Confirmed Minutes of the 81st Meeting of the Advisory Council on the Environment held on 18 December at 2:00 p.m.
Mr. Peter H. Y. WONG, GBS, JP (Chairman)
Mr. Barrie COOK
Mr. Paul C. H. FAN, JP
Professor Anthony HEDLEY, BBS, JP Professor Peter HILLS
Dr. HO Kin-chung
Professor LAM Kin-che (EIA Subcommittee Chairman)
Mr. Edwin LAU
Mr. Joseph LAU Man-wai, JP
Mr. LIN Chaan-ming
Dr. NG Cho-nam
Mr. Otto L. T. POON
Ms Iris TAM
Miss Alex YAU
Mr. Plato YIP
Mr. Donald TONG (Secretary)
Absent with Apologies:
Mr. CHAN Kwok-wai, JP
Mr. Clement CHEN
Dr. LEONG Che-hung, JP
Mr. PAO Ping-wing, JP
Mr. Michael J. D. RUSHWORTH
In Attendance:
Mr. Paul TANG | Acting Secretary for the Environment and Food (Ag. SEF) |
Mr. Kim SALKELD | Deputy Secretary (B), Environment and Food Bureau (EFB) (DS(B)/EFB) |
Mr. Rob LAW | Director of Environmental Protection (DEP) |
Mr. Raymond CHIU | Assistant Director (Technical Services), Planning Department (PlanD) (AD(TS)/Plan D) |
Mr. C C LAY | Assistant Director (Conservation), Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) (AD(Conservation)/AFCD) |
Mrs. Pauline LING | Chief Information Officer, EFB |
Miss Petula POON | Chief Executive Officer (B), EFB |
Miss Natalia LEUNG | Senior Information Officer, EPD |
Miss Cora SO | Executive Officer (B), EFB |
In Attendance for Agenda Item 3
Mr. Hans BAKKER | Commercial Director, Airport Authority (AA) (CD/AA) |
Mr. B S CHOW | General Manager, Aviation Support Services, AA (GM/AA) |
Mr. Amin EBRAHIM | Manager, Aviation Support Services, AA (Manager/AA) |
Mr. Bill ROBERTS | Senior Project Engineer, AA (SPE/AA) |
Mr. Martin PUTNAM | Environmental Scientist, AA (ES/AA) |
In Attendance for Agenda Item 4
Mr. Howard CHAN | Principal Assistant Secretary (C), EFB (PAS(C)/EFB) |
Mr. C K WONG | Deputy Director, Highways Department (HyD) (DD/HyD) |
Mr. S M LI | Assistant Commissioner (Urban), Transport Department (TD) (AC(Urban)/TD) |
Mr. Elvis AU | Assistant Director (Environmental Assessment and Noise), EPD (AD(EA&N)/EPD) |
Mr. K S CHAN | Principal Environmental Protection Officer, EPD PEPO/EPD) |
In Attendance for Agenda Item 5
Mr. K K LING | District Planning Officer (Hong Kong), PlanD (DPO(HK)/PlanD) |
Mr. Thomas WONG | Town Planner, PlanD (TP/PlanD) |
Mr. I K S LO | Acting Senior Engineer (Housing & Planning), Transport Department (TD) (Ag. SE(H&P)/TD) |
Mr. T Y LAU | Senior Engineer, Territory Development Department (SE/TDD) |
Mr. K M CHAN | Senior Engineer, HyD (SE/HyD) |
Mr. Alex LIU | Senior Engineer (Technical Services)3, HyD (SE(TS)2/HyD) |
In response to the Chairman's regards for Mrs. Lily Yam, Ag. SEF said that Mrs. Yam had already been discharged from the hospital and would be back to work around mid-January. On Mrs. Yam's behalf, Ag. SEF expressed gratitude towards the hard work and the contribution of the Chairman and Members, in particular the advice of the EIA Subcommittee on environmental issues. As regards the appointment of Council members, Ag. SEF said the Bureau would soon get in touch with Members to discuss the arrangements for the next term. The Council might need to consider its terms of reference next year once the plans for the Sustainable Development Council were clearer. Agenda Item 1 : Confirmation of minutes of the 80th meeting held on 30 November 20002. The minutes were confirmed subject to any amendments the International Review Panel might have. Agenda Item 2 : Matters ArisingPara. 53 : Information paper on the work of the Guangdong-Hong Kong Joint Working Group on Sustainable Development and Environmental Protection 3. Members noted that the paper was being finalized and would be circulated to them as soon as it was available. Para. 54 : Information from Education Department on inclusion of community environmental education in school curriculum 4. Members noted that the reply from Education Department was circulated to them on 15 December 2000. |
Action |
5. A Member said that he was working on a project on behalf of the Environmental Campaign Committee to formulate a comprehensive strategy for environmental education. He would like to discuss the strategy with the Council early next year. Para. 56 : Visit to Macau 6. Members noted that a date convenient to both sides was being fixed. Para. 66 : Regards to Mrs. Lily Yam 7. Members noted that the Chairman had on behalf of the Council sent a basket of flowers to Mrs. Yam to wish her a speedy recovery. Report of the 56th Meeting of the Environmental Impact Assessment Subcommittee 8. The EIA Subcommittee Chairman reported that the Subcommittee had held a meeting that morning and discussed three agenda items. First, the Subcommittee agreed to recommend for the Council's endorsement without conditions the EIA report on the "Proposed RMC Concrete Batching Plant at Telegraph Bay for Cyber Port Development" which the Subcommittee had considered earlier by circulation. The second item was an information paper on "Yam O Tuk Fresh Water Reservoir" which was prepared by the Civil Engineering Department (CED) in response to the Subcommittee's request in April when discussing the EIA report on the "North Lantau Development Feasibility Study". On the third item, in the light of the concern expressed by the public and the media over the fish kills in Ma Wan mariculture zone, CED was invited to brief the Subcommittee on the environmental monitoring & audit program and relevant monitoring data on the impact on water quality near the zone. However, due to time constraint, the discussion of the Subcommittee had not gone into details. He encouraged Members to relay questions to CED via the Council Secretariat. 9. Members agreed to endorse the EIA report of the "Proposed RMC Concrete Batching Plant at Telegraph Bay for Cyber Port Development" without conditions, and noted the other two discussion items. |
ECC/the Member |
10. Talking about water quality, the Chairman said that he had received a report of the Advisory Committee on the Quality of Water Supply which set out water quality data on Dongjiang water. He hoped that the Council could discuss the subject with the Committee some time later. He asked a Member, who was one of the Committee members, to convey the message to the Chairman of the Committee. Agenda Item 3 : Progress on Investigations into the Locations of Permanent Aviation Fuel Receiving Facility for Hong Kong International Airport
The Member |
12. The Chairman asked and SPE/AA affirmed that the findings of the Hazard Assessment Study Update (the Study Update) concluded that the risk related to the use of the Ma Wan Channel for transportation of aviation fuel in ocean going tankers, which was assessed to be unacceptable in 1993, could now be reduced to "As Low As Reasonably Practicable". The main reason leading to this was the introduction of the vessel traffic control measures by the Marine Department at the Ma Wan Channel. The AA's findings had also been reviewed by the Government which confirmed that there were unlikely to be additional insurmountable problems in allowing large aviation fuel vessels to pass through Ma Wan Channel. In particular, DEP advised in an answer to the Chairman that the results of the Study Update had been accepted by EPD. In view of the radical change of circumstances, the Chairman asked that a copy of such study/advice be made available to Members. 13. A Member declared that he had an interest in the discussion item as one of his group companies had submitted a proposal to the AA and the Government regarding aviation fuel supply. Considering that a site farther away from Hong Kong would create less environmental problems to the territory, that Member asked if locations outside Hong Kong waters had been explored. In response, GM/AA said that as far as AA was aware, the Government would like to exhaust all possible locations within Hong Kong waters first before considering options outside the Hong Kong boundary. Therefore the AA was now actively examining the three feasible options as presented to the Council. 14. A Member requested that the EIA report to be submitted to Council should include figures of the Study Update. In response to that Member's question on whether the number of vessel accidents in the Ma Wan Channel had dropped, SPE/AA said that the vessel traffic control measures were implemented in 1995. According to his understanding, there had not been any accidents since then, and subject to the view of Marine Department, it appeared that the vessel traffic control measures were working very effectively. 15. A Member was concerned about the safety of people living in and students going to schools in the vicinity of the PAFRF because there was a residential district adjacent to Tuen Mun Area 38 and a planned school area near Sham Shui Kok. SPE/AA advised that the nearest residents to Tuen Mun Area 38 were in fact several kilometers away from the proposed site. SPE/AA also said that there were precedents in locating fuel farms in the vicinity of populated areas e.g. the 170,000 m3 aviation fuel tank farm at the was surrounded by various facilities with the Cathay Pacific City being less than 1 km away. SPE/AA assured that Member that the actual risk in risk hazard terms would be within the acceptable range. 16. A Member queried if it would be necessary to build fuel tanks on the PAFRF since there were already sufficient tanks at the Airport. Manager/AA explained that at present, the fuel was transported from Singapore to Tsing Yi first and then taken by barges to East Sha Chau whereas in future the fuel would be transported from Singapore to the PAFRF direct. More tanks would be needed then. That Member pointed out that the tanks at Tsing Yi would be left idle and he cautioned that that might affect the fuel price level. The Chairman commented that this was unlikely because aviation fuel only constituted a small proportion of the total fuel used in Hong Kong. 17. In reply to that Member's further enquiry, SPE/AA said that the jetty of the PAFRF would be about twice as big as that of East Sha Chau. 18. In response to a Member's questions, SPE/AA said that the growth in marine traffic in Ma Wan Channel had been taken into account during the risk assessment and confirmed that the Tang Lung Chau Dangerous Goods Anchorage was not included in the risk assessment as it could not accommodate large ocean going vessels used for transporting aviation fuel. In response to that Member's question on whether there were any options that could avoid using the Ma Wan Channel, SPE/AA said that the region south of Lantau had been looked at in the search of possible locations for PAFRF but none had been found environmentally and commercially acceptable for installing fuel storage facilities and pipelines for pumping fuel to the Airport. 19. A Member asked whether strategic road links like the North Lantau Expressway and the Railway Link would be taken into account in the detailed EIA study. SPE/AA said that all facilities within the radius of the PAFRF would be evaluated and checked in the EIA process. 20. The Chairman asked and AD(TS)/PlanD replied that the Government would not be able to decide in the next two years whether Tuen Mun West, which was earmarked for port development, could be released for the construction of PAFRF. 21. In response to a Member's enquiry, the Chairman clarified that the Council would advise the Government on the best option for PAFRF from the environmental point of view but the Government and the Executive Council would have to take into account other factors such as economic and social considerations, before making a final decision. 22. In response to a Member's enquiry, SPE/AA said that the pipelines would be 500mm in diameter and would be buried at 3m below the seabed and covered with materials for protection from dragging anchors. The design of the pipelines might be subject to finalisation depending on the findings of the EIA study. 23. The Chairman speculated that in future there would be a vehicle tunnel linking Tuen Mun and the Airport, and asked if AA had considered its possible impact on their proposal. SPE/AA said that AA would take any future developments into account during the EIA process and that techniques were available, such as directional drilling, by which such developments could be minimised, if necessary. 24. A Member suggested the AA consider giving permanent funding to support the operation of the East Sha Chau Marine Park. Manager/AA said that AA had an agreement with the Government that the former would pay for the operation cost of East Sha Chau Marine Park until PAFRF was in place. AD(Conservation)/AFCD supplemented that AFCD would seek additional funding if necessary to meet the operational cost of the Marine Park. Another Member was of the opinion that AA should share the cost because the environment at East Sha Chau could not be restored even after PAFRF was built. CD/AA advised that AA would take note of this request. 25. The Chairman thanked the presentation team for updating the Council and would wish to be kept posted of major developments in the future. The Chairman also indicated that based on the above discussion, ACE had no objection to AA continuing further exploration of these three site options. Agenda Item 4 : Measures to Address Traffic Noise Impact of Existing Roads
46. AD(TS)/PlanD said that Members' concerns were well taken and PlanD would present to the Council with more details after revising the WDDS in the light of comments received during the consultation exercise. |
PlanD |
47. The Chairman said that he had received an invitation from PlanD to attend the forum on the South East New Territories Development Strategy but regretted that he had other commitments on the same date. He requested PlanD to extend the invitation to all Members of the Council so that they could take the opportunity to express their views. Agenda Item 6 : Any Other Business48. Noting that an ACE Paper 41/2000 entitled "Protection of Wetlands in Hong Kong" had been circulated to Members, the Chairman asked whether the paper could be discussed at the next meeting. DS(B)/EFB said that the paper was adopted from an information paper submitted to the Panel of the Environmental Affairs of the Legislative Council. Since the Administration would conduct a public consultation exercise on the outcome of the review of the conservation policy in the coming year, it would be better for Members to discuss the wetland subject, which would form part of the review, when the Government was in a position to provide more details after the review. 49. The Chairman wished everyone at the meeting a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. |
PlanD |
ACE Secretariat
January 2001