station should be correctly
entered in the model. These measuring positions can vary greatly from station
to station and the vertical wind profile employed in the model can be grossly
distorted from the real case if incorrect anemometer height is used. This will
lead to unreliable concentration estimates.
3.1.5 An additional
parameter, namely, the standard deviation of wind direction, £m£c,
needs to be provided as input to the CALINE4 model. Typical values of £m£c range
from 12o for rural areas to 24o for highly urbanised
areas under 'D' class stability. For semi-rural such as new development areas,
18o is more appropriate under the same stability condition. The
following reference can be consulted for typical ranges of standard deviation
of wind direction under different stability categories and surface roughness
: Guideline On Air Quality Models (Revised), EPA-450/2-78-027R, United States
Environmental Protection Agency, July 1986.
All the
identified sources relevant to a process plant or a study site should be
entered in the model and the emission estimated based on emission factors
compiled in the AP-42 (Ref. 2) or other suitable references. The
relevant sections of AP-42 and any parameters or assumptions used in deriving
the emission rates (in units g/s, g/s/m or g/s/m2) as required by
the model should be clearly stated for verification. The physical dimensions,
location, release height and any other emission characteristics such as efflux
conditions and emission pattern of the sources input to the model should also
correspond to site data. If the emission of a source varies with wind speed,
the wind speed-dependent factor should be entered.
: Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors, AP-42, 5thEdition, United
States Environmental Protection Agency, January 1995.
sources may be located in a variety of settings. For modelling purposes these
are classed as either rural or urban so as to reflect the enhanced mixing that
occurs over urban areas due to the presence of buildings and urban heat
effects. The selection of either rural or urban dispersion coefficients in a
specific application should follow a land use classification procedure. If the
land use types including industrial, commercial and residential uses account
for 50% or more of an area within 3 km
radius from the source, the site is classified as urban; otherwise, it is
classed as rural.
Roughness Height
This parameter
is closely related to land use characteristics of a study area and associated
with the roughness element height. As a first approximation, the surface
roughness can be estimated as 3 to 10 percent of the average height of physical
structures. Typical values used for urban and new development areas are and 100 cm, respectively.
These include
discrete receptors representing all the identified air sensitive receivers at
their appropriate locations and elevations and any other discrete or grid
receptors for supplementary information. A receptor grid, whether Cartesian or
Polar, may be used to generate results for contour outputs.
Size Classes
In evaluating
the impacts of dust-emitting activities, suitable dust size categories relevant
to the dust sources concerned with reasonable breakdown in TSP (< 30 £ggm)
and RSP (< 10 £ggm) compositions should be used.
to NOx Ratio
The conversion
of NOx to NO2 is a result of a series of complex photochemical
reactions and has implications on prediction of near field impacts of traffic
emissions. Until further data are available, three approaches are currently
acceptable in the determination of NO2 :
Ambient Ratio Method (ARM) - assuming 20% of NOx
to be NO2; or
Discrete Parcel Method (DPM, available in the
CALINE4 model); or
Ozone Limiting Method (OLM) - assuming the
tailpipe NO2 emission to be 7.5% of NOx and the background ozone
concentration to be in the range of 57 to 68 £gg/m3 depending on the
land use type (see also EPD reference paper 'Guidelines on Assessing the
'TOTAL' Air Quality Impacts').
In assessing
odour impacts, a much shorter time-averaging period of 5 seconds is required
due to the shorter exposure period tolerable by human receptors. Conversion of
model computed hourly average results to 5-second values is therefore necessary
to enable comparison against recommended standard. The hourly concentration is
first converted to 3-minute average value according to a power law relationship
which is stability dependent (Ref. 3) and a result of the statistical
nature of atmospheric turbulence. Another conversion factor (10 for unstable
conditions and 5 for neutral to stable conditions) is then applied to convert
the 3-minute average to 5-second average (Ref. 4). In summary, to
convert the hourly results to 5-second averages, the following factors can be
Category |
1-hour to 5-sec Conversion Factor |
A & B |
45 |
C |
27 |
D |
9 |
Under 'D' class
stability, the 5-second concentration is approximately 10 times the hourly
average result. Note, however, that the combined use of such conversion factors
together with the ISCST results may not be suitable for assessing the extreme
close-up impacts of odour sources.
Richard A. Duffee, Martha A. O' Brien and Ned Ostojic, 'Odor Modeling - Why and
How', Recent Developments and Current Practices in Odor Regulations, Controls
and Technology, Air & Waste Management Association, 1991.
A.W.C. Keddie, 'Dispersion of Odours', Odour Control - A Concise Guide, Warren Spring
Laboratory, 1980.
Rise Options
model provides by default a list of the U.S. regulatory options for
concentration calculations. These are all applicable to the Hong
Kong situations except for the 'Final Plume Rise' option. As the
distance between sources and receptors are generally fairly close, the
non-regulatory option of 'Gradual Plume Rise' should be used instead to give
more accurate estimate of near-field impacts due to plume emission. However,
the 'Final Plume Rise' option may still be used for assessing the impacts of
distant sources.
These include
traffic emissions from tunnel portals and any other similar openings and are
generally modelled as volume sources according to the PIARC 91 (or more
up-to-date version) recommendations (Ref. 5, section III.2). For
emissions arising from underpasses or any horizontal openings of the like,
these are treated as area or point sources depending on the source physical
dimensions. In all these situations, the ISCST3 model or more sophisticated
models will have to be used instead of the CALINE4 model. In the case of portal
emissions with significant horizontal exit velocity which cannot be handled by
the ISCST3 model, the impacts may be estimated by the TOP model (Ref. 6)
or any other suitable models subject to prior agreement with EPD. The EPD's 'Guidelines
on the Use of Alternative Computer Models in Air Quality Assessment' should
also be referred to.
XIXth World Road
Congress Report, Permanent International Association of Road Congresses
(PIARC), 1991.
N. Ukegunchi, H. Okamoto and Y. Ide "Prediction of vehicular emission
pollution around a tunnel mouth", Proceedings 4th International Clean Air
Congress, pp. 205-207, Tokyo,
concentrations are required to account for far-field sources which cannot be
estimated by the model. These values, to be used in conjunction with model
results for assessing the total impacts, should be based on long term average
of monitoring data at location representative of the study site. Refer to EPD
reference paper 'Guidelines on Assessing the 'TOTAL' Air Quality Impacts' for
further information.
The highest
short-term and long-term averages of pollutant concentrations at prescribed
receptor locations are output by the model and to be compared against the
relevant air quality standards specified for the relevant pollutant. Contours
of pollutant concentration are also required for indicating the general impacts
of emissions over a study area.
Copies of model
files in electronic format should also be provided for EPD's reference.
Schedule 1
Air Quality Models Generally Accepted by Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department
For Regulatory
Applications as at 1 July 1998*
Source Complex Dispersion Model - Short Term Version 3 (ISCST3) or the latest
version developed by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)
Line Source Dispersion Model Version 4 (CALINE4) or the latest
version developed by Department of Transportation, State of California, U.S.A.
Dust Model (FDM) or the latest version developed by USEPA.
EPD is continually reviewing the latest development in air quality models and will
update this Schedule accordingly.
Appendix A-2
Guidelines on
Assessing the "Total" Air Quality Impacts
[ The information contained in this Appendix is meant to assist the
Applicant in performing the air quality assessment. The Applicant must exercise professional
judgement in applying this general information. ]
Impacts - 3 Major Contributions
1.1 In evaluating
the air quality impacts of a proposed project upon air sensitive receivers, contributions
from three classes of emission sources depending on their distance from the site
should be considered. These are :
contributions : |
project induced |
contributions : |
activities in the immediate neighbourhood |
contributions : |
pollution not accounted
for by the previous two (Background contributions) |
of Emissions
In most cases,
the project-induced emissions are fairly well defined and quite often (but not
necessarily) the major contributor to local air quality impacts. Examples
include those due to traffic network, building or road construction projects.
Within the
immediate neighbourhood of the project site, there are usually pollutant
emitting activities contributing further to local air quality impacts. For most
local scale projects, any emission sources in an area within 500m radius of the project site with
notable impacts should be identified and included in an air quality assessment
to cover the short-range contributions. In the exceptional cases where there is
one or more significant sources nearby, the study area may have to be extended
or alternative estimation approach employed to ensure these impacts are
reasonably accounted for.
The above two
types of emission contributions should account for, to a great extent, the air
quality impacts upon local air sensitive receivers, which are often amenable to
estimation by the 'Gaussian Dispersion' type of models. However, a background
air quality level should be prescribed to indicate the baseline air quality in
the region of the project site, which would account for any pollution not
covered by the two preceding contributions. The emission sources contributing
to the background air quality would be located further afield and not easy to
identify. In addition, the transport mechanism by which pollutants are carried
over long distances (ranging from 1km
up to tens or hundreds of kms) is rather complex and cannot be adequately
estimated by the "Gaussian" type of models.
Air Quality - Estimation Approach
In view of the
difficulties in estimating background air quality using the air quality models
currently available, an alternative approach based on monitored data is
suggested. The essence of this approach is to adopt the long-term (5-year)
averages of the most recent monitored air quality data obtained by EPD. These
background data would be reviewed yearly or biennially depending on the
availability of the monitored data. The approach is a first attempt to provide
a reasonable estimate of the background air quality level for use in
conjunction with EIA air quality assessment to address the cumulative impacts
upon a locality. This approach may be replaced or supplemented by superior
modelling efforts such as that entailed in PATH (Pollutants in the Atmosphere
and their Transport over Hong Kong), a comprehensive territory-wide air quality
modelling system currently being developed for Hong Kong. Notwithstanding this,
the present approach is based on measured data and their long term regional
averages; the background values so derived should therefore be indicative of
the present background air quality. In the absence of any other meaningful way
to estimate a background air quality for the future, this present background
estimate should also be applied to future projects as a first attempt at a
comprehensive estimate until a better approach is formulated.
The monitored
air quality data, by 'district-averaging' are further divided into three
categories, viz, Urban, Industrial and Rural/New Development. The background
pollutant concentrations to be adopted for a project site would depend on the
geographical constituency to which the site belongs. The categorization of
these constituencies is given in Section 3.4. The monitoring stations suggested
for the 'district-averaging' (arithmetic means) to derive averages for the
three background air quality categories are listed as follows :
Urban : Kwun Tong, Sham Shui Po, Tsim Sha
Tsui and Central/Western Industrial Kwun Tong, Tsuen Wan and Kwai Chung
Rural/New Development : Sha
Tin, Tai Po, Junk Bay Hong Kong South and
Yuen Long
The averaging
would make use of data from the above stations wherever available. The majority
of the monitoring stations are located some 20m above ground.
Pollutant Values
Based on the
above approach, background values for the 3 categories have been obtained for a
few major air pollutants as follows :
NO2 |
59 |
57 |
39 |
SO2 |
21 |
26 |
13 |
O3 |
62 |
68 |
57 |
98 |
96 |
87 |
All units are
in micrograms per cubic metre. The above values are derived from 1992 to 1996
annual averages with the exception of ozone which represent annual average of
daily hourly maximum values for year 1996.
In cases where
suitable air quality monitoring data representative of the study site such as
those obtained from a nearby monitoring station or on-site sampling are not
available for the prescription of background air pollution levels, the above
tabulated values can be adopted instead. Strictly speaking, the suggested
values are only appropriate for long term assessment. However, as an interim
measure and until a better approach is formulated, the same values can also be
used for short term assessment. This implies that the short term background
values will be somewhat under-estimated, which compensates for the fact that
some of the monitoring data are inherently influenced by secondary sources
because of the monitoring station location.
Indeed, if good
quality on-site sampling data which cover at least one year period are
available, these can be used to derive both the long term (annual) and short
term (daily / hourly) background values, the latter are usually applied on an
hour to hour, day to day basis.
3.4 Site
The categories
to which the 19 geographical constituencies belong are listed as follows :
District |
Air Quality Category
Islands |
Development |
Southern |
Development |
Eastern |
Urban |
Wan Chai |
Urban |
Central &
Western |
Urban |
Sai Kung |
Development |
Kwun Tong |
Industrial |
Wong Tai Sin |
Urban |
City |
Urban |
Yau Tsim |
Urban |
Mong Kok |
Urban |
Sham Shui Po |
Urban |
Kwai Tsing |
Industrial |
Sha Tin |
Development |
Tsuen Wan |
Industrial |
Tuen Mun |
Development |
Tai Po |
Development |
Yuen Long |
Development |
Northern |
Development |
for "Double-counting"
The current approach is, by no means, a rigorous
treatment of background air quality but aims to provide an
as-realistic-as-possible approximation based on limited field data.
'Double-counting' of 'secondary contributions' may be apparent through the use
of such 'monitoring-based' background data as some of the monitoring stations
are of close proximity to existing emission sources. 'Primary contributions'
due to a proposed project (which is yet to be realised) will not be
double-counted by such an approach. In order to avoid over-estimation of
background pollutant concentrations, an adjustment to the values given in
section 3.3 is possible and optional by multiplying the following factor -
(1.0 - ESecondary contributions/ETerritory)
where E stands for emission.
significance of this factor is to eliminate the fractional contribution to
background pollutant level of emissions due to 'secondary contributions' out of
those from the entire territory. In most cases, this fractional contribution to
background pollutant levels by the secondary contributions is minimal.
4. Conclusions
4.1 The
above described approach to estimating the total air quality impacts of a
proposed project, in particular the background pollutant concentrations for air
quality assessment, should be adopted with immediate effect. Use of short term
monitoring data to prescribe the background concentrations is no longer
Appendix A-3
on the Use of Alternative Computer Models in Air Quality Assessment
[ The information contained in this Appendix is meant to assist the
Applicant in performing the air quality assessment. The Applicant must exercise professional
judgement in applying this general information. ]
In Hong Kong, a number of Gaussian plume models are commonly
employed in regulatory applications such as application for specified process
licences and environmental impact assessments (EIAs). These frequently used
models (as listed in Schedule 1 attached; hereafter referred to as
Schedule 1 models) have no regulatory status but form the basic set of tools
for local-scale air quality assessment in Hong Kong.
1.2 However,
no single model is sufficient to cover all situations encountered in regulatory
applications. In order to ensure that the best model available is used for each
regulatory application and that a model is not arbitrarily applied, the project
proponent (and/or its environmental consultants) should assess the capabilities
of various models available and adopt one that is most suitable for the project
1.3 Examples
of situations where the use of an alternative model is warranted include :
complexity of situation to be modelled far
exceeds capability of Schedule 1 models; and
performance of an alternative model is
comparable or better than the Schedule 1 models.
1.4 This
paper outlines the demonstration / submission required in order to support the
use of an alternative air quality model for regulatory applications for Hong Kong.
Demonstration / Submission
2.1 Any
model that is proposed for air quality applications and not listed amongst the
Schedule 1 models will be considered by EPD on a case-by-case basis. In such
cases, the proponent will have to provide the followings for EPD's review :
Technical details of the proposed model; and
Performance evaluation of the proposed model
Based on the
above information, EPD will determine the acceptability of the proposed model
for a specific or general application. The onus of providing adequate supporting
materials rests entirely with the proponent.
2.2 To provide
technical details of the proposed model, the proponent should submit documents
containing at least the following information :
mathematical formulation and data requirements
of the model;
any previous performance evaluation of the
model; and
a complete set of model input and output file(s)
in commonly used electronic format.
2.3 On
performance evaluation, the required approach and extent of demonstration
varies depending on whether a Schedule 1 model is already available and
suitable in simulating the situation under consideration. In cases where no
Schedule 1 model is found applicable, the proponent must demonstrate that the
proposed model passes the screening test as set out in USEPA Document "Protocol
for Determining the Best Performing Model".
2.4 For
cases where a Schedule 1 model is applicable to the project under consideration
but an alternative model is proposed for use instead, the proponent must
demonstrate either that
the highest and second highest concentrations
predicted by the proposed model are within 2 percent of the estimates obtained
from an applicable Schedule 1 model (with appropriate options chosen) for all
receptors for the project under consideration; or
(ii)the proposed model has superior
performance against an applicable Schedule 1 model based on the evaluation
procedure set out in USEPA Document "Protocol for Determining the Best
Performing Model".
2.5 Should
EPD find the information on technical details alone sufficient to indicate the
acceptability of the proposed model, information on further performance
evaluation as specified in Sections 2.3 and 2.4 above would not be necessary.
2.6 If
the proposed model is an older version of one of the Schedule 1 models or was
previously included in Schedule 1, the technical documents mentioned in Section
2.2 are normally not required. However, a performance demonstration of
equivalence as stated in Section 2.4 (i) would become necessary.
2.7 If EPD is
already in possession of some of the documents that describe the technical
details of the proposed model, submission of the same by the proponent is not
necessary. The proponent may check with EPD to avoid sending in duplicate
1 - Air Quality Models Generally Accepted
by Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department
For Regulatory Applications as at 1 July 1998*
Source Complex Dispersion Model - Short Term Version 3 (ISCST3) or the latest
version developed by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)
Line Source Dispersion Model Version 4 (CALINE4) or the latest
version developed by Department of Transportation, State of California, U.S.A.
Dust Model (FDM) or the latest version developed by USEPA.
is continually reviewing the latest development in air quality models and will
update this Schedule accordingly.
Implementation Schedule
EIA Ref. |
EM&A Ref. |
Recommended Mitigation Measures |
Objectives of the Recommended Measures
& Main Concerns to Address |
Who to implement the measure ? |
Location of the measure |
When to implement the measure ? |
What requirements or standards for the
measure to achieve ? |