Route 10 - North Lantau to Yuen Long Highway
(ACE Paper 21/2001)
For information
This paper updates Members on the latest position of the project Route 10 - North Lantau to Yuen Long Highway (NLYLH). A site plan of the project is attached.
2. The project Route 10 - NLYLH was gazetted under the Roads (Works, Use and Compensation) Ordinance in July 2000. 577 objection letters were received during the objection period of which 554 were from the residents of Palatial Coast. During the past few months, Highways Department has been in contact with the objectors to clarify any misunderstanding that may exist on the proposed scheme and to consider whether there are ways to address the concerns of the objectors.
3. Since November 2000, we have been considering the following issues having regard to the views of the objectors and to the latest changes in circumstances -
(a) alternative alignments for the Siu Lam Link Road and the possibility of shifting the Route 10 mainline at Siu Lam further away from Palatial Coast;
(b) the alignment of So Kwun Wat Link Road; and
(c) the possibility of providing direct connection between Tsing Lung Bridge and the North Lantau Highway.
The need for different sections of Route 10
4. Under our recently introduced Strategic Highway Project Review System, we conduct a thorough review on the need for individual major highway projects at critical milestones in the planning and implementation process. This is to ensure that we complete these projects at the appropriate time to meet the traffic needs. We have recently completed the review on Route 10 - NLYLH. We have updated the traffic projections for Route 10, taking into account the latest vehicle fleet size and the planning intention for Northeast Lantau, Tuen Mun and Yuen Long. Other factors such as the commissioning of West Rail and the latest traffic forecast for Route 3 (Country Park Section) have also been taken into account. The review results indicate that we need to complete the Deep Bay Link as soon as possible to connect the future Shenzhen Western Corridor to our local road network. The cross-boundary traffic flow will be adequately catered for until at least 2010 by our existing road network with committed improvements (such as the widening of the Yuen Long Highway). On Route 10 itself, while the southern section (between North Lantau and So Kwun Wat) should be completed by 2007 to provide an additional road link to the Lantau Link as soon as possible as the Lantau Link is expected to reach saturation. The northern section (between So Kwun Wat and Yuen Long) is not as urgently required as previously envisaged. Traffic figures indicate that the northern section would not be required until after 2010. In the long run, the northern section will still be required as Route 3 CPS is expected to reach saturation sometime after 2010.
5. Since Siu Lam Link Road is planned for connecting the northern section of Route 10 - NLYLH, its completion should also be deferred to tie in with the programme for the northern section. As Siu Lam Link Road is no longer required for completion in 2007 together with the southern section, we now intend to introduce an amendment to the gazetted Route 10 road scheme to take out the Siu Lam Link Road. We will further develop alternative alignments in the next few years to provide a connection of the northern section with Tuen Mun Road.
6. The mainline of Route 10 will also pass through Siu Lam behind Palatial Coast. The Water Supplies Department's (WSD) Tai Lam Chung Reservoir pressurised fresh water tunnels and Tai Lam Country Park are major critical factors constraining the proposed alignment of the mainline here. The WSD tunnels are particularly critical as they provide the main water supply for the airport, North Lantau and Tuen Mun. Nevertheless, we are now further exploring with WSD the feasibility of alternative alignments farther away from Palatial Coast.
So Kwun Wat Link Road
7. The function of So Kwun Wat Link Road is to connect the southern section of Route 10 - NLYLH with Tuen Mun Road. There are a number of constraints at So Kwun Wat which dictate the alignment of the link road. These constraints include the designated village area, Tai Lam Country Park, WSD facilities, planned developments, drainage impact and fung shui impact. There are also technical difficulties in achieving desirable highway design standards for certain movements, especially the northward movement from the link road onto Route 10 - NLYLH, and the southward movement onto Tuen Mun Road from the link. While we believe that the gazetted alignment represents a compromised solution in view of the constraints involved, we will continue to explore the possibility of further minimising the impact of the link road on the villages at So Kwun Wat and shifting the alignment if possible.
Direct connection between North Lantau Highway and Tsing Lung Bridge
8. Under the gazetted scheme, the southern end of Route 10 - NLYLH will connect to the proposed Chok Ko Wan Link Road at a proposed interchange at Pa Ta Kwu before joining the North Lantau Highway at Yam O Interchange. Such an alignment has been chosen with a number of factors in mind, including the need to provide access to the proposed container port facilities in Lantau and to facilitate the possible long-term extension of Route 10 to Hong Kong Island.
9. However, in view of the latest changes in planning parameters including the uncertainties as to the need and timing of the container port facilities in Lantau and of Route 10 - Hong Kong Lantau Link, we are now reviewing the proposed alignment of the section of Route 10 - NLYLH south of Tsing Lung Bridge. Assuming that the port facilities would not be located in Lantau and hence that fewer heavy goods vehicles will be using Tsing Lung Bridge, we are looking into the possibility of whether by adopting reduced operational speeds for the slip roads, a direct connection between Tsing Lung Bridge and North Lantau Highway could be made. If this is feasible, we could defer the construction of the coastal section of Route 10 - NLYLH as well as the toll plaza at Fa Peng until such time when this section of Route 10 is required to cater for the traffic need.
10. We expect that we could complete our review on the above outstanding issues in a few months' time. The gazetted scheme will be amended to give effect to any changes where necessary. We will review the environmental implications and revert to the Council after the review of the alignment is completed.
11. Members are invited to note the content of this paper.
Transport Bureau
May 2001