Do’s and Don’ts that work for you



Do’s and Don’ts that work for you


Only use a Clinical Waste Producer Premises Code that matches your current location and name. Store the sealed sharps container in a dedicated cabinet and lock it up to await waste collection. Properly assemble a sharps container that meets BS7320 Standard. Only fill sharps container to below the maximum line. Mark or tag the producer name, address and sealed date on the container. Firmly seal the sharps container with the proprietary Closure. Keep trip ticket record at your premises for at least 12 months. Engage licensed clinical waste collector to remove the clinical waste. Use "Swan-neck" method to seal clinical waste bags and affix the label in a prominent position.


Don't user improveised bottles as sharps containers. Don't stow sharps containers indiscriminately. Don't store clinical waste with other materials. Don't store for prolonged periods. Don't store excessive quantities of clinical waste at the premises. Arrange disposal expeditiously. The lid and base are not firmly locked. Don't package clinical waste as general refuse. Don't put sharps into a plastic bag. Don't stack clinical waste bags. Don't pass your clinical wate to a laboratory for disposal or transfer your clinical waste to other premises.