SEA Regulations




ADB - Green Benches: What can the People's Republic of China Learn from Environment Courts of Other Countries? (2009)

Australia - Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999



Canada - The Cabinet Directive on the Environmental Assessment of Policy, Plan and Program Proposals in Canada


China - Plan Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations (Chinese only) (2009)


China - People's Republic of China - The National Environmental Impact Assessment Law (《中華人民共和國環境影響評價法》)


China - People's Republic of China -《編制環境影響報告書的規劃的具體範圍(試行)》and《編制環境影響篇章或說明的規劃的具體範圍(試行)》


China - People's Republic of China -《中華人民共和國城鄉規劃法》(2008)






"European Union - Directive 2001/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Assessment of the Effects of Certain Plans and Programmes on the Environment", The European Parliament, The Council (June 2001)




Legislation on environmental impact assessments



Germany - Federal EIA Act in Germany



Japan - Ministry of the Environment, Government of Japan. Environmental Impact Assessment Act


Japan - Ministry of the Environment, Government of Japan. The Basic Environment Law


Japan - Ministry of the Environment, Government of Japan. The Basic Environment Plan




Korea - Framework Act of Environmental Policy (FAEP) in Korea



Macau - Government Printing Bureau 1991. Decree Law No. 2/91/M – "環境綱要法" Macau



New Zealand - New Zealand Resources Management Act


New Zealand - Framework for Integrating Environment Issues into Free Trade Agreements


New Zealand - Ministry of the Environment – Environmental Regulation


Norway- Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment 2017. Regulations of 21 June 2017 on Impact Assessments

Netherlands - The Texts of the Regulations on environmental impact assessment in the Netherlands



South Africa - National Environmental Management Amendment Act 《國家環境管理修訂法 》


South Africa - Environmental Management Policy White Paper



Thailand - Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Royal Thai Government 1992. The Enhancement and Conservation of the National Environmental Quality Act, B.E. 2535 (NEQA 1992)



UK - UK Marine Policy Statement: Habitats Regulations Assessment (2010)


UK England - Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes Regulations (United Kingdom) 2005


UK North Ireland - Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2004


UK Scotland - Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005


UK Scotland - Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes (Scotland) Regulations 2005


UK Wales - Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes Regulations (Wales) 2004


UNEP - UNEP Handbook for Drafting Laws on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Resources (2007)


UNDP - Environmental Justice - Comparative Experiences in Legal Empowerment (2014)


UNDP - United Nations 1992. Rio Declaration on Environment and Development


USA - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency – National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)