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Construction activity which involves the carrying out of Prescribed Construction Work (PCW) within Designated Area (DA) and General Construction Work using powered mechanical equipment

Construction noise permit for Prescribed Construction Work (PCW) within Designated Area (DA) and general construction work

A construction noise permit must be obtained from the EPD for the carrying out of the following during evening and night time (7 p.m. to 7 a.m.) and any time on public holidays, including Sundays:

i. Prescribed Construction Work within Designated Areas such as loading and unloading of rubble, wooden boards, steel bars, wood or scaffolding materials, hammering, and the erection and dismantling of formwork or scaffolding;

ii. General construction work using any powered mechanical equipment.

The permit will specify the number and type of powered mechanical equipment and the PCW permitted within a certain period of time.

How to apply :

Application for a permit should be made in the specific form (Form 1) [EPD74A(S)] prescribed under the Noise Control Ordinance and accompanied by :

i) 1 copy of the site plan(s) showing the construction site AND the noise sensitive receivers;

ii) 2 sets of photograph for each item of powered mechanical equipment to be used;

iii) 1 copy of Noise Emission Label for any air compressor and/or hand held percussive breaker to be used; and

iv) 1 copy of the Business Registration Certificate (applicable if the applicant is a company) or the Hong Kong Identity Card (applicable if the applicant is an individual) of the applicant;

v) a prescribed application fee. The application fee is payable by cash, cheque, EPS or FPS at the Customer Service Counters, or by credit card, PPS and FPS for on-line application.  The cheque shall be crossed and made payable to “The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region“ or “The Government of the HKSAR”; and

vi) other necessary documents depending on individual application. Applicants could refer to the relevant checklists and guidance contained in the EPD’s webpage “How to complete and submit Construction Noise Permit (CNP) application forms”.

Applications should be submitted at least 28 days in advance before commencement of work to any of our Customer Service Counters or via the on-line application. For other detailed information on the application of the Construction Noise Permit, please refer to the EPD's booklet "How to apply for a Construction Noise Permit?".


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