13. What are the major sources of Dioxins/Furans?
Dioxins/furans are produced unintentionally as by-products of thermal processes with incomplete combustion, industrial processes involving chlorine, and natural processes such as forest fires and volcanic eruptions. Uncontrolled combustion (e.g., open burning) of waste containing certain types of plastics (e.g., polyvinyl chloride), manufacturing of certain pesticides and chemicals, certain kinds of metal recycling, and pulp and paper bleaching are common anthropogenic sources of production and release of dioxins/furans to air and water. Dioxins/furans are also found in automobile exhaust, tobacco smoke, and wood/coal smoke.
Waste incineration by modern technology in high temperature incinerators equipped with advanced air pollution control systems will help to destruct most of the dioxins in the waste and effectively prevent and minimize dioxin formation during the thermal treatment process.
Dioxins/furans are commonly found throughout the environment, in practically all media (air, water, sediment, soil and vegetation) and in food (dairy products, meats and seafood). Comparatively higher levels of dioxins/furans contamination have been recorded in contaminated soils, sediments and biota. Very low levels are found in ambient air and water.